nedco electric supply
nedco electric supply
n a l P s s e n i s u B O C 7 NED 1 0 2 3 1 0 2 ITY R A T L O V rn Northe OR H T U A IVER E ny a p m o nC o i t u b i r ist D y t i c i lectr 2 Presentation Outline ! Purpose of Presentation ! Executive Summary ! NEDCo Profile ! NEDCo Challenges ! Objectives & Strategies ! Conclusion 3 Purpose of Presentation ! To introduce NEDCo to Donors ! To begin a dialogue and seek their support on how NEDCo can become a self sustaining commercial operation in the next five years 4 Executive Summary (I) ! NEDCo has grown substantially since its inception as the Northern Electricity Department (NED) in 1987 ! Customer growth: 19x; CAGR 13% (1990-2011) ! Energy growth: 8.6x; CAGR 7% ! Billed Revenue growth: 2,083x; CAGR 38% ! NEDCo is today an unprofitable entity because the majority of its customers do not pay commercially viable tariffs ! NEDCo’s distribution system has been historically under-invested in and not capable to properly service the large geographic area it covers ! Unacceptable quality of supply: Low voltages & frequent interruptions 5 Executive Summary (II) ! NEDCo’s objective over the next five years is to adequately resource the organisation to meet the extraordinary challenges it faces ! Financial: Inadequate tariffs and commercial customers ! Commercial : High losses ! Technical: Unreliable and weak infrastructure and delivery systems ! People & Systems: Well trained with appropriate logistics and IT systems ! NEDCo’s opportunity and challenge are to serve as a key partner in Government initiatives to transform the north into a major agricultural production zone ! NEDCo’s ability to resource to meet these challenges will ensure a self-sustaining commercial entity in the long-term 6 Profile- NEDCo ! NEDCo supplies Electricity in Brong-Ahafo, Upper East, Upper West and Northern regions of Ghana and the northern parts of Ashanti and Volta regions ! NEDCo also supplies electricity to some border towns of Burkina Faso and Togo ! NEDCo operations today cover 64% of the geographical area of Ghana ! Population Access of the Electricity is 36 % ! NEDCo Distributes 10.2% of total energy consumed in Ghana ! Customer Population was 380,000 at end of 2011 7 Profile- Customer Analysis ! Customer Population has grown from 20,000 in 1990 to 380,000 in 2011 ! Compounded Average Growth Rate (CAGR) of number of customers of 13 % per Annum NEDCo Number of Customers 1990-2011 8400.00 350.00 TOTAL CAGR 2007-2011:9% 2002-2011:11% 1997-2011:12% 300.00 DOMESTIC CAGR 2007-2011:9% 2002-2011:10% 1997-2011:12% 1992-2011:13% 1992-2011:13% 250.00 Domestic(000) Number of Customers 200.00 (thousands) Commercial('000) Industrial'('000) 150.00 Total('000) 100.00 COMMERCIAL CAGR 2007-2011:10% 2002-2011:12% 1997-2011:12% 1992-2011:13% 50.00 - 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Domestic(000) 19.21 22.03 27.55 39.21 40.20 45.79 51.61 55.77 67.97 84.23 97.15 108.82 118.05 129.40 135.52 170.54 192.67 206.66 231.18 254.39 281.71 312.00 Commercial('000) 5.15 6.07 5.72 8.57 8.45 9.84 Industrial'('000) 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.02 0.02 Total('000) 11.13 11.78 13.62 16.67 18.10 20.12 21.61 23.05 24.43 32.18 37.43 41.60 47.27 53.45 60.31 68.01 0.02 0.02 0.03 0.02 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.04 24.38 28.11 33.28 47.79 48.66 55.65 62.76 67.58 81.62 100.93 115.27 128.97 139.68 152.47 159.97 202.76 230.13 248.29 278.48 307.87 342.06 380.05 Year INDUSTRIAL CAGR 2007-2011:6% 2002-2011:4% 1997-2011:4% 1992-2011:6% 9 Profile- Energy Growth ! Energy Consumption grew from 60 GWh in 1990 to 519 GWh in 2011 ! Consumption Pattern ! Residential Customers ( 82%) : 57 % of Energy ! Non Residential Customers (17.9 %) : 31.1 % of Energy ! SLT Customers (0.01 %) : 11.2 % of Energy 10 NEDCo Billed Energy 1990-2011 600.00 500.00 TOTAL CAGR 2007-2011:7% 2002-2011:7% 1997-2011:6% 1992-2011:7% 400.00 DOMESTIC CAGR 2007-2011:6% 2002-2011:5% 1997-2011:5% 1992-2011:7% Energy 300.00 (GWh) Domestic('000,000) Commercial('000,000) 200.00 Industrial('000,000) COMMERCIAL CAGR 2007-2011:10% 2002-2011:11% 1997-2011:9% 1992-2011:9% 100.00 Total('000,000) 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 INDUSTRIAL CAGR 2007-2011:4% 2002-2011:6% 1997-2011:5% Domestic('000,000) 36.6 47.3 80.0 84.2 91.8 95.4 118. 133. 128. 142. 150. 165. 172. 181. 199. 211. 215. 214. 218. 222. 255. 292. 1992-2011:5% Commercial('000,000) 14.2 18.7 31.0 29.0 32.1 32.1 39.9 43.1 43.4 48.5 48.2 54.1 57.9 59.6 70.3 82.1 89.5 100. 115. 135. 152. 165. Industrial('000,000) 9.16 13.7 21.1 22.6 23.1 25.7 28.1 29.5 29.0 33.9 33.5 30.3 35.3 42.4 52.6 50.4 51.0 49.9 58.2 53.9 57.5 61.6 Total('000,000) 60.0 79.8 132. 136. 147. 153. 186. 206. 200. 225. 232. 250. 265. 283. 322. 344. 356. 365. 391. 412. 465. 519. - Year 11 Profile- Billed Revenue ! Billed Revenue for NEDCo has grown at a compounded average growth rate (CAGR) of: ! 28% for 2007 to 2011 ! 27% for 2002 to 2011 ! 30% for 1997 to 2011 and ! 36% for 1992 to 2011 NEDCo Billed Revenue 1990-2011 140.00 12 120.00 Domestic('000,000) Commercial('000,000) Industrial('000,000) 100.00 TOTAL CAGR 2007-2011:28% 2002-2011:29% 1997-2011:36% 1992-2011:38% Total('000,000) 80.00 DOMESTIC CAGR 2007-2011:22% 2002-2011:25% 1997-2011:34% Cedis (millions) 1992-2011 :38% 60.00 COMMERCIAL CAGR 2007-2011: 33% 2002-2011:33% 1997-2011:42% 1992-2011:40% 40.00 INDUSTRIAL CAGR 2007-2011:28% 2002-2011:27% 1997-2011:30% 1992-2011:36% 20.00 - 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Domestic('000,000) 0.02 0.03 0.07 0.13 0.18 0.29 0.37 0.54 1.85 2.09 2.20 3.85 4.75 12.96 13.24 13.96 14.23 16.40 26.63 26.43 33.91 44.75 Commercial('000,000) 0.03 0.04 0.08 0.11 0.20 0.19 0.23 0.33 1.34 1.45 1.52 2.99 3.66 4.37 8.57 9.79 10.66 15.04 23.43 28.29 49.51 62.79 Industrial('000,000) 0.01 0.01 0.04 0.05 0.10 0.13 0.19 0.37 0.63 0.32 0.74 1.26 1.71 3.01 3.72 4.06 Total('000,000) 0.06 0.08 0.19 0.29 0.47 0.61 0.79 1.24 3.82 3.87 4.46 8.10 10.13 20.34 25.53 27.81 28.93 36.73 59.75 64.33 97.01 125.5 Year 4.04 5.29 9.69 9.61 13.60 17.99 SNAPSHOT OF 2011 CUSTOMER PROFILE 13 Customer Type % age of Total Customer Population % of total Energy Consumed % of Billed Revenue Average Average Energy Tariff Consumed/ (GHS/kWh) Month (kWh) Residential 82.05 57.71 36 85 0.166 NonResidential 17.94 31.07 50 209 0.405 LV 0.01 11.22 14 61,761 0.415 MV 393,756 0.260 HV 319,632 0.227 NEDCo 2011 Number of customers 14 Industrial'('000) , 0.04 , 0% Commercial('00 0), 68.01 , 18% Domestic(000), 312.00 , 82% Domestic(000) Commercial('000) Industrial'('000) NEDCo 2011 Billed Energy (kWh) 15 61.68 , 12% Domestic('000,000) 165.17 , 32% Commercial('000,000) 292.24 , 56% Industrial('000,000) NEDCo 2011 Billed Revenue (Million Cedis) 16 17.99 , 14% 44.75 , 36% Domestic('000,000) Commercial('000,000) Industrial('000,000) 62.79 , 50% 17 CUSTOMER NUMBER, BILLED ENERGY AND BILLED REVENUE ANALYSIS FOR SUNYANI AND NORTHERN AREAS OF NEDCo Sunyani Area Number of Customers-2011 18 16 , 0% 20,345 , 18% Domestic Commercial Industrial 93,607 , 82% Sunyani Area Billed Energy(kWh) - 2011 19 29,669,888 , 18% 39,990,291 , 24% 98,058,278 , 58% Domestic Commercial Industrial Sunyani Area Billed Revenue (Cedis)- 2011 20 8,476,960 , 22% 15,028,227 , 39% 14,991,163 , 39% Domestic Industrial Commercial Northern Area Number of Customers - 2011 21 4 , 0% 16,747 , 17% Domestic Commercial Industrial 81,323 , 83% Northern Area Billed Energy - 2011 22 23,440,844 , 15% 70,803,112 , 47% 56,866,160 , 38% Domestic Commercial Industrial Northern Area Billed Revenue - 2011 23 6,161,486 , 15% 11,440,688 , 29% 22,386,700 , 56% Domestic Commercial Industrial 24 NEDCo’s 5-Year Performance : 2007-2011 Year 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Energy Purchased (GWH) 494 529 566 643.82 728.57 Energy Sales (GWH) 365 392 404 517.74 581.11 Energy Loss (GWH) 129 137 162 126.08 147.45 26.11 % 25.90 28.62% 19.58 % 20.24 % Energy Billed Amount (GHC Million) 36.72 59.75 64.33 97.01 125.53 Revenue Realized (GHC Million) 29.88 42.25 57.02 76.75 96.15 Collection Efficiency %age 81.36% 70.72 % 88.65 % 79.12 % 76.59% Energy Paid (GWH) 296.98 277.22 35.14 409.64 445.07 ATC & C Loss %age 39.87 % 47.60 % 36.73 % 36.38 % 38.91 % Distribution Loss %age 25 Profit and Loss Account 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 GH¢'000 GH¢'000 GH¢'000 GH¢'000 GH¢'000 Sale of electricity 35,437 53,957 58,737 94,366 123,978 Other income 1,107 1,223 1,246 1,367 1,288 Total revenue 36,544 55,180 59,983 95,733 125,266 Operating Costs 45,299 67,437 68,800 111,171 131,312 Depreciation 16,681 19,089 25,205 23,992 29,309 Total expenses 61,980 86,526 94,005 135,163 160,621 Net Profit/Loss for the year ( 25,436) ( 31,346) ( 34,022 ) ( 39,430) ( 35,355 ) NETWORK STATISTICS 26 2010 2011 12-Mar 34.5kV Overhead (km) 4,643 5,001 6,501 34.5kV Underground (km) 18 18 18 30kV line length (km) 126 126 164 20kV line length (km) 234 234 303 11kV Overhead (km) 1,286 1,340 1,741 11kV Underground (km) 41 41 41 No. of Bulk Supply Points serving NED 7 8 8 No. of 34.5/11KV Primary Substations (Including Dalun & Airport) No. of Secondary Substations 7 8 8 2,293 2,609 2,791 415V line length (km) 8,540 8,990 9,618 342,906 380,046 386,468 Peak load (MW) 107 116 135 Installed Transformer Capacity (MVA) 177 201 219 Average Feeder Reliability (%) 99 99 98 Number of Customers 27 Comparison with other Utilities Unit Ghana 2010* 1 Average demand per customer kW 0.31 0.31 2 Average grid tariff GHS/MWh 209 241 3 Average grid tariff US$/MWh 148 157 4 Annual power distributed per km MWh/km 35 37 5 Annual revenue per km of dist. Grid US$/km 6 Length of distr, grid per customer, meters meters 4,600 5,187 43 KPLC (Kenya) 2009 Ghana 2011* 41 UK Russia 2008 2009 0.5 11.1 50.09 20.83 136 2.1 21.42 414 342 6,822 8,631 8,643 30 27 55 *The values relating to distances for Ghana (4, 5 and 6) are estimated. The actual length of the GRID is now being determined. 28 Financial Commercial Technical People & Systems NEDCo Challenges 29 Challenges- Financial ! Inadequate Tariff ! Inadequate number of SLT ( Special Load Tariff) Customers ! Unwillingness of Customers (including MDAs) to pay bills ! Low Customer Density leading to High Investment Cost ! Difficulty in Generating Sufficient Revenue to meet operational & working Capital 30 Challenges – Commercial ! High Commercial Losses ( Theft & Pilferages) ! Estimated as 9.6% of billed energy ! Poor Metering , Billing & Collection Efficiency ! Collection rate of 77% ! Large & Growing Asset base with Low Demand for Electrical Energy ! ECG’s customers per sq km are 29 whiles that of NEDCo are 2. Network asset value per customer in NEDCo is GHS774 as at end 2011. ! Lack of Infrastructure, Resources & Business Processes for Quality Customer Service 31 Challenges –Technical ! High Technical Losses - 10.6 % ! Long Distribution network with overloaded transformers ! Inadequate Network and Customer Mapping ! Low Voltages (Outside Acceptable Limits) at various Feeders. ! Aged Equipment & Poor Power System Reliability ! Suppressed Demand ! Lack of Spares for Effective O&M 32 Challenges - People ! Difficulty in Recruiting & Retaining Qualified & Experienced Staff ! Lack of sufficient Human Capacity and absence of Capacity Building Exercises 33 Challenges - Systems ! Poor ICT Infrastructure ! Lack of Resources (Customer Care Cell, Logistics, Buildings, Tools & Equipment, Vehicles) ! Inadequate Business Processes 34 Objectives - Financial ! To make NEDCo financially self-sustainable by 2017 NORTHERN ELECTRICITY DISTRIBUTION COMPANY PROJECTIONS - 2012 TO 2017 Profit and Loss Account Projections 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 GH¢'000 GH¢'000 GH¢'000 GH¢'000 GH¢'000 GH¢'000 139,646 164,698 194,575 230,217 272,552 323,076 2,254 3,945 6,903 8,629 10,786 13,482 141,900 168,642 201,478 238,846 283,338 336,558 Operating Costs 160,619 187,838 210,085 239,198 271,151 310,982 Depreciation 28,019 29,819 31,619 33,419 35,219 37,019 Total expenses 188,638 217,657 241,704 272,617 306,370 348,001 Net Profit/Loss for the year without depn (18,720) (19,196) (8,607) (353) 12,187 25,576 Net Profit/Loss for the year with depn (46,738) (49,014) (40,226) (33,772) (23,032) (11,443) 1,777 1,866 1,959 2,057 2,160 2,268 (44,962) (47,149) (38,267) (31,715) (20,872) (9,176) Sale of electricity Other income Deduct: Sonabel expected margin Adjusted net profit with Sonabel 35 Strategies – Financial (I) ! Reduce Financial, Commercial, Technical and Collection Losses ! Submit proposal to PURC for a break-even tariff ! Submit proposals to PURC and MOE for the introduction of a levy to support NEDCo 36 Strategies – Financial (II) ! Identify new customers such as: ! Transfer of selected VRA customers (SONABEL) to NEDCo ! New border town communities ! Collaborate with SADA, GIPC, AGI to attract large customers to NEDCo ! To ensure Stringent Budgetary Controls & Process 37 Financial - Projects & Investment ! Procurement and installation of 200,000 prepayment meters with installation accessories at a total cost of US$17.5m as shown below Year 2012 Project 2013 Install 30,000 meters 2014 2015 2016 2017 Install 70,000 meters Install 45,000 meters Install 55,000 meters Estimated Cost (US$) 3,000,000 7,000,000 4,000,000 3,500,000 38 Objectives - Commercial ! Reduce commercial Losses to 6.5 % by 2017 from 9.6% in 2011 ! Improve collection rate to 97.5% by 2017 from 76.6% in 2011 ! Improve Customer service Delivery and achieve 70% satisfaction (Power Quality & Reliability, Excellent Communication & Quick services) 39 Strategies – Commercial (I) ! Test & Recalibrate all Energy Meters ! Relocate Existing Energy Meters in Enclosures ! Installation of Prepayment Meters to all Customers ! Intensification of Disconnection of defaulting customers 40 Strategies – Commercial (II) ! Increase the number of Customer Service Centers ! Use of IT infrastructure to improve Revenue collection ! Implement a new computerized billing system and improved business processes Commercial - Projects & Investment 41 Initiative Implementation of Distribution Transformer Metering system for Energy Audit Implementation of streetlight metering system Estimated Cost (US$) 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 3,000,000 1,250,000 1,250,000 500,000 1,900,000 1,000,000 400,000 500,000 3,500,000 2,500,000 1,000,000 200,000 Reduce commercial losses by 1% by December 2012 by installing 120,000 prepayment meters on hand and relocation of existing meters Implement a new meter data management and reporting system 200,000 Total- USD 8,600,000 2,500,000 3,450,000 - 1,650,000 - 1,000,000 42 Objectives - Technical ! Reduce the technical losses to 6.5% by 2017 from 10.6% in 2011 ! Improve supply quality to customers in compliance with voltage levels in LI1816 ! Provide minimum spares for effective O&M. ! Increase Access to electricity to meet GoG agenda of universal access by 2020 43 Strategies - Technical ! Reinforce the Distribution Network ! Improve Reliability & Availability of Power ! Increase the Access of Power & increase System Capacity ! Implement the Technical Losses reduction exercises ! Implementation of High Voltage Distribution System ! Distribution Network Optimization ! Implement an Energy Audit & Project Management Team Technical - Projects & Investment (I) 44 Initiative Estimated Cost (US$) 1 Preparation of tender documents for the procurement of a computerised Distribution maintenance management system 100,000 2 NPSIP - Sunyani and Techiman Areas( Ongoing) 4,900,000 3 NPSIP Tamale, Bolga and Wa Areas 4,000,000 4 Distribution Network Rehabilitation Project (DNRP)- Ongoing 2,500,000 5 Distribution Network Rehabilitation Project (DNRP Phase II & III) 26,000,000 2012 2,500,000 2,500,000 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 100,000 2,400,000 4,000,000 - 4,000,000 4,000,000 2,000,000 16,000,000 45 Initiative Technical - Projects & Investment (II) Estimated Cost (US$) NEDCo Supply Improvement/ Rehabilitation Project (NSIRP) 2,500,000 6 ongoing NEDCo Supply Improvement/ Rehabilitation Project (NSIRP 10,000,000 7 Phase II) BUIPE SUBSTATION PROJECT-ongoing 2,000,000 8 Provide part of the needed electricity distribution network spares and equipment (transformers, fuses, conductors, line hardware etc) for efficient and effective O&M and also for network 66,318,213 9 extensions Installation of Capacitor Banks to improve voltage 5,000,000 10 levels 2012 2,500,000 2,000,000 2013 - 4,000,000 - 9,700,000 2,000,000 2014 2015 4,000,000 2,000,000 8,000,000 8,000,000 2,000,000 2016 2017 12,656,763 27,961,450 1,000,000 46 Technical - Projects & Investment (III) Initiative 11 12 13 14 15 To develop an extensive distribution network development plan Construction of about 150km of 34kV line and associated projects to mitigate the effect of GRIDCo Upgrade Projects Estimated Cost (US$) 2012 0 21,000,000 Construction of 34.5KV bay with eight (8) panel breakers at Wa Switchyard 3,000,000 Construction of 59KM length of 34.5 KV line from Wa Main Substation to Lassia Toulou. 2,880,000 Upgrade of 34Km length of 11.5KV line from Lassia Toulou through Wechau to Dorimon to 34kV and Replacement of 3No, 20KV transformers and 6No. 11.5KV transformers with 34.5kV transformers 2,080,000 - 2013 2014 2015 4,000,000 7,000,000 7,000,000 1,500,000 1,500,000 1,000,000 1,880,000 1,000,000 1,080,000 2016 2017 3,000,000 47 Technical - Projects & Investment (IV) Initiative 16 Construction of 6 NO. 34/11KV SUBSTATIONS AND INTENSIFICATION IN ALL NEDCO AREAS Construction of 34/11kV substations at UDS Tamale and Sunyani 17 Hospital Implementation of high voltage distribution system and injection of new service stations (capacity expansion) 18 Implement distribution system optimization ( re-configuration of distribution lines, proper sizing of conductors and transformers, load 19 balancing etc) Prepare a long term distribution system expansion plan to meet the Government’s vision 20 2020 agenda Estimated Cost (US$) 32,000,000 2012 2013 6,000,000 2014 2015 2016 2017 7,000,000 6,000,000 6,000,000 7,000,000 20,000,000 -‐ 8,000,000 6,000,000 6,000,000 35,000,000 -‐ 20,000,000 15,000,000 1,000,000 3,000,000 3,000,000 1,800,000 500,000 1,300,000 7,000,000 48 Objectives & Strategies – People & Systems (I) ! Capacity building of personnel for effective deliveries in knowledge, skill and attitude for about 70 staff per annum. ! Implement ICT infrastructure (LAN, WLAN, WAN, Radio Communication Infrastructure etc) ! Provide adequate Logistics (vehicles (100), tools, equipment etc) ! Creating additional suitable office and residential accommodation (135) ! Review of Inadequate business processes. (new service connection, complaints receipt and resolution systems, customer data management systems etc) 49 Objectives & Strategies – People & Systems (II) ! Implementation of the approved New NEDCo Organogram ! To equip NEDCo Management with the required skills and capacity to run NEDCo ! To equip NEDCo with project management skills to manage all projects from this plan People & System – Project & Investment (I) 50 Estimated 2012 2013 Cost (US$) 14,000,000 1,759,357 3,240,643 3,000,000 2,000,000 4,000,000 Radio Communication 2 improvement 4,920,000 1,700,000 1,300,000 920,000 500,000 500,000 NEDCo Wide Area Network (WAN), Local 3 Area Networks and Wireless Broadband 4,720,000 1,500,000 200,000 200,000 NEDCo Billing System 4 Improvement 500,000 500,000 Initiative Provide the needed vehicles and specialised equipment, tools, safety 1 ware etc for better service. A complete ICT system to evaluate the distribution network loss, reduce the losses and enhance quality service delivery (GIS, 5 load flow analysis, meter data management, call centers etc.) 2,820,000 2014 500,000 7,000,000 230,000 5,270,000 1,000,000 2015 2016 2017 51 People & System – Project & Investment (II) Initiative 6 7 8 9 Estimated Cost (US$) 1,570,000 2012 Effective customer education through sms group messaging 2013 2014 2016 2017 570,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 1,500,000 1,500,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 2,000,000 17,000,000 10,000,000 Create more customer service centres and cash collection points 4,500,000 Improve skills of staff & capacity building Provide adequate office/residential accommodation (complete ongoing projects, provision of furnishing for completed offices) 1,200,000 99,818 300,183 200,000 31,800,000 800,000 2015 -‐ 2,000,000 1,500,000 52 Partner for Northern Economic Development ! ! VRA is involved in several initiatives that will positively impact economic development in the NEDCo operating area ! Construction of two hydro plants at Pwalugu and Juale by 2018/2019 ! Construction of 10 MW of solar facilities by 2014 ! Upgrade of inland port facilities at Buipe/Yapei and across the Volta Lake as well as injection of new investment and equity partners in VRA lake transport subsidiary (“VLTC”) Pwalugu 50 MW hydro plant is expected to provide important additional benefits ! ! Irrigation and flood control NEDCo has commenced a close collaboration with SADA to anticipate these developments. NEDCo’s ability to service resulting newly created commercial customers will both provide new revenue and attract additional commercial customers for NEDCo 53 Summary – Investment (I) Investment Estimated Cost (USD) Ongoing Projects (2012) 17,089,175 Short Term (Jan-13 to Dec-13) 63,950,826 Medium Term (Jan-14 to Dec-16) 192,236,763 Long Term (Jan-17 ..) 71,111,450 TOTAL (USD) 344,388,213 54 Summary – Investment (II) Profit and Loss Account Projections 2012 2013 2014 2015 GH¢'000 GH¢'000 GH¢'000 GH¢'000 GH¢'000 GH¢'000 139,646 164,698 194,575 230,217 272,552 323,076 2,254 3,945 6,903 8,629 10,786 13,482 141,900 168,642 201,478 238,846 283,338 336,558 Operating Costs 160,619 187,838 210,085 239,198 271,151 310,982 Depreciation 28,019 29,819 31,619 33,419 35,219 37,019 Total expenses Net Profit/Loss for the year without depn Net Profit/Loss for the year with depn 188,638 217,657 241,704 272,617 306,370 348,001 (18,720) (19,196) (8,607) (353) 12,187 25,576 (46,738) (49,014) (40,226) (33,772) 1,777 1,866 1,959 2,057 2,160 2,268 (44,962) (47,149) (38,267) (31,715) (20,872) (9,176) Sale of electricity Other income 2016 2017 Deduct: Sonabel expected margin Adjusted net profit with Sonabel (23,032) (11,443) 55 Summary – Investment (III) ! Subsequent to the challenges identified, NEDCo has initiated some projects to address some of them as outlined below: ! Distribution Network Rehabilitation Project (DNRP): ! NEDCo Supply Improvement and Rehabilitation Project (NSIRP) ! Installation of Prepayment Meters 56 Conclusion (I) 1. The Northern Electricity Department was created as a result of the extension of the National GRID to the Northern parts of Ghana. 2. Because of the low customer density and the absence of large industrial customers, the design standards of the network were relaxed in order to make the extension economically feasible. The design was to allow for the ultimate utilization of some components of the networks by 1995. 3. Despite this, no substantial investment has been made in the network over the past 25 years except the US$10m GEDAP assistance. 57 Conclusion (II) 4. This lack of investment has created Financial, Technical, Commercial and People/System challenges to NEDCo which was formed as part of the Power Sector Reform. 5. Among others, the challenges have led to: a. Recurring financial losses to NEDCo b. High Distribution losses 58 Conclusion (III) c. Poor Collection rate d. Obsolete IT infrastructure e. Ineffective and inefficient business processes f. Staff with inadequate capacity g. Lack of logistics such as vehicles, tools and equipment h. Lack of suitable office and residential accommodation Conclusion (IV) ! Increase Collection Efficiency 59 ! Enhance the skills of Employees ! Submitting a case for Tariff Review ! Capacity Enhancement ! Add more Bulk Customers ! Implement an IT Infrastructure ! Reduce Distribution Losses ! Reduce the Gap of Revenue Vs Operating Expenses 60 Conclusion (V) 6. This Business Plan has identified some strategies and projects to address the challenges and achieve the following: i. Make NEDCo financially Self Sustainable by 2017 ii. Bring Technical Losses to 6.5 % by 2017 iii. Bring Commercial Losses to 6.5% by 2017 61 Conclusion (VI) iv. v. vi. vii. Achieve Collection rate of not less than 97 % by 2017 Upgrade the IT infrastructure Better Customer Delivery Capacity Enhancement of Staff 7. The total estimated cost of the investments is US$344m out of which US$17m projects are already ongoing from NEDCo’s own resources. 8. We hope donors will support us to enhance our service delivery to our customers 62 Thank You