Judges - Effie
Judges - Effie
2007 Presented by The New York American Marketing Association Awards Journal Sponsored by © 2007 Dow Jones & Company. All Rights Reserved. journey.wsj.com/stevenlevitt 2007 Journal Sponsored by Advertising Age Printed by L.P. Thebault Company Fine Paper Supplied by Sappi 1 2 2007 EFFIE AWARDS Contents 3 4 5 Letter from the President Thank You to Our Sponsors Creativity with a Purpose Is the Name of the Game Today By Jonah Bloom–Editor, Advertising Age 6–82 84 86–92 93 94–95 Winners Grand Jury Judges Moderators and Worldwide Effie Programs Acknowledgments Letter from the President This year, at the final judging for the USA Effie awards, our award winners will be the most successful, the most BusinessWeek conducted a survey. BusinessWeek creative,the most effective in the marketplace. This wrote on its website, “While 121 judges may make for year’s grand Effie panel is a reflection of the changing a small survey pool, the group is extremely influential” face of our industry. and the results “offer a valuable snapshot of what the leaders in the business are thinking.” Here are a few Most of the changes you have seen in Effie – from nuggets from that survey: our new entry brief that drills down to reveal ideas that work to the redesigned Effie trophy – have come • The judges predict that guerrilla marketing, PR, mobile, via suggestions from industry leaders. We continue search and “other” will see an increase in marketing to welcome ideas that will challenge and grow the spending this year, in some cases substantially. Effie brand. • Agencies have publicized brands via YouTube (72%), Congratulations to all of our winners for a job well done. MySpace (51%), SecondLife (21%) and blogs (62%). Cordial regards, • Respondents were most confident in the ROI metrics for direct, online search, online brand and TV. As our industry adapts to be more effective, Effie Linda Cornelius Chair, Board of Directors New York AMA Effie Awards does as well. This year for the first time, we opened the competition to any and all forms of consumer engagement across all categories. Guerrilla, wordof-mouth, product design, special events – as long it worked. This change required changes in our judging pool as well, and we reached out to include experts in all of these fields, who jumped right in alongside our veteran agency and client judges. As marketers and agencies continue to develop innovative ways to connect with consumers, Effie will reach out to all segments of our industry to ensure that 3 Thank You to All the 2007 Effie Program Sponsors Platinum Sponsors Sponsors Partners 4 2007 EFFIE AWARDS Creativity with a Purpose Is the Name of the Game Today The marketing world is coming around to an Effie way of thinking and waking up to the fact that effectiveness and creativity are inextricably linked. While some award shows are gratuitous exercises in moneymaking and artistic pretension, the Effies have always been closer to celebrating the purpose of advertising – you know, selling more stuff, building consumer loyalty and increasing profit margins by adding brand value. Year after year, they’ve drawn an impressive cast of judges and rewarded reasonable campaigns for delivering tangible business results. But for some reason, up until now, they weren’t regarded in all quarters as the premier U.S. ad awards. Why? Well, first off the event was held at the Marriott in Midtown Manhattan, a venue about as conducive to a long night of celebrating as a double dose of Ambien. But, more importantly, the trouble with the Effies was that, rightly or wrongly, they were too often perceived as the un-creative awards. While the annual pilgrimage to the French Riviera was all about celebrating the art and craft of commercials, the Effies were about being effective (the clue is in the name), which has been seen by some as different from being creative. Nor was this just about the Effies. Too many people in the marketing world have believed that effective work is about repeatedly bashing people over the head with their messages – also known as churning out ads that score well in recall tests in which participants are forced to watch the ads and then asked if they can remember them. Obviously the flip side of that thinking is that creative work that draws in consumers with its quality storytelling is somehow more about art than ROI. Today, nothing could be further from the truth. A seemingly infinite array of media and entertainment options for consumers, together with a wealth of technologyenabled techniques for screening content they’re not interested in, has seen to it that engaging content is the price of entry for marketers. If you’re not relevant, useful or highly entertaining today, you’re not in the game. All the repetitions of your brand name you can muster in 30-seconds aren’t going to be enough if the viewers are bypassing your ads. Intrusion is dying, and advertisers need to get themselves invited into consumers’ lives. sit-back medium, is inevitably going to become an interactive channel – most predictions expect IPTV will take hold before the end of this decade. And at that point those who have relied on shouting loudest, rather than engaging consumers with a relevant proposition,will truly be found out. And by the end of next year most TV advertising will be bought and sold based on commercial ratings, which will give the truest indication yet of how creativity influences ad effectiveness. As I said in a recent column in Advertising Age, commercial ratings – especially once they measure the audience for each spot on a second-by-second basis – have the potential to reinvigorate creativity. Just as the TV buyer can call the seller after he or she receives the overnight ratings to discuss why a program isn’t pulling the promised numbers, commercial ratings will give marketers a real insight into whether people actually want to watch their commercials. Marketers and their agencies will be able to see the exact dropoff in viewers and compare that across different types of creative. Failure to engage consumers will suddenly be transparent in a way it’s never been before. What’s more, advertisers whose spots don’t win consumers over will end up paying dearly, because TV networks – anxious to show they can retain viewers through breaks – will likely end up charging more for spots that fail to keep audiences tuned in. That or they’ll relegate those ads to the worst positions in pods. Either way advertising that doesn’t engage will lose. The bash-them-over-the-head ad club will eventually die out. Those advertisers who give audiences something they really want, something they’ll actually opt to engage with, will thrive. The Effies, as an awards that focuses on creativity with a purpose, will surely thrive along with them. By Jonah Bloom Editor, Advertising Age That isn’t some cyclical trend or fad; it’s the way things are and the way things are going to stay. Even TV, the ultimate 5 AFRICAN-AMERICAN GOLD WINNERS Infiniti Jordan Brand INFINITI Monica Smith Doug Ryan Scot Fessenden Jan Thompson Mgr.-Infiniti Mktg. Sr. Mgr.-Infiniti Mktg. Dir. Infiniti Mktg. VP-Nissan/Infiniti Mktg. THE TRUE AGENCY Valencia Gayles Perry Fair Daryll Merchant Christopher Davis Garlanda Freeze Regina Hinton Pres. Assoc. Creative Dir. Exec. Bdcst. Producer Exec. Creative Dir. Mgmt. Super. Media Dir. TDP JORDAN BRAND Roman Vega Brand Mgr. WIEDEN+KENNEDY NEW YORK Caroline Hooper Acct. Dir. Daniel Cherry III Strategic Planner Mark Adamson Acct. Exec. Todd Waterbury Creative Dir. Kevin Proudfoot Creative Dir. Jesse Coulter Art Dir. Andy Ferguson Copywriter Eric Bridge Assoc. Media Dir. SAPIENT INFINITI IN BLACK This campaign was the first African-American marketing effort by Infiniti. The campaign married five African-American visionary artists with Infiniti vehicles. The campaign aimed to shape the Infiniti brand image among unaware African-American consumers and showcase the shared values of modern, distinct and bold design. 6 2007 EFFIE AWARDS JORDAN BE LIFESTYLE CAMPAIGN The objective of this campaign was both to raise awareness and increase sales of Jordan Brand’s inaugural Jordan Lifestyle apparel collection, which hit the market in fall of 2005. 2007 © Burrell Communications, LLC. One down. As sweet as victory is, an Effie only satisfies the appetite for so long. We're already hungry for more. Congratulations Allstate and thank you for the opportunity, the award and the chance to score more. 7 AFRICAN-AMERICAN SILVER WINNER AFRICAN-AMERICAN BRONZE WINNER Allstate Tyson Foods ALLSTATE INSURANCE CO. Nancy Abraham Dir. Steven White Sr. Mgr. TYSON FOODS Sue Quillin Libby Lawson VP-Mktg. Services VP-Public & Community Relations . BURRELL Stephen French Toni Midderhoff Richard Lufrano Lewis Williams Debra Amsden Winston Chueng Sr. Acct. Planner VP-Acct. Dir. Assoc. Creative Dir. Sr. VP-CCO VP-Dir. Bdst. Production Art Dir. 2006 YOUR CHOICE AUTO ONLY FROM ALLSTATE This campaign launched into the African-American market using television, radio, print and events and targeted creative. Goals included: increased awareness of product features and benefits, increased consideration of Allstate and a greater positive perception of Allstate. Third-party tracking results and in-market data show increased awareness, consideration, more brand appeal and an increase in quotes after the launch. 8 2007 EFFIE AWARDS E. MORRIS COMMUNICATIONS Eugene Morris Chrmn. & CEO Yvette Fisher Sr. VP-Mgmt. Dir. Vickie Casanova Acct. Dir.-Client Services Philip Salter VP-Creative Dir. Kates Smiles VP-Dir. of Prod. & Creative Services Deborah Easton Assoc. Creative Dir. Lucy Brown VP-Dir. of Rsch. & Planning Deborah Gray-Young VP-Dir. of Media POWERED BY TYSON Tyson Foods’ mission is to proudly power the world with its chicken, beef and pork products. This campaign leverages cultural cues, humor and love of family to demonstrate that Tyson’s multi-protein products provide the energy to power busy families through busy days. The campaign connects on an emotional level and has helped establish Tyson as the multi-protein brand of choice among African-American consumers while generating some of the strongest business results in Tyson’s history: significant increases in awareness, purchase intent, brand image ratings and effectiveness scores. 8 C@KKC< FM<I 8 P<8I KF><K?<I 8E; 8CI<8;P 8E < ==@< % K?8EB PFL =FI PFLI G8IKE<IJ?@G 8E; ?8I; NFIB % 9 AGRICULTURAL, INDUSTRIAL & BUILDING GOLD WINNER AGRICULTURAL, INDUSTRIAL & BUILDING SILVER WINNER WINNER OF THE SAPPI PRINT MEDIA EFFECTIVENESS AWARD New Holland North America Beef NEW HOLLAND NORTH AMERICA Dawn Fox Comm. Mgr. NATIONAL CATTLEMEN’S BEEF ASSOCIATION Mark Thomas VP-Consumer Mktg. Paige Miller Exec. Dir., Advt. Mary Young Exec. Dir., Nutrition COLLE+McVOY Myrna Krueger Jamie Moran Josette Hutchinson Dave Keepper Amy Myers Ryan Carlson Teresa Demma Michael Opperman Laurie Christen LEO BURNETT USA Ruthie Feinstein Kerry Stranman Katie Newman Julie Scelzo-Fitzpatrick Desmond Lavelle David Schermer Anny Gary VP-Acct. Dir. Acct. Super. Acct. Exec. Creative Dir. Acct. Planning Dir. Designer Project Mgr. Sr. Strategist Group Contact Strategist BRAVE NEW TRACTORS New Holland, a 111-year-old haytools company, faced the challenge of reinventing itself as a tractor brand in a category of fierce competition. With a limited budget, the company utilized a brand intrusion media strategy choreographed to launch during the peak of the purchase consideration period. This allowed New Holland to reverse years of sliding market share and post a 9% increase in overall tractor sales. The campaign, the company’s most successful marketing program to date, also helped New Holland exceed its objective of increasing dealer satisfaction by 27%. 10 2007 EFFIE AWARDS VP-Acct. Dir. VP-Planning Dir. Acct. Exec. VP-Creative Dir. VP-Creative Dir. Copywriter Sr. VP-Group Acct. Dir. STARCOM WORLDWIDE LEADER OF LEAN Beef, once America’s favorite meal, faced dramatic consumption erosion, due to chicken’s perceived nutritional and price advantages. Targeting “skeptical” beef lovers, this campaign challenged beef’s unhealthy reputation while fueling passion for its superior taste. The big idea: Beef is a lean leader, and there are 29 low-fat cuts to prove it. Candid headlines, sumptuous imagery and unabashed copy. The advertising reinforced beef’s position as a lean leader, igniting loyalty, inspiring sales and positively changing consumer beliefs about its healthfulness. It’s hard enough coming up with a great idea these days. But coming up with a great idea that actually works—well, let’s just say, we stand in awe of your mind-blowing createffectivity. Of course, we know a little bit about helping people like you create remarkably impactful work. After all, Sappi is the largest and most respected producer of coated paper in North America. In fact, we’d like to think that the high quality of our paper actually contributes to the effectiveness of your communication. (Of course, we know it’s really your genius that’s responsible—but you can throw us a little bone…) Anyway, we’d like to congratulate this year’s Effie winners and want you to know how proud we are of the effectiveness of our paper… you… how proud we are of you and your accomplishment. 800.882.4332 www.sappi.com 11 AGRICULTURAL, INDUSTRIAL & BUILDING 12 BRONZE WINNER AUTOMOTIVE – VEHICLES GOLD WINNER Gold’n Plump Mini Cooper GOLD’N PLUMP Julie Berling Rory Bidinger MINI USA Jim McDowell Trudy Hardy Pres. Mktg. Mgr. GABRIEL deGROOD BENDT Tom Gabriel Creative Dir. Doug deGrood Creative Dir.-Copywriter Wayne Thompson Sr. Art Dir. Jeff Schuller Sr. Copywriter Jim Bendt Pres.–Acct. Dir. Kris Fitzpatrick Acct. Super. Roxanne Richards Production Mgr. Hallee Conkey Traffic Mgr. BUTLER, SHINE, STERN John Butler Mike Shine Ed Cotton Lyle Yetman Mike Hughes JP Guiseppi Charlie Gschwend Neil Smith & PARTNERS Creative Dir. Creative Dir. Dir.-Strategy Copywriter Art Dir. Art Dir. Copywriter Acct. Dir. FAMILY FARM RAISED Coming off a record sales year, Gold’n Plump Poultry was facing a national oversupply of chicken due to widespread headlines about avian influenza, arsenic and salmonella. To combat consumer fears and differentiate the brand from larger competitors, the company launched a campaign centered around the fact that Gold’n Plump chickens are raised on local family farms by people who know what’s best for chicken. Even in the face of an organic chicken boom, this campaign helped Gold’n Plump achieve increased sales and record levels of advertising awareness and loyalty. MINI COVERT The big idea was to advertise to people who already bought a Mini to build evangelism for the brand through creating buzz, deepening engagement and driving participation. Communications were encrypted so that only Mini owners with spy-like tools could decode them. Thus the designation: Covert. Think “Mission Impossible” meets James Bond meets advertising. Covert has achieved its goals of buzz (75%), engagement (21%) and participation. More than 3,500 owners joined for the first-ever Mini Takes the States coast-to-coast road rally in August. 2007 EFFIE AWARDS Dir.-Mktg. Comm. Asst. Mktg. Comm. Mgr. N<ËM<>FKK?<8EK@;FK<kfkpg`ZXcdXib\k`e^Zfe]\i\eZ\j%N`k_kfg`Zjc`b\k_\]lkli\f]J\Zfe[C`]\#_fnkf YiXe[XZflekip#kXb`e^fek_\KMe\knfibj]ifdXY\[iffdXe[dfi\#pflcc^X`e]i\j_g\ijg\Zk`m\j]ifdjfd\ f]k_\dfjkle\og\Zk\[mf`Z\j`ek_\Ylj`e\jj% ('%(0%'.sJ8E=I8E:@J:Fs`e]clo`[\Xj'.%\m\ekYi`k\%Zfd 89JJG:FDG8EPsnnn%9JJG%Zfd 13 AUTOMOTIVE – VEHICLES SILVER WINNER BRONZE WINNER Saab Lexus SAAB AUTOMOBILE USA Jay Spenchian Genl. Mgr., Pres.-CCO Leslie Bublin Dir.-Mktg. & Advt. LEXUS Deborah Meyer Ann Bybee Kimberly Gardiner VP-Mktg. Corp. Advt., Brand & Product Strategy Creative Mgr. LOWE NEW YORK Mark Wnek Simon Bowden Jonathan Disegi Jessica Thor Chris Soskin Michael DeRosa Aubree Nichols TEAM ONE Tanya Khuu Jon Pearce James Dalthorp Gabrielle Mayeur Brian Sheehan Mark Miller Christie Clough Sr. Strategic Planner Group Creative Dir. Group Creative Dir. Interactive Creative Dir. CEO Dir.-Strategic Planning Sr. Strategic Planner Chrmn.-COO Exec. VP-Creative Group Head Sr. VP-Group Planning Dir. VP-Mgmt. Super. VP-Creative Super. Acct. Exec. Asst. Planner BORN FROM JETS Saab sales were flat and, in order to grow, the brand had to evolve from niche to challenger. To increase brand awareness and consideration in the highly competitive luxury import market, Saab needed to own a unique performance claim.“Born from jets” celebrates Saab’s aircraft heritage to deliver a compelling, Saabownable performance message. Since the campaign launched in October 2005, Saab sales, performance attributes and awareness are up, and “Born from jets” is now the sixth most correctly recognized automotive tagline, out of 35. 14 AUTOMOTIVE – VEHICLES 2007 EFFIE AWARDS LEXUS IS LAUNCH: WHY LIVE IN ONE DIMENSION? Since its introduction in the U.S. in 1989, Lexus has dominated in every segment except one: near-luxury performance. With staunch competition from BMW, Acura, Infiniti, Mercedes-Benz and Audi, Lexus had ambitious goals both in an unforgiving category and among an entire generation of buyers who had ignored the brand for decades. A literal transformation of the brand’s relationship with near-luxury buyers was necessary to have a chance to be recognized as a legitimate contender, let alone a category leader. 15 BEAUTY PRODUCTS & SERVICES SILVER WINNER BEAUTY PRODUCTS & SERVICES BRONZE WINNER Schick Quattro for Women Schick Quattro Power SCHICK-WILKINSON SWORD Al Robertson CMO Adel Mekhail Sr. Dir.-U.S. Mktg. Karen Hubbard Group Brand Dir.-Women’s Systems John Wergeles Group Brand Dir.-Men’s Systems Cindy Abella Sr. Brand Mgr. SCHICK-WILKINSON SWORD Adel Mekhail Sr. Dir.-U.S. Mktg. John Wergeles Group Brand Dir.-Men’s Systems Wendy Salustro Sr. Brand Mgr. JWT Pat Chiono Jeffrey Chapman Natalie Vander Vorst COLANGELO SYNERGY MARKETING Dan Stevenson Exec. Creative Dir. Kelly Peraino VP Susan D. Cocco Sr. VP Bob Whitmore Creative Dir. Ben Applebaum Copywriter Creative Dir.-Art Global Bus. Dir. Acct. Dir. COLANGELO SYNERGY MARKETING Kelly Periano VP Dan Stevenson Exec. Creative Dir. VIZEUM JWT Jeffrey Chapman Global Bus. Dir. VIZEUM HANDS OFF Schick changed the way shaving was marketed to women with the introduction of Quattro for Women. Offering a humorous and feminine take on technology, the advertising established Quattro for Women as the first high-performance razor made for women. As a result, Quattro for Women became the No. 1 selling razor sku, helping Schick to achieve market leadership of women’s razors. 16 2007 EFFIE AWARDS THE POWER OF FOUR Schick needed to launch a new men’s razor - despite second-tomarket technology, despite 10% the budget of the competion and despite low equity with young men. The goal was to engage the audience in the brand and drive sales. Looking past the “blade wars,” the campaign focused on the confident magnetism that comes with a close, clean shave and was called “The Power of 4.” The results: Two million website users engaged in the integrated campaign, and the company’s franchise dollar share grew 52%. Two Effies. Four Blades. Five Logos. ©2007 Energizer, Schick, Quattro and other marks are trademarks of Energizer. Congratulations to JWT and Colangelo on our Effie wins for Quattro Power and Quattro for Women.™ And thank you for your contributions to our continued success. 17 BEVERAGES – ALCOHOL 18 SILVER WINNER BEVERAGES – NON–ALCOHOL GOLD WINNER Tanqueray Got Milk? DIAGEO NORTH AMERICA Dana Yerid Sr. Brand Mgr. CALIFORNIA MILK PROCESSOR BOARD GREY WORLDWIDE NEW YORK Tim Mellors Pres.-CCO Glenn Porter VP-Creative Dir. Conor Sheridan VP-Copywriter Fred Liedtke VP-Art Dir. Christine Parrino Exec. VP-Acct. Mgmt. Brett Banker VP-Acct. Mgmt. Paul Taylor VP-Planner Aaron Royer Sr. VP-Producer Tyler DeAngelo Producer GOODBY, SILVERSTEIN Jeff Goodby Feh Tarty Pat McKay Cyndi Yee Will McGinness Alex Lind Mike Geiger Ronny Northrup Paul Charney Nat Lawlor READY TO TANQUERAY? (HOLIDAY) In a white spirit category dominated by trendy vodkas, Tanqueray leveraged recent successes of the “Ready to Tanqueray” (Tony Sinclair) campaign to accelerate well beyond the competition during the cluttered holiday season. Utilizing mass and progressive media channels, the brand successfully positioned Tony Sinclair and Tanqueray as ambassadors of holiday cheer. Brand affinity climbed to new heights, and Tanqueray outpaced the entire gin category after the holiday campaign launch. PLANET IN NEED After 13 years of “got milk?” deprivation narratives, the long-established campaign took a new turn, creating news for the product that everybody thought they already knew about. In 2005 “got milk?” recaptured relevance and began to reengineer the benefits of milk to reintroduce itself all over again – not just as a good-for-you staple but as a new, natural wonder tonic that was truly out-of-this world. 2007 EFFIE AWARDS & PARTNERS Co-Chrmn.-Creative Dir. Art Dir. Copywriter Planning Dr. Creative Dir. Bdcst. Producer Dir.-Interactive Production Copywriter Copywriter Jr. Writer thank you, Schick ® for playing unfair with us. In our business, like any industry, there are rules to follow. And you simply choose not to follow them. That’s what makes you a great client and a whole lot of fun for JWT and us to work with. So congratulations on your new EFFIES and here’s to ignoring the rules and creating more breakthrough work in the future. Life is not fair. Marketing isn’t either. Make the competition weep. For an Unfair Advantage, contact Bob Terry at 203-662-7005. www.colangelo-sm.com 19 BEVERAGES – NON-ALCOHOL SILVER WINNERS Full Throttle Milk Processor Education Program THE COCA-COLA CO. Rafael Acevedo Brand Mgr. Pete Callaro Dir.-Advt. Pio Schunker Sr. VP-Advt. Rachel Gaethers Advt. Mgr. II Mary Herrera Brand Dir. MILK PROCESSOR EDUCATION PROGRAM Kurt Graetzer CEO Tom Nagle Sr. VP Victor Zaborsky Sr. Mgr.-Mktg. & Comm. MOTHER Rob Thorsen Andrew Deitchman Allon Tatarka Rob Baird Linus Karlsson LOWE NEW YORK Sal Taibi Jonathan Lange Laura Fisk Bernie Hogya Eddie Van Bloem Holly Zierk Strategist Part.-Strategist Copywriter Art Dir. Part.-Creative Dir. Pres. Sr. VP-Acct. Dir. Sr. Strategic Planner Exec. VP-Group Creative Dir. Exec. VP-Group Creative Dir. Sr. VP-Media Dir. CREATIVE PRESENCE PARTNERS STARCOM MEDIAVEST GROUP BIG SPACESHIP FAST HORSE PREPARE TO BE INITIATED Full Throttle is out to become the leading energy drink for hard working guys who need energy most. In the last year the brand launched its first national campaign to put the competition on warning and let guys know Full Throttle, like them, is truly a force to be reckoned with. As a result the brand now has nearly 80% awareness, 40% trial among the target and was growing at 70% over last year. 20 2007 EFFIE AWARDS MILK YOUR DIET As adults, people drink less than half the milk they did as a kid. Women in particular stop drinking milk because it’s fattening. After years of declining milk sales, MilkPEP was given news that helped find a way to start consumers drinking milk again – the natural ingredients in milk help towards weight loss. Milk was positioned as the secret ingredient to success and inspired women across the country to incorporate milk back into their diets. This created the largest percent volume increase since the milk program began. The World Under the Sea Figure 1 SYMBIOTIC RELATIONSHIP The sea anemone and the clown fish rely on each other for their mutual success. In return for the food the clown fish drops close to the sea anemone’s mouth, the anemone gives the fish a safe place to live inside its stinging tentacles to which the fish is otherwise immune. 37 We’re pretty sure we’re the clown fish, but we’re cool with that. To Clorox, McDonald’s, Philips Norelco and RememberSegregation.org: Thank you. 21 BREAKFAST FOODS GOLD WINNER BREAKFAST FOODS SILVER WINNER McDonald’s of Chicagoland & Northwest Indiana Kellogg’s Frosted Mini Wheats McDONALD’S OF GREATER CHICAGO REGION Rob Jackson Reg. Mktg. Dir. KELLOGG CO. Mark Baynes Kim Miller Todd Smith Karen Neeley Sr. VP-Mktg. VP-Ready-to-Eat Cereal Sr. Brand Mgr. Mkt. Rsch. LEO BURNETT USA John Condon Mark Tuttsel John Montgomery John Hansa Tony Katalinic Keith Hughes Bridget McHugh Jennifer Kalseim David Brot LEO BURNETT USA Steve Biddle Kim Tanner Dave Linne Mark Oosthuizen Jamie Van Dixhorn Acct. Super. Acct. Dir. Exec. VP-Creative Dir. Exec. VP-Creative Dir. Acct. Super. CCO Dep. CCO-U.S. Exec. VP-Exec. Creative Dir. Sr. VP-Creative Dir. Creative Dir. VP-Creative Dir. Producer Acct. Exec. VP-Advt. Dir. OMD WORLDWIDE STARCOM WORLDWIDE Trina Potter Assoc. Media Dir. ARC WORLDWIDE LAPÍZ USA 1-888-GOMcWAKEUP This program is a free, hotel-style wakeup call service which invites Chicagoland consumers to be awakened for a delicious breakfast at McDonald’s by their favorite local celebrities. Upon calling the number, consumers are greeted with the current McDonald’s breakfast offering and are then invited to choose from a list of celebrities to receive their free wakeup call from the next morning. As of September, call volume exceeded projections by 7.6 times. Chicagoland McDonald’s has also experienced the strongest sales growth in more than five years at 8%, surpassing national sales growth. 22 2007 EFFIE AWARDS IT STAYS WITH YOU In 2006, Kellogg’s Frosted Mini Wheats realized that it had lost its connection to consumers in a sea of dietary trends. Mini Wheats understood that it needed an insight that ran deeper than basic nutrition and into the hearts of consumers. By targeting Moms and tapping into their basic instinct to nurture their children, the campaign showed how Mini Wheats, with eight filling layers of crunchy whole grain fiber, can help keep children full throughout the morning so that they can stay focused on the task at hand. RESULTS. In one word, it’s why we do what we do. It’s why we believe in creativity. We believe the freshest, boldest, most attention-getting, impactful ideas we can possibly imagine are exactly the kinds of ideas that are most likely to produce results — at the Effies, at the Clios, at the cash register. We believe in the left brain. We believe in the right brain. We don’t put much stock in either-or. We believe our value derives directly from our passionate commitment to giving our clients the best of both. Creativity. And accountability. Proven results. Social currency is nice. Hard currency keeps the lights on. It’s about that simple. One result of that approach is that our client relationships tend to last a little longer. The six clients who are with us here this evening, for example, have been with us for an average of 38 years. Another result is that tomorrow morning we get the opportunity to roll up our sleeves and recommit ourselves to generating results for every client on our roster like it’s nobody else’s business. The most effective agency in America six years in a row. In partnership with ARC, Lapiz and SMG. 23 BREAKFAST FOODS BRONZE WINNER COMPUTER HARDWARE GOLD WINNER All-Bran Yogurt Bites Apple Mac KELLOGG CO. Mark Baynes Kim Miller Matt Lindsay Karen Neeley Sr. VP-Mktg.–Morning Foods Business VP-Ready-to-Eat Cereal Brand Mgr.-All Bran Sr. Analyst-Morning Foods Mkt. Rsch. APPLE COMPUTER Steve Jobs Allison Johnson Jeff Whipps Tamara Whiteside Sissie Twiggs LEO BURNETT USA Dave Linne Mark Oosthuizen Nicole Laughlin Annie Lenzke Kelli Knoble Exec. Creative Dir. Exec. Creative Dir. Super. Acct. Exec. Super. STARCOM WORLDWIDE Trina Potter Assoc. Media Dir. CEO VP-WW Mktg. Comm. Sr. Dir.-Europe Mktg. Comm. Sr. WW Advt. Mgr. Sr. WW Advt. Mgr. MEDIA ARTS LAB\TBWA Lee Clow Chrmn.-WW CCO James Vincent Pres.-Media Arts Lab Duncan Milner Creative Dir. Eric Grunbaum Creative Dir. Elena Hale Head of Planning OMD WORLDWIDE ARC TORONTO STARCOM IP FIBER EXPERTS The All-Bran cereal brand had nearly 90 years of serious taste and image baggage to overcome. Simply launching a tastier version (All-Bran Yogurt Bites) wasn’t enough. The challenge was to transform this “cereal laxative” into a desirable food. By repositioning the brand’s effectiveness in relation to fiber supplements and emphasizing great taste, the messaging forced consumers to reevaluate their fiber habits and give All-Bran Yogurt Bites a try. Base business sales soared, and the copy was dubbed the “most persuasive ad” ever tested in the Millward Brown database. 24 2007 EFFIE AWARDS GET A MAC Despite iPod’s staggering success, Mac remained a niche player in the computer market. In January 2006, the new Intel-based Macs were an opportunity to make Mac as culturally relevant as iPod, but Mac didn’t translate to the PC world. The idea: Compare the easy, fun Mac experience with PC’s frustrating complications. This campaign personified each, and the result was magic. A simple, charming metaphor with all the reasons to get a Mac. Market share grew by 42%; Apple had record sales; and the campaign was culturally influential. The Evolution of Media has Begun Brands Utilizing Catalina Targeted Advertising • Increased awareness +16% points* • Improved recall +24% points* • Drove volume lift as high as +35% To experience the evolution, call (888)798-2106 or visit www.catalinamarketing.com/advertising. *Test results of six advertising pilots. Statistically significant difference between test and control at 90% confidence level. Results represent the weighted average performance across all tested executions within each Brand Pilot 25 COMPUTER HARDWARE BRONZE WINNER CONSUMER ELECTRONICS BRONZE WINNER IBM Corp. Canon Powershot IBM SYSTEMS & TECHNOLOGY GROUP Nancy Roath VP-Integrated Mktg. & Comm. Eric Andrews Dir.-IMC Paulette Stone Program Mgr. & Team Lead, STG Advt. Jean Gleason Program Mgr. & Team Lead, STG Advt. CANON USA Rick Booth Tiger Ishii Christopher Cesarini Michelle Fernandez Tammy Loh Dir.-PR & Industry Analyst Relations Sr. Mktg. Mgr. Advt. Mgr. Mktg. Mgr. Product Mktg. Specialist OGILVY & MATHER Chris Wall Tom Godici Greg Ketchum Lisa Flattery Bryan Yasko Chris Curry DENTSU AMERICA Doug Fidoten Ron Rosen Steve Biegel Scott Daly Robert Pankuck Pres. Exec. VP-Exec. Creative Dir. Sr. VP-Group Creative Dir. Exec. VP-Exec. Media Dir. Exec. VP-Client Services Dir. CCO Group Creative Dir. Group Creative Dir. Sr. Part.-Acct. Dir. Part.-Mgmt. Super. Creative Dir. OGILVYONE WORLDWIDE MINDSHARE NEO@OGILVY TAKE BACK CONTROL IBM could no longer effectively market hardware systems without acknowledging the elephant in the server room. To keep up with growing business demands at the lowest possible cost, companies built Frankenstein infrastructures, patching cheap servers to their systems to run individual applications. IT guys ran in circles just to keep the business afloat. They needed an advocate. IBM acknowledged the problem from IT’s perspective and empowered them toward a solution. Sales for advertised products spiked, and IBM made huge gains as category leader. 26 2007 EFFIE AWARDS MAKE EVERY SHOT A POWERSHOT Canon enjoyed a strong brand reputation in the analog camera world; yet as the category moved digital, Canon’s competition intensified. Being a reliable, high-quality brand was no longer enough, particularly in a maturing category. Canon PowerShot had to transform from being a solid performer to become a star brand. Canon PowerShot partnered with emerging tennis star Maria Sharapova to add star power. Since the campaign launch, Canon has solidified its status as the clear market leader. 27 CORPORATE REPUTATION, IMAGE & IDENTITY SILVER WINNERS SILVER WINNER Allstate Chevron ALLSTATE INSURANCE Emily Wyner Maria McNitt Lisa Cochrane Joseph Tripodi Nancy Ryan CO. Mgr.-Brand Identity & Image Mgmt. Asst. VP-Brand Identity & Image Mgmt. VP-Integrated Mktg. Comm. Sr. VP-CMO Dir.-Media Integration LEO BURNETT USA Jeanie Caggiano Jerry Caggiano Philip Heuring Varsha Kaura Jim Stallman Exec. Creative Dir. Exec. Creative Dir. Sr. Planner Acct. Dir. Sr. VP-Creative Dir CHEVRON Helen Clark Rachel Setton Russell Yarrow Y&R NEW YORK Darren Moran Gabriel Hoskins Christian Barnett Gordon McLean Mary Ellen Kenny Mike Murphy Mgr.-Corp. Brand & Reputation Advt. Lead Mgr.-External Relations Creative Dir.-Copywriter Creative Dir.-Art Dir. Exec. Dir.-Strategic Planning, Global Client Part. Pres.-Global Client Services Sr. VP-Mngng. Part. Acct. Mngng. Dir. STARCOM MEDIAVEST GROUP WUNDERMAN NEW YORK Fernando Iglesias-Garcia Sr. Channel Strategist MEDIAEDGE:CIA PREPARE AND PROTECT AMERICA The devastating hurricane seasons of 2004 and 2005 left Americans reeling. It became clear that the biggest catastrophe this nation faced was not being prepared for the next one. Yet no company was willing to publicly advocate a viable, long-term solution – except Allstate. The company led a public dialogue around a plan to better prepare and protect America from natural catastrophes. Campaign results included: a significant increase in website visits, organizations embracing the cause and joining a coalition, and insurance industry press coverage visibility more balanced. 28 2007 EFFIE AWARDS REAL ISSUES To drive reputation and advocacy among global energy influentials – those who determine the exploration, extraction and delivery of energy around the world – Chevron successfully repositioned the corporate brand as a forward-thinking and collaborative industry leader. The campaign did this by facing up to the real energy issues that concerned the audience, those being ducked by the competition, and by encouraging a collaborative response. Research showed an increase in Chevron reputation metrics among those who had seen the campaign. Chevron’s industry standing grew. Advocacy increased by 127%. <m\ekjc`b\k_`jn\i\dX[\]fiC\f9lie\kk%?\nXjeËkXYcXZb$k`\^lp# Ylk_\[`[i\c`j_j`^ejf]XafYn\cc[fe\%N\ZXej\\_`defn#`e[`d# [\jb$cXdg^cfn#jZiXnc`e^Xefk\kfk_\kiffgjn`k_k_XkY`^#YcXZbg\eZ`c f]_`j%ÈE`Z\nfib%Pfl[`[pfliZc`\ekgifl[%Efn^\kYXZbkf`k%É E@:<NFIB@E;<<;#C<F%K?8EBJ=FI KNFDFI<<==@<J8E;=FI;F@E>LJ GIFL;=FI ,' P<8IJ% 29 CULTURE & THE ARTS GOLD WINNER SILVER WINNER Full Frame Documentary Film Festival Basilica Block Party FULL FRAME DOCUMENTARY FILM FESTIVAL Tammy Brown Exec. Dir. Nancy Buirski Artistic Dir. , Founder-CEO Helen Greenstein Mktg. Mgr. BASILICA OF ST. MARY Emily Carlson-Hjelm Dir.-Devel. Father Michael O’Connell McKINNEY David Baldwin Regina Brizzolara Jonas Fortenberry Lisa Hughes OLSON Katie Banfield Scott Dahl Steve Knapp Steve Lynch Meghan McCarthy Jenny McDowell Eric Ranschau Clint Roberts Exec. Creative Dir. Dir.-Bdcst. Production Asst. Acct. Exec. Group Acct. Dir. REALITYWOOD Building a core audience for a documentary film festival among aficionados is one thing; doubling the rate of ticket sales growth by reaching an audience that believes documentaries are the movies that put students to sleep in class is quite another. That was the challenge for the culturally rich, but financially strapped Full Frame Film Festival. This campaign played off Hollywood’s penchant for melodramatic cliché by underscoring the honesty, importance and pure entertainment value of documentaries and in turn attracted a whole new audience. 30 CULTURE & THE ARTS 2007 EFFIE AWARDS Acct. Exec. Writer-Creative Dir. Media Dir. Media Super. Project Mgr. VP-Brand Design Dir. Sr. Back End Developer PR Acct. Super. MAKE THE PILGRIMAGE Aging and facing logistical challenges, the Basilica Block Party had lost the buzz it once held. This campaign served as a rallying cry that recognized and embraced the challenges faced by concert-goers. The community was mobilized to turn the struggles into badges of honor. The response, and results, defied expectations. CULTURE & THE ARTS BRONZE WINNER SILVER WINNER DAVID VS. GOLIATH How The Grinch Stole Christmas, The Musical Schell’s Dark Beer RUNNING SUBWAY PRODUCTIONS Tomm Miller VP-Mktg James Sanna Exec. Producer AUGUST SCHELL BREWING CO. MARGEOTES FERTITTA Josh Rogers Neil Powell Chris Bradley Mary Williams COLLE+McVOY Jamie Moran Michael Morris Eric Husband Mike Fetrow Ryan Carlson Brian Ritchie Teresa Demma Tony Saucier Ed Bennett POWELL Concept Dir. CCO Creative Dir. Copywriter CATCH THE GRINCH Most Broadway shows succeed in attracting an audience of tourists by showcasing the production’s size and spectacle through conventional media. Without the benefit of noteworthy stars, fancy pyrotechnics or the ad budget that goes with it, this show literally brought to life a Dr. Seuss classic through a holistic, unconventional campaign that inspired a Broadway record number of New Yorkers to “Catch the Grinch.” Acct. Super. Connection Strategist Assoc. Creative Dir. Exec. Creative Dir. Designer Copywriter Project Mgr. Sr. Assoc. Design Dir. SCHELL’S DARK. A BEER FACING EXTINCTION Despite its rich Minnesotan heritage, the August Schell Brewery was nearing extinction at bars in the Twin Cities. Perceived as “your father’s beer,” the brewery was outspent by macro-brews, whose million-dollar budgets helped them control bar tap lines. The challenge was to establish a larger presence in a crowded market and stake the beer’s rightful claim as a cool, iconic local beer–on a micro budget. With an unusual concert–series promotion and new branding campaign, tap line penetration increased by 500% and sales by 30%. 31 DAVID VS. GOLIATH BRONZE WINNER ENTERTAINMENT & SPORTING EVENTS Bridgestone Golf Sony PlayStation BRIDGESTONE GOLF SONY COMPUTER ENTERTAINMENT AMERICA Peter Dille Sr. VP-Mktg. Susan Nourai Dir. Product & Online Mktg. Jeff Reese Sr. Mgr.-Product Mktg. JWT ATLANTA Steve Kolander David Cohen John Gregory Samantha Skaggs-Bryan Brad Steinwede Tony Accurso Jim Caponigro Creative Dir. Copywriter Art Dir. Acct. Super. Producer Co-Pres. Group Acct. Dir. GOLD WINNER TBWA\CHIAT\DAY LOS ANGELES Carisa Bianchi Pres. Martin Ramos Acct. Planner Scott MacMaster Planning Dir. Stan Fiorito Group Acct. Dir. Julie Liss Dir.-Acct. Planning TEQUILA LOS ANGELES Nick Davidge Assoc. Creative Dir. Glenn Sanders Assoc. Creative Dir. OMD LOS ANGELES TOBU Bridgestone Golf wasn’t going to beat the likes of Titleist or Nike with conventional weapons of TV dollars and print ads; at best the company would be outspent 50-to-1. So it was important to be viral, to be a part of the golf lexicon. Bridgestone changed the golf language by using the Japanese word “tobu” (roughly translated, “to fly far with emotion”). By standing out above competitors, this campaign produced record sales and the attention Bridgestone was hoping for. 32 2007 EFFIE AWARDS SHADOW OF COLOSSUS “GIANTOLOGY” Armed with a meager advertising budget, Sony needed to make the campaign for an unwanted PlayStation videogame Shadow of the Colossus monumental. The solution was to transform the campaign into what the audience loved the most – one big game. Instead of showing advertising, the audience could play with it. This campaign was viewed by more than 25 million people, discussed and referenced on millions of web addresses and featured in mainstream media. Above all, it led to sales that were 162.6% over goal. 33 32355 © 2007 Best Buy ENTERTAINMENT & SPORTING EVENTS SILVER WINNER GOLD WINNER FASHION & STYLE WINNER OF THE SAPPI PRINT MEDIA EFFECTIVENESS AWARD ESPN Diamond Trading Co. ESPN Aaron Taylor Seth Ader VP-Brand Mgmt. Brand Dir. WIEDEN+KENNEDY Paul Renner Derek Barnes Lisa Topol Eric Stevens Andrew Loevenguth Neal Arthur Rich Weinstein Jessica O’Conor Assoc. Creative Dir. Assoc. Creative Dir. Copywriter Art Dir. Bdcst. Producer Strategic Planner Acct. Dir. Acct. Exec. ONE GAME CHANGES EVERYTHING The challenge for this campaign was simple but daunting – to make the World Cup relevant to American sports fans who consider soccer to be a second-class sport not worth watching. To achieve this objective, it was necessary to demonstrate that the World Cup is much bigger than the sport of soccer itself. Instead, it’s the stage where the ultimate drama of sports unfolds. The World Cup gives American sports fans the opportunity to witness what takes place when the fate of an entire nation is at stake. 34 2007 EFFIE AWARDS DIAMOND TRADING CO. David Lamb WW Mktg. Dir. Dominic Brand Dep. Mktg. Dir. Richard Lennox Exec. VP- Global Mktg. JWT Sarah Fitzharding Angela Buck Terry Brogan Chris D’Rozario Ed Evangelista Howard Lenn Glenn Price Acct. Planner Producer Producer Exec. Creative Dir. Exec. Creative Dir. Copywriter Art. Dir. WHAT WILL YOU DO FOR LOVE THIS CHRISTMAS? The Diamond Trading Co. faced a particularly tough 2005 Christmas season. Christmas diamond sales had declined the previous two years; the media budget was dramatically down; and men were distracted by deals on trendy electronics. In spite of these challenges, the agency developed a plan that grew diamond sales 6%. The key: Appeal to men’s deep desires to be her hero. This campaign traces one man’s arduous journey home to his wife for Christmas, culminating with an emotional gift of diamonds. Marketing Intelligence…Wherever, Whenever You Need It Wherever marketing executives go to get their industry news - print, online, streaming video, podcasts, webinars, e-mail newsletters, blogs, mobile - Advertising Age is there. Distinguished by the highest level of journalistic standards, Ad Age offers its audience multi-layered access to the marketing intelligence they need to succeed in today’s ever-shifting marketing and media landscape. Give us a call to discuss the many ways we can develop an integrated, cross-platform program to deliver your brand message to Ad Age’s audience of leading marketing, agency and media professionals. To advertise, contact Jackie Ghedine, National Sales Manager, at 212.210.0725 or jghedine@adage.com. © 2007 Crain Communications Inc. 35 SILVER WINNERS FASHION & STYLE Converse Jordan Brand CONVERSE INC. Erick Soderstrom Paul Tew Dir.-Global Comm. Global Creative Dir. BUTLER, SHINE, STERN John Butler Mike Shine Tom Coates John Sheehan Lyle Yetman Josh Taft & PARTNERS Creative Dir. Creative Dir. Assoc. Creative Dir. Acct. Dir. Writer Dir.-HSI Productions SEDGWICK ROAD JORDAN BRAND Roman Vega Brand Mgr. WIEDEN+KENNEDY NEW YORK Caroline Hooper Acct. Dir. Daniel Cherry III Strategic Planner Todd Waterbury Creative Dir. Kevin Proudfoot Creative Dir. Mark Adamson Acct. Exec. Jesse Coulter Art Dir. Eric Bridge Assoc. Media Dir. Andy Ferguson Copywriter ZAAZ WADE - FALL SEVEN TIMES. STAND UP EIGHT Converse launched its first signature basketball shoe, the Wade, in some 15 years. Designed and worn by the company’s marquee athlete, Dwyane Wade, the shoe was primarily fueled by an integrated campaign that looks back to understand the athlete’s journey - to reveal how much his past will now shape his future. The campaign, launched in November 2005, has shown tremendous results for 12 months, results that have re-established Converse in the basketball segment with consumers and retailers. 36 2007 EFFIE AWARDS JORDAN BE LIFESTYLE CAMPAIGN This campaign was designed to raise awareness for the inaugural Jordan Lifestyle apparel collection, which hit the market in the fall of 2005, and to increase sales of the brand. FAST FOOD, CASUAL DINING & RESTAURANTS SILVER WINNER FAST FOOD, CASUAL DINING & RESTAURANTS BRONZE WINNER McDonald’s of Chicagoland & Northwest Indiana McDonald’s Restaurants McDONALD’S OF GREATER CHICAGO REGION Rob Jackson Reg. Mktg. Dir. McDONALD’S USA LEO BURNETT USA John Condon Mark Tutssel John Montgomery John Hansa Tony Katalinic Keith Hughes Bridget McHugh Jennifer Kalseim David Brot DDB SEATTLE John Livengood Scott Manning Shaun Stripling Eric Gutierrez Brett Siemen Matt Gilmore Matt Griffin Kelly Showalter Lindsey Lower Exec. VP-Exec. Creative Dir. Sr. VP-Acct. Group Dir. Assoc. Strategy Dir. Creative Dir. Sr. Art Dir. Copywriter Acct. Super. Sr. Production Mgr. Project. Mgr. OMD SEATTLE Katie Bergerud Assoc. Dir.-Strategy CCO Dep. CCO Exec. VP-Exec. Creative Dir. Sr. VP-Creative Dir. Creative Dir. VP-Creative Dir. Producer Acct. Exec. VP-Art. Dir. OMD WORLDWIDE ARC WORLDWIDE LAPÍZ USA 1-888-GOMcWAKEUP This is a free, hotel-style wakeup call service which allows Chicagoland consumers to be awakened for a delicious breakfast at McDonald’s by their favorite local celebrities. Consumers calling the number are greeted with the current McDonald’s breakfast offering, then invited to choose from a list of Chicago celebrities to receive their free wakeup call from the next morning. As of September, call volume exceeded projections by 7.6 times. Chicagoland McDonald’s has also experienced the strongest sales growth in more than five years at 8%, surpassing national sales growth. WE’RE UP WHEN YOU’RE UP The unusual affinity between an “open 24 hours” promotion and “don’t drink and drive” message afforded McDonald’s an opportunity to demonstrate community commitment while increasing late-night store traffic. Bar coasters, free rides home in a pimpedout cab, even Ronald’s wallet as collateral provided multiple campaign touches in and around late night hot spots in order to reach young adults in their “I’m lovin’ it” moment. These ideas and environments were chosen because who needs McDonald’s more at 2 a.m. than people in need of sobering up? 37 277157_L01_PALL.v7.indd 37 6/20/07 3:28:55 PM FINANCIAL SERVICES - CARDS GOLD WINNER FINANCIAL SERVICES - CARDS American Express American Express AMERICAN EXPRESS John Hayes Diego Scotti Mike Aaron Nancy Smith Natasha Krinitzy CMO VP-Gobal Advt. VP-Global Brand VP-Global Media & Partnership Sr. Mgr. AMERICAN EXPRESS John Hayes Diego Scotti Cate Scaglione Peggy Maher Simran Kalra CMO VP-Gobal Advt. Dir.-Global Advt. Sr. VP-Charge Card VP-Charge Card OGILVY & MATHER Simon Pearce Chris Mitton Terry Finley Nancy Boyd Jennifer Colman Sr. Part.-Exec. Group Dir. Sr. Part.-Creative Dir. Sr. Part.-Creative Dir. Sr. Part.-Group Acct. Dir. Sr. Part.-WW Planning Dir. OGILVY & MATHER Liz Oliveri Joe Frydl Andrea Scotting Doreen Fox Alice Mintzer Mgmt. Super. Part. Planner Copywriter Art Dir. Exec. Producer MINDSHARE SILVER WINNER DIGITAS MINDSHARE ENDEAVOR MOMENTUM MY LIFE. MY CARD This campaign was created to modernize the American Express brand and stimulate card acquisition. The extraordinary inner lives of a select group of cardmembers, such as Robert De Niro, Kate Winslet, Wes Anderson and the like, became the basis for the campaign. This straightforward autobiographical approach was remarkably fresh and extremely effective. “My life. My card” strengthened the audience’s emotional affinity with the brand, resulting in a direct and immediate lift to card acquisition. 38 2007 EFFIE AWARDS THE ONE WITH A SAVINGS ACCOUNT The agency identified a segment of high-value consumers who should have been carrying the American Express card but weren’t. Although they respected the American Express brand, it turned out that “classic” cues of success and what it means to live “the good life” weren’t connecting. The solution: a product and communications program built from the ground up, one that acknowledged the values of these consumers and the idea that “the good life” means many different things to different people. Side by side now for 44 years. 39 FINANCIAL SERVICES - PRODUCTS & SERVICES SILVER WINNER Allstate FINANCIAL SERVICES - PRODUCTS & SERVICES BRONZE WINNER Charles Schwab ALLSTATE INSURANCE Joseph Tripodi Lisa Cochrane Nancy Abraham Nancy Ryan Jennifer Egeland CO. Sr. VP-CMO VP-Integrated Mktg. Comm. Dir.-Integrated Mktg. Comm. Dir.-Media Integration Sr. Mgr. CHARLES SCHWAB & CO. Becky Saeger Exec. VP-CMO Ben Stuart VP-Brand Strategy & Advt. Mike Naughton VP-Media Mgmt. Whitney Hayes Dir.-Brand Advt. Chris O’Neill Dir.-Media Mgmt. LEO BURNETT USA Tim Pontarelli Jeanie Caggiano Mike Siska Marc Mason Exec. VP-Exec. Creative Dir. Sr. VP-Exec. Creative Dir. VP-Planning Dir. Acct. Super. EURO RSCG WORLDWIDE/NY Israel Garber Creative Dir. Simon Nickson Assoc. Creative Dir.-Art Dir. Drummond Berman Assoc. Creative Dir.-Copywriter Don Hogle Mngng. Dir.-Strategy Fred Saunders Group Acct. Dir. STARCOM WORLDWIDE Donna McLean Sr. VP-Media Dir. PHD WEBER SHANDWICK BETTER PLACE TO DRIVE To get consumers to question if they have the right insurance, Allstate took on a common enemy – car accidents. The chances of having an accident within the next three years are one in eight: a problem that affects everyone. Knowing this, Allstate positioned its new auto features as the only insurance designed to actually reduce the number of accidents by providing real incentives for safe driving and better protection in the (likely) event of an accident. The result was unprecedented growth despite a smaller budget than competition. 40 2007 EFFIE AWARDS TALK TO CHUCK The objective was to reignite a once great American brand – Charles Schwab – and reclaim Schwab’s historical role as advocate of the individual investor. The message put real investor issues front and center and answered directly with “Talk To Chuck” – both as an invitation to a conversation and a strong call to action. The campaign succeeded wildly. New to firm assets rose 36% – an incremental increase greater than many competitors annual revenue. And Schwab gained ground and passed competitors in key success metrics – consideration, momentum, relevance and differentiation. REUTERSCOM #ONGRATULATIONSTOALL THE%&&)% NOMINEESANDWINNERS )NNOVATIVEMULTIMEDIASOLUTIONS /NLINE-OBILE)NTERACTIVE46/UTDOOR &ORMOREINFORMATIONPLEASEVISITHTTPSALESREUTERSCOM ¥2EUTERS!LLRIGHTSRESERVED2EUTERSANDTHE3PHERE,OGOARETRADEMARKSORREGISTEREDTRADEMARKSOFTHE2EUTERS'ROUPOF#OMPANIESAROUNDTHEWORLD 41 GOLD WINNER GLOBAL BRONZE WINNER GLOBAL Canon EOS 350D Digital SLR Camera Kraft Philadelphia CANON EUROPE Tobias Engel Kevin Silva KRAFT FOODS Nick Shepherd Christopher Miles Anne Marie Splitstone Jan Strubel Marjorie Castillo Paul Rhodes VP-Global Brands Dir.-Advt. Dir.-Mktg., U.S. Mktg. Mgr.-Northern Europe Mktg. Mgr.-Mexico Mktg. Mgr.-Australia JWT Jocelyn Horsfall Bob Boxer Ros King Jaspar Shelbourne Global Planning Dir. Global Planning Part. Global Bus. Dir. Global Creative Dir. Consumer Comm. Mgr. Consumer Comm. CAYENNE COMMUNICATIONS Carsten Kinast Mngng. Dir. Andreas Möllmann Head of Strategy David Moore Creative Dir. Richard Berney Art Dir. Anthony Underhill Copywriter Gareth Evans Strategic Planner MEDIAEDGE:CIA IT’S PLAYTIME Canon expected much when it launched in 2005 its digital single-lens reflex camera, the EOS 350D: double volume sales and a defense of its market share against Nikon. For that Canon had to change the mass market’s perception that SLR cameras are large, complicated and only for photo buffs. The campaign succeeded beyond expectations: Canon raised the appeal of digital SLR photography by 47%, grew its sales in the segment by 135%, its market share by 9 percentage points – while Nikon’s share declined by 12 percentage points. 42 2007 EFFIE AWARDS PHILADELPHIA – A LITTLE TASTE OF HEAVEN The brand’s “Heavenly Angel” campaign has been running in a number of countries for several years. It provides a distinctive global brand platform, with flexibility to be tailored to local cultural and marketing requirements. Here the challenge was to improve and reinvigorate the campaign. The new look with young, dynamic angels has succeeded in giving new impetus to the Philadelphia brand – whether delivering growth in a very mature market, adding volume through new usage opportunities or launching a completely new line to generate incremental sales. 43 GOVERNMENT, INSTITUTIONAL & RECRUITMENT SILVER WINNER GOVERNMENT, INSTITUTIONAL & RECRUITMENT Washington’s Lottery U.S. Marine Corps WASHINGTON’S LOTTERY Michael Cousins Dir.-Mktg. Julie Martin Dep. Dir. Chris Liu Dir. Liz Anderson Mktg. Mgr. MARINE CORPS RECRUITING COMMAND Brig. Gen. Richard Tryon Commanding Gen. Lt. Col. Mike Zeliff Asst. Chief of Staff Dan Weidensaul Dep. Asst. Chief of Staff Capt. Jan Zurlippe Paid Media Officer Capt. Chris Luciano Advt. Officer PUBLICIS WEST Jill Coffman Ryan Stoner Jennifer Blackwell Kristin Mackay Rob Rich Planning Dir. Jr. Planner Acct. Dir. Mgmt. Super. Exec. Creative Dir. JWT Jay Cronin Tony Accurso Carl Warner Alan Whitley Randy Shepard OPTIMEDIA Erin Hauck Media Planner BRONZE WINNER Mngng. Dir. Co-Pres. Co-Pres. Group Creative Dir. Dir. -Strategic Planning MINDSHARE UNIWORLD GROUP RMG CONNECT SCRATCH GIFT GIVING Washington’s Lottery wanted to boost Scratch ticket sales by another $10 million. But where those extra sales were going to come from was not particularly obvious. There were no new games or prizes to attract new players, and the core players’ spending ability was maxed out. Rather than try to get people to play more Scratch, it was decided that the solution was to get them to give more Scratch. Thus the 2005 holiday gift-giving campaign was born. 44 2007 EFFIE AWARDS U.S MARINE CORPS - INTEGRATED MARKETING Military recruitment is facing its most competitive and challenging landscape since the instatement of the all-volunteer force in 1974. Political, social and economic variables have worked to the detriment of military enlistment goals. In order to recruit enough marines to sustain Congress’ expected level of readiness, the Marine Corps had to surpass the other service branches and establish the highest brand relevance among the youth audience from both a generational and diversity perspective. Due to its successful integrated marketing efforts, the Marine Corps made its recruitment goals. HEALTHCARE - OVER-THE-COUNTER GOLD WINNER Always HEALTHCARE - OVER-THE-COUNTER SILVER WINNER Tampax Pearl PROCTER & GAMBLE Kevin Crociata Ilonka Laviz Ken Burkeen Eduardo Souchon Assoc. Mktg. Dir. Brand Mgr. Brand Mgr. Asst. Brand Mgr. LEO BURNETT USA Cindy Blikre Julia Melle Nic Fantl Jennifer Boots Melanie McCord Sr. VP-Acct. Dir Sr. VP-Creative Dir. VP-Creative Dir. Acct. Super. Acct. Super. PROCTER & GAMBLE Patricia Perez-Ayala Lela Coffey Sarah Hagopian Michelle Robbins Sharon Cunliffe Lindsey Herb N. Amer. Genl. Mgr. N. Amer. Assoc. Mktg. Dir. Brand Mgr. Brand Mgr. Mktg. Dir.-Advt. Devel. Dept Asst. Brand Mgr. LEO BURNETT USA Becky Swanson Carol Balluf Robin Fisher Heather Eatherton Sr. VP-Exec. Creative Dir. Sr. VP-Acct. Dir. VP-Sr. Planner Acct. Super. STARCOM MEDIAVEST GROUP Lisa Richert Global Comm. Strategy Dir. SMG UNITED HAVE A HAPPY PERIOD. ALWAYS In a declining category fraught with blue goo demonstrations, functional product claims and increased competition, Always needed to break through and reinvigorate the brand to lure competitive users and reframe the way women view their periods. This campaign highlights the role that Always’ products and women themselves can play in making their periods happier – whether using a better product or eating all the chocolate they want. In the first year of the launch, Always’ share grew from 49.4% to 54.1% to achieve the most profitable year in Always’ history. THE BRAID MAKES YOU BRAVE In order to de-throne the 25-year incumbent and claim leadership in the plastic category in four short years, P&G needed to capture users at an early age and make them believers for life. The creative strategy was to take the highly relevant, but commonly used, emotional benefit of confidence to the next level by linking Pearl’s protection with period courage. Despite no news, near impossible odds for growth and Playtex’s fiercely defending its territory, Tampax increased its market share by 18% and crowned Tampax Pearl queen of the plastic category. 45 BRONZE WINNERS HEALTHCARE – OVER-THE-COUNTER NicodermCQ Tylenol PM GLAXOSMITHKLINE CONSUMER HEALTHCARE Amardeep Kahlon Brand Mgr. Bill Slivka VP-Smoking Control & Strategic Devel. McNEIL CONSUMER HEALTHCARE, DIVISION OF McNEIL PPC Trisha Smith Mktg. Mgr., Tylenol Sleep Brands ARNOLD John Staffen Barry Silverstein Linda Watson Rema Chandramohan Cheryl Loo Julianna Bogdanski Jessica Post Michele Gussman DEUTSCH INC. Mike DePirro Lisa Garrone Chris Chao Betsy Mansfield Anthony Alvarez Lea Platz Guy Williams Alan Snitow Mary Kelly CCO Exec. VP-Group Dir. Sr. VP-Acct. Dir. VP-Mgmt. Super. Acct. Super. Sr. Brand Planner Mgmt. Super. Copywriter Group Creative Dir. Group Creative Dir. Art. Dir. Copywriter Art. Dir. Copywriter Producer VP-Acct. Planner Acct. Planner UNIVERSAL McCANN CQ REAL In April 2004, NicoDermCQ was faced with a significant roadblock to growth – sales at a record low and smokers jaded by communication featuring actors in slice-of-life situations touting health risks. This campaign redefined the playing field, connecting smokers with smokers, highlighting real battles to succeed and real everyday victories such as skin looking better, increased energy, etc., instead of seemingly unattainable long-term health benefits. This campaign successfully achieved the objectives of re-engaging smokers and reviving the business with annual sales growth of over 12%. 46 2007 EFFIE AWARDS PRACTICE SAFE SLEEP In the past year, Tylenol PM has been threatened by an onslaught of new prescription sleep aids as well as the launch of Advil PM. Despite projections that the business would take a 12% hit in sales, two complementary Tylenol PM campaigns that launched in 2006 not only effectively defended the business – but actually grew it over the year prior when Advil PM was not even on the market. By leveraging the brand’s core safety heritage, Tylenol PM raised the bar for safe sleep. SILVER WINNERS HEALTHCARE - PRESCRIPTION Lantus Rozerem SANOFI-AVENTIS Charlene Horvath Leitner Shashank Deshpande Lorine Harr David Nolan Dir.-Consumer Mktg.,Diabetes Sr. Product Mgr. Product. Mgr Dir.-U.S. Mkt. Rsch. TAKEDA PHARMACEUTICALS NORTH AMERICA Mark Booth Pres. Andy Hull Sr. VP-Mktg. Paul Boidy Dir. Neuroscience Mktg. Chris Benecchi Sr. Product Mgr. Neuroscience Mktg. Tim Rudolphi Dir.-Neuroscience Mktg. EURO RSCG TONIC Peter Coutroulis Dave Hubbert Paul Klein Valerie Wernick Bill Previdi Samantha Peluso Creative Dir. Sr. Copywriter Mngng. Dir. Acct. Dir. Sr. Art Dir. Acct. Super. EURO RSCG LIFE INTERACTION CRAMER-KRASSELT Marshall Ross Barbara Werner Noel Ritter Marcia Selig CCO VP-Group Planning Dir. Sr. Art Dir. VP-Group Media Dir. ABELSON-TAYLOR Jeanine Koch Acct. Dir. RTC RELATIONSHIP MARKETING PASSION/POWER This campaign was developed to withstand the first competitive threat in Lantus’ history: two revolutionary new entrants in the diabetes category and a direct competitor, each challenging Lantus’ No. 1 position in a different way. Moreover, Lantus had very low awareness among its core target. A strategy was devised using consumer insight about the emotional impact of diabetes and a core functional point of difference. While it would have been easy to go the direct-to-consumer medical advertising route, Lantus chose a more aspirational creative approach, which resulted in meeting objectives. YOUR DREAMS MISS YOU This brand, the first innovation in sleep medicines in nearly 35 years, launched in a highly competitive environment. The goal was to seed the idea that if sleep sufferers want help with insomnia, something new was available. The breakthrough idea was not about how people missed their dreams but rather how their dreams missed them. By using traditional and emerging media, Rozerem engaged people in places where they might experience stress and losing sleep. Reaction was immediate and positive, with an increase in traffic to rozerem.com and in new prescriptions. 47 HEALTHCARE PRODUCTS & SERVICES 48 SILVER WINNER HISPANIC GOLD WINNER Cleveland Clinic Toyota CLEVELAND CLINIC Marilyn Wilker Jim Blazar Caroline Emmet TOYOTA MOTOR SALES USA Jim Farley VP-Mktg. Kim McCullough Corp. Mgr.-Mktg. Comm. Sr. Dir.-Comm. CMO Advt. Program Mgr. HILL HOLLIDAY NEW YORK Stacia Goddard Exec. VP-Mngng. Dir. Alon Shoval Exec. VP-Exec. Creative Dir. Lesley Bielby Strategy-HHCC Network Lillian Kennedy Sr. VP-Media Dir. Kimberly Tebbs VP-Acct. Dir. Simon Grendene Art Dir. Rich Drouin Sr. Media Planner CONILL ADVERTISING Carlos Martinez Pablo Buffagni Sandy Mayer Ana Rodriguez Laura Semple Karen Treydte Cesar Sanchez Elizabeth Sanchez LETTERS TO TOMORROW Cleveland Clinic is ranked the No. 3 hospital in the nation; yet many Americans do not know this. By tapping into the insight that patients need confidence at the moment of diagnosis not six months later, the campaign spoke to the genuine hope that Cleveland Clinic instills in its patients. This campaign not only connects with consumers emotionally, it also offers participation in a growing community that has the confidence to write letters and share their stories for a better tomorrow. MUNDO YARIS (YARIS WORLD) Mundo Yaris is a world specifically designed for young, bi-cultural Latinos. A world built on their core values of nontraditionalism, multiculturalism, experimentalism and creativity. There they could explore Toyota’s fresh new sub-compact, Yaris, as well as themselves. The hub of this campaign is MundoYaris.com, a micro-world where each campaign element – from print to promotions to events – could be accessed. Within the first two months of launch, Yaris went from a complete unknown to the most recognized entrylevel sub-compact among the Hispanic community, with a No. 1 market share. 2007 EFFIE AWARDS Exec. VP-Genl. Mgr VP-Creative Dir. Interactive Dir. Dir.-Client Services Strategic Planning Dir. Exec. Media Dir. Assoc. Creative Dir. Promo. Acct. Super. To: Cleveland Clinic From: Hill Holliday New York They say: “It’s just advertising. It’s not like we’re saving lives.” It isn’t often we get the chance to work on both. And rarer still to be rewarded for it. We’ve come a long way, but there’s even more to be done. There are so many people in need of that most precious of resources: confidence. So we’re looking forward to tomorrow. And the day after that. And the day after that. Thank you, Cleveland Clinic, for having the confidence in us. And congratulations on winning an Effie. 622 Third Avenue New York, NY 10017 49 HISPANIC SILVER WINNER 50 BRONZE WINNER California Milk Processor Board Clorox THE CLOROX CO. Tarang Amin Beata Grabowski Lisa Hauswirth Kyra Zeroll HISPANIC VP-Mktg. Mktg. Dir. Mktg. Mgr. Mktg. Mgr. CALIFORNIA MILK PROCESSOR BOARD Steve James Pres. Lynn Adachi Office. Mgr. DIESTE HARMEL & PARTNERS Aldo Quevedo Pres.-CCO Carlos Tourne Exec. Creative Dir. Patricia Martinez Assoc. Creative Dir. Diego Duprat Copywriter Larissa Acosta Planning Dir. Pedro Mascaro Acct. Dir. GRUPO GALLEGOS Favio Ucedo Juan Oubina Veronica Orosco Arlin Morales Ken Deutsch SWEET WORLD The objective was to reduce brand gaps in the Hispanic market vs. general market in areas such as brand awareness, key attributes, category share. This campaign illustrates how to a toddler everyday objects and surfaces can be as appealing as candy as they explore their world. Clorox disinfecting products help mom keep her home healthy for her children by killing germs that cause illness. The brands featured in the campaign exceeded their category share goals and, in one year, made significant progress against their three-year awareness and key attributes goals. TOMA LECHE (DRINK MILK) The Califonia Milk Processor Board was facing negative to flat sales. The challenge was to find a different way of looking at milk with an audience that felt there was nothing more to milk than calcium. The Hispanic mom was introduced to the new “Toma Leche” campaign. The campaign showcased secret societies that did extraordinary things thanks to the power of milk. The campaign resulted in halting the sales’ decline and reached the same awareness levels of the previous campaign of 11 years after only three months. 2007 EFFIE AWARDS Prin.-Creative Dir. Creative Dir. Strategic Planner Acct. Exec. Media Dir. When client and agency believe in the power of creativity, great things happen. Congratulations to The Clorox Company. 2007 Effie Award for the “Sweet World” campaign. 51 HISPANIC BRONZE WINNER HOUSEHOLD FURNISHINGS & APPLIANCES McDonald’s of Chicagoland & Northwest Indiana Ikea McDONALD’S OF GREATER CHICAGO REGION IKEA NORTH AMERICA Maria Lovera Dep. Mktg. Mgr. Michael Hay Creative Strategist LEO BURNETT USA John Condon Mark Tutssel John Montgomery John Hansa Tony Katalinic Bridget McHugh Camille Beaufils Vanessa Carr DEUTSCH INC. Linda Sawyer Val DiFebo Matt Dowshen Eve Kornblum Diana Hong Eric Rojas Mike Leibowitz Jason Ashlock CCO Dep. CCO Exec. VP-Exec. Creative Dir. Sr. VP-Creative Dir. Creative Dir. Producer Acct. Exec. Asst. Acct. Exec. OMD WORLDWIDE SILVER WINNER CEO Pres. Sr. VP-Group Acct. Dir. Sr. VP-Exec. Producer VP-Assoc. Creative Dir. Art. Dir. Copywriter Copywriter N’VISION ARC WORLDWIDE LAPÍZ USA Maru Bernal Gloria Dusenberry Art. Dir. Copywriter COFFEE CUSTOMIZATION McDonald’s launched its new coffee nationally in March. Stores serving Hispanics in Chicago knew this was a tough sell locally. Recently Starbucks and Dunkin’ Donuts doubled their outlets. Coffee is very important to Hispanics, a growing segment in Chicago. The campaign objective was to increase Chicago Hispanic coffee units and sustain them after the launch period. Creative highlighted a local initiative of adding cream and sugar. This resulted in coffee units to Chicago Hispanics 19% higher than national comparable stores, and the competition has tried to counter. 52 2007 EFFIE AWARDS EVERYDAY FABULOUS Ikea decided to take a stand against the International Contemporary Furniture Fair to boost awareness and brand perception in New York City. Using guerilla installations of furnishings around the city, like couches in bus shelters, the campaign demonstrated how good design can make every day better. Mainstream press and blogger mentions resulted in millions of positive consumer impressions for no media spend. 53 HOUSEHOLD SUPPLIES & SERVICES GOLD WINNER Brawny HOUSEHOLD SUPPLIES & SERVICES SILVER WINNER Tide GEORGIA PACIFIC Rob Lorys Steven Sage Derek Schwendinger Binoti Parmar Dan Dooley VP-Mktg. Services VP-Mktg.-Towel/Napkin Assoc. Mgr. Assoc. Mgr. Sr. Mgr.-CRM/eMktg. PROCTER & GAMBLE Kevin Burke Julie Woffington Sally Sarratt Suzanne Watson Peter Carter Mktg. Dir.-Tide N. Amer. Assoc. Mktg. Dir. Brand Mgr. Brand Mgr. Advt. Devel. FALLON WORLDWIDE Roger Camp Brian DiLorenzo Lachlan Badenoch Eric Frost Chris Lawrence Group Creative Dir. Dir.-Bdcst. Group Planning Dir. Creative Dir. Group Acct. Dir. SAATCHI & SAATCHI Barbara Boyle Michael Vaughan Neil Levin Lea Ladera Sara Rose Sr. VP-Group Creative Dir. VP-Assoc. Creative Dir., Art VP-Assoc. Creative Dir., Copy Art Dir. Copywriter EDELMAN PR CRITICAL MASS ASPEN MARKETING ZENITH MEDIA BRAWNY ACADEMY Paper towels and Hollywood? Conventional thinking would have you believe that the two simply don’t mix – especially in a lowinvolvement and highly commoditized category such as paper towels. But challenging existing category conventions and engaging consumers on a deeper level is exactly what Brawny set out to do with Brawny Academy, an online reality series created to help women by helping their men become better, more proactive, more compassionate husbands. 54 2007 EFFIE AWARDS KNOWS FABRICS BEST After five years without a campaign and with the brand facing increasing competition and a consumer value issue, Tide needed to become more relevant in the hearts and minds of women. To achieve objectives, the brand broke away from laundry-based conventions by showing women that Tide makes a difference in something they truly care about – the clothes and fabrics that touch their lives. This campaign, based around insights about women and their fabrics, introduced a modern design for the brand and launched in TV, print, interactive and cause-related efforts. Before the Effie After the Effie Saatchi & Saatchi congratulates Tide on another Effie win. 55 INTERNET PRODUCTS & SERVICES GOLD WINNER Comcast COMCAST Marvin Davis John Young Dustin Hayes Sherri Davis CMO VP-Advt. Dir.-Advt. Mgr. GOODBY, SILVERSTEIN Hamish Chandra Claudine Murphy Aaron Kennedy Brian McPherson Jamie Barrett & PARTNERS Planning Dir. Group Planning Dir. Acct. Mgr. Group Acct. Dir. Creative Dir. 2007 EFFIE AWARDS BRONZE WINNER CareerBuilder.com THE SLOWSKYS The race to get high-speed internet subscribers was heating up; the category was full of mud-slinging messages; and Comcast’s product was nearly three times the cost of the competition’s. This is the story of how Comcast entered the fray and built value for its high-speed internet offering with advertising that disarmed and endeared people. It not only prevented current customers from leaving the brand but resulted in record growth in new subscribers. 56 INTERNET PRODUCTS & SERVICES CAREERBUILDER.COM Matt Ferguson Richard Castellini Cynthia McIntyre Chu Chang CEO VP-Consumer Mktg. Sr. Dir.-Advt. Mktg. Coord. CRAMER-KRASSELT Karen Seamen Marshall Ross Louis Slotkin Barb Werner David Estoye John Reid Exec. VP-Genl. Mgr. CCO VP-Group Acct. Dir. VP-Group Planning Dir. Art Dir. Copywriter STREET TEAMS With the innovative use of street teams, CareerBuilder looked beyond traditional communications and created a highly engaging way for consumers to interact with the brand. Street team members were dressed in ridiculous costumes such as giant plungers, giant tape dispensers and giant pairs of underpants. The teams – designed to spark a brief empathetic connection with consumers – passed out postcards that read, “Is your job worse than mine? Check out CareerBuilder.com.” With a limited budget, the objective was to build awareness for CareerBuilder by generating media coverage of the program. LEISURE PRODUCTS GOLD WINNER Nike LEISURE PRODUCTS SILVER WINNER Hallmark NIKE USA Todd Pendleton Slate Olson U.S. Assoc. Advt. Dir. U.S. Sr. Advt. Mgr. WIEDEN+KENNEDY Katie Allen Karin Knutson Mira Kaddoura Sheena Brady Alberto Ponte Reme DeBisschop Emily Leonard Teri Fildey Acct. Exec. Sr. Acct. Planner Art Dir. Copywriter Assoc. Creative Dir. Assoc. Media Dir. Media Super. Acct. Super. I FEEL PRETTY With women’s sports participation on the rise and increased competitive pressures from Adidas and Under Armour, Nike wanted to re-ignite its women’s business. Maria Sharapova’s appearance at the 2006 U.S. Open was a perfect platform for creating national attention for Nike.“I Feel Pretty” struck a cord by championing an attitude women could rally behind - the ability to ignore naysayers and critics and focus on goals. The campaign prompted increases in web traffic, sales and brand involvement not to mention an article or two. HALLMARK CARDS Jenny Lee Ann Herrick Ira Stolzer Ellen Junger Brand Mgr. Corp. Synergy Integrated Mktg. Mgr. VP-Integrated Consumer Mktg. Sr. VP-Mktg. LEO BURNETT USA Tim Pontarelli Pippa White Karla Flannery Pinsuda Sagooleim Jim Stallman Bob Harley Exec. Creative Dir. Art Dir. Acct. Dir. Acct. Exec. Sr. VP-Design Dir. VP-Exec. Producer STARCOM WORLDWIDE USE MUSIC Hallmark faced the daunting reality that the 15-year erosion of the greeting card category was not going to turn around by itself. Something needed to be done to resuscitate the greeting card category. The big idea: iTunes meets Hallmark. This campaign proved that a bit of entertainment, whether amp-ed up or offbeat and goofy, can help you express yourself, something Hallmark has always done but now with a voice from the 21st century. Song cards fueled a 10% increase in sales of everyday cards compared to a year earlier. 57 LEISURE PRODUCTS SILVER WINNER MEDIA COMPANIES GOLD WINNER Nike Bauer TLC NIKE BAUER HOCKEY Chris Zimmerman Chris Lindner Ed Saunders Steve Jones Darryl Hughes Pres.-CEO VP-Global Mktg. U.S. Brand Mktg. Mgr. Global Comm. Mgr. Canadian Mktg. Mgr. THE LEARNING CHANNEL David Abraham Exec.VP-Genl. Mgr. Derek Koenig Sr. VP-Mktg Neile Hartman Dir.-Mktg. Strategy Doug Seybert Dir.-Mktg. Strategy Amy Winter Creative Dir. OLSON Bob Molhoek Arturo Mendiola Andrew Donlan Steve Knapp Jen Hale VP-Bus. Strategy Officer Sr. Acct. Exec. Acct. Exec. Media Dir. Media Strategist THE MARTIN AGENCY Christopher Mumford Sarah Burgess Kathy Cho Katherine Wintsch Mike Hughes VP-Mgmt. Super. Acct. Super. Acct. Coord. VP-Sr. Strategic Planner Pres.-Mngng. Part. Creative Dir. PHD CREW CREATIVE AGENCY BE THE ONE To combat an all-out assault from Reebok, Nike made an unprecedented move by creating the Nike Bauer brand. Bauer, a long–established hockey company, was the first brand to share the Nike name and logo. This campaign helped establish the new brand’s credibility among hockey–crazed kids. 58 2007 EFFIE AWARDS LIFE LESSONS TLC’s ad sales and ratings were down, and viewers were emotionally disconnected from the network. With the heyday of “Trading Spaces” long gone, viewers and ad buyers weren’t sure what TLC stood for any more. TLC needed a new identity. With this campaign, a new lifestage and strategic platform were created that would define the network as something more than just a TV channel. Based on human truths, this campaign took TLC in a new direction, revitalized the network, increased ratings and engaged viewers. MEDIA IDEA SILVER WINNERS KTRS McDonald’s Restaurants KTRS Tim Dorsey Craig Unger Pres. Station Mgr. McDONALD’S USA SCHUPP CO. Corey Lawson Anthony Simmons Mike Conway Jim Mayfield Acct. Exec. Sr. Writer Assoc. Creative Dir. Sr. VP-Creative Dir. ST. LOUIS CARDINALS – MISSING BIRDS In an unusual use of outdoor, the St. Louis Cardinal/KTRS’ campaign created a deafening buzz. After 52 years of being broadcast on KMOX, Cardinal’s games moved to 550 KTRS, a move the new station wanted to communicate. To do so, six pairs of sequential outdoor boards were secured throughout the city. The lead board was a Cardinals’ board and the following board was a KTRS board. The message evolved throughout the campaign to create one cohesive message between the two boards. DDB SEATTLE John Livengood Scott Manning Eric Gutierrez Shaun Stripling Brett Siemen Matt Gilmore Matt Griffin Kelly Showalter Exec. VP-Exec. Creative Dir. Sr. VP-Acct. Group Dir. Creative Dir. Assoc. Strategy Dir. Sr. Art Dir. Copywriter Acct. Super. Sr. Production Mgr. OMD SEATTLE Teri Bauer Katie Bergerud Genl. Mgr. Assoc. Dir.-Strategy WE’RE UP WHEN YOU’RE UP The unusual affinity between an “open 24 hours” promotion and “don’t drink and drive” message afforded an opportunity for McDonald’s to demonstrate community commitment while increasing late night store traffic. Bar coasters, free rides home in a pimped-out cab, even Ronald’s wallet as collateral provided multiple campaign touches in and around late night hot spots in order to reach young adults in their “I’m lovin’ it” moments. These ideas and environments were chosen because who needs McDonald’s more at 2 a.m. than people in need of sobering up? 59 NEW PRODUCT OR SERVICE GOLD WINNER NEW PRODUCT OR SERVICE Philips Norelco Saturn PHILIPS DAP NORTH AMERICA Bob Baird Pres.-CEO Arjen Linders VP-Mktg. Elwin DeValk VP-Mktg. Zdenek Kratky Brand Mgr. Michelle Schwartz Assoc. Brand Mgr. GENERAL MOTORS Dave Smidebush David Kozaria Scott McLaren Matt Armstrong Dir.-Mktg. Advt. Mgr. Advt. Mgr. Car Segment Mktg. Mgr. DDB NEW YORK Catherine East Joanna Schwab Scott Ginsberg January Vernon Ted Manger GOODBY, SILVERSTEIN Claudine Cheever Brian Dunbar Ted Florea Jennifer Fox Dan Goldstein & PARTNERS Group Dir.-Brand Strategy Group Acct. Dir. Sr. Brand Strategist Acct. Dir. Dir-Planning GM PLANWORKS Lisa Ann Rocha Media Dir. Acct. Dir. Sr. Brand Planner Copywriter Art Dir. Group Planning Dir. SILVER WINNER TRIBAL DDB NEW YORK CARAT USA MANNING SELVAGE & LEE BODYGROOM To successfully launch its new electric razor, Bodygroom, designed to shave and trim body hair, Philips Norelco had to get guys talking about the uncomfortable subject of male body grooming. Without a budget to support traditional media, Philips Norelco needed a big viral idea to take body grooming from a private act to a public topic. To meet aggressive sales goals with a budget under $375,000, Philips Norelco had to take body grooming out of the closet. 60 2007 EFFIE AWARDS SATURN SKY LAUNCH The 2006 launch of the Sky roadster offered Saturn the chance to enter the sports car category and reenergize the Saturn brand – without abandoning the core values that had made Saturn great. A combination of refined targeting, innovative launch strategies and a powerful brand idea announced that Saturn had found a new path. The result was the fastest-selling car of 2006 and a launch campaign that exceeded ambitious goals, brought new people into the Saturn fold and reinvigorated the brand. “Like always. Like never before.” NON-PROFIT, PRO BONO & PUBLIC SERVICE GOLD WINNER NON-PROFIT, PRO BONO & PUBLIC SERVICE SILVER WINNER Montana Meth Project Remember Segregation MONTANA METH PROJECT Tom Siebel Founder Peg Shea Exec. Dir. REMEMBERSEGREGATION.ORG VENABLES BELL & PARTNERS Greg Bell Creative Dir. Paul Venables Creative. Dir. Lucy Farey-Jones Dir.-Brand Strategy Tavia Holmes Art Dir. Aaron Stern Copywriter Ray Andrade Art Dir. James Robinson Copywriter Ashley Arrasmith Brand Strategist DDB SEATTLE John Livengood Eric Gutierrez Jason Stanfield Ray Page Heather Long Keith Anderson Matt Gilmore Kelly Showalter Chris Garces Dan Miller OMD WORLDWIDE Exec. VP-Exec. Creative Dir. Creative Dir.-Copywriter Assoc.Creative Dir.-Art Dir. Assoc. Creative Dir.-Art Dir. Art. Dir. Sr. Copywriter Copywriter Sr. Production Mgr. Production Group Mgr. Acct. Dir. WIRESTONE NOT EVEN ONCE The Montana Meth Project serves one clear purpose: to discourage teens 12-17 in the state of Montana from trying meth even once. The objectives were to help prevent first-time use while also spurring a dialogue among the community about a meth epidemic. The campaign resulted in unprecedented awareness, a heightened education among teens about the dangers of trying meth even once and a dialogue that reached far beyond the state of Montana. In fact, it has now been recognized by the White House as a model for the nation. REMEMBER SEGREGATION Memory of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and the civil rights struggle in the U.S. has been fading. The goal was to revive a visceral connection to the civil rights era and engage people in the reason for honoring the legacy of Dr. King. The solution, the world’s first segregated advertising campaign, allows the audience to experience discrimination firsthand and feel the sting of “separate but equal.” 61 NON-PROFIT, PRO BONO & PUBLIC SERVICE BRONZE WINNER PACKAGED FOOD SILVER WINNER Ad Council Dropout Prevention Nature Valley AD COUNCIL Penny Schildkraut Heidi Arthur Amanda Samponaro Kristin Hajinlian VP-Campaign Dir. Sr. VP-Campaign Mgmt. Asst. Campaign Mgr. Campaign Mgr. GENERAL MILLS Beth Brady Martin Abrams Clare Kanter Judy Bowman Sarah Turley Rick Hosfield JWT Ed Evangelista Chris D’Rozario Robert Rasmussen Kevin Wilson Alison Hillhouse Exec. Creative Dir. Exec. Creative Dir. Creative Dir. Producer Acct. Mgr. CAMPBELL MITHUN Mike Nelson Shawne Murphy Johnson Amy Rooker Tom McCarthy VP-Dir. Mktg. Mgr. Assoc. Mktg. Mgr. Dir. CI Mgr. VP-Advt. Exec.VP-Global Acct. Dir. Sr. VP-Group Mgmt. Super. VP-Dir. of Integration Assoc. Media Dir. MRM PARTNERS WORLDWIDE BOOSTUP To tackle the issue of dropout prevention, students needed to be shown as potential graduates not potential dropouts. Ten at-risk kids were given cameras to document their experiences in struggling to graduate as a tribute to their efforts to stay in school. The reality of their stories gave this cause a real voice and identity, increasing the chances of media coverage. The campaign exceeded its goals of generating a 400% increase in broadcast TV media detections and tripling the amount of time teens across America spent with the issue. 62 2007 EFFIE AWARDS WHERE’S YOURS Nature Valley Granola Bars launched in 1975 inventing the “betterfor-you” snack category. By 2005, Kellogg’s was nipping at Nature Valley’s heels, and Nature Valley had to find a way to deepen its relationship with its consumers. That way was to go beyond the functional, natural energy benefit that Kellogg’s was encroaching upon and elevate the brand to an emotional level. This campaign is an inspirational call-to-action to get consumers out into their special place in nature. Through this campaign, Nature Valley becomes the catalyst for these journeys. PACKAGED FOOD SILVER WINNER PACKAGED FOOD BRONZE WINNER Slim–Fast Hebrew National SLIM-FAST FOODS CO. Terry Olson VP-Genl. Mgr., Brand Devel. Ginnie Blake West Brand Devel. Dir. Barry Schwartzblatt Dir.-Consumer & Mkt. Insights Lisa Trombone Sr. Mgr.-Consumer & Mkt. Insight Donna Barker Mktg. Dir. CONAGRA FOODS Tom Bartley Paula Ford Robin Reeves Dir.-Mktg. Brand Mgr. Integrated Mktg. Mgr. OGILVY & MATHER Darren Kapelus Jackie Leak Debra Fried Melissa Schulz Joseph Frydl ONESEVEN Leslie Goldman Enza Mullen Ann Morton Sherri Levy Dave Maly Creative Dir.-Writer Creative Dir.-Art Dir. Group Acct. Dir. Producer Creative Dir. Sr Part.-Exec. Group Dir. Sr. Part.-Creative Dir Sr. Part.-Creative Dir. Sr. Part.-Acct. Dir. Part.-Planning Dir. MINDSHARE BRIDGE WORLDWIDE Jodi Schmidtgoesling Assoc. Acct. Dir. Randy Limes Acct. Exec. MEDIACOM BEYOND INTERACTIVE TUMMIES Having lost over 50% of its franchise from 2002 to 2005 and 29% of its share of shelf, Slim-Fast wrote off approximately $1 billion. Aiming to prove the brand’s vitality to dieters, retailers and Unilever shareholders, this campaign broke from weight loss clichés, championing healthy, realistic weight and weight loss. Increasing brand credibility by 400%, the campaign re-engaged customers and inspired the key distributor to keep Slim-Fast on shelf. Slim-Fast Optima became the best-selling new product of 2005; sales per sku increased; and Slim-Fast stemmed a sales decline by $81.4 million. NO IFS, ANDS OR BUTTS In a world of increasing demand for purer, more organic foods, hot dogs were losing their luster. All because of an (erroneous) consumer perception that hot dogs are made with mystery meat. Hebrew National, a regional kosher brand, saw an opportunity to expand the brand’s appeal to a broader audience by reassuring moms that Hebrew National kosher franks meet, even exceed, their standards for better eating. The story was quite simple: Only the best cuts of meat from the best parts of the cow - “No ifs, ands or butts.” 63 PET CARE GOLD WINNER Pedigree PET CARE SILVER WINNER Fresh Step MARS PET CARE Rob Leibowitz Chris Jones John Anton VP-Mktg. Genl. Mgr. Brand Mgr. THE CLOROX CO. Jon Balousek Mira Kim Tracey Lessin TBWA\CHIAT\DAY Corey Mitchell Margaret Keene Chris Adams Rob Schwartz Carisa Bianchi Cathy Saidiner Brynn Bardacke Mngng. Director.-Acct. Services Assoc. Creative Dir. Assoc. Creative Dir. Exec. Creative Dir. Pres. Masterfoods Acct. Dir. Pedigree Acct. Dir. DDB SAN FRANCISCO Lisa Bennett CCO Perry Portugal Creative Dir. Kelly Colchin Art Dir. Brett Landry Copywriter Stacey Grier Chief Strategy Officer Dave Wolf Copywriter Dennis McVey Art Dir. GREY INTERACTIVE Dir.-Mktg. Mktg. Dir. Mktg. Mgr. TRIBAL DDB SAN FRANCISCO CATAPULT MARKETING WEBER SHANDWICK PEDIGREE ADOPTION DRIVE Every year, three million dogs go into shelters but only 1.2 million of them find homes. This campaign raised awareness of dogs in shelters and gave consumers a way to help them. When consumers bought Pedigree products, Pedigree donated a percentage of profits from every Pedigree product to dog shelters. As a result of the campaign, Pedigree was able to increase sales and share of market despite the shrinking dog food category. 64 2007 EFFIE AWARDS LOST LITTER BOX To create distance from competition, Fresh Step was improved by adding carbon to enhance odor control. The campaign needed to prove to cat owners, a skeptical target about odor control improvements in litter, that new Fresh Step eliminated odor better than any other litter. The idea was to demonstrate that with Fresh Step even cats can’t smell their litter box. “Lost Litter Box” was an unexpected way to emphasize effectiveness. Campaign results more than doubled objectives, growing Fresh Step sales by 29% and category share by 18% in six months. 65 PET CARE BRONZE WINNER REAL ESTATE SILVER WINNER Cesar Century 21 MASTERFOODS CENTURY 21 Tom Kunz Nicole Menard Ken Toumey Pres.-CEO Sr. Mgr.-Advt. & Promo VP-Brand Mgmt. McGARRYBOWEN Gordon Bowen John McGarry Tricia Defossey Stewart Owen John Kenney Sid Brown Rick Knief CCO CEO Acct. Mngng. Dir. Chief Strategic Officer Creative Dir. Acct. Super. Dir. BBDO WEST Crystal Roubadeaux Yuko Tsuchiya Nick Bartle Mike Barti Heward Jue Jim Lesser Account Planner Acct. Dir. Planning Dir. Copywriter Art Dir. Creative Dir. MEDIACOM U.S. WRITTEN PROMISES In 2006, Cesar faced increased competition within the single-serve segment and negative consumer perceptions of wet feeding. Aiming to own the small dog relationship, Cesar aimed to leverage the consumer need to reciprocate the unconditional love that small dogs give them. The campaign idea is “Love them back with Cesar canine cuisine.” This provides a strong call to action and positions Cesar as a way to return love. Within three months of launch, Cesar’s awareness had doubled (IPSOS) and sales share had reached an all–time high of 15.2% (IRI). 66 2007 EFFIE AWARDS AGENTS OF CHANGE As the housing market went from boom to a transition market, Century 21 needed to break through the clutter, increase brand awareness measures over Re/Max and boost the amount of traffic to century21.com as well as increase consumer leads to its affiliated brokers. By presenting realistic and emotional situations, this campaign became a rallying cry. The campaign resulted in 46% brand awareness increase, improved visitor traffic to century21. com and increased consumer leads ranging from 185% to 224% for the entire system of brokers. THEMCGARRYBOWENFAMILY THEMCGARRYBOWENFAMILY )NlVEYEARSWEVEGROWNFROMANAGENCYOFlVE TOTHELARGESTINDEPENDENTAGENCYIN.9 4HANKSTOALLTHEWONDERFULCLIENTSWHOPARTNERWITHUS EVERYDAYTOCREATEGREATIDEASTHATGETRESULTS VERIZONMARRIOTTPFIZERCRAYOLABRAHMACHASEREEBOKCENTURYKRAFTWALLSTREETJOURNALDISNEY53/# 67 REAL ESTATE BRONZE WINNER RENAISSANCE SILVER WINNER Pointe West Klondike Bar CENTEX DESTINATION PROPERTIES Stacey Berndt VP-Mktg., Central Div. UNILEVER NORTH AMERICAN ICE CREAM Dan Hammer VP-Mktg. Julio Del Cioppo Dir.-Novelties Shari Antonissen Brand Mgr. FIREHOUSE Mark Hall Greg Goyne Steve Smith Kim Thornton James Helms Jason Fox CAMPBELL MITHUN Rick Gibson Craig Miller Shari Fineman Kitty Thorne Don Kvam Talis Lin Nick Richman Pres.-Founder Prin.-Acct. Mgmt. Prin.-Acct. Planning Acct. Super. Assoc. Creative Dir. Copywriter Exec. VP-Exec. Creative Dir. Sr. VP-Exec. Creative Dir. VP-Assoc. Creative Dir.,Writer VP-Assoc. Creative Dir., Art Exec.VP-Group Mgmt. Super. Acct. Exec. VP-Assoc. Dir., Acct. Planning MINDSHARE THE SECRET COAST This campaign was developed to reenergize consumer interest in destination properties, specifically Pointe West, as well as to neutralize low perceptions of this property’s location in Galveston, Tex. The campaign exceeded objectives in lead generation. 68 2007 EFFIE AWARDS WHAT WOULD YOU DO FOR A KLONDIKE BAR? Every day, people do little things in life that surprise and delight those around them. They deserve the big, satisfying everyday reward. They deserve the amazing taste of a Klondike bar. The objective was to revitalize the old campaign by moving away from focusing on celebrities and their quirky behavior and instead to position Klondike as an everyday reward for everyday people. Change has taken root. When you’re printing with The L. P. Thebault Company, you’re partnering with a team that is leading the graphic arts industry in environmental stewardship. Every day, our experienced professionals are consulting with our customers in designing and creating innovative, responsible print messages with less waste and more focus on brand. Programs like FSC-certification through Smartwood™, membership in Ceres, and significant purchases of renewable energy to power our presses reflect just some of the many ways in which LPT is changing, from the roots up. LPT congratulates all of tonight’s award winners. We salute the Effie community for recognizing ideas that work. RENAISSANCE BRONZE WINNER NASDAQ RETAIL GOLD WINNER eBay NASDAQ John Jacobs Kate Stonehouse Christine Lynn Mark Dillingham Exec. VP-CMO VP-Mktg. Dir.-Brand Advt. Interim Mktg. Mgr. EBAY Bill Cobb Gary Briggs Kevin McSpadden Lisa Carey Pres.-eBay N. Amer. CMO Sr. Dir.-Brand Mktg. Sr. Mgr.-Advt. McKINNEY Denis Budniewski David Baldwin Walker Teele Katie Beaudin Jeremy Holden Liz Paradise Group Acct. Dir. Exec. Creative Dir. Mgmt. Super. Acct. Super. Dir.-Acct. Planning Group Creative Dir. BBDO David Lubars Jeff Mordos Jim Santora Greg Hahn Nick Bartle Kara Goodrich CCO-Chrmn., BBDO N. Amer. COO-BBDO New York & N. Amer. Sr. VP-Sr. Acct. Dir. Exec. Creative Dir. Exec. VP-Dir. of Planning Sr. Creative Dir. OMD WORLDWIDE AGENCY.COM LISTED ON NASDAQ It seemed that as quickly as NASDAQ’s growth fueled the dotboom, NASDAQ became the poster child for the dot-bust. By the time this campaign launched, public companies had lost more than half their value. And as a result, stock markets had lost substantial credibility. In perhaps one of the most significant brand transformations of all time, NASDAQ is back stronger than ever. Today it is perceived as the industry innovator and the better performing stock market for companies and investors alike. 70 2007 EFFIE AWARDS IT The very thing that made eBay famous was threatening its future success. People saw eBay as a great place to buy hard-to-find, collectible items but did not think of it for the more ordinary, everyday items that represented the real growth in ecommerce. Incessant pop culture references merely amplified this problem and presented a significant perceptual hurdle for a very modest media budget to overcome. This highly successful integrated campaign broadened perceptions of what could be bought on eBay and helped grow revenue twice as fast as ecommerce. 71 RETAIL SILVER WINNER SMALL BUDGETS Oasys Mobile Montana Meth Project OASYS MOBILE Aaron Sheedy Felicia Ramsey VP-Online Services Dir.-Mktg. MONTANA METH PROJECT Tom Siebel Founder Peg Shea Exec. Dir. McKINNEY Rod Brown Jason Musante Matt Fischvogt Justin Smith Dave Cook Tom Hickey Cathy Wilson Lee Maschmeyer Mgmt. Super. Assoc. Creative Dir. Assoc. Creative Dir. Art Dir. Group Creative Dir. Media Dir. Bdcst. Producer Acct. Planner VENABLES BELL & PARTNERS Greg Bell Creative Dir. Paul Venables Creative. Dir. Lucy Farey-Jones Dir.-Brand Strategy Tavia Holmes Art Dir. Aaron Stern Copywriter Ray Andrade Art Dir. James Robinson Copywriter Ashley Arrasmith Brand Strategist GOLD WINNER OMD WORLDWIDE WIRESTONE PHEROTONES The ringtone industry is laden with price-value discrepancies, quality concerns and consumers who show a general distrust for the companies involved. So how do you pit a little-known ringtone company against the giant telecom carriers and win over an apprehensive audience – in 12 weeks and while being outspent 200 to 1? This campaign used pseudoscience, sexual attraction and a Danish doctor to create a viral phenomenon that generated over six million PR impressions and led to a 90% increase in sales. All with only $100,000. 72 2007 EFFIE AWARDS NOT EVEN ONCE The Montana Meth Project serves one clear purpose: to discourage teens 12-17 in the state of Montana from trying meth even once. The objectives were to help prevent first-time use while also spurring a dialogue among the community about a meth epidemic. The campaign resulted in unprecedented awareness, a heightened education among teens about the dangers of trying meth even once and a dialogue that reached far beyond the state of Montana. In fact, it has now been recognized by the White House as a model for the nation. SMALL BUDGETS SILVER WINNER SMALL BUDGETS BRONZE WINNER Philips Norelco Oasys Mobile PHILIPS DAP NORTH AMERICA Bob Baird Pres.-CEO Arjen Linders VP-Mktg. Elwin DeValk VP-Mktg. Zdenek Kratky Brand Mgr. Michelle Schwartz Assoc. Brand Mgr. OASYS MOBILE Aaron Sheedy Felicia Ramsey VP-Online Services Dir.-Mktg. DDB NEW YORK Catherine East Joanna Schwab January Vernon Scott Ginsberg Jennifer Operowsky McKINNEY Rod Brown Lee Maschmeyer Jason Musante Matt Fischvogt Justin Smith Dave Cook Christina Yarborough Julie Greehouse Mgmt. Super. Acct. Planner Assoc. Creative Dir. Assoc. Creative Dir. Art Dir. Group Creative Dir. Acct. Exec. Media Super. Acct. Dir. Sr. Brand Planner Art Dir. Copywriter Acct. Super. TRIBAL DDB NEW YORK CARAT USA MANNING SELVAGE & LEE BODYGROOM To successfully launch its new electric razor, Bodygroom, designed to shave and trim body hair, Philips Norelco had to get guys talking about the uncomfortable subject of male body grooming. Without a budget to support traditional media, Philips Norelco needed a big viral idea to take body grooming from a private act to a public topic. To meet aggressive sales goals with a budget under $375,000, Philips Norelco had to take body grooming out of the closet. PHEROTONES The ringtone industry is laden with price-value discrepancies, quality concerns and consumers who show a general distrust for the companies involved. So how do you pit a little-known ringtone company against the giant telecom carriers and win over an apprehensive audience – in 12 weeks and while being outspent 200 to 1? This campaign used pseudoscience, sexual attraction and a Danish doctor to create a viral phenomenon that generated over six million PR impressions and led to a 90% increase in sales. All with only $100,000. 73 SNACKS, DESSERTS & CONFECTIONS Goldfish PEPPERIDGE FARM Michael Simon Stephen White Patsy Fox Olesia Matijcio Connie Olsen Amy Sleep Paul Alexander Kevin Parham Y&R Adam Konowitz Maria McHugh SILVER WINNERS Mayfield Dairy Farms VP-Genl. Mgr.,Snacks VP-Youth Snacks Group Mktg. Mgr.-Snacks Innovation Group Mgr.-Youthful Snacks Dir.-Brand Devel. & Comm. Sr. Group Mktg. Mgr. VP-Global Advt. Services Campbell Soup Co. Dir.-Global Advt. Services Campbell Soup Co. Sr. VP-Acct. Dir. Exec. VP-Dir. of Insights & Planning MAYFIELD DAIRY FARMS Mary Williams Genl. Mgr., Dean Foods Southeast Scottie Mayfield Pres. Alan Owen Mktg. Mgr. Bridgett Raper PR Dir. Robbie Roberts VP-Sales THE JOHNSON GROUP Roger Vaughn Creative Dir.-Part. Chris Jones Art Dir. Rachel Daigh Media Dir. Alice Ailey Acct. Super. Alana Stephenson Project Mgr. MEDIAEDGE:CIA FINN AND FRIENDS Goldfish was a minnow in an ocean of snack brands. Outspent 4-to-1 by competitors such as Frito-Lay, the brand had to find a new way to punch above its weight. Not only did the new Goldfish campaign boost sales, but within just three months, the brand outpaced competition by four times. Sales increased 31% vs. a year ago in July. The new communication model helped reconnect with tweens and gain affinity. 74 2007 EFFIE AWARDS FLAVOR DECISION ‘06 Into a fiercely-competitive ice cream category known for aggressive price promotions, Mayfield Ice Cream launched four new flavors without the benefit of discounting – and into a freezer case flooded with competing new flavors. To meet the challenge, the agency created a coordinated “election” campaign of sampling, online voting and multimedia advertising.The campaign enabled Mayfield to post record sales of the new flavors – enough to justify adding two as permanent SKUs while maintaining overall Mayfield Ice Cream sales in a down market. SNACKS, DESSERTS & CONFECTIONS BRONZE WINNER SUSTAINED SUCCESS Klondike Bar BP UNILEVER NORTH AMERICAN ICE CREAM Dan Hammer VP-Mktg. Julio Del Cioppo Dir.-Novelties Shari Antonissen Brand Mgr. BP AMERICA Dave Welch CAMPBELL MITHUN Rick Gibson Craig Miller Shari Fineman Kitty Thorne Don Kvam Talis Lin Nick Richman Exec. VP-Exec. Creative Dir. Sr. VP-Exec. Creative Dir. VP-Assoc. Creative Dir.,Writer VP-Assoc. Creative Dir.,Art Exec.VP-Group Mgmt. Super. Acct. Exec. VP-Assoc. Dir., Acct. Planning GOLD WINNER Pat Wright David Bickerton Mark Ware Dir.-BP Brand Comm.,Comm. & Ext. Affairs Dir.-U.S.Brand Comm.,Comm & Ext. Affairs VP-Govt. & Public Affairs Mgr.-Group Comm. Group VP-Comm. & Ext. Affairs OGILVY & MATHER David Fowler Ken Shuldman KJ Bowen Patrick Collins Lily Pu Sr. Part.-WW Creative Dir. Sr. Part. Creative Dir. Sr. Part.-Creative Dir. Sr. Part.-WW Client Serv. Dir., BP N. Amer. Sr. Part.-WW Planning Dir. Kathy Leech MINDSHARE MINDSHARE WHAT WOULD YOU DO FOR A KLONDIKE BAR? Everyday people do little things in life that surprise and delight those around them. They deserve the big, satisfying everyday reward. They deserve the amazing taste of a Klondike bar. The objective was to revitalize the old campaign by moving away from focusing on celebrities and their quirky behavior and instead to position Klondike as an everyday reward for everyday people. BEYOND PETROLEUM Against a backdrop of skepticism, the world’s second largest energy company wanted to be different. This campaign communicates the company’s progressive values in a distinctive, non-glossy way. The campaign asks difficult questions, invites customers into the dialogue, relies on facts instead of hot air, stakes bold turf, accepts criticism and does not hide from failure. The campaign is a landmark platform for a company trying to change the way the world uses, and thinks about, the fuels that are vital to human progress. 75 GOLD WINNER SUSTAINED SUCCESS MasterCard Detroit Pistons MASTERCARD INTERNATIONAL Larry Flanagan CMO Amy Fuller Group Head-Americas Mktg. Chris Jogis VP-U.S. Brand Devel. DETROIT PISTONS Tom Wilson Craig Turnbull Marilyn Hauser John Ciszewski Dan Hauser McCANN ERICKSON Richard O’Leary Craig Bagno Joyce King Thomas John Kottman ToniAnn Bonade Pete Jones OLSON Exec. VP-WW Acct. Dir. Sr. VP- Group Acct. Dir. Exec. VP-CCO Exec. VP Co-Dir. Strategic Planning Sr. VP-Mgmt. Rep. Sr. VP-Group Creative Dir. MRM WORLDWIDE Matt O’Rourke Creative Dir. PRICELESS In 1997 when the strategic idea for MasterCard was born, no one could have predicted how unendingly successful the strategy would be. But two critical events in the spring of 2006 are the most credible evidence that “Priceless” works not only as a sustained success of advertising excellence but also as a business tool. A rich list of business uses shows how “Priceless” has become instrumental to the company, an asset that helped value the company’s initial public offering and garnered the respect and admiration of both a corporate and consumer generation. 76 SILVER WINNER SUSTAINED SUCCESS 2007 EFFIE AWARDS Pres.-CEO VP-Brand Mgmt. Sr. VP Exec. VP-Sales VP-Corp. Mktg. GOIN’ TO WORK Winning back the hearts of disheartened Pistons fans and getting them back in the seats seemed insurmountable after not delivering on promises of victories and all-star players. In this campaign, fans were given active role to tie the team back to the city by asking fans to go to work for their team.“Goin’ to work. Every night” became a social contract with the fans. And the fans went to work, helping the Pistons lead the NBA in attendance the last three years, with 136 consecutive sellouts. ©2007 MasterCard Only one word can capture the feeling of winning an Effie.® MasterCard® is proud to accept the Sustained Success award and would like to thank everyone who helped make it happen. ® 77 SUSTAINED SUCCESS BRONZE WINNER GOLD WINNER Diamond Trading Co. Cingular GoPhone DIAMOND TRADING CO. David Lamb WW Mktg. Dir. Dominic Brand Dep. Mktg. Dir. Richard Lennox Exec. VP-Global Mktg. Colby Shergalis Core Program Mgr. CINGULAR WIRELESS Marc Lefar Daryl Evans Vance Overbey Chad Harris Judy Cavalieri CMO VP-Advt. & Mktg. Comm. Exec. Dir.-Advt. Dir.-B2B Segments VP-Alternative Payment Products JWT Claudia Rose Ty Montague Rosemarie Ryan David Sisson Kajsa McLaren Ed Evangelista BBDO Mike Teasdale Susan Credle Rich Wakefield Doug Walker Debra von Kutzleben Exec. VP-Exec. Planning Dir. Exec. VP-Exec. Creative Dir. Exec. VP-Exec. Creative Dir.-Art Dir. Exec. VP-Mgmt. Dir. Sr. VP-Group Acct. Dir. Industry Strategy Dir. Co-Pres.-CCO Co-Pres. Dir.-Mkt. Intelligence Acct. Planner Senior Part.-Group Creative Dir. PAST, PRESENT, FUTURE To fuel growth in a mature market after 2000, Diamond Trading launched a new product wrapped in a concept that radiated significance for all couples: Three diamonds for their past, present and future. This campaign, combining TV to ignite desire and print to reinforce the product symbolism, exceeded its goal with a 27% growth rate (compounded annually) over six years to take threestone diamond jewelry from $500 million to $3.8 billion - 410% over target. Over six years, it grew the total diamond jewelry market 26%, adding an incremental $8.2 billion. 78 TELECOM SERVICES 2007 EFFIE AWARDS HOW GOPHONE CHANGED THE PARENT-TEEN DYNAMIC ON CELL PHONES In the powder keg of parent-teen relations, cell phones have become a modern-day flashpoint. This campaign shows how Cingular GoPhone sales exploded after the phone was positioned as the way to defuse parent-teen tension. TELECOM SERVICES SILVER WINNER Verizon Wireless VERIZON WIRELESS John Harrobin Cathie McCloskey John Stratton VP-Advt. & Digital Media Assoc. Dir.-Brand Mktg. CMO-VP Mktg. McCANN ERICKSON Stevie Ohler George Dewey Chris Quillen Barbara Resua Thom Gruhler Amy Mitchell Joan Titens Exec. VP-Exec. Creative Dir. Sr. VP-Group Creative Dir. Sr. VP-Group Creative Dir. Sr. VP-Exec. Producer Exec. VP-Group Mngng. Dir Sr. VP-Group Dir. Sr. VP-Mgmt. Rep. TELECOM SERVICES BRONZE WINNER Nokia NOKIA MOBILE PHONES Jo Harlow Bridget Ahr Corrine Cuthbertson Christine Curtin Angela Solk Sr. VP-Mobile Phones Mktg. Dir. Brand Devel. Dir.-Mobile Phones N. Amer. Mktg. Mgr.-Brand Devel. Dir. Consumer Rsch. & Insights GREY WORLDWIDE Scott Elser David Low Ben Tauber Tim Mellors Bruce Arendash Exec. VP Sr. VP VP-Group Mgmt. Super. Pres.-CCO, N. Amer. Sr. VP-Creative Dir. MEDIACOM IT’S THE NETWORK After years of exponential growth, the wireless category reached maturation. While Verizon Wireless and its iconic “can you hear me now” message secured brand leadership in voice reliability, competitors were encroaching on this positioning. Verizon upped the ante from voice reliability to network superiority, extending the role of the “test man” character to the “leader of the network”– a personification of the company’s technological expertise and breadth of capabilities. Communications extended the company’s leadership beyond coverage, and the brand outperformed the competition, setting historic records in subscriber growth and loyalty. IT’S YOUR LIFE IN THERE While Nokia had a high level of awareness, over time the brand began to lose momentum, experiencing declining sales and lost meaning with consumers. The challenge was to create a brand platform that would change the dialogue in the category and reverse the downward trend. This campaign did just that. It brought to life a new consumer truth and was delivered in a way that consumers could connect with. The result: dramatic changes in brand perception and an immediate share lift after seven down quarters. 79 TRANSPORTATION SILVER WINNERS Frontier National Car Rental FRONTIER AIRLINES Diane Willmann Dir.-Advt. GREY WORLDWIDE Gary Ennis Shawn Couzens Shannon Turner Matthew Flaherty Aaron Royer Robert Baiocco David Freilicher Samantha Schmitt VP-Creative Dir.-Art Dir. VP-Creative Dir.-Copywriter VP-Group Mgmt. Super. Assoc. Producer Sr. VP- Assoc. Dir. of Content Production Exec. VP-Sr. Creative Dir. Exec. VP-Acct. Dir. Acct. Super. FLIP TO MEXICO For years, Flip the dolphin (one of the talking animals on Frontier’s plane tails) was sent to frigid Chicago. But all that changed when Flip publicly declared: “I either go to Mexico, or I quit!” The ensuing four-week campaign (which ended during Superbowl XL) showed all of Colorado rallying for Flip – with mock newscasts, staged protests, 18 TV spots, podcasts, an underground website, online petition and blog. The campaign turned fake news into real news, creating a groundswell of support for Flip, while blurring the line between reality and fiction. 80 2007 EFFIE AWARDS NATIONAL CAR RENTAL Jerry Dow Exec. VP-CMO Susan Madigan Dir.-Advt. Patsy Rey Dir.-Corp. Mktg. FALLON WORLDWIDE Dave Chaffin Stuart D’Rozario Ritchie Emslie Keith Faust Jenny Griffith Alex Leikikh Acct. Dir. Creative Dir. Planning Dir. Media Services. Dir. Media Planner Group Acct. Dir. THE LACEK GROUP Dan Knudsen Exec. VP-WW Client Service Dir. GREEN MEANS GO In a word, this campaign is about speed. The brand embodies it. The creative expresses it. And the choice in media reinforces it. This single-mindedness has helped rejuvenate a brand that had suffered through bankruptcy proceedings, declining share and revenue, and attrition in The Emerald Club over the past three years. Since the campaign started, share is up for the first time in seven years. Revenue is up. And more than 300,000 new members have joined The Emerald Club. TRANSPORTATION BRONZE WINNER JetBlue TRAVEL, TOURISM & DESTINATION SILVER WINNER Hotels.com JETBLUE AIRWAYS Andrea Spiegel Sr. VP-Mktg. JWT Rosemarie Ryan Ty Montague Pilar Cortizo Sophie Kelly Peter Nicholson Jeremy Postaer Kristina Lenz Robert Rasmussen Andrew Ault Co-Pres. Co-Pres. Planning Dir. Bus. Dir. Exec. Creative Dir. Exec. Creative Dir. Acct. Dir. Creative Dir. Creative Dir. HOTELS.COM James Crolley Jenny Lang Sr. Dir.-Mktg. Sr. Brand Mgr. DONER John Parlato Grady Winch Ron Harper Judy Ratcliffe Kara Slatin Angie Karpathios Stephen Hahn-Griffiths Kevin Weinman Exec. VP-Exec. Creative Dir. Creative Dir. Creative Dir. VP-Acct. Dir. Acct. Dir. Acct. Mgr. Sr. VP-Strategic Planning & Rsch. Exec.VP-Acct. Mgmt. Dir. MEDIACOM AMPLIFICATION As JetBlue continues to grow aggressively, the airline’s key challenge is to get bigger without becoming “jet big.” The campaign needed to restore JetBlue’s sense of momentum and leadership (internally and externally) and support exponential growth without a significant increase in budget, while adhering to JetBlue’s sense of value. The campaign not only supported record traffic at launch and reversed declines in momentum and leadership, it created an invaluable pool of re-useable brand assets that continue to be deployed to date. THE HOTEL EXPERT As a brand under siege and losing momentum, hotels.com had lost its competitive edge as the “cheapest place to book online.” The big idea was to reposition hotels.com as the only online travel brand truly expert in booking the best hotel room. This overarching idea became part of an integrated campaign that helped increase traffic to the site by 16% and gross bookings by 33%. 81 TRAVEL, TOURISM & DESTINATION SILVER WINNER TRAVEL, TOURISM & DESTINATION BRONZE WINNER Royal Caribbean International Tourism Ireland ROYAL CARIBBEAN INTERNATIONAL Matt Cohen Dir.-Mktg. Comm. TOURISM IRELAND Fiona Monaghan Kiela Bennett Mgr.-Advt. & Strategic Planning Advt. & Strategic Planning ARNOLD WORLDWIDE Ron Lawner Jay Williams Stephen Potter Caryl Capeci Melanie Seaborn Kate Walters Doris Chung CCO Exec. Creative Dir. Creative Dir. Exec. VP-Group Acct. Dir. VP-Mgmt. Super. Acct. Super. Creative Dir. JWT Jonathan Daly Nicolas Piris Ceara Duffy Sarah Cochran Dave Woodall Matt Lloyd Andy Smith Ryan Lawson Sr. Part. Global Planning. Dir. (New York) Acct. Planner (New York) Acct. Dir. (New York) Acct. Assoc. (New York) Creative Dir. (London) Creative DIr. (London) Creative Dir. (London) Creative Dir. (London) WEBER SHANDWICK Rene Mack Pres. MINDSHARE MPG IQ INTERACTIVE Adam Boozer Exec. Creative Dir. POINTROLL FREEDOM OF THE SEAS In an effort to dispel consumers’ misperceptions about what cruising is like, this campaign used an upcoming launch of Royal Caribbean’s newest and most innovative ship, Freedom of the Seas, to help consumers understand that cruising is not just for the newlywed, over-fed and nearly dead. The campaign to support the ship’s launch leveraged multiple offline and online channels to bring the news of this innovative ship to consumers. Results were beyond expectations, making this the most successful ship launch in Royal Caribbean’s 38-year history. 82 2007 EFFIE AWARDS DISCOVER YOUR VERY OWN IRELAND Although Ireland historically had attracted more than its fair share of U.S. tourists, the country’s booming economy had put costs on par with major destinations and prospective tourists were concerned there was not enough to do. Also, there were fewer Americans with a direct Irish connection to be leveraged. This campaign promoted unexpected activities, with a personal touch, that contributed to 650,000 people visiting Ireland in the first eight months of 2006, 9% more than the previous year and twice the number for the rest of the European Union. 83 Grand Effie Judges 84 JUDGING CHAIR John Butler Co-Creative Director Butler Shine Stern & Partners Nick Brien CEO Universal McCann Mark D’Arcy CCO Time Warner Global Marketing Group Alan Dye Creative Director Apple Sam Ewen CEO Interference David Hackworthy Partner The Red Brick Road Stephanie Kugelman Chairman A Second Opinion – Strategic Consulting Group Christina Norman President MTV Benjamin Palmer CEO-CCO The Barbarian Group Eric Ryan Co-Founder Method Verchele Wiggins VP-Brand Managment Holiday Inn Express 2007 EFFIE AWARDS 85 Judges ROUND ONE JUDGES Roger Adams CMO The Home Depot Beverly Andersen Exec. VP-Strategic Planning Fletcher Martin Richard Anderson Exec. VP-Managing Dir. Universal McCann Michael Angelovich Sr. VP-Global Planning Dir. Publicis New York Tesa Aragones Managing Dir.-Digital Branding David & Goliath Matthew Arm Mktg. Dir. Merck/Schering-Plough Pharmaceuticals M’lou Arnett Sr. VP-Mktg. Adams Respiratory Theraputics Megan Bafford Corp. Mktg. Mgr. Sony Electronics Jane Bailey Dir.-Information & Insights True Value Co. Lisa Baird Sr. VP-Mktg. & Consumer Products NFL Dan Baldino Sr. VP-Dir. Leo Burnett Frank Ballabio Sr. Brand Mgr.-New Products Colgate-Palmolive Co. Sara Bamber Dir.-Strategic Planning Anomaly Christian Barnett Exec. Dir.-Strategic Planning BrandBuzz Eric Berger M&M’s Brand Mgr. Mars Inc. Hank Bernstein Exec. VP-Dir., Consumer Insights Starcom MediaVest Group 86 2007 EFFIE AWARDS Liz Bigham VP-Dir., Brand Mktg. Jack Morton Worldwide Rick Corteville Exec.Dir.-Media Organic Inc. Suzanne Ebner Group Acct. Dir. Mendelsohn|Zien Advertising Norma Birnbaum Sr. VP-Dir., Strategic Planning Medicus Ed Cotton Dir.-Strategy Butler Shine Stern & Partners Javier Escobedo Managing Part. Ole Chris Blaine Dir.-Advt. & Brand Mgmt. TD Ameritrade Sam Craig Professor of Mktg. Stern School of Business New York University Joe Feldman VP-Group Planning Dir. RPA Stuart Bogaty Exec.VP-Global Managing Part. Universal McCann Elissa Booth Sr. Mktg. Mgr. Ocean Spray John Bowman Exec. VP-Strategic Planning Saatchi & Saatchi Amanda Brinkman Dir.-Business Devel. Fallon Pablo Buffagni VP-Creative Dir. Conill David Burrows Brand Devel. Dir. Unilever Steve Calder Exec. VP-Exec. Media Dir. Mullen Luis Camano Sr. VP-Creative Dir. Alcone Marketing Marcus Casey Dir.-Mktg. & Customer Relations Lufthansa Wanla Cheng Pres. Asia Link Consulting Group Rob Cherof Exec. VP-CMO BBDO Atlanta Barbara Cipolla Managing Part. Mediaedge:cia Sean Clarkin Exec. VP-Dir., Strategy Partnership for a Drug-Free America Meg Columbia-Walsh Managing Part. Pres. Consumer & E-Business CommonHealth Joseph Crump Exec. Creative Dir. Avenue A/Razorfish Jeremy Davids Group Dir.-Mktg. Visa Linden Davis VP-Group Dir. of Strategy Draft New York Nikki Davis VP-Acct. Dir. Burrell Jeanine Debar Dir.-Mktg. Gentiva Norman de Greve Sr. VP Digitas Christine Dennis Group Acct. Dir. Fallon Jim Deveau Pres. The Catalyst Consortium Deborah Diers Sr. VP-Group Media Dir. Campbell-Ewald Danny Fellin Sr. VP-Planning Dir. Doner Advertising Sanford Fink Brand Mgr.-Planters Kraft Foods Laura Follo VP-Creative Dir. Marketing Drive Worldwide Jason Gaboriau Creative Dir. Amalgamated Gay Gaddis Pres.-CEO T3 Jackie Gagne Dir.-Direct Mktg. Six Flags Adam Gargani Exec.VP-Dir., Acct. Planning Ogilvy Action Peter Geary Exec. VP-Sr. Acct. Dir. BBDO Bob Gerstley Sr.VP-Part. Eric Mower Associates Kevin DiLorenzo Pres. Olson Paul Gilberto Exec. VP-Chief Brand Devel. Officer Fitzgerald+Co Marty Donohue Part. Full Contact Advertising Andrew Glaser Brand Dir. Heineken USA Michael Doody Brand Strategy Dir. Kirshenbaum Bond+Partners Leslie Goldman Creative Dir. Oneseven Jim Dreesen Dir.-Strategy & Advt. PBS Jeannie Goldstein Exec. VP-Managing Part. Ogilvy Action Trish Drueke VP-Brand Mktg. Domino’s Pizza Linda Gonzalez Pres.-CEO ViVa Partnership Judges Taylor Gray WW Assoc. Publisher & Mktg. Dir. Time Sonia Hounsell Sr. Brand Mgr. Cadbury Adams Dan Greenwald Pres.-Creative Dir. White Rhino Brett Howlett Exec. Creative Dir. M&C Saatchi David Griffith Dir.-Acct. Planning McKinney Chip Hoyt Exec. VP-Shopper Mktg. Ogilvy Action Deborah Grossman VP-Group Dir. The Gem Group Lisa Hughes Sr. VP-Group Acct. Dir. McKinney Loren Grossman Exec VP-CMO Rapp Collins Worldwide DeLu Jackson Mktg. Strategy Mgr. Subaru of America Dana Haase Dir.-Consumer Mktg. Coldwell Banker Real Estate Corp. Kristi James Mgr.-Sports & Entertainment Mktg. DHL Catherine Hall VP-Mktg. Midas International Mary Harte Strategic Mktg. Active International Jim Hartrich Managing Part. Mullen Robert Haverback VP-Advt. & Brand Mgmt. TD Ameritrade Vicky Hayes VP-Dir., Mktg. Goldman Sachs Asset Management Jennifer Healy Sr. Brand Devel. Mgr.-Axe Unilever Philip Herr Sr. VP Millward Brown Matt Hofherr Pres. Swirl Erica Hoholick Group Acct. Dir. TBWA\Chiat\Day Jeremy Holden Dir.-Acct. Planning McKinney Bob Horne CMO Cheil Communications Steve Jekogian Sr. Mgr.-Mktg. Research Schering-Plough Consumer Healthcare Jennifer Johnson Exec. VP-Managing Part., N. Amer. 141XM Greg Johnson Exec. VP-Dir., Arnold One Arnold Worldwide Melanie Jones Worldwide Segment Mgr. Eastman Kodak Co. Gary Kagawa Exec. VP-Dir., Media Relationships RTC Relationship Marketing C.J. Kaplan Creative Dir. Marketing Drive Worldwide Tim Kelsall VP Millward Brown Rick Kendall VP-Research MedMeme LLC Michael King Group VP Grizzard Performance Group Kim Kiriazidis Dir. Byte Interactive Jim Kite Exec. VP-Insight Research & Accountability MediaVest Ted Klauber Sr. VP-Dir. , Chevrolet Acct. Planning Campbell-Ewald Jason Kolinsky Acct. Super. McCann Erickson Joe Konietzko Planning Dir. TBWA\Chiat\Day Adam Konowitz Sr. VP-Acct. Dir. Young & Rubicam Jonathan Lange Sr. VP-Acct. Dir. Lowe Worldwide Leeann Leahy Exec. VP-Global Planning Dir. Lowe Worldwide Tracey Lee Group Planning Dir. Bartle Bogle Hegarty Matthew Lenig Creative Dir. Marketing Drive Lynn Lewis Exec. VP-Global Managing Part. Universal McCann Scott Lewis Exec. Creative Dir. RMG Connect Mathieu Lignel Sr. VP-Group Mgmt. Dir. Draft FCB Matt Lindley Exec. VP-Exec. Creative Dir. Arnold Worldwide John Lisko Exec. VP-Exec. Comm. Dir. Saatchi & Saatchi Los Angeles David Lockwood Sr. VP-Group Acct. Planning Dir. Campbell-Ewald Antonio Lopez Exec. Creative Dir. Conill Jane Mackie VP-Mktg. & Brand Strategy Loews Hotels Beatriz Mallory CEO-Chief Strategist HispanAmerica Nancy Mammana VP-Davie Brown Entertainment, The Marketing Arm Suzanne Mammes-Santiago VP-Mgmt. Dir. Draft FCB Chris Marshall VP-Acct. Dir. Rapp Collins Worldwide Rob Master Mktg. Dir. Unilever Jane Matthews VP-Dir., Business Devel. WestWayne Gabe Mattingly Interactive & Direct Super. Gabriel deGrood Bendt Timothy Mauery Sr. Part.-Global Planning Dir. JWT Chicago Pete Maulik Part. Fahrenheit212 Fiona McBride Exec. VP-Sr. Acct. Dir. BBDO Tom McCarthy Sr. VP-Dir., Media Operations Campbell Mithum Kathleen McGraw VP-Client Services Dir. Emanate PR Patrick McHugh VP-Assoc. Creative Dir. McCann Worldgroup Ruben Medina Sr. VP-Group Acct. Dir. Y&R Chicago Bruce Meyers Pres. Bruce Meyers Marketing/ Advertising Consulting Jamie Michelson Pres. SMZ Advertising 87 Judges Christopher Miles Dir.-Global Advt. Kraft Foods Amy O’Kane VP-Mktg. Comm. British Airways Joe Reinstein Sr. VP-Sr. Acct. Dir. Energy BBDO Matt Seiler Pres. PHD US Peter Mitchell Pres.-COO Woodbine William Ortiz Pres. HispanWorks Beth Rice Exec. VP Arnold Worldwide Don Sexton Professor of Business Columbia University Richard Moore Managing Part.-COO Roska Direct Advertising Vance Overbey Exec. Dir.-Advt. Cingular Diane Ridgway-Cross Sr. VP-Sr. Strategic Planner Frank About Women Doug Seybert Dir.-Mktg. Strategy Discovery Communications Valerie Morel Exec. VP-Mktg.,Intl. Devel. XA, The Experiential Agency Alex Pallete Managing Part.-Dir., Acct. Planning The Vidal Partnership Stone Roberts Pres.-CEO Roberts & Tarlow Chris Sheehy Strategic Dir.-InCulture Mktg. Faith Popcorn’s BrainReserve Josh Rogers Concept Dir. Margeotes Fertitta Powell Stuart Sheldon Dir.-Brand Activation Coca-Cola Lou Romano Sr. VP-Group Dir. Universal McCann Los Angeles Jerry Shereshewsky Ambassador Plenipotentiary to Madison Ave. Yahoo! Ann Morton Sr. VP-Group Acct. Dir. Oneseven Scott Mueller Mgmt. Dir. Brushfire Marketing Tom Murcott Sr. Part.-Group Dir. Renegade Marketing Group Jennifer Neal Sr. VP-Managing Dir. PHD Christine Neff Dir.-Media Strategy Best Buy John Newall Acct. Mgr.-Group Acct. Dir. McKinney Brian Newberry VP-Genl. Mgr. Northlich Peter Nicholson Exec. Creative Dir. JWT John Nitti Dir.-U.S. Media & Sponsorships American Express Janet Northen Sr. VP-Dir., Comm. McKinney Esther Novak Founder-CEO VanguardComm Tom Nowak Group Acct. Dir. Fallon Worldwide Patricia O’Callaghan VP-PR The Ad*itive 88 2007 EFFIE AWARDS Robert Passikoff Founder-Pres. Brand Keys Veronica Payan Managing Part. D’Expósito & Partners Charlie Payne Media Dir. Cingular Wireless Nancy Pendas-Smith Sr. VP-Multicultural Connection Saatchi & Saatchi Kelley Peters Sr. Category Insights Mgr. Kraft Foods Jörg Pierach Pres.-Creative Dir. Fast Horse Pam Piligian Sr. VP-Group Acct. Dir. Fitzgerald+Co Elias Plishner Sr. VP-Group Dir., Digital Comm. Universal McCann Los Angeles Lance Porigow VP-Group Business Dir. Kirshenbaum Bond+Partners Eric Rand VP-Managing Super. Dentsu America Dave Rasmussen Sr. Part.-Strategic Planning Dir. MindShare Mitch Ratliff Sr. VP-Group Acct. Dir. G2 Direct & Digital Katherine Ravenhall Planning Dir. JWT Anna Ross VP-Acct. Dir. Young & Rubicam Jim Russell Interactive Practice Dir. McKinney Doug Ryan Sr. Mgr.-Mktg. Comm. Infiniti Kathryn Ryan Co-Founder, Strategic Planning Oneseven Angela Salomon Dir.-Mktg. & Publicity Sony BMG Music Entertainment Jim Silburn Group Acct. Dir.-Part. Carmichael Lynch Jonathan Silverstein VP-Acct. Dir. GSD&M David Simpson Genl. Mgr. Duval Guillaume Greg Smith CCO The Via Group Trisha Smith Mktg. Mgr.-Tylenol McNeil Consumer Healthcare Paul Sanders Mgr.-Interactive Production Fallon Jim Spaeth Sequent Partners Tracy Sandford Dir.-Advt. & Promo. JetBlue Airways Srini Sripada Mktg. Dir.-Skin Care N. Amer. Unilever Patrick Sarkissian Pres. Sarkissian Mason Doria Steedman Exec. VP-Creative Dir. Partnership for a Drug-Free America Jonathan Schoenberg Creative Dir.-Part. TDA Advertising & Design Mark Schupp Pres. Schupp Co. Tim Scott Sr. VP-Group Mgmt. Dir. Draft FCB Tim Stock Part.-Managing Dir. ScenarioDNA Michael Styles Managing Dir. MindShare Judges Marian Succoso VP-Advt. & Creative Loews Hotels KJ Weir Dir.-Business Devel. Wieden+Kennedy New York Laurence Horner Strategic Planner Wieden+Kennedy Amsterdam Andrea Sullivan Exec. Dir.-Client Services Interbrand Elizabeth Weisser Prin.-Relationship Mktg. British Airways Gurdeep Puri Head of Effectiveness Leo Burnett Joe Sutter Sr. VP-Creative GMR Marketing Reaves West Sr. Mktg. Mgr. Merck Schering-Plough Michael Trautmann Managing Part. Kempertrautmann Lara Tennison Sr. VP-Energy BBDO Brand Experience Energy BBDO Sandy Willats VP-Planning Dir. Martin/Williams Micaela Tiffen Global Consumer Insights Mgr. Schick Wilkinson Sword, an Energizer Co. Ann Toca Dir.-Advt. & Consumer Promotions The Dial Corp. Tom Troja VP-Mktg. Pajamas Media Adam Turinas Sr. VP-Managing Dir. Organic Eric van den Heuvel Dir.-Media Solutions The Gate Worldwide Roger Vaughn Creative Dir.-Part. The Johnson Group Roman Vega Brand Mgr.-Jordan Brand Nike Loretta Volpe Pres.-CFO Media Marketing Solutions Vic Walia Sr. Mktg. Mgr. Mars Inc. Ted Washburne VP Citigroup Deacon Webster CCO Walrus Kevin Weinman Exec. VP-Acct. Mgmt. Dir. Doner Matt Wilson Genl. Mgr. SBC Advertising Renee Wilson Sr. VP-Dir., Strategy & Innovation MS&L PR Katherine Wintsch VP-Sr. Strategic Planner The Martin Agency Allison Womack Dir.-Client Services Doremus Erica Yahr-Radar Sr. VP Group Dir.-Strategic Planner McCann Erickson Steve Zaroff Head-Brand Strategy Nitro Lori Zoppel Dir.-Mktg. Unilever ROUND ONE JUDGES GLOBAL EFFIE - BELGIUM Hervé Brossard WW Chief Client Officer DDB Tim Browne Global Planning Dir. Euro RSCG Pele Cortizo-Burgess Head of ITV Imagine ITV Carolyn Dateo Sr. VP-Strategic Planning Dir. Saatchi & Saatchi Simko Hervé de Clerck Dream Leader AdForum ROUND ONE JUDGES GLOBAL EFFIE - CHILE ROUND ONE JUDGES GLOBAL EFFIE - SINGAPORE David Black Managing Dir. Black Box Subodh Deshpande Strategic Planning Dir. McCann Erickson Alan Fairnington Managing Dir. Batey Patricio Badinella Creative Dir. Genl. (World) Y&R/Colgate Martyn Ferguson Regional Mktg. Mgr. Heineken Asia Pacific Gustavo Colossi Sales & Mktg. Dir.-Chile General Motors Andy Greenaway Regional Exec. Creative Dir. Saatchi & Saatchi Eduardo Fernandez Exec. Pres. DDB Chile Sarah Koh Genl. Mgr. Asia Pacific Breweries Jaime Greene Exec. Dir. JWT Chile Michelle Kristula-Green Pres.-Asia Pacific Leo Burnett Margaret Grigsby Past Exec. Pres.-Argentina McCann Erickson Judd Labarthe Chief Strategy Officer BatesAsia & 141 Javier Irarrazabal Regional Exec. Dir. Walt Disney Co. Stephen Mangham Group Chairman Ogilvy & Mather Singapore Claudio Licci Mktg. Dir.-Chile Bimbo Ideal Darren Marshall Asia Pacific Mktg. Dir. Coca-Cola Roberto Massiff Dir.-Commercial Terra Chile Jayant Murty Asia Pacific Dir.-Corp. Brand Strategy & Advt. Intel HK Martin Pico-Estrada Mktg. Dir.-Chile Clorox Agathe Porte Exec. Dir. Axis Proximity Benoit Rabourdin Country Mgr.-Chile Purina Nestlé Ranjiv Ramgolam Planning Dir.-Chile Ogilvy & Mather Felipe Vial Former Mktg. Dir.-Chile Unilever Karen Ngui Managing Dir. Group Strategic Mktg. & Comm. DBS Gwen Raillard Head of Planning Bartle Bogle Hegarty Asia Pacific Bruce Rosengarten Global VP-Retail Mktg. Shell Eastern Petroleum Chris Thomas CEO BBDO Asia Pacific Kim Walker Pres.-CEO Asia M&C Saatchi 89 Judges ROUND ONE JUDGES GLOBAL EFFIE - USA Nicole O’Rourke VP-Advt. & Brand Managment Aetna David W. May VP-Dir., Global Mktg. Goldman Sachs Monroe Blakes Chairman The Ad*itive Christopher Parsons VP-Mktg. Diageo David Murphy Pres. Saatchi & Saatchi Los Angeles Michelle Bottomley Co-Managing Dir. Ogilvy & Mather Marci Raible Exec. Dir.-Media AT&T Steve Nesle Exec. Creative Dir. Tribal DDB John Bowman Exec. VP-Strategic Planning Saatchi & Saatchi Matt Ross Pres. McCann San Francisco Bill Ogle CMO Pizza Hut Chris Bradley Creative Dir. Margeotes Fertitta Powell Victor Ruvolo Sr. VP-Managing Dir. Universal McCann Robert Painter VP-Mktg. IBM Global Business Services Howard Brandeisky VP-Strategic Mktg. Initiatives Kraft Foods Hildie Neuman Global Business Dir.-KimberlyClark Acct. JWT Mike Sheehen CEO Hill, Holliday Keith D. Smith Pres.-International TBWA Group Mariana Brashnarova Dir. Genl. ARA Bulgaria, Assn. of Advertising Agencies Arthur Winters Pres. TFI Geomarketing Jon Soto Exec. Creative Dir. Publicis & Hal Riney Kelly Andrews VP-Research & Accountability Starcom MediaVest Group Mike Byrne Exec. Creative Dir. Anomaly Maurice Coffey Assoc. Mktg. Dir. Procter & Gamble Peggy Fincher Winters VP-Creative Dir. TFI Geomarketing FINAL ROUND JUDGES BUSINESS CHALLENGE Scott Baker Mgr.-Mktg. Comm. Porsche Cars North America Andy Berndt Managing Dir. Ogilvy & Mather New York Larry Bloomenkranz VP-Brand Mgmt. & Comm. UPS Lynne Boles VP-Global Advt. Procter & Gamble Roger Adams CMO The Home Depot Jeff Adelson-Yan Co-Founder & Managing Part. Levelwing Media Bob Albitz Sr. VP-WW Creative The George P. Johnson Co. Geralyn Breig Sr. VP-Brand Pres. Avon Products Brad Brinegar Pres.-CEO McKinney Keith Butters Part.-Creative Dir. The Barbarian Group Blake Callaway VP-Brand Mktg. NBC Universal/Sci-Fi Channel Deirdre Bigley VP-WW Advt. & Interactive IBM John Brodeur Chairman Brodeur/Pleon Worldwide Tarang Amin VP-Mktg.-Clorox Global Franchise The Clorox Co. Jason DeLand Part. Anomaly Tania Collingwood Dir.-Mktg. Citigroup Dave Balter CEO BzzAgent Louise Fischer Sr. VP SS+K David Jones Global CEO Euro RSCG Worldwide Stephen Beck Pres.-Chief Strategy Officer FutureBrand Barbara Glasser Head of Mktg. Smith Barney Louis Jones Exec. VP-Dir., Global Service Devel. Media Contacts John Beitter Principal The Richards Group Sean Clarkin Exec. VP-Dir., Strategy Partnership for a Drug-Free America Jim Bendt Pres. Gabriel deGrood Bendt David Cohen Exec. VP-U.S. Dir., Digital Comm. Universal McCann Anne Benvenuto Exec. VP-Strategic Services R/GA Linda Cornelius Sr. Part. Ogilvy & Mather Jason Binn CEO Niche Media Sam Craig Professor of Mktg. Stern School of Business New York University Lisa Hughes Sr. VP-Group Acct. Dir. McKinney Margaret Lewis Exec. VP-U.S. Dir., Comm. Planning Universal McCann Tim Mapes VP-Mktg. Delta Air Lines 90 FINAL ROUND JUDGES GLOBAL EFFIE FINAL ROUND JUDGES 2007 EFFIE AWARDS Kimberly Kadlec VP-WW Media Johnson & Johnson Cleve Langton Corp. Exec. VP-Dir. Business Devel. WW DDB Worldwide Alina Kessel CEO-Germany Grey Worldwide Scott Campbell Genl. Mgr., Integrated Mktg. Comm. Colgate-Palmolive Co. Jeffrey Chapman Global Dir.-Brand Comm. Schick Wilkinson Sword Judges Laurence Croneen Exec. VP-Managing Dir. Jack Morton Worldwide Diane Fannon Principal The Richards Group Jason Harris Part.-Exec. Producer Mekanism Marta LaRock Exec. VP TracyLocke Joseph Crump Exec. Creative Dir. Avenue A/Razorfish Pete Favat CCO-Managing Part. Arnold Worldwide John Harrobin Sr. VP-Mktg. & Digital Media Verizon Wireless Nick Law CCO-N. Amer. R/GA Lee Ann Daly CMO Reuters Rob Feakins Pres.-CCO Publicis Michael Hendrix Chief Brand Officer Tricycle Inc. Chris Lawrence Group Acct. Dir. Fallon Jeremy Davids Group Dir.-Mktg. Visa Brett Featherston VP-Sales Devel. Catalina Marketing Helen Hibbott Managing Dir.-New York Rapp Collins Simon Little Part. Berlin Cameron Michael Davis Sr. VP-Broadcast Production & Emerging Content Draft FCB Fay Ferguson Co-CEO Burrell Nancy Hill CEO Lowe New York Antonio Lopez Exec. Creative Dir. Conill Steven Feuling Pres.-CCO Starcom Worldwide Brad Jakeman Exec. VP-Creative Stategies Federated Department Stores Jane Mackie VP-Mktg. & Brand Strategy Loews Hotels Judy Franks Exec. VP-Dir, Brand Behavior Energy BBDO Eric Johnson Pres. Ignited Minds David Maddocks CMO Converse Inc. Beau Fraser Managing Dir. The Gate Worldwide Jeff Jones Pres. McKinney Debra Mager Sr. VP-National Advt. Arby’s Restaurants Jeff Freedman Mktg. Principal Small Army Greg Joumas VP-Advt. & Mktg. Comm. Jack in the Box Sam Mancuso Genl. Mgr.-GM Brand General Motors Amy Fuller Group Exec.-Americas Mktg. MasterCard Tom Jump Exec. VP-Managing Part. Mullen Advertising Dan Mannix Pres.-CEO LeadDog Marketing Group Alex Gellert CEO Merkley+Partners Bill Kahl Exec. VP-Mktg. Henkel Corp. Jon Maron Sr. Dir.-Mktg., LG MobileComm USA LG Electronics Matthew Glass Chairman Grand Central Marketing Michael Kantrow Pres.-CEO Margeotes Fertitta Powell Cal McAllister Part. Wexley School for Girls Bruce Goerlich Exec. VP-Strategic Resources Zenith Optimedia Rick Kendall VP-Research MedMeme LLC Jeffrey McClelland CEO Cliff Freeman+Partners Jill Goldring Dir.-Mktg. Services The Wall Street Journal Michelle Kessler VP-Mktg., Snack Foods Masterfoods USA Nadine McHugh Strategic Planning Dir. Mindshare Mark Goldstein Vice Chairman-CMO BBDO North America Harvey Kipnis Co-Managing Dir. Ogilvy & Mather Kevin McLaughlin VP-Mktg. Mike’s Hard Lemonade Taylor Gray WW Assoc. Publisher-Mktg. Dir. Time Inc. Jeff Kling Exec. Creative Dir. Euro RSCG Paul McLean Sr. VP Millward Brown Jim Harman VP-Advt. & Branding Tyco International Teresa Kroll CMO Build-A-Bear Angus McQueen CEO Ackerman McQueen Al Dejewski Dir.-Global Mktg. Pepsi-Cola Co. Jason DeLand Part. Anomaly Andrew Delbridge Chief Strategy Officer McKinney Barbara Delia VP-Consumer Insights Colgate-Palmolive Co. Val DiFebo Pres. Deutsch Inc. Pat Doody Pres. Wongdoody Steve Druckman CMO FreshDirect Gill Duff CEO Publicis New York Gene Dunkin Pres. Godiva North America Glenn Eisen Sr. VP-Mktg. Vonage Jim Elms Sr. VP-Media Barkley Jim Ensign VP-Mktg. Comm. Papa John’s International 91 Judges Greg Messerle Co-Founder-Pres. Gotham Direct Rita Rodriguez CEO USA Enterprise IG Cary Siegel Exec. VP-Chief Devel. Officer Catalina Marketing Geoff Vuleta CEO Fahrenheit 212 Luis Messianu CCO Del River Messianu DDB Josh Rogers Concept Dir. Margeotes Fertitta Powell David Sigel Dir.-Acct. Service Fallon David Wachtel VP-Mktg. & Bus. Devel. The Wall Street Journal Anthony Michelini VP-Consumer Insights Citigroup Humphry Rolleston Independent Mktg. Consultant Larry Spiegel Principal The Richards Group Steve Wax Part. Campfire Bruce Miller CEO Dailey & Associates Ron Rolleston Exec. VP-Global Mktg. & Creative Devel. Elizabeth Arden Stephen Squire Crest Global Franchise Dir. Procter & Gamble Nancy Weber CMO Meredith Corp. Debbie Millman Pres.-New York Sterling Brands Kenneth Romanzi Sr. VP-CCO, Domestic Ocean Spray Cranberries David Srere Co-Pres. Siegel+Gale Ben Wiener CEO Wongdoody Dave Moore Exec. VP-CCO McCann Erickson Charles Rosen Founding Part. Amalgamated John Staffen CCO Arnold Worldwide Mark Wnek Chairman-CCO Lowe New York Mary Moudry Pres.-CEO DDB Worldwide Rick Roth CEO Ogilvy Action Jeffrey Steinhour Mngng. Part.-Dir., Acct. Mgmt. Crispin Porter+Bogusky Paul Woolmington Part. Naked Communications Mario Natarelli Chief Brand Experience Officer Futurebrand Dennis Ryan CCO Element 79 Greg Stern CEO Butler, Shine, Stern & Partners Tony Wright CEO Lowe Worldwide Drew Neisser Pres. Renegade Marketing Group Neal Ryan Sr. Dir.-Advt. Catalina Marketing Marty Susz Managing Dir. Euro RSCG Tonic Kaining Xiao Pres. Kaining Investing Group Mary Ann Packo CEO Millward Brown Becky Saeger Exec. VP-CMO Charles Schwab Michael Tang Pres. HDT Inc. Antony Young Pres. Optimedia Scott Parker VP-Mktg. Jenny Craig Marianne Samenko VP-Brand Comm., VP-Consumer Digital Group Eastman Kodak Co. Frank Thometz VP-Mktg. ACH Food Cos. Joanne Zaiac Pres. Digitas Charlie Thurston Pres. Comcast Rick Zimmerman CMO-Sr. VP, Mktg. & Innovation Sunny Delight Beverages Co. Jay Parsons Exec. VP Catalina Marketing Holly Pavlika Exec. VP-CCO G2 Direct & Digital Jim Poh VP-Media Dir. Crispin Porter+Bogusky Jan Potter VP-U.S. Media & Sponsorship American Express David Rich VP-Strategic Mktg. WW The George P. Johnson Co. Nancy Roath VP-Integrated Mktg. IBM 92 2007 EFFIE AWARDS Gary Scheiner Exec. VP-Creative Dir. Rivet Grant Schneider CMO Time Inc. Bill Schumacher Pres. Barnhart Communications Diego Scotti VP-Global Advt. American Express Alon Shoval Exec. VP-Exec. Creative Dir. Hill Holliday Laura Shuler Chief Strategy Officer Jack Morton Worldwide Adam Turinas Sr. VP-Managing Dir. Organic Graham Turner Exec. Creative Dir. BrandBuzz Tony Tyree VP-Mktg. Kraft Foods Domenico Vitale Mngng Part.-Head, Brand Strategy Kirshenbaum Bond+Partners Moderators and Worldwide Effie Programs FINAL ROUND MODERATORS Nina Abnee Exec. VP-Acct. Mgmt. Leo Burnett Dan Baldino Sr. VP-Dir. Leo Burnett Doug Bell Pres. Douglas Bell Advertising Hank Bernstein Exec. VP-Dir., Consumer Insights Starcom MediaVest Group Linden Davis Draft FCB Elicia Greenberg Dir.-Bus Devel. The Effie Awards Erica Herman Planning Dir. Lowe Worldwide Daryl Lee Sr. VP-Global Head of Comm. Planning Universal McCann Janet Northen Sr. VP-Dir., Comm. McKinney Barbara Reilly Managing Part. Arnold Worldwide Tea Romano Global Mktg. Dir. Universal McCann WORLDWIDE EFFIE PROGRAMS Effie Conferences Eesti Konverentsikeksus Ou/Best Marketing Hando Sinisalu Euro Effie European Association of Communications Agencies Dominic Lyle Argentina CONEP Argentina Rosario Galeano Austria IAA – Austrian Chapter Hans-Jorgen Manstein Belgium l’ASBL EFFIE Award Belgium Bob de Paepe Iceland Society of Icelandic Advertising Agencies Ingolfur Hjorleifsson Bulgaria Association of Advertising Agencies – Bulgaria Mariana Brashnarova India The Advertising Club Bombay Bipin Pandit Chile CONEP Latinoamerica Hector Hermosilla Israel The Israel Management Center Tami Baratz China China Advertising Association Shi Xuezhi Mexico Asociación Mexicana de Agencias de Publicidad Sergio A. López Zepeda Colombia CONEP Colombia Gonzalo Antequera Czech Republic Association of Communication Agencies Marketa Utipilova Ecuador CONEP Ecuador Ivan Correa El Salvador CONEP El Salvador Rafael Parada Finland Finnish Association of Marketing Communication Agencies, MTL Markus Leikola France Association des Agences Conseils en Communication Françoise Asséré Germany Gesamtverband Kommunikationsagenturen GWA Henning von Vieregge Guatemala CONEP Guatemala Fernando Bolaños Hellas Hellenic Association of Communications Agencies Nikos Kakoliris Hong Kong The Association of Accredited Advertising Agents of Hong Kong Angela Ng Hungary MaKSZ and IAA Hungary Gábor Récsán and Adrienne Kaminszky Turkey Turkish Association of Advertising Agencies – Reklamcilar Dernegi Hulya Olgun Ukraine All-Ukrainian Advertising Coalition Kazbek Bektursunov and Maxim Lazebnyk United States New York American Marketing Association Erica Stoppenbach Netherlands Dutch Association of Communication Agencies Frans Blanchard New Zealand Communication Agencies Association of New Zealand Mark Champion Peru CONEP Peru Flavia Maggi Poland Advertising Agencies Association in Poland Pawel Tyszkiewicz Romania IAA Romania and Romanian Advertising Agencies Association Irina Iliescu and Radu Florescu Russian Federation The Best Brand Organizing Committee Elena Beryukova Singapore Institute of Advertising Singapore Patrick Mowe Slovak Republic Klub reklamnych agentur Slovenska Martin Smatlak Slovenia Slovenian Association of Advertising Agencies Ana Predovic Switzerland bsw leading swiss agencies Walter Merz 93 Acknowledgments BOARD OF DIRECTORS President Linda Cornelius Sr. Partner-Managing Director Ogilvy & Mather New York Past President Gary Steele Exec.VP McCann WorldGroup President Elect Taylor Gray Worldwide Associate Publisher & Marketing Director Time Inc. Matt Seiler President PHD US Carisa Bianchi President TBWA\Chiat\Day (Los Angeles) Elicia Greenberg Director-New Business Development Jerry Shereshewsky Ambassador Plenipotentiary to Madison Ave. Yahoo! Jeffrey Chapman Global Director of Brand Communications Schick Wilkinson Sword Bruce Meyers Marketing/Advertising Consultant Jim Spaeth Founding Partner Sequent Partners Simon Marlow Exec. VP-Managing Director Multinational Client Services BBDO Marty Susz Managing Director Euro RSCG Tonic USA EFFIE COMMITTEE First Vice President Carl Johnson Co-Founder Anomaly Gary Steele (Chair) Exec.VP McCann WorldGroup Treasurer Rick Kendall, PhD VP-Research MedMeme LLC Ellen Hyde Pace (Chair) Exec. VP-Account Managing Director/North America Young & Rubicam Brands Asst. Treasurer Vicky Vitarelli Director of Marketing New York Jets Nina Abnee Exec. VP-Managing Director Leo Burnett USA Secretary Edward Dandridge Managing Partner BrandSphere Partners Lisa Baird Sr. VP National Football League Brian Collins Sr. Partner-Exec. Creative Director Brand Integration Group Ogilvy & Mather Sam Craig Professor of Marketing Catherine & Peter Kellner Stern School of Business New York University Kendall Crolius VP-General Manager Forbes Inc. Jane Mackie VP-Mktg. & Brand Strategy Loews Hotels Humphry Rolleston Consultant 2007 EFFIE AWARDS Mary Lee Keane Exec. Director Denise McDevitt Associate Director Cathy Davis Director of Finance & Administration Nancy Cardenas Account Manager Greenbook Hank Bernstein Exec. VP Director of Consumer Insights Starcom MediaVest Group Elizabeth Hammel Effie International Coord. John Colasanti President-Managing Partner Carmichael Lynch Carl Johnson Co-Founder Anomaly Jim Kite Exec. VP Director of Research, Insight & Accountability MediaVest Worldwide Neil Powell Exec. Creative Director Margeotes Fertitta Powell Barbara Reilly Managing Partner Group Account Director Arnold Worldwide LittleFamily Effie Collateral Designer GLOBAL ADVISORY BOARD Deirdre Bigley VP-Worldwide Advertising IBM Corp. STAFF Stanley Becker Cheenekie Hickmon Effie Administrative Asst. Candace Komand Marketing & Communications Manager Vincent Mesolella Effie Production Coord. Morgan Oaks Effie Awards Program Coord. Lukas Pospichal Managing Director Greenbook Nisha Stephen Effie Awards Program Coord. Erica Stoppenbach Director Effie Standards & Guidelines PROGRAM CONSULTANTS GLOBAL EFFIE COMMITTEE Cleve Langton (Chair) Corporate Exec. VP-Director Business Development WW DDB Worldwide 94 Marcio Moreira Vice Chairman, Global Prof. Management McCann WorldGroup Rebecca Sullivan Public Relations Nancy Giges Copy Brookdale Associates Geralyn Breig Sr. VP-Brand President (Global) Avon Products Jeff Carl VP-Global Marketing McDonald’s Corp. Simon Clift Chief Marketing Officer Unilever Group VP-Personal Care Unilever PLC Shawn Dennis VP-Global Brand Strategy Dell Inc. Barbara Ford VP-Global Advertising Resources & Global Marketing Training Kraft Foods Amy Fuller Group Head-Americas Marketing MasterCard International Scott Fuson Global Exec. Director-Life Science Industry & VP-Specialty Chemical Business Unit Dow Corning Corp. Lisa Halprin Director-Global Strategy Initiatives Bayer HealthCare Michael Johnson Marketing Director-Global Impact Burger King Corp. Acknowledgments Kip Knight VP-Marketing eBay Jane Mackie VP-Mktg. & Brand Strategy Loews Hotels Stew McHie Global Brand Manager ExxonMobil Richard Meyer Director-Global Advertising Services The Gillette Co. John Middlebrook General Manager, VP-Global Sales, Service & Marketing Operations General Motors Robert Painter VP-Marketing IBM Global Business Services Steven Robins General Manager Canadian Consumer Healthcare Business Unit Johnson & Johnson Arun Sinha Chief Marketing Officer Pitney Bowes Peter Stringham Chief Executive Officer Young & Rubicam Brands Steven Wilhite COO Hyundai Motor America Tom Young Director Brand Management & Advertising Boeing EFFIE AWARDS PRODUCED BY Legend Productions Ardsley, NY www.legendproductionsinc.com WEBSITE DESIGNED BY Intersect www.intersectnyc.com SPECIAL THANKS Anomaly Creators of Effie’s new graphic identity www.anomalynyc.com 95 96 2007 EFFIE AWARDS © 2007 Dow Jones & Company. All Rights Reserved. journey.wsj.com/stevenlevitt 2007 Presented by The New York American Marketing Association Awards Journal Sponsored by
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