fish map 2006 - Delaware Department of Natural Resources
fish map 2006 - Delaware Department of Natural Resources
Trout Fishing Information Blue Crabs 6 limit is reached provided all additional trout are released immediately with the least possible injury. Trout fishermen are reminded that they remain subject to rules, regulations, and policies of the state parks when on park land. Similarly, possession of a trout stamp does not guarantee rights of access or parking privileges on privately owned lands and fishermen should respect the privilege of using private property. The 2006 freshwater trout season in New Castle County opens at 7:30 a.m. Saturday, April 1 Delaware's freshwater trout program is a self-supporting putand-take fishery in selected streams in northern New Castle County. The fees paid for trout stamps are used to purchase trout from commercial hatcheries. Rainbow, brown and/or brook trout are stocked in selected streams within two weeks of the spring opening date and for an additional period of time into the season. Since Delaware stream temperatures are marginal at best for trout survival in the summer and no reproduction has been noted, stocked fish are meant to be taken. 1. The following are designated trout streams in northern New Castle County. See New Castle County map at right for locations ! ( 52 " ) 100 Brandywine Creek 82 ! ( ! ( License and Stamp Requirements 100 2. No fishing is permitted in any designated trout stream within two weeks of the opening day of spring trout season, which is the first Saturday in April. 3. On opening day in the spring, legal trout fishing on designated trout streams begins at 7:30 a.m. On all other days, trout fishing begins at one-half hour before sunrise. Fishing in designated trout streams is prohibited after one-half hour past sunset. 4. The daily limit for trout is six in possession. Once an angler takes and possesses six trout in any day, he or she is prohibited from fishing in a designated trout stream during the remainder of that day. 5. A stream or portion thereof may be designated as a restricted trout stream. Only artificial flies having one single pointed hook and a fly rod may be used. There may not be more than two flies on a line at one time. The use of any metallic, wooden, plastic or rubber spinners, spoons, lures, plugs, and/or natural bait is prohibited in a restricted trout stream. See White Clay Creek above. 6. The possession limit of trout on a restricted trout stream is four. Furthermore, the possession of more than four trout within 50 feet of any restricted trout stream is prohibited. A person may continue to fish on a restricted trout stream once the possession 141 4 2 ! ( 34 ! ( " )4 Bellefonte Fox Point 495 £ " )8 " )9 95 § ¦ ¨ Newport 16 " ) " ) 2 295 £ 141 " )7 " )9 ! (9 " )4 Newark 13 £ ¤ Elsmere 1 In an effort to provide a diversity of fishing experiences, the Division of Fish and Wildlife has been stocking trout into two ponds during a cold time of the year when trout can be expected to survive. (Trout generally require temperatures below 75o F .) Tidbury Pond in Kent County will be stocked March 2 and 16, as will Blockhouse Pond behind Beebe Hospital in Lewes in Sussex County. Kent County Parks & Recreation, the owners of Tidbury Pond, urges anglers to be respectful of the vegetative plantings and the fences erected to protect this vegetation. Trout Stamp provisions that apply in designated trout streams will also apply to any pond so stocked with trout, except that trout stamp requirements will not be enforced in ponds stocked with trout from April 1 through February 28. There will be no closed season for trout fishing in any pond so stocked, including stocking days. The daily limit is six trout per day. Once a person takes and possesses six trout in any day, he or she is prohibited from fishing in that pond during the remainder of that day. " )2 141 Wilmington White Clay Creek 896 Trout Pond Stocking 41 " ) 3 72 ! ( £ ¤ 13 BR ± ³ " ) 7 White Clay Creek Wilmington 48 " ) ± ³ Most access to these streams is through and on private property or state park land. Each fisherman should respect the privilege of using private property. 95 § ¦ ¨ Bellevue New Castle ± ³ 1 Christina Creek Maryland line through Rittenhouse Park 2 White Clay Creek Pennsylvania line to the downstream side of Paper Mill Road. White Clay Creek from a point 25 yards above Thompson Bridge at Chambers Rock Road to the Pennsylvania state line is designated as a restricted trout stream for fly fishing only. 3 Pike Creek Rt. 72 to Henderson Rd. 4 Mill Creek Brackenville Rd. To Rt. 7 5 Wilson Run Rt. 92 through Brandywine Creek State Park 6 Beaver Run Pennsylvania line to Brandywine River ! ( 5 " ) The blue crab is common in all the tidal waters of Delaware. It is a popular recreational resource and tops the list of the state’s economically important marine fish and shellfish. Blue crabs grow very quickly and reach maturity in 12 to 18 months. Most do not live beyond two years under current exploitation levels. In order to grow, a blue crab must shed its shell and form a new shell. This process is repeated up to 18 times to attain maximum length. It is legal to take crabs at three stages, but to get the most yield in weight out of a crab, they should reach a minimum length before being harvested. This is measured from tip to tip of the back shell. The minimum legal length for each stage is: Peeler 3 inches Soft shell 31/2 inches Hard shell 5 inches (except mature females) Mature females are identified by the rounded apron on their under side. Once this stage of development is achieved, females stop growing. Because a portion of the female population does not reach five inches before achieving maturity, the minimum size requirement has been dropped. Females bearing eggs, commonly known as sponge crabs, may not be taken and should be returned to the water immediately. Recreational crabbers may use two pots without a license, however the person claiming to own the pots must tend them. These pots must be marked with all white buoys with the owner’s full name and permanent mailing address inscribed either on the buoy or on a waterproof tag attached to the buoy. All crab pots must be tended at least once every 72 hours. All crab pots must be removed from the water between December 1 and February 28. Recreational crabbers may use a trot line (no length limit) and any number of hand lines or traps. The recreational daily limit is one bushel per person. A by-catch reduction device is required to be attached in each funnel entrance of a recreational crab pot to reduce the possibility of diamondback terrapins entering and drowning. A by-catch reduction device is a rigid rectangular frame of plastic or metal that measures 1.75 inches x 4.75 inches and is available at local tackle shops. Arden 261 41 1. Residents 16 years of age and older but not over 65 years old are required to have a fishing license ($8.50). 2. Residents 12 through 15 years old, are required to have a Young Angler Trout Stamp ($2.10). Residents 16 years and older but not over 65 are required to have a trout stamp ($4.20) when fishing in a designated trout stream on or between the first Saturday in April and June 30 and on or between the first Saturday in October and November 30 of the same year. 3. Non-residents 16 years of age and older are required to have a license ($15.00 annually or $5.20 for seven consecutive days). 4. Non-residents 12 years of age and older are required to have a trout stamp ($6.20) when fishing in a designated trout stream on or between the first Saturday in April and June 30 and on or between the first Saturday in October and November 30. Trout stamps are available from license agents or the Division of Fish and Wildlife. A trout stamp is not valid unless it is signed across its face in ink. 92 ! ( 92 ! ( ± ³ Freshwater Trout Fishery 273 " )2 95 § ¦ ¨ New Castle County Designated Trout Streams ± ³ ! (9 896 Jimmy Ommelanden Hunter Safety Training Center £ ¤ 40 Becks Pond Sook Mature Male Mature Female She-crab Orange eggs under the apron Immature Female Sponge Crab Female with eggs ! ( 92 ! ( 100 82 ! ( 52 ) " ! ( " ) 41 ) " ! ( Wilmington " 72 ! ( 40 £ ¤ " ± ³ 71 ) " 72 ! ( )1 " Lums Pond 33 " Outboard Service, Wilmington........(302) 999-8735 NewRudy’s Castle County Delaware Marina, Delaware City (302) 834-4172 KentCity County Eastern Marine, Newark .................... (302) 737-6603 Hi-Rise Bait & Tackle, Frederica.................(302) 335-4885 Carlisle’s Marine, Newark .................. (302) 737-0100 Smith’s Bait & Tackle, Leipsic.....................(302) 744-9140 Tackle Box, New Castle .................... (302) 322-4307 Sonny’s Bait & Tackle, Frederica................(302) 335-4675 Rudy’s Outboard Service, Wilmington (302) 999-8735 Fort Delaware Delaware City Kent County 5 C&D Canal " Sussex County Hi-Rise Bait & Tackle, Frederica ........ (302) 335-4885 Beach Lewes .................................(302) 645-7066 Smith’s BaitMarine, & Tackle, Leipsic ............ (302) 744-9140 Bill’sBait Sport& Shop, Rehoboth........................(302) 645-7654 Sonny’s Tackle, Frederica ....... (302) 335-4675 Bob’s Marine Service,Dover Inc., Oceanview ......(302) 539-3711 Office of Fish & Wildlife, .......... (302) 739-9078 DuPont ! (9 C&D Canal 15 ! ( ± ³ Island 15 ! ( 301 13 £ ¤ Augustine Odessa 17 ± ³ " Middletown 299 301 £ ¤ Sturgis Marine, Seaford ..................... Taylor Marine Center, Milford ............. Walker’s Marine, Seaford ................... Indian River Marina ............................ Old Inlet Bait & Tackle ........................ ! (9 (302) (302) (302) (302) (302) 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 13 £ ¤ ! (9 Woodland Beach 15 ! ( 629-3581 422-9177 629-8666 277-3071 227-7974 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Clayton ± ³ 15 ! ( 300 42 ! ( Bombay Hook National Wildlife Refuge Garrisons Masseys Lake 10 Millpond 17 " " Cheswold )1 " 15 ! ( £ ¤ ± ³ Kenton 44 ) " Hartly ! (9 13 8 Little Creek "8 ) Moores Lake 21 " Wyoming 15 ! ( " " McGinnis Pond 19 Coursey Pond 7 Felton 32 " Killens Pond " )1 " 18 " 15 ! ( Milford Neck " " " 36 ! ( Slaughter Beach # Site 5 "1 ) Prime Hook National Wildife Refuge 30 ! ( ± ³ 36 ! ( Ellendale 13 £ ¤ Seaford Concord Pond 6 " " Blades 21 Craigs Pond 8 " " " " Tussock Pond 27 ! ( 5 23 ! ( 24 " ) £ ¤ 9 £ ¤ 20 ! ( " " " " " " 35 " Trap Rosedale Beach 20 " ! (5 Frankford 20 ! ( " 54 ! ( Delmar 31 " In general, any shark with teeth is a large coastal, small coastal or pelagic shark and is managed. It is illegal to remove their fins or fillet them prior to landing them on shore. They must be released unharmed when returned to the water. For more information on managing sharks - contact the Fisheries Section at (302) 739-9914. Indian River Marina Ocean View Bethany Beach Millville 17 ! ( Assawoman Canal South Bethany ) " Assawoman 1 ! ( 30 26 " ) 17 ! ( 54 ! ( Selbyville "1 54 ! ( 20 ! ( Ä 7.5 10 Miles Site 11# Fenwick Island Fenwick Island Site 10# The eleven artificial reef sites (8 in Delaware Bay and 3 in the Atlantic Ocean) have been deployed to create fish habitat for tautog, scup and sea bass. Most are materials of opportunity (discarded concrete and a tugboat at site 8). For more information on fishing artificial reefs, see the reverse side. A Delaware Reef Users Guide is available from the Division of Fish and Wildlife, (302) 739-4782. Site 1 Site 2 Site 3 Site 4 Site 5 Site 6 Site 7 Site 8 Site 9 Site 10 Site 11 39o 39o 39o 39o 39o 38o 38o 38o 38o 38o 38o 38o 38o 38o 38o 15.559' N 11.347' N 11.087' N 13.70' N 13.544' N 54.089' N 57.892' N 56.511' N 51.892' N 52.080' N 40.080' N 36.890' N 40.702' N 40.703' N 40.718' N 75o 75o 75o 75o 75o 75o 75o 75o 75o 75o 74o 74o 74o 74o 74o 20.689' W 18.425' W 16.879' W 16.4' W 16.074' W 11.665' W 19.28' W 18.896' W 18.054' W 18.094' W 59.569' W 56.545' W 43.531' W 43.518' W 43.550' W Ä Ä Ä 26 " ) Millville Ocean View Dagsboro 20 ! ( Center of Area: o 38 31' 34" o 75 01' 56" Bethany Beach 17 ! ( South Bethany " )1 17 ! ( 54 ! ( Seasonally Approved: Shellfish harvesting is allowed from Dec.1 thru April 15. Eelgrass: information to the right of this box *The area was subsequently designed for use in conducting resource enhancement experiments and other scientific research. Please watch out for signs and/or PVC poles. Low-impact use of this area is welcomed. Future generations will benefit from your concern and your caution. Little Assawoman Bay 20 ! ( Selbyville Approved: Shellfish harvesting is allowed. Artificial Reef Lat/Long Delaware Seashore Dagsboro 5 "1 ) 30 " Indian River Bay Large coastal sharks, small coastal sharks and pelagic sharks are greatly over fished. Only one Frankford per vessel is allowed. It must be 54 inches or longer fork length. Spiny dogfish are managed under a fishery management plan. There is no possession limit or minimum size limit on dogfish. Nevertheless, dogfish should be conserved. # Site 9 Holts Landing 26 ) " Raccoon 34 Pond 13 £ ¤ " Piney Point Millsboro 26 " ) 24 ) " Pond 24 " ) 24 ) " Midlands Trussum Pond 36 24 ) " 23 ! ( Millsboro Pond 20 Ingrams15 Pond " Dewey Beach Bluff Point 13 Masseys Landing ! (5 Prohibited Shellfish Harvesting & Resource Protection Area: Shellfish harvesting for any reason is prohibited.* Delaware Seashore 113 Horsey 14 Pond Love Creek 30 ! ( Chipman Records Pond Pond 5 4 24 Laurel The above sharks are four of the most common found in the Delaware Bay. The sand tiger shark is on the prohibited list in the Shark Management Plan and therefore it is not allowed to be possessed. They should be returned to the water unharmed. There are 18 other sharks on the prohibited list, including the dusky shark (Carcharhinus obscurus) and white shark (Carcharodon carcharias). Ä Ä Delaware waterways are becoming more crowded and over the past several years Delaware recorded numerous boating accidents involving boats running over other boats. Therefore, boaters must keep a constant lookout for other vessels even if you feel you have the right of way. Maintain a slow-no-wake speed within 100 ft of other vessels or when visibility is limited. Slow-no-wake shall mean as slow as possible without losing steerage way and so making the least possible wake (this almost always means speeds of less than 5 miles per hour). Responsibility of Operator The operator of any vessel on the waters of this state shall be legally responsible for injuries, damages to life, limb or property caused by his/her vessel or vessel wake. Safe Boat Speed Every vessel shall at all times proceed at a safe speed to avoid collision and be stopped within a distance appropriate to the prevailing circumstances and conditions. Slow-No-Wake 100 ft Rule (Headway Speed) The speed of all vessels on the waters of this state shall be limited to a Slow-No-Wake speed when within 100 ft of: any shoreline where slow-no-wake signs have been erected by the Department, 100 ft from floats, docks, launching ramps, marked swimming areas, swimmers, anchored or moored or drifting vessels. Except for the waters of Delaware’s Inland Bays contiguous to incorporated areas and on Delaware waters other than the Atlantic Ocean, no person shall operate a personal watercraft (PWC) at any speed greater than headway speed unless said PWC is at least 100 ft from all wharfs, piers, docks, boat launching areas, pilings, bridge structures or abutments, moored, drifting or anchored vessels, all non-motorized vessels, and any shoreline and at least 300 ft from all people in the water; provided however, that the provisions of this subsection shall not apply to the waters of the Nanticoke River. Within the waters of Delaware’s Inland Bays contiguous to incorporated areas and on Delaware waters of the Atlantic Ocean, no person shall operate a PWC at any speed greater than headway speed unless said is at least 300 ft from all wharves, piers, docks, boat launching areas, pilings, bridge structures or abutments, moored, drifting or anchored vessels, all non-motorized vessels, any shoreline and all people in the water. USE CAUTION WHEN OPERATING A VESSEL - SLOW-NO-WAKE IS A COMMON SENSE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE BOAT OPERATOR! COLLISION IS THE NUMBER ONE CAUSE OF BOATING ACCIDENTS IN DELAWARE. Life Jackets/Education All recreational vessels must have one Type I, II, or III Personal Floation Device (PFD) on board for each person on board. Vessels 16 feet and over in length, must have one Type IV PFD (throwable) for the vessel. Children 12 and under must wear a life jacket while the vessel is underway. All persons born after January 1, 1978 must complete an approved boating safety class to operate a vessel on Delaware waters. Registration Registration, numbering and marking of undocumented vessels equipped with any type of motor must be registered in Delaware if principally used (a period of more than 60 days) in this state. The registration card or valid temporary registration card must be on board when the boat is in use (302) 739-9916. For a complete copy of Delaware’s boating laws contact Delaware Boating Law Administrator, Division of Fish and Wildlife, Enforcement Section, 89 Kings Highway, Dover, DE 19901 or call (302) 739-9913. Always wear a life jacket and take a boating safety course. Call (302) 739-9915 for information on boating safety classes in your county. To report boating accidents call 1-800-523-3336. 2.5 " )1 23 ! ( Prohibited: Shellfish harvesting for any reason is prohibited. 0 Dewey Beach Rehoboth Bay Boating Safety Guidelines Rehoboth Beach )1 " Angola Neck Preserve Old Furnace 20 ! ( 13 £ ¤ Cape Henlopen 24 " ) 23 ! ( Spiny Dogfish - Squalus acanthias - Dark gray to brownish-gray with random white spots on sides. Easily identified by a sharp spine located at the leading edge of both the first and second dorsal fins. Commonly caught in cold water by anglers targeting mackerel or striped bass. No daliy limits on catches. 9 £ ¤ Georgetown " 10 23 Portsville Pond " 404 18 ) " Hearns Pond 13 " Lewes 12 ± ³ ± ³ 18 Bethel 14 " 30 ! ( Redden 404 Beach Plum Island Nature " Milton Bridgeville Nanticoke Robert L. Graham Tract 18 "1 ) Wagamons Pond 28 113 £ ¤ Marshy Hope 18 ) " Prime Hook " 16 " ) ! ( # #Site 8 Waples 29 Pond 16 " ) Greenwood # Site 7 6 " 36 ! ( 404 20 " ) # Site 6 Tub Mill Pond 26 113 £ ¤ ) " Federal Lands State Parks Taber 16 State Forests # Site 3 " " " " Farmington Towns Frederica " Artificial Reefs Fish and Wildlife Areas Silver Lake Houston Griffith Lake11 12 25 15 Haven Milford Blairs 4 Lake Pond 1 Abbotts Pond 13 £ ¤ # ##Site 4 Bowers Beach 3 14 " ) Harrington Legend 113 £ ¤ McColley Pond 14 " ) ................................. 20 ............................... 100 ............................... 200 ................................. 17 .................... along road ............................... 150 ................................. 20 ................................. 20 ............................... 120 ................................. 10 ............................... 100 ................................. 50 ............................... 100 ................................. 20 ................................. 10 ................................. 51 ................................... 2 ................................. 50 ................................. 75 ................................. 30 ................................. 93 ................................... 7 ................................. 10 ................................. 50 " Magnolia Viola 12 ! ( Assawoman Wildlife Area/Little Assawoman Bay .................... X2 .......................... 2 Augustine Beach/Delaware River ............................................. X2 ......................... 1 Bowers Beach/Delaware Bay ................................................... X5 .................... none Broad Creek (Laurel below Records Pond spillway) ............ none ....................... X1 Canal Wildlife Area/C&D Canal ............................................ none ....................... X4 Cedar Creek/Delaware Bay ...................................................... X8 .................... none Christina River/Churchman's Rd. ............................................. X1 .................... none Christina River/7th Street Park (Wilmington) ** .................. closed .......................... 1 Collins Beach/Delaware Bay .................................................... X3 .......................... 1 Edward R. Koch/Broad Creek (bank fishing area only) ........ none .................... none Fort DuPont State Park ............................................................. X3 .................... none Lewes/Delaware Bay ................................................................ X3 .................... none Masseys Landing/Indian R./Rehoboth Bay) ............................. X4 ....................... X1 Milton/Broadkill River ................................................................ X1 ....................... X2 Mispillion River/N.E. Front Street .............................................. X1 .......................... 1 Newport Boat Ramp (Christina River) ...................................... X2 .................... none Odessa/Appoquinimink Creek .................................................... 1 .................... none Phillips Landing/Broad Crk/Nan. River (bank fishing) .............. X3 .................... none Port Mahon/Delaware Bay .......................................................... 3 .......................... 1 Rosedale Beach/Indian River ................................................... X2 ....................... X1 Seaford/Nanticoke River ........................................................... X4 ....................... X1 St Jones River/Lebanon Landing ............................................... 1 ....................... X1 St. Jones River/Scotton Landing ................................................ 1 ....................... X1 Woodland Beach/Delaware Bay ................................................. 1 ....................... X1 Ted Harvey Conservation Area 16 23 " " 15 Andrews ! ( 13 £ ¤ 2 Lake " 12 ! ( Norman G. Wilder Parking Capacity A Woodside ! ( # of Piers ! (9 22 " Camden 113 Derby 9 Pond 10 ! ( Mud Millpond 22 £ ¤ # of Ramps Rehoboth Beach 24 " ) All motor boats launched from tidal access areas administered by the Division of Fish and Wildlife must be registered in Delaware or have a valid ramp certificate. Ramp certificates cost $35.00 and are available from the Division of Fish and Wildlife or its authorized agents. X Barrier Free Boarding Docks at these locations **Ramp will remain closed until further notice. Once it reopens, an annual city permit is required to use the facility Little Creek Dover ) " Site 2 # 19 " 15 ! ( 44 ) " 10 # Site 1 Leipsic 300 ......................... no ......................... no ....................... yes ....................... yes ....................... yes ....................... yes ........................ no Division of Fish and Wildlife Tidal Fishing Fishing Access Areas Smyrna ! (6 Smooth Dogfish - Mustelus canis - Known locally as the sand shark, this harmless species is extremely common in the Delaware Bay along the coast and in the bays. Gray to gray-brown and ranging up to 5 feet in length. Large first and second dorsal fins, with “sandpaper-like” teeth. No daily limit on catches. There is a slow no-wake speed limit on ponds and lakes administered by the Division of Parks and Recreation and the Division of Fish and Wildlife. No gasoline motors are allowed on Trussum Pond, Raccoon Pond and Becks Pond. 24 " 6 ! ( ! (6 Clamming Maps and Legend Boat Rentals State Park Facilitites Lums Pond ................................................................................................................................................. 16 rowboats Killens Pond .................................................................................................................................................. 8 rowboats Trap Pond ................................................................................................................................................... 12 rowboats 9 " Blackbird Blackiston Indian River Marina at Indian River Inlet ....................................... Tidal ............................. yes Holts Landing State Park nr. Ocean View .................................. Tidal ............................. yes Killens Pond nr. Felton .................................................................... 75 ................ unimproved Lums Pond nr. Kirkwood ............................................................... 189 ............................. yes Raccoon Pond nr. Laurel (No Gasoline Motors) ............................ 14 ............................... no Trap Pond nr. Laurel ..................................................................... 107 ............................. yes Trussum Pond nr. Laurel (No Gasoline Motors) ............................. 73 ................ car top only Area/location 15 ! ( As part of its activities for National Fishing Week, June 3-11, the Delaware Division of Fish and Wildlife will hold its Twentieth annual youth fishing tournament from 10 a.m.-1 p.m., Saturday June 10. The event will take place at Ingrams Pond in Millsboro, Wyoming Pond in Town Park, Wyoming, and at the Lums Pond State Park dog training area. This fishing event is for youths ages 4 to 15. An adult must accompany youths under age 12 and contestants should bring their own fishing equipment. The tournament is free to the public and prizes will be awarded in three age groups: 4-7; 8-11; and 12-15. The tournament was established to introduce youth to the sport of fishing and to teach the catch and release approach to conservation. There is no pre-registration nor entrance fees required and the tournament is held rain or shine. In addition to the fishing tournament celebrating National Fishing Week, the Division has designated June 10 and 11 as free fishing days when anyone may fish in Delaware’s non-tidal waters without a fishing license. " )1 The Division of Parks and Recreation administers the following boat launch areas. A daily/seasonal entry fee may be required: Townsend Cedar Swamp 20th Annual Youth Fishing Tournament Closed dusk to dawn * Call for Appointment (302) 739-9120. Cedar Creek Bait & Tackle, Milford ............(302) 422-4227 Duke’sCounty Boat Sales, Millsboro.......................(302) 945-1111 Sussex FullMarine, Tilt Marine, Millsboro............................(302) 947-1122 Beach Lewes ........................ (302) 645-7066 Bait Rehoboth & Tackle, Lewes ..................(302) 645-8106 Bill’sHenlopen Sport Shop, ............... (302) 645-7654 Harbor Marina, 645-6227 Bob’sLewes Marine Service, Inc.,Lewes.....................(302) Oceanview (302) 539-3711 C.H. McKinney Sons, Rehoboth .............(302) 277-8800 Cedar Creek Bait &&Tackle Milford ..... (302) 422-4227 Duke’s Sales, Millsboro ............. (302) 945-1111 Rt. Boat 113 Boat Sales, Selbyville.....................(302) 436-1737 Full Tilt Marine, Millsboro ................... (302) 947-1122 Shorts Marine, Long Neck..........................(302) 945-1200 Henlopen & Tackle, Lewes ......... (302) 645-8106 SturgisBait Marine, Seaford..............................(302) 629-3581 Lewes Harbor Marina, Lewes (302) 645- 422-9177 6227 Taylor Marine Center, Milford............ .....................(302) C.H. Walker’s McKinney & Sons, Rehoboth ..... (302) 277-8800 Marine, Seaford ...........................(302) 629-8666 Rt. 113 Boat Sales, Selbyville ............ (302) 436-1737 Indian River Marina ....................................(302) 277-3071 Shorts Neck................................(302) ................. (302) 945-1200 OldMarine, Inlet BaitLong & Tackle 227-7974 2 Reedy " Sandbar Shark - Carcharhinus plumbeus - Also known as the brown shark. Color dark gray to brown on back, fading almost to white on belly. A heavy - bodied shark with a large first dorsal fin that begins at a point located at the middle of the pectoral fin. One of the most common sharks caught in Delaware waters. Limit 1/day-Minimum size 54” from tip of snout to fork in tail (fork length) X Office of Fish & Wildlife, Dover...................(302) 739-9078 11 " Fort Sand Tiger - Odontaspis taurus - Gray-brown to tan with dark spots. Length to 10.5 feet. First and second dorsal fins nearly equal in size. Teeth long, curved and not serrated. Protected species, none may be retained. X Delaware City Marina, Delaware City.........(302) 834-4172 Eastern Marine, Newark .............................(302) 737-6603 Authorized Sales Outlets Carlisle’s Marine, Newark...........................(302) 737-0100 of Tackle Ramp Certificates Box, New Castle..............................(302) 322-4307 New Castle Ommelanden Hunter Safety Training Center 301 £ ¤ 896 Authorized Sales Outlets Fishing Access Areas of Ramp Certificates Artificial Reef Sites New Castle County 273 3 Becks Pond Fishing Map 295 141 7 " § ¦ ¨ Fishing Access Areas Artificial Reef Sites £ ± ³ Newport 16 95 40 £ ¤ 8 " § ¦ ¨ ± ³ "2 ) £ 95 )4 " "4 ) Newark Fishing Map 495 )4 " ) " 896 Bellevue Fox Point Elsmere White Clay 2 Creek 95 3 Bellefonte 141 White Clay72 Creek ! ( ! ( !( § ¦ ¨ Wilmington ± ³ )7 " Area/Location Size Acres Boat Ramp Bank Fishing 1 Abbotts Pond nr. Milford .................................................................. 17 ............................. yes ....................... yes 2 Andrews Lake nr. Frederica ............................................................ 18 ............................. yes .................. limited 3 Becks Pond nr. Newark (No Gasoline Motors) ......................... 25 ............................. yes ....................... yes 4 Blairs Pond nr. Milford ..................................................................... 29 ............................. yes ....................... yes 5 Chipman Pond nr. Laurel ................................................................ 52 ............................. yes ....................... yes 6 Concord Pond nr. Seaford .............................................................. 77 ............................. yes .................. limited 7 Coursey Pond nr. Frederica ............................................................ 58 ............................. yes ....................... yes 8 Craigs Pond nr. Seaford .................................................................. 12 ............................. yes ....................... yes 9 Derby Pond nr. Woodside ............................................................... 23 ............................. yes ....................... yes 10 Garrisons Lake nr. Smyrna ............................................................. 86 ............................. yes ....................... yes 11 Griffith Lake nr. Milford .................................................................... 32 ............................. yes ....................... yes 12 Haven Lake nr. Milford .................................................................... 82 ............................. yes .................. limited 13 Hearns Pond nr. Seaford ................................................................ 53 ............................. yes ....................... yes 14 Horsey Pond nr. Laurel ................................................................... 46 ............................. yes ....................... yes 15 Ingrams Pond nr. Millsboro ............................................................. 24 ............................. yes ....................... yes 16 Logan Lane Pond nr. Kitts Hummock* .............................................. 2 ............................... no ...................... only 17 Masseys Mill Pond nr. Smyrna ....................................................... 30 ................ unimproved .................. limited 18 McColley Pond nr. Frederica .......................................................... 49 ............................... no .................. limited 19 McGinnis Pond nr. Canterbury ........................................................ 31 ............................. yes ....................... yes 20 Millsboro Pond nr. Millsboro (5 H.P. maxium) ............................... 101 ............................. yes .................. limited 21 Moores Lake nr. Dover .................................................................... 27 ............................. yes ....................... yes 22 Mud Mill Pond nr. Marydel .............................................................. 60 ............................. yes ....................... yes 23 Portsville Pond nr. Portsville ........................................................... 15 ............................ yes .................. limited 24 Records Pond nr. Laurel ................................................................. 92 ............................. yes ................ yes/pier 25 Silver Lake nr. Milford ..................................................................... 29 ............................... no .................. limited 26 Tubmill Pond nr. Milford .................................................................... 5 ............................. yes .................. limited 27 Tussock Pond nr. Portsville ............................................................... 9 ............................. yes .................. limited 28 Wagamons Pond nr. Milton ............................................................. 41 ............................. yes ....................... yes 29 Waples Pond nr. Milton ................................................................... 51 ................ unimproved .................. limited 261 141 100 48 Arden ± ³ 41 " ) Brandywine Creek Common Sharks in the Delaware Bay Division of Fish & Wildlife Non-Tidal Fishing Access Areas Fenwick Island Eelgrass beds are a valuable aquatic habitat to the fish and shellfish communities of the Inland Bays. Eelgrass is a short ( 2 ft.) rooted vascular plant with long (12”) narrow (1/ 8 in.) blades found in shallow water (< 3’deep), creating dense beds that harbor a diverse community of beneficial marine wildlife. Eelgrass has been planted through a transplantation program, from native beds in Chincoteaque Bay, VA. The transplants were relocated to eastern portions of Indian River Bay that meet the plants’ water quality habitat requirements, clear water low in dissolved nutrients. Within a year of transplanting the plants produce seeds, which are then naturally dispersed, increasing the bed density. Threats to the Eelgrass beds include smothering by excessive algae growth and uprooting by disturbances from boat prop scarring and clam raking within the bed. The known Eelgrass beds are marked with Resource Protection Area Habitat signs and surrounded with white PVC pole markers. Transplanting Eelgrass is a difficult and labor intensive process, so please help protect this valuable resource by avoiding these areas, particularly any boating or shellfishing within the marked bed areas. By restoring Eelgrass, it will mean a healthier and more productive future for our Inland Bays. For further information on this effort, please call the Division of Water Resources at (302) 739-9939. No Shellfish harvesting is allowed in the areas marked red. This includes all non-tidal and impounded water. Shellfish harvesting is allowed from December 1 through April 15 in the yellow areas. This is your protection against contracting shellfish-borne disease. This is also the law. All yellow and red boundaries may be marked with signs and/or buoys saying "No Shellfish harvesting," or Prohibited Shellfish Area." Questions....please call (302) 739-9939. A recreational clamming permit is available from the Division of Fish and Wildlife, Dover, DE for $5.75 for residents and $57.50 for non-residents to allow the taking of 500 clams per day. Residents may take up to 100 clams per day without a permit and nonresidents up to 50 per day. The mimimum size for a hard clam is 1 1/2 inches from point A to point B B A 1 1/2