The Actiwatch User Manual


The Actiwatch User Manual
The Actiwatch
User Manual
Issue Date: 07/10/08
Issue Version 7.2
Document No: 30096
CamNtech Ltd
Upper Pendrill Court
Ermine Street North
Papworth Everard
CB23 3UY
Tel: 01480 831223
Fax: 01480 831733
This manual is designed to be read in conjunction with the ‘Actiwatch Guide to
Getting Started’
Actiwatch User Manual V7.2
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Actiwatch - Medical Device Information
The Actiwatch is a Class I Medical Device conforming to the essential safety & health requirements
and provisions of EC Council Directives 93/42/EEC, Annex I and VII.
CamNtech Ltd
Upper Pendrill Court
Papworth Everard
CB23 3UY
Applicable Standards:
Medical electrical equipment – General requirements for safety.
Medical electrical equipment – Part 1-2: General requirements for
safety – Collateral standard: Electromagnetic compatibility –
Requirements and tests.
Group 1 equipment / Class B – (emissions only)
Medical electrical equipment – Part 1-2: General requirements for
safety – Collateral standard: Electromagnetic compatibility –
Requirements and tests.
Non life supporting equipment (immunity section only)
Medical electrical equipment – Part 1-4: General requirements for
safety – Collateral standard: General requirements for
programmable electrical medical systems.
Waste Electrical & Electronic Equipment (WEEE) The EU requires, under the Waste
Electrical and Electronic Equipment Directive 2002/96/EC, that manufacturers and/or
distributors of Electronic and/or Electrical Equipment manage and pay for the collection
and further handling of WEEE products, as well as provide WEEE-related information to
their customers.
CamNtech has taken the following approach to complying with this Directive:
CamNtech has registered with an approved producer compliance scheme (PCS) in accordance
with the requirements of the WEEE Directive.
CamNtech will provide free recycling for all of its WEEE products when returned.
CamNtech WEEE products will be designed with recycling, reuse and waste management as a
CamNtech WEEE products will be labelled or stamped with the WEEE marking in accordance
with European Standard EN 50419
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Introduction........................................................................................................................ 6
File Menu........................................................................................................................... 7
2.1 Loading Files............................................................................................................ 7
2.1.1 File types..................................................................................................... 7
2.1.2 AWD files ................................................................................................... 7
2.1.3 AWF files.................................................................................................... 8
2.1.4 AWF Plot on screen controls ...................................................................... 9
2.2 Saving Files............................................................................................................ 10
2.3 Join files ................................................................................................................. 10
2.4 Edit file................................................................................................................... 12
2.5 Properties ............................................................................................................... 13
2.5.1 Actogram tab............................................................................................. 13
Default scale.....................................................................................13
Default Days ....................................................................................13
Default Light start ............................................................................13
Default Dark Start ............................................................................13
Warn before overwriting during setup .............................................13
Use Default setup .............................................................................14
2.5.2 Reports tab ................................................................................................ 14
2.5.3 Data Path tab ............................................................................................. 14
2.5.4 Default Setup tab....................................................................................... 14
Reader Menu.................................................................................................................... 15
3.1 Comms ................................................................................................................... 15
3.2 Read ....................................................................................................................... 15
3.3 Write ...................................................................................................................... 15
3.4 Test Actiwatch ....................................................................................................... 15
3.5 Cal Activity ............................................................................................................ 16
3.6 Recover data........................................................................................................... 16
Actogram Menu ............................................................................................................... 17
4.1 File ......................................................................................................................... 18
4.1.1 Load .......................................................................................................... 18
4.1.2 Edit data .................................................................................................... 18
4.1.3 Colours...................................................................................................... 19
4.1.4 Print........................................................................................................... 19
4.1.5 Printer setup .............................................................................................. 19
4.1.6 Load setup ................................................................................................. 20
4.1.7 Save setup ................................................................................................. 20
4.2 Copy ....................................................................................................................... 21
4.3 Display ................................................................................................................... 22
4.3.1 Redraw ...................................................................................................... 22
4.3.2 Length ....................................................................................................... 22
4.3.3 Type .......................................................................................................... 22
Single day display ............................................................................22
Dual day display ..............................................................................25
Expanded activity display ................................................................26
4.3.4 Day ............................................................................................................ 26
4.3.5 Activity ..................................................................................................... 26
4.3.6 Light.......................................................................................................... 26
4.3.7 Change Epoch ........................................................................................... 26
Options ................................................................................................................... 27
4.4.1 Time bars .................................................................................................. 27
4.4.2 Tau Line .................................................................................................... 27
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4.4.3 Graticule.................................................................................................... 28
Graphs .................................................................................................................... 29
4.5.1 Average ..................................................................................................... 29
4.5.2 Line ........................................................................................................... 31
4.5.3 FFT............................................................................................................ 31
4.5.4 Periodogram.............................................................................................. 32
4.5.5 NPCRA ..................................................................................................... 33
4.6 Markers .................................................................................................................. 34
4.7 Actogram on screen controls.................................................................................. 35
Sleep Analysis Menu ....................................................................................................... 36
5.1 Analysing and scoring sleep data – preparing for sleep analysis ........................... 36
5.1.1 Setting the Analysis Window period......................................................... 37
5.1.2 Setting Bed and Get Up Times ................................................................. 37
5.1.3 Setting Sleep Start and Sleep End............................................................. 37
5.1.4 Performing the sleep analysis ................................................................... 37
5.2 File ......................................................................................................................... 38
5.2.1 Load file .................................................................................................... 38
5.2.2 Save summary ........................................................................................... 38
5.2.3 Colours...................................................................................................... 38
5.2.4 Print........................................................................................................... 39
5.3 Copy ....................................................................................................................... 39
5.3.1 Expanded raw data .................................................................................... 39
5.3.2 Calculated data.......................................................................................... 39
5.4 Summary ................................................................................................................ 39
5.4.1 Display summary ...................................................................................... 39
Copy .................................................................................................29
Display .............................................................................................30
Select Days.......................................................................................30
Smoothing ........................................................................................31
File ...................................................................................................40
Copy .................................................................................................41
5.5 Sensitivity............................................................................................................... 41
5.6 Sleep-Wake ............................................................................................................ 41
5.7 Markers .................................................................................................................. 42
5.8 Sleep Diary............................................................................................................. 42
5.9 Sleep Parameters .................................................................................................... 43
Activity Analysis Menu ................................................................................................... 45
6.1 Analysing a file using Activity Analysis ............................................................... 45
6.2 File ......................................................................................................................... 45
6.3 Copy ....................................................................................................................... 46
6.3.1 Histogram data .......................................................................................... 46
6.3.2 Times and data .......................................................................................... 46
6.3.3 Activity data.............................................................................................. 46
6.3.4 Daily activity data ..................................................................................... 46
6.3.5 Examples of copied activity data .............................................................. 46
6.4 Activity Analysis on screen controls...................................................................... 46
6.4.1 Reference time .......................................................................................... 46
6.4.2 Pre reference ............................................................................................. 46
6.4.3 Post reference............................................................................................ 47
6.4.4 Find marker ............................................................................................... 47
6.4.5 Histogram period....................................................................................... 47
6.4.6 Activity display ......................................................................................... 47
6.4.7 Histogram display ..................................................................................... 47
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6.4.8 Autoscale................................................................................................... 47
Nap Analysis Menu ......................................................................................................... 48
7.1 File ......................................................................................................................... 48
7.2 Markers .................................................................................................................. 48
7.3 Copy ....................................................................................................................... 48
7.3.1 Nap details ................................................................................................ 48
7.3.2 Analysis..................................................................................................... 49
7.4 Nap analysis on screen controls ............................................................................. 49
7.4.1 Day ............................................................................................................ 49
7.4.2 Scale.......................................................................................................... 49
7.4.3 Minimum Nap ........................................................................................... 49
7.4.4 Maximum Nap .......................................................................................... 49
7.4.5 Sensitivity ................................................................................................. 49
7.5 Nap Details............................................................................................................. 49
7.6 Analysis period ...................................................................................................... 50
8 Light Analysis Menu ....................................................................................................... 51
8.1 Analysing a light file.............................................................................................. 51
8.2 File ......................................................................................................................... 52
8.2.1 Colours...................................................................................................... 52
8.2.2 Print........................................................................................................... 52
8.3 Summary ................................................................................................................ 52
8.3.1 Copy summary .......................................................................................... 52
8.3.2 Print summary ........................................................................................... 52
8.4 Copy Expanded Stats ............................................................................................. 53
8.5 Cal .......................................................................................................................... 53
8.6 On screen controls.................................................................................................. 54
9 The ActiLight................................................................................................................... 55
9.1.1 ActiLight overview ................................................................................... 55
9.1.2 ActiLight Technical Specification ............................................................ 55
9.1.3 Wearing the ActiLight .............................................................................. 56
9.1.4 Setting up the ActiLight............................................................................ 56
9.1.5 Downloading data from the ActiLight ...................................................... 57
9.1.6 Loading data from the ActiLight .............................................................. 57
9.1.7 Changing the ActiLight battery................................................................. 58
10 Options Menu .................................................................................................................. 59
10.1 Full Menus ............................................................................................................. 59
11 Technical Appendix......................................................................................................... 60
11.1 Sensor calibration and reproducibility ................................................................... 60
11.2 How does the Actiwatch work ............................................................................... 60
Activity Counts..................................................................................... 60
Epoch .................................................................................................... 62
Activity Score ....................................................................................... 63
Total Activity Score.............................................................................. 63
Mean Activity Score ............................................................................. 63
Mean Activity Score in Active Periods ................................................ 63
11.3 Sleep scoring algorithm ......................................................................................... 63
11.4 Time keeping.......................................................................................................... 64
11.5 Sensitivity settings ................................................................................................. 65
11.6 Shock resistance ..................................................................................................... 65
11.7 Temperature range ................................................................................................. 65
11.8 Changing the battery (Actiwatch AW4, and AWL)............................................... 65
11.9 Trouble Shooting; .................................................................................................. 67
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The Actiwatch User Manual is designed to be read in conjunction with the ‘Actiwatch
Guide to Getting Started’. Both the User Manual and the Guide to Getting Started are
supplied on the Actiwatch software CD. The Guide to Getting Started is also supplied
in printed form with each copy of Actiwatch software supplied.
The Guide to Getting Started contains all the information required to enable the user
to install the Actiwatch software and to setup and download an Actiwatch. It also
contains an overview of the Actiwatch range and analysis options. The Actiwatch
User Manual is a detailed guide to the Actiwatch software and covers the functionality
of that software tab by tab.
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File Menu
Loading Files
In order to view or analyse an Actiwatch file, the relevant file has to be loaded.
Selecting ‘File’ and then ‘Load’ brings up the following screen:
This shows all of the available files which can be viewed or analysed. The default file
path for storage of Actiwatch files is within the Actiwatch Sleep 5/7 folder. For
further details on saving Actiwatch files, please see section 2.2
Clicking on the required file and then selecting ‘Open’ or double clicking on the
required file will load it into the program for analysis.
File types
There are 2 different types of Actiwatch file; Actiwatch AWD files and Actiwatch
AWF files. When loading an Actiwatch file ensure that the correct type of file is
selected in the ‘Files of type’ field.
AWD files
Actiwatch data files are saved by default as Actiwatch (.AWD) files. This should not
be altered otherwise the files may not be recognised by the Actiwatch software. The
only exception to this is if a file has a 2, 5 or 10 second epoch. In this case the user
has the option to save these files as AWF files. For full details on AWF files, please
see section 2.1.3
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AWF files
When an Actiwatch has been set up with either a 2, 5 or 10 second epoch, it is
possible to save the file as either an AWF file or as an AWD file. Full information on
AWD files is given in section 2.1.2.
AWF files are high resolution activity data files recorded at either a 2, 5 or 10 second
epoch. Selecting ‘Open’ and then ‘Files of type – AWF’ will bring up any available
AWF files as shown below:
Once an AWF file has been loaded, the main software screen will show a dropdown
menu for ‘AWF_plot’ as shown below:
Selecting ‘AWF_plot’ brings up the following screen:
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AWF Plot on screen controls
The ‘File’ menu allows the user to print the screen shown above
The ‘Copy’ menu puts the raw data onto the clipboard for use in a third party
program such as Excel
‘Expand window’ allows the user to increase the amount of time viewed i.e.
decrease the resolution
‘Reduce window’ allows the user to decrease the amount of time viewed i.e.
increase the resolution
The scale can be altered using the slider to the left of the screen as shown
It is possible to scroll through the data either using the scroll bar shown at the
bottom of the screen or using the mouse to click and drag on the data
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Saving Files
Clicking on ‘File’ and then ‘Save’ brings up the following screen:
This allows the user to save the file currently loaded with the file name required.
Join files
It is possible to join two Actiwatch AWD files together. It is important to note that
when joining files, the epoch lengths of the 2 files joined must be the same. Ideally
the files should also be from the same Actiwatch.
To join two files it is necessary to follow the following steps:
Firstly load the earlier of the 2 files to be joined (this must be the file with the
earlier date).
Selecting ‘File’ and then ‘Join files brings up the following screen:
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Clicking on ‘Load’ then lists the files available for joining to the previously
loaded file.
Selecting the tick-box ‘Remove Complete Blank Days’ brings up the
following message. When this option is selected, complete blank days are
removed and part days are filled with zeros to maintain timing. If this option is
selected then the 2 files will be displayed sequentially ignoring the start date of
the second file:
are compatible, the two files will be joined and the following message
The new file has then been created and named joined.awd
It is important to note that each time a new joined file is created, it is named
‘joined.awd’ and the previous joined file is overwritten. To avoid this it is
important to re-name joined files as soon as they are created.
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Edit file
Selecting ‘File’ and then ‘Edit file’ brings up the following screen:
This allows the user to edit AWD files. The procedure for doing this is as follows:
Select the day/date of the file to be edited
Enter the start and end times required (all times are in 24 hour format)
Select the format to replace the activity data with. This can be one of three
Day average for the selected day
User enterable fixed value
Click on ‘Replace’ to replace the value
Edited files are saved as ‘filename (edited).awd’ to differentiate them from
the original files
The Actogram for the edited file can now be displayed
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Selecting ‘File’ and then ‘Properties’ brings up the following screen:
Actogram tab
The Actogram tab allows the user to alter the following parameters:
Default scale
This is the default scale used when an Actogram is displayed. The software default
value is 5000 which is the maximum allowable value.
Default Days
This is the number of days shown when an Actogram is displayed. The software
default is 40 days and the maximum allowable value is 60.
Default Light start
This is the default for the ‘lights on’ value shown on the left hand side of the
Actogram screen. The software default value is 06.00
Default Dark Start
This is the default for the ‘lights off’ value shown on the left hand side of the
Actogram screen. The software default value is 18.00
Warn before overwriting during setup
It is possible to activate a warning which is shown before an Actiwatch is
downloaded. By ticking the box ‘Warn before overwriting during setup’ the following
warning message is displayed when an Actiwatch is being downloaded:
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Selecting ‘Yes’ allows the user to proceed with the setup. Selecting ‘No’ aborts the
setup procedure.
Use Default setup
It is possible to specify a default setup for certain parameters by ticking the ‘Use
default setup’ tick box. For further information, please see section 2.5.4 on the default
setup tab
Reports tab
The reports tab allows the user to select what information is included on printed
reports. This includes the option to include:
User name – free text field
Date/Time – selected by tick box
Watch serial number - selected by tick box
User name – selected by tick box
Actiwatch read date – selected by tick box
Data Path tab
The Actiwatch data path tab allows a default data path to be selected for saving
Actiwatch files to. The software default path is C:\program files\actiwatch sleep 5
This should only be changed if necessary.
Default Setup tab
It is possible to select certain parameters which appear as default parameters when an
Actiwatch is set up. These are:
Start Time
When the ‘Use default setup’ box is ticked, this tab is accessible and these parameters
can be set by the user. When this function is enabled, it is not possible to alter these
parameters during the Actiwatch setup procedure.
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Reader Menu
Select ‘Reader’ and then ‘Comms’ from the main screen:
The following form will be shown
It is important to ensure that the USB reader is correctly installed before attempting to
either set-up or download an Actiwatch. For further information on installing the USB
reader, please see section 2.7 to 2.10 of the Actiwatch Guide to Getting Started.
For full details on using the ‘Read’ function, please see section 5 of the Actiwatch
Guide to Getting Started.
For full details on using the ‘Write’ function, please see section 3.1 of the Actiwatch
Guide to Getting Started.
Test Actiwatch
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Selecting ‘Reader’ and then ‘Test Actiwatch’ brings up the following message:
This function should normally only be accessed under instruction from CamNtech. If
technical support is required, please call +44 (1) 480 831223.
Cal Activity
The ‘Cal Activity’ tab is normally an engineering function and should only be used
either under instruction from CamNtech or by users familiar with this function. For
further information or technical support, please call (+44) 1 480 831223.
Recover data
Selecting ‘Reader’ and then ‘Recover data’ brings up the following screen:
This option should also only be used under instruction from CamNtech.
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Actogram Menu
The Actogram menu allows the user to view a visual display of the activity-rest
patterns over the entire length of an experiment. The identity, sex, age, start date,
start time, age, gender and epoch are displayed at the top of the screen. The Actogram
can either be shown as a single day or dual day plot. Which of these is shown by
default can be selected from the properties menu (see section 2.5). For further
information on single and double day plots, please see section 4.3.3
The double day plot Actogram as shown in the example below is particularly useful
for the visualisation of data collection over a long time period such as in
chronobiological experiments.
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Selecting ‘File’ and then ‘Load’ brings up the following screen:
It is then possible to select a file for viewing by double clicking on it.
Edit data
Selecting ‘File’ and then ‘Edit data’ brings up the following screen:
It is then possible to edit the Actiwatch data. Full details are given in section 2.4
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If a light file is displayed, it is possible to change the colour in which the light data is
displayed. For full details on using light files, please see section 8 on Light Analysis.
Selecting ‘File’ and then ‘Colours’ brings up the following screen:
The default colour is yellow. Selecting a different colour and clicking on ‘OK’ will
change the colour used to display the light data.
Selecting ‘Print’ from the file menu brings up the following screen:
This allows the user to specify the parameters to be printed. Correctly setting these
parameters and then selecting ‘Confirm’ will print the selected parameters.
Printer setup
Selecting ‘Printer setup’ brings up the following screen:
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This allows the user to select which printer is used for printing (if applicable) and to
alter the page setup when printing
Load setup
Selecting ‘Load setup’ brings up the following message:
This function loads previously saved settings for controls and menu options if they
have been saved by the user. For a full list of these settings please see section 4.1.7.
Save setup
Selecting ‘File’ and then ‘Save setup’ brings up the following screen:
Selecting ‘Yes’ saves the current control settings defined by the user. The parameters
that can be set are as follows:
Light on
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Light off
Activity scale
Start day
Start time
Time bars (on/off)
Graticule (on/off)
Length (20 days/60 days/auto)
Single day/dual day plot as default
Day/date displayed as default
It is possible to copy parts of the Actogram either a day at a time or in a block of 7 or
14 days. To do this, click on the Actogram to the left of the required day as shown
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The required day is highlighted in blue. It is then possible to access the ‘Copy’ menu.
Selecting ‘Copy’ brings up the following options:
Single day – copies activity data for the selected day to the clipboard
7 days – copies activity for the selected day and the following 6 days
14 days – copies activity for the selected day and the following 13 days
Selecting ‘Redraw’ re-displays the Actogram for the file currently loaded. This
function is duplicated by a button on the left hand side of the Actogram screen.
Selecting ‘Display’ and then ‘Length’ allows the user to select the number of days
displayed in the Actogram. The options are:
Auto (this is the factory default setting and is recommended by CamNtech)
60 days – allows up to 60 days to be displayed in the Actogram
20 days – allows up to 20 days to be displayed in the Actogram
The ‘Type’ function allows the user to select either a single day display or a dual day
Single day display
The single day display plots each day on a single line from midnight to midnight. An
example of a single day plot is shown below:
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The single day display allows the user to look in more detail at specific parts of the
data. The following information is available:
Average activity value per epoch – shown on the right of each day
Peak activity for each day – shown in the second column to the right of each
Activity at a given time each day can also be displayed by clicking on the
required time. These are the figures shown in green on the far right hand side
of the Actogram screen.
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It is also possible to mark a specific part of the single day plot for more
detailed analysis. To do this click on the required start time and select ‘Mark
start’. Then click on the required end point and select ‘Mark end’. This will
then bring up the following screen:
This screen shows the following information:
Start and end times of the analysis period
Total time in the analysis period
Total activity in counts during the analysis period
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Average activity per epoch during the analysis period
Peak activity (in any epoch) during the analysis period
RMS (a measure of deviation)
Dual day display
As previously mentioned the dual day plot is useful for visually representing longer
periods of recording. The example below is the dual day version of the Actogram
shown above and shows a clear circadian rhythm shift:
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Expanded activity display
It is possible to expand a certain part of the Actogram display by double clicking on it.
This brings up a screen like the following example:
It is possible to alter the following parameters and perform the following functions:
Display centre (marked by the central line above)
Display width (defaults to 24 hours but adjustable between 24 hours and 5
Selecting ‘File’ and then ‘Print’ allows the user to print the expanded data
Selecting ‘Copy’ copies the data from the expanded display window to the
clipboard for use in a third party program such as Excel.
Selecting ‘Display’ and then ‘Day’ allows the user to select either the day of the week
or the date to be shown on the left hand side of the Actogram.
If a light file is loaded then the option to turn off the activity data and only view the
light data will be available by clicking on ‘Activity’ in the ‘Display’ tab
If a light file is loaded then the option to turn off the light data and only view the
activity data will be available by clicking on ‘Light’ in the ‘Display’ tab
Change Epoch
Selecting ‘Change epoch’ brings up the following screen:
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It is possible to change the post hoc analysis epoch to one greater than that with which
the recording was made. For example, it is possible to load a recording made with 1
minute epochs with a 1 hour epoch and in this case 60 one minute epochs would be
combined to produce a 1 hour epoch.
Please note that this action should only be performed once as it is not possible to, for
example, go from 1 minute to 1 hour and then back to 1 minute. Should this be
required, it is necessary to re-load the original file. Changing the analysis epoch does
not alter the original data.
Time bars
The ‘Time bars’ function on the ‘Options’ menu allows the user to select to either
view or hide the time bars shown at the top of the Actogram screen.
Tau Line
This option allows a free running rhythm (Tau) value to be calculated from the data
loaded, if it is suitable. Select ‘Tau Line’ then click and drag with the left mouse key
to mark the start and end of the Tau line where required (usually activity onset or
offset). A value for Tau, which will automatically be updated as the line is moved,
will be displayed at the top of the screen. Selecting the ‘Redraw’ option at the bottom
left of the screen will refresh the Actogram and remove the line and the Tau value
from the display.
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By selecting ‘Options’ and then ‘Graticule’ the graticule lines on the Actogram can be
switched on and off. An example of an Actogram plot with the graticule lines
switched off is shown below:
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It is possible to graphically represent the activity data in a number of different ways.
Selecting the ‘Average’ option produces a screen similar to the one shown below:
This is a graphical representation of the average activity in each epoch over all or
selected days of the recording. The data can be manipulated in the following ways:
The ‘Copy’ function allows the user to copy the data in one of three ways:
Raw average data – copies the raw average data for the selected days of the
Smoothed data – copies the processed data if smoothing has been applied to
the raw data
Statistics – copies a summary of the statistics shown at the bottom of the
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An example of each type of copied data is shown below:
Raw average
Dark Ave
If a light file is loaded, then it is possible to select to view just the average activity
data or just the average light data.
Select Days
Clicking on ‘Select Days’ brings up the following screen:
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This allows the user to select the days for inclusion in the graphical analysis.
It is possible to smooth the data to better delineate trends. The smoothing factor
applied can be between 2 minutes and 1 hour.
It is possible to alter the activity (and light if applicable) scale to best represent the
data. This is done by altering the slide bars shown on either side of the screen.
Selecting ‘Graphs’ and then ‘Line’ brings up the following screen:
This shows each or selected days of data drawn end to end. It is possible to
manipulate the data in the same way as described in the section on average data.
Please see section 4.5.1 for further details.
This option provides a plot of the frequency distribution of events for selected data.
Select the ‘Start Day’ for the analysis, (this defaults to the first day of the study).
Select the ‘FFT Length’ from the options displayed and the time base from the
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‘Display’ menu (1 minute to 12hrs). A longer FFT length will provide a more accurate
plot. A representation of the data to be analysed is displayed across the bottom of the
screen. Click on the ‘Do FFT’ button to perform the analysis; the plot will be redrawn.
The peaks on the plot show a correlation of the rhythmicity of activity. For example, a
24-hour circadian rhythm will show a strong peak on the FFT plot at 24 hrs.
A cursor line may be placed at any point on the plot by use of the left mouse button.
The right mouse button moves the cursor at fixed intervals across the screen. The
period at the cursor is displayed above the plot.
The ‘Options’ menu allow a Cosine window or cubic spline filtering to be applied to
the date to minimise end effects.
An example of the FFT plot is shown below:
This plot allows the user to view the best correlated time period for the data sets
loaded. Three scroll bars are provided below the plot that allow the user to set the
maximum period, minimum period and the resolution (in minutes). Choose the data to
be included in the analysis from the ‘Select Days’ menu (4 or more consecutive days
are required). The Periodogram will be plotted showing a peak and the correlated best
fit for the time period displayed. An example is shown below:
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NPCRA (Non-Parametric Circadian Rhythm Analysis) is based on a complex
circadian rhythm analysis, the function and reasoning behind which is contained an
NPCRA bulletin available from CamNtech as an Adobe Acrobat document. To read
this file, the host pc will require Adobe Acrobat Reader which can be downloaded
free of charge from:
Please contact for a copy of this bulletin.
Selecting ‘Graphs’ and then ‘NPCRA’ brings up the following screen:
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Clicking on ‘Reference’ brings up the following screen:
This is the reference to the original paper published by Dr Eus Van Someren and
contains Dr Van Someren’s email address for any methodological queries about this
part of the software.
Clicking on ‘Markers brings up the following screen:
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This shows a list of all the times when the marker button has been pressed by the user.
For further information on the Actiwatch maker button, please see section 4.2 of the
Actiwatch Guide to Getting Started.
Actogram on screen controls
Light on - used in the calculation of light and dark average activity (average
Light off - used in the calculation of light and dark average activity (average
Activity scale – automatically set by the software to best display the activity
data. This may be used to clip the upper end of the data by reducing the value
Zero – sets the minimum value – may be used to clip the lower end of the data
Start day – may be used to plot the Actogram starting at any day during the
Start time - may be used to plot the Actogram starting at any time during the
Redraw – refreshes the Actogram (also found in the display menu)
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Sleep Analysis Menu
The Actiwatch can be used to quantitatively measure sleep quality and has been
validated against polysomnography for use in sleep studies. For further information
on validation of the Actiwatch please see the technical appendix.
Analysing and scoring sleep data – preparing for sleep analysis
Opening the Sleep Analysis section of the software brings up the following screen:
In order to analyse a sleep file, it is necessary to perform the following actions:
Ensure that the correct data file is currently loaded (file details are shown
above the plot area). If another data file is to be analysed, use the ‘Load File’
option from the ‘File’ menu.
It is important to remember that only data collected with epoch lengths
(logging intervals) of 15 seconds (0.25 minute), 30 seconds (0.5 minute), 1 or
2 minutes can be analysed by this program. For accuracy it is recommended
that epoch lengths of 1 minute or shorter are used.
With the required data file loaded, select the day for which the analysis is to be
performed (relative to the start day of the study data) by using the ‘Day’ slider
The maximum value of the plotted data may be adjusted by using the ‘Scale’
control (minimum value is 50, maximum is equal to the maximum value of the
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The upper plot provides an overall view of two days of activity with an analysis
window (highlighted in blue) covering the period of data to be analysed. The lower
plot provides an expanded view of the analysis window and will also show marker
events (where used) as vertical blue lines.
The expanded analysis window plot has two further data bars just below the plot area.
The upper bar shows the bed time/get up times (blue lines) and sleep start/sleep end
times (pink lines). The lower bar represents periods of sleep as white areas and
periods of wakefulness as red areas.
Setting the Analysis Window period
Set the start time for the analysis by clicking on the upper activity plot with the LEFT
mouse button until the blue highlighting starts at the required time. Set the end time
for the analysis by clicking on the upper activity plot with the RIGHT mouse button
until the blue highlighting ends at the required time.
Scroll bars are provided below the expanded activity plot to allow further adjustment
of the analysis start/end times as required.
The Analysis Window may be set to between 1 and 24 hours in length. The Analysis
Window must be of sufficient duration to encompass the sleep periods of the subjects
and this should be consistent for each day within the data file if possible.
Setting Bed and Get Up Times
These times (or the equivalent such as lights on and lights off) have to be set by the
operator and are indicated by the small dark blue lines underneath the Expanded
Analysis Window. These can be moved by using a LEFT mouse click or by use of
the slider bars for fine adjustment. They can also be set automatically by use of the
Event Marker in the Sleep Diary routine (see section 5.1.8). The corresponding time
in bed is shown in the box at the right of this information.
Setting Sleep Start and Sleep End
These times have to be set by the operator and are indicated by the small pink lines
underneath the Expanded Analysis Window. These can be moved by using a RIGHT
mouse click or by use of the slider bars for fine adjustment (note these times must fall
within the region encompassed by the blue bed and get up time lines).
Alternatively, the Sleep start/end times may be set automatically by clicking on the
‘Auto’ button thus allowing the sleep-wake scoring algorithm to calculate the times.
The bedtime and get up time must be set before selecting the ‘Auto’ option. The
amount of assumed sleep will be shown in the box at the right of this information
Performing the sleep analysis
When the correct periods have been selected, click on the ‘Calculate’ button to
perform the analysis. The Actiwatch sleep-wake scoring algorithm will calculate the
Sleep-Wake and movement information for the period between sleep start and end
times. The results will be displayed in the lower part of the screen.
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Please note that where actual times are involved they are expressed in terms of the 24hour clock and calculated times, unless indicated, in terms of hours, minutes and
Load file
Selecting ‘File’ and then ‘Load file’ allows the user to load a file for analysis.
Save summary
When all or selected days of sleep data have been analysed, it is possible to save the
results as an AWS file. Selecting ‘File’ and then ‘Save summary’ brings up the
following message:
Selecting OK saves the sleep summary file to the file location chosen. Once a sleep
summary file has been saved, the next time the recording is opened, the following
message is displayed:
Selecting ‘Yes’ loads the sleep summary file for viewing or further analysis.
If the file loaded contains light data, it is possible to change the colour in which the
light data is displayed. For further details on selecting display colours please see
section 4.1.3
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Selecting ‘Print’ prints the current screen including the Actogram plot for that day and
the sleep statistics for the selected night.
Expanded raw data
Selecting ‘Copy’ and ‘Expanded raw data’ copies data from the analysis period epoch
by epoch. The raw activity in counts is shown along with information as to whether
the epoch has been scored as wake or sleep.
Calculated data
Selecting ‘Copy’ and then ‘Calculated data’ copies all of the calculated data to the
clipboard. This function only works when sleep data has been analysed. Each
parameter for the selected day is reported.
Display summary
It is possible to display a summary of all parameters in the sleep analysis. Clicking on
‘Display summary’ produces the following screen:
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A full list of all parameters available from the sleep software is given in section 5.9
The ‘File’ menu allows the user to perform the following actions:
Print 7 day report – prints a complete summary for all parameters for 7 days
Print 7 day report with graphs – prints a complete summary for all parameters
for 7 days complete with sleep graphs for each day. An example is shown
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It is possible to copy all or selected days of summary data to the clipboard for use in a
third party program such as Excel.
The Actiwatch system can be set with one of 4 sensitivity values. These are:
The default value is ‘Medium’ and this is the value which was used in the validation
study by Kushida et al. Full details on the different sensitivity settings are given in the
technical appendix.
Clicking on ‘Sleep-Wake’ brings up the following screen:
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This enables the user to see which epochs during the night have been recorded as
wake (w) and which have been recorded as sleep (s). For further details on how the
software scores wake and sleep, please see the technical appendix.
Clicking on markers brings up a complete list of the times when the Actiwatch marker
button has been pressed. For more information on the Actiwatch maker button, please
see section 4.2 of the Guide to Getting Started. For an example of a list of markers,
please see section 4.6
Sleep Diary
It is possible to load information for each day of the study from the ‘Sleep Diary’
command. Clicking on ‘Sleep Diary’ brings up the following screen:
The following functions are available:
The Analysis Window start and end times can be set for each day of the
The bed time and get up time can be set for each day of the recording
If the marker button has been used to demarcate bed time and get up time, then
the ‘Read markers’ button can be used to automatically load the bed time and
get up time for each day of the study
The option to print summary data from the sleep diary by selecting ‘Print
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Sleep Parameters
A full list of all the available sleep parameters is given below:
Bed Time – Inserted time when lights are switched off. This is set by the operator or
set automatically by the analysis software reading an event marker.
Get Up Time – Inserted time when lights are switched on. This is set by the operator
or set automatically by the analysis software by reading an event marker.
Time in Bed – The difference between the Get Up and Bed times.
Sleep Start – The start of sleep as set by the operator or determined automatically by
the sleep algorithm. Please see the technical appendix for further details.
Sleep End – The end of sleep as set by the operator or determined automatically by
the sleep algorithm. Please see the technical appendix for further details.
Assumed Sleep – The difference between sleep end and sleep start.
Actual Sleep Time – The amount of sleep as determined by the algorithm and is
equivalent to assumed sleep minus wake time.
Actual Awake Time – The amount of time spent awake as determined by the
Actual Sleep and Wake Time Percentages – These are displayed to the right of the
Actual Sleep and Actual Wake boxes.
Sleep Efficiency – Actual Sleep Time /Time in Bed.
Sleep Latency – The latency before sleep onset following bed time.
Number of Sleep Bouts – The actual number of episodes of sleep.
Number of Wake Bouts – The actual number of episodes of wakefulness.
Mean Length of Sleep and Wake Bouts – These figures are determined by dividing
the total duration of sleep and wake by the corresponding number of sleep and wake
Number of Minutes Immobile – The total number of minutes during the assumed
sleep period where the counts per minute are below a predetermined “immobility“
threshold. See below.
Number of Minutes moving – The converse of the above being the total number of
minutes where scores greater than the “immobility” threshold were recorded during
the assumed sleep period.
Percentage of Minutes Immobile – Number of Minutes Immobile/Assumed Sleep
Percentage Minutes Moving – Number of Minutes Moving/Assumed Sleep period.
The Number of Immobile Phases – The number of periods of continuous periods
made up of consecutive epochs where the counts are < than the “immobility”
threshold. E.g. suppose a score < 4 was recorded in 4 consecutive epochs. This is
classed as one Immobile Phase. In the example below there are 4 immobile phases.
4 epochs
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1 Minute
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The Number of Immobile Phases of 1 Minute – The number of immobile phases
where the duration is no more than 1 minute. In the example above there is one
Immobile Phase of 1 Minute.
Percentage Immobility – The Number of Immobile Phases of 1 Minute as a
proportion of the Number of Immobile Phases. In the example above the percentage
immobility is 25%.
Fragmentation Index – The addition of Percentage Minutes Moving and Percentage
Immobility. This is used as an indicator of restlessness.
The above three parameters are only valid if the epoch is set to 1 minute.
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Activity Analysis Menu
The activity analysis section of the software is designed to allow the user to analyse a
period of activity in more detail. It is ideal for examining activity pre and post
administration of a drug or therapy. Up to 24 hours prior to and following a reference
time can be analysed.
Analysing a file using Activity Analysis
Selecting ‘Activity Analysis’ brings up the following screen:
In order to analyse a file it is necessary to set the following parameters:
Reference time – either set from the scroll bar or by clicking on ‘Find marker’
Pre reference time – set by the scroll bar
Post reference time – set by the scroll bar
Histogram period – set by the scroll bar
Once these parameters have been set, the average activity per epoch within each
histogram period is shown in the box on the lower right hand side of the screen.
Allows the user to close the Activity Analysis window
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Histogram data
This option copies only the histogram data in counts. No time data is displayed. An
example of copied data is shown in column A below.
Times and data
Selecting ‘Copy’ and then ‘Times and data’ copies both the histogram data in counts
and the time covered by the histogram period. An example is shown in column B
Activity data
Selecting ‘Activity data’ copies the activity data for each epoch along with the time of
the epoch. An example is shown column C below.
Daily activity data
Selecting ‘Copy’ and ‘Daily activity data’ copies the time stamped activity data for
each epoch for each day. An example is shown in Column D below.
10:02 to 10:07
10:07 to 10:12
10:12 to 10:17
10:17 to 10:22
10:22 to 10:27
10:27 to 10:32
10:32 to 10:37
10:37 to 10:42
10:42 to 10:47
Examples of copied activity data
Activity Analysis on screen controls
Reference time
This is set to demarcate the pre and post reference times and is shown on the top of
the screen shot above.
Pre reference
This is set to define the pre reference analysis period. It can be set up to 24 hours
before the reference time.
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Post reference
This is set to define the post reference analysis period. It can be set up to 24 hours
after the reference time.
Find marker
If the marker button has been used to mark the reference time, the ‘Find marker’
control can be used to load the reference time.
Histogram period
The histogram period is user selectable and a value greater than 1 min can be selected.
The activity data is averaged for the epochs in the histogram period.
Activity display
When the ‘Activity display’ box is ticked, the activity data is displayed in black as
shown on the screen shot above. If this is un-ticked then the activity data is not
Histogram display
When the ‘Histogram display’ box is ticked, the histogram data is displayed in red and
green as shown on the screen shot above. If this is un-ticked then the histogram data is
not displayed.
Leaving the ‘Autoscale’ box ticked allows the software to best display the data
loaded. It is recommended that this box is left ticked.
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Nap Analysis Menu
The Nap Analysis section of the Actiwatch sleep and activity software is designed to
allow the user to look for periods of activity below a user definable threshold.
Clicking on ‘Nap Analysis’ from the main menu brings up the following screen:
The ‘File’ menu allows the user to print the nap summary as shown in the screen shot
Selecting ‘Markers’ displays a list of all the times the marker button has been pressed.
Further information on the marker button is given in 4.2 of the Actiwatch Guide to
Getting Started.
Nap details
Selecting ‘Copy’ and ‘Nap details’ copies the information displayed in the ‘Nap
Details’ box as shown in the screen shot above to the clipboard for use in a third party
program such as Excel.
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Selecting ‘Copy’ and then ‘Analysis’ places the information from the ‘Analysis
period’ box onto the clipboard for use in a third party program such as Excel. Please
note that in order to be able to copy analysis data, an analysis period must previously
have been selected. Please see section 7.6 for details.
Nap analysis on screen controls
It is possible to scroll through the days of the analysis in order to select the day
required for nap analysis using the ‘Day’ bar located to the left of the nap analysis
main screen.
The scale slider, located on the left hand side of the nap analysis screen, is used to
alter the scale of the activity data. The software autoscales the data when it is
displayed and reducing the scale shows the lower data values so the plots appear
larger when viewed.
Minimum Nap
The user can define the minimum period of inactivity required to be scored as a nap.
This can be set to a value of between 1 minute and 20 minutes.
Maximum Nap
It is also possible to define the maximum amount of time to be scored as a nap. This
value can be set to between 6 minutes and 3 hours but must be >5 minutes higher than
the minimum nap figure.
The sensitivity value can be set between 0 and 100. This is the threshold below which
inactivity is scored as a nap. It is equivalent to the number of counts in the epoch. For
example if the sensitivity value is set to 5 then if an epoch has fewer than 5 counts in
it then that epoch is scored as napping. Please note that in order to avoid periods of
low activity such as television viewing being scored as napping, it is recommended
that the threshold is set to 0.
Nap Details
The ‘Nap Details’ screen shows the following information:
Nap number
Start time
Nap length
Total nap length
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Average nap length
Please note that if no period of time fulfils the criteria set then this screen will be
Analysis period
It is possible to analyse a subsection of the nap analysis screen. Select the entire
period of time to be analysed in the normal way. Select the sub period to be analysed
by left clicking at the start of the analysis period and right clicking at the end of the
analysis period as shown below:
This then provides the following information shown in the ‘Analysis period’ window
to the bottom right of the screen:
Start time
End time
Total time
Total activity
Average activity/epoch
1 hour average activity
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Light Analysis Menu
There are 2 Actiwatch models which allow ambient light levels to be recorded along
with activity; the Actiwatch Light (AWL) and the ActiLight. For full details of the
Actiwatch product range, please see section 1.3. of the Actiwatch Guide to Getting
Started. Full details on the ActiLight are given in section 9.
Clicking on ‘Light analysis’ (please note that the light analysis option is only
available when a light file is loaded) brings up the following screen:
Analysing a light file
In order to analyse a light file, it is necessary to select a period of time for analysis.
This is done by either left clicking at the required time on the top third of the screen to
mark the start of the analysis period and right clicking to mark the end, or by using the
analysis start and end scroll bars shown below the expanded display screen.
When the required time period has been selected, the analysis will be automatically
performed and the results shown in the bottom third of the screen. The following
information will be displayed:
Average light intensity in Lux
Maximum light intensity in Lux
Amount of time spent above reference
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Selecting ‘File’ and then ‘Colours’ allows the user to change the colour that the light
is displayed in. Full details on colours are given in section 4.1.3
Selecting ‘File’ then ‘Print’ prints the screen shown above if a printer is connected to
the host PC.
Selecting ‘Summary’ brings up the following screen:
This shows the average light, maximum light and the time above reference for the
duration of the recording.
Copy summary
Selecting ‘Copy summary’ from the light analysis screen shown above copies the data
shown above to the clipboard. It can then be pasted into a third party program such as
Excel for further analysis.
Print summary
Selecting ‘Print summary’ prints the screen shown above if a printer is connected to
the host PC.
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Copy Expanded Stats
Selecting ‘Copy’ and ‘Expanded stats’ copies the information from the expanded
display window to the clipboard for use in a third party program such as Excel. An
example of copied data is shown below:
Statistics for 22
April 1997 to 23
April 1997
Time above Ref
Clicking on ‘Cal’ allows the user to recalibrate the light data. Selecting ‘Cal’ brings
up the following message:
All AWL and ActiLight units are calibrated before they leave CamNtech, however if
there is reason to believe that the AWL or ActiLight unit is not recording appropriate
light levels the calibration can be reset using the following procedure:
Place the Actiwatch (or sensor) under a constant light source of known
intensity (in Lux) for 1 hour or longer.
Download the data.
Set the threshold bar to the known level of the light source.
Select ‘Cal’ from the Light Analysis menu.
Adjust the ‘Calibration’ scroll bar so that the reference line just touches the top
of the display.
Place the Actiwatch on the Reader as instructed and store the new calibration
All light level data recorded by the AWL and AWL Plus units are subsequently
displayed and plotted in Lux.
NB This operation should only be undertaken if the user is confident with the
procedure involved. Please contact CamNtech in case of any queries.
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On screen controls
The scale control can be used to alter the level of light displayed. The software
autoscales the light data. Reducing the scale increases the resolution of the light data.
The day control is used to scroll through the days of the recording.
Reference level
The reference level can be set to allow the user to measure the amount of time spent
above the reference level. The amount of time that the light level is above the
reference level is shown on the bottom left hand side of the screen.
Analysis start
The scroll bar can be used to set the analysis start which defines the start of the
expanded display window. Alternatively, left clicking on the main display shown in
blue and yellow above will also set the analysis start.
Analysis end
The scroll bar can be used to set the analysis end which defines the end of the
expanded display window. Alternatively, right clicking on the main display shown in
blue and yellow above will also set the analysis end.
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The ActiLight
The ActiLight is designed to be used in conjunction with the Actiwatch AW7, AW4
and Mini. Full instructions on the use of the Actiwatch can be found in previous
ActiLight overview
The ActiLight is an ultra light-weight device which detects and logs light intensity.
The data is stored in the watch and can be downloaded to a PC for analysis. As such,
it is a convenient tool for the ambulatory recording of light levels for clinical use and
for research purposes.
The ActiLight can be used in conjunction with the Actiwatch which records physical
activity. The light and data files can be combined using specialised software so that
the light data is superimposed on activity plots which quantify the intensity and
duration of physical activity
ActiLight Technical Specification
Recording Time:
Sampling Rate:
Battery life:
Battery type:
Infra-Red Filter
CE Marked in UK
PC Analysis:
24 mm
7 mm
7.5 grams
0.5-40,000 Lux
128 KB
45 days
3 seconds
500 days
CR 1220
Yes - 2Bar
2 years
Win® 2000/XP
Light Range
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Wearing the ActiLight
The ActiLight can be worn anywhere on the body or clothing. There are 2 mounting
options available. It can be supplied with a fixing hook as shown in the picture above
which allows the unit to be either pinned to clothing or affixed to a chain which can
be worn on the neck. It can also be supplied with a wrist mount option for wearing
with a strap similar to the Actiwatch Mini. If ambient light levels in, for example, a
bedroom are required then the ActiLight can be placed face up on a flat surface for
maximum light capture.
Setting up the ActiLight
The ActiLight is set up from the Actiwatch Activity and Sleep Analysis Software.
Please note that software version 5.52 or later is required for correct operation of the
Select ‘Write’ from the ‘Reader’ menu to display the set-up parameters.
The user then needs to input the following subject data:
User identity (subject identifier)
Start date (can be up to 7 days in advance)
Start time
Epoch length (variable between 15 Secs and 15 Mins)
Once all of the above parameters have been entered, selecting ‘Send’ will send the
parameters to the ActiLight. When the ActiLight has successfully been set up, the
following message will be shown:
The ActiLight can then be worn as detailed above. Please note that the recording time
is dependent on the epoch selected. The available recording times are as follows:
Actiwatch User Manual V7.2
Total Recording
1 Min
2 Mins
5 Mins
10 Mins
15 Mins
11.3 days
22.5 days
45 days
90 days
225 days
450 days
675 days
Page 56
Please note that when selecting a 15 Min epoch, the total recording time is limited by
the battery life rather than by the memory available. Total battery life is 500 days of
normal use. Instructions for changing the battery are given below.
Downloading data from the ActiLight
Having placed the ActiLight on the reader and ensured that the reader LED is lit in
red, selecting ‘Reader’ and then ‘Read’ will download the data stored in the
ActiLight. Once downloaded, the data can be stored under the desired file path.
Loading data from the ActiLight
Important – If data from the ActiLight is to be combined with data from the
Actiwatch, the ActiLight data must be loaded first.
To load and combine an activity and light file, select ‘File’ and then ‘Load’. This
brings up the following screen:
Select the required light file and the select ‘Open’. Repeat the procedure to add the
desired activity file. This will bring up the following message:
Selecting ‘Yes’ will combine the activity and light files. They can then be viewed in
the Activity and Sleep Analysis Software. For full details on analysing a combined
activity and light file, please see section 9.
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Changing the ActiLight battery
The battery in the ActiLight is changed by removing the three screws in the back
plate. The battery is a lithium-ion CR1220 which will give 500 days use in normal
operation. Replacement batteries are available from CamNtech. Please contact
CamNtech for up to date availability and pricing information. The replacement battery
is fitted with the writing upwards.
It is necessary to update the battery fitted date in the software when the battery has
been replaced. This is done by clicking on the battery fitted date screen during setup.
The following message will be displayed:
Selecting ‘Yes’ will load the current date and the battery life remaining will be reset
to 500 days. Please note that it is necessary to send this information to the ActiLight
after resetting the battery fitted date in order to update the information stored in the
unit. This should ONLY be done if the data in the ActiLight has been downloaded and
is no longer required as this procedure will erase any data stored in the ActiLight.
NB This battery changing procedure is the same for the Actiwatch Mini. Details
of the battery changing procedures for other Actiwatches are given in the
Technical Appendix.
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10 Options Menu
10.1 Full Menus
The default setting is for the software to display full menus as shown in the screen
Selecting ‘Options’ and then un-ticking ‘Full menus’ will give the following
alternative menu options:
Please note, it is recommended that full menus are used wherever possible.
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11 Technical Appendix
11.1 Sensor calibration and reproducibility
All Actiwatches are calibrated on a specially designed calibration jig before they
leave CamNtech. The Actiwatch incorporates a calibration factor to produce the same
output for the same amount of motion (in terms of g). In practice, inherent variation in
application of Actiwatch units means that no two Actiwatches will produce exactly
the same output. To minimise this difference it is important to develop a standardised
Actiwatch mounting and positioning protocol.
11.2 How does the Actiwatch work
Activity is measured by the means of a piezo-electric accelerometer that is set up to
record the integration of intensity, amount and duration of movement in all directions.
The corresponding voltage produced is converted and stored as an activity count in
the memory unit of the Actiwatch. The maximum sampling frequency is 32Hz. It is
important to realise that due to this improved way of recording activity data there is
no need for sensitivity settings as the Actiwatch unit will record all movement over
0.05g. Filters are set to 3 to 11 Hz.
The following sections contain a worked example of how the Actiwatch works and
definitions of terms used in actigraphy.
Activity Counts
Activity is measured in counts. This is a generic term used to denote the amplitude of
the signal produced by the accelerometer in the Actiwatch. The number of counts is
proportional to the intensity of the movement.
The electronics in the watch checks or samples the amplitude thirty two times per
second and it captures the highest amplitude in that second. This represents the peak
intensity of the movement in that second.
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Page 60
Prior to sampling the movement waveform is continuous. A sinusoidal waveform is
shown below for ease of visualisation. In practice the waveform could be any shape
and does not necessarily have to be periodic.
Fig 1
The sampling process converts the continuous signal into discreet steps each
representing a sample as shown below:
Fig 2
In the Actiwatch, the amplitude of each step can have a value between -128 and +128.
These values are referred to as “counts”. The greater the number of counts the higher
the acceleration in the period represented by a particular step. Since the maximum
achievable acceleration for human movement is 5g, 25 counts/sec represents
approximately an acceleration of 1 g.
NB. The above definition of counts may not apply to other actimeters.
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1. 1/32 sec
2. 1/32 sec
3. 1/32 sec
4. 1/32 sec
5. 1/32 sec
6. 1/32 sec
7. 1/32 sec
8. 1/32 sec
9. 1/32 sec
10. 1/32 sec
11. 1/32 sec
12. 1/32 sec
13. 1/32 sec
14. 1/32 sec
15. 1/32 sec
16. 1/32 sec
17. 1/32 sec
18. 1/32 sec
19. 1/32 sec
20. 1/32 sec
21. 1/32 sec
22. 1/32 sec
23. 1/32 sec
24. 1/32 sec
25. 1/32 sec
26. 1/32 sec
27. 1/32 sec
28. 1/32 sec
29. 1/32 sec
30. 1/32 sec
31. 1/32 sec
32. 1/32 sec
The captured count is 75.
An epoch is a period defined by the user for the purpose of logging (and therefore
viewing) the captured activity data. The data logged is the sum of the captured counts
from the individual 1-second intervals making up the epoch.
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Example for a 2-sec epoch
Highest count
1 sec
1 sec
Total Count
Activity Score
This is the same as the total count for an epoch. In the example above the Activity
Score is 15 for one epoch. If there is no activity for two seconds the score for the
epoch will be zero.
The scores are plotted on an Actogram epoch by epoch. The Actogram below has 16
epochs; however only 12 epochs have activity in them.
Total Activity Score
This represents the total count for all the epochs between sleep start and sleep end.
Mean Activity Score
This is the average count per epoch. If the Total Activity Score in the example above
is 35 then the Mean Activity Score will be 35/16.
Mean Activity Score in Active Periods
This is the average count per active epoch. In the example above it is 35/12.
11.3 Sleep scoring algorithm
Determination of sleep and wakefulness by the Actiwatch Sleep Analysis software
relies on an algorithm using the activity data recorded by the Actiwatch in a series of
linked calculations. The Actiwatch algorithm looks at each data point from each
epoch and those surrounding it and makes a total score based on these activity counts.
The adjacent activity scores influence the total score in the following way:
Within 1 minute of the scored epoch, activity levels are reduced by a factor of 5 in
comparison to the epoch being scored and this value is added to the scored value.
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Within 2 minutes of the scored activity epoch, activity values are reduced by a factor
25 and in comparison to the epoch being scored and this value is added to the scored
Using the default Medium Sensitivity, for 1-minute epoch data (and pro rata for other
epochs used) a total score of 40 will be enough to designate the epoch as being
For automatic determination of Sleep Start the algorithm looks for a period of at least
10 minutes of consecutively recorded immobile data, with no more than 1 epoch of
movement within that time, following the Bed Time. The start of this defined period
is classified as Sleep Start and the difference between this and Bed Time is used to
determine Sleep Latency.
For Sleep End the algorithm looks backwards from the last sample in the analysis
window for a specific consecutive period of activity below the threshold and classifies
the last epoch in this period as Sleep End. Within this period, we allow for up to 2
epochs above the threshold.
The threshold and consecutive period of activity below the threshold necessary to
equate to sleep end is determined by the epoch length set, as such:
Threshold (counts)
Period of activity below
threshold required
15 seconds
</= 1.5
(5.25 mins)
30 seconds
</= 3
(5.5 mins)
1 minute
</= 6
(6 mins)
2 minutes
</= 12
(8 mins)
The sleep-wake algorithm has been validated using medium sensitivity. Results
obtained with other sensitivity settings should be interpreted with care.
11.4 Time keeping
The Actiwatch range are set from the PC clock and elapsed time is marked in each
unit by means of a crystal which oscillates 32 times a second. Selecting a sampling
epoch sends an instruction to wait a certain number of oscillations before storing the
number of activity counts. This system is also used when specifying any delays in
start time.
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11.5 Sensitivity settings
The sleep scoring algorithm has 4 different sensitivity settings:
Threshold level 80
Threshold level 40
Threshold level 20
Threshold level variable
Altering the sensitivity setting selected alters the number of counts in an epoch
required to score that epoch as wake. The default setting is medium and when this
setting is selected, an activity score in an epoch of 40 or more is sufficient for that
epoch to be scored as awake.
When auto sensitivity is selected, the software makes a direct relationship between the
subject’s activity level and the threshold above which an epoch is scored as wake.
The sensitivity setting should not be changed unless there is a good reason to do so. If
the sensitivity setting is changed during sleep analysis, the previously calculated data
is cleared and a warning will be flagged.
11.6 Shock resistance
Severe shocks generate very high g forces which can damage sensors and can affect
the calibration if the sensor is mechanically displaced. The new surface mounted
technology used in the AW7 and the Actiwatch Mini minimises considerably both the
risk of damage and the effect on the calibration.
Tests which CamNtech has conducted have shown that after dropping an AW7 onto
concrete from a height of 2 metres the calibration was unchanged and the sensor was
Care should be taken with the Actiwatch AW4 and Actiwatch Light as these models
although robust are not as resistant to shock as the AW7 and Mini.
11.7 Temperature range
All Actiwatches in the range are suitable for operation in the temperature range -10 to
plus 40 degrees centigrade.
11.8 Changing the battery (Actiwatch AW4, and AWL)
Under normal circumstances and usage the battery life of the batteries supplied in the
Actiwatch AW4 and AWL units (CR2025 - a 3 Volt, 150 mAmp/hour Lithium
Manganese cell) is 6 months. Replacing the batteries should be done as a matter of
course at 6 monthly intervals or before a study that encompasses this time. The
battery is located beneath the stainless steel plate that is screwed to the Actiwatch.
With any Actiwatch units supplied after July 1997 (series 6 units), simply unscrew the
2 screws without shoulders leaving the top right and bottom left ones in relation to the
orientation mark in place but loosened such that the base will pivot. By pivoting the
base and turning the Actiwatch the battery will drop out and it can be easily replaced
by one of the correct type and the screws tightened up. The Test Actiwatch routine
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should be run after changing the battery to check the Actiwatch is functioning
correctly. This can actually be done before the final tightening of the screws. For
older units the following procedure should be adopted:
1. Remove three of the screws from the back of the Actiwatch
completely leaving the one at the opposite corner to the
small orientation marker in place.
2. Undo this screw three turns.
3. Turn the Actiwatch over so that the black face is upwards
and rotate out the base complete with the battery.
4. Replace the battery with a new one.
5. Rotate the base back into the correct position.
6. Tighten the single screw.
7. Place the Actiwatch on the reader and use the Test Actiwatch routine from the
Reader menu.
8. If the Actiwatch is OK then replace the other 3 screws and the Actiwatch is
ready for use.
9. If the Actiwatch does not operate then try steps 2 to 7 again with the same
10. If this does not work then leave the battery in the Actiwatch for 10 minutes
then re-test the Actiwatch.
After the battery change has been carried out check that the memory length of the
Actiwatch is correct; if it is not replace the battery and test again.
If after changing the battery the user finds that the Actiwatch appears to have stopped
functioning then it is likely that on insertion an electrical contact between the
Actiwatch base and body has been rapidly made and then lost again. This will have
caused the microprocessor in the Actiwatch to crash causing the apparent
malfunction. Please remove the battery and replace it again and the Actiwatch will
start working normally. Please contact CamNtech technical support if the problem
NB The procedure for changing the battery in the ActiLight and Actiwatch Mini
is different from this procedure and is detailed in section 9.1.7. The battery in the
AW7 is a sealed unit which gives up to 8 years of continuous use. After this
period the unit can be returned to CamNtech for battery exchange. Please
contact CamNtech for up to date pricing on this option.
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11.9 Trouble Shooting;
CamNtech is confident that the user should have a trouble-free time when using the
Actiwatch system. However, some easily solvable problems may occur examples of
which are given below.
1. Reader red light does not come on when the Actiwatch is placed on it and/or
the PC will not communicate with the Actiwatch:
Check the Communication links – is the correct COM port selected?
Is the Actiwatch on the Reader in the correct orientation – make sure the hole
on the base of the Actiwatch and the dot on the Reader are in the same
position whilst Reading. If an Actiwatch Mini or an ActiLight is being used,
the arrow should point upwards indicating correct orientation.
Try sliding the Actiwatch up the Reader away from the grey rectangle.
Are there any communication conflicts on the host PC?
Does the battery in the Actiwatch need changing?
Is the Actiwatch placed Plastic Lid side down – i.e. is the ID number visible?
2. The PC will not let the user access the Software:
Is the COM port being used by another application?
Has the host PC sufficient free memory available to run the software?
If there are any other problems with the Actiwatch system or for any technical queries
please contact technical support:
Telephone +44-(0)1480-831223
For any other information on the products described in this Manual or other
queries please contact CamNtech using the details provided at the front of this
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