June 2015 - Sociology
June 2015 - Sociology
UC Santa Cruz Mail - Sociology Undergraduate Newsletter at UC... https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/?ui=2&ik=f17c207797&view=p... Tina Nikfarjam <tnikfarj@ucsc.edu> Sociology Undergraduate Newsletter at UCSC - June 2015 1 message Tina Nikfarjam <tnikfarj@ucsc.edu> Tue, Jun 2, 2015 at 11:53 AM SOCIOLOGY UNDERGRADUATE NEWSLETTER AT UCSC - JUNE 2015 In This Newsletter: 1. Congratulations to Graduating Seniors! 2. 2014-15 Award and Scholarship Recipients 3. Sociology Instructor and TA Online Evaluations - Due by 11:59pm June 7th 4. Senior Exit Survey 5. Important Dates and Deadlines 6. Advising Availability During Summer 7. Sociology Summer Session Enrollment 8. Corre La Voz for Fall Quarter 9. 13th Annual Practical Activism Conference - October 24th 10. Volunteer Opportunity: Santa Cruz Museum of Art and History (MAH) Gallery Host Program 11. Job Opportunity for Graduating Seniors: AmeriCorps Vista Wellness Specialist with OUSD ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1. CONGRATULATIONS TO GRADUATING SENIORS! This will be the last newsletter for the 2014-2015 academic year. I want to take this opportunity to congratulate the graduating sociology students! We wish you the best in all your future endeavors. It has been a pleasure working with you! As a way to stay in touch after graduation, if you would like be added to the Sociology alumni email list, please complete this short form. For students who are in the Capstone, are graduating seniors or are walking in the Spring ceremony: the Capstone and End-of-Year Celebration is on June 12th 12-2pm. You should have received an Evite, but if you haven't please let me know asap: tnikfarj@ucsc.edu 2. 2014-15 AWARD AND SCHOLARSHIP RECIPIENTS 1 of 11 6/2/15 12:04 PM UC Santa Cruz Mail - Sociology Undergraduate Newsletter at UC... https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/?ui=2&ik=f17c207797&view=p... Happy Student Achievement Week! Congratulations to these Sociology students who won an award or scholarship in the 2014-15 academic year! SOCIOLOGY OF RACE, CLASS AND GENDER SENIOR THESIS AWARD Sandy Alvarado For "Domestic Violence Services in the Midwest" Faculty Sponsor: Herman Gray Zoe Bartlett For “The Unintended Consequences of Homeless Shelter Policies: Excluding the Homeless from Essential Services” Faculty Sponsor: Miriam Greenberg FANNY CARRUTHERS SOCIOLOGY SCHOLARSHIP Andres Arias In recognition of academic achievements in Sociology WEISS FAMILY SCHOLARSHIP College Nine/Ten Jessica Aguilar For her work with the Center for Labor Studies’ Santa Cruz Low-Wage Worker Study IRWIN SCHOLAR Art Department Edward Ramirez Artwork will be on display at the Sesnon Gallery May 27-June 13 2 of 11 6/2/15 12:04 PM UC Santa Cruz Mail - Sociology Undergraduate Newsletter at UC... https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/?ui=2&ik=f17c207797&view=p... 3. SOCIOLOGY INSTRUCTOR AND TA ONLINE EVALUATIONS - DUE BY 11:59PM JUNE 7TH If you are enrolled in a Sociology course for Spring quarter, please remember to complete your online instructor evaluation and TA evaluation (if applicable) by 11:59pm Sunday, June 7th. Evaluations can be accessed through eCommons. eCommons sends automated email reminders to complete available evaluations. Once you complete the evaluations, these emails will stop. Evaluations are very important to departments, instructors and TAs. Please take the time to complete your available online evaluations. 4. SENIOR EXIT SURVEY Students who graduated Summer 2014, Fall 2014, Winter 2015 or will be graduating Spring 2015 should have received a senior exit survey from the our division's Academic Program Analyst, Jill Esterás, "jesteras@ucsc.edu", the coordinator of the Senior Exit Survey Committee for Majors/Minors in the Social Sciences Division. We encourage you to take this survey at your earliest convenience. It will take about 5-10 minutes and will give you a completely confidential opportunity to tell us what we did well, and how we can improve. The department gives the survey results careful consideration, and we would really like to have your input. Thank you for completing the survey. 5. IMPORTANT DATES AND DEADLINES Finals Week: Tues. Mon. June 8th - Thurs. June 11th Spring Quarter Ends: Thurs., June 11th Summer Session Enrollment for Session 1 Ends: Thurs. June 25th Summer Session Enrollment for Session 2 Ends: Thurs. July 30th Apply to graduate Summer quarter (w/out a late fee): Fri. July 31st Wait Lists Open by Appointment: Mon. August 10th Fall Quarter Begins: Sat. September 19th Fall Instruction Begins: Thurs. September 24th Enroll/Drop/Swap a Fall course or Change grading option: Wed. October 14th Declare a Major/Minor for Fall: Fri. October 23rd 6. ADVISING AVAILABILITY DURING SUMMER Undergraduate advising will be available during the summer with the exception of a few days/weeks. Please be sure to check the advising page for available drop-in hours before you come in or request an appointment. 3 of 11 6/2/15 12:04 PM UC Santa Cruz Mail - Sociology Undergraduate Newsletter at UC... https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/?ui=2&ik=f17c207797&view=p... 7. SOCIOLOGY SUMMER SESSION ENROLLMENT Summer Session enrollment is still open! 8. CORRE LA VOZ FOR FALL QUARTER Oakes 151A & B, "Community Literacies" (Corre la Voz) "Community Literacies: Team Teaching, Curriculum Design, and Observation" is a service-learning course offered Fall, Winter, and Spring through Oakes College. Students apply to become part of this program, which requires considerable commitment, sensitivity, and maturity, as well as communication skills and willingness to grow. It consists of a 2-unit seminar, and a 3-unit field study; the field study is repeatable and students are encouraged to stay for continuity with kids and programming; senior mentors demonstrating excellent leadership may apply for paid positions as Program Assistants. ***** CLV connects UCSC mentors with 5th graders in an after-school community, and revolves around creative, collaborative digital projects (movie-making!). The course program focuses on intentional language use for positive identity formation, appropriation of learning tools, and critical thinking. In training, seminar, and the field study, we work on our own team-building as well as strategies for working with complex cultural contexts, individual learning patterns, group dynamics, and students' developing interests and knowledge--including their 4 of 11 6/2/15 12:04 PM UC Santa Cruz Mail - Sociology Undergraduate Newsletter at UC... https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/?ui=2&ik=f17c207797&view=p... languages, of course. We work on: team-teaching techniques (verbal and non-verbal communication), and leadership presence to be able to serve communities; lesson planning and creative curriculum development, articulation of instructions, bridging home and school frames of knowledge how to operate smoothly in multiple "registers" as well as model code-switching and cognate use strategically; goal-setting, supportive and healthy communication towards a non-violent, inclusive community, and other mentoring practices; and theoretical/analytical frameworks that help us think critically about "literacies" and learning; how to work with ethical practices of research and evaluation. The seminar is Mondays 5-7:00 pm at Oakes, and is required for all first-quarter mentors. The field study (the Corre la Voz program) is T/Th 3:00-5:30, and provides homework support, fun games and group activities designed (by mentors) to support critical, creative thinking and expression, and long-term collaborative movie-making projects (fiction-based films in Fall-Winter, and non-fiction in Winter-Spring). TB results are required on the first day of the quarter, to prepare for District registration and Livescan (fingerprinting). See attached for flyer and application. 9. 13TH ANNUAL PRACTICAL ACTIVISM CONFERENCE - OCT. 24TH 5 of 11 6/2/15 12:04 PM UC Santa Cruz Mail - Sociology Undergraduate Newsletter at UC... https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/?ui=2&ik=f17c207797&view=p... The Practical Activism Conference is a day-long, student led conference that provides tools for local and global change. The conference schedule includes a keynote address, spoken word performances and ten workshops to choose from. The student planning team designs the structure and content of each workshop, which addresses a social justice issue and provides practical ways to create social change. Past workshop topics include race and education, environmental justice, immigration, and food security. This event is free and open to the public, no prior registration required. Location: Colleges Nine/Ten Multi-purpose Room Admission: Free Sponsored by: College Nine and College Ten CoCurricular Programs 10. VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITY: SANTA CRUZ MUSEUM OF ART AND HISTORY (MAH) GALLERY HOST PROGRAM Calling all Deadheads, Surfing enthusiasts, and History Buffs! The Santa Cruz Museum of Art and History (MAH) is seeking social and talkative volunteers for the gallery host program! The galleries are currently featuring: Dear Jerry is an exhibit exploring the powerful bond between bands and their fans: Jerry Garcia and Deadheads. Talk to visitors about Jerry and the Grateful Dead (and maybe your alter ego as a Deadhead) & encourage them to participate in interactive parts of the exhibit! The Birth of Surf City will be opening in July and illustrates the beginnings of surf culture in Santa Cruz county. Fascinating stories and artifacts will tell the story of 3 Hawaiian princes that introduced surfing to Santa Cruz culture. As a gatekeeper of the galleries, gallery hosts interact and inspire people in the art and history galleries, as well as facilitate engaging activities for visitors! This group meets bi-weekly for group meetings; shifts are until the end of August. If you’re interested, send a half page bio about yourself and your availability to Mary Harpin at maryh@santacruzmah.org by June 10th. 6 of 11 6/2/15 12:04 PM UC Santa Cruz Mail - Sociology Undergraduate Newsletter at UC... 7 of 11 https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/?ui=2&ik=f17c207797&view=p... 6/2/15 12:04 PM UC Santa Cruz Mail - Sociology Undergraduate Newsletter at UC... https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/?ui=2&ik=f17c207797&view=p... 11. JOB OPPORTUNITY FOR GRADUATING SENIORS: AMERICORPS VISTA WELLNESS SPECIALIST WITH OUSD Oakland Unified School District (OUSD) is seeking an AmeriCorps VISTA Wellness Specialist. The VISTA will support Safe Routes to School systems and activities to increase attendance, safety and community engagement at 41 elementary schools with more than 50% free/reduced lunch eligibility; help to create city-wide partnership on walking and biking to school and creation of student and parent run safety patrols; create tools and systems to address evaluation and communications needs of Safe Routes to School and its connection to wellness. Full position description including benefits and application requirements: 8 of 11 6/2/15 12:04 PM UC Santa Cruz Mail - Sociology Undergraduate Newsletter at UC... 9 of 11 https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/?ui=2&ik=f17c207797&view=p... 6/2/15 12:04 PM UC Santa Cruz Mail - Sociology Undergraduate Newsletter at UC... https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/?ui=2&ik=f17c207797&view=p... ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Tina Nikfarjam Undergraduate Program Coordinator Sociology Department, College 8 Rm 224 UC Santa Cruz 831.459.4497 831.459.3518 fax http://sociology.ucsc.edu Drop in advising M:1-4, T:1-4, W:10-12, TH: 2-4:30, F:10-12 2 attachments F15 CLV Flyer.pdf 93K 10 of 11 6/2/15 12:04 PM UC Santa Cruz Mail - Sociology Undergraduate Newsletter at UC... https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/?ui=2&ik=f17c207797&view=p... F15 CLV Application.xls 38K 11 of 11 6/2/15 12:04 PM
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