Momr`s SEDUCTToN oF Saxre Cerer.,nue sTIDENT
Momr`s SEDUCTToN oF Saxre Cerer.,nue sTIDENT
v Ecuadorean tallship sailsintobay,81 Yvv vv\ --, Sunday, Jun www. rii.r;r . i:ii' I 'i ,;: -..'"",,r:;ri i:,]i1;$i_.,i.ii Momr's SEDUCTToN oF Saxre Cerer.,nue sTIDENT LED TO AI{ AFFNR AI{D STIATTEREDHER FAITH B y A t E I t RI E I t R IC H lfritxlrit'h(rrrnorrtcrtlhcrtkl.urrrr She was a lFyear-old sophomore at Santa Catalina School. He was a 4Gyear-oldTrappist monk from Massachusetts leading a spiritual retreat. Their on-again,off-againaffair, which ended when she was 28, shatteredher faith. He went on to nationalprominence. The case of Sarah Wilgress and \tncent Dwyer was one of nine that the Diocese of Monterey turned over to the "lfelt rubbed. $o was much lost.l loved the school." , Monterey Counf District Attorney's Office this month. It's a tale of seduction that Wilgress- has come forward to tell 33 years afterit began. Shefeelsbolstered by others across the nation who in the last few months have told their storiesaboutbeing molested by priests. She feels vindicated by a $75,000 financial settle VERN FISHER/The Herald ment she made with Dwyer's $arahWilgness wasa 15-yean-old studentwhenherrclationship began witha $antaGatalina abbey after she complained visitin{pniest. about the aflair. She also still feels haunted 1993. entanglement with regret He left St. Joseph'sAbbey by the memory of dropping out Her inabiliWto bring herself about having been "suscepti- about five years ago for mediof school during her senior to finish school"really hurt," ble" to the priest'scharmsand cal reasons,officialsthere say, year because of depression Wilgress said. "I felt robbed. repeatedlyturning to him over andnowliveswith his brother. over the illicit relationship. It So much was lost. I lovedthe the years when she was A relativeat the familyhome took 22 years and several let- school." vulnerable. in Massachusetts said Dwyer ters to Santa Catalina's longWilgress is now a 4*yearDwyer,now 73,hasgoneon is touring Europeand unable time head of school, Sister Car- old editorat CTBMcGrawHill to nationalprominenceculmilotta O'Donnell, before she got in Monterev.She looks back nating in a recent award by a pageA13 sepSilence Pleu*e her diploma in December on the comptcated nationalorganization of priests. l |'|rt ullence F'rcmn4seA1 When she began her junior y_earat Santa Catalina that fall, Wilgress savored the memories of Dwyer but felt emotionally confused. "I was very worried as to whether I'd ever be able to love anyone else," she said. She felt isolated because "this wasn't a love I could talk about." The love letters continued. She was his rose, he wrote. He sent 17 of them on her 17th birthday. - In the summer of 1970,before her senior year. they mel in Charlone, N.C., wher-ehe was working at a university.She was on her way to Europefor a summe^racademlcprogram. She spent several days with him. She saystheir nights were filled with inrimacy in btd - bur no mtercourse. . Wlgress and Dwyer met up in l,ondon three weeks latei. Wilgress said there was more physical intimacy but no mlercourse. That fail, Wilgress returned to Monterey andJrer senior vear "tired and depressed. I ilept wheneverI could." . She struggled with her ",i"fi.J'ill?iJ1ll,i'tfit'18fi# who marries you wiil have to test !il:.rfrsti{,,examination to be reached for comment . Dwyer rwote frequently about of openness,lovabout Wilgress' allegationi oi the imponanc-eingnessand affirmation' the payme"nt ttt. i"-."iu"J ir Wilgresssa.ysJhlrelationship part of i 1995seftlement, Wilgress hopes what started Decamepnyslcal ^tnat.suffuner, that spring of'1969 n"u"i 6ap shottlvafterher1.6thb$hqav pens [o aiother student- Froft P*yet traveled to the Santa lMilgress interviews, corresponden." und ^Bqb,ara area to -visit a few dayspersonal notes. here is her and her mother for rne evenlngne amved, they all account: She was a willowv l5vear_old had dinner outsideon the porch. when Dwyer came'into"her lile ?*V"l held hands with her in March igOg. Strewas a board_ under the table and ran his ing student at Santa Catalina. han4-sover her legs, Wilgress the prestigious sirl's hish recalled. "I schooi in-nioni"."vlii". fuif,Ti _ wasn't sure this was righr," an account of the had died when she was a babv. she wrote in ,.but relationship, I was hungry Her mother was the librarian it a boy's boarding school near lor the conlact." lhe next day they went to a SantaBarbara. A serious girl, she adapted bill that overlooks the school. well to the academic discirjlne She says they sat and talked, and he ran his hands over her of Santa Catalina. She 'had thoughtsof studvinstheolosvat body, under her shin and inside her shorts - but without mak_ SeattleUniversitv. She'd had a few sweethearts. ing sexualcontact. She liked the show of affecbuthadbareiybeenkissed. tion and thought Wilgress she was -discovhad "finally recovering from the ww ClaSSCS. eredafather." shockoflearningthat ..h____-_^_!r "UWef Sal0 She toid no one about Dwyer previous But she wondered summer that her. long-dead that thgfe Wgfg whether it was right - no family, friends or nun.. rnat ne was toucnlng She kept vwiting to him, bur ielt Iatner nad commtfled "distanced"from him. WhO suicide. ii".. rfrur aiiio* peOple Inside, she said. "I wanted to "Dwyer said that ery. intensified her fvggld ngt ., die." Her conscience continued to stab her. Twice she left school. Dwye^r .fund arrived our at relationrclatiOnShip. .. ^ The second time for good, just three months before sraduation. That fall, Wilgress enrolled in school officials t6 him'a SCOUndfel remembered. "He an experimental college -an in Ire land where she had aflair recalls him as sort of would call him 'a with her tutor, a man 15 years older than she. She wrote a JasonRobardsfigure with thin- scoundrelof a priest.' " ning browri hair and pale skin. Dwyer said ihat he was sexu- Dwyer and told him not to conAt 15, she was drawn to his ally aroused and expressed sur- tact her. Wilgress became pregnant, articulate, thoughtful views on prise. "He asked if I were relationships,"compelling" eyes aroused,and I didn't know what and in 1972 she and thitutor and ability to make her feel to say. I felt odd becauseI really moved to California.There they sp_e_cj4. wasn't sexually aroused,despite had a son and married a lew _Wilgress confided in a nun the touching, and I wondereciif I months iater. about her feelings of fatherless- should be," Wilgress said. - Wilgress was depressed, sister_suggestedshe late one evening, while they though, and felt her husband ta+..with Father P*y"r. were on the porch, the priest was not being supportive. The marriage ended in 1975, when They met in confession, kissed her. which involved strolling the She pulled away immediately, Wlgress was22. The next year she recampus and talking. Afterward, because she felt-"an unmistai<they sat_in thg schooi dining able surge of sexual energy established contact with Dwyer and began writing him. She told room and talked. travei betweenus.,' "I Wilgress recails: "l felt fright- him ofher troubles,andinlgTT . felt.specialand listened to," she recalled. ened ind confused. I knew ihat saw him in San Francisco. "Obviously,no one put a gun Dwyer- .gave hel his East there in the summer dark, some ^ Coast address and telephone incredible sexual intensity, how- to my head" to contact him number. telling her to call him ever momentary, had [assed again, she admits, and takes for her "suscepticoue-ctatany,hme. between us and changed me 1e._qponsibiliff biliSl' to his charms. But ihe Wilgress began correspond- irrevocablv." continuation ofcontact, she said, ing her new con_fidantby Dwyer ' -yrthhim -sheioon left. A few days was "a continuation of my origisending a thank-younote. later, received a lettei on nal vulnerabilifu" lhough, and ,, the no. longer has United Airlines stationery.She those frst letters, she said, "Dw- recalls that it read, ,,1 c6uldn't exploitation. yer was the.irst person.ever to love you more even if you weie s.ayto.m-e,'I love you,' both on my own wife." He also ient her a l-hetelephoneand in letters.He checkforSl00. orfatherlessunoerst-ano our ffi;Xf;", i"""J.lg ffi"dp# i#i"*i"*aonffiwhowourdcal il'o'il,?ij*,i;q""."# " :3i"'nT:"#to;l; lif""," $lei:l ofapriest.' ? Vincent Drvyen, ina phototakenfnomhisbook"lift yourSails:Ihe Ghallenge of Being a Ghristian." In October1981,\Atlgress,28, met the S3-year-oldDwyer for a weekend in New York. It was to be their last meeting - and their most intimate. "On (an) unconsciouslevel, I saw it as a way of finishing off the power play that had taken rootyearsbefore,"she said. She said they had sex several times. "I could feel myself having to be very strong emotionally,for I knew instinctiveiy that there would be no continuing with Dwyer," she recalled. As they prepared to depart at the airport, Dwyer told her as much. "He spoke of 'cloaking' the love," Wilgress recalled. "I don't know whether he meant secrecy or disguiseor denial or a peculiar mixture of all three." Wilgress said she returned home "with feelings of love" for Dwyer, but became more depressed as the months passed. She wrote him of her confusion. He assured her that because of the love she had received, she would be able to love someoneelse. Wilgress became increasingly disillusioned with him, and wrote him less and less. She felt spiritual emptiness, and to this day has no interest in going to church. In October 1991, when Wlgress was 38, she wrote to Dwyer in a ietter the 63-year-o1d she calls "the letter of confrontation." "I don't think you ve meant to be evasive and irresponsible," she wrote, "but you might do well to examine some of your actions." later that month, Dwyer replied: 'lMe both came from 'dvsfunctional families.' and for me it has been a shuggle to find adulthood and maturib'. For a long time, which I never knew, I ooerated out of unfulfilled n-eeds,manipulated people and events in order to secure whatever need was there." Dwyer said he was still dealing with his own "brokenness." "I ask you to give me space and time to deal with my own past as best I can," he wrote. "l hope you can find your way to both forgive and to let go of our oast and to allow me to finish iny journey in solitude." Wilgress month, That refurned to Santa Catalina to finally explain to Sister Carlotta why she had left so abrupfly years before. She said she told her former principal she had been in a "psycho-sexual" relationship with a priest, but never said how they had met or who he was. \4/ilgress said she asked Sister Carlotta to "please,pleasebe sure that this sort of thing didn't happenagain." She said she also asked Sister Carlotta to consider giving her the diploma she had never received,becauseshe had earned enough credits to graduate. She was told the request would be considered. Stlgress said Sister Carlotta did not respond to several letters that she and her therapists sent to request the diploma. Two years later, one of the therapistspressedfor a meeting at the school. At that meeting, Wilgress told Sister Carlottathat the priest was Dwyer. The diploma arrived in the mail the next month. Wilgress says her therapists told her getting the diploma was critical to restoring her selfesteem. Still, she says she remains irritated that the nun didn't seem more upset by her story. She said she felt brushed off when her letters to the sister were not returned. Sister Carlotta,who is now 77, said this month she recalls little of either Dwyer or Wilgress' accusationsagainsthim. "I had no reason not to believe her," she said. She added, 'There were some friendship there Oetween us) and warmth when she spoke." Retreats at Santa Catalina have changed since the one that brought Wilgress and Dwyer together, said Sister Carlotta and her successor,Sister Claire Barone. The rekeats are mostly group events now, but there aren't any rules prohibiting one on-oneconsultationsessions. Sister Claire said Santa Catalina today would immediately reqort such allegations to law enlorcement. "There's heightened sensitivity..... to these matters," she stuo. In 1994, hoping to get help payrng for her therapy bills, \Vilgress took her complaints about Dwyer to the Diocese of Monterey. She also hired a lawyer. Bishop Sylvester Ryan referred her case to Father Damian Carr, prior of St. Joseph's Abbey in Spencer, Mass. According to a copy of the resulting out-ofcourt settlement dated June 21, 1995.the abbey agreed to pay Wilgress $75,000 in exchange for her silence and a waiver of any future liabiliff. 'The parties and Father Vincent Dwyer agree to retain in confidence the terms of this agreementand release,"it reads in part. "Ms. Wilgress-Joneswill not disclose to any person any inJormation regarding this settlement and release except, as appropriate and to the minimal extent necessary,her therapists, religious counselors, attorneys and family members." But Wilgress said she has chosen to come forward, in part because she has been buoyed by the courage of abusevictims who have spoken out nationwide. She flew to Dallas this month to watch the U.S. Conference of Bishops debate changes in policy toward sexually abusive priests. She said she also was motivated by her resenhnent of accolades that Dwyer has received. The priest has become wellknown within the church for his teachings on spiritual develop ment and discovery and his books and tapes offered for sale on the St. Joseph'sAbbey Web site. His works include "lift your Sails: The Challenge of Being a Christian," "Spiritual Renewal Today" and a human and spiritual development pro gram called"Genesis2." In 1998.Dwyer was the recipient of the President's Award from the National Federation of Priests' Councils. According to the federation's Web site, it is given for "an outstanding career the best of exemplilying priesthood." Alex Friedrich can be reached at 648-1172. t, "t' ERALD, SUNDAY, JUNE 23,2002 . . A13 Herald VERN FISHER/The durin$hersenior outofschool ol.droP.qitlg bythememorry Wilgress saysshestillfeelshaunted Sarah Dwyer. withVincent overhenrclationship yearinniEn 0fdepressign because schooi {