UvA info bulletin April 2012 for residents
UvA info bulletin April 2012 for residents
Roeterseiland Information Bulletin Photo: Jannes Linders NUMBER 10 | APRIL 2012 CREA officially opened on 15 March Measurement translates to knowledge Since the end of last year, the noise levels resulting from work at Roeterseiland have been measured by LPB|SIGHT, a consultancy firm specialising in construction, spatial planning and the environment. So, just how are these measurements carried out? Ed Goudriaan, senior noise consultant explains. The firm has been conducting noise measurements on behalf of the UvA since 1 December 2012. Technicians installed three microphones in front of the rear façades of the Sarphati block. These microphones register the ambient noise levels per second. This data is then sent to a computer and processed. ‘The sound we measure constantly changes in terms of volume, so we express noise levels in an average over a specific time period. This is referred to as the equivalent value’, Goudriaan explains. Lawnmower According to regulations imposed by the City of Amsterdam, the average daily value may not exceed 80 dB(A). ‘That’s the amount of noise you could expect from heavy traffic at a distance of 15 metres, or a motorised lawnmower. The average noise level is determined over a 12-hour period – from 07:00 to 19:00. Demolition work produces higher noise levels than construction work. The portion of those 12 hours during which no work is carried out is also included in the average noise level measurement.’ Continued on page 2 Construction Day The Roeterseiland complex will be open to the public on 2 June 2012, National Construction Day. BAM employees will be giving guided tours of building B every thirty minutes between 10:00 and 16:00. Those interested in taking a tour must sign up on the day. First come, first served! Visit our information stand at the CREA Café. Continued from page 1 Foto: UvA, Dirk Gillissen Alarm system According to Goudriaan , average values have not exceeded 80 dB(A) since measurements first started. ‘Our microphones are fitted with an alarm system. Ed Goudriaan As soon as the average noise level exceeds 75 dB(A), BAM and the UvA receive an alert warning that noise levels are approaching 80 dB(A) so that immediate measures can be taken. ‘Since the start of measurements, demolition work stopped half an hour early on one occasion, although this was not strictly necessary’, Goudriaan explains. Predictions In addition to monitoring noise based on continuous noise measurements, the consultancy firm has also created a calculation model for the construction site. ‘By applying data from BAM’s planning schedule for construction and demolition work, we can use this calculation model to predict the noise impact over a longer period of time. We successfully predicted that noise levels would be lower from the second week of 2012 onwards than during demolition work in the fourth quarter of 2011.’ The UvA offers local residents the opportunity to monitor daily noise measurements on www.geluidbeheer.nl, log in: project: UvA, log in code: bewoner, password: bewoner. Design for Roeterseiland exterior space enthusiastically received ‘The meeting was well organised and I’m really pleased with the plans’. Local resident Bente Wiegman can’t wait for the plans to take shape. ‘Still, they need to make sure the area is properly managed. They’re planning on putting in a lot of benches. That’s obviously nice, but benches do tend to attract alcoholics, which can be a real problem in this neighbourhood.’ In Wiegman’s view, these meetings are a useful initiative. ‘Initially, people took a negative attitude towards the whole project. I mean, it’s a huge project right on our doorstep. I can feel the mood is changing now, though. The meetings are becoming more constructive. That certainly makes for a more pleasant atmosphere, and it’s obviously more useful too.’ ‘The local residents were definitely enthusiastic about the preliminary design’, confirms Sanne Doelman, assistant programme manager at UvA Real Estate Development. ‘But they also had plenty of serious questions. The area will changed from a closed, Photo: UvA, Dirk Gillissen On 12 March, the UvA organised a meeting for local residents to explain its plans for the exterior space surrounding the Roeterseiland complex. Bente Wiegman (l) and Sanne Doelman inward-looking space to an open, accessible campus oriented towards the city. For example, the exterior space will be designed to reflect the city’s canal structure, but will also have a unique identity with route markings in the paving. These routes will lead users to the various buildings and a number of special recreational areas. Most of the residents’ critical questions related to the management and designation of the area currently being used for the BAM construction site office. A separate meeting will be organised to provide local residents further details on the latter issue. The aspect of area management will be a key issue during further elaboration of the plan.’ Construction work Activities for the coming months In the months leading up to the summer, work will focus on buildings B and C. The new façade of building B is starting to take shape with the installation of glass and panelling. Assembly work is progressing slowly but surely. The façade parallel to Sarphatistraat will be completed in a few months’ time. The entire façade is expected to be completed by the end of summer. A number of small concrete elements will be removed from building B over the coming months to create openings in the floors for the various cable and elevator shafts. A number of concrete columns will also be removed in order to create open spaces. This process will take several months and will cause some noise disturbance since the work will be carried out on several floors at once. Various construction activities will take place simultaneously: the construction of walls, the painting of ceilings and the installation of systems. The steel construction near the podium in building B is now visible. The contours of the first lecture hall with a capacity of 300 people are also taking shape. Activities relating to the new bridge over Nieuwe Achtergracht will mainly consist of foundation work. Photography: Bram Belloni For more information on the various construction activities, please visit www.uva.nl/roeterseiland The official opening of CREA on 15 March consisted of an afternoon of inspiring speeches, several performances and the spectacular unveiling of a new work of art created especially for the new location. Guests were then given the opportunity to look around the new building. Construction work planning schedule 2012/2013 (summary) April May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Buildings B/C Assembly of building B tower facade Foundation work in building C Erection of steel construction and roof over podium Concrete work on podium Concrete constructions for building section C* Rough finishing and installation of building systems Demolition of final sections of building section C* Building C façades Building A Preparation for asbestos removal and demolition Asbestos removal and demolition (provisional) Start of construction (provisional) The above planning schedule merely serves as a guideline. For the latest information, please consult the website and our neighbourhood news updates. * (over Nieuwe Achtergracht) Roeterseiland Information Centre An Information Centre is being set up in the foyer of building E to provide information on the development of Roeterseiland. In addition to a scale model of the area, artist’s impressions, and informative posters and brochures, the Centre will also feature a chart of the planning schedule and a screen displaying photos and video clips. Although the Information Centre will not be staffed, Marianne de Wal, domain manager, UvA Real Estate Development, will be present one afternoon a week to answer any questions and provide further information. Anyone interested in further information can walk in: the Information Centre’s doors will always be open. The Information Centre also offers an excellent starting point for guided tours and can be used to hold presentations. The Centre offers a view of the construction site! Students, staff, local residents and other interested parties: everyone interested in the development of Roeterseiland will soon be welcome to visit the new Information Centre. Questions about the construction work? Please call 020 525 7704, or send an email to Gebiedsregisseur-Roeterseiland-bb@uva.nl. Further information www.uva.nl/roeterseiland or via Twitter @roeterseiland. Notes to this publication The University of Amsterdam owns approx. 350,000 m2 of real estate across the city. In order to improve the quality of UvA accommodation and reduce the geographical spread of its real estate, the University of Amsterdam is conducting a large-scale construction programme cover the coming years. The programme includes the development of open campuses (Science Park, Roeterseiland and at/around Binnengasthuisterrein). The Real Estate Development department is responsible for the relevant project development activities. At the Roeterseiland location, a number of existing university buildings are being renovated and the outdoor space is being redeveloped. In few years’ time, the complex will be home to three faculties. The Faculty of Economics and Business, the Faculty of Social and Real Estate Development relocates Behavioural Sciences and the Faculty of Law. The facility is set to The UvA Real Estate Development department is now literally right on top of the latest building developments. The department recently relocated to Roeterseiland, Gijsbert van Tienhovengebouw, Roeterstraat 31, 4th floor. letin is a quarterly publication by the UvA Real Estate Development become a lively urban campus with study facilities, research labs, catering facilities and shops. The Roeterseiland Information Buldepartment, providing background information and a summary of the main construction plans and planning schedule. For the latest information, please consult the website and the neighbourhood news updates. Editors: UvA and Frederieke Genevace