Introducing Dan Wolfgram: New Principal at LWJSHS


Introducing Dan Wolfgram: New Principal at LWJSHS
Focusing On Activities In The Manawa School District
Special Section | Waupaca County Post & the New London Buyers’ Guide
Introducing Dan Wolfgram:
New Principal at LWJSHS
Issue hts
By Dan Wolfgram
Dinner Pg 2
Little Wolf Jr./Sr. High School
School Supply
Lists Pg 4
State FFA
August 7, 2014
Pg 5
Happenings Pg
Registration &
Open House Pg
Insurance Information
for Parents
Parents/Guardians: Please be
advised, the school district student insurance (AIG) is a secondary insurance coverage for school
related injuries.
If your student must seek medical attention following a school related injury, please be aware that
the School District insurance will
cover what the family’s primary insurance does not cover (within the
limits set by AIG), less any applicable deductibles which are to be
paid for by the parent. (The current
deductible is $100, but is subject
to change.)
Dear Parents and Students of Little Wolf Jr. /Sr. High School: I wanted
to take this opportunity to introduce
myself to you and keep you up to
date on the many changes occurring
in the Manawa School District.
Please be sure to read through all
of the upcoming registration information in this issue.
For those of you who do not know
my educational background, I have
been a classroom teacher for the
past 25 years as a vocal music instructor.
I received my BME at the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire, and
my Master’s Degree in Educational
Leadership from Marian College.
For the past 23 years, I have been
a resident of Waupaca County,
and held the position of Director of
Choral Activities at Waupaca High
I consider this area home, and am
grateful for the opportunity to serve
the residents of Manawa. I am looking forward to the challenges that
we all face together as a community,
and school.
As many of you know, there are
going to be some new faces in the
district, both in the classroom and
in administrative roles. The current
administrative team has been hard
at work laying the groundwork for a
successful and invigorating school
year for both faculty and students.
Dan Wolfgram is the new Principal at Little Wolf Junior/Senior High School.
Angie Landsverk Photo
In addition to new personnel in the
school district, you will notice some
other operational changes.
The completion of the HVAC project should be drawing to a close as
the students get ready for their first
day. The inclusion of air conditioning
at our building will be a welcomed
relief to everyone.
In addition, I would also like you
to draw your attention to new bus
procedures/routes, parking procedures, and dress codes outlined in
this issue.
We will also be premiering a new
4 X 4 block schedule at the high
school where your student will be
enrolled in four curricular classes,
and a time dedicated to the federally
mandated RtI (Response to Intervention) known as Wolf Time.
Wolf Time or RtI is a multi-tier approach to the early identification and
support of students with learning
and behavioral needs.
The process begins with highquality instruction and universal
screening of all children in the general education classroom. Struggling
learners are provided with interventions at increasing levels of intensity
to accelerate their rate of learning.
These services may be provided
by a variety of personnel, including
general education teachers, special
educators, and specialists.
story continued on page 3
Page 2 • August 7, 2014 • WOLF PACK EXPRESS
Spaghetti Dinner at LWHS Aug. 14
Meet the Cowboys,
Meet the Wolves
The Manawa Athletic
Booster Club will host a
Spaghetti Dinner from 5:307 p.m. Thursday, Aug. 14, at
the Little Wolf High School
There are 300 tickets for
sale and they can be purchased at First State Bank.
The cost of each ticket is
$5, and children 2 and under
are free.
This will coincide with the
annual Meet the Cowboys
– Meet the Wolves that is
held to introduce the community to this year’s Football
The teams will have their
pictures taken and scrim-
mage. The community is
welcome to come support
the 2014 Wolves and Cowboys, watch the scrimmage
and meet the kids.
The spaghetti will be
donated by The Manawa
Steakhouse, The Daily Grind
Café, Triple O Supper Club,
Cedar Springs and Bear
Water will be sponsored
by Little Wolf Auto, and Festival Foods will donate garlic
There will be to-go boxes
The Manawa Athletic
Booster Club was formed
to assist in the promotion
of athletic programs for the
youth of the Manawa Community.
The objectives of the organization are to provide supervised competitive games
under the rules and regulations of the Wisconsin Interscholastic Athletic Association.
The purpose is to emphasize participation, sportsmanship, academics and
the physical and mental
development of each participant. The winning of the
games is a secondary objective.
The organization will also
raise funds to purchase, upgrade, repair and maintain
fields and facilities as well as
to assist with the purchase
of equipment and uniforms
for all participants.
The board is looking for
anyone interested in pro-
moting Athletics in the
Manawa Community. You
do not have to be a parent,
but could be anyone in the
The Manawa Athletic
Booster Club meets once
a month to plan activities,
but we need help in carrying
out these activities. Please
contact Mary Griffin at 920596-1875 if you would like
to help and we will keep you
updated by email on our activities and meeting times
and dates.
Also, during the school
year our meetings are posted on the school website.
We usually meet the first
Monday of the month at the
High School at 6 p.m.
Tickets available at
First State Bank
$5.00 per person
2 and under FREE
at the Little Wolf High School Commons
Meet the Cowboys/Meet the Wolves
Spaghetti Dinner
Thurs., August 14
5:30 PM - 7:00 pm
Sponsored by the
Athletic Booster Club
Proceeds Support Manawa Athletics
We take pride in the
appearance of our
students. All students
are expected to dress
and groom themselves neatly in clothing that is seasonably
suitable for school activities.
Students wearing
inappropriate clothing, such as but not
limited to, clothing
with alcohol/tobacco
reference, inappropriate slogans and suggestive in nature, may
be asked to return
home to make necessary changes.
Clothing must cover
all undergarments.
Shorts, skirts and
dresses must reach
fingertip in length.
There will be no
midriff showing, no
low cut tops, spaghetti straps, or strapless garments worn.
Straps on tank tops
must be at least 2
inches wide.
Hats, caps, headwear, jackets/coats,
chains, jewelry with
sharp objects, low riding pants, etc., are not
allowed to be worn in
the school.
Remember, this is a
place of education.
It is the responsibility of the school
to prohibit students
from attending school
when their personal
appearance or attire
is of a nature that interferes with the instructional purpose of
the school or attracts
undue attention that
is detrimental to the
normal operation of
the school.
WOLF PACK EXPRESS • August 7, 2014 • Page 3
Washington, D.C., Trip
Planned for Spring
By Junior High
Teaching Staff
The Manawa seventh and eighth grade have been approved to go to Washington, D.C., this spring for an outstanding educational opportunity.
The trip will include visiting the Smithsonian Museums,
Holocaust Museum, Washington Monument, Arlington
Cemetery, and Union Station, just to name a few.
We will be taking coach buses, and we will be spending a
total of five nights away from home.
Students will be responsible for food on the way out and
on the return trip home; however, all other meals and room
and board will be included in the cost.
The only additional cost would be the purchases your
son/daughter would like to make while on the trip.
The travel dates are May 15 through May 20. We will be
leaving from school on the afternoon on the 15th and returning to school on the evening of the 20th.
PARENTS: The first payment for this trip is due in October. The second payment in November, the third in February, and the final payment is due in March.
The price for the trip will be dictated by the number of
students that commit to go.
If you are interested in this trip, please attend an informational meeting at 7 p.m. Monday, Aug. 25 in the High School
Commons or at 3 p.m. on Aug. 28 during the Open House.
We look forward to being able to share more information
with you about this exciting opportunity!
If you have any immediate questions, please contact Mr.
Jeff Bortle at
continued from page 1
Progress is closely monitored to assess both
the learning rate and level of performance of individual students. Educational decisions about the
intensity and duration of interventions are based
on individual student response to instruction.
Wolf Time is designed for use when making
decisions in both general education and special
education, creating a well-integrated system of
instruction and intervention guided by child outcome data.
I want to stress that Wolf Time is for EVERY
student and it is a valuable time where individual
student needs are addressed and students will be
challenged to exceed their educational expectations.
Some of the new challenges we will be facing
as a district include what is known as “The Big
Three”: aligning our curriculum to the Common
Core Standards, the new Educator Effectiveness
Evaluation Model, and the new Statewide Assessment. We are committed as professionals in edu-
Manawa Students Attend
FBLA Nationals
On June 28, five
Leaders of America (FBLA) students
from Little Wolf
High School, along
with their adviser,
took a coach bus
with several other
schools down to
Nashville, Tennessee, to participate
in the FBLA National competition
at the Gaylord Opryland Resort.
Both the Sports Manawa students attending the FBLA Nationals were (from left) Alex
and Entertainment Kowaleski, Garret Griffin, Austin Wagner, Camden Moser and Adam
Management team Michalowski.
of Alex Kowaleski,
Austin Wagner and
Camden Moser, and the Business Presentation team of Adam Michalowski and Garret Griffin had to compete in a preliminary round of 80-90 teams from across the
United States. Though neither team made it to the final round, both groups were
pleased with their performance.
Besides their competition, these students attended the opening and closing session with over 10,000 students from 39 states.
They also attended workshops and met people from throughout the country. They
were also able to tour the Country Music Hall of Fame and visit downtown Nashville.
Overall it was a great trip in which Little Wolf High School students made memories
they will not soon forget.
cation to tackle these initiatives with vigor.
We invite you to be an integral part of your
child’s education here in Manawa. A large body
of reliable research has shown that well-designed
family engagement practices are associated with
higher grades, higher test scores, better attendance, more motivation, and the move to postsecondary education.
Educating a child is a big job, and we need your
help to do it well.
Please be sure your child comes to school each
day rested and ready to learn. Attendance and arriving on time are also important – we don’t want
our students to miss any instructional time, so
please make sure your child is here on time every
I want you to feel free to contact me with any
concerns you may have regarding the educational process here at Little Wolf Junior/Senior High
An open house is scheduled and we would welcome you to join us from noon until 6 p.m. Thurs-
day, Aug. 28, at LWJSHS.
I also want to further encourage you to visit the
school district webpage at: http://www.manawa. There is a wealth of information that
can answer many of your questions.
I look forward to a tremendous year working together with you and staff to bring the best possible education to the students.
What an exciting time to be a Manawa Wolf!
Our Students are Our Future, Go Wolves!
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Page 4 • August 7, 2014 • WOLF PACK EXPRESS
School Supply Lists for LWHJSHS
The 2014-15 School Supply
List have been announced for
Little Wolf Junior/Senior High
High School
School Supply List
All Students
• Ear-buds or headphones.
Agriculture & Technology
Education Courses
Mrs. Cordes
• Binder.
• Folder.
• Paper.
riting utensil.
Work Study:
• Work permit on file.
All Other Courses:
• Binder or folder.
• Paper.
• Writing utensil.
OPTIONAL: Box of kleenex for
classroom use.
Mrs. Krueger
inder (required for Web 2.0)
or folder.
aper (Loose-leaf or notebook).
• Writing utensil.
English Courses
Mr. Roenz
Mrs. Konkol
• Single-subject notebook specifically for English class.
• Folder.
• Writing utensil.
History Courses
Mrs. Huettner
• 2” 3-ring binder.
• Notebook or loose-leaf paper.
• Writing Utensil.
Mr. Herricks
Phy. Ed. Courses
Mrs. Krause & Mr. Murphy
• Tennis shoes - no shoes that
make black marks!
• Dress Code Appropriate
• Dress Code Appropriate tshirts
• Gym locks will be provided
– if they are broken or not
returned there will be a $5
• 2” 3-ring binder.
Science Courses
Mr. Kelleher
Mathematics Courses:
Ms. Eck
• Notebook & folder OR binder
& looseleaf paper - specifically
for Science Class.
• Writing utensil.
• Scientific calculator.
• Binder.
• Loose leaf paper.
• Folder (for math).
• Scientific calculator (not
Band and Chorus
• Black dress pants or skirt,
black dress shoes, black
socks and white dress shirt.
• Ladies will also need a black
dress shirt for December and
May concerts.
• No sneakers or flip-flops.
• School dress code applies for
all performances.
• Pencil.
• Instrument (band).
• 1 box of tissues.
Spanish Courses
Mr. Allen
• Writing utensil.
• Notebook/paper.
Junior High School
Supply List
• #2 pencils – at least 24.
• Several pens.
• Colored pencils – 8 pack.
• Markers.
• Large glue stick.
• Erasers.
• Highlighters.
• Ruler with cm/inches.
• Folders – 1 for each class.
• 7 spiral notebooks.
• 1 large box of Kleenex.
• Gym shorts, T-shirt, & gym
• Gym locks will be provided
– if they are broken or not
returned, there will be a $5
7th/8th grade Band and
• Black dress pants or skirt,
black dress shoes, black
socks and white dress shirt.
• No sneakers or flip-flops
(school dress code applies for
all performances).
• Pencil.
• Instrument (band).
• 1 box of tissues.
General Supplies Needed:
• Ear-buds or headphones.
• Scissors.
• Scientific calculator.
• 1” binder - 8th Grade Math.
• No stretchable cloth book
• Spiral notebook.
• Pencils & pens.
WOLF PACK EXPRESS • August 7, 2014 • Page 5
Manawa FFA members “Ignite the Passion” at State Convention
Over 3,500 Wisconsin FFA members, advisors
and guests representing over 250 schools attended the 85th annual Wisconsin FFA Convention at
the Alliant Energy Center of Dane County in Madison.
Attending from Manawa FFA were members
Courtlynn Oltz, Adam Michalowski, Joe Kaczorowski, Andrew Scheller, Saharra Lane, Mandy
Krueger, Lexi Smiles, Ashley Oertel and FFA Advisor Sandy Piechowski Cordes.
“Ignite the Passion, Live with Purpose” was
the theme of this year’s convention, celebrating
student success and recognition of FFA activities
conducted across the entire state of Wisconsin.
The convention highlighted a year of service and
success for students in Wisconsin Agricultural
Education and FFA.
FFA activities and award programs complement
instruction in agricultural education by giving students practical experience in the application of
agricultural skills and knowledge gained in their
classes. The FFA organization’s major objectives
are to develop agricultural leadership, cooperation, and citizenship.
Members heard from motivational speakers
Scott Bakovich, Laymon Hicks, and a member of
the national FFA officer team.
Students attended workshops, a phenomenal
career and business fair, viewed displays of outstanding achievers in the FFA and participated in
the high-energy convention. They also enjoyed
Jim Wand’s hypnotist presentation and a lively
Courtlynn Oltz, Joe Kaczorowski and Adam Michalowski served as the official delegates for the
Manawa FFA Chapter. Delegates were responsible for representing the local chapter at the business session and selecting the section’s state
FFA officer. Hallie Kopczynski was elected as the
Section 8 FFA Officer.
FFA members can receive honors for an application pertaining to their Supervised Agricultural Experience (SAE) projects. Joe Kaczorowski
earned 4th place gold in the state for his Poultry
Production project.
Ashley Oertel was selected as a first year member of the FFA Honors Band. She participated in
rigorous rehearsals and performances during presession concerts and during sessions.
The band will also showcase their talents at the
Wisconsin State Fair in August.
The Manawa FFA Chapter applied for the National Chapter Award and received a gold ranking
in the state.
The chapter was recognized for their overall
program of activities focusing on three major areas: Student development (gold ranking), chapter
development (gold ranking), and community development (8th in state). Lexi Smiles and Adam
Michalowski accepted the on-stage honors.
Representing Manawa FFA at the State FFA Convention were members (from left) Lexi Smiles, Andrew Scheller, Courtlynn Oltz, Joe Kaczorowski, Mandy Krueger, Adam Michalowski, Saharra Lane and Ashley Oertel. Submitted Photo
At the Wisconsin State FFA Convention, hypnotist Jim
Wand held an entertaining session. Manawa FFA Vice
President Adam Michalowski was one of the participants
Submitted Photo
The application has been selected to go on for
national consideration.
Manawa FFA received 7th place overall in the
state for the Food for America program. This
award recognizes chapters for their promotion of
agricultural literacy.
Among the highlights of the chapter’s “Food
for America” program is a Day on the Farm field
trip to Triple B Produce for Manawa third graders.
The purpose of the trip is to promote careers in
agriculture and teach students about agricultural
Courtlynn Oltz accepted the gold award for the
Adam Michalowski made the finals in the state
Career Development Event (CDE) Speaking Contest, placing fourth. This contest allows participants to exchange ideas and information in an
effort to solve a problem.
Courtlynn Oltz was the recipient of the “Three
Star Leader Award.” The award recognizes se-
lected chapter members for stellar involvement in
activities in student development, chapter development, and community development.
Mandy Krueger, Saharra Lane, Lexi Smiles, and
Andrew Scheller all served as members of the
state Courtesy Corp, helping behind the scenes
to make sure the convention ran smoothly.
The chapter also received first place in the state
for membership/recruitment (accepted by Michalowski on stage). The application for this award
is written solely by the FFA officers summarizing
recruitment and retention projects.
The Wisconsin Association of FFA provides over
18,000 members with an opportunity to gain life
skills through hands-on learning. The Manawa
FFA is grateful for the support of the school district, parents and community as we work together
to develop premier leadership, personal growth
and career success through agriculture education.
For more information about the Manawa FFA,
contact Sandy Cordes at 920-596-5826 or via
email at
To join the support group of the FFA (the Manawa FFA Alumni), contact Randy Steingraber at
920-538-2072. People do not need to have been
an FFA member to support the goals of the organization.
Manawa FFA
member Ashley
Oertel was selected
to perform in the
State FFA Honors
Band. Performances
included the State
FFA Convention
and the Wisconsin
State Fair. Submitted Photo
Page 6 • August 7, 2014 • WOLF PACK EXPRESS
Interim District
Administrator Information
By James R. Quinn
Interim District Administrator Manawa
School District
As we approach the
end of the summer,
many exciting things
are happening.
The hiring process
is getting close to
completion, with many
quality people being
added to our wonderfully dedicated staff.
and staff has worked
very hard to screen, interview, and select the
best educators for each
position. They are to be
commended for their
diligence in performing
this task along with the
myriad of other details
that need to be attended to over the summer
as we prepare for the
upcoming school year.
Some of those tasks
include developing inservice programs and
schedules for new and
returning staff, preparing handbooks for
students, staff, and
coaches, and making
adjustments to many
different parts of the
school day to better
serve our students.
High School project is
coming together and
is scheduled to be
mostly completed prior
to the start of school.
I suspect there will be
some walk throughs
and other minor things
to attend to, but we
will be ready with airconditioning if needed
and heat in the winter
Continuing on that
note, our custodial
staffs in each building
has done a superb job
of readying the facilities for occupancy as
we prepare for another
wonderful year. When
you arrive for registration and open-house,
take note of how wonderful our buildings and
grounds look.
Speaking of registration, a letter will arrive
with pertinent information on registration
and open-house for
this year. Please watch
the mail for this, the
first part of August. Included will be times,
dates, locations, student fees, and any other things students and
parents will need to
be aware of to register
your student(s). Once
Go Wolves!
Member FDIC
Equal Housing Lender
431 S. Bridge Street, Manawa, WI 54949
(920) 596-2531
again, please watch the
mail for these important
pieces of information.
Our food service
staff has participated
in ServSafe training
this past summer and
will be ready to serve
breakfast and lunch
beginning Sept. 2. A
complete mailing of
information, including
the Free and Reduced
meals application and
waiver for 2014-15, will
be sent out the week of
Aug. 18. It is important
for all to fill this form
out, as certain state
aids are tied to these
Our fall sports season
is just around the corner and the parent/athlete meeting has taken
One change this year
was that if you were
unable to make the
meeting you need to
go to the Junior/Senior
High School Office and
watch the meeting on
DVD. A place will be
provided. It is very important that all parents
and athletes view this
prior to participation.
Thanks for your help
with this.
I think that about covers the ramblings of my
mind and the things I
have on my calendar as
we prepare for a truly
great school year with
many exciting challenges ahead knowing we
have the staff, administration, students, and
community members
to meet them head on
and continue to move
Have a wonderful rest
of the summer and we
will see you Sept. 2.
Bus Loading @ LWJSHS
All of the buses will line up in front
of Little Wolf Junior/Senior High and
exit to the east.
All parents will now pick up their
children in the student parking lot
along the sidewalk down from the
Students and parents do not use
the route behind the school as a
secondary exit. This should eliminate a lot of congestion exiting the
school, as well as make it safer for
students who are walking.
Along these same lines, there will
be no more entering by the old elementary school from Beech Street,
as well as entering from the eastend exit during school hours.
There will be no parking west of
the main entrance during school
There will be parking available
east of the main entrance on the left
side. The right side is reserved for
handicapped parking and fire hydrant accessibility.
Celebrating the End of the
2013-14 School Year
Sitting on the
grass while
enjoying the
picnic lunch
at Little Wolf
High School were
(from left) Ethan
Wiesner, Seth
Forbes and
Bo Koehn.
Jane Myhra Photo
Enjoying the end-of-year picnic at Little Wolf Junior/Senior High School were (from
left) Craig Honkenstad, Mikayla Pecha, Grace Claussen, Morgan Moede, Miranda
Wohlrabe, Dustin Beyer and Josh Mauritz.
Jane Myhra Photo
WOLF PACK EXPRESS • August 7, 2014 • Page 7
Library Happenings
Summer Fun at Sturm Memorial Library
The Sturm Memorial Library
was the place for summer fun
in June and July, and the fun
will continue into August.
The themes for the summer
programs were “Fizz Boom
Read” and “Spark a Reaction,” both science based,
and approximately 250 children from the community
participated in the programs.
The library hosted local celebrity Tom Pease, a bubbleologist, a science show and a
The library was lucky to
have the volunteer services
of former Manawa teachers
Bill and Jackie Wendlandt,
who coordinated four science programs in June and
July that were well attended.
Participants made silly
putty, fossil molds, created
chemical reactions and made
magnets do all kinds of magical tricks.
Other science fun included
popping film canisters, lava
lamps, color swirls and bubble snakes.
Teen activities for Spark a
Reaction included the ever
difficult “Stick Reaction,”
making tinsmith art, creating
a “chain reaction” and “Paying it Forward.”
The Library also hosted its
annual Rodeo Lunch with
Queen Katie and Princess
Bailey and their horses Moon
and Louie.
Library staff agrees it was
a summer for the ages, and
like any successful program,
it did not occur without a lot
of help.
The library would like to
recognize the following organizations, businesses and
individuals who made the
summer a success by either
Many young people enjoyed the annual Rodeo Lunch Bunch at Sturm Memorial Library.
donating money or time:
A. Sturm & Sons Foundation; Alliant Energy; Barbara
Jacques; Cline & Hanson
Funeral Home; Echo Ridge
Ag Services, LLC; First State
Bank; Heimbruch Septic Service; Lindsay House Bed &
Breakfast; Little Wolf Landscaping and Tree Service;
Lorge Plumbing; Master
Electrical Services, LLC; Niemo’s Manawa Septic Service;
Outagamie Waupaca Library
System; Premier Community
Bank; Quality Concrete & Excavating; Remington’s Quality Foods; Sell Chiropractic;
Smart Move Realty; Sturm
Foods; Suehs Sales & Service.
The donations received allowed the library to provide
quality special events and
numerous library programs.
In addition, the donations
allowed the library to provide
one special book to each
summer program participant
who met a reading goal they
set at the start of the program
and also allowed the participants to designate a book for
the library’s collection in their
name for doing a number of
special activities. This part of
the program was very popular with participants and a
display of the books donated
to the library will be on hand
through the end of August.
In addition to the above
donors, teen volunteers Jacob Brickey, Derrick Evers
and Kyle Evers put in many
hours helping staff keep up
with regular duties during the
busy months and helping out
during special events. Trevor
Evers also helped staff during special events as well.
The library is still hosting
preschool programming on
Thursdays in August, as well
as Lego Club on Aug. 26,
MovieTime on Aug. 28, and
the teen movie night on Aug.
13, when a newly released on
DVD movie will be showing.
All we can say is – choose
your faction!
For more information on
the Sturm Memorial Library
and its programs, call 920596-2252 or visit online at
Science was the focus of the 2014 summer reading program at the Sturm Memorial Library.
Page 8 • August 7, 2014 • WOLF PACK EXPRESS
District Registration Day
and Lwhs Open House
August 26 – 8:00 am 6:00 pm:
Registration 7-12 grade students – LWHS Commons
(All students must register prior to the first day of school)
August 28 – 12:00 pm – 6:00 pm:
Open House (This is not registration, please register on August 26)
September 2 - First day of school
High School Fees For Every Student:
District Fee
Junior Class
Sophomore Class
Freshmen Class
Student Parking Permits
Parking Permit
(required for all vehicles parked in the student parking lot)
Optional Fees for High School Students
Student Athletic Pass
$ 50.00
7th & 8th Grade Fees For Every Student:
District Fee
7th Grade Class
8th Grade Class
Optional Fees for 7th & 8th Grade Students:
Student Athletic Pass $5.00
All forms and the student handbook are available on the LW Jr/
Sr HS home page. Forms will also be available at registration. At
registration on August 26, we will be collecting fees and lunch money,
selling student athletic passes, and yearbooks. Guardians can meet with
Jamie Trzebiatowski, our district Nurse regarding health issues and/or
medications. She will be available at the high school from 8:00 am – 12:00
pm. Our health aide will be available from 12:00 pm – 6 pm. Students will
receive their schedules and are able to put school supplies in their lockers
at this time.
At Open House on
August 28, students will
be able to put supplies
in their lockers and walk
around the building.
Reminder, this is not
We look forward to
you at the Little
Express Lube
Full Service
Service Repair
High School
109 N Bridge St
225 S Western Ave
Registration and Open
Manawa WI 54949
Waupaca WI 54981
By Megan Driebel
Guidance Counselor
I am so excited to be a member
of the School District of Manawa.
Having lived my entire life in
Waupaca County, raised and
educated in the Iola-Scandinavia
School District, I am not unfamiliar
with Manawa and many of its
My Bachelor’s degree was
earned in Sociology at the
University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh,
followed by my Masters in
Lakeland College in Sheboygan.
Formerly, I was employed
as a 5-year social worker with
Waupaca County Department of
Health and Human Services until
earning my Master’s Degree. The
last two years I served as the
singular K-12 counselor at the
School District of Gresham and I
continue to maintain my residence
in Iola.
But, that was then … what’s
happening now?
In August, we will be actively
preparing for the opening days of
The following are key dates/
times I would like to bring to your
• Aug. 26 – Registration Day
for LWHS Grades 7 through 12 in
LWHS Commons from 8 a.m. until
6 p.m. (All students must register
prior to the first day of school.)
• Aug. 28 – Open House at both
MES and LWHS from noon until
6 p.m. Please note: this is NOT
Current class schedules (712) can be seen online through
Skyward but will be printed and
handed to students with their
registration materials. In talking
with Mr. Wolfgram, please be
reminded that no schedule
changes will be made. Throughout
the year, I may be sending other
information home with your child/
student. I will have established
office hours both at the elementary
and high school, but the hours are
yet undetermined. The hours at
the elementary school are limited
with my time being divided at 20
percent at MES and 80 percent at
My colleague and support
person at the high school is Mrs.
Jennifer Bessette, 920-596-5844.
She will always know where to
reach me if you have questions.
If you need to reach me directly
this summer, I am currently in the
office Monday through Friday
from 8 a.m. until 4 p.m. My email
address is mdriebel@manawa. and you may reach me
by calling 920-596-5802.
Free and Reduced Meals Information
Free and reduced breakfast/lunch is available in the
Manawa School District.
To help families ease the bill for school year food
costs, we encourage you to fill out the Free and
Reduced Meals Application. Forms will be mailed
to all parents homes on or about Aug. 18.
Do not pass up opportunities for free or
reduced meals for your children. If you
feel you do not qualify, allow our District
Determination Officer to make that call.
The process is confidential.
Guidance Office