Exploring harvest regulations of the New Zealand paua abalone
Exploring harvest regulations of the New Zealand paua abalone
Exploring harvest regulations of the New Zealand paua abalone (Haliotis iris) via population modelling. Gayle Somerville a thesis submitted for the degree of Master of Science at the University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand. 28 February 2013 Abstract Limiting the harvest of Haliotis species by the use of shell length restrictions has been a common practice for many years. However these length restrictions are often based more on the need to protect a proportion of the population, rather than an analysis of best harvest practice. Increased emphasis on mātaitai reserves (closed to commercial fishers), and the use of individual transferable quotas allows increased specificity of the harvest through the use of localised regulations on both shell length and harvest rates. Information is needed on the best harvest system for specific Haliotis populations to aid in maximising returns, whilst maintaining healthy populations. One promising method of exploring the effects of changing the shell harvest length regulations is via matrix population modelling. Matrix models can be used to explore the normal minimum shell length harvests, as well as a variety of slot type (e.g. 100-127 mm) harvests. This method of population modelling allows inclusion of the stock-recruit relationship and population growth rates, whilst negating the need for knowledge of population numbers. Here I investigated a theoretical homogeneous midrange population based on H. iris measured at Kaikoura in 1968-70 to find the shell length restrictions and harvest rates that provided the highest sustainable annual harvest. Annual harvest was measured both in terms of numbers taken, and biomass yield. H. iris shell lengths can vary from 79 mm to 163 mm in different locations around New Zealand, and so a midrange population with an average maximum length of 146.2 mm was used. I found that a large slot type harvest system consistently maximised the numbers that could ii be sustainably harvested, however the total biomass yield was maximised from a minimum shell length longer than the current 125 mm, reflecting a trend towards the longer minimum shell lengths being introduced in many commercial H. iris catchments. Several other results I have included are also of interest, besides the shell length recommendations. The preliminary calculation of a population growth rate of 16% for one region, based on Ministry of Primary Industry H. iris publications provides a starting point for the analysis of healthy Haliotis populations, however there were concerns about the accuracy of some baseline data. Due to uncertainty about the population growth rate values ranging from 0% to 16% were examined. Although absolute values of the elasticities and sensitivities were sensitive to changes in the population growth rates, their overall rankings remained the same. Although the optimal harvest lengths changed markedly at different population growth rates, the recommended proportion in the harvestable class remained constant. The suggested changes in harvest length had a mixed effect on harvester workload, with decreases in findability (proportion of adults in the harvestable class) often tied to increases in bodyweight (more biomass per animal harvested). Distribution error in the matrix model was largely removed by the use of a spline function in ’R’. This was verified by multiple integrations based on equations containing exponentials and the construction of a set of consistently accurate matrices. These integration methods may also be useful outside matrix modelling. Consistently using just three classes created a manageable number of biologically relevant matrix elasticities which were then separated from elasticity measures influenced by the matrix construction. And finally the new terms of ’promotion’ and ’relegation’ were introduced to describe movement between matrix classes. Many wild abalone fisheries around the world have severely declined or ceased, possibly due to poor management (Braje et al., 2009; Searcy-Bernal et al., 2010; Plagányi et al., 2011), and research into specific shell harvest length is sadly lacking. The main aim of this research was to identify possible modelling methods that could be used to refine the setting of harvest length regulations. The importance of wild Haliotis populations economiiii cally, recreationally, biologically and culturally, both in New Zealand and internationally means further work in this area is important, and could lead to increases in sustainable yield whilst maintaining, or even increasing the long term stability of Haliotis populations. iv Acknowledgements A number of people have contributed to this thesis in one way or another. I would like to thank: • My primary supervisor, Martin Krkosek, who has a keen interest in measuring and improving the sustainability of aquatic animals affected by marine harvesting. He has helped teach me the mathematical theory underpinning this model and encouraged me in exploring my interests. • My second supervisor Chris Hepburn has taught me about the elusive blackfoot paua H. iris, included me in a great group of marine researchers, and increased my involvement with the local iwi. Thank you to both of them for their enthusiasm, advice, and timely feedback. • The lecturers at Otago University for their wholehearted teaching and encouragement in the fields of zoology, mathematics, statistics, and computer languages. My heartfelt thanks to all of them. • The programers who have helped develop and make ’R’ (R Development Core Team, 2008) and ’LaTeX’ both easy to use (Wilkins, 1995) and freely available. v Contents 1 Introduction 1.1 General overview . . . . . . 1.2 Biology . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.2.1 Taxonomy . . . . . . 1.2.2 Life cycle . . . . . . 1.2.3 Vital rates . . . . . . 1.2.4 Population Structure 1.3 Harvest . . . . . . . . . . . 1.3.1 History . . . . . . . . 1.3.2 The harvesters . . . 1.3.3 Markets . . . . . . . 1.4 Aims of this thesis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1 1 1 2 2 5 6 6 7 9 10 2 The Linear Population Model Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . Method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Matrix design . . . . . . . . Population parameters . . . Matrix analysis . . . . . . . Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Population parameters . . . The matrix A . . . . . . . . Matrix analysis . . . . . . . Discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . Population parameters . . . Matrix analysis . . . . . . . Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 12 17 17 20 26 29 29 29 31 37 37 39 44 3 Recommendations to increase the minimum harvest length of Haliotis iris are affected by population growth rate Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Density dependent population modelling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Harvest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Maximum sustainable harvest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vi 45 45 47 47 49 50 Robustness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Density dependent population modelling Harvest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Maximum sustainable harvest . . . . . . Robustness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Density dependent population modelling Maximum sustainable harvest . . . . . . Robustness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 General Discussion, conclusions and General discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . Relevance of the matrix analysis . . Maximising harvest systems . . . . Different population growth rates . Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Limitations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Recommendations (areas of future work) References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . recommendations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 55 55 57 57 64 64 65 65 69 70 . . . . . . . 71 71 71 73 77 78 79 82 84 A Appendix: Harvest tables 101 vii List of Tables 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 Historical and current commercial harvests . . . . . Parameters of a midrange H. iris population . . . . Population demographics, observed verses simulated Elasticity measures of the population parameters . . . . . 14 30 30 34 3.1 Yield predictions, harvest lengths and population growth rates . . . . . 61 A.1 A.2 A.3 A.4 A.5 A.6 Fixed harvest parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Variable harvest parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Maximum sustainable yield calculations, PGR of 2.5% Maximum sustainable yield calculations, PGR of 5% . Maximum sustainable yield calculations, PGR of 10% . Maximum sustainable yield calculations, PGR of 15% . viii . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102 103 104 105 106 107 List of Figures 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 Yearly calendar for the modelled population . . . . . . . . . . Life cycle diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fecundity of H. iris at Kaikoura 1967-1969 . . . . . . . . . . . Different population growth rates affect the elasticity measures 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 Density constrained population projections . . . . . Maximum sustainable yields at a population growth Profiles of selected harvest systems . . . . . . . . . Maximum sustainable yields at a population growth ix . . . . rate of . . . . rate of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 19 23 36 . . . 5% . . . . 15% . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 59 62 63 Chapter 1 Introduction 1.1 General overview The Blackfoot pāua Haliotis iris Martyn 1784 are large edible molluscs in the family Haliotidae (Will et al., 2011). H. iris are endemic to New Zealand and are found throughout the country, including Stewart Island and the Chatham Islands. The word pāua is from the New Zealand Māori language, a people to whom they have been an important customary resource for at least 800 years (Smith, 2011a,b). Currently, as well as significant cultural, recreational and illegal harvests, this shallow water delicacy plays an important part in New Zealand’s commercial fishery where it largely supplies an international market, in which they are more commonly called abalone (Hooker and Creese, 1995; Cook and Gordon, 2010). Large declines in many overseas harvests of wild Haliotidae species are widespread, and have been linked to poor management (Braje et al., 2009; Searcy-Bernal et al., 2010; Plagányi et al., 2011). This international decline is so severe that large wild commercial harvests are now confined to Australia and New Zealand (Cook and Gordon, 2010). Because of a lack of sustainability via self-seeding, many commercial harvesters have voluntarily raised the minimum shell harvest length, based on allowing two years post-emergent prior to entering the harvested class (Paua Industry Council Ltd, 2006; Pickering, 2012; Mayfield et al., 2012). This chapter looks at both historical and present measurement and regulation of the blackfoot pāua Haliotis iris harvest. The focus is on the biology, assessment, and importance of H. iris in New Zealand. 1.2 1.2.1 Biology Taxonomy Haliotis species range in size, with average adult shell lengths between 20 and 200 mm. They are generally found at depths from intertidal to 30 metres on reefs and rocky shores, and inhabit tropical through to temperate zones (Lindberg, 1992; Degnan et al., 2006). There are three New Zealand species: blackfoot pāua Haliotis iris; yellowfoot pāua Haliotis australis; and whitefoot pāua Haliotis virginea (Ministry of Fisheries, 2011b). 1 The focus of this report is the most common New Zealand species, the blackfoot or ordinary pāua, H. iris that are genetically distant from all abalone outside New Zealand (Coleman and Vacquier, 2002; Degnan et al., 2006). At least four phylogenetic breaks exist, although the overall amount of genetic variation is lower in H. iris than in other New Zealand coastal marine invertebrates (Will et al., 2011), despite their ancient lineage (Degnan et al., 2006). 1.2.2 Life cycle H. iris are slow growing, long-lived, broadcast spawning gastropods. The H. iris life cycle can be divided into three stages: initially, they are pelagic larvae; then they are juvenile and cryptic; and finally, an emergent stage when they are sexually mature and typically form aggregates. The minute larvae usually settle at around 7-9 days of age (Moss and Tong, 1992). Settlement statistics from the field are unlikely to be accurate due to the small size and broad distribution of larvae. Juveniles move into cryptic habitats at around 5 mm in length (McShane, 1995; McShane and Naylor, 1995a), a behaviour possibly due to increased predation (Shepherd and Turner, 1985; Francis, 1996). They continue to live beneath rocks and boulders for 3-5 years (Schiel, 1992b), until they reach the size of around 80 mm (McShane and Naylor, 1997). They are not sexually mature, and would be prone to predation if exposed at this stage (Hepburn, pers. comm. 2012). Habitat selection during this period is important, and crowding and sedimentation influence survival and growth (Schiel, 1992a; Phillips and Shima, 2006). Although more sheltered sites have less wave disturbance, they are more prone to sedimentation (Aguirre and McNaught, 2011) and expose the sedentary juveniles to a lower amount of water movement, and thus less drifting food. Adult H. iris have different shell shapes and maturity rates at different locations (Poore, 1972c), which may be linked to differing shell growth rates (Prince et al., 2008; Poore, 1973). They move more when a lack of food is limiting growth (Poore, 1972a) and usually aggregate in groups of 2-200+ individuals (Haist, 2010). These groups are sometimes referred to as patches, and in a New Zealand-wide survey 10% were found to be solitary (Haist, 2010). Movement of adult H. iris does occur (McShane and Naylor, 1995d), and aggregations have been described as ‘unstable in time and space’ (Naylor and McShane, 2001). Higher levels of congregation are linked to spawning (McShane, 1992) in some Haliotis species and have been observed in H. iris (Hepburn, pers. comm. 2012). Occasional differences from a 1:1 female: male ratio in H. iris have been found, both positive (Wilson and Schiel, 1995) and negative (Hooker and Creese, 1995). However difficulty in assigning gender after spawning (Gnanalingam, 2012) may be influencing these apparent differences. 1.2.3 Vital rates Fecundity Both the frequency and volume of spawnings from H. iris are variable; adults are diocious broadcast spawners, and the spawning triggers are not fully understood (Hooker and Creese, 1995; McShane, 1995). The influence of group dynamics, including the use of broadcast 2 chemical triggers is probable, as correlation in spawning between grouped animals implies some causality (Kabir, 2001). Hooker and Creese (1995) found three spawnings in one year, and none the next year, with only one leading to local recruitment. Reproduction is site specific, and varies from year to year (Poore, 1973). Fertility increases with length, weight, and amount of shell fouling, and age may be the critical factor in sexual maturity, rather than shell length (Prince et al., 2008). Egg size does vary between individuals in several species of Haliotis and is specific to different individuals and their diet. Size-related competition for preferred sites (Officer et al., 2001) in H. iris may result in larger females obtaining better food, and producing larger eggs (Graham et al., 2006; Huchette et al., 2004; Aguirre and McNaught, 2012). Larger eggs are advantageous at lower sperm densities (Huchette et al., 2004), and as females spawn after males in many invertebrates (Levitan, 2005) they possibly control fertilisation density. The possibility exists for the positive maternal effects of larger females found in many finned fish species (Hsich and Yamauchi, 2010) to also occur in Haliotis, although difficulties in identifying and observing natural spawning times will make diagnosis difficult. Fertilisation success may be correlated to cluster size at low densities in Haliotis (Shepherd and Partington, 1995). In the short term, both aggregation and density are reduced by fishing, as fishers target the larger patches (McShane and Naylor, 1996). This raises the possibility that the reduction in recruitment caused by harvest may be greater than a linear reduction due to the reduction in cluster size, this is known as the Allee effect, and is discussed further below. However Officer et al. (2001) found that patches of Haliotis returned to pre-harvest aggregation levels within 10 weeks. Also the cluster size decreases that occur with decreases in density could occur only at very low densities due to compensatory clustering that may occur at intermediate densities (Lundquist and Botsford, 2011). An ideal density to maximise fertilisation success exists (Shepherd and Partington, 1995), with higher aggregation at lower densities increasing the compensatory density effect in sea urchins (Lundquist and Botsford, 2011). However aggregation rates may be different for small adults and larger adults; small clean shell H. iris have been observed forming separate aggregations in shaded spots (Hepburn, pers. comm. 2012) and smaller Haliotis are much less likely to join adult aggregations (Shepherd, 1986). This may amplify any reproductive differences due to maternal effects, although this effect decreases at lower densities (Lundquist and Botsford, 2011) The Allee effect describes a reduction in fitness with decreasing density greater than that expected from a linear relationship. At very low densities populations of Haliotis in the field have failed to produce any recruits (Neuman et al., 2010). This is known as the strong Allee effect (Shepherd and Partington, 1995) and occurs due to the broadcast nature of their spawning. Gametes are released at indeterminate intervals and aggregations are important in fertilisation success. Critical levels, below which recruitment is zero were measured at 0.34 adults per m2 in H. cracherodii during the collapse of the Californian abalone fishery (Neuman et al., 2010). The more subtle weak Allee effect causing reductions in fecundity when H. iris density is marginally lowered may be undetectable (Lundquist and Botsford, 2004), but is of concern to H. iris population modellers (Breen et al., 2003; Kahui and Alexander, 2008). 3 Recruitment Typically, recruitment levels of free-living larvae of benthic marine invertebrates are very low (Pechenik, 1999), and H. iris is no exception (McShane and Naylor, 1996). Indications exist that recruitment of H. iris is mainly philopatric (McCowan, 2012), with the spread of pelagic larvae influenced by headlands and bays (Stephens et al., 2006). A 20-year study of Haliotis in Australia found only a few years had good levels of recruitment (Prince and Shepherd, 1992) A snapshot study of H. iris recruits at seven sites found three with consistent recruitment (McShane et al., 1994), but only one of those sites had sufficient recruits to maintain the local population. Recruitment rates are often best estimated from calculating backwards from population changes in adult H. iris numbers (Shepherd, 1990). Shell Growth Juvenile growth rates can vary depending on several factors that include; season, locations, substrates and density (Sainsbury, 1982a; Poore, 1972c; Kawamura et al., 1998; Heath and Moss, 2009). The use of a reverse logistic equation was found to be superior to both the von Bertalanffy (Day and Taylor, 1981) and the Gompertz growth equations when modelling abalone growth from a young age (Helidoniotis et al., 2011). Adult growth varies in response to several factors, including topography, location, age, and food availability (McShane and Naylor, 1995d; Fu and McKenzie, 2010a,b). McShane (1995) found faster growth on headlands as opposed to bays; there tends to be less H. iris on the headland, where they are bigger (Sainsbury, 1982a). Adult groups with average shell lengths as small as 78 mm and up to 163 mm have been reported, with larger sizes and faster shell growth associated with lower water temperatures (Naylor et al., 2006). H. iris are opportunistic feeders, growing better when on headlands and high energy reef systems, which provide the water movement, aeration and food levels needed for H. iris to maintain a faster shell growth rate. This means that different groups within the same population will have different shell growth rates (McShane et al., 1994). However losses of H. iris from these more water swept areas are higher (Naylor et al., 2006). Although McShane and Naylor (1995d) found movement of adult H. iris does occur, they could find no preference for sites with better growth rates, although movement into areas of lowered density has been recorded (Officer et al., 2001). Density did not effect adult growth rate in farmed H. iris until very high levels of density were reached, beyond what would be found currently in any wild populations of H. iris (Wassnig et al., 2009). Growth slows as H. iris age, and later shell growth may be slowed by earlier rapid increments (Sainsbury, 1982b), however little work has been done on this in the field, as H. iris are difficult to track over any length of time. This difficulty in tracking H. iris was measured by Naylor (2006) who found an average recovery rate of tagged H. iris of 12.4% (s.d. = 9.3) after 12 months. A review of the different methods of measuring Haliotis growth was conducted by Day and Fleming (1992). Counting rings of shell discolouration to calculate age, although useful in some Haliotis species (Prince et al., 1988), has been found to be inaccurate as an age indicator for H. iris (Schiel and Breen, 1991), although this area of assessment is being revisited (Paua Industry Council Ltd, 2010). Many populations show natural movement (McShane and Naylor, 1995d) and changing environments that would also affect size-frequency estimations. The preferred method of measuring growth in H. iris is tag recapture, however it is labour intensive (Burch et al., 2010). Due to the large variation in shell growth rates (Breen et al., 4 2003; McShane, 1995) and the difficulty of determining the age in sampled H. iris, they are classified by size (Breen et al., 2003). Thus the use of age terms is seldom encountered in work relating to H. iris, and length in mm, measured along the base of the shell as per harvest regulations (Ministry of Fisheries, 2011b) is the standard measure of growth. Increases in both the breadth: length and height: length ratios have been recorded in older H. iris (Poore, 1972c), which could affect both the length: age and length: fecundity relationships. Adult Haliotis growth is usually modelled using the von Bertalanffy or Gompertz equations (Day and Fleming, 1992; Troynikov and Gorfine, 1998; Helidoniotis et al., 2011), although problems exist when using tag-recapture data to formulate these average growth curves (Haddon, 2001). Several alternative body growth models were considered by Haddon (2001). Mortality Mortality rates of post-settlement Haliotis larvae are high, but difficult to quantify. Rates vary depending on many factors including: substrates; location (wave effects); conspecific adults; sedimentation; depth; and predation (McShane and Naylor, 1995c; Nash et al., 1995; Naylor and McShane, 2001). Naylor and McShane (2001) found that adult H. iris actively graze (or bulldoze) settled larvae in the field and caused a decrease in numbers to below half that on ungrazed concrete blocks. Other studies have found a positive relationship between adult and juvenile numbers in the field (McShane et al., 1994), which is possibly due to increased reproduction at higher population densities (Shepherd and Brown, 1993). Adult mortality rates vary among different Haliotis species, with H. iris having comparatively high survival rates (Rosetto et al., 2012). Their main predator in some locations is the starfish Astrostole scabra (Kyle, 2012). Deaths in returned sub-legal Haliotis can occur as they usually bleed to death if cut (Rogers-Bennett and Leaf, 2006), and have limited self righting skills (Ahmed et al., 2005). However deaths from cuts and handling may be less in H. iris than in other Haliotis species (Gerring et al., 2003). Mortality in the early stages of life has a big influence on H. iris numbers, however adult losses due to natural mortality are insignificant when compared to the rates of harvest and poaching, and in well controlled marine reserves the greatest loss of H. iris may be from storms (McShane and Naylor, 1997). Although disease can be a problem in farmed H. iris, this has not happened in wild populations, and may have been due to higher water temperatures (20o C) in the growing tanks (Diggles et al., 2002). Shepherd and Breen (1992) list several different methods of estimating adult Haliotis mortality, and give a calculated rate of less than 0.1%. A later study covering nine months found variance in annual mortality rates for H. iris of between 0.02 and 0.08% (McShane and Naylor, 1997). Edwards and Plagányi (2008) used interview data to calculate levels of Haliotis poaching in South Africa. Unfortunately information about levels of recreational and customary catch and poaching in New Zealand are inaccurate (Ministry of Fisheries, 2011c), however in both countries annual and spatial variability in poaching is large. 1.2.4 Population Structure The definition of a population of H. iris is equivocal, as the recruitment of the minute pelagic larvae is difficult to study (McShane, 1995), and movement of the mostly sedentary adults 5 does occur (Poore, 1972b). Current thinking is each bay or reef may be a single population (Breen et al., 2003), although the New Zealand-wide magnitude of genetic differentiation in H. iris is lower than that identified in other coastal marine invertebrates (Will et al., 2011). This lack of genetic variation along the coast implies larger populations; with the genetic impacts of movement of H. iris by pre-European Māori undetermined. Their shell shape increases drag compared to other molluscs (Tissot, 1992), and this suggests the possibility of local differences in shell shape (Saunders et al., 2008) having a hydrodynamic effect on regional adult dispersal rates during storms. 1.3 Harvest 1.3.1 History H. iris has been important to the people of New Zealand since the arrival of the tāngata whenua (Māori, or people of the land) over 800 years ago (Smith, 2011a). Due to a shortage of huntable land mammals and extinction of the large flightless moa, kiamoana (seafood), and particularly the large H. iris were a staple food of coastal Māori (Smith, 2011a). H. iris played a significant role in manaakitanga ki ngā manuhiri (hosting of visitors), and besides being an important component of traditional everyday diet (Smith, 2011a), they were also dried and traded with inland tribes and used as a source of decorative shell (Gibson, P. on behalf of Ngāti Konohi, 2006). This further increased both their management needs, and taonga (treasured value) to the community. The monitoring, care and harvest of H. iris has long been a primary concern, and each iwi (tribe) and sometimes hapū (named sub tribe) had specific tikanga (rules, rituals and protocols) for the care of seafood that were set by kaumātua (senior people in the kin group) (Booth and Cox, 2003). There is evidence in old middens of large variation in the harvests of H. iris taken since at least 1400 CE, with harvests of larger and greater numbers possibly linked to increases in shell length during the little ice age (Wilson et al., 1979), especially in the warmer North Island (Smith, 2011a; Anderson, 1981). There is also evidence of an increase in periodic harvesting over time, particularly in the more populated north (Smith, 2011b). In more recent records, Gibson, P. on behalf of Ngāti Konohi (2006) prepared a report on traditions important to the Ngāti Konohi people. He found that interviewees were all taught to leave some seafood for the future, a popular comment was of having been directed to leave the biggest/greatest spawners. By refraining from harvesting the H. iris after they reach a certain size these larger more fecundant animals (Poore, 1973; Ministry of Fisheries, 2011c) were traditionally left to freely reproduce, utilising a system known as a slot type harvest. The arrival of Europeans had little initial impact on H. iris numbers, as for many years Pakeha (non Māori) did not see them as the edible luxury they are considered to be today (Johnson, 2004), and H. iris were easily gathered from the rocks and used for bait (Johnson, 2004). Initial commercial harvests of H. iris from 1944 were purely for their saleable iridescent shell (Schiel, 1992b). The discovery of a satisfactory bleaching method for H. iris meat in 1968 lead to the establishment of a canning and exporting factory in 1969 (France, 1982); and coupled with a lifting on the ban of exporting frozen meat, led to a large increase in exports (Cunningham, 6 1982), and the beginning of commercial H. iris diving (Brown, 1982). This caused large increases in prices and harvest, with the Wellington region quickly depleted, due to the good H. iris stocks available close to a large population centre (Moore, 1982). New regulations were brought in in 1972, and the export quota scheme was introduced in 1973 as a major attempt to restrict harvesting for the international market. Individual transferable quotas (ITQ) allocated to specific areas were in place throughout New Zealand by 1986 with a total allowable catch (TAC) set for each area, and commercial fishers began feeling an ownership of the resource. In the 1990’s, quota owners formed an association and became concerned with quota limits, policing, and reseeding (Johnson, 2004). The value of exports continued to increase and poaching became more of a problem (Ministry of Fisheries, 2011c). In 2010 exports of H. iris were worth $55 million dollars, the commercial catch having remained relatively stable, both in tonnage and value, since 2003 (Statistics New Zealand, 2010). 1.3.2 The harvesters Cultural harvest The Fisheries Act 1996 contains several tools designed to support the rights guaranteed to tāngata whenua under the Treaty of Waitangi. Tangata Kaitiaki and Tangata Tiaki (guardians) represent the interests of local iwi and hapū groups and can issue permits under Regulation 27a for the customary harvest of seafood, including H. iris. This is to enable the collection of food to feed whānau (family) or manuhiri (guests), especially for events such as tangi (funerals), hui (gatherings) and blessings, that are important to the cultural heritage of tāngata whenua (Ministry of Fisheries, 2011a,d). Kaikiaka also have a role in kaitiakitanga (guardianship, protection) and can set up a rāhui to temporally restrict or ban local harvests. Three types of special management areas can be established within traditional fishing grounds, firstly mātaitai reserves (closed to commercial fishers), aimed at promoting customary management practices and food gathering. Within these reserves guardians can bring in changes to the rules by setting new bylaws. These can be in relation to closures, number and size restrictions affecting both customary and recreational fishers. Secondly taiāpure (local fisheries areas), which are under the management of a local iwi or hapū who see the area as customarily significant. Regulations in taiāpure are more difficult to change, requiring a Ministerial signature. All fishing (including commercial fishing) can continue in a taiāpure (Ministry of Fisheries, 2009). Finally closures and method restrictions may also be applied temporarily (Ministry of Fisheries, 2009). Recreational harvest Several regulations concerning recreational harvest currently exist. They allow the harvest of up to 10 H. iris per person, with a minimum shell length (MHL) of 125 mm (measured over the greatest length of the shell), except in parts of Taranaki where MHL= 85 mm. Accumulation limits are also applied, where the maximum amount of H. iris that one person can have in their possession at any one time is limited (Ministry of Fisheries, 2008a). There are also restrictions on the use of underwater breathing apparatus (UBA) (this does not include 7 snorkels), so that no person may take H. iris using UBA, nor be in possession of H. iris while in possession of UBA (Ministry of Fisheries, 2009). Finally areas can be temporally closed due to overfishing (Ministry of Fisheries, 2011c). Poaching In New Zealand poachers can be divided into two groups, those who break the regulations on size, number and/or UBA, to obtain H. iris mainly for personal use (Ministry of Primary Industries, 2012c); and professional and semi-professional black market harvesters who sell illegally harvested H. iris (Ministry of Primary Industries, 2012d). Prices realised for poached pāua are around $20-$30 per kg for meat, and $8 per kg for the shells (Beaumont, 2008; Fox, 2011). The markets for these sales include workplaces, clubs, hotels and restaurants (Fox, 2011), as well as overseas. People arrested have included gang members, business people and restaurant owners (Beaumont, 2008). Sales of black market Haliotis have been linked to organised crime and drug trafficking in South Africa, (Kiley, 2007), where black market sales may be twice the legal commercial catch (Lopata et al., 2002). Similar findings also exist for Australia where black market sales are linked to illegal drugs, outlaw motorcycle gangs and organised crime figures (Tailby and Gant, 2002) and made up around one fifth of commercial sales in 2002 (Haas, 2009). In 2002 New Zealand’s legal harvest, live weight was 1153 tonnes, and illegal production was estimated at 400 tonnes (Haas, 2009). The importation of illegally harvested Haliotis into China is accepted as a market force strong enough to lower prices (JLJ group, 2010), and although regulations do exist to curtail international trade in illegally harvested Haliotis, they are ineffective (Plagányi et al., 2011). Tests using DNA and other biochemical and molecular techniques have been used to identify specific Haliotis species and aid in prosecutions (Lopata et al., 2002; Tropea, 2006). Commercial Harvest Commercial harvesting of H. iris is controlled by quotas, which are restricted to specific areas and can be traded, with minimum and maximum limits on the amount of quota held. Harvest is not restricted by season, but tends to be concentrated in the summer after the season opens on 1st October (Ministry of Fisheries, 2011c). Commercial harvesters are also banned from using underwater breathing apparatus (Ministry of Fisheries, 2009), which limits the harvest of deeper beds (up to 20 m in places (Schiel, 1992b)), which can then act as a breeding reserve. The commercial fishery is divided into 10 zones. Because H. iris grow faster and larger in the colder southern and eastern zones (Naylor et al., 2006), the majority of the catch is from the sea around Stewart Island and the Chatham Islands; the South Island and the lower part of the North Island. (Ministry of Fisheries, 2011c). This has been linked to lower water temperature (Naylor et al., 2006) and may be helped by the cool, fresher, relatively nutrient-rich Sub-Antarctic waters, which come as far north as the Chatham Rise (Delizo et al., 2007). Within each quota management area there is a management area council that includes representatives from many interested groups. There are also regional representative groups under the national umbrella of the Pāua Regional Council with a majority mandate from fishing and non-fishing quota owners, ACE (annual catch entitlement) holders, permit holders, processors and exporters to “protect and grow the property rights of (local) quota owners, and 8 to preserve and expand access to (local) areas” (The New Zealand Seafood Industry Council, 2011; Paua Industry Council Ltd, 2013). They are described by Gary Cameron, Executive officer of PāuaMAC4 as “stakeholder group(s) that can responsibly take collective action for the long term benefit of the resource” (Bartram, 2010). Fine scale management is becoming more popular, with voluntary localised different minimum shell lengths which increase gradually from 125 mm to 135 mm as you move south through the southern catchments (Ministry of Fisheries, 2011c; Paua Industry Council Ltd, 2013). This is done in an effort to allow H. iris two years as adults before entering the harvestable class (Paua Industry Council Ltd, 2006; Pickering, 2012). “...divers are employing turtle loggers to record divers’ movements in order to better understand the spatial nature of the fishery... and voluntarily take part in shell sampling and shell tagging programmes to further help manage the resource. Bi-annual diver input on the state of the fishery is now an integral part of management decisions giving divers a key role in ensuring the sustainability of this unique resource” (Bartram, 2010). The use of catch samples and (turtle) data loggers is continuing to grow, and is actively encouraged in the annual operating plan produced by the regional representative groups (Paua Industry Council Ltd, 2010, 2012). In several parts of New Zealand commercial harvesting takes are well below maximum quota levels due to decisions made by these commercial stakeholder organisations (Ministry of Fisheries, 2011c; Paua Industry Council Ltd, 2012), and a levy is collected to aid in research and development (The New Zealand Seafood Industry Council, 2011). ACE agreements can have a requirement of successful completion of training standards relating to harvesting and handling H. iris, sustainable fisheries, and seafood work. Although there does not appear to be any registered training organisations currently offering these standards (New Zealand Qualifications Authority, 2011, 2013a), however high completions in 2006 − 2007 (New Zealand Qualifications Authority, 2013b) may have satisfied the market. The use of fishery-dependent and fishery-independent data is used in quota setting both in New Zealand and overseas (Ministry of Fisheries, 2011c; Chick and Mayfield, 2012; Woodham, 2009). 1.3.3 Markets Both the meat and the shell are sold locally and overseas. A large amount of the meat is processed for export in canned form (Ngāi Tahu Seafood, 2011) and sold in the Singapore and Hong Kong markets, with sales concentrated on Chinese New Year celebrations (Aotearoa Fisheries Limited, 2011). Total overseas sales in 2009 were 776 tonnes for NZ$51.1 million, averaging $65.72/ kg. Locally, small quantities of commercially harvested H. iris can be bought in several forms live (in shell) animals ($100/kg), or chilled ($170/kg), or processed ($80/kg) (Solander Gourmet Seafood, 2011; Abalone Divers of New Zealand, 2011). Larger companies are being established (Ngāi Tahu Seafood, 2011; Aotearoa Fisheries Limited, 2011), and links with Chinese markets are becoming easier to pursue, as over two thirds of the world’s Haliotis harvest is consumed in China (JLJ group, 2010). H. iris shell is also available in many on-line sites, both local, and overseas. Dried Haliotis is 10% of the total market, and the highest demand internationally is for small amounts of high-end dried Haliotis meat from Japan, worth $6000/kg, however the black colour on H. iris makes them unsuitable for this market (National Research Institute of Fisheries, 2011). The growing Chinese production of farmed Haliotis is aimed at the lower end of the market, where most H. iris is sold (JLJ group, 2010). In China increases in locally produced supply are outstripping the growth in demand (JLJ group, 2010), however current prices for H. iris remain 9 stable (Statistics New Zealand, 2010). 1.4 Aims of this thesis The main thrust of this thesis is to explore the possibility that changes in the permissible shell lengths of harvested Haliotis could be used to increase the maximum sustainable yield. Currently shell length recommendations are simply a broad stroke regulation, designed to protect individuals until they have a chance to breed. However I believe that recent developments now allow us to move beyond that broad stroke approach to set more favourable regulations. These recent developments include better knowledge of population parameters, increased ownership of resources by fishers, better monitering of both harvest levels and Haliotis populations, and increases in computing and analytical skills. The gains to be made by a more delicate approach to shell length harvest regulations include increases in the sustainable yield from large commercially harvested wild populations, and the possibility of higher harvest rates and better population recoveries in smaller populations. As well as these advantages, I also aimed to generate an increased awareness of the importance of maintaining highly fecund individuals in a population, and explore effects on both commercial and recreational fishers of any suggested change in the regulations. This first chapter outlined much of the current knowledge on H. iris. Background material, sometimes in relation to conjoiner species, was included where necessary to make up for a lack of material and give more breadth to the study. My aim here was to both identify strengths in current knowledge, and outline any areas likely to benefit from further research. The following chapters of my thesis aimed to build on this knowledge using an appropriate population model in combination with some new modelling techniques. Due to both time and length constraints uncertainty in relation to population growth rate was the only stochastic factor investigated, however this did include trialling a variety of values for the highly variable parameters of egg settlement (numbers of newly settled juveniles per egg) and juvenile survival. The robustness of the calculations was also thoroughly explored. Further research including variability in the growth and fecundity functions, the adult mortality rate, as well as poaching levels in and behavioural differences between small and large adult Haliotis would need to be incorporated into the model before a specific shell length recommendation could be generated for a practical situation. Chapter two, the Linear Population Model The matrix model developed in this study was used to analyse a theoretical homogeneous H. iris population, primarily based on H. iris analysed at Kaikoura by Poore (1972a,b,c, 1973). A matrix analysis was conducted, including an investigation into how the sensitivity and elasticity are influenced by changes in the matrix divisions. This investigation concluded that large adult survival had the highest elasticity and was most important to the population growth rate. The maturation rate of juveniles into adults was the parameter with the highest sensitivity, related to adaptability to environmental change. An exploration of inaccuracies in the analysis, and the robustness of the model was also undertaken. The use of a spline function in ’R’ was found to be a simple and efficient method of integrating equations with 10 exponents, supported by consistencies between the eigenanalyses of different matrices based on the same population. Chapter three, the Harvest regulations In Chapter three the model developed in Chapter two was refined to calculate the maximum sustainable yields possible under different harvest length scenarios, at different population growth rates. The first task undertaken was to increase the realism of the model by adding a density effect to the population projection matrix. The insertion of harvest terms into the matrices lead to the calculation that maximum number could be sustainably harvested with a slot type system, however biomass yield was maximised with minimum harvest lengths longer than the currently employed 125 mm. Population growth rate was found to have a large effect on the recommended harvest lengths, however proportion of the adult population in the harvest class remained consistent. The recommendations were to harvest from the smallest 47-49% of adults for a slot harvest or from the largest 63-66% for a minimum length harvest system. Chapter four, the Conclusions Chapter 4 contains the final synthesis that was conducted to identify any overarching conclusions, and relate this study to the future management of H. iris harvests. Limitations of the analysis and some possible areas of future research are also identified. 11 Chapter 2 The Linear Population Model Introduction An improved understanding of the population dynamics of abalone species should allow better management of exploited Haliotis populations. However concern exists that the life history traits of many commercially fished Haliotis species are not fully understood (Ministry of Fisheries, 2011c). Life history traits such as fertility and shell growth influence a species ability to persist in a specific environment, recover from environmental changes, and withstand increased mortality either as a result of fishing, or in response to environmental changes (Guisan and Thuiller, 2005). Haliotis have complex life-cycles, including benthic and pelagic stages with different life history traits, which makes understanding specific population dynamics very difficult. Increased knowledge of the life history traits and the selection of appropriate population models could aid in predicting the dynamics of Haliotis populations both currently and in response to any environmental or management changes. Effective assessment of abalone populations is globally important, due to both the value of the abalone harvest and the decline in many populations (Edwards and Plagányi, 2008; Haddon et al., 2008). Globally legal wild fishery landings of abalone have decreased 55% between the 1970s and 2008 (Cook and Gordon, 2010). In New Zealand the initial high H. iris harvest quotas of the 1980s were steadily decreased up until 2006 (Table 2.1). Since then the voluntary commercial quota shelving (an annually reviewed percentage drop in allowable catch) has continued under the control of the largely self-governing Paua Industry Council (Childs, 2012; Paua Industry Council Ltd, 2012). Internationally most of the currently harvested wild abalone populations are assessed for quota management by examining localised changes in animal densities, locations and shell length (Gorfine et al., 2001; State of California. Dept of Fish and Game., 2010; Mayfield et al., 2011). Several reasons exist for favouring this use of direct measures over modelling as the main criteria for setting harvest levels. Firstly, Haliotis reef-based populations can be considered to exist as separate entities with local spatial and temporal differences in size and growth rates, which can be difficult to model (Jiao et al., 2010; Chen et al., 2003; Mayfield et al., 2011; Naylor et al., 2006). Secondly, increased pressure from governments to define and meet population reference points (Gorfine et al., 2001; Bunn et al., 2007) means demographic assessments are a regular occurrence, and finally, large levels of unassessed poaching, as occurs 12 in many abalone fisheries (Cook and Gordon, 2010), can undermine a model’s reliability (Ministry of Fisheries, 2011c). However there is room to alter the regulations covering the spatial and temporal location of the harvest, as well as the characteristics of the permitted catch, whilst staying within the set harvest levels. The use of structured population models can provide useful predictions of the possible impacts on both the harvest yield and the population of altering these regulations. Alternative assessment methods for H. iris continue to be investigated. Gathering accurate population estimates is undertaken with both fishery dependent (Fu and McKenzie, 2010b; Paua Industry Council Ltd, 2013) and fishery independent researchers (Naylor, 2003). Analysis of these data to create population predictions has been completed using both Bayesian analysis (Breen et al., 2003; Ministry of Fisheries, 2011c) and bioeconomic modelling (Kahui and Alexander, 2008). However the effects of changing harvest length on recruitment levels is not included in these studies, and uncertainty exists in the predicted outcomes. The aims of fishery assessment have changed over the years, with an early emphasis on maximising yield from an apparently inexhaustible resource, to more cautious approaches that incorporate environmental, economic and social needs (Breen, 1992; Quinn and Collie, 2005). However, accurate information concerning population dynamics remain an important component of abalone assessment. Population matrices, based on the original Leslie matrix (Caswell et al., 1997), are a common method of structured population modelling (Haddon, 2001) that allow inclusion of different vital rates for different sectors of the population. The alternative stage-based Lefkovitch matrix models are suitable for organisms where the age of individual animals is unknown (Caswell, 2001). Matrices are useful when analysing management and conservation of abalone populations (Rogers-Bennett and Leaf, 2006; Button and Rogers-Bennett, 2011), as they are easy to construct and simple to simulate (Caswell, 2001). The population model chosen for this study is a stage-based birth pulse linear Lefkovitch model, a useful model that does not need information about the size of either a harvested or unharvested population (Ramakrishnan and Santosh, 1998; Caswell, 2001). A stage-based model is necessary as the H. iris are unageable (Punt et al., 2013), and although birth pulse models are easier to construct and solve (White, 1998), adjustments may be needed due to the difficulty of quantifying the reproduction of H. iris. Matrix design The first step in matrix formation is dividing the life-cycle into stages, with the number of stages equalling the number of columns and rows in the matrix. In matrix modelling movement through the matrix happens at a specific point in the year, called the census date, that needs to be chosen. Next, population parameters governing annual likelihood of movement through the matrix (relating to survival, growth and fecundity) are calculated for each stage and inserted into the matrix. Finally analysis of the completed matrix can then be used to tell you both more about the population, and its theoretical response to alternative simulations. The division of abalone populations into discrete stages based on size is necessary for the unageable H. iris populations, and although assignment of the divisions is somewhat arbitrary, selection of size classes for sexual maturity and different fecundity levels are needed in the model (Caswell, 2001). Larger divisions can be chosen to fit measured data (RogersBennett and Leaf, 2006) or smaller divisions (down to 2 mm (Kahui and Alexander, 2008)) 13 . Table 2.1: Statistics from the main Haliotis iris catchment zones in the South and Stewart Islands of New Zealand. The catchment zones PAU5A (Fiordland), PAU5B (Stewart Island) and PAU5D (Southland/Otago) were created from PAU5 in 1996. PAU5A (Fiordland) was split into North and South zones in 2010 for the purposes of stock assessment. The g measurements are annual shell growth rate at 75 mm and 120 mm; m95 gives the length when 95% are sexually mature. TACC is total allowable commercial catch. Catchment zone PAU3 (Canterbury, specifically Kaikoura) PAU5A North Fiordland PAU5A South Fiordland PAU5B (Stewart Island) PAU5D (Southland / Otago) PAU7 ( Marlborough) Commercial voluntary MHL changes and year of implementation 125 mm 1988 Years of significant TACC changes MOF calculated exploitation rates The predicted changes in H. iris spawning biomass Length parameters Source of the data Increased 1995 unknown g75 = 22.1 mm g120 = 8.1 mm m95 = 100 mm a,b 127 mm 2007, 125-132 mm 2010 Decreased in 2006, 10,000 kg moved to PAU5A South in 2012 Decreased in 2006 U2005 = 0.45 U2010 = 0.31 probably stable, 1992 until at least 2007 decrease 7% by 2012 g75 = 25.2 mm g120 = 6.9 mm m95 = 109 mm a,f,g as above a,f,g Decreases in 1999, 2000, and 2002 U2003 = 0.14 increase 3% first year, 14% by 2012 2003, should increase, balance tipped at U2003 = 0.16 2012+ 53% chance of reductions unknown m95 = 92 mm c g75 = 26.1 mm g120 = 6.9 mm m95 = 133 mm g75 = 19.6 mm g120 = 8.2 mm m95 = 93 mm g75 = 15.4 mm g120 = 5.7 mm m95 = 102 mm a,d,e,f,g 130 mm 2007, 132 mm 2010 135 mm 2010 125-130 mm 2010, 125 & 132 mm 2012 125-130 mm 2010 Decreases in 2003 Decreased in 2001, and 2002. U2005 = 0.45 U2010 = 0.22 U1998 = 0.24, U2001 = 0.17, U2007 = 0.09 U2001 = 0.57, U2007 = 0.79h U2008 = 0.37, U2010 = 0.25j a 2008+ predicted to increase Ministry of Fisheries (2011c), b calculated from Poore (1972c) via integration of equation 2.8. Kahui and Alexander (2008),d Breen et al. (2000), e Breen et al. (2003), f Paua Industry Council Ltd (2010), g Paua Industry Council Ltd (2012). h A predicted increase due to falling stock, was made prior to the TACC changes. j Predicted decrease due to increasing stock c 14 a,e,f,g a may be used, with calculated rates of fecundity, growth and mortality. Three distinct life stages are exhibited by all species of abalone; larval, immature juvenile and adult. Scope exists to include more than these three stages in the model, however due to difficulties in counting the minute larval stage they are generally combined into the first of the juvenile stages when the matrix model is assembled. A division at the age or length when abalone change from cryptic juveniles into emergent adults is sensible, as survival and reproductive rates change at this time, and a further division at harvestable length allows a change in mortality to reflect harvest rates. Any further divisions are at the discretion of the modeller, and numbers as diverse as 4, 5, 7 (years), 8, or even 50 stages have been used in an abalone matrix population model (Bardos et al., 2006; Rogers-Bennett and Leaf, 2006; Kahui and Alexander, 2008; Button and Rogers-Bennett, 2011). When choosing the number of divisions to include in a matrix model minimising error should be an important consideration. When using data sampled in the field increasing the number of classes means it is more likely individuals are classified incorrectly, causing a loss of sensitivity due to sampling error (Caswell, 2001). In an age-based matrix model both skewness and kurtosis in the data sets are worse in smaller classes (Boucher, 1997). However decreasing the number of classes will increase the distribution error as all individuals within a class are considered to have indistinguishable characteristics. Therefore all individuals within a class will be treated as if they are the same, although they are not. This increase in class width could be a problem when modelling H. iris populations, particularly in calculating average fecundity of the larger classes (Caswell, 2001). This means that modellers of Haliotis have used up to 50 classes when using formula generated data, when sampling error is removed (Breen et al., 2003; Kahui and Alexander, 2008). Picard et al. (2010) investigated total error (sampling error plus distribution error) in Dicorynia guianensis (a tropical South American tree living 15-25 years, (Matbase, 2012)) and found very little change in total error if between 2 to 10 classes were used. The influence of the number of classes on the matrix analysis is another factor to be considered (Carslake et al., 2009). Parameterisation After designing an appropriate matrix the next task is to calculate the population parameters that will make up the matrix. The parametrisation of a matrix population model involves firstly the gathering of data, and secondly the calculation of reproduction, growth and mortality rates for the different size classes. Gathering data to use in stock assessment has been undertaken by both fishers and scientists. The advantages of fisheries gathered (commercial) data is that it is cheaper (as the fishers are already in the water) and targets locally harvested areas, however fishers aims may be different to researchers. The advantage of scientifically gathered (research) data is that data gatherers often have extensive training, and the sampling can be targeted to specific needs. An integrated approach for Haliotis assessment is becoming more common as any annual changes in the total allowable catch (TAC) are based on both scientific counts and local fisher reporting (Gorfine et al., 2001; State of California. Dept of Fish and Game., 2010; Mayfield et al., 2008, 2011; Bartram, 2010). Deficiencies in data quality can have a large effect on yield estimations (Chen et al., 2003), and care is needed (Ministry of Fisheries, 2011c). Improvements in computing have led to the increased use of tools designed to cater for variability in the data (McShane, 1995; Zhang et al., 2009). Improvements are often suggested (Hillary, 2011), with no single best method being recognised. Weighting of different measurements included in estimating the 15 same parameter in Haliotis species is possible (Breen, 1992; McDonald et al., 2001). That being said, a model by Breen et al. (2003) incorporated two measurements of length frequency as well as tag-recapture information in formulating shell growth rates, was found to have a loss of sensitivity, probably due to over parametrisation, so care is needed in this area. Unfished H. iris populations in their natural state are presumed to have a positive population growth rate in order for them to both recover from fluctuations in abundance, and colonise new areas. Thus, in order for populations to be restrained from continuous expansion some density dependent constraints are logical, and could affect harvest levels. In contrast depleted populations can suffer from lowered population growth rates (due to distance between spawners) in a process called the Allee effect (Lundquist and Botsford, 2011). Non-linear matrix models (which allow for changes in fertility, mortality or shell growth rates, depending on population density) were found to be necessary in a hypothetical study of Australian abalone by Bardos et al. (2006), although McShane and Naylor (1995b) found shell growth of H. iris to be independent of density. As Bardos et al. (2006) used a population growth rate of 98% per annum (by my calculation), those influences may be minimal in this unharvested matrix analysis. If the population size is at equilibrium, or freely increasing, and affected by density, matrix analysis results can be very similar to those from a density independent model (Caswell and Takada, 2004). Matrix analysis The next task was matrix analysis, which is undertaken after inserting the calculated population parameters into the selected population matrix. Matrix use allows analysis of the possible effects on the population of a change in any one of the population parameters. These examinations are completed by making minute changes in the matrix elements and parameters. This type of perturbation analysis on the matrix generates sensitivity and elasticity figures that give insights into both the importance of accuracy in estimating the parameters, and can (with care) indicate the relative importance of each of these parameters to the population growth rate (Caswell, 2001; Caswell and Takada, 2004; Caswell et al., 2004). Sensitivity is a measure of the sensitivity of lambda (the population growth rate) to changes in the matrix elements (Caswell, 2001). It aims to quantify how much an increase in (for example fecundity) will increase the population growth rate. Trade-offs often occur in marine species, for example between fecundity and growth (Tsikliras et al., 2007), however this interaction is not considered in matrix sensitivity analysis. Sensitivity is still a useful tool, particularly in comparing the similar matrix elements in different sectors of the population. Elasticity is a measure of proportional sensitivity (Caswell, 2001). This enables comparisons of different parameters on the same (0-1) scale. Elasticities of both individual life history parameters and of the different size classes within the population can be calculated (van Tienderen, 2000). The life history parameter with the greatest elasticity will theoretically have the most influence on future population numbers. This can aid in planning fishery limits and assisting commercial farming. However practical considerations sometimes mean greater financial gains may be possible via alternative strategies (Kahui and Alexander, 2008). Elasticity analysis of different size classes has been used to help choose the best management and conservation strategies for the endangered white abalone H. sorenseni in California by identifying the vital rates with the most influence on population growth (Rogers-Bennett and Leaf, 2006). However Young and Harcourt (1997) suggested that population models 16 were more useful for sensitivity analysis, rather than predicting outcomes, and Benton and Grant (1999) caution against implementing changes without experimental validation. The effects of changes in the matrix construction on matrix analysis are also important. What happens if the division between the classes is shifted? Any results from the matrix analysis that change when the class divisions are shifted are not a measure of the population, but instead measure some component of the matrix construction. This is because shifting the class division simply analyses the same population with a different matrix. Checks and balances Finally the robustness of the model was explored. If there is uncertainty about any parameter, then the analysis would become much less valuable if, at some future time, the parameter estimations were superseded. It is possible to reduce this possibility, by varying the population parameters with the highest degree of uncertainty. These include juvenile survival, fecundity, and the population growth rate. Method In the following section the mathematical analysis was completed using the ‘R’ program (R Development Core Team, 2008). Bold face type is used to denote vectors and matrices. Matrix design Census date The construction of a linear matrix population model first requires the determination of an annual time of census (Figure 2.1). I chose the census time to be shortly after the young H. iris larvae settle, and at the end of the harvest season, in April of each year. Note that adult survival rates will later influence class fecundity levels, as some adults do not survive through the year until reproduction. Populations are counted annually just after settlement, and the adult H. iris must survive from then through to the next spawning in order to successfully reproduce. Thus the adult numbers are affected by annual mortality prior to both spawning and harvest, and juveniles at their first census (conducted just after settlement) are unaffected by the annual juvenile mortality rate. Matrix components This model is of a closed population of H. iris within a spatially uniform environment. Only the female animals are included in the matrix; a common practice in sexually reproducing animals with identical male and female vital rates as it limits the complexity of the model (Williams et al., 2002). The selection of an annual time of census (Figure 2.1) and the division of the H. iris population into three classes: juvenile (J), small adults (Y), and large adults 17 Figure 2.1: Yearly calendar including the life-cycle and current management of H. iris in New Zealand, with the chosen census date shown. (M) , allows the entire population to be written as a population vector Nt containing the number of individuals in each size class at census time t (Jt , Yt , Mt ) = Nt (2.1) The juveniles are in a separate class because they have different growth and mortality rates to the adult H. iris, and are non-reproductive. The cryptic juveniles are also spatially separated from the adults. The division of the adult H. iris into small adults and large adults classes enabled me to later apply separate harvest rates to either the small or large adult classes. The same three classes were also counted one year later, when time was t + 1: (Jt+1 , Yt+1 , Mt+1 ) = Nt+1 (2.2) The vital rates effect on how the numbers in these three classes change from one year to the next can be represented diagrammatically (Figure 2.2). Due to some ambiguity surrounding the terms ‘parameters’, ‘vital rates’ and ‘elements’ used in matrix analysis (van Tienderen, 2000) my first task was to define the way I have used these terms. The population parameters, or vital rates calculated in section 2 are hereafter called parameters. The elements within the matrix were named for the event they simulated within the population; promotion, stasis or fecundity. The probability of surviving and moving into the next class in one year was called promotion, so there was promotion from the juvenile class into the small adult class the next year, and also promotion from small adults into the large adult class. The probability of surviving and remaining within the same class for another year was called stasis, which occurred in each class, juvenile stasis, small adult stasis, and large adult stasis. Continuing with these designations, I would use the term relegation for negative or backwards growth, although it was not included here, despite its discovery in shell length in Haliotis rufescens (Rogers-Bennett and Leaf, 2006), where 6-12% of the largest adults lost around one or two millimetres. As only three classes are used here, any 18 Figure 2.2: Life cycle diagram for stage-structured H. iris population. J: juvenile; Y: small adults; M: large adults; SJ , SY , SM : annual survival probability of each class; FY , FM : annual fecundity values for the two adult classes, where F = E × SE representing the average number of eggs per adult female (EY or EM ) multiplied by the annual probability that an egg will result in a settled female larva SE . GJ : probability of growing from a juvenile into a small adult in one year and GY : probability of growing from a small adult into a large adult in one year. decrease in shell length, were it to occur, would be unlikely to cause much movement into a shorter class. The symbols included below are fully explained in the caption to Figure 2.2. Briefly the rates are explained using S for survival, F for fecundity and G for growth into the next class. The number of juveniles next year (Jt+1 ) was made up of juvenile stasis (Jt SJ (1 − GJ )), or the proportion of last year’s juveniles that survived and did not grow into the small adult class this year, plus newly settled larvae from last year’s small adult (Yt SY FY ) and large adult (Mt SM FM ) spawnings. Jt+1 = Jt SJ (1 − GJ ) + Yt SY FY + Mt SM FM (2.3) The number of small adults next year (Yt+1 ) was composed of juvenile promotion (Jt SJ GJ ), or any juveniles from last year that survived and grew large enough to move into the small adult class this year; plus small adult stasis (Yt SY (1 − GY )), last year’s small adults that survived and did not grow into the large adult class this year. Yt+1 = Jt SJ GJ + Yt SY (1 − GY ) (2.4) The number of large adults next year (Mt+1 ) was made up of small adult promotion (Yt SY GY ), or any small adults from last year that survived and grew large enough to move into the large adult class, plus large adult stasis (Mt SM ), the proportion of last year’s large adults that survived, and so remained in the large adult class for another year. Mt+1 = Yt SY GY + Mt SM 19 (2.5) Equations 2.3, 2.4 and 2.5 can then be arranged into a matrix (Caswell, 2001): J SJ (1 − GJ ) SY FY SM FM J Y Y SJ GJ SY (1 − GY ) 0 = M t 0 SY GY SM M t+1 (2.6) With A as the name for this population projection matrix containing the parameters that relate the population in vector N in year t to the population at time t + 1, one year later. Nt+1 = ANt (2.7) In order to parametrise the matrix A for H. iris population analysis there are several population parameters (used to calculate the elements in A) that need to be determined. Population parameters My aim was to use relevant information to assemble as solid an image as is possible of a single population of H. iris to parameterise the matrix. The collection of much of the available information on the biology of the endemic blackfoot paua H. iris was assembled in Chapter 1, however due to the large variability that exists between different populations this thesis is primarily based on H. iris analysed at Kaikoura over two years by Poore (1972a,b,c, 1973). The large amount of information he researched from a small geographical area within a reasonably tight time frame made his study very useful, together with the information in Chapter 1 in portraying a theoretical homogenous midrange population. Poore’s studies are still a major source of information about H. iris at Kaikoura in PAU3 (Canterbury) used by the Ministry of Primary Industries in quota management (Ministry of Fisheries, 2011c; Ministry of Primary Industries, 2013a), and I was grateful to be able to use his information in my thesis. Survival Survival rates of H. iris of any age at Kaikoura were not calculated by Poore (1972c), and in long term studies of H. iris survival rates were difficult to calculate (McShane and Naylor, 1997). I calculated a survival rate for the juvenile H. iris in this study (SJ ) by combining rates from McShane and Naylor (1995c); Roberts et al. (2007) and Sainsbury (1982a). McShane and Naylor (1995c) calculated cumulative mortality for H. iris several times as they passed between the ages of two weeks and four months. I used a general linear model (log scale) to extrapolate their data out to six months of age. This calculation gave an estimated survival from two weeks post settlement through to six months of 0.049. Roberts et al. (2007) calculated an average survival from 6-24 months of 0.14, and Sainsbury (1982a) estimated survival after 24 months at 0.9 per annum. Combining these three figures (whilst accounting for the length of each trial) gives an average annual juvenile survival from two weeks of age until joining the adult population at 100 mm of SJ = 0.29. Although Schiel (1993) found transplanted juvenile survival rates as high as 0.72 per annum, his study of Chatham Islands H. iris involved extensive searches for good juvenile habitat to improve seeding success, whereas here I am looking for data from average sites that are capable of supporting juvenile H. iris, the aim being to model an average data set, rather than to maximise reproduction. 20 Here I use an age-independent (Shepherd and Breen, 1992) natural adult survival rate of 0.94 per annum for both the small adult (SY ) and large adult (SM ) classes. This was based on the Sainsbury (1982a) figure quoted above of estimated annual adult survival of greater than 0.9, as well as a later study covering nine months, which found a range in annual adult survival rates from 0.92 to 0.98 (McShane and Naylor, 1997). Shell growth Average shell growth rates were calculated by Poore (1972c) from the H. iris measurements he took at Kaikoura over two years (1967-69). Poore found that these H. iris emerged from their cryptic habitat with a shell length of approximately 100 mm, and that shell growth (above 50 mm) followed the von Bertalanffy growth equation: Lt = 146.2(1 − e−0.3104(t−0.636) ) (2.8) Which implies the average maximum shell length of 146.2 mm. The inverse of this equation is t = −3.222 ln(−0.00561(−146.2 + L)) (2.9) The need to determine shell growth rates of juvenile H. iris below 100 mm was avoided here by combining all juveniles into a single class, whereby average age at 100 mm (TJ ) was the sole measurement required. The average age of 4.3 years when the H. iris shell length reached 100 mm (equation 2.9) makes TJ = 4.3. The annual rate at which juveniles became small adults (GJ ) was taken to be the inverse of this: GJ = 1/TJ = 1/4.3 = 0.23 (2.10) The proportion of small adults that moved into the large adult class annually (GY ) was calculated assuming average shell growth followed the same equations. I also assumed that any unevenness in shell length that was caused by the birth pulse was dissipated before the Haliotis iris reached adulthood, and that the shell growth rate was independent of gender (Button and Rogers-Bennett, 2011). This equation 2.9 gave an average age of 4.3 years to reach adulthood at 100 mm and 6.8 years to reach 125 mm, which is the current minimum harvest length. A shell length of 125 mm was used as the division between small adults and large adults, so the average time spent in the small adult class (TY ) was 6.8 − 4.3 = 2.5 years. The parameter defining the rate that small adults were promoted into the large adult class (GY ) was dependent on the length of time in a class, the survival, and the population growth rate. It followed an equation from Caswell (2001): Gi = Si λ Ti Si λ Ti −1 − Ti Si −1 λ (2.11) Placing the information that each individual spent an average of 2.5 years in the small adult class (TY = 2.5), with a population growth rate of 5% (giving lambda (λ) = 1.05) and an 21 average annual adult survival of 0.94 (SY = 0.94) into equation 2.11, with i = Y gives: 0.94 2.5 0.94 2.5−1 − 1.05 1.05 = 2.5 0.94 −1 1.05 = 0.37 GY (2.12) A similar calculation to the one completed for GY (using equation 2.11) was not conducted for GJ because juvenile survival (SJ ) varied over the time in class (Kawamura et al., 1998; Rodriguez et al., 1993). Moreover as TY changes under different harvest systems, the forthcoming comparative analysis in Chapter 3 will benefit from GY having a higher degree of accuracy, compared to the constant GJ . This minimum shell harvest length of 125 mm for H. iris is currently in use throughout New Zealand by recreational fishers, however it is less than voluntary minimum harvest sizes used by commercial fishers in several management zones with faster growing H. iris populations (Fu et al., 2010). Poore’s suggestion that a L∞ greater than 170 mm may be more realistic for this Kaikoura population was possibly based on faster summer growth (Sainsbury, 1982a). Egg numbers Links between egg numbers and adult age, weight and length are equivocal, with site-specific assessments needed for the best H. iris egg number calculations (Nash, 1992; McAvaney et al., 2004; Naylor et al., 2006; Ministry of Fisheries, 2011c). Accordingly I used Poore’s (1973) measurements (shown in Figure 2.3, from Fig. 6, p79 in Poore (1973)) of egg numbers versus shell length at Kaikoura in 1967-69, to calculate an average egg numbers (E) power function: E = aLb (2.13) relating egg numbers to shell length, based on the same Kaikoura H. iris as the shell length growth curve in equation 2.8. This means that the considerable variations in egg numbers that exist between different H. iris populations (Hooker and Creese, 1995; McShane, 1995) will be negated by retaining site-specific estimates. A natural log conversion gave: ln(E) = ln(a) + b ∗ ln(L) which was then solved for the egg numbers data (Poore, 1973) using linear regression analysis. This yielded the equations ln(a) = −29.4 ± 7.5 (2.14) b = 6.3 ± 1.5 (2.15) I assumed average data for this population, and inserted average values from 2.14 and 2.15 into equation 2.13, which gave: E = 1.7x10−7 L6.3 (2.16) These egg numbers values could then be used to calculate average egg numbers of each length class using integration of equation 2.16. However I was concerned that integration does not consider the unequal distribution of H. iris within each class. As H. iris grow, their shell 22 Figure 2.3: Linear regression of data from Poore (1973), used to calculate an average egg numbers equation for the H. iris at Kaikoura. The dots shown are an approximation of the data gathered by Poore (1973) 23 growth rate slows, resulting in more individual H. iris at the upper end of each length class, and a corresponding underestimation of the fecundity of that class with integration. This effect was more pronounced, the larger the class became. The first step in overcoming this difficulty was converting the equation with egg numbers proportional to length (equation 2.16) to one with egg numbers proportional to age, and by inserting equation 2.8 into equation 2.16 I obtained: E = 1.66x10−7 (146.2(1 − e−0.3104(t−0.636) ))6.284 (2.17) which simplifies to: E = 6.7x106 (1 − e−0.31(t−0.64) )6.3 (2.18) An alternative method to find average fecundity, avoiding the complexities of integrating exponential equation 2.18, was implemented. First, I generated a large data set containing 1000 sequential H. iris ages, which I called t. The first 999 ages used were evenly spread between maturity (at 4.34 years) and when numbers reach low levels due to mortality (taken to be after 30 years). Due to the loss of any birth pulse effect on shell length measurements above 100 mm (Poore, 1973), I assumed age was evenly distributed throughout the year, thereby allowing this vector to be evenly distributed between the ages of 4.34 and 30 years. Finally, for the last (1000th ) entry in t the very old age of 100,000 years was used, which makes sure all the older H. iris were included in the calculations. One thousand corresponding egg numbers figures were generated for these 1000 ages in t using equation 2.18 thereby creating a data set of fecundity figures F(t) . These two sets of numbers (t and F(t) ) were interpolated using a spline function (completed using the splinefun command in the ‘stats’ package in ‘R’). The equation obtained via this interpolation was then integrated to produce average egg numbers per unit of age E(F(t) , t). R t2 E(F(t) , t)(t1 →t2 ) = t1 F(t) .dt (2.19) t2 − t1 However distribution of adult H. iris within the small and large adult classes will also be influenced by the numbers of adults that die as the population ages. So the final step I initiated was designed to weight egg numbers based on relative survival. One thousand survival values were generated for the ages in t using the annual mortality rate of 0.06: st = 0.94t (2.20) with survival of those very old H. iris in the 1000th age bracket equal to zero; sT [1000] = 0. The results were then summed for all ages that corresponded to an average length between 100 mm and 125 mm for small adults, combining equations 2.19 and 2.20. L=125 Xmm EY = E(F(t) , t)(t1 →t2 ) st1 L=100 mm L=125 Xmm (2.21) st L=100 mm I used a similar equation to generate EM from L = 125 mm to L = 146.2 mm for the large adults. The egg number parameters are expressed as an annual figure for females, and I assumed a 1:1 spawning ratio in males and females (Hooker and Creese, 1995; Litaay and De Silva, 2003). 24 Egg settlement Egg settlement (SE ) was defined here as the probability that an egg will be spawned and successfully fertilised, forming a female larva that settles, then survives two weeks. Two weeks was chosen as the egg settlement end date, as this is the age from which H. iris juvenile survival (SJ ) was calculated. Unfortunately survival rates per egg in the field are unknown, but may be very variable (McShane, 1995), both temporarily (Hooker and Creese, 1995) and spatially (McShane and Naylor, 1995d). However with egg and larval survival as the only unknown within this matrix parametrisation, calculation of an egg settlement rate was possible if all other population parameters are known, including the population growth rate. Because spawning was included as part of the calculation this also accounted for irregularities in H. iris breeding cycles. If the population growth rate of an unharvested H. iris population is known, then this can be used to estimate egg settlement. Several early papers estimated low natural recruitment levels (Sainsbury, 1982a; Tong et al., 1987). McShane et al. (1994) surveyed eight sites and recorded only one that was mathematically found to be self-sustaining, with a cryptic: adult ratio of 1:4. With 1/3 of these cryptic H. iris large enough to become adults within 12 months (an annual ratio of 1:12 or 7.7%), they would firstly replace the 6% lost to natural mortality, and the remainder gives a net population growth rate of only 1.7% per annum. Another option to calculate the population growth rate was to consider the wealth of information that is available about H. iris commercial harvest areas (Ministry of Fisheries, 2011c). If a wild paua population harvest is sustainable, then the tabulated exploitation rate will not exceed the calculable maximum sustainable harvest rate. This harvest rate (HM ), can then be used to calculate lambda from a matrix similar to A, leading to a population growth rate, and thus an egg settlement rate. I tabled the Ministry of Fisheries estimations of the sustainability of exploitation levels (U ) in Table 2.1, for several South and Stewart Island H. iris commercial catchment areas, along with descriptions of other population parameters (Table 2.1). In examining these records I assumed that the quoted exploitation levels equated to total catch weight (commercial landings + recreational, cultural and illegal take) as a percentage of legal weight (all H. iris above the specified shell length). If I assume all H. iris harvested are a representative sample of the legal harvest class then the weight percentages can also be used as number percentages without change. These Ministry of Fisheries (2011c) figures are based on long running standardised catch per unit effort (CPUE) population studies. The constant and increasing CPUE levels over the last 5-6 years (Ministry of Fisheries, 2011c) point to the sustainability of many of these harvest levels. Exploitation levels are not ideal, but are seen here as a possible measure of current H. iris population dynamics. The ‘length parameters’ (Table 2.1) of the Kaikoura H. iris align them most closely with H. iris in catchment area PAU5A (Fiordland). Unfortunately the Canterbury zone PAU3, including Kaikoura, has insufficient biomass data to create a realistic model (Ministry of Fisheries, 2011c). Naylor et al. (2006) postulated that differences between H. iris populations from different parts of New Zealand were minimised if the populations were classified based on their shell growth rates. In PAU5A an exploitation level between 0.22 (MHL=130 mm) and 0.31 (MHL=127 mm) appears to give maximum sustainable yield (Ministry of Fisheries, 2011c). These two sets of figures were incorporated with a matrix similar to A, but parametrised to reflect the fished H. iris population (see Chapter 3) in Fiordland. Iteration using this data concludes population growth rates of 15% (MHL=130 mm) and 17% (MHL=127 mm) when the populations had reached equilibrium. However adult Haliotis are 25 difficult to find, and population counts may be underestimated (Hesp et al., 2008) (Hepburn, pers. comm. 2013). If the population is larger than assumed, then the MOF calculated exploitation rates need to be lowered, which will lower the estimated population growth rates. For example, if the population is twice as large as is estimated in (Ministry of Fisheries, 2011c), then the population growth rates required to support the current sustainable harvest in Fiordland would drop to 10.5% (MHL=130 mm) and 11.5% (MHL=127 mm). This wide disparity in calculable population growth rates, with 1.7% from McShane et al. (1994) and up to 17% for Ministry of Fisheries (2011c) for similar H. iris populations, was difficult to resolve. Consulting published peer reviewed literature containing matrix population models of Haliotis species yielded several papers that used a mathematical reference value of λ = 1 (implying a population growth rate of zero) (Chen and Liao, 2004; Rogers-Bennett and Leaf, 2006); I also found an undiscussed value of λ = 1.95 (my calculation) in Bardos et al. (2006). Clearly there is still much uncertainty in this area of Haliotis assessment. One alternative to this difficulty in identifying the correct population growth rate was to examine results from a range of population growth rates. To this end I calculated the egg settlement rates necessary to support annual population growth rates of 2.5, 5, 10, and 15%. These results were applied to the original matrix A, and iteration yielded the corresponding egg settlement rates of 4.49 × 10−7 , 6.25 × 10−7 , 1.04 × 10−6 and 1.55 × 10−6 (with the matrix divisions where shell lengths are 100 mm and 125 mm). Fecundity Fecundity was expressed as the number of two weeks post-settlement female individuals produced by each adult female annually, counted at census time. Fecundity (F ) combined average egg numbers (E) and estimated egg settlement (SE ) into a single parameter, proportional to shell length. F = E × SE (2.22) The mathematical modelling of fecundity was based on several assumptions. Firstly, a 1:1 gender ratio in the resulting H. iris offspring, and a similar number of males and females maintained in each class of the population. The second assumption stated that there was an equal likelihood of spawning, fertilisation and settlement of offspring for all adult females, with numbers of settled offspring strictly proportional to total egg numbers. F was used to weight the relative contributions of small adults FY and large adults FM to numbers of female juveniles the next year, Jt+1 . Matrix analysis Many of these calculations were based on work by Caswell (2001). After I calculated the equations and ‘R’ codes necessary to complete these calculations, many were also calculated using the ‘popbio’ package (Stubben and Milligan, 2007) in ‘R’, to check their values. 26 Eigen analysis The population growth rate can be calculated from the matrix A, where the eigenvalues (λ) of matrix A are solutions to: det|A − λI| = 0 (2.23) where I is the 3 × 3 identity matrix, and lambda is not equal to zero. The population growth rate is equal to the largest eigenvalue λ1 . The eigenvector ν that solves: Aν = λ1 ν. (2.24) corresponding to this dominant eigenvalue is called the (primary) right eigenvector and represents the relative numbers of individual H. iris in each population class. This equation 2.24 is true for many values of the right eigenvector, since it was only the relative numbers that were relevant. For this reason ν was scaled so that the sum of the elements of ν equaled one, and in this form it is known as the asymptotic stage structure, or stable stage distribution, and renamed w. The stable stage distribution showed the proportion of the population that would eventually be in each class (Caswell, 2001). Rearranging equation 2.24: ν 0 A = ν 0 λ1 . (2.25) This equation yielded the (primary) left eigenvector (ν 0 ), where the prime indicates the transpose vector. The vector was scaled so that ν 0 [1] = 1, and in this form it is known as the reproductive value vector and renamed v. The elements of v represented the relative value of each of the length classes to population growth, once the stable stage distribution was reached. Sensitivity The sensitivity (s) of lambda (λ1 , hereafter simply called λ) to changes in each of the elements in A (aij ) can be expressed as change in λ with respect to changes in aij : sij = v i wj δλ = δaij hw, vi (2.26) where aij is the ith element of the jth row of matrix A, and hw, vi is the scaler product of w multiplied by v (Caswell, 2001). A small change in each element, and in λ was affected by subtracting a small ratio from each. The three ratios examined for δaij were 0.0001aij , 0.00001aij and 0.000001aij (with the same ratio used for δλ): The division between the small and large adult H. iris classes was at the shell length of 125 mm, which is the currently used minimum harvest length. However as this is an unharvested population this division is somewhat arbitrary, and resulted in very few adult H. iris (around 15%) in the small adult class with the remaining 85% in the large adult class of an unharvested population. Altering the division between small and large adults allowed a more even consideration of how the two adult classes influenced the sensitivities. This alteration was achieved by shifting the division between small and large adults to 140 mm so that around 50% were in each adult class. I then recalculated the average adult growth, fecundity, and sensitivity of each class, and slightly altered the egg settlement rate SE (from 6.248 × 10−7 to 6.348 × 10− 7 so that the population growth rate remains stable). This lead 27 to the formulation of a new matrix, still containing the same population of H. iris. As this new population matrix was of the same unfished population, any change in the sensitivities is a reflection of the model, rather than the population itself, which was unchanged by shifting the class division from 125 mm to 140 mm. Elasticity Matrix elasticities Elasticity analysis is a study of the ratio of the proportional change in λ to the proportional changes in each of the elements of matrix A (Caswell, 2001): a δλ logδλ ij = (2.27) eij = λ δaij logδaij Elasticity (e) was a useful tool because the parameters in A were measured with different scales, for example growth had a scale from zero to one, but fertility took values higher than one, which made the sensitivity values of different elements difficult to compare. Elasticity measured the relative influence of each element aij (and parameter ap ) on λ through equations 2.27 (and 2.31), and thus allowed a direct comparison of the influence of the different elements (and parameters) of A on λ. The total elasticities were calculated for juveniles (e(J)), small adults (e(Y )) and large adults (e(M )) by summing relevant figures (van Tienderen, 2000) from equations 2.27: e(SJ (1 − GJ )) + e(SJ GJ ) = e(J) (2.28) e(SY FY ) + e(SY (1 − GY )) + e(SY GY ) = e(Y ) (2.29) e(SM FM ) + e(SM ) = e(M ) (2.30) As changes in shell harvest length were examined later in this thesis, the impact on the elasticities of these different harvest regulations was explored by once again compiling matrices with different points of division between the small and large adults. Parameter elasticities Changes in the elasticity of one element in a matrix are often tied to changes in elasticities of the other matrix elements, and many matrix parameters appeared more than once in the matrix. Therefore it was desirable to consider changes in the individual matrix parameters. The elasticity of the individual parameters of A (ap ) could only be measured by direct calculation, as this was not a part of the the ‘popbio’ package (Stubben and Milligan, 2007). a δλ p ep = (2.31) λ δap The results from equations 2.31 were summed, giving elasticity totals for e(F ), e(G) and e(S) (Caswell, 2001): e(FY ) + e(FM ) = e(F ) (2.32) e(GJ ) + e(GY ) = e(G) (2.33) e(SJ ) + e(SY ) + e(SM ) = e(S) (2.34) 28 Robustness Note that the parameter λ that was minutely varied in the process of calculating the sensitivities and elasticities of the matrix A (containing GY ) was also in the equation 2.11 used to calculate GY . This fact was ignored by treating the λ in equation 2.11 as a constant when calculating both the sensitivities and the elasticities. Robustness looked at how elasticities changed due to changes in the parameters, reflecting uncertainty in their estimation. This gave an indication of whether any conclusions drawn from this analysis were still viable if the parameters were different. The parameters examined were firstly juvenile survival, which is very variable and difficult to quantify (McShane et al., 1994). Fecundity, specifically SE , a measure of the number of eggs released and surviving through to two weeks post settlement (as female larvae), was also uncertain. Finally a range of different populating growth rates from 1% to 16% were also explored. I firstly examined the changes in the elasticities as I changed the survival of the juvenile H. iris (SJ ). Two egg settlement rates were also chosen, one used the value calculated in section 2.2.2 (SE ), and the second egg settlement rate used was fives times that value (5 × SE ). A rate five times the original SE value was chosen because this enabled me to explore annual juvenile survival rates (SJ ) ranging from 0.033 to 0.60 whilst maintaining the desired population growth rates. The two values that I changed (SE and SJ ) are difficult to calculate, in part due to the cryptic habitat of these tiny H. iris. There are also large amounts of uncertainty surrounding survival per egg, including the timing and volume of spawnings. Manipulating FY and FM (via changes in egg settlement SE ) and SJ while holding the other parameters constant has the added bonus of allowing examination of the changes in elasticities of the elements of A at different population growth rates. This was useful due to the large amount of uncertainty surrounding the population growth rate. Results Population parameters The parameters calculated using the methods outlined in section 2 are listed in Table 2.2, with the division between Y class and M class set at 125 mm and a population growth rate of 5% per annum. The matrix A The parameters from Table 2.2 are inserted into matrix A as outlined in equation 2.6. 0.22 0.44 1.64 A = 0.07 0.60 0.00 (2.35) 0.00 0.34 0.94 29 . Table 2.2: Parameters I calculated to compile the stage structured population matrix A with the shell length division between small and large adults at 125 mm and λ = 1.05 Symbol SJ Description Survival of juveniles SY Survival of small adults SM Survival of large adults GJ Growth of juveniles into small adults GY Growth of small adults into large adults EY Egg production by the small adults Egg production by the large adults egg settlement EM SE a b c Explanation Probability of juveniles surviving for one year Probability of the small adults surviving for one year Probability of the large adults surviving for one year Probability that a juvenile will become a small adult in any one year Probability that a small adult will become a large adult in any one year Number of eggs per female small adult Number of eggs per female large adult Probability of a two week post settlement female larvae resulting from an egg Values 0.29a 0.94a 0.94a 0.23a 0.37b 740000c 2800000c 6.2 × 10−7c See section 2.2.2 Population parameters. From equation 2.12. From equation 2.21. . Table 2.3: Haliotis iris counts from Kaikoura 1967-1968 (Poore, 1972c), compared with figures from the matrix stable stage distribution calculated previously source Low water November 1967a Sub-tidal November 1967a Low water May 1968a Sub-tidal May 1968a Low water total Sub-tidal total Matrix, stable stage distribution (w)b a Poore (1972c) b From equation 2.38 small adults:large adult counts 34 : 8 39 : 35 27 : 3 11 : 10 61 : 11 50 : 45 9 : 29 30 small adults:large adult ratios 4:1 10 : 9 10 : 1 11 : 10 6:1 10 : 9 3 : 10 Matrix analysis Eigen analysis Calculating the eigenvalues first involved finding the determinant |A − λI|, whereby values from equation 2.35 were inserted into the standard three dimensional matrix determinant equation: det|A − λI| = (SM − λ) ((SJ − SJ GJ − λ) (SY − SY GY − λ)) + (SM − λ)(SM FM SJ GJ SY GY − SY FY SJ GJ ) (2.36) which is solved algebraically: det|A − λI| = −λ3 + 1.69λ2 − 0.79λ + 0.11 = 0 (2.37) to give three eigenvalues; λ1 = 1.05; λ2 = 0.36 + 0.059i, and λ3 = 0.36 − 0.059i. The population growth rate for this matrix is thus 5%, equating to λ1 = 1.05. This implies the population can persist and grow, and so will support a fishing harvest. When the primary eigenvalue λ1 was inserted into equations 2.24 it yielded the stable stage distribution w = (0.62, 0.09, 0.29) (2.38) and using equation 2.25 gave the reproductive value vector of v = (1.0, 12.3, 14.9) (2.39) In comparing these calculated values to measurements from the field, juveniles are not considered as they were uncountable due to their cryptic habitat and very small sizes. Poore (1972c) recorded two surveys of H. iris at Kaikoura in 1967 and 1968. I halved his count in the 120 mm to 130 mm class at 125 mm. His results are included in Table 2.3, along with my calculated values in w from the matrix analysis. Comparing the matrix generated stable stage distribution w to the counts from Kaikoura shown in Table 2.3 we see that there were comparatively less large H. iris found at Kaikoura than would be expected from an unrestrained unharvested population. The low numbers of large adults was pronounced in the low water, and more pronunced still in the low water (but not in the deeper sub-tidal zone) after the summer. Sensitivity Using a multiplicative factor of of 0.0001 in equation 2.26 sij = δλ λ − λ × 0.0001 = δaij aij − aij × 0.0001 (2.40) through the computer program ‘R’ returned sensitivity figures close to those generated by the ‘popbio’ package (Stubben and Milligan, 2007), with better results when the lower multiple of 0.00001 was used. However a multiplicative factor of 0.000001 returned values of δλ = 0, and was thus below the sensitivity requirements of ‘R’ . This limitation means the multiplicative factor of 0.00001 was used for this analysis. 31 In the sensitivity analysis, when the division between small and large adults was at 125 mm (the current minimum shell length) 0.10 0.02 0.05 s(A125 ) = 1.26 0.19 0.00 (2.41) 0.00 0.23 0.71 it appeared that changes in population numbers were twice as sensitive to changes in juvenile promotion as they were to changes in adult stasis. That is, s(SJ GJ ) = 1.26, was nearly twice as important to population change as s(SM ) = 0.71. However, with the stable stage distribution for 125 mm division being (0.62, 0.092, 0.288) the higher number of H. iris in the large adult class probably influenced the sensitivities. The effects of changing the population model, so that the stable stage distribution has more equal numbers of H. iris in both the adult classes (0.62, 0.19, 0.19) , when the shell length division between small and large adults is 140 mm, were a reproductive value vector of (1, 12.3, 17.0), and: 0.10 0.03 0.03 s(A140 ) = 1.23 0.39 0.00 (2.42) 0.00 0.54 0.51 This change meant that H. iris had to get larger before they left the small adult class, so this class became bigger, and contained around half the adults. The sensitivity of promotion of juveniles dropped slightly, all the sensitivity measure of small adults have more than doubled in size, with a smaller but noticeable drop in the large adult sensitivities. This means that the small and large adult sensitivities are now similar in several areas, although juvenile promotion retains the highest sensitivity. Elasticity Matrix elasticities The elasticity analysis painted a somewhat different picture (compared to the sensitivities) regarding the most important elements of the matrix. With the division between small and large adults at 125 mm, changes in the stasis of adults in the large adult class had an elasticity of around 0.64, which was 6.5 times greater than the elastic of any other element of A. 0.02 0.01 0.07 e(A125 ) = 0.08 0.11 0.00 (2.43) 0.00 0.07 0.64 Next I examined the effects of changing the population model, this time to reflect a suggested division between small and large adults of 135 mm. The stable stage distribution became (0.62, 0.16, 0.22) and the reproductive values were (1.0, 12.3, 17.4). The elasticities of this matrix were: 0.02 0.02 0.06 e(A135 ) = 0.08 0.23 0.00 (2.44) 0.00 0.06 0.53 Another change to the population model, this time to reflect a suggested slot harvest, with the shell length division at 143 mm yielded the stable stage distribution of (0.62, 0.23, 0.15) 32 and the reproductive values of (1.00, 12.3, 16.5). 0.02 0.08 e(A143 ) = 0.00 The elasticities of this matrix were: 0.04 0.04 0.39 0.00 (2.45) 0.04 0.38 I also examined the elasticities with the class division at 132 mm as this was the point where GJ is close to equalling GY , and so is where the relative time in class J and class Y is equal. This allowed better analysis of the elasticities of promotion from each class. 0.02 0.01 0.07 e(A132 ) = 0.08 0.18 0.00 (2.46) 0.00 0.07 0.57 These elasticities have some factors influenced by the makeup of the matrix (as it is a three by three‘progression’ matrix (Carslake et al., 2009)): e(SJ GJ ) = e(SY GY ) + e(SY FY ) (2.47) e(SY GY ) = e(SM FM ) (2.48) The proportional elasticity displayed in these three matrices suggested that the lower two of the three matrix elements on the diagonal, reflecting adult stasis, had the largest elasticity. The effects of changing the shell harvest length were primarily felt through the resultant change in the proportion of adult H. iris in the small adult and large adult classes, and to a lesser extent through the decreasing importance of adult promotion (SY GY ), as H. iris spend an increasing proportion of their life in the small adult class. As the division shifted, elasticity of fecundity and stasis in small adults increased at a rate equal to the decrease in fecundity and stasis of the large adults, meaning that total adult fecundity and stasis stayed constant as shell harvest length changed. The elasticity of the elements relating to juvenile H. iris (in the left column of the matrices), remained relatively unchanged by the changes in division between small and large adults. The promotion of juveniles had a higher elasticity than their stasis, with both juvenile stasis and small adult fecundity having the lowest levels of elasticity. The elasticity values in the matrices 2.43 , 2.44, 2.45, and 2.46 all added to one: 3 X eij = 1 (2.49) i,j=1 Parameter elasticities However these calculations of the importance of an increase in the adult promotion (that is, H. iris moving faster into the longer class) do not include any consideration that, as this promotional rate increases, the number of H. iris remaining behind will decrease. That is, as SY GY increases SY (1 − GY ) must decrease. A similar but opposite consideration applies to stasis. The calculation of the elasticity of the parameter GY (and similarly GJ ) using equation 2.31 was a better way to get reliable estimations of the overall importance of growth, as this considered the impacts of both increasing the rate of promotion out of the smaller class, and decreasing stasis within the class. 33 . Table 2.4: Elasticities of the parameters of A where the shell lengths considered correspond to those used in equations 2.43, 2.44 and 2.45. The harvest systems suggested in Chapter 3 are shaded. Shell length (mm) 125+ 135+ 100-143 e(SJ ) e(GJ ) e(FY ) e(SY ) e(GY ) e(FM ) e(SM ) 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.01 0.02 0.04 0.19 0.31 0.48 0.01 0.02 0.01 0.07 0.06 0.04 0.71 0.59 0.42 Shell length (mm) 125+ 135+ 100-143 e(T otalS) e(T otalG) e(T otalF ) 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.09 0.09 0.09 0.08 0.08 0.08 Where the parameter of A (fully explained in Table 2.2) are: SJ = Survival of juveniles GJ = Growth of juveniles into small adults FY = Fertility of small adults SY = Survival of small adults GY = Growth of small adults into large adults FY = Fertility of large adults SM = Survival of large adults T otalS = SJ + SY + SM T otalG = GJ + GY T otalF = FY + FM 34 Table 2.4 looks at the elasticity of the individual parameters ap of A using the same class divisions as are in matrices 2.43, 2.44 and 2.45. On examination of the elasticities of the parameters generated using equation 2.31, and displayed in Table 2.4 I found that these two parameters GY and GJ were the only two parameters that generated new information. This is because I found experimentally that three of the elasticities calculated using equation 2.31 for this analysis (listed in table 2.4) could be obtained from summing the elasticities listed in the matrices, 2.43 - 2.45 via equations 2.28 - 2.30: e(SJ GJ ) + e(SJ (1 − GJ )) = e(J) = e(SJ ) (2.50) e(SY GY ) + e(SY (1 − GY )) + e(SY FY ) = e(Y ) = e(SY ) (2.51) e(SM ) + e(SM FM ) = e(M ) = e(SM ) (2.52) And the two fecundity elasticities in table 2.4 were equal to the fecundity elasticities in the matrices 2.43 - 2.45: e(SY FY ) = e(FY ) (2.53) e(SM FM ) = e(FM ) (2.54) A mathematical proof for these was written by van Tienderen (2000). Note that in equation 2.52 the e(SM ) on the left relates to the element in the lower right corner of the matrix A (stasis of the large adult class), whereas the e(SM ) on the right was the total elasticity for survival of the large adults, and these two elasticities are not equal. One final result from my calculations was: e(SJ ) + e(SY ) + e(SM ) = 1 (2.55) Equation 2.55 is the sum of equations 2.50, 2.51 and 2.52, which follows logically from equation 2.49. The highlighted (or grey) entries in Table 2.4 are of the class of H. iris that is harvested under different scenarios. The small adults in 100-143 mm have the lowest elasticity readings of the three harvest options. Robustness Here I examined the impacts of changing juvenile survival (SJ ) and the corresponding population growth rate, on the elasticity analysis. As SJ increased so did the population growth rate, albeit at a slower rate than the increase in SJ . The effects on the elasticities were examined only in so far as they related to the matrix parameters of survival, fecundity, and growth. The elasticities of the matrix elements were not specifically calculated here, as they are sensitive to the placement of the class division. At a population growth rate (PGR) of 5% (shown by the vertical lines in Figure 2.4) the most important elasticity was e(SM ) (graph 3 in Figure 2.4, which can also be seen as the value of 0.71 in column eight in Table 2.4), followed by e(SY ). These two population parameters (in fact the same parameter, as average adult survival is set at 0.94 per annum for both SY and SM ) account for 90% of the elasticity of survival. I included a five-fold increase in the egg settlement parameter (moving from the dashed line to the dotted line in the double line graphs in Figure 2.4), thereby exploring average annual 35 . Figure 2.4: The elasticities of the parameters, and how they are affected by varying both the population growth rate (x axis), and the egg settlement (two options chosen). The vertical line shows the presumed population growth rate of 5% per annum. The graph in the upper right corner is not of an elasticity measure, but instead shows how changing juvenile survival has been used to increase the population growth rate as egg settlement is held constant. The dashes use the calculated egg settlement parameter, while the dotted lines in these double line graphs were generated with an egg settlement parameter five times larger, to allow the inclusion of lower juvenile survival figures. The headings on graphs 1-10 are explained in Table 2.4 36 juvenile survival across the range from 0.03 to 0.60. The left hand side of the dashed line and the right hand side of the dotted line both have the same juvenile survival value, and any differences between these two points thus reflected the response to changing egg settlement. Following on from this, such a change in egg settlement had a nearly identical effect on the elasticities as changing the juvenile survival. The gap between the two lines is often undetectable at population growth rates less than 5%. Across the entire range of population growth rates (PGR), from 1% to 16% per annum, it appeared that although the elasticity of large adult survival decreased with increasing PGR, it remained the most important parameter in maintaining the current population growth rate. Also, as PGR increased, juvenile survival and growth become more important in maintaining PGR, so there was a decrease in the spread of survival elasticities at higher PGR. The total elasticities for growth and fecundity behaved similarly at both values of SE , and showed a gradual steady increase with the increase in SJ . This meant that at higher PGR the importance of all the other parameters to PGR increased, relative to large adult survival, which decreased over the same range. Discussion This eigen analysis of a population of the endemic New Zealand blackfoot pāua Haliotis iris found that measures of the sensitivity and elasticity of the static population parameters were insensitive to the placement of the matrix division between the small and large adult classes. They were also largely unchanged by alterations in the egg settlement verses juvenile survival rates at a constant population growth rate. This is in contrast to many of the matrix elements which varied when the matrix configuration changed. Accordingly these dynamic measures such as the reproductive values were assessed with equal numbers in the small and large adult classes. When this is done the reproductive values of (1,12.3,17) show only minor comparative gains afforded to population growth by the large (versus the small) adult class, with both much more important than the potential reproduction of the juveniles. The calculated population growth rate was also largely uninfluenced (lambda was accurate to 2 decimal places) by shifting the division between the small and large adults. Across a wide range of population growth rates I found that survival had higher elasticity than either fecundity or shell growth, and that large adult survival was the population parameter with the highest elasticity. Population parameters Matrix parameterisation for any species with so many unknown life history characteristics was always going to be challenging. However the severely declining numbers, and slow (or even non-existent) recovery of many overfished Haliotis species (Braje et al., 2009; Prince and Delproo, 1993; Plagányi and Butterworth, 2010) makes any attempt to analyse the genera worthwhile, assuming the aforementioned limitations are diligently evaluated. The use by early researchers of a von Bertalanffy growth equation to model the shell growth of abalone (Poore, 1972c) was improved to better incorporate the growth of juvenile abalone by the use of a Gompertz model (Troynikov and Gorfine, 1998) and again later, using inverse Bertalanffy-logistic models (Haddon et al., 2008; Helidoniotis et al., 2011). However as access 37 to Poore’s original data was not sought, and because the growth curve of juveniles below 100 mm was not needed, I considered the original von Bertalanffy equation formulated by Poore (1972c) to be the best choice for this study. Whilst the parameters of adult survival, shell growth, and egg numbers were comparatively easy to ascertain, large amounts of uncertainty surrounded the measurements of both egg settlement and juvenile survival. The mathematics I designed to account for the irregularities commonly found in H. iris breeding cycles enabled me to formulate a workable matrix, however the emphasis was then shifted to a focus on uncertainty in the population growth rate. From a wide literature search my estimations of a feasible population growth rate ranged from less than 2% to as high as 17% per annum. The estimation of a population growth rate for any benthic animal is difficult due to the difficulty of accessing undersea environments. The cryptic nature of the juvenile Haliotis species increases assessment difficulties, as does the plasticity of their growth and maturity rates (Marsden and Williams, 1996; Heath and Moss, 2009). Problems with assessment are further compounded by spatial patchiness, and the unageable shell growth of this particular Haliotis species (Punt et al., 2013). However as H. iris have been harvested by Māori for many hundreds of years (Smith, 2011a) the population must have been able to withstand some level of fishing pressure. The general consensus seems to be that population growth rates of H. iris are very low (Sainsbury, 1982a; Tong et al., 1987; McShane et al., 1994), however current apparently sustainable fishery exploitation levels (U ) above 0.25 per annum (Table 2.1) are in conflict with this assumption. The general assumption of low population growth rates may have been influenced by Poore (1972c) whose early underestimation of a life expectancy of H. iris of ‘beyond ten years’ overestimated the number of recruits required for population maintenance, and Sainsbury (1982b) who failed to find sufficient recruits for population replacement. However Schiel (1993) identified the difficulty in finding cryptic H. iris, which could cause an underestimation of juvenile numbers, and McShane (1992) postulated subpopulations that lacked juvenile H. iris may be stocked by movement of smaller adults from sheltered ‘nursery’ areas. Low estimations of population growth rates still exist, and are influenced by the very low recovery rates for decimated populations (Tegner, 1993), however continued poaching (Hobday et al., 2001; Huchette and Clavier, 2004; Raemaekers and Britz, 2009), or the weak Allee effect (Lundquist and Botsford, 2011; Mendez et al., 2011) may be more likely causes of slow population recovery (Button and Rogers-Bennett, 2011; Plagányi and Butterworth, 2010). In this H. iris population analysis size classes were used (as opposed to age), and included only females. This is common in matrix population modelling (Caswell and Takada, 2004) and was based here on the assumption that the sexes are identical in growth, maturity, and reproduction (Button and Rogers-Bennett, 2011). A recent study found no differences in spawning aggregations between abalone genders (Seamone, 2011), however unequal male: female ratios were found in one H. iris study (Wilson and Schiel, 1995), but this result may have been affected by the difficulty in visually assigning gender to adult H. iris outside their fertile period (Gnanalingam, 2012). Accuracy of the parametrisation This matrix parametrisation uses a theoretical homogeneous midrange population based on H. iris measured by Poore (1972c, 1973). My assumption that they were representative of an entire population may be erroneous. Large numbers of H. iris were removed from Kaikoura in 1946-47; significant harvesting for shell was carried out in the 1950s, and pāua was harvested 38 under licence around Kaikoura from the 1960s (Johnson, 2004). Poore (1972c) acknowledged a possible lack of large H. iris, and postulated it may be due to mortality, human exploitation, or possibly that larger animals moved to deeper water outside the sample site. Alternatively if population growth or reproduction is restrained in some way then a density effect may be changing the population ratios at Kaikoura. Several instances have been reported of slower growth and lower maximum shell length in more sheltered bays, with faster growing and larger H. iris being found on nearby wave swept headlands (McShane and Naylor, 1996; Naylor et al., 2006; Donovan and Taylor, 2008) where they have migrated in search of better access to food. This implies the population analysed here may be just part of a larger population, where satellite groups of larger H. iris are maintained by emigration. The relative level at which these satellite populations contributed to the juvenile numbers would be influenced by distance from the sheltered area, as well as water movement and egg settlement rates. Reported recruitment levels can vary widely, and if settlement rates are higher in more sheltered bays, the possibility exists that the smaller H. iris adults more prevalent in the bays have a larger than expected fecundity levels (where FY = EY SEY ), due to a larger relative egg settlement rate, making SEY 6= SEM . Although information on mortality was unfortunately missing from that study, this may be unimportant to the results. This is because several H. iris studies have found similar adult mortality rates (Sainsbury, 1982a; McShane and Naylor, 1997) and because survival is so large it is relatively unaffected by changes in mortality (Nilsen et al., 2009) (for example a 50% increase in mortality (from 6% to 9%) only lowers survival by 3% (from 94% to 91%). Adult mortality levels may differ in different locations (for example smothering by sediment in sheltered areas (McShane and Naylor, 1995c; Sainsbury, 1982b), or alternatively, being swept away in storms from more exposed positions (McShane and Naylor, 1997)), and thus SY and SM may also differ within a population. If these measurements by Poore (1972c, 1973) are not estimated from an entire population, then the shell growth (G) and egg numbers (E) parameters I used are more uncertain, and will limit the reliability of my analysis. Error in the calculated fecundity curve shown in Equations 2.14 and 2.15 was large, and error in estimating the K and L∞ parameters of the von Bertalanffy growth equation are likely (Haddon, 2001; Nollens et al., 2003). However Kahui and Alexander (2008) found mortality and recruitment were more important than the K and L∞ parameters in H. iris modelling, so any effects of the error identified by Haddon may be minimal in my analysis. Adult H. iris should behave in a way that maximises their reproductive potential, however if this behaviour evolved to fit selection pressure where mortality was very low (prior to human arrival) or periodic (under Māori harvests) then reproductive success may be constrained by adaptive behaviour inappropriate to the more regular and widespread current harvest systems. This could result in an unknown and depressive effect on the parameters of a population being harvested. Matrix analysis The assumption of a large unrestrained population allowed me to ignore both density dependence (including the Allee effect) and local demographic stochasticity (Caswell, 2001). 39 Eigen analysis Primary eigen analysis enables calculation of the stable stage distribution and the reproductive values. The population growth rate is also normally calculated via matrix analysis, but rather than being a point of interest produced in this analysis, it was instead a component used to finalise the parametrisation of the matrix (see section 2). The stable stage distributions calculated from the population matrix A are very different to the ratios of adult H. iris gathered at Kaikoura by Poore (1972c), on which this matrix parametrisation was based. That Poore’s low (shallow) water colony counts contained proportionally less large adults in May (post summer) compared to November (pre summer) is consistent with either summer human exploitation, or movement of larger adults to deeper water. This casts doubt on the assumption that Poore’s study was representative of a complete unfished population, and allowed the assumption that the matrix generated stable stage distribution is a viable portrayal of an unrestrained unfished population of H. iris at Kaikoura, were one to exist. An alternative explanation for the differences between calculated and measured stage distributions is episodic recruitment, which could cause short term changes in population ratios. Episodic recruitment is common in many Haliotis species, including H. iris (McShane, 1995). Any decrease in the numbers of larger adults may increase the inaccuracy in the growth and fecundity calculations (particularly in relation to the scarce larger adults) used in this matrix parametrisation. The reproductive value vector of (1, 12.3, 17), gives a calculated ratio for the small to large adults of around 1 : 1.38. This appears at first glance to be too level for an animal with such a large difference between small and large adult fecundity, as shown in Figure 2.3. These reproductive values are defined as the probable contribution of an individual in that class, via reproduction, to population growth from their current age onward, with higher value given to the more immediate prospect of progeny (Fisher, 1930; Caswell and Takada, 2004). This definition explains the slightly higher reproductive value of the large adult class, even when numbers in the two adult classes were equal. The reproductive values of the larger adult class are greater, as, although they probably have less reproductive life left, their short term egg numbers rates were higher, compared to the generally younger, less fecund small adults. Compared to both adult classes the juveniles have a very low value, meaning a low future value to reproduction. This would be influenced by their lower survival rates. Sensitivity The sensitivity analysis gave some insight into evolutionary pressures, assuming a large unrestrained population. Caswell (2001) claimed that making predictions of evolutionary pressures based on sensitivity analysis of stage-based (as opposed to age-based) population models was more difficult because the organisms within a class are a range of ages, and so they will have different vital rates, and a history of different selection pressures. This effect is mitigated by the consideration of intraclass growth and mortality I used when calculating average class fecundities, and by a recent analysis by Barfield et al. (2011), who showed that evolutionary predictions can be made successfully from stage-based models. Equation 2.42, where the two adult classes contain equal numbers of adults, shows that the sensitivity of fecundity declines slightly with age, whilst the sensitivity of stasis increases with age. Life characteristics whose sensitivities decreases with age have an equal evolutionary 40 selection pressure for larger increases in the later stage and smaller increases at the earlier stage (Caswell, 2012), implying evolutionary pressure for higher fecundity in the larger adults. The increase in the sensitivity of stasis with age is tied to a phenomenon labelled negative senescence, and identified in some in molluscs by Vaupel et al. (2004), who describe it as a phenomenon whereby fertility and fitness increase with age, as mortality decreases. The later term ’nonsenescent’ meaning constant or declining mortality coupled with constant or increasing fertility, as used by Braudisch and Vaupel (2013), seems better suited to Haliotis. Although the sensitivity of fertility of the small and large adults did decline with age, the results for the two adult classes were quite similar, along with similarities in their reproductive values (found in the reproductive value vector). This may be unusual considering the large increases in fecundity that occur with length, however reproductive values also consider future value to the population. Kawecki and Stearns (1993) suggest equality of young reproductive value spatially if genetic material is shared, I am suggesting that it may also occur across age groups to some extent in broadcast spawners. From an evolutionary viewpoint equal genetic gains from small and large adult reproduction (implied by their equal sensitivies) means selection pressure is applied equally to both age groups. Elasticity Matrix elasticities Transition matrix elasticity analysis was used to investigate the relative role of the annual rates of movement through the matrix. They included: survival and growth between classes (promotion); survival without reaching the next class (stasis); and surviving and reproducing (fecundity) in determining the estimated rate of population increase (Caswell and Takada, 2004). The number and position of divisions between classes is important in elasticity analysis when comparing different models (Enright et al., 1995). The equalities in equations 2.47 and 2.48 are a feature of three by three ‘progression’ matrices, but do not necessarily occur if the number of stages changes (Carslake et al., 2009). I question, does this have a biological basis, or is it an artefact of the population projection model chosen? That is, biologically does changing SY GY (proportion of small adults promoted) have the same impact as changing SM FM (relative large adult fecundity) on population numbers? Assuming no environmental effects, as I have in this study, biological reasoning seems logical. This is an example of the loop elasticities of matrices, where the elasticity of matrix elements increasing a population component is equal to the elasticities of the matrix elements influenced by that component (Caswell, 2001). If together, the parameters that increase a component of the population increase (or decrease) at the same rate, then the population produced by that component will collectively increase (or decrease) in a similar way. This means that changes in the current population growth rate will be consistent across identical changes in the matrix parameters, so giving them equal elasticity. The different matrix models (2.43 through 2.46), created by changing the class sizes, showed that the time spent in each adult class and the composition of adults within the class had a large effect on their relative elemental elasticities. The use of elemental elasticities to draw conclusions about the importance of different sectors of a population to the population growth rate has been found to be problematic if the number of classes is changed (Enright et al., 1995; Carslake et al., 2009). In this thesis I went further, and found similar problems from simply altering the position of one of the class divisions, whilst maintaining the same number 41 of classes. Unlike Picard et al. (2010), where recruitment was constant, the changes that occur in relative egg numbers as the class divisions shift can be seen, leading to changes in the elasticities of the matrix elements (Table A.1). Matrix 2.46 was designed so that the probability of growth is equal, so that roughly GJ = GY , and is therefore a matrix where the relative time in class J and class Y is equal. This indicated the importance of relative growth into the next class (Enright et al., 1995). A look at the elasticities of promotion from each class shows that e(SJ GJ ) ≥ e(SY GY ), and with not a lot of difference between the two elasticity figures it would be prudent to say promotion out of the juvenile class is around as important to maintaining the population growth rate as is promotion from the small into the large adult class. This is possibly because TJ and TY (time in each class) were calculated from the same equation 2.8. In this same matrix the elasticity of stasis increases steadily with age, probably influenced by improvements in survival between the juvenile and small adult classes, and by increased time in the class between the small and large adult classes. With a consistent population growth rate of 5%, the stasis of the two adult classes (e(SY (1 − GY )) and e(SM )) consistently has the highest elasticities, while the elasticities measured in relation to fecundity (e(SY FY ) and e(SM FM )) remained low across the different matrix combinations. A review by Benton and Grant (1999) found support for this, with the magnitude of the difference between stasis and fecundity greater in species with longer generation times. I also found that as the proportion of adult H. iris within a class increased, the elasticities of that class increased. To be successful a species such as H. iris that has intermittent reproductive episodes and slow growth needs to survive for a long time. Similar life strategies are often observed, as this is a typical effective strategy of many long-lived species (Campbell, 2006). Concerning promotion between classes, e(SY GY ) is always less than or equal to e(SJ GJ ). Biologically this is because of the declining numbers in each year group as the H. iris age. The growth of older H. iris into the next class becomes less important to the population as they are a lower proportion of the population, and there are proportionally less of them moving into the longer class each year. In matrix models 2.43 to 2.46 and in Table 2.4 the elasticities relating to the juvenile class are consistent across the four different length classification models, suggesting this model is robust to the change in class size. Because juvenile numbers, growth and survival rates were unaffected by these different matrix formations, I was not expecting the juvenile elasticities to change between the different matrix models. Parameter elasticities In Table 2.4 the elasticity of adult growth into the next class e(GY ) is unaffected by changing the matrix, as are the totalled elasticities of adult survival e(T otalS) and adult fecundity e(T otalF ). This implies these elasticities are measured independently of the adult class division selected, and thus reflect more closely the H. iris population being measured, rather than the matrix being used. By extending this assumption to all the population parameters in Table 2.4 I re-examined the results discussed above: The elasticities relating to survival are the most important (as were the elasticities of stasis discussed previously), and indicate the importance of surviving to the current population growth rate of this H. iris theoretical population. In the juvenile class elasticity of stasis, e(SJ (1 − GJ )) is around one fifth the size 42 of the elasticity of survival e(SJ ), whereas in the adult classes elasticity of stasis and survival are much closer in size. Juveniles exhibiting stasis have the highest likelihood of mortality in the following year (70%), whereas around 23% of juveniles that survive are promoted, and so have much lower mortality the next year (6%). This accounts for the lower elasticity of juvenile stasis, compared to juvenile survival, because stasis includes not growing, as well as survival. The two lowest parameter elasticities were growth and fecundity of the small adults, (particularly fecundity in the first matrix, when the small adult group contained only adult H. iris below 125 mm in length). These compare well with similar elasticities measured for other marine invertebrates, and are consistent with a long lifespan (Linares et al., 2007). The small size of these two elasticities implies these two matrix parameters were having little effect on population growth in an unrestrained, unharvested H. iris population. Aside from the small numbers in e(A125 ) small adult class, another possible reason for this is given by Pfister (1998, p.213), who found that “variable life history stages tend to contribute relatively little to population growth rates” and postulated this may be due to “natural selection altering life histories to minimise stages with both high sensitivity and high variation.” H. iris populations have been recorded with variable adult growth (Naylor et al., 2006) and fecundity, especially during adolescence (when they are small adults) (McShane and Naylor, 1995c). Natural selection against high variation presents one possible explanation for their low elasticity and relative unimportance to changes in the current population growth rate (Pfister, 1998) when they are in the small adult class. Juvenile H. iris spend over four years in a cryptic habitat, unable to reproduce and limited for space. On becoming adults and leaving the cryptic habitat survival is the most important parameter, and in any single year spawnings are often missed altogether (Hooker and Creese, 1995; Poore, 1973). These life history characteristics are reflected in the elasticity readings, with large adult survival the most important factor in maintaining the current population growth rate, followed by small adult survival. Robustness Calculating the sensitivities and elasticities of the matrix A was problematic because λ was both used to calculate GY ( in equation 2.11) and was also part of the sensitivity and elasticity calculations. This was overcome by treating the λ in equation 2.11 as a constant when calculating the sensitivities and elasticities of the matrix. This is justified as the elasticity of GY is only one per cent of the total elasticity, which means that changing λ in 2.11 will have a very small effect on λ in the Matrix A, and therefore a very small effect on both the sensitivities and the elasticities. This section examines how robust the model is to changes in parameter measurements with high levels of uncertainty in their estimation. A five fold increase in egg settlement was coupled with a similar decrease in juvenile survival to maintain the same population growth rates for both trials. The choice of changing egg settlement or juvenile survival had little impact on the elasticities, with changes in the population growth rate more important than which parameter was changed. As the change in egg settlement caused a nearly identical response in the elasticities as changing the juvenile survival, the method of changing the populating growth rate appears to be unimportant. To raise the population growth rate I increased both the egg settlement and juvenile survival, with increases in egg settlement having a similar effect on elasticities to increases in juvenile survival, so that there was very little distance between the two lines in Figure 2.4. This suggests the model is robust to 43 changes in these parameters over the range examined, assuming that the population growth rate is known. With a wide range of population growth rates to explore, variation in the elasticities of the parameters was inevitable, due to the changes in the population proportions. This can be explained by the changing dynamics of a rapidly increasing population. As faster growing populations have a lower average age, this increase in the relative size of the juvenile cohort probably accounts for much of the increase in their elasticity. However over the entire range of population growth rates explored, from 1% to 16%, the relative ranking of the different elasticities did not change, and survival of large adult H. iris consistently had the greatest elasticity, and is predicted to have the greatest impact on the current population growth rate (Caswell and Takada, 2004) when the large adult class shell length begins at 125 mm. At higher population growth rates adult growth and fecundity became more important, relative to survival. For all the matrices the population growth rate was largely unaltered by the placement of the division between the small and large adults. Picard et al. (2010) found with constant mortality and recruitment that changes in class width did not effect the population growth rate. Therefore my calculation of a consistent population growth rate (with constant mortality) implied total recruitment (SY FY + SM FM ) was consistent across the different matrix models. Also both the sensitivity and elasticity measures relating to the juvenile class were unaffected by changing the division between the small and large adult classes, as were the elasticities of the population parameters. These two facts support an assumption that the model is robust. Summary Population growth rate was more important to determining elasticity than either settlement rate or juvenile survival. I calculated a population growth rate of 16% for one region, based on Ministry of Primary Industry H. iris data. Distribution error was largely removed from the matrix model despite using a length dependent fecundity power function. This was completed via computer analysis, producing an accurate matrix with only three classes. Biologically relevant matrix elasticities were separated from elasticity measures responsive to matrix construction. When the same population was analysed with a different matrix, dynamic elasticities were isolated as not true reflections of the population. By this process of elimination I isolated the most relevant results, and commented briefly on how they could be used to learn more about the population. The new terms of ’promotion’ and ’relegation’ were introduced to describe movement through a matrix. This leaves the terms ’positive growth’ and ’negative growth’ to be used specifically as population parameters. 44 Chapter 3 Recommendations to increase the minimum harvest length of Haliotis iris are affected by population growth rate Introduction Protecting the sustainable harvest of living marine resources by limiting fisher access to breeding stock is vital to their effective and sustainable management (Pulvenis de Sèligny-Maurel et al., 2010). Almost all harvests are limited in some way, with restrictions aiming to limit the time, location, volume and/or section of the stock harvested (Pulvenis de Sèligny-Maurel et al., 2010). The aim of these restrictions is to protect the long-term viability of the harvest, without unduly restricting the fishers. However these limitations are often based on incomplete population analysis, and so may fail to meet the dual targets of adequately protecting the species whilst maximising the yield. An understanding of the dynamics of any marine species is vital when aiming to optimise a sustainable harvest, but many fished species have not been adequately investigated (Cook and Gordon, 2010). This lack of understanding undermines the reliability of many long term harvest plans. As a result of this the development of methods of more accurately analysing the effects of alternative regulations is an important undertaking in fisheries management. Benthic marine invertebrate fisheries are often constrained by protecting a section of the pre-breeding and breeding stock from harvest via body length restrictions. Body length restrictions are used because of the difficulty of ageing harvestable stock. A further factor supporting the use of length restrictions is that for many species landing size can be accurately implemented by fishers (Punt et al., 2013) and undersize animals can be either successfully avoided in the harvest, or returned to their environment with little harm. Unfortunately for the population modeller this protection of smaller animals, as well their often cryptic and patchy distribution, limits their monitoring and assessment (Culver et al., 2010; Dichmont and Brown, 2010), thereby making population modelling more difficult. Abalone are in the family Haliotidae, which contains only one extant genus Haliotis. Abalone 45 are found throughout most of the world, mostly in the shallow sub-tidal zone (Geiger, 1998). The largest populations were historically in the colder climates of New Zealand, southern Australia and South Africa in the south, and the west coast of North America and Japan in the north (Lindberg, 1992; Geiger, 1998; Degnan et al., 2006). However large wild commercial harvests are now limited to New Zealand and Australia. Several different methods of restricting the harvest have been used with abalone stocks, usually in combination with length restrictions. These include limits on number, biomass, time of harvest, and the implementation of closed or restricted areas (State of California. Dept of Fish and Game., 2010; Chick and Mayfield, 2012; Hesp et al., 2008; Ministry of Fisheries, 2011c; Woodham, 2009). The specific applications of several of these has been questioned (ARMP, 2005; Prince et al., 2008; Froese et al., 2008; Edgar and Barrett, 1999). Questions on whether the current length restrictions applied to harvested Haliotis are ideal to maximise yield are seldom quantified, although length restrictions have been regularly changed (Chick et al., 2012; Ministry of Fisheries, 2011c; Hesp et al., 2008). Changes in minimum shell length were probably introduced in an effort to prevent small scale overexploitation which could deplete breeding numbers, rather than as a tool to maximise sustainable yield (Mayfield et al., 2011; Ministry of Fisheries, 2011c). Larger Haliotis were found further from boat ramps in Tasmania, implying fishers targeted easier access sites. However smaller legal Haliotis had apparently moved to even out the distribution, possibly mitigating any impacts on fertilisation success (Stuart-Smith et al., 2008). Several models used in the past have focussed on shell length, however the relationship between shell length and reproductive output has seldom been included by modellers (Breen et al., 2003; Mayfield, 2010; Ministry of Fisheries, 2011c). Leaving the larger more fecundatant adults unharvested in a slot type harvest system shows promise, as traditional Māori harvesters have been known to target the smaller adult Haliotis, and leave larger adults unharvested (Gibson, P. on behalf of Ngāti Konohi, 2006). The most common New Zealand abalone, called blackfoot pāua or Haliotis iris, are fished throughout New Zealand, with the majority of the catch from around Stewart Island and the Chatham Islands, the South Island and the lower part of the North Island (Ministry of Fisheries, 2011c). Harvesters are classified as cultural, recreational, illegal and commercial (Ministry of Fisheries, 2011c), with the majority of the harvest removed and exported by commercial harvesters. Annual export earnings of around $50 million dollars have remained stable, both in tonnage and value, since 2003 (Statistics New Zealand, 2010). Stock assessment of H. iris in several quota management areas is completed using relative abundance estimates in a similar way to many overseas fisheries, by checking for population changes (Gorfine et al., 2001; State of California. Dept of Fish and Game., 2010; Mayfield et al., 2011). In New Zealand measurements are primarily based on standardised CPUE data (catch per unit effort) (Ministry of Fisheries, 2011c). CPUE is based on the premise that if a fisher can catch more in a shorter amount of time then there is more stock in the area. Research by Fu and McKenzie (2010a) found CPUE to have a variable relationship to density, and to be only useful in seeing trends over time. Breen et al. (2003) described CPUE as ‘possibly misleading’. H. iris stocks in the larger New Zealand fisheries are quantitatively assessed using a Bayesian length-based model, and include CPUE, as well as other stock measures (Ministry of Fisheries, 2011c). Limitations of this Bayesian stock analysis include; 46 dependence on an uncertain estimated catch history; the lack of a stock-recruitment relationship; and local variations in population parameters, although the use of smaller assessment areas, and extensive use of sensitivity trials and probability estimations in the model outputs are going some way to improving accuracy (Ministry of Fisheries, 2011c). However none of these assessments specifically quantify the effect of changes in shell length restrictions on reproductive output. In addition to changing harvestable shell lengths I explored what would happen if it were impossible to maintain ideal control over both the volume and shell length of harvested H. iris; if one or other of these restrictions (on size and number taken) was unenforceable. Firstly, if unrestrained harvesting of a class where to occur, does a class exist that makes this sustainable? In close proximity to large human populations, even when people limit their harvest to 10 per person, an over-harvest may occur. Indeed it is common to find areas were not a single H. iris, of harvestable length can be found (Hepburn, pers. comm. 2013). Secondly, what happens with no control over the minimum or maximum shell harvest length? In this case adults of any length are taken, but there is control over volume. This may apply if a high level of poaching existed, but was limited to specific areas, or times of the year, if H. iris could be successfully protected within reserves, or by the use of an open season. The elasticity measures I calculated in Chapter 2 implied that a slot system may maximise the sustainable yield. Accordingly my aim here is to investigate both slot and minimum harvest length regulations, in an attempt to quantify the best harvest length for maximising the sustainable yield from a population of H. iris. I also wanted to examine the magnitude of the effect on fisher effort of changing the harvest length, and so have quantitatively included some measurements relating to poaching and the provision of reserves. Method The following section contains an outline of the mathematical framework used in this analysis. The mathematical analysis was once again completed using the ‘R’ program (R Development Core Team, 2008). Bold face type is used to denote vectors and matrices. Many of the symbols used in this chapter were explained in Chapter 2, however a brief review is provided here: Jt was the number of juveniles at time t, Y was small adults and M was large adults. The population parameters within the matrix are annual rates: S for survival, G for growth to the next class, and F for fecundity. Density dependent population modelling The first task undertaken in this Chapter was to choose and implement a density dependent effect on this same population matrix developed in Chapter 2, which constrained the population growth to stop when it reached the carrying capacity. For a population at carrying capacity the equilibrium population ratios could then be calculated. 47 Formatting the density dependent matrix Aφ The density dependence required to constrain population growth could theoretically affect any of the population vital rates included in the matrix. I chose to apply a density dependent effect solely to juvenile mortality, for the following reasons. Firstly, high levels of juvenile mortality are linked to juvenile density in many hard shelled benthic marine invertebrates (Hunt and Scheibling, 1997), including H. iris (McShane, 1995). Secondly, fished Haliotis populations have been shown to increase in number when cryptic habitats are increased in situ (Davis 1995), leading to the assumption that juvenile density is a critical factor in population growth and that density dependent mortality affects the youngest cohort (Connell, 1985). Finally juvenile H. iris inhabit a spatially separate environment to the adults, so the effects of density in the juvenile class are assumed to be solely due to the numbers of H. iris within that juvenile class. Hunt and Scheibling (1997) found no evidence of a relationship between juvenile and adult mortality in benthic marine invertebrates. Accordingly, density effects were applied solely to survival of the juvenile class. The relationship between density dependent mortality (φt ) and juvenile abalone numbers operates mathematically in a similar way to a stock-recruitment relationship and different forms of the same equations can be used to model either relationship. The two main mathematical forms of these relationships widely modelled in the fisheries industry are Ricker and Beverton-Holt (Kimura, 1988). A Beverton-Holt type equation: φt = 1/(1 + αJt ) (3.1) was found to be better suited to juvenile fish mortality (Shephard and Cushing, 1980). Therefore I incorporated this density dependent equation into the matrix A, and created a new density constrained matrix Aφ . Nt+1 = Aφ Nt SJ φt (1 − GJ ) SY FY SM FM J J Y Y SJ φt GJ SY (1 − GY ) 0 = M t+1 0 SY GY SM M t (3.2) For the purpose of this study the density dependent term alpha (α) in equation 3.1 was set at one. This is a method of non-dimensionally scaling the density dependent mortality, without a loss of generality (Krkosek, pers. comm. 2013). Density effects on juvenile shell growth are assumed to be negligible in this model. Calculating equilibria With a density constraint in the matrix, the modelled population would reach some maximum carrying capacity. I assumed a spatially and temporally uniform environment and an unfished population, so at carrying capacity the population would remain constant and: Nt = Nt+1 48 (3.3) This equality also applies to each class of H. iris. Thus, average class size was constant, year to year, as I assumed all other factors were constant, and so by algebraic analysis of equation 3.2, I obtained three equilibria stage distributions: Jt = Jt+1 = J ? Yt = Yt+1 = Y (3.4) ? ? Mt = Mt+1 = M . (3.5) (3.6) The vector N? was created to combine these three class size estimations: N? = (J ? Y ? M ? ) (3.7) Harvest Two methods of calculating the maximum sustainable harvest rate were considered. Firstly, by exploring the harvest of the smaller adults, that is harvesting those with shells longer than the emergent length of 100 mm, but below a longer length, for example harvesting some of the small adult H. iris, with shell lengths from 100-125 mm. Secondly, I calculated the maximum sustainable harvest if a minimum harvest length was enforced; an example of this would be the current system of harvesting the larger adult H. iris, with shells longer than 125 mm. Note that in this report the term harvest refers to the proportion of the harvestable stock caught annually. In deciding where to apply the harvest terms in the matrix, I considered that the commercial H. iris harvest in New Zealand begins when the new season opens on the first of October and runs until the quota is filled (Ministry of Fisheries, 2011c). Therefore H. iris harvest would affect both annual survival and fecundity rates, as the majority of H. iris are caught before spawning occurs (taken to be in late summer or autumn (Poore 1973, Figure 2.1)). By introducing the term HY for the harvest of small adults, the parameter (1 − HY ) (the rate that small adults survive after harvest) could be incorporated into the matrix where it modified all the small adult numbers, and so the matrix Aφ then contained (1 − HY ) in three positions and became Ahy : J SJ Φt (1 − GJ ) (1 − HY )SY FY SM FM J Y Y S J φt G J (1 − HY )SY (1 − GY ) 0 = M t M t+1 0 (1 − HY )SY GY SM (3.8) The possibility of harvesting the large adults (for example those above 125 mm, as is currently the regulation), whilst leaving the small adults unharvested was also investigated. By introducing the term HM for the harvest of large adults, the matrix Aφ could alternatively include (1 − HM ) and thus became: 49 J SJ Φt (1 − GJ ) SY FY (1 − HM )SM FM J Y Y SJ φt GJ SY (1 − GY ) 0 = M t 0 SY GY (1 − HM )SM M t+1 (3.9) Then, by introducing a generic term for the density construed matrix (Aφ ) that also included the harvest of either small or large adults I created a new matrix Ah , that could satisfy following matrix multiplication: Nh ,t+1 = Ah Nh ,t (3.10) which created a new equilibrium population N?h . The unfished population N? would be fished down to this new level, where it is assumed to be able to consistently maintain itself under some fishing pressure, and stabilise. A drop in the numbers is necessary because of the very low population growth rate close to the carrying capacity, which is shown in figure 3.1. The three components of this population when it reached equilibrium were once again calculated for Ah , so that in each instance: Jt = Jt+1 = Jh? Yt = Yt+1 = Mt = Mt+1 = Yh? Mh? (3.11) (3.12) (3.13) These class estimations Jh? ,Yh? , andMh? were also arranged into a vector: N?h = (Jh? Yh? Mh? ) (3.14) which described the equilibrium state of the population under harvest. In all instances the stated harvest length was shell length at census time. For this model to function I assumed a precise selectivity between shell length classes during harvest, and that harvesting occurred immediately after the census date. This meant to be harvestable in this model the H. iris needed to be more than one year post emergent. Maximum sustainable harvest Maximum sustainable yield was calculated for the harvest of H. iris from the small adult (Y) class or the large adult (M) class. The accuracy of these calculations depended on both the accuracy of the parameters estimated in Table 2.2, and the appropriateness of the selected stage-based (here length-based) matrix model for the data analysis. Maximising sustainable harvest: numbers If it is possible for a population to reach a positive equilibrium whilst being harvested, then the highest sustainable harvest (MSY) would be Highest sustainable harvest (MSY) = (Aφ N?h − N?h ) 50 (3.15) with N?h showing the population classes at equilibrium under this harvest method. Therefore to find the best harvest rate for H. iris measuring 100-125 mm (a slot harvest) from this theoretical population I firstly created a vector (HY ) containing 10,000 different harvest rates. I used computer simulation and trialed each of these harvest rates (HY ) in the matrix in equation 3.8. For each value in (HY ) I then calculated the solutions to equations 3.11, 3.12, and 3.13, and used these to compile a new vector N?h via equation 3.14, that showed the equilibrium population that would result under that harvest system. This gave me 10,000 different N?h vectors. Then finally, using equation 3.15, I recorded the highest sustainable harvest (MSY) for each of these different N?h vectors. The harvest rate (or HY value) that produced the largest MSY was identified as the maximum sustainable harvest rate for this model. The next task was to conduct a similar analysis by creating a vector of HM values to trial in equation 3.9. I again used equations 3.11 through to 3.15 to find both the largest sustainable harvest, and the corresponding recommended maximum sustainable harvest rate for the large adults. Thus I identified the ideal rate for harvesting H. iris that have shell lengths greater than 125 mm from this theoretical population. The largest sustainable harvest was calculated in the same way for harvests involving different shell length regulations, for example harvesting H. iris with shell lengths above 128 mm rather than those above 125 mm. Harvested animals could still be taken from either class Y or class M, with the shell length that divided class Y and M altered to reflect differences in these harvest regulations. A total of 38 different length classes were created for both Y and M classes, giving a total of 76 different harvest systems. These alterations effectively resulted in a new matrix each time the harvest length was changed. These new matrices represented an analysis of the same population, but it was analysed in a different way as there were individual H. iris that were now in different adult classes. Therefore the growth and fecundity rates were recalculated for each of the different matrices using equations 2.12 and 2.21, and a new egg settlement rate was used to give λ = 1.0500 for each unharvested matrix. The new matrices were harvested, once again using equations 3.9 through to 3.15, and lead to the calculation of maximum sustainable yield and the harvest level at which it occurred, for each of the new Y and M classes. Maximising sustainable harvest: biomass The calculation of an estimated biomass or meat weight harvested is an important consideration, particularly in the commercial and export trade where H. iris data is usually calculated as a meat weight (Ministry of Fisheries, 2011c; Statistics New Zealand, 2010). Poore (1972 Table 8 p 554) calculated an allometric relationship between individual animal weight (Wt) and shell length (L) for measuring H. iris at Kaikoura, with a value of 3.22 for the coefficient. I assumed the relationship was of the form W t = aLb + k (Schiel and Breen, 1991), and the relationships between the total weight of a H. iris and their body (excluding shell) weight was linear (Poore, 1972c). As I was using the same population to parametrise my matrix, I used this coefficient to derive a comparative body weight equation, based on the average shell lengths of H. iris measured at Kaikoura, within each size class: Body weight ∝ L3.2 = kL3.2 51 (3.16) I calculated a comparative average weight for individual H. iris in each class using integration under the curve produced from equation 3.16, with a similar consideration of the unequal distribution of H. iris within each class as is included under the heading ‘egg numbers’ in section 2. For the small adult class of lengths 100-125 mm the equation I used was: L=125 Xmm W tY = Wt(L(t) , t)(t1 →t2 ) st1 L=100 mm L=125 Xmm (3.17) st L=100 mm where W tY is the average body weight of an individual H. iris in class Y, Wt(L(t) , t)(t1 →t2 ) is a vector of average H. iris body weights at each unit of age and the vector st contains the average survival values for H. iris at each unit of age. W tM was calculated in the same way, in this case using lengths between 125 mm and the average maximum shell length of 146.2 mm. This was then repeated for the other 76 harvest classes, in each case giving the average weight of an individual H. iris in that class. The average body weight for individual H. iris in each class was also calculated from the average egg numbers for each H. iris in the class, using the inverse of the egg numbers - shell length equation (2.16): L = 12 × E 0.16 (3.18) body weight = kE 0.51 (3.19) combined with equation 3.16 to give: This extra method of computation of average bodyweight gave an indication of the accuracy of the model, via a comparison of the most diverse values for average body weights originating from the two equations 3.17 and 3.19. A total biomass harvested for both the small adult and large adults classes was then calculated from total number harvested from equation 3.15 multiplied by average body weight from equation 3.17. Equation 3.17 was justified over equation 3.19 using Occam’s razor. biomass = (Aφ N?h − N?h )W tY (3.20) These biomass calculations assume that any H. iris within the class being harvested are equally likely to be harvested irrespective of their shell length. This means that the average body weight used for the harvested cohort taken from the class will be equivalent to the average body weight of all individual H. iris within the class. Less controlled exploitation I then completed an investigation of the outcomes that are sustainable if less regulated harvesting occurred. Previously the analysed harvest systems assumed ideal control over both 52 the volume and shell length of harvested H. iris, whereas here I looked at some of the possible outcomes if one or other of these restrictions were unenforceable. Firstly, I wanted to see which were the largest sustainable harvest rates of H. iris, and what were the shell measurements of H. iris within that class. This was achieved by locating the highest sustainable harvest rates, which are in columns two and three of Tables A.3 - A.6. If the harvest rate is written as a 1.000 in these Tables, then 100% harvest from that class is achievable for this theoretical population. Next I looked at a narrow slot, harvesting from the smallest adults. Although it would not allow 100% harvest, any harvesting from the smallest adults would allow a higher harvest rate due to the smaller number in the slot. Secondly, I conducted an examination of what happens with no control over the minimum or maximum shell harvest length. I wanted to determine what level of harvesting was sustainable with no length restrictions. These results were generated when I took 146.2 mm as the largest slot size. This is because this harvest class contains all the adults. Changes in population size Changes in population size are often expressed as changes in the number of individuals, however due to the relationships between biomass and both fertility and commercial return in H. iris studies, the option was taken to calculate the theoretical change in population size (from unharvested to harvested populations) as a change in biomass. This is also a measurement often used in New Zealand’s Ministry of Primary Industries calculations, where it is sometimes called the fishdown level (Ministry of Fisheries, 2008b). This equation looked at the impacts of harvesting from the small adult class in a slot type system. A reminder that both the Yh? and Mh? values in equation 3.21 are obtained from a calculation of equilibrium beginning with numbers generated from equation 3.8. FishdownY,W t = (Yh? × W tY + Mh? × W tM ) Y ? × W tY + M ? × W tM (3.21) Changes in the total population biomass due to a minimum length harvest system were also investigated using an equation for FishdownM,W t , which was calculated in a similar way to equation 3.21 (using values generated by equation 3.9). Catchability and workload In this section I examined the impacts of alternative harvest systems on the work of the harvesters. First, the ‘catchability’ of the harvested cohort was the amount of the total adult population that was in the harvested class, and gave an indication of the probability that if a harvester found a H. iris, was it of the correct length to be harvested? CatchabilityY = Yh? Yh? + Mh? (3.22) Secondly, the workload analysis compared the body weight of H. iris to be harvested under the different harvest systems. A slot type harvest system means more animals must be taken for the same biomass yield, thereby increasing the workload of the harvesters if they want 53 the same meat weight. For example, if the maximum sustainable yield were from harvesting the small adults below 135 mm: workloadY = W tM (125) W tY (135) (3.23) This indicated the extra amount of work required for the same biomass of meat harvested, when compared to the harvest of H. iris above 125 mm. The inverse of equation 3.23 is the average body weight gain (or loss) when comparing an average animal from the suggested harvest system with one taken under the current (greater than 125 mm shell length) harvest. change in average animal body weightY = 1 workloadY (3.24) Robustness The final part of this chapter details my attempts to ensure, as much as possible, that the results are immune from error due to uncertainty in the calculations, thereby making the results more robust. The first method I used was to ensure that the population growth rate remained unchanged as I reconfigured the matrix each time I applied a different harvest system. Secondly I considered a range of alternative population growth rates, as I was unable to ascertain in Chapter 2 which population growth rate (from 1% to 16%) was most biologically reasonable. Refining the model I examined the parameters to identify any way to make the comparative analysis as fair as possible across the different shell harvest lengths. That is, as I changed the division between small and large adults, (with the aim of identifying the harvest system that maximised sustainable productivity), did all the static parameters remain static? To this end, a comparison of the population growth rates (PGR) calculated from the unharvested population matrices was examined. Unfortunately changes in the matrix formation caused small unwanted changes in the unharvested PGR, and here I was trying to establish as much as possible a level playing field, where all alternative systems started from the same unharvested population. As a way to maintain a consistent PGR across the range of matrix formations I decided to make small changes in one of my calculations. There were several alternatives, including the option of a gradual change in one or more of the matrix parameters. Any such change was artificial, and had no biological basis, so I was wary of changing any parameter which would change the balance between the small and large adult classes, and possibly impact preferentially on the comparative yield analysis. Fecundity was seen as the parameter having least influence on numbers in the small and large adult classes, which meant a change in EY , EM , and/or egg settlement rate, SE was considered. On the basis of Occam’s razor SE was chosen as the parameter to alter, with a view to levelling the PGR across the different harvest systems. By using this recalculation SE became SEi with i ∈ {1, 40}, and gave the new equations: 54 FY i = EY i × SEi (3.25) FM i = EM i × SEi (3.26) These recalculated FY i and FM i values were then used in equations 3.2 - 3.20 in place of FY and FM . Population growth rates (PGR) Due to the large number of different harvest classes included in the analysis, I decided to examine only four representative population growth rates: Two extreme values of 2.5% and 15% were added to the value of 5% already used. Then an intermediary value of 10% was also included, which arose due to uncertainty surrounding the true number of H. iris in analysed populations (Ministry of Fisheries, 2011c). As there was also a large amount of uncertainty surrounding both the egg settlement rate and the population growth rate, (and as the matrix elasticites were largely unaffected by a change in the relativity of egg settlement and juvenile survival in Chapter 2), I varied population growth rate by changing the egg settlement rate. The full range of these new SE values is shown in the appendices, in columns three, five, seven and nine of Table A.2. The values of GY will also change as the population growth rate changes, as the population growth rate is included in the calculation of GY via equation 2.11. The new GY parameters are included in columns two, four, six and eight of Table A.2. The effects of the four population growth rates on the above computations (described in sections 3 through to 3) are included in the results. Results Density dependent population modelling The density dependent matrix Aφ The matrix Aφ was used to generate population predictions for 100 years assuming no fishing, and density dependent mortality in the juvenile (J) class. The shell length division between the small adult class (Y) and the large adult class (M) was at 125 mm, with a population growth rate of 5%. The three length classes (J, Y and M) converged to the same stable equilibrium population known as N? . This is described as an ergodic matrix model (Cohen, 1979), as the same end demography was reached independently of initial conditions (Figure 3.1a and b). Calculating equilibria The matrix multiplication shown in equation 3.2 was expanded to give three equations: Jt+1 = Jt SJ Φt (1 − GJ ) + Yt SY FY + Mt SM FM (3.27) Yt+1 = Jt SJ Φt GJ + Yt SY (1 − GY ) (3.28) Mt+1 = Yt SY GY + Mt SM 55 (3.29) b. 2.5 2.5 a. 2.0 1.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 1.0 0.0 0.5 Ratio in each length class 2.0 Juveniles Small adults Large adults Population total 0 20 40 60 80 100 0 Year 20 40 60 80 100 Year Figure 3.1: Trajectory of the H. iris theoretical population, predicted for 100 years with no fishing and density dependent mortality in the juvenile class. There was convergence to an equilibrium population, reguardless of whether the initial population distribution starts low (as in Figure a) or high (as in Figure b). In both a and b the number of H. iris in each length class is shown, along with the population total of all three classes. 56 Solving the three equations 3.27, 3.28 and 3.29 simultaneously (assuming the conditions outlined in equations 3.4 through 3.6 inclusive), resulted in the equations: 1 J? = (k2 − 1) (3.30) α (k2 − 1) SJ GJ (3.31) Y? = αk1 k2 (k2 − 1) SJ GJ SY GY M? = (3.32) αk1 k2 (1 − SM ) where k1 and k2 are defined as: k1 = (1 − SY + SY GY ) SJ GJ SY GY SM FM SJ GJ SY FY + k 2 = S J − S J GJ + k1 k1 (1 − SM ) These class size estimations J ? , Y ? , and M ? produced from equations 3.30, 3.31 and 3.32 were arranged into a vector N? (equation 3.14). With the parameters from Table 2.2 inserted into 3.30, 3.31 and 3.32 the long term stable H. iris population ratio (equation 3.7) which fits this population model was developed, and used in the harvest analysis. Harvest If adult H. iris are harvested from this population, then the fecundity, growth and survival of the population will be affected. Here I assumed that if the small adults were harvested then HY has a positive value and HM = 0, and if the large adults were harvested then HY = 0 and HM has a positive value. The equations 3.30, 3.31 and 3.32 were then rewritten to include both harvest terms (this time assuming the conditions outlined in equations 3.11 through 3.13 inclusive): 1 Jh? = (k2h − 1) (3.33) α (k2h − 1) SJ GJ Yh? = (3.34) αk1h k2h (k2h − 1) SJ GJ SY GY (1 − HY ) Mh? = (3.35) αk1h k2h (1 − SM (1 − HM )) where k1h and k2h were defined as: k1h = 1 − (SY (1 − GY )(1 − HY )) SJ GJ SY FY (1 − HY ) SJ GJ SY GY (1 − HY )SM FM (1 − HM ) + k2h = SJ − SJ GJ + k1h k1h (1 − SM (1 − HM )) and this was then used via iteration to calculate both the maximum sustainable yield and the harvest level at which this occurred. I did this for each of the 76 trialed harvest systems, at each of the four population growth rates. Maximum sustainable harvest I calculated the maximum sustainable harvest for this population, in terms of both maximising the number harvested, and also maximising the biomass yield. 57 Maximising sustainable harvest: numbers Using the parameters in Table 2.2 (based on a population growth rate of 5%), with a stage classified population model lead to the implication that yields from the analysed population could be increased with a change from current harvest regulations. The results of this analysis to identify which of the examined shell harvest length regulations gave the greatest sustainable yield (in numbers of H. iris) are shown in detail in the appendices in Table A.4, and visually in Figure 3.2a. Note that these recommendations are limited to a theoretical population based on the H. iris examined at Kaikoura by Poore (1972a,b,c, 1973), with an average maximum shell length of 146.2 mm. The current regulations allowing only H. iris above a shell length of 125 mm to be harvested limited the sustainable yield (in number of H. iris) to 0.93 of the maximum achievable, according to my model. This point is shown where the lines crossed near the peak of the dotted line in Figure 3.2a. This 125 mm limit is thus nearly at the maximum achievable when the larger sizes were harvested. However the maximum number of H. iris harvestable was achieved if H. iris below a shell length of 143 mm were harvested (that is a slot harvest, between 100 mm and 143 mm), and the largest H. iris (from 143 mm to the average maximum length of 146.2 mm) were left to freely reproduce. This point is shown in Figure 3.2a where the dashed line reached a maximum at the average age of 13 years, which was equivalent to a length of 143 mm. The lighter columns in Figure 3.3 show a small selection of the more interesting number results for all four population growth rates, with the full results in Tables A.3 - A.6. Maximising sustainable harvest: biomass When maximum sustainable yield was considered in terms of harvested biomass, a different shell harvest length was recommended compared to those harvest lengths that maximised the number harvested. Results for the population growth rate of 5% are shown visually in Figure 3.2b with the full analysis in Table A.4. Once again these results are specific to a theoretical population with a maximum length of 146.2 mm, based on the H. iris measured at Kaikoura by Poore (1972a,b,c, 1973). The maximum biomass yield was achieved if H. iris above 135 mm were harvested, and the current practice of harvesting H. iris above 125 mm yielded 0.97 of that maximum sustainable biomass. Once again, Figure 3.3 contains a small selection of the more relevant results, with comparative weights in the darker columns. Full results from all the population growth rates are again included in Tables A.3 - A.6. Less controlled exploitation It was possible to examine the predictions in two less regulated situations. Firstly, if there was little or no control over the volume taken, but there is control over the lengths. The annual harvest of all H. iris above a certain length was sustainable. The shortest minimum shell harvest length regulation that allowed 100% harvest if the population growth rate is 5% is 146.05 mm, a measurement that is only 0.15 mm away from the theoretical maximum shell length of 146.2 mm, and consisted of the longest 3.0% of the population being removed annually, limiting yield to only 70% of the theoretical maximum number, or 81% of the maximum biomass yield. This result can be seen in the dotted line in Figure 3.2 as the 58 Figure 3.2: Corresponding to a consistent population growth rate of 5% for the H. iris measured at Kaikoura in 1967-1969. A slot harvest from 100-143 mm (the peak of the the dashed line) in Figure 3.2a maximises the number harvested, while in Figure 3.2b harvesting H. iris above 135 mm (the peak of the dotted line) maximises the biomass yield. Both graphs have the same x axis, estimated age. The intersection points of the straight lines show yield of both the current (lower left) and recommended (upper right) harvest systems in each graph. Each graph shows yield under the current harvest system (above 125 mm) as the lower left point of intersection with the dotted line, and the gains that were made with a new harvest system as the upper right point where the lines intersect. 59 point of inflection at the age of 22.8 years (equivalent to a harvest length above 146.05 mm). At a population growth rate of 2.5% none of the investigated harvest systems generated a sustainable 100% harvest, the best was 21% harvest rate from the largest 1.2% of the population. For the other population growth rates sustainable 100% harvest rates are shown as ‘ones’ in column three in Tables A.5 and A.6. With a narrow slot of 100-121 mm harvest rates varied from 10.5% to 36.5% as the population growth rate varied from 2.5% to 15%. A narrow slot, targeting small emergent adults of 100121 mm allows a higher harvest rate, but limits yield to around half the number sustainably achievable under the much larger 100-143 mm slot system. Comparative yields from these narrow slot harvests are shown in Figure 3.3, and are listed in Tables A.3 - A.6. Secondly, if no shell length restrictions were applied and all adults (100 mm to 146.2 mm) were sustainably harvested. With a population growth rate of 5% the sustainable harvest rate was 2.3% and the yield in this situation was 0.85 of the maximum achievable number, or 0.81 of the maximum achievable biomass. This point of less regulated harvest is visible on the both graphs in Figure 3.2 as the first point on the dotted line (harvesting all H. iris above the minimum length of 100 mm) and also as the last point on the dashed line (harvesting all H. iris below the maximum length of 146.2 mm). These measurements are also visible for all the examined population growth rates as the last numbers in columns two, four and six in Tables A.3 - A.6. Changes in population size The effect of sustainably fishing this H. iris population on the numbers of H. iris remaining in the population was also examined (the fishdown level). The changes in biomass I calculated for the recommended harvest regulations (compared to a similar unharvested population) are shown in columns 4, 11 and 15 in Table 3.1. Both the current and recommended harvest regulations keep the fishdown level above 0.340 in the harvestable class, with higher total population biomass needing to be maintained at the lower PGR. At the same population growth rates the slot type systems and the minimum length systems recommend very similar fishdown levels. Catchability and workload Under the current system of harvesting H. iris above 125 mm the catchability (probability of any single adult H. iris being in the harvestable class) decreased as the population growth rate increased. These results are in column three of Table 3.1. However the catchability remained relatively constant when exploring systems that maximise yield, both in terms of a maximising numbers harvest system (column 10), and the harvest regulation that maximised biomass harvest (in column 14). I also compared the numbers and biomass that could be sustainably harvested above 125 mm at varying population growth rates, compared these to the numbers harvested when collected under a maximising biomass model, these results are in columns five and six of Table 3.1, also show in the heights of the bar graphs in Figure 3.3. Column seven shows the change in average harvested animal weight, and gives an indication of the extra work involved; from harvesting H. iris from this population above 125 mm rather than using the biomass optimisation harvest system outlined in columns 12 though 15. 60 . Table 3.1: Shell harvest lengths that gave maximum sustainable yield (MSY) at different population growth rates (PGR) for the H. iris at Kaikoura. The upper section (columns two through seven) details the current system (minimum shell harvest length of 125 mm), in the lower left (columns eight through eleven) are maximum shell harvest lengths (slot type system) that maximised sustainable yield (numbers) and finally on the lower right (columns 12 through 15) is the harvest length regulation that maximised sustainable yield (biomass). Catchability shows how much of the total adult population was in the harvested class. Pop. growth rate 1. The current regulation, harvesting H. iris with a shell length greater than 125 mm (125+) 2. 3. 4. sustainable catchability population harvest drop due rate to fishing (biomass) 2.5% 5% 10% 15% 1.4% 2.7% 5.1% 7.4% 0.83 0.80 0.75 0.71 0.45 0.42 0.37 0.34 Disadvantages due to harvesting H. iris 125+, as opposed to the harvest systems suggested below 5. 6. 7. Decrease Decrease Drop in yield in yield in indi(number) (biomass) vidual bodyweight 0.92 0.96 0.95 0.93 0.97 0.96 0.94 0.98 0.97 0.95 0.99 0.98 Pop. growth rate 1. Alternative regulations designed to maximise numbers harvested Alternative regulations designed to maximise biomass yield 8. slot shell length (mm) 9. 10. sustainable catchability harvest rate 12. shell length (mm) 13. 14. sustainable catchability harvest rate 2.5% 5% 10% 15% 100 − 144 100 − 143 100 − 142 100 − 141 2.8% 5.5% 9.6% 17.2% 137+ 135+ 132+ 129+ 1.7% 3.2% 5.8% 8.0% 0.49 0.47 0.47 0.47 11. population drop due to fishing (biomass) 0.45 0.42 0.38 0.35 61 0.66 0.65 0.63 0.63 15. population drop due to fishing (biomass) 0.45 0.42 0.38 0.34 Figure 3.3: Of the 76 harvest systems explored six were graphed for each population growth rate, with a label stating the section of the population harvested under that system, and the maximum sustainable harvest from that section. From left to right the six pairs of columns are: Firstly, a small slot system, harvesting adults one to two years after emergence. Next, the best two slot harvest systems, the first pair maximises the number that can be harvested, and the second pair maximises weight. The fourth set illistrates the current system of harvesting above 125 mm. The last two pairs are the best recommendations generated if harvesting above a minimum length, the first pair maximise number, and second pair maximises weight. All 76 harvest systems are shown visually for the population growth rates of 5% and 15% in Figures 3.2 and 3.4 respectively. 62 Figure 3.4: Corresponding to a consistent population growth rate of 15% for a homogeneous theoretical H. iris population, with a maximum shell length of 146.2 mm. A slot harvest between 100-141 mm (the peak of the the dashed line) in Figure 3.4a maximises the number harvested, while in Figure 3.4b harvesting H. iris above 129 mm (the peak of the dotted line) maximises the biomass yield. Both graphs have the same x axis, estimated age. The intersection points of the straight lines show yield of both the current (lower left) and recommended (upper right) harvest systems in both graphs. Each graph shows yield under the current harvest system (above 125 mm) as the lower left point of intersection with the dotted line, and the gains that were made with a new harvest system as the upper right point where the lines intersect. Figure 3.4a shows that the maximum suitable yield in numbers of H. iris was obtained by a slot harvest of the smaller adults from this theoretical Kaikoura population, from 100-141 mm in shell length. Figure 3.4b includes relative maximum sustainable yield (biomass), which was achieved with harvesting H. iris with shells longer than 129 mm. 63 Robustness Refining the model The task I undertook here was to make small changes in the egg settlement (SE ) values to ensure that no matter how I divided the unharvested population (where I put the division between small and large adults) the population growth rate remained the same. This was achieved by raising the SE associated with lower lambda values, and lowering the SE generating higher lambda values. The changes in SE required to level the population growth rate were less than 5%. These results are in columns three, five, seven and nine in Table A.2. Population growth rates (PGR) Some of the more interesting results for all four population growth rates are shown in Figure 3.3, with the full results in Tables A.3 - A.6. As expected, increasing the population growth rate increased the recommended harvest rates. As the population growth rate increased the theoretical recommended shell harvest lengths to maximise sustainable yield consistently decreased, although the percentage in the harvestable class remained constant. To visually illustrate the differences in the results that occur as a result of changing the population growth rate, I have graphed results for PGR= 15% in Figure 3.4, which I compared with Figure 3.2 (where PGR= 5%). Studying Figure 3.4a, the numeric gains made from changing the harvest system from the current minimum shell length of 125 mm to the advised slot (100-141 mm) were comparatively less at the higher population growth rate, compared to the gain at a population growth rate of 5%. Studying Figure 3.4b, the gains in biomass harvested which were made from increasing harvest length from 125 mm to 129 mm are very small. This shows that the recommended weight maximisation harvest length gets closer to the current system (harvest above 125 mm) at higher population growth rates. The point of inflection in the dotted line is less pronounced in Figure 3.4 than in the previous Figure 3.2, and is at a younger age of 14.1 years. This inflection point represents the shell length of 144 mm, and 100% harvest above this length yields 82% of the maximum sustainable weight. Although any gains to be made from changing the harvest length at a higher population growth rate are less (as the horizontal lines are closer together), the steepness of both the dotted and the dashed lines in the graphs is greater than in Figure 3.4. Discussion There was a noticeable impact on many of the results from examining different population growth rates. Accordingly the effects of these different population growth rates have been included where relevant throughout the discussion, rather than under a separate heading, as was done in the Method and Results sections. 64 Density dependent population modelling Choosing the correct equation to model the density dependence, and selecting the appropriate class/es of the population to restrain with a density effect can have a significant impact on a matrix population model and alter the stable stage distribution (Kimura, 1988; Bardos et al., 2006). Bardos et al. (2006) found that the sensitivity of population stability to changes in harvest rates was extremely responsive to the choice of density dependent equation. However as he used a population growth rate λ = 1.98 (by my calculation), I am unsure whether this large λ simply inflated the effects of the different density models, making the results easier to see in his graphs, or whether the results were compounded, making them less useful. Common methods of qualifying the density dependence in abalone populations include firstly the Cushing equation, which models a population extremely resilient to fishing; secondly the Ricker equation, whereby the population crashes at even moderate fishing levels; and thirdly the Beverton Holt equation, the effect of which is intermediate between the two (Kimura, 1988). H. iris fishing practices in New Zealand, both past and present, imply that a moderate level of fishing is sustainable (Gibson, P. on behalf of Ngāti Konohi, 2006; Ministry of Fisheries, 2011c). Therefore the Beverton Holt equation to model density dependent juvenile mortality was chosen as the best option of the three to use in this analysis. This ergodic matrix model can be specifically classified as strongly ergodic, as the age-specific vital rates are kept constant over time (Cohen, 1979). When a population projection matrix exhibits ergodic population growth, that population growth rate will equal lambda (λ) of the matrix A (Caswell, 2012). I applied this theorem throughout my thesis. Maximum sustainable harvest This investigation of a theoretical population of H. iris suggested that shell length played an important part in selecting harvest regulations to maximise sustainable yield. A major factor found to influence these shell length recommendations was the population growth rate. The sustainable harvest rates (shown in Table 3.1) increased at higher population growth rates (PGR), with the increases in harvest rate being roughly proportional to the increase in PGR. At all the PGRs examined the numbers of H. iris sustainability harvested was theoretically maximised with a slot type harvest system, which left the larger adults unharvested. In contrast the greatest sustainable biomass yield was constantly suggested from harvesting the largest adult H. iris, with limits above the currently regulated 125 mm minimum shell length. The harvest levels may be underestimated, as the ideal length may be slightly more or less than recorded, as the only relevant shell harvest lengths tested were the whole numbers between 140 and 145 mm. These consistent percentages of 46-49% (slot system) and 63-67% (minimum length) of number of adults in the harvestable class across all the population growth rates tested might be expected to be found in a stable fished population, assumed to have been harvested with a consistent system for many years. However, as only four population growth rates were explored, the possibility exists that results outside this range were not found. 65 Maximising sustainable harvest: numbers The maximum sustainable number of H. iris harvested annually was obtained via a slot type harvest system when using this model, with the full analysis for the different population growth rates in the appendices in Tables A.3 - A.6 and a visual representation in Figures 3.2a, 3.3 and 3.4a. The use of a slot type harvest system has the advantage of supplying more, smaller H. iris. The use of a slot size limit was not recommended in an eggs-per-recruit (EPR) study of red abalone H. rufescens (Leaf et al., 2008). Adult mortality rates used in the Leaf et al. (2008) study were much higher than in H. iris, making juvenile survival more important, and increasing the proportion of the adult population in the smaller classes. A stable stage distribution was calculated using the ‘popbio’ package (Stubben and Milligan, 2007) in ‘R’ for a H. rufescens matrix model from Rogers-Bennett and Leaf (2006). Assuming I can apply these figures to the work in Leaf et al. (2008), for an unharvested population there are 6.7% of adults in the longer than 178 mm class, compared to around 36% of adults in the 152-203 mm slot class. The much larger proportion of H. rufescens within the slot, compared to the percentage above 178 mm, means that at similar harvest percentages a slot harvest would remove many more H. rufescens adults and is thus likely to be less sustainable due to the number harvested, rather than the type of harvest system. One disadvantage of a slot type harvest system is that while it raises the number of sustainably harvestable adults by between 5 and 9%, it results in a loss of biomass yield. The second and third pairs of bars in Figure 3.3 show the poor biomass yield from the best slot systems at the various population growth rates. The loss of potential biomass yield incurred by implementing the best slot systems ranges from 19% (at a population growth rate of 2.5%), to 35% (at a population growth rate of 15%). The 9% gain in numbers occurs at the lowest investigated population growth rate (2.5%), which is also the scenario whereby the potential biomass yield loss is minimised (19%). Therefore if 2.5% were found in a practical situation to be a realistic population growth rate the implementation of a slot system may be realistic. In a non-commercially harvested population the gain in numbers taken may be more desirable than the biomass loss. Because fecundity continues to increase with age older H. iris are important, although numbers do decline due to natural mortality. For example individual adults above 146 mm (over 17.5 years of age) produce 50% more larvae than shorter adults. Therefore any poaching of larger adults would have a very detrimental effect on the successful implementation of a slot type system. Maximising sustainable harvest: biomass I next looked at harvest regulations that maximised relative biomass yields from the two adult classes. This analysis yielded new results compared to the number maximising system, due to the different average body weight of H. iris in each adult class. When maximum sustainable yield across the two classes was considered in terms of body weight, different shell harvest lengths were recommended, with the full analysis for the different population growth rates again in the appendices in Table A.3 - A.6 and visual representation in Figures 3.2b, 3.3 and 3.4b. The harvest system yielding the highest sustainable biomass identified in this study involved a larger minimum length than is currently in use in the Kaikoura region (Ministry of Fisheries, 66 2011c). For all the population growth rates studied a larger shell harvest length had an added advantage, as it reduced the effort per kg required to harvest the catch. However the reduction in fisher workload is only around 2-5% (dependent on population growth rate - see column seven, Table 3.1). Sainsbury (1982a) found yield per recruit (YPR) was increased by decreasing the minimum shell harvest length for H. iris using a YPR model, however YPR models do not incorporate a requirement to maintain a spawning population for replacements. Breen (1992) found that YPR models are not sufficient tools alone for Haliotis management decisions, as they do not consider the sustainability of the fishery. Yield per recruit models are now primarily only used where information on recruitment is limited (Gerber et al., 2003). Under the current system of harvesting H. iris above 125 mm the proportion of the population within that harvestable class (column three, Table 3.1) is less at higher population growth rates. At the higher population growth rates the composition of the population is different, with a lower percentage of the population in the harvestable (greater than 125 mm) class. Table 3.1 also shows the effect of changing the population growth rate on recommended sustainable harvest levels. Although unharvested populations with a higher population growth rate are theoretically more sustainable, this attribute may well disappear under a maximum sustainable harvest system. The harvest system recommended to maximise biomass yield for a population growth rate of 5% (the dotted lines in Figure 3.2b) moved away from the recommended maximum much more slowly than the recommendations from a population growth rate of 15% ( the dotted lines in Figure 3.4b), which fall away either side of the maximum with a much more rapid slope. This means that any measurement or miscalculation that results in the harvesting of H. iris from outside the recommended minimum shell length will rapidly lower the sustainable yield, and may result in over exploitation. Estimations of optimal shell harvest length regulations are thus more important in H. iris populations with higher natural population growth rates, as is accuracy in shell measurement. The steeper plots in Figure 3.4 mean that a small deviation from the recommended harvest length regulations will have a comparatively larger impact on the sustainable harvest, compared to the effects of a similar deviation at lower population growth rates. In common with the slot type systems, the greatest gains with a change to an alternative minimum shell length system (from the current 125 mm) from this theoretical homogeneous population are gained if the population growth rate is small. The 4% gain in biomass occurs at the lowest investigated population growth rate (2.5%), which is also the scenario whereby the potential numbers loss is minimised (1%). This is also the population growth rate where the greatest change in minimum harvest length is needed (125 mm to 137 mm) to maximise sustainable yield. This suggests that if 2.5% were found in a practical situation to be a realistic population growth rate longer minimum shell lengths should be investigated further. Less controlled exploitation This deterministic matrix population model was also able to predict the relative sustainable yields if restrictions on either shell harvest length or harvest rate were not enforceable. In the first instance, if the desire was to pass a length restriction so that all H. iris above that shell length were sustainably harvestable, then the shortest harvestable shell length would be 146.05 mm, and would result in 3.0% of the population being taken annually, assuming a 67 population growth rate of 5%. This limits yield to 70% of the maximum sustainable number and 83% of the maximum biomass. This result is shown in the dotted line in Figure 3.2b. as the point of inflection at 22.8 years (equivalent to a harvest length above 146.05 mm). Relative harvest declines steeply after this as the harvest becomes further removed from the ideal to maximise harvest. The decrease in the size of the harvest class (H. iris older than 22.8 years) cannot be compensated for by an increase in the recommended harvest rate beyond 100%. A slot system could not allow 100% harvest, as there would be no remaining adults to mature into the larger classes. Unfortunately a slot smaller than 100-121 mm was not modelled, however the loss of sustainable harvest under the 100-121 mm model (see Figure 3.3) hints at a poor result from narrow slots targeting the smallest adults. The alternative option of limiting the number in the harvest class (via much longer minimum harvest lengths) returns sustainable yields that are much higher. Similar results can be seen for a population growth rate of 15%. However the point of inflection in the dotted line in Figure 3.4b. is at a younger age of 14.1 years, showing that all the H. iris above 144 mm can be sustainably harvested. The effect of changing the population growth rate from 5% to 15% in the matrix is large, lowering the length where 100% harvest is sustainable from 146.05 mm to 144 mm. Alternatively, if length restrictions were difficult to enforce so that all adults (above 100 mm) were harvested, then the sustainable yield was 85-88% of the maximum number, or 8183% of the maximum biomass achievable. Further, this could only be sustained at very low harvest rates that removed between 1.2 and 5.5% of all adults per annum. This would entail well implemented and strict harvest regulations to limit harvest rates to this low level. Both the drop in yield and the enforcement requirements mean that shell length restrictions have been seldom if ever abandoned in favour of harvest systems that only limit the total number of adults taken in modern Haliotis fisheries systems (Hahn, 1989; Cook and Gordon, 2010; Morales-Bojorquez et al., 2008; Johnson, 2004; Ministry of Fisheries, 2011c; Chick and Mayfield, 2012). Changes in population size The effect of sustainably fishing on the numbers of H. iris remaining in the population, compared to an unharvested population, was also examined (the fishdown level). Both the current and recommended harvest regulations did not result in a fishdown level less than 0.340 in the harvestable class. In New Zealand fisheries management soft and hard limits are considered as important management tools (Ministry of Fisheries, 2011c), although measurements of changes to population size and demographics in commercially harvested Haliotis populations are difficult to obtain in the field (Chick and Mayfield, 2012; Ministry of Fisheries, 2011c). Many Australian abalone fisheries use similar systems, incorporating lower limit or target reference points, although they are not based on a percentage of unharvested biomass (Chick and Mayfield, 2012; Hesp et al., 2008) (as is done in New Zealand), thereby making the Australian regulatory measurements difficult to compare to what happens in New Zealand’s H. iris commercial harvest areas. 68 Catchability and workload The slot type system decreased the catchability compared to the harvest of the largest sized H. iris. This is because a lower percentage of this theoretical adult population was in the slot type harvestable classes. The lowering of the recommended shell harvest lengths (in both columns eight and twelve) as population growth rate increases seems tied to this, as the catchability figures (columns 10 and 14) remain relatively constant at different population growth rates. Thus, the slot type harvest systems consistently recommend harvesting within the smallest 46-49% of the Kaikoura adult population, whilst the harvest systems to maximise biomass yield target the largest 63-67% of the population (with a smaller harvest rate), despite varying the annual population growth rate from 2.5% to 15% in this study. H. iris at Stewart Island in zone PAU5B (Ministry of Fisheries, 2011c) have similar body weights to these H. iris analysed at Kaikoura, with the current figures of biomass harvestable: biomass spawning ratios of 1120:1487 and 1120:1528 published by Ministry of Fisheries (2011c) (assuming ”biomass harvestable” is the biomass of adults in the harvestable class and ”biomass spawning” estimates the total adult weight). I used the similarities between H. iris around Kaikoura to those at Stewart Island (Ministry of Fisheries, 2011c) to convert these figures to catchabilities (count based) of 60.7% and 58.2%, using a calculation based on average body weight. These results are lower than my estimations of 63-67%. Current harvest practices in PAU5B of increasing the minimum harvest length are predicted to decrease the biomass harvestable: biomass spawning ratio (Ministry of Fisheries, 2011c), which will tend to make that field data from PAU5B further from my estimations of an ideal system. This finding again raises the possibility that recent increases in the minimum harvest length at Stewart Island to 135 mm (Ministry of Fisheries, 2011c) may be too long to maximise biomass yield. Robustness Refining the model While it was possible to reparameterise the matrix A to reflect different points of division between the harvested and unharvested adult classes, an examination of the lambda measurement for each of these matrices showed a small level of inconsistency. This implied the population growth rate changed as I shifted the division between small (Y) and large (M) adults, which is not biologically realistic. These small changes in lambda could affect any ideal harvest length regulations gleaned from the model, and so I negated them by artificially changing the egg settlement rate SE . By raising the SE associated with lower lambda values, and vis versa, the changes in SE required to maintain a level population growth rate were less than 5% (columns three, five, seven and nine of Table A.2). The small amount of change required to cause this alteration points to the stability and fit of the matrix models. The fact that lambda was correct to four decimal places after implementing SEi implies that no unfair advantage was accorded any specific shell length harvest regulation. These two points further strengthen the robustness of this length-based H. iris population model. 69 Summary Here I examined the demographic changes that could occur due to changes in shell harvest length regulations in a theoretical midrange (maximum length 146.2 mm) population of Haliotis iris. This analysis was used to identify the regulations that theoretically maximise the annual sustainable yield of H. iris both in terms of numbers harvested, and annual biomass yield. As the population growth rate of a healthy population of any Haliotis species could not be identified, I conducted this investigation over a range of values. I also examined some of the effects of any regulation changes on the work of the harvesters. Catchability (what percentage of the population is in the harvested class) remained relatively constant across the different population growth rates, but was quite different for the different harvest systems, whereas the dropdown (population drop due to fishing) varied across different population growth rates, but was consistent at the same population growth rate for the two different harvest systems. The recommended percentage of the population within the harvested class (assuming tight adherence to harvest rates) was not affected by lack of knowledge about the population growth rate. For a slot system, to maximise the number that can be taken this model recommends 46-49% of the smallest adults should be in the harvestable class, whereas for a weight maximisation model the recommendation is that the harvestable class should encompass the largest 63-65% of adults. However the actual percentage of adults within these classes that can be taken annually (the harvest rate) varies widely, depending on both the chosen harvest system, and the population growth rate. Longer minimum shell lengths than the current 125 mm were recommended to sustainably maximise biomass yield from this population, for all population growth rates between 2.5% and 15%. Slot systems targeting only the smallest H. iris in their first one to two years of emergence lowered yield to 10-36% of that possible under other systems, and was not recommended. 70 Chapter 4 General Discussion, conclusions and recommendations The aims of my thesis were to design and use an appropriate population model for Haliotis iris to explore harvest length regulations. My first task was to clarify and possibly expand upon the current knowledge about matrix population modelling, and specifically models of Haliotis populations. Secondly, I calculated which harvest systems for a specific H. iris population returned the maximum sustainable yield per annum, and then looked at the broader picture around that harvest information. General discussion The first part of this Chapter draws together the background material in Chapter 1 and the analysis in Chapters 2 and 3 and looks at how these increase the base of knowledge already known about this species, both biologically and in relation to fishing practices. Due to the large variations that exist between H. iris populations (see Chapter 1) the analysis is based on H. iris measured at Kaikoura over two years (1967-69) by Poore (1972a,b,c, 1973). According to a classification system for H. iris designed by Naylor et al. (2006) using von Bertalanffy growth parameters, Poore’s data was from a midrange population. However I am not suggesting that any specific results of the matrix analysis made in Chapter 2, or shell harvest length recommendations made in Chapter 3, can be extended to any H. iris populations without further analysis. Relevance of the matrix analysis Density dependence If juvenile density is limiting population growth then the protection (or possibly provision) of cryptic habitat sites for juveniles should increase the population size. Links between cryptic formations and population dynamics have been found (Aguirre and McNaught, 2012). This 71 is supported by the work of Nash et al. (1995) who found good settlement rates on artificial collectors. Eigen analysis The ratios of small and large adults I calculated for this theoretical H. iris fished population in Chapter 3 were close to the ratios calculated for a fished population of H. iris measured at Stewart Island (Ministry of Fisheries, 2011c), however the unfished stable stage distribution I generated in Chapter 2 did not agree with population counts at Kaikoura in 1967-68 (Poore, 1972c). If my results are correct then the mismatch at Kaikoura may be due to a loss of larger H. iris from the Kaikoura population prior to the analysis in 1967. Alternatively if my calculations are incorrect there is possibly a larger difference in population parameters between H. iris at Kaikoura in 1967-68, and those at Stewart Island in 2011 than I have allowed for. Because of the composition of the matrix with the census conducted immediately post harvest, the number available to harvest in the following year would be affected by both intervening natural mortality and the growth of individual H. iris into and out of the class being harvested. If the parameters of the population did not change, and the population growth rate was zero, then mortality (natural loss from a class) would equal growth into the class. However as the population growth rate is positive and the stable stage distribution is constant (as explained in section 3), net growth into each of the adult classes would occur. As this growth was assumed to occur throughout the year, the numbers alive in each class at the beginning of the harvest period would be more than at census time, and so harvest levels may be underestimated. Doubleday (1975) found that the timing of harvest, spawning and seasonal variation in vital rates affected the yield in matrix population modelling. However due to the consistent stable stage distribution, although the total number of harvestable H. iris may change, any advantage in a comparative analysis will be unchanged, and it follows that the harvest length recommendations will be unaffected. Elasticity Elasticity analysis was completed on several alternative matrices with the divisions between the small and large adult classes changed in each matrix to reflect the shell lengths that led to the largest maximum sustainable yields. These results are discussed below. The highlighted (or grey) entries in Table 2.4 are of the classes of H. iris that were harvested under different scenarios, assuming a population growth rate of 5%. The H. iris adults in the slot harvest of (100-143 mm) had the lowest elasticity readings of the three harvest options with e(SY 143 ) < e(SM 135 ) < e(SM 125 ) and e(FY 143 ) < e(FM 135 ) < e(FM 125 ). This trend is consistent at the different population growth rates (Figure 2.4) where e(FY ) < e(FM ) and e(SY ) < e(SM ). This means that changes in the numbers of harvested small adults, (in this case below 143 mm) under a slot harvest system were predicted to have a lesser effect on the current population growth rate compared to the other two harvest systems. A slot harvest was thus a likely candidate as a harvest system for maximising sustainable yield, when yield is measured in numbers rather than weight. A comparison at the PGR of 5% of the elasticities of the matrix divided where L = 125 mm 72 (the current harvest system) versus the matrix divided where L = 135 mm (the harvest system maximising biomass yield) shows support for the advantages that can be gained by harvesting under this alternative system. e(FM 135 ) < e(FM 125 ) and e(SM 135 ) < e(SM 125 ), implying that harvesting above 135 mm as opposed to harvesting above 125 mm will decrease the impact of the harvest on the current population growth rate λ, making it a better prospect to have a minimal impact on this population. As the elasticities relating to the juvenile parameters were small this implied that the harvest regulations suggested here are more robust to changes in juvenile survival and growth, and that this robustness does not change if the harvest length regulations are altered. However events such as irregular spawnings and sedimentation can have large effects on juvenile numbers (Phillips and Shima, 2006), perhaps comparable to the effect of harvesting on adult numbers. This means that these events may have a degree of importance to the maintenance of the population simply because they have such a large effect on juvenile numbers. In general the elasticities were supported by the biological life history of the H. iris, reflecting an animal with low egg settlement and juvenile survival, high adult survival, a variable adolescence, indeterminate and irregular fecundity that increases throughout adulthood, and a slow growth rate. Robustness Matrix population models have been described as data hungry models, and the usefulness of any model is restricted by the accuracy of the data, the appropriateness of the data, and the level of confidence that exists in its outputs. The suitability of the model can be estimated in part from how realistic the outcomes of the simulation are. One indication of this is that a fishing rate of 100% is sustainable, but only above long minimum shell harvest lengths, which did not achieve maximum yields (tables A.3-A.6). Comparisons with other matrix models for Haliotis species is difficult as changes in the number and length of classes has large effects on the sensitivities and elasticities of the analysis (Carslake et al., 2009). Maximising harvest systems The slot shell length harvest One aim of this study was to discover if a change in the harvest rules to a slot type size limit (for example minimum shell harvest length 100 mm, maximum 135 mm), which left the larger more fecundant females (in this case those above 135 mm) to reproduce, would be advantageous. Slot systems were traditionally set under tikanga (rules) traditionally implemented by some indigenous Māori kaumātua (senior people in the kin group) (Gibson, P. on behalf of Ngāti Konohi, 2006). I investigated if any of a range of slot harvest systems could lead to a long term increase in the harvest of H. iris, measured as individuals, and/or as harvestable biomass. Over the wide range of population growth rates examined a slot system was found to consistently maximise the sustainable yield from this model, as regards the number of H. iris harvested annually. That being said, a slot size limit did not significantly increase eggs-per-recruit (EPR) yield in a red abalone study (Leaf et al. 2008), although I was unable to ascertain if class numbers were considered in that analysis. 73 Additionally, implementation of a slot size regulation for H. iris may help undo humaninduced genetic changes, if removal of the larger, faster growing animals has genetically changed the species in favour of slow growing, early maturing phenotypes. Fishery-induced genetic changes have been reported to reduce yield in some finfish species (Biro and Post, 2008; Enberg et al., 2012), in a process known as fisheries-induced evolution. Its effect on abalone species is unknown, as there appears to be little research on fisheries-induced evolution in aquatic species other than finfish (Jorgensen et al., 2007; Enberg et al., 2012). However fisheries-induced evolution has been found to cause genetic change in characters with high levels of phenotypic plasticity (Perez-Rodriguez et al., 2012), such as growth in H. iris. If the H. iris phenotype altered in the future so that individuals spend on average more time or reproductive effort outside the harvested class, this would require a recalculation of the population matrix, due to changes in the growth and fecundity rates. The corresponding ideal harvest system would also change, as it is dependent on the matrix parameterisation. Fisheries-induced genetic changes in H. iris populations that minimise time in the harvested cohort, and human induced regulatory changes to maximise sustainable harvest, could evolve into a ‘Red Queen’ type race between evolutionary changes in H. iris, and catch up harvest regulatory changes (Kerfoot and Weider, 2004). This seems more likely than the suggested evolutionary tug-of-war between natural and harvest selection seen in pike (Edeline et al., 2007), due to the long life cycle and dynamic harvest regulations of H. iris. However a reversal in trends does not happen in all species (Allendorf et al., 2008), and it may not be possible to induce change towards a pre-harvest phenotype (assuming one is needed), with the use of a slot size regulation in H. iris harvests. Additionally, due to the long life of H. iris any foreseeable harvest system should be little affected by genetic change, and as the longterm effects of fisheries-induced evolution on population growth rates have been questioned (Kuparinen and Hutchings, 2012), I feel that maximising harvest returns is a more immediate consideration than reversing the effects of undiagnosed fisheries-induced evolution. The maximum sustainable number of H. iris harvested annually was obtained via a slot type harvest system when using this model. The use of a slot type harvest system has the advantage of supplying more, smaller H. iris. With the current regulations specifying a maximum recreational harvest of ten H. iris per person per day this means that an increase in the sustainable numbers that can be harvested could satisfy a larger number of recreational fishers. However, maintaining the long-lived, larger and more fecund H. iris outside the slot in the population would be a trial for fisheries officers combating poaching.One possible solution to this is suggested from an examination of New Zealand culture, which includes the national adoption of many living taonga (treasures) such as the kiwi and kereru (Channel Three News. March 26th, 2010). If larger breeding H. iris could be afforded a similar taonga status then poaching of these more fecund adults left under a slot type harvest system would be less likely to occur, although such a mindset change may take some time to implement. A slot size limit was traditionally used by some Māori tribes, has been examined with overseas Haliotis species (Leaf et al., 2008), and is currently being trialed in the Marlborough Sounds area with blue cod, from 1st April 2011 (Ministry of Primary Industries, 2012b, 2013c), so the suggestion of its use in New Zealand’s H. iris management is not without precedent. I anticipated numerical support for a slot type system may be possible as the high fecundity levels in larger animals results in higher reproductive success, making them more important (in the short term) to maintaining population growth. Removal of the same number of small 74 adults results in the removal of less biomass, and as biomass is proportional to fecundity, a smaller proportion of potential offspring are lost, therefore a higher harvest rate can be sustainable. Sustainable semi-regulated systems Semi-regulated systems are a possible solution to a lack of enforceable restrictions on either the number of H. iris harvested or the shell length at which they are harvested. At all population growth rates above 5% a maximum harvest length regulation existed that allowed 100% of adults longer than the specified shell length to be harvested. Therefore setting a long shell length is one method of restraining harvest without setting harvest rate limits, although it does limit yield to around 80% of that achievable in a more regulated harvest system. The narrow slot harvest of small adults from 100-121 mm gave a very low sustainable harvest, although harvest rates were higher than in wider slots. This low yield was somewhat unexpected, as this harvest would not remove any of the older very fecund adults after they were through the slot. Examination of the elasticities in equation 2.43 shows (at a division of 100-125 mm) small adult stasis is the second most important element, after large adult survival. Because juvenile survival is so low compared to the adult survival, all adults are important to maintaining the population in this model. This is supported by the equalities in the importance of fecundity of both small and large adults in equations 2.42. At all the population growth rates examined maximum yield could not be achieved with a harvest regulation that allowed 100% harvest of the selected cohort. The loss of yield when compared to the best harvest system (at all population growth rates) dropped yield to 8182% of the maximum biomass. Interestingly, on examination of Tables A.3-A.6, incorporating population growth rates from 2.5% to 15%, none of the minimum shell length harvest systems reduced yield below 80% of the maximum biomass yield, except those where the recommended harvest rate is 100%. The smallness of this drop away from the maximum achievable bioweight yield even at extreme misfits in the model may account for less interest in determining ideal harvest length, as there have been few investigations in this area of harvest management (Johnson, 2004; Ministry of Fisheries, 2011c; Chick and Mayfield, 2012). An alternative method of restraining harvest was restricting the annual harvest to taking a small number of any length from within the entire adult population. This would be difficult to enforce by means of either a closed season, or the use of reserves. At a population growth rate of 5% the number taken is only 2% of the whole adult population. While the figures are slightly more generous at a population growth rate of 15%, the harvest rate of 5.5% would still be difficult to practically enforce, and limits yield to around 83% of the best achievable. If there were difficulties in enforcing any initial minimum or maximum shell length regulations, then this alternative seems little better, as limiting catch to a small percentage would also be difficult to enforce practically. It has been estimated that around 26% of the total H. iris taken annually is illegally harvested (Haas, 2009), and many of these are undersized (Ministry of Primary Industries, 2012a,d; Ministry of Fisheries, 2011c). Because large numbers of small H. iris are taken I suspect that the total harvest take, at least close to larger towns and cities, is probably following the above model, where H. iris of any length are harvested. This would mean that the total catch is limited to around 83% of the maximum achievable. If this is so, it will affect all harvesters. Therefore, not only are poachers removing 26% of the harvest, their poor size selections are 75 possibly decreasing the legal harvest (at least in some areas) to around (83 − (83 × 26%)) = 60% of what it could be without poaching. Biomass maximisation A change in the minimum shell length harvest regulation could lead to a sustainable increase in the biomass of H. iris harvested annually. Using a range of population growth rates from 2.5% to 15% per year in this model I found in all instances that an increase from the current 125 mm minimum shell length was needed to maximise the sustainable biomass yield. Maximum sustainable weight is an important component of any H. iris population analysis. The financial returns and quota allowances from commercially harvested H. iris are based on biomass (Statistics New Zealand, 2010; Ministry of Primary Industries, 2013b), and data from analyses of H. iris commercial fisheries has also been calculated in biomass (Ministry of Fisheries, 2011c). Restrictions on shell length have been an important regulatory tool used in abalone fisheries for many years, both in New Zealand (Johnson, 2004; Ministry of Fisheries, 2011c), and overseas (Rogers-Bennett and Leaf, 2006; Chick and Mayfield, 2012). Steps to increase the minimum shell harvest length are being taken in many commercial H. iris catchments throughout New Zealand (table 2.1), which reflect the findings of this model. However, at a population growth rate of 15% this model recommends a minimum harvest length of only 129 mm, which has already been exceeded by voluntary increases in harvest length in some commercial catchment areas (Ministry of Fisheries, 2011c; Paua Industry Council Ltd, 2012). Financial and fisher considerations Annual counts from the field of changes in population size and demographics provide an important check on the health of the fishery, and are often used as an aid to setting annual harvest levels overseas (Chick and Mayfield, 2012). However the level of this type of assessment varies across New Zealand’s H. iris commercial catchment zones (Ministry of Fisheries, 2011c). A reduction in fisher workload is achieved by increasing the minimum harvest shell length from 125 mm to the lengths recommended by this model. The longer H. iris will enable fishers to full the biomass quota faster by harvesting fewer adults, with a reduction in workload of around 2-5% (column seven, Table 3.1) depending on the population growth rate. As the annual commercial harvest is over 700 tonnes per annum (Statistics New Zealand, 2010), the total reduction in the time that fishers take may be important. An average haul for one vessel of 300 kg per diver per day, over 500 diver days, (Fu, 2010) means an annual saving of between 10 and 25 diver days per boat for the same gross return. This assumes that the 300 kg per diver per day can be increased by harvesting larger H. iris, but is not decreased by the time taken to identify these larger more scarce adults. The probably exists that the decreases in catchability shown in Table 3.1 could adversely affect the achievable kg per diver per day. A further point to consider in determining the possible implications of this suggestion is how financial returns to the fishers affect these recommendations. Reed and Clarke (1990) examined harvest decisions and asset valuations, and found that the optimal harvesting size 76 did not depend on price. This implies that if an optimal harvest size does exist, then this may be price independent, and although some smaller abalone are worth more per kilogram overseas, the commercial wild harvested H. iris are not suitable for this market (JLJ group, 2010). Different population growth rates Unfortunately Haliotis species are one of many groups where population growth rates are unknown, and difficult to calculate. A fuller discussion of this difficulty is included under the subheading ’Egg numbers’, in section 2. Following on from this, the opportunity was taken to explore a wide range of possible population growth rates (PGR) for the theoretical H. iris population analysed in this thesis. PGR from 1% to 16% were trialed to find their effect on the elasticity measurements in Chapter 2, and four PGR between 2.5% and 15% were examined in relation to the suggested harvest regulations in Chapter 3. The one main effect of the changes in PGR was that large adult survival remained the most important, but its elasticity decreased with an increase in the PGR, and at the same time all the other population parameters increased their elasticities. This is possibly due to the changing structure of the population. A further interesting point in the elasticity analysis of the different PGR is that parameters with a high temporal variability will often have a low elasticity (Pfister, 1998). Therefore, a comparative analysis of the left and right hand sides of the graphs in Figure 2.4 could possibly be used to shed some light on which PGR is most feasible biologically. Population parameters with high temporal variability should have a low elasticity, and vice versa, at the point in the graphs were the PGR is accurate. However, as the proportions of the population in the classes changes as PGR increases, I considered the possibility that the effect of numbers in each class would swamp any comparative influence of temporal variability, and therefore this type of graphical analysis lent no insight into which PGR was most biologically feasible. The sustainable harvest rates in Table 3.1 increased at higher PGR, with the increases in harvest rate being consistent with the increase in PGR. At higher PGR maximum sustainable yields were indicated at a shorter shell harvest length regulation, perhaps due to the changing demography of the population. At the lowest examined population growth rate of 2.5% none of the investigated harvest length regulations supported a 100% harvest rate, probably due to a requirement to maintain in the population the largest H. iris with their very high fecundity. There was a large change in the length at which 100% harvest becomes sustainable as the PGR changed, which was influenced by two factors. Firstly, the structure of the population is different at different population growth rates. With a higher population growth rate there are more younger (and thus smaller) H. iris, so the average shell length is less. This is reflected in the drop in elasticity of survival of the largest adults as they become less important to maintaining the population as their relative numbers decrease. Secondly, at higher population growth rates less of the population is needed to sustain population growth, so 100% harvest rates become sustainable at a younger age. 77 Conclusions Improving the analysis of harvested Haliotis species is an ongoing process, with the sometimes contradictory aims of both maximising short term productivity and protecting the species from over-harvesting. The purpose of this study was threefold: firstly, to parametrise and analyse a matrix for the species Haliotis iris using a specific theoretical population; secondly, to use that matrix to predict if a change in the harvest regulations could increase the sustainable yield; and thirdly, to look at some of the effects of any suggested changes in the harvest regulations, on both the harvested H. iris population, and on the people who harvest them. The parameters used in the formation of the Lefkovitch length-based matrix model were based primarily on an analysis of H. iris at Kaikoura in 1967-69 by Poore (1972a,b,c, 1973). Population growth rates were chosen based on both scientific research and Ministry of Primary Industries published data, with the egg settlement rates calculated to ensure the desired population growth rates were generated. This variability in population growth rates resulted in a wide range of results, however several interesting trends remained constant. The matrix analysis in Chapter 2 provided some interesting insights into both H. iris populations, and matrix analysis in general. My calculation of a population growth rate of 16% for H. iris at Stewart Island, based on Ministry of Primary Industry data, provides a starting point for the analysis of healthy Haliotis populations. The most important elasticity measures calculated related to survival, with large adult survival the most important parameter in population growth. I found that the choice to change either egg settlement or juvenile survival had little effect on the elasticity readings, and that population growth rate was the most important parameter in this matrix analysis. I also found that the matrix analysis was robust as distribution error in the matrix model was largely removed. The construction of a usable matrix with only three classes was made possible by more accurate calculation of average class fecundities. These fecundities were calculated using the integration of a spine function based on the length dependent fecundity power function. This generated nearly identical population growth rates from the different matrix formations. This increase in accuracy allowed me to work with a manageable number of biologically relevant matrix elasticities which were then separated from elasticity measures influenced by the matrix construction. And finally, the new terms of promotion and relegation were introduced to better describe movement between the matrix classes. The current harvest regulation, taking H. iris with minimum shell lengths of 125 mm, was found to be consistently too short for this theoretical population with a maximum shell length of 146.2 mm, despite varying population growth rates (PGR) between 2.5% and 15%. I suggest that a longer minimum length could increase the sustainable biomass yield for this population by 4-8%. As maximum shell lengths may vary from 79 to 163 mm (Naylor et al., 2006) throughout New Zealand, I assume similar gains could be possible in several other populations. Assuming 4-8% is an average reduction in yield (as this is a midrange population) due to non optimising harvest systems, an increase of this level in exports worth $55 million annually will earn another $2.7 − 4.4 million per year. The current 125 mm regulation also decreased the average body weight of individual harvested H. iris and thereby increased the work per kilogram harvested by between two and five per cent. At a PGR of 2.5% the recommended minimum shell harvest length was 137 mm, although at the higher PGR of 15% the minimum harvest length recommendation was only 129 mm. In the commercial catchment PAU5B at Stewart Island the minimum length has recently been increased to 135 mm, and 78 although my model was not designed for H. iris in PAU5B, these results suggested that this length may be too long to either maximise the yield, or best increase the biomass. Large increases in the fecundity of H. iris at longer shell lengths were measured by Poore (1973), and this has resulted in a slot type harvest system returning the highest sustainable yield (numbers of H. iris) in this simulation. A slot type system harvests from the small adult H. iris cohort and leaves the larger surviving adults to freely reproduce. Again, the specific harvest shell length recommendation depends on the chosen PGR: ideal slot harvest lengths suggested varied from 100-141 mm through to 100-144 mm. These were found to increase the number of H. iris available to harvest over the current system of harvesting H. iris with shell lengths longer than 125 mm, although the increase in numbers harvested was small, in the order of one to four per cent. However adopting the best slot harvest system lowers the biomass yield to 75-80% of the maximum achievable. This means that a slot harvest should be difficult to recommend in a commercially harvested fishery, due to their emphasis on biomass yield. A level of harvest, or specific harvest rate, whilst proposed by this analysis (and shown in columns two and three of Tables A.3 through A.6), is not considered important in this final analysis. Firstly, this is because harvest rate varied proportionally to the selected population growth rate, and was possibly influenced by the chosen census time. Also, maximum sustainable yield is now used more often as only one step towards setting an upper limit in the tiered management approaches (Pikitich, 2012) used in many Haliotis assessments (Gorfine et al., 2001; State of California. Dept of Fish and Game., 2010; Mayfield et al., 2011). Therefore harvest rate recommendations are not made here, and I suggest they are perhaps better calculated by other methods, more responsive to the large levels of temporal and spatial variability within H. iris populations. Whilst the effect of population growth rate on suggested shell harvest length regulations was large (table 3.1) it may be possible to base shell harvest length regulations on a more consistent population parameter, namely the harvest class:spawning class ratio, which remained relatively consistent across population growth rates ranging from 2.5% per annum to 15% per annum. The drop in biomass from an unharvested population when harvested via the suggested best two harvest systems, (one maximising number and the other maximising bioweight) is comparable at the same population growth rate, shown in columns 11 and 14 of Table 3.1. Therefore the biomass necessary to maintain the population is consistent across the two harvest systems and bears little relationship to the number of individuals harvested. This is possibly linked to the relationship between egg production and body weight which is proportional, whereas the relationship between egg production and the total number of adults is influenced by the composition of the adult population. Limitations Topics including implementation times, non-commercial harvests, different size slots, the Allee effect, social and environmental factors and data variability are also briefly examined as factors possibly affecting any recommendations based on this model. 79 Implementation times Assuming current fish stocks do not reflect the matrix generated stable stage distribution, and assuming all parameters are exact, there is still the problem of what happens to the population and the sustainable yield, as it adjusts toward that stable stage distribution. This is called transient dynamics, that is, what happens to the population due to a change in harvest regulations during the transition phase (Ezard et al., 2010). The length of the stabilisation process can vary (Rogers-Bennett and Leaf, 2006), and is influenced by both the initial population structure (Buhnerkempe et al., 2011), and the chosen density dependent effect (Bardos et al., 2006). If regular changes to harvest regulations are occurring, then transient effects may be more important than long term results. Cultural, recreational and poaching harvest A rate to reflect the level of cultural, recreational and/or poaching harvest could be incorporated into the matrix in a similar way to the commercial harvest terms, and could be applied to any combination of the three length-based classes, possibly giving a more accurate analysis of the effect on yield than is currently contained in section 4 in relation to poaching. In Chapters 2 and 3 of this thesis the cultural, recreational and poaching harvest were not included as the levels are difficult to quantify and vary within and between different quota management areas around New Zealand (Ministry of Fisheries, 2011c). This means that the recommended harvest rates should be considered as representing TAC (total allowable catch) rather than TACC (total allowable commercial catch). 120 mm to 130 mm slot I recently became aware of a push to investigate a specific slot measuring 120 to 130 mm. This size best allows two whole H. iris per can, and could result in a 20% price premium on the international market (Pickering, 2012). Unfortunately I was unable at this late stage to incorporate this into the model. Allee effect This study assumed that the average rather than the absolute number of adults H. iris present in the population at spawning was the only factor affecting egg settlement rate. As H. iris are broadcast spawners requiring aggregation for successful fertilisation, the absolute number of fertile adults may have an effect on the egg settlement (Lundquist and Botsford, 2011) via the Allee effect. If so, harvesting a smaller number of large H. iris (via a minimum shell harvest length) versus a larger number of smaller animals (harvested in a slot type system) may have compounding effects on the egg settlement that are not considered here. Strong Allee effects have been observed in different Haliotis species (Shepherd and Brown, 1993), but the less detectable weak Allee effect has been more difficult to quantify (Lundquist and Botsford, 2011). Although patches of Haliotis have returned to pre-harvest aggregation levels within 10 weeks of harvest (Officer et al., 2001), and higher levels of aggregation in H. iris are associated with spawning (Hepburn, pers. comm. 2012), a weak Allee effect cannot be discounted as affecting the final analysis. 80 Social and environmental factors that can influence harvest levels Changes in human attitudes to both legal and illegal harvesting will have profound effects on the stability of H. iris populations. In South Africa a large Haliotis commercial harvest was destroyed after changing attitudes increased poaching (Edwards and Plagányi, 2008; Plagányi et al., 2011), and in New Zealand both recreational and illegal harvest levels of H. iris are consistently increasing (Johnson, 2004; Ministry of Fisheries, 2011c). One effect of this is to increase the difficulty in making accurate population predictions, as the shell length and number taken in non commercial harvests are seldom recorded (Ministry of Fisheries, 2011c). Increased illegal harvesting will have the added disadvantages of reducing the legal harvest as it removes both legal and illegally sized H. iris (Powley, 2003), and thereby possibly sets up suboptimal population ratios. This is because poachers are unconcerned with the long term maximisation of the harvest. There are many human and environmental threats to Haliotis populations (Neuman et al., 2010). Climate change is one that could have major effects in New Zealand (Mullan et al., 2008). Coastal aquatic environments are undergoing, or predicted to undergo, several changes due to increases in global temperatures. These changes could include rising seawater temperatures, increased carbon dioxide levels that will reduce seawater pH, and increased storms causing more runoff and shallow sedimentation (Mullan et al., 2008; United States Environmental Protection Agency, 2013). These changes are predicted to have a largely detrimental effect on many colder climate Haliotis populations (Vilchis et al., 2005; Phillips and Shima, 2006; Kroeker et al., 2010; Mayfield et al., 2012; Won et al., 2012). A single-species population model will miss key biotic factors from species interactions that can affect stage-structured population models (Fujiwara et al., 2011). One specific interaction affecting H. iris is the interaction with New Zealand kina, the endemic species of sea urchin Evechinus chloroticus. Interspecies interactions with E. chloroticus may decrease H. iris populations (Naylor and Gerring, 2001; Aguirre and McNaught, 2011) due to the creation of barrens (Estes et al., 2005). An increase in barrens has been observed in Tasmania, where it was linked with warmer sea currents and increasing numbers of the sea urchin Centrostephanus rodgersii (Johnson et al., 2011). Data variability Biological parameters (xi ) are often written with both an average value (µi ) and a calculated estimation of the spread of data about that average value (σi ). All the biological parameters can then be expressed as xi = (µi , σi ). Inclusion of these values into mathematical calculations enables a measure of the probability (or likelihood) that a result is significant. However in all instances I have simply used xi = µi , with σi = 0. One reason for using xi = µi is that the matrix analysis is based on the equation Nt+1 = ANt for all t, and when the population is at equilibrium Nt+1 = Nt . But if there is temporal variability in the parameters (xi ) that make up the matrix A, then this equilibrium will not be achieved. Some limitations of the biological data this theoretical population was based on were discussed in section 2, and alternative egg settlement, juvenile survival, and population growth rates were explored in Chapter 3. However as well as the effects of this data variability on the accuracy of the parametrisation, variability can also effect the usefulness of the analysis. 81 Highly variable survival, recruitment and growth patterns can significantly reduce the response of exploited populations below expectations (O’Neill et al., 1981; Troynikov and Gorfine, 1998) and several complex problems have been found by researchers when incorporating variability into population models. Firstly, temporal variability can lead to lower population growth rates (Tuljapurkar and Orzack, 1980); secondly, stochastic recruitment can lead to lower estimations of biomass in an unfitted population, this worsens as stochasticity increases (Cordue, 2001); Breen (1992) found that large annual variations in egg settlement rates may require a more cautious shell length limit; and thirdly, the effects of temporal and spatial variation on demographic variability may be quite different (Salguero-Gomez and de Kroon, 2010). In reality some abalone in a population will never reach the average maximum shell length (L∞ ), and the closer the harvest length is to L∞ the higher the percentage of H. iris within this non-harvestable group will be, thereby unnecessarily decreasing the catch rate and perhaps becoming overly conservative. These unharvestable smaller H. iris could become an important perennial source of recruits (Troynikov and Gorfine, 1998). The advantage of including variability in the parameter estimations is that these identified problems could be considered. Therefore any specific recommendations from this analysis are not immediately suitable for direct application to a specific population. Recommendations (areas of future work) This thesis was designed to improve population modelling in relation to H. iris, with the aims of both finding out more about the species, and learning more about alternative harvest systems that may increase the sustainable yield. The following areas of research would also prove useful. 1. The gathering of more information about New Zealand’s valuable Haliotis iris populations is an ongoing need to aid in both selecting appropriate models and planning future regulatory changes. Genetic tagging and the gathering of high resolution field data including shell length analysis is aiding in this task. Genetic tagging of seeded Haliotis is becoming more popular (Roodt-Wilding, 2007; News and Events, Anatomy, 2012) and more information about survival and growth rates will be gained as tagged H. iris grow through the population. However, any information gained will be specific to the environment investigated. Both fishery independent (Pickering, 2012) and fishery dependent data (Paua Industry Council Ltd, 2012) are being gathered, which will aid in optimising regulations. It is difficult to know if current fish stocks are above or below the ideal fishdown value, as the original size of the unharvested population is unknown, and even currently gathered information on population sizes has a large degree of uncertainty (Ministry of Fisheries, 2011c). This allows the possibility that stock sizes are probably not ideal to maximise yield. This model suggests fishdown values ranging from 34 to 45%, depending on the population growth rate. Clearly more information is needed in this area. 2. Specific information on the fecundity and reproductive success of H. iris of different lengths and ages is another area needing further study, including the possibility that maternal effects influence reproductive success. Genetically tagged H. iris may enable some future analysis 82 of how fecundity changes over the life of an adult H. iris, and information on the relative contributions of small and large adults to the next generation can be made as the tagged H. iris move up through the length classes. The method of calculating fecundity for each class used in this analysis allows a very accurate consideration of relative fecundity, as evidenced by the consistency in population growth rates across matrices generated with different length divisions. 3. The mathematical and statistical analysis of Haliotis populations is an ongoing area of research. The use of a zero population growth rate in environmental based studies, and the omission of any stock-recruitment relationship in fishery targeted analysis are two areas of concern. The method of determination of a population growth rate, and the effects of varying the population growth rate explored in this thesis offer two methods that are possibly useful in overcoming these problems. 4. Juvenile cryptic habitat is critical in both maintaining and rebuilding H. iris stocks. Protection of this habitat from future damage is important. The possibly exists that global warming will increase storms, and this and other human activities will increase sedimentation (Phillips and Shima, 2006). Monitoring and protection of cryptic habitats is necessary because sediment can severely effect juvenile survival (Hepburn, pers. comm. 2012). 5. Regulatory changes are often being considered in several different areas of H. iris management, as well as different Haliotis species overseas. 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Fisheries Research, 95, 289–295. 100 Appendix A Appendix: Harvest tables Tables containing figures used in the matrix calculations are included here. The number of significant figures does not reflect the degree of accuracy in the calculations, but is instead included to enable further analysis if so desired. 101 . Table A.1: The fixed harvest parameters used to calculate maximum sustainable yield at the different MHL (minimum or maximum shell harvest lengths). Note that the number of decimal places included does not indicate the degree of accuracy, this is instead a display of derived numbers used in further calculations (average age entering Y class = 4.34 years). Shell length MHL (mm) 121.00 122.00 123.00 124.00 125.00 126.00 127.00 128.00 129.00 130.00 131.00 132.00 133.00 134.00 135.00 136.00 137.00 138.00 139.00 140.00 141.00 142.00 143.00 144.00 144.50 145.00 145.25 145.50 145.75 145.85 145.95 146.00 146.05 146.10 146.125 146.15 146.175 146.20 Years in Y class TY Egg numbers Average weight, EM EY W eightY W eightM 1.953 2.083 2.219 2.361 2.510 2.665 2.829 3.001 3.183 3.376 3.581 3.801 4.036 4.290 4.565 4.867 5.199 5.570 5.989 6.470 7.037 7.725 8.601 9.808 10.639 11.761 12.514 13.498 14.921 15.731 16.815 17.534 18.460 19.767 20.693 22.000 24.233 Inf 2718000 2736000 2753000 2773000 2793000 2812000 2830000 2851000 2872000 2891000 2913000 2936000 2959000 2982000 3006000 3029000 3055000 3081000 3107000 3134000 3162000 3191000 3221000 3252000 3268000 3285000 3294000 3303000 3312000 3316000 3320000 3322000 3325000 3327000 3328000 3329000 3331000 3334000 636400 660200 684200 713100 742100 771100 800100 833800 867400 900900 938800 981000 1023000 1068000 1117000 1165000 1221000 1282000 1345000 1416000 1493000 1581000 1680000 1800000 1870000 1956000 2005000 2063000 2136000 2171000 2213000 2238000 2268000 2305000 2328000 2357000 2398000 2420000 0.5109 0.5201 0.5291 0.5398 0.5503 0.5606 0.5707 0.5822 0.5934 0.6044 0.6167 0.6300 0.6429 0.6567 0.6713 0.6854 0.7012 0.7184 0.7357 0.7548 0.7752 0.7978 0.8230 0.8527 0.8700 0.8906 0.9024 0.9162 0.9334 0.9417 0.9516 0.9575 0.9645 0.9731 0.9785 0.9852 0.9949 1.000 1.082 1.086 1.090 1.095 1.100 1.105 1.109 1.114 1.118 1.123 1.128 1.133 1.138 1.143 1.148 1.153 1.158 1.164 1.169 1.175 1.180 1.186 1.192 1.198 1.201 1.204 1.206 1.207 1.209 1.210 1.211 1.211 1.211 1.212 1.212 1.212 1.213 1.213 102 . Table A.2: The variable harvest parameters used to calculate maximum sustainable yield at the different MHL (minimum or maximum shell harvest lengths) for the four trialled population growth rates. Note that the number of decimal places included does not indicate the degree of accuracy, this is instead a display of derived numbers used in further calculations. The ratio leaving the Y class each year is GY . Shell length MHL (mm) 121.00 122.00 123.00 124.00 125.00 126.00 127.00 128.00 129.00 130.00 131.00 132.00 133.00 134.00 135.00 136.00 137.00 138.00 139.00 140.00 141.00 142.00 143.00 144.00 144.50 145.00 145.25 145.50 145.75 145.85 145.95 146.00 146.05 146.10 146.125 146.15 146.175 146.20 Population growth rate of 0.025 GY SE ×10−7 Population growth rate of 0.05 GY SE ×10−7 Population growth rate of 0.10 GY SE ×10−7 Population growth rate of 0.15 GY SE ×10−7 0.4910 0.4576 0.4269 0.3987 0.3726 0.3484 0.3259 0.3048 0.2850 0.2664 0.2488 0.2321 0.2162 0.2011 0.1866 0.1726 0.1591 0.1459 0.1331 0.1204 0.1078 0.09500 0.08179 0.06761 0.05981 0.05114 0.04627 0.04079 0.03427 0.03115 0.02751 0.02538 0.02293 0.01994 0.01809 0.01582 0.01265 0 0.4851 0.4513 0.4204 0.3919 0.3655 0.3411 0.3183 0.2971 0.2771 0.2583 0.2406 0.2238 0.2078 0.1926 0.1780 0.1640 0.1505 0.1373 0.1245 0.1118 0.09927 0.08661 0.07357 0.05968 0.05211 0.04375 0.03908 0.03388 0.02777 0.02489 0.02156 0.01963 0.01743 0.01479 0.01318 0.01124 0.00860 0 0.4738 0.4393 0.4078 0.3788 0.3520 0.3271 0.3040 0.2824 0.2621 0.2431 0.2252 0.2082 0.1921 0.1768 0.1622 0.1482 0.1346 0.1216 0.1089 0.09643 0.08415 0.07188 0.05941 0.04635 0.03936 0.03181 0.02768 0.02317 0.01804 0.01568 0.01304 0.01155 0.00989 0.00797 0.00685 0.00554 0.00386 0 0.4630 0.4279 0.3959 0.3664 0.3392 0.3140 0.2905 0.2687 0.2482 0.2290 0.2110 0.1939 0.1778 0.1625 0.1479 0.1339 0.1206 0.1077 0.09526 0.08316 0.07131 0.05961 0.04789 0.03588 0.02961 0.02300 0.01948 0.01573 0.01160 0.00978 0.00779 0.00671 0.00554 0.00423 0.00350 0.00268 0.00170 0 4.488 4.490 4.494 4.492 4.493 4.494 4.498 4.497 4.499 4.502 4.503 4.500 4.501 4.500 4.497 4.499 4.497 4.491 4.489 4.483 4.476 4.467 4.456 4.439 4.428 4.412 4.402 4.389 4.370 4.361 4.349 4.341 4.331 4.317 4.308 4.296 4.277 4.441 6.199 6.213 6.229 6.238 6.248 6.262 6.278 6.287 6.300 6.316 6.326 6.332 6.343 6.350 6.354 6.365 6.368 6.365 6.365 6.358 6.348 6.330 6.304 6.262 6.233 6.189 6.161 6.126 6.073 6.047 6.013 5.991 5.964 5.928 5.905 5.873 5.826 5.927 103 10.21 10.26 10.32 10.37 10.42 10.47 10.53 10.57 10.62 10.68 10.72 10.76 10.80 10.83 10.85 10.88 10.90 10.89 10.89 10.86 10.82 10.75 10.64 10.48 10.37 10.22 10.12 10.00 9.840 9.758 9.654 9.590 9.513 9.414 9.350 9.268 9.148 9.143 15.043 15.168 15.299 15.405 15.518 15.636 15.762 15.862 15.970 16.085 16.177 16.246 16.324 16.380 16.418 16.469 16.475 16.441 16.402 16.312 16.184 15.991 15.726 15.344 15.092 14.760 14.559 14.315 13.993 13.836 13.642 13.525 13.386 13.212 13.102 12.963 12.764 12.686 . Table A.3: Exploring different maximum (slot) and minimum shell harvest lengths (MHL). Harvest rate is expressed here as the number of adults that can be taken annually (note that as MHL increases the proportion of adults in the large adult class decreases). The maximum yield compares each MHL option with the highest maximum sustainable yield, which is given a value of one. The last column shows the effects of this management system on H. iris, comparing harvested vs non-harvested populations. The current harvest regulations (above 125 mm) and the best recommendations are highlighted. Note that the class ”Large harvest” above 146.2 mm is considered empty, and for all 40 trials a density independent matrix generated λ = 1.025. Shell length MHL (mm) 121.00 122.00 123.00 124.00 125.00 126.00 127.00 128.00 129.00 130.00 131.00 132.00 133.00 134.00 135.00 136.00 137.00 138.00 139.00 140.00 141.00 142.00 143.00 144.00 144.50 145.00 145.25 145.50 145.75 145.85 145.95 146.00 146.05 146.10 146.125 146.15 146.175 146.20 Harvest rate (per numbers in that class) Small slot Large harvest harvest 0.1052 0.01383 0.09985 0.01395 0.09491 0.01407 0.09029 0.01419 0.08597 0.01432 0.08190 0.01446 0.07806 0.01461 0.07443 0.01477 0.07095 0.01494 0.06768 0.01512 0.06451 0.01531 0.06146 0.01552 0.05853 0.01575 0.05570 0.01600 0.05293 0.01629 0.05025 0.01660 0.04758 0.01697 0.04495 0.01740 0.04236 0.01789 0.03973 0.01849 0.03707 0.01925 0.03431 0.02025 0.03140 0.02164 0.02819 0.02387 0.02641 0.02563 0.02438 0.02838 0.02324 0.03049 0.02195 0.03366 0.02038 0.03926 0.01962 0.04313 0.01876 0.04931 0.01824 0.05423 0.01764 0.06178 0.01692 0.07575 0.01649 0.08905 0.01593 0.11570 0.01518 0.21170 0.01302 NA Maximum (numbers H. iris) Small slot harvest 0.5092 0.5466 0.5818 0.6148 0.6460 0.6756 0.7039 0.7307 0.7564 0.7811 0.8046 0.8270 0.8486 0.8692 0.8887 0.9078 0.9254 0.9417 0.9571 0.9707 0.9827 0.9923 0.9987 1.0000 0.9977 0.9916 0.9866 0.9793 0.9678 0.9614 0.9529 0.9474 0.9406 0.9316 0.9257 0.9179 0.9063 0.8901 yield of Large harvest 0.9121 0.9141 0.9160 0.9176 0.9191 0.9204 0.9215 0.9222 0.9227 0.9230 0.9229 0.9222 0.9212 0.9197 0.9176 0.9149 0.9113 0.9067 0.9011 0.8940 0.8852 0.8740 0.8596 0.8399 0.8269 0.8103 0.7999 0.7871 0.7706 0.7620 0.7515 0.7451 0.7376 0.7280 0.7219 0.7143 0.7034 NA 104 Maximum yield (biomass of H. iris) Small slot harvest 0.2464 0.2693 0.2916 0.3144 0.3368 0.3588 0.3806 0.4030 0.4253 0.4473 0.4701 0.4936 0.5169 0.5408 0.5653 0.5895 0.6148 0.6409 0.6671 0.6942 0.7217 0.7500 0.7787 0.8079 0.8223 0.8367 0.8436 0.8501 0.8559 0.8578 0.8591 0.8595 0.8595 0.8589 0.8581 0.8568 0.8543 0.8821 Large harvest 0.9350 0.9408 0.9464 0.9522 0.9579 0.9631 0.9681 0.9731 0.9778 0.9820 0.9861 0.9899 0.9931 0.9959 0.9981 0.9994 1.0000 0.9997 0.9980 0.9949 0.9898 0.9820 0.9705 0.9531 0.9407 0.9243 0.9137 0.9004 0.8827 0.8734 0.8620 0.8549 0.8465 0.8359 0.8291 0.8204 0.8081 NA Change from unharvested population (biomass) Small slot Large harvest harvest 0.4941 0.4510 0.4910 0.4510 0.4881 0.4509 0.4854 0.4509 0.4828 0.4509 0.4805 0.4510 0.4783 0.4509 0.4761 0.4510 0.4742 0.4511 0.4723 0.4511 0.4705 0.4513 0.4688 0.4514 0.4672 0.4514 0.4656 0.4517 0.4641 0.4517 0.4626 0.4520 0.4614 0.4522 0.4600 0.4523 0.4586 0.4527 0.4574 0.4530 0.4562 0.4534 0.4550 0.4538 0.4539 0.4544 0.4529 0.4550 0.4523 0.4555 0.4521 0.4559 0.4516 0.4563 0.4513 0.4567 0.4513 0.4572 0.4514 0.4575 0.4511 0.4578 0.4513 0.4580 0.4514 0.4583 0.4514 0.4585 0.4510 0.4587 0.4513 0.4589 0.4512 0.4591 0.4512 NA . Table A.4: Exploring different maximum (slot) and minimum shell harvest lengths (MHL). Harvest rate is expressed here as the number of adults that can be taken annually (note that as MHL increases the proportion of adults in the large adult class decreases). The maximum yield compares each MHL option with the highest maximum sustainable yield, which is given a value of one. The last column shows the effects of this management system on H. iris, comparing harvested vs non-harvested populations. The current harvest regulations (above 125 mm) and the best recommendations are highlighted. Note that the class ”Large harvest” above 146.2 mm is considered empty, and for all 40 trials a density independent matrix generated λ = 1.050. Shell length MHL (mm) 121.00 122.00 123.00 124.00 125.00 126.00 127.00 128.00 129.00 130.00 131.00 132.00 133.00 134.00 135.00 136.00 137.00 138.00 139.00 140.00 141.00 142.00 143.00 144.00 144.50 145.00 145.25 145.50 145.75 145.85 145.95 146.00 146.05 146.10 146.125 146.15 146.175 146.20 Harvest rate (per numbers in that class) Small slot Large harvest harvest 0.1812 0.02618 0.1727 0.02643 0.1647 0.02670 0.1572 0.02698 0.1501 0.02727 0.1433 0.02758 0.1369 0.02791 0.1308 0.02827 0.1249 0.02866 0.1193 0.02907 0.1139 0.02952 0.1086 0.03002 0.1035 0.03056 0.09853 0.03116 0.09364 0.03185 0.08888 0.03262 0.08414 0.03353 0.07942 0.03459 0.07471 0.03588 0.06995 0.03749 0.06510 0.03957 0.06007 0.04244 0.05474 0.04673 0.04889 0.05420 0.04564 0.06000 0.04198 0.07232 0.03992 0.08237 0.03760 0.1001 0.03487 0.1418 0.03357 0.1821 0.03207 0.2846 0.03121 0.4386 0.03022 1.000 0.02903 1.000 0.02831 1.000 0.02744 1.000 0.02626 1.000 0.0225 NA Maximum (numbers H. iris) Small slot harvest 0.5208 0.5591 0.5951 0.6288 0.6607 0.6909 0.7197 0.7469 0.7730 0.7980 0.8216 0.8440 0.8655 0.8858 0.9049 0.9233 0.9401 0.9552 0.9692 0.9810 0.9907 0.9973 1.0000 0.9965 0.9913 0.9818 0.9748 0.9654 0.9517 0.9443 0.9350 0.9292 0.9222 0.9133 0.9076 0.9004 0.8903 0.8556 yield of Large harvest 0.9213 0.9233 0.9250 0.9264 0.9276 0.9286 0.9293 0.9296 0.9295 0.9291 0.9282 0.9266 0.9246 0.9219 0.9183 0.9141 0.9087 0.9021 0.8942 0.8845 0.8727 0.8580 0.8395 0.8152 0.7995 0.7802 0.7683 0.7542 0.7366 0.7278 0.7174 0.7113 0.7040 0.6807 0.6542 0.6086 0.5214 NA 105 Maximum yield (biomass of H. iris) Small slot harvest 0.2523 0.2758 0.2987 0.3219 0.3448 0.3673 0.3895 0.4124 0.4351 0.4575 0.4805 0.5043 0.5278 0.5518 0.5762 0.6002 0.6252 0.6509 0.6763 0.7023 0.7284 0.7546 0.7806 0.8059 0.8180 0.8293 0.8344 0.8389 0.8425 0.8434 0.8439 0.8439 0.8436 0.8429 0.8423 0.8414 0.8401 0.8115 Large harvest 0.9455 0.9513 0.9567 0.9625 0.9678 0.9728 0.9774 0.9820 0.9860 0.9895 0.9928 0.9957 0.9978 0.9993 1.0000 0.9996 0.9982 0.9957 0.9915 0.9854 0.9768 0.9651 0.9489 0.9260 0.9105 0.8909 0.8786 0.8637 0.8447 0.8351 0.8237 0.8170 0.8089 0.7824 0.7521 0.6998 0.5997 NA Change from unharvested population (biomass) Small slot Large harvest harvest 0.4922 0.4182 0.4867 0.4182 0.4816 0.4182 0.4769 0.4182 0.4725 0.4183 0.4684 0.4184 0.4645 0.4185 0.4608 0.4186 0.4574 0.4187 0.4541 0.4190 0.4509 0.4192 0.4480 0.4194 0.4452 0.4197 0.4425 0.4200 0.4399 0.4204 0.4374 0.4208 0.4351 0.4212 0.4328 0.4217 0.4306 0.4223 0.4285 0.4230 0.4265 0.4238 0.4246 0.4248 0.4229 0.4259 0.4213 0.4274 0.4205 0.4319 0.4199 0.4292 0.4196 0.4301 0.4194 0.4307 0.4192 0.4316 0.4192 0.4321 0.4192 0.4326 0.4193 0.4329 0.4193 0.4408 0.4194 0.5078 0.4195 0.5510 0.4196 0.6063 0.4198 0.6869 0.4204 NA . Table A.5: Exploring different maximum (slot) and minimum shell harvest lengths (MHL). Harvest rate is expressed here as the number of adults that can be taken annually (note that as MHL increases the proportion of adults in the large adult class decreases). The maximum yield compares each MHL option with the highest maximum sustainable yield, which is given a value of one. The last column shows the effects of this management system on H. iris, comparing harvested vs non-harvested populations. The current harvest regulations (above 125 mm) and the best recommendations are highlighted. Note that the class ”Large harvest” above 146.2 mm is considered empty, and for all 40 trials a density independent matrix generated λ = 1.100. Shell length MHL (mm) 121.00 122.00 123.00 124.00 125.00 126.00 127.00 128.00 129.00 130.00 131.00 132.00 133.00 134.00 135.00 136.00 137.00 138.00 139.00 140.00 141.00 142.00 143.00 144.00 144.50 145.00 145.25 145.50 145.75 145.85 145.95 146.00 146.05 146.10 146.125 146.15 146.175 146.20 Harvest rate (per numbers in that class) Small slot Large harvest harvest 0.2892 0.04866 0.2770 0.04923 0.2655 0.04986 0.2544 0.05055 0.2438 0.05123 0.2336 0.05203 0.2238 0.05283 0.2143 0.05368 0.2051 0.05465 0.1962 0.05573 0.1875 0.05687 0.1790 0.05818 0.1706 0.05961 0.1624 0.06132 0.1542 0.06326 0.1462 0.06548 0.1381 0.06822 0.1300 0.07164 0.1219 0.07591 0.1136 0.08167 0.1052 0.08982 0.09638 0.1025 0.08713 0.1254 0.07713 0.1814 0.07164 0.2601 0.06560 0.6053 0.06227 1.000 0.05862 1.000 0.05447 1.000 0.05259 1.000 0.05043 1.000 0.04925 1.000 0.04792 1.000 0.04635 1.000 0.04549 1.000 0.04443 1.000 0.04314 1.000 0.04016 NA Maximum (numbers H. iris) Small slot harvest 0.5424 0.5822 0.6195 0.6543 0.6871 0.7182 0.7477 0.7753 0.8017 0.8268 0.8503 0.8723 0.8932 0.9126 0.9304 0.9472 0.9620 0.9745 0.9854 0.9935 0.9987 1.0000 0.9964 0.9855 0.9761 0.9624 0.9534 0.9422 0.9275 0.9202 0.9115 0.9065 0.9007 0.8938 0.8897 0.8849 0.8787 0.8655 yield of Large harvest 0.9369 0.9384 0.9397 0.9404 0.9408 0.9408 0.9405 0.9395 0.9380 0.9360 0.9332 0.9296 0.9252 0.9199 0.9135 0.9060 0.8970 0.8864 0.8740 0.8594 0.8422 0.8217 0.7968 0.7660 0.7473 0.7255 0.7106 0.6752 0.6042 0.5592 0.4984 0.4590 0.4105 0.3477 0.3075 0.2571 0.1872 NA 106 Maximum yield (biomass of H. iris) Small slot harvest 0.2631 0.2875 0.3112 0.3354 0.359 0.3823 0.4051 0.4286 0.4517 0.4745 0.4979 0.5218 0.5453 0.5691 0.5931 0.6164 0.6404 0.6647 0.6883 0.7120 0.7351 0.7575 0.7787 0.7979 0.8063 0.8138 0.8170 0.8197 0.8221 0.8228 0.8237 0.8242 0.8248 0.8258 0.8266 0.8278 0.8301 0.8219 Large harvest 0.9626 0.9679 0.9729 0.9781 0.9827 0.9867 0.9902 0.9935 0.9961 0.9980 0.9993 1.0000 0.9996 0.9983 0.9958 0.9918 0.9865 0.9795 0.9702 0.9585 0.9438 0.9252 0.9017 0.8711 0.8520 0.8295 0.8135 0.7741 0.6937 0.6424 0.5729 0.5278 0.4722 0.4001 0.3539 0.2960 0.2156 NA Change from unharvested population (biomass) Small slot Large harvest harvest 0.4906 0.3733 0.4815 0.3735 0.4730 0.3736 0.4652 0.3737 0.4579 0.3740 0.4511 0.3740 0.4447 0.3743 0.4387 0.3748 0.4331 0.3751 0.4276 0.3753 0.4225 0.3760 0.4178 0.3765 0.4131 0.3773 0.4089 0.3778 0.4047 0.3786 0.4008 0.3798 0.3970 0.3808 0.3936 0.3819 0.3902 0.3834 0.3871 0.3851 0.3843 0.3869 0.3817 0.3890 0.3795 0.3915 0.3775 0.3945 0.3768 0.3963 0.3764 0.3983 0.3763 0.4276 0.3763 0.4932 0.3763 0.5785 0.3762 0.6218 0.3765 0.6740 0.3765 0.7053 0.3766 0.7417 0.3770 0.7863 0.3769 0.8136 0.3772 0.8466 0.3772 0.8907 0.3778 NA . Table A.6: Exploring different maximum (slot) and minimum shell harvest lengths (MHL). Harvest rate is expressed here as the number of adults that can be taken annually (note that as MHL increases the proportion of adults in the large adult class decreases). The maximum yield compares each MHL option with the highest maximum sustainable yield, which is given a value of one. The last column shows the effects of this management system on H. iris, comparing harvested vs non-harvested populations. The current harvest regulations (above 125 mm) and the best recommendations are highlighted. Note that the class ”Large harvest” above 146.2 mm is considered empty, and for all 40 trials a density independent matrix generated λ = 1.150. Shell length MHL (mm) 121.00 122.00 123.00 124.00 125.00 126.00 127.00 128.00 129.00 130.00 131.00 132.00 133.00 134.00 135.00 136.00 137.00 138.00 139.00 140.00 141.00 142.00 143.00 144.00 144.50 145.00 145.25 145.50 145.75 145.85 145.95 146.00 146.05 146.10 146.125 146.15 146.175 146.20 Harvest rate (per numbers in that class) Small slot Large harvest harvest 0.3654 0.06959 0.3512 0.07062 0.3376 0.07175 0.3244 0.07288 0.3116 0.07410 0.2992 0.07551 0.2872 0.07692 0.2754 0.07852 0.2639 0.08031 0.2527 0.08228 0.2415 0.08444 0.2305 0.08698 0.2196 0.08989 0.2088 0.09328 0.1980 0.09732 0.1873 0.1023 0.1765 0.1085 0.1656 0.1168 0.1547 0.1281 0.1435 0.1446 0.1321 0.1717 0.1204 0.2243 0.1081 0.3733 0.09520 1.000 0.08827 1.000 0.08087 1.000 0.07693 1.000 0.07272 1.000 0.06807 1.000 0.06606 1.000 0.06384 1.000 0.06265 1.000 0.06137 1.000 0.05995 1.000 0.05916 1.000 0.05828 1.000 0.05725 1.000 0.05549 NA Maximum (numbers H. iris) Small slot harvest 0.5614 0.6023 0.6406 0.6762 0.7097 0.7412 0.7710 0.7988 0.8251 0.8499 0.8730 0.8942 0.9142 0.9323 0.9486 0.9636 0.9761 0.9861 0.9940 0.9987 1.0000 0.9969 0.9886 0.9730 0.9615 0.9464 0.9372 0.9264 0.9135 0.9075 0.9008 0.8971 0.8931 0.8886 0.8861 0.8834 0.8802 0.8754 yield of Large harvest 0.9484 0.9492 0.9497 0.9496 0.9490 0.9479 0.9463 0.9439 0.9408 0.9370 0.9322 0.9264 0.9197 0.9117 0.9024 0.8917 0.8793 0.8650 0.8487 0.8299 0.8083 0.7834 0.7545 0.7176 0.6755 0.6018 0.5482 0.4785 0.3848 0.3371 0.2802 0.2469 0.2090 0.1642 0.1380 0.1076 0.0698 NA 107 Maximum yield (biomass of H. iris) Small slot harvest 0.2726 0.2977 0.3221 0.3469 0.3711 0.3949 0.4182 0.4420 0.4653 0.4882 0.5116 0.5354 0.5585 0.5819 0.6052 0.6276 0.6504 0.6732 0.6950 0.7164 0.7367 0.7559 0.7733 0.7885 0.7950 0.8010 0.8038 0.8067 0.8103 0.8122 0.8146 0.8164 0.8186 0.8218 0.8240 0.8271 0.8323 0.8319 Large harvest 0.9752 0.9800 0.9842 0.9885 0.9921 0.9950 0.9973 0.9991 1.0000 0.9999 0.9992 0.9975 0.9945 0.9902 0.9846 0.9770 0.9679 0.9567 0.9429 0.9264 0.9066 0.8830 0.8545 0.8168 0.7709 0.6886 0.6282 0.5491 0.4422 0.3876 0.3223 0.2842 0.2406 0.1892 0.1590 0.1239 0.0804 NA Change from unharvested population (biomass) Small slot Large harvest harvest 0.4885 0.3422 0.4766 0.3422 0.4656 0.3422 0.4554 0.3426 0.4459 0.3430 0.4370 0.3431 0.4287 0.3437 0.4209 0.3443 0.4135 0.3448 0.4066 0.3455 0.4001 0.3465 0.3939 0.3474 0.3881 0.3484 0.3826 0.3497 0.3775 0.3512 0.3726 0.3527 0.3680 0.3547 0.3638 0.3567 0.3599 0.3590 0.3564 0.3617 0.3533 0.3646 0.3506 0.3680 0.3485 0.3718 0.3469 0.4074 0.3464 0.4741 0.3463 0.5570 0.3463 0.6074 0.3465 0.6668 0.3469 0.7402 0.3470 0.7755 0.3472 0.8163 0.3473 0.8395 0.3474 0.8656 0.3476 0.8956 0.3477 0.9130 0.3478 0.9328 0.3478 0.9570 0.3480 NA