Married daughters - Monroe County Library System
Married daughters - Monroe County Library System
Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection Rochester Public Library Reference Book No! For Circulation Local Hr'v- •i-'i-jn Roclicsh; ,I-M\ Library 115 &>*tn Avenue Rcdifister, Hsw York 11604 ! Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection INDEX OF MARRIED DAUGHTERS TAKEN FROi SURROGATE RECORDS OF KOEROE COUNTY, NEW YORK Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection I s (| 6 » ?)3 ' Mrrrled !»u£htwr», Trkan from Surrog-te Reeor*» ef »tonro« County,W.T. tiate-* w**«r their Hufrtwn^J "*««. Work *«a» by tha Benealecteal Reeor** (hwmltta, n Tron^o'suoit o>*r>t.0r, ^. r , RocheB+wr, V.V. ,— J Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection That* ne«»* »r» » aroe* In-'eir of the ijfcjern' tnteetrte entir-tee of wonro*> i*o.**.v. ""he was of tha hu'Vn-' »»* the one *ho lnh?r5tF, for If thet 1e unVnwnjh^r r)fRt) 1* first p;lTen, then the r1 f• m-* her T*rent8, or *he one ?ro*i vhow eh© inherlte. For fuller 5nformrt1on concerning the *1fe armed, turn to the •olunee of VTU-S or JUTJSTJtTE RST/TES of **^nro<» Co. »n^ there get ifete of *©rth of the teetetor or iece^Pedfn^ rowriw'er of the heirs. Se- ejpolersent for l*ter pine. nr-nee,than Meter? ft f Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection »**rrled hmrhtere fr&* Momroe Oo.Vllle, Abl»tt,Reary R. M111ersbur»;,Phlo, *f .?«©&• B.hslr of PenonJ Sfrrfue, Rochwste; Achillee,He»ry I,.e brother in lew of Jaremirh Cog well, of Sweden. /ckereon,/rr->nrPu«i>ex Oo. wf .Catherine,heir of Cornel iu* Dow re t, F-rifhton. Adeir,Mfro» of Copley,Ohio, wf.*•tty,d*ui."o*e* Chemberlein,8w«ir»«n. Ads-ac.Ann^t.Vorrie, a.v. -»-u.of ^preh Edfeley, Adcac.E-rhrle^.of Ponfield, wf . Prudence,^ru.of Sf»«Me1 Thomson, ^en *< el rt. /-***•,Joeee,of Mteh.ehi'M of Jrne «reene of wieh.m'' n.ehll* John Veny,of "erinton, * '*Tis,Jep"e,o* /"'Ten*urt»,h*lr of llohelet Kd-w**,©* Brighton. M«-s.John, wf .Reheeee ,-**-.*.o" Sf.uel "rmfi ton,of Foc>«*t,er. /•*CBB,l«9onr rd o'" OP Wnr', ,*r rth* ,h>»5r o" Ahrrhr*i "orraM of Or'en. Mr^s.'Jyron o" K.KIooifle! *," ,ft» >rrh,hoir o* 9pr,1pt tlney o" HooHette. A4*IBS,01 Ivor of 'Vblin,'* .Oilly,he5.r of H«mry F.sten of "ar Jntcm. fgenti,"ccob.Rochester, wf,?>nny,j;,*»u.of Hercnonlr Simmon* pf '>na, ArFte,Rli« ,t*lttefor'», g.Hm.of Rdwerd & ere of Pj.ttorord. Af*te,s>.ily, 4*u.Kdw*rJ m-» "Jler B*or«,Pltt«ford. Are te.J- ne^lttnferd, E.dau.*,:dw»rd »ni Rllen Foere,Pitts ford. Alton,Thorn* s,'1(';4<-m«£h,v.v. wf .^elir ,?;.<lsu.Abi.1»h Raoth,Henriett» . ... &h • #renheaj?,~- -- -ocheeter, wf.4>ry,sister of ^iJllsn *!cTnt"»sh of Foo*<«s + f>r. Alsace,&r auel,of 4rjMon, »f./1thr Ann,dsj.Fenian-' *TT BheHon,Sweden. Albro,John B. *»j tt«ford,wf. V ry /.f.^eu.o'* "s^v R>.«1J«*n o* ffl r««co. Albro,;!V rtin,*f.Krrriet,^a.«f Sylvoeter Rutc^nson. /lbr»up>!#B'ii"ton of Tyone,r'.v. wf .^ry,tr j.of Poni.P.*r< >^T>en.r>f Roc^s+or, Albrifht,«*nael,fo*lnrton,*".',r. wf ,0Moe,-»» j.^oth m* Chloe Tyler ,C1h1 1 5 . Allcott,->r Al.eott,TuiciJ*,0*hkr>sh, .Uurr ,' Wrt.hPn Shsretfn,Bright Aldridgo^lbert,Rochester, wf.Sfrrh Ann,tea./* ron fni •Vreh I.»y,0reece. Aldrich, John,Victor,".v. wf .Ange'ine ,-lea.Joseph Ketch*"* of Ferint.on. Alerea-^er,Edwin, ft) of Bt.4^ wrence Co.*."*•.wf .'outer ,dSit,Alex,Vs 11 in/,Poc Alger,Crro1ine,^eu.W».»n^ Jerushr Kin£ of fl*e^en. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection Osaght rs,.-2 Alger,Harriet, gren-' deu.Villlem sn* Jeruehs wing of R*e*en, Allew.Cploh.fhf lif wf.Ester,sister of D*nie1 RheTer of Ch • 1 i . A11o»,C#iwin,Rooheet*r, wf.flhority,sister o* Ches.A .Jones of Rochester, Allen,Ch»rlotte, leu.Tuein^f Wichols of Og'en.'T^uein% Wsp m fjrem eise-^ero/ #ll«a,ne«l«i,London. wf .Uerie R.Meter of S«n»nn Osbornjof ^enJon. Allwn,?*wi* r. wf.Vaelthy,mother of Jfw» C.-jsrsh of Peohester, AHon,fr*neie A .nephe* of Thames Rert of Foehsst«r, Allen,r*oorge V. " • • " • • AHon/?oorge of *11 Hsmeon.w.T, wf .*, uline.heir of H*nn*h Boty,Perinton. Allon,«eorgo T. tin? on, wf ,J«1 lett.helr of /nose Baring w" ClsrVeen, Allaa,^orv9ilrh,f)gden. wf.Charlotte,Ssu.T.eoes end T*cinV ^*cn**s,ig-»on. Alloa, Joe nis»,d*u.Johnir-then Ms eon of ^enfield, Anen,T,orenso.>'ich. v^.Oynthif ,-isu.^et^r en? EuMee JohnetKm, ''•hetor. All en,,*re.,,i» ry,of Broekpor4,W.v» heir of "^w fl srt,Poehoetnr, #1 len,^ry,««et«r o# •'•hour* nsrt o* Poehtetor, Allen,*e7son of ftr 1owey,*T.,ir. w*.Ann,helr of ""honse Tot.t of Rochoetor, Alias,Richard., Foahost.»r, wf .Pe-->or>cs ,d»u,El1*Pbeth fiwe t~sn of Po*hos^er, Allaa,Villiem, Richmond,** .V, wf.'VrPh, '*«.(*) EH*f both OOTS.Rochester, AUjm,Chsaneoy P. ^ren-? Rr pi ?s, .Ells* both,deu.John Geeton,Pitteford. Alw ,Job.&weJon. wf .El i?* beth, dru.of Zecheue & rah*11, fl*e'en. Ambler,*'!!! l*m. wf.^moy A. sole heir of If rran fn-' T.eis feyeon, Sweden. Amo*,<r.C. Roohoetar, wf.Ei1 ly.hf If sister of 'Trgeret «Mt Vsn '>^o*,r<ocj Amidon,flyruB, *srmr, wf.Tioret.ts.dPU.^Illeir-n snd T.orin 's Cm-roey,^ r--iF . A-;S*on,Pleerer P,"ondon. wf ,'ydls ,dsu.of AbifSil Pfehsr4ran,*?«m^on. Anderson, Wheetload, vf .^metjSiBt or of John "e fey of Rfgr . Andrews, IV-ihri-»re,^.v. wf ,P*lly,dau.A ^onl jeh en* Ah*rr1t 4*V*nncr,A<» Vn. An're--, —U wf .Belly, •isu.'^' niel f"J ty*1e r«Vhf,fen-,on, A»*re*s,EdwMn, J>f.~*oT)yt ^su.*rusisn en' RrHy Punt o* ^mr. Andrews,Ifs- rvey, Ch<H. wf .^rr*ret,sister of Punesn Me V«rn,fh«M. Anderson,'"try. sister of Boater Ranter of Pochester, __., Tf«sM*»7cy-« y/£C£ Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection 'Vurlfcers, Andrew* , % then, Andrews,Rowton, wf. Betsey, dsu. of Cyrus «nd l.s*h Psekerd, of Rochester, Andrus,Jah,of Msdison^.T. 5. Ferlnton. wf .Ann,de u.of Renry rn? K»rg*rst Hunter,Poe este wf .El is* ,d*u.of Thoa.snd % r y Pierce,of Rigs. wf.asr*h,d»u.of ^eorge Ribbatt. Rochester, Apploby,Thoo*s. Rochester, Apologeto,— Oklend • o.M'*, dsu.of Berth Potior, Archor,Rlclvrd. Roohoster, Chill. wf.Bason,dsu.ef Petrlek *nd Esther Plley,Roches* er. Armstrong,Ann Ali*e, Plttsford, niece of Ooorge ferkeTj^ittsford. Armstrong,Arp*>ib*l •». Vhe«-tf1eM, wf ,Cp*her1ne, »Pu.nonr ^ MolierBon of '^•ortlsnd. Armstrong,fordoM*, rr J flsrrsret 'Mttsford, sister o* "eorre *>r^»r,~* +tr"ord. Armstrong,'^ ry. teu.of Set^r 3<mt,pn* nloce of ^m.T.P'n-'-mee o* Push. Arnol 4 ,—- wf .Pibel 1P ,^eu.of Josnrh rni Rusenneh Jeferds, Push. AmolI,—-?ochester, wf .BorhJ.p ,-leu.of Philip ppd A-w '~on', Rochester, Arnold,--fluebec^rnr 1o, wf .Peglnp ,siet<?r of Stephen F.lehor, Arnol-ijOprius. ^erinton, Focha-ter, e son-ln-lsw of Pcnjp'iin Slooam of Perinton. Arnold,Hptbr n, Perinton, wf,*>ewh, heir :>f RVnnrh Doty,of r«rlnt-»n. Austin,Elsm, rittfford. wf.Esther,heir of 'frncer "Tou? of Plttsford. Atkins,Jpmss P. Sweden, wf .Ch1oe,d*u.of Peuben Snd Cerise* airt>er,Sws ?©n. #ttridg*,w Auitln.Clsrk R. of "InV-ney, wf .0? orlnde ,sister of Tuti' Ann Austin,whef tlsnd. AuItin,Ewe1ina, s hslf sietflr of Por<ee P.R111 o* Rw**en. Austin,'^nnsh. Rochester, Austin ,*'erwin. Rochoeler, heir o* John l^ryn* of Brighton. wf.AlmirP, -?*u.of Almirr t»sywoo-' of Pochwster, Aultin,1^ then P. Soneof ,1',%ry E.deu.o'" IF rren sn4 SMom* **tp«,"her tlsn-' Austin,01 ?»or C. wf.sVry Ann, g.dsu.of Joseph snd AblrM.1 ^odloy,PsnfloH, Austin,Oryille, Plttsford, »f .Si reh,deu.of W»ry T> vis, Plttsford. Austin, P PU1. Clinton,Til. wf.dfu.or g.deu.of Chloe Smith of whestltnd. Austin,Bolon S.P.ochostor, wf.Alois B.neloe of Porter Hiseock of Olsrkson. Auetin,Voelthy,«'oeh«stor, heir of John O'Bryne of Brighton. Austin,viilism 8. wf .Hi nnrh,d»u.of Silkmsn Knepp, tfnlon. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection P*«j^htprs," * Au»tin,w*iniem. Fermwrav111e,**.T. wf .Reheeee ,heir of tfcneer Pnu-^Pitteford. Aather,T.V.R.EoesYi11e, wf.A lml if,heir of Teste in1 "Inerws Lrke,Brightcm. ATory,f5oorgo A. wf.Rrsnoes w, Vu.Susrn Stfntnn, Rochester, Avery,ffoyee I„ Orsnd Rsnids, Mich, wf .El iRsbeth, sister of John Pourherty, Roches A vary ,*Vr patches B Co.P.T. wf .Relon,helr of Sto-rtwm sWritt.Clsrkson. Ayors,RorPtio,Cslo-ioniP,,».,r. wf .Cornel If ,heir of ^m.P.AlexPnler of Boohe-etaAyora.^ Psgo Ayora,^*rry#R.T.(* h*lf brother of Oynthie Ayers V* ring,of Irondo^uolt. Ayl^sworth,-;-- wf.Sry, dsu.of Ieere end Wsry Teonrrd, Rochester,. Rabaoek,Ale*snder, wf .Belly, d*tt.*f Ee*her Wdldreth, »1.t*.s*nr<«. p1 booek,Henry, ^er^nton. wf .i.ovins , heir o* r»rrs ta-no^ester, rer1nton. Bebcoek,lor9n*o, wf.Ty?ip, deu.RusPn F.PndVlllJom P»lwer,of Fige. B*booek,VniiPm J. ^re^e, wf .p. August* , dsu. Amos Emerson *nd *1eee of EIOP nor Emerson,of Oreeeo. *»cher,«i rrsret, dsu.of Pet r *nd wr Tie1! of Bftes. B»eh3en,Rra?erick, wf .«r ry Ann* ,~* rrled Ut.Je cob loose her, Rochester, |eehner,Bsmeyf 0stes, heir of ""ot-r en-? wPthorlnt» Tlel 1 of G< tes. Ostherlne, " s * s s • ... tscku8,0rrinfoehestor, wf.i&ry Ann, deu.*Jlll*m ml wPth«rino Crauch.Pocheater. Rsekus,Rox'nnr , uetee, &V 5 -'on nsme wr s Porenn* Eldridge,of Pew ^e'for-?,'»r«f . Bsskua.Theodore, Rochester, wf of '4-ry Ann Poors, Pochoster. Bfcon, *" vf.SephronlP , -*su.of Abir«"?1 ^e^sher of fenf*^-*. Beedeo,Ptie, of *d*. wf.f>tp,h««r of ^r ts Ru*1«r of w«rlnton, Wriloy, of WPOF '', "f.^r roJlno, dnu.of John snd Srreh Rerp«l1 of Renriatt*, B»iley,^i(rV,Pir m, Sweden, wf,AWlr*,hslr of Reasrd »*nley, of ClrrVron. Belrd,Annr •. Pocheetor, g.-'su.of Ann sni rniism ?»ontfom«»ry,Rochooter, leiri.,Byron, Perinton, wf.Emmogene,^su."rumen *nd Pet.sey "P ttison,Ponfi«l(i Bsird,Jsne, dsa.of Ann end vniis-n Montgomery, of Rochester, Btird,V>mum,M*dinP ,Ohio, wf.Elects C.dru.of BanJ.snd Amv Shc!don,3-*o«an. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection Dpurhters,t ?. Bskor,-—Viehlg»"n. wf,&flly,dcu.(f)of Eliffsbeth ^ove, Rochester, l>k©r,Abner, wf.Emeline S.,«ietor of ^illlPm TH*or,Rush .on* **u.of John end ^ l l y Plwer of Ronriett*. f*ker,Asa, wf.Aseneth,he<r o* Semd/^owpjKon, of ^00*1 *!*. R*ker,*eny/min H. wf./n<-«11ne, -»* ulof Joe-nh end RPC^P! Voo-^ of Br1p;h?on. fev«r,Betsey, Fenfield, g.dsu.of Beth Crows1!, of rervf1e!d. B*l-er,Chsrles, Bri-hton, wf .frederlk* , dsu.of ?*red.rnd Porothy Reaback, rlghton Rpker.Pswid, wf.SM^y, dru.of Pel r F^ Werey Msrlett of renf)eld. Baker,Hire jr.,of til. wf.M*ry,d*u.of Joseph Scott, Crtes. eVker,Joserh ?. wf.^sne, dsu.of TSSFC r^pir*, (l.ivos in Rhsridt n,M1ch.> B*ker,*rishfT5onfiel'», g.dPu.of 3«th Croweil of TVnfi^*. Raker,^ircie, of *est Bloonfleld, R.T. d-u.of Spftuel Rurhop, of ^ttsford. Re!l,Alb«-t. Victor, *.•. wf.^ber,»otte,he<r of Vm.T.Pu''!, of Pochesy^ir. Re 11 ,(Thsrl »s, Rou-hton,CVn*-»*, wf, sister of John SerpMl .Rochester. Re 11,Orson, w-f.*e»ry wrmc*", -'PU.of vm,a .m-" A^bv Arm R.r-^es, ^eHnten, BP"'! ^d^new, R. "rm* PSTM^S, v<ph, wf.f"*nJe "*. -"'a.of Rachel snd Jese~h Wood o* Brixton. B F I I I T ? , a s s — wf.Beteer,sister of Sf "Hv *?«nrv, of P* rmf , Bs i Is rd,Betsey of Spring** t^r.^leh. heir of "pmuel A.Rmlth of Pprws. Baldwin, Chill, wf .Elirsbeth, Je u.of A he1 Beln«n,of Rigs . Bpldwin,Frsnces, of Rigs, g.dPu.of Suem Stsnton of Poohester, Brldwin.John H. Michigan, wf.Tydif,d ujof Ells.Rusonbcrry, sn? heir of Stephen "\iseriberry. Bi?ldwin,toule, Pigs, wf ..francos, So nhlsm hsir of Sheprr* W.Ps Imer,Pic' . B»ldwln,Suspn of Rig* . g.dau.of 3u*f- Strnton of Rochester, Bf 1 *win,Bussn ^erls, dsu-of Busrn Stfnton of Rochester, Be!^in,^homf-s of Victor,".*. wf.S*reh P. g.dau.of Thos^M -^nnPh Ockenden of "ittsford. Benf,'«rry ft. o<" oreostwr, *P». nelce of ^euVn R«V«* 0* Poehestor, BsnVar, ^oehsster, wf.Vrrerot, Jeu.^f John en* wptvor1n* V?«r,Poehestor. Belay,fhahe, of febeter, -«tu.of Pho»s *r>4 John «o*ere of Vabster, Barbor,A»rirh, 1adins,0vlie, wf.*"hebs, ?ru.of Baal.end Ann* BheHon,Rwe*en Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection OeugM.are,- c'. Berber,lpney. of Mich, slater of Henry H.Cheebrough of Webster, Be relay, John. Honroe Co. wf., Polly, dsu.of El lee Allan of Ogden. *»romore,3pHuel,of row*, wf.,Betsey, dau.of Frederick end Ann »*Ular,0> eeee. Borlght, Henry, Columbia Co. wf,,RusPn,d*u.of Adsm Rlserodt, tfebst r, A erker,Asebal, wf.,Cph*nas (T),dau.of John rnd Rlln.sVnn of Plttsford, snd slater of Rachel Downey of Plttsford. Barker or Baker, Chsrlee, Monroe, Ohio, wf.^rsh, dsu.of John rnd Ann El ir Armstrong of ^itteford. B*rker,Ch*rlee,of Mt.Vemon,lMo, wf.^sreh A.nelee of Ceo.*rrktr,nittsford. Bsrnsrd,Osniol P. wf ..^ereh.deulof Henry sn' Ann Gilbert Tirlngston *»f w.*,»»lty end Rochester, Brrnerd.Ceorro. wf,,EmeMne,*e«,o** T*ur-F Stone, Cason, Br rnprd,Ponryf sf.,»ly, -*eu.«f /bigpl.1 Colby of Pochostrr Bsrhh*rt,Derid. R. Ponroe Co. wf.'Vtty, **u.of John Ven **es», Fortnton.v Bsrnhprt,——tendon, wf.,Catherine, sister of Abr'tf"" D.Van Woos.rorintan ^rrett,Edwin E. wf..Emeline,dsu.of w*ncy W?loox,of Rochester, Br rroy,Prummar, ^stes, wf.,Ann,df u.of Pet<-r end "stherinc T1«11,QP1SS# Rarrlnger,—— wf .,Mprp;pret,d*u.of Hrrpmoni* end Bophronlr Slm-ione,rT ras . Bertholf,Stephen, wf.,H*nnFh,dru.of *"*nn*h end Pi! Hen Hop^r,Greece. B*rtlott,ArTillP, dsu.of Trmmy Bullmsn of "r««ooa. B*rtlott,Rli, wf.,FlsTi?!p, heir of Ply ^y of Rochester, Bsrtlett,Relson. Rochester, wf..'Srcy,df u.o* "«rcy ^hi-'plc of Swe-»«n ?n-' sister of Amy ^Fne Whipple of Sweden. Berlin,Rllsa, OnteHo, *.T. heir of JohnsthPnJsfts of Webs**r, Berlin,T*ur**ta, <">nt*r1o,rr.v. heir of tohmthsn «-Tefts, Berton,1^*!^ R. wf.,$rreh '*. dsu.of Epanhres snd n*omi Poleott,Poehestrr. Bsrton,Edwsrd. rent,Eng. wf.*ry Jene.^su.of Henry Pi*on^n^ wfArv Kent sVs»,T,orlng, ^srms^ wf.Snnsh,dsu.of Oliwer snJ Ann? Well«rn,CUrkson, Bessott, , wf.^sney,'su.of J*m«s snd Bussnivh Weeks, fhestlsnd. Batcholer,—,*f.»*rIs,dsu.of Rllzsbeth Vsn Brunt/'endon. Betoe,——,01*rkson, wf.B«!in*s heed. Betas,B tsay,aistor *R law of VI.IIIPW Uwrence of Rush. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection Peurhtera,.' T . Bptee,EHsha. wf.Erie,-dsu.of «*rret Meyer of 1f*en. Bexter,nennlson,of Jsr-is, wf ..^e^ u.of B,rp«,r Wright of Trr~f. Bsylis: ,Alm1r*,of H'lsnd,Vsn. sister or nslce of ?&ry Cooper of Roeh»p*er, fpylieo,Caroline of " * • e s s s s Baylise.Seaenthp, • • • s s • s s • Bosch, Motsnsn(t; Mich, wf.,8sliy,dsu.of RHssbeth Tusenborry.Mobster, Beech,Charles P.,Rochester, wf ,,Suaan,dsu.of ""unls snd Err Us rhydt, Roches tor Reseh.Pliehp, wf . ,!,ueretir-, dsu.of %rtha Rorton of Plttsford. Rereher,Alfred,Oberlln,Ohi.o, wf,,wsrsh,heir of John ^.Leavenworth of Push. Bee-»le,Wi!liem,Pp!eme*oo,Pich, wf.,Rprr,1et F. dfu.ef Elinhslet Dey of Ogden. Be'la.^elly,Springfield,^ee. eiater of VflHsn Bruce ^* Pochester, Been,or Be» r,Jrmes F. wf.Sonhi* E.rc.?*u,of Msthenlct *n* 8n-h1s Rochester, . R#erd, Wllllem, Clerks on, vf«,s*sry,J?s«,of Elisabeth p«*ier of Swe-?*^. P^sr-'pley,r,rpnwll1e, »'l.,'*!pnP ,he<r of Orfngh end lovlne Stone,Brighton. Berrdeloy, Justus,*^rlnton, wf..lupy.^ist«r of Crre **nch#e1er, rer?nton. Beprdsley,—— Perfnten, wf..Tucy.deu.of fltenhen snd Ells.^enchoslor,Perinton . Bor rdsley,"onr©«,Ff irfleld co.Ct.*f ..'SriP .heir t^f Rbeneiftr Beech,Rochester, BaerdBley,MansTO, wf .,01 Jwe,d* Rpr.som snd Ruth Oripr*n,penf? sld. Beeumont,—— wf.,C1erisss .dsu.of ''yron end *>tlly "ol ly, Roche -tor, Beckett, Sus-nnsh of Bnglsn'*, sister of Jp-«ee l.odcr, of Riff. Beekwith,doet«r Ann,sister of "rmee J.Chaso of uenrletts. Bockwlth,!,uron,Of k Crsev,?!*. wf.,H*nnsh R,dsu.of V«.*nd Wnrey CorV <n,H,mri^ tr Bacboo,Abigail of Gra«ce, dru.of 'bigei! TVrrish of °reo e. Boeboo,Aee,»f Cre^oe, wf,,srrsh,he1r of Ply Osy of Rochester, Beebe/erome.of 'errnr, wf.,lyd1e Ann,-*su.of Alfred Blekao'l of Kvll 1on,,,•.',' Beebe/'inorla, wf.,frothy,g.<* u.of Peni.prd Charlotte Ferrett^reeco. Boeoh,John,wf.,»*-ishe,dsu.of Ablirh P.PO^ *sry Curtis,of Hew Town,rorvn. B«eeh,Spencer,of Mieh. wf..^rlly,heir of 8te-<heo ^usenbetry of *ebst r, Beonan,Tease W.l l*onis,".T. wf ./So! In**,dru.of Ahrrhrm Phusrt.^n^cn. Bagley,Edmund, wf,,Fr*noes,heir of Osvld Corson,Oglon. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection *aashlers, ** Boors,Rdwsrd,Monroe C0. af.,**rrlet, dsu.of T>ilsd«!rhif ""Vrtln *r.d neice of a enry "Vrtin of ^itteford. BoersJaolsh.of *Vrlten,P.J. wf.,EH**,heir of Luke en' Msry Coney,Pitt ford. Boors,Vskomen,of Ohio, wf.,l«ls,dsu.of Bethany Fhf.Hns,* oe*on,w.T. *oloher, —~ London, wf,, Julie,dsulof Jaaravr **prshai! .'"Wdon. Balden,-- wf.,*frry, A-n,«dst<*r of Peorre Redfleld.Pir* ,*"/% Bolknsp,John, Ogdon. wf.,He'-rlet.deu.of °eo.en4 RxpoHenee Rlohsioad,R«fe. B«U,&etsoy,Ann of Bts *ford,w.w. hMr ef T3*nl«1 Hoyt of Rush. Bell,Jene, • • • • • • • " " Bell.jVcob n. Chill, wf.,Rtrriet.hoir of Pononi snd Sereh Sprrgue.Roch ester. Boll,John,Johnstown,P.T. irf.,Mtry»sister of Jesna Corman.Pht-' tlsnd. Roll see,'UP rgs ret, sister snd heir of CynthlP Ayere Vrring.Irondequoit. Bemioh,John, wf .,Ser*h,df u.of W5.11 lr-m pn-» Rebecs* Attridge, .Rochester, Benedict,ChPrles, ^eden, wf .,jRrlPh,h«ir of Her.eklFh Lather of bwe'tin , m-' sister of Olire Luther of *Wden. Benedict/?/—— wf .,Cloyinp,^su.of Sua?nn*h Enlght,d,st Springfiel -l.'V . Benedict,Sr>oncer,P.^.City, wf., *wrls ,heir of Rbeneror Peseh,Poehestor. Bosn or Sens,Victor f ."y't* 1*rk,r'.v. wf ,,B» rph,dsu.of Joeerh en-" n^urr Ann Toueey, of Brighton. Benjpmln.^eorre/srmp, wf., Elir*beth,Jsu.of JseoV mJ Oftherine Rtrr'ng, of Brighton. Bennett,Hor*ce,of Vhor tlen4, wf.,Jane,slater of Inline Voodg*te.*he tlmd. Bennett,John, wf.,Borothy,sister of Peter l,uther,of Bochester, Bennett,Smith, wf .,A-?elif ,dru.of Psney Wilcox,of Rochester, Bennett,Stephen of Oakland. Co.Mich. «f.,Jonnstie,heir of Archibald Btewsrt of tiend. Roncon.^rvld.of Conewpngo,,'.T. wf..Ceth^rlne.dpu.of **thlss rnd Ann Pier of Men 'on. Benson,Jefferson, Dover,P.V. wf.j'runy.aigter of "srri t »frnehe*trr,of Rochester, Bsncon^llure of flturgle,Mleh. slate r of !.uein*s Tuning Sf Parms-. Bent,Rothor, sister of *i!l len Wwrance of Rush. Rontley,Alnond, wf^^ebe, 'sa.of Tease T.owins Stewoem &-*e'en. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection Psushters, $ 9. Bantley,Jocob. of Sturgis, Mich, wf.,Agusts.hoir of John Eennedy of Webster. B*ntley,Lymen, of Olsrkson. of .,f|pry,holr of Hotoklsh loither of Swe'en end oister of Oliwe Luther of Sweden. Benton,— wf.,?orwi*h, g.dsu.or g.g.-'su.of Zorrish snd John Kelly of P* enton. Benum, Franc is of Oswego,111, wf .,R>nash,helr of Aloxsndar R.Estchum,Clerk so Bergetwn.Rlrem of Wlennp,Mich,wf.,Mercy,probably dau.of Stephen snd Bstaay Porter of Mendon. Berwick,Msrthe J. of Rochester, dau.of Peace Austin of Rochester, Bases a, Fernando of Adrlen Hleh. wf .jHsry.dsu.of Irs sna" for Goodrich,RoO-es Belts,Or rollno of Mich, dsu.of Jesse Adems of Penfield. Bettys,W«.H«of Mich. wf.,*eney 0.dau.of Amoe snd Phoebe "lies of Sw^on . BaTina,P*v1'» o- Rigs, wf.,»me11no V.helr o* Anson ^.Rhewrd of Ogden. Blco,Hentieh of Monroe Co.dsu.of !,<nri.s end Cstherinc Combs of **rmr. v Rigelow,Bonis in, wf.,EH*sbeth,niece of Henry *trrt*n of Pittoford. BUllhgshurt,Henry, wf.,Rency,sister of John Bnith, Preeoe. Billings,Ber*h, dsu.of Clerk Dswis of Rush. Bingham,Joseph,!*fayatte.Ind. wf .,EHKS ,sister fnd heir of Dsnlel Weet.Ro heet Blrd.Aldon S. Shelby,1",T. wf.,Pell» C.nioce of Abigail Tubbe,Clsrk*on. Bird.Fohn V. wf.,Lorinds, dau.of Chsuneey Webstar,of Brighton. Bird,Joseph, Petrolt, wf.,EH*sboth,dau.of *rtin Sperbock,Perinton Birds* U,Ben j. of Mendon, wf.,M*ry,dau.of Joseph bunt of Mendon. Blresell,John C.of Rush, vf.,R*rriet T..dru.of Joseph font,of Mendon. Bicsoll,Aure11s of rittsfleid^sp. heir of Usry «.*VrVine of *?*rtford,no n. Rlcsoll,—- Buffs To, wf.fPotsey,heir of tuko Pi grins, o* Proeee. Blssoll,Charles P. Monroe Co. wf.,Julia, dsu.of Plizs Vest rnd sister of BSniol West of Rochester, M.V. Bishop.Edwr rd of Middloport.Tll. wf ..Mr tilde .heir of RHraboth Dp vld.iree o Blask»ll,B.F. of Ohio, wf.,8sr*h F.dsu.of Luther snd I,ucy Oolen*n,Rochest r. BlBokbura,John,!a ?*rtln,Wi». wf ,,Abigsil,dou.of ^nlel end or rsh Potter, hill Blsckaen,— wf.,hslf sister of Cynlhlf Ayera Wering.Trondoouolt. Blelsdoll,—Alden,".y. wf.,Eunice,dsu.of ifrrtin Lewis,Roches tor,. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection laughters, § •-, llslsdell,— Tray,M,T. wf.,Belly, si star af Abraham l.T^n Mess, Par in ton. BlPkaa1ee,0*roHne, g.dau.of Jehos Pit. Blskeoleo,Jeno,*»rle,?£.***• • • • Blskosloo,Jens, dsaehter af'sbe* Co1!, Blss doll, Stephen of Cheshire, wf.,8jprgs ret, heir of Ttevid Pari lag, »f P»rsr Bisodo 11,Jerry,'*/ Manroe Co. wf,S*r*h»d*u.of John Vrn Woss,P* rlnton. Blisa,Ban3.F.Murr»y,f ,V., wf .,E1ls» ,dou.of »sr*n snd Ruldf-b Wood,of 8*0* a BHss.Ohaunctty B. f .son 9T Olney Btsples of Perinton. BH9t,3sreh,cf Columbia,Wis. Heir of Reuben *wth«r of Sweden. Bloed,Abr»hPm,*f.,Jtmny, 'au.of Bl*t* Sorlngstoen.Monro* Co. Bloel,Ir* P.of Buff* 1», wf.,Lola Ann,dsu.of Annsnlss end Aimed* Socor of P rintou Blood,— wf.,Cither Ins,sister of Franklin Wotherley *f Clarkson. Blco^^n.PartwftH , of Ruah, wf.^ry,dsu.of Itsney Thome*. •leaner,** •>«» »f Ogdan,wf.,Mrry,d*u,of Elnsthsn pad 'tercy Win* ms,Ogden,w.v. BMssom,Rnoa,of Rochester, wf.,Herri «t,halr af Willis* wu^* cf R00V s*er, Blue,John W. of Pigs, wf,,**r rr" ret, slater o* John "e Esy.of Rlrr . Bluss,— Borheeter, wf.,Louisa .dsu.of John end Bophf* w*ar*r,of *V-h»eter, Bly,TilH*:i A. Flonrletta, wf.,Al«eris,dru.of Johns<h*r snd Luelnds Be be orof Henrietta. Bosrdman,Bliss R. ?yons,Io*e, wf ,,M,/}) 1*1* ,'*u.of Elies 3helmire,Rochester Bog*rt,Robert, Preeoe, wf.,K«ellne,d*ulef John end Aeencth u»vis, Or»*ci Bekle«*n,M.*,ekin,*.T. af,/snail* K. d-u.of Stuart end A-nrndo Porter,Ru»h Boa'^raey, f.,0*>th»rlne,df t.ef ?useei1 Pickerson end heir of *srg»ret Mpnlg*n,Roohester, (Possibly * sister*; Baoth,P»abon,Brir^tOft, wf.,3y!*l» hair af Anoa Ene-n, of Psrms. Beotwiok,mjsh of •••! Rioanfleld, wf.,P!*nth*,eleter of FrederloV Rico of Eeet Bloowfteld, Boy^on, Edward P.of Huron.".*, wf..So^ronlr, •* Ann Clark,of v*rm . Bcaghton,°pronno of Pu«h,hoir of ^hobe ^srkhem. of Pusfc. Bough ton, F.vinr w*bster, wf.,Elisabeth,d*n.ef <Viy Phelne af Rush,**-* he!' •later af OthnUl Phelpe of ^wnden. Boaea,Chester pt R*l**n*o ,Mloh,wf.,JuHs Ana,heir of James J.Chsse.of Henrietta. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection Pa ught«re,? •* Boweo.Ebeneser,Brighton, wf.,Ms r the, da u.of Rbeneser Titue of Brighton. Bawon,Semuel,E*!PmS*oo,Mioh. wf .,Johrnnsh,dsu.of Livlnus snd & rthr Ver Rago,Rochester, Bower,John, MiohlgPn, wf.,Plprlssa,sister af William Russell,Henrietta Bower,Sll** of Mseedon,* .T. wf,,1,y-»i*,dsu.of Miches! Rorg,of Ponfield. Boworing,John of Cicero,",T. wf., Joanne ,s1**er of Nenhthelln Beewes.Hrir* ton, Bowmsn,HennPh,of Chptham,".*'. heir of Henry "."owe^l ,"en 'on. Bowman,John, of ClsrVson, wf,,Lawlso,dau.of Mabel Pc Crrty^Vr'-son, Boy»,John,of Poeh^«+«r, wf,,«srrial,who merr<c' 'st.firs fJiwstad of Roch ester. Boy',OHTer of 'he!.-e,«?.». wf .,Pstf«y,heir of Powrrd flknly of Clf rkeon. Boylsn.El lendFu.or g.dtu.of ^iehsel Conntlly.of Rochester, Brace,—- wf ,,bueindf .dtulof Tones pnd Mrry Perch. Braekett.Irs .^Plwey.^.y. wf .,?*ry,h*lr of Thomes Tousey.of Brighton. Brroke+t,— "oneseo C^.^, *•* ry Jme.heir of Robert Mc Conkey.Pochoetar. Bradford,Cyrus of .,Sflly.^pu.of TeafC end Annie Hemintr.wr y of CVi?n. Bradfori.noorgrt of Preece, sister .Polly Porter of Greece. Bre-Hook,Lefl of Foyeleton,w.v. wf.,CI*rises,heir of Eliphslet ndmunds.Pr- ghton. Brsdford,Lurlnds of Tnd. P niece of Polly Porter o" Prsecs, Brp4le^,Alvin P.of T,ooknort,,".*>. wf., J (lis , »su.of Ches.end Phebe R-sith,*o Ore-»ley,wufh,Rochester, wf . ,"Vrraret,M ster of wm."*one of "'he' 'lend. Ore ^street,C1ev«1sr,-',,Rochester, wf.,"#ry,dsu.of Teeep end EliTSlsth *abcock of freac*. Br* in*rd,Bryan of rekin,".T. wf .,^1 ljn?r ,dru.of Rtusrt snd /nnmends rorter of Push. Bre5n* rd.Orrln af Eewbargh.OMo, wf.,!,ucy r.dsu.of 3tusrt snd Amende Por er of Bush. Brs man, John* thf n,af Borne, R.T, wf ..Expcrlanoo.dPu.of Jf^as B'11 lngs.Clf r Branoh,John,Springport,w.v. wf.,Cynthia , d*u'"*;of Rllxrheth Po*e,Rochesta. Brant,Rpn?olph,P*t«s, wf.,Hnney P.dsu.of Fredrick end ^h^urr Roae,P*toB . Br*y,Msry E. Poeheeter, heir of Wil.Jitt Cornwpii of Henrietta . Rra*rton,Mlehr *1, wf ,,Bri dgel,d*u.of Poger CurrPn ->f Rochester. Br«sk,Penl«l, wf.,Phll«ne, dau.of 8<Vs snd !,ormr Aldrio.h,Pooh.»st«r, Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection flragfctor*., - 12 Brood,St'rc, Mich, wf .,*anev,«*u,o# Joehus *«•» Amy R ,apnr*,Swfi-'en. Brigip;B,EH**beth, s g.niaea of Hsrtha Morton of Poehestor, Brlggs.wH** Ann,dsu.of SorMs en-t Solomon "syncs of "enfield, Brlggs, Elisabeth Ann.P.Psu of Bephi* snd Solomon Hfynes of Fonfiold, Brlggs, Hnolina, g.dsu." " • " • " '. Brlggs.OaroHne, • s s s • • • "# Brigf.s.Willis-?;, wf. ,Alth«e,d*u.of Betsey end Js-tob Hughes of Perinton, Prighf m,,of Otsego,Mich,wf ,,8r r*h, dsu.of Thoo.Wirrsnt of Bright* n BrirhS38,Hira<t»,of Ogden, wf,,P*-?*H* ,heir of Xchsbod Rprrgue, Pigs. BrighPm,S*-auol, wf.,8ri!y, hier of Robert Ads-»s of Op'en. Rrifh«-^,Srnuo! of Pre fnbridg»,OMo, wf.,Pm!ly Ann, **u.of P' leb FI' Catherine Race*. o* "on^ield, Pr?!l,Prvi<, r«s.*n'-nnvvi, wf .,*'»• ««»*> ,V«1 r of ^rnnsh *v,*„ -,* "er^ton. Rrinnlnstool —— Honri^ttr , wf.,Ann*, d* t.of Js-«os rnd Pebor^h Murray,o" Wenriettr . Prinoinetool , John of Ranrlatts, wf ..Sr rph,he< r of ASP Purr of werr?ettr . Brinnlnstool, Honriettc, wf.,Anne dsu.Jfs.snd ^e^or^h Murray, Bristol,—- wf.,H«nri«tt» , dru.of Phsbe Colt. Fristol ,Aur n+us of Wheat!snd, af.,Br>uHao,sister r\f Tsrrc T/e^is ,Wht*stlend. Bristol ,P -1 !.y, 'r .t.of Hsnnsh Woodruff P-*4 Mloee of Thos.Rsrt of Poehestor Bristol,TSTPO T.of ChHi, wf.,Phebe, heir of TSPSC snd Anns Co> o" Wheatlend. Pristol, Parter P. of PsnsviJl*,1".*. wf,,!,ydir- E.holr of Joseph BP-«,'?on Bristol,Wi?lism A. Lime,".v. wf.,Sriome,'ru.of EH en-' Ellon TVtt.--rson,P lttsf ^lttsfsrd, arittsn — Vermont, af,,w©v*nn*,ei*ter r»f John Wyi»M. o' freeee. Bras dork,—•" »'. ,'wrgp ret, *eu.of *fsry ~0rr*r, Rochester, Break,wf1 ism L. of.,Harriet,dsu.of 'Wry A->* "rr\J -if Brig' ton. Brockwy.ElishP , wf ., Levin Is ,heir sa Amon Rills of ftp*, Brook*»y,Phobe, heir of EHr* both Rsker of P»trolt,*'leh. Bradla,Jaa«ph, Pittafiold, ea>as,af.,%ry,**u.of '»ry donning,end heir o£ BSKUOI Utley,HenrJ ett* . Brook,Willl*-i H. Brighton, wf.,Hprriet,g.dsu.of 81! snd EHen Patterson of Plttsford, Her aothar wss 'Itry Ann Hrnd. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection T> ugh tors, > !^. Brooks,A If rod ,t nophow of Cellos Hsrtorn of Porlnton. (h; Brooks,0-1 win of RJlleativil I ©,*.•., wf.,Rsrrlet,elster of James C.Mrrsh Brooks,Colenan,wf.,Hst1 Jds ,helr of Amon Rills of Pfrms. Brooke,Oetherine,e olster of Pelin* Hsrtmsn of Perinton. Brooks.Ostherlne.s niece of * * s s Brooke."oorge of Ohm, wf..Amends ,he«r of Rusrn Te Bsr of ^eatlsnd. Brooks, Mil ton, Hanrlstte, wf ..Chfrlatto EHSP. heir of John Former of wearletts . Brooke,^eter.r nooh<-n- of ^cHiv* Hfrt-ien of Perinton, Brooks,—— of St.Joeaph.MO. wf.,Ann B. su.of Wm.end Jane Eirk of Greece. Bro~hy.3!len of Rochester, heir of Pstrick Mc Mlnome of Rochester it J BroJklne.Jp^es,Aurora,w.V. wf.,Jm« Metis,dau.of Joslah snd Polly Rich.Og den. Brower.EHxsb th of ^arm*,sister of Charles W.Me ".(ire of Psrmp. Promlay.Paorfte, wf .,Lucy, dFu.of Susan F,snd Wm.svimr of Figt . Prownoll.AUon of Shelby,*'.-r. af,,T,ydl*,d» 8a«l.and "try Pope of Chi i. *ro*-n,As* !,, "arm*, wf .,bsnoy,heir of ^enry An lere on, P* r-ns . «ro*-in£,Rprrett,Fochast«r, wf. ,8s rrh,4* u.of MfYed rn4 T owlnP fhsnpol ,rv tee Brown,*! of aatertown.Pt. wf,,*stsey,*1s*«r of ^rrp *'snehestsr,'r,er?nt-n. Brown,'Vwi-* A .t>rt.*ord,"t. wf,rJeen,dsu.of Wa.°amilton of Brighton. Brown,— *> st "fl-mbroka,".*. w* „ ,8*reh,«1 eter of R*che* T.oomis LavarsdgS of Rigf . Rrown.Poorgo of Akron,".V. wf ..Abigail, dsu.of' Annf She! *on,Swode-i Brown,Ceo.V,'rf.,Rho-t' ,sister of "height WhltconV of Renriett* . Brown,Tease, wf .,Sus*-n,he? r of Henry Slottle of Chill. Brown,—'Wfterbury,,Betsey,dsu.of Stenher rnd EHr .Mr nohost«T,Psrln? on. Brown,Springws tor, "*.V. wf.,Syl.vl* .dsu.of Ben j.Brtes of Mendon. Brown,Jesse,of Tm Beur*n Oo.Mioh. wf.,«pry,Ann,dsu.of Johns»hsn rnd "fcrthr Hprrls,of Whor tlspd. Brown, Johns then, af.,Sri*,dsu.of Johnfnd Jsn« Ven Siso of Oreece. Brown,J iMr of Rochester, heir of Caroline "orrr-n of Rochester. Brown,Mr ry, dsu.of Srmue! Bishoo of Rwo'on. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection Bsmfhiere,£ •*• Brown,*riett* af Antwerp.^ch,dsu.of Plsrisss snd Reuben Msthor of Swe^e . Brown,Miner, wf ..Rhode ,mother of ">wight Whitcomb of Henrl*tts. Brown,Otis of Perinton, af.,l.ustppo,d*u.of Robert snd Eve Kor H,ilton,of Perinton. (Hilton or Eilton,) \ I Brown,Pbobe dsu.of Wsthcnle! end Eli»b*th Psnn of Rush. Brown.Pichprd of Egromont,Mpes. wf.JjMrry Arm,**ttghter of Charles Bushnel! tn4 sister of Luther Bushnel! or Plttsford. Brown,Samuel, wf .,E!lon,h*lr of Thomas OwRrion sf Rochostor, Brown,Stenhcm,yonds!.l,«,W, *f.,Msry Ann,* Bennett snd Pho^r Sooiey of Clorkoon. Brown,Prum*n,Chili, wf.,Herriet,dsu.of "osh snd Chloe"yler,CMH. Brown,** lter,T onox,"*.','. wf.,Lydf* P. *r j.of Enoch *n-' Almlra *Mkem*m,tT*nr Brown,Werner, wf.,Thankful ,dsu.of James e«d R*ehe! Enowles,P1ge. Browning, Brighton, af..EJlen.heir of Tease en* Minerwp take, of Brighton Brown or Brows,^rriet,of Binghsmton,sister of ^ry Cooper of Rochester, Bruff.Althef A. dau.of Ones* Jennie Jones of r-ocheet©r, Brun«on,8ylV'»et©r,of Sherburn.^.v. wf ..Amends ,dau.of Alexander ttlllnf^ Wr llin£ of Rochester,. Bry^n of Roehost»r, wf .,511a ,dsu.of Mr-ry Brawn. Bryan,Frank of Rochester, wf.,EHxs .dsu.of Amrndr rnd Simeon S.Brown,Poehestor, 8ry*n,Honry, London, wf.,Esther,heir of florid Bmith'end Luarotl* ,hl* wife/ of Mendon. Bryen.fW/Hw' of frrme,sister of Sereh Ann Eillick of Rochester. Bryant,Rp«ue! of "lynouth.P1 oh. wf..^ncv.heir of Pumt»irev Hnyt/Hsrt) Often . Busk.Robert *.of ^srspw.w.w. wf ,,A«endp ,au.o* "eorre E1,ng of Brighton. Buehen,pptrick n. wf.,Emily,«1 eter of .tSmee P.'engworthy of Rochester. Buekley.Crlvin of Angeliop .".V. af.Elizabeth,dau.of v«,»nd Hrnnrh *1dl«y, of Rochester, Buckley,John,St.Hclenc, -V. af^bby,dsu.of Wm.snd Rf-narh Ridley, Rocheeter Buckley,Phi lender of anion rndClsrkson, wf.,Levin* , dsu.of Hendry snd Htnnsh Quivoyof Clarkson, She wr s sister of **mshss Quiwey of Union. Buckmsn,Cyrus, wf.,& lame,si stcr tyi Bsvld F .Armour of Plttsford. Buckmrn,William, wf.,Henna-,dau.of Kilxebsth Mealy af Preeoe. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection Iwught rs„ '>. fetal,8s-ue! of Richfield,Ohio, wf,,T>owins,dsu.of Vm.end Jarushr rlng of Sweden. Buell,Pol!y,deu.of Beselse! snd «%>ry AteMnson of Perms. Buel!,Timothy,of East RloomfieU, wf .,Y uey.s* cter of «oo.Ri«s of E."loomfield. end »*j»ry R-»eeh of »*endon. Buoll.Sr muel, af ,,Tren*. *eu.ef Stephen Parker of Rlgs.^.V. Buell^Sa^ei^f Eoehester, wf..Eme"<1ne M.**j.of Frederick m' PhilurrRove of *etes. Billsrd,airpm of 2nion,Poek Co.Wls. A. dsu.of JohnPihen *r.d bueind* Bebeook of Henrietta. Bu-p. Alden.'-.T. wf.,Touiee,dsu.of "artin Lewis of Rochester, Bunoe,Joe«nh,-^ite Hell,".*. wf.fJsne,sister #f John Smith of Ore-^co. Bunnell, Mich, wf .,Se!inP ,el ster of Aeehft! Berber, of Rochester, Bunn,—- wf ./fcry.dpu.of Abalrrd sn^ "ar" Peynol -'s,Poch^-tor Burbenk,0rmc'Me1 p. oh*o. brother of Molls as wiehols of Rochester. B'-irbank.Ro-hLp P.of Ogden, Pistsr of "CHSSP Hleholc of Rochester, «urch,W'^Hrm,of frnesvl^le.P'1 <o, w*,,Eeth«r,he1r of Caleb *'unson,Perinton Surcher-'.aop r-»"*n of ".*.PH-, grandson o* *nnr, rn,4 JfT,e njxon of '-'ei-'on. Burchprd.Crrlos of Bland P*r>i •**,>*! eh, g.son of John Pnd Jane *!ixon,M*n*on BurehPrd.Hrmiltcm of ''endon, " * • " ' " * • BurchP rd.Joh- P. of *?.V.Oity, " • * • " • * • Burdick.Ephrism of OMa, wf,,?drnn*h.sistor of Samuel R'l! of fenfield, Bir',ick,neor£e, wf.,Ann Elira, heir iff Humphrey Rr rt of 8s toe, Burdlck,TohnP''h*n, wf.,Polly,neice of WjlHsfl B.Orse of **«n^on. Burfot.^rgare-t.dsu.of Bridget Berry of Rochester, Burnh*-i,Er» s-nus, Cine inn* tl,OMo,wf,,Carrie A.dsu.of ""homes snd Jsne ^OPSO of Roohoeter. Burhsnc,Or-vid, af.,Abigail,who married 2nd,Tre T.frlswold, of Plttsford. Burke,*'"'Hsm, wf.,Al-tirs, *hr> msrried !st/forr1s "Velson of Birr. Burleigh,John L, o* Avon, wf .,*oxPnne ,heir o" Jsson w**sr4 of Plttsford, Burling,'*ry Jsn», nelee of Wraths Horton of Roches*or, Burnett,John of Mich, wf.,Merle .dsu.of Pobert *n' Christians Burnett of "castor. Bum*tt,wmism of Roohoeter. af.. El is* both, dsu.of Wm.snd Jsne Elrk ,Oreeee Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection nv ureters, tc B-jrns,Aaan*' of Pittsfield, dsu.of fir* stus Colt. Burns,Jcmes of Buffelo, wf.,B*rah,h«ir of Bestley Pilpeck of Rochester, Burns,%ry,of Austrs Hs, sister of Pe trick Ou-wisfro* snd Jm« Pruce of Rochestr Burr,Charles, sf.,Rebecet ,***!« RP than *nd bettice Morton of Perlrton. Burr,Cornelius A. wf .,!ou«sa ,h«' r of Tsarc byrm of Rush. Burr,Jem«« A.of budlowr? lle,»?.V. wf .,Ohar!otte,nsic? of ^ervy Lyon r*f Roc1 «st Burroughs ,Auguetue,Rooheeter,*f.,Ms ry Ann,dsu.of "e'er e*>d *ary P®*tty,of Trondo-'uolt. Rurrourhs,John of Polumbis ,»*,Ret!y,sister of T*eeo T.Tevie,",he^tJpBd. Burroughs,^eleg, wf.,Ann,deu.of AbrehP-f end Ame^ir SVatt.^wn^eld. Burrow, ^enfield, wf.."'eliess A.dru.of Peter Hiler of ^en*1eld.»urrovr , Burrowatn»or?;u of ^enfield, wf.,«eli««:r Ann, *P .uof "ohn M.Snd tfergsret w' !sr of renfie!d. Burnett.Hrrris, Pgd<m. wf ,,*fenoy, isu.of Abrrm Stcrks, Ogden. Burton,Ass, M<*n?oa, wf,,Elsy,d« u.of Ablgr 11 Richsrdaon, 'lendon. Bush,Helen,naice of Andr«\ Huntington of Fittafsrd, Bush,Henry, wf .,WllhsT-nln* ,dsu.of Philip Pnd Catharine Schmeer.Rochester. Bush,Jsne of Mendon. heir of Andr«w Huntington of Flttsford, Bueh.Weltor,Avon,**.V. wf.,Hrrriot,dru.of 7ebu!on fn< 'a-rlf "eVsrd,Fochost r. Bushmen,Abn«r of Push. wf.,Phobe,dru.of Peorge ring of Rrifhton. Buehmsn,Andrew of wf .,r*>tty,nroh.*eu.o'* "^nie! aoyt of Push. Bushman,Su«sn Ann.heir Pn* prab.a»*sa,of OrnieJ Pn* Rys'r ,T ovt o* Push. Buehnal! .So^on P.of 'Surrey,".T. wf.,Ee*v E,dsu.of ASP sn-« EH*s Sreuldin of P^srkson. Bakbaell ,Willisra,Copenhagen,P.T. af.,Abigail,dsu.of "imothy rnf 'ovlea 8tono,of Henrietta. Buesan,Henry of Ch>thPm,P.*. wf ,,T oulst ,heir of John ".Knickerbocker of Perinton. Butler,WilHe»t of Sodus/'.Y. wf.,Francs*,dsu.of Rliwbeth Bus nberry of Sal ster Pn^ holr of Stephen Pu*«nbarry of Vebater, Butts,Honry, wf,,Ellrabath,dau.of Pobert snd Ssrth Seoflel?, Rocheeter. Byoroft, Joseph, Renrletts » wf ..Harriet,M.dsu.of John/ snd *4pr?*ret lord, Ro h Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection Psurhters, I' IT. Bydnrton/'aorp-*, Pn*prie Co.".v. wf .,Rsr*h, "PD/H-1 Rpnnrh '-"bner o Pen field. Byxbe,Mosee, "dews re,Ohdo, wf ..Betsey,Ann,g.dfu.of EHsbrrth (t)*>tt«rson •f Ogden. Cabot,Sobsstlsn, wf,,Msry,sistsr of Orleb Fenncr, Rochester, Oa dwell,Mil ton, «*dleon,".T. wf., Sell y,'s u.of The .end Mrry Pierce of Ri.rr Cedy,Anson of Rohoneet* dy, af.,Jane,slater of P*vi-« ^en1 so. Pen field. Cedy.Srmuel P.of South "Vkin.Mich. wf.,Pet*ey,nrob.'Pu.of Chr?'.snA Srrrh How of Perinton. C*Id*oil,Anns of Hrse. hair of •'"homes MsH of "Sptee. r> 1 -»-^i! t John, vf,,p!irrVj-*v,-»fr'j.*><* *^pry Weevor.^oehe"* *r, palhoon,Woman, wf.,T,ucy a. »rj.of Wn.end Lorr Crfb of Brighton. Ca 1 kins,**rtin 0. of Henrietta. *f..8arrh Ann, dsu.of 'Vvln rn' Claries* Todd of Pittcford. Cempbell.AreMbr Id, be Roy, wf .,0piher1n*,^f u.of John snJ Enhirrle (?> Mc Palrmid of ^he* tlf nd. OsnEttoll, Cornelius, Rochester, wf ,,Cr*ro! ino,dPu.of Clsrk &f-ker of urtcs. Cpnpbell,°rther1ne,g.dru.of Merr/r^t snJ Donsld MePhernon of Whestlmd. 0ampbe!l,Jpmes, wf ..El ixrbeth.hoir of Elisabeth Rptl ef Rochester, Ce-i-bell ,John of Caledonia, af.,Rolen,dsu.of Donald m' Mergpr t Mo PVrson of Wheatland. 0»mnhell,John, wf.,MSrfesroi, *-j.of Moses *«p"t!oah of Rirr. CsmrhcH , Je«*Rh,7rendon«ol t, af.baey,dsu.of Rnencer »nJ Ana ode "oodaorth, of Ostso,*" .•. pe'-nb'-Jl ,P«ter of Riga, wf. ,TsPve! ,g. *su.O* "'oses *V!!«rV of PlgB,*r/* heir of *»ua* "hereon,Wha*tIan*. Csmp, Ao~ Arbor,Mleh. wf.,Betsey, 'au.of apvM snd Elisr Wastorvelt,rerp1 el '. Cawpf— s s s ef .,Fhaha,»fStor of *eter °1!er,Penf1eTd. C**P,P*vld," * " wf.,fhebe,heir of Mtrgsret R ler,renfield. 0e«P,Betsey," " * sister of P*vid Pestervelt,Penf1 eld. Osnsvrn,—- Mendon, wf.,Mro'it, dru.of John sod Raldrh Sen mlin£,'*on ^n. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection Bsughttirs, u 16, Oandleh.WilHfm of York,".V. wf .,EHsabeth,heir if EH re be th Ms Tnto»h of Whoptlsnd. 0Pnfisld,Eld1sh,Popley,0hlo, wf.,Harriet,-«su.of Wm.Ppd Jarushr Ring ,Rwe'en. C»nn,Bronson/>h«o, wf ..Christies* , «su.«f Jseob s-* «e>*orrh Anthony, Henri ot Osnwr debt, Joe'' T .0* rl djon,*.T. wf.,Jri,« ,d*u.O** '"m.-ssel'yna of "enfield Carey,John of Olsrkson, wf./uoy.heir of Power* «*nley of Plerkeon. Carey, Jane, 'su.of EHsh* Sheldon, ChlH. Csrey,Rich*rd,Flint,Mich. wf..*-ry Jsns,-»su.of OswJd ^k^r of Penfield,W.T C*rlton,Rlchprd, *f.,Truninds,dau.og Banj^snd Ropef*! Whitnev of Henriettr.. Carpenter,Allen,Wef tlsnd, af ,,8yl vis, heir, d»«.(f) of lease end Phebe Uc«*y, Chili. Carnonter,Albert,T.o Roy,a.v. wf.,Emily J.dsu.of *m.H rn^ Cynthlr Miller snd g.dsu.of Rufus snd Klls* Bacon of Rochester, Oarpenter,Abdiel P. "reece, wf.,Caroline E,dsu.of Orrin Snerry of freaee. Psrnentrtr,—-- wf., eullne.^ho nPr.lst.Tsaso Falling of C!prison. Carnenter.Wi llett, wf.,Achsrh, dsu.of John pnd %H ry Poib»«r« of Man * on. Psrr,Arehibr Id P. of 7nov<t» ft) "1ch, wf.,Trne, Ann,^rob..deu.o* Berah en-' Charles W O T of *>r*r>ton. CsrriBe/'ortlmer, g.ehil ' of "Vrnmy Bullaan of "reeee. (Perroll,) Carroll — af.,l#urr Ann, heir of hrvi* Corson of ^gden. Certsr,E*W f.E.F. L« Bsjr, Jefferson Co.w.T. wf ..Emogena,sister of TCorarn A.Pratt of Ogien. QSrtor,—,P.T.City, wf.,Betsey,sister of Elijah Norton,Rochester, Oar tor,George E, Chlcsgo, Penhew of Ptolemy 0eft«r,%ry " sister ef " " " * T .""hr yer.of Rochester, m Carter ,Lo*«a of Js okson,*.T. wf.,Prudonce,niece of Philander Prown,Og'en. Carvar,Lyman, Rig*» wf.,Harriet W.dau.of Anssr pn* Rsehel lover*'go .Pigs . Csse.EHJsh, wf.,rhebo,dau.of '•a-rgsrot en4 John K.Rilsr of Penfisid. Cese,R-mry, af.,tfpnnrh,dsu.o<* John Rodthworth of Brighton. Cese,Wirem, "ock Co.'PHnton, )Vis. wf.f"Pr<-, sister of Catherine V»<?-»er,of Perinton. Op«e,RoubenfB«rro,^.V, wf ., Emily, feu. of *!11sh en* Tuoy Webs tor, Hen r 1 e 0es«,Zobulon,Brooklyn,".V. wf.,EHrabeth P.dsu.of Erasmus i.fB? Ellxr Sm'th of Rochester. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection *»ughttr», §19, Cssk,Israel of Pr rms, wf.,Ablgril,hcir of lewis Eieho^a of Ogden , Ossler,Miles, his wife is s neie.^ of Henry Chsnter of renfield. Csstle.Pharles of Hedinr 'T.Y. wf..Abby.helr of Hiodrte Tor? of Men?on. Castle,,^e 1 sney, R*rwinton,Ot. wf.,%noy,heir of Lebm Beach,Ponfield.^.T Caetle,Tas*c,nreeee, af ,,L»urs ,dau.of John »nd Rabaecs Willirms of Greece. 0* etle,Bel eon. Pa rms, vt.t—,dau.of Theass L.Hrll of Psrmt. Chsdssy,John,of Swo'en, wf.,Betsey,dsu.of Solomon PO4 Betsey Rhu"*wy,SweJe Ph*'hriek,P*nle! ,^ewitt,»»1eh. wf ..Prmey,•" t^rt"* Stark*,Og*en. Chsfoe,—- Tl?. wf.,T,uPi.n",s,*en fsfton,p g.**u.of Jsmes Mc Conkev,who was brother of Robert Mo Conkey of Rochester,. Chamberlin,CpHin S. Pub*,w.w. wf.,Serah,sister of EHrbseth A .Lenrvorthv of Rochester. CbsaJaowll»»,»ti, F«gr, af.,Msry Ann,*• t.of -.*?»sn **,«•** **uP»la«r of Pig/. iL***„ri«»,KHyh of Perns, wf ,,arnnsh,h^lr of Abraham Morrell,0g'en. Chsabors.neorne, af.,2Hrrb<rth.,dsu.of Levi PO-* Therxc Cooke of Whsatlend Chemberlrinternes R. af.,Jane,dsu.of Tra rnd 'ary Bellow of Plttsford. Cheaberlaln.Meleon, 8we^>en. wf ,,Msry,d»u.of Mrrti.n snd Mr ry S^ ge.Wh<v-y1fn? ChaaborlPln.Plstt, Mich, wf .."hebe.helr of Al>e! Parkhurst of Men'on. CTha-eberVin, Lis* ,*.T. wf.,Juliette M. heir,(sister »)sf rolly Seutt of Panfield. Chambers,— af,,Pabor*:h,dau,af State "-^ringstorn, tr onroe Co. Chambers,T.uther, Rarro W.V. wf. ,**rney,-»eu.of "eo.»r.d Susap relsh, "ittsford. Che rnnono,Lewie. Albany, wf ..Eli XP ,** u.of Abrpham Pn* *ry ""ice.Pwe^en. Chapin,—-- af,,Cere! Ins E. dp u.of '*vran *r\* B*!!y aoliy.Roeheeter. Oh* pin,Roderick .Rochester, af.fPesJ omens, John snd Roxy Cr*haa,Creec . Ohaps*n,Ad*R B. Ogden, wf.,Polly,sister of Lucy Herris,Ogden. (Aded Ohapaa- ; Chapman,,bucln ?s, ?s u.of Thos.*nd Eunice Tl llotson/'enriattt . Chrpmrn,Horrea P. Sweden, wf.,Jennetto,dru.of *>euben end O'erlssP Esther of Sweden. Chspran,Tease of Lias.P.T. af .,Mprth* ,helr of Robert Ad#mi of Og->«n. Phapsrn, Rochester, af., by-He, da u.of Sally Rsnlett of Rcotsvi lls/'.T. Chr oman,—-~ Reehastsr, wf.sfcry Ann dsu.of ?*ry Mlnnlse,Pochcste-, Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection Dsughters, i 2-. Charejcn —— of Conquest,**.•. af.,Ann J«nn«tt,heir of John 0'Bryn«,Brifeftej Brirhon. Chapmsn.Moah B.of Mabstr snd P«nfi.e!.d, af .,!,©dieP ,,dau.ef Both fnd Abigail Pierce of Ponfield,*nd sister of Ebenerer Pierco of Webster. Chapmrn.Phebo, sister-in-law of Ephriam Hoora of Rochester, Chepmen,w?!Hsm of Pspoleon/'ich, wf.,EHx*,dPu.of Cethnrine *athorby Blood end niece of Franklin Wetherby of Clerkson.^.V. Channel!, "slesburg.TU. af,,Slalis,dew.of P-dllr FI' Anna Pon^.Pochoster, Chanr>el!#i«ptVn T,. Buffr 1o,".w. wf..Emo'ine.nalce of Wrtha Morton,Pochester Charter .Henry, af.,Jsn« Ann,who was aidow of Erasmus »*nore. Pen field. Ohsse.Ppnle'' t. wf ,,I.ydie ,ds ». of *1 liett Pornwr M of Henrietta. Chacc,Edwin, Psrrap ,rf ,,»*ry,^* t.of John sn* 'wry Houdin.Proocc. Chase,Johnson, Swe'on, wf.,K!irs /nn.-'eu.of John rnd RVnny Mershf! 1 .Sweden. Chase, MOSPS of Pou^lr ss,Mrsn. wf ,,!,ill is,h«lr of 'ionry Ester, of Perinto Chaee.Susr-nrh Ms rip of 0* tiers Co.^.v. hair of Jp.n 'ley of Rochester, Chaso,*'* IHem T1. Tf.,'*t'l da, dsu.of J* men snd Alios "fie!, Poches*er. Chpe«. Honriettr , wf.,Hannah,dau.of Joseph r^ Amrnlr -uasol^ of 8horwoon,Mi«h, Phoney,Pel win, af.,Charlotte, dsu.of John rn' Elisabeth Ps-m of Pl.ttofard. snd e'etor of PaoheJ "\rwney of ^ftteferd, Cheney,Jena of Panflal*, «d*tar of fa-vl-" "esterveH o" ^enfie1'?. Cheney, —— Penfiold, wf.,Fho4e, dsu.of Rljss rr1 "rnny Peker of Penfield. Choney,John J.of Clr,, JuH.s ,-*»u.of A^?en rnf Polly Ten AVon.Plskso Chaney.ppsehsl P.Penfield, wf.,Jsn«, dsu.of >vid rn4 RilS* Resterv.ilt.of Penfield. Cherrymrn,Ell*Pbeth, heir of John Jenner of Pitts for-?. CherryraPn,n©orgo, Henrietta, af.,8srsh,dsu.of Rhodf Gorton snd niece tn heir of Joseph Voode,Chi!i. Chcsbro.Stilon, wf.,Emly, dau.of Semuel Pnd Submit ThomPeon,P*nf1 a'*. Choeesan,C.of Hsdley,Mleh. af.Sally,M.dfu.of Sr rah tn-* Albert Srlisbury of Cls rkson. Chldi ester, Parwln. Wollsott^.V. wf.,OrroHna,R.dsu.of Levi rn' "eMt-bo! Werd of Poehestor., Child,Hohn*thsn, af.,Sonhis ,dsu.of "sthsnie"' *nJ Rore«r !>oahee + er, "©che Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection Ppurht«rs, 21 CM Id. John' than CP-prinf f«*ld,OMo. af.,Rally P.!' ra ,'r u.o* Ru*^^ Roberts,Ropi Chil-'e,Phss.H,'rvrovi-'en<,e,R,T. wf. ,Ahi«-r 51 .sister o" Ptolemy ^.""hpyer^oehes A 'lids,- Wf,,Ann,-'su.of John snd ^ol^y Re-'«-on*,Plf rk.soh, (Chllda.J Chittenden of Conn, wf ..Electa .sistwr of reorgt» Bed field, Rigf.'-.T. C itten-'en.Horec*. af ,,I,ydis ,helr of Heorc© Bedfield, Pirs,,|i.T. Chrysler .""yra-.m C. Plttsford, wf..3r rsh Ann, g.dau.of Aaron, sn4 tipr^h 1«y, snd dau.of 7en^eh Wy.( 7cndsh E.Tay,) Phuroh.Cha r!es,Roch»ster. wf,,Sophia ,dsu.of Abner snd Hr oneh Adams, Og-'wn. Church,—— wf ,,Mprr< at,'su.of Solomon snd Betsey Sh.imwpy of Sweden. Church, Vftflr .Orleans Co.*,.v. wf.,Trone,niece of Abi.r>'1 "u^he, Clerks on. Church,Monry of Og (en . wf ..Hprrio* ,b«1r of !Vvl-' Torson of 'y 'en. Church,'iehits^"! of '•««, ho'r of "homes "r'' nn "pteS. fhur'-hv? It #,w1f! ir~, Detroit, **1ch. af..Charity, d*u.o" Tonson 'n' luey ©assail of V<rr . ''onson is probably Tan son, Cls^,T>weHa,of P* 1 »in,""is. wf.,"prriet,-»»• u.of Taeee Ppton of Plttsfar*. Clspp.P.M. wf.,o0rothy A.'fu.of John Fn' H*r,nrh r./per of Plttsford. Clspp,— wf ,,Ms ry,">» dsu.of Cideon Pa me d»i 1 ,P«*r in ton. Plpnp.aofh, wf ,,Foxa ,-»ru.of Esther snd Tenc ^Iner of Sweden. Clsrk,Aaron, r«naf<eo,".Y. af,,Rsch«i,h©lr of Thornr* tally o" Rurh. Clsrk.Alexpnder, B?*d*lblne,w.T. wf .,Hs onah,helr of R«n.1.end Ablgsil 8iwons of Pe rm* . Clerk,Christonh«r/!0nes«a,P.v. af ,,Rannsh,helr of ""^ow r T>ily, of Push. Clsrk, Chsrles L, Rochester af./*ehd tabs!, dau.of Levi »n* Mehltahcl Wrr*.of Rochoster. Clsrk,Phsrles •. Cb'H, *f.,«#rih* M, dau.of 'nnls P«-"inr*sy o* Chill. risrk,'*hpr!es P. af,,Hall v. widow ne Pelvin northrun of Ph«H, Clsrk.CrlTin E. of Eato- , *'1eh. af., Ann WsrJ* ,dsu.of Jacob Pohler o* Webster. Clsrk -— wf.,Po!!y, dsu.of >n1e! rn? Lydl* *el»h of 'Jen^on. Clsrk, John, Chili, af ,,?*rtr ,sist r of Harov-r I.eder,Rl*y, Cl*rk,Otis, Perinton, wf., Lucy, dr u.of 01 -^teon Rs medal 1, Per in ton. Clerk,Robert, 0eneve/:.T. wf..%ry,sister of F«nie- Hsywood, Rochester. Plark,Phodney, •stes,".y. af.,Prise « Hs ,sister of Thomas rVxon,Plgf . Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection Slighter*, '' **?« Clsrk,*>muel of 01srksborou~h, w*,,*»sra ,h©ir o<" lari ' ^r^v,?, of >-r-ir. Clerk,H0TMr P. *eu.of T.rura »r.T«iv „* Pa*ie«*JJ. Olsrk,Thomas of Morth Best,**. wf,,Jsne M. nioee of ^lender '•rown.Cg^or,. Clsrke,Pro««rn, Rochester, wf.,«enriett*. -feu.of lev! end ^ohitrVel *>rd,©f Roehester. Clsavelsnd,Primer, wf .,^F *h«*rine Ann,dtu.of Henry f r\J Ann Gilbert Tivingstan of H.V.City m-' Rochester, ' Pilbart is mi'dle nfrne of Henry,/ Cliekn.">r,— *f.,Luc inde, leu.of Joseph rnd Ru*r "nsh Jaffor'e of Rush, CHno,Barney of Ph'o, wf, .Srlly. 'su.of Spmuc^ Palmer of Push. CI lne, Veal thy, g.dPu.of 5* «uc! ?©ln«r of Rush. Cobb,--— wf ,,Pets«y,«istnr of Harriet. "Fanchest ?r,of Rochester. Cook, Jr".e EHra'-eth,g.dau.of Tssrc "neks of Shari -»Pn,''ieh. Poagrove.'enj. of R«Wi!lo,Mlch, wf.,T'o^y,hoir of John O'^ryne, Brighton. Cogswell,A dr of Mich. P .'su.of "ornollr m' '"•org*- u«rt of "ebstro. r op ewe 11, Pra nc is W of "ich. g.son of " " ' * f " . 0©ker,Jonae of Brighten, wf ,,*»ry E.holr of Aes Purr of Henriettr . Colby, Epst, Ogden, af,,"rnnsh.dsu.of wenry »M "ebocor Hlee of Bwe'an. Colby,'dell, ef ..Klls-em-'r u.of Ben,1.*nd Charlotte Rsrratt of of Ely P*y of Roches? er, ft ro«ice.» nd huir ColbyjSenh of Qgdon. 'su.of ffilllrm Mobster of Ogden. Ool©,Amos R. rer?nton,wf.,7rnnah E, dsu.of CId<*on Rrmodel?,Perinton. Cole.Penjsmln, Penevo.^.T. wf.,4rcrr-t, Meter of Mr Iter Btsndsrd.Brlghto. Col©, Brighton, wf.,—~sist*r of Ifenlol Lord.P.rl rhtan. Col©,fVnnsh o* Tron »o".ioit, ?fu.of Joseph Selby of Push. Col©,Tease,**nehest«r, Tl 1, wf.,Cornelia ,*• u.of Kc& BanoMet, *erlnlon. Bale Tsrsol, af,,**rv S»w,Jr i.o^ *rr*r*t FnJ °oory "online of Clarkson, Colo>ncy P. sdoote' dau.of Msry m* w»Hl*m karris'- o* 'Won. 0©1©,8P11V of ronna. hoir of Calob -ef« o* Push. 0©lompn,Anson. wf .,*>th«rino E.dcu.of *Vthan*el sn1 So^hlp Poehon'er, Pochc»tr. Oolo-Bsn,Char!es H. wf.,Uurr J.helr of John Rlskolf. of Psm*. Colmsn,- " Bochsster, wf,,Rachel ,dsu.of John sn-1 wf •herine Poller, Rochester. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection "•ugh4 ors, >• ?>, Pollins,Cicero of Rochester, wf.,!«uei.nP .g.dau.of John Pnd PaSirn Wiillssp. of Preeoe Collins,John of Joferson Oo.^.T. wf, ,'1ery,h*<r fll* "bomse Pott, of Rochester. OolHns.ViHlsm of Push, wf.,Rerah *nn, heir of WiHlsm Rishals of C'srkson. Coiabs.lprrett. wf .,arrinjpv, JPne, dru.of *r? rr,-' Alfrnd Ph^'1 ps o* Preee©. Comstoek,Eben of Speoo*»r,fJh1 o. wf.,Mery M.dsu.©f P©orre «"n-» Cornels H*rt of Wobetsr, CometocV,ft*wr^oce ->* Orkfield, wa.,'«Sry,ha1r o* AlPheu* "oo-'rldge of Ogden. Coastoek.lrm-jo? , wf.,Betsev,heir of Pathrnie! Cu-vinc,* of tron-'©''un11. Conele,Sliw>beth,h«>ir of Esther Colby of 'rhe*t1smd. Cone! a,Ms r-- J. h*ir of Esther Colby of ^eatlrnd. Cone,^ riue of Ogle-,, wf.,Betsey,heir of Js-nee farms lee of Ogdon. Oone.Edwar! A. M lfor4,Mich. af.,Msry,dau.of John snd Betsey Madge, Rl.-f . Cone,Pobert C. Leay«lle,",V. wf ,/ra ry,si*ter of Morman A.Prrtt, Ogden. Oonn'illyjrniism, wf.,Ann,dsu.of Je «e» Bostty,Preeoe, Cook,*»ormrn, wfj^ns ,dsu.of Jesse t od AblgY'l 'el sher, ren field. Roman Cook oe of Tron-'OTuoit, wife is Edna.) Oook^illlsm P. o" ".•.Pity, brother of Susrr, Awory of rochos*er Cook,**honas, blveni*/"••. af., Merge rot,hair of wntfrm Mpn*«rvi"a,*"e! star. Oooley,A^on7o a. Povington, *f ,,m** ,**a.©f Chss.pn4 >'«Mr "©ttridg© of Of '"n. Coolcy,"'rum',n of S*odenwf.,Srrah, 'su.of Sarah ^reeton ©" f*e'en. Cool«y,Wil1iFm of Swo'on, wf ..A-'olln®,'su.of *'erey VMpple of Swa-'en. Cool le.WiH ism Rochester, *f..'*ry Ann, dsu.of Ells* both m4 Thosa a lee tee of Tron^oquoit. Coopar,Villisa, Webeter, af,,Polly,dsu.of Burden snd k ry Simeons,Pebetor Co pels nd,Samuel, Brlrhton, wf.,Meroy, dau.of Ebenerer "Itua, Bri-hton. C©rby,welson of Mendon, af.,J*n© Amn,d« .of Reynolds snd Ann? Herria of Monson. Oarer,"©lag, Otieoo,W.T. wf .,Sp nh.helr of Catharine Voe'er, Porlnton. Cork, John W. ^erinton, wf.,Sarah *n>rl*,h«lr of Rama nth* Rouse, of "erlnton. Corvine,P*vi' of Calhoun Oo.^ich. af,,Susan,dpj.n' f-nt Bip1ay,Rush. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection Pru^hters, ' S^. Cortett,»e>*blse, t on don, Pa ns-** , wf.,>ne, sister o" "".Quay!©, of Poehestr The father of Jsne rn^ *m.!e John of the Ts^e o" '*n. Corn©!. 1,7* nlol,"orwich,Crn«-,r , wf ,,Phala , da u.of T»PPC. end ElirrVeth Babcook of Proves. Cornell,Oliver, wf.,Polly,widow of Solomon B.Findley of Oro«»ce. Oom«!l,Richr rdson of Alfred,".T. wf.,Anne,heir of Charles Mosher of Rush. Oorne11,Stephen of Sprlngnort,p.V. wf.,Polly, deu'?;of Elisabeth Go*©,of Rochester. Corne!l,*^hamr a of P-rinton, *f.,Ann* Raphl* ,d*u,©f Srrah anJ Pct^r Brizeo of Flttsford. Cornish,Hire-, of Vernon,Mich, wf,,Lydir.eister of !<©•! '•m Wormer.Psrma Cornwall,Solo-on S. of Prln©avilla»T1.1 • af »,E^ily,hoir of Caleb "unson of "erinton. Cornwall,7elota P. af.,Polixana ,dsu.of ""lihu an4 Mary PUPSOH, Riga. Oort!enden,^hP u"Cey, wf. ,A 'aMtii, vrob.«* MuH rn-' TuHr Sherwoo-' of Brighton. Oerain,St©phan,Brlghton, af.,Srrr-h Ann, •»»•*.af Justin pn? Abigail r?i«»y of Bri hton. Cosgrova, Ashtabula ,OMo, af.,Renn*h,dsu.of Peter HUer, Ponflold, Qesaer, Sr rsh of Thonpeanvjlle, Pa. heir of Mil© Tripj of Ogden, Cavoy.Willlsm, W©otfleld,r.Y, *f,,Ly?le,holr of Rev.<>ki»h Luther of Swe'en. Coalll,Edward, ^gd«n. wf.,Rhode , hair of Rosea Town,Rigs. Cowl ea, Augustus V. F.lrairr,".Y. wf.Prances C. dsu.of ralnh and "Wy Houl? of Swod^n. Cowles,Strfh C. Rochester, lru.ofWn.snd Srreh Brooks of Perinton. Covles.Sylvest'-r of Brighton, af„S*r*h Hsrl*,* u.of Job an' irrrh *?orthruo. 0ox,H*rri«on of Wh©atland, af.,Janet,heir of Teaac T.*©wis of ^estland. Oox,Jo*eph,Pochester, af.,Luey, »*u,of "^ Hannah ™ '^ey, i>oebesier. Cex.Tesee, PhlU, »f.,Aanr,-»au.of p*ri«s end •%rtH* 9h*'P-©!t,vhe*tl*nd. Cox,Sylvia ,o" fioeln©,*!©. sister *f Tsaac %T .-.*la,Ph©Pt1*nd. Coxae (?)Csrrie A. rarrna, 'pu.of PufuB snd Ellwbeth "Pettier, Coxy 1 Ooxsof?) aprthe of Prrmen " Ooyle,Pa trick, Ore.c^, wf.,Joanna ,'su.of Bridget RawUn rnd Wn.nryss,Cre*ce. Crane,"Wry,dau.of Caleb *P ft of Rush. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection *V ugh*era, 85. Creig,»fo8es of PlPttsburgh,»?.y. wf.,Ruth,sister of Abogr 11 R«eth,vlf© of Rlohole R«eth of Pr©ecs. Crendslle-wf..Cynthia,heir of Alexander P.Ecteham of Clprkson/. Crania 11, James, wf .,Sally,*su.©f ©prwh Austin, "0**1 el''. Orsno^eorga ! .Adrian,'Mch. wf . ,Leeh,-«Fu.©f «i--»©en Rsms^ell .Perinton. Crsne, Ohio, wf., Vermel 1*, -*ru.of John and Anna S«*ith of Webster. Crenson,Eleanor,-'su.of ?esslse! end **ry /tchlnson o* Prrmp . Crery.Alsmson cf Swe'»n, wf ..EHxa ,dsu,of Mercy Whiprl© of S%o?©n snd sister of Jsne Whipple of Swe'on. Crsry,Trsd C. af .,»* ry, >r u.of Ellis snd »ri«tts Rindook of Clarkson. Or*ry,*ilHsm,Prr-!r,wf.,Amanda .dsu.of EHJsh and Clsrlses Town'end of Greece. Crsaford,Si-ion of lass, brother of Orr* C.Baldwin of Rochester. Crlbbin.John Rochester, wf.,Susan,heir of Thornss O'Brien of Rochester. Crl^pen,! «w5s of Webster, wf ,,l,uoinf ,dsu.of Tm.*nd Anna Cola ef Webst-.r. Ori.PT>©n,Philo of Penfiel ',wf ,,Puth C.'s i.of "hebe Cesie of Panfle! d. Critteadon.Austin Brighton, wf,fr,rrah,Atu.of Phoo.werranl, Brlahton. Crittenden,Pal*on, af.,Bella Ann,Jru.o* A^P-O S,W1 sero t,*»•etor. Crocker,Joe*Ph Pldg«fiold,Ohi©,wf,,A1mira,h©ir of Te*r-e A'ams of ren"1eldl. Crocker,Ly^an,wf.,PH?abvth,de)u.of "*osh end Clarissa Coming of "on "lei*. Crocker,!w ami,of Sterling,Til ,J*u.of Orniel and Sarah Culraby of Mendon. Cr©cker,WUH*^ of RimristU , ,,"c o-.i .heir of Henry ?>?.Powell of Mendon. Croaw*ll,Susen,ae^en, heir of John Plokols of P* ra . Cronkhito,Rirea of Monroe Co. wf ..Anns , 4s u.of John Ven v«ac, Porlntan. Or©srrovs,Stenh»tnf V«bst«r, wf.,Hannah,dau.of John and Sfrrgsret Riler of Pen fie Oro©e,R©bert J.Rns«es,Tll. af,,Rannahfds i.ef Jseol Benedict of Perinton, Cr©st,Tsthaniel,Henriette. wf .,Susannsh,Ja i.ef Osrrat snd Rllssbath Vsn Busklrk, ©f Rochester. Oreesaaa.John A. af.,Fanny,dsu.of Jahn *n* Betsey audre.Rls*. Orouch,Wi!lism of South Bristol ,**.v. af ,rR*teea,si*ter -" o,n.A .Jonas.Rochestor Croaell.WOiism,P*rre,".^. af,,*Mly,h«lr o* W„,Pa • t-rson *f Pittsburgh. Cu^-*©b©«k,Mosee,Hksn* ties,",we! en,'su.of **rt?n Srurbeek^arint on. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection Tsnghtwrs.'.' 26. Oulberi.Jesse,wf,,«*tildr,dsu.of Hatha nlel Howes of Pn'on. Oullen,Riehtrd,Roeh**ter, wf,,Ca roHne,dau.of Thos.rnd Elisabeth Silver,Focheater. Culp.Strth, da .of Jseob rn' MSry Word of Wrllngham.OeoPdr . Cilver.Trs.of l.enaweo Oo.Mlcb wf.,Ann P.-'eu.if Michael Hosg of Pen field. Bulver,©vtor of Wandom,af«,Tydis .heir of Henry lf.P©ael! of Mendon. Cuebor,— Seottav<11», af.,Phils E.'r-i.of Bally Rani ©It, Scotteville, Cu-omings, ana-.— af.,1*urs .niece of Lather Bunnell of P*.t.t«f©rd. Oumminga,Mr*.Charlotte of ^ran* Rani ds.'Tleh heir of "Vomaa Hprt of Poehestor. Ottmttiags, Frsnel s W. wf ,tahr rlatte.helr of Roe-ell »n' Elisabeth Psrt.of Rocheste endrtrtes. Cu-.miefrod.'Ptoma s, brother of Jene Prune, Roehaster. Curry,Will len of Ogden, wf. ,/lmirt .hair of Brands K.Powen of ^rtcrs. Curtis.Asabel. af .,»'sh*Ubl©,sl.eter of George Re4field, Rige . Curtis,—— af.,"*rl-,dr Samuel RmiJh of Glsrksa* . Curtis,— wf ,,Pr n©y,widow of Sbenexer Perrr Is. Perinton. Curtis,Chaunccy, af.,bol©, o.d u.of Porothy Hiscock of Ri r«i* , Curtis, Almomp.'r i.of Jose^ «ib!*y of Push. Ourtis.Penry P. g.son of Joseph Sibley of Push.CurMs/Flr?'-/ Ourtis,Hir«-m, Parma, af,,Aln©ds,h©lr of Lemdon W©nt*r o* '*---«. Partis,T«w*a, Varaslk.Ponn. af.,*Vnmy,si«t«r ©f neo.R.OImet©-', ^"'sr'-son. Curtis, Philander«w TT r . . wf.,'ouis» fha1r of John m^fr of "rnr. v Curtis,Pixley, Aubum,*'. . wf ,,Sr 11y,h©lr of n>enerer *.eaeh,?ochecter. Curtis,Solomon of Perry,*."*, wf./frry Jsn«,'su.of Josiah rr\* Belly Rues ley, ^itsf Curtis,Smith,Rreas ifcke,Mich. wf .,!&ncy,£.dsu.of J^hn Pn' S«rvl*h KeVy ,r.rint3n. Curtis,Thsdd©us,?hatfor'',Vt. wf.,Sarah,widow of Ralph Thseher of Sweden snd sister of George 01mBtedfC!srkeon. Gushing,Theodore,Swe'en, wf.,Irene. »ru.of Srlly Rimber. Oushing, Theodore, rf.,— si star of Jones Pavis of Sw©d©n. Cashing, af.,Cl*rlsss,^u.of John snd "hobs wee*hrm.Rlr*. CashiB»n.Abner,0hi11. wf.,t>hebe.dsu.of Prrlus end »*rth* «ha *bo! t,~hor tlrnd. J Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection Psughtars,- 27, Cu9haan,Abner, CMH, af.,Phebe,dsu.of Pariue rn' «%rthp Shsdbolt. Wheatlsnd, Cutler,Cha rles F. «©mdon, wf .,Msry,he1r «f Pirate ' ord of *«m^on. Cutting,Robert of Besford,(t) af.,Ellas,dau.©f fhowae Cook of Roohester. Cuyler,Goorge M. Pslnyr*,*/*. af.,Cerolln©,hoir ©f Chsuneey Porter of Plttsford. P*£get,Holly of Ranri ttf , af .,Fl4rs,dsu.of Hoses snd Rhods Jsckman eni g.-isu. of John snd Reeecct Collin* of Mendon. P* ggatt.S.Orville, Parmf. *f.,M*ry A .dsu.of Roubem Putnam of Jarap. Psily.'leriP ,a g.dau.of Jaeon and Olive Hsrer-* of iHttsfor-1. *v ily.^ebe,-'su.of OMve rr.-' Jason nrmr* of Plttsford. ^pllns.Ster^ien, wf..Ann M. **u.of Polly ""hel-m of Rush and half sister of Othniel Phelns of "an'on. > 11e".r'cmry.".,qr.Cl ty. wf .,r>tureh,hoir of* **ry '?r*ohn,Plttsford.'rrob^bly P d*nght*r,) Psnf> rth,Col«anaa, Vsyland, af.,**ery, dsu.of Conra-' and Itsris Van Vr lkenburg:h5 Webster. >nl©l©,Chr s.W, of fcfcry8vine,Csllf. wf.,Marion, dau.of Bsohel snd Joseph Wo-fd of Brighten. Oenke,Ch* rlea,wf .,iorott;e© .^Ho^ of Frederick Meabuck of Brighton, •Wnn.Menry, *f.,Esturrh, dau.of Jeremiah and ^tience R ilsnd, Rash,H.T, Pa nn alls, John of Rochester, af.,Ae*nds John snd Susannah 9aift,Roeh©st«r o*r!ing,Cha*.Ofden. wf.,Ty'ie,'e i.of Rufua and Heyy Warner of Ogden. Oerllng.Hufu* of Greece, wf.f*»olty,to©lr of Pavi 1 Hsrling of Psrma. Psr1ing,Wi!!ism of 0 1o, af,,.Pfasy,**©!* af *a.'*'nd©wlH©,of Webster. P©rrow,—~ ef.,Ra*h H.eistar ©<!-lsw ©f*©hl»y Sampson ©•* Poch©*tffr, sh© was si so given as heir of Ashley Senppon. P*rroa,Eliraboth, g.dsu.of Rlissbeth Pnd ^thaniel Orrm of Push. "»rr©a. Err stus of Rochester, wf ..Susan, *su.of John Msrtin. Parro*,H«nry A. ©f Vinfield,Vis. *f.,Luorstir,dau.of Math»ni©l snd Elisabeth T>nn of Push. Perro*,Phobe, g.dau.of Bethanlal end Elisabeth >nn of Rush. Pa urherty,Charles, 8paneer,0v io, ef.,Jane,sister of Henry Pnd *oi.H«ndse,Febstor. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection Ikughtora,. 2S, Pavls, Poirerstrf Wj^e-na , af .,Mrry A ,•'su.of 'Vbrie! and Arresina, Groo. Oevle,Ann,Augusts, of 1* Forte,Tnd, g.dau.of Banj.Adsit,of Mendon. Pa Vinson,Christopher, wf.,M*ry S.heir of Joseoh Badger of Ven'on. Opvie,John,Pupyrus,0h1o, wf..Orv'lla,hcir of JSne O.Snith ©f OgJen. P»vis,!y''la ,of Rochester, dau.of Phobo Pn4 Aldrieh Co"Wim of Tron-'cuoH. Pavls,*?rlvina , of Tr Porte,Tnd. g.dsu.o" Bendarin Adslt of Mendon. Pavls,Martha R. " • • * " s s s s m^ Tlsvic,Minor**,dsu.of Boo.drmin Adsit of Mendon. Dsvis,Sarah of H rw Raven,Conn, heir of Orrr Manchester,of Perinton. apvis,Spofford of P.T.City, wf.,M*ry,noice of ^arthr Rorton of Rochester. Oay,alpheu©. wf .,Srlly,neieo of Esther Oolby of Wheatland. Os y,Frederick, Ken if 11,P.T. wf ,,^a therino,df u.of Catherine Rsdellff , Pates osy,Henry,Jackson,Mich. wf.,T.ucy Jane,dau.of Lucy RusceH,Rochester. Osy/^sry of "oyslton^.Y. g,4*u.of Charles Day of Mendon. Oey,Sateh of OhautsulUP Co.*".V. heir of J*-tee Phase of Henrietta . P©sllng,MlehS©l of Wye©k,".V. wf.,Msrie, dau.of "Sry Starr ^n^ '".Osu of Cornelius rn' Ann ^emerest, *rirhton. P©sn,°tpfford, wf ..Abigail .heir o* Tevl and Pho's '"trran. ^^©ftSuSfelaS^M^ m" N, h ' ^.«*»rnr,»ahat« "»©eker,EH,of Van Buren/'ich. af,,Ann E heir of Stsohen Ousenberry. (^te from the will of the wl ?OT of Stephen is given above.) Pecker«.Eeei*B of Woleott.f.V. wf.,Fho*c .dsu.of Esokiel end Lorette Jewell of Fsrm*. 0© Qer>nop wf ,,JuHe ,sister of OolH snd AmsndP Ruse of Mendon. Pe Qa rmo, 4* tthea, of St.Louis, «0. heir of "hoebc Rovoy of London. P© Graff. of Rnnd*n,R.T. wf.,!ouist .dau.of VrH*-n and B«ts©y Clsrk.Cla rksn. Oe Grow.Jr^es of Opper Cfnrdr,wf.,iol!y,d*u.of Frederick *nd Oorothy Het©ler of Wheatland. Os lemster .Anson,Napoleon,Mich, wf.,»an«y.heir/si star » > of Frrnklin Vetherby, Clarkeon. Pelano, wf ..Sa rsh,«1 ster o# C*thRr1ne c-uernscv of Poehestor. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection Daughters-,* 29. P©lsno,B.F. of Rad1ey,Mieh. af.,sjary Ann, dau.of Albort and 8- r* h Salisbury of Clarkson. Oalsn©,*r©d«rl©k, wf.,l*#ry,lister ©f John Oourherty,Rorhester. Pe ^*>rse,Frederick, wf..O»ry Ann, ^au.of John ^r\^. Mary J.Ha go of TrondoquoH Paalng,— wf ./Hsry.elster of F>^«1 ttley. Henrietta. doming,E.V. of OT*or^.*»1eh, af,,R*Vy,<•*•*,of •Hrae,» ar* Fi^eli* r"h1-'lT*,0,prVan Paming.Peorge of Rochester, wf .,*•>!«Ids ,dsa.of Psi.snd Hirs A .Wright of Henrietta . Oemlng.ieorg* E. wf.,t«*ry,dPu.of James Me Bride o* StniTat^r.^.T. Pvnlson.T.inrs, Psther of Sophie O.Bostwiek of Perinton. Pen ton, FTP no is of Wheat lend, *f.,Alnira,dsu.of John so' AbigMl «Mna.Ehec tlen Pepoo,Joseph, wf.,Agnes,deu.of Robert and Jane J.Penny of Rochester. Oervill ? --V-- Oneidr.Tll. af ..Charlotte, dau.of Job and »re<»4ora Phelps,Clarkoo Pevoresux,Ensphros, Pocherster.OMo, wf ,,Sa lly, Is u.of Tk-vi? a nf Polish VwlH'o of Webster, neaey,Henri#tta, h«ir of caleb Taft of Rush. Oeaey/tlnus, Pontisc.'Mch. wf..Clarlndp.dru.of Aboi BelVnrn. PITT. Oe Witt.Shermen, Henrietta, af.,Susan O. sister of Abraham P.T 1nfioln,n*nrie^p . •^©7e!Hn,Orth»rino,heir of WOHsm We "srlen of Riga. OiPmon^Teaeo P. Henriettr , wf .,Taur* ,deu.o* Th©s.and Eunice ""illotson, Renrlettr. nietht«hy,Philip of nre*ce, wf.,Mrry.'**u.of WillUn snd Jane Eirk of Greece. Plcthrlch,Francis, af.,Aps,dsu.of Simon and Mrry Ann Biler of R©shest©r. rjlck©rson,0cmsliol, Akron,0> 1o, wf ..Cermenth* ,halr of Pickarmsn Chamb^rlci of Plgr . Oleklnson.Weltstill 8. Mendon, *f.,PermeH* R. dsu.of Daborrh »nd John Hr rris af Mendon. 7»l©kln*on,wnil*n,Boeton, *f.,Annls,sister of John Dougherty of Rochester. Pimou,B*t«ey,h©lr of Eunice Tlllotson of Henrietta. oi-»ieh,Loander,Henrietta , af .,rVnny,deu.o' Rho*s «srtan»Watstian says •Sieee of Joseph Waods/mili," Lonkundor both "orton m' Woods,(Pim^ick J Pisbro,5svls of Sherman,"eon, wf.,<*ry,dau.©f AWr*H **rinr. nisbro,EH*a H.dsu.o* *1!as an* Canthis Rail o# Pne*eet«r. Plsbro.'frrth*. *s*.of Johnathan "ason of Panfiald. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection Orucrhtere,! 5- . Plsbroa, John .Roche ster, wf. ,RHra ,he1 r of Spmua! Rswilton of Rochester, 01*er,Bingham,Henri• , wf,,Orph* .dsu.of Thosv-s snd Eunice Til lotson.HHnri Pi*er,W»rren, af.,Rath,dau.of Thomas snd Runioe Tillotson of Henrietta. Warren Piwer Is s resi * nt of Roohester. Pob8on,hVvid,0etroit,»tieh. af.,Jennette,he1r of *ii!iem '?e Parian of *igs . Oolbeer,John of tendon, wf.. Patience, -fa u.of *V thews. *V»1be r,John of P*r~1nfton,?,ich, wf.,i%rtha Ann,"»au.ef Elisabeth Ln Brunt,Mendon. agonal-'son, J-ihn of Feufhkeopsl e, yf. ,*a rtha .he* r <i* Charges Mosher of "ash Pone,"ester Ann o* 8©ath East,*"/', heir of Stonhen Rerrdtt o" ClsrVaon. 'Conns''ly, J->hn ".of OetsVlHtW,^, *-f.tJa-.e A,*>u.e* *<rr\- B*a1-*fm n" Poches+ Pooling,Rl lay of ^enoswo,1".w# v^,t'hry P. 'su.of S*"reh rhanl?»s o" Le Roy.".*; r 'orr,5dwa r -», -*-f.,/in Amelia , -rob. -"a u.of Ben j .end Martha Bliss of rer1n* Ooty,«ilHsm ".of Tnd. af.,Jsne, leu.of WiHiSn and Jane r* rV of Greece. Pouglssa, —— wr.,Porcaa,sisttir of Joserih V ,P«r\rvpdo,Rochester. Oougles,teytQn of 8t^r!inf•,•*.',*. af.,Lar«tte,deu.©f Kaeklel sn' !.©retts Jeacll o f *e mv>. Powner,Avery of Wryne Co.'Mch. wf. ,"*mnah,-*py.of Belinda Allen of uen'on. Oowner,Avery, Horthvi lla.^ayn* Oo.W.T. wf.f4lannah, dau. of William tn-» Belinda Allen of ^endon. iV<zry awldently the earlier recor-',) noenev.Ree.hel, da u.of Rllseh©th Pnd Joh n Msnn of Pit'sford. Poaninr.Wenry P. o- W*la©rth, wf.,EH»both A. sister of Owl* P*ni«e «f »©fl*ld. P©y1e H©m*n of Plttsford, ef.,A1*arl* ,dsu.of "oses en* rho'a JeeVmen. Poy!e,-ohlss of Rochester, w^.,A«n.he<r o* Ann 0©r*n o* Poc*eeter. Ooyl©,Ann,residence unknown, s? stor of OstWln* Pon n of Rochester. Doyle,P*niel of Rochester, af„Wsry,dP ,.af RatrieV m' Rrl 'f«t «c "onal-' of Rochester. P©yle Tobies, Rochester, Mich. wf.,Ann, prob.dtu.of Ann Dor»n,Rochester,' .Y. Doyl©.Wm.B. Akron,Ohio, wf ,,Ha rri«t,d*u.of MSrtin and Msry *te© of *het-la0?. nr*ke, %eh. af.,Jalis, sister of Lemuel Bullmrn of Honda*. Pryer,W«.H. Rll©sfj©i i,M1oh. wf.,Betsoy Ann,'su.of Justin snd Ahir/5l Alley of Brl-ht©on. Oudl©y,Hlrea O.H. ©f Oreenbush P.P. wf..Msry.heir of Joseph <" stwood,Rochester. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection Oaufhtors, 5 I •>'• Puel,Abn~r of flwe'en. af,,Jenn«tte,dau.of ^anta! snd ^lirebeih Cobles,3w.•••»** Puel .Catherine of Forth Rioomflel-'.ov^o, h«<r of Henry ",noweil ,*der.Jon. Punber.Francie of Perinton, wf ..Harriet, prob. dau.of Ansel md OrrhP POT<H (Hoaerd)of Perinton. Ounk.Lyaan of,,Almlra,heir of Both Williams of Merlon. Dunkly,Jesse of Re* P*ne,*.T. wf.,Ren©y, dsu.of Priscilla Far© of aftas. Dunn,Betsey,of N.T ,Clty,neie* of •i'llas Tone of Wheatland. Barfeo, Browne!! of Rochester, wf,,t,ttey, dsu.of "anrv m* Rebecca Hi lee,Sweden. !aU»©nbury,Joehus of KMW. wf.,E^ily,dau,cf John and Elisabeth %*h of Cetap. Ou»enberry,^toohen,'J©brf ska,Mich, wf ./rsria ,hair of Tabsn Beach ©f Pen field, Pueenberry, Steven a* Chicago, wf.,^rrah E.-»ru.of John an' Sue'nnah SwiftaY' ©f Rochester, Ousing ,Toswua ©f ^peh^nrto^^'^e^^w^.jPhristlanP ,h*<r o** Pet^r Myers,of Push. Owtrjit,irrin R.pi©Men*,W.V, a*.. An*, day,of n''»»r a^J /nn *Vlean,Clerk*on. Pyer,**ris, sister of Ellas "ega^m of Rochester. Oyor,WjH ism,nephew " " s s c Oy-r,Wi 1 H«m,Roche"? er, af .,Oharlott©,dau.©f **ry Harvey of Roches*«r. Rsrl, Joseph of Mendon, wf .,8o-his , heir of Beth William© of Hen-'on. lestor.,—— Olffor',0hlo, wf. ,ArtenlBst ,dau.of St«nh«n and Elisabeth inches tor of Perinton, Bat on, John,Trumbull Co.Ohio, wf .,80-hia ,ds u.of Abel "iinemoro,Tn n^o'uoH. Bast©ti,JuHus of Gifflrd,Ohi», wf..Artem1elp,slstf»r of Orra Manchester of Perinton, Eaton,Ma thaniel,,w1l«raVurr,0»ilof w**.,T yeena ,h«1r o* ^enoni S~rrru« of Roohester, *0>e wife 0* Ber,oni was Srrsh. Eble (or "die,) Baino, af ..Rho-'s ,b©1r o* "en^^homraon ©f T>n"'el'. Eoker.John of Onon4aga 0©.*".*. wf,,Harriet f.naic* of "ao/.V, Rochester. B©kl«r,",homas,T*1ttoford, wf., Ju' is , •'su.of "eo.r n? Susan *Vsv .'"'it.tefor Eddy.Hester,sister of Frederic1- Bushna,l ©<* Orooee. Eddy.Proaurvel, wf. ,BV:../o©t ,h*/ir -if Oavt? *ferllnf-,of *sr-*. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection Dsur-'hter»,# 58. R^-iy.Thomas of Rochester, wf,,Phebe,he1r o# TSPPC Tyon of Push. Sdgeoomb,As* r. Mount Worri*,*.*. af ..Amelia, dau.of Vly Kelloga. Edgelev,i'arah,s1st«r of Sema*l PPerV of aochester. Edferton,Pamu«l, •eteon ,M1oh, wf.f*>eba »'.'eit.of -"ohn *»>d Pirr" Poae.CiarVe Edward©,Charles, Rail ston,*.*. ^a.r/nT, SH7p.dau.0f Adonl 1*h and Afefgsll Skinnar of Og^eo. sjdwar4s,7Vvld of ClarSrson, wf.,Ahby *isria,dsu.of 0*n1<*1 and Elisabeth Cowles of Sweden. Ed*ar?s,Mr,ry of States Island,".*, heir of P*n1el Pen.field, Edw*rdB,ThomPB of Bristol, Engl snd, wf.,Ann, dau.of A«n Price of Rochoate. trrn&rv of 8oi©n,P.r. slater of John Elneella of Rochester. Igbert.Th ws,Medina,CM o, wf ..Cornelia .dau.of Rilxaheth Van Br ant. Men don. Eggleston, wf ..Hannah, *a i of-Hxebeth **tt*rson of Ogden. Ehle,°ermPn H. af.,Tavinl*,dsu of 'Yvid and Rachel ^uackenbnsa of Clarkson. Eldridge.Evrn'or of "V Puvter,".*. wf. ,Pi>tsev,hei r'dru U of Samu^ Pnd aelly *ay of °weden. Eldridi:e,Harvev,Pin-'1ev,i0v<n| *f, ,*>»• rah,dau.of' Sally "fy^c-'nn. Eldridge.roeth, wf ,,Puvy,ri *ow of John &Wdf Sweden. Eldridgo.^athan, wf.,A^nos ,hel r of tnU*s ,*.'%rtin,P*n*1 eld. fldridge,Tho«r s P. W.T.Clty, wf..Julia .-'su.of John 'n' EHxr 0strom,3*ed«n. Rlgcr.^emuc!, wf., Jo*nnPh,h*ir of T'anry "Kstn of * erinton C H*nry Esten,/ Elliot,Adsm.Hiekory Comers,Mich, wf.,0s tharin«,hoir of Jim s "Vlloch o Wheetfleld. flUe, wf..MPrasc Jane,dau.of SHjsh snd Slbbell Scutt Pichols.Pe^fi^ld (hoir of Polly Scutt We*t*;sto,p©nflsldJ fills,aenj* in.^.V.City. wf ,,^rir ,h©ir of Thomas (? ) Tousey,Brighton. Elll©,0©org©, wf.,Merey,widow of Thorn's Jones of Henrietta. SHU.Joaeph of Clarkson, *f.,0h!o©,d* ;.af "oraoe snd Polly Sourer ,»rirhtoa ElH.on.RH* of PlBh'-n, -v. w-.f"ary,heir of Chrriee «oeh©r of Rish. Ell©werth,*arv Ann,dsu.of ^srraret rn* Silas "ood^orth.o* "orthfm-d,on, . ©4lton,oe.".*. Ily.'oamuol r.Rochester, wf.,Harrie* R.dsu.of PrJrh in* Betsey "r^er.Orecce. Rlyls,John of 1«© Poy,wf.,Mary,heir of Robert Monrie of Pigs. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection Rsoghtars,? >?. Emereon.Chsrles of Rochester, wf ,,Meli ta ,heir of Jaeob Eillam of Vehflt*-r, Rnoo,Morgan.Pi rietow.Mieh-. wf ..RHrabeth.-'f u.of *i Mia- an' Ann 01*rv of pprm Snelgn,John o* Dover,R.T. *f.,Alnlra, Meter of Orra Hanehester o<* Perinton. Bates.Allen of Crledonle ,a.v. vf ..EHra .dau.of Samuel en-" Mary Pope of Chili. E©tes,P©ora«,Clarkson, wf.,Sarsh, dru.of Jab an* Freedom Phal ns, Clarkson. Etta,Egbert,^-rinton,wf..Jane,h*ir,'d*yi,t)of Pos-^el! FP' Laity "urre11, Perinton. Evans,—— "Ttica,vich. wf.,Very Ann,-*au.of Phodi* Oorton,M«e > of Joeerh "od** Woods,of Chili. Swans.Cp rter,Og-»en, wf ..•hank**!,dru.of J©#! Bal-*win,PhiH. Svens.Oeorge P./ubum,r.v. wf.,»,et1t.1p R.sister of "fcrthr ! ockwood.^ar-r . Everett,Postal! . wf ..Sosamon*,'su.of Cyrus an-* Leah ^PcVard^erinton. Rasrett,^1!HPm. wf.,RebeccP, dsu.of Vinco-t Ms thews of Rochester. Fairehlld,Edwin. Ploomfle! i,n,r. af .,*ria,dau.of PoHy Eellogg. Fslknor,Panle1 of Men'on, wf .,Msry,d*u.©f Thonr n rnd Hrnnah Pckenden.^lttsfor!. Fsmum,Avory,of Shefi.el %T! i, wf. ,Oorc*s,he1r of Thofeae Pr-'wer of Perinton. FSrr,Fenny,dsu.of Diodst© I.ard,©f Mandan. Fsrrant,James,*pei!pnti ,Mieh. wf .,0et>>er1ne,deu.«e ^ierre *r\i "arr'et a. Thomas of Poehester. Fassett,— — wf, ,etar*h,widow of •**-un-» Fermentor of Penffs!''. Fellows,Andrew,or 'Jseton,*.^. af.,Sbry P. -* ^ruwn *n* "ary Ourtis.^rrrir . Fellows,Bony-in of Chili, wf., Jane E.hdr o* Archibal' Stewsrt of ah©etl*rtd. Foil owe .Henry, Rueh. wf ,,EH rsbeth,dau.of "kthan and Hannsh Rose, Rush. Follow*. James H. wf. .Emi!y,niece of Henry Martin of Plttsford, Fellows.Wiillam,Chill, af.,Louisa,£..dsu.of Ben it-man Bheldan,Chili. Fenner,Joseph of Henrietta ,wf,,Aurorr ,heir of Jt>n&9 Chase of Senrl^ttr . Fennay,Elizabeth of Ob«H in,Ohio, heir of 'ten' H.Perkins o* Hart for', Conn. Ferguson,-— Elkhart,Tnd. af,,Sar«h,sister of Asorvth Colby bill!sbrldf,©,Greece FerguSon, Fanner, Ml oh Iran, wf.,He! en .heir ©f William and Ms ry 'ip John, "tit Ferrie,Or*»mue, af.,"tery.*au.of •"Imothy Colby of ^g'en. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection fl purhterp, ^*. Ferric.aViter A. %'nn. wf ..Per'eli* .be'r of Amos Spring of Plerkeon. Fldler.Mrs.Helen M.of H.T.Ci'y, heir of Thorn* r Hart of R©©h«ct©r. Field,Luther wf .,Priseit1a. , "He©!!!* VP re of Ortee. Fields,Betsey, *eu.of Reuben an4 P©lly Heatfc of Rhestland. Filon,**ieh*e! . Roches'or, wf ,,Ser*h,dsu.of John an4 Mary S.Van wees,Perinton. Flnault, Jacob of Mara thon. Mi oh. wf ..Oeborah.helr of John O'Bryn^,Brighton. Finch,A. af,,MSry,d*u,of Simeon and Lucy Bristol of Perinton. Finigsn.Lsarence of Pi-esoott.Oans-'r , wf .,0a therine,da u.of Ostherlnc Fiffer •nd Pstrlck Menlgan of Preeoe, (Catherine Fifer.) Flnlay,Oaargo, wf.,Maney,sister ©f George Redfieid, Rigs, Fichol 1,Jacob, wf.,folly,noise of Be aid BoH of Push and Psu.of John B©11 . Flshell,John, wf.,Ba1iy,ne1ee of " " " " Flshell,Henry, wf.,Marian,dau.of John FFIJ *a>gJol©n Pooley o" punh . Fish,Sarah v. Provi 'ance,r.T. sister ef Ptolemy ",'"hpy<*r of Poches*°r. Fisher,Ocorgs, Rochester, wf.,**ry Jrne, dau.of Psvid m* 8*rah Aeer,Pit*sford. Fisk,-—- Sweden. af,,Ew*Hno, 'su.of WiHIs-. »n' Jerueha fine of Sve'cn. Flske,Joel of Co! dveterh', *f ..Sally.heir of Ashley CriP-^en of Penfie d. Pitch,H«!eon,Rig? » af.,Arlette ,dru.of Ceorre m* Experience Richmond, Rige . Fltrgsr* 1 d,'•isry,dsu.of Bridget Barry of Rochester, Flotehor, Fentonv* lie,Mich, af ..Mr ry. sister of Jacob Ho"fman,0,< H. Flynn,Andrew of Pembroke, wf.,%rrar.vl.dr u.of Oanie! Barry of r-oehester. Flynn,Catherine, d u.of Pollx Mc «ulre, of ^r» <ee. Foot.willlsm of 0t1e*/T.M. af ..Plorinda .heir of *rg*rot Msnlfsa.Roshestat. Foots, Pachoeter, af.,Ohsrl©tt©, g.dau.of hVr^onla an' Sonhronir Si-wons, Psr-*. Foote,Wiilism Allies ,".•. w<\,r«ler«n'a ,'au.of Rassoll 'Mekerson of nrP^o. For',Joseph, P©rintan,,*f.,«iah«s,(Tj dau.©? .toserh snd Elizabeth *oolsion( •ronton fl) M.T. Probably «ntahd©r» for »'en'on. nor^ rtenesr-e Co.^.W. wf.,Betsey, si star of Caleb Fenner.Rochester. Ford,Henry of Podge Co.WJs. wf..Polly, prob.dcu.ef Srrsh an' ChrrUs Ho* of Perinton. For',Laclndt,mother of Ann 'ulls Austin of Vneetlfnd. F©reapn,J*c©b B.Tarlctawn.R.T. af.,*rrh Jane.sister of Sd^rd Rnspp,P*rnS. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection laughters, I 5*. Forsyth.Tiavid, of ClsrVson, af.,Betsey, a«st*r of Wi'lism ^erry of ClstVso-4 F©reythe,Orlandom Clsrksan, af.,Pr!ira W. deu.o* John an' CheVetie Prlmar of Sweden. Fortone.Oeorf ?•, *ete*,,".T. af.,Bua*n, dsu.of Wlmnthy snd EHxabeth "'right,Perms . Roseate,r*ni*!,Perry."?.*.vf ./©is *nn, heir,(dau T) of Wins low Hoe th, "en fie! d. Fo*slre,Dsvld o" Clarkson. af ..fermolis ,'au.of Cyrus »nd Pretta Amidon, Pr rme . Foster,Ha than, wf .,*ou!ss , da u.of Jahnrthan snd Elisabeth Baker of Pcnfield. Foster,Oxl* s, Greece, wf., Josephine, dr u.of Bertha S.rn' Samuel P*vison,G recce. Foster,8hep*rd,C!*rendon»".'r.wP.,yehnls,(*khsIs,) sister of Oliae Luther snd heir of Hezekiah T«ther of Sweden. Roster, Will is a. Wis. af..Harriet, heir of Philander Curtis of ^trw. Fountain,'Fountsin,)Sara,Penfleid, af.,Berephine,heir of John Le Clear,Penf iel 1. Fowler.Jesse, Henrietta, af.,Ann,dsu.of Wn.f.n* Hrnnsh H«11 of Plttsford. Fowl er.Pelson of rirp, af .,8er*h,g.dsu.of Srmuel en' HSrths Rr'rham.Og-'en. •owler.^llHam,"*^' fr-ne,^.^. af .,Wrrtr ,L. '•s-i.o* John rr-* Ann Plira Ar~*trong. mtsfor*. F©aler,Wi!lis-,TMtt8ford. W.T. af..Msrlr A. niece of George Parker of Plttsfor'. Fox.Abrsm of T^mt, wf..-©xy.deu.of Charlotte,an-* Srmuel Hicks of PBr^a. Fox,Leavett of Brirhton, wf ,,Lura, dsu.of Horace an' Folly Scudder of Brixton. Fox,Leai«,Ponfi»ld, wf ..Mercy, »i u.of Oavid Rsker.Penfield. fox,—— supposed to be of Penne. wf .,Ssney,sistar of Siman Van Msaee of Rochester. Fox,R©nry,^ochfflst«r, wf., EH sa , dru.of Alexander end T uey "e«d ©f noehester. Franeie, WlHlsa. Rochester, wf .,Cordalls, dau.of Llvinus rnd irrthr Ver Hsge. Rochester. Pr*neiee*,J©hn,Wea Haven,Vt. af,,Msry,ha!f sister ©f Ashley Srma*on,Rochester. Francisco,Frsnole, Monroe Co. wf.,Ssvina or bavin* ,e*u,of John Van wess^erlnton. Frsnklin,A©ahel. wf./uey Ann,^u.©f Chauneov -.^ebst^r, of Brirhton. Franklin,John ". La Po*,-.*. wf ,,Q*th©r«na, «s«.nf TVul Pod "aria Auten^'H. Freee©n,Chauncey, wf ..Harriet.'su.of Hannah tohneon, Swe'en. Frewmrn, Kalsm*70o,Wieh. ^f.,Planthr Van Tr ften,g. **u.of »Tam©s,brotheoof Robert Mo Oonkey of Poaheeter. Fre©mPn,Peor^ ,*Vrmw, af.,3as*n, dsu.of John B.end Panny Allem of Rochester. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection Prufhtfrrs, ?f X'. Fronch,Alain S. Brirhton, af .,Pebaoca, 'ru.of Pobert an' Mary She*ror,Pitt©fard, Frenoh,Lyd1a , dsu.of Beteey Bates end nalo* of f!.llt»B Laar«nee of Rueh. Fraieh, Taylnr's Falie,Mlnn. wf.,Susan L. half sister of Lewis H.Joy of Rochester. Prlnk,RhoJt ©f Part "rrnlr .^sn* 'a , dsu.of Reuben and Clsrlses ^ther,Sweden. Fr i shoe .George, Greece, wf ..Catherine,dau.of EH dah and atrlpm Townsendo'S of Preee©. Frlsble,JuHa Ann.Pi ttefteld/laee. neiee of John CaH of *'-en'on. Frost, ^iohfleld, 0» «o, wf.,Eunice,dau.of ww.,n,» jerusha Ring ©** Swe'en. Frost, Oeorre L.of Rochester, wf.,EHx*both,dsu.of Sarah Smith of Rochester. *rymire, Ind. af.,Grace,sister of Rsnry Hendee of Wehs*»r. Fulles, wf.,Betsey,sister of Oata Butler of Perinton. Fullam,Lemuel 0. Perinton, wf.,Lavlnie ,dsu.of Phebe Case of Penfield. Fuller,—- wf ,,0f therinejfistftr of Fanny Lewis of rer-oe. Fuller,Olsrises , dsu.of Peorr,- King of Brighton. Fuller,Henry of "t.Clemmon8,,'rl©h. af ,,C*th«rlne,hoir of ^m.Lewis of Prrn* . Fuller, J* cob of Bergen, af.,Amy,'su.of Prise* He Vrrrt of Grt,an. Fuller,John,Ch»H, wf.,Eunice, ' B©n.d*min She!'on,rhl 11. Fuller,Laura A. g.dau.of «eorr' ''lay of Brighton. FuM or,lew* B, wf ,,nebeoee ,dBu.o^ John r«v? Rebecca WVHrms of f^r^oce, 'u!ler,wn!lem, Adams,'*loh. wf. .Hannah, sister of Polly Scutt Wentgate,Pe«f icld Fuller ton, John, wf. ,0a roll nc, dau.of Robert an-' ChrlstlPnr Burnett,^ebet^r. Fullers,Js-nes R. Monroe Co. wf.,Emily.dsu.of Phlledelph'e 'fertin. Plttsford. Fulton, or Fatten,-Clsrkson, wf.,Mary,heir of James Chase of Henriettr . Fulton,Cs lain .wf ..Edith, dau.of Hrnnah Bradfor', Rigs. Fulton,Oolumbus 0. ©f Til. *f.,*4*rthp Jme, g.dau.of Haramonis Snd Sophronia Simons of *Vm*. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection UP urhters , 0 7 . Oege,FroaaPn,Oheektaws£r,H.T. wf,,^hobe, Rn.rnd B«!in-'a Allen,Mendon. nrle,Lsvinls, 'su.of P©*ann* sn^ Rufus Messamrer of Brirhton. Csge,'rhebe af Mandan, Belinda Alien of Mendon. Oele.'H-.oms s, wf., Julia , 'su.of •s/.m-' Paro'ine Fi1ton,Psraa. r?elent1ne,Wenry of wree«e, wf..Wrnnah.'su.of aathan an-* Hannah Rose of ush. GslluP,Andrew of Clsrkson, wf.,MSi-v A. Ts**e frA roi!y Houston o* Clsrkeon. Oerbatt. Jeremiah, af .,Ly*<p ,-»au.of Orret 'fryer of Ogden. Osrbut.Mlcholes of OprUon,t».T. w<*..*ry.heir of Elizabeth Me Intoeh of Wheatland. Parbut.Philit? of Ohio, wf.,R#ney,sister of Oanlel Sheffar of OhiH. Gardner,John R.*e*t Bl aonfield,R.V, wf ..Ann* ,*1 sV>r of am lew Herrick of kenl^n. Per-»nar,Levl of MCnr Co.OMo,wf.,!,ydia .sister of EHsha. Stiekney .Sweden. Osrdner.Jrmes, wf.,A! vlrr , dau.of Posts an' Pannah Chamberlain,Sweden. Gardner,John, wf.,f>therlne,sister of Jsmes Soger of Prankfort,".T. nsrdn«r,John. *'l!H*m*on,"*.V. ef.,to ilea ,dsu.of Betsey An~ Johnson,"ocheet Oerdner,John.**ovi,,Jens,-dau.of "Pr*> n«~ing,h«<r of Sr^uel T?tley o* "snrietts. Psr«ner,Spmuei, wf .jAl^irc ,dsu.of "Poos.rn' Eunice H ^olson,Henrietta. u erlend,.TohnMoPr of Vir.s!©w,MSln«, wf.,Trene Ann,sister of Mtry Sou+herin of Rochester. Gsrr>?on,J:>hn,wf.,*'phfna.dau.of Ann end Frederick P.Mi!1©r of Greece. Osrrison.^mucl B.Greoce. af.,El!©n,dsu.of Anthony and Msrgsrot Jacobus of Greece. Gaston,Joseph of Penfield, wf.,, si star of Pev1 ' ,Penfi w*t©s,Melenct«n,wf.,Ruldah,dsu.of George ro* Polly Br be oek, London. Petes,8* muel. East Hr "on, wf.,M*ry.s1 eter of John Stranahsn.Tron'oouoit. Psv?n,Horaee,af..Alice,dsu.of "sthPn *n* "©•rths Pye.Pi tie ford. Gear,John,Pi ttsfor', wf ,,'T ry.heir of *n.*nd 'ary ''nlo^n,^ ttsfor'. Psme of wife givon also, re ?,*ry "ortheot©, ©el eon,<k>muel P. of Blsek Po"V,•*."'. wf.,Char'',h«1r ©f "wmf©l Penfle « els ton, "emus! F, of Blsek Poek,".^. wf.,Charlotte, npjr „f Prn«ci Penflaif Oorreot, / Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection Pvurhtors, - V . Rellett.Rslph A. wf.,Evellhe, da u.of Aaron and Brlen'r Root of Sweden. 0©rdan,JSred of Henrietta ,wf., Amanda .sister of ^f-nicl Burnett of hoehestoi. floraghty,Crther1nc,nelce of Felix ^*c Pulre of Greece. Clbbons,Orson,Granv'lle,"lPBB,,wf ,,Jane Ann,neater of Joeer>h M. Or rsons, Greece 01bbs,Adellne of Hillsdaie.Mich, g.-** atonhen &axt^r of Union. Glbbs, Joseph, af.,Adallnw,dau.of Allen rnd Polly Vsn Ak»n,Clsrkson. Glddtngs,Edward W. Romeo,Mich, wf,,Mercy A,-»*u.of Suem ^eaeh of v«m'on. a«loort,Er*lxomsn of Fovlerv* lie,**.*, wf .,Pexiah.,he1r of John r.t er ven^orth of Rush. 0*lbert,«ary ©f ,! 'Frte•^^,1,-'ol•'»•^.r^', Serrh Pdgeie-", Piles,John of Cop! ay,Ohio,wf .,P* therine,sjster of ""m .lorried of Ven'on. Piles,Levi.Chill , wf,.Marge ret, dau.of Paul *n-* Mteria Auten.Ch*'' i. GiIlea.Hannah^dru.of Hannah and Thow a Ockan'en of Plttsford. Oillsa.Johnf than of B1 ..Hx nnah.hcir of John H.Knickerbocker of Perinton. CiIts?n,Samuel of Vr* Beuren Co."ich. af., Judith G.hwir of Abrrhsn and Worrell of O^den. OHlett.Joel of Vestu!a,Ind. wf ..Hr nnah.da u.of Anthony snd "arrrr t Jecobus of Greece. ©illett.L vls,Bsrre, **.'*. af.,Stills,dau.of John and Ann *utch1naon,Perinton. Bl1latt,"Vry a. ir l#of MSry Allen snd neice of "nomas 8srt o* "ochester. flinett.f.^iles, A«ht*bu!p,OMn,wf.,an- w. dsu.of *ry AHen,Sw©*en, ©Illett/'Srvln,'*) nene'del *,©t.J«e*rh Oa.Mish. *f,,V!v ".'ru.of "oHy en'' d'eplah "ro-1^ of ^-ish. flilean,HorPoe, Riga, wf.,Ppchel Wr tl i'e ,dr u.of /ma »c an' Rrchel 'overedge. Glllasn,Samuel of Ant*erp,Mi ch. af,,i*ry, mother ©f ;Vr\iei 011a*n,will lam,Shelby,^-T. wf.,Betsey,^ u.of ?!Pthrnie! end Po?ly Bangs, See-'an. Glasbrook.Br rhar* Ann of Mich, dau.of Joseph Scott of 1'tes. Class,John of Rochester, wf.,Ruth,dsu.of Fidelia and Israel Philips of Olsrkson. Glssier.Eroklel of BU**b©thtoan,Crn»de, af.,Pally,dsu.of *1111*am Flng,B»tes. Goff,John M. Rochester, af..Pebecoa .sister of John 0.Stiles, flohoon,Tsrrel of R*n?l Ionian* «* , wf .,Zllpsh,da u.of John T«nn!son, Grose©. Goldsmith,neter of Oeascoft) Mleh. wf.^rtha ,hoir of <*•thlr*, Jose-oh ,Ch«ll Try Joseph "athlss in w O l s or Intestates. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection Gemer,-- Baughtarc, ?"', of T*h*ee,*f.vp vf.,wo«rabe*h,heir of An.thonv Anthony,Brirhton. Goods! 1 ,ClrVi«nt o" 01 arks on, wf. ,*> uHn* , *eu.©f EHrrbeth Price of ClrrV? ioodfe"»low,"Vrfarct of Rally Mc Flray Bridge,TrelPnd, sister In law of Elirebeth ** dden,Greece. Ooodger,Henry,Roches tor, wf.,Ruth B. dsu.of vjMUn H! li»,Rochester. Goodman,— — wf.,Mary, dsu.of Rpthrnial and Eunice Rogue,Brighton. Goodrich,** ry Ann,dau.of "ertnah *nA Stmuel Boothby of Roche*•r, Ooodrich, wf.,Harriet,sister of ^Brthf T<©ekw^o', Parma . Goodsne-d.01 iver of Geneeee or Erie Co.'r.V. wf ,,Wura , Jr u.of John rn4 Pobeoea Collins o* Ren dan. Goodwin.^'lman of Mendon, wf ..8a lly,'su.of of Rochester. ,f oane (Moses; r ^ Pally TVu-yesbury Goodwin, Phi ne»r e, Pea1*nd,w.T. vf.,Anf«Mne A.-'r^.o" "osos end Bepfcronis Op go of st©s. r?oo^winfrhoJ«r1 eV, Sve^e-. ""f. ,**r ry,«< ster o^aos--"- "*own,*'iga. ^•odyear,Js "ss. wf.,Ann,dau.of Paniei end Francos "rlrht,Rochester. Pardon,Alexa^-'ir, Rochester, *f.,'*ry, 'su.of TSOPO an? Rrnmah 8©©ly,Henri ttr Oor'on.William P. Riga, *f.,fM Jens,heir of Tchabo? Spra guo ,P igc . Gorhan,Allen, wf.,Amc ".heir of Hcvld Of rling of ra r:n* . Gorham,Henry,Brighton, af,,Vlrrnda ,sister of Welter Str nr rd,(Mother,Elisabeth of Brirhton. Oorollna.^sroiinc L. Rochester, 'su.of Wm.end Msry Plcminson af Rochester. Gorollne.Rlchar' af Rochester, wf.,Amelia,sister of Frederick Rice of Ssst Blooafleld r-n' Hery Reach of Mendon. Gorton.Pbenerer of Henrietta, af.,Catharine,hair of Wiilett Comwell .Henrietta . Borton,George. Gtlsa.Wlsh. af.,Julie Inn,slater of Joseph Poo's ,CMM. Gorton,•"ho-as Wsyne Po. P.*'. wf .,»ukv,heir of Asr Burr of wenr1etts. Gose.EPhrism ^ ^Htr^or', wf.,Psrrer*t,heir of Oha-ineey -ortor of r1tts"or'. Gou!',Car''os,CinPinatt|.ov<o, ef.,M»rthf E.'au.ef Simeon sn' Jsrush* Hoaey ©f 'area . Gould,©Pony of Parma, 'su.of Ester rnJ n<»uben EnBnj of Clerkson. Gould,Fanny E. B g.dau.of Esther snd Reuben Rnspr °? Clrrkson. Could,Myron,af.,Harriet H.lsu.of John S.and Fanny Allen of Poehestor. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection Daughters.^' *&. Gregory,Souire C. Rochester, *f.,Msry T. dsu.of *Mer1ah rn-1 Catherine Jackson ©f Trondo-uolt. "rehem, —of Har~ony,Oheut.P©.**.*•. «-f .,Sarah,he1r of Sylvester Alfor'',Sweden. Grenre,.Tohn of Pev et,, Elisabeth, 'a u.of Ohester en* SHr* both Clesveland of ""ebeter. Prant,Ellen of Detroit,*ieh. 'su.of Rsry Arm and Tre Rergle,(Beadl© ?; ,Rochesta. «rant, wf,,Roteey,wido* of Simon Perkins of Henrietta. Grant, 0Hnton,Mlch. wf.,Elisabeth,d*u.of Timothy end Hsry Lowell, Og'en. 0rav5S,Alan8on,Penfield, wf.,Harriot,niece of 'fontgomery Vaxbera;, Penfield. art*e*,John H. Ruewe©ter, wf.,'y'ia Anrt,*a*».ef frrr» Swith *•* Poche«ter. ©ravrts.Ora ,Chf utaunua 0o.P,v. wf.,Martha ,dau.of Peo.and Harmah Rlbner,Penfield. Gray,—— Chili,wf.,Susannah,dPu.of AbelnVp' Belnap, Rige,*".v. r, ray,*ernett,P-re^en. wf., Anna , 'a u.of Martin and Msry Sara, Wheatlan''. ©r*y,Rdv<Tr? of ",ivertoo,P .T. rf ,,Ms til -*a, hair of tewv Chrpe,of Henrietta. "ray,John. Otsego, Mich, af.,Moris,hair of Chauneav Prltten'en of Brirhton. Prey/SilHsm of S^e'en. af .,Sarah,«dater ^' PHsha Stickney of H^-o'on. Preen,Oaniel *'. Til. wf., Elizabeth Venelia ,dau.of Windsor an' *5eheocF ^rowbridge of Ogden. Gre^n,Or nicl. af.,EHrrbeth,-'su.of John Routhw©rth,Brightan. Teon,naniol, wf ..Elisabeth, !# u.of Cornelius end Story Height of Brighton. Greene, Groan,Eleanor of Mich. g.dsu.of John rnd SerriPh Rally, P*r?nton,C"sy be g.g.du.J Pre©n,Oeorre o* Or sport,*".v. wf .,^eggy»be1r ©f John T« Clesr of Penfield. ^reen,wr rriet, ?r u.of John and Hi! 'ah People af Ba©den, rt reen,Trr W. Push, wf.,Hester /.heir af Tsaae and "arpar t Rul if son .Henrietta . ireonJohn of Brighton,wf.,Anns ,heir of Pre'eriek Hotel«r af Who* 11 snd. Preen,Joses,'*en'on, af ,,Treno, lau.of CeraHn© Parse pod P.'su.of Benjamin Bates of Meo'on. "reen.James. Rochester, af,/argar-t.'au.of John s«d 'ranees *»e PormlcV of Paev,est< Groon,Luther of 0P H*n,*Mfth. *f.,nelareh Ann, 'su.of *Hd*R snd Clsrisss "©ansend, ©f Greece. arson,Louise of Push,heir of Charles Chsmborlin of Rochester. Groon,Mary Ann of Rush,heir of Ethan Prvis of Push. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection TJsughtere, i ^ 1 . Greon Otis of Battler Cr»ok, Mich, g.son of G.P.son of John an' r.ervlfR Felly of Perinton. Groen,Parddn,( Pardon,) of Ca rl ton,**.*'. wf,,5Vr1a .sister of FiHicm Terry o Clarkson. Green,Rte-hen of Greece, af.,A! viola ,dsu.of **mmy R^imS"! of Greece. ©regory, af ,,Pherootle,«.i st»r ©f law of Ashley Hf*nsen. Rochester. ire«,P!ark of r,©nftel<t, wf.,Ann,he1r n* John *«n*<> »y o" "Vbeter. ©reeory,- wP.,Paehe! «?.-*P>U of '"Meon R-ms'ell .^er^r*on, Gr1-»ley,'*eorre R, Sweden, wf ,,'dartha ,'ru.of Martin en' **ry Sa ge^eatla-nd. "ri-'ley.Ju'rh, Bergen, wf..Eunice,g.-»a 4.of Per..1/-min Shot'on,Chili. Pridloy.WilHs'i E. Og'en, wf..wefithy Ann,'fu.of BHphelet Tey of Oglen. Griffeth.Edrin. Hnvilrnd. Test y*n»dt, wf, rAUlna ,hair of Elvira E.RartleL of CF tea. Grlffin,*il!i*m of Tnd. af,,Luc in da ,'a u.of Chariot-,- fn? &amuel Ricka.Parrar . VrorT, « ?.,3r rr h,g. ?*u of Ik.aid ml Lydl* Pan'le of Ogden,**.T. Grifg.Aloon of Ra H.ey,Ml©h. wf.,Ruth,dsu.of Oliver end Betsey Roblc ef Gates. "runen like,Reuben of Chili, wf ..Mr ry,Ann,'su.of Jeslah md Orp-h Rowell ,Ohll I. aj-»geon,v?',l iam of Provf 'once,a.y, vf.,' y'le,s« ster of *H.©lmey Rochester. T .T-.r jnr of Punn, — T*.,*mpri »!P , 'su.of *a-rt1n »n-' Aona Rob"-*", ".—ioita. *aan,Peorg«, »f,,V"y 1faria, 'a u.o* TerrC en.i Annis "e--~>1nrwry of CH111. Punnian.Aurelius. af,,Lasy,dsu.of '"laviu* B.Pay of ">rme. Guthrie,Ja-er,Conneaut,Ohio, af,,«hrony W.sister o* Denk-r-1n She-ard of Ripr. and dsu.of 'n-rauel snd ^ n n r h Ihorv r-* of Pigr . 8tttfcria,tWn,Ws* Fen«,w.y. *f,,Baphronis,«lst©r ©f B«n> min Bh©j»rd,Rlr© »n' deu.of s* muel snd Hrnnah Shersr 1,Rlgs. R*s©,Oharlcs of Michigan Olty.Ind. af .,**, gdelena ,helr of Fra-'erlok Lu«,Rochc»te Rsddon,Ph1Hp of Webster, *f.,EHxa 'r. ^.of Ucy snd Abner -«rkin* of r*n"ie? i Wald©y,%ry ©" &fedinr,w.*. dau.of Samuel an* Msr* *Vpe of Ch'li. RSgemen,Char!cs,Rrlfhton, wf..Mrrriet.hoir of Orin-h Stone, PH ht.on. Hsger^orth Orleans,*Meh. wf ,,Baoann*,widov rff nmr,. ,f1M„r 0» RoeheBter. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection Paurhtere,," «2. Rslght.OorneHue., wf.,Mr ry.^u.pp John South-forth »' Brighton. Rslght,Samuel , jf.,lueeila .dau.of usnnrh Johnson of Swe-'en. R*lght,wii Ha-, »f.,Rophi*,R.dsu.of Richard an? Fiehar' rn! BetheuP Thomr B ©f Rochester. Wsle.Ourtis. wf..Caroline, •'su.of Pi! Mfn tn* RuL'rh WiHUns, Clarkson. Rale.Jseob nm^on, wf..Hannah,hair af Ely Pay of Rochester. Msle.Oren, wf.,H*nn*h, dsu.of Benj.and Charlotte Barrett of ©reece. Pa 11, EH tab, of Oakland Po.PrVeVe7 "ich. af.,Jull* ,holr af Wm.Wlehols.CIr rknan. wall.^lra- of TV r*v , af.,Esther, t' Garni .an* Charlotte wleke of ^r^r. sal 1,Peter,Pp rmr , wf.,Re <-h©1 ,h©1 r of Ptenher rn-* EHrabeih 'ov'am of Gr©»c Wall.Peuben af Brooms r*o.".,r. ^f.^uth,sinter o" !*emah *1xby of Poehestar. •pll.Orlah o* Veteran,"*! oga 0©.*%**, wf ,,**hebe,v-o*r o^Phprlep "oeher, Puwh. Ra!l,Wi11!.sa «. Cr nPndaugUP,".v. af.,Ann,dsu.of ^d n la -r 'illle, Rochester. H*lpln,J4He, slater of Christopher ""no' of Rochester. Rslstod, Eliarbeth of Cayuga Co.w.T, h9ir of Penry M.p©*ell of Men'on. Relet ;i, Isaac ©f Ml .Karri* ,M.T. af., Rmsp ,n«ice of Luther Rushnell ,rittufoiRslsle?, — wf.,'(ary,dru.of OsvJ.d snd Lydie handle of Ogden. Mfmes,Oevid, wf.,M*rfsr*-i,sl©t«r of Cornelius "".Francisco, Fabeter. Ra'silton, wf.,Mirrnd*, g.'su.of Janes Pnd Peborr h Murray, Henrietta. Hamlin,Ann, dsu.of "enoy Wilcox of Rochester. Rsalln,Fre'erick, Pen 'fn, *f.,M*ryrg. 'su.of S«nj*nin Sheldon, Chili. waTsmond.Cummlnr.i', Rlehnon',**.T. wf.. Pis nnr , 'su.of B©ntamin Br tee of ''end Ma«n«»on',P.^. of Pen'ieid, wf. ,*VaMr ,'au.o^* "Vscri rn* Vpn Cheney ."enftel '. Ms wr on'*, John of Clinton,JH. g.p-on o* PMoe Smith ©f 'Tie- tland. Ma mm on!, Oil *«r, Mich, af. .Pynthla , 'su.of Msrtin m? Lois Eosdiet of Wehstcr. HP«;O-., Hannah, dau.of P tsey Bates of —— Rsneo,Benjamin of ^errington,*".^. wf,,Ell7abath,heir of Elljsh round,Brighton. Ranee,Samuel of Vt !H»nsen,R.T. wf ,,'it rgsrut.hslr of EHJ*h Poun~> of Erl^.htan. Rtad,-— *f.,Msry Ann,dsu.of Rllxnd Rllon Patterson, Plttsford. Ranfard.WllHsn H.Jr. Wheatland, af ,,Abby,holr-dsu. *) ©f *s,«n-» Polly Pixlsy ©f Chili. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection p*ughtsrB, • 4j, RsnfordjWiiyie^ j, ef.,Julia Ann,dsu.of T.orr snd £illi*m C©bh «** Brighton. Rsndy,Cyrus, *f .."Jarla .heir of Steohen Cole a* ©reeco. Manna:,Thorn* n J. reneva,~ls, wf. .Sr rah.dau.of Peuhe- 'r' Clarissa **»ther, <h<*J Wrneco«« or Paosoorn, "ob. af.,Sally, si star o* "*eo.v*n Brunt, "en don. Manse or or *, Cyrus, af.,— e dau.of Patience "atthe^e, Mendon.. Hanson, Joserh T. Chief, go,^11. wf ..©uth.hoi r of John "Vervenworth of Push. Rtnaoy.Thosaas of Rochester, wf .,Oafhe ,dsu.of Penj.rnd butrin'e Smith of Rocheste Hard,John R. Rochester, af ..Barbers ,?* u.of Elizabeth Shermer, Poehestor. Harden, wf.,Abby R.dau.of Joseph and Abigail Soever,Rochester. Har-'er, iohn of r*-,«nt,m .or OeRr lb Co,Til. wf.,Pu*r n, Jacob Martin, of ©enrlett? . Ma r'a, John,wf.,1^ rah A n,dau.of Robert and Sarah Scofleld, Poehestor. asrkness,01ney, Collins,".•. wf,,Crro! 1n©,heir ©f Paal^ Or-rllng, of Farms. we rlett,-lobar ', wf., PI irr , dru.of "ash, snd Claries Coming of renf1e!d. Ha rl©v,James. Chicago, wf ,,'%»rlP , dru.of John rn^ Mary Griffin, Poc^ester. Ha rney, 'r-iss, wf., 'Margaret, deu,©f eobert and Js.oe J.'ennv, "oahas" er. Harder, "^orna —-i e,"1ch. wf,,Mary,ficler o* **onath Colby T11H©bridge of (*r&ft*o. Harrimrn.John. Chill, af.,Sarah, t*u.of .*oe! Rf Main,ChlH , Harrington, JF ses. » r.,Mery, i*u.'" )of "ethan an' Let!tip or Lattice Horton of Perrinton. Rrrrington, John R. *f. ^rney,slater of Million Rsyaood of Rochester. Harrington,*^ than! el af R©dm*n,M.T, af.,Pi»n*, heir of Eliphslet Edmunds of Brirhton. Rerris,Anr# .of III, is a .of <*sri* and Joseph !*ekaaod, of Ru-h. Harris,Catherine of El-nore,Vt. hair of Lucius Bri 'go of Rochester. Hsrris/iaorge of ""enfleld, wf.,Merit ,'s J.of Corolla *r\* reorra Hsrt^ebster. Herrieo-*,~,P. o" Paw P©a,Mioh. af,,J*n« E. heir of Psa$d PrrMnf of ^rma. Hart^daar' of Og'en, af ,,Anrat,h©lr of ! ©*1 s "ichols of Og'en. H*rt,fohn of Bus*-, af,, Barbs re, >»'-? Clones, Hartley, Te*ee of Brighton, brother In Isw of Vmes 'ever of Rochester. Hartley,**anoy,sister in law ef Je<ses T ever of Rochester. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection Paughters, h **M, Rsrtwell,Caleb or Oebal, wf,,Oenle,dau.ef Orrir snd Mary Smith, Chili. Rartaell ,Rannah,g.dsu.of Samuel en-* Srrrh Rop'-in*, Plttsford. •sraiek,James af *i ingston Co.Mich, wt,.Serena , 'su.of Panlel m' Hannah ">lnoy af Henrietta . •Vsklno. Tea re.Parma, wf .,iir rrlet.heir ©f Henry Anderson of ^r^, Rateh.Proneon E. **iehswa uke ,Tnd. wf ..Plirrbeth.he'r of Orlngb Stane,Pr1ghton. R>toh,Elmors A. Webster, a nephe-a* ©a nannah ©eerier of ""eb'ter. R»*en,©earre P. Phcwing,**.*. w*..t»r^,ortr,'au.of "Pry and '"e'eon Foot a* Web* •f Webster. Havons,Pense1per, wf ..ArranP .de u.ef John snd a*nnrh Tawo- of *h©a Hand. HewJriBS. —- wf.,Stella ,dau.of ""hs-Meus Very Aylostync,*nd g.-'su.of Peter W. snd ^rtha ^Pn Aylstyne of Webster. Hawkins, — — wf.,Amend* , 'su.of Anson and Susan Beerdaley of Per?nton. fcseley.Ames? L. wf..'*r»hy, heirvdsu 1) if Ann is Hemnlngsay,Chill. Rewley,Enoch of Hi!or,Cms 'r , wf,,Lydl* ,heir of TSSPC Olmstard. of Creoce. Hawley,William, Webstar, wf ,,Alny,d©u.of Gsrsrd and Polly fanning, w©b*ter. Hsac,Josieh of Pi pi a tow, Mich, wf ,,Porintha , *?'H.t-i snd Ann Clsrk o !>rmf . Haynes, af .,**oPh1e ,dsu.of "li^s tn^ Tranny Baker of Penfield. fteyter,Aaron, Boston,"rps. wf,,T©is,h©lr/d©u.')of William rnd "rnr rTp«ohn, 'Pitteford. Heyaood,«blga?l, dau.of Fancy and Phauneev •'ilmarth of "I tta'or-'. B»«ard,Wlllien ". *en'a,l ,"-r. wf.,P,H?a both .heir of Austin Hill of Onion. Hoseomb,—Sptor Co. T wf.,Jane.g.nioce of Robert Mc Conkey,Rochester. Sha ass dsu.of William,son of James, brothir of Robert. Hssd, Jemoe E. Handy,Mich. wf.,?ydia , dsu.of B»ntymin B> tea of Menlon. Hc*th,Hilleble, Ranfle'd, wf. ,Ada Hhe, dsu.( ?) of Pinal ow Jiesth of Penfield. Rosth,*ipmoc. wf.,Mercy, da u.of Mercy and rater Marlett of Penfield. Webbs rd,*ii Ham B. of Riga, wf ..Elvira .dru.of John end Batsay Mudg© of Pigs. Rebner.CynthlP, dsu.of Samuel P.Woyes pnd eister ©f Orauls Wajrer of ^erinto? Rofford, — "f.^rriat, sister of 3* musl ot.ley/Unrlettjr . Men'ershot.Jacoh of Prrmr, af.,JuHs, *tA.of Barber Wright a* "amr. Henderson, —— Albany.**.P. wf.,,Tene,niece of Jrmto *enna'y a" "©afield. Mendcrsan,Jsm«s, wf ,,cr rallne, 'r u.a'* *>h1lip*rl* Oolilrh Rinnans af Clerkso-. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection Paufhtere, >**'• Menry.Alb rt E. of Brighton, g.son ©f Tesae Sne'eker of *>r1ntnh. (rerinton,) Ponry.Ann, dau.of Tsssc Snadekar of Perintoh. Ronry,Janes of Irelsn', wf.,Catharine, slat: r of Patrick Oaylc of Rochester. *»enry,Mpry E. g.'ru.of Isa^e Sneieker of Perinton. "anry.Sally of Parmr, hair of Samuel A.Smith of 7*rw. Heron,Bracks, wis. af.,Margaret,** .t.of Pe1.*»r snd Eon ice Johnston of Webster. Warden,"iram of Stargls,M1 ah. wf.,Ann RHxr,sister of l.joinda Rannl©r of Orsa ©or*on,Tho-ae »F Solan,**.', af.,©inter of John Plms«!1f , Rsnhastar, Wflrnall, Samuel. Cans'a ""set, ?-f,fCero* inc. dsu.of Jehnaihen *** Marthr "arris ©f Wheatland. , »erricV,*,T.*,. o* Ccr1t©n,*l*.~, af,,*Hx#bath,Meter of Margsreite P.Menion ©f S»ed«i. ©eston.T etltlr . Batavis, r',*. nelce of !,y'«r B.ComstoeV of Rochester. Hester,Oh! oe, Ulster of Jr^R" K.Oeastaek of **oledo,0h1o Hestan.Ma rth* Ann,of BstsaiF, nioco of J*m©3 M.Fomstaek of Toledo,Ohio Heetan.oarah p. of %tav<a, sister of * " • a • • Retahler.Hlshola s of Shetland, wf, .Polly, iau. of P.sthsr Colby af *he"tland. Hewos.Wi lllrm of Ruff'lo,".*. wf.. Eunice,h«i r of Psvi ' Corson ©f Oflsn. Hewett.Oeniol, ''ebu^uejTowr , wf.,Mary,dsu.of Riahrrd *nd Eliza Blskson, Rochester. ©ibbar?, Enoch, Pulton,",r. wf ,,Sr lly.helr ©f Orlnfh FP' Iirvonls Stone of Brighton. Mibbard, Henry of Rochester, wf .,Almira ,dau.of Ms*rn**r *>*!1nr of ''nehesieje aibner,Allen, Ce*teTrnru* Co."'.**. w*.,Aons ,he? r o" *er»a*1ct Pinr of "enfield Riekoek,Asher,*:oe^eat«r, wf.,EHrs ,d»u.©f Polly asd*worth o* R©eheater. Mlekeck,8en1a-In of **r<--ev'M©,Cr 1. w'.jEria f,t) «»u.©f ro!!y Wr *s*orth,roeh. ©iekack.Oi vi', wf ,,lucy,'a J.e* "O'oma «• an' Eunice *i 11otBon,R*nrletU . Hickt.Jereny, af Tyan*h*n,Shgl*nd, vf.,Trmn*r, sister of *'ephth« line, of Brighton. «*iekok,Lu©y of 'orr ime.Oo.fP ?o, heir of Eunice Tillitaan, Hsnrjetta. Rieks.Alanra. *f.,Esther W. dau.of *ry Ann snd Payta© Coak, Webster. ©ieks.Paniel A. *f.,Sr rah, d» u.of Rather Austin of Flttsford, Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection Oa«ght -r-, &'. w icks,Ehone?er o* Parma, wf,,**«r*ar *,he'r o* A-ne wr...r .,* nr r^r ^ Hleks,Harriftt of webst*r, g.' Anna Pole of ©abater. Ricks,Jmiep R. o* aebster, son of Anne Cole ©f '"©baler. thm, Penfield, wf,,Mory,heir,'sister lj of rolly leutt Westgrte af Penfield. Biggin,Bridget, of Rochester, sister of Jpne we "erthy of Rochester. RijrgiTOsCa thertne of Rochester, neioe of >ne Me **rhty 3" Rochester. Wiggins, of P Trv/'.v. af,,MSry,dSu.©f Martin Sperbaok, Perinton. Will,Charles J. Roches --r, *f ,,8a 1©*n ,hoir of Munn Morgan of Rochester. «i!l,P*n*orth, Perinton, wf ..Mr nnah.heir ©f Solomon snd Suss Aldrlsh,(ds«.D **erinton. Wiil,Rban©S©r ©* rr?~r-t af.,Betsey, d* i.of "arbor ©r1«*hl ©f Pt rm* . **1,1, James af Og-*en. wf. ,'*s rirh ".heir o" Abrrw-n "oral! o* Ogden, Will,John, -r.,"r rthp Ann,den.of ""i«v *<nlo*,el«tor of ©«o,RedP1e1drPir* * ©ill,John, Mich. wf.,8>11--**u,af Tasho* -n? fnnr -Vngs of 9-edeo.'".'*r. Rill, John H. Rochester, *f.,Emily,g,' WilHem 0.(p©nfie!d, ) m1 Petscy Rass ef Lyond,*,T, •ill.lut.h' r, Thornspple,Mich. *f .,/bigPi 1 ,h<s?r of Rlmlr* •".Bsrtlet.Cstes. W« 11,01 n«y of fiooheater, af.. Bliss be th,g,S> u.of *r w,y Bu11m»nrGr*ec©. ©Ill,Simon T. af.,Fidelia,-** u.of EHhu an? Mary Runsoll, Pif* . Rill,Wi!Hsa, Og-'*n. wf. Mrry, 'au.of John an' Ann RllS* Armstrong Flttsford. Mill.WHliaci, Og-»en, wf.,M>ry A. niece of George Parker of Pitt*ford, Hilbssd/Rillerd,) Thomss, wf.,©th,**U.of Rdaard Bomlsh, Pat©e. nnier, a" ,jrieh. wf., t eiftar of Tevi Van "orm'-r *> ma, A nephew of Levi was Jerome ©111or. ©•ills -»- »»f.,?ue"o,*1ster-«n-,a.*/r an-' he«r a© Aehlay ?> -oe on, Poch.aster. MiHt.Sar-h "". sioter a * Mar* »,*>rH»« o* Hard<»or^,Pt. Ri It on, Samuel a" PrklsnV*ieh. f ".,**» rah,h««r a* Ahr*h*m ''orrc-i of Ogden. SlIton.WiHicm /. Pohns'er, wf.,'y»is( *et w«fe, nrior to '"*". Ril ton ,"11 He re A. Poch. 8n<d wif«,M*rvf marrie' Rov,**,1*?' Hlnche, *Vmuel of Gates, wf.,Lucy,dr j.of ^lllism Kin*' of "stcs. Hinchey,8f sjuel of PuU*n,'!lc«. a,'.,•»t«once,hair of Ha«phr«y H*r£ of Mttes. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection r»u£hterr,« * 7 . Rlnohsy,Wsrrcn ©f Mich. af.,Phehe Ann,d* Joeenh Scott of urte* .R/V Rlnda*n,Woeley of Rroeknort,**.T. vf.,~~- dsu.of Sarah Preston of 8*sd©n. Rip ? ef., Roxsna,dsu.of Lnainde Mtchol.s of Ogden. Hitler,John, Og'on, rftorrard of Flint,"ich. af.,Mary,-'su.of Oavld rnd Ohloe Sherman of Riga . Rasg.Anna.of Johnson Creek.*'.•. heir of Henry M,P©ael! of "en'on. w aer,°en.1p-'ln O. af. ,An«p ,heir ©f^il Ha a Hirbea of ~enf«el'», Hoar'.Oyrus i* Ha rem'en,**.***. w*.,warths ,'Pu.of Henrr an' Rehisccs **1les Of Swe'ar,. Was rd,Ms ry of Cla red '«n,".v. g.••'su.of Henry an? "ebwca **'*oe ©f f^e'en. Ho*g,Mods?d,(Meded,) af Adrian,Mich, wf ..Sarah,sister of >vi.d Denis©, of Pon'ield, Robert,5u* ice of Brooklyn,M,v. sfater of n«©arge P. Wright of Rochester. Hoekinton,"*homa p,T>itt9**or ?. *f.,Mary,dPu.of Pm.Pnd Hannah Ridley, RocheBter. Hoffmen,Cha rlos, of Wr Iworth, af,,El*snar, sister of Ptvld Oenise.Penfi eld. wadgee,Charles, P. Tnd. nanha* ef Rachel Thosre of '*er'on. Rodg*s,Pao.n. Ogden. wf.,Msry Ann,dru.of EliPhrlet Pry of Ogden. ©©'gee,John, Wis. wf. .Amn.'Pu.a4* Aon Parian, Rochester. "a^es.Pob.^rt. wf.,Eunice,**u.of !«*lna and Alfre' Chs npol of fates. Hoffaan, Peorre A. wf.,»„«-• en *r.'*au.©f Oavid end Pier's*-- rran« of Pochester. n0ff-^n.^e^es o* *ne;h©m C©,wich, af .,«* rah, *e u.of "sry Sturr an' r.'au.o4" Cornelius snd Ann 'Vtmaraet of &right©n, Mogan, i* of Fen ton** He, of Mendon. ,r ich. wf.,MPrv,a sister e* T.Hsm "errtek Hogpr.,»frthew, wf.,Ann,dsu.of Robert an' Mary Rertty, Preoce. Rolcacb,Alon*o, ef.,'ios.dsulef Timothy end Levice Stano. Henrietta. Holdridge.Jrcob, wf./a til dp .hair of ^inslo* Heath, Fenfield. (dsu,!; Ho*dridge,»»arlstte,neica of Gel inr Rsrtman of Perinton. Holland, af.,Harriet,dsu.of James an' P»b©rah Murrey of Ranrletti . Holland, Pill iam, El HcotevlH «, *-.v. wf .,?.©* ,d*u.©f ^aah snd Chios Tyler ef Cbili. WalHngsworth.John of ©reaee. wf ,,T».f heUa , **-u.of <Tahn in' Jane Oonkin ©f ©reece. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection laughters/ *F, Rollister,— wf.,E1ey 0. dru.of "alter an' Sarah Parhv't, R©eha*ter. Rally,John, Recheeter, wf.t*rfnces,••su.of Rotsey t^ Johnson of Roch-eiar. w o!!y,Am*i<s» L. af..Mercl*,dsu.of Annls rr? Tsrrc Remaingesy of Chili. Holmes,!* nlel of Palermo, *.T. af.,Mcry Ann,sifter of Jemes Seger of Prenkfort ,*'.**. Rolaes,Elisabeth, a sister of SVrah *kmihugh of Preece. Haldridge.EmeHne.rtster of Pel inr ^artm*n of Per'nton. Holmes,James of Clarkson, af..EHrrbo*h.dsu.of Elisabeth Price of Olarkaon. "olmes.JoBenh A. of,-'a u.of "rigM. and Betsey Spencer. Holmes.Tydia of Rochester, ' Benfmln Fe?l©rr or AlHon,w.W./ •rolmea/'p thanie! .,Psst J*a Won, sister of John *»tr*nrhanr Trnn^eouoH. Polmea,^rrr»-. Aoo.'pu.of "M11 p Chase. Palmes,Seth, Toronto,Crnada . wf.,'Orrery,sister of John Swith of Preece. Rolmas.'^homr a, brother of *ry Heath of flttsford. Helt,B*rxms, Howell, Mi eh. wf..%ry.d* Cea.rn-' Susr n 'eleh.Pittefor'. Molt,Joseph of Pultnsyville.r.T. wf .,Jene, ^ Vjlllsa Buyck ef Rri--;ht> on Rolt,Williaa of 1f.'eb*t«r, wf .,Ablrr il, dsu.of Cha ester e^t Rllssbth Cloevi of *ebst r. Holts!Mndgr,A'Pm of Bloo^fiei?,1".*. wf.,Esther,heir of lake Coney of Plttsford. Rone,Ale.rander P. Rochester, wf.,FJ,len Agnes,'•eu.of "Vtrick and Elsey Kearney of Rochester. Haaper, Joseph of Pr rnr ,wf..T.ydia .dau.of Charlotte an'* Samuel Hicks of *> Hooker,W1i !, Paver,"-" .•. wf. .Aurolls .heir o* Seth Stanley'- of Ogdon. HOOPS,Sr muel., wf .,*^!a nnr-h.hoir af Ren.V**ln Werkes o* "sles, ©OPkins.CatV rine.neicc of ""^om*"* "rrt o* Workins,ET&ri.s^, wf,,ssrah,dcu,of 'ary Perth of plttsford. Hop''ins,'rudence, sister o* Phoa s Hart of coeh<jster. Hopkins,Rachel of Bristol ,Englrn-', dsu.of Ann Prise of Rochester. Hopper ,**enry,i»-f.,Vsrpa ret, 'su.of Henry and Krnn/h Hopper of Praecc. Horne.Willlsm ef Ireland,father of Riis*both Jenkins of Rochester. Horton, of Cherry •*11ey#W,w, vf ,,8uar n, ?a u.of Chester end EH?i beth Cloaveland of Webster, Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection Or ughi'jra, *S>. Werten,John, af.,Rache*,dsu.of 'fergsrst sn' John M.H«ier of Penfield. Morton,Ore smu* w.©f Rochester, wf.,*fary T,sister of Abel ©«** of $*>'e-'w. ©otohkips,— rochester, wf.,*'ii is sent, 'su.of John an' Ah'eai! 'Mne, of Whoa tla n•. RotohViss,Archibald, Roc ©star, vf.,E*i1y,sister ©f Johnathan Pecker'Rochester Rotohkics,Char1ea, of Texas, wf .,*"H» mheir af 1 evi Tarnell of ChiH. Housb*lt«r,Pleho!ae of Pat tar, ".•. af.,Peer,niece of E*th«r Colby, ^hec tlad. Housen,"eorge of Henrietta. ef.,3r rah,dsu.of Thoaas r-r,-' sister of Benjamin Jeaner af Rochester. Roaerd,lmeHne, dau.of Mercy "*h!pple of Sweden. Roatrd.Oeorge Co" Riga ,wf. ,**arr let, da u.of Lemuel and Martha Brlghsm of Q^do Roasrd,RVrtaell C.Orbfnia ,111. wf ..Miranda , dru.of John -'anroe, Or tee. Roasr',«*Vb«7 of Penfield, wf..Cynthia,dsu.of Phebe Cane of Penfield. Reaerd,John*then, wf .fSa-h!a ,'a uof Hannah Johnson ©f S'-ve'en. Howard,Jaslsh of Henrietta, vf..Eunice,rrab.'*ru.©f *>niei Hoyt of Push. ©owar'.^srtha, heir of Ornlol Hoyt. of ©uoh. Woa.Jane. 'su.o- John an' "ul-'rh •"emrle a" Rwe-'en. Howo,a5!He» of P*r-a .wf ..Plixa Ann,'su.of John rnd Mary Hou-'?n,'*reoee. Rowel 1 .Charles of To Ray(R.w, wf,fp-iely.'au.of John snd *Vry ^ood of Chili, Rowes,Wi!Hem of "est Stookbri *ge,*V ss. wf ,,Amsn'r ,heir of Alfred Scofleld of Chili. Roa!snd,Geo., Vr n Buren Co.Mi oh. wf., Martha ,'au.of John* than and Martha Harris of Wheftlsni. Wovoy.byman of Push, wf,,a>ry,deu.of Esther Austin af Pittafard. Rubbsrd,Hiram, af.,Ruth B.heir of Osald Corson of Og,'on. Ruber, Michael, Rochester, wf..Marl.r Antonia ,' Poarfe Wen"eh,*>eehcste . Hudson,John af Rsn'sH ,M.W. vf ,,Mrry,h«!r of Willi*© Mjcholo af Clsrkson. Rughes,Owen, ©f Parma, af., Sarah, si star of !,emu«i Rullaan of "en'on. W-jlbert, af.,Helen,dFu.of Ann 'Mner, r s«stor o* wira~ PeJficld.Paehester. Hulbe»-t,An*an of Pletar,*.W. a*.,WHreheth Ann,-**u.of Anthony an' Msrrsrel Jacobus ef ©reeee. Hulbert,Mann*h, heir of Jsme* wilier of Pfitsfor'. Purlburt.^Sreh of Whoallend, 'au.of Chios S«lth,Phe tland, Or g.?*u.; Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection Drught.*rs, e 2» Hurlburt,8ylaester, Preedati.OMo, wf.,Hsncy,he1r of Beth Rtrnley, Ofcden. Hulbert,WilHsa, wf ,,Orph* , Sally, tr\*, Truman Hunt of T*r*$ . Rumphrey.Ann af ChiH, dru.of Jahn Pickenson af Rom nhrey. Emery, Plsrksan, af. .Barbara,dp u.of Ph1H*> en4 neH1ah Si^monsa* af Plprksan. Runferfor4, Austin, Rochester, wf.,%'rrah A.dsu,a* Hr rvev am' •'aroHna Prindle ©f Rochester, Hunt, Pilar bath o* "erry.".". sister o* Br-wuel Pi*rV of Poe>i<-»eter. Runt.'rhos.C?) Med inr , af.,RHs* Ann,-»au.of Ja»enh md Ruth TyrraH, WehsSer. Ranter,—-- wf.,Ann,of Rachester, •' »*rv Prown and g.dau.of Samuel Bishop of Sweden. b 8 Hunter,*hoar s of Rochester, vf.,Betsey,dsu.of Slmean r*nd Antn'a Erown af Recheater. Huntington,Benjamin, Brighton, *f ..Elnara ,dau.of Rillism C.'of Penfield./ snd Betsey ROBS of Jyons.M.T. Rur4,Experience, dau.of Betsey Rr-tes of — ©utehinean, Whertland, wf.,^ rah,' Whiting an' Pesccnr Merry, Wheatland. Hutchinson,Lewia of Pittsfor-', wf.,Luey,h©<r of William Colt of Plttsford. Ry'enVvary, 8»e'en. af ..Ell?'! eth,'su.of Chsrles an4 Paney Mo1drl*g»,Pir,* . Hyde,John, wf ,,As*nath,wi dor of John Fnlaht of ^n'on. Ingersoll.Ellery, Webster. wf..EHra both,heir of *Hllei> 'landers! lie,"* ehstor. Ingham,Asren of Olsrkson, wf.,©race, dau.of Mr rfravo and **rncy Hartley,Brighto Ingham.Grsce, sister In law 0f James lever of Rochester. Ireland, John .Roches tor, af., Rally Celestle, dau.of Joseph and 3r bra 1» ylo of Colon,Mich.formerly of renfield. Iron.Ari of Yates, R.T. wf,,Polly, '* uof Henry snd Rebecca Riles,Swe'an. Iraln,— Jackson Co.Mich, wf.,Sally,sister of George Br* 'ford, Greece. Isham, Joseph, wf ..Ohrlstisna .heir of Rbenerer Ber eh.Rochcster. Ivor son, F'«aard, g.san of Miesjsh «TFoksan af Tran'oouoit. Iaos.Ruaeell.of''roat rkrrington.'a-ss. »f..'Ois*bath,sister of 'b>r« Coo-^er of Rochester. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection rj puahters/ *'. Jackvan,Charles, af.,*ary A.'au.of Jerushs Preen an4 g.4*u.e£ Elnsthrn Winans of Og'en. Jackman,Moses, wf .,Rho*a,dsu.of John and Rebecca Collins of Mendon. Jcekson, wf.#R«l<*i A.dau.of Sylvostersnd Betsey Evans, Brighton. Jsckeon.Jehn, af ..Hester, dt u.of Abrahem *ne? Mary of -——— Jackson .Henry, af.,Hannah,heir of R-ofh Prisee of Rerinton fa eV-son,Marcus, Webster, wf.,Rusebe,eist«r of John S.Pardee af Rochester, H<?r father w t I'll Pardee of Webster. Jscksan,Martln S. af ..Christine ,helr of Ru;h Brias* of Perintan. •JacabSj^hass-s, Webster, af.,M*ry B.' Pea and Hannah Hlbner of P nfiel'. J*n*s,Oh*ster, Rochester, af,,Ell en, dru.of John * oA Frances Mc Cor«ie^, Rochester. "amee.Julius, a4* PIF in*iei '.'Mch. w<,.,Puerin,"'a'u.afAm4re*- m' ""oarihe "ush of "enrietta . Jsmes.riehar' H. af.,Sarah *krir,heir af W'lHsm P .Pu«sel! ,(wi 'ow,3r lly,) of Pecheeter. i Jsnec.aV rham P. Greece, ef,, Eugenie, dsu.of Samuel snd Bertha S.Oavieon.Preece. Jameson, Qanlel, af.,«fa tilde .dsu.of TSSPC and Annls Hemingway of Chili. Jameson,Isaac of Rigs, wf.,Jane.dsu.of Orphr and Josiah Howell of Chili. Jeffreys,John H. Rochester, wf..August* V.dau.of John an' Msrthr Viokery, Racheeter. Jenkins.©ideon H.Wsrssv.a.T. wf..Msry A.dau.of Simeon rn4 Jorushr Hovey, Paras. Jenkins,©*>nry,af Huren,Ohio,wf ..Jerusha Hester Eddy. Jenka.Ira of Walworth,**,w, ef,,byd4», dau.of noorr« *nd Oornslir Rsrt,*«bster. Jenkins,EHxaboth,Rochester, father,WiHiam Home ©f Trelrod. Jenkios,Jashus a* W.w.rjty, w*.,***rv, < 0*-n1e! B«-rrv o* Poehestor. Jo Trey,*', ef *,ebupue,Towp, wf . ,We!!en,he1r of fylvester ".Packard,Rochester Jenks, wf.,Paehel, ?eu.of PHas an* Tram*,'- ^pker of Pemfleld. Jenks,Rathan ef !im*,Tnd. wf.,Jane,eieter af Pre'erlcV- Bu*hn»!l ef "reecc end niece of buther Bushnsll of Plttsford, She wsa the 2nd wife of Psthan . Jennie,John .Pochseter, wf,,Msry L.sieter of Br rbf rt Weherly Vollenwctdo, of Rochester. Jermlags,Le Prsnd P.of Marshal! ,Mleh. af.,Caroline,hair of Chss.Chr aberl In ef Rochester. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection Daughters, « ?2. Jenner,Oh*rise of 8eo*en. af.,Thlrrah,dau.of Sarah Burrows,of Roeh<:;'ter. Jerama, Cenn. af.,Harriet,sister of Ranhel Leomls 'eaoredge of Rig*. Jerome, Samuel C.- Fart Atkinsan,Wie. wf., fir re , da u.of Rufue an' Hsry 'a me ef Ogden. Jersey,Pieh*rd, Rush. af..Sally,sister of Horrti© Pead of RoVeWifey. Rush . Jeffers.Exrr, w*.,a««ty A.dsu.o* ©Vrles pnd ©r'elir »'.T*ttri'«re, Og'en. Jeae!1,Msreus, wf. ,PoHy,dsu.of Cbss.pnd Pa'ly M»gn©, Rochester. Jewel 1,W?iH*m, Greece, wf.,E»dly,dsu.of Emily Hubbard, ©roece. Jewctt,©ibb">n H. of Parma, wf.,Sarah,sister of Lu«lndc Panning of *a rr,t . Jehsan,William, af.,Catherine,sister of Rschel Oowney of Pittsfosd and dau. of John and glixebeth *knn of Plttsford. Johnson, Onondaga Oo. af ,,J*ne,dsu.of PiHls-m »r\^. rri» Perhr KUS Rochester Johnson,— wf .,Elizabeth,dr u.of Conrad and 'aria ¥^n ¥F. Ikenburr. of Webster. Joh»sen,P>vid of R«wBteed,M.T,• af.,Betsey, John W.Leweon.Wheptlsnd. Johnson,Hiram, Mich, af,,*arg*ret, dsu.of Heo.r-o' H^rm/h Hlbner,*"'«nfi*ld. Johnsen,Jahn. Rochester, af., Tea bell a,heir/s1ster,)of John Smith of Oreeoe, Johnson,John, af,,Hannah tnr\,*\v<r of Hrnnah Poty of Perinton, Jahnsan,,fhamas, wf. ,*¥rtha ,<** u.ef ©nrnellu* an' ?lsrv Hairht o" Brighton. Johnson,Pebecca , sister of William !<awrance ©f Push. Johns on ,V111 lam, wf., Rebecca , "ersho^ ar»d *>eheeep Roldridgc of PI** Johnson,W1! Ham of Mn'an,*'.**. wf .Pp<*hel.dsu.of John ""ennison,f1r«ere. Jones,Alfred, vf.,! ois, dru.of James Tinker of Henrietta, Jones, El IKS Ann of AnnArbor, **u,of Abrtham snd S*th«rin« Cutler,of Who* tlsnd. Jones,J.P. wf.,Jane,-'su.of Hannah Jahnsan, 8we?en. Jonos.John R. Avon,Mich, wf .,Prlscl! 1c ,dau.of John an? Su**© "Elinor, Penfiel Jones^illlpm H. *f.,Sarah,dru.of Adam an' Gertrude ? uther af Rochester. Jahnac.Pavid of Henrietta. af.,8srsh b.-'pu.of Cornelius snd boi* Oe **ltt of Henrietts . Jerdeoe Mieh. wf ,,Ansnd* , wider of Rliss Piahr risen,"eHnton. Jo»lla,**lhsa of Bush, wf .,MatH*s, 's <,©f John an-9 E>rh*-ra Wart of Push, Joslln.Hylaestsr, af **»rle,dsu.of f^prrrrf so' John Hart of Push an' half sister of Enollne «*rt, Mother,"arben Hart -f ^ush. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection TV aggers, ***• Joelyn,*thee R. af.,||st<!di W.half sister of Erne!in* Rart/'athar,6* rbf r R*rt of Pueh, Judson, *Vd1eon,Oh'o,wf.,Ab1gpi! ,sister af BeHnds Re-vd |a tea af Clrrksan Jiasph,viohsel, wf.,Susan,widow ©f John Mulliner, Penfield. Justus, Cher lee, wf., u.of W11! ism end Catherine Shirts,Thar tfield Ealbflsleh.John H. Rachoetcr. wf..Emily M.sister ef Jams© C.*rsh,Roohoster. tane.Pharles. wf ,,Luey, /!!*«'*) en* Polly Van Aukan, buoy w« heir of Javld Bfrnf0rd of Clerksan. Charles Pane later «over» to HJllsd*lo,Wich. *espe!l,P©tor of Ieni*,Wieh. wf.,MSry Ann,dau.©f Robert an' FHwbeth taurhlin of Henrietta. feeler, Onion,**.**', wf..Luclndr,sister o* "o'ly Scutt Westfete,**enfie! '. feeler, Ridgafield, af ..©enrietts , sist«r of G©o,R.01 asted,Clarkson. Eenne'y.James W. Mobster, wf.,EHrs Ann,-**u.of ©eo.rn' EH** An*> Mandevill©. Eeen*y,8hel'on of Ergle,**.v. *f.,Ann R. heir of Abraham Ennie,Men-Ion. Reiser, Rochester, wf ,,Sophls ,dau.of John snd So Pit Mr uror.Rochactor. Eolsey,Eleri of Toraine Co.Ohio, heir of Eunice filletsan,Henrietts. Eo!sey,Henry, Ogoen. af.,0Uwe Cornelia, dsu.of Mlndsor and Reberes Trowbridg< of Ogd n. Eelsey,T,ols of bare ine Co.Ohio, heir of Eunice Hi !at«an.Henrietta . EC.sey,Rachel resi'enoe unknovm, heir of John M.MIler.PenfiPld. Weilogg,Pally, sister of Frederick Bushnel 1 of Greoas. Reilor.g/Vyierd, * ©an,P.•/Leon,) wf ,,PoeannP .au.o' *ufue an' "a ry Wrrner o* Og^en. E©Hy, arm Beuren Co.Mieh. wa.f"ho'r rhalr ©•* Ahrahp* "orrcil ,Ogden. Eelly,0areps, hsir of ©areas ©hiteher of Sweden. gel ly,*a than, wf ..AbifeJ 1,-*eu.of Sa t> -n' Ab'sp'1 Pisroe F©nfie1d.*nd sister of Ebenerer Heree.^ebstor. EerapshPll, wf.,Amelia ,he1r,( dsu.»)of Joseph and Anna Enapp,Rochester. Eent.Anns A. nl«ee of George F.Hurd of Poehestor. Eennedy.Ann EHrabeth.g.dsu.of John Mc Lsren of Penfield. Eennody, Other In*, g.dau.of Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection %uahters, t f*. Kennedy,Christine, dsu.of John Me Taren of Penfield. Eennedy,Jane. g.dru.of John "e laren, of Penfi**d. Rent, Harps rot, si star ©f ©eorp-e *>.t*ur-» of Rochester. Fonyan.EHrPbcth of P.T. dau.of "riffin Rendamin am' heir of >vi.' Benjamin ©f Mendon. E©nya~,—- Brighton, vf,,©ul4e Lauis*, lyase *TV* Tsabel "'ut.t.Pris.htan. fetch*m,Jos tph, wf ,,Alada ,o!'est dsu.of John Van Pes?, Perinton. fetch* m,Or niel or OF vid, Webeter, wf,,Sally, si star of PomeHus FrPncisco, Webster.Eetcham,Helen E. Roches ter, heir af Orvi' "t rling af r»rms. Eetchsm,Helen E. Rochester, heir af ^svid ^pr'lng of 'armp. Eetcham,Je»ss, wf.,?/ 1 r*both,heir af f>aherine **1! san *F *\**h»r*er. Retoham,Pp'm r.Rannlbal,R.©. wf.,Catherine,sister of Cornelius Francisco, of 'ebster. Pays,--- — Henrietta, wf.,*'e!5nr-,niece of Orniel !<or', Brighton. Eibbie,M*ry,g.-* TSFiah an-' P©Hy Provn e<" Rush. Fld4er,*o»nnPh of Vt. heir,T.uciue,Prldge, o<* Rochester. fl4ney,Wi!!.irn( ©" ^r^r , wf ,,Ab1 rr 1! ,heir af Pamuei **hiteomV of Jar"iP, rnd sieter of Ovight "T*1teomb of Henrietta . Elesler,John, wf..Rsncy. 'au.of Jacob '©w'en, Greece. Eilborn.Hervey of 8T>-*neer,0M o, wf .,-^ry,sister of Henry an? Will Ism Rendee, Webster. Eilborn, Samuel, Og'.en, wf ,.*4r ri« . lau.of Elizabeth Patterson of 0£?trn. Elinor, Henry , Poestenkill.R.Y. af ..Ha stor of Jtmes M.Enight of Raohester. fllPlok,Bsrtley.Ruffalo,H.T. wf.,Rose,dsu.of Rose Rlnn,Rochester. flab* 11,R! Ion,g.dau.of Elisabeth and Nathaniel Oshn of Rush. (Pann) Elabsll,Mrlah, wf..Susm.heir af "i.nslaw Hertb,"anfield. Finr,Albert, wf,.narind» R.helr of Mirrm Hswley of Chili. Ring,Catherine of wich. dru.of Abi **h T,,*aath n<* ©enriettr. flng,Tohn, "Inh. vf..Mary Ann, »PU.O** Jose-h en* **-<*> ©ow/*) Greece. Verify from **i!ls or,) Ping,StePhen B. Petrott.Mieh. wf.,Torin is , dsu.of RHyh rr» T.ucy "abater, Henrletts . Kins'*©, ef.,EHrabeth o.d*u.of "wr* *nd Saldy Holly, Rochester. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection 0* ughtars, a?5• Kingsbury, Edward of Os as nd» ugu* , af.,A bsiirs, dau.of BenJ.en? Reals Kill of Mendon. Fingsbury,Frederick, Marshal!.Mich. wf.,,heir ef Oringh Stone, Brighton. Ring»ley,Ca!win of Portland,Oregon, wf.,Esther A. heir of Abe! Hitchine of Riga . Finfsley,-—- Perry,** .•. af.,Sally p.eister of Samuel P.Clark of Rochester. Flnne, Murray,*** .**". af ..Alalia ,•«* u.ef Isaac a*,d Esther ©awar4,Onion. Mnn©,JuHu*, *">« Witt,W,a. wf.,Rachel, heir feie.5 o* PrsnkHn Wetheby of Clarkson. finne,*«asao P. of Oe Witt, Onan'sgs Ce.**.v. vf.,'*ry Jane, dsu.of Asa rnd Elira PpruUinf of CW^-on.'-, *ppellpntl,*»1eh.- 'f.,P«th R.'ru.ef *Ted rick an4 Philure Rove, 0 t toe. finney,Jahn of Msrshall,Mieh. wf.,Msry Ann,heir af Wllllsa Raw ef Greece. Pinter,Walt«r, af.,S1isrbathfeid©w of James Hopkins,Pittsfard. Einp,—— Sagen*w,Mieh. <•„ .,aiare»ce, Crtherlne Jjserenee,Mendon. firkl»nd,Jsrad, '*l*'evBl*nd,0hia, af.,8snnsh,h©ir af Thesas Tousey,Brighton. firkns trick,"trmes, <* n Era noise©,1* 1. wf ,,Chri sti*na ,-'su.of **i»H*m Ranilton.Prlrhton. Eieoell.A.S. of P*w«nPort,Taw, af./fary :vrid Rehofieid,0hll4. flnne, "•ilea, of ftt.SaTleSeTl*', wj.,**ar*tV ,> Johns' and «ehceee SilI4*—» o* Greece. RliStS wniiem ©f "1*. W"..Susannah,sister of John Pra'shaw of Greece. InSpP,*«as, af.,JuHr ^ ry Ann an4 Payton Cook af Webster. Fnppp,Anna, dsu.of John Ms Taren of Penfield. fnapp.Clrrlsoe,g.dau.of John He 'aron of Penfield. EnapT,Jahn^ebster, wf .,AH'a ,sl star of Cornelius fl.Francisco,»ebster, Rnapp.Jashua , af.,Betsey, da u.of RHhu *nd Mary Punsel!,Rlgs. rnapp.f.raanti*, of It rsea,**.T. heir of Luke Thompson, Ponfiali. Knrar,Mos s, *aree!lus,H,T. wf ,,Msry,helr a* Ichsbod Snrr gu..,F*ga . Eniokerbockar,Wl!H*m,Jaekaan,Mlah. wf.,8a11y,d*u.sf Father »n' i.euben K n * T ©^ Clarkson. Wnlrht,faith, Ra'.f Wo©n,*.T. wf.,Pbebem*1ster of James fnlp^ht, r?*e-h*»sesta Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection *»ae*.t-«ra, f H. Wnawles.Erastua. Rigs, af.,Margaret Ann,dsu,o* Joseph m' Ha^nfh L*»l»» Whoa tl en'. Fnawles,">ul. Pig*, wf.,Emily, da u.ef Samuel r«i Bsrvrh Sherard, Riff . Rnowles.Thana e, Rochester, wf.,'Wry, dsu.of Rdwar' Remish, Gates, R.T, Eocher,Wi!,H»R,0ooksa1 lle,Wis. wf ,,Lueinda,dsu.of Johnsthtn end bUiindf. C Babcock. Henrietta . Eekor,Jecab,fendPll,**.T. af .,Jull* ,heir af fi!1iF^ Hlehol s of Clarkson. La be rteaux, Abraham.Chili, wf ..•""olly.-' P*U! rnd Mario Auten, Chili. 'a cev,Att9UB,aer"en, •f.,,Ttnn'>', 'e-u.of Paul snd**-rir Auten, PhlH. Lacy, Edward, C*.r1isle,,fich. wf ..Cornelia ,heir/dau/)af Wm.^n' Polly Pixley, Colli. Ledd,Beaufort of Ros-.".T. *f.,'*ry !.. heir ©f Plo'ate bar' of "en'on. L*'-",carles E. wf ..Sarah, ' Tssao Dayton of Pjttsford. Ladd.-— Marsha l,'*ich. af ..Hopry, dau.of John Allen,Mendon. I* due,Thomas, wf.,— ' Justus and Mfery ©elaon, Sweden. Lseneher,Pet'?r of T^oberb'ne,Prussia , wf,, Elisabeth, s' stor of Peter lather of Rochester. li*er,Teste, Roctocter,af,,Jcno,dru.ef Ooorgo Cum Inge. L* founts in,Caddis, dru.of Johnathan :^r son of "*en field. Lsks.Wichoirs, *f.,Charlotte,'pu.oi* Abl ish P.and '¥rv I'urtlss.or w«w "own.C TjPkinc,Pue!la ,**S«»*P, 'pu.of Rachel liowney of Pitte^ord. ia-mb.Enas, ChautauauP C«,*».*P. a*.,©use ,dsu.©f «»o»omon end 3~tr AMrich of r erlnton. lamb,Peter, Rochester, wf ,,T*rbei la ,siet »r of Purh 'nd Om-ron Plnelair ".T.Clty. Lancton,John of Elbr ,**.Y. wf ,,Orl «ss .'au.of CI? r? ass tnd Reuben *sther o 8v w^wn. Lane.JecoV, Mendon, wf .."eribeh, dsu.of Pony in B- tdgji Men'on. L*ne,Jesleh, wf.,Phebe,h«lr of Abraham Merrell of Ogden. Lane,Loron,Hartford,Ct. *f.,Msryett* ,sister of Joseph ''.Parsons,Preeee. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection laughters/ y'f. Lene.Mary o* Rochester, sister of ""home* ©.©>*•* ef O t o e . benden,John ©f R*»»-».-n, wf.,*uth,slater of Riisha Htla-knay of Sae'en. l*phem,E!tnhe!et, *l.yaoulhsjMleh. »f.,M*ry Jane,niece of Abraham o."sn Hess of Perintan an' dau.of Teter Vfn *es . Lsppens, John, P«nfield, wf ..Fancy, 'a j.of John »n* Oeborth Sauls, ronf1*1d. Lstham,Robert, af .,J*ne,d»u.©f A.bra hem Johnston of Fenfield. Lsttiaer,Robert of JrcV*an,Mleh. af.,Mr-riotts ,dsu.of Hcrriet Hallend end g.dau.of Murray ef Henrietta. L*w,Ja^es wf., EH rabeth, dru.of ?va Post of Roches? or. taud<i-rbsck,Al frad of 0*v«npori,Xaea , wf.,fa ura .niece a* Martha Hartor.,Roche Laufjr,Jpcob, af.,Catherine, deu.ef Mary Harvey of Rochester, bearenee .Robert L, vf..M*rpr ret,heir of Rilcsheth Rome af Rochester. Laurence,Willi* u,r P. of Roc?\ee^tr, wf,,'fery. dsu.of Pally 1p p'*B»rorth.*,nch<»nt Leko.Homry of Tron'otuoi t, ef», Ann, heir af Rfahsr-* Cooper o" Pamopvili e.^^io. Lake,"'Inert ^ V«Y'M«/J, *+.tttm,*fA.«0 Bfehar-* Oooper.Trcndoauoit. Lake or Leake,Rlchard, a* Webster, af,,Ade1la,d»a.ef *"w©l ine 'n' Ctw..hor Blsby of Webster. lea>/enaarth,8{ rah of Avon,dsu.of Or-ole* P.CiarV or Livonia . Lee,B'Jte9y,o'* Rochester, 'su.of Alexan'er Waning of Rochas'er. Leet, •"'nomas, *f.,rhobe,da u.of John and Reheccr Collins of »*or«lon.f Loggett,Stenhen, krtt'e Creek, Mich, wf.,Elisabeth, da u.of Abel nensmore.o* Trandoquoit,'ij Leggelt,Stephen of Henrietta, af..sfcrthp ,-'au.of Samuel Pn' Martha Murr*> «»f Henrietta. Le ©r*c«y,M*ry A. Rochester, dau.of Mery and rw.Cle~! lotion o'" Rochester. Lendes.Mershrli of Roches'or, wf .,M*ry,h©lr af Jeroraiah Hagaman of Oaten. Lents,Anthony af *ort Wayne,In'. vf.,P«H*,dPu.ef John tnJ Anna "lain,Poehestor. Le«an,Mary,Roeh****r, heir of **rriew Mud If ran. Leonard, "tnMe'i, wf.,Ann EHre rh«fr/')s«oter o" Polly Beutt ^estgate, T *enfie1''. Leonsrd.Henry C. of I.S Roy, af .,* rthP . 'a u.of Satyr h "hapten oMa Poy,**y. } Lever.Jeaas of Rochester, wf.,Sarah, *au.of Mancy m^ "rrcrtv? R* rtley ,Rr% hton. LealCjPolo* of Greece, af.,Ann,dsu.of John Tennlson,jr*-ce. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection Ssught rr.,.v *'''. Laaic,Emily of Livonia,".•. dau.of fknial B.Clark of f.tvani* . Leaie,t.evl, wf.,Experience,heir of Alexander H.Ketohfis a" Clerkaon. Lewis,**»>-k, Qr*~oo, wf.,El Ion, dsu.of Rater f^ •'roe "osecrfnte, p*-mr . Lewie, 8r th*.niel,Ha©ewell ,**.T. wf ..Weal thy, dru.of A'onid*v an' Abigail S?^1n of Og-*en. Levle.Pichar' o** Pu*h, af.,Esther,*au,©f Joeeoh Root! o* Pales, tilHe.Pev.—-of Allegheny,**.P. wf.,Jpne.hetr of lebarrh n? James .uarrry. Lillie,Joel .ChiH, wf .,**ria ,' Rhoda- Cartan,rnd njeo- of Joserh Poo's v* Chili. T..llHobridgc,*>ri* C. Greece, f..Asmsth,dsu.of Hiehalss Colby of Rarthfield, Ml eh. Linbarkei.Oeorge, Pure*, wf ..Phebe.heir of Samuel A.and Rachel Smith af Ferrn*. Llnbaekor,Lawrence, Mich, wf., Pis den* , heir of Abner ^srling of ClarVson. T'ppett, of FVr-nington,Ontario Oo.^.V. ef.,Gerol ino, •'' u.ef thornsc snd "Tiebe Le-'t of Little,John of ChiH, wf.,Jane,dru.of John md Mary *©©d of O.m. Little, fere of Ch'H, wf .,• lie,dsu.of aershom snd Peb-ec* ©ol dri dge.Pl ra . Livingston, w".,Cr therine,R.ef star of Sarah no-per Vpn ""ear ,Pen*i.el '. Malngston,- Trondoa^oii, wf .,Emily,4*tt,af Ah©! Oensma<"e, Tron^aPuait, Lock,toee-nh. w©.,*ydfs,niece of Wtitdem 'rwrenee of Push. i oeke,**' 11 lam, *-f .,Al-tlrt ,si ster a** Thornrs Frxon, Riga. Lesy/Lesee f) Tsar c.Peechers Island,Ps. wf .,Eme*ine,f ,'au.of "^rrrh Trimmer of T*r^ . Lockwood, Mr jar, ^erms, wf.,Martha ,sister of Abrsm rnd Edw rd Cook,rata via ..I. Laafcaaad „Seth, Ontr ria,**.Y. wf.,Betsey,da u.ef Elisabeth ,'uston,Hewlett' . Leder, Rig*, wf .,Hannah,si star of Henry Arnold, Water ford, Mich, Wr tt-rfor ', Lag*n,Ellen of Ireland, heir of "*rv Mulligan. * ongfeMow,Hannah,'*u.of Oar?' P/vis, af Push. Langworthy,Wonry A, Rochester, wf ,,'frrlr,slater of Albert © .Smith of Poehestor. Laaals,M«nry 0. af Rprtford,Cann, wf .,Ei irrb*th,g.dsu.o© *>nfard an' lei fa 8tone af Henrietta. Loomia.Pubbpr*. wf. ,**©11 y, 'au.of Rebeees ©enfor', Push. Loomis,Wilbur, wf ..Luebe.'au.of "rtmn Pad Ruth Orippon of "Sofia! d. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection Osurhters.ft 5?. tor'.Anson, Royal ton,*.•. af. ,© 1 'ah, 'a ,.af Jonah r -,d Roleacs By^enda, 'ord,Ellre/?j heir of John Colt of Men'on. Lor ',fca than!*!, wf.,!ucin*. widow of Marvin Re*f?eld. Tet^s. Lor'.Oliver H. wf..*>voebe. g.'-u.of Tsarc ©oak* of Sheridan,"'.*'. losee,Js-es of Alabama ,».T. „f.,**teey,dsu.of Reubsn rn<? Mather of S w e «-srs. lossy,S« las of Ohio, wf.,Eunice,h«1 r of Jrmes 'Mil or of Ffttsford, L o th run,*ar *<»•«*• n 0s* **>e're Po.^ie. «-"., EH re both. »i ster of **enrv **en'ee of Mobster. Lau'e- ,**»! * r, M<e*,W.W. r*>rIHar''!,a.j,of «imv^n S1-^* 'on,Ph?' 1. r©vell,,*'rgar«t, dr. j.of Rde*r-* an-' ^r rv MM. thews .-, * Plttsford. bewail,**!. ry, 'r j.o* "Vr' » r-' "try "»tt.he s -if **1 tt - <*ord. Lov*rage,A1"ra ? of ' rw , af..EHrabeth A.v uaf Ms rth» Oibble of :»ra . Loaoredge.AmaRS. Pier, wf.,Rtehal, sister of Jssol i eonl* oi' "Jch.rnd Both snd Rubbol! 'oo-^io of Conn. l.e*e,Henry, »-f.,*trnnrh.g.dau.of Thomas rnd H*nnrh Ocfcan'en af Plttsford. Lowell,Royal of 'ieh. af,,C©rfeHr,h*ir of Prcncsis E.Bowan of Crtes, (OUsalis.rJ Laaer.Gearf 5". Penfield, af.,T,ydi.a,deu.«f Oavld Rs^r ef fenfield, Tow'en,Ja-op of 'Vrra, wf., Betsey, '•Piuof "Pitch r-n' Clarissa Toaneer I.Greec to^erv,*"!'!!*-. Bal fonts inc,Ohio, af,,Sarah Jr-^e, 'a -.%." ', of Jans snd Ja T owroy of Clarkson, Lucas, Panl*1 sf "*lch, heir o* Su«an *e B«-r o" *"hertV-> >. Luca»,8rmilton, *"' 'n^v"!",".1'. w*,,Pe*horin*,h*1r ©f Cornelius Vsclnco. Webstar. !,uee,Mre.**'ea! tV v. Bister of ©eorre Eeoney of Rochester. 'Luddsn,-— tanning ton, **.T. rf.,Charlotte,niece of Montgomery Voeburgh of Penfield. Lumba ri,Thomrs of Rochester, af. ,Alieo, dr u.of Crleh Trft of Rush. Lurcher,Rudolph, Rochester, wf,,EH?*both,sister of Johr lutcr,Rochoote5 buev,Pennis, wf.,0? 1ve,h«1r of Jason Hr.?sr' of Pittefard. lask.Wiilism of noodr1oh,"'.v. wf ,/a tv erine,C.dc u.of John F nd Ablfeil Atchlnsan af -rrr* . Ly'P.Goorr© of Rush, rf.,EHrabcth, Jr;.c* William War'' of Rush. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection Ly'a,a%1Hem af Rush, af,,Rarah,-tau.of WfHiem War* o* Pish, 1 T4*y»o*org'»,w, wf .,**rv,g.-*r.u.o* J»eo! ••srt.'n o" "Vm-i t*r . ly*ry.George of »oehester, wf .,3ut*crgne,*1 ster of Pevl ' Re'l of *>ush. lyasn. Bendemin of East Bethany,**.*. af,,R*rrfet, dsu.of Chestor an' El. Ira both Clseaveland of Webster. Lyndon.Prrncis, af.,M*ry,widee of Hugh Mc Cormick,Rochester. Lyons,Polly, of Perinton,heir of Henry Esten of Farintan. Lyttle,7*r©, af.,?!!?* bath, da u.ef ISSPC *nd Annis Hemminfwey of Chili. wpek.Aee, wf ./'el.less ,widaw of Ohss.© .Andreas o' Webster. MSck,Harry, wf..Laura,dau.of Polly phol-nc „»f R»sh. **»ek,Harry,wf.,*'Piramhr If eUUr of Rth«t«* *•*•«!«>*, <a*hnl*1' «** -en'on. «dac Cumber,Esther, 'a uof *^l!ln Phase. Msc Cumber,Mary, " • " " . liedison,John, *f. ,*fsry,'Pu.of Elizabeth anf John Mpnn of Plttsford, Mr'ison,P*lef- of Janesville.'Hn. af ,,Lydle ,dsu.of !.ov1nr rnd Alfred Chp vvot of Or tea. Mshon,Sally, g.'su.of Enas an-* Mary Jewell of •*honey,*'ichael .af.,»»ary,dsu.of Pogor Currrn af Rochester. * ire,Thomas. *f. ,hslr of Thames Tausey of Brighton. Mai one, Fs trick of Fl.ttsfard, rf.fnall», dsu.of John and "krgsret Lor'.Rochester. •»>loy,Mden, we. WR.'lary,hai.r of Charles and -Vrgeret "aley afPeohester. M*Haw-,Statlra , of Perinton, g.-'au.of Olnoy Ptrnles, Perinton. Mallet,Si *ney E. Ply-ier,**.*''. wf,,Msry Ann,*»u,©f Jem«o p** Man' Rsy,Pesheeter. M,WT, /<*eHa,a 'aw*.©' *CU.of "emr-ereo** ^9r\^^ a* "ebeter. **nn,EHrsbeth, mother «* Pschel ^owney of Pfttsford. •Wnagan/atriok, wf .,«* rgf ret,wi'ow of PU«FOM ^frkerson, Greece. '*ni«rv?llfl,A. af Alexander,*'.*', wf.,Caroline J*ne,K.dBu.of Psnford and Pelia Stone of Henrlotts, ( Lo^k for Senford Stone.I •>nley,Chsnll©r,Cltrkson, wf ..Isabella ,h«ir of Menry Rapkins of Clsrkson. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection Pa ughtera,**' €\ M*n»er,*ater, wf.,*srriet,d*u.of George- eno* *Vnn*h Rlbner of Penfield. Marhle,.tames, wf.,Lorin-»a ,' Elisabeth ©usenbarry, '~ebst«r,an' heir a" Stenhen "•ua^nberry of "ebster. MSrkail.Crrlos, of -em-ieSI, wf ,,M*ry M. 'au.of Abner ro' bUey »©rMns,*©nfi*1 '. M*rkhPm,Prederiak n* Petroll,***!,. w,.Adeline *\'au.o* Aimlra Haywood .Po-hoster aSrkV^,«uy,MarshPl!,'Mch. wf.,Plarissa ,heir of Phss.Chamberlain o* Rochester. Marlett,Enoch, af.,Sophia,dsu.of *wnry ShuUm, Wen-ian. Merri^n,—Waterbury,Ct. wf..pVnnsh,sister of Tevl "Vl~#fe. Merehall,**elor. E1i7rbt>th of Plt.tef1eld.Mr ss.g,ds ,.of Moses and Serab lonr of Rochester. Marsha 11 .Sr rr h 5*r*ncer, " " • s s s s s • • • M/artin, wf.,Cynthia ,*F u.of Joseph PnJ-. Sussn Jeffords, Push. "*rtin,8ayrrd, wr..E!oar,or, 'su.of Jacob '.avden.flreMce. Martin.Honry Brirhton, wf . .PeprebPh.'Pu.of Thomas Wa rrr rt,Pr1ghton. ** rtio,Henry of Henrietta, wf, .Louisa .heir of Ellis rurdon of Henrietta . **rtio,John, wf..*>>!ly,he1r of "et^r Payers of Rush. Msrtl-.aiHiPn,Brighton, wf.,**H7a A.'aS.oa ©ice en' "rrv Paten, Pr'-Mon. «*artin,*»ehaoiah P.^'./Vry J.'ru.of "' "a ry "i *for',roche8ter. »»Srtin, Thorns s, Rochester, wf,,Esther, dsu. af v<,Hsm rn' Mrnnah Pi 'ley.^ochoste Itertin^^.P. of H.*P,City,wf,f8arsh *anny,d* u.ef nufus rn' "Hrr Brcon, Forbest^. fBacon,) Martis,—- Col umbus, Ohio, wf.,Emily,sister of Jane f.Smi th,rff ,d' Rerrick Pramley,Og?€m. Upson, Reehester, wf.,Mary B.-*su.ef Tha d^eus tan Aylstyne of Webster. Mr o on, Jr-rer* B.o^ Mich, a g.son af James Hodges of reh!»ter. Meson,Russell,v.f.,Harriet,dau.of Mr ry Ann rnd Jrytan Cook of '"ebntnr. »©-eon,Sp fford "*.o" Webstwr,wf.,Man- Ann,dsu.of **«lson Pnd Mary Peot of Webster. ©ason,*fhoma a P. wf., Jane,widow o* Thomf s '-'.""a t eon .Roches tor. Msson^liliam P. wf.,Rachel ,dr u.of wewmrn Cri*>pen of J*nfie!d, *a»sury,Harvey e* •p*ilantf ,*Mch.^'",m',h!ae,he1r o* Btephen Raster »* ©v^on. Ma thewe,Emerv, Oswero,**.**. af, , "Hr* b*th,hslr of 3a«,u«i r't!oy of Henrlstte. Matteson,Lydis M,dau.of John and Hu!'ah ^smal* af Sred«n. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection Peughtcrs,, 62, tSattieon,Truman,Penfield, f.,Bett*ey Ann,msrriod,2n'f -Of rTichrei. *sstoon,Abnsr C. of Oseegay*.T.ef.,Caroline,h«tr af Joseph Richols of Pates. Metoon, Brooklyn,*».T. wf.,<"VPollne W. dsu.of Joseph and Lucy Elehols, " . MS xon,Benjamin ,Jr.Clsrkson, af., JuMe Ann.holr of *Wvi' Ron!on,Sweten. Ray.Luelus, wf.,Jane,dau.of John and Hannah ©.Acer af Hisford. *%ybee,Oearpe af W.J. wf..Merge rat, da u.ef Rsry fturr and g.dau.of Cornelius an' Ann *i©moreet of Brighton, **>yearr!Wealthy 1*0*onr, dau.of Partem Hart. We Arthur,^ary of To ^oy.heir a* To*-h 'John) *»e person a* "ha* tl a nd. We Orbej Mix, Rochester, wf,f Alice, si star of Anne Sweft af Rechester, (swift/ Me Cabs,John of Ruffr le,af., Ellen, sister of Anne Swift of Poohester. Mc Osrthy,Julian,wf.,Crther?n«,heir of Stephen Colo of "recce. Wo Certhy.WiiliPT. of Rochester, af.,Mery E.' Eleoy an' Patrick Kearney of Rochester. Mc Cheeney.Mary, heir of Franklin S.RWsk of Swe'en. Mc Ohesney.Par-ocHs, heir of Frank*in S.Park of Swede*. . **o Pheeney,Sybil, sac • . * « Ma Connet.1,Opvi', Ontario,".v. wf.,Wsoml,S. slater of Jo"nn? O'Pryne,Bright on en-* Beniamin b.*'erthrup af Pri hton. Me Canneli .Prsncia ©f Tow, af .,Armills ,«*» Tf.lHem CaoV of *"aneton. w e Pooney, Porter, wf.,Marraret,heir of Marw Wetilnton,Penfleld, **c 0or-«ek,Oavl •», wc^^Jeryj'au.o" ^* Tora Oehl of T, r1'-hton. Me Cor-iek,Martin/?) wf.,Ann,sister of >trieV Cochrr n of Rochester. v© 0111. Hrnnah, of Pueh, '•su.of Joseph Mbley ** Rush. Me El»*«n», — - af.,A»uh*hj?««1eter af *s.jr*h ; JfopMns of Rochester. We Rwen,Jsme« of le*lstown,Pe . wf.,St rrh,g.'su.of Thomas Jenner,Henrietta . •*c Farlin,—— Pittsburg, Pa . wf,,Catherine, sister of Pie! "krrsgh,Greene, We *srlin,Co!aln of Ml*. w^.,8a therine,h*1 r of Austin Rill af Union. Me Fsrlsn-i,Henry, ''nion Snringn.'.v. »f.,Aramint» ,-»a .,.of Richer' snd Eliza Rlkkon ef Poehestor, Mc Farlsnd,James ". vf.,MSry,dr Erekie! rn^ Lorett* J well of Parma. Me Prrlln,John, Clsrkson, af.,Adeline,dru.of Lawrence en' Hannah ^ampklns «*© ftlerkeen. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection ^ t t r a h t e r S , ff 6 J . ¥ ° ^Ifcil5ttlVr*.**f Vo^,*r J"f.,','ne,,rU.„f Pobert an-* Christ*** —matt a* monster. w (Burnett,/ *a Oill.J. e- Bristol,r«nni , af.,, 'su.of Jesenh Scott of Sates. Ms Goacr»rk,Rochcster, wf„»ry.dau.of Edward Oayle,Rochester. "C I^VyT^"'""*5***' ** Jol,B 'C ** *1-*- (*w*1 •wlHrsn.haira af Wa ©regor.Henry of Pates, wf.,M*ry Ann,dsu.of John an' El I r* both Hash of fret.. M« C r a . o r / a H y «f KaeheStar,dau.of T*Lithe Sre**; *C Ru«M». W©0ulre,8fcry,sister of Jsmas Curry of a r e«ee. Me Galre.John, wf ,tElizabeth.hef-r of Ann Plea', Rochester. Me ©utre,**ichee1 a© ©reeee, g.son n** Pofmr ©urran ef Rochester. Mc ©uira,James of Srevee, af ,Pridr*t ,'ru.ef Pri'get *"ewt»-r e.* WfHis« Hayes of Preepo. *«e Hume,Thames of Ur"»c», wf .,Cath»*ine,h©ir JP «.*mer' o'"eii 0 f Preeoe. «c Hurau, -rf ..Ch*r1etu Vria Jo*n«* _ar*hs 11 .Mendon. Me Inlay,Jamea,Victor,",T. af ..Rachel, dr U . 0 f As* he! rn^ Sinney Barber af Perlnt^i;. s& u yU*sn-*e, dru.of Jseob and Mary *i rd ef Pa!»Ingham, Can?ids. Mc Ksy.George.of Prsece, wf .,',aeind~,dsu.of RuXua snd Luelse Darrow of Greece. end sister of Elswnrth **prrow of Greece. ©c Ksy.luelnp "errow of Greece.niece of Elseorth Harrow ef Greece. Wo Eanns .JamesGreece, ef .,Merr*r«>t,sister of "iol 'Jarrag*h of Greece. **c Fee,Sally M. dau.of Slbbsl ^ry1* Cuyler Cook ai" Lt^cv. Ha Henry,Ells*both,adopted e>u,<*»* Willie*. * H Hsrv fisraiek o'J "en'on. •S ginney.—tor-Pn Co.^'o, nf.,0ynthf* r«a.R.4s«.nf Tamos snd Susannah -*©ks of Wheat1and,",v. -• <•• i.» ~r tfrt-17 «'ii^a o* *p«.» "ePiH of Rochester. •• fnl»ht.Andr*w,of Tsyn- ^ . ^ r .wf .,Mary,s « k ' P — Mc?-n,H.«ter, wf ..*ry,hetr of John MaPher.on af Thertlsnd. Metouth, wf.,Jsne,d* O s v H *nd Lydis Pandle of Ogden. Ha MSnnls.Uurs R. heir af W U U s m Tone of Wheatland, u m^t ef.,Isabel,dau.of FllHem and Betty Armstrong .Mheetland. We R.urhtan,Puncsn of Osledonls ,*.T. wf.,Is*bal.halr of J.-**. Sllaah of Whoa U s e d . Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection Daughters/ 6^. Mo Hesd, Duncan,of Henrietta, af.,Hsry J.dru.of John and Sarah. Ellis of Henrietta. Mel^ierson,—— *©• Roy, af.f— slet«r of John MoPay ,Rira. MePherson/etherine, Wheatland, heir of Rohort Menrie of Rf wr . WePhereen,Ounee of Wie. af .,Ohrfetie,deu.of Paneld ani lergsret MePharsan Wheatlnnd. McPhersan, ^rgaret of Wheatisn'*, heir af Robert ftenrie of Rig'. McQueen, Ellie. of Wheatland, wf .,UUrs, dau.of Mary Ann and WHHsm Brown of Chili. MoShoa,Ft trick, wf .,Rosa nns .dsu.of James Beetty, Greece. MeFesn, Rigr, af.,Jrne,sister of John McKey af Riga. McVePn,Punepn a*1 ©hestlend, af.,Christie, ds .of John Mo*^ushton,*heatland. McVcan.John of Bergen,".M. wf ,,S!er rare t,heir of Robert Mansie of Rigs. MeVean,8*rah, dsu.of Abraham and Catherine Cutler of Wheatland. McVes,Peggy of Antrim,""roland, heir of Robert Eyle af Rochester/His sun' A. We*her+er, af Rochester, af ,,Aimirp ,dau.of Hannah Curtis of Og'en. MeW'lHams, Bridget o* Ireland, heir o** Wrncy **uiH"-pn Wead,Chr'rles of '"erblavllle.-.w. wf.,©ally,sister of Charles A .Jones,Rocheste *4V d, Samuel, wf ,,8e lly.dr u.of William an' Port*** Potter, Cla-Vsoo. Melton,Enhrlam of Olardan.Ohl a, w",/e nay, dp u.of Ellrrbeth Prioe of Clarkson. Relvin,James, af,,Ann,dPu.of Jpmea and Alice ^lel „f Rochester. Welvin,John of Milwaukee,Wis. wf.,A!lis,dsu.of Thorn' s and fflrrreret Will isms of Rochester. Menges,Bslthsssr, wf ..Msry.dau.of John snd Anna Maria Eleln of Rechesto. Merkham,Irs ef Rush, wf ..Susen.hei.r of Will ism Riohol s of Clarkson. Merrimsn,CoryJan C. 0oneseo,111. wf.,Laoy J.dsu.of John ^n^. Merolls (N Tickory of Rochester. Merrimsn,— wf.,Mery Ann,dsu.of Jerome ©eely af ^rirfleed. Merrick.Albert of Rochester, h«1r of Samuel Ham'Hon of Rochester. Merrick,Son© of Rochester, heir of 8rmu*1 Hamilton, "oeheoter. Werrlt.Georae e* Boon Co. Tnd. w^./sahal,'su.of ©amu"*! fn' Ppnnah ROOTS snd heir of Benymln Terkee af Ostes. Merrit,Isaac ef Penfield, af.,Tabaths.heir of Ashlsy Crirpen af Penf1e*d. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection *V«ajit*rs,# a*9. Me eerae, Samuel of Bartlett.R.M. af ..Tdkcf.a ,(Lucis /dsu.of Elijah Rowell,of Clerkson. Wossengor.Warren of Ravl,Mieh. wf.,Jane,d* Betsey an' Oliver Fable af fetes Wetcon/or *etaon/John, af.,Mary,sister af Rachel Po«ney of Plttsford snd dsu.of Elisabeth Mann. Meyer©,Thorns a, parmr, af,,Ann F. dau.of Abner an/? Mary F.Rlng,Ogden. Widdleton,-—- wf.,Msren<ds,h©lr of Ely Pay of Rochester. Wl'dlcton,—— wf..Harriet Ann,dau.of rli»a Ann an' Jr«ie« *".Penne-»y,Webster. Wl'd!eton,Msr.-sret J. s s s s * s s# Willsrd,Punlea,dau.of Harvey snd Charity Crawley of Mendon. Willsrd,*Ssry '*. of Ft. g.'su of Harvey snd Ohsrity Crowley of Mendon. Ml Herd, Samuel of Stafford, wf ,,Huldah,hef r of Pavid Par ling of Parma. Millar,— lat*vie,Miah. wf.,llsry Ann,sister of Peter Rller of Penfield. Wilier,— Greece, wf..Heettr.deu.of Srmuel O.Merrill of Greece. Wilier,—- wf.,Betsey, leu.of Ellas snd Iraney Baker Penflsld. Miller,Abraham of Mer1bro,Vt. wf.,Hannah,heir of Ely Pay of Rochester. Wilier. Chaster of Marsha 11,Mi eh, wf.. Ma u.of tn*r«* *n' Martha Buehmsn of Henrietta . Wilier,Edward L. o" Rochester, wf ..©ouias, ©rob.dru.of Chss.and Sarah How af Perinton. Wilier,H*rriet of Thamneonviile, Pa .heir of **Ho Tri«o of O^den. Willer,Hemsnfwf ..CseswisnlP f!) Wn.»nd '©•ry ©iffor', Roeheeter. Wilier,5*star af Oblong,**.***, wf ,,r*rv.beir of r>rr* 'fenchester of Perinton. Wilier .Lewis of Bellston Spe.w.W. wf.,Per Una ,hair of Issrc Lyon ef Push. Willer,»e.rf*ret,deu.of Devld and Ohio* Smith of Chill. Killer,Moses of Racine,Mich.(1) wf ..Frances,heir of Issrc Lewis of !"heetle<nd. Wilier,Polly,dsu.of Oavld sad Chloe Smith of ChlH. Miller,Richer? of Buffala, wf.,Bridgct,heir af Thomas O'Brien af Rooheeter. Wilier, Reth, wf.,Mery Ann,'su.of Margaret snd John M.Hller af Penfit>ld. WlHer,Onlce of Greece, sister of bat*Una Taueey ef Brighton. eTHer.wnilsm G. wf.,Cynthis Ru^us m-1 Ellrr bscon nf Rochester. Wille,*la©thy,Wau©'allle,Wia. af.,Phils,'» Benjamin Bates ©f Ronton. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection Pe ugh tor*/ &&, Winsrd,Henry of Huron,Ohio, wf..Emma,'su.of Hester Eddy an' niece of Luther Rushnall of Plttsford. Winer.Herkemcr of Mendon, wf,,PophlP.heir of Henry Loek»o©d of Men'on. Minor .Avery of Huron Ohio, wf., Emm* .dau.of Pester Eddy. (Or Min«r/ Mitchell,Anna ,d*u.of Sarah *n^ Orniel Qulmby of Mendon. Mitchell, John of J*neeviHe,Wis, wf ,,Oyren* ,helr of I*»ac and Pheba Laeey of Chill. WlteheU.Levt P. Plttsford, af ,,Almlr* ,dau.of Rathan end Msrthe Rye,Plttsford . Mitchell ,WilHcm. Ill, wf.tlydla, dau.of Isaac and **©11y Pressor, Webster. Hanley.Srmual F. *'ich. wf.,Lo|s, dsu.of !.©ia and Sumner C.Austin of Onion. **ou!thrup or Maulthruo.Ramu 1 W. of Rlg», wf ..Elmlra ,'au.of James an' Pecne! Enor-les of Pigs . Sfo.iU— Mieh. wf.,Sally, John en' Huldah Scr mling/endon. (Moo *) Wonroe.Beteav,sister of "ervey Lyon of Rochester. Waaroe,Lydia .Ann af Oswego, *".T. -' Polly Clou^h of Rochester. Montgaaory.Hrrvey, wf.,MPry E. la \.of Hathani*! snd So-^hia Rochester, Rocheste Woody,Alfred P. wf ..Pranees.heir of WilHsm C.Sweet af Rochester. Woody,Martha A.da u.of Charles an'. Jennl* Janes of Rocheste . Woek,Samuel, Henrietta, wf .,Bprbrr* ,dsu.of Christie end Christirnp Thomss.Rush Woek,Solomon, wf ..Emily,g. dsu.of Jahn and Pally Oivar af Hewlett*. Woen,Ann* *>ria, sister af Lydl* B.Canstoak of Poehestor. Waon,— a^., Catherine .widow of John ©."osier of Foeheoter. Wooney,Ju'ith a** Rochester, heir of >n* "cCarthy of Rochester. Woore,-— af.,Irene, *Pu.of Levi try* Phebe Smith of Clrrkson. Woore,Henry P. P*ine*viil*t,0h1e, wf .,*ow1na,deu.o'' JustineCor Justus) Riley of Brighton. Woere,.Tohn C. wf.,Msry Ann,dsu.of Riohsrd and Rethus (U Thomss, Rochester Woore,L*wie P. af Adrian,Mich, wf.,Mary,sister af Abigail Re*th,*ha Is wife ef Rieholas Heath of Greece. Moore,Luey, —- Heir of Rsrsh Lyan,(Lyon,) of Rush. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection Rpughtcrs/ 67. Moor e,*#ry, heir of Prentice Colmsn af Olarkson,( Probably a dsu.) Woare,Merrlt of Figs, af.,Mary, da u.of John MeMaurjiton of Wheatland. Woore,Samuel,brother of Ann Seift of Rochester. Waore,William, af.,Trrnay,dau.of James and "reeey ©oy af Clsrkson. Moere,Wi!Hsm wf., Rachel, heir of John ©aore. **enden. Waore.Wiliie^ CArlington, wf.,Julia A. dsu.of Hannah Johnson,Sweden. Warehouse,-— of Tnd. wf.,Catherine,dsu.of Susan w«nerer. Worey.John o" Rochester, wf..Ann Maris.dsu.of Sarah Smith o* Rochester. Morgan.reorg ^.^ush, af.,Pells .dau.of Moses snd PrieciH* nusenberry.Chill. Worgsn,n jy,wf .,0' ive,dru.of Rola-rion rnd Bct«ey Shumaay, Sweden. Morpl,-— wf.,Catherine, dau.of Hertmeni* snd Padroni* Simeons, Ttnyr. Worrell,Edward A. AV.any, af.,Jana,sister of Calvin Randall, Mendon. More.Stenhen, wf,,0rr«nacy,s1stor of William B.Caes of Mendon. warrls/ames. wf..Lueind-, Peter snd Mercy Msrlett of Penfield. Morris,Sarah M. Rochester, da.,.of *ary snd *HlH*m Clemlnsan ef Rochester. Morrison,James wC^ylvi- .g.-isu.ef John OfeHnson af ChHf. Worrisor-./emuei ,p*n"i*ld. af.. Jsnc.eister of James an' Punlce Fennedy of ' San field. Marrow,win ism. Rachestar, af.,A! Hee,dau.ef Ann Lou hrin, Rochester. Worse,— wf.,Caroline,'su.of Renjsnln Bates,*'en'on. Morse,"tnial, Huron,Ohio, wf..Luay.heir of Amassa Jaffords.Prlrhton. Morse,Edwrrd, of Lanca ster,*".T. wf .,Jane,he1r of Elirabeth Dav1d,Greeee. Mosely,Jlrf ,Perinton, ef.,Laura ,''a u.of William C.( Penfield/ and Betsey Poss wf Lyons,"*.***. Maser,Oaniel, af .,8a lly,dtu.ef All-** V*n Hose of Perinton. Mooes,Jerome of Webster, af.,Xellnd»,heir of Jscob Eillsm of Wsbstor. Mocher.Gideon of Perry,0hia. af.,Sarah, Jsmt-c RilHags,Clsrkson. Wo.ier, Plorence,Mieh. af.,8rlly,niece ©f Abraham P.Van **ene,Rochester . Mosier.Panlcl of Jscksan Ca.'Mch. af.,Sally A. dsu.ef Joser* **fttehe™, of Perinton Wudge/*)A!ve, Pome,M.T. af.,Harriet,heir of losec snd Phebe Lacey,Chili. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection 1Vu«r*".ter©/ r'*'. • ,^ I is • Wuldoon,Wll!lsm af.,Anna *Wlr, prab.'isu.ef ^omas an? Serah gent of Rochester. Mu«ford,Vrs.Aniv of Recheeter, heir of Thomas Hert of Rochester. Wumford,Angelina 8.dau.of ?4ary H.tnd George F.Perkins of Htrtford,Ot. Wumford.Iavid of Mandon, af .,OsH,ste,hoir of Ethan Osvis of Rush. Wuan,Edwin,0*Us, of Willis© and Polly Rixley/Prab.dsuJ Wurnhey.LeH* of Lagsneport.Ind. sister of Ethan Willis ma .Rochester. Wurphy.Oathorlne, heir of Willisn Tone of Wheatland. Wurrhy,Fa trick of freece, af,,Bridget,dau.of Carneiius Shahan ef Grseee. Wurrsy,John of Toronto,Cana^s,af.,AHoe,heir of Patrick Lagan af Greece, Wureheroe'*'}—— union, wf..Harriet.eistar,r*)af 'Vila Routt Westgate a" Penfield. Wyer,Peorge of Rochester, af.,EH*»beth,helr af **thi*«,Jo©oT*i of Chill.v (Joseph •^athiap, ) Re ©pert,Philip, wf.,J|pry, dsu.of John and ( Verlsn1. H of Rochester. Rersmore,Louisa , Ottsas ,111.g.dau.of John Oiokonsom of Chili. He ch, John C. Rochester, wf., lea be! la,sister of John C.Wslt of Rochester. Wallls,Frederick,Clarkson, wf.,Sarah A.dsu.of Tssac snd Polly Houston of Clsrkson. We'lVen' Wclson/saeB, III. wf.,Marrh,dsu.of Perry snd Claries* Orrlun of Boeheeto'-. Wolson/'*Honf Webster,*'.*', ef.#Herriet,'su.of Oavi' and J*eriPh !,,e^ehsr,o, Webster. Wewcomb,Horaeo o* **ttteford, af.,Betsey,**u.©f Father **'idreth of Pittsford. Reakirk.MSrous of Medina .**.P. wf ..Ms ry, Sarah rnd Jahn 8.0osm*n ,Perm Rewell.OanisI P.Parmr, af., Eunice, •** u.of Simeon fn' Jerusha Hovey/arma. Reaell.Rrnoy of Bannister,Ohio, '•su.of Abl**h J.Roath of Henrietta. Weamsn.Erra of Oakland,Mich. af.,Confart W. heir of Abraham Morrell, Ogden. Reaasn,John, af .,Hsrths ,dau.of KlIs*both Shermer,Rochester. (Sherman V Roaton,Lsvln* ef Stoekbrldgw, dsu.of Erestus Oolt. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection A»ughtera/ £ r . Wewton,Lyman . Rochester, wf.,Prances,'su.of Jamas and Hannah Jones .Roahoeter. W*vten,Reuben Curlle, Clsrkson, af ,,Larott*,deu.of John an' Oebarah Soul© Fenfield. Rickole,Albert, wf.,Betsey,heir of BSaid ^rar of fenfield. Hlohols.Errl of Albion,*? .T. af .,Rschel,h*ir of Osleb Tsft ef Rush. Rlekols,Sideline, heir af John Knickerbocker af P&rl©ton. Rlekals,EH>h,Fenfield,wf.,Slbbell,sister af Pally Scutt Westgste af Penfield. Wlohols.Mra.ilrry of Clinton,*?.!, hair of Thamra Hart of Rachaster. Wlekale,MeHsa*,siater af Burbank,Gsma lie! F. of Ohio. Wickolo,Ra«ann* of Brighton, heir of John H.Knickerbocker of Perinton. Wichols,Simeon, wf .,Arm* ,d*u.of Abllah B.and ,# *ry Purtls of Raw Tawn,Porm. Wieholson,HannPh of Perrinton,"*.w. heir of ©ieholrs "oshar af Perinton. Wiles, Egbert of Rochester, af ,,AdeH,s ,d»u«*f Sally en* Jecfsh Pugsley, Plttsfo Wiles,Eathor,niece of An'rew Muntinrton af Plttsford. Wlme,W1lllsm P. Richmond,Ohio, wf.,by'1s 0.dsu.of Warren rni Erlome Srge o" Wheatland.. Wlson,John, Grimsby/a n*'* , wf ./a ry, da u.of Samuel S.snd Pr-^oli* Moore,Brigh Roble,Albert,Onedillr ,Mich. wf ,,Rsrrlet, Spencer and Ammds Woodworth oftartec. Roblo,Lewis of Strongvlllo,Ohlo, af.,Ann,heir of John M.Hiler of Penfield. Rorthrup,Rd. af.,Ems line,dau.of Enoch Strang,*>rlnton. Rorthrup,Harrlet 8. Penfield, Pally Ocllnds %>rlett snd lerstae of Reuben Jerlatt of Fenfield. Rorton,calain of Greenland,**.•. wf.,Mary Ann,dau.of Ann Sibley of Push. War ten ,Charl otto, H. sister of Edward Knann of rama. Worton,Charlotte,E. niase of R-*ward Enenn o* Parma. Wort on, Mabel, * * RottsjThomss of Fochceter, wf.,Lais,sister of Joseph Thorn. Wottlnghsa,Willism F. Felmyra ,*S. af..AMel F.dsu.of Joefsh an' Folly Rich of Of den. Roxon.Jahn, wf.,Mery A n, Ollllsn *nd Hennah Hopper af Graces. Wye.Loren of Plttsford. af ..Elis* ,h*lr of Andre* Huntington of Plttsford. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection Rsoghters/ 6$. O'Brien,Ellen of Rochester, clap dsu.of Thomas HSFsdden of Brighton. O'Pryno,— Brighton, af., Joanne,sister af Benjsmln t.Porthrup, Frighten. 0'Conner,fimrae Frsnaas bf Greece,dsu.of John snd Jsne Rankin af Greece. 0'Pall,Ensign, wf .,0isn* ,sister af James Soger af FVankfort,** T. O'Oonnell.PHrabath of nonerp1 Co.Ireland,airier af John Manns of Chili. C'Ponavsn,Alice of Oorning,W.w. h*fr of Patrick w©*Mneme/T) of Reehecter. Ogden,Janes, wf.,Harriet *Vitf.ngill . Olestosd,©cargo of Psrms, af .,H* rrtet.heir of Amos ©nsrn of Farms. Olney,John*than ?. af..Jane,wf.tJoseph en* Elisabeth Woo1ston,'*andon. Oroatt, Ohoeter af Ch'li, af .,Am.ellr ,dsu.of Jos is h and Orpha Howell,Chili. Oroutt, Chester of Copley,Ohio, wf., .Tor usha ,heir of Olckerman Chamber Is i Oreutt,Piles, of Byron,".T. af,,Rsrrlet,heir of William Patterson,Pittag rd. O'Regsn.Pater. af.,Cstherinc.heir of Thomas O'Brien of Rochester. Orr,*&thew of Rochester, af.,Ser*h,sister of ^nlal Burnett of Rochester. Ocborn,ripvid of Victar,".v. wf.,bovine,niece of Luther Bushnall af Pittsferd. Osborn.Mathanial P. Roches tor .wf „^sry H.dsu.©f John and Polly Olveref ef ©eorietta, *nd sister of William Pivor of Rush. Osbarn,Hehawish of Whe tlen*, g.son af Fllrabeth McTntash of Wheatland. Osgood,Josish, wf.,Mery A.dsu.of John an' Rsnay w.rimoenn,Roche«ter/R*r sister,Ellas P. serried Stephen - — 1 (Ounisen) f'Shander.Aaelsna,niece of Porter Rieoock af Clsrksan. 0'8h*nd©r,Bo?ieer, ef Clarkson, nephea of Porter Hiscoak af Clerkson. O'Shs©dor,Mercy,af Eingston.Wls. heir af Eunice Tillots on of Renristts. Ostrsnder,Alexander, Rays Hon,*'.1. wf ,,Rorcy,deu.of Thomas end Eunice Ti11oteon,Henrietta , Otic,2bvi-' 0. of Settle Creek ,Mich. wf .,Clarissa ,dau.of Jsne Booth,Brighton Otis,Justin, af.,Minora*,dau.of George and Pally krboock of &W?an. Oalnbeugh,— wf.,Rolen,sister of Ssrsh Tsppen Van Ross,Fenfield. Oaen,Augustus H. brother in Ira of Peter F.Thstcher of Farm*. 0aen,0rsnge, Raehsster, af.,JuH* Ann,slater of John S.Osrd.ea of Raehester end E H Pardee of Webster. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection Epught.err/ I©. Wedlock, — Rochester, wf.,Set«ey R. dau. of Wi! Ha-' rn'' "sry Pffor'', Rochester **6e,Tseso of Fpy.ptte,Torf , vf.,*>reis,alater of T< n ip>* Herriek of Men'on. Fagnced) John of Pa toe, wf . ,fu»'nn* ,dsu.of Pet^r and Catherine Tiell of Gstas. IVine,Joseph, wf.,F!l»mheir of A<M»n RitJle (Hills,; of larm*. FSine,Rodney, of Honeoye 'alls, af ..Msrthe,dau.of Leonard snd Elisabeth Hiteheeck of Rochester, Pel Ins,Sis ry heir of Luke Coney of Plttsford. Fslas,— Oryugr CoJ.'J. wf.,»iary Ann,half sister of Austin P1eott,Roehester. Fplmer,Albert,Clarkson, wf.,Mary,dau.of Robert an-* *ery Ann 'iersham,Clsrksan. Palmer ,Rdaerd of Rochester, nenhea of F,*w»r* vePrl'e, of Rochester. ^slmer,Mrs.nusrn A .of Rochester, heir of Thomas Mart of Rochester. PSImer,W11 Harq,w^.,-ermelia ,siet^>r of Winale*" "oath o* "enfleld. r Wrlsh,Adeli«>, 'su.of Robf-c^a- en4 John "'illis-a o* ''reeee. Fsrlch,James of Shelby Mich, af .,Msry,heir af Wenry Leekwoo-i of Mendon. R* rich,Re than, wf.,Esther,dau.of Jeremiah pnd Patience Pulsed,Rush. lark, James Mendon, wf.,Mary,dsu.of Henry Shulters ,Mendon. Rark,Fllny H. of Chicago, wf«,Mary Jsne.heir of James Ackley of Plttsford. Iferker,—- of ©.Y.Clty, vf.,Ann* E.dsu.of Petrsr and Jeru*h* Simmon*,Rechect©r. Fsrker,Eldre', Perinton, wf.,wealthy, widav af John B.Petting!15 af Greece . Fsrker,Eldrldge/Preb.*Pme es pbove/ of Galasburgh/'ieh. Sar*1. snd Charles Hew of Perinton. Farker,EraPtue, "Oartlsnd, wf.,Hannrh,heir of Alpheus ©oodrfah,ar Geadrldg af Ogden. Fcrkhuret.Abra-m of Al^en,M.Y. w".,Adelir,dau.of *enta-oin and AnnP Sheldon of Sweden. Fsrkhurst,Esther of P*r<roni, sister of John "•'ri-ht of ©reoce. Tnrkhuret,John, Chili, wf ..Ann, ?r u.of Poch and Phloc "yiar of Ch1*i. Perks .Thomas. Mendon, wf.,Aimers ,'PU.O* *".** Oewley 0** Mendon. aVr*n*lee,<*«">—> wf.,byclntha,dau.of John "4Brtln. Fsrmenter,— ef Mich, wf ,,bo«te* ,dsu.of Susm • inegfr. Fsreenter,Ruth,heir of Joes* Ad*n* of Fenfield. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection Ikoghters, § 7*. Famish,Mary of Ootroit.Mieh. dau.of Ire and Mary Ann Rergle af Rochester. Parshsl.Atty of Potter,*».•. slater of Pally Porter of Preece. *ASrsans,OrrtmPn a* Sweden, wf ..Mertha ,helr of Pevid Henion of Sweden. **trldge, Cold Crack **fy. wf ..Ellsa, sister a4" fi«on Van *onmee,Poohester, Pettereon.Artesrjs, **endon, wf ,,*MH* .-"su.of John sn-» Mrrreret !.or',Roehe*te Fettorson,Lyman f*.or Rerre,**.a. *f ,#Oynthl* ,da u.of John an-» Servirh Roily of Perinton. Rattle,Eber of "'^unt **orriP,".w. ef .,Honhron1»- .sister of Eliaha Sticknoy,Swed F*ul,EHra ,dr u.of Jemee and Hrrthr Whyte of Faulk,Charles, 'tendon, wf.,Harriet I .dsu.of Cuspn Leach, "end on. *Vyne,EHsh* ©f Greece, wf ,,Ha nn*h,dsu.of *'o*es snd SaHy Te*ksbury,Rochester. Payne,*arlboro,of ©un Tiaka,'fich. wf ..Clari pas ,g.-ir u.of John Plckenron,Chi!' Res body, Fr*n*'Hn af Penase Co." Y. g.son of >niel pnd Polly Ho* of Fenfield, Pea body ,*>a^ee of Peneccc Co. s s * s s • a * « « B. • • .. • , S B S a ' r It Fa' body,*lsry Janes g.'isu. **ee body,Polly of deneeae Co. • dsu. " " " » • « • aaekjAbram.'ea Jir , wf .,A*enat.h ,heir'-'au.) ©f *©w **eet.h, Penfield. Peak,A!len,S«:e4en. wf .,*>rm:«l1a ,-"su.of Joseph end Susannah WrrJ of Swe'en. Fas res H ,Po11y, heir of Hannfh *i©ty of Perinton. Pesrsen,Jerelish,heir of John Colt af Mendon. Re* rson,Ssr*h,s later ('-) af John Bait of Mendon. Perce, Abram of Bergen,'-'.!, wf.. Gather inc. •?* u.of Esekiel ( nd la/UHl Loret JeaeH of Prrrtf . P©ase, ft-mo! la,da u.of Oavl-i roA Lydie Wrndla of Ogdon. Pesrt,James of ?tra, vf .,Pancy,h«ir of Amac Knavp of Fens*. Peek, — of Me **en^,Wis. af,tRlil», Belin'r Allen.Men'on. «esk,Calob,wf./rrrh,heir of Ptephen of CI- rfcron. Pack.Oeorrc R. 8*nducky.0hi«, af..*wrir C.' Puth Robert*,Rashes tor . rcek/aorre of Pronto, wf.,Harriot, " CsraHn© snd **arv>w "rf©die.Rashestor, cnok.Haran/'en'on, ef ..^tra ,' «f 1H©W m-' 8e11nd* Allen,Mendon. Peek,HorPtio T. Rachoster, wf.,H*nn*h,da .ef Esstman and Hrnnsh Colby,Ogden. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection ^)p ughterp ,#72. Reek,James, wf.,Harriet,-isu.ef Samuel aBi Elisabeth H*m«lton of Rochester, Feck,Mary J. heir af Reuben Mathor of Swed n. Pack,Rachel, da u.of Pavld and Chloe Smith of Chill. Fack,8phsr,heir of Reuben %ther of Sweden. ( Bereh Peck/ Feck,Simeon E. wf.,Caroline,da a.of Abljsh R.and **rry Curtis* of He* Tawn,0onn. Fack,Wl!liam of Oswego Co.P.T. wf.,Charlotte,dau.of Alexander WslHng of Rochoste Faelc,Arm of RochoBter,Ohio,'su.of John Pnd Rhods Powers af Webctor. Wear, —— Lyon*,".?, af., Sally ,«ieter of Mr Hilar of Ppnfiold. Poor .George W. ''em'on, wf ,,Pmn* ,deu.©f John and Rebecca ©off .Rochester. **ecr,John, Webster, wf.,Molly,'eu.of Abraham snd A-eli.r Skull,Penfield. Peer,John n" ""helps, W,w. wf .,Sarph,* John an' *Vrraret Filer ef Fenfield. Pe?t,8alaonef.,Mar- ,da u.of Porthrup *m'* Patience Ft.John of Wobater. *aete,Lemuel, ritte for', wf.,AdoHa,'ru.of Eli.deh r^ bucy Webster of Henrietta . Rellett,— Ohio, wf ..Louisa ,Pister af Rachel I.ooml* ^overedge, Rigs. Penfield, Oeo.W. Penfield, wf.,Jane,dsu.of Sarah Van Hast .Fenfield. RWnnington,Hathaniel, R.J. af.,Ruth,heir af John Maor«,Mendon. Penw-r, Rev .Joseph, wf .,fla-rra ret,sister af Sarah Star! ing,Rooh**ter. Penrose,Wer ear Ann,' Mary and Jacab Ward of Wa!.PIngham,Cans 's. Poor,*Sthiss, vf.,Ann,heir of Johh fJohn J Moarc,Mendon. w©rklns,Ass of Perinton, af..Martha,hair of Henry Estam af Perinton. ©eriga.Beny-in P. wf ,,&»*! ine,* u.of FH*r beth Price of Clarkson. Perigo,Robert, west Tray, af.,All's ,W, dau.of ^mil end r!rnov Van E«me, Rocheeter Farrio,wenry J. wf.,fanny J.'PU.O* "ir^m an-* *fcrthr "ec!-, Prirhton. Ferrln,Ranaford. Trondoouoit, vf.^rriet.deu.of Abel Oen^ore, Irondaouoft. Parry,2©aid,Riga, wf .,Tyd1a ,heir of Tehrbo* fprr-gue o" Rigs. Ferry .Harriet, deu. of Panic! P.PI ark af Livonia ,M.T. F*rry,Jehn, Rochester, wf.,Laura I. 'su.of U»urr Livingston, Rechester. Fcrt,Henry ef 111, wf..Sarah, Richard an* *prg*ret Ceoper af wTondoquoit. Fetors,Wl!ll*m C. Raston,Mass. wf.,Gertrude Chair of Cenlinc Morgsn of Rocheste FattlngHl. wf ,,Anns F.Heter of Ucy Jsn* StrykerRochester, snddpu.of Rachel *cigt»i» • •W*** o f H»bb*rd Wells. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection n *u£hta)rs,£ 75 Petting*. 1.1,Moras, a"..Mary Ann,'ay.of Cornelia* P.*n' **annrh Pumref, Og^en. Whelps, —— ©orth Barren, af.. Rets ay, dsu.of Aieren'or **^o—ST, Whe*tian*. Whelps, Edmun', Laekpnrt.w.w. vf .."ercir Wfn4eor so' Pe*ea-os wrobridge ©f Ogden. Phelpr, ef.,Eunice,heir of Rylaester Alford, R-s-e'en. J*helpa,Clari?Rf , of Pant?re,Wish, * J* he? Colt, Phclpn,Chrrlcpr af.,Louisa, dsu.of Rpmuol en* Submit Thompson of Penfield. Phelps,Edmun', Lookport,, ef./fsrsi* Fidell*, dsu.of Windsor 8. and Rebeccs Trowbridge of Ogden. Phelps,Helsn of Fontise,Mleh. nle^e af John Colt of Mendon. PheltmjSr-su^i 0f Rush, wf..Olerips*, dsu.of Pally Phelps sf Rush. Phtlips.Amae of V'^)i-monr. Cross Reads,Ohia, nePhe» of William Herrlck af Mendon. FhlHpe,James of Mich, heir of Caleb "aft of Push. Philips,John, Wis. af .,tauiss, heir of TchsboH r.prague of Rig* . Phil Ire,«a reus, oi* '^im^on* Cross Roe *©/*»« a, ef.,Aeen*th,*feter ©" '•"iHlPm Rcrrick of Mendon. Philips,Feme Ha, Webster, dau.of Levi rn ' Pethanw Philip* of "acedon,: •£• RhiHpa,PoHy,he1r of Caleb Taft of Rush. Tlctt,—— af,,t.yHia r.-'su.of Timothy "yler of Swedun. neklBS.ThowPB ,**ewburrh.".*^. wf ..Flirs ,he1r af Henry Hop }n*.Clsrkson. Pierce,— Mich.*f.,Mary,sister of Rpeho! Loomis boverodge of Rigr . Ficrec, Franklin, Sanolaw/'loh. rf.,Charlotto,heir'slater U of Frsnklln Wcthorby, CIark*an. Pierce,John, Rlegsrs ''rile,*?.?, wf .,Laura ,sister of Lucy Harris, Ogden. Pierce,'t tty. Panda ,**.T. sister (?) af Cynthia /jtars Wprlng/rondooualt. wieree,8a!Oman, Riga, wf.,Hannah, ^t>or^m pnd Experience Richmond, Rigs. Pierce,Thorns a, w*.,Mary, widow of Cslwb Loaeradge or T.avera re,Rig© . Pierce,Thom*sf w*.,Martha C.Meir of Isaee *©-* Anna Pox af Whastlsnd. Piernent, Johns than,Poehestor, af.,Carolina,-"ru.o# Edith RsWkf nr,Rashcstar. Flke.Peorf'?, "/'.Oity, af .,0stherin*,h*lr of Elizabeth 'Vrmclee Wsdbsms.PsraS . Pfllshury.Joh© P. LOWOII.MPSS. ef.,Laey C.hcir af ,f a ry Ann Moore,Rochester. Ftahrll/?)PhiHp, af.,**«rbr re .dsu.of John tnfi 'kgdelen Cooley of Rush. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection Daughters, $ 7^. Filkln,Julia,heir of Carolin« Morgan af Rochester. Pitktm.Ssrah B." • • " " * wisee.WiHien L. Rush, af ,,8erah, *su.of Joseph and Maris lockwood of R<j*ch. Flsnt,Alsneon of Perms, af.,Rets©y,slater of Porter Riscoek of Clarkson . Floss,rlsvid,Clarkson, af ..Clsriess ,dau.of John snd Ssbrs Esstan, Olarkean. Plose.Fh'lip. wf^Oarallnaj-is i.of Hsraw.enls rnd Saphronif Simmons, Farm*. Flstt,Oath«rine of Washington,G©nn.«i*t»r of Hannah Peeeher of Webster. Flews .Robert of .,EH*e .dsu.of Fidall* and Iersel Phllipc.Clsrkson. Plata/0 John of Wis. vf ..When—T dsu.of WfUlsm Ruyck af Brighton. Flamb,Wi!liS'r of Perming ten, af,.Story Ann,si star of Celine Hsrtrasn, Perinto Polar,John F. Washington,P.C. wf.,M«lvina,dsu.of Rani.rnd Ells.Gilbert,Greece. Pomeroy,Aar',»n, wf ..Mdf.a ,hair of Panic! Whitman af Perinton. Porter,—— af.,Julie,sister of Rcbecce MSttkea* Everett, Rochester. Porter,—- Ohio, wf., Sophia, dsu. of John p©* *ry Rartaell of Rush. Parlor,-—**Its,Ohio, wf..Ly-'l*.sister of Beth Stanley, Ogder.. Porter,Albert tT . wf., Julia ,d*u«af Jamer Ha thews,Poehestor. Porter,Polly of "re«ce, sister of "eorgn Bra'•fan* of ©reeca. Porter,John of Almond,"ich. wf.,B#rah,'su.of Rllsah th ^rice of ClarVaon. Por'er.^ry E. of P.T.Clty, heir of Thorn*;-« Hart of Rochester. Porter,Orrin,Mid'letown/O Greone Co.w.T. wf .,*Y?Bo?!*tar af Hermrn A.Pratt, Ogden. Porter, Stephen, Wayne Ca.'.T. af.,Phebe,dsu.of Ala dp Ketchem and John Vsn Resa,Perinton. Parter,Wlllism, Albion,".T. af.^ebe of Sarrh Rapt 1 >,Rocho*te . Post,Celeb, Henrietta snd 8hclby,P.T. af.,Harriet,dau.of John and Polly Olaer of Henrietta an* sister af w n H s m River af Rush. Stoat,Pali* of Buffalo,H.R. dsu.of Sarah Kdgaley and niece of Samuel Clark of Rochester. Poet,less* af °Pte«, wf.,©Snay,'su.of Samuel ate4 &>ry Pa-oe of OhiH. Fstrlek,Jahm af Porter*, a**.,lsura ,^au.a-»* Pornellr and ©enrra Hf rt,Websler. Potter,%nlel, af.,Ablfcil, < Tsase and Annis Hemmlngasy of Chill. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection Peughter*/ 7?. FotW.Lois E. of Pownftl.Vt. heir of Srrrh Lyon of Rush. Potter,Se«uel of VI. wf .,Avis,d» John and Rebecca Collins of Mendon. Fotter,Wi!.lsrd, Mendon, af .,8a 11 y,da •.of Benjpmln Betes of Kendon. Found,Judith, nrob.dsu.of The-ieue Colmrn of Henrietta. Foaell,Mary of Fcwr hk« a pa ie,w.T. heir of Henry M.Feaell ef Mendon. Peeell,Mooes of fr Hi-ore,Greene Co.*'.!. wf.,Pheb*,heir of Hannah Oaty,Perinton. Peeer,Welein, Tpsi!antl,«ich. ef., Prudence E.heir af Sarah Rr p* lie .Roches t/r Frett.Ann of Wfrwee,**.Y. hair of Iuke Thomosan af Fenfield. Pratt,Jsne of Knowlesvl.l !e,".**. g.dau.of James snd Rachel Enowles of Plgp . Pra tt,Lo* ,dsu.of Te»es Soo* Rachel gmoales of ri!rr , ©reeton.John *'. Clsrkson, af.,Soph! P ,hair of Alexsn'er Fet<-ha^ of Clsrkson. Prontice,Curtie o* Ogden af .,sr!ly,dau.o# Troman and Sally Hunt of Pars .' Frcclet,Joseph, wf,.Welly,dru.of Jcmea and Felly ©e Proa, of Onp r ^rn* M . CPraelor/ Preslon,Alveh of Webster, irf ..Rethta .heir of Willfsm Hcndervllle of Websnes. Preston,Hiram of Albion,R.T. wf.,Emily,dsu.of Elisabeth Butler of Sweden. Preston,John, wf.,alias ,he1r af John and "iHraboth Pickup of Rochester. Preston/a trick, af.,Rosa,dsu.of Mary and Terry Burn* of Creee*. Price,Julia of Buffalo,*.?, dau.of Srra-h Rhsales of L* Ray,P.T. Fridanx.Richsrd, Rnfltnd, af .,Jsnc,rictor of %ry Arm en-* iknicl Turner, Roch. Priest,Joshua, of Oaseaey.Mish, af.,F©11y,helr of Fli-halat Edmund*,Brighten, Pringle,John R, ef.,EH*a Am, FewM an' Catherine Parnhart, *>rintom. Pring1*,Wi!Hr» P. af.fa*rrf.*i,hair o" "»">©•» »r»v«r a" Perinton. Fryor,Thomas, Rochester, wf.,Caroline ar Cornelia, dau.of "hamas Warrant of Brighton and sister of William Warrant. Bulls,Rev.WilUsm,AHegb*ny Co.".v. a.-.f*ns Jrmss Murray ef Renrlstta . Puller,Thoaas . af., Ms rlery,aid ov of Thompa Srettan,Sweden. Purpic,Betsey,heir of Frentlee Coleman af Clarkson. Fynchor.,Sonhis,sister of Msriettr Rlndoek (Rickock O af CUrksen. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection R*ught«rp,«' 76. Q«sle,8p«*el ef Co!da*ter,Mich, af.,Amy,heir of Alexsnder H.Eetehar of Clsrkson. Quo I trough,Richard of Webeter, af.,Catherine ,heir of John Kennedy ,Weheter. Oulmby.RHJeh, wf.,Rsr*h,dsu.©f Tease Weeks, Sherlden,**feh. Ouine,Wi!iiem, w«,.,jane,-» w*iomss *o<* Catherine Smith of RaehePter. Quinsy .Henry, wf ,,E!alrs ,**u.ef Jeremiah snd Marth* Epickernsn of Onion. R*fferty,Jahn TJtoehester, wf.,Ann,wldoa of — - S w i f t , af Reehestor. R*F,sn,Penni*, wf.,3frry,h*ir af Bestlsy Ellpeck of Rochester. Raines,— , Brackpart,. af ,,Ad*, Wf.Hism W.snd Ell«,V*moy,Roch»*tar. Rslph,Rleey,heir of Eenlamin Thompaon of Penfield. Ran<**U,RHsubeth af Cambria,W.w.(Rl*g*ra Co.) heir of Franklin S.Fesk of Swedon. Rsndc!l,Mrry of c*mbrf*,P.v. heir of Franklin 8.i*eak af Swe'en. Ren's 11/'lllen'O w. wf..Sophia,sister of Psrrison **hel pa e* Sweden. Ren's!l,*\»rry, af ,,R»noy,*su.of Mfnethy Colby of Ogden. Randolf,—— wf ..Susan,'au.of John and Polly Re^mon4 of Clsrkson. Rancom.Adonljsh,Pacha*ter, wf.,Ruth, Gsorre Carmine*. Rrnso?s,Cha rles ifanford af Bur ling ton. Tea* ,*> a on of Danford snd Delia of Hewlett* . Ransom,Mery Osrwln, £.deu." s s s s Rethbone,— wf.,Eunice,Reod, sister ef Bellnds Rood tfctes of Clsrkson. Rrthbun.Ann of Verona ,W.T. heir of KlljPh Pound a" Brighton. Ra thbun, Jeannat to , " Verona,*'.v. af..Hannah,dsu.of J***/** D''*M ^^^ af Menrf©n,end h*lr of Henry M.Perwell af Mendon.'Ssrsh, A Rsaley .Walter M.ef Medina fR.w. af ..Ellen,'*.-!* John snd Oebarsh Harri ef tfendan. Ai-wllrw*, af.,Uurs J.^u.^T Tsssc en-* 'Vry Leaner* of Rochester. Real ins, Jsmec,Randan, wf.,Gather In*, d* u.ef Rdasrd and %ry Sweeney .Roohes Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection Daughters/77. Roason,Wl!liem of Bridgeaster,Ohio,af.,Rosin* ,dsu.of Betsey 8ampeon,Columbus,VI* . end niece of WilHsa Rerrlck of Mendon. Raymond 0. af .,8arah,heir af Alexander H.Ketchsm of Clsrkson. Read.Ocrollne T.dsu.of Teeiah end *4sry Toaer of Rochester. Redmond,—- wf,,Abigail,dau.of Henry en* Abigail Ripon, Clsrkson. Redan n, Rev Id 8 .Clarkson, af.,8srah A.dsu.of John snd RHrabeth 01 leer .Olarkson Redmsn,Hiram of,Agnes,heir of Henry Hopkins of Clarkson. Reed.Panlel of Henrietta, wf.,Martha Ann,dPu.of Leurs Peynol's of Flnderhook,P.T. Reed.George of !»UC*B Po.Ohfo, af ,,Ssrah,niece of Peo.w.aurd of Rochester. Rehill,,g.dsu.of Patrick >»>nigen ef Greece. Reld,Merferet of ''onadaCo.' Monroe Co.w.T/dcu.of Leafs sod Catherine Cembs,Psrma. RelleyW'etriek, wf.,Elisabeth, si *ter of Patrick Peyl« of Peehaet»r. Remington,Philander of Rev?fane,©lagsre Ce,**.v. af.,U*ry J.dau.of Ben j .an* Anne Sheldon of Sweden. Renuff.Ooty, wf .,Roxy,'eu.of Lydir *nd John Rosl of Greea. . Reynelds,Rll*,,,ay of Rochester, 'ru.of George W,OlS*enlnsan Reynolds,John, af.,Rebecce,'su.of Henry and Reboece Riles of 8*e?on. RefBioldc,*airy R. of Rochester,heir of These** Rrrt of Rochester. Reynolds,OHaer, wf.,RHrabeth,dsu.of Mercy end Peter Msrlett of Penfield. Rice,—Cle rend on, «*.T. af,, Irene,heir of Fly Pay of Rochester, Riec,Auguctus of Worth Adsms,'*ase. af.,Cynthia ,heir of ***eld ^arllng of ^wrmf, Pice,Pones H. 111. wf.,Char! atte,da u.ef Adonlfah and Ablg"'l Skfnner,0g4en. Rlee,Gearga af Rest Rlaamfield, sfster ,^»ry Beech o«* Mendon. Rice, John of Fort Arm,*'.w. a".,Perth* ,*r *.of John snd Susmnsh Rochester. Rioc,Obod M.Rochoster, wf .,Bereh,dsu.of 8*rah Whaples of Ls Roy.H.T. Rich,——af.,Betsey,dsu.of Elissbeth Patterson of Pittcford. Rlch,Gilos R. af.,Rlesnoro O.g.deu.of WlHlsm C.(Penfield; snd Betsey Ross of Lyon*. Rich,Leonard of Plttsford,wf.,freeloae,dPu.of Mercy Whipple of 8ved«n. Rich,©eney of White Pigeon,Mich.'su.of Luelnds 8terkes of White Pigeon Mich. snd £.dsu.of Jesse Adams of Penfield. Richard,— Rochester, af ..Catherine,dsu.of John snd Sophia &4diii Meurer#Roeh. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection Oeughtcra/ 7R. Richer',¥11 lard, af.,Flier ,hair ©* Wf.m*n Rlgbae o** Penffal-1. Rlehcrde,Aure11a o* Rochester, niece of l«th r Bushnel! of FHtcford. Rlehr rds. Henry, Men-« on, af.,Charlotte,dsu.of RH snd tear* Polbeer of Mendon. Richards,*©rtln W.of Orsnd Blanc, Wish, wf .,0f raline,deu.of Polly Rellogf,. Richards, *.R, Mendon, wf ,,Mery A.dsu.of Ell fr\A Wars Polbeer of Mendon. R lobar'son,/ *, af.,Sylvia R.helr ef Chrunecy Porter of Plttsford. Rleh*rdson,Etlon M4j.dsa.0f Esther Hildreth of Plttsford. Rich*rdcon,Polly,dsu.ef Esther Rlldreth of Pltt»ford, Rich-.end,Betsey of Reeden. dsu.of 8*muel Bishop of Swe'en. Rich'Ond,Bll!lngs, wf.,j*no,8. heir nf Hap* Reals o" Farms . Rider .Thomas of Chatham.**.w, af.. Esther .hair af Henry M.Pawell of Mendon. Rled.'r.B. Wsplea.a.v. wf ..arencee.' Maria Batchelor and g.dsu.of EHrabeth Vpn Prun* of 'fendon. v Rigney..Tamos ©f ©re-ce, w',.,**rfdret,helr o4* Patrick Logpn of Greece. Piker, Jacob,ysneevi 11 e.Wfe. af ..Caroline,heir of Philander Curtis of Perms. Riley,Justin, af..Abirrll.da u.of John He<rsm*n af Brighten. Ripley,— Plsttsburg,»'.v. wf.,Phad* .sister of Abigail Hoath.tife of Wicholps Resth of Preeoe. Risley,Russell, wf..Sereptf,niece of Egbert Hflee, Rooheetor. Robb.Oeorge. Webster, wf.,JuH.e A. dsu.of Charles snd Julis / .Poster ,Iebst<r. Robb, Joseph, Webstar, af./Wlvln* .sister of Charles G.Andrews .Webster. Rebblnc/rssB A. of Greece, w',.,Msry,dsu.of Tsmmy Bullmsn of Greece. Roberts, Add is on. Cumber! snd,Md. af.,Msry Ann,dsu.of Msthrn snd Polly Sharmsn of Brighton. Robortc,Pavld,af.,CarolIne, heir of Ohprlss W.MePulr* of Farms. Roberte,Emoch ©f lenecadHe.Wie. af .,Anna Irs sn<* Fasr "oodrieh of Rochester. Robert*,W1 Illsm af.,Caroline,©u.of William snd '*eh1tsbel Lee, Fenfield. Roberta,WilHem of Mendon, wf.,Angollnc C.dsu.of John snd Ooborsh Hsrrls of Mendon. Robbies,James W. Lenoxes*, wf.,MSrl* ,dsu.of Ksnoah Egglcston snd g.dau. of Elisabeth aVtterson of Ogden. Roblncon,Arebell of Thampeonvllle,Pe.heir of Mile Tripp of Ogden. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection Faugh ter*/ 77. Robinson,Benedict,Onion Spring*,R.w. ef.,Rdn* P. dsu.of Pfdean Rfmcdel! of Perinton. Rob'nson,Harriot H.sister of Bsmue! Clark, Rochester. Rebineon.Jehn ©. Rochester, wf.,Ann,dau.of Rdwer* Bemfsh, (*stee,'".w. R obi ne on, *?wrey, niece af 8a~«e1 ClarV o" Rochester. Robinson. .William A. Arlington, af., PP noils , dsu.of Hannah Jahnson.Saeden. Robi ns on ,ain ism, Oetrait."ieh. af .,4,rtha ,4* Oprin *** Msry Smith,Chili Rochester .Henry E. »f..Jrne E.dsu.of Feswell Hsrt and niece of Thome* Rstt Thoaes H*rt, Rochester. Rogers, Benjamin, wf ..L* , deu.ef Berlin *nd Lai* Fasdlet.Webeter. Rodgers.Thankful of Mich, hslr of Cslcb Tsft ef Rush. Rogers,— Res ton, Mi oh. ef.,jgsure, dsu.of fimothy snd Mary Lawell,Ogden. Rogers.p*niol, Whestlrnd, wf .,Eunice,d*u.of Edmund and Rsney Pel!ows,Chili . Ragorc.Ronry of Pawpaw,Mich, af.,Ann,dru.of Pathanlel Raaes of Oniom. Rogers, Joshua, Piaa , wf,,Electa ,dau.of 8Pi*ue1 sn-i Lais ba!dain,Flas . Rogers,Riesrd,V.of Rush, * f .,F!l'**beth,'»su.©f Josenh snd Msrir Lac?rwoo^,Rjs Pagers ,WH1 ia m H. Rochester, wf .,**ery,' Ann Pert on,Poch ester. Rogers,Webetar af ^rttle Creek,Mich. af.,Sarah, g.dsu.o" John snd Berwick felly of Perinton. Rolph,**ennph, sister of ©earpe Rr*dford,Preece. Ronet,—- wf ..Margaret Ann.nieee of Alexander snd Ereelove Rumsey,Ohlll. Rook, John of Rami Han,Ohio, af.,Ann,dau.of Wm.pnd Ann Montgomery af Rochester. R©od,,Adele, g.iau.of ©ath»n Look of Sweden. Root,Filer A.Sweden, af ..(name not gleen/ John Beedle. Focch or Roeeh,WilHsm of Rochester, wf., Pells „dr u.ef Elisabeth snd Leonard Hitchoeck of Rochecter. Roceo,— • wf.,Polly,dsu.of Jsmee,r brother of Robert MeOonkey,Rochecter. Rose,Amos,A!ieghenv Co.**.w. af.,P©Ily,ds > .of Abel *>e!knep af Rig*. Roce,Ben1amln,Vlctar,**.w. wf., Jo rushs , dau.of Asshai and Finnev •*> rber, Pe Rose,Charles of Putnam,*'feh. wf .,*arir,sister of Panic! C.p*nrs,Plge . Roce,^Prv Barton of Jsckean Ca.wfch.hefr af Wfeholss "orher,Perinton . Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection daughters, #60. Race,Peter, wf ..RHc* both .heir of Js«es Miller of Flttsford. Roee,8el!y,dsu.of Prudence and Robert Rallsnd of Plttsford. Rose.WilHsm.Vlctor.R.T. wf.,Anna,dsu.of Aeshel snd Sfnney Barber of Perlntoa. Rosekrene/Hllism, Greece, wf.,Marls ,^s (.of tfrlsh and Betsey Preen, Greece. Ross,Ass W. Ealsm*soo,Mlch. wf..Rho*a .dsu.of Tesae and Hannah Seel ay,Henri etta Ross.'aleg, Brighten, af,,tsVry &ne,helr of John '*.en' Polly Wash, Prightan. Rose iter,S» rah oa StoeVhrf dge,**ee. niece of John Colt, **em'»en. Rotherlck.wiiiiem, wf .,F!f.** .heir of «*thrn Pawls, Push. Roodabush.wiilipw.Pembroke,w.r, ef.,8areh Bertha S.snd Samuel Psvison of Greeo .-. Rowel 1,Pally, dsu.of Jesse Adams of Penfield. Rowell,Willlsme of Mich, g.son of Jesse ^»n* of Penfield. Rawley,Albert, Ogdon, wf ..Merreret, dau.of Prieh and Beteey Green af Greeee. Realoy,Oh»rlotto 0. g.dau.of Manual end Bertha S.Osvison af Greece. Roaley,James of Mcnden, wf.,Catherine,dsu.of Msry Saeney of Rochester. Rowley, John, Ids Mich, wf.,Cecelia , dau. of Berths* Samuel Pa vie on Greec Rowley,Orson of Ion* Ca.Miah. wf..Perish ,helr ef Reuben Bweet of Greeee. R©yeton,**homss, wf ,,Msrtha ,dau.of Sterhen Baker af Riga . Raby/ieorga of Rochester, af .,*>ui in* ,* Sfon en* Msrv Pilar af Reeheeter. Russell ,EH'sbath E.of *>ctoryvil! e,**.w. heir a* Jaeab Ounn S** Clsrkson. Russell,ErrnkHn af Henrietta, wf..Mary.dsu.of Jeeoph snd Marl* lackwoad.Rush. Russell,*ry Ann, of reetoryvl lle,*».W. hslr of Jseob P.Punn, Olarkaon. Russell/a muel,Lowell,Mass. wf., Catherine, dru.of Abrrhsm and ^ery Tlee,Sweden. Rasscll,—— wf.,3srsh, widow of Samuel Millsrd, Webster. Ryen,A1 ansa,of Ot rlten,H.V»- wf.,Ann EHrssister af RmeUne Woodgcts of Wheatland, Ryan.Michael. Wheatland, af ,,Lol* ,dsu.of Whiting snd Roxcen* Merry,(O of Whestlsnd, Ryder,John, af..Flarlll*, Jeremiah end '*srthe Spiekermen, Onion. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection TWughtere, 9 fl. Sebln,ilsajBah,Ro11ia,Wioh, *eu.of Bsthany !*1Hp* of M*codan,Wayn«t 0o.**.y. toekett,Orange/O Terk,F.W. wf .,Mfnerve, da u.ef Benjamin Sheldon. 8sge,Riram R. Rigs, wf .,Pesephlne, dau.of Hiram Sprsgue, Rigs. 8sge,Vrtln ef Wheatlend, af.,Polly,dsu.of Will ism rnd Jerushf King,Sweden. Belter,Israel, Genesee Co.r.w. af.,8ally,heir of Ivory Hoi lend, Plttsford. Bramle, Shipley of R.T.Clty, wf.,Proline .niece af Martha lerten of Rochester. Bsnpson.Betsey of Col ambus.Wis. sister of Willism Rerrlek of ^en^on. Sampson,0*rlos of Columbus,Wis. nephew of William Rerrlek af Randan. Sample, Jacob of R*ndalph,H.T. af. ,01a rinds,heir of Bsvld Hoyt of Phi on. Ss nd are on, Rhone *er, Fan^uW a, Wj Pis riees , dsu. of John snd Elisab Oliver of Clsrkson. 8snda,Mo*es of Stsnfard,**.•. af .,MSry,hefr af Meravh ©otv ©** Perinton. 8anford.Josep»-,,stacktan,Ps!lf. af .,tueretia, R.sister ef Elizr B.L<9seh,Rlgp 8snfard,Lueretls,of Wea Lebanon,**.v. sister af Wllllsm Perry af Clarkson. Sanford,Lyman of Webster, ef..Almira ,dru.of Chaster so* Rlfsabeth Cleave!*©*. of Webster. Ssnferd, Lynsn, Flngeton,Wis. wf.,Usris,dsu.of Oavid and Kerish Velsher, of Webster. 8cmpeon,Botcey, of Columbus Wis. sister of Will ism Rerrlek of Mendon. Sanford, Matilda of R' !lsd*lc,Mloh. g.-»*u.df Stephen Baxter of Onion. 8a and ere, John, wf..M*ry J.nleca af Egbert Riles, Rochester, Beaens, — af., Pally, da u.ef Oanlcl snd Anltt* Road ,Flttsfard, ( The E?k aeutor 1* name' Jones Sraens.) Ssain*,Bidney of Wathrtean.P.w. af.,PhlllfV»r,dsu.of Ppmuel Hurhes,Httsfard. ?ewyer.Pdvar'i of iron* Blana,, wf .,A1nirs,<** ^ollv Eeilogg. 8sayer,Tcsse,Pae'en. af.,Msbby,dau.of Jarhue and »nne R.Prngs^weden. Saeyer,Robert, Balolt.Wlc. af ./auHns .heir of Hlrrm and tkry Ann Rcdfleld, or Rochester. 8eyles,Hiran, vf.,Almira,*au.©f Msry Ann Pnd Wfllicm Praan,ChiH. Sshsnsk,Peter V. ef Brighten, af .,S»rsh, Micsjsh and Catherlae Jsckson of Xrondaauelt. Bchlebar^muel, of Germany, af.,W»ry,sister of Jahn Later,Rochester. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection Peughtere, $ C£ . Sehmerhomnow.'?)Fveret,L. Wf.,Rary,sister of William Ruesel!,Henrietta . Schneider,Jacob, Churchvllle, W.T. af ,,roesnns,sister af Barbers Weh«>r1y Vollenaelder, Raehaster. Schuyler,Petor, a^.jReehesl,*su.eS ©filisn am* Hannah Hopper of Creace. Bohofield, Rsr*. af.,Msry,dsu.of Ann snd WiHism Hume of Whoatlend. Scofleld,Msry,dsu.of RHehe Sheldon ef Chili. Scott,8ss of Frlendship,M.w. af.,M*ry L. dau.of Betsey snd Joel Hughes of Perinton. Scott,George, wf.,Abigail,heir of Humphrey Bart of Bates. Bcott,Lewis of Flysauth,Mteh. ef.,Clsrises,heir ef Humphrey Hcrt, **stes. Seott,Rabert, Penfield, af .,B*teey,d»u.«f °eo.snd ^nneh Hibner,Penfield. Beott,Wllll*m 0. Ferintan, wf.,Phebc E. sister af Benjamin J.Ree,Penfield. Bcovllle,B*racy af Perinton, wf.. Rath, de u.ef Drniel and Polly Haw of Fenfiel 8ersnt©m,Rdwln, af .,Mery Ann, Irene Sibley af Raehaster. 8crsntem,Adrlsn af Rochester, af.,M*ry,d* Msry Sheldon af Rochester. Scudder,Charles of Brirhton, wf.,Jul is,dsu.of Jsne Reath of Brlsbtom. 8e*reh,Eethor,h*ir of Jsmes Chase of Penrlett* . 8earls,Rods A. dsu.of Ohsuncey snd Renoy Wf.lenrth af PittsRord, Record. Lorcnso. Plymouth,Mich, wf ,.M»ry,'»* John snd Anns Smith,Webster. Sedgewlck.Theron af Westmorelstfcl.s.T. af.,Phi!achat*.heir af Pickarmsr Chsmberls In- af Rigs • Seeley.Cyrus. Clsrksan, af.,Riles 8, dsu.of John snd Msry Ross, Clsrkson. Seeley,Mantel, sayne Co.P.V. af ..Marls ,dsu.of Henry Bhul tars, Mendon. Seeley, John of Auburn,F.T. wf ,,Rhoda ,heir of Jeeeph (^sflWlVft Ciary .Sweden SeesyQsmuel V. of Brighton, wf.,w#ry Ann,h©lr ©f John P.L©*venworth .Rush. Beeley.Thsddeu* 0. nublln,0h'a, af.,Caroline,sister of Jsne O.Swlth, snd dsu.of Rerrlek Rromley, Ogden. Seeley .William ef Tp*il*ntl,Hioh. af .,Rul/'*h,helr of Stephen RejrUr, Onian. SeHen,Samuel L. Rochester,af..Rue**,dsu.of Tael fsrd, Paeheeter, *"he mother or step-mother aac Mehftsbel Sard. Sells,Bamuel,af .,M*ry,holr ef Jane C.(Bromley ARmlth Sorple.John of Henrietta .af.,8* reh, heir ef *4sneer Ocud of Plttsford. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection Daughter*/ &}. Ssrvis,Isaac,Eunice,dsu.of Johnson snd Reehe! Bervis, Farms. Beaeet,(OJoel, Otlseo.R.T. wf .,Minerva,heir ef Ostherlne Vcoder,F«rintoa Beaard,Ch"Ster, III, af.,8*Hy,sister of Orra Manchester, PSrfnton. Saver',— cslens, Imd. af.,8»r*h A. dsu.of Stephen snd Ellr* Manchester,ef •'ortnton.Seymour,-— Fluehlng,Mlch. af.,Jane,dau.of Orsndo snd Lydlr Seymour,——" Flushing ,**leh. af.,Jsne,dsu.of Orsndo snd Lydie Ha etf.ngs ,Roehe Seymour,Ira, wyjangic, w»r» wf ,,Ruth,-* Elisabeth F, tiers on, Ogden. Shank ,wi 11 lam, Mendon, wf..Angel inc. FHrabeth Van Brunt, Men'on. 8herp,Chonett, Vietor,w.y. vf./erah,heir of Roeaell Carti* ef Ogden. Bh*rp,Ephritm, wf.,Ann, da u.of Abrshem Johnston af Fenfield. Shsrp,— East 8pyuge,P.T, wf.,Catherine,si star ©f Jscob Hoffmsn,Chili. 8h*rp,H*nnrh of R.V.City,dau.of John O.ConkHn, Rochester. ShPrp,WilllPm af Plttsford, af,,Ann, Edaard *nd Ellen Beers of Plttsford. 8hre,— Genesee Co.WlSh. (Mieh.) af,,wsraline,heir of Rebert Me Conkey, of Raehaster, Shew,Peter of Chill, wf.,!iucy,dau.of ^snuel snd M*ry Papa af Chili. 8hay, — Us pear Co.Mloh. af ,,Amells , f^sthsn snd Rerawh Rase,Rush. She'd,Eugene,Chili, af.,Jpne B,dsu.of John snd Betsey "u^ge, Riga. Sheldon, Bu*f> !o,w.w. wf,,!aura A on,©face of Montgomery Woe burg of Penfield. She!don,P-darrd of Coburr.Can* 'a , w«*.,T*hebe Ann.he'r of Joshua "ells of ChlH Sheldon.Luth-r, wf..Alme-M*.heir of Amon Hills. Pir-e. Sheldon,Mil tan, wf.,Cells A. ' Jans* Allen. 8hcldon,ftephen,Fsrmlna;ten,P.*'. wf..Betsey.sister of Jsmes and Eunice Kennedy of Penfield. Shell,Msrgeret,dsu.of Jacob and Msry Ward of Welsinghea/sn* 1*. Bhelton,William of Ot. wf.,Harriet,dsu.of Truman snd 8slly Hunt of Parma. (Shelda-t; Shaperd,Augusts af Mendan, dsu.of Freeloac end Orra S e e of Mendon. Bhepsrd,Augusts,g.dsu.of BenJ.pnd Ann* Shelton of Sweden. (SheldonO 8hopard,Eleenor,dau.of Bon4, and Anna Sheldon, 8a©den. Shop* td. Tea be I, Ann* Rh*l<d©n of Sweden. Bhepsrd,Jsmce G. Alexender,*T.w. af Wn.end Msry Cogswell .Rocheste Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection Re«ghtere,#M, She pher«i. Perry R. Baehecter, wf.,Mfn*rrs,of Betsey Ann Johns on, ReCheSer. Shop*rd.SsImam,* brother af Tears M.Ely ef Fenfield. Shorerd.WilHem R, Brighton, wf ..Msrths.dea.of Esm! .and rVrmcH* Maara, of Brighton. 8hep*rd,WilHem, af.,"!!** AnnTfTf.of Thas.M.snd Jsne H.Vatson, Rochester. Shop* rd,Will ism of Hyesm Graon (0,af.,Mary,'su.of Thos.Cook af Rochester. Shams a, Henry .brother of Temperance Hendee af Webster. Bheraen.Renry, One-per,Wish, af.,Folly,heir of R*th*n Sherman, Br^hton. Rhcrmen,Hiram,wf.,T#ur*,dau.of Thamrs end Runic* Tillatson, Henrietta. Sherman,James of Pann. wf .,FHr*beth,nl*ca af Esther Colby of Whectlsnd. Sherman,Worth Providence,P.T. wf..Ru*Pnm*h.sister of Joeenh P.ieneda.Roedoester. Shcrwoad.Pavi'i W. Bsston.Ot. wf.,Harriot, *ay. of Fetor Bf.1H.mon, Sweden. 8herwoad,Eben, Otsego,W«eh. wf ..Aivirs .heir of Ohauneey Crltten'on,Brighton. Sherwood, —-.Saardburgh.Sahuyler Co.*T.w. wf.,Catherine,day.of Ruth Roberts. Roches ter. Shields,Ann of Raffslo,R.T. sister of Jsne Bruce, Raehaster. Shields,Ann of Buffalo, sister of Thomfs Cummisfred. Shaeersft, ~ wf.,Roily,dau.ef Pastas ROSR. Penfield. Shoecrsft.Peor^e of St.Joseph,Mich. wf.,Luey J.dau.of Poison • nd Msry "est of Webster. 8hoeor»»ft,J*mec, Col dee ter, Mich, af.,Emily,heir/elster ?Aof Montgomery Vocberg of Penfield. Shoecrsft,Peter af Fenfield. wf .,P©lly,h©lr af Brooks Mason of Perinton. Shoeasker,Oeargls P. **lrfk»rt,**.w. g.'au.of Olney ftanles of Perinton. 8hort,Wet/*) af.,.Tsne,rsigned Olive Short/ heir e* Hiram **raley of ChiH. Shoal tare, Peter of ..Ms rgs ret, da u.of Henry *n' Merrr ret. Hu ef Rochester. ©oert.Abrahs*', Mendon, wf ..Lydia .heir of Parid S*fth (wf .buerctle / ,Mendon. Shun rt,Willie*, af .,01crfss* ,eider of Perter Hlscock of Clsrkson. 8hultere,°*vld of Mendon, wf.,Jens,heir of Path*© Iunt of Mendon. Shulter*,Osvld,Mendon,*f.,Rll**,dau.of Amos Oeeley of Mendo*. Shurkct, Will lam, Rnglsnd, af .,Ssr»h, Philsdelnhle Martin af Ptttcford, Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection Daughters/ RJ>. 8husrt,Wortan,Waphaw of Porter Hlscack of Clsrkson. Sickles,Elle© of ©.•. sister af Moaes T.West o* Orden. Sl^more.Rsney of Sturgls,Mf ch. sfetar of fueln*e Banning af Farm* • C8cidmar •; 81el,Oeorge of Fike,**.V. wf .,M*rf*reihe,helr af Frederick T«x af Poeheeter . Bll*by,Wiliiem C.of^rylend,**.y. af.,***ry,heir ef Chprles Pey. Bilaer.John ef Ohii, af.,Abigail, da u.ef Benj.snd Eliza Crippwn of Rochester. 6 iatm ends,Lucy, da u.of Clsrk ^avi.s of Rueh<M-S/*o o V fia rf 8lmmonc,Abner,of Mich, af.,*«sry,heir af Heasrd Msdey of Clerksan. Simonc,Abr'n R. Ogden. af.,Henrietta ".dsu.of Msrir Frink. Sim~one,George 8. af Providence,R.T. wf.,Ruth,-** u.of Jahn pnd Sarah Angell of Ogden. Simmons,J.8. af Mich. wf.,'rPry C.dau.of C»roHne sn-* Harvey Prindle of Rochester. 81mTons/acob/pckson,**ieh. wf ..Chrlstim* ,g.-* HarmoniP Pnd Bor^ron!* Slmwons of ~lPr<v. Simmons.boranre, 01pyton,".y. af ..Clarissa .'• Reuben end C*«riesa "Tiber ef Sweden. Sim-on*,— - Schoharie, **.•. wf.,Lois,si star af Asenath (Colby ) bfllisbridge af Greece. 8im-ons,*fichrol of '* rshsi 1 ,*'ich. wf .."sria ,*l*ter of William Tono , Whest 81mpson,WilHem, vf.,Mary Robert and Jsne J.Fenny .Rochester. Sipperley.?"*!ncy 'arleh.g.'iru.of Abraham end Mary ©eeley of ^nrietts . Sisson.Rennett, wf ..Hsrcy.dsu.of Mistical Hosg of Penfield. Skinner, Ind. wf ..Tucy.hef.r of Sylvester Alford, Sweden. 8klnaer,AngeHrw, Lysandar,**.!. WiiHpm Hng af Gates. Skinner,Anna , dp u.of ''illlsm Ring of G*tes. 8klnn«r,Haraee of Ind. wf.,Rachel Ann,he1r af wnHam Man^evUle, o" Wehcter. Blrter,Wi!!iPm of Rochecter, af./rroline,'su.of Srmael to* Mary Po-a of Chill. 81oane,Fr*nkHn af Wew Tork, ef.,Werv ^.dau.of Eve West of Rochester. Smith,Abigail af Penfiel<i. sister o* Ebenarer Heree af Webster. 8mlth,Alson, wf..Peborah, dsu.of Plohsr* and Celfs Harris of Og'en. 8mith,Amac, ef.,Mery,sister ef Harrison Phelps af B^c'en. Salth,Ann,af Rochester, dau.of Michael Oannclly af Rochester. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection laughters, § &'. Smith,Ashley, wf.,Mirlen» deu.ef FHhu snd Msry Russell, Riga. 8mlth,Reniemln. Brighten, wf.,M»ry,JPne,heir of Cdsu.B) M»ry Lockwood of Fanf lei d. Bnith,Ohar!es Rechasfeer, af .,•*no,dsu.©f Wm.R and ^rv H.Claugh,Pachaeter. Smith,Clsrisss,sister ef **hfHndar *rawn of Oy'cn. Smith,E«twin, sa Una, wf.,Char! aHe,dsu/Oheir of Orrln snd Mary 8*,ith af Chill. Smith,Edwin, Ogden, af.,RPne,dsu.of Rcrrfck Bromley. Bmith,Era emus, Rochecter, af.,Elite .sister of Rater A.Pershine, Rochester. Smith.E.Pa rain. Raehaster, wf . ,**enneh,dsu.©f Ebeneaer end Hannrh Pri**fln of Rochester. Smith,Elizabeth, g.dau.of Oarethy Hlscoak of ^srm*. 8mlth,Frtncis, of Ru*h,©.T. wf.,El 1st both,heir of Esther Colby af Wheatland. Smith,Francis,brathar in law of 7obu!on Sines of Mendon. Smith,Peorgo of Feckv111e,H.T. wf..Charlotte, heir of Sterhen Merrltt o" Clsrkson. Smllh.Hlram, af .,Augu*ta ,neioe af Samuel Otlcy,/af ..MariP,), Henrietta. Baith/enry, Wpeiif nti,,Lois,**u.of ^r* *>eming,heir of Samuel Otley o* Henrietta. Smith.Wenry P.Plrrkson, ef#,M»rfar*t Are©" ,'pu.of Fmi! Pnd ©aney Vt>r\ Er-e, af Rochester. Smith,Issre,g.son of Oornthy Hlseack of pfrma . Smith,Iscrc 0.— af.,Emsllno L.'su.of Jasaph Utnt af Men-ion. Smith,Jacob, wf.,»*Vrgpret, Philip »nd Catherine Schmeer of Rochester. Smith,James of Mendon, af.,8arsh,dsu.of John snd Jsne Olxan of Mendon. Smlth/me C. dsu.of Herritk Bromley end sister of **e rallna, wf .of Thadeus 0 .Seeley af PubHn,Ohlo. and Emily,af.,af Mortis of Columbus,Ohio. Smith,Jeremlsh, Ffrms, af .Catherine C.g.'su.of Haramonls end Bonhronls Simmons, Farms. Smith,Jesse C. Brooklyn,**.•. wf.,Susan C.dru.of Fbenersr and Hannah Griffin of Becheeter. Smith,John, wf.,LucInr,heir of William Hlccock of Ogden. Smith,John R. wf.,Lyifc,dsu.of 8Pmuei snd Lafe M-'win, Flra . Bmith,Jehn of Oheutsu^u* 0o.".v. af ,,Ann*,dau.of wenry *©* Rebeccs Riles of Saeden. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection Ihughter*/ ^7. Smith,John of Whoatlsnd,af.,Sally,heir af Ethan Davis of Rush. Smith,John Roy of Mich, ef.,Mercy.dsu.of Renry snd Elisabeth Price of Clsrksan Smith,Justin, Rochester, af.,Msry,helr of Benoni SpregueCef.8ersh/ Rochester. Smith,lister, Perinton, af.,Re!en,dau.of Peter end niece ef Abraham Vsn Rose of i*erinton. 8nith,Lloy', Rartlend,*»ich. af.. Cornelia ,dau. of John and Betsey Madge, Rig Smith,Lucina, Parathy Hleoaak af arms. 8mith,isVrla ,dau.of r>nie! Turra*! of Perinton. Salth,M*r^',g.'su.of norothy Pieoaek o4* arm*. e Smith,Maesilan,g.eon of " • " Smith,Pelsan, 8cottsville,**.w. af.,Louisa,hair of Peborah snd names Murray. Smith Welson, WhOFtland. af.,Louisa Rollsnd,g.dsu.of James Murrey, Henrietta . Smith,FtBtt, af.,Bellndr ,heir of Brmuel Hopkins of Plttsford.(Flett/ 8mith,Roswa?l, af Miifard,Mieh. wf.,Sarah, Dorothy Hiscock,Pprar . Smith,Sally,of Worth,111. dsu.of Rhods end John Boaers of Webster. Smlth,Senfard, Wheatland, af.,Emallne,g.dsu.of John Olckinson, Chili. Ballh/arsh O.of Rochester, dau.of Moses rnd Sarah Lang af Rochester. Smlth,8ilps F. af.,,dau.of Jerueh* M.Rual! af Ogden. Saith,Silac &. Roehastar, ad.,Saba H. Levi Ward /Mother ar ctenmother af **ehltpba! Ward.) Smith,Sacra tee of Rush, af.,Ms If Id© ,heir of Thebe Wsrkhea af Rush, Smlth,8olomon, g.son af Parathy Hfscack af aVrms. 8ralth,8ussnnsh, dau.of Robert snd Prudence Hollend of Plttsford. Bmith,Thamcs, Woseo*,Wleh. wf ,,Ann, 'su.of William snd Ann Reeve,Henrietta . Bmith,Willism, Mich, wf..Merty.sieter of EH.fsh warton, Raehester. Smith,wnilPm Ely ar Willlsm Ely of ^rtford^ ..Elizabeth,heir ef Osrallnc Morgan af Racheeter. Smith,WilH»m, deaden*,Ohio, af ..Loala* ,heir af Rufus Smith of Or«ec«. Bmlth,WilHcm, g.cen of Oorathy Hfsoock of Perm*. Smith,Rsrro.Vt. wf..Betsey,hefr of Hose* Tea© of Rigs, Smith's given name unknown. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection Pa a s h l e r * / SB. r Smith,— Albany,**.W. af ., hi!e©a ,hefr of Ebeneaer B»aeh of Rochester. Smith,Wortsge Oity,Wis. af.,Catherine .sister of Geo.Ven Brunt, af Mendon. Smith,— Wis. wf ./Catherine,dau.of KHsaboth Ven Brunt, Mendon. 'Bl.usrsSrd-thr-An** Smith,w wf ..Sslly Ann, -*ru.of lasso snd Mary Leonard, Rachestcr. oD^|-»6tl Hir\r>iArt S m i t h , — af ..Martha A . dau.of " " • • • Smith,Josieh, Murray,H.T. af.,Lauiss,helr of Samuel tltley af Henrietta. Sarock,Elisabeth,dau.of John and Huldfh Temple af Reader,. Snapp.Ahrsm, Win Co.111. af.,Sally,dsu,of Alexander and IiUoy We«d af Reeheeter, Smlder, wf.,Sarah Ann, Jaseph snd Ann Rllse Oolby, Rochester. Snow, Came Ho! of Meriden.Conn, af.. Sarah,halt (heirJaf Icssc 1.1 eats, Who* tip n'. Pnaa,Seth, wf ..Hrrtnah.hetr. of Panic* Whitman. Sopor.Jesse ft) Brighton, wf..Elvirr.heir af Tvory Holland, Plttsford. Sour/"Ml 11*?, Wish, af .,Lydie,'*su.of *>*.< r snd Eunice Johnson, Webstor, Spsldlng.John of ©owrieen/i.^ass.rf ..Penllle ,sfeter of Geo.w.Wright of Rochester. 8faldlng,Ase, Clsrkson, ef.,,heir/©fetor*)" af FT©nklin Welherby.Clsrkson. Spsrlin,—- af.,Oynth is, da u.of "*imathy Tyler of Bwedwn. Sperlln.AlfrtH.Weterford. Ps . wf ,,?* alias, Thomss L.Fall/srms . Spear,Abrahrm,Oreeee,af.Belly,heir af Jahn Moore,Mendon. Spe#re,Lemuel of Webster, af.,Ms tilde, Cornell* snd Geerrr **e rt, Webster. Spencer ,'Awnry of C*tt*r»ugu*,'*.Y. af.,Cord oils, da u.of Avlra Springer. Spencer,Jason, 01e*alrnd,0h?o,wf.,L*ur*, benson end Lucy Russell,Riga. Spsrry#2*H,*h<'t'h of Oreec*,helr ©f EHphalet Edmunds of Brighten. Sparry,Ruth Jsne oJ Greece, * Qxterry — Ohfll, wf .,CyntMr , 'su.of John and Ann Hutchinson of Perinton. Spiegel,J*cab , wf.,Catherine R. heir af J* sob i*Poree,Tro«doouo1t. Snoon^r/mos 8. of Power, af „EmsHne,heir af OPVI-' Hayt of Onion. Spooner.Bertamin af ^ rmony ,Cheat .Co.** .•. af ..MSrans ,hefr of Joseph **lcholc of «ateo. Spooner, - of Panama, Oh*ut.Co.R.T.(c*me person/ af .,Mahenc ,dsu.of Joseph and Lucy Michel*, °rtoe. 8prcgue,0snlel, Sslsvl* ,Ri*b. af .,Msry,d*u.ef Msry Davis, Pittsfard, Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection Daughters, I 89. Bpreguc,John. Osllf. wf..Sarah W.sister of Eliza E.Lotoh of Riga. 8prinjjor,A.vire,dsu.of Esther Austin af Pittefard. Springer,Ber»h, dsu.of William snd Ills* A.Wright of Henrietta. Springstret,Fetor of Rochester, af .,Elmlra ,deu.of Prmucl fn* Hannah Hoone end heir of Renj.Torkes of Gates. ,^ ^ ^ f o r t n 0 , B t ,( 8prung,Wi.!!icm, ef,#t,eben©e, ©nrh Blair of Rochester. Spurbeck, Jsceb, wf.,Anna ©ethan snd Rally Weston o* Perinton. Sutliff.Linus of Lenawee Co.Mleh. wf.,*tency,heir ef Abrehsm Worrell of Ogden. Butllf f ,Llnuc / ? ) wf ./bigs 11,heir of Dsvld end Ohio* Sharmen of Riga . Button,Oliver, wf .,& rriet,deu.of Villi** C( Penfield /and Betsey ROBS,Lyons," ?.l' Sean,Ranees, Cenedice,'?.W. vf.j&lsry Lyman an' Isabel Butt, Brighton. 8asn,8l-on, rf.,Lucy,'au.of EHhu end Wppy RusscH, Riga. 8weet,Allen,Buffala,*'."*. wf.,Helen,«1 star of Austin Oleett,Racheetar. Sweet,Emulous, ''anflaid, wf,,Phebe,g.dau.of Samuel HH1 of Penfield. Saeetmsn,— vf.,Eli7.ab«th Renleh,sister of **ry Bemish Ross of Rochester. Saeetmsn.RlchPr?, Syracuse,''.**, wf .,f|r rgrret.dau.of James rod "*a ry Ann Ra-> ef Rochester. 8ai'»ner,P«t«r of OMH, af., *fery ".'su.of 'lary Ann *nd T'IUFJI Brown of OhiH. 8aift,*iern of Stroll, wf ..Email n«,-*su.o* Sue:*© Wineger. Balft.Anne, sister af Samuel Meore/ Anne lo af Poehestor/ Saitrer.MSrisn.a widow of Ind. heir of Abraham Morrell of Ogden. Bymonds. Jonah P. af..Rebecca,dsu.of John snd Reborca Collins of Mendon. 8ynd (T) Sidney, af ..Roeette,dsu.of Philip rnd Pelilah 8ianons, Clsrkssn. Byrne, Fhlllp, Mloh. wf.,Aurw11*,heir of Abe! Frrkhurst of Mandon. See next page far the St— c. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection P* ugh tars, §9Q. Steals. John,Wsbeler, af.,8rrah,sister of Whitney Rnoe.eehster snd dau.of Joee-h an-' Amelia Enoa. 8t*gg.Henry of Rush, vf,,Phoi* Ann.**u.of Pebarsh snd John Harris of Hen<*on. Staker or Stakes.Johnaf Wield, wf ..Adeline,^ru.of Daniel Br©en,Penffold. 8t*nley,wmie of Brighten, wf .,Bsbrls ,deu.of"* RHsa Orippen,Rachaster. Biasing ,Robort, wf.,%ryt isU.©f Johnethsw sn* Elisabeth J**ker of Fenfield. Stsrkes,LuclndE,of v^tte Pigcon,Mlch.'au.of Jesse Adsns of Fenfield. Btsrks,ArchihaH,C. ©f 111. wf,.Rho?a .dau.of Daniel snd Polly How of Penfield. SUrkes, Lucindr, of White Pigeon,Mich, mother of Hency Rich of White Pigeon. 8t*yman,Adel*id«j, g.dau.of Rachel Moore, of Mendon. Staymen/rcob, wf ..Eunice.'su.of Rachel end William Moor« of Mendon. 8t*ym*n,*schel of tendon, hair af Rachel Moore af tendon. Stearnes.Emily, g. Su.of David Raker, Penfield. 8 tee rnc. We Is on of Webster, wf .,!<ueett*,helr af Reuben 'iarlett, o" Penfield. Stedmrn,— HVrd'piek,Masr!. wf.,felly, hereh1l'*ren are heirs of "cry Ann Maare of Rochester. 8treetar,Barton,—— af ,,**ry,helrfeister 1) of Franklin Wetherby,Clarkson. Steiaer,Samuel, Switzerland, wf .,J*rry,sister of Berbarf Veh*rly VoHenwelder of Rochester Sterling, Catherine, deu.ef John and Kllwboth Caldwell snd g.dsu.of Hcry Weaver of Rochester Stevens,Jscs<», wf .,8* rrict.helr of Oevld ParHng, irrw. Stevens, Jahn of Mich. wf.,Lucy, Joel and Eunice Baldwin of Ogden. Stevens on, Henry, af., Esther, d«u.*»f Villifm end Mercy Corbin af Henrietta. 8teveneon,LouiPf,af Henrietta, «su.a? Elisabeth David af Greece. Stevenson,!* on art , g.dau.of Elisabeth Osald af ©recce. Stevens on, Mary Ann of Henrietta, g.dau.of Elisabeth David of Greece. Stiles, Beth R. ''Mttsford, wf..Bally.^su.o** Peuben "ob-a of "ittr-or'. Stillaell .Bishop, Lfaonip, wf ,,0a th«rinc.dau.o* Elisabeth Pess.^e-inton.Th ass a Revolutionary War ~ensioner. 81impson,WilH*a P. wf.,ParesB,heir of Ethan ***Tin of Push. St.John, Enos, Vlotor,H.T. af ,,Sylvis ,h*ir of David Smith/wife Luoretie,; of Mendon. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection Bsughtere,* 91. St.John, Helen of Menken, * frmwltrro end Orrs Case af Mendan. Slocking.Fllra, Pevld and Chiae Smith af Chill. Btoekeieger.Pavld of Rash, af,,Msry,dau.of Henry Ffshell. Standard, Janes P. l**lmyrr ,**.*r. af..Hannah, sister ©f ""h am* s E.©s!l of Prte 8ton*,0harlec of Greece, wf ..Amends ,heir of Phoebe Hoaey of Wen-ion. Stone.Ellery of Warren,Fa . af.,Livonia ,^au.of Rehecea ipi John Collins of Wendan. Stonc,6oorge 8. af.,Susan,dsu.of Tcheboi,*HPS Jeremiah Ferry of Rlchmon1. 8tonc,Goorge of Virginia, *f.,Lucy,dsu.of Ann snd Frederick F.Miller,Greece. Stone,Lydle Ann of Thompaona?l!e,Pa .heir of Mils Tripp of Og*en. BtOne,8eul, af.,Per aHne,heir of Wpifam B.Alexrm^er of Rochester. Stone,Serena of Holly,P.V. wf,,liucy.sister of Pwight Whitcomb of Henrietta. Storre, William C. wf., Louisa .p.-iru.ef Enae Stone of Rochester. Starrs,Sophronia of PprlHs ,Ohf.o, sister af lucinda inning of 1'srme. Stowell, -—- Avon,,r1eh. wf ..JuHs .eister af Bslinda Pfed of Clarkson. Ptrelpht.WilHem af Ohfe, wf ..^eHv.-isu.of John »si ^srv ©artwel! of Pus . Strickland. Joaenh e** firowr-m. wf ..©' fve. dsu.of ©svfd pn* Ruth Eentner of ~r Striker,John a" Chili, vf..%rgeret Jane,dsu.of El ire bath rn' Samuel Woo<* of Michigan City, Ind, Strong,— Lagso Co.Ohio. wf.,Hannah, Tlmethy and Msry Lowel l.Og'ien. 8trong,T.Hprt of Buffalo,*'.•. heir of Thiers Hart of Rochester. Streerer,Charles A. wf ,,Mlnervs , Charles and Julia A .Poster,Vebsts . 8tull,Fllre of Rush, dau.of Joseph Sibley of Rush. Sturgee, Ad* E.,of Kenyonvll le,**.y. dsu.of Bufus and Elisabeth Whittier. Styles, Mery Ann of laws, heir of Thomas tally of Rusk> Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection Paughtors, ? 92. Tsddler,Hiram . wf.,Emeline,adopted dsu.of Polly Porter of Freece. *eft,Lel*nd, Ogden. wf.,Martha L.isu.of loose and Luclnde A.Ball of Ogden. Tsllcett,Thames, wf.,Angelina,sister of Augustus Janes of Clerksah. T*lm*dge,Rllhu, wf,,Clarissa ,heir of Amon Hills of ?Brwf . T*lmedf,e,&*muel of Victor,**,T. af ,,Psmoll*,heir of lease Lyon ef Rush. Maimer,John, vf.,**>rle A. dsu.of Henry Gilbert snd Ann Livingston ef R.T. City end Rochestar. Teppen,— af.,Gertrude,sieter of fer*h Tspnen Vrn Wess of Penfield. Tsle,ThomPs C. of Wnnrrhan/an* de r af.,Elissbath, Ann Prise of Rochester. Tsylor,A!onso, af *>rinton, w*.,Ceroifne,heir af Rlfsha Opt« af l"erfnt©n. Teyler,Christie of Whertlen'*, heir of John *»erherson of Wheatland. Taylor,^sura R. 'su.of Adino Wlnchall af Riga. Taylor,R*chol, dau.of Belinda Allen of Mendon. Tsylor,Robort F. of Rochester, wf ..Jrne.heir of William B.Alexender,Rochester. **ylor,Bemuel, wf.,*aehel, Su.of Wflllrm end Belinda Allen of Mendon. Teylor,Wi!lism J. Ohio, wf ..Fophl* ,helr of John Gilbert, Greece. Teeehout,Ieeee of Webstar, wf.,Clementine,dsu.of Robert an* Christina Burnett of Webster. TeedweH/eosB of 8omercetehlre,Eng. wf.,Jsne,sister ef Jsmes Ph'pran af Rochecter. Te*l,FMHn. wf.,Ruth,sister af Joseph Smith of Cetes. Temp1e,Lymsn, Rldgewsy, wf ,,'ucln* ,hef r af Alnheua ©on'rUge, Ogrfe„. Tonnent,Woeoe 8. o* Ohio, wc.f»'»n* >ne, 'su.of ©slter RlHfnrs of CisrVs on. Tenny, Charles, wfl,,Psme!iP , Staph*© Raker ©f Plgs,'".w. Tenny,Henry, Rochester, w*.,Harriot,dsu.of Oliver and Betsey w0Mt af G^taP# Tenny,Jesse of Mich, wf.,Thankful .dsu.of Jeserh and Porcss Blsckmer of Wheat! Pnd. Terry,John P. of Concord,Wis. wf.,Eli7*b*th,helr of Joseph Pletnls of Ostee. Terry ,Rho*s Ann, g.dai.of Abrcham R.and tsry Hesly of Henrlstte. Terry ,W—~ Wstertoan,Wie. ef.,EH*beth,*eu.of Jessrh and lacy Hiohols^a tes. TerallligTvr,Cornelia* of Rochester, af.,Ruth Ann,sfster of Orrc C.Rsldain of Roohester. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection Daughlerp/ 95. Thaler,Jacob, Rochester, af ..Lfaette,sister ef Barbart Weherly Vollepaeider af Rochester, Thayer .Chandler of Plttsford, af., Jsne, Pants! snd follv How of Penfield. Thayer,Elisb of Walworth, w.y, wf..Lureney,helr(d*u.*) of Solomon end Sura Aldricb, Perinton. Thistle,a*Iter, af.,jene,sister of *#rg*rot Rsrshell, Rochester. Thom.Wlllisa, af.,Msrtha A.heir of William Bell of Rochester. Thomas ,Colburn, Raehaster, af.,Susan, Ann Smith af Le*!sh*m,Eng. Thomas,Denial af Easier,Mich, wf .,RH**bath,i*u.ef Jscob *4srtin af Henriett * Thoma8,3rmee of Ind. wf.,Catherine,dau.of Wjllfam snd Rachel Hears,Mendon. Thomas,MartIn, Monroe Co.W.y. ef.,Msrth* Ann,niece af Henry Ifrrtin ©f ©Ittsferd, snd heir of Philadelphie Martin wf Pf.ttsford. Thomas,©mcy, Jacob Hertin of Henrietta. Thomae,*3ele£, Me tamer* .wfch. wf ..**arl*,''au.of Albert 'nJ "Vrah Salisbury of Clarkson. Thoma*,Bamuel of leaser ,wf..Catharine,dsu.of Jacob Behler ©f Webstor. Thamss,Sylwester of Sweden, wf.,nlneh,sister of Horace P.Hill of Sweden. Thamnkins,Caleb, af .,Fhebe,dau.of Hannah Johnson of Sweden. Thornpkina,Denial, wf .,H»rrlet,W.dsu.of Jeremiah Allen Thompklnc,John of Perm*, af .,Rsthor,heir of Sewuel sn? hschel Smith af Parma. . Thompklne,——• Psrwa, wf.,Esther,sister of Sally Henry of *rsrms. Thompson/lexsndsr of Lyons,W.T. af., Jul Is,heir of Samuel Ha mil ton, Rochester Thompson,Arm of Rochester, heir of Jrne McCarthy of Rochecter. Thompson,Freemen, Ogden, af.,Judith R. dau.of Joaieh an'* Polly Rich, Ogden. Thornp*on,H*nry of Calhoun Ca.Mlch. af.,Am*nda ,dsu.of Esther Austin,Plttsford. Thompa»Ofh*thanf.*l, af.,JuHa A.-*su.ef **rv Harvey,Roches ter. Thampaan,Susan, Wis. sfster of Wftifam of weodon. Thomp*©n,Wl!llsm, Sweden. wf.,Bsr*h, 'au.of Thomas mi Margery "rotten,Sweden. Thomson, John of Oeledeni* ,**.•. af.,Esther .niece af Esther Colby .Wheatland. Thornton, Pen isa, dsu. of John*than M**en of Fenfield. Thrsshor,Jehn, IH. af.,Rox*nns, Percham snd Rebecca Holdridge, Rig*. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection Daughters/ 9^. Throop,Lather, af.,Lucy,prob.dau.of Stephen Barter of Chi an.(hair.A Tiee.Leais of Orto,**.w. nephew of Amy Jsne Whiople of Sweden. Ticc,*lprths, 'su.of Mercy Whinple, of Sweden. Tiffany,We! son of **anchester,rl* , wf.,Marian, ,Tseab Benedict, Perln Ti^fsny,Robert, o* Austarlitr ,**.**. w-*.,fprah,ha1r af John H.Knickerbocker of Perintan. Tiaberker,—— Farm* ,wf..©hebe,sister of Sally Henry of Rtr-oa. Tippets or Tibbette, Wm.B. wf.,Susan,heir of James Humphrey, Irondoquoit. Ticdrle,-—- af.,Mary,dsu.of John snd Elisabeth Caldwell, Roeheeter esM g.idsu.of **ry Weaver, Rochecter. Titus,Char las, Pheboygen,Wie. af.,Asm,dsu.of Bridget Ravisn end RllllPm Hayes of Groece. Titue,R.B. Lim*,n.T. wf.,8arsh Ann, Jahn'i Hannah *awson of Wheatland. Titus,6*muel, Henrietta, wf ./aney.dau.of Elisabeth Hustan,Henrietta . To^ra'lns.John, La Salle Co.111. af.,Srrah,heir of PlchPrd Cooper of Rarneville, Ohio. Toogood .©Plated, Fenner, **,**. wf ..Amends .-*au.o* **srtln an-* Lois Ee*<* of Wobsier. Worn* in son, John o" !,e Pov. r".,rV»rodhy,'*au.ef *V»r©1hy Pfscock of Farms . Torrey/arsh of Vt. h*?r of "Phones R.Mpl! of 0*tes. Town, Elisabeth, Pilea i.Tn'. heir af Manser Pou* of Plttefor'. Toan.Hsrriet, af Pilesd,Ind. hair af Manser Poud of " Toan,»rry Ann, Townsend.Lydis, dsu.of Chsuncey snd Bancy Wllmsrth of Plttefaid. Toansend,Jeremiah, Msringo,Mlch. af.,Leah,dsu.of Chse.and Sarah Moore of Menlon. Toansend, Joseph P. af.,Catherine,heir af Jahn Maom of Mandan. Touneend,r*rl*h of Ahlgvflle/*) Wvwtr Oo.Mich. af./hfga 11 .dau.of Msthies snd Ann Pier of Mendon. Tousley, Clsrendon,**.T. af .,Harrsr >t,dsu.of Fly Pay af Poohsster. Toan*ley,Denford, Oetes., af ,,OeH* ,sister of Harriet,Snow. Tracy,Ann E.P. *eu.of Willfen and Ohiee Prawn af Og-»en. Traey,Irene of Bedford,Mfoh. hefr of Alexender H.Eetchem ofClsrkson. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection Daughters,ir ?y. Tracy,Josieh of Hudson,Oh}a,af.,Di»nth*mdau.of Elesser iktr<r©p,CUrkson. Trecy,Jeeisha" " " g.»on af Rlesser L*thrap, Cltrksan/ Jr.) Treoy.Hsry 0 " • • g.^u.» • • * TTeet,Rllery, wf.,H»rgsret 0. dau.of Jahn P.Canklln of Rochecter. Trimble, Wiaholss, Trandeouolt, af.,Amelia,sister of Whitney Enos of Webster snd dsu.of Joseph Enac. Tripp,w^hrin, e> Ivorth ,©.***. af.,Hrrinah B.helr of Sarah Ra pal de. Roches t Trfnp,Sylvaster, of Honrieita, a**.,Merv Ann,-*au.of Reynolds rpi Ann* Herri* of Mendon. Trondner.Jecab, af.,*rv,dau.of Jsme* snd Rslly OePraw of ^na-**. True,Alonso of Brighton, wf.,Rally, 'su.of Jsmas Town af Brighton. True,John R. Meadvllle,Fa. wf,,Emily Irene,•»» (.of Pathan end *Wthr Rye of Plttsford. True,Joseph F. wf,,hydl*,dsu.of Ira *nd Tw»r Goadrlch af Raehaster. True,Ransom R. wf..$a-rthr, dau.of Joshua snd Lydia Whittior of 0g-«en True,Martha, g.dau.of Joshua snd I.ydir Whittler of Og-ien. True,Msrth* of Ml.Morris,heir of Luke Thompson af Penfield .(''t.Merriss^.Yj True,Weodberry af Washing ton, Erie Co,"*,T. af,, Amenta , heir of Msnoer Doud of Flttsford. Truoedslc,Spmuel ,Greece,wf.,f*harity,dau,of ©eorpe Pu-*mingp. Tubbs.Ssrtin of Wanneka ,**is. af.,Pmms .sister ©** Aibe^ Stnekff eld, Roche* te *,,ttcker,J.T*enry, Cumberland/*) w*.,Jrne A.*». '»u.i' Peckham en* Amy Barker of Rochester. Tucker."*sry C. of Wis. dsu.of Aldrich and ^ehe Oolvin of Trondo^uolt. Tapper, John* t.hsn of Rig*, wf..Beteey,sister of 'Asry Chsfee of Rigs. Turaer.Charice,Men ion, af.,Baraline,nlsce af MontgomeryV Vosberg,Fenfield. TuJ^sr,Es*a«isesst8^.,PRhe*smmheir af ThamPs Touscy af Brighton. Turner,Ebeneser, af.,Phebe,helr of Thomas Tousey of Brighton. Turner,Horree, Corning,F.T. af.,Emily E. dsu.of Eaerard *©* Alice B.*~eok of Rochecter. Turner,J*mec. England, af.,Ann,sister of Mrry Ann Ren!.*! Turner, Rochester. Turner .Robert, Rochester, wf.,Mary Ann, *s u.of Mery Daniel. Turner,8ylvestcf ^eh. af.,Ellss,dsu.of Robert snd EHssbeth fkughlln ef Henriotis. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection Daughters/ 9'. Turpin,Wi!li*n, w".,Louisa,dau.of James* ^ry Beebe af Rochester. Turner,Winthrep, Oansdsm wf..Lucy.heir ef Levi snd Rhe's Warren, Fenfield. Tattle,-—— (Tattle,) ef.,R11*e Ann,dsu.of Th* -i«us snd SusmnPhSeoley.Rls* . Tut tie,Mile of Seacteed.R.y. af.,Abigail, sfstsr of Julie Ann Austin of ?* lhastlsnd. Tweedle,Thomas, Three Rlaere,Wich. af.,Serah Rsns,dcu.of OHaer »ni Ann* Well man of Clarkson. Tyler,John of Hilled*Ie,Columbia Ca.P.T. wf.,Polly,heir af Hicholss Mosher af Forlnten. Tyrre! 1 ,Edaard, Penfield. af.,Ann,sister of Cornelius P.Pr«nc1*co end dcu.of Francis snd levins Frsncisc©. Ohl,Lorenz, af Gates, af ..Christiana .-"su. of Peter an-» Osthorinc Tie! 1/*etee. Upton,—— Lenawee.'Mch. wf..Jpno.sieter af James Haslett, Pfttefor''. Upton,-— Ohio, wf..Fsssn.isu.of .lames,* brother of Robert MB Conkey, Raehaster. Upton,Abbott, wf,,lacings, Jaseph end Amelia Enae, Webster. Op* an,Pony -in, af.,Phcbe, sister of r-eorge Redfield. PIF* . walkanburgh,— Mich, wf., dsu.of Adam S.Hlsarholdt, Webator. Wsllee.Henry F. Mstteean, Mfoh. af.,Msrraret,dru.of Ellen Arehbold, Op/'an. Wen Agle,Prederlok of Potter,*».w. af ..Jsne.necee af Psther Colby of Wheatland. Wan Agla,Pearge, a* Livingston Oa.**.*''. af.,M»ry A^n.niecs of Esther Colby," Wen Auken,Lucy,formerly luey Jones, dru.of Stephen Bsxtor of Onion. Van Brunt,HI is* both, dsu. of Elisabeth ©eely o^ Preece. Van Drke,— wf .,laure,sister of Montgomery Voehur^h/enfleld. Ven D#kc,— af., Cher lot te,nice e of Montgomery Vosbergh,Fanfield. v sn Dskc,Edmond, Otto,©.T. wf.,Amends, Jaseph and Ssbr* Taylor .Colon, Kloh. formerly of Fenfield. V*nderhoff,.John, wf.,Jane,heir of John Eennedy of Webster. Tenderhoff, Remsen of Vietor.H.T. af.,Henrietta,dsu.of Jsoob snd Betsey Hughes Periston. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection Daughtarc, # 97. Vanderhof©,—— af»,lmlly,deu«af Prenefs and Franafsea of Vebeter. Vsnderhaff, wf.,Caroline, Peter *w* Eunice Johnston,Webs ter. Ven Oom.John of Clsrkson, af ..Loatna,d» «.a© b*-** *** Melfts beon*rd,P*rm» . Van Forson.Tps lis nti,Mich, wf.,Catherine,heir of Sersh Repaid©,Roches ter. Vsn Rou^hton.Richrr*.wf,,Edlth,heir of Jacob K1 Hem of Webster. Vsn Rfcaee,Simon, Rochester, af.,1** re rat, dau.of Freeloae Wsit of Rochecter. m pn Hosa,A1bert of Perinton, af.,!*sry,dsu.of Oarallne and Hereey Prindle of Rochester. Fan Weea,Jacob,Perinton, wf ,,AHds,dsu.of Joaeph Keteham af Perinton end niece of Abraham Van Ross af Rochester. Van Wees— Penfield, af .,8arah,sister ©f Peter Toppen. *»n Wey,Charity of Huntington/?)W.T. heir of Tease Snedeker of Perinton. Wan Hey,***heodore, • • esse a • « s_ Vsn Or*en, WUHam of ?*rr<ip, wf.,!iaurp Ann,dsu.of MeH.t* sn* Lewis Leonard of Farms . Van Walkenburg —— wf.,Jeno,tsu.of Peter snd Eunice Johnson, Webster. Van Vp1kenburg,«iibury, Mendon, wf.,Polly,msfden ncne.Kery Adelia Brookins. Van Voorhis,Mary,dsu.ctf John and Huldrh Temple of Seed en. Van Winkle,Harriet of Folk,Ind. dsu.of 8eWUol Colt. Van Zandt,Washington of ©ea port,R.I. wf., Cornelia , heir af VilHem I.Hull of Rochecter. Van Zila,Pet*r af Fprma, wf.,Rachel Ann,heir af John Millar af Perna . Vaughn,Philo. Pitta ford, wf ,,Ann, M»ry Davis af Flttsfar?. Vsyan,M*rtha A.da-u.ef Cuyler an'* Bibbs! Caak of Gre©ce. Veodar.Hugh, Pa inton, wf..Catherine,sjster ©f Oeorge Spalding of Snafford.P.T. Vsssie,Polly of Hew Fane,".©", hefr of Oavf<* Parling of Vra, Voorhec,Alexpn1r,Plttsford, w©.,aHaa L.helr of Harriet Berntrd,Men-'on end Timothy en* Phebe Barnard of *»en-'on. Vaarhles,Cornelius, Og^en. af,,Ss!ly H.Stanley,heir end slater'*/1 of Beth Stanley ef Ogden. Vallenaelder,John,Roehester, af.,Berbsrs,dsu.of Msry Weherly. Volser,**ry Rose of Roches ter,sis ter of Frsnclc Csstuohs (T). Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection 'sughtere/ 98. WCde.Willlem, Cleveland,Ohio, af.,Ells*both,dau.of Thoaas snd SlarthP A, Rosevear, Rochester. We dhe as, John* than, farm*, wf.,Elisabeth,da u.of Frudcnee Psrmrlee. Wsffle.Goorge of Gate*, af.,KHs* , Wm.snd Msry Ann Brawn af ChlH. ISger,Pater,Perinton, wf..Ursula .dsu.of Sf^el P.Hoye*. Perinton. waggoner, — - Logan Co.Ohio, af..Betseyjg.deu.o-"' James and Sue*nn*h Weeks ©f Wheatland. Wagner,Adolphus.Fochastor, w-f.^Serhis,*eu.©f Frederick an-* Dorothy Feubaek. Brighton. Wagner,Agustas, wf.,Gatherin*,deu.of Elisabeth ShermPn of Rochester. Welt,WilllsmH. Rochester, wf.,Emetine M.dsu.of Melin-'F H .Thompson,Rochester. e*lt,Wi!Hsm of Rochester, af.,barollne,dsu.of Rsthsnial Howes of Union. Wa Icefield,El las, Buffalo,**.!, wf..Laura 0. dsu.of Iseec sad Polly Houston of Clsrkson. Wales ,0eorg'.-, wf ,,**ry, 'a u.of Enos Stone .Rochester. Wr lk«r.Aaasaa of 0gdt*n, wf ..Hennah,mothor ef Helfsss Rlchols of Rochester. Walker, Jahn, Ogden ,wf.,Ells* beth.helr of Iehabod Sprague.Rlgft . Walker,Levi, Rochester, wf ..Maria .d* ^*mo* Hadgee of Webstar, Walker.Srrah, Hannah Pradford. of Rigs. Wall.Filets, af..Cpty,widow of Damuel Pe **ue of nen'"1el'». Wallsee.Ti-othy, wf.,Olive.dsu.of Hatha© 'n* Polly Sherman of Brirhton. W* lie,Clement of Bow Orleans,La .wf., % rgs ret, ** u.of Simon snd Marv Ann Sil of Rochester. •*rd,0herlee K. of Oayugs C©.*".0. wf.,Helen,dsu.of Esther Austin of Plttsford. Rsrd,Iessc of MClms.w.T. ef.,Srrah RHss,dsu.of 8arah snd John S.Cosman of P* rm* • a»rd,Reuben H. Baed n. af..Mrry.hcfr of Barnard ^.^owt-ri* of Bwed n. Waring/bigs 11, dsu.of Jihn Howea of Irondopuait. Waring,/mends of Penfield. dsp.of Pheba fciasa of Penfield. Wsring.Enoeh, Ridgeasy,**.w. wf .,Christi*nls,dsu.of Abel Penemara,Irendepuoit. Wsrln*,Ieese,Irandaouoit, af.,Cynthia Ayers. Werner,Levi,Wieh, af.,Betsey, * Jashua rnd Anna B.Brnfs, Sweden. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection Daughters, 9>. Rsrner,Scott, wf,,H*nn*h,g.dsu.of Joseph and Ahlglla Ra-ilsy of Ftmflold. Werner, Sylvester, Ogden, wf.,PeH.r H. da u.of Ellphslet Sry of Ogden. WCrreWeorge, Webetar. wf..8amsntha, dsu.of "brtin and Lois Fosdlet.Vebeter. lsrran,ls»rths of Mich, sister af John Miller of farms. Warreu.Mewmen af Wheatland, wf ..tfr therine.heir af Archibald Stewart of Wheat. lSrren.Washlngton, wf..8*rsh,*au.of Esther nd I*s*e Calmer ef Sweden. Warren Wellington, wf ..Mary, ir u.of Esther *nd lease *alm-r of Sawien. Barren, William of Rush, -"f.,Elisabeth,p.dsu.of »**eab '?art1n of Penrl sits . Wwehburn, Jaehu* .of ©erham,**.T. w*.,*>iebe,* Joseph Eetehum of ^'erintoend nieae ef Abrahen ©.Van W©*s,aeehester» a>t"rc,Panie1 , ar*.,Berth, dsu.of Elisabeth Meely, of Vro+re. W*ters,Wl!Hsm A. Boston,'ITPS. brother of EHssbath A .Tang-worthy, Wsterssn, Edgar of Fllnt.Mich. wf ,.^-rfa ,sf»ter of Mr ry Cooper af Rochester. Wstkeys,Henry af A!l*nby,".T. wf.,?*rvleh T.dau.of lather and I,uey Col«man of Rochester. Watkins.Elisabeth of Hew Work, slater of 8»rsh Ann EiHick of Rochester. Welkins,Emma, of " " " W»tkin*,Milton, Grafton,Mich. wf.,Susan,sister of Lewis H.Jay, Rochecter. Wstkln*,Rory, prob.g.dsu.of Robert Adams of Ogden. Wsteon,— a".,Betsey,dau.of William end Betty Armstrong, wheatlPnd. eatsen/ndrew, wf.,8e11y, Cyrus F"i Leah **cWrd, per1nton. lptcon,W111lPm S. Clarendon,**.' . a".,p*H.rab«tb,*eu.of Flfrsbcth Butler,Sweden Wayne .Robert, derVeon, wf., Elisabeth, '••(.'»' John en-» Pabra Fa etan,Clar'Pon Westhcraax,— Jseksen Oo.Mieh. wf.,Abigail, "»J. of *yrtin Lewis,Rochester. Weather***, * * " af.,Flisa F.dau.of " Wastherasx,**wrtin, Prlmyr*,Mieh. af.,Prudenc*,widow of Pufu* Foster,!enfleid. Woetlske,*arcue, of Dsvonport »iv? Lc Cl*ro,Ioas, wf./ano heir of ttrthew snd **cry Dryer of Brighten. Wcbb,Willl*m R. «f Ciye,M.Y. w'.,Sarah W.heir of Abrihsm Knnis af Men"on. Webster, " wf..Elisabeth, Peter snd Rebeca* Prie* of Rush. w#b.t.r, "wf.,Dealr*,?*u.od Daniel end Lydir Welsh of Mendon. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection daughters, § IOC. Webetor,EH, 8aUna,Mich. af.,Lucy Ann, -'su.of Jam*s rnd ©eborah Murray of ^anrietta . Webster,E!wfrs a* In*. h*ir a" ""hoers Psily af Rush. Web*ter»John of Ogden. af ..Esther,'su.of Aaron Arnold of Ogden. Webster, Samuel P. psrmr, vf.RHra bath,heir of Wit Hem Lewie of ^arms and sister of Fanny Lewie of w n a . Weed, Berry, FenJ**l 1 ,**.T. wf ..Or roi ine.F. dsu.of Edmund and Wealthy Bpencor of Sweden. Weeks,Edmund, af.,Ann, Rrr^ar^t snd Cherleet Malay, "acheeter. Weleh,WilHam, wf.. Jail*, *« u.of John Snd Winlfr-d Conner of Whettlsnd. Welcher.Jcr-se, wf ..Abigail .dau.of John M.snd flrrgeret Filer af Penfield. Wr>lcher,Joseph, vf.tJ?n.(>i Ann, dau.of Abigail Felsher af Fenfield. Wells,—— af.,Esther,dsu.of Martin for1 Ann* Roberta of Henrietta. WOIIB, Jacob J. ^./r therlne.-'su.of Isaac Snedeker of Parisian. Wells,.tr-nee ,crabridge,"*.**, wf./rHv.'a !,of Adomideh en* Abirrll Skinner,**gde Wells, Rowland,*. Albion,*'.**, a*./Mrs »eH*" heir of Pales; Pran-'el! .Rochester. Wo!msn,%n!y, Roehoeter, wf.,Sarah Ann, -»Pu.of Woses an' Sally Tewkebury of Roches tor. Wombie,Coorg . of Rochester, wf..Louisa ,'*eu.of John and Susannah ——"Roe1-. Werner,Mich* el, Clewe!an-*,Ohio, wf.,Hellene ,dau.of Peorp_o Wensch, Rochecter. Werct,John wf ./el ly.da u.of Frederick r.Mill or of Gteooe. Weecott,Orvllle T. wf ,,8prah,dau.of Joseph Soott of Sates. Wesewell(*A" Ebeneser of Cincinsttl, wf.,Eli.sebath,niece of Reuben Bikes,Rooheste Weet,Reaid C. wf.,"— dsu.of Mary Weaver ef Raehaster. West.Orson, Alblcm,Mich. wf.,01ive,heir af Orlngh and fcavinfa Stone,Brighten. WestfaH,— wf,,El.ay,dsu.of John r^ Mary Hsrtweil of Rush. Wetlgate, Westgatom Robert/enfield. vf.,*V»!y Beat. Wheeler/lbert ,South West, *> . wf.,©,,.of John rr-» **ary Hou^in/reeee. Whealor.nenlp^ln, wf .,Porothy,g.-»eu.o" Oorathy Hiseeek.PsrmP . ¥heolar,*>ald B. Farms, af .,& roH r.e.sfe ter af Msthan M.Puell af Trrmr . Whslen,Edasrd, Rochester, -rf ..Louisa ,deu.of Wm.G .an* Ounthi* Millar, snd g.dsu. of Rafus snd F.liss Re con, Rochester. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection daughter**, * **'. Whejloek.Rev.Alanso, Fred amis , ., Elisabeth R.dau.of Rafu» rn? £11} sron of Rochester. whipole.Any Jsne of Sweden, sunt ©f Tlce Lewis of Oat,o,**.w. Whipple,George of %rw , w' .,Caroline.helr af 8rmuel Whitcomb of srm* an* cleter of Palght Whltcamb of Henrietta. Whlpplo,fien5'","'ln o# Clsrkson, »•'•.,Lucy,heir ef Joseph Crery of Sweden. Whipole,Lucy, d* w*f Msrparet Orsry af Sweden. Whlnple,wiHiPm M. ©f Sweden, wf.. —• Pi.meen an"1 Rhode Benedict,*'weden. White,&aleb of Verk,w.T, v?*., Jane,heir of Elisabeth Mcintosh af Wheatlsasd. White,Drnle!,— wf. .Betsey, sister af Harrison Fhelo* o* Sweden. Whlte,Henry, »".,Susan, 'su.of Msrifc Couch,Bister o'' Geo.Rcdfleld,Rigs . (Who is 'he Plater I*1 White.Rich*rd. Brooklyn.".!. wf.,Ann Ellse.heir af Thomas Tousey,Brighton. White,Stokeo, wf.,!uey, da u.of Rice snd Mary Eston,Brighton. Whitbeck.A-ieHna, -isu.of John rn'' Rhode Bowers of Webstar. Whitbeck,John, wf»r— Sister Phebe Hoaey of Mendon.) whitbeck,Eunice, of Mendon,^u.'Oioebe Hoaey of M*ndon^ (These sr© tyoed erectly as the slips resd. w^j. verific tion,rasd ' i n ar Intestate Estate of Tioebe Hoaey of Mendon/ Whltbeok/alvin A. LePranga^^o, wa.^Atvira ^.deu.n" Jane Hart of ^enfieV. Whitbeck,Ja-^as ©. Greoce, w*.,Serah F.^au.a1* Samuel snd Elisabeth ©libert of Greece. Whitbeck,John, Columbus, wf.,*#rv Ann,dpu.of John and Prances I'eCormlek of Rochester. Whitb«ck,P©arg& af Mendon, wf..Rhode,dau.of William rnd hachcl Hoore,Mondon. Whi tehee d,|ten,y-min of Webster, wf .,Csndeee,hetr of Prooka Mn»on of lerlnton. Whllcomb,8amuel, wf.,Rhode,widow of Benjamin Philip* of Henrietta . Whitfard,Hiram F. wf,,Abby Ann, widow of Wn.G.Hughes of Perinton. Whiting,A-tdlson M. wf.,Eug*fcia R. «**.*f »lahn end Almira Putnam of Greece. Whitlng.Jaehu* of Branch Ca.Mieh. af .,Rul**h,hair af Phebe **rkham of Ru»h. Whitin©.Daniel Jr. of Horth Braokfleld, brother-ln-l*w of Timothy C.Haskell of Rochcater. Whitinri'tahn, Ootroit,Mich. af.,Harriet C.** Perofna T^iwen of Pachester. Whitman,Ferin af Alsbsmsm heir af Plearcr ^erln af Plttsford. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection TVushters/ tC£. Whitney,—.— Monroe Po.**.T. wf.,*¥rv Ann^sa.©" Joanna Marshall of Men-'on. Whitney,Albcr*, wf ,,Jsnnette,da u.of Trum»n ad Betsey Ann He tt i * en, Fenf 1*1 Whitney/are! lne,W,of Rochecter, nlere of Laura Jaoe Floyd of Rochester. Whitney,Ohristoiher of Pleten.Caneday af.,Mrry Arm,sister af Alexander IcDomsld af Rochester. Whitney .George of Rochester, af.,Ju!lr, *l*t*r-la-!*w of Lsurs Jane Floyd of Rochester. Whitney .Henry M.of San Fr*©,P*l. wf ,,Jn©( Jane) ,helr af Alexander H. Eetchan of Clsrkson. Whitney,ISPPC **. af.,Martha, FHtah Raaell of ClsrVson. Whitney, John af Rochester, wf.,«ary Elira both .heir of *""!1»s ©.Russell (eldew/ally,) of Rochester. Whitney,Jul is, dau.of Wf.uiam Cell of *M,tt*r©rd. Whitney,Lois E. Roehe**---r, nf.acc of taurr J*r>c, Floy-* of Rochester. Whitney,*krtha of Pa niervll la,Mloh. niece of Willir-r Colt o* Pitteferd. Whitney,Mary A. of Terk,**.w. niece • * * Whitney,***thiss, Rochester, •« f.,Prncy, John and Betsey tfudge of Rig*. WMtney.Wi! Ha, of CaHf. niece of Will ism Colt of Flttsford. Whiton**,Ju' la E. niece af Mary Cooper of Rochester. Whiten.H*ncy af Ithaca ,"*.T. eicter af Mary Cooper of Rochester. Whitier RufuH, wf ..Elisabeth, Johnsthan sn«dSychc Sheldon of '"arms. Wickes,James, Manitowoc^) Oo.Wls, wf.,«sry T. sister af -lira B.Lcach.Plg* • Wleks,Jahn o" Rochester, wf ..Harriet S.dsu.of Jahn an* Susannah Swift.Poenoster. wiekwire.Roswell ef Henrietta #n' fhelbv,**.w. af .,*•».»* r,dau .of **bomas Tillotson af Henrietta an* heir af Funic* T W o t c o n of «enrfett*. Widner,J*eah, wf ,/biga «1, ** *«ary Ann an* Wf.Hfs-. Rro*n of Chili. Wldoner,Moses. Mloh. wf.,Janet.sfster of Duncan 'aVe^n af ChUf. Wldener,Peter,Rigs, wf.,Adeline A. 'au.of Mecca and 'ophrani* Psge o"G,tcs. Widner,Spencer af Chill, wf.,Franeoc, Percy snd Minora* Rochester. Wigglnc.John ef Baonvllle/'.T. af .,Jsne,hclr of John snd— LaClear/enf laid. Wllbjr.Drvld ef tfllford.a.T. af.,Belinda,slater of Charles A.Jones,Rochester. Wilbur,8mlth, Forinton. wf.,Ruth,sister ©f Stephen Ralph, Perinton. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection Deughtere,# 10J. Wilcott or Wolcott,George B. wf.,Ceroline Elizebeth,deu.of Ephriem end MeryMoore, Rachester. M Wilcox,Alexander of Menden, af.,Suspn F. Charles end Sersh Moore of mendon, Wilcox,Benjemin,of Fair H*von,M*Bs. wf.,Matilda,heir af Jsmes ChPBe of Henriette. Wilcax,OelTln,Rigp,af of Abel Pprkhurst, Menden. Wilcax,Eliphee, Phelps,**.Y. af ..Soohie ,-"su.of Johnpend Betsey Ataood ,Penfield. Wilcex.Jpaos of pprme,af.,Ann,heir of Oevi.d DprHng, Perms. Wilcox,Linus of Angelica ,*r.Y. wf .,A1vlre , Abigsil Perrish,Greece. Wilcox,Robert, Mendon, wf..Adelip, David Pnd Sprah Acer of Plttsford. Wilder,,Louise,deu.ef Joel Pnd Elisabeth Bpgley of Perms. Wilder,Cherles, ef ./ency,sister ef Willlem Lsarence of Rush. Wilder,George W.Swedon,wf.,Esther, Samuel Bishop of Sweden. Wilder,Roewell, 111, wf.,Sellt,dsu.of Abel Belknsp of Riga. Wiley, Scottsville,N.y. wf.,Mary,dcu.ef Joseph Woods of Chili. Wilot,j8moc, Utice,Mich. wf.,Julie,dsu.of Rhode Gorton,niece of Jos.Woods,Chili. Willey,Merk,Ogden,wf.,Lucy,dsu.of Rufus end Hssy *erner of Ogden. Williams,——Henriette, wf., Jennett, Cornelius Pnd Lois DeWltt,Henriette . Williems,Alfred G.of Mess.Yrf ,,Mery b.dsu.of Hervey end Charity Crowley, Mend on. Willisms,Alfred, w^.,Marie,widow of Opvid G.Otid of Henriette. Williems.George of Hillsdale,,Msry,dau.of Michael Hoeg of Penfield. WilliPms,Harry ->f ClerkBon,af .,EHZPbeth.deu.ef Daniel end Elisabeth Conley of Saadon. Williems,Hervey D. Syracuse,N.Y. af..Lydie A.heir of IBPPC end Mergers Rulifeon of Henriette. Willierae/emes R.of Raehaster, af .,CleriBsc,deu.of Alexander Wei ling, Roches ter. Williams,Jocish,af.,Merle,niece of Luther Bushnel! of Plttsford. Willisms,Josish P. afAlexpndrie,,Merle,dsu.of Cherlso Buehnell. Williems,John of Rochester, wf.,Olive,sister of Leure Jane Floyd of Rochester Willisms,John of Webeter,wf.,Esther, Abigsil Perrish of Greece. Willisms,Jeseph,Henrietta, wf.,AffieB, Johnethsn end Mary Russell. .WehBter. Willisms,Mark, Clsrkson, af.,Caroline, Samuel Smith af Clsrkson. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection ©ausrhtarr,/ tOs. Williems,Richard 8. Plttsford, wf.,Olive Ann.hefr of Chauncey Fertar,Plttsford Wi11iBWe,Spreh af Rarors,M.T,(Aurors,) sister of John Wilier ef Farms. Willi»m»,Stephen P. 7raesvi!lc,wie. wf..Maris 8.dsu.of Irs end Fear Goodrich af Rochester. Will is me,Thorn**, West "rlworth, wf ,,8*r*h,helr(dsu.l>of Wlnsloa Hesth,of Fanfield. Wi!lleme,freh*rlsh of 0r*ngavi11©,P.y. af..Sarah,si star of Mary Chafe;, Rig*. Wlimat/mas C. wf.,Ellspbeth, Dorathy Hlecoak ef Paras end heir ef William HlBcoek of Ogden. Wllk'nson,Rocwe!l a" Rush, af.,Ann Melissa,dsu.of Samuel Palmer af Rush. Wilkin8on,Cbsuncay of Springvater, wf.,Hannah,-Tu.of Cpleb ft ft of Rush. W«lkins,Pouvenour Morris, nephew of Ann Livingston, Raehaster. Wilkinson,Horace of Fame, W.,EHSP ,-»au.of ©arid »f.^ Rutv Fentncr of Preoco. Wilk*n*an,i»*ry, dau.of David aPd aut,h Tentper o* ^reece. Wilkineon.Eion,g.son of Pcvid and Ruth Rentner of ar cos. Willson,—— wf.,Harriet Ann,dau.of Elfish and Sfbhel Scutt ©ichols,Fenfield. Heir ofFolly Scutt Weetgste of Fenfield. Wileon,— - **V •' iron, Wis. wf.,Msry JsnO»d*u»©f John rnd Jtertha W.Robbins, ! och Wile an,Cheater of Mich, af.,Anna , dau.of Oerahoa and Rebec cs Roldridge of? lg* . Wilson,J*a.*". Secremento,Calif, af.,Sarah,dsu.of 8amu'»l and Hannah Reaps end heir of Rentcnln Ysrkes af G ates. Wilcon,Fr*ncis, Henrietta, wf ./"a rr* ret,da u.of Psrret snd Elizabeth Vsn Busklrk Rochester. Wllcon,Jer«wl*h T>. J*cksan,Mieh. wf ..Por^ronJ* ,sister of Sanford Rill,Onion. Mother,Lydl* Hill Smith of Onion. Wlllcon,— wf.,*5o!ly, FH>h and Sibbsl "iehole of Fenfield. Heir of Polly Scutt Westgateof Penfield. Wllson,8amu*1 of ^imyr*,*.©-. ~f..Harriet,heir of *eubw **r1ett of Penfield. Wln*na,RH8he, fVt*aic,*».w. wf.,L*urp,dau.of Reniamln Ehcldan,OhiH. Wlwnc.Theron ef Putnam,*'ioh. wf.,Plsdsna,sister of Paniel C.Bsngs of Riga. Wing,Alexander, wf.,Hannah A.heir og Hannah Dnty of Periston. Wing,Ben lamln.Irondoouoit. wf.,Ells* , Icese snd Elisabeth B«bcaak,«recoe. Wing,Daniel, 8om«rset,R.Y. wf.,8arsh," Wlnegsr,8uesn, sister of Willlsm Perry of Clsrkson. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection Daughters/ l^f,. winogard,Peter, wf.,M»ry Ann, Frederick Welter,Penfield. Wlmgatef* — of IH, af..Annis,-'*u.of Martha PfHde o^ RVrm*. winne.Phester B. af.,Caroline,dau.of **pney M.Osgood, Poehestor. Wlnny,Christopher, wf.,Fleetr .-•eu.e*' Eber and Betsey Henry of Perinton. Wins!oa, John*than of Henrietta, af ..PheydergoryC?j Jseab and Pebo eh Anthony o" Henrietta, Wlnterbem.wmiem. Roglaad, rf ..""hsmsr,sister of Absolom Shel-»on, Gates. Wise,Fanes of LsSeur Oo.*-*inn. wf.,! lvley, Ann* Sibley of Rush. Wiser,—— wf.,Lucy Arm, Silas snd Ireny Beker of Fenfield. Witbeck,AndruP,P. wf.,Jpna,dru.of Joseph and Amelia Epos of Webster. Witbeck,**orman, 0ntcria,©.7. af.,Catherine,-»eu.of John Miller, Rebeter. Wolcatt or Wiloott /eo.P. wf ,,Caroline,dsu.of Fphrism end Msry Moore /aches tec Wolfrem,Phi.!ip of cresea, *".,Adeline,sister of Alvs Bradford end PoHy porter of Grenre. Wood,—- *r.,Marfrrat,dsu.of Martin Enerbeck of Perinton. Woed/.P. o<* San-**1ah Isla^s, w*'.,Frances,heir af Aiesar-*»r **.'*etevP'f o* Clsrkson. Wood,A ddleon 0a Kendal l.'f.w. heir af Jason Herar* af Pftteford. (Beet v rlfy thia,ther«> may be name of wife emitted.) Wood,Ben demin, wf.,npncy,dsu.of WpH^r Billings, Clsrkson. Wood,?>vid '?.**. wa.,EHcs,dsu.of Josish snd Orphs Howell of Chili. Wood.Peyotte, Psrmr (VA wf .,Artemi.p*s ,dpu.of Oliver and Anna Wo! lms n, Clarkso Woad,Henry of Penfield, wf.,Lydie, sister af Jesse Putton. Wood,HorPtio of Farms, *f.,Ann Eliza,dsu.of Walter Billings of Clsrkson. Wood,Howlrnd ar Rowland,Wood, af W<*stford,P.Y. wf ./*uHne,heir of Jknna* Doty of Perinton. We©d/f^es, g.son af f*«or?« Ring of Brighton, Wood,Johnathan»Irandoouoitf wf ,,Elfsa , FiUfam C.(Penfield) and Betsey Ross of Lyans,**.**. Waodman,John*thsn,wf.,Pollw.dpu.o^ Ren.Vmf.n snd Hopeful ©Mtnav, aWfott*. woodsa'n,Parmells of W* iisan,**.w. ** Thorn's rnd 'Vrv '"deree af Rir . Woodman,Sylvester, af,,Amelia ,i* Jeseph p©d AmaHr Enoe, Webster. Woods**nseo/ernes of Thampkins,**.w. af .,Angelina ,h*ir of Leafs Nipholn ,Ogden. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection %ught*r«/ '^6, Waodruff,Hannsh, sister of Themes Hart of Roahester, Weodruff,Werritt,Gainee!lle,©.Y. wf,,EHsr both, da u.of James Tinker, Henrietta Woodruff,Polly,A!legsn,Mieh. heir of John Siehal */*rm*. WOodasrd.Bpaah of Riga, dsu.of John snd Ohsrity brawn af Riga. Woodaorth.Augustus 2. of irond©auait.ef.,Anaads Jans Smfth .Irandoauolt Woodaorth ,0h* unoey B.Poehester, a©..**rtha «?ane,dsu.a** ClarV Smttb.Pocheeter and his wife/rna or Juif* of Irondoouodt. Weodworth.Egbert of ©Vies, wf.,Am*nda(deu.a* Clerk Smitb Of Rochester snd affe.Jane or Julia af Tron^oouait. Woolsey,Lorenzo P. ..sSarthr WStf ]de .eister af Pelins Bertman o" Prrlntan. Woolsoy.w.arcy of ^ata viai.M.T. heir of Rlcholss Kosher of Perinton. Woolssy.SVreh Adeline/ • " • • • • • Woostor.FrrnkHn of Rochester, f .,Harrie*,dau.of AbiA*h J.Booth,Hear let te . Warden,Edward Jr.,g.son of Samuel Hill of Fenfield. Worden.Edaard, wf ..Mahitebel,sister of Samuel Rill of Fenfield. Works,Henry of Rush, af., Anns .heir af Henry bec'-wont* of Mendon. Worsley/arah of England, sister of James Lever of Rochester. Wousey,—— wf..— — ""homas l.HeH of Vtr>v. Wright, —— 'fan4on, wf .,lany,d*u.©f John P*-* Huldph eerem! fng,Men-*on. Wrlrht.Paalel , af ./ranees Remfeh, sister and heir of "ary Pass,Rochester. Wrlght,0-ar1©s, Webstar, wf ..Ssbrina .dsu.of John and *'*ry Robb, Webeter. Wright,Jahn, af,,Eunice, "su.of Timothy end 1<ovice Stone,**«nriotte . Wright,John of Webster, af.,Charlotte, John *©d Jemim* Fsrtridge. ly<*ht,Huld* of Perinton,sister af PI aver Ferin of Plttsford. Wya©»n,RHi*h B.of High Dr*fne,I11 ,af., Elisabeth Raseph 6cott/ates. Wymsn^ry, Rphri*m Pnd %ry Moore of Racheater. ayi*n*,Th*ron/organ,**.Y. af .,TH*d*ma,d*u.of Nathaniel end FoHy -W.e, g.ehlld of Joshu* *©d Ann* B.Pr©g*,8*sden. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection TVu~ht.-T*/K:;7. WeVem/rstuoi .'Viare,Ph< o, af. .lydir .mother o* Jeffries PpllawaH .Rochester. wale.Cyrus, Tarry Tnwn,**.w. vf.,M#.rth* ,-»*©.of Ellrabeth West, Sfeter of Daniel Wee t,Roches ter. TStes,Abrem, af.,flsrfa,• Deal4 and Rachel Cusokenboos of Olsrksan. Toung,— Mendon, wf .^ry,dsu.of John snd Ruldch Se rs ml ing, Mend on. Young .Andrew of Msunae City,Ohio, af .,J*ne M.beir of Daniel Penfield. Young ,Welson,Murray,**.w, wf., Jsne,sister of Fanny Lewie, Farms . Young,Samuel .Battle Creak.Miah. w*'.,OsHat*,ef eter of taiey Hsrrls.Ogda-. Toung.William W. Omtsr? a,**.w. wf.,Hester Ann,-* Reuben snd Es'h r KnP-^ af PI arks on. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection Daughters.Sunnlementsl, * •. Thece ncmac sre taken from Wills only. Abbott,Phoebe, Ann* and Piles Bentley of Sweden. Adsms.Calvln. wf..Betsey.**u.o4* Chiae s^d Panfe! Budd pf ©recce. Adems.John R. Rochester, af.,©or4ref*) se.F¥ M, «au.of Seneca Wood,Rochester. Allen,David of drt^ Rsnk,wieh. wf ..Porhis ,he1r of Lucy Branch of Renrlstt* . Allen,Libbeua of Bstsvis ,*.Y. wf.,Esther, dau.of Ssrl Wright of Ogden. Amidon.M. of Burnette.w.a, wf..Folly,hsir af Elisabeth end Giles Burnett of Parma . Armstrong, Jsne Ann of Caledonia ,**.*. heir ©f John and 5*ar£8ret Flue of rig;* Amold,Ch*rles of Rorwich,Cenn,wf ,,Msry Cynthia Wllley, Ogden. Adams,Francis T. Rochester, *f.,Lucy, Paphls snd Ohas.Chureh,Rochester. Anders on, James, Gsl.t,Cenads, wf .,Msrgsret,hair of Jsnnettc and John Christie of Wheatland. Angus,Catherine,Albany,*-*.w. heir of John snd Jeanotte Christie,Christie of Wher tlpnd. Bekor.Beny-min M. Roches tor, **.Y. wf.,Angelina , *su.of Rsehel Woo-' ,Brighton. Bcll,!lPthan of Preece, ef.,Polly,sister of I.ois Buel! of Ogdun. Ball,Sidney S. Grand Re plds.Mfch. wf.,Amanda R.dau.of Rsehel too? .Brighton. Baldwin,Stephen,Sweden, ef.,!<ois, dsu.of Jseob Chsmberlsin of Brackport,"'.Y. Bsgg.Paal-d of Pontlf e," wf.,Abigail, da u.of Samuel C .Church,Rigs . Bangs,Augusts, sister of James Rumett of Sweden. Renrs,Po!ly, heir af Hehilebal and Ezra Blossom af Bri-htan. B*rt!ett,Prontlee/omer*et,-.**. wf., A rail Is,heir af >*m snd Samuel Builn*n af ftreec«. Bcrt1*tt,Welson, ef .,*.'erey,d*u.of R*ra *** Tsr*ci Whirls,Sweden. Barry,Fniot,Pv.ieero,Til . wf ..**e!en,heir of "Srtfn snd Fanny Prom!oy,Pigr . Rates, Rathsn/erltan, .w. wf., Cinder' 11* , **u. ©f Ren«.*nd ©eborah Whitehead of Penfielrf. Beach,Aehbel, Thorns pple, Ml eh. wf ..Potsey.dau.of Thamsi and Tucrctla food. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection Of ughtars.Sup.1 *. Besch.Stephen A. af.,Polly,dau.of Chios rnd Daniel Bud-' of Greece. eckalth, Samuel, Henrlett* . ef..Hester Ann.heir of Edward end Isabel Chase, Henriet Beedle,i*ry Louioe. her dsurhtare.'Wrgsret, to<* snd !,auice,were drue.of John Slsrk of Sweden. Bennett,John of Ogden, af ./ane.deu.ef Alice and Esekla! Brown of Pgden. Bennett,Mora oe, Wheatland, wf .,J>ne F1f.sabeth.dau.of Jane end Joseph Weadgste of Wheat! en*. Billings,John of silage n/rf.ab. af,,wf..Leura Aon,Mater of Rerriet(Plesier)Prown. Blssell.Joslsh W. wf.,Jull* a. heir of Ohloe Woloott. Rochester. BlPekmer,M1lton,WheF tlsnd, wf ./*net,heir of Margaret end John Blue of Riga. Bloomer,Jpmas of Bengal ,Mich.?f.,Msry,dp A.of Merey Wynane of Ogdan. Betkine,George,Rochester, wf,,Su**n H.dau. of 8u*sn Broek*,Rochester. Bottcford.Ralph, Otsaga.Mich. af.,Fleets J*no,sister af RcrrlotiOlesler/Brown. Boyle, Is rgs rot of Ireland,heir of Will ism Bayce,Raehaster. Brews ter,Ha rv-y W, Rochester, wf .,Soohrania,dru.of ***ry and Els Bume p,Roches te Brosdweli,H'Hard, Alpine,Mich, af./*11ythefr of John rn-» fVrrrret Blue of Pig*. Bronsan.wilo,Sweden, wf.,Abigail, Rsehel Burnett, Sweden. Brooks .Lemuel, Ohurchvtlle," .• .wf ..MSrfa,-dau.of Sarah Vs,nd ww.p .arown,Pyd«n. Brawn, Jeremiah of ranoshe/"is. vf.^lfsa<,h©1r e** Pabrinp and Alvah Rrr dferd of Rochester. Browner! In, °sins,«*.w. wf., Phoebe, ** u.of Wf 111* m and Sslly Butts,Ogden. Rurghduff,Philip, Victor,**/**, wf ..Margsrat, Jahn Bushman,Henrietta . Burnett,Icesc af Chili,wf.,Ann,*i*t«r af Ebenaser Brew-, of Rochester. Burroughs,Gideon, wf .,***rths,'au.ef Elernor rnd Lemuo! Brown af -arm*. Birch,Buchrod, Brooklyn,**.T. wf.,Rsohcl W. heir of Louisa and Timothy Child? af Rochecter. Bl*ckbum,Henry W. Versslles,Ey.vf ..Susan W.helr of bouisr snd Timothy Chi Ids. Bovec.Ohester A. '•rtln.Mleh. af.,JuH* *rm,hefr of Issbel snd Zo-wt-r^ S.Chssc of Henrietta. Boaers,Henrv 8. Island Prove,Hi. wf ..Ms ry W.heir of Louisa and H-othy Chi Ida. of Rochester. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection ©rurhtars/un.. 5. Broason,Lemuel, af .,Cherlette/prab.l*t.wife,) John Clsrk of Sweden. Prone on,Lemuel of **1asis*oo,M1ch. wf.,Wsney.deu.of Jahn OlsrV of Sweden. Burghduff ,Btrb#ra, 'dsu.of John Bushman of Henrietts. Buekl» nd.Leonard,Brighton, ef .,*'a ney,h*ir of Rebaecs end Gardner Chspln/rfghton Bnekrldge, Alfred, Rochester, wf.,Mary,da u.of William Church of Riga. Bylagten.Charles F. Ogdan, wf ..Elisabeth, Zenee Csse. ba dwell .Janes R. of Durhamvllle.©.Y. wf ..Ball y,*e u.of Srlly snd ^cter Whelan ef Sweden. Came,Char!es/Prob.of Plttsford/ af .,Cynthia , dan «©f Amos and OvntMe ChadwieV of Perinton. »*erpentar,P*vier Rroe*<T>ort,**.T. wf.,A7uheh,Teb.dru.of *>eehe and Hfol Braekwry of Pracvoort. Oerr,Patrick, Rrookfle!d,Wie, wf,,Catherine,hotr (hcir)of Paniel Rrairton of Brighton. Carter,— af.,Julia Ann,heir of Chios Woieeit of Rochester. C*rver,Rev.Sehoehe!,orob.of Ri£*, wf.,Amends ,isu.of Samuel C.Church. Cory.— Eendall.f.Y. * l.,Sei ly,prab.g.-,*u.~>f w*.end Bally Butts, Og'en. C**e,fenas, grandfather Of Elisabeth,vf.of Oh*s.F.Eyingtan,Ogden. Casey, Lyman, York,**.Y, wf.,fnrr M.^eu.of Sanaa' 0.Church, P iga . Osstla,Isaac -<f PsrmP ,>f ..Wura .deu.of Rebecca »n? John Wi!H*n*. Castle,Jehia! of Farms ,wf.,HSney,'su.of Pearge *nd Cynthia WiHey of Ogden. C*c tie, Lemuel of Mich, wf ..Mercy,'su.of Jpmes and Mehitebel Whfimore, Chili. Chamber la in,Harlan af 8prrta,*T.w. wf ..Anns , dau. af "Inotby Burt.Rachester. Chsmberlsln.Moody af Powborg.Vt. wf.,Mrry,sister of Paney Willard of ^rmP. Ch*mberlsin,wases,Rr*dfor^,V>. af .,W*rths,*f«ter of Wanay winerd,*>rme. Chapmsn.Wllen Jsne,"als^dge,Oh?a.heir a* "ee.".*"4 "ynthfa wiHey of Ogden. Chapman .William A. af ..Herri et.W. d*u.of • s s • B Chooser.Benj.S. of Wis. heir snd brother of Msrths "heal oek,Chi H. Cheney.Sslly, Hebron,**.Y. cfcter of Rbenesar Brawn of Rochester. Ohuroh,Theodore H. Rochester, af.,©*r»h,helr of 8arrh end Jahn Blalock T, Rocheet. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection D*ughters,8up. *<#. £*. Olprk,Almlr*, of Byron,**.Y. ••su.of Samuel C.Church of Rig*. Clsrk,J*mea S.ef Preeoe, wf.,**h*rlott' ,'*u.of Thenac snd Lucrati* Weod.Preece. Clsrk,John Sweden. wf.**ry Louise, cft«r wffe of — Beadle, Clerk,***-am*s of Irelen*, wf.,Esther,sister of Willfs, Royee of Foehestor. Clln*,Jehn,Vleter,w.a. flr*.t*m,sbs A.Jpu.e" Joseph sn-» %ry Wftfceneon,P*rinten. Clln*,St.Jahn af Wietar,**.w. wf.,Cornells,dsu.of Joseph *ed "*ry * I Cobb,— of Branch Co.Mfch. -af ,,"*hebe,' Benj.Pnd ©eborah Whitehead of Panfleld. Cogswell, Phsrlotte If. Brlrhtan, heir ©f Celestfs Brewnter of Bright©©. Cogsaell, Msry A, • * c • » 0sgsaall,8S4l)ryEIltsa, Brirhton, dau.of Joseph Rises of Brighten. Call,Msry Ann af Montras! ,Pan* '*,hair af Jeslsh Bissell. Colas,Isaac of Roseau,II*. af.,Cornelf.r,sister of Jul'* Ann Benedict,Perinton. Coll ins, **hUT. of Earre,".v. wf.,— dsu.of Joel Clark,Hewlett* . Collin*/amuc! H. Swede-. wp.,J?Hr*beth, Peter snd B*>1 ly Whelan/^eiod. Col Hns ,wi i Ha- ©. "a lam* son, Ml ah. wf,/, roHne,h*1r of Joel C1srk,H*nriettP. Camstack,''ideon, AHrnn. wf ..Lucerne, Earl Wright, Ogden. Ponant,'**imotvy of Ferfntan, af .,A1 Ass and Thankful PuH oek/erinton ©onnally, Joseph of Tyon*,".**. wf ..Maria, heir of >mf*l Prsirton of trf ghto-• Oona-r*,Pani«l of Loskr«wt,w.Y, wf.,Ellen ,h*1r of " " Cook.Levi,Ean'» 11,**.Y. af.,Susannah R.dru.of Thankful *n* Ass Bullock,Perinton. Ceoa/ov.Titus, of **ila,Sandwich lelsnde, ef,, ©Halls, *e u.of Semi .C.Church,Rigs Cornell,Isaac of iraec©, wf .,Fa molls ,hcir of Tannr and Samusl Rullm* n/»re«c«>. Cr*ry,Alsnson, wf ..ElUs^eiWf dau.of Tsrss! and %ry WhVrle, Ssc'.m. Craefor', 111. af.,Almira ,'au.of Jseab Ch*mb«rl*ln,f raeknort.F.Y. Cross.sobort, or* Raaeee.m. af.,%nwh, of Jul s and Ann Bon,n,t,Perinton Ouriis/aahariah, Psrms, af .,J*na#d*n.of Rllsabalh snd Jahn t^ttln.Rrfrhtan. Pattum.WredericV A. Mensesier Co.**.J. af./.he#es, *W.of 'oh© >nd •SHsfha*. Chgttin. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection r«Bught*,ra,Pu'r'.*;- 2 tVaforthmPhrriea, ef ..Phristlna .dsu.o4* John Piark 1 ' Sweden. DsmlclS.Oharle- w.sWbeatland.Cslif. wf ..Warien,d»>.i.of Ranhci w0o^ of Brirhton. Darling,Eeyoc A. Ron du LPC.WI«. w»..Ann M.heir of lovice end John B ©mm, SI arks on oVvls.Abmor of Miah. wf ..Rats ey.'r u.ef Jsmee snd Mehitabcl WMt&arc.Chi 11, Davis,Clsrk J, Fierpolnt.Ohi o, wf .,Reheccs ,d*u.ef &slly and Wslla Clsrk of Rush . Devie.Ellehr P. Rigs ,wf., Fanny, dau. of Gco.F .Pnd Cynthia Pilley.o* Ogden. Pelsnd.Joel Of Perinton, v.f.,Luei.nds,da u.of Asa m* *Vnkful Bullock, Fer in tor, D«wey,Apo11oc of Mich, wf..rbigail, Jahn Pnd Mohitabe! Whitmorc, Chili. Dioklnson,Ch*r!es, Cuba, ©.a. wf ..Earths, dsu.of Elisabeth Or llendr r.Rochoster . Poty.Charit", heir af Ben.Ymin Pirdsell of Rush. Pew,Edwin, -— wf..Ann Amei ir ,^e1r of *>tty Bliss of P«rint©n. *iunham.Charles, Flttsford, af.,Rarrlet,heir af hebor'h f«i Asshal r*knffold,©" T'ittsfer'. Darken,John of O»r!ton,**.v. af., Alienor u.of TVokf >1 and APP Puiloek.F rinton. nye.Wcltor, Carlton,".Y. wf.,Charlotte,dsu.of William p"J Bally Butte of Ogdori. Earl*,Richard of Mtmdon, af , t Paborsh,dsu,of Samuel snd Mr ncy F1 lcox.Mtmdon. Eddy,** ry, bucretir rn' Cherlep Wylie of Rig* . Edget,Drvid, *"remptor,Wayne Co."* . wf .,EHsab«th,ho1r of Asshel and i*bor*h Canficld, Plttsford. Ellcaorth, tilllca P. Ferlnton, wf.,Irene, David an- b a r m y Csdy,Perinton. Ely,Wd, Henrietta, af .fLuey,a*U.©f %wi© and Wargsrat ft eaaM of Push. Elys.Ohri.toph«r of MUnay,--wf„%ry,*fcfr of >vid Cler? f 'ush. Rrdl./*cob, South Bristol.".-. af./nng *ry,d*u.©f ovnee w1nr of Rochester. F*rgo.r*1r.- of «*rr*,**.Y. wf., El acts,hair of Jac! Clark of H*nri ttf . f*lrchlld,8ldney, C,»enovi* ,P.Y. *f .,Helen,helr of Laulsr »nd -inethy Chills of Rochecter. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection Bs ughtars,8up.P ( 'easier,John of Holly,W.Y. af .,Elisebeth,he!r of Srbrina snd Alvah Bradford of Rochester. Ferry.WlillPm, -—*rleh. af.,J*no R. heir of Johnath*r Bra*r of ClarVeon. Rial dins,Whenever, Rochester, W.Y. »f .,i«u1 sa .^ Paphe! RumeH,Rweden. witeh.Alfre'.Piga, wf .,luey,-»eu.©f >pab Chsmberlsfn af Rrae'-rort. Foot.Phsrlee S. Rochecter, af.,Jemlm* S.ieu.ef Samuel Bovier, Rochester. Foe ter,Luc in-'a,heir of Wehftrbel red Esr* Bloeson o* Prf<*hten. Frsser,Daniel of York,**.w. wf..MPry.heir of Jennetta and Tohn Christie tf Wheatland. Fr*ser,Jann«tte,rh^rtlsn-?r".Y. heir of John and Jennette Chris tie, she? tiend French,Joseph of Ogden,**.Y. wf.,Louisa ,helr of Charier. F.Pyington,Ogden. Fu!ton,Emalina,Chicajro.Tll..h«ir of Wi!H*m C.Pastle af Farms. Getehell,8ath of Rochester, afro*, wf.,Susan,g.' Suo'n Brooke.Roeh^et-r. ©lbbons/sshlngton, Rochester, ^".f'Vry Li.dau.of PopMa fn' Johnsthsn Child of Pochester GortonJleorce o* Avon,*'.*, ef».JuH* Ann,heir of James w0od, flerten/amee s s s s jnt0dr,**u. • » • Whertlrnd, ©orton,!-ar«nro of Akron, ^f.,Electa ,da u.ef E'ri Wright af Pgden. Pouldjfieorf.o of Oe/cn. wf .,PH.Kr,da j.of Mary *o* Joseph Prockwsy of Preocs. Or*voe,Amos of Brirhton. wf ..^rriet W. heir of Crlastia Bre*pt»r,Brichton. Cr*y,Gidcan P. Tivartan,R.i. *f.,Abigail r.halr of Sylvester eeHown of Irondoquoit, Graves,H'rrlat W. dau.of Josenh Rloss of Brighton. Croon,Stephen, af.,Elvira, hair ef Temmr rnd *-rmu»! Bullman of f*re«ee. Greggs ar "rlgge, Susannah, 'su.of Anns and Riles Bentley af Sweden. Orinmell.John* than .Hanrl<«tta, ef., Elisabeth, **rgar->t snd DP el/ Caswell of Rush. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection Daughters, Sup.- 7. HelEht,Ellrahoth, i*u.of Mary Ann Hsffht ef BtLouf*, Haighi,Mary Ann of 8t.!©uls,Wo. heir,(prob,dau/of %the* Brawn af Roche* sr. H*ines,DFYid, Tenfiald, af.,Ann elisc , hair of Bally and Renta-in ChambaR1*in of Penfield. Hall.Esra of Bergen,*",Y. af ,,Rebacce,dr i.of Sclly end Peter fhelen of 8weJsn. Ha!l,nl0r-W 0a Rochester, *f.,Luoy A n.daj.of Harriet rnd Amos ^heeler of Roah. Ramilton.Calinda H.of Ogden, dett.of Cynthia Wllley a** Og'en. Wann*,Tahn a* Pittcford, wf..Juliette, Pynthfa and Amoe Chsdwick of ^orlnton. narder.Poter ->f Patos, af.,»*ry J.«|ster o** Bemuel OemrrheH o**r-rt*s. Harmon, ran of Chili, rf ..ibi rail.hedr/nroh,dau." s she v? netit.'on»r<' of Harthr Wheel oak o* Chili. Harrison, — of Amoth«r!y,Pnr. ef .,"Wg*rat,ef star of ^n*?* Chisholm/reocs. B> rrison,'*ary, **ork,FnF,. nlsce " " " Beaks,James of Branch Oo.Wieh. wf ..Oynthie ,dau.of Deborah en' Ben 3.Whitehead of Penfield. Henry,Thomrs of Fon du Lac,Wis. wf.,8arah Ann,sister of Tra Bo*on,Rochosta . Hlgglnc Henry of Rochester, *f.,Flvlra, '?)T dsu.of Harriet en1 Amos Whaelar of Rochester. Ulllobrsnt, John of Honroa Co. wf.,Rotsoy,he>lr of Tsssc ©hitcomh o Farm*. Rlnman,J->hn T-. Pittcford, wf .,Rarri et, dru.of Mrry Ann Pnd fthsihert wieking of Flttsford. Kill*,George, Frankfort, af.,**a11y,*istar af «*rsttc ^sler of Rachester. lalsjca.tllss B. RroeVport, af.,**rls, rrob.dsu.o" Phebe end sffel Broekaay of Broefcrport.w.w'. Wolt/enta-fn, Rraaklyn, wf.,Oatberfms,efstar of *%reus -asier, looker,welen of Rrlghton. *fst«r of Cbia« Wolsott af Raehaster. Roaard.Johnathar snd Adeline ,g.ehlldr*o of Tsr^.l ar,d «sry Whipple, Sweden Havel 1,Cornelius, af,,511©*both,»s J,of lienor end Lenuol Rrom of ' m . Hoyt,Levi, ef ..Thankful ,h*1 r of Bars Blossom,Brighton. Hubbard,Jennet,'su.of Charles end Lucretie Wylie af Pig*. Hubbard.WiiHsm.Honroa Co.-.Y. af.,Harriet E.halr af Tssao fhitconb ,Perms . Hubbell,Frederick of Mendon, wf., Hannah, ?*u. of NrnCy Pn^ br muol Wile ox, Mend on Hant.w'llism/ochoster, wf ..Ardolls .R.holr of H i e s and Almira OUrk,p. och „ t t*r. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection Daughters ,Bup.*;r Imglesbee, Polly, «f Alabama,**J*. deu.of John Puehmsn of Penriettf . Jsckman,Chf rise A .of Livonia, wf.,«*ry Ann, Jerushs ©reen. «r*nd dsu.of of »'arey Winrns 0-* Ogden. J*noo/')Bendrmin of F«mtonv?lle,**ieh. af,,Herd lie,heir of Alv h an' St-brin* Zrwlfor*. of Rochester, Jeffords,Robert B. of Murray.W.Y. wf.,EHs* Jane,dau.of Je«*o end Eveline Whitney of F^r intern. JermrIn,ELene7nr of Push. *-f.,Abir7 11,dau.of Pavid snd Msrparet Caswe* I.Rush. Weith,EHr.p ,dPu.of Lueratia and Ov rlea Wyile of Riga. Eel8ey,trme9 ''.Monro? Co.**.v. w". ,Peth«r, sister of "armon thf pple, P1 ft . fester,James of Pu**f* 1 a,".**. wf.,Sar*»h /nn,4*u.of Susan Praoks,raches ter. Elmbe* 1 ,boui pa .he' r of "omry Phr pman e* "onri atts . Eindle,Msck af Ithrca ,**.•. wf .,*ov1n '«-,-»au.of Samuoi «n* Pansy WMcas,"endan. Finney,Pi la? p>f ^le. wf ,,©ovr lly, ?a u.of John »n-* Rebeccs silllsm*. L*nglcy,Ivsy(*;of wis. ef.,Eltc ,t>etJUoner and hair of Martha. Whaalock,Chill. Ledyard,Samuel ,rul tncyv'1 la,".**, wf. ,Saphit ,h«ir of Timothy snd lejler Childe of HoeheBter. La-,Irs LeRoy,**.Y. wf./sncy.heir af Lucy Brsneh ef Henriotta. llttle/reeford of Fon du We,Wis. V.,Sylvi*,sister af Tr* Bowon of Reehostar, Laomls,Reeky, of Pich. child of half *i*t«r af John Wfllerd of Ch'H. Luee.Andrew of Til.near naif *Vy P©st .,3erah,©fator af "aney "illsrd of Farm* . Lu8k,S1las, Payaltan.P.*'. af ,,^tfm*,».** Joe' Clsr'- of "enrfetta. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection DP ugh tors,Sap. .' ~>'. •*11©ch,Jehn of Oeledonl* ,W.Y. af .,Flara ,hef.r of John *nd **rgaret Blue /if/. **nn,Ann heir af Mary *«a Billings, of Rochester. ^rkhen^Fpahear af sbnehec tar. Wish, -f ./mandp.helr af Lucy Branch ef Henrietta. *»rtin,Pearge af Rush, wf .^i Hnd*,h«1r af buoy 'ranch af *enriotte . *rtln,W|Miee) **.of Pea Bedfor',»?> PB. af.,fabrins B.heir of Elite Clsrk of Rochesta freon.Levi of Buffalo, **.**•. wf ..OHea, -'a u.of Sally Ann and John P.Bushnel! ,P1a MeAluey (?) WsMastcr'T) Smash of Chill, afdow of 1-owrey Blsckbum of Ohlli. WeCell.AleJt*n<dar, of Rf lams soo,Mich,wf.,Phabe,sister of Lois Buel 1 of Ogden . **oClu*.ky, R.Y.City,^f.,EHsabetti, els tar af David Clark of Push. WoComb.WHHsm of Iralsnd, af..Jp no, sister of Will lam Boyct* of Rochester. we^onald/^roiine, Prend *V pi df ,Mleh.h©lr of Mary Ann Billlnge.Foeh i^tar. WeLs*1en/'*oClell*nd 1) af Salem,Ind, wf,,*Wry,helr of Enoalton Woodbury Mendon. •*8©auP'hton,"Vniel C. o' . wf .,*Vrf-eret,hcir of "trrtmt snd John Blue.Rlr*. «*errltt,Charlee, renf1e1d. af./arah.heir ef Benjamin p©d SOly Chamberlcln of fenfield. »eyftra,"*i*Ham,',re«'fio, af,,Rotsey,efster af *-reu* Cr»ier of "ocViirater. Miller,John, Webster,*.Y. wf..AHr'r , Anna Wftbeck.Wabster. Wensie,©uncPn,LeRoy,'1'.'*'. wf ..Christina , heir of Jonnatte en' Jahn Christie af Wh«r H a n d . Moore/my H. dau.of Joseph Bloss of Brighton. Moore.Bcnjt-nin of Sanerset.R.Y. wf.,Anns ,heir of Trmms snd "amuel Buimsr,.Greece. Hoore.Ieerc of Brighton, af.,Amy F.hoir af Oeleetl* Brewster,BrLghton. Woore.Lurp of Monroe Co. heir of Isseo Whiteomb of 'arm*. Moarhousc.John af Athens,,Catherine,slstor of William Bettys,Fenfield. Morslrnd.Willism of Burnetts, vf.,W**ws^eir of Elisabeth *nd Piles Burnett of Ps rms . Woscc,Schuyler,Rochester, wf.,Forth*,dau,of Fl ITS bath Callendrr .Rochaeter. Mo*i*r,Dav1d,-PBhington»«».*'. wf,.**ry,heir ©f Peborah and Asshel Crnfleld o' Pitts **ord, Mureh/ylvcster,^choolcraft,*»fch,wf,,'*r^ Ann.dau.n* **«t-r *s' Srlly Whclan Mureh.Willlsm of Bergon.w.Y. ef„Alvf re,dru.of Pater and Bally **halan,Seeden. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection Prughtftrs,SuF.»H Wiehols,Solomon of Henrietta, af..Wrncy.hefr of Lucy Branch of Hsnriett* . Rilea.Aaon B.of 8aeden. wf ..Wehitebel. 'eu.of John Wh«tmere of Chili. Wilec.Rrncy C. dsu^Ames snd M«hit*bel ""lias end g.diu.og John Whltmore,0hili. Woyes,Samuel F. ~oohest,?r, wf.,Msry,heJr of Chrirtophsr and Aaoli* Brfceee of Ponfleld. O'Werrs.Henry of Sc!pia,".Y. wf .,Hsney,dPu.of John Bushman of HenrletU . f a Mock,^ehitabal,heir of ?.rrr and Mehitabel Blorsow of Prirhton. ^aE*#ch! as,df u.of Penlo! "-nd Chloa Budd of Irenes. rageOarolinOjr. 'a u.of • a s s s s p*ge,1aui»a, " • «• c * • • s Pctohcs,EH?e, Er1 hton, heir n* ^i'lfam an-" Julia PiHinghurst o* Brighton . *S trick,Stephen o" Og'en, wf .,w •!-'a.h,-*ru.of Ear! fr1"'d, eg Opd&n. *>enfie!d.V<flmon of *N*nfield, wf ..Chloo.nieoa of William Rettye ^f Fenfield. ^enny. Jamas C.Rochester, wf ..Marth* ,'a u.of Stephen and A cubs Wright. Pathrfn,Pen1a^i.n,Sk9nna teles,'*.*'. wf ..Phoda ,'a u.ef Carles and Msry Calve!' of Brighton. Ph«llpc,Elkanah of Chili, wf.,Su»an, Charlotte snd Trues* ''ruaFiii Bro*n of Rochester. "lor,Ellen, sister of Crthnrin« Brown af ^rrmf. Pottsr, af./nn,d#u.ef Wiles* and Srlly Butts nf ry'en. ^*r*tt,PclPnsor, of Centervlllo,*'.*'. wf .,Luel*, ***h©a.Pnd Mprtha Binrham, ef Flrr. Pr*tt,**H?*beth,hair af Ebenerer Clsrk o** Riga. Pr*y,L*vl8 ef Belvadiar,!!!. wf., Herri el, 'a .of **beron and ton **aria Brown of Whertlend. Fraston.Alfrcd,, FentonallleMich. wf .,Orsulr ,heir of Johnsthan Broan,CH-rkcon. Freston,Hirf« of Ohle,ef „Emfly,heir af Daniel <-n* Elisabeth Butler,S*edon. Futman,Funisc of Serstoga Springs,R.Y. heir af *ry Ann Bmin£B,Ro©hsster . Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection Daughters,Sup. » 11. Renrningt0T;t«<,-!i,^4T|>erirhton, wf .,Sr-rph,heir of Ranry m* Rhodr Burg or, Henrie Rlsley.HFnnah of "la stonbury,Conn .mother of Tenia! BH*h of Sweden. Rich,Leonard, Irondo-uolt, wf.,»ai?ove, 'su.of Israel and '#ry Wb< ^ple,Sweden. Rteherd.fteerge of Og^n. rf., Scroti a, *i*t«r -f Pynthla WfHey o* Ogd*n. Rittt«r,wn!i»m P.**.w.Pit^,-f.,Mary,eister of a©nry r.*r1rht. ©osworth,Am«i ia , F niece o4* James "'.Clsrk o* Clarkson. Bobbins,Jates **. •**.,»ary,heir of 8a.*aei r„J T„^r Bulmrn of Preece. Pob^rtson,*,en,y--in,?'t.Cle-!mans,,?1eh. ^.,'*rv,' ~\p *r,J ^ry Bttrnar of Roohoeter. Rob rtson.Pav.Phrr'os, Prob.of Riga, wf .,*pr*r , lau.of Sr«uo! C.Church,Pia* . Roberts on,8a rah of Vilwsukoe.Hs. 'su.of John Bushman of H<*nriottr. Rol1lnP,, *f ./rrah.sistar of Cha ri «•? F.Byin^ton.O^den. Pasebrurh,ChPrlotta,''. Brirhton, 'au.of Joseph Floss of Brirhton.(Rosaburfh/ Roseburrh,Esra of Brighton, wf ..Charlotte ,hair of C*l«.stiP Brewster,Brighton. Rose,Sally of Perinton, 'ru.of Thankful Pnd Asa Bullock of Perinton. Rowley/bnf r,HollPnd,".v. wf.,*fc ry, **u.of Err! Wright of Ogten. RuBPel!,Ai^nPon of "or\ror- Co .".a. *-f ,,T.uey,hcl r and elst»r of Hermon Whipp of Hi-a. Ryaedorph (I) Toonrr', Ci 1nton,**.v. wf., Bally, 'PU. of W*T\U-* *r<* Sally Butt of Pa-den. (^y be Pyedorph) Ryan,A*onro o" Carlton,** .•. wf./nn FHw,*u.©f t—rh m> .Tana Wmodgatc of Whea tlana. Pynhsrt,"lira hath of ©rrng-r,*.•. 4*u.of John Ruchn*© a" Henrietta. IsgSjfilU'm a" Whe*tl«nd, af„C*tharins,hslr of Martin *or? **snny Bromley of FigP. Scnford,Ablril of af Knaaltan Woodbury af Rendon. Seeera.Warman of M*li*sbath,Sist*r df Kbe©e*er Brawn of Rochester. 8chwssb.G.orf. of Dsnswf 1U,M, af..Ostherlas/su.of fesrlas Wing af Rochester Shsrp.PhUlp. 4drid.*'.*r. af,.Elisabeth,dau.of .'«••!* *«4 **"* *roskwsy,Orsecc. Shaw.John R. Baattsaille, af.,Louies,d©u.©f **" *©d «*hsnkful Bullock af Perinton. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection ^arbt#rs,Sur/ '2. ©hepr»,**en-y o" Rochester,rf .,*** ria .sister e* Pbeneror Prawn of Rochester. She! lon.Edrfn r>" ronllac,*f<ch.'-'..B^tsey.Sa u.of "Yumsn rnd Obfrlotte Prot^ of Rochester. Sherman,Henry,brother of ~en»p*>ronc* H«nd*e af tWbfeStrr. Shields.James of FrownPvUle/'.Y. wf..Ellremhelr of Richard Boarmen.Rachestar. 8hl*ldc,Ann of Buff> le,**.Y. sister af Thomas Cuimlsfred snd Jsne Bruee.Rocheetoi Simmons,Ms rtin F.Rochaeter, *f.,Oriss» .dau.of Pen;}.*©--* Deborah Whitehead of T>en field. Snith,Augustus of *?l^d'jetown,Conn. wf.,Catharine,heir of Timothy and Louise Childe of Rochester. 8mith,A!1en of Hr nnlbal,**.Y. wf..Abigail.sister of 7rr Bawen.Rochester. Smith ,A«*hreso, Huron Co.Ohio, wf .."elfssp .pister af William Bettys. Fenfield. 8mith.Eben«xpr of Webster, af./frr*-'- of C*'hor1n« *»Mtbaok. Smlth,Henry of Sweden, af «,Lueretlr ,deu.ef Rachel Burnett of Sweden. Bnith,Rob«rt o4* Rochester, * f ..I'ur^jdau.of ©eo.w.r nd Cynthia Wfney.Ogder . Smith,Rhodr dsu.of John Clark of Swe'en.'Rer children « "orris and Chss.E.Smith Smith,Silas F. Of Iarms,wf.,Anfille,sister of To1s Ru<»l! of Ogden. Solth.Willlam af Henrietta , wf.,E' irs .heir af Lucy Branch ef Henriette. Salth.Willirm o* Clarkson,wf ..Sr r» h Ann,hair of "Vrthr Wheelock of Chill. Snail,Edward o" ?'ewburg,Mieh. wf.^ry Ann, Kthelbert snd *4ry Ann Wlckinr af Flttsford, Stickles, John of ^plmyrs ,**.**•. vf., Alice, *a A. of Charlotte an" Truwr n Brow Rochester. Stakey.Abram of Wheatland, af.,8ar»h,dau.of Alloc snd Joseph Bowerman of Wheatland. T»bar,Mary of Rn*,teld,*,.w. Meter ef Wftlisn Hastlo of Paras. **rbox,Er*stuB of Qgd en, w*.,Cirri CSS R.dau.of ©eo.W.and Cynthls Wflley,Ogden. •Phomrs/x.lss, P*eden. wf ,,E1 frabeth/su.of Rachel Burnett,Sweden. Thompson, John, Roohaster, wf,,CoroH©s W. ee.5Sd*u.of 8«a«c« *ood,Rochester . Thompson,Mrrlr Ann.dcu.of Frederick 01*rk of Rochester. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection Daughters/1J, Sup. "icc.Leais of Oato,©,*'. end Wn.Tioo of 8ehenntady,**.w. g.sonn of Tersel rnd '••ry Whipple of Sweden. Tiffany.Tohn af Poceoe.lil. wf .,Pilarboth,sistsr of Jull* Ann Pene-Uct of "erfnton. Tompkins,Henry of Albany Po.**.*-. -f.,Sarah,'au.of Pr-ruol Revler of Rochecter. Fott*n,WillirB,©un.i*tfr.w# ef.,Jsne,sister of Pavld ClarV of Push. Touey,Joahur end 'krthe Touey of Elba,*".Y. children af Rrnnea Touay enJ grand ehl! ?r n of Lydja Whlttlcr of Ogden. Turpin.willism 0f Rochester, *f.,Mary,hair f Tho-a P Shite of Rechestar. Tour«ae,Aipnson, Chili, wf.,8*r*h ©.heir af Shepard w.Palmer of Rig*. TJ See aft r the W s . Yen Rest or Van Pees, ©unls of Raehaster, wf ..Hprri et.heir of Chrietophor end Amelir Rrieoe af ^anfield. Wsn Vleck/rba ar trwp of Ogden w.y. m* Marsha ll,*'lch. wf ,,C!prin*p ,djiU. of Jahnaihsn and '**ry H.Ruell of ^gden rnd niece of Lois B u d ! ,f*gd«n. Wroon.Ann,sister of Jamep "umatt o* Raeden. Were.Lemon of Rochester, rf ,,'*ahala ,h<*ir af Alvah an4 Sabrina Brr *ford,*"ocest (Lemon) aSrner.priscnie ,dpu.of Charles and T^crottr Wylle of Pigs. W*mer,Mirtilla, ©reace, heir af Panic! B.and Chleo Eudd of Preoca. Wsrren.Ourtis H. wf,,E!ir*,dau.of * " • " " " " Werren,John^ Pigj/ wf ,,Anns , ?su.of w<!Uam Church,Riga . aSrren,J.M. Milwaukee,Wis. wf .,'*ry,dr u.of John Bushman of **enr1-itti . Wsterhouce,Ir*, wf ,,Mehitabel ,*i*ter of Toi.s Rue! of Ogden. Wateon,W1111am, af.,**ll2Pbeth,h«lr of Pa©fe! and Elisabeth Butler of S«e-* n. Webster,John C Rush, wf.,**ney, 'su.ef David and nsresret OrsweH .Rush. wells,Msris,dsu.of '^ry **.Puai! by first marriage. WelBeher,Men1son, Hartlm-»,**.•. »*./*ri* , Anna Wh1tbecv,**«hst.-r. Wh*elar,*Vvld of *"armr, af,,0sraHna,s1ster of Lois *u«n of ig^en. Whitney,Lean*rd and his sister,*" rfsm,ef Staekbridge,w.T. hairs of ©nowlton Woodbury of Men'on. Wh*clock,«*rths of Chill,dsu.of Jsmes Cheever of Wis. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection ©surht.*r*, S U P . '*. Wightmen — of Whit ^fgeor. Pr*rie,Wleh. wf,,Ruth,deu.of Pct«ir and Sally Whelan of Sae'en. Wlley,Icsac of FTPnilln,Pt . wf..©olly.dea.of Jsmes snd Rhods Gorton. Hair of Ames Wood of Wheatland. Willctt.Aurelia, sieter of Orrin Clark of.Clsrkson. Willett,B«nie-rin of Branch Oa.Mlch. rf .,*#ria ,dru.of Benj.and Prhorah Whitehead ef ^anfleld. WllHeme,John of Rochecter, »f.,Olive,dau.of **noy and Warham Whitney, of Rochester Williams,James Elliott of Rochester, g.son of • • * " * * William*. W.E*rran, Pochorter, rf trab^th.hrir of Mather **rown o* Pocheater. Winship.Jane, dsu.of *****<. **hftcemb ftf Parma, Winchlp, Phloe Ann, Lurr IsabellP, Flvira *rv* Psrriet, ahlldron of Jens Winehip,dru.of Isaac whitoemb of rprma. Wo!eott,Fben87isr of Chicrga,'mi af.,l outer ,dau.of "heron and Ann Maria Prown of Who? tlend. Wood,John of Silver Oreek,R.Y. wf.,!ydie,sister of Sylvester Woodmen of Irondoquoit. Wood,Jahn af Henrietta, af.,Jsne,dsu.of John Bushman of Henriette. Wood.S^th of ''ilberry.Mrse. rf.,Gabby, prob.dau.of Hahby rn' Etrt Butterfieid of Or tee. Wrlght.Harlow of Branch Co.Mlch. wf..Manoy.deu.of Benj.and ©eborrh Whltehsed of Pen field. Wright,Joseph, wf.,Jennifer, heir of John Pemstt of faeden. Pphsra,Albert of Prsnd Ha ni-'p.'dieh. wf ..Letit'r , *eu.o+ '*ry Aon rnd Ethel be Wioking ef ^ittpfard. Onthsnk.Lydie, Bocheeter, dsu.of Tinsthu *urt of Pochoatnr. rrtlay.Msry P. heir of Olive 0*.no. Rochester. Yeo,Joseph of *4>nsndr lgus.w.Y. wf ..Mertbeh.dcu.ef Elizabeth Pnd John Chathin of Brighton. Young.Dsnlel, Burrs y,W.O. af.,Catherine,dsu.of Psaf* and Margaret Be swell .Rush. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection CROSS IKDEK TO SUPPLEMENT OF EARLY WILLS. Ambler, Mary, sister of Joel Wheeler, Gates. Baker, David: wife, Sally, dau. of Peter Marlett, of Penfield. Beach, Ellsha; wife, Lucretia, dau. of Martha Norton. Marcellus, Onon, Co. N.Y. Mary N. Julia N. Henry, Herman N. Martha, Wn.A. all her children. Birch, Esther, dau. of Caleb Munson, Perinton.. Bower, Francis K. grandson of William King, Gates. Brown, Hugh, willed NOTHING by Jacob De Garmo, Mendon. Budlong, Milton G. wife, Margaret, dau. of Giles Oeirce, Sweden. Burr, Ann Wlllets, grand dau. of BenJ. Wlllets, No town given. Cadwell, Anna, sister of Thomas E. Hall, of Palmyra. Cady, Betsey, dau. of Chas. Howe, Perinton.. Carpenter, George, N. wife, Elizabeth, sister of the wife of Henry Emery of Penfield. Carr, Archibald, F. wife, Jane Ann, dau. of Chas. Howe, Perinton. Church, Mehltabel, sister of Thos. E. Hall, of Palmyra. " Ambrose, son of Mehltabel. Cole, Eleazer, Father-in-law of Joel Wheeler, of Gates. H Linus, mentioned in Joel's will, relationship not given. Cole, Isaac, Manchester, 111, wife, Cornelia, dau. of Jacob Benedict Of Perinton. Cornwell, Emily, dau. of Caleb Munson, Perinton. Corsdell, Samuel; wife Anna, named in will of Giles Pierce, Sweden. Cowles, Benjamin, g. son of Jpb Northrup, Brighton. Cozzens, William, Phoebe and Mary, named in will of Giles Pierce. Earls, Mercy, dau. of Benjamin Wlllets, town not given. Ford, Sally, dau of Charles Howe, Perinton. Glazier, Polly, dau. of William King of Gates. Harwood, Sally, dau. cf Solomon Alfrlch, Perinton. Kiel, Hannah Hinclie, (Still) dau. of Solomon Aldrich. (or Hinkley) Lucy, dau. of William King of Gates. Hudson, James, willed NOTHING by Jacob DeGarmo, Mendon. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection Cross Index to Will Sup. # 2. Jennings, Suja, dau. of Solomon Aldrlch, Perinton. Lane, Mary, sister of Thomas E. Hall, Palmyra, N. Y; V Joshiah and Mary, children of Mary Lane. Lord, Dlodate, Uncle of Selden R. King, Ogden. Miller, Louise, dau. of Chas. Howe, Perinton. Parker, Wealthy, dau of Chas. Howe, Perinton. Pease, Sally, married Lucius Pritchard, of Brighton. H Maria and Ira, step children of Lucius Pritchard. Pomeroy, Mary Ann, dau.-ln-law-of Amasa Kellogg, Gates. Putnam, Luke, of Grafton, Vt. cousin of John Mastick of Rochester. Reynolds, Oliver, wife, Elizabeth, dau. of Peter Marlett, Penfield. " Darwin, grandson of Feter Marlett, Sanford, Abigail, a legatee of Jacob DeGarmo, Mendon. Stoddard, Harriet, sister of Thomas E. Hall, Palmyra. Torrey, Sally, " " * " " " Whitcomb, Sally, sister of John Mastick, Rochester. M Luke, husband of Sally. Woodbury, Eli, Legatee of Jacob DeGarmo. Mendon. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection HECKMAN BINDERY, INC. Bound-To-Plcase• FEB 05 N. MANCHESTER, INDIANA 46962 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection
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