August 2014 - Red Rock Audubon Society


August 2014 - Red Rock Audubon Society
Volume 39, Issue 1
August, 2014
“The mission of Red Rock Audubon Society is to promote the enjoyment and protection of
birds and other wildlife through recreation, education, conservation and habitat
enhancement in southern Nevada and adjacent areas.”
To conserve recourses and finances this chapter is moving to have our newsletter available electronically. To help with this effort, please choose what option you would like to receive all future newsletters. This is the LAST ISSUE
we will send out automatically to all members in print. All members should
go to PAGE 10 of this issue and fill out the form provided. RRAS thanks everyone for their patience as our communications undergo these changes.
Inside This Issue
Chapter News
Member Spotlight
Chapter Events
Membership Forum
Membership &
Donation Form
Newsletter Form
Feedback Form
Board Members
Cutting Cattails
Above: Volunteers cutting and removing cattails to create habitat for waterfowl on private land in Tecopa, California with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s Partners for Fish and
Wildlife Program.
Cattail Cutting Crew: (Left to Right) Back Row: Brad Gore, Jon Zellhoefer (landowner), Hal
Fairfield, David Bradford. Front Row: Doug Chang and Bob Furtek.
Page 1
Volume 39, Issue 1
August, 2014
elcome Back!
We had a great 2013/2104 year. The Chapter had
numerous field trips, education events at general
meetings and outside. Our chapter participated in
many volunteer projects and some have continued during the summer. I want to thank the Board
for volunteering their time by organizing and
leading many of these events. I especially want to
thank the chapter members for participating and
attending all of our chapter activities. Photos from
some the activities are included on pages 6 & 7.
Red Rock Audubon Society's chapter map has expanded. I am pleased to welcome National Audubon Society members from the following zip
codes to the Red Rock family; Death Valley, Shoshone, Tecopa, Willow Beach, Meadville, Henderson, Sloan, Laughlin, North Las Vegas
Red Rock Audubon Society local chapter-only
membership has been created for members that
wish to have their membership dues and contribution stay locally. They will also have their membership information retained by the local chapter.
Members can choose the options that best meets
their needs. New membership forms are available
to be down loaded on-line, in the newsletter, or at
all Audubon events.
The chapter is now offering all Audubon members
to receive the Rock Wren via e-mail. Please indicate your preference by using the form on page 10
of this issue. Paper version can be mailed to you or
handed out at chapter events for an additional fee
to cover the cost of printing and distribution. The
chapter is strongly encouraging membership to
opt for the newsletter to be e-mailed to reduce
chapter expense, eliminate paper and ink, but
most importantly, be able to receive urgent/
timely updates of chapter events.
Additionally, the Board would like your input to
this year’s field trips, educational programs, and
volunteer activities. We want to be able to meet
your needs. Please let us know by returning the
feedback form attached to this newsletter on
page 11.
We had many new, renewing, and returning members. We also had many generous donors. Red
Rock Audubon appreciates your support.
Lastly, I would like to thank Bob Wilkins– Past
President, JeAnne Blackman– Interim President,
Chistiana Manville– Field Trip Committee Chairperson, Maureen Kammerer– Communication
Committee Chairperson, and Sara Schuster–
RRAS Sanctuary Chairperson for their chapter
Your 2014/15 Chapter Board of Directors are
listed on page 12. I thank them for dedicating
their time, leadership, and resources towards Red
Rock Audubon Society. We hope to hear from you
and get the opportunity to see you at our events.
I am looking forward to another wonderful year.
Doug Chang
President – Red Rock Audubon Society
Page 2
Las Vegas
Nevada State Museum Springs Preserve
309 S. Valley View Blvd.
Las Vegas, NV
Cooperative Extension Annex
2651 E. Calvada Blvd.
Pahrump, NV
6:30-7:00 PM- Start Time/Welcome
7:00 PM- Announcements/Chapter Business
7:20 PM– Special Topic/Speaker (40 mins)
8:00 PM– Raffle (30 Mins)
8:30 PM– Depart/Closing
6:00-6:30 PM- Start Time/Welcome
6:30 PM- Announcements/Chapter Business
6:50 PM– Special Topic/Speaker (40 mins)
7:30 PM– Raffle (30 Mins)
8:00 PM– Depart/Closing
Meeting Dates for 2014:
Meetings are held on every second Monday of the
month except in the months of May, June, July,
August and December.
Meeting Dates for 2014:
Meetings are held on every fourth Monday of the
month except in the months of May, June, July,
August and December.
Abraham DaSilva
September 8 , 2014-Las Vegas General Meeting
September 22nd, 2014-Pahrump General Meeting
Mr. DaSilva is an ecological restoration specialist who currently oversees the invasive plant management and vegetation program at Ash Meadows National Wildlife Reserve. Abraham will be presenting a short video titled, “Ash Meadows NWR: The largest Remaining Oasis in the Mojave”. Following the video he will give a presentation on bird count
and bird monitoring opportunities at the refuge.
Lisa Ross
October 13th, 2014-Las Vegas General Meeting
October 27th, 2014-Pahrump General Meeting
Wild Wing Project is non-profit wildlife rehabilitation organization that was founded in 1987. Linda Ross has been
permitted with Nevada Division of Wildlife and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service since 1983. This presentation will
inform individuals when it’s appropriate to remove wildlife from their homes and when to let them remain in nature.
Lisa Ross will also be bringing Max, their 30+ year old Red-Tailed Hawk and a male American Kestrel.
Angelina Yost
November 10th, 2014-Las Vegas General Meeting
November 24th, 2014-Pahrump General Meeting
Ms. Yost is the Visitor Services Manager for the Desert National Wildlife Refuge Complex. She has been working for
the DNWR Complex since 2009. Prior to working here in Southern Nevada, she worked as an interpretation specialist
for several National Parks. Angelina Yost will present a video titled, “Pahranagat NWR: Land of Shining Wonders”,
followed by a presentation on the new visitors center and opportunities to help the refuge.
Page 3
Volume 39, Issue 1
August, 2014
Every issue RRAS would like to highlight one member
who has given their time and dedication to this organization. This issue we would like to recognize Mr. Richard
Cantino. He has been a member of RRAS for 4 years. He
began monitoring with the Burrowing Owl Project the
year he joined RRAS. Every year he assists U.S. Fish and
Wildlife with the BUOW project by training new/
recurring owl monitors in the Pahrump area. He also
gives countless hours to help track owl burrows every
year so they may be assigned to monitors. His work directly impacts the monitoring and preservation of burrowing owls during the mating season. It is through the hard work and efforts of
members like Mr. Cantino that RRAS is such an amazing organization.
pril 2014 is once again the beginning of the
BUOW (burrowing owl) monitoring season for
Red Rock Audubon Society in Southern Nevada.
In the Las Vegas area we have 14 monitors and in the
Pahrump area there are 15 monitors. Each monitor attends
a 3 hour classroom training session with an additional
hands on training session in the field at their assigned burrow. They are given an instruction book with guidelines on
how to look for a BUOW burrow, and identify an
active BUOW burrow along with data sheets to be
filled out at each monitoring session. The monitors
will conduct their survey one day each week from
April-August and report their findings on the provided data sheet. Amongst other findings, they will
count the number of chicks hatched and report
their age at each weekly monitoring session. This
year appears to be another good breeding season
L to R: Dorothy Crowe, Richard Cantino, Susan Cooper,
Christiana Manville
Page 4
for the Burrowing Owls as many monitors have
reported burrows with several chicks each.
his year we decided to do something a
little different than in previous years. We
wanted to try and find out fidelity
amongst BUOWs, get a better understanding of
the migratory and dispersal behavior of the owls
in the Las Vegas and Pahrump areas, and see
which BUOWs stay at their burrow throughout
the year and which ones migrated at the end of
the season. We also want to know where they migrate to. We want to see if the migratory owls returned to the same burrow as in the previous
year. In order to do all of this we needed to band
the BUOWs. We applied to National Audubon Society’s Whittell Fund for a grant to provide funds
for the project. On May 15th, 2014 the grant was L to R: Richard Cantino, Tony Tocco, Cheryl Tocco,
approved by NAS (National Audubon Society). Susan Cooper, Dorothy Crowe
Dorothy Crowe is our Master Bander with Christiana (Manville) Moser and Susan Cooper assisting with
the banding. I have been documenting the project with video as well as photographs. The BUOWs that
are captured are banded with an ACRAFT blue colored and numbered band, as well as a silver USFWS
numbered band. We started the banding project in Pahrump on the evening of May 29th with a capture
of 4 BUOW chicks. The banding is progressing nicely.
If anyone should see a banded BUOW, please notify us by e-mail at:
If you see any banded bird, except for a pigeon, you can report the sighting at one of the following places: Or Call: 1-800-327-2263
Page 5
Volume 39, Issue 1
August, 2014
Burrowing Owl Monitoring
Hualapai Mountain Trip
Pot Luck
Gunninson Utah Trip
Page 6
Golden Eagles
San Diego Birding
Page 7
Volume 39, Issue 1
August, 2014
Red Rock Audubon Society is excited to welcome all new and returning members to our chapter.
Richard Walker, Liz Bickmore, Mary Davis, Emily O’Brian, BJ Tortorici, Francisca Webber, Jim Nelson,
Heather Gang, Charles Ritter, Cathleen Kozmary, Charles Gorgen, Janis McCollum, Melissa Gonzales, Marzia
Hamlin, Katharine Bajadali, Janice Halecki, Press Goodheart, Diana Hill, Charlette Zaccone, Sara Schuster,
Theresa Hyde, Christine Mault, Len Warren, Sarah Czipowski, Mr. & Mrs. Donn Blake, Thomas Marshall, Kevin Kenzien, Virginia Johnson, Christine Sheen, Rhonda Hornbeck, Autumn Reynolds, Irene Caryle, Susan Purcell, Loretta Grandis, Lynn Tutor, Larry Carlson, Federico Schenkel, Benjamin Vanocker, Stephanie Evans,
Rachel Cairnes, Sherry Tutino, Randal Jones, Jennifer Josephs, Helene La Plant, Beverly Vance, Thongchai
Bhannukitsiri, Gabriel Amaro, Nan Stevenson, Alice Branton, Crystal Ziherbart, Diane Baker, and Susan
Shirley Harlan, J. Davis, Eleanor Jones, Teresa Claar, Lester Jorqensen, Melanie Hazen, Lindsey Rosales,
Nate Netzorg, Whitford Harrington, Diane & Vernon Frost, The Lindley’s, Carolyn Brandon, Kay Barone,
Elaine Katzberger, and Wilfred Tona.
Many thanks to all of the members and organizations that make generous donations every
year to support our mission.
Mountain Blue Birds
Crissal Thrashers
American Avocets
Thomas Marshall, Charles
Ritter, Gina Rick, Paul Paxton, Victor
Baker, Jeanne
Lester JorgenLester
Donn Blake
Jan Nelson
Cathy Kozmary
Kevin Krenzien
Patrica Schrade
Christine Sheen
Kathy Biafore (The Keystone Club)
Page 8
Red Rock Audubon Society Membership Application &
Donation Form
“The mission of Red Rock Audubon Society is to promote the enjoyment and protection of birds and other wildlife through recreation, education, conservation and
habitat enhancement in southern Nevada and adjacent areas.”
(Last, First, Middle Initial)
E-mail Address:
Membership Requested
Membership Cost: $10
A. Red Rock Audubon Society (RRAS)
If you would like to make a donation at this time please indicate the amount below: Note-All donations
made to RRAS will go directly to the RRAS Chapter and may be considered tax deductible.
Mountain Blue Bird
Crissal Thrasher
B. National Audubon Society
American Avocet
Golden Eagle
$100 - more
Member ship Cost:$20
Introductory 1 year membership for individual or family. Members will receive the Audubon magazine
mailed to address listed above. Membership dues will be forwarded to National Audubon and subsequent
renewal will be administered by National Audubon. Red Rock Audubon chapter number-C4ZP510Z
Please mail this form and check made out to Red
Rock Audubon Society to:
Red Rock Audubon Society
ATTENTION: Membership
P.O. Box 96691
Las Vegas, NV 89193
Red Rock Audubon Society Membership: $10
Red Rock Audubon Society Donation: $____
National Audubon Society Membership: $20
RRAS Paper Version of Newsletter: $10
Please direct any membership questions to our e-mail at:
Or call us at: (702) 390-9890
Page 9
Volume 39, Issue 1
August, 2014
Requested Newsletter Format
Please fill out all information below and return to address listed at the bottom. Thank You.
Option 1: I would like to continue receiving the newsletter in the mail. (Please attach $10 cash/
check/money order made out to Red Rock Audubon Society)
Option 2: I would like to read all future newsletters on the RRAS website at:
Option 3: I would like to receive all future newsletters by e-mail. (Please fill out name and e-mail
address below and mail it back to RRAS address below)
Name: ______________________, _________________ _______
Phone: __________________
E-mail Address: ______________________________________________________
Address: ____________________________________________________________
(Street/ P.O. Box)
(Zip Code)
Please send this form/check to the address listed below.
Red Rock Audubon Society
P.O. Box 96691
Las Vegas, NV 89193
If you have any questions or concerns regarding the newsletter please contact us
by e-mail at: Or by phone at: (702) 390-9890
Page 10
In order to build a better speaker program, bird walks,
trips, and educational sessions, the chapter would like
your input in the following areas.
A. Speaker topics: What topics/subjects would you like to be presented at general meetings?
1. __________________________________________________________________________
2. __________________________________________________________________________
3. __________________________________________________________________________
B. Where else would you like to go birding?
Bird walks: 1. ___________________________________________________________________
2. ___________________________________________________________________
3. ___________________________________________________________________
Day Trips: 1. ___________________________________________________________________
2. ___________________________________________________________________
3. ___________________________________________________________________
Overnight Trips: 1. _______________________________________________________________
2. _______________________________________________________________
3. _______________________________________________________________
C. In which areas would you like to help out the chapter?
Field Trips
Committee Leadership
If you have an other suggestions you have please let us know here.
D. Contact Information: Name:_______________________
E-Mail Address: _____________________________________________
Page 11
The Rock Wren
Red Rock Audubon Society
P.O. Box 96691
Las Vegas, NV 89193
Nonprofit Org.
U.S. Postage Paid
Las Vegas, NV
Permit #464
President/Membership Chair: Douglas Chang
Vice-President/Programs Chair: Dr. Rita Bagwe
Treasurer: Christine Mault
Secretary: Jennifer Mercadante
Communication Chair: Holly Brice
Conservation Chair-Press Liaison: John Hiatt
Director at Large-Burrowing Owl PM: Richard Cantino
Director at Large-Publications: Carolyn Titus
Director at Large-RRAS Phone: Rita Schlageter
Director at Large-Sanctuary: Jim Switalla
Education Co Chair: Theresa Hyde
Education Co Chair-Youth: Darlene Feener
Field Trip Chair: Dave Bradford
Whittell Fund Rep: JeAnne Blackman
Hospitality Co Chair-Las Vegas: Mary Switalla
Hospitality Co Chair-Pahrump: Carol Cantino
Red Rock Audubon Society can be reached by e-mail
Our website is at:
You can also contact us by phone at: (702) 390-9890