Spotlight on Fowler - Fowler Holding Company


Spotlight on Fowler - Fowler Holding Company
July—September 2010
Spotlight on Fowler
Fowler Auto Group
Volume 5, Issue 3
From the CEO’s Desk...
previous years. This is a good and regular economy. Here time to reflect on 2010 and are some things we have to think about goals we hope to look forward to: accomplish in 2011. We are going to add a BDC One goal I have personally set for the company in 2011 is a new acquisition (acquisition in 2010 was Volkswagen). This is something I look for‐
ward to in the next year and I will keep everybody informed along the way. Manager to FHC. We have been working on an aggres‐
sive marketing campaign for 2011. We intend to improve the used car business substantially. We are still Mike Fowler, Owner and CEO
working to complete the new Honda dealership facility by It has been very comforting March, and we will be con‐
to see the business as a whole We have been evaluating structing a new Volkswagen Fowler Holding Company and increase since 2009. As the facility not too long after year comes to an end and the the business as a whole. We have been working to restruc‐ that. holidays approach us, I am What goals will you set, confident that we can expect ture things as we need to in order to meet future growth personally and professionally, an increase in 2011 for Fowler in 2011? similar to the one in as we get back to a normal Inside this issue:
Golden Apple Oatmeal
You’re Appreciated
Salesperson of the Month 3
Employee Showcase
Thanksgiving Arts &
Paperless Newsletter
Are You a Soft Drink
Special Points of
• Find out how you can help
Balancing Your Life
Do all the demands on your time have you feeling like you’re performing a juggling act? Our many tasks at work and home can make us feel like there’s no time left for ourselves—or the ones we love. When you begin to feel overwhelmed by your many responsibilities, it’s important to remember that you must take care of yourself before you can take care of others. Following these simple tips can help you ease your stress by striking a balance: Jim Goolsby’s family during
this tragic time
feel motivated to continue. • Be realistic. Does your “to do” list make you feel over‐
whelmed? Give it a second • Prioritize. Make lists of the look. Is everything listed really things you need to do. Then, necessary? Try getting rid of rank them in order of impor‐
less important things to spend tance. Work on one task at a more time with your family or time. And, cross each one out catch up at work. Be realistic as you complete it. You’ll get a about how much you can do. sense of accomplishment and Continued on page 3
• Thanksgiving is just around
the corner! Here are some
fun ideas for you and your
• Who is Ronnie Thacker?
• Newsletter will now be on
the web!
• Need motivation to drink
water instead of soda?
Check out these facts!
Golden Apple Oatmeal
Take advantage of apple picking season by ex‐
perimenting with different varieties of apples in this quick and easy, healthy breakfast recipe. 1 golden delicious apple, diced 1/3 cup 100 percent apple juice 1/3 cup water Dash of cinnamon Dash of nutmeg 1/3 cup quick‐cooking rolled oats Combine apples, juice, water and seasonings; bring to a boil. Stir in uncooked rolled oats; cook 1 minute. Cover and let stand several minutes before serving. Source: MHBT Health Newsletter
We hope everyone had a very fun and spooky Halloween!
We would like to send our warm wishes to Jim Goolsby (Honda) and his family.
He was involved in a motorcycle accident and is in a coma. To help cover
medical costs, his family has set up a fund at Midfirst Bank to help them
during this tragic time. You can mail donations to the Midfirst bank at 16417
Santa Fe Ave, Edmond, OK, 73013, Attention: Josh, or make a donation to any
Midfirst branch. Please keep him and his family in your thoughts and prayers.
The Fowler newsletter, Spotlight on Fowler, will be going paperless come January 2011! You will now be
able to access the current newsletter (and view past newsletters) online at
Congrats to Brent Oldham (Volkswagen) and the birth of his baby girl!
Mark Baker (Toyota) also had a baby girl! Congrats!
Congrats to Jon Atkins (Honda) and his new baby boy!
Page 2
Marc Ensey (Toyota) had twins!!! Congrats!
Judi Root (I-240) got hitched! Congrats to you!
Doug Campbell (I-240) also tied the knot! Congrats!
Spotlight on Fowler
Balancing Your Life (Continued from Page 1)
• Don’t aim for perfection. For some tasks, such as tax preparation, perfection is necessary. For many others, good enough is sufficient. • Work smarter. Take control of your workday, and you’ll bring less stress home. Set daily goals for yourself. And, don’t let others distract you. At the end of the day, prepare your work space for tomorrow. Less worry about work means more enjoyable time at home. • Take charge. Feeling powerless on the job can lead to frustration. Talk with your supervisor about your responsibili‐
ties at work. Communicate with your co‐
workers to keep goals clear. Taking an active role in your job can give you a feeling of ownership over what you do. • Be flexible. No matter how carefully you plan your day, unexpected things can happen. Your childcare provider may get sick, your boss may ask you to stay late or— despite your best efforts—you may miss your child’s Little League game. Learn to roll with the punches. Have a backup plan for those times when the unexpected occurs. Ask one of the other parents to record the game and watch it with your child. Having someone to step in who can baby‐sit or pick up the children can be a big relief. • Enlist help. Nobody can run a house‐
hold and work a job entirely on their own. Call family meetings and ask for help. Offer family members choices about what chores they would like to do. Being allowed to choose their jobs can You’re Appreciated
We would like to take this opportunity to show our gratitude to the following employees for their dedication to Fowler throughout the years.
The following represent anniversaries of July—September 2010.
make your children feel more proud of a task well done. • Beware of daily “hot spots.” Is there one particular time of the day that seems to get out of hand on a regular basis? Plan ahead for these times so they run more smoothly. If morning is your family’s hectic time, make it easier on yourself by packing lunches or laying out clothes the night before. • Take time out. Don’t forget to sched‐
ule some down time for yourself. It’s recommended to set aside at least 15 minutes a day as quiet time for yourself. Even five to 10 minutes can help. You’ll be much more productive at work and home if you take some time out for your own needs. Source: United HealthCare
Top Salesperson of the Month
July 2010
Brent Baus (21), Toyota
5 Years
Robert Wall, I-240
Nita Tan, Toyota
Alec Mathis, Honda
Nathaniel Ports, I-240
Curtis Ross, I-240
Bruce Pitts (24), Toyota
Glenn Palmer, Century
Zack Martin, Honda
September 2010
Efren Romero, Honda
10 Years
Geffrey Huff, I-240
Brent Baus (24), Toyota
Samuel Mittan, Century
James Goolsby, Honda
George Emerson, VW
James Ballard, Toyota
James Ehrlich, Century
Volume 5, Issue 3
August 2010
Salespersons, see your GSM/GM for sales criteria.
Page 3
Employee Showcase
Ronnie is a country boy and doesn’t
prefer the city life. He likes to play Rock
Band on his XBOX 360, loves to ride his
motorcycle, and enjoys fishing and anything outdoors. He values God, his
high school in El Frida, Arizona and soon family and his career. If he could go anyjoined the United States Army, where
where in the world for a vacation, he
his technical training began. He also took would love to visit Australia. When
several Vo-Tech classes at Moore
asked for words of wisdom, Ronnie said,
Norman Technology Center.
“Be honest, tell the truth and don’t
He was born to Roger and Patricia
worry about what the world around you
Latham who currently reside in Duncan, is doing, just be yourself!” Great words
Oklahoma. His mother is a stay-at-home to live by! Ronnie has been a great
-mom. His father runs a rescue mission
addition to the Fowler team and does a
similar to Goodwill, is a Sherriff Deputy lot for the company. We are happy to
for Stephen County, and is also a Pastor. have him!
He has one sister, Jeanie, who is an
Accountant for the Air Force and works
at Will Rogers World Airport.
Introducing… Ronnie Thacker
Meet Ronnie Thacker of Fowler Holding
Company! Ronnie is the Network
Administrator for the Information
Technology Department at Fowler. He
does anything IT related – email and
security networking, and works with
computer, hardware and software support. This December 18th, Ronnie will
have been with Fowler for three years.
He enjoys helping Fowler’s IT systems
continue to run properly. In the future,
Ronnie would like to have all the dealerships fully integrated with the Holding
Company’s IT department and for IT to
be easier to understand for all the employees and have the system work
Even though the economy is not at its
best, especially in the car industry,
Ronnie believes that if you stick with the
Fowler’s, they will take care of you and
get you through these tough times.
Ronnie was born in Marlow, Oklahoma,
but he calls Norman home. He attended
Ronnie is currently engaged to be married at the beginning of next year to
Jennifer Lozano. She has two kids:
Baylee, 12 and Karma, 5. Ronnie also has
three kids from a previous marriage:
Jeremiah, 11, Elizabeth, 9 and Wesley, 3.
They have all come together to make a
wonderful family and Ronnie is very
excited for their future together.
Ronnie and his fiancé, Jenn
Thanksgiving Arts and Crafts
2. Cut skinny triangles of red, orange, and yellow tissue paper for the feath‐
ers, and cut two wing shapes from red tissue paper. Use a glue stick to affix the feathers and wings onto the tissue paper circle. 3. Cut a turkey body from the brown paper circle, then glue it to the center of the tissue paper collage. 1. Cut a circle from the seamless side of a lunch‐size paper bag. Use the cutout circle as a guide to cut a slightly larger circle from white or yellow tissue paper. Page 4
4. Line the edge of the bag's circular hole with more glue, then lay the collage circle on top. Fill the bag with about an inch of sand or rocks and nestle an LED tea light inside. Take your kids out for a fun, adventurous nature walk and collect acorns! When you get home, take the caps off the acorns and color them with permanent markers. Immediately fill the acorn cap with Elmer’s glue. Let them sit over night. The glue will have hardened into a shiny filling, and the color of the marker hidden beneath will have crept through.
Continue reading on page 5 to see what games you can play with your acorns. Spotlight on Fowler
Thanksgiving Arts and Crafts Continued!
Set the acorns out in a dish for fall decoration! You can also play games with the acorns. Here are two fun games you can play with your child: The first game you and your child can play with the acorn caps is an autumn version of memory. Choose two caps of each color, then mix them up, colors down, in the middle of the table. Take turns trying to make a match. If you find a pair, keep it. The winner has the most pairs collected by the game’s end. Before beginning the second game , cut a piece of paper for each marker color your child used inside the acorns. Color the scraps with marker, then put them in a paper sack or bowl. Place all the acorns, colors down, on the table. Whoever goes first will draw a scrap of paper and then turn over one acorn in attempts to find a matching color. If the color matches, he squirrels the nut away and takes an‐
other turn. If the acorn isn’t a match, flip it back over and let the next player draw a color. Source:
Fowler Newsletter will be going paperless January 2011!
Thanks to Tuan Tran and Ronnie Thacker of the Fowler IT Department, our newsletters will now be accessible online at! We will no longer be printing the newsletters and mailing them to you, as this will save money and paper. We hope this will be an easier way for you to access the current newsletter and view past newsletters as well. We have provided some screen shots so you can see just how easy it is to read the newsletters on the web! Left picture: at the Fowler Holding website, there will be a tab in the menu on the left that says “Newsletter”. Simply click on this tab. Picture below: Once you click on this tab, it will take you to a list of links. Here you can click on the current newsletter or choose previous newsletters to view. Left Picture: Once you click the link, the newsletter of your choosing will appear in PDF format. Starting with the current newsletter, we will include all newsletters from the past year—4 newsletters total for 4 quarters. Volume 5, Issue 3
Page 5
Fowler Auto Group
Primary Business Address
Fowler Holding Company
2721 NW 36th Avenue
Norman, OK 73072
Phone: 405-573-9909
Fax: 405-447-1704
We’re on the web!
Fowler’s quarterly newsletter
Spotlight on Fowler will be on
People are the lifeblood of Fowler.
the web come January 2011!
Read inside for more details!
"There are two basic motivating forces: fear and love. When we are afraid, we pull back from life. When
we are in love, we open to all that life has to offer with passion, excitement, and acceptance. We need to
learn to love ourselves first, in all our glory and our imperfections. If we cannot love ourselves, we cannot
fully open to our ability to love others or our potential to create. Evolution and all hopes for a better
world rest in the fearlessness and open-hearted vision of people who embrace life." - John Lennon
Are You a Soft Drink Junkie?
Soft Drinks
* Regular soft drinks are
calorie-laden and contain excessive
amounts of sugar.
* Drinking soda pop actually causes
your body to become dehydrated, as
caffeine is a diuretic and thus, you
will take more trips to the restroom.
* The acid in soft drinks can wear
away the enamel of your teeth.
* The phosphorous in soft drinks
appears to weaken bones and therefore increases the risk of
osteoporosis in adults.
Source: MHBT Health Newsletter
* One glass of water can eliminate
hunger pains.
* Water can prevent and ease headaches.
* Eight to 10 glasses of water each
day can reduce back and joint pain.
* Water increases your metabolism
and controls your appetite.
* The most common cause of daytime fatigue is simple dehydration.
* Water can actually assist you in
feeling more alert.
* Water aids the digestion process.