Welcome to Online Introductory Microbiology at Clackamas


Welcome to Online Introductory Microbiology at Clackamas
Welcome to Online Introductory Microbiology
at Clackamas Community College
™ Welcome to an exciting way to learn microbiology - online and at home.
You are receiving this letter because you have officially enrolled in BI 234-30,
Introductory Microbiology, at Clackamas Community College.
™ This online orientation packet is gives you directions for getting started in this
course through Blackboard (http://clackamas.blackboard.com).
™ Failure to enroll in Blackboard or to contact your instructor on or before Monday,
January 8, 2007 will result in your administrative withdrawal from the class and
your seat in the class will be forfeited.
™ When you follow the orientation directions in this packet you will be enrolled in
the BI 234-30 Blackboard course for fall term. Your instructor will place you into
a smaller discussion groups as you enroll in Blackboard. You will do most of
your class work in these smaller collaborative groups.
™ Once you enroll into the Blackboard course, it is CRITICAL that you go through
the online orientation as soon as possible. You will find instructions for the
online orientation on the opening page of the class when you login to
Blackboard. You MUST complete this orientation PRIOR to Monday, January 8,
™ Lab kits will NOT be ready and will NOT be needed before the fourth week of the
term. You will be able to pick-up your microbiology lab kit on Wednesday,
January 31 from 8 AM to 5 PM and on Thursday, February 1 from 8 AM to 5 PM at
Clackamas Community College in DeJardin (DJ) 182. Kits will be mailed to
those students geographically distant from the Oregon City campus. To have a
lab kit sent, you MUST PROVIDE your instructor with a CURRENT, VALID STREET
ADDRESS to which the kit can be delivered.
™ As your instructor, I am here to help you be successful! Once again, WELCOME!
I’ll see you online.
How to Get Started in Online Introductory Microbiology
Using your web browser, go to http://clackamas.blackboard.com. This will take you to the login
page for Blackboard as shown below.
If you already have a Blackboard account, click on the “Login” button, provide your username
and password, and skip to step 5 of these instructions.
If you do not have a Blackboard account, click on the “Create Account” button and you will find
the following screen.
Fill in the information requested and click on the “Submit” button at the bottom of the page.
You must provide an accurate email address when you create your Blackboard account. This is
the email address that will go into my file so I can contact you during the term.
Click on the green “Courses” tab near the top of the screen.
In the “Course Search” box on the left side of the screen enter BI 234-30 and click on “G0”.
Locate your course by section number and term, for example BI 234-30 Introductory
Microbiology Online (Winter 2007). Click on the gray “Enroll” button to the right of the class.
You will self enroll using an access code. The access code is microbiology. Enter this case
sensitive word and then click on submit.
The next screen will confirm your self enrollment in the Blackboard class. Click on OK.
The next screen will be the entry screen for BI 234-30. Click on the green “My CCC” tab at the
left hand edge of the screen.
The next time you go to http://clackamas.blackboard.com and login you will see this screen. To
access your online microbiology class, click on the class link in the right hand part of the screen
under “Courses in which you are enrolled”.
You can now start the online orientation for this course. The online orientation topics are found
by clicking on the “Orientation – Start Here” button that will be found in the left frame of the
Go through all the topics presented in the orientation. You MUST complete the orientation
PRIOR to Monday, January 8, 2007 or you may be withdrawn from the class.
The date to start the course work is January 8, 2007. You must stay on schedule if you are to
finish the course. The unit assignment pages will be found by clicking on the “Assignments”
button in the left hand frame. You will do approximately 1 unit each week.
You will do these assignments using your textbook Microbiology, A Human Perspective by
Nester, 5th Edition, McGraw Hill and Introductory Microbiology, An Active Learning Guide by
Christina Strickland, 2nd Edition, Pearson Custom Publ.
Go to http://www.cccbooks.com/Home.aspx and click on the “Textbook Ordering” tab. Scroll
down and click on BI then on BI 234 section 30 to get a list of the books required or to order
books online.
Remember your instructor is only an e-mail away (akapila@clackamas.edu) and is here to help
you. You can also check the faculty information button on Blackboard for current office hours
and phone numbers.
Remember that lab kits will not be available nor needed until the 4th week of the term. Lab kits
will be available for pick-up beginning Wednesday, January 31, 2007 and will be mailed to those
at a geographic distance.
To have a lab kit sent, you MUST PROVIDE your instructor with a CURRENT, VALID STREET
ADDRESS to which the kit can be delivered.
Now that you are enrolled in Blackboard and the class go to the opening “Announcement” page
and click on the “Orientation – Start Here” button in the left hand frame. Go through each topic
and learn the details of how the class is organized and what will be required for you to be
successful in microbiology. . . . . and I’ll “see” you online.