Monophyletic origin of multiple clonal lineages in an asexual fish
Monophyletic origin of multiple clonal lineages in an asexual fish
Molecular Ecology (2010) doi: 10.1111/j.1365-294X.2010.04869.x Monophyletic origin of multiple clonal lineages in an asexual fish (Poecilia formosa) M A T T H I A S S T Ö C K , * 1 K A T H R I N P . L A M P E R T , †1 D I R K M Ö L L E R , ‡ I N G O S C H L U P P ‡§ and MANFRED SCHARTL– *Department of Ecology and Evolution, University of Lausanne, Biophore, CH-1015 Lausanne, Switzerland, †Evolutionary Ecology and Biodiversity of Animals, University of Bochum, Universitaetsstr. 150, Bld. ND05 Room 785, D-44780 Bochum, Germany, ‡Department of Zoology, University of Hamburg, Martin-Luther-King Pl. 3, D-20146 Hamburg, Germany, §Department of Zoology, University of Oklahoma, 730 Van Vleet Oval, Norman, OK 73019, USA, –Theodor-Boveri-Institut, Physiologische Chemie I, University of Würzburg, Biozentrum, Am Hubland, D-97074 Würzburg, Germany Abstract Despite the advantage of avoiding the costs of sexual reproduction, asexual vertebrates are very rare and often considered evolutionarily disadvantaged when compared to sexual species. Asexual species, however, may have advantages when colonizing (new) habitats or competing with sexual counterparts. They are also evolutionary older than expected, leaving the question whether asexual vertebrates are not only rare because of their ‘inferior’ mode of reproduction but also because of other reasons. A paradigmatic model system is the unisexual Amazon molly, Poecilia formosa, that arose by hybridization of the Atlantic molly, Poecilia mexicana, as the maternal ancestor, and the sailfin molly, Poecilia latipinna, as the paternal ancestor. Our extensive crossing experiments failed to resynthesize asexually reproducing (gynogenetic) hybrids confirming results of previous studies. However, by producing diploid eggs, female F1hybrids showed apparent preadaptation to gynogenesis. In a range-wide analysis of mitochondrial sequences, we examined the origin of P. formosa. Our analyses point to very few or even a single origin(s) of its lineage, which is estimated to be approximately 120 000 years old. A monophyletic origin was supported from nuclear microsatellite data. Furthermore, a considerable degree of genetic variation, apparent by high levels of clonal microsatellite diversity, was found. Our molecular phylogenetic evidence and the failure to resynthesize the gynogenetic P. formosa together with the old age of the species indicate that some unisexual vertebrates might be rare not because they suffer the longterm consequences of clonal reproduction but because they are only very rarely formed as a result of complex genetic preconditions necessary to produce viable and fertile clonal genomes and phenotypes (‘rare formation hypothesis’). Keywords: clonal reproduction, genotypic variability, hybrid origin, microsatellites, mtDNA, teleosts, unisexual Received 30 November 2009; revision received 25 May 2010; accepted 11 June 2010 Introduction The existence of asexual species is challenging to the view that sexual reproduction is the most evolutionary advantageous mode for organisms to propagate, to Correspondence: Matthias Stöck, Fax: +41 21 692 4265; E-mail: 1 Equal contribution. ! 2010 Blackwell Publishing Ltd persist as a species and even to diversify into distinct species. The short-term advantages of asexual reproduction, most notably the shorter population doubling times (‘twofold cost of males’; Maynard Smith 1978), are generally thought to be outweighed by a long-term fitness decrease because of the absence of genetic segregation and recombination. Thus, nonrecombining (‘asexual’) lineages should have low genotypic variability, 2 M . S T Ö C K E T A L . accumulate deleterious mutations and are therefore considered to be short-lived in evolutionary terms, also explaining their scarcity (Muller 1932; Bell 1982; Otto & Lenormand 2002). However, asexual organisms may have advantages when colonizing new habitats or competing with sexual counterparts once they arise (Avise 2008) and therefore would be expected to evolve more frequently than they do, suggesting that additional factors are relevant for explaining their scarcity. In vertebrates, which are supposed to be ancestrally sexually reproducing, the rarity of asexuals may instead be because of constraints on the reversion to asexuality (only 0.1% of all vertebrate species, Avise 2008). So-called asexual fishes and amphibians display reproductive modes that deviate from true parthenogenesis (Avise 2008) and thus avoid, at least to some degree, the disadvantages from not having meiotic recombination by incorporating ‘fresh’ genetic material either every generation (hybridogenesis) or in unpredictable intervals through paternal leakage (‘leaky gynogenesis’; Avise 2008). In hybridogenesis, the complete paternal genome is eliminated. Fertilization with a new, recombined genome replaces the eliminated one and restores the hybrid state. After the elimination of one complete chromosome set, some triploid lineages of fishes and amphibians produce clonal diploid eggs, while others even enter a normal meiosis and produce recombined gametes (‘meiotic hybridogenesis’; Alves et al. 2001; for a recent review: Lamatsch & Stöck 2009). In ‘kleptogenesis’, females acquire full or partial genomes by a not fully understood mechanism from their mates. Female kleptogens thus secure highly adapted genomes and purge genomes with deleterious alleles (Bogart et al. 2007). Taking into account their ecological success, the question arises why only approx. 50 of the more than 31 000 described species of teleost fishes and 6500 amphibians are unisexual (Vrijenhoek et al. 1989). The clonal fish Poecilia formosa (Amazon molly), the first unisexual vertebrate to be recognized (Hubbs & Hubbs 1932), reproduces by gynogenesis. Here, unreduced, ameiotic eggs are triggered for parthenogenetic development by sperm of males from closely related species (Hubbs & Hubbs 1932; Monaco et al. 1984; Dawley 1989; Vrijenhoek 1994). Typically, the sperm DNA is degraded, and the offspring are clones of their mother. Sometimes, however, the exclusion of the paternal chromosomes fails, and genomic fragments (microchromosomes) or the full sperm genome are included permanently into the clonal germ line (Balsano et al. 1972; Rasch & Balsano 1974; Turner 1982; Schartl et al. 1995a; Lamatsch et al. 2004; Nanda et al. 2007). Thus, ‘fresh’ subgenomic amounts of DNA or even a whole chromosome set can be incorporated into the ameiotic lineage, giving rise to new clones. Like all other unisexual vertebrates, P. formosa arose by hybridization. In general, hybridization combines two different genotypes, which may be advantageous because it introduces genetic variation and functional novelty, but may also cause problems, especially during meiosis, because the pairing of divergent homologues might be difficult to accomplish. Even though gynogens reproduce via ameiotic eggs, the combination of independently evolved genomes forcing genes to function outside their normal genetic background (Dobzhansky-Muller effect) might still be problematic for the organism (Orr & Turelli 2001). In the case of P. formosa, the hybrid origin has been recognized very early based on morphology (Hubbs & Hubbs 1932). Molecular analyses confirmed the hybrid state of the species and found that the maternal ancestor is the Atlantic molly, Poecilia mexicana, and the paternal ancestor the sailfin molly, Poecilia latipinna (Avise et al. 1991; Schartl et al. 1995b). Previous estimates put the initial hybridization event at approximately 280 000 years ago (Lampert & Schartl 2008). Estimating three generations per year (Hubbs & Hubbs 1932), this would mean that Amazon mollies have persisted as a clonal species for approximately 840 000 generations. So far, the question whether one, a few or multiple hybridization events led to the formation of the Amazon molly could not be answered satisfactorily. Both parental species are sympatric in the Atlantic coastal drainages of northern Mexico (Darnell & Abramoff 1968; Schlupp et al. 2002). Consequently, there has been and still might be opportunity for de novo hybridizations. Earlier genetic analyses indicated the existence of multiple clones in P. formosa that might have been the result of several independent hybridization events (Turner et al. 1983; Lampert et al. 2005; Schories et al. 2007). On the other hand, previous attempts to resynthesize P. formosa in the laboratory have been unsuccessful (Turner et al. 1980; Turner 1982), indicating complications for hybridization. In this study, we addressed the question if P. formosa is of mono- or polyphyletic origin to better understand how clonal vertebrate species evolve from their sexual ancestors and to test the hypotheses that evolutionary constraints may limit the formation of unisexuals (Vrijenhoek et al. 1989). We found support for a monophyletic origin of P. formosa, a rather high level of clonal diversity, and an old age of the species. Our data indicate that unisexual vertebrates might be rare not because they suffer the long-term consequences of clonal reproduction but that they are only very rarely formed because of complex genetic preconditions necessary to produce viable and fertile clonal genomes. ! 2010 Blackwell Publishing Ltd SINGLE ORIGIN OF MULTIPLE POECILIA CLONES 3 Material and methods Experimental animals from field collections and laboratory crosses In an attempt to resynthesize P. formosa in the laboratory, we performed interspecific crosses (19 crosses of P. mexicana females with P. latipinna males and three reciprocal crosses) employing three different populations of each parental species. P. mexicana were from Rio Verde (San Louis Potosi; allopatric), Laguna Champaxan (loc. 6, sympatric), Rio Oxolotan (Tabasco, allopatric), and P. latipinna from Laguna Champaxan (loc. 6, sympatric), Tampico (loc. 7, allopatric) and Florida (loc. 36, allopatric). A total of 41 females were mated either individually or in groups of 2–3 to single males. Populations were chosen to represent the current co-occurrence of P. mexicana and P. latipinna as well as geographically close and widely separated genotypes (for information on species’ ranges see: Darnell & Abramoff 1968; Schlupp et al. 2002). F1 offspring were raised, and F1 females were mated to Black Mollies (ornamental breed of Poecilia cf. sphenops), which are homozygous at two dominant black pigmentation pattern loci [(Schröder 1964) and own unpublished data], to test for clonal reproduction. Absence of the dominant pigmentation phenotype (a clear indicator of paternal contribution to the offspring’s genotype) was used to check for gynogenetically produced offspring (Schartl et al. 1995a; Lampert et al. 2007). Ploidy levels were determined using flow cytometry (Lamatsch et al., 2000). Phylogenetic and population genetic analyses were performed by analysing individuals from 25 populations all over the natural range of all species (Fig. 1, Table S1, Supporting Information). A total of 143 field collected individuals of the species P. latipinna, P. mexicana mexicana, P. mexicana limantouri and P. formosa were analysed for mitochondrial haplotype, and 108 for nuclear microsatellites. MtDNA amplification Genomic DNA was extracted with standard methods from dorsal fin clips or pooled organs. Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) was amplified in two fragments. For the mtDNA control region (D-loop), we used primers L-Pro (5¢-AAC CTC CAC CCC TAA CTC CCA AAG) or alternatively a partly overlapping version L-Pro2 (5¢GAT TCT AAC CTC CAC CCC TAACTC CCA-3¢) combined with H-Phe1 (5¢-GGT ACA ATT GAT AGT AAA GTCAGG ACC A-3¢) in a PCR with 95 "C 5 min, 38· (95 "C 30 s, 65 "C 30 s, 72 "C 1.5 min), 72 "C 5 min. For a fragment of cytochrome b, we used L15513 (5¢-CTR GGA GAC CCN GAA AAC TT-3¢) with H16498 ! 2010 Blackwell Publishing Ltd (5¢-CCT GAA GTA GGA ACC AGA TG-3¢) using the same PCR protocol, but with an annealing temperature of 53 "C. PCR products were sequenced in both directions, edited using SEQUENCHER version 4.7 and aligned with SE-AL version 2.0a11 ( ware/seal/). All sequences were submitted to GenBank, accession numbers HM567171–HM567311. For most analyses, a minisatellite ATTTATA (mitochondrial Dloop) that was present 1–2 times in P. mexicana and 2–3 times in P. formosa, was replaced by G, GG or GGG, assuming that the entire repeat appears as insertion or deletion, and therefore its mutational behaviour is like that of a single base pair. Phylogenetic analyses of mtDNA data Phylogenetic trees were calculated using four different methods. With PAUP* (Swofford 2001), maximum parsimony (MP) and neighbour joining (NJ) methods were applied. The best fitting model of sequence evolution was selected using MRMODELTEST (Nylander 2004). We used the program MRBAYES (MB; version 3.0b4; Huelsenbeck & Ronquist 2001), running four chains for 5 or 10 million generations, with tree sampling every 1000 generations. The ‘burnin’-value was selected by visualizing the log likelihoods associated with the posterior distribution of trees in the program TRACER (version 1.4; Rambaud & Drummond, available from: http://beast. All trees generated before the log likelihood curve flattened out were discarded. Maximum likelihood (ML) phylogenies of mitochondrial sequence alignments were generated using PHYML version 2.4.5 (Guindon & Gascuel 2003) using the HKY (mtDNA) model. In each case, we choose a BioNJ as a starting tree, and the options to optimize the topology, branch length and rate parameters. All other parameters were used as in the default of the program (http:// for details). We generated bootstrap values based on 1000 resampled data sets. We applied two different methods to calculate parsimony networks. We used TCS version 1.21 (Clement et al. 2000) to connect mtDNA haplotypes. In this approach, we used the gaps as ‘5th base’ with a 95% connection limit (Fig. 1c). In addition, we used the program SPLITSTREE version 4.10 (Hudson & Bryant 2006) to apply parsimony splits (Bandelt & Dress 1992). Demographic analyses of mtDNA data and divergence time estimates We applied the program FLUCTUATE (Kuhner et al. 1998), a maximum likelihood estimator of the parameters Theta (h) and g (h = 2Nel, where l is the DNA substitution rate per site per generation and Ne is the female 4 M . S T Ö C K E T A L . (a) (b) 0 (b) P.formosa 250 500 1000 km (c) P.mexicana 0 75 150 200 300 km Fig. 1 Sampling localities (for details see Appendix S1 and Table S1, Supporting Information) in Mexico and the United States and mitochondrial relationships in the Poecilia formosa breeding complex. (a) Overview of the sampling localities with framed region as zoomed in b. (b) Sampling locations in Eastern Mexico with four major river systems. (c) Parsimony-based haplotype network of the mitochondrial sequence data from the control region of 85 P. formosa and 45 P. mexicana as obtained with program TCS; numbers represent localities shown in a and b; circle size in c depends on individual numbers with the respective haplotype; dots represent hypothetical haplotypes that were not empirically sampled. The shortest connection between networks of P. formosa and P. mexicana consists of a haplotype of P. mexicana from the Laguna Champaxan (loc. 6) to the most widespread mtDNA haplotype of P. formosa as found at localities 4, 8, 9, 13–16, 18, 21 and 24. Three more remote connections (mexicana at loc. 10 with formosa at loc. 12, 22–24; mexicana at loc. 6 and 15 with formosa at loc. 4, 8, 9, 13–16, 18, 21, 24) exist but each mexicana haplotype is two (or more) mutational steps apart from the next formosa haplotype, and all in-between haplotypes have never been found empirically. Note that localities with closely related P. formosa are situated in several different major river drainages, while those of P. mexicana are strongly geographically structured: P. mexicana from Rio Panuco and its tributaries from the Sierra Madre belong to one phylogenetic group (see also separate subclades in Figs S1 and S2), while the other P. mexicana group is restricted to the Rio Soto la Marina. Widespread P. formosa lineages suggest that they, in contrast to P. mexicana, were able to overcome zoogeographical borders. e.g. by ‘river mouth hopping’. ! 2010 Blackwell Publishing Ltd SINGLE ORIGIN OF MULTIPLE POECILIA CLONES 5 effective population size and g the exponential growth parameter in units of l)1). Repeated analyses to ensure stability of estimates were run. Growth was inferred using logarithmic likelihood ratio tests with one degree of freedom (Huelsenbeck & Rannala 1997). Divergence times of the P. formosa mitochondrial lineage were estimated using a Bayesian-coalescence approach (Drummond et al. 2006; Drummond & Rambaut 2007) as implemented in BEAST version 1.4.8. In analysis of 884 bp from the control region, we used a matrix from 85 P. formosa and 45 P. mexicana individuals. We constrained P. formosa to be monophyletic and assumed a strict molecular clock, with substitution rates from the range for Actinopterygii (by exclusion of Acipenseriformes) reported by Burridge et al. (Burridge et al. 2008a,b) for the control region of various teleost fishes. We ran two independent analyses for 10 · 106 generations and checked for convergence and stationarity of the different analyses in Tracer 1.4 and combined the results in the BEAST module LOGCOMBINER version 1.4.8 (after removing the first 106 generations from each analysis as ‘burnin’). Microsatellite amplification A total of 40 P. formosa, 39 P. mexicana and 28 P. latipinna from fifteen different locations [Tamasopo and Cascadas de Tamasopo (loc. 3), Ojo Frio (loc. 5), Laguna Chamapaxan (loc. 6), Mante (loc. 10), Rio Guayalejo (loc. 14), Rio Corona (loc. 15), Rio Purificacion (loc. 17), Rio Oxolotan (loc. 46), Texas (loc. 25–27), Florida (loc. 26, 34–40), Louisiana (loc. 28–31, Mississippi (loc. 32), Georgia (loc. 41–43), South Carolina (loc. 44) and North Carolina (loc. 45)] were analysed. We used ten microsatellite loci (Sat1, KonD15, PR39, mCA16, mCA20, mATG31, mATG38, mATG44, mATG61, mATG78) which had been shown to be variable in P. formosa (Lampert et al. 2005, 2006; Schories et al. 2007). PCRs were performed in a total volume of 10 lL, containing 10 mM Tris–HCl (pH 8.85), 50 mM KCl, 0.1% Triton X100, 1.5 mM MgCl2, 0.2 mM of each dNTP, 10 pmol of each primer and 0.05 U Taq polymerase. PCR conditions were as follows: 5 min of denaturing at 94 "C, 30 cycles of (94 "C denaturing, 55 "C annealing [all primers except Sat1: 58 "C and KonD15: 52 "C) and 72 "C for extension (each step for 30 s)], followed by a final extension of 5 min at 72 "C. PCR products were analysed on a Licor 4300 DNA Analyzer (Licor Biosciences, NE, USA). Microsatellite analyses Fragment size analysis was carried out with the SAGA2 software (Licor Biosciences). Only individuals that were ! 2010 Blackwell Publishing Ltd successfully scored at a minimum of 8 of 10 microsatellite loci were used for statistical comparisons. Allelic richness, calibrated for a single individual to compensate for varying sample sizes in different field sites, was calculated using the program FSTAT (Goudet 2001). Genotypic diversity was calculated using the PDC (Proportion of distinguishable clones) measurement suggested by Menken et al. (1995). This is a relative measurement of clonal diversity and compensates for different sample sizes in different populations. For phylogenetic analysis, Cavalli-Sforza and Edwards chord genetic distance between individual genotypes (as recommended by Takezaki & Nei 1996) was calculated using the program MSA version 4.05 including 1000 bootstrap replicates (Dieringer & Schlötterer 2003). The resulting genetic distances were further analysed using the PHYLIP version 3.6 program package (Felsenstein 2004): program NEIGHBOR to generate 1000 neighbour joining trees, program CONSENSUS to calculate the majority rule consensus tree from the 1000 neighbour joining trees. The programs FIGTREE (version 13.1 Rambaut, A., and TREEGRAPH (Stöver & Müller, 2010) were used for the graphic display of the tree. Results Interspecific hybrids obtained in the laboratory In an attempt to resynthesize P. formosa, fish from the parental species of various geographical origin were mated. This resulted in 636 F1 offspring, of which only 17% were males. Fecundity was apparently not considerably different from intraspecific matings (7.95 vs. 9.35 offspring ⁄ female). The 206 female F1 were used for testcrosses with Black molly males. A total number of 3118 offspring were obtained from these crosses. All fish showed a black spotting phenotype. The inheritance of the dominant paternal pigmentation genes indicated that none of the offspring was produced asexually. Remarkably, 66.1% of the progeny were triploids. It has been reported earlier (Lampert et al. 2007) that in such crosses, triploid offspring are produced from the fertilization of diploid eggs, which are generated by automixis. All tested triploids (n = 43; 2 males, 41 females) were infertile. Genotypic diversity in wild populations We found that microsatellite loci display astonishingly high allelic and genotypic richness in all populations investigated (Table 1). Although most microsatellite alleles in P. formosa represent a subset of their homologues in P. mexicana and P. latipinna, we also found 6 M . S T Ö C K E T A L . high genotypic diversity in P. formosa populations (proportion of distinguishable clones: 0.77–0.95; Table 2). Phylogenetic analyses Phylogenetic analyses of 60 mtDNAs comprising all four species ⁄ subspecies confirmed the close affinity of mtDNA between P. mexicana and P. formosa (Avise et al. 1991) and excluded P. latipinna as maternal ancestors (data not shown). Additional phylogenetic analyses (NJ, MP, ML, MB; for the latter two analyses: see Figs S1 and S2, Supporting Information) were conducted in P. mexicana (n = 45) and P. formosa (n = 85) from representative populations. These analyses resulted in large polytomic clades containing both P. formosa and a single subclade of P. mexicana haplotypes. While the resolution of these dichotomic phylogenetic methods was insufficient to tell a multiple origin scenario apart from a rare-origin setting, it never contradicted a rare or even a single-origin scenario. To better resolve this phylogeny, we analysed the mtDNA sequences in parsimony networks that take multiple connections between individual haplotypes into account (SPLITSTREE, data not shown; TCS: Fig. 1c). Among the empirically found mtDNA haplotypes, the most parsimonious connection between sequences of the bisexual Table 1 Mean allelic richness for all microsatellite loci in different species and localities. Numbers in parenthesis refer to collection sites (see Table S1, Supporting Information) G (14) P (17) LC (6) Cascadas Rio Corona Florida (25) Poecilia formosa Poecilia mexicana Poecilia latipinna 1.6780 1.6246 1.6447 1.2334 1.3013 1.5166 1.2178 1.3000 1.6734 1.5001 Table 2 Results of the Menken analysis of proportion distinguishable clones (PDC) for all populations and sampling localities with a sample size larger than five individuals LCPf LCPm PPf Number of individuals 20 Number of genotypes 19 PDC 0.95 13 13 1 All All PPm Pm Pf 15 19 11 19 0.73 1 29 29 1 40 35 0.875 Localities: LC, Laguna Champaxan (6); P, Rio Purificacion (17); G, Rio Guayalejo (14); species: Pf, Poecilia formosa; Pm, Poecilia mexicana. ancestor P. mexicana and hybrid all-female P. formosa consists in a single mutational step representing the transition from a haplotype of P. mexicana from Laguna Champaxan (Fig. 1b: loc. 6) to the geographically most widespread mtDNA haplotype of P. formosa found at ten different localities throughout its range. There are three additional but more remote connections (Fig. 1c) between the networks of P. formosa and P. mexicana. However, each of those mexicana haplotypes is two or more mutational steps apart from the next formosa haplotype. In addition, all in-between haplotypes were only theoretically generated by the analyses but have never been found empirically. In addition, these ‘theoretical’ mexicana haplotypes would lead to formosa haplotypes—via several steps—that are themselves more parsimoniously explained by single-step mutations from empirically found formosa haplotypes. Thus, a probable (and empirically best documented) derivation of the P. formosa lineage could be a singlestep mutation that led from a haplotype at Laguna Champaxan to the most widespread haplotype of P. formosa. Coalescence theory considers the most frequent haplotype as ancestral (Watterson & Guess 1977; Clement et al. 2000). This and the fact that the progenitor haplotype of P. mexicana is also found here suggest that P. formosa arose in this region. Nuclear microsatellite data support the mitochondrial data. A phylogenetic tree built on individual genetic distances (Fig. 2) shows a highly supported (bootstrap 87%) monophyletic origin of all P. formosa genotypes, clearly rejecting multiple recent or ongoing hybridizations to generate new clonal P. formosa lineages. Although their hybrid nature might be contributing, the monophyly of the P. formosa clade stems also from intensive allele sharing within P. formosa (Table S2, Supporting Information). Shared alleles could be traced back to the parental species but were not necessarily common in sexual populations (Fig. S3, Supporting Information), again supporting a few rather than multiple origins, as the latter would tend to generate similar allele frequencies in parental and hybrid lineages. In addition, P. formosa from different sites show lower genetic distances within and between populations than P. mexicana (Table 3). Population dynamics and species’ age Despite intense sampling, our analyses did not disclose a single shared mtDNA haplotype between P. mexicana and P. formosa. This fact by itself again supports rare or single ancient, as opposed to multiple recent or ongoing, hybrid origin(s). Using mtDNA sequences, the program FLUCTUATE disclosed a population increase for both species. For Theta (2Nel) estimated to have the ! 2010 Blackwell Publishing Ltd SINGLE ORIGIN OF MULTIPLE POECILIA CLONES 7 same order of magnitude in both species (similar: 0.0138 for asexual P. formosa, 0.0149 for sexual P. mexicana), the significant growth value is an order of magnitude larger in the asexual (g = 3273) than in the sexual species (g = 554). When testing the same assumed growth value (g = 1100) in both species (Table 4), we found a significant difference from the ‘no-growth assumption’ in P. formosa but not in P. mexicana, confirming that growth in P. formosa is greater than in P. mexicana. The higher growth for clonal P. formosa (Table 4) suggests population expansion, consistent with its derivation from few ancestors and colonization of a large range by this lineage. Age estimates of the P. formosa haplotype group, using BEAST and rates for calibrated mitochondrial molecular clocks from various actinopterygian fishes (Burridge et al. 2008a,b), ranged from 65 ka (highest rate: 0.0385 mutations ⁄ site ⁄ My, from the fast evolving East African cichlid) to 580 ka (lowest rate: 0.00425) with an average of 118 ka for the mean D-loop rate of 0.021. Other estimates from mitochondrial or nuclear DNA dated the origin of P. formosa at approximately 280 ka ago (Schartl et al. 1995b; Lampert & Schartl 2008). Discussion Our failure to resynthesize P. formosa by crossing its parental species, despite the large amount of crosses and individuals involved, fits several earlier unsuccessful attempts to resynthesize P. formosa (Turner et al. 1980; Turner 1982). However, all except two of our F1hybrid females produced diploid eggs (Lampert et al. 2007), plus additional data from this study, which would be a prerequisite for the evolution of gynogenesis. High clonal diversity as found by the microsatellite markers in this study could indeed be taken as indication of numerous and potentially recent hybrid origins, however, allele sharing between clonal lineages was still very high (Table S2, Supporting Information) and phylogenetic analyses found P. formosa to be a monophyletic group. In some other taxa, it is well known that multiple hybridization events led to multiple clones (Avise 2008; Lamatsch & Stöck 2009). The existence of multiple nuclear P. formosa clones, detected by microsatellite and multilocus fingerprint analyses, is in accordance with simulations (Balloux et al. 2003) that suggest a higher allelic diversity but lower genotypic diversity in clonally reproducing compared to sexual populations. Both effects result from the lack of recombination in asexuals. The high number of genotypes detected in gynogenetic P. formosa, however, is still puzzling but was also found in earlier multilocus fingerprint analyses and possibly results from a high ! 2010 Blackwell Publishing Ltd mutation rate (Turner et al. 1990). A relatively high genetic diversity was also confirmed in other population genetic studies of P. formosa including neutral microsatellite and multilocus DNA fingerprint data (Lampert et al. 2005) but also functional MHC (major histocompatibility complex) genes (Schaschl et al. 2008; Lampert et al. 2009). Clonal diversity in P. formosa, detected by DNA fingerprinting, was explained as a result of mutations and subsequent selection and is documented by hypervariable loci (Schartl et al., 1991; see also: Turner et al. 1990). Obviously, P. formosa does not fulfil the negative prediction of low genetic diversity in clonal species leading to the conclusion that its fitness might also not be reduced compared to its sexual ancestors. Considering the relatively old age of the species estimated from other markers, mutations seem a likely source of genotypic variability, especially at loci with generally high mutation rates such as microsatellites and MHC. This notion is supported by other studies (e.g. Angers & Schlosser 2007), which found that in the phylogenetically young Phoxinus eos-neogaeus complex genotypic diversity was relatively low. Earlier studies using biochemical markers also support a single origin of P. formosa. Most of the allozyme electromorphs within P. formosa have also been found in P. latipinna and P. mexicana (Turner 1982). The maximum genetic distance within P. formosa was much smaller than the average within gonochoristic teleosts and led to the conclusion that P. formosa ‘are ultimately descended from hybridization events involving the same or very closely related individuals’ (Turner & Steeves 1989; Turner et al. 1990; Avise et al. 1991). A quite ancient, monophyletic origin together with the inability to resynthesize P. formosa support that unisexual vertebrates are rare not necessarily because they suffer serious disadvantages, but because the conditions, under which they can arise, are rare. The switch from sexual meiotic reproduction to ameiotic unisexuality is apparently extremely difficult to achieve. Although hybrids between P. formosa’s ancestors show a prerequisite for unisexual reproduction, namely the production of diploid eggs, they suffer from very low reproductive rates as the diploid eggs that are fertilized during mating result in mostly sterile triploid offspring (Lampert et al. 2007). In some other ‘unisexual’ species, more than one origin has been inferred (Avise 2008; Lamatsch & Stöck 2009). However, several attempts to resynthesize hybridogenetic Poeciliopsis fish in the laboratory have, despite occasional success, exhibited ‘considerable variance of one parental genome (monacha) in the production of viable, fertile and developmentally stable interspecific hybrids’ (Wetherington et al. 1987). Clearly, successful hybridization of the known parental species is rare and exceptional even under the enforced 8 M . S T Ö C K E T A L . ! 2010 Blackwell Publishing Ltd SINGLE ORIGIN OF MULTIPLE POECILIA CLONES 9 Table 3 Genetic distance (Cavalli-Sforza and Edwards chord distance) within (diagonal) and between populations. On average, Poecilia formosa from different field sites are more closely related to each other (mean ± SD: 0.504 ± 0.074, min: 0.13, max: 0.64) than Poecilia mexicana from different field sites (mean ± SD: 0.797 ± 0.067, min: 0.45, max: 0.87) PfG PfG Mean ± SD Min–max PmG Mean ± SD Min–max PfP Mean ± SD Min–max PmP Mean ± SD Min–max PfLC Mean ± SD Min–max PmLC Mean ± SD Min–max PmG PfP PmP PfLC PmLC 0.393 ± 0.090 0.125–0.472 0.806 ± 0.017 0.763–0.818 0.624 ± 0.266 0.317–0.791 0.431 ± 0.095 0.127–0.595 0.709 ± 0.063 0.642–0.818 0.310 ± 0.244 0.000–0.809 0.781 ± 0.056 0.641–0.867 0.796 ± 0.034 0.664–0.854 0.857 ± 0.016 0.806–0.874 0.371 ± 0.223 0.049–0.874 0.516 ± 0.085 0.255–0.641 0.783 ± 0.031 0.694–0.833 0.520 ± 0.048 0.371–0.641 0.823 ± 0.057 0.625–0.900 0.425 ± 0.182 0.064–0.841 0.750 ± 0.076 0.591–0.871 0.690 ± 0.117 0.454–0.854 0.724 ± 0.097 0.476–0.871 0.813 ± 0.045 0.633–0.874 0.793 ± 0.053 0.531–0.900 0.615 ± 0.219 0.061–0.900 LC, Laguna Champaxan (6); P, Rio Purificacion (17); G, Rio Guayalejo (14); Pf, Poecilia formosa; Pm, Poecilia mexicana. Table 4 Estimates of historical demographic parameters of the mitochondrial lineages of Poecilia formosa and its maternal ancestor Poecilia mexicana from the program FLUCTUATE Mitochondrial control region clade ⁄ taxon N Theta = 2Nel P. mexicana P. formosa 45 87 0.0149 0.0138 g Ln (likelihood) for Lmax Ln (likelihood) for zero growth 554.70 3273.63 0.0677 1.2876 )4.0377 )21.6622 2 (Lmax) Lg = 0) No growth can be rejected Ln (likelihood) for growth g = 1100 2 (Lmax) Lg = 1100) Growth value significantly different 8.21 45.89 Yes Yes )0.3057 )4.9919 0.3734 6.2719 Yes *Theta = 2Nel, g, exponential growth parameter; L, maximum likelihood. crossing conditions. Similarly, in the hybridogenetic Rana esculenta frog complex, R. ridibunda genomes varied geographically in inducing clonal gametogenesis in interspecies hybrids (Hotz et al. 1985). Hybrid minnows of the Phoxinus eos-neogaeus complex were found to be not monophyletic, suggesting multiple independent origins of lineages (Angers & Schlosser 2007). As they are of relatively recent origin (<50 000 years ago, although not the result of current hybridization events), this may represent a different situation than in the rather old lineages of P. formosa. It is reasonable to assume that beyond the production of unreduced eggs more genomic changes have to occur to bring about the full process of gynogenesis (Vrijenhoek 1994; Schlupp 2005). If we consider that several of such changes need to be present in a single hybrid animal to become the ancestor of an asexual lineage, the probability of such an event to occur becomes extremely small. The relatively old age of P. formosa and its obvious success, evident from the enormous historic population growth and its present range, may be partly derived from the peculiar mode of gynogenetic repro- Fig. 2 Neighbour joining tree of individual genetic distances based on 10 nuclear microsatellite genotypes in Poecilia formosa and its parental species. Consensus tree from 1000 replicates. bootstrap support is given for branches if larger than 50%; branches with a bootstrap support of less than 50% were collapsed. P. formosa (Pform)—green, Poecilia mexicana (Pmex)—blue, Poecilia latipinna (Plat)—black. ! 2010 Blackwell Publishing Ltd 10 M . S T Ö C K E T A L . duction that allows for introgression of fresh genetic material (paternal leakage) from sexually reproducing mating partners (Schartl et al. 1995a; Lampert & Schartl 2008). The high number of different alleles in a nonrecombining (‘frozen’) hybrid genome, the large effective population size and adaptive mutations are other mechanisms that may be responsible for the obvious escape of P. formosa from a long-term fitness decline. For the formation of asexuals through hybridization of gonochoristic lineages, the ‘balance hypothesis’ (Wetherington et al. 1987; Moritz et al. 1989) proposes that the genetic divergence between parental genomes has to be large enough to affect meiosis in hybrids to produce a sufficient proportion of gametes without ploidy reduction, but not too big to avoid a significant hybrid viability or fertility decrease. However, not only a certain phylogenetic distance between hybridizing species is required to affect meiosis, which by itself greatly reduces the chance of appropriate species to occur sympatrically (as most speciation events occur in allopatry). Beyond this precondition, our data suggest that solely the combination of very specific genotypes might lead to the successful formation of an asexual lineage. Our results of a most likely monophyletic origin of P. formosa, the rather high level of clonal diversity and the relatively old age of the species indicate that unisexual vertebrates might be rare not only because they suffer the long-term consequences of clonal reproduction but because they might be also very rarely formed—because of complex genetic preconditions necessary to produce viable and fertile clonal genomes. Our ‘rare formation hypothesis’, as exemplified by gynogenetic P. formosa, provides an explanation for the rarity of asexual species, which—once arisen—can be ecologically very successful and persistent. This idea is in line with earlier assumptions by Vrijenhoek (1989) who proposed that the formation of unisexual lineages faces severe genetic, developmental and ecological constraints. Acknowledgements We thank Thomas Broquet, Jérôme Goudet, Nicolas Perrin and Nicolas Salamin (Lausanne), Michael Hickerson (New York), Florian Leese (Bochum) as well as a two anonymous reviewers and Robert J. Vrijenhoek (Monterey) for discussion and suggestions on the manuscript; Craig Moritz (Berkeley) for support; Jakob Parzefall, Maximilian Schartl, Dunja K. Lamatsch, Kay Körner, Marion Döbler, Martin Plath, Katja Heubel, Ute Hornung, Alexander Froschauer, Rüdiger Riesch and Jan Schlupp for help in the field; Zoé Dumas, Monika Niklaus-Ruiz and Karim Ghali for technical help. We are grateful to the Mexican government and several US authorities for permission to collect fishes. 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His former graduate student Dirk Möller, PhD, is now a businessman. Matthias Stöck investigates vertebrate speciation, hybridization, polyploidization, phylogeography and the evolution of sex-linked markers, especially in amphibians and fishes. Supporting information Additional supporting information may be found in the online version of this article. Fig. S1 Unrooted Bayesian tree obtained from sequence data of the mitochondrial D-loop of 130 individuals of P. formosa and its maternal ancestor P. mexicana, using the program MrBayes, 10 Mio generations, GTR+I model. Fig. S2 Unrooted Maximum Likelihood tree obtained from sequence data of the mitochondrial D-loop of 130 individuals of P. formosa and its maternal ancestor P. mexicana, using the program PhyML, GTR model, bootstrap values for 1000 resampled datasets are given for major branches. Fig. S3 Depicted are the most common alleles for each locus that Poecilia formosa had in common with Poecilia mexicana. Table S1 Locality information, IDs as in Fig. 1 and Figs S1 and S2, Supporting Information Table S2 Multilocus microsatellite genotypes for all individuals analysed for the phylogenetic tree (Fig. 2) Appendix S1 Sample information. This work contributes to an integrative research program on inter-specific interactions between organisms. Kathrin P. Lampert uses molecular and field techniques to investigate the evolution and maintenance of sexual reproduction in vertebrates and invertebrates, Manfred Schartl’s main research areas are Please note: Wiley-Blackwell are not responsible for the content or functionality of any supporting information supplied by the authors. Any queries (other than missing material) should be directed to the corresponding author for the article. ! 2010 Blackwell Publishing Ltd 1601mex_III_12_Tamasopo (3) M_VIII_Moe444_Huchihuayan (2) M_VIII_Moe492_Huchihuayan (2) Poe91mex_236CascadasTamasopo (3) Poe92mex_236CascadasTamasopo (3) Poe93mex_236CascadasTamasopo (3) 0.5937 M_VII_Moe443_Axtlapexco (1) M_VII_Moe572_Axtlapexco (1) 1543mex_III_2_Mante (10) Poe272bmex_233RioGuyalejoEZapata (14) Poe273mex_233RioGuyalejoEZapata (14) M_IV_Moe48_SofTampico (4) M_IV_Moe52_SofTampico (4) M_VI_Moe122_Altamira (6) M_V_Moe57_SofTampico (4) M_III_Moe108_Altamira (6) M_III_Moe71_Altamira (6) M_II_Moe1_Altamira (6) M_II_Moe20_Altamira (6) 1764form_WBrownsvilleTexas (19) Poe62bform_233RioGuyalejoEZapata (14) F_IX_Moe6_Gonzales (11) F_I_Moe119_Floodway (23) F_I_Moe192_NofMante (9) F_I_Moe296_SofLinares (18) F_I_Moe355_NuevoPadilla (16) F_I_Moe362_RioCorona (15) F_I_Moe363_RioCorona (15) F_I_Moe49_SofTampico (4) F_I_Moe557_RioBarbarena (8) F_I_Moe70_NofMante (9) F_I_Moe97_E48 (20) F_VII_Moe327_RioCorona (15) F_XII_Moe116_Floodway (23) F_XII_Moe160_Floodway(23) F_XII_Moe445_SanFernando (12) F_XII_Moe76_BayView (21) F_XII_Moe87_Olmito (22) F_XII__Moe115_Floodway (23) F_XIV_Moe358_CuidadMante (13) F_XI_Moe11_Altamira (6) F_XI_Moe12_Altamira (6) F_XI_Moe13_Altamira (6) F_XI_Moe140_Altamira (6) F_XI_Moe14_Altamira (6) F_XI_Moe15_Altamira (6) F_XI_Moe4_Altamira (6) F_X_Moe184_Barretal (17) F_X_Moe222_Olimito (22) F_X_Moe78_Barretal (17) F_X_Moe81_E48 (20) 1546form_III_2_Mante (10) 1541form_III_2_Mante (10) F_XIII_Moe293_SofLinares (18) F_XIII_Moe300_SofLinares (18) F_XIII_Moe523_SofLinares (18) Poe15form_232_RioPurificacion (17) Poe17form_232_RioPurificacion (17) Poe18form_232_RioPurificacion (17) Poe19form_232_RioPurificacion (17) Poe22form_232_RioPurificacion (17) Poe28form_232_RioPurificacion (17) Poe29form_232_RioPurificacion (17) Poe30form_232_RioPurificacion (17) Poe23form_232_RioPurificacion (17) Poe20form_232_RioPurificacion (17) Poe21form_232_RioPurificacion (17) Poe16form_232_RioPurificacion (17) Poe24form_232_RioPurificacion (17) Poe25form_232_RioPurificacion (17) Poe26form_232_RioPurificacion (17) Poe32mex_OjoFrio (5) Poe271form_233RioGuyalejoEZapata (14) Poe63bform_233RioGuyalejoEZapata (14) Poe65bform_233RioGuyalejoEZapata (14) Poe66form_233RioGuyalejoEZapata (14) F_VIII_Moe10_loc.I (22) F_VIII_Moe193_loc.I (22) F_VIII_Moe8_loc.I (22) F_VI_Moe53_SofTampico (4) F_VI_Moe55_SofTampico (4) F_VI_Moe56_SofTampico (4) 1765form_SanMarcosTexas (24) F_III_Moe64_Ditch_I (22) F_III_Moe68_Ditch_I (22) F_II_Moe113_Floodway (23) F_II_Moe117_Floodway (23) F_II_Moe143_Ditch_I (22) F_II_Moe145_SanMarcos (24) F_II_Moe147_SanMarcos (24) F_II_Moe148_SanMarcos (24) F_II_Moe149_SanMarcos (24) F_II_Moe154_SanMarcos (24) F_II_Moe204_SanMarcos (24) F_II_Moe208_SanMarcos (24) F_II_Moe246_SanMarcos (24) F_II_Moe346_SanMarcos (24) F_II_Moe347_SanMarcos (24) F_II_Moe391_Floodway (23) F_II_Moe84_Olmito (22) F_II_Moe88_Olmito (22) F_II_Moe90_Olmito (22) F_IV_Moe245_SanMarcos (24) F_IV_Moe342_SanMarcos (24) F_IV_Moe426_Olmito (22) F_V_Moe146_SanMarcos(24) F_V_Moe92_E48 (20) formosa 0.4212 mexicana 1661mex_III_8_WRioCorona (15) 1662mex_III_8_WRioCorona (15) M_IX_Moe322_Barretal (17) M_IX_Moe323_Barretal (17) M_XI_Moe324_Barretal (17) mexicana 0.5937 1644mex_III_10_RioPurificacion (16) 1660mex_III_8_WRioCorona (15) M_XII_Moe320_Barretal (17) M_X_Moe229_Barretal (17) M_X_Moe319_Barretal (17) Poe10mex_232_RioPurificacion (16) Poe11mex_232_RioPurificacion (16) Poe12mex_232_RioPurificacion (17) Poe13mex_232_RioPurificacion (17) Poe3mex_232_RioPurificacion (17) Poe4mex_232_RioPurificacion (17) Poe5mex_232_RioPurificacion (17) Poe6mex_232_RioPurificacion (17) Poe7mex_232_RioPurificacion (17) Poe9mex_232_RioPurificacion (17) Poe8mex_232_RioPurificacion (17) Poe2mex_232_RioPurificacion (17) 0.03 M_IX_Moe322_Barretal (17) M_IX_Moe322_Barretal (17) M_XI_Moe3242_Barretal (17) Poe12mex_232_RioPurificacion (17) Poe3mex_232_RioPurificacion (17) Poe6mex_232_RioPurificacion (17) Poe9mex_232_RioPurificacion (17) 1644mex1_III_10_RioPurificacion (16) Poe4mex_232_RioPurificacion (17) Poe8mex_232_RioPurificacion (17) Poe13mex_232_RioPurificacion (17) 850 M_XII_Moe3_Moe320_Barretal (17) Poe7mex_232_RioPurificacion (17) M_X_Moe229_Barretal (17) M_X_Moe319_Barretal (17) Poe10mex_232_RioPurificacion (17) 1660mex_III_8_WRioCorona (15) Poe11mex_232_RioPurificacion (17) Poe5mex_232_RioPurificacion (17) Poe2mex_232_RioPurificacion (17) 703 1661mex_III_8_WRioCorona (15) 1662mex1_III_8_WRioCorona (15) Poe32mex_Ojo frio (5) Poe93mex_236CascadasTamasopo (3) 512 608 1543mex_III_2_Mante (10) 851 Poe272bmex_233RioGuy._EZapata (14) Poe92mex_236Casc.Tamasopo (3) Poe273mex_233RioGuyal_EZapata (14) Poe91mex_236Casc.Tamasopo (3) 1601mex_III_12_Tamasopo (3) M_VIII_Moe444_III_12_Tamasopo (3) M_VIII_Moe492_III_12_T amasopo (3) 978 M_VII_Moe443_Axtlapexco (1) M_VII_Moe572_Axtlapexco (1) 661 M_III_Moe108_Altamira (6) M_III_Moe71_Altamira (6) 680 M_II_Moe1_Altamira (6) M_II_Moe20_Altamira (6) 644 M_V_Moe57_SofTampico (4) M_IV_Moe48_SofTampico (4) M_IV_Moe52_SofTampico (4) M_VI_Moe122_Altamira (6) F_VIII_Moe10_loc.I (22) F_VIII__Moe193_loc.I (22) F_VIII_Moe8_loc.I (22) Poe29form_232_RioPurificacion (17) Poe28form_232_RioPurificacion (17) Poe22form_232_RioPurificacion (17) Poe18form_232_RioPurificacion (17) Poe19form_232_RioPurificacion (17) Poe30form_232_RioPurificacion (17) 616 Poe15form_232_RioPurificacion (17) Poe17form_232_RioPurificacion (17) Poe23form_232_RioPurificacion (17) mexicana 974 Poe21form_232_RioPurificacion (17) Poe62bform_233RioGuyalejoEZapata (14) F_XII_Moe116_Floodway (23) F_XII_Moe160_Floodway (23) F_XII_Moe445_SanFernando (12) F_XII_Moe76_BayView (21) F_XII_Moe87_Olmito (22) F_XII_Moe115_Floodway (23) F_VI_Moe53_SofTampico (4) 862 F_VI_Moe55_SofTampico (4) F_VI_Moe56_SofTampico (4) F_II_Moe90_Olmito (22) F_II_Moe88_Olmito (22) F_II_Moe145_SanMarcos (24) F_II_Moe113_Floodway (23) F_II_Moe117_Floodway (23) 1765form_SanMarcosTexas (24) F_IV_Moe245_SanMarcos (24) F_IV_Moe342_SanMarcos (24) F_IV_Moe426_Olmito (22) F_V_Moe146_SanMarcos (24) F_V_Moe92_E48 (20) F_II_Moe143_SanMarcos (24) F_II_Moe147_SanMarcos (24) F_II_Moe148_SanMarcos (24) 831 F_II_Moe149_SanMarcos (24) F_II_Moe154_SanMarcos (24) F_II_Moe204_SanMarcos (24) F_II_Moe208_SanMarcos (24) F_II_Moe246_SanMarcos (24) F_II_Moe346_SanMarcos (24) F_II_Moe347_SanMarcos (24) F_II_Moe391_SanMarcos (24) F_II_Moe84_Olmito (22) F_III_Moe64_Ditch_I (22) F_III_Moe68_Ditch_I (22) Poe271form_233RioGuyalejoEZapata (14) Poe20form_232_RioPurificacion (17) F_X_Moe184_Barretal (17) F_X_Moe81_E48 (20)_ Poe25form_232_RioPurificacion (17) Poe16form_232_RioPurificacion (17) 1541form_III_2_Mante (10) F_XIII_Moe293_SofLinares (18) 1546form_III_2_Mante (10) F_XIII_Moe300_SofLinares (18) F_XIII_Moe523_SofLinares (18) F_XI_Moe15_232_RioPurificacion (17) F_XI_Moe4_Altamira (6) F_XI_Moe14_Altamira (6) F_XI_Moe13_Altamira (6) F_XI_Moe11_Altamira (6) F_XI_Moe12_Altamira (6) F_I_Moe192_NofMante (9) F_I_Moe362_RioCorona (15) F_I_Moe557_RioBarbarena (8) Poe24form_232_RioPurificacion (17) 1764form1_III_2_Mante (10) F_I_Moe355_NuevoPadilla (16) F_I_Moe49_SofTampico (4) F_IX_Moe6_Gonzales (11) F_I_Moe119_Floodway (23) F_I_Moe296_SofLinares (18) F_I_Moe363_RioCorona (15) F_I_Moe70_NofMante (9) F_X_Moe78_Barretal (17) Poe66form_233RioGuyalejoEZapata (14) F_XIV_Moe358_CuidadMante (13) Poe26form_232_RioPurificacion (17) F_I_Moe97_E48 (20) Poe63bform_233RioGuyalejoEZapata (14) F_VII_Moe327_RioCorona (15) Poe65bform_233RioGuyalejoEZapata (14) F_X_Moe222_Olmito (22) 493 formosa 0.001 mexicana 629 mATG31 mATG38 mATG44 mATG78 mATG61 mCA16 mCA20 KonD15 Sat1 PR39 1 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 P. formosa P. mexicana APPENDIX 1 - SAMPLE INFORMATION Sample ID Poe1 Poe2 Poe3 Poe4 Poe5 Poe6 Poe7 Poe8 Poe9 Poe10 Poe11 Poe12 Poe13 Poe14 Poe15 Poe16 Poe17 Poe18 Poe19 Poe20 Poe21 Poe22 Poe23 Poe24 Poe25 Poe26 Poe27 Poe28 Poe29 Poe30 Poe31 Poe32 Poe62b Poe63b Poe64b Poe65b Poe66b Poe91 Poe92 Poe93 Poe94 Poe271b Poe272b Poe273b 1541 1543 1546 1598 1601 1644 1660 1661 1662 1757 1764 1765 1793 1794 1808 1809 1816 2710 2768 2769 2771 LC7 LC13 LC22 LC24 LC28 LC31 LC35 Moe11 Moe12 Moe13 Moe140 Moe14 Moe15 Moe4 Moe108 Moe71 Moe1 Moe20 Moe122 Moe443 Moe572 Moe78 Moe184 Moe324 Moe229 Moe319 Moe322 Moe323 Moe76 Moe358 Moe64 Moe68 Moe143 Moe97 Moe92 Moe81 Moe113 Moe117 Moe391 Moe119 Moe116 Moe160 Moe6 Moe444 Moe492 Moe10 Moe193 phenotypic sex m m m m m m f f f f f f f f f f f f f f f f f f f f f f f f f juv f f f f f juv juv juv juv f f m f m f m juv f m m m m f f m f m m f f m m m m m m w w m juv f f f f f f f f m m m juv f f m m m f f f f f f f f f f f f f f f f f Species mexicana mexicana mexicana mexicana mexicana mexicana mexicana mexicana mexicana mexicana mexicana mexicana mexicana formosa formosa formosa formosa formosa formosa formosa formosa formosa formosa formosa formosa formosa formosa formosa formosa formosa Gambusia spec. mexicana formosa formosa formosa formosa formosa mexicana mexicana mexicana mexicana formosa (10 fin rays!) mexicana (8 fin rays) mexicana formosa mexicana formosa latipinna mexicana mexicana mexicana mexicana mexicana latipinna formosa formosa Black Molly Black Molly latipinna latipinna latipinna latipinna latipinna latipinna mexicana mexicana mexicana mexicana mexicana mexicana mexicana mexicana formosa formosa formosa formosa formosa formosa formosa mexicana mexicana mexicana mexicana mexicana mexicana mexicana formosa formosa mexicana mexicana mexicana mexicana mexicana formosa formosa formosa formosa formosa formosa formosa formosa formosa formosa formosa formosa formosa formosa formosa mexicana mexicana formosa formosa Locality ID 232 Rio Purificacion/Barretal 232 Rio Purificacion/Barretal 232 Rio Purificacion/Barretal 232 Rio Purificacion/Barretal 232 Rio Purificacion/Barretal 232 Rio Purificacion/Barretal 232 Rio Purificacion/Barretal 232 Rio Purificacion/Barretal 232 Rio Purificacion/Barretal 232 Rio Purificacion/Barretal 232 Rio Purificacion/Barretal 232 Rio Purificacion/Barretal 232 Rio Purificacion/Barretal 232 Rio Purificacion/Barretal 232 Rio Purificacion/Barretal 232 Rio Purificacion/Barretal 232 Rio Purificacion/Barretal 232 Rio Purificacion/Barretal 232 Rio Purificacion/Barretal 232 Rio Purificacion/Barretal 232 Rio Purificacion/Barretal 232 Rio Purificacion/Barretal 232 Rio Purificacion/Barretal 232 Rio Purificacion/Barretal 232 Rio Purificacion/Barretal 232 Rio Purificacion/Barretal 232 Rio Purificacion/Barretal 232 Rio Purificacion/Barretal 232 Rio Purificacion/Barretal 232 Rio Purificacion/Barretal 232 Rio Purificacion/Barretal 235 Ojo frio 233 Rio Guayalejo Emilio Zapata 233 Rio Guayalejo Emilio Zapata 233 Rio Guayalejo Emilio Zapata 233 Rio Guayalejo Emilio Zapata 233 Rio Guayalejo Emilio Zapata 236 Cascadas Tamasopo 236 Cascadas Tamasopo 236 Cascadas Tamasopo 236 Cascadas Tamasopo 233 Rio Guayalejo Emilio Zapata 233 Rio Guayalejo Emilio Zapata 233 Rio Guayalejo Emilio Zapata III/2 Mante III/2 Mante III/2 Mante Texas, Olmito III/12 Tamasopo III/10 Rio Purification III/8 WF Rio Corona III/8 WF Rio Corona III/8 WF Rio Corona IV/5 New Altamira Brownsville WF Texas Texas, San Marcos WF from breeder from breeder II/7 Florida II/7 Florida IV/2 New Altamira Florida Texas, San Marcos IX/24 near Tampico V/4 Rio Oxolotan IV/5, Altamira, Laguna Champayan IV/5, Altamira, Laguna Champayan IV/5, Altamira, Laguna Champayan IV/5, Altamira, Laguna Champayan IV/5, Altamira, Laguna Champayan IV/5, Altamira, Laguna Champayan IV/5, Altamira, Laguna Champayan Altamira Altamira Altamira Altamira Altamira Altamira Altamira Altamira Altamira Altamira Altamira Altamira Axtlapexco Axtlapexco Barretal Barretal Barretal Barretal Barretal Barretal Barretal BayView CiudadMante Ditch Ditch Ditch E48 E48 E48 Floodway Floodway Floodway Floodway Floodway Floodway Gonzales Huchihuayan Huchihuayan loc.I loc.I lat 24.0785 24.0785 24.0785 24.0785 24.0785 24.0785 24.0785 24.0785 24.0785 24.0785 24.0785 24.0785 24.0785 24.0785 24.0785 24.0785 24.0785 24.0785 24.0785 24.0785 24.0785 24.0785 24.0785 24.0785 24.0785 24.0785 24.0785 24.0785 24.0785 24.0785 24.0785 22.1905 23.2771 23.2771 23.2771 23.2771 23.2771 21.9402 21.9402 21.9402 21.9402 23.2771 23.2771 23.2771 22.8123 22.8123 22.8123 25.9865 21.9402 24.0432 23.9506 23.9506 23.9506 22.3915 25.8997 29.8580 25.1256 25.1256 22.3915 22.3915 29.8580 22.4242 22.1905 22.3915 22.3915 22.3915 22.3915 22.3915 22.3915 22.3915 22.3915 22.3915 22.3915 22.3915 22.3915 22.3915 22.3915 22.3915 22.3915 22.3915 22.3915 22.3915 21.0002 21.0002 24.0785 24.0785 24.0785 24.0785 24.0785 24.0785 24.0785 25.9500 22.8664 25.9865 25.9865 25.9865 25.9417 25.9417 25.9417 26.1200 26.1200 26.1200 26.1200 26.1200 26.1200 22.8167 21.4801 21.4801 25.9865 25.9865 long -99.1235 -99.1235 -99.1235 -99.1235 -99.1235 -99.1235 -99.1235 -99.1235 -99.1235 -99.1235 -99.1235 -99.1235 -99.1235 -99.1235 -99.1235 -99.1235 -99.1235 -99.1235 -99.1235 -99.1235 -99.1235 -99.1235 -99.1235 -99.1235 -99.1235 -99.1235 -99.1235 -99.1235 -99.1235 -99.1235 -99.1235 -99.3221 -98.9386 -98.9386 -98.9386 -98.9386 -98.9386 -99.3951 -99.3951 -99.3951 -99.3951 -98.9386 -98.9386 -98.9386 -99.0125 -99.0125 -99.0125 -97.5313 -99.3951 -98.9044 -99.1194 -99.1194 -99.1194 -97.9311 -97.4795 -97.8642 -80.4072 -80.4072 -97.9311 -97.9311 -97.8642 -97.8866 -99.3221 -97.9311 -97.9311 -97.9311 -97.9311 -97.9311 -97.9311 -97.9311 -97.9311 -97.9311 -97.9311 -97.9311 -97.9311 -97.9311 -97.9311 -97.9311 -97.9311 -97.9311 -97.9311 -97.9311 -98.3294 -98.3294 -99.1235 -99.1235 -99.1235 -99.1235 -99.1235 -99.1235 -99.1235 -97.3500 -99.0258 -97.5313 -97.5313 -97.5313 -97.4310 -97.4310 -97.4310 -97.9612 -97.9612 -97.9612 -97.9612 -97.9612 -97.9612 -98.4300 -98.9668 -98.9668 -97.5313 -97.5313 Moe8 Moe73 Moe192 Moe70 Moe355 Moe222 Moe84 Moe88 Moe90 Moe426 Moe87 Moe557 Moe362 Moe363 Moe327 Moe445 Moe145 Moe147 Moe148 Moe149 Moe154 Moe204 Moe208 Moe246 Moe346 Moe347 Moe245 Moe342 Moe146 Moe296 Moe293 Moe300 Moe523 Moe49 Moe53 Moe55 Moe56 Moe48 Moe52 Moe57 LC1 LC10 LC12 LC14 LC15 LC17 LC18 LC19 LC2 LC21 LC23 LC25 LC26 LC27 LC29 LC32 LC6 LC8 LC9 LC91 LC11 LC30 LC13 LC24 LC28 LC31 LCI LCII LCIII LCIV LCV LCVI IS08009 IS08012 IS08016 IS08018 IS08019 IS08024 IS08027 IS08036 IS08038 IS08042 IS08043 IS08046 IS08048 IS08050 IS08052 IS08054 IS08055 IS08056 IS08060 IS08062 f m f f f f f f f f f f f f f f f f f f f f f f f f f f f f f f f f f f f m juv f f f f f f f f f f f f f f f f f f f f f f f m f f m f m m m f f m m m formosa mexicana formosa formosa formosa formosa formosa formosa formosa formosa formosa formosa formosa formosa formosa formosa formosa formosa formosa formosa formosa formosa formosa formosa formosa formosa formosa formosa formosa formosa formosa formosa formosa formosa formosa formosa formosa mexicana mexicana mexicana formosa formosa formosa formosa formosa formosa formosa formosa formosa formosa formosa formosa formosa formosa formosa formosa formosa formosa formosa formosa latipinna latipinna mexicana mexicana mexicana mexicana mexicana mexicana mexicana mexicana mexicana mexicana latipinna latipinna latipinna latipinna latipinna latipinna latipinna latipinna latipinna latipinna latipinna latipinna latipinna latipinna latipinna latipinna latipinna latipinna latipinna latipinna loc.I Altamira NofMante NofMante NuevoPadilla Olmito Olmito Olmito Olmito Olmito Olmito RioBarbarena Rio Corona Rio Corona Rio Corona SanFernando SanMarcos SanMarcos SanMarcos SanMarcos SanMarcos SanMarcos SanMarcos SanMarcos SanMarcos SanMarcos SanMarcos SanMarcos SanMarcos SofLinares SofLinares SofLinares SofLinares SofTampico SofTampico SofTampico SofTampico SofTampico SofTampico SofTampico IV/5, Altamira, Laguna Champaxan IV/5, Altamira, Laguna Champaxan IV/5, Altamira, Laguna Champaxan IV/5, Altamira, Laguna Champaxan IV/5, Altamira, Laguna Champaxan IV/5, Altamira, Laguna Champaxan IV/5, Altamira, Laguna Champaxan IV/5, Altamira, Laguna Champaxan IV/5, Altamira, Laguna Champaxan IV/5, Altamira, Laguna Champaxan IV/5, Altamira, Laguna Champaxan IV/5, Altamira, Laguna Champaxan IV/5, Altamira, Laguna Champaxan IV/5, Altamira, Laguna Champaxan IV/5, Altamira, Laguna Champaxan IV/5, Altamira, Laguna Champaxan IV/5, Altamira, Laguna Champaxan IV/5, Altamira, Laguna Champaxan IV/5, Altamira, Laguna Champaxan IV/5, Altamira, Laguna Champaxan IV/5, Altamira, Laguna Champaxan IV/5, Altamira, Laguna Champaxan IV/5, Altamira, Laguna Champaxan IV/5, Altamira, Laguna Champaxan IV/5, Altamira, Laguna Champaxan IV/5, Altamira, Laguna Champaxan IV/5, Altamira, Laguna Champaxan IV/5, Altamira, Laguna Champaxan IV/5, Altamira, Laguna Champaxan IV/5, Altamira, Laguna Champaxan IV/5, Altamira, Laguna Champaxan IV/5, Altamira, Laguna Champaxan Angleton,Texas Cameron,Louisiana Hwy 182,Louisiana Houma,Louisiana DesAlemands,Louisiana Hwy 613,Mississippi Fort Walton Beach,Florida Otter Creek,Florida Weeki Wachee,Florida Kissimmee,Florida Satellite Beach,Florida Lake Eustins,Florida Bulow Creek,Florida St. Mary's,Georgia Crescent,Georgia Bennetts Point,Georgia James Island,South Carolina Wilmington,North Carolina Cavasso Creek,Texas Lincoln Park,Texas 25.9865 22.3915 22.7670 22.7670 24.0408 25.9865 25.9865 25.9865 25.9865 25.9865 25.9865 22.5670 23.9506 23.9506 23.9506 22.8330 29.8580 29.8580 29.8580 29.8580 29.8580 29.8580 29.8580 29.8580 29.8580 29.8580 29.8580 29.8580 29.8580 24.6500 24.6500 24.6500 24.6500 22.1830 22.1830 22.1830 22.1830 22.1830 22.1830 22.1830 22.3915 22.3915 22.3915 22.3915 22.3915 22.3915 22.3915 22.3915 22.3915 22.3915 22.3915 22.3915 22.3915 22.3915 22.3915 22.3915 22.3915 22.3915 22.3915 22.3915 22.3915 22.3915 22.3915 22.3915 22.3915 22.3915 22.3915 22.3915 22.3915 22.3915 22.3915 22.3915 29.1772 29.7605 29.5791 29.6200 29.8156 30.5120 30.4802 29.3195 28.4988 28.1458 28.1724 28.8508 29.4073 30.7535 31.5293 32.5929 32.7341 34.2690 28.2173 25.8996 -97.5313 -97.9311 -99.0000 -99.0000 -98.9024 -97.5313 -97.5313 -97.5313 -97.5313 -97.5313 -97.5313 -97.9000 -99.1194 -99.1194 -99.1194 -98.1670 -97.8642 -97.8642 -97.8642 -97.8642 -97.8642 -97.8642 -97.8642 -97.8642 -97.8642 -97.8642 -97.8642 -97.8642 -97.8642 -99.3330 -99.3330 -99.3330 -99.3330 -97.8670 -97.8670 -97.8670 -97.8670 -97.8670 -97.8670 -97.8670 -97.9311 -97.9311 -97.9311 -97.9311 -97.9311 -97.9311 -97.9311 -97.9311 -97.9311 -97.9311 -97.9311 -97.9311 -97.9311 -97.9311 -97.9311 -97.9311 -97.9311 -97.9311 -97.9311 -97.9311 -97.9311 -97.9311 -97.9311 -97.9311 -97.9311 -97.9311 -97.9311 -97.9311 -97.9311 -97.9311 -97.9311 -97.9311 -95.4425 -93.8503 -90.0800 -90.6663 -90.4629 -88.5512 -86.5853 -82.7830 -82.6478 -81.4661 -80.5963 -81.2404 -81.1220 -81.5846 -81.4403 -80.4631 -79.9959 -77.7948 -96.9878 -97.4794 Table S1 Locality information, IDs as in Figs. 1, S1 and S2 ID lat long 1 21.000 -98.329 2 21.480 -98.967 3 21.940 -99.395 3a N.A. N.A. 4 22.183 -97.867 5 22.191 -99.322 6 22.392 -97.931 7 22.424 -97.887 8 22.567 -97.900 9 22.767 -99.000 10 22.812 -99.012 11 22.817 -98.430 12 22.833 -98.167 13 22.866 -99.026 14 23.277 -98.939 15 23.951 -99.119 16 24.043 -98.904 17 24.079 -99.124 18 24.650 -99.333 19 25.900 -97.480 20 25.942 -97.431 21 25.950 -97.350 22 25.987 -97.531 23 26.120 -97.961 24 29.858 -97.864 25 25.900 -97.479 26 28.217 -96.988 27 29.177 -95.443 28 29.761 -93.850 29 29.620 -90.666 30 29.816 -90.463 31 29.579 -90.080 32 30.512 -88.551 33 30.480 -86.585 34 29.320 -82.783 35 28.499 -82.648 36 25.126 -80.407 37 28.146 -81.466 38 28.172 -80.596 39 28.851 -81.240 40 29.407 -81.122 41 30.754 -81.585 42 31.529 -81.440 43 32.593 -80.463 44 32.734 -79.996 45 34.269 -77.795 46 17.438 -92.772 Locality Axtlapexco Huchihuayan 236 Cascadas Tamasopo & III/12 Tamasopo Rio Verde S of Tampico 235 Ojo frio Altamira & IV/5 New Altamira, Laguna Champaxan IX/24 near Tampico Rio Barbarena N of Mante III/2 Mante Gonzales SanFernando CiudadMante 233 Rio Guayalejo Emilio Zapata III/8 WF Rio Corona III/10 Rio Purification & Nuevo Padilla 232 Rio Purificacion/Barretal SofLinares Brownsville WF Texas E48 BayView Texas, Olmito & loc. 1 & Ditch Floodway Texas, San Marcos Lincoln Park, Texas Cavasso Creek, Texas Angleton, Texas Cameron, Louisiana Houma, Louisiana DesAlemands, Louisiana Hwy 182, Louisiana Hwy 613, Mississippi Fort Walton Beach, Florida Otter Creek, Florida Weeki Wachee, Florida II/7 Florida Kissimmee, Florida Satellite Beach, Florida Lake Eustins, Florida Bulow Creek, Florida St. Mary's, Georgia Crescent, Georgia Bennetts Point, Georgia James Island, South Carolina Wilmington, North Carolina Rio Oxolotan Table S3: Genetic distance within and between populations. P. formosa are more closely related (mean +/- stdev: 0.504 +/- 0.074, min: 0.13, max: 0.64) than P. mexicana from different field sites (mean +/- stdev: 0.797 +/- 0.067, min: 0.45, max: 0.87) PfG PmG PfP PmP PfLC PfG mean+/-stdev min - max 0.393 +/- 0.090 0.125 – 0.472 PmG mean+/-stdev min - max 0.806 +/- 0.017 0.763 - 0.818 0.624 +/- 0.266 0.317 - 0.791 PfP mean+/-stdev min - max 0.431 +/-0.095 0.127 - 0.595 0.709 +/- 0.063 0.642 - 0.818 0.310 +/- 0.244 0.000 - 0.809 PmP mean+/-stdev min - max 0.781 +/- 0.056 0.641 - 0.867 0.796 +/- 0.034 0.664 - 0.854 0.857 +/- 0.016 0.806 - 0.874 0.371 +/- 0.223 0.049 - 0.874 PfLC mean+/-stdev min - max 0.516 +/- 0.085 0.255 - 0.641 0.783 +/- 0.031 0.694 - 0.833 0.520 +/- 0.048 0.371 - 0.641 0.823 +/- 0.057 0.625 - 0.900 0.425 +/- 0.182 0.064 - 0.841 PmLC mean+/-stdev min - max 0.750 +/- 0.076 0.591 - 0.871 0.690 +/- 0.117 0.454 - 0.854 0.724 +/- 0.097 0.476- 0.871 0.813 +/- 0.045 0.633 - 0.874 0.793 +/- 0.053 0.531 - 0.900 PmLC 0.615 +/- 0.219 0.061 - 0.900