Arise, My Soul, Arise J JJ
Arise, My Soul, Arise J JJ
Arise, My Soul, Arise For Solo Voice, Violin (opt.) and Piano* CHODAN Charles Wesley (Dan Fonest) DAN FORREST (ASCAP) l Slowly, rubato .l = ca. 60 poco ril. Violin 1ry (minimal vibrao) l Slowly, rubato ri = ca. 60 J JJ Slower, rubato J = ca. 56 my soul, a Slower, rubato J = ca. 56 ufra. I xd fra. *Also available for SAIB Choir (BPl973) or SSA Choir (BP1984), both with Piano and optional Violin. Violin part is on page 64. VCI5L-3 @ Copyright 2012, 2015 by Beckenhorst Press, Inc. All rights resemed. - bleed-ing Sac - ri - fice in ap - pears:- my fore the Throne my Sure-ty stands, Be - fore the Throne my gl assy tone - I i ke Sure-ty hamoni c s ryr Be- stands. My Lord of the Small For Solo Voice and Piano* DANFORREST (ASCAP) Anderson Slow ly,simply mp )=ca,72 rubato e molto espresswo the poor *Also available for SAIB Choir and Piano (BPl887) or SSA Choir and Piano (BPl923) @ Copyright 2010, 2015 by Beckenhorst Press, Inc. All rights reserved. wretch sffeet-- in sor-rows and com wash - es 29 Poco piir mosso ryp J' Praise vcl5L-il to the Lord of the faint and - forts their 16 The King of Love My Shepherd Is For Solo Voice and Piano* ST. Henry W. Baker COLUMBA Ancient Irish Melody Ananged by DAN FORREST (ASCAP) Gently, with pastoral warmth nry I | = ca.82-84 cantabile *Also available for SATB Choir and Piano (BPl688) with optional orchestration (BP1688,{). vclsL-16 @ Copyright 2004, 2015 by Beckenhorst Press, Inc. All rights resemed. vcl5L-17 pedal ad lib 23 A Cradle Carol For Solo Voice and Piano* Rebekah Pringle Molto semplice e rubato )= ca.66 DAN FORREST (ASCAP) setnpre dolcissimo e espressivo p t-' ryp (poco rit.) (a tenpo) - (simile) new-born babe, help-less and small; yet *Also available for SATB Choir and Piano or optional chamber orchestra (BPl824). vcl5L-23 @ Copyright 2008, 2015 by Beckenhorst Press, Inc. All rights reserved. of us hast no for - tune, rank, no fame, no beau - ty, form, or men should place babe T ritl--*_ grace; so hum - ble and atm. -oJ.-d to the soul whose eyes are healed. see Thee and a- 28 And Can It Be? For Solo Voice and Piano* Charles Wesley (1738) PLEW (Dan Fonest) DAN FORREST With wonde " )= " (ASCAP) .6! ryp' ruDa|o, espresswo zd distant, thoughtful pp And and can can -it be? -\J can it- And be? can it be that I should .\-/ An in-t'rest in the Died He for me who caused His Siv-ior's- blood? *Also available for SATB Choir and Piano (BP2027), with optional orchestra (8P2027 A), or as a congregational songsheet (BP2027B). All rights reserued, @ Copyright 2014, 2015 by Beckenhorst Press, Inc. ',-/ For me who Him rjr. death pur - sued? ryp -----shouldst ryp-- 34 Cry No More For Solo Voice and Piano* JohannaAnderson Gently, unhurried J = ca. 80-84 molto espressivo, con rubato *Also available for SATB Choir and Piano (BPl942) vcl5L-34 @ Copyright 2011, 2015 by Beckenhorst Press, Inc. AII rights reserved. DANFORREST (ASCAP) Where the sighs are Christ deep and with-in doubt-fuI And uS, Christ a - mong uS, Christ con moto 22 Love In - car - nate. hold Your the first and 40 How Great Thou Art For Solo Voice and Piano* Swedish Folk Song, Adapted by Stuart K. Hine Arranged by DAN FORREST Stuart K. Hine (ASCAP) Molto maestoso J = ca. 88 great Thou a tempo, withforward motion 3 (voice melody) 'frD. "frD. "!D. *Also available for SATB Choir and Piano (BPl893), SSAA Choir and Piano (BP20l5), and TTBB Choir and Piano (BP20l9). Orchestration available (BP I 8934). 1949, 1953 and this An @ 2015 The Stuart Hine Trust. AII rights in the USA, ils tenitories and possessions, print rights, administered by Capitol CMG Publishing. USA, North Central and South America print rights administered by Hope Publishing Company. All other non US Americas rights administered by The Stuart Hine Trust. Rest ofworld rights administered by Integrily Music UK. AII rights reserved. Used by permission. @ except VCI5L_40 Slower l=ca,69-72 O Lord my -=ryp , verycalm the worlds Thy hands have I thun - der,- Thy pow'r through - out hear the roll-ing 48 An Offering For Solo Voice and Piano* Eileen Berry DANFORREST (ASCAP) (ASCAP) Slowly unfolding )= ca.l2 33 ryp very calm Pedal harmonically poco a poco rit. dim. Unhurried I rl = ca. 63 J.--a Christ, Who spared not an - y nqp *Also available for SAIB chorus and piano with optional chamber orchestra (BPl964) vcl5L-48 @ Copyright 2015 by Beclrenhorst Press, Inc. All rights resemed. solemn, ponderous Nor cost, poured an forth Your re-deem-ing I t r What would That I vcl5L-49 may taste the you have me of - fer, Lord? What must I count That brings me near the as 54 My Jesus I Love Thee For Solo Voice and Piano* William Featherston, 1864 GORDON Adoniram Gordon, 1876 Ananged by DAN FORREST (ASCAP) Molto tranquillo rl = ca. 56 RH singing out; always very freely 3 ryp t=--, Je love- SUS, t1.", A p (sempre simile) 78e *Also available for SATB Choir and Piano (BP1948), with optional string quartet (BPl948A). vcl5L-54 @ Copyright 2011,2015 by Beckenhorst Press, Inc. All rights resemed. fol - I lies re - sign. .freely My gra - cious Re - :: deem 60 The \Mork of Christmas For Solo Voice and Piano* Howard Thurman (1899-1981) DAN FORREST (ASCAP) Slowly, simply, with great freedom J = ca. 76-80 When l^ ' xe *Also available for vct5L-60 a cappella fr^. "Ad ^ xD. the song - AD, SAIB chorus (CUl029). Text used by permission of Friends United Press: Thurman, Howard. "The Work of Christmas," from A Mood of Christmas and Other Celebrations. Friends United Press (, 1985 All rights resemed. @ Copyright 2015 by Beckenhorst Press, Inc. of the Slowlv pp" When the shep - herds Christ-mas heal vcl5L-61 are be - back with their flock, gins: bro - ken, To hun - gry, To re -