imgdi pine knob - The Petty Archives
imgdi pine knob - The Petty Archives
A > I S I I v I I I _ I ( t I * T I I (OF*)C4 S U N D A Y , MAY 2 , 1 9 9 9 The Observer A Eccentric/SUNDAY, f MOVIES MTMNCI MATE AIOUT NN (WD 1230,230,430,7*0 DOUC'S 1ST HOV«(C) UJ0JM 1*0 ( 4 * 0 f S * 0 93ft H TWCS I HATE AIM YOU 11:45,2:45,5:1 124ft 3*6, (5:1001330)7:45, m J t a s u m BdtAMBfF (Kli)' 12:3ft 23ft 5:1ft 7H0,16:10 11*0.2 30,6 1 5,9*0 brow M«rm D% DUHMDS(V)NV ANALTZ! T)fJ (f) MSOBvriifp 124^235,5:^72$^ 1245,4*0.64if.1S o800Ww«d„ CcrthnB Shorn My LOST AND FOUND (PCI 3) IW SMAKESKAJK M LOVf (V) One bk S. alMtarcn Rd. »hi* 1220,2J5,4:45,7:10,9J5 121S, MS, MB, 8:30 313-729-1061 TWUTNJBWY IK (•) 1215,23ft 43ft 7-20.930 «Und6pm • OeWTBHOhW ICVB«USS>(PC13) Cormafi Shews Ltfy 1235,110,525,730,10*5 UteShows feitS*. PVTOutt. Id. »OTUfl«T(K1J) TWM DIACONS (K11) 12 Mh between UraiDh nd DfU THURSDAY 1:1S, 1:45. «0,4:30, 7:10.7*0, 313-26133M 1225,241435, Tflft 9:15 SoiltwesBrnam* WO, 10:10 TK OUT Of TOMBS (K1J) 24S-3S1STAI IV DBWTU NO PASS IP DU HAND) (I) AI Shows II Excepttfwwatar 6 1235,3*0,5*5,7J0,9:45 NoanemderaqeiiiMtedlcr 1:00, J:IS, S30,fit, IChOO pjn. on FntayfcSalwday & 75< aO THEHATHI (I) lfEWUMWT(KH) L®ST AMD FOUND (PCI i) shews 1:15,420,7.15.1400 FOISHOWnMESANDTOMOiASE 1:15,1:45,4:15,4:45,7:15,7:45, 12:40, i«,S35.745,10*5 Tuesday. ANALYZE THIS (I) TOUTS IY PHONE 930,1020 PVSMtCIMd) SoiOict opens at 4*0 pm 115ft 1*5,520,7:45,10*5 CAL 248-372-2222 LOST AMD FOUND (K13) 1:10,4.«, 740, *40 Monday - Friday only. •wwSTAI-SOUTHFEDmm 1230,3*5,-520,7:40.9:55 CilTlwtrt for ftatora T 1 « j Wd) NP FEAIUK5 • SOtlY NO WP PUSHNCTM(I) L0 requmliorT rattdshews l i f t 1:30, £50,4:10,5:15,7:20, Q6C0UKT TICKETS ACCFTG) 1*0,4*0,630.9:30 730,9:45,10:15 IHhdArtto/i— flTT 11 IVWTIA«B(T(PCU) 3330 Spriw* Dnw 1245,1:15,3*0,3:45,5:15. 12:30,230,5:10,7:»,«5 10:30,11:10,1130,12:31120, Aducent lo Mon* Depot 700.7:30.915, Mi, NwVtTWni THE OUTOf TOVMBB(K1J) 2*0,230,320,4:10,430,5JO, North oIlherttnKOonot 14 Mfc& MEVQ IBM USED (K11) 118Mar<r Mie 12* 110.5JO,7JO, 9:15 6:10,7*0,7:30.820,9*0, W0. 1235, H i 5:30,730,10*5 loyal OA wnMUiHunAMfTrou 10:30 a , ANALYZE TH5 (I) 244-S42-01W NPBU HANDS (I) Bargin Matinee Daly kv Nl Shows 1*5,120,5i5,5*0, IftlS, cai 77-HAIS ezt S42 1:HSHMOO 11*0,1:30,4*0,6:30.9*0 sartngbdm6pm HATU(l) Sane Day Adwrce Trtets A«4at>te Phone Orders 2 p« 10 pa cil mm (241) S42 5191 1230,1 JO, 140,4:10,6:30,7*0, 1030,11:40,1220,130,£40,130, NWloWTrtetstopWl ft* ft* 4:40,543,6:30,8*0,8:40,9:30 SUrTtatra (DtSCOUNlED SHOW!!!) DOUC'S 1ST iOVt (C) • LOST AM! KMC (PCI3) WHAPHBn(PC1J)NV The Wad's Bet Ttacre TICKETS AVAILABLE AT THE BOX 12:30 pm 1120,220,5:10.8:10,10:40 IMS, 1135,120.235,425,520, BvgvMCne (My 54.00 Ai OffiQ 01PHCK 248-542-0180 9ME9tAK M LOVl (I) if PUSMIC T« (i) 7:10,8*0,940,10:30 Show SUflrgbtfar! 6*0 pm VISA AND MASTEKARD ACCEPTED 2*0,4J0,6.40,9:10 W HANDS (I) M* 1W0,1:10,4:110,7:30, lfr.30 Now Kcqengfok MatefOrt w t t i t n n ® (i) 10:35, li5fl, 3:15,5;3ft 810,10:35 «VB»iaSSS(PC13) ^Denotes No ftoEngjgemmt 12:35,2:35,4:40,630,9*0 COOKIE 5 FOfMf (I) L0STA»F0»H<PC13)MV 11:30.2:30. 5:30.8:30 (1.00 4:00)7*0,9:30 com 12:15,240,5:10,735,1025 M (I) to Cut Lite Cmmw 10:15 THEDttAHUFEOf ANCEL5 (I) nSHMCTM(l)NV 210,4:40,7:10,10.10 CratUteShoaiinoCentB 0245,3:45) 6:45, M5 10-30,1:30,4:15,7*0,9:45 TWW DIACONS (PC13) elbtnl(IM) IXE(I)NV 1-30,7:40 (1:15.4,15)7:159:15 1230,3:40,6:45,9-15, THE NATO (I) MP BfTlAPHDfT (PCI 3) 14 1*0,12*0,1*0.220,3:00,420, M(l) IttlO, 11:10,1210,1:10,220,3:30, MidwaniTftKratf 520.6*0,7.10,820,9:10,10*0 1130,525,10.35 4 30.5 30,6:30,7 30,830,930, I1VM134*9 10 TMMC51 HATE AJOVT YOU KVBmKBSB>(PC13) 1IM-N0 VIP TICKETS BnwVKncsMy. NUfk Art T1>eatrt • 1120,2:15.4:45,7:15,9-30 m MP DU HANDS (I) AJf Shows untJ 6 pm. 4135 W.XUple, West ofTetegr^ 12:40,3:40,640,940 TK0UT0fTWHBS(PCU) 12*0,320,6:10.840 niiniwJiJil Cotowm Stow DA 10:30,1225,220,420,630,9*0 TWOOrfflOMBff N0WTX3FTS owTnCW n«S Ljte Shews Fn. & SaL 12:10,3:10,5*0,7-30,10:40 MTWCSI HATE AIOUT YOU (WJ) umm IV PWWNC TK (I) TMUTHUtSDW (DtSCOUNTH) SHOW?!!) EDTV(PC13) 230.5:15, 7:45,10*5 10*0.1 JO. 420,7:40,10:30 320,920 . mwTno) _ HnvtHTfffl . _ frwwwueHss m«siwT(i) 00UC 5BST NCV5 C 11^5,1^0,130,4:10,6:30,720, MP LOST AND FOUND (PC13) SUN, (2*0) 4:1S,6:4S,9*0 10.30 AM ONLY 930,1020 10», 1230,110,5:40,8*0,1020 MON-THH(4:15) 7^10.9.15 »ENTMMNT(K13) F0KES0fNATUK(PC1I) DOUCS' 1ST NOYIlQ . NO VIP TICKETS OPBt Y0UI EYES (I) 1:15,4:15,7J0,930 10:40.430,10:10 10:40,1240 SUN 0:30 4^0) 7*0,^30 IV Dll HANDS (I) IAIY GBUES (PC) FOKBOfNATWE(KU) 1020,11JO,1*0,210,418,5:10, M O N -THUK. (4*0) 7.00,9.30 1230.3*0,5:10,7:30,9:40 11:40 AM (MX 245,1*5, 6:45,730,9:30,1020 LfEBKAUTM(PC13) LOST MB M M (Kl!) ANALYZE TMS (I] ANALYZE THB (I) K V B W KISSED (K13) SUN. 0:45,4:30) 7:15,9-40 2:40,435,9:10 10:40.1220,120,420,6-20,720, 12*0,230,5*0,730, IftTS 10*0,1120,1220.2*0,230.4:40. MON-THUdS (4:50)7:15,9-40 1020 «{D SHAKESPEAH M LOVE (I) 520 12:30.140,230,4:10, SJO, 630. 11:15.130,4:30,725.935 «>(D 7:40,9.20,10*0 IAIY CEMUSES (PC) 625,9*0 FOOU» (I) 11*0 AM (MY T1NK DIACONS (PC1J) Orion!} Queans. LLC 7*0. SUf Wtahtrttr 8*5,10*5 Downtown Chdord 1136 5. «od«H U, . MA1W(I) FOOUSH (I) Lapeef Id (M-24) Wnd*st«Mall 1*0,130,145, 4JO, 6:30,7:10, 830 (248)621-7101 24W56-1160 9:15,930 TW0OT«TW*eS(PC13) Fu (248)628-1)00 So one irder age 6 «3mced lor •VoodwarO AMAIYZETHB (I) 11-45.2.15,430,7 20,9.45 Debt's Lowest First Run Prices Kl3fe<t*cslfrm4u<i>pm Downttwn Smrqham 12:40,7:10 TOMATO (I) nduiinq TwiW* Pncirig &44-HLM DOUC'S 1ST MOVf (C) 10:40,11:40,12:401:40,2:40, 3:50, S3.00 4-6 pm MP DU HANDS (I) Mf Derates He Pmi 1:30,3-10,430 5*0,6*0,7:10,820,92(110:10 11:30,1:40,3306*0,820 MSCrtASE TOUTS BY PWDNEI CAU 10 TWCSI IWE AIOIT YOU (PC13) NOW TICKETS URfl) (248) 64tfHM AND HAVE VOL* 1100,1,30,4:1}, 530,915 MP LOST WD FCMC (PCI 3) WSA. MASTUCAffi OS AMERICAN 1.00,3:10,5:10,715,9:20 DOUCS ' 1ST MOW (Q 12:30,2:40,520.7:30,930 VmKM* Pwti* U EXPttSS HEADY A ?5c SUftCHAICE 10 TMNC51 HATE AIOUT YOU IMS, 12:15,3*0,530 («) T(*gaph-Sc Ute W W Sde al NOWTCffTS PEHTIIANSACnOKMi APPLY TO BW(PC13] 115,3.15,5:15,725 leteonph FOKESOfNATUK(PC13) ALL TEfPHONE SALES 11:15,2*5,4:45,735, 1035 KVD BEEN USSED (PCI 3) 241-312 0241 1220,2:30,430,7:15.9-40 FOaaSOFNATME(K13) 1230.2:45,500,7*0,910 lnyti Uirtf, Mv CO (I) IV EKTMPHB4T (PCI3) IMS. 130,4-25,715,10*0 C0(f) • AI Shows JnS 6 pm 12*0,2:10,4:30,630,9:15 12*ft 2:15.4:35,7*0,925.1130 ANALYZE TMSfl) Candnuous Shows Dafy 930 ONLY DOUC'S 1ST HOVf (C) IV LOST AM) FOUND (PCI J) 10:15,11 -50,1235,2:30.. 3 40,5.15, L*eShowsThnffiS S*. 11:15, 1:15, 115.5:30, 12:30,2:40,430,7:30,9.35.11 ;45 6:40, 745,910,11115 THIIUTHJI1SWY LACK MOST (K) ^E ADMISSION IAIY CBVJSES (PC) A m i W THE MOON (I) TH OC AMD I (C) SUN 1140 AM ONLY 11:40,2*0,4:15,6:30 12-20,235,4:45,7*0,9:15,1125 1125,1:45,4*0,620 If DOWTIS (tO FASS THE KMC AND 1(C) THEHATHI (I) SHAIESPEAMMUMfK) 11*0,1*0,3:00,500 IFtEf 46 OZ. POPCORN 1:15,400,7:10 9:4512*0 AM 12*5,3*5,6*5,905 OCTOW SKY (PC) IT DUKAKIS (I) (MEASURED BY VOLUMEN . OT BY *VB ISM USSED (PCI 3) SAVMC PWATEIYAM (I) 7*0 9.30 WEIGHT) 12-40.2:40,430,715,^25 12:30,2:45,5*5.7:40.955.12*5 1035,2:45,6:15,9-35 SAVMC PWAT1 IYAM (I) PWWtCTW(l) WITH THIS AD EXP SW,'99 C*(D URBKAinW.(PC13) 8:30 1:15,4:30,7*5,935 1215,2*0,4 45,7-25,9:35.1130 All SHCWSANO TIMES S14(ECT TO 12:25,335,635,935 »IH(D CHAfCE-LV T1MN DIACONS (PC 13) ANALYZE TW (I) IAIY CENUSES (PC) 1230, 1.30, 230,4:15,5:10,6,550, CALL THEATB AT (248) 628-7100 7-45,10*0 12:10,2:20,4 30,5:45, B35,11*5 10-25,1245.335 7:35.915,935 SHAKISPEAIE M LOVE (I) T*0UWT0WeS(PC1J) WTOWHOSTIAJ 1:30,4*0,6:3ft M0,11:30 i2-30,3*0,5*0,725,945 SHU£SKAKM10VE(I) Untted Artuts TWrw 100,4*0,6:50,915 Bagan Maonees Daiy, tor al shews AJiiflt staling beftwiOOPV H|l Tlwttm 32219 (oinllud Same awance ticketi jvaiarte AMCLwsaZO 241-SIS-2171 W-No W.P Wets accepted HacwiTv&7Mie SI.OOFwd Id 51.50 CALL FOI SATURDAY SHOWTWES ShWQM P u t * 6-12 m-542-9909 311S61 7200 No«und(rja6idm(t«aiar 2405 THegrach W. Eiff sd* of Uwttd Arthts Oettind S1MTI6pm PC13S Hrjtecfimsjfter6pm Cai Peatre w Fealores and Tmes NMHptl After 6 pm 11.50 MuSffn 244-94S-0706 Arnpe 'jrkra - Tefcrt Ceffler A MALI ON THE HOON (I) 8jrg»Mjt«eWy Ail TWES SUN-THUIS Free Wi on Dnnks k Popcorn 1130,230,520,7:40, MHO • 4 Shews Jiti 6 pm (SUN Nochidwunder6i»6pm COOOOTE L0VB (I) Continuous 9ww Darfv ncepicnCorPCratedims) CO (I) 1230,5:10,640,920^ L» Shows Thus F A . k S* 12.10,2:30,5:10,7-40,10*0 NEVB K£* KISSB) (PC 13) wm&x vm DIACONS (PCI 3) TM PWa Of ECYPT (PC) 1110,1220,130.320,4.30,550. 1220,240,430,7:10,9J0 SUN II 45,1 30,130,5.30 7:10,820,930,1030 * D0WT15 MO *55 OIL MOTIONS (I) MON-THUtS. 5:30 THEHATHI (I) 12:40,3*0,520,7:30.9,50 06P DC Of THE OCEAN (K13) 1100,12*0,1*0,2*0,3*0, )30, »Bn«AMBrT(K13) PAY1AO (I) S U N 1200,230.715 500,600,700. t*0,9*0,10*0 1*0,1:30,4*0,4:30, )*0,7:30, 1230.250,5*0,720,940 MON-THUS 7:15 930,10*0 DOUC S FMST HOVI (C) IHM(I). 112ft 1 J#, 410^20,1:30.10-40 - LOST AI0 FOU0 12*0.2*0, 400 700,9*0 4:45 AND MS HOO SQUAD (I) 230,4-45,7:15,940 5/2 - 5/6 4-45 AND 9 30 11-40,4-20.9.40 «>HIIDHWH)fKir! USMMC(I) B>T>(PC13) C 12:35.245 5*0,725, WS. 730 AND 930 10-50,220,5:3i 830 HATH (I) H»OS«NATU«l(K13) WrtMhn 1230,120,145,420,640,710, 128,4*6,630,930 U Mu 920,935 TWEOMd) made TwefcOMs Mai ANA1TS TW (I) 24ft 349-4311 iftttoiflMiJ! 14S.HS 12-40,230,5:10,720,9-35 AL1IM5SUN-THUB ?SC14Mndld ANALYZE THSIIl DOUC'S 1ST HOVf (C) 51 comer M-59 a iMtaw LMe Id 113ft 1240210,3:30.4:40, fclO. 1» CTM(l)Mf 24 tar to* Um 7 * 140,1020 '245,4* 244444-7900 NO 736 W b 5.6 D O U C ' S PVT HOVI (O CAU 77 nuts 4SS1 LfE B HAtfYW. (PC13) 12100MY Staiw Seatng and Souvl 12:10,23*110.730,10:30 VttestcrnrlestMMn JNAIESKAM M LOW (I) 1215,231.5^715,94) wtn k *tf< *ft lift 340,630, HO T*OUT«TW»eS{PC!3) 31U2S-7M IV DU HANDS (I) 1200.225,445,71ft 925 1245,231, (5:15,01330) 7J0 8 SJjwsLWi6£ M TMNCi I MATE AIOUT YOU 935 Co«wu(9wws& IV ENTMMOT (Ktl) jRHMfWHkWKW i45, i ^ 7 J I , 935 121ft 1:1ft 245, (4:154 5 ISO TWMJBQff SHAIESPIAM M LOVE (1) $150)645, MftMS, 10*6 24MS3-226I 1*6,4:10,7*ft9J5 LOST A»fOM®fClJ) 5UO# DOUTHUtSMY «nss 121 i 231, (MS O J33#74l, 935 NooneirtBrqt 6idmttdlvPC mm wo m OUT of TOUWB (kid . IV BU NWS (D 121.320, S 20.721, MB • KIKH • NOME |K1J) )2A,W 5 * W W W PI 92S MTU (I) m,2*0 4 « 4 40>30.7A tCTW" «•« ftW 131 I a r t t n * r 6 p m 7*0.1*1,936.1ft 30 Nowram IVPIMKIVP) IftiftlAS^MimiftOO — Kjjuam 12ftUftWl5.1ft40 1»(*1«OH30)630,M6 12SI(*HOHJWMJ HM BSS® (KIJ) 1$J0,240 (5*0 OI130J 73ft MS IN MfT Of TOVMBS (9C11) - fiwonsortfttjo C pine knob HmusicB music theatre P m 123ft 236 ANALYZE THB (I) (4:36 01330)715, M0 IAIY CBHHEJ (PC) 1215,220 MTWKSINATt imgdi R O D U C T I O N S NUINE RAFT SERIES,'*; your o w 3 FREE,' SHOWS, 6 Column A SHERYL CROW Column B w/ SEMISONIC • * \ w EDDIE MONEY $2950 vV i * / LENNY KRAVITZ/THE BLACK CROWES * w/ EVERLAST & CREE SUMMER $37 50 Pav*orV$22 50 Lawr / Featuring HANK WILLIAMS JR., THE CHARLIE DANIELS BAND, THE MARSHALL TUCKER BAND & MOLLY HATCHET . $28 50 Pav*orV$15 Law \3o POISON/RATT w/ GREAT W H I T E & L A . G U N S * <20 P»i*on/$12 SB L—" ^ <5 If you are a cat lover, this may be the book w/ S H A W N M U L L I N S * STAFF WRITER The saying goes that there are "cat" p e o p l e a n d t h e r e a r e "dog" people. Count me as a fence-sitter. Cats and dogs e a c h h a v e their own special personalities. B u t if d o g s a r e t r e a s u r e d for their loyalty, dedication and affection, cats are appreciated for t h e i r " a t t i t u d e . " D o g s b e g y o u to love them; you h a v e to beg a c a t to g i v e y o u t h e t i m e of d a y . M i t c h R o s e n of R e d f o r d t e l l s a n a m u s i n g s t o r y of h i s c a t Maxwell S m a r t and his dad, who g e t s m i s t a k e n for a c a t k i l l e r . M a u r e e n B o n d of S o u t h f i e l d writes about her cat Herman's p e n c h a n t for p e n s . T h i s book e d i t e d by R o y a l O a k public relations rep F r a n k l i n D o h a n y o s is a c e l e b r a t i o n of c a t s , a n d t h o u g h s o m e of t h e s e s t o r i e s are w a r m a n d f u z z y , t h e general c o n s e n s u s is t h a t cats m a k e their own world and we're j u s t intruders. Though most cats are thought of as c o m b a t i v e . J u d g e D a v i d Breck, former mayor of Birmingh a m . tells a story about his cat S p o o k y a n d h i s t a l e n t s for c a l m ing angry lawyers. A s Breck puts it, "He's a g r e a t f a c i l i t a t o r a n d h e w o r k s for k i b b l e s . " D o h a n y o s has created an amusing, touching and eclectic Ernie Harwell contributes the s t o r y of P a t c h e s , a c a t w i t h a * e BOZSCAGGS0 6 H E A R T *' AMERICA/THREE DOG NIGHT * * - V H 1 TOM PETTY & THE HFARTBREAKERS * f ^ -.... $52 50 Pav*cn$25 Lawn t s AIR SUPPLY ° z o THE NICKELODEON "ALL THAT" TOUR Featuring 98 DEGREES, MONICA & MORE WI D E A N A C A R T E R * times. Sheriff a funny about a named J5 OZZFEST '99 Featuring BLACK SABBATH, 6611. BY JON KATZ SPECIAL WRITEH Miss Sherman, the homeroom t e a c h e r , g l a r e s a t t h e l i n e of fresh-faced freshmen and a n n o u n c e s in n o u n c e r t a i n t e r m s , "If y o u b e l i e v e y o u ' r e g o n n a live forever or e n v i s i o n d a n c i n g on tops of cars down 46th Street, you are h u m m i n g t h e wrong tune!" latest incarnation from David De Silva. who conceived the 1980 MGM. motion picture and w a s consulting producer on the t e l e v i s i o n s e r i e s . It's p l a y e d a r o u n d t h e w o r l d for s e v e r a l y e a r s b u t i s o n l y n o w o n i t s first North A m e r i c a n tour. What ail three versions have in c o m m o n is E n e r g y w i t h a capital E If they could harness w h a t those 20 t w e n t y - s o m e t h i n g s p u t o u t on t h e M u s i c • Hall stage, we wouldn't be buy- With a n all-new. score (save for the title tunet but a cast of c h a r a c t e r s largely r e s e m b l i n g t h e o r i g i n a l , t h i s new version cooks almost non-stop, with just a handful of moments when the pilot light goes out. "Fame" is set in New York's High School of Performing Arts, which graduated it* last class in 1984 I t s s t u d e n t s i r e g i f t e d singers, dancert a n d musicians representing the city's vast cult u r a l s t r a t a . There's the introverted Jewish violinist, the P u e r t o Rican c l a s s clown, the dynamic African-American illit- canned goods over this Y2K hysteria " F a m e : T h e M u s i c a l " is t h e possibly gay I t a l i a n leading man, the fat girl who can smell banana pudding across a locker It's a c u t e g i m m i c k t h a t in "Fame: The Musical." the kids h a v e all s e e n " F a m e " t h e m o v i e a n d will o n e d a y w a t c h "Fame" the TV show The stage version, t h e n , is "real life" w h i l e t h e o t h e r v e r s i o n s a r e m e d i a fiction | « * <5 ANI DIFRANCO w/ M A C E O PARKER JOHN MELLENCAMP w/ S O N VOLT S Lawn. Tippi Hedron, who goes for the * $39 50 Pa>/il**VS20 Lawn ' THE B-52's KENNY ROGERS & D A N N Y KLEIN $37 50 Pav*orv$2C uiwn TONY BENNETT BOB DYLAN/PAUL SIMON * ™ RAY CHARLES W/ L E E ROY PARNELL & M O N T G O M E R Y G E N T R Y $27 50 Paw«*v$12 50 Lawn \ * BRIAN SETZER ORCHESTRA * $29 50 Pav*orv$15 Lawn BEACH BOYS/ CREEDENCE CLEARWATER REVISITED $25 Pav*oa5l5 50 Lawn — W/ A N N E M U R R A Y <5 NATALIE COLE JOHN MICHAEL MONTGOMERY * * v ^^ A U -v Featuring PETER WOLF. S E T H J U S T M A N . M A G I C DICK. J G E I L S $75 Pawl>on.$29 50 Lawr. r>\ D o h a n y o s w i l l s i g n h i s book 7 p . m . W e d n e s d a y , M a y 5, at Bord e r s B o o k s t o r e , 13 M i l e a n d S o u t h f i e l d in B i r m i n g h a m BLUE OYSTER CULT/NAZARETH W/ S U R V I V O R THE RETURN OF J, GEILS BAND * 7 T h i s is N a t i o n a l B e K i n d to A n i m a l s W e e k a n d it's a good t i m e to h o p e y o u r c a t t a k e s it in h i s h e a r t t o be k i n d to y o u . SMOKEY ROBINSON 3 $28 50 Pav*on$ 15 Lawn // 'r' J i m D a v i s , w h o w a s m a d e rich by his "Garfield," s u m s up t h e g e n e r a l v i e w on cats: "Way d o w n d e e p , w e ' r e all m o t i v a t e d by t h e same urges. Cats have the c o u r a g e t o l i v e by t h e m " MOTLEY CRUE/SCORPIONS * $35Pav*orv$l5Lawr> *K» FAITH HILL r« ' - i d L * 42? 50 Pav*c*vS'5 lawr W JESSICA A N D R E W S * * AN EVENING W/ JOHN TESH * & KC & THE SUNSHINE BAND/WAR // HUEY LEWIS & THE NEWS ROGER WATERS $35 Pav*c*V$15 Lawn & 7 WILLIE NELSON PICNIC W/ LYLE LOVETT Pavilion tickets are available for purchase on Column B events Call for information. W/ K E B M O $29 50 Pavikon.?"5 Lawn \ 3 E CHICAGO/DOOBIE BROTHERS $35 25 Pav«tf*i$'8 75 lawn ^ / room, a n d on d o w n t h e line. E a c h h a s d r e a m s , m o s t of t h e i r b u b b l e s will b u r s t soon e n o u g h Basically, "Fame: The Music a l " is "A C h o r u s L i n e " m e e t s "Welcome Back. Rotter " Where it s o a r s is w i t h i t s e n s e m b l e n u m b e r s , c h o r e o g r a p h e d by t h e show's director. Lars Bethke The bodies explode across the s t a g e a s if o n e c o u l d c o n t r o l shrapnel W h e r e the production falls is w i t h t h e o b l i g a t o r y bnl lads by a l m o s t every individual lead S e v e r a l s o n g s could ha\«easily been cut > ^ THE TRAGICALLY HIP It's STEVE MILLER BAND w- G E O R G E T H O R O G O O D & C U R T I S S A L u A D G J 37 50 Pa1.!"**-. $.'1 V • I awA1 CHELY W R I G H T * • " * Vi P»v.» -5 ' '• L **' PURCHASE ANY 3 SHOWS FROM EITHER COLUMN A OR B & CHOOSE 3 FREE SHOWS FROM COLUMN B. a'VL, VINCE GILL /<9 DURAN DURAN $29 50 Pav*or.$'5 1 awn ALL FREE SEATS IN C O L U M N B ARE ON THE LAWN BARRY MANILOW $«iC PavtuxiVn Lawn t s GOO GOO DOLLS/SUGAR RAY SHOW JUST AOOED* Vi Pa*«»yi $ • 5 I «w<- EO BROOKS & DUNN » S.-4 50 Tswct PROUD SPONSORS ADKINSS. DERM VI l w mI 4?^ R.E.M. SVi Standouts, however, include a Jennifer Holidav-type showstop p e r by D i o n i M i c h e l l e C o l l i n s a Mabel, t h e o v e r w e f g h t d a n c e r and "These Are My C h i l d r e n , a lovely a n t h e m for t e a c h e r s s u n g by R e g i n a Le V e r t a s M i s s S h e r man t'These are my children My s a v i n g grace/ I s e e m y call i n g / In e v e r y f a c e " ! T h e H i g h S c h o o l of P e r f o r m - a -« _ — M t .i. . i n § / l l i v ib g u i r a , u u i screen, TV and CD, m a y b e t h e y ' r e r i g h t : it j u s t m i g h t l i v e forever CHEAP TRICK $49 50 Pavibor A Lawn Celebrity contributors include Dwayne Chattman (reading challenged Tyrone!, with his w a s h b o a r d aba and "all t h e right moves," w a s an a u d i e n c e favorite, as w a s a roof-raising d r u m solo by A m y ( " L a m b chops") E h r h c h wI ERIC S T U A R T REO SPEEDWAGON ROB ZOMBIE, DEFTONES, SLAYER. PRIMUS, GODSMACK. SYSTEM OF A DOWN & MORE * S23 50 Pav»on$'5 Lawr • Basically, Tame: The Musical' is 'A Chorus Line* meets 'Welcome Back, Kotter.' - ' ? PETER FRAMPTON $25 Pav*on-$15Lawn ^ CLAY WALKER t s THE COMMODORES $28 50 Paviliorv$20 Lawn . e * DWIGHT YOAKAM Featunng A N N S NANCY W I L S O N PATBENATAR $27 SO Pav*on Only High-energy 'Fame' might live forever "Fame — Th? Musical" continues through Sunday, May 2 Performances 1 p.m. and 5 p.m. at the Music Hall Center for the Performing Arts, 350 Madison Ave., Detroit. Tickets $27.50 to $50. call 1248) 645 6666 For more information, call (313) 983- GORDON LIGHTFOOT ° GET BACK! CAST OF BEATLEMANIA' ROCK NEVER STOPS * * <5 mjnra SARAH BRIGHTMAN * nose for mischief who found his big cats; columnist D a v e Barry, who takes a newsman's dim view of t h o s e c o n n i v i n g c a t s : D o n Knotts, whose cat Tatters gets tangled. Other celebrities include Carol Burnett, Ben Stein, Julie N e w m a r . Ron Schell and Gordie and Colleen Howe. W/ S T E V E NIEVE ° $35 Pav*oa$i5 Lawn w a y up the c h i m n e y a couple O n e of t h e b e s t s t o r i e s is b y Dohanyos' wife, Jean, w h o tells a s t o r y of s i s t e r l y r i v a l r y a n d t h e difference between boy cats and girl cats with an e n d i n g that suggests cats aren't totally i n s e n s i t i v e to h u m a n f e e l i n g s . / 3 Featuring JOHN ENTWISTLE, URIAH HEEP, QUIET RIOT, SLAUGHTER & FIREHOUSE w/ O Z O M A T L I * ELVIS COSTELLO B Y HUGH GALLAGHER — $24 50 PiMonrtlS Lawn SANTANA Edited by Franklin Dohanyos (Birch Lane Press, Carol Publishing, $19.95) — SAMMY HAGAR * $33P3v*xv$15 50Lawn Oakland County Michael Bouchard tells story from h i s boyhood chicken snatching cat T i g e r II. KANSAS* JOURNEY/FOREIGNER * HOOTIE & THE BLOWFISH collection of short e s s a y s from people all across t h e country, s o m e of t h e m celebrities t h o u g h not most and quite a few from metro Detroit. He also features p o e m s , s a y i n g s , q u i z z e s a n d cartoons, including those famous cats. Garfield. Felix and Socks. + $27 50 Pay***1* 15 Lawn $28 50 Pav*orv$12 50 Lawn The Cats of Our Uves: Funny and Heartwarming Remlnlacencesof Feline Companions — I * * LOVERBOY* THE VOLUNTEER JAM TOUR '99 * // W/ STEWART FRANCKE * — $32 50Pa»*onf$16Lawn ie > NATALIE MERCHANT * i* * cits o Qui <Xi\ (OF*-SCMN«)M Si v MAY 2 . 1 9 9 9 A WILCO* »v$."-> i A IFIT 0 U C H GIPSY KINGS -*$!*'• AXflTA .AIR LTSES .**» F u n i c s | * - - 5 B A R E N A K E D LADIES Al s? s SHAWN COLVIN/BRUCE HORNSBY taw — e y s ^ AuthorliedCeHular l-N *•- P»*»nr-.V> V PHONE HOURS: TICKETS ALSO AVAILABLE IN PERSON AT THE PALACE BOX OFFICE ' l TBA THE MOODY BLUES CALL ( 2 4 8 ) 3 7 7 - 0 1 0 0 • b A q - i DAVID L I N D L E Y ON SALE NOW I ( \SINO W I N D S O R BONNIE RAITT/JACKSON BROWNE IV VI ONt • T8A —r:— LLE ini • 1 fonvfmcn |yj g M O N - FRI: 9 A M - 7 PM SAT & SUN: 10 A M - 4 PM | Q r i o ^ r i m i , d a t e * and po<«» to O V
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