Cobbles PTA President`s Notes June 2016
Cobbles PTA President`s Notes June 2016
June 10, 2016 INSIDE THIS ISSUE Cobbles PTA Volunteer Open Positions 2 Character Spotlight: Self-Discipline 3 Library Volunteers 4 5th Grade Moving Up Ceremony 5 Ice Cream Social Pictures 6-7 Teacher Raffle Thank You 8 Penfield Youth Basketball 8 Screen Smart Week Thank You 9 Farewell Message 9 Summer Reading Game: Penfield Public Library 10 Cobbles PTA President’s Notes June 2016 Q. Where do eggs go on summer vacation? A. New Yolk City! As you have already heard, Dr. Stephen Kenny will be starting on July 1st as the new principal of Cobbles Elementary. He and his family attended the Ice Cream Social on June 3rd. It was great to get to know him a little and see him participating in his first Cobbles community event. A very warm welcome to Dr. Kenny! The 2016 Ice Cream Social was a fantastic success -- gorgeous weather, fun games, tasty ice cream, and a delicious assortment of choices from great food trucks! So much entertainment to choose from with the Magic Guy, Irish dancing, Penfield Robotics, martial arts demonstrations, and more! Thanks to the ICS committee, volunteers, and Cobbles staff, for pulling together such a wonderful event. The Wellness and Environment committee also contributed for our very first Zero Waste function. Great job!!!! As our school year comes to a close, we will say goodbye to our 5th graders and our dear Ms. Grouse. Thanks to Ms. Grouse for seeing us through the end of the year with such fun and kindness! The fall will bring changes and challenges, but it will also bring us back together. We wish everyone a fabulous summer. Hope you get to spend time with friends, family, and the great outdoors. Don’t forget the sunscreen! Questions, comments, concerns, or ideas? We would love to hear from you! Jennifer Luisi and Loretta Mueller Important Dates June 16—PTA Meeting, 7 p.m., Cobbles Library June 17—5th Grade Moving Up Ceremony June 22—Last Day of School! LAST PTA MEETING OF 2015-16 SCHOOL YEAR THURSDAY, JUNE 16—7 P.M. in Cobbles Library ALL ARE WELCOME AND ENCOURAGED TO ATTEND! Agenda: Pass 2016-17 PTA budget Vote in new PTA board Meet Dr. Kenny Hear more about PTA sponsored arts in education programs from Mrs. Vadakin and Mrs. English Review open positions Much more! June 10, 2016 Cobbles Comment Check us out online at Page 2 June 10, 2016 Cobbles Comment Page 3 Character Spotlight: Self-Discipline The Cobbles Character Council thinks the last two months of the year are the perfect time of year to celebrate the character trait of Self-Discipline! It’s June and the end of the school year is in sight! Homework, focus, and remembering to return materials in time for summer break challenge all of us…yet we know the end of the school year will bring us joy and a sense of closure and accomplishment. Stay strong! You'll see Cobbles celebrating character by connecting those paper chains we've been building all year and celebrating our PEACE plan with year-end celebrations. Cobbles Comment Submit Articles to: 2015-2016 PTA Contacts Co-President Loretta Mueller Co-President Jen Luisi Vice President Kate McArdle Secretary Charu Welch Treasurer Kirsten Elting Asst. Treasurer Open Next Submission Deadline: August 2016 Next Publication Date: September 2016 Editor: Kate Torok Please note that submissions received after the published deadline are not guaranteed to be included in the subsequent issue. Although hardcopy submissions are allowed through the mail folder located in the Cobbles Main Office, e-mail submissions are preferred. Please e-mail submissions to both AND to guarantee publication on the Cobbles PTA website and in Cobbles Comment newsletter. Check us out online at June 10, 2016 Cobbles Comment Check us out online at Page 4 June 10, 2016 Cobbles Comment Check us out online at Page 5 June 10, 2016 Cobbles Comment Page 6 We all scream for ice cream! Thanks to the Ice Cream Social Committee for another outstanding event! Great weather, great company, and great treats for all! Thanks, as well, to all of the volunteers. This event would not happen without all of you! Here is a glimpse at some of the fun! Check us out online at June 10, 2016 Cobbles Comment Page 7 We all scream for ice cream! Check us out online at June 10, 2016 Cobbles Comment Page 8 THANK YOU! Thank you to all of the Cobbles families who participated in this year's Faculty & Staff Raffle. With your support and the generosity of the Cobbles staff, this year was another great fundraising success. The 89 winners of the raffle prizes were drawn and announced on Friday, May 6th. Students that won received a certificate and their prize. If your student won time with a teacher/staff member, please remind him/her to contact that teacher to schedule a date and time to get together. Thank you to our raffle volunteers: Chris Alexander, Julia Ciaramitaro, Shannon Cleverley-Thompson, Davina Domenico, Katy Hand, Melissa Lennox, Jennifer Luisi, Julie McGann, Tracey Merriman, Greg Moens, Kim Moens, Charlotte Paille, Jeff Paille, Julia Paille, Kim Pearlman, Megan Podanoffsky, Peg Sercu, and Laura Zwick. Additional thanks to Mary Dooley, Lyn LaFountain, Ann McCarthy, Carol Miller, and Mary Woolaver for their assistance. A special thank you to Christine Sheehan for helping draw this year's winners and to Kimberly Rice for all of her efforts in putting everything together! -Lisa Paille, Committee Chair 2016 - 2017 Penfield Youth Basketball Penfield Youth Basketball (PYB) is a competitive travel basketball program for boys and girls in grades 3 through 8. For the 2015- 2016 season there were nearly 200 youth from the Penfield community participating in the program. Registration for the 2016-2017 PYB season will begin 07/01/16 and tentative dates for tryouts are Sunday September 18th and Sunday September 25th. For additional details and links to registration materials, please see the PYB website. Check us out online at June 10, 2016 Cobbles Comment Page 9 Screen Smart Week GREAT JOB to all the students who participated in Screen Smart Week and to all the teachers who encouraged them! We had strong participation this year, with more than 210 students turning in BINGO boards to show how active and creative they can be without screens. All participating students received a certificate, two tickets to the Ice Cream Social, and a Smarties candy for being “screen smart.” They were also entered in a drawing to win one of four $15 gift cards to Barnes & Noble! In addition, the Cobbles PTA awarded pizza parties to the classes of Mrs. Usselman, Mrs. Sheehan, Mrs. Stoll, Mrs. Hodge, Mr. Doerner, and Mrs. McManus for their top participation at each grade level. It was such fun to deliver the pizzas and see the kids’ excitement! Great job, everyone! Screen Smart Week Co-chairs Susan Gilbert-Collins and Heidi Wirth Check us out online at June 10, 2016 Cobbles Comment Page 10 SUMMER READING GAME AT PENFIELD PUBLIC LIBRARY EARLY BIRD REGISTRATION 6/15/2016 4:30 pm - 6:30 pm Once again, we are offering early registration for those who would like to pick up summer reading game materials in June for children entering kindergarten through sixth grade (child must be present to register). You can register: Wednesday, June 15, 4:30 – 6:30 PM Thursday, June 16, 4:30 – 6:30 PM Monday, June 20, 4:30 – 7:00 PM Tuesday, June 21, 4:30– 7:00 PM Friday, June 24, 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM Friday, June 24, 2:00– 4:00 PM * *OR…REGISTER the first time you come to play the reading game during any of our regularly scheduled reading game times. Just keep track of all the reading you do beginning Monday, June 27. Write it down and have your parents sign it. We let you use that towards meeting your contract the first time you play the game. ON YOUR MARK, GET SET...READ! 6/27/2016 6:00 pm The reading game begins Monday, June 27, and runs through Wednesday, August 3. You play once a week on: Mondays, 6:00– 8:00 PM, or Tuesdays, 2:00 – 4:00 PM, or Tuesdays, 6:15– 8:15 PM, or Wednesdays, 10:30 AM – 12:30 PM, or Wednesdays, 3:30– 5:45 PM To play, you need to contract with the children’s librarians to read at least 20 minutes a day, 5 days a week (children who are not yet reading can be read to). We fill out the contract when you come to register. Child must be present to register. You will also receive a special reading game bag with our official reading calendar and an “Early Bird” bonus activity card! Every DAY your contract is met, you earn a coupon that can be redeemed for prizes at our prize table. Each week when you come to play the game, you get one roll of the dice to advance on the game board. For each week your contract is met, you earn an extra roll of the dice. You will also earn a raffle ticket to enter our weekly prize drawing. And if you follow the special directions on certain squares, you can earn EVEN MORE raffle tickets. Come in to play each week and pick up an ON YOUR MARK, GET SET, READ bonus activity card. Do the activity each week to earn EXTRA COUPONS!! For a complete list of summer programs, sponsored by the Friends of the Penfield Public Library, visit Programs are free, but registration is required. You can register online or call 340-8720. Check us out online at
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