August - the Tampa Bay Terrier Club


August - the Tampa Bay Terrier Club
Terrier Spotlite
Encouraging and Promoting Quality Terriers
Newsletter of the Tampa Bay Terrier
Aug 2013
From The President
I am granting everyone a reprieve from reading my thought provoking
messages this month. Instead, I am referencing this information from a
chart that was sent to me on "The Intelligence of Dogs." Some of you
may have seen the chart or article before, but I thought it was interesting
on how someone would have the presence of mind and time to complete
a study as detailed as this. My question is ; is there a correlation in intelligence between a dog and the owner? Find your breed and draw your
own conclusions. There is even a test site so you can do your own IQ
test on your dog.
The information printed in this article was adapted from Wikipedia and
can be read in full with the references numbered and cited on the Wikipedia website.
Stanley Coren (born 1942) is a psychology professor and neuropsychological researcher who has become best known to the general public
for a series of books regarding the intelligence, mental abilities and history of dogs. Through television shows and media coverage that has
been broadcast in Canada and the United States as well as overseas, he
has become popular with dog owners, while continuing research and instruction in psychology at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, British Columbia.
According to S. Coren, author of “The Intelligence of Dogs”, there are
three types of dog intelligence:
Adaptive Intelligence (learning and problem-solving ability). This is
specific to the individual animal and is measured by canine IQ
Continued on page 5
Inside this issue:
Board of Directors-continued
Tampa Bay Terrier Club
Officers and Board
Steve Adams
President -Reatha Omodio
Chip Wells
Vice President– Conni Adams
Terrier Spotlite Editor
Tracey Wells
Recording Secretary- Tracey Wells
Treasurer- Jim Omodio
General Meeting Notice
Corresponding Secretary- Ellen Axelrod
From: Ellen Axelrod
Corresponding Secretary
The next general meeting will be at the
Hurricane Party on”
Board of Directors Year 2013
Saturday, August 24 at 3:30 pm
Ellen Axelrods Home
606 Knollwood Dr, Largo
Lorrie Geyer-Limitone
Board Meeting Notice
Randy Limitone
The next board meeting will be held on
Monday, September 9th .Sweet Tomatoes
on South Dale Mabry Highway Tampa,
6:30 eat, 7:30 meeting.
Page 2
Tampa Bay Terrier Club
General Meeting
July 15, 2013
Call to Order Reatha called the meeting to order at 7:40 pm,
Recording Secretary- Tracey- Linda motioned to except the minutes as posted Ellen seconded all in favor
Corresponding Secretary- Ellen- Norma Smith handling Seminar will be held in Perry Ga.
AKC letter states we have several things for our show which was all corrected prior to meeting
Treasurer- Jim Financial reviewed. need trophy money
Committee ReportsMembership-LindaSunshine- Reatha Nothing- Ellen's Birthday today, Happy Birthday Ellen
Breeder Referral- Ellen- Border Terrier referred to Gina
Programs-Conni - not present
Website- Chip . 13,000 hits 80% increase from June, members only page TBTC password
Newsletter- Tracey - Starting a Garage sale section in Newsletter call Tracey to post adds
of items for sale and looking for
FAKC- Conni - not present
Earthdog- Conni / Linda Tracey and Lorrie -Chip motioned to stay at Ocala Lorrie seconded all in favor, Fri Nov 29 will be dig day, Lorrie will be judging Masters, Lorrie will be
See minutes on page 4
Page 3
Minutes from page 3
looking into Yancie and Smith for judging and also contracting with Linda Singleton
Show Chair- Linda- Jan 6-7 Linda - Been approved Best Puppy Best BB Carolyn
Herbal, MJ Carbery. Breed Trophy- Support Guide Dogs, supported entries 2 Poodle,
Dachshund, Kerry Blu and poss Westies. We need to pay for golf carts, Food Vendors .
Tracey will be checking with Sharon on Westie supported entry
Old Business
RDO- New Barker will be supporting at the Home Show Oct 19
News Business– None
Adjourn- 8:46 Chip motioned to adjourn and Ellen seconded all in favor.
Join us on Facebook
Page 4
President from page 1
Instinctive Intelligence. This is specific to the individual animal and is measured by canine IQ
Working/Obedience Intelligence. This is breed dependent.
And, I personally think he’s brilliant.
The author used “understanding of new commands” and “obey first command” as his standards of
intelligence. He surveyed dog trainers and compiled this list of dog intelligence. While this method of
ordering dog intelligence is acceptable for training and working with dogs, it does not apply to the
genetic intelligence which can be measured by ingenuity and understanding of common situations.
[5] The drawback of this rating scale, by the author’s own admission, is that it is heavily weighted towards obedience related behavioural traits (e.g. working or guard dogs), rather than understanding
or creativity (e.g. hunting dogs).
As a result, some breeds may appear lower on the list due to their stubborn or independent nature,
but this nature does not make them unintelligent or impossible to train. The book includes other sections on hunting and other intelligence types, as well a general IQ test that owners can perform on
their dogs; that test is better weighted for ingenuity and independent problem solving, but rankings
were provided only for working intelligence, and are listed below.
1–10 Brightest Dogs
11–26 Excellent Working Dogs
27–39 Above Average Working Dogs
40–54 Average Working/Obedience Intelligence
55–69 Fair Working/Obedience Intelligence
70–79 Lowest Degree of Working/Obedience Intelligence
When Coren's list of breed intelligence first came out there was much media attention and commentary both pro and con. However over the years the ranking of breeds and the methodology used
have come to be accepted as a valid description of the differences among dog breeds in terms of
the trainability aspect of dog intelligence. In addition, measurements of canine intelligence using
Continued on page 6
Page 5
President from page 5
other methods have confirmed the general pattern of these rankings including a new study using
owner ratings to rank dog trainability and intelligence. 79 ranks are given (plus 52 ties), a total of 131
breeds ranked:
Brightest Dogs
Understanding of New Commands: Fewer than 5 repetitions.
Obey First Command: 95% of the time or better.
1. Border Collie
2. Poodle
3. German Shepherd
4. Golden Retriever
5. Doberman Pinscher
6. Shetland Sheepdog
7. Labrador Retriever
8. Papillon
9. Rottweiler
10. Australian Cattle Dog
Understanding of New Commands: 5 to 15 repetitions.
Obey First Command: 85% of the time or better.
11. Pembroke Welsh Corgi
12. Miniature Schnauzer
13. English Springer Spaniel
14. Belgian Shepherd Tervuren
15. Schipperke & Belgian Sheepdog
16. Collie & Keeshond
17. German Shorthaired Pointer
18. Flat-Coated Retriever & English Cocker Spaniel & Standard Schnauzer
19. Brittany
20. Cocker Spaniel
21. Weimaraner
22. Belgian Malinois & Bernese Mountain Dog
23. Pomeranian
24. Irish Water Spaniel
Continued on page 7
Page 6
President from page 6
25. Vizsla
26. Cardigan Welsh Corgi
Understanding of New Commands: 15 to 25 repetitions.
Obey First Command: 70% of the time or better.
Chesapeake Bay Retriever & Puli & Yorkshire Terrier
Giant Schnauzer
27. Airedale Terrier & Bouvier des Flandres
28. Border Terrier & Briard
29. Welsh Springer Spaniel
30. Manchester Terrier
31. Samoyed
32. Field Spaniel & Newfoundland, Australian Terrier, American Staffordshire Terrier, Gordon
Setter, & Bearded Collie
33. Cairn Terrier, Kerry Blue Terrier & Irish Setter
34. Norwegian Elkhound
35. Affenpinscherm, Australian Silky Terrier, Miniature Pinscher, English Setter, Pharaoh Hound
& Clumber Spaniel
36. Norwich Terrier
Upcoming Shows
Central Florida Working Group Association Event Number: 2013668602 Event
Status: Approved
Deland, FL
American Pomeranian Club, Inc. Event
Number: 2013058810 Event Status: Approved Entry fees: $28.00 / $20.00
Event Date
Closing Date
Sep 20, 2013
Sep 4, 2013
Deland, FL
Sep 20, 2013
Sep 4, 2013
Jacksonville Dog Fanciers' Association,
Inc. Event Number: 2013106301 Event
Status: Approved Entry fees:
$28.50 / $20.00
Ocala, FL
Sep 28, 2013
Sep 11, 2013
Jacksonville Dog Fanciers' Association
Event Number: 2013106302 Event
Status: Approved Entry fees:
$28.50 / $20.00
Ocala, FL
Sep 29, 2013
Sep 11, 2013
Page 7
Event Type
Around the Ring
New Barnhunt title
Congratulations to:
Australian Terrier
CH Tak-A Chance Time Honored AX, AXJ, RE, CAA, RatI,
Cairn Terrier - Sanderfield So Sweet earned a 4 point
major and finished her championship on 6/21/13 at the
Cairn Terrier Club of Southern California. She also received an Award of Merit at the Cairn Terrier Club Roving National Specialty on 6/23/13. Tessa is owned and
handled by Jenny Pic.
Heart-Songs Diamond in the Sky (Lucy), Best of
Breed, Jupiter-Tequesta Kennel Club, July 13, 2013,
West Palm Beach, Herb and Gwen Holcomb
Page 8
Around the Ring
New Champion Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier
Ch. Raelyn J'Adore Eiffel "Doree"
July 13 2013 Waukesha Kennel Club
Greater Milwaukee Terrier Specialty
July 26,2013 Best of Opposite
Judge Kathy Clarke
July 27,2013
July 28,2013
Best of Opposite
First weekend out as a Special
Lynn Cone
Raelyn Wheatens
Upcoming Events
General Meeting
August 24, 2013
3:00 at our Hurricane Party
Board Meeting
September 9, 2013 Sweet Tomatoes on N.
Dale Mabry
Tampa/ 6:30 eat/ 7:30 meeting
Hurricane Party
August 24, 2013 at 3 pm,
Bring covered dish, swimsuit and towel at
Ellen Axelrods Home
606 Knollwood Dr, Largo
Meet The Breeds
Border Terrier
Alert, active and agile, the Border Terrier is willing to squeeze
through narrow holes and sprint across any terrain to capture his
quarry: the fox. This persistence made him an excellent working
terrier back in England, and allows him to succeed in Earthdog,
Obedience and Agilty trials today. Known for his "otter" head and
game attitude, the Border is medium-sized with a wiry coat that
may be red, grizzle and tan, blue and tan, or wheaten with a dark
The Border originated in the border country between England and Scotland, and may be
one of the oldest kinds of terriers in Great Britain. Purely a working terrier, the Border
was bred to protect the stock of their owners. They had sufficient length of leg to follow a
horse, but were small enough to follow a fox to ground. Borders on the farm in the 18th
century also had to find their own food, so they had to be good hunters to survive.
While he is as hard as nails in the field, the Border Terrier is good tempered and affectionate in the home. He learns quickly and responds well to obedience training, but must
be kept engaged and well-exercised, as he's an active dog. The Border's weather resistant coat requires occasional brushing and hand stripping approximately twice per year.
Page 10
Meet The Breeds
Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier
As its name implies, the Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier is prized for
its coat, which is soft, silky, with a gentle wave, and of warm
wheaten color. Underneath, however, is a formidable dog that
leaves no doubt as to his terrier origins. Square and mediumsized, he is happy, steady, self-confident and alert to his
Known for more than 200 years in Ireland, the "Wheaten" shares
common ancestry with the Kerry Blue and the Irish Terrier, but was not owned by the landed
gentry. They were the poor man's dog, an all-purpose farm dog, given to patrolling the
borders of small farms, ridding them of vermin, herding sheep and hunting with his master.
Wheatens tend to be less scrappy than other terriers but they are true terriers and will be
more active than many other breeds, enjoying plenty of exercise every day. They relate well
to children and can adapt to city, country, and suburban life. The Wheaten is single coated
and sheds minimally, but needs regular grooming to keep its coat mat free.
If you are considering purchasing a Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier puppy, learn more here.
 Terrier Group; AKC recognized in 1973.
 Ranging in size from 17 to 19 inches tall at the shoulder and weighing between 30 and 40
 Small game hunter; farm dog.
Page 11
Tampa Bay Terrier Club
2014 Show Trophy Donation Form
Trophy Classification Amount ($) Monday, Jan 6, Tuesday Jan 7
Best of Breed $30 / day ____ ____
Best of Opposite Sex $25 / day ____ ____
Best of Winners $25 / day ____ ____
Winners Dog $20 / day ____ ____
Winners Bitch $20 / day ____ ____
Best Junior Handler $25 / day ____ ____
Terrier Group - First $50 / day ____ ____
Terrier Group (2-4) $40 / day ____ ____
TOTAL AMOUNT $_____________
(Please make check payable to the Tampa Bay Terrier Club)
Please Note:
Trophy selection preferences will be honored on a first received basis. If the
class you wish to award is already reserved, your check amount will be applied
to the closest category available. Please indicate below if you would be willing
to sponsor an alternate breed.
Send to: Jim Omodio - Trophy Chair
27746 Pine Point Dr. DUE DATE Wesley Chapel, FL 33544 June 30, 2013
Page 13
Advertising Rates
Full Page: $10 per issue, $75 per Club Year
Half Page: $7 per issue, $55 per Club Year
Quarter Page: $6 per issue, $45 per Club Year
Business Card Ad: $2 per issue, $20 per Club Year
Ad Make-up: $5
Subscription Rate: $15 per Club Year
Photographs: $8 per photo
Whelps with 3 generation pedigree: $5 per issue
New Champion with 3 generation pedigree: $5 per issue
Page 14
Garage Sale
For Sale
Description / image
Item For Sale
Jerry Bock has 2 rugs for sale—$25
Wool Rug - 4' x 6' - machine made
Jerry Bock has 2 rugs for sale—$25
Wool Rug - 8.5' x 2.5' - machine made
Items Being Looked For
Item be Looked For
Name and Contact For Person
Looking for Item
Let us know if you are looking for something that we can list
Page 15
Next Meeting –
August 24, 2013
Terrier Spotlite
Tracey Wells - Editor
8401 MLK Jr St N suite #480
ST Petersburg, FL 33702
First Class Mail
First Class Mail