Profusion Growing Guide


Profusion Growing Guide
Profusion Growing Guide
Zinnia x hybrida
Plug Culture: 4 weeks - 200 cell
Stage 1 (days 1-5) Use a well-drained media with a pH between 5.8
and 6.2 with a soil EC of <0.6 mmhos (1:2 slurry). Prior to sowing,
water the plug tray to the point of drip. Then, sow the seed and cover
with medium vermiculite. Do not water after sowing or the day following sowing. Then, water the seedlings as needed allowing the media
to dry slightly in between watering. An overly wet soil will decrease
germination. Optimum soil temperature is 76ºF/25°C.
Stage 2 (days 6-10) Zinnias germinate quickly and after emergence
place plug trays in a well-ventilated greenhouse with high light (3,0004,000 f.c./32,000-43,000 lux). Maintain a day temperature of 70°F/21°C
and a night temperature of 65°F/18°C. A light application of fertilizer
at 50-100 ppm N will greatly benefit in helping to establish strong and
healthy seedlings.
Stage 3 (days 11-21) Water and fertilize zinnias as needed to maintain healthy plugs. An application of 100-150 ppm N is recommended
at least once a week. Watering just before wilt is recommended to
avoid lush growth. One should water thoroughly to prevent high EC
levels, (>1.0 mmhos 1:2 slurry). Watering early in the morning allows
the foliage to dry thoroughly and prevents potential disease problems.
If necessary, one can apply B-Nine (daminozide) at 0.25% / 2,500 ppm
to check growth 15-17 days after sowing.
Stage 4 (days 22-28) Zinnias develop rapidly and are often ready to
transplant after three weeks, depending upon the plug cell size used.
One can drop the air temperature to 62°F/17°C to hold plug trays
for a few days. Avoid temperatures below 60°F/16°C as this will invite
disease problems.
Lighting: Zinnia Profusion flowers more quickly under short day
length (<12 hours). To delay flowering and build plant body, especially
for larger pots, extend the day length to 14 hours or use 4 hour night
interruption beginning with seedling emergence until transplant. Profusion Knee-High is similar. If sown under short day conditions, it will
initiate earlier and stay more compact. If sown under long day conditions (early June), it will delay flowering and grow taller.
Media: Peat-lite mixes work well at a soil pH of 5.5 - 6.2.
Long Days
In warm southern regions Profusion ultimately grows to
18 in./45 cm tall by 24 in./60 cm wide, less in northern regions.
Recommended Container Size
mid April early June
mid May mid July
mid August
packs, 4 in. pots,
10 in. baskets
Crop Time**
Regional Comments
Sold Green
January to Mid April
Cell Pack
April to August
4 weeks
14 hours
0.25% B-Nine
8-9 weeks from sowing
4 inch
April to August
5 weeks
14 hours
0.25% B-Nine
10-11 weeks from sowing
April to August
6 weeks
14 hours
0.25% B-Nine
10-11 weeks from sowing
6 inch
April to August
6 weeks
14 hours
0.25% B-Nine
11-12 weeks from sowing
1 gallon
April to August
6 weeks
14 hours
0.25% B-Nine
11-12 weeks from sowing
8 inch
April to August
6 weeks
14 hours
0.25% B-Nine
12-13 weeks from sowing
10 inch
April to August
6 weeks
14 hours
0.25% B-Nine
12-13 weeks from sowing
In warm summer climates where the day temperature regularly
rises to 90°F and higher, applying short days (< 11 hours) after
the plants are established will shorten production time and
promote compact plants.
150 -200 ppm N - Cal/Mag fertilizer, alternating with 20-10-20 as needed to control pH. Sensitive to boron deficiency, supply 0.25 ppm B at each watering.
Optimum pH is 5.5 - 6.2
1.0 to 1.2 mmhos (1:2 slurry) 1 part media mixed with 2 parts distilled water. Stir and allow mixture to stand for 30 minutes, filter and take reading.
DISCLAIMER: The information contained in this culture sheet is based on average temperate climate conditions in Europe and North America. The information is a reflection of current practices and is intended only as a guide.
•All-America Selections Gold Medal and Fleuroselect Gold Medal Winners
Cell pack – 5-6 weeks after transplant (best sold green or in bud).
4 in./10 cm pot – 6-7 weeks after transplant. 1 plant per pot.
6 in./15 cm pot – 7-8 weeks after transplant. 3 plants per pot.
packs, 4 in. pots 10
in. baskets for mild
winter climates
•Big color and reliable performance in the landscape and patio pots
Pests: Thrips and aphids
Container Size: Zinnia Profusion is naturally compact with excellent basal branching. For higher density cell packs (36-48 count) it is
best to sell plants green (no flowers). For less dense cell packs (12-18
count) and 4 in./10 cm pots sell in color.
•Full color range, in both single and double flower forms, provides good retail assortment
Disease: Zinnia Profusion has good disease tolerance and is not generally attacked by the many foliar diseases that affect zinnia. Good sanitation and growing culture will also aid in keeping the plants healthy. In
the landscape, do not place heavy mulch around the base of the plants
as this may cause stem rot at the soil line.
6-10 in. pots,
10 in. baskets
Finish Time
•Disease and heat tolerant
Fertilizer: To produce high quality plants, apply 100 - 150 ppm N
(constant liquid feed) from a cal/mag fertilizer. Optimum EC level is
1.0 - 1.2 mmhos (1:2 slurry). Zinnia is sensitive to boron deficiency
which is characterized by tip abortion, crinkled leaves and leaf edge
burn. Apply 0.25 ppm of boron with each fertilizer application.
Finished Production: 5-8 weeks
Pot /
•Easy to produce, low cost and quick turns
Temperature: Zinnia is sensitive to cool temperatures (<60°F/16°C)
which can invite disease and foliage problems. Warm temperatures
(>75°/24°C) induce quicker stem elongation and stretching.
Growers should base decisions on local climate conditions and past growing experience. The chemical and growth regulator rates listed are generally accepted practices but in no way constitute a mandate. In all cases, strict
adherence to local laws and label instructions is expected. Growers assume all risk and Sakata can not be held liable for any crop loss or damage from the information given herein.
* as needed after the plants are rooted and filled in
** for Northern latitudes (45° and higher), add 1-2 weeks additional crop time.
Sakata Ornamentals
North America • P.O. Box 880 • Morgan Hill, CA 95038-0880 • Phone: 408.778.7758 • Fax 408.778.7768 •
Europe • Odensevej 82 • 5290 Marslev • Denmark • Tel: +45 6390 6490 • Fax: +45 6390 6499 • E-mail: •��������
Productsheet ProfusionV2a.indd 2-3
5/20/10 8:27:08 AM
Profusion Zinnia
Profusion Double
Proven commercial performance due to wide weather tolerance,
Profusion thrives in high heat and humidity as well as cool and dry
conditions. Low cost, reliable germination, and the ideal combination
of rapid but controlled growth makes this a profitable crop under a
wide range of conditions. Compact, uniform plants make attractive
retail displays.
Profusion Double
This All-America Selections Gold Medal and Fleuroselect Gold Medal
winning series is an excellent landscape, bedding and container variety,
producing vivid blooms in diverse climates. Profusion is disease
tolerant to alternaria and powdery mildew, the two main scourges
of garden zinnias. Being heat tolerant, it adapts to both hot, dry
conditions and hot, humid conditions. Continuous new flower
canopies keep plants looking fresh and colorful.
In the Garden
Profusion ultimately grows to 18 in./45 cm tall by 24 in./60 cm wide.
Final plant height and width is dependent on length of growing season,
fertility, temperature, and frequency of watering. In general, plants will
grow larger in southern regions than in northern locations.
Space 12 - 16 inches apart based on climatic conditions.
•Maintenance free in the garden
•Masses of large flowers, 2 - 2.5 in./5 – 6 cm in diameter,
all season long
• Naturally compact and well branched
Double flowers on compact, well-branched plants.
Doubles and singles have similar habit and timing which
facilitates easier scheduling and growing.
Double Cherry
Double Fire
Double Golden
Double White
Double Mix
Double Cherry
Double Fire
Double Golden
Profusion Single
Double White
Double Mix
Profusion Single
Coral Pink
Deep Apricot
3 Color Mix
Cherry, Orange, White
Profusion Knee-High
Coral Pink
Deep Apricot
Profusion Knee-High
•Suitable as a cut flower in home gardens
•Good landscape performance in extreme weather conditions
•Drought tolerant
•Ideal for mass plantings
Knee-High Red
•Best New Variety at Oklahoma State University trials
•Texas Winners Circle Award
•Under high light and warm temperatures, habit is
similar to standard Profusion
5 Color Mix Best Seller!
Apricot, Cherry, Fire, Orange, White
7 Color Mix NEW!
Apricot, Cherry, Coral Pink, Fire, Orange, White,Yellow
Knee-High White
•Texas A&M Outstanding Performers Selection
•University of Georgia Best of the Best Award
Sunrise Mix NEW!
Fire, White,Yellow
3 Color Mix
5 Color Mix
Enhanced Seed
Available as raw or filmcoated seed. Filmcoated seed
eases the sowing process.
7 Color Mix
Productsheet ProfusionV2a.indd 4-5
Sunrise Mix
5/20/10 8:30:51 AM