154 n. main street • harrisonburg, va 22802
154 n. main street • harrisonburg, va 22802
154 N. MAIN STREET • HARRISONBURG, VA 22802 PHONE: 540-434-4341 • WEBSITE: www.bsccva.com EMAIL: mmoyers@bsccva.com OFFICE HOURS: Monday–Friday 9:00 am–4:00 pm (Office closed Monday 12:30–1:30 for lunch) Twinning with St. Isidore on La Gonave, Haiti May 11, 2014 • 4th Sunday of Easter-Mothers’ Day 11 de Mayo de 2014 • Cuarto Domingo de Pascua– Dia de las Madres STAFF Pastor.................................................... Rev. Silvio Kaberia Parochial Vicar ...............................Rev. Joseph Goldsmith Deacon ............................................ Rev. Mr. Fred La Spina Deacon .............................................. Rev. Mr. Paul Kudrav Director of Religious Education ............. Ms. Louisa Cahan Coord. of Religious Education............ Mrs. Valerie Blanton Minister of Youth………………………..Mr. Stephen Murphy Minister of Liturgy & Music ...................... Ms. Jean DePiro Secretary ..............................................Mrs. Martha Moyers Bookkeeper ......................................... Ms. Ernie Thompson Facilities Manager.................................... Mr. Ron Bodkins COUNCILS Parish Council Chair .............Mr. Mike Gigliotti, 289-6642 Parish Council Secretary ............................ Mrs. Vicki Fawcett-Adams, 560-7418 Finance Council Chair ……Mrs. Bev McGowan, 433-1868 Finance Council Vice Chair ...Mrs. Carol Miller, 867-5263 Finance Council Secretary….Mrs. Marcia Pearce 234-8208 LITURGY SCHEDULE Tuesday, Thursday, Friday ................................... 12:10 pm Wednesday .................... 6:00 pm; Holy Hour 6:30–7:30 pm Thursday ................................................. 7:00 pm (Español) Saturday .................................................................. 5:00 pm Sunday ....................... 8:00 & 10:00 am; 1:00 pm (Español) Holy Days ...................... Check the bulletin mass schedule. SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION Saturday: 3:30–4:30 pm or by appointment. Communal Services in Advent and Lent. MINISTERIO HISPANO: 540-434-0849 Coord. para el Ministerio Hispano: Sra. Graciela Pinedo HORAS DE OFICINA Martes a viernes 9:00 am a 4:00 pm During the month of May, the Month of Our Mother Mary, we will be praying the Rosary one half hour before each weekend Liturgy All are invited to join us BULLETIN DEADLINE Monday at 10:00 am unless otherwise noted. Contents must be emailed to be included in that week's bulletin. All submissions are subject to the Pastor's approval and space availability and may be edited for length. BLESSED SACRAMENT CATHOLIC CHURCH HARRISONBURG, VA For Family & Friends of Parishioners: Emmanuel Aguayo, Fr. Antilus of La Gonave, Nicholas Ashby, Bruce Barlow, Jody Bates, June Bibby, Anna & Allen Black, Michael Brody, Kylee Bryant, Martha Childress, Steven Chisick, Sylvia Ciolino, Catherine Clemmens, Jason Coffman, Elizabeth Cooke, Johana Milena Coppiano, Sharon Clement, Nick Delaplane, Maggie DelBiondo, Gerald DeLoria, Ben Derringer, Viola Dickerson, Frederick & Joseph DiFrancesco, Dominic Dorazio, Karla Driver, Miguel Garibay-Alvarez, Lillie Gibson, Lane Goodwin, Eli Graves, Ryan Greenwood, Hunter Gregory, Susan Heatwole, Shirley Heatwole, Arthur Hemann, Christopher Hernandez Medina, Lisa Hilton, Virginia Holzner, Wayne D. Judy, Becky Keoki, Marge Klawitter, Betty Lampeter, Linda Layman, Betty Leake, Mary Lilly, Claire Lovejoy, Marie Marcoulides, JR Martinez, Daniel McCarty, Jim Melton, Leon Mondelli, Joe Olka, Glenys Pascarelli, Mary Louise Pickeral, Justin & Laura Ray, Emily Ray, Thomas Reilly, Richard Rexrode, Adam Ring, Whitney Rockwell, Frieda Sbaschnik, Joyce Springmier, Flora Strode, Jean Sweigart, Tommy Swenson, Shelly Thomas, Joe T. Vaccaro, John Verga, Devon Waldron, Melanie Wilson, Sandra Wilson, Ashley Wood, and Judy Wray. Your prayers are requested for the Sick of the Parish: Susan Berry, Earl Budd, Vivian Cervantes, Heather Crabill, Sam Cross, Beth Dalton, Cristobal Duque, David Durham, Annie Farwell, Ginny Fox, Veronica Esparza de Garcia, Mercedes Garcia, Juan Gutierrez, Carmelita Herrera, Betty Hilson, Tony Jenkins, Jae Kim, Terry Le Pera, Raymond Lewis, Juan Elias López, Veronica Martinez, Marcedalia Morales, Armand & Jane Musto, Mildred Norkus, Gene Olimski, Lynn Picht, Francis Reilly, Nicolas Reyes, Kay Ring, Pat Saltzer, Margaret Sander, the Schwartz Family, Dori Coceano Thacker, all our homebound parishioners and all who care for them. Remember those in our parish family in the military, especially Jeremy Adams, Brian Davis, John Ferguson, Andrew Funkhouser, Dane Geise, Joe Gibson, Scott Hankes, Scott O’Donnell, Stephen Smith, Derek Stroop, Jesse Thomas, especially those serving in Iraq, Afghanistan and other assignments overseas or in harm’s way. Please pray for peace throughout the world, and for those suffering from natural disasters, terrorism, war and civil unrest, especially in Ukraine, Venezuela, Central African Republic and South Sudan. Please pray for the victims of the tornado outbreak in a number of states in the South and Midwest. Pray for our twin parish of St. Isidore, La Gonave, Haiti, that they be sustained in the many challenges they face. Please pray for those who have died, that they may rest in the peace of Christ. We also ask God’s blessings on all mothers, living or deceased, as well as all those women in our lives who have fulfilled a motherly role. On this World Day of Prayer for Vocations, please pray for vocations to the priesthood and religious life. Saturday, May 10, 10 am, 1st Communion Mass, +Frederick Wueth (requested by the D’Amico & Spillman Families); 5 pm, +Mary Linka (requested by Phyllis Linka) Sunday, May 11, Fourth Sunday of Easter/Mothers’ Day; 8 am, People of Blessed Sacrament; 10 am, +Ruth De Piro (requested by Lee Hopson); 1 pm, +Ma. Guadalupe Huerta Monday, May 12, NO MASS Tuesday, May 13, Our Lady of Fatima, 12:10 pm, +Steve Dinges (requested by Anna Marie Plowman) Wednesday, May 14, St. Matthias, 6 pm, Vocations Thursday, May 15, St. Isidore the Farmer; 12:10 pm, +Florence Calomino (requested by Polly Bush) Friday, May 16, 12:10 pm, +Bernard Carniglia (requested by Joe Carniglia) Saturday, May 17, 5 pm, +Pete Kelly (requested by Phyllis Linka) Sunday, May 18, Fifth Sunday of Easter; 8 am, People of Blessed Sacrament; 10 am, +George Wehman (requested by Dorothy Wehman) 1 pm, +Eloisa Arellano Congratulations to those young people who received the Sacrament of Confirmation Friday evening from Bishop Di Lorenzo: Matthew Althaver, Alex Alvarez, Karina Bautista Cruz (also received First Holy Communion May 4), David Becchi, Zack Blanton, Marjorie Bonga, Brian Cekada, Harrison Chicas, Mathew Clark, Billy Coombe, Katherine Diaz, Nicholas DiPaola, Michelle Eckstein, Alex Fear, Alex Gardner, Rowan Kenee, Lauren Kondisko, Eduwiges Lopez (also received First Communion May 4), Sandy Loredo, Zach Polglase, Michael-Ryan Poma, Cecilia Rafael, Isela Ramirez, Miguel Ramirez Paz, Callie Reed, Viridiana Resendiz Mejia, Merly Rodriguez Perez (also received First Holy Communion May 4), Faith Runnells, Julia Sheffer, Alex Sosa Ramirez, and Julia Wright. 2 FOURTH SUNDAY OF EASTER MAY 11, 2014 Steubenville Atlanta Youth Conference. July 10-13, 2014. For more information, check out the Steubenville Atlanta Youth Conference website @ http:// www.steubenvilleconferences.com/youth/steubenvilleatlanta. Local events: Renew is being held June 8-13. RENEW also needs adult volunteers: Team leaders, work site coordinators, contractors/ project managers, “gophers” and troubleshooters, security, nurses or EMT’s, tech support, meals, registration, Setup/ breakdown, and drivers. See the bulletin board for details or contact Stephen at ext. 105 or smurphy@bsccva.com. As a part of the outreach efforts of Franciscan University of Steubenville, Ohio, the Steubenville Summer Youth Conferences provide a unique opportunity to gather with teenagers from across the nation in Catholic community. The conference combines awesome talks, incredible music, praise and worship, time for prayer and fellowship, entertainment and liturgies. The Diocese of Richmond will attend the Steubenville Atlanta Youth Conference, which is cosponsored by Life Teen, Inc. Blessed Sacrament Youth Activities: Hiking at Camp Overlook: Sunday, May 4th @ 3PM. Meet up in the parking lot of Massanutten Presbyterian Church at the intersection of 33 E and Indian Trail Road (50 Indian Trail Rd Penn Laird) Contact Stephen @ 434-4341 X105 or smurphy@gmail.com for details. Hope to see you there! RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Diocesan events/retreats: Diocesan Work Camp (9th-12th grade): June 21-27, 2014. Danville, VA. Registration deadline is April 28th. Please fill out an adult or youth registration form with check written to the “Diocese of Richmond” and turn in to the parish office. * The Diocesan Work Camp is a weeklong camp experience for high school youth to serve our brothers and sisters in need by making their homes safer, warmer, drier, and greener while also having the opportunity to grow in our Catholic faith. Work Camp is not just a youth event. It is an opportunity for parishes to make a difference in the lives of those in need right here in our diocese while encouraging youth to answer their baptismal call to serve others. Work Camp is open to all high school-aged youth (rising 9th graders through graduated 12th graders). The week is going to require that youth give of themselves to serve others and to grow spiritually. It will be a challenging week that will provide many learning opportunities for participants. Workshop of Wonders is only 5 weeks away! We will have a VBS meeting for any adults or teens interested in helping with VBS on Sunday, May 18th at 11:15am. VBS is June 16th-20th from 9am-12 noon each day. It is offered for PreK3-Rising 5th grades and the cost is FREE!!! If you or your children are too old to participate, please consider helping. It is always a super fun week of learning about God and how he plays a “part” in our lives. Questions??? Contact Valerie at the office. Middle School Day Camp. July 14-18, 2014 in Richmond. July 21-25, 2014 in Newport News. The goal of this week-long day camp experience is to bring middle school youth together from area parishes to grow in community, understanding of their faith, and relationship with Christ. Middle School Camp activities include games, service, prayer, water sports, and community building and fostering a deeper spiritual understanding on specific topics. The Middle School Day Camp is open to all youth who are rising 6 -8 graders for the 2014-2015 school year. Our VBS Giving Tree will be up soon. Look for it the Sunday of Memorial Day weekend (May 25th). Not around? Typically we have tags left over the first week, so make sure to check the tree (in the foyer of the back entrance). Items will be on the tree that we are in need of for VBS and by donating the items listed on the tag it allows us to save money and continue to offer this program for FREE to anyone who would like to attend. We appreciate your generosity in helping us out!! Items should be returned by Sunday, June 8th. Although the day camp is run by adults, high school students serve as counselors throughout the week to help with the activities. All rising 11th, 12th grade youth and freshman college-age students are eligible to apply to be a counselor. Middle School camp is designed to affirm and celebrate the roles of the youth as members of our faith community. A counselor’s role is critical as a leader and Christian role model for the campers. Counselors should turn in applications to their youth minister; there are limited spaces for camp counselors. Homeschool parents: Unit tests need to be turned in to the office by May 16th. It is important for us to get those so your child can get credit for the work they have done this year. Thank you! Congratulations to all the children who received their First Communion yesterday!! We welcome you as full disciples of Christ. Blessings to each and every one of you! *see parish website for details or go to “Office for the Evangelization of Youth and Young Adults, Catholic Diocese of Richmond”. Or contact your Youth Minister Stephen C. Murphy @434-4341 X105 or smurphy@bsccva.com 3 BLESSED SACRAMENT CATHOLIC CHURCH HARRISONBURG, VA The Easter Season is a time for the Sacraments of Initiation! At the Easter Vigil on April 19, Sean McCready, Amanda Herrera, and Hayley Holmes received the Sacraments of Baptism, First Communion and Confirmation. On April 20, Easter Sunday, our Candidates received First Communion and Confirmation, made a Profession of Faith and were received into full communion with the Catholic Church: Hattie Berg, Margaret Gallagher, Jennifer Lewinski, Cain Perez, Eugenio Rojas, Fabian & Gabriela Gomez, José Lopez, Mario Hernandez, Tony Morales, Eric Granados, Eugene Williams, Jr., Kathleen Rohrer, Susanna Kirk, Tracy O’Keeffe, Shirley Anderson, Evans Darko and Daniel Shickel. SECOND COLLECTIONS: May 11—Contingency May 18—Home Missions Collection June 1—Twin Parish in Haiti June 8—Contingency Collection June 15—Peter’s Pence (Holy Father’s Charitable Works) June 29—Social Ministries Collection Congratulations to those children and youth who received the Sacraments of Baptism, First Communion and Confirmation on April 27: Brian Bassett, Malcolm Lehman, Josh, Owen and Zack Hartman, Julie Thomas, Brian & José Ayala, Jonathan Amerzquito Ruiz, Rene Cabrera Mina, Francheska & Rodrigo Fontanez Gonzalez, America Flores, Edgar Ramirez, Elby & Edwin Galindo Hernandez, Estefani Guzman, Omar Nicholas Jimenez, Gael Palacios Juarez, Alexander & Adan Salazar Mendoza, Luis Angel & Yazmary Santiago, Jennifer Nayeli Santamaria, Ismael Santamaria, Noemi Sosa, and Roger & Emilzon Vasquez Acosta. FINANCIAL BOX SCORE FY 2013-14 July-March April 5-6 April 12-13 April 19-20 April 26-27 OFFERTORY Needed Actual $585,429 $571,178 $15,011 $18,759 $15,011 $15,881 $15,011 $17,619 $15,011 $14,200 $645,473 $637,637 Difference ($14,251) $3,748 $870 $2,608 ($811) ($7,836) Congratulations to the following young people who received their First Holy Communion on May 4: Karina Bautista Cruz, Eduwiges Lopez, and Merly Rodriguez Perez. They were also Confirmed on May 9. (Confirmands’ names are on Page 2) *Total Offertory Budget of $750,550 is based on 50 weeks (due to possible snow weekends). PARISH LIFE Those who made their First Holy Communion Saturday, May 10: Terence Apted, Tyler Balint, Cindy Barlow, Eljeron Bonga, Daniel Cao, Esmeralda Cardoso Rodriguez, Casandra Casteñeda Sanchez, Nicholas Cekada, Irvine Clarke, Ivan Bryan Correa Ramos, Natalie Corso, Giovanni DeSantiago, Jackson Dunkel, Kristi Duong, Karinna Fink, Addison Fornadel, Scott Fulkerson, Heidy Garcia Granados, William Harding, Sophie Hite, Sawyer Hook, Sophia Johnson, Zoe King, Clare Kirwan, Noe Loredo, Carter Luden, Jessi Martinez Hernandez, Jack McDonald, Taylor McHone, Isabella Morano, Sheyla Nava Sanchez, Addison Rath, Jessica Reyes Bautista, Olivia Rhodes, Emelia Rose Ritchie, Caroline Shanholtz, Alyssa Spilman, Erin Stapleton, Maggie Thorpe, Angeline Tran, Andrew Warner, Ben Yancey, Joel Alvarado, Ajina Ashkeba, Brenda Duque Vega, Anayeli Antonio Espinolda, Yackelin Jaco, Salvador Lopez Rojas, CJ McKnight, Marco Antonio Murillo Niño, Jonathan Reina Lara, Mason Ritchie, Efren Romero Ramos, Karen Velasco Labra, Jennifer Martinez Hernandez, Gabriel Ashkeba, David Casiano Alvarez, Kimberly Casteñeda Sanchez, Cristian Castillo Martinez, Brenda Castillo Sosa, Grace Drown, Hector Hernandez Villareal, Alexis Ledezma Garcia, Anallely Mateo Sanchez, Jaime Ramos Cortes, Gerald Romero Ramos, Jake Drown, Juan Fernando Casteñeda Sanchez, Marlen Hernandez Perez, Andy Marleny Moran Labra, Alan Velasco Labra, McAnon Khamphavong, Maria Lopez, Susana Martinez, Brayen Reina Lara, Cindy Resendiz Mejia, Hemerson Cabrera Villareal, Mariela Casiano, Phillip Duong, Kervin Fermin, Brayan Jimenez, Margarita Hernandez Perez, Fernanda Horne, Kervin Lopez Rojas, Yamile Rodriguez Perez, Monserrat Sanchez, Michele Pruto, Ryan Boloix, Thomas Guzman Ortiz, Carlos Martinez Hernandez, Jennifer Santiago, Josue Lopez Salinas, Kerly Rodriguez Perez, and Hector Carcamo Hernandez. FAMILY LIFE SUPPORT: Teams of Our Lady, a Movement of Conjugal Spirituality. Whether a couple is newlywed, raising a family, or “empty nesting”, the call to grow together in love is ever present. Often couples find they are living in a social climate where forces and stresses are at work that can undermine both their marriage and their faith. All over the world, couples have found a way to meet their desire for growth in love and faith through the Teams of Our Lady Movement. A Team is a group of 5 to 7 couples that have decided to join together to find support in their efforts to lead Gospel lives. The team meets once a month, in each other’s homes, for a simple meal, and in a spirit of friendship share their experiences of the previous month. They also reflect on scripture and pray, and discuss material on married life and faith. If you would like to join such a group, plan on attending a 45-minute informational meeting on Saturday May 17th at 11 am. Contact Fr. Joe for more info at 434-4341, x 101, or fj@bsccva.com. Live music at L’Italia Restaurant! Looking for a night out? Come to L’Italia Restaurant on Thursday, May 15th and hear Jean De Piro on piano & Bridget Mullins on vocals. They will be performing a variety of music from 6:00-9:00 pm. Reservations are recommended (540-433-0961). 4 FOURTH SUNDAY OF EASTER MAY 11, 2014 COMPLETELY FREE!! PARISH DIRECTORY: Do you ever see people and wonder what their names are? Have you ever heard an announcement regarding a member and wished you could put a face with a name? Are you a new member and wish you had something to help you put names with faces? Help is on the way! We are producing a pictorial family album! There is no cost to have your portraits taken, and you will receive a complimentary 8x10 portrait and directory for participating. At your session you will be able to view your images electronically and have the opportunity to purchase additional portraits to share with family & friends. Weekend sign-ups begin this Sunday to schedule your own appointment. We look forward to seeing you! THIS WEEK AT BLESSED SACRAMENT SUNDAY, MAY 11, FOURTH SUNDAY OF EASTER, MOTHERS’ DAY Contingency Collection 7:30 & 9:30 am, Rosary before Mass 8:00 & 10:00 am, English Masses 10:00 am, Nursery 12:30 pm, Rosario 1:00 pm, Misa en español 6:00 pm, Grupo Kerygma MONDAY, MAY 12, NO Mass 12:00 pm, Women’s Prayer Group, Basement 6:00 pm, Communications Committee, Library TUESDAY, MAY 13 11:30 am, Rosary 12:10 pm, Daily Mass 1:00 pm, Faith Group, basement 6:30 pm, Legion de Maria, Rm 4/5, Hall 7:00 pm, RCIA, Mystagogia 7:00 pm, RICA, Mystagogia 7:30 pm, Knights of Columbus Volunteers Needed: To make our directory a success we need volunteers. Pete Adams is coordinating volunteers for our new directory. If you are interested in helping during our photography sign-ups, telephoning our members, or serving as a host or hostess during the photography sessions, contact Pete at 540-896-3417 or call the office. WEDNESDAY, MAY 14 4:30 pm, Soup Kitchen 6:00 pm, Daily Mass & Holy Hour 7:00 pm, Kerygma Small Group Prayer 7:00 pm, FLOW Class, basement DO YOU WANT TO JOIN THE KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS? Any Catholic gentleman 18 years or older is eligible. Contact Brett Sinclair at 540-9086765 or kofc9488@gmail.com for more details. Blood Drive on May 18, Annex parking lot, Bloodmobile, 9 am to 1 pm, preregister at vablood.org using code “blessed” or walk-ins are always welcome. THURSDAY, MAY 15 10 am, Mom’s Group 10:30 am, Lectionary Bible Study 11:00 am, Friendship House 12:10 pm, Daily Mass 5:15 pm, Space Committee, Library 7:00 pm, Misa en español 7:00 pm, Men’s Scripture There will be a rigatoni dinner on Tuesday May 27th at 6:30pm in Johnston Hall. $6 per person. Proceeds will support K of C charitable giving. The Knights support programs for the mentally challenged, pro life initiatives, vocations support and have helped support our parish religious education programs. FOOD PANTRY NEWS Month of April 2014: Served 1245 families/4579 individuals Food & staples distributed: 40,000 pounds FRIDAY, MAY 16 9:30 am, FLOW Class 12:10 pm, Daily Mass Special thanks to our generous contributors: Blue Ridge Area Food Bank, Wal-Mart, Kroger, & Martin’s. And many thanks to our parishioners who kindly donate food, diapers, and baby food. Your generosity helps to feed those less fortunate and provides them with some basic essentials that they need. SATURDAY, MAY 17 3:30-4:30 pm, Confessions 4:30 pm, Rosary 5:00 pm, Vigil Mass for Sunday SUNDAY, MAY 18, FIFTH SUNDAY OF EASTER Diocesan Home Missions Collection 7:30 & 9:30 am, Rosary before Masses 8:00 & 10:00 am, English Masses 10:00 am, Nursery 12:30 pm, Rosario 1:00 pm, Misa en español 6 pm, Grupo Kerygma Your donations are always appreciated but remember that for each dollar donated directly to the Pantry, we can buy at least 10 times the amount of food that same dollar buys in a grocery store!!! When you donate to the pantry, please write “Food Pantry” on the memo line of your check. You can also help defray our operating costs by donating: clean used plastic grocery bags and egg cartons. Carts are located in the commons so these items can be dropped off when you attend mass. Thank you for your continued support! Graduation time! If you have a child or grandchild who is graduating from high school or college, we would like to congratulate them in the bulletin. Please send the student’s name, where they are graduating from, future plans, parents’ name, etc. to mmoyers@bsccva.com. We will run these from May 25 through midJune. Volunteers are needed for shifts of 1-3 hours a week for all aspects of the Food Pantry operations. We need: truck/delivery unloaders, stockers & food packers. For more information, please contact Barb Warns 564-2515 (bcwarns@comcast.net) or Peggy Zeh 432-1278 (Peggyazeh@gmail.com) 5 BLESSED SACRAMENT CATHOLIC CHURCH HARRISONBURG, VA COMUNIDAD HISPANA CELBRACION PARA MATRIMONIOS La Diócesis de Richmond pide que la paraja que desea contraer matrimonio Religioso, tenga los Sacramentos de Bautizo, Primera Comunión, Confirmación, y haga cita 6 meses antes de al celebración de la Boda, traer a la primera cita con el sacerdote, ;a Fe o Certificado de Bautizo renovada y que diga que es válida para matrimonio, copias de cert. de Confirmación de los dos, asistir a un Encuentro Pre-matrimonial, si alguno de los dos no tiene algún sacramento aquí hay preparación para hacer el Sacramento que la hace falta, para mayor información llame a la oficina. LEGION DE MARIA La Parroquia de Blessed Sacrament ¡Lo invitamos a participar! Legión de Maria se reúne todos los sábados y martes a las 6:30pm. En el salón 5 del edificio del J. Hall de la Parroquia Realizamos trabajos como: Evangelización puerta a puerta, Visita de la Virgen Peregrina a los hogares Contacto callejero para establecer relación con personas alejadas de la Iglesia Visitas a personas enfermas Entronización del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús INFORMACION DE BAUTIZOS Las clases de Bautizo para bautizar niños de 0 mesas hasta 7 años, ver los panfletos de Mi Bautizo, para fechas, tanto de clases como de Bautizos, pero si hay alguna emergencia y desea bautizar quiere decir que si el niño se encuentra grave o sin condició llame a la oficina, 540-434-0849. ¡Lo esperamos! Para más información ver a Luz Girón, Alicia Bravo o Viliulfo Bautista, Durante la Misa de la 1p.m. o durante las horas de Legión de Maria. Fechas para las charlas, dan los sábados, 4:45 de la tarde: Mayo 3 y 10. Fechas para los Bautizmos: May 3, 17 y 31; Junio 21, Julio 26. GRUPO Kerygma y Alabanza Ven te invitamos al grupo Kerygma, es por medio de cantos, oraciones y reflexiones. Y se reúnen las tardas de los domingos a las 6 pm-8 pm en el Santuario. The spotlight this week shines on La Flor de Mexico Bakery & Pastry Shop Please patronize this advertiser. 6