YAMbeat YAMbeat - Art Educators of New Jersey


YAMbeat YAMbeat - Art Educators of New Jersey
Youth Art Month 2008
Special Issue
Youth Art Month 2008
Youth Art Month(YAM) is a national annual observance held each March to emphasize
the value of K-12 art education for all children and to encourage support for quality school
art programs.
was created in 1961 by the Art & Creative
Materials Institute (ACMI), a non-profit association of
art and craft materials, manufacturers, in cooperation
with the National Art Education Association. In 1984,
ACMI created the Council for Art Education (CFAE)
to administer the national Youth Art Month program
and encourage funding for the program.
This year’s NJ YAM festivities were amazing! All
21 counties held exhibits in various venues such
as college campuses, hospitals, libraries, county
goverment offices and local businesses. Student
artists and their family, friends and art teachers
attended the many receptions throughout the state.
Six pieces from each of these county shows were
also selected to represent the county at the NJ State
YAM Exhibit held in Trenton.
On March 14th, many teachers, students and their
families made the trip to Trenton to view the State
YAM Exhibit. All of the participating student artists
received beautiful YAM awards and a set of metallic
markers, both generously donated by Sargent Art.
YAM buttons and a YAM t-shirt were also presented
to each student YAM artist. Wonderful and delicious
refreshments including cake, sandwiches and fruit
were enjoyed by all!
Some very important people in NJ also made the
YAM festivities special. Governor Corzine and State
Senators, Frank Lautenberg and Robert Menendez
along with many other senators and assemblymen showed their support by proclaiming March as
Youth Art Month. Bhakti Oza from Sargent Art travelled from Florida to share in the festivities. Artist,
Robert Girandola, whose 9-11 memorial of four firefighters lost in the North Tower can be seen at
Engine Company Six in Lower Manhattan, spoke to the high school art students about life as an artist
and shared a documentary about his memorial. It was a moving and inspiring moment for all who
You can read more about the YAM exhibits and view pictures at http://yamnj.
blogspot.com/. You can also view artwork from the State YAM exhibit at www.
artsonia.com.schools/aenj1. Also remember to check out the YAM exhibit at our
annual fall conference- Art: Just Let it Happen! October 6, 7, and 8th.
2009 Youth Art Month Reception Date:
March 21, 2009 at the State House in Trenton
Go to www.aenj.org for more information
Make YAM a huge success in 2009 and participate in your local county YAM
Bergen County Celebrates
The Bergen County Youth Art
Month 2008, sponsored by the
Art Educators of New Jersey, was
held in Ikea of Paramus. Teachers
put so much time and effort in
setting up and displaying their
students artwork in preparation
for the opening art show reception
held on Thursday, March 20th.
This year’s artwork ranged from
multicultural to art history based
projects with many mediums
(2D and 3D) from every grade
level. Teachers, students, parents, principals, superintendents,
and friends were all excited about the great event. Even students
whose artworks were not displayed came to celebrate YAM 2008.
Everyone enjoyed the company of one another and shared
their happiness as they took pictures, communicated
with teachers, and helped themselves to refreshments
provided by IKEA (Paramus),
Park Avenue Bakery
(East Rutherford), and teachers from Bergen County.
“This years Youth Art
Month show was a great
success. We hope to
continue the great efforts
and talents that were
displayed during this
exciting and fun event
at IKEA.” (Genecie
Gloucester County YAM
The 2008 Gloucester County YAM
was celebrated at Friends School
Mullica Hill. Eleven teachers
exhibited over 120 artworks
by students in grades K-12.
Students and friends toured the
exhibition while participating in
an art scavenger hunt. Students
displayed their art knowledge by
identifying paintings with warm
colors, still lifes, landscapes, and
many more topics. Students also
selected their personal favorites
and made ribbons for their “Best
of Show” piece.
Atlantic/Cape May Counties
Bergen County Artists and Teachers at YAM Reception at IKEA in
Atlantic and Cape May Counties had a very successful Youth Art
Month Exhibit throughout the month of March. The exhibit opened at
the Noyes Museum in Oceanville on March 3rd and it was open to the
public through March 31st. A total of 12 schools participated in the
exhibit showcasing artwork from students in grades 1 through 12 in both
counties. At least 150 pieces of 2D and 3D artwork were on display and
an artists’ reception was held on Saturday March 15th at the museum
from 2 to 4pm. The reception was well attended by the student artists,
family, friends and teachers. Certificates of achievement were awarded
to all student artists at the reception.
On March 14th, Sharon Reustle had a Youth Art Month exhibit within
the Egg Harbor Township HS. Approximately 80 pieces of work were
on display in the Media Center all day and the exhibit was visited by
staff, students, teachers and administration. Mrs. Reustle’s students
hosted the exhibit the entire day, providing refreshments to the visitors
and responding to the viewers’ questions and words of praise.
Camden County
Hudson County
The Hudson County Youth Art Month celebration continues to grow each year. This year,
we found a bright, new venue for the art exhibit at The Hudson Mall on Rte. 440 in Jersey
City. Shoppers young and old stopped to admire the art work created by 75 students of 19
art educators from 12 schools throughout the county. Representatives from Mayor Healy’s
office and Assemblyman Smith’s office presented their proclamation and endorsement at the
artists’ reception on March 13th, joining the proclamation from North Bergen Mayor Sacco and
endorsements from Assemblymen Ramos and Prieto. We received a generous donation of art
prints from Artsonia for the 6 art works sent to Trenton, thanks to CEO Jim Meyers.
The most stirring moments came when passers-by asked how they could get their young
children involved in art education.
Cumberland and Salem Counties
Salem and Cumberland
Counties had their second
Youth Art Month show at the
Millville Public Library, with
the opening reception on
the third Friday in February.
What a night in Millville!
The shops and galleries
open their doors with hors
d’oeuvres being
in each one. Over 150
students got to be a part of
the evening celebrating the
arts in a venue very different
than any other they have
ever experienced, and this
year the weather cooperated.
After seeing their work on
display, students were able
to experience the town.
Great fun for all at the Youth
Art Month for Salem and
Cumberland Counties.
Burlington County
Over 160 attended
the closing reception
on March 15th for the
YAM, at the Burlington
Dr. Les Richens the
new Executive County
our guest speaker
this year, and spoke
to the parents on
the importance of
art education in our
schools, along with presenting
the artists with their certificates of
Each artist received a button
of their art work along with their
PLATINUM $100 ($600)
* Lynn Dodson (in honor of all YAM
Leadership Past & Present)
* Dr. Deborah Greh (in honor of all
the student artists)
* David Mackey (in memory of John
* Assemblyman Joseph Cryan
* Assemblyman Samuel D.
* Assemblyman Peter J. Biondi
GOLD $50 ($550)
* Assemblyman Thomas P. Giblin
* Dr. Kim Huyler Defibaugh
* Mr. & Mrs. Cheney
* Rick Lasher
* Susan Bivona (in honor all the
young artists at Mt. Prospect
* R. Gloria Pappalardo
*Carrie Davey(in honor of all my
current & former students in RP)
* Linda Devlin
* Mayor Sharon Robinson-Briggs (in
honor of City of Plainfield)
* Elise Thompson (in honor of
Arlene Smelson)
* Mount Prospect School PTO
SILVER $25 ($300)
* Ruth N. Kaplan
* Virginia M. Gilcrest (in honor of
EJF, Jr.-Aldene students)
* Julie Roffe-Barkin (in honor of
my students)
* Debra Eckert-Casha (in honor of
the late William H. Lewis)
SILVER $25 ($300)
* Joanne Anderson
* Anonymous Donor
* Barbara Calvo (in honor of student
artists in Ocean Twp. Schools)
* Jitendra Sharma (in honor of
Natasha Sharma)
* Gene Neglia
* Patricia Barter- Varrichio (in
honor of Stanley Soukeys)
* The Spingarn Family
* Beth Delaney
BRONZE $10 ($60)
* Atelier 7 Art Studio
* The Peter Scerbo Family (in honor
of Nichous Scerbo)
* Deborah S. Gewecke
* Lynn H. Slotkin (in honor of Dr.
Pearl Greenberg)
* Ellen Silverman
* Aurelle Sprout (in honor of my
supportive principal, Mr. William
* Hamburg School Staff (in honor
of Youth Art Month)
* Sheila D. O’Neill
* Marcia Shenton & SuzAnne Pacala
TOTAL: $1616.00
Mercer County
Mercer County’s YAM celebration was a
smashing success! Our exhibit was held
at the Hickory Corner Branch Library. We
had over 60 pieces exhibited from East
Windsor and Princeton Regional Schools.
Each artist received a beautiful certificate
of attendance, an artist pin and other
assorted goodies. Family and friends
came out in full force to support our artists.
Special thanks to Co-Chair Robert SedaSchreiber and AENJ Board Member Jude
Ocean County
On March 29, Ocean County
celebrated Youth Art Month
at the Jackson Branch of the
Ocean County Library system.
Excitement was in the air as
one approached the library for a
state YAM flag was flying high on
the flagpole outside. Once you
walked into the reception room
you could feel the excitement of
the students, parents, and art
teachers in attendance. No words
were needed as one watched
the students running up to their
masterpiece with the pure joy of
seeing their work on exhibit. The
normal posing with your piece and
then posing with your Art Teacher
is still a fantastic sight to behold. Parents and grandparents stood
with pride seeing their child’s work. Art students from the Art Honor
Society at Jackson Memorial HS painted faces before and after
the presentations. Numerous pieces of sculpture were on exhibit
in the library’s showcases and about 80 pieces of 2D work were
on exhibit. Local dignitaries were on hand with proclamations.
Assemblyman Ronald Dancer was present with a proclamation
from the NJ State Senate and a committeeman representing
the Jackson council. They presented Chairs Holly Callahan and
Karen Blenner with state and local Youth Art Month proclamations.
Certificates along with an art treat were handed out to each
participant as they were called up for recognition. The six Ocean
County students whose art work hung at the State house were
awarded tote bags, which had been hand painted by the Art Honor
Society students from Jackson Memorial HS, with Art supplies
and a framed color copy of their art piece. Each Art Teacher that
the event was
also recognized
Art Education in
their district with
a certificate and
an Ocean County
Families enjoyed
the refreshments
d o n a t e d
Judging from the
smiles on the students, teachers, and parents it was a wonderful
Middlesex County
The 2008 Middlesex County Youth Art Month Exhibition took place at the Barron Arts
Center in Woodbridge. It was a great honor to have had the opportunity to utilize such
a beautiful building for our show. The building was constructed in 1877 and is listed on
the National Registry of Historical Places.
We had 95 participating students from many different school districts in Middlesex
County; New Brunswick, East Brunswick, Perth Amboy, Old Bridge, Sayreville, Edison,
Woodbridge and Carteret all returned for our fifth year. We also had a great number
of new participating art teachers, and fellow AENJ members, participate in this years
exhibit from Old Bridge, Carteret and, mostly, Woodbridge. We welcome our new
members and hope for their continued participation in future exhibitions.
This year, Middlesex County was honored by having Blick Art
Supply Company donate colored pencil sample packs as gifts
of appreciation, which were given to all of our participating
students. We acknowledge and greatly appreciate such a
wonderful donation from Blick’s and hope for their continued
support in our venture.
My heartfelt thanks to Kristine Templeton (Art Teacher: New
Brunswick Middle School), Sherry Yee (Art Teacher: Edison
High School) and Ken Redler (Art Teacher: Woodrow Wilson
School) for all of their help in setting up this years’ YAM show.
Hunterdon County YAM
Union County
The Union County YAM exhibit was held at IKEA
Elizabeth from February 27th through March
31st. This marked our fourth year celebrating
YAM at wonderful IKEA! 103 pieces of K-12
student artwork were on display from 34 schools
in the balcony area of the IKEA store.
Student artists, families and art teachers attended
the opening reception on February 27th and filled
the IKEA restaurant. Josephine Hernandes, the
Union County State Board of Education Member
attended the festivities along with Dr. Debbie
Greh, AENJ Historian and Mayor Chris Bollwage of Elizabeth.
This was only our second
YAM exhibit in Hunterdon
County. The show was held
March 9th through 15th at
the Hunterdon Medical
Center in Flemington,
NJ. It was evident at
the reception that our
attendance was greater
than last year. The families
stayed longer & participated in the hands-on activities with
materials provided by Staples. The attendees made “Pinwheels
for Peace”, created their own framed “masterpieces” and
enjoyed using Crayola’s Color Explosion. Local NJ Assembly
members Michael J. Doherty and Marcia Karrow attended the
festivities. Many of the teachers that submitted their children’s
work were also present. Hospital workers and visitors were
happy to have the art on view & positive comments were left in
our guestbook. Our closing reception let students and teachers
take home their work at the shows end. We are looking forward
to a bigger and better show in 2009!
Each student artist received a YAM award
and a prize pack filled with art goodies
donated by both Crayola & Sax Arts at
the awards ceremony. The participating
artists felt like movie stars as they walked
down our special roped off red carpet
area to receive their awards and pose
for photographs with their art teachers.
Refreshments were also provided by
Maria Tocci, IKEA’s assistant store
manager, and 4 to Poder Magazine came
to report on the YAM festivities.
It was a wonderful night for all who
attended. Everyone stayed after the
awards to view the artwork, shop,
socialize with new friends and grab a
bite to eat in the restaurant. Bravo Union
County…another successful YAM!
1. Become a member of AENJ.
2. Contact your county YAM
3. Participate in the YAM
Design Contest.
4. Prepare & deliver artwork as
specified by your county YAM
5. Volunteer to help out your
county YAM committee.
6. Attend your local YAM
exhibits to show your
7. Start your own YAM exhibit in
your district.
Somerset County
This article is a reprint of an article first posted by Craig Turpin/
Somerset Reporter March 08, 2008 10:12AM
Endorsed by the National Art Education
Association, Youth Art Month is a national,
annual observance each March to emphasize
the value of art education for all children and
to encourage support for quality school art
To recognize Youth Art Month, the Somerset
Art Association is proud to partner with the
Art Educators of New Jersey to host a two-part exhibit of Somerset county
student work in the its Johnson Gallery. This special exhibit is sponsored by
Ortho-McNeil, Inc.
Under the guiding hands of volunteer exhibit co-chairs, Susan Bivona, art
teacher at Mount Prospect School, Basking Ridge and Joanne Anderson,
art teacher at William Annin Middle School, Basking Ridge, the exhibit is
divided into separate shows, with Part I highlighting the talents of children in
grades Kindergarten through the fifth grade March 9-18 and Part II featuring
compositions by students in the sixth grade through the 12th grade from March
22 through April 6. 29 art teachers from Somerset County participated!
The Somerset Art Association (www.somersetart.org) was founded in 1970
and located on Burnt Mills Road near Route 206, the association provides
90 visual arts classes quarterly for children, teens and adults, hosts special
art workshops, a spring lecture series, art birthday parties and summer
art camps for children, arranges bus tours to tri-state area museums,
participates in community partnership projects, and showcases seven free
public exhibitions annually in their Johnson Gallery as well as at off-site
Passaic County
For the third year
the Passaic County
Freeholders have
students selected
YAM Exhibit with
recognition at their April 8th televised Freeholder
meeting. The Passaic County YAM Show was held
at the William Monaghan Gallery at the Louis Bay II
Library in Hawthorne. There were over 100 pieces
of art work from students K-12 and a reception on
March 26th with music provided by a student of the
music department of Hawhthorne High School.
Essex County
At the fourth annual
reception for Essex County
Youth Art Month, Essex
County Executive, Joseph
N. DiVincenzo, Jr. was
presented AENJ’S John
J. Pappas Recognition
Fellow and former AENJ
president, Rick Lasher,
made the presentation.
NAEA Eastern Region
Vice President and former
Deborah Greh was also in
Held on May 6, at Essex
County Hall of Records in
Newark, New Jersey, the
art exhibit is a collaboration
of the Office of the Essex
County Executive and
the Art Educators of New Jersey. Parents, teachers, school
administrators and government officials all attended to celebrate
and recognize the artistic talents of students across the 25
municipalities of Essex County. Essex County Administrator, Joyce
Wilson Harley, Esq. praised the teachers for their dedication and
commitment to providing opportunities for the students’ artwork to
be seen outside of the school. Essex County Asst. Administrator
Sheila Oliver congratulated the student artists and encouraged
them to continue working hard. The youngest NJ State Senator,
the Honorable M. Teresa Ruiz, also encouraged the artists to
follow their dreams and thanked the parents for providing the
support that allowed students to attend important events.
At this reception the Essex County Art teachers awarded those
members that have helped the event to continue to exist. Ms. Ana
Santos from the County Executive’s office, Culinary Arts teacher
Thomas Patierno, and AENJ members, Geri Cohen-Headley and
Marian Resciniti, are a few of the many that have helped the
event to continue and grow.
“Art is the language by which all of the diverse communities
in Essex County can speak as one”, stated Alonzrea Austin
Chairperson of Essex County YAM.
Sussex County
Monmouth County
The 11th annual Sussex County
Courthouse Exhibit in honor of
Youth Art Month was held from
March 1 - April 2, 2008. Over 30
teachers from Sussex County’s
public and private schools displayed
their students’ work which featured
exceptional drawings, paintings,
collages and photographs. The
exhibit is co-sponsored by Sussex
County Arts & Heritage Council. Their mission is to
foster and promote the artistic and cultural vitality of
Sussex County. Many thanks to Linda Hirsch, SCA&HC
Arts Coordinator, who works so beautifully with AENJ
to promote and coordinate this show. This year under
Linda’s guidance, a special exhibit was coordinated on
the third floor of the Courthouse which featured the
work of participating Sussex County Art Teachers. On
April 2 the Courthouse was once again filled to capacity
with proud parents, their children and art teachers as
all enjoyed refreshments and festivities at the artists’
Monmouth County celebrated Youth Art Month from March 13th through March
29th at the Middletown Arts Center in
Middletown, N.J. More than 100 pieces of
art were submitted from the surrounding
districts in Monmouth County. The
show represented elementary, middle,
and high school levels of student work.
Tables were set up with 3D pieces
ranging from clay to mixed-media,
from small to large. Life size stocking
sculptures surrounded tables of larger
than life size papier-mache foods.
Robots, mandelas, and boxes of clay
could be seen as one walked around
the tables that were in the center of the
large room where the walls displayed the drawings and
paintings. A reception took place on March 13th in the
exhibit area from 6:00 -8:00 PM where the students
received award certificates.
It was generously attended
by the students, parents,
friends and teachers that
came to celebrate the young
artists’ achievements. The
artwork can be seen on
Artsonia, an on-line student
Courthouse Exhibit
Morris County
Morris County’s Youth Art Month
celebration was held at Saint
Clare’s Hospital, Dover Campus.
The hospital’s beautiful lobby
and hallways were the setting
for over 300 pieces of wonderful
artwork by our talented students.
Elementary through high school
teachers participated, providing
inspiration and beauty to all hospital visitors and patients. The
show was open from March 1st through the 29th. A very wellattended reception for students and families was held on March
29th . Special thanks to Saint Clare’s Hospital for hosting
our show and providing us with cookies and punch – we look
forward to a long partnership in Morris County.
Warren County
Art teachers in Warren County celebrated the
achievements and talents of art students in our
April Youth Art Month exhibit. The show was
held at the Independence Municipal building in
Great Meadows. Nine Warren County elementary
and middle schools participated in the month
long show. A well attended reception was held
with participating musicians from the Warren
County Cultural and Heritage Commission.
Works in many media were displayed for the
families and friends of these exceptional and
enthusiastic artists.
2008 YAM Exhibit & Reception Dates
Sharon Reustle: reustles@eht.k12.nj.us
The Noyes Museum, Oceanville
March 4th to March 31st
Joanne Gianfrancesco: Gian74@aol.com
Barron Arts Center, Woodbridge
March 9th to March 14th
Genecie Camacho:gene0812@msn.com
IKEA Paramus, Paramus
March 20th to April
Lonell Klina: lklina@longbranch.k12.nj.us
Arlene Smelson, Co-Chair
Middletown Arts Center
March 13th to March 29th
Pat Carper Brown: pcarperbrown@nhanover.com
Kathleen Cunningham & Sherry Springsteen,
Burlington County College, Pemberton
March 10th to March 15th
Donna Schrader: Mom2duffy@hotmail.com
Kendra Weiss, Co-Chair
Saint Clare’s Hospital, Dover
March 1st to March 29th
Denise Lewis Console: console@voorhees.k12.nj.us
Lisa Winkler, Co-Chair
Cherry Hill Public Library Gallery
March 1- March 29
Holly Callahan: hlcallahan@jacksonsd.org
Karen Blenner, Co-Chair
Jackson Branch of Ocean County Library System
Feb 29th to March 29th
Janice Chassier: chassier4@comcast.net
Lorraine Hill, Co-Chair
Millville Public Library
February 15th to March 28th
Kathy Benevento: KABENEVENTOART15@aol.com
Louis Bay Library, Hawthorne
March 3rd to March 29th
Lonnie Austin: LA3355@aol.com
Essex County Hall of Records, Newark
March 4th to May 6th
Diane Driessen: Ellyt3@aol.com
Friends School Mullica Hill
March 3rd to March 13th
Ed Lu: EDWARDCLU@msn.com
Jen Tiongsen, Co-Chair
Hudson Mall, Jersey City
March 2nd to March 13th
Ursula Accumanno: uaccumanno@gmail.com
Jo Ellen Grauerholz, Co-Chair
Hunterdon Medical Center, Flemington
March 9th to March 15th
Tamika Diaz: tamolta@yahoo.com
Hickory Corner Library, East Windsor
March 2nd- April 6th
Susan Bivona: spbivona@earthlink.net
Joanne Anderson: Janderson@bernardsboe.com
Somerset Art Association, Bedminster
K-5 Exhibit: March 9th to March 18th
6-12 Exhibit: March 22nd to April 6th
Beth Delaney: fredonart@hotmail.com
Sara O’Neill, Co-Chair
Sussex County Courthouse, Newton
March 1st - April 2nd
Carrie Davey: Barbie0414@comcast.net
Charlotte Banks & Karen Pilkington, Co-Chairs
Ikea, Elizabeth
February 27th to March 31st
Kathleen Giuliano: giulianok@warrennet.org
Leslie Nemeth, Co-Chair
Oxford Municipal Building
May 5th to May 29th
Independence Municipal Building
April 5th to April 30th