How to unlock and share your home media!


How to unlock and share your home media!
How to unlock
and share your
home media!
media conversion
©2009 Saving Tape
For the sole use of Saving Tape customers. No part of this booklet
may be reproduced or distributed without written permission.
Here are the most popular
types of home media
8mm, 16mm
& Super 8
movie film
35mm slides,
Reel to reel
audio tapes
Audio tapes,
Video8, Hi8,
Digital8, miniDV
What types of media
does your family have?
The home media crisis:
fragile & obsolete formats
8mm & 16mm Movie Films
Develops mildew and becomes brittle & warped
Images fade, even disappear, from poor quality film
Movie projectors and bulbs are no longer available
It is impossible to make copies for distribution
35mm Slides & Photographic Film
Collects dust, smudges and scratches
Projectors are no longer available
Slides are difficult to view and organize
Making duplicate copies is expensive
Audio & Video Tapes
• Magnetic tape deteriorates
• Copies get worse with each
generation of copies
Unlocking your treasure digital is the key!
• Any type of home media can be
converted into a digital file - either
picture, sound, video or sound & video.
• Digital files can be stored on DVDs, CDs,
computers and a variety of portable devices.
• Digital files can be copied endlessly, at low
cost, without loss of quality.
• Digital media can be shared and enjoyed
conveniently on a wide ranges of digital
media players.
8mm & 16mm film reels
• Until recently it was common to make
copies of movie reels by videotaping
them while being projected on a screen.
The result was passable but marred by
flicker, washed out, dark images and
incorrect playback speed.
• New technology called “frame-by-frame”
scanning allows us to convert your films
to high quality digital movies. These movThis screen shot was taken from Super 8
film converted by a leading Minneapolis
service bureau using traditional telecine
transfer. Note the dark yellow corner and
overall poor color & contrast.
ies can be shared as DVDs, edited on your
computer or even shared on the internet.
• True "frame-by-frame" conversion records
each frame of film before a cool LED light
source. Playback is accurate to the original
frame rate. There is absolutely no flicker
and lighting is even across the frame.
This screen shot reveals how true frame-byframe scanningshows more of the film frame.
The color and contrast is accurate and the
image is razor sharp down to the film grain.
Creative possibilities with
8mm & 16mm film reels
• Your converted films can be saved to a DVD which can
be used like a commercial movie DVD.
• Silent movies can be augmented with background
music of various styles.
• Subtitles can be added to explain program content.
• As an alternative to music, narration can be recorded
along with the films to create a guided oral history based
on film content.
• A detailed written index can be created to accompany
the films and provide detailed information.
• Multiple copies can be made and distributed to family
Photographs & 35mm slides
• Digitally scanned photos & slides can be saved on Data CDs
& DVDs. Each file can be named or numbered in conjunction
with a seperate written index.
• The scanned image files can be converted into a
documentary style movie by creating a slide show in which
image fade into each other and even pan across the image.
• Music and subtitles can be added to create excitement.
• Individual images or slide shows can be loaded onto
computers, digital photo frames and media players.
Video & camcorder tapes
• The most cost-effective way to digitally
convert VHS & camcorder footage is
to save it, unedited, to DVD. It can be
played on any computer or DVD player.
• Multiple tapes can be combined to
single DVDs, up to two hours of content.
• Individual programs can be selected
using the screen menu.
• Since the DVDs display absolute
minute/second timing, it is easy to view
and make note of the location of clips
of particular interest.
• As desired, digitized video
can be edited on personal
computers or with help
from a service bureau.
• The edited "best of" DVD
can be copied and shared
with family and friends.
Going digital - when to seek help
• Whether or not you do your own digital conversions of family media
has much to do with the computer hardware and software you have,
as well as your level of comfort at taking on the task.
• There are consumer VHS to DVD video decks which allow you to
digitally convert video tapes.
• Likewise, if you have an audio tape deck you can purchase hardware
which will allow you to create digital files of music.
• Many consumer image scanners allow you to create both photo and
slide scans.
• In any of these cases, the benefit of using a quality service bureau
is that you have access to the best equipment for your conversions.
For instance, professional decks filter and improve the quality of the
video in the process of converting to digital. Professional 35mm slide
scanners feature digital dust and scratch reduction.
• A professional service bureau uses high quality DVDs and CDs which
will last a lifetime and are compatible with most consumer media
• Often the best strategy is to pursue a
combination of efforts. You can organize
your documents, then use a service bureau
to deal with the technical tasks, while
maintaining your sense of organization.
media conversion
Conveniently located
near Uptown at:
411 West 36th Street
Minneapolis, MN 55408
Open Monday to Friday
9AM - 5PM
Free Parking!
Come relax in our customer
lounge. We enjoy hearing
about your project and
answering any questions.
Free refreshments!
• Video to DVD
• 8mm & 16mm film
• 35mm slide scans
• Custom Editing

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