Section 2 (211 7401760 1985-19.
Section 2 (211 7401760 1985-19.
Section 2 (211 Reconditioning engine B 200, B 230 7401760 1985-19. . B 200, B 230 What do the designations mean? B23OET l+ IT : Turbo try { U I \/ I v I This manual covers the following engine types: Engine type Model year B2OOK 198* I Y A= carburetor engine (constant-pressure type carburetor. for instance Pierburg 175 CDUS) K : carburetor engine (jet type carburetor, for instance Solex-Cisac) E : fuel injection engine F = fuel injection engine 23O : B2OOE B 2OO ET B23OA B23OK - USA version B23OE B 230 ET cylinder volume B23OF = petrol (gasoline) B 230 : B 200 = B 230 FT basic engine a B 230 with smaller cu in. displacement Volvos are sold in versions adapted for different markets. These adaptations depend on many factors including legal, taxation and market requirements. This manual may therefore show illustrations and text which do not apply to cars in your country. Volvo owners planning to export their ca(s) to another country should investigate the applicable safety and exhaust emission requirements. ln some cases it may be impossible to comply with these requirements. Group 21 Reconditioning engine Contents Contents Pagc ) lmportant information 2 Specifications 2 . Special tools ! 11 Operation A 1-14 Thread repairs Reconditioning engine Disassembling Cleaning and checking Assembling 20 ....:. 81-17 C 1-31 D 1-24 E 1-5 E 6-24 Cylinder head, disassembling . cleaning and checking assembling Assembling(cont.) . E 35-51 F1-12 It l c lndex page 60 This manual deals exclusively with the overhaul of the engine. For work carried out on the engine when installed in the car, and for engine removal and installation, please refer to the appropriate manual. Order number: TP 3Og2711 We reserve the right to make alterations without prior notification. 1986, VOLVO CARS OF NORTH AMERICA, A Division of Volvo North America Corporation @ 14 21 26 34 41 43 50 56 Group 21 Reconditioning engine I m po rta nt i nfo rm ati o n, S pecificati o ns lmportant information Tightening torques Two types of tightening torques are used manual: in this l. Tightening torque 40 wrench must be used. ll. Tightening torque 40 Nm (30 ft lbs). Correct value, hcwever, it is not necessary to use a tor- N. (gO ft lbs). A torque que wrench. The Specifications section includes torque only for those parts which must be tightened with a torque wrench. Do not use sealing compound when repairing Turbo engines. The sealing compound may get into the engine lubri- cating system and clog the oil channels in the turbo- { I com presso r. it ft)i Specifications Group 20 General LABELS Type plate On panel above right side headlamp. Shows, among other things, identification number (type designation). ldentification plate (type designation) Scandinavia: Plate on upper, rear stay in luggage compartment. USA, Canada: Plate located on top left of dashboard. Other markets: No plate. I I Group 21 Reconditioning engine Specifications USA/Canada €YV1DX884XE1 ooooooe 1 Engine type 23:8200K 24:8200E Others YV Decoding of identification number {type designation} 7 26: 81: 0426 -T Model year code letter F= G: 1985 1986 B 200 ET B230A 83:8230K 84:B230E I 86:B230ET 87:8230FT Engine 88:8230F Engine serial number and part number l Stamped in left side of engine (behind distributor on B 230 A). On the timing gear case is a label showing engine type, Part Number and serial number. lililr ililrililililt ililil lilillililt iilillt 499858 illlil llilililillill ililil IilililIlil Be30 F NR: 305 4ggB5g D b 4c53 Group 21 Engine assembly l CYLINDER HEAD Height ... New : 146.1 mm (5.752in], Min after machining : 145.6 mm (5.732 in) Group 21 Reconditioning engine Specifications Maxdistortion ..... NOTE that if distortion is greater than 1.0 mm (0.04 in) lengthwise and 0.5 mm (0.02 in) crosswise the cylinder head must not be machined but replaced. Thickness of gasket: New.. Fitted . ... mm I 1.3(0.051 in) l1 tl il 1.2(0.047in1 II il CYLINDER BLOCK Bore Standard marked mm (in) mm (in) mm (in) mm (in) mm (in) .... mm (in) C marked D Oversize marked E marked G 1 2 ..... B 200 88.90-88.91 B 230 96.00-96.01 (3.5000-3.5004) 88.91-88.92 (3.5004-3.5008) 88.92-88.93 (3.5008-3.5012) 88.94-88.95 (3.5016-3.5020) (3.7795-3.7799) 96.01-96.02 (3.7799-3.7803) 96.02-96.03 (3.7803-3.7807) 96.04-96.05 (3.781 1-3.7815) 88.29 '(3's154) 88.67 (3'5303) 96.3 (3.7914) 96.6 (3.8031) { I Rebore if wear exceeds 0.1 mm (0.004 in) and oil consumption is abnormal. PISTONS A= B C = = piston height piston height from gudgeon (piston) pin centre to crown measure diameter at right angles to gudgeon (piston) pin at distance C from bottom of piston ( Engine Cornpres- type sion ratio B 200 8.5 10.0 B 230 8.7 9.0 9.8 10.3 Dimension, mm (in) Weight grams (oz) 440+7 (15.5+0.25) 440+7 (15.5+0.25) c A B 67.7 aoa (2.665) 69.9 41 .9 Q.752\ (1 540+7 (19.0+0.25) 535+7 (18.87 +0.25) 535+7 (18.87+0.25) 535+7 64.7 (18.87+ 0.25) Q.5472\ 39.7 (1.5630) 39.7 (1.5630) 39.7 (1.5630) 39.7 ( 1 .5630) (1 12.54721 64.7 12.54721 64.7 12.5472\ 64.7 .s63) .650) 13.4 I (0.53) 13.4 (0.53) 7 (0.28) 7 (0.28) 7 (0.28) 7 (0.28) NOTE: 1 Max weight difference for pistons in same englne is 16 grams {0.56 oz). Piston running clearance 82001985 82001986-,8230. Axial clearance, connecting rod to piston ..... . mm(in) ... . mm (in) 0.010-0.027 (0.0004-0.001 0.003-0.030 (0.0001-0.001 0.25-0.45 (0.001 -0.01 8) 1 ) 2) Group 21 Reconditioning engine Specifications Piston rings Measure ring $ap 15 mm (0.6 in) from lower edge of cylinder. 129 520 Height ..... mm (in) Upper Lower oit compr. ring compr. ring scraper ring 1.728-1.740 (0.0681-0.0685) 1.72V1.740 3.47$-3.490 (0.0681-0.0685) (0.1 0.060-0.092 (0.0024-0.0036) 0.060-0.092 (0.0024-0.0036) 0.030-0.062 (0.0012-0.0025) 0.040-0.072 (0.0016-0.0028) 0.020-0.055 (0.0008-0.0022) 0.030-0.065 (0.0012-0.0025) 0.30-0.50 (0.012-0.020) 0.30-0.55 (0.012-0.022) 0.30-0.55 (0.012-0.022) 0.30-0.55 0.25-0.50 (0.010-0.020) 0.30-0.60 (0.012-0.0221 (0.012-0.0241 CLarance in piston groove, measured with ring on piston B 200 .... mm (in) t B 230 mm Ring gap, measured in cylinder, cylinder diam. {in) 88.9, resp. 96.0 mm B 200 mm (in) mm '(in) B 230 Piston pin Light thumb pressure (close running fit) Thumb pressure (push fit) Fit, in connecting rod in piston Diameter, standard Length, 368-0.1 374) . mm (in) . mm (in) .. .. . mm (in) .. ... mm (in) oversize B 200 . B 230 . 23.00 (0.9055) 23.05 (0.9075) 60 (2.36) 65 (2.s6) VALVE SYSTEM Valve clearance D Checking lnlet and exhaust valves cold engine warm engine I .. . mm (in) mm (in) Adjustingshims,thickness ........ mm (in) Adjusting 0.30-0.40 (0.012-0.016) 0.35-0.40 (0.01,t-0.016) 0.35-0.45 (0.014-0.018) 0.40-0.45 (0.016-0.018) 3.30-4.50 in increments of 0.05 mm (0.1300-0.1772) in increments of 0.002 in IMPORTANT: Valves are Stellite coated and must not be machined, only ground-in with paste against seat, according to method in op E 28, page 48. Valves 7.955-7.970 mm (0.3132-0.3138 in) 7.935 mm .03124 in) New: 7.945-7.960 mm (0.3128-0.3134 in) Min: 7.925 mm (0.3120 in) Exhaust valve (not Turbo) Group 21 Reconditioning engine Specifications New: 7.945-7.960 mm (0.3128-0.3134 in) Min: 7925 mm (0.3120 in) New: 7.965-7.980 mm (0.3136-0.3142 in) Min: 7.945 mm (0.3128 in) CAUTION! The exhaust valves on Turbo engines are sodium filled. Discarded valves must not be mixed with ordinary scrap iron until after sodium content has been removed. Exhaust valve, Turbo engines Valve 1,1-1,9 r{n = L7-2.3 0,051-0,075" 0 nn = ( .066-0 , 091" I Valve seat diameter standa rd oversize mm {in) mm (in) mm (in) 1 2 .... lnlet valve seat Exhaust valve seat 46.00 (1.8110) 46.25 (1.82091 46.50 (1.8307) 38.00 (1.4960) 38.25 (1.5059) 38.50 (1.5157) p+e,tzmfit l+r tlNG:---.:=NI N\E--..-.'-'.-. NOTE! When replacing valve seats, the interference between the seat and its bore should be 0.17 mm : 0.0067 in. That means that the valve seat diameter should be 0.17 mm : 0.0067 in greater =N than diameter of bore in cylinder head. I Valve guides Length mm (in) lnnerdiameter.... ........ mm (in) Height above upper face of cylinder head mm (in) Clearance, valve stem newvalve) max. . lnlet valve Exhaust valve 52 (2.0471 52 8.000-8.022 {0.3150-0.3158) 15.4-15.6 (0.6063-0.6142) 8.000-8.022 (0.3150-0.3159) 0.030-0.060 (0.0012-0.0024) 0.060-0.090 (0.0024-0.0035) 0.15 (0.006) 0.1 (2.0491 17.9-18.1 (0.7047-0.71261 to valve guide (measured with ........ mm (in ) .. . mm (in) Vaive guides are avaiiable in three oversizes, marked with grooves. Standard Oversize 1 2 3 Marking No groove l groove 5 (0.006) Reamer for seat 51 61 2 grooves 5162 3 grooves 51 63 NOTE! The force used when pressing in valve guides must be minimum 9000 N : approx. 20,000 lbs. lf the pressing force is lower, then the recess for the guide must be reamed to the nearest over- U I Group 21 Reconditioning engine Specifications There are two types of valve springs. w \ 432,5 Ttr FaEl -1 ::,: : 5, :, !->- .< Type Length, ts----> w ; Type 2 TETFT= tY ir; ) --) l>=-.) c\-r-<_> .J/ ) B 230 A, K, E and ET Type 2 is used on: B 2OO ET B 230 F and FT a'=<a---=->--) a<--- ,---> r<, ,rO" Type 1 is used on: B200KandE i- l--? l+i Tappets j=E Type 2 1 Load, N (lbs) Length, mm (in) mm {in) Load, N (lbs) 45.0 0 (1.771 (0) 45.5 (1.7s1 0 (0) 38.0 (1.50) 27.0 (1.06) 280-320 38.0 28A420 (62-701 (1.50) 162-701 71|J-.790 ( 1 56-1 74) 27.5 (1.08) 702-782 (Valve depressors) Diameter Height mm mm mm . . mm .. . . . . .. Clearance, shim to tappet tappet to cyl. head Adjusting shim Thickness 36.975-36.995 (1.4557-1.4565) 30-31 (1.18-1.22\ 0.009-0.064 (0.0004-0.0025) 0.030-0.075 (0.001 2-0.0030) (in) (in) (in) (in) (for valve clearance) 3.30-4.50 in increments of 0.05 mm (0.1300-0.1772) in increments of 0.002 in .. . .. . mm (in) Diameter 32.980-33.000 (1.2984-1.2992\ mm (in) + ) (154-1721 camshaft is marked with a letter on rear end. TIMING GEARS Gamshaft Engine type ) Check values (cold engine) Camshaft Marking Max lift height Valve clearance mm (in) No. 1 inlet valve lnlet valve should open at: mm (in) B2OOK B2OOE B 2OO ET 10.35 (0.407) 11.37 (0.4481 T 9.9 (0.390) B23OA B23OK B23OE A X B 230 ET A 10.5 (0.413) 10.65 (0.419) 11.37 (0.44e1 10.5 (0.413) B23OF M inlet 9.5 10.374]' exh. 10.5 (0.413) 9.9 (0.390) B 230 FT * btdc : before top dead centre; atdc : 0.7 (0.028) 0.7 (0.028) 0.7 (0.028) 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 after top dead centre; bbdc = (0.028) (0.028) (0.028) (0.028) (0.028) (0.028) (0.028) 8' 1 btdc 1" btdc 7" btdc 13'btdc 10'btdc 1 1" btdc 13'btdc 6'atdc 44'bbdc 4' before bottom dead centre; btdc Group 21 Reconditioning engine Specifications Camshaft (cont.) Bearing journal, diameter Radial clearance, new max. . Axial clearance .. ... .. . mm (in) .. .. mm (in) mm (in) mm (in) ...... mm(in) . .. . 29.950-29.970, (1.1 791-1.1799) 0.030-0.071, (0.001 2-0.0028) 0.15 (0.006) 0. 1-0.4, (0.00rt-0.01 6) Camshaft bearings Bearingdiameter 30.000-30.021 (1.181 1-1.1819) lntermediate shaft Diameter, front mm . (in) mm (in rear.. ... ) mm (in) Radial clearance . . Axial .. .. . mm (in) clearance... Bearing journal Bearing in cylinder block 46.975-47.OOO 47.020-.47.050 (1.8512-1.85241 43.070-43.1 00 (1.8494-1.8504) 43.02H3.050 (1.6939-1.6949) (1.6957-1.6969) 42.92H2.950 42.970-43.000 (1.6900-1.6909) (1.6917-1.6929) 0.020-0.075, (0.0008-0.0030) 0.20-0.46 (0.008-0.020) CRANKSHAFT ASSEMBLY { I Taper Crankshaft Max. out-of-true Crankshaft: Axial clearance, (in) max. Radialclearance (main bearings) Conn. rod bearings, radial clearance .... ...... 0.025 (0.01) mm (in) mm {in) mm (in) 0.080-0.270 (0.0032-0.01 06) mm (in) mm (in ) 0.004 (0.00016) 0.004 (0.00016) 2 (0.000F0.0028) 0.023-0.067 (0.0009-0.0026) 0.424-0.07 Main bearing journals Out-of-round,max.. .... Taper, max. Diameter: .. .. mm sta nda rd (in) undersize1..... mm (in) undersize 2 Bearing mm (in)(in) ,"."r"f*idth ... mm (in) Width on crankshaft for flange bearing shell mm mm mm standard oversizel .... oversize2 .... (in) (in) (in) Out-of-round 55 (s4.987-55.000) 654 (2.1 648-2,1 6541 54.75 (54.737-54.750) 2.1 2.1 55s (2.1 54.50 (54.487-54.500) 2.1 457 (2.1 451-2.1 457 I 22.9-25.1 (0.902-0.988) 31.96-32.00 (1.258-1.260) 32.21-32.25 (1.268-1.2701 32.4A+2.50 (1.278-1.280]' Main bearings are made by two different manufactur- ers. Upper and lower bearing halves in a bearing should be from the same manufacturer. At manufacture, sized bearing halves are used. They are colour coded, red-yellow-blue. They are according to one of the following alternatives: Type 1 Both bearing halves marked yellow. Type 2 One bearing half marked blue and one red. The bearing half marked blue is located in the connecting rod and the red one in the cap. Q Colour code 1S tll ( 550-2.1 555) Note. that for Spare Parts only yellow marked bearings are used. ( Group 21 Reconditioning engine Specifications Connecting rod bearing journals US measurements Out-of-round, max. . Taper, max. Diameter, standard . ........ ........ ..... .. ... .. .... 2 .... Bearingrecesswidth. undersizel mm mm mm mm mm mm 0.004 0.004 49.00 (48.984.-49,005) 48.75 (48.73+-48.7551 48.50 (48.484.-48.505) 0.00016 in 0.00016 in 1.9291 in (1.9285-1.9293) 1.9193 in (1.9187-1.9203) 1.9094 in (1.9088-1.9096) 23.9-26.1 0.92t-1 .03 in 0.25-0.45 0.001-0.018 in 152 5.98 in 20 0.7 oz Connecting rods Axial clearance at crankshaft Length, centre to centre Max. weight deviation between connecting rods in b Y same engine .. mm mm .. . grams Flywheel Axial throw, max. . 0.02 mm/1 00 mm diameter (0.0008 inl4 in diameter) b v TIGHTENING TOROUES The tightening torques apply to oiled screws, bolts and nuts. Degreased (washed) parts must be oiled before use. Cylinder head, tightening stages: 1=2ONm15ftlbs 2 = 60Nm45ftlbs 3 = Angle-tighten 90' l - Y Replace bolts if center section shows signs of extension. Do not reuse bolts more than 5 times. lf in doubt, fit new bolts. Y Tightening sequence for cylinder head bolts Mainbearings ..... Connecting rod bolts* first stage second stage Flywheel (use new bolts) . Spark plugs (not to be oiled) Camshaftgear . .... lntermediate shaft gear Camshaftcaps ..... Crankshaftcentre boltfirststage . secondstage. * Old bolts can be reused if length does not exceed 55.5 mm (2.185 in). Nm ft 110 20 ang le-tighten 90" 70 80 14 lbs 50 25+5 18+4 50 50 20 60 35 35 14 angle-tighten 60' 45 Group 21 Reconditioning engine Specifications Group 22 Lubricating system Engine oil Oil Capacity*, excl. oil filter incl. oil filter litres litres litres . Max.-Min. difference *Turbo: add 0.6 I (0.7 US qt) if oil cooler is drained. Oil pressure at 33 r/s f : 3.35 (3.5 US qts) 3.85 (4.0 US qts) 1.0 (1.1 US qt) 2,000 rpm, warm engine and new oil ilter MPa (psi) 0.25-0.60 (36-85) OIL OUALITY AccordingtoAPl x Oils ... ... min.SF* Volvo does not recommend the use with designations SF/CC and SF/CD comply. of { sup- plementary oil additives because of potential dam- age to engine. VISCOSITY (stable ambient temperatures) I Other markets (not USA, Canada and Japan) USA, Canada and Japan 14 32 50 68 86 -3p -2O -1O O 10 20 30 -22 -4 14 32 sO 68 86 1040F 40 104 NOTE! For use in extreme driving conditions which involve high oil consumption, e.g. mountain driving with frequent decelerations or fast motorway driving, SAE 15W40 ! I (20Wl4}l oils are recornmended. Note, however, the higher temperature range. ( Oil pump Axial clearance... clearance) Backlash (excl. bearingclearance) Bearing clearance, drive shaft idling shaft Radial clearance (excl. bearing Relief valve spring length under different loads: .. .. . mm (in) ..... mm (in) mm (in) . mm (in) 0.02-0.12 (0.0008-0.0047) 0.02-0.09 (0.0008-0.0035) 0. 1 5-0.35 (0.006-0.01 4) 0.032-0.070 (0.001 3-0.0280) 0.01 4.-0.043 (0.0006-0.001 7) Length, mm (in) 39.2 (1.s4) 26.25 (1.0341 EEE 129 453 21.0 (0.83) Load, N (lbs) 0 46-54 (10-121 62-78 (13.6-17.21
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