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The Triennial offers the opportunity of an active dialogue between artists from all over the world and is a means of widening the publicís access to high-quality works of art. The collection on display, representing an up-to-date survey of the state and achievements of contemporary graphic art worldwide, impresses with the great variety of artistic and aesthetic conceptions, styles and techniques. The International Triennial of Graphic Arts is a remarkable example of the concerted efforts of organizations of various profiles to work together for the noble goal of fostering the creative activity of artists in a spirit of partnership. I avail myself of the opportunity to thank personally and on behalf of the Union of Bulgarian Artists all institutions and companies which have contributed to the realization of this project. Looking forward to the next edition of the Triennial, I wish the organizers and participants the best of success. Professor Christo Haralampiev President of the Union of Bulgarian Artists GRAPHIC ART AND THE MAGIC OF THE VISUAL IMAGE Third International “riennial of Graphic Arts Sofia 2001 In the world of art, we are all hunters of the image. Guided by our senses, we follow our instinct to ìselectî visions and to communicate physically and spiritually with art. The graphic arts, notwithstanding all the new technologies, identify themselves through the ìtracesî left by the various printing techniques on the sheet of paper as the material support of the representation. This is the idea underlying the ìrigorousî statute of the Sofia Triennial of Graphic Arts, which, unlike other European and world manifestations of this kind, is being organized exclusively by printmakers without the participation of ìexternalî selectors, or curators and art critics. These terms are explicitly stipulated in the statute of the Triennial, and this is probably the reason why in the foreign participants section one can often see a specific country represented by a single artist. There are exceptions, of course: second only to the Bulgarians (77 artists showing 162 works), the Japanese provided the largest national contribution to the Triennial. Neither are the prizes, according to the regulations, very attractive in financial terms, and this is understandable in view of the limited financial means at the disposal of the organizers of such megaprojects. Furthermore, there are limits imposed on the size of the works, so that they can be displayed in a balanced setting (which is the established practice in other graphic ‚Â̈ËÓ̇ÎÌËÚÂ, ÂÍÒÔÂËÏÂÌÚ‡ÎÌË ÚÂıÌËÍË Ì‡ Ô˜‡Ú. ÕÓ Í‡ÍÚÓ ÔÓ͇Á‚‡Ú Ë Ì‡„‡‰ËÚ ̇ “ËÂ̇ÎÂÚÓ Ì ҇ ËÁÍβ˜ÂÌË ÓÚ ÒÂÎÂÍˆËˇÚ‡ Ú‚Ó·Ë, ˜ËˇÚÓ ‚ËÁÛ‡Î̇ Ó·‡·ÓÚ͇ ̇ ËÁÓ·‡ÊÂÌËÂÚÓ Ò˙˜ÂÚ‡‚‡ Ô˜‡Ú̇ڇ ÚÂıÌË͇ Ë ÍÓÏ·Ë̇ˆËˇÚ‡ ∫ Ò ÌÓ‚ËÚ ÍÓÏÔ˛Ú˙ÌË ÚÂıÌÓÎÓ„ËË. 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But as can be seen from the prizes, awarded at the Triennial, the selection includes also works in which the visual treatment of the representation is achieved through a combination of traditional printing methods and the new computerized technologies. We are indeed witnessing a turning point in the development of graphic art as such: it is apparently ceasing to be elitist, since it can now been virtually multiplied on a global scale. It is not only the print, but the electronic forms and images, used for the reproduction of a work, that determine its presence in the general flow of information. From this new position, art can incessantly challenge and attract the attention of a far larger public (actually the audience is unlimited). Due probably to financial considerations, the Triennial is not virtually presented in the net, and this is to be regretted, for it would have been possible to see it alongside the biennials in Ljubljana, Venice and other similar manifestations worldwide. The process of transmitting social, artistic and other ideas through the medium of traditional graphics, which made it formerly the most democratic form of art, has today gone far beyond the scope, familiar to us some 20 years ago, when the first international biennial of graphic arts was staged in Varna. Having now become part of the general processes of global communication, graphic art has shed many of its local characteristics, as is exemplified by the Slovakian graphic school and even the national specificity of Japanese, Bulgarian, Czech, German and other participants. Today every artist, in his personal approach to ìgraphicî matter, seems to be focused on the conceptual expression of his idea. Even as regards content, graphic art tends to treat both eternal themes and visions of the new world of global industrialization, whose material objects negate the personal significance of the individual. Freedom is expressed by the mobility of imaginary constructs, e.g. Masahiro Fukuda, Japan; Mark Friesing, Luxembourg; Benjamin Wassermann, Estonia (honorary diploma), some of them even needing to be additionally explained by colour indicators or ìaccompanyingî sketches: Robert Barumov (diploma). The reduction of the image, of the work of art, as compared to the global field of representation, in which ideas are travelling, lends a new programmatic aspect to human intervention in a boundless expanse, in which the ìtraceî is a sign of the overcoming of anonymity Tau-Beng-Lau (Grand Prix of the Triennial). It is as if, for decades on end, the graphic work of enduring appeal has been associated with the abstract-figurative style, focused on the expressiveness of its impact: Bernard Holemann, Austria; Tsvetan Kazandjiev, Bulgaria (Prize of the Art Dialogue Association). The proof thereof can be found in previous editions of the Varna Biennial and the Sofia Graphic Triennial, with the names of certain prize winners appearing again now. This may suggest a certain conservative approach to nominations and a similarity in the criteria of evaluation. The works of Christo Kardjilov, now IV V ÚÓ‚‡ ËÁÍÛÒÚ‚Ó Â‰Ì‡ Ì„ӂ‡ ‚ÓβˆËˇ, ËÁ‡ÁÂ̇ ‚ ‡‚ÚÓÒÍÓÚÓ ÏÛ ÓÚÌÓ¯ÂÌË Í˙Ï Ï‡Ú¡· Ë Ì„ӂËÚ ÒÔˆËÙ˘ÌË ËÁ‡ÁÌË ‚˙ÁÏÓÊÌÓÒÚË. ¬ ÚÓÁË ‡ÒÔÂÍÚ ‚ËÁÛ‡ÎÌÓÚÓ Á‚Û˜ÂÌ ̇ ÒÂˡڇ ̇ ¬‡ÎÂË ¬‡ÒË΂ ÔÓ͇Á‚‡, ˜Â Ò˙‚˙¯Â̇ڇ ÚÂıÌË͇ ÏÓÊ ‰‡ ·˙‰Â ÒÍËÚ‡ Ò ÂÍÁÓÚ˘̇ ËÌÓÒ͇Á‡ÚÂÎÌÓÒÚ, Ì¢Ó, ÍÓÂÚÓ ·Â ÚËÔ˘ÌÓ Á‡ ˇÔÓÌÒ͇ڇ „‡ÙË͇ Ë ÍÓÂÚÓ Í‡ÚÓ ÔË̈ËÔ „Ó ÓÚÍË‚‡Ï ÔË Ã‡Ò‡ıËÓ “ÓÍÛ‰‡ (ÚÂÚ‡ ̇„‡‰‡), “‡ÏÓˇ ”˜Ë‰‡ Ë “‡ÍÂÏË ¿ˆÛχˇ ( ‰ËÔÎÓÏ). √‡Ù˘ÌËÚÂ Ú‚Ó·Ë Ì‡ ≈ÏËÎ ÃˇÁ˜Ë‚ ̇„‡‰‡ Á‡ ‡‚ÚÓ ÓÚ fi„ÓËÁÚӘ̇ ≈‚ÓÔ‡, »„Ó œË‡˜Í‡ ◊Âıˡ (‰ËÔÎÓÏ), Ò‡ ̇È-‰Ó·ËˇÚ Ó·‡Áˆ Á‡ ‰Û„ˡ ÒÚÓ„ ÒÚËΠ̇ ‚ÓÔÂÈÒ͇ڇ „‡ÙË͇, ‚ ÍÓˇÚÓ ‚˙Ú¯̇ڇ ı‡ÏÓÌˡ ̇ ÙÓÏËÚÂ Ë ·Ó„‡ÚÒÚ‚ÓÚÓ Ì‡ „‡Ù˘̇ڇ χÚÂˡ Ë Ó·‡ÁÌÓÒÚ Ò‡ ÓÔ‰ÂΡ˘Ë. ¬ ·˙΄‡ÒÍˡ ‡Á‰ÂΠ̇È-Ô‡ÌÓ‡ÏÌÓ ÏÓ„‡Ú ‰‡ Ò ̇·Î˛‰‡‚‡Ú ÔÓˆÂÒËÚ ̇ ‡Á‚ËÚËÂ, ͇ÍÚÓ Ë Â‚ÓβˆËˇÚ‡ ̇ ‡Á΢ÌË Ú‚ÓˆË. ¬ËÒÓÍ ÔÓÙÂÒËÓ̇ÎËÁ˙Ï, ÔÓÁ̇ڇ ÒÚËÎËÒÚË͇, ÚÂÔ‰Â̈ËË ÓÚ 70-ÚÂ Ë 80-Ú „Ó‰ËÌË ‚ Ó·˘Ó‚ÓÔÂÈÒ͇ڇ „‡ÙË͇ ÌÂÁ‡·ÂÎÂÊËÏÓ Ë ÌÓÒڇ΄˘ÌÓ ÌË ‚˙˘‡Ú Í˙Ï ÔÓÁ̇ÚË Ë‰ÂË Ë Ó·‡ÁˆË, Ë ‚ÒÂ Ô‡Í Ì ÎËÔÒ‚‡Ú ÌÓ‚ÓÒÚË. ƒÓË Á‡ Í·ÒˈËÚ ͇ÚÓ –ÛÏÂÌ —ÍӘ‚, fiÎËÈ ÃË̘‚, ¡ÓËÒ·‚ —ÚÓ‚ Ì ÏÓ„‡Ú ‰‡ Ò ÔÓ‚ÚÓˇÚ Ì‡Ô‡‚Ó ÔÓÁ̇ÚËÚ ÙÓÏÛÎËÓ‚ÍË Á‡ ËÁÍÛÒÚ‚ÓÚÓ ËÏ, ‡ ÌÓ‚ËÚ Ì ÔÓÏÂÌˇÚ ÏˇÒÚÓÚÓ Ë Á̇˜ÂÌËÂÚÓ ËÏ Á‡ ·˙΄‡Ò͇ڇ „‡ÙË͇. 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In this aspect, the visual impact of the series by Valeri Vassilev shows that a perfect technique can be ìconcealedî by an exotic symbolism, a feature which was typical of Japanese graphics as exemplified by Masahiro Fukuda (third prize), Tamoya Uchida and Takei Atsumaya (diploma). The graphic works of Emil Mirazchiev (prize for artist from Southeastern Europe), Igor Piachka, Czech Republic (diploma) are the outstanding examples of the other ìstrictî style in European graphic art, of which the inner harmony of forms and the richness of graphic matter and imagery are the essential characteristics. It is in the Bulgarian section that one can most comprehensively observe the general trends of development, as well as the evolution of individual artists. High professional skills, familiar stylistic idioms, as well as the tendencies of the 1970s and 1980s in European printmaking, imperceptibly and wistfully take us back to familiar ideas and models, and yet there is no lack of novelties. Even in the case of such ìclassicsî as Rumen Skorchev, Yuliy Minchev, Borislav Stoyev it is no longer possible to apply directly the well-known characterizations of their art, while the new ones do not change their place and relevance in Bulgarian graphic art. In the company of so many new young artists, working in the domain of conceptual art and non-conventional forms, the new generation in traditional printmaking is far from presenting a coherent and clear picture. There seems to be a blurring of the boundaries that are normally created by radical approaches. The contribution of foreign participants is quite impressive, including as it does the works of 79 artists from 32 countries. Time alone will probably show what this encounter has brought about by way of information and new ideas. What can now be stated is that the interest in Bulgaria as a center of the visual arts is strongest among Japanese, Macedonian, Serbian, Polish and American artists. Is this due only to the organization of the Triennial, to its statute or to other factors? And should answers to such questions be sought for at all, now that the facts are established and well-known? The Sofia Triennial was conceived and realized as a sequence of periodic and alternating international exhibitions of the graphic arts, painting and sculpture. The purpose of these manifestations was to stimulate the processes in contemporary Bulgarian art, to overcome its conservatism and inertness with respect to presentday realities and the new means of visual expression. The three editions of the Triennial in 1995, 1998 and 2001 amounted to a dialogue between artists of different nationalities, emotional and philosophical attitudes. For Bulgarian artists the Triennial has been and continues to be an enviable opportunity to find out their own paths and keys to the new realities of human civilization and the globalization of human society. Plamena Dimitrova-Racheva ARGENTINA/АРЖЕНТИНА Адриан Хиачети – 1945 Adrian Giacchetti – 1945 Colon 3276 1 E 16S3 Villa Balester 2 AUSTRIA/АВСТРИЯ Бернард Холеман – 1935 Bernard Hollemann – 1935 akad. Maler u. Graphiker, Palffygasse 30, A-2500 Baden b. Wien 2 BULGARIA/БЪЛГАРИЯ Сашо Анастасов – 1957 Sasho Anastassov – 1957 P. Box 56, 9001 Varna 3 Марианж Анастасова – 1956 Marianzh Anastassova – 1956 Ul. Nezabravka 1/B, 1113 Sofia 3 Иво Арнаудов – 1969 Ivo Arnaudov – 1969 Ul. Elemag 15, bl. 307, ap. 96, 1113 Sofia 4 Наташа Атанасова – 1954 Natasha Atanassova – 1954 Ul. Filip Totyu 1 A, 5000 Veliko Tarnovo 4 Райна Бабачева – 1969 Raina Babacheva – 1969 Bul. Samokov, bl. 311, ap. 18, 1113 Sofia 5 Роберт Баръмов – 1966 Robert Baramov – 1966 j.k. Chaika, bl.48/A, ap. 13, 9005 Varna 5 Стефан Божков – 1961 Stefan Bozhkov – 1961 j.k. Slavia, bl. 22/A, ap. 5, 1618 Sofia 6 Стоян Чуканов – 1970 Stoyan Choukanov – 1970 Pl. Narodno sabranie 9, 1000 Sofia 6 Владимир Чукич – 1958 Vladimir Choukich – 1958 Blvd. Bulgaria 58, 6600 Kardjali 7 Веселин Дамянов – 1955 Vesselin Damyanov – 1955 Str. Zahari Krusha 26, 1606 Sofia 7 Георги Драчев – 1949 Georgi Drachev – 1949 J.k. Zapad, bl. 3, ap. 1, 2700 Blagoevgrad 8 Мария Духтева – 1952 Maria Douhteva – 1952 J.k. Hladilnika, Banat 20/B, 1407 Sofia 8 Буян Филчев – 1952 Bouyan Filchev – 1952 J.k. Borovo, bl. 226/A, 1680 Sofia 9 Наталия Химирска – 1950 Natalia Himirska – 1950 Str. Graf Ignatiev 11, 1000 Sofia 9 Дамян Христов – 1962 Damyan Hristov – 1962 Str. Y. Kovachev 9, 4004 Plovdiv 10 Радослав Илиев – 1961 Radoslav Iliev – 1961 Dragalevtsi, str. Ekaterina Bojilova 15, 1415 Sofia 10 Фикрет Ислямов – 1939 Fikret Issliamov – 1939 Str. Drujba 3, bl. 5/G, ap. 12, 7000 Ruse 11 Ромил Калинов – 1958 Romil Kalinov – 1958 Blvd. Hr. Smirnenski 54/A, 1421 Sofia 11 Захари Каменов – 1949 Zahari Kamenov – 1949 J.k. Dianabad, bl. 11/D, 1172 Sofia 12 Онник Каранфилян – 1963 Onnik Karanfilyan – 1963 J.k. Mladost-1, bl. 24/1, 1784 Sofia 12 Христо Кърджилов – 1952 Hristo Kardjilov – 1952 J.k. Hipodruma, bl. 109/B, 1612 Sofia 13 Цветан Казанджиев – 1960 Tsvetan Kazandjiev – 1960 Blvd. D. Blagoev 19/A, ap. 28, 8600 Yambol 13 Атанас Колибаров – 1958 Atanas Kolibarov – 1958 J.k. Slaveykov, bl. 21, vh. 7, ap. 19, 8005 Burgas 14 Димо Колибаров – 1965 Dimo Kolibarov – 1965 J.k. Slaveykov, bl. 21, vh. 7, ap. 19, 8005 Burgas 14 Цветана Костуркова – 1914 Tsvetana Kosturkova – 1914 J.k. Bakston, str. Vihren 39 A, 1618 Sofia 15 Димитър Кулев – 1953 Dimitar Koulev – 1953 Str. Elin Pelin 9, 7500 Silistra 15 Емануела Ковач – 1967 Emanuela Kovach – 1967 16 Соня Ковачева – 1974 Sonya Kovacheva – 1974 Str. Baba Iliytsa, bl. 3/G, ap. 77, 1612 Sofia 16 Христофор Кръстев – 1968 Hristofor Krustev – 1968 Str. Sultan tepe 18, 1505 Sofia 17 Николай Майсторов – 1943 Nikolay Maistorov – 1943 Str. V. Aprilov 16, 1000 Sofia 17 Николай Марински – 1979 Nikolay Marinski – 1979 Str. P. Evtimiy 21, ap. 1, 4400 Pazardjik 18 Ицко Мазнев – 1964 Itsko Maznev – 1964 Blvd. Bulgaria 106, 4000 Plovdiv 18 Костадинка Миладинова – 1940 Kostadinka Miladinova – 1940 Str. Elemag 15, bl. 307, ap. 95, 1113 Sofia 19 Петър Милев – 1959 Petar Milev – 1959 Str. Geo Milev 30, bl. 21/B, 1111 Sofia 19 Юлий Минчев – 1923 Yuliy Minchev – 1923 Str. Sveta gora 8, 1421 Sofia 20 Емил Миразчиев – 1960 Emil Mirazchiev – 1960 Str. Koprivkite 6, 4002 Plovdiv 20 Ирина Мишел – 1977 Irina Mishel – 1977 Str. R. Dimitrov, bl. 78/A, ap. 7, 2304 Pernik 21 Катерина Мушанова – 1958 Katerina Moushanova – 1958 Jj.k. Mladost-1, bl. 27, ap. 97, 1784 Sofia 21 Недко Недков – 1968 Nedko Nedkov – 1968 Str. D. Kovachev 17/D, ap. 15, 9300 Dobrich 22 Ралица Николова – 1945 Ralitsa Nikolova – 1945 Blvd. Vitosha 120, 1463 Sofia 22 Иван Нинов – 1946 Ivan Ninov – 1946 P. Box 131, 1784 Sofia 23 Елена Панайотова – 1964 Elena Panayotova – 1964 Blvd. Patriarh Evtimiy 30, 1000 Sofia 23 Румяна Панайотова – 1948 Roumyana Panayotova – 1948 Str. Dragalevska, bl. 6/V, 1406 Sofia 24 Йордан Панков – 1966 Yordan Pankov – 1966 Str. Han Asparuh 54, 1000 Sofia 24 Илия Пашов – 1938 Ilia Pashov – 1938 Str. Tcar Ivan Shishman 43, 1000 Sofia 25 Йордан Пасков – 1949 Yordan Paskov – 1949 Kv. Chaika, bl. 50/D, ap. 48, 9005 Varna 25 Дарина Пеева – 1972 Darina Peeva – 1972 Str. Perushtitsa 19, 8000 Burgas 26 Пламен Пенов – 1958 Plamen Penov – 1958 Str. Vasil Levski 64, ap. 4, 5800 Pleven 26 Георги Пенчев – 1924 Georgi Penchev – 1924 Str. K. Shtarkelov, bl. 78/B, 1113 Sofia 27 Георги Петков – 1971 Georgi Petkov – 1971 k. Lazur, bl. 17/B, 8000 Burgas 27 Михаил Петков – 1933 Mihail Petkov – 1933 Str. Elemag 15, bl. 307, 1113 Sofia 28 Боряна Петкова – 1973 Boryana Petkova – 1973 Str. 6th Septemvri 3, 1000 Sofia 28 Димитър Попгеоргиев – 1960 Dimitar Popgeorgiev – 1960 Str. Aleko Konstantinov 12, 1505 Sofia 29 Катерина Радева – 1982 Katerina Radeva – 1982 Kniajevo, str. Studen kladenets 32, 1619 Sofia 29 Йорданка Радева – 1944 Yordanka Radeva – 1944 J.k. Yavorov, bl. 37/A, 1111 Sofia 30 Руслан Радев – 1963 Rouslan Radev – 1963 Str. Otets Paisiy, bl. 86, ap. 24, 2300 Pernik 30 Георги Савов – 1951 Georgi Savov – 1951 Str. Hristo Belchev 48, 1000 Sofia 31 Симеон Шивачев – 1970 Simeon Shivachev – 1970 J.k. Lazur, str. Pop Gruyu 74, 8000 Burgas 31 Румен Скорчев – 1932 Roumen Skorchev – 1932 Blvd. P. Yu. Todorov, bl. 2/A, 1404 Sofia 32 Росен Спасов – 1946 Rossen Spassov – 1946 Str. Morava 22/V, ap. 33, 3000 Vratsa 32 Димен Станчев – 1975 Dimen Stanchev – 1975 Bistritsa, str, Kapina 13, 1619 Sofia 33 Деница Стефанова – 1976 Denitsa Stefanova – 1976 J.k. Dianabad, bl. 22/V, ap. 66, 1172 Sofia 33 Борислав Стоев – 1927 Borislav Stoev – 1927 Blvd. Samokov 78, bl. 305, 1113 Sofia 34 Виолета Гривишка - Танева – 1937 Violeta Grivishka - Taneva – 1937 Str. Kr. Sarafov 26, 1164 Sofia 34 Тодор Тачев – 1950 Todor Tachev – 1950 Str. Makedonia 102/G, 9000 Varna 35 Янко Тихов – 1977 Yanko Tihov – 1977 J.k. Mladost-3, bl. 354/6, ap. 22, 1784 Sofia 35 Божидар Тонев – 1963 Bozhidar Tonev – 1963 Str. Nezavisimost 6, 9300 Dobrich 36 Анна Цоловска – 1966 Anna Tsolovska – 1966 J.k. Darvenitca, bl. 33/A, d,. 2, 1756 Sofia 36 Маня Вапцарова – 1961 Manya Vaptsarova – 1961 J.k. Drujba-2, bl. 216/V, ap. 57, 1582 Sofia 37 Атанас Василев – 1942 Atanas Vassilev – 1942 Str. Tsar Asen 66 A, 1463 Sofia 37 Валери Василев – 1965 Valeri Vassilev – 1965 J.k. Nadejda-4, bl. 443/B, ap. 16, 1231 Sofia 38 Петър Великов – 1975 Petar Velikov – 1975 Str. Gagarin 2, 7280 Tsar Kaloyan 38 Биляна Варджиева - Винклер – 1973 Biliana Vardjieva - Vinkler – 1973 Leipzigerstr. 87, 01127 Dresden, Germany 39 Зафир Йончев – 1924 Zafir Yonchev – 1924 J.k. Razsadnika, bl. 20/D, 1330 Sofia 39 Юлиан Йорданов – 1965 Yulian Yordanov – 1965 Str. Targovska 83, ap. 3, 5500 Lovech 40 Йохан Йотов – 1960 Yohan Yotov – 1960 J.k. H. Dimitar, bl. 24/A, ap. 14, 1510 Sofia 40 Николай Златанов – 1978 Nikolai Zlatanov – 1978 Str. Angel Kanchev 12, 1000 Sofia 41 CANADA/КАНАДА Патрик Булас – 1976 Patrick Bulas – 1976 9718 - 85 ast., Fort Saskatchewan, Alberta, T8L 223, Canada 41 Карен Дугас Caren Dugas Box 86, Site 1, R. R. 2, Tofield, Alberta Tob - 450, Canada 42 Уолтър Джул Walter Jule Box 86, Site 1, R. R. 2, Tofield, Alberta Tob - 450, Canada 42 VI VII CROATIA/ ХЪРВАТСКА Дубравка Бабич – 1951 Dubravka Babich – 1951 Salopekova 2a, 10000, Zagreb, Croatia 43 Йосиф Буткович – 1950 Josif Butkovich – 1950 51 000 Rijeka, bul. Oslobodenja 24/A, Croatia 43 Ивица Сиско – 1946 Ivica Sisko – 1946 Alu, Jabucovac 10, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia 44 Мунир Вейзович – 1945 Munir Veizovich – 1945 Croatia 44 CZECH REPUBLIC/ЧЕХИЯ Oндрей Михалек Ondrei Michalek Czech Republic 45 ESTONIA/ЕСТОНИЯ Вирге Йоекалда – 1963 Virge Joekalda – 1963 PO Box 3738, 10508 Tallinn, Estonia 45 Бенямин Васерман – 1949 Benjamin Vasserman – 1949 Voru 12-105, 13 612 Tallin, Estonia 46 ФИНЛАНДИЯ/FINLAND Паси Ниининен – 1960 Pasi Niininen – 1960 Hallapyorankatu 3 C 12, 33540 Tampere, Finland 46 GERMANY/ГЕРМАНИЯ Еугениа Горчакова – 1950 Eugenia Gortchakova – 1950 Kaiserstr 7, D-26122 Oldenburg 47 Хилдегард Kлепер - Паар – 1932 Hildegard Klepper - Paar – 1932 Florianshohe 5, 94372 Pilgramsberg 47 Maртина Червичке – 1947 Martina Tscherwitschke – 1947 Ooberwalting 12, 94339 Leiblfing 48 GREECE/ГЪРЦИЯ Eрика Гутеншвагер – 1947 Erica Gutenschwager – 1947 Filippou Ioannou 35A, Volos 38222, Greece 48 Захарула Мавридис – 1941 Zaharoula Mavridis – 1941 36 Ragivi Str. 114 - 72 Athens, Greece 49 Тониа Николайду – 1927 Tonia Nicolaidou – 1927 Harilaou Tricoupi 37, 145 62 Kifisia-Athens, Greece 49 Ирис Ксилас Ксаналатос – 1941 Iris Xilas Xanalatos – 1941 Vassilissis Sofias 33, Athens 10675, Greece 50 IRAQ/ИРАК Али Хасан Алджабари Ali Hasan Aljabary Dunav 20, Vh. D, ap. 21 9300 Dobrich, Bulgaria 50 ITALY/ИТАЛИЯ Андреа Карини – 1973 Andrea Carini – 1973 Via della Pisana 43, 00163 Rome, Italy 51 Лучио Пасерини – 1954 Lucio Passerini – 1954 Via Plinio 72, 20129 Milano, Italy 51 JAPAN/ЯПОНИЯ Такеми Азумая – 1948 Takemi Azumaya – 1948 356-0029, 1-8-10 Komanishi, Kamifukuoka - City, Saitama, Japan 52 Масахиро Фукуда – 1951 Masahiro Fukuda – 1951 Zip/562-0004, 5-17 D-302 Makiochi Minoo, Osaka, Japan 52 Хидехико Готоу – 1953 Hidehiko Gotou – 1953 1670 Kokufu - Honctou, Oiso - machi, Naka - Gun, Kanagawa - ken 259 - 0111 Japan 53 Казуко Хосомизу – 1938 Kazuko Hosomizu – 1938 3-21-8 Jousuisinmachi, Kodaira - City, 187-0023, Tokyo, Japan 53 Кеизо Kигучи – 1941 Keizo Kiguchi – 1941 2-10-3 Miwa, Kurashiki, 710 - 0052 Japan 54 Риозо Кошимизу – 1955 Ryozo Koshimizu – 1955 1-19-303, Azuma-cho, Atsugi-City, Kanagawa, Japan 243-0006 54 Авито Кояма – 1951 Avito Koyama – 1951 Takesato-Danchi 8-8-302 Kasukabe, Saitama, Japan 55 Тадатака Кудоу – 1941 Tadataka Kudou – 1941 1-16-12 Aoba Sagamihara-shi, Kanagawa-ken 229-0024 Japan 55 Киоко Сакамото – 1968 Kioko Sakamoto – 1968 c/o Umeda C26 - 109, Shinsenri - Kita - machi 1 come Toyonaka shi, Osaka, Japan 56 Садо Сакураи – 1951 Sado Sakurai – 1951 4-51, Nimaida, Terado-cho, Muko-City, Kyoto, Japan 56 Широ Тазуми – 1938 Shiro Tazumi – 1938 Shimodachiuri minami Iru, Nishinotoin, Kamigyo- ku, Kyoto 602 8031, Japan 57 Ямашита Тетсуо – 1951 Yamashita Tetsuo – 1951 17-21-3 Kashiiekimae, Higashi-ku, Fukuoka-City, Japan 57 Томоя Учида – 1947 Tomoya Uchida – 1947 460-17 Matsuzaki Saidaiji Okayama City, 704-8183 Japan 58 Санае Ямамото – 1961 Sanae Yamamoto – 1961 2816-50 Toshi-cho, Nagasaki - shi, Nagasaki, Japan 58 LATVIA/ЛАТВИЯ Арта Яунарайа – 1963 Arta Yaunaraja – 1963 Ledurgas Str. 9 - 6, Riga, LV - 1034, P.K. 20, Latvia 59 LITHUANIA/ЛИТВА Бируте Станчикайте – 1952 Birute Stanchikaite – 1952 taikos 8 - 20, Vilnius, 2017, Lithuania 59 LUXEMBOURG/ЛЮКСЕМБУРГ Марк Фризинг Mark Frising 28 Rue fallize L- 9655 Harlange, Luxembourg 60 MACEDONIA/МАКЕДОНИЯ Трайче Блажевски – 1955 Traiche Blazhevski – 1955 Nikola Tesla 14/1 - 3, 1000 Skopje, Macedonia 60 Ирена Йажева – 1974 Irena Iazheva – 1974 Lihnida 2 - 2/15, 1000 Skopje, Macedonia 61 Mиряна Кръстева – 1979 Miriana Krsteva – 1979 Mitko Zafirov 11, Gevgelija, Macedonia 61 Димитар Малиданов – 1946 Dimitar Malidanov – 1946 bul. Jane Sandanski 86/5/9, 1000 Skopje, Macedonia 62 Занета Спировска – 1959 Zaneta Spirovska – 1959 Majakovski 26, 1000 Skopje, Macedonia 62 Лидиа Вуйсич – 1957 Lidia Vuisich – 1957 ul. Jani Lukrovski, 5. I/26, Macedonia 63 THE NETHERLANDS/ХОЛАНДИЯ Миек Копенс – 1944 Miek Coppens – 1944 Herengracht 7, 4924 BG Drimmelen, The Netherlands 63 NEW ZEALAND/НОВА ЗЕЛАНДИЯ Стив Ловет – 1959 Steve Lovett – 1959 31 Rose Road, Greylunn, Auckland, New Zealand 64 NORWAY/НОРВЕГИЯ Рейдар Рудйорд Reidar Rudjord Sunde - 4550 Farsund, Norway 64 Eва Ридхаген – 1939 Eva Rydhagen – 1939 Erik Borresens Gt. 29 E, 3015 Drammen, Norway 65 Хелге Вал – 1933 Helge Wahl – 1933 Erik Borresens Gt. 29 E, 3015 Drammen, Norway 65 POLAND/ПОЛША Мира Бочниович – 1973 Mira Boczniowicz – 1973 ul. Swierczewskiego 23, 59 - 230 Prochowice, Poland 66 Mариуш Филипек Mariusz Filipek ul. Gwarecka 2/6 Wroclaw, 54 - 13 Poland 66 Михал Курковски – 1965 Michal Kurkowski – 1965 ul. Warszawska 165, 26 - 600 Radom, Poland 67 Артур Сковронски – 1970 Artur Skowronski – 1970 ul. Forteczna 24/34, 58 -314 Walbrzych, Poland 67 Виола Тич Viola Tycz Galowice 2A, 55 - 020 Zorawina, Poland 68 PORTUGAL/ПОРТУГАЛИЯ Давид де Алмейда David de Almeida Apartаdo 87, 2669 - 909 Malveir Portugal 68 RUSSIA/РУСИЯ Валентина Анопова – 1938 Valentina Anopova – 1938 av. 2 Murinski 27 - 19, St. Petersburg 194156, Russia 69 СЛОВАКИЯ/SLOVAKIA Игор Пиачка – 1962 Igor Piachka – 1962 Zamocka 38, 902 01 Pezinok, Slovakia 69 СЛОВЕНИЯ/SLOVENIA Милан Ункович – 1960 Milan Unkovich – 1960 Radlje ob Dravi, Pri Skali 10, 2360, Slovenia 70 SWEDEN/ШВЕЦИЯ Хасе Хаселгрен – 1933 Hasse Hasselgren – 1933 20315 Malmo, Box 4459, Sweden 70 SWITZERLAND/ШВЕЙЦАРИЯ Клаус Даникер – 1930 Klaus Daniker – 1930 limmattalstr. 382, CH - 8049 Zurich, Switzerland 71 Умберто Маджони – 1933 Umberto Maggioni – 1933 Les Combaties 19, 2744 Belprahon, Switzerland 71 TAIWAN/ТАЙВАН Tоу-Бенг Лау – 1954 Thow-Beng Lau – 1954 25, Bd. Arago, 75013, Paris, France 72 TURKEY/ТУРЦИЯ Юсуф Айген – 1968 Yusuf Aygen – 1968 Gulsuyu mah. Ant. sok. No 51, Maltepe/Istanbul, Turkey 72 Eмин Кос – 1962 Emin Koc – 1962 bal Sokak.13/2 Ozben Apt. Ikbaliye/Alibadem/Istanbul, Turkey 73 UNITED KINGDOM/ВЕЛИКОБРИТАНИЯ Ралф Кигъл – 1960 Ralph Kiggell – 1960 536 The Queen Place 3, Soi on nut 40, Sukhumvit 77, Suan Luang Bangkok 10250, Thailand 73 Нормън Матисън – 1966 Norman Mathieson – 1966 18 Mellvile Str. Glasgow, G41 2LW, United Kingdom 74 USA/САЩ Д. Капобианко D. Capobianco c/o Studio 13, 133 Eldridge Street, New York, N. Y. 10002, USA 74 Дж. Т. Най J. T. Nye 984 Toltec Rd. Albuquerque, N. M. 81III, USA 75 Eлфи Шузелка Еlfi Schuselka c/o Studio 13, 133 Eldridge Street, New York, N. Y. 10002, USA 75 Лихи Джендлър - Талмор – 1944 Lihie Gendler - Talmor – 1944 Bamco-Caracas-113-00, P.O. Box 025322, Miami, Florida 331025322, USA 76 YUGOSLAVIA/ЮГОСЛАВИЯ Любиша Бъркович – 1943 Liubisha Brkovich – 1943 18000 NIS Bul. Nemanjica 2/63, Yugoslavia 76 Велизар Кръстич – 1947 Velizar Krstich – 1947 Yugoslavia 77 Милена Максимович – 1975 Milena Maksimovich – 1975 16 Oktobra 15/16, 11000 Belgrade, Yugoslavia 77 Бранко Николов – 1956 Branko Nikolov – 1956 ul. Branko Milkovich 64, Yugoslavia 78 Слободан Радойкович – 1967 Slobodan Radoikovich – 1967 ul. Tsviicheva 37, 18000 Nish, Yugoslavia 78 –‡ÁÏÂËÚ ̇ „‡ÙËÍËÚ ҇ ÔÓÒÓ˜ÂÌË ‚ Ò‡ÌÚËÏÂÚË. ƒ‡ÌÌËÚ ‚ ͇ڇÎÓ„‡ ÚÓ˜ÌÓ ‚˙ÁÔÓËÁ‚Âʉ‡Ú ËÌÙÓχˆËˇÚ‡, ÔÓ‰‡‰Â̇ ÓÚ ‡‚ÚÓËÚ ‚˙‚ ÙÓÏÛΡËÚ Á‡ Û˜‡ÒÚËÂ. —˙ÒÚ‡‚ËÚÂÎ ¿Î·Â̇ —Ô‡ÒÓ‚‡ «Ì‡Í ̇ ÚËÂ̇ÎÂÚÓ ¡ÛˇÌ ‘ËΘ‚ ’Û‰ÓÊÂÒÚ‚ÂÌÓ ÓÙÓÏÎÂÌË ¡ÛˇÌ ‘ËΘ‚ œÂ‚Ó‰‡˜Ë: ÕËÍÓ· √ÂÓ„Ë‚, —ÚÂÙ‡Ìˡ fl̇ÍË‚‡ ‘ÓÚÓ„‡Ù Õ‰ˇÎÍÓ ˙ÒÚ‚ –‰‡ÍÚÓ Õ‡‰Âʉ‡ œÂÚÍÓ‚‡ –‰‡ÍÚÓ Ì‡ ‡Ì„ÎËÈÒÍË ÂÁËÍ —‚ÂÚÓÒ·‚ œËÔÂÓ‚ “ÂıÌ˘ÂÒÍË Â‰‡ÍÚÓ ÃËÎ͇ …ÓÌ‚‡ œÂ‰Ô˜‡Ú̇ ÔÓ‰„ÓÚӂ͇ ‘¿“”à ŒŒƒ —ÓÙˡ œÂ˜‡ÚÌˈ‡ ‘¿“”à —ÓÙˡ »Á‰‡ÚÂÎÒÚ‚Ó ¡˙΄‡ÒÍË ıÛ‰ÓÊÌËÍì ”Îˈ‡ ÿËÔ͇ì 6, —ÓÙˡ 1504 © ¿Î·Â̇ —Ô‡ÒÓ‚‡, Ò˙ÒÚ‡‚ËÚÂÎ © ¡ÛˇÌ ‘ËΘ‚, ıÛ‰ÓÊÌËÍ © ÕËÍÓ· √ÂÓ„Ë‚, —ÚÂÙ‡Ìˡ fl̇ÍË‚‡, Ô‚Ӊ‡˜Ë © Õ‰ˇÎÍÓ ˙ÒÚ‚, ÙÓÚÓ„‡Ù The size of the graphic works is in centimeters. The data in the catalogue reproduce exactly the information, given by the artists in the application forms for participation. Compiler: Albena Spassova Symbol of the Triennial: Bouyan Filchev Layout: Bouyan Filchev Translators: Nikola Georgiev, Stefaniya Yanakieva Photographer: Nedyalko Krastev Editor: Nadezhda Petkova English Editor: Svetoslav Piperov Copy Editor: Milka Yoneva Computer Layout: FATUM Ltd. FATUM Ltd. Printing house Bulgarski Houdozhnikì Publishing House 6 Shipkaì Str., Sofia 1504 © Albena Spassova, compiler © Bouyan Filchev, graphic designer © Nikola Georgiev, Stefaniya Yanakieva, translators © Nedyalko Krastev, photographer “–≈“Œ Ã≈∆ƒ”Õ¿–ŒƒÕŒ “–»≈Õ¿À≈ Õ¿ √–¿‘» ¿“¿ —Œ‘»fl 2001 THIRD INTERNATIONAL TRIENNIAL OF GRAPHIC ARTS SOFIA 2001 Adrian Giacchetti ∑ Photos I. 2001. 38 x 39 Return of Calamoria. 2000. 44 x 80 AUSTRIA ¿¬—“–»fl ¿–∆≈Õ“»Õ¿ ARGENTINA ¿‰Ë‡Ì ’ˇ˜ÂÚË ∑ —ÌËÏÍË I. 2001. 38 x 39 «‡‚˙˘‡Ì ̇ ‡Î‡ÏÓˇ. 2000. 44 x 80 ¡Â̇‰ ’ÓÎÂÏ‡Ì √ÂÌÂÁËÒ IV, V, VI ‰ÂÌ. 2000. ŒÙÓÚ, 10 x 79 √ÂÌÂÁËÒ IV, V, VI ‰ÂÌ. 1998. ŒÙÓÚ, 49 x 40 ∑ ¡Ó„ÓÏÓÎ͇ 98. 1998. ŒÙÓÚ, 34 x 50 Bernard Hollemann Genesis 4th, 5th, 6th Day. 2000. Etching, 10 x 79 Genesis 4th, 5th, 6th Day. 1998. Etching, 49 x 40 ∑ Mantis 98. 1998. Etching, 34 x 50 Sasho Anastassov ∑ The Rolled Butterfly. 2000. Serigraphy, 50 x 70 Pool. 2000. Serigraphy, 50 x 70 BULGARIA —‡¯Ó ¿Ì‡ÒÚ‡ÒÓ‚ ∑ “˙ÍÛÎ̇ڇ ÔÂÔÂÛ‰‡. 2000. —ÂË„‡Ùˡ, 50 ı 70 ¬Ë. 2000. —ÂË„‡Ùˡ, 50 ı 70 2 ¡⁄À√¿–»fl 3 ǡÌÊ ¿Ì‡ÒÚ‡ÒÓ‚‡ ∑ ¿Ì„ÂÎ˙Ú ÒË ÓÚË‚‡ (ÒË̸Ó). 2000. »ÌÚ‡ÎËÓ, 90 ı 70 ¿Ì„ÂÎ˙Ú ÒË ÓÚË‚‡ (˜Â‚ÂÌÓ). 2000. »ÌÚ‡ÎËÓ, 90 ı 70 Marianzh Anastassova ∑ The Angel Is Going Away (blue). 2000. Intaglio, 90 x 70 The Angel Is Going Away (red). 2000. Intaglio, 90 x 70 Ivo Arnaudov ∑ Snacks. 2000. Dry point, etching, aquatint, 35 x 25 ¡⁄À√¿–»fl BULGARIA »‚Ó ¿Ì‡Û‰Ó‚ ∑ —̇ÍÒ. 2000. —Ûı‡ ˄·, ÓÙÓÚ, ‡Í‚‡ÚËÌÚ‡, 35 ı 25 Õ‡Ú‡¯‡ ¿Ú‡Ì‡ÒÓ‚‡ ∑ ÓÏÔÓÁËˆËˇ I. 2001. √‡‚˛‡ ̇ ‰˙‚Ó, 62 ı 64,5 ÓÏÔÓÁËˆËˇ II. 2001. √‡‚˛‡ ̇ ‰˙‚Ó, 62 ı 64,5 ÓÏÔÓÁËˆËˇ III. 2001. √‡‚˛‡ ̇ ‰˙‚Ó, 62 ı 64,5 Natasha Atanassova ∑ Composition I. 2001. Woodcut, 62 x 64,5 Composition II. 2001. Woodcut, 62 x 64,5 Composition III. 2001. Woodcut, 62 x 64,5 Raina Babacheva ∑ The Four Worlds. 2000. Lithography, 45 x 65 The New Eve. 1999. Lithography, 45 x 69 BULGARIA –‡È̇ ¡‡·‡˜Â‚‡ ∑ ◊ÂÚËËÚ ҂ˇÚ‡. 2000. ÀËÚÓ„‡Ùˡ, 45 ı 65 ÕÓ‚‡Ú‡ ≈‚‡. 1999. ÀËÚÓ„‡Ùˡ, 45 ı 69 4 ¡⁄À√¿–»fl 5 –Ó·ÂÚ ¡‡˙ÏÓ‚ ∑ œÓÂÍÚ Á‡ ÍÓÌÒÚÛÍˆËˇ I. 1999. ÀËÚÓ„‡Ùˡ, 76 ı 108 œÓÂÍÚ Á‡ ÍÓÌÒÚÛÍˆËˇ II. 1999. ÀËÚÓ„‡Ùˡ, 76 ı 108 Robert Baramov ∑ Project for a Construction I. 1999. Lithography, 76 x 108 Project for a Construction II. 1999. Lithography, 76 x 108 Stefan Bozhkov The Hunting Season Is Starting I. 2000. Lithography, 70 x 50 ∑ The Hunting Season Is Starting II. 2000. Lithography, 70 x 50 The Hunting Season Is Starting III. 2000. Lithography, 70 x 50 ¡⁄À√¿–»fl BULGARIA —ÚÂÙ‡Ì ¡ÓÊÍÓ‚ ÀÓ‚ÌËˇÚ ÒÂÁÓÌ Á‡ÔÓ˜‚‡ I. 2000. ÀËÚÓ„‡Ùˡ, 70 ı 50 ∑ ÀÓ‚ÌËˇÚ ÒÂÁÓÌ Á‡ÔÓ˜‚‡ II. 2000. ÀËÚÓ„‡Ùˡ, 70 ı 50 ÀÓ‚ÌËˇÚ ÒÂÁÓÌ Á‡ÔÓ˜‚‡ III. 2000. ÀËÚÓ„‡Ùˡ, 70 ı 50 —ÚÓˇÌ ◊Û͇ÌÓ‚ Night Lights I. 2001. ŒÙÓÚ, ‡Í‚‡ÚËÌÚ‡, 41 ı 52 ∑ Night Lights II. 2001. ŒÙÓÚ, ‡Í‚‡ÚËÌÚ‡, 41 ı 52 Night Lights III. 2001. ŒÙÓÚ, ‡Í‚‡ÚËÌÚ‡, 41 ı 52 Stoyan Choukanov Night Lights I. 2001. Etching, aquatint, 41 x 52 ∑ Night Lights II. 2001. Etching, aquatint, 41 x 52 Night Lights III. 2001. Etching, aquatint, 41 x 52 Vladimir Choukich Diversion I. 2000. Mixed media, 80 x 35 Diversion II. 2000. Mixed media, 80 x 35 ∑ Hidden Wishes I. 2000. Mixed media, 80 x 35 BULGARIA ¬Î‡‰ËÏË ◊Û͢ ŒÚÍÎÓÌÂÌË I. 2000. —ÏÂÒÂ̇ ÚÂıÌË͇, 80 ı 35 ŒÚÍÎÓÌÂÌË II. 2000. —ÏÂÒÂ̇ ÚÂıÌË͇, 80 ı 35 ∑ —ÍËÚË Ê·Ìˡ I. 2000. —ÏÂÒÂ̇ ÚÂıÌË͇, 80 ı 35 6 ¡⁄À√¿–»fl 7 ¬ÂÒÂÎËÌ ƒ‡ÏˇÌÓ‚ ∑ œÓÎÂÚ. 1998. ÀËÚÓ„‡Ùˡ, 44,5 ı 64,5 ljÓ̇ Ò Ï·‰Â̈. 1998. ÀËÚÓ„‡Ùˡ, 50,5 ı 36 «‡˘ËÚÂÌÓ ÔÓÒÚ‡ÌÒÚ‚Ó. 2000. ÀËÚÓ„‡Ùˡ, 45 ı 63 Vesselin Damyanov ∑ Spring. 1998. Lithography, 44,5 x 64,5 Madonna with Infant. 1998. Lithography, 50,5 x 36 Protected Space. 2000. Lithography, 47 x 62 Georgi Drachev ∑ Allegory II. 2000. Etching, aquatint, 50 x 35 Ã‡Ëˇ ƒÛıÚ‚‡ ’’. 2000. ÀËÚÓ„‡Ùˡ, 73 ı 56 ∑ «‚ÛÍ˙Ú Ì‡ ‚˙Á‰Ûı‡. 2001. ŒÙÓÚ, 73 ı 56 Maria Douhteva XX. 2000. Lithography, 73 x 56 ∑ The Sound of the Air. 2001. Etching, 73 x 56 ¡⁄À√¿–»fl BULGARIA √ÂÓ„Ë ƒ‡˜Â‚ ∑ ¿Î„Óˡ II. 2000. ŒÙÓÚ, ‡Í‚‡ÚËÌÚ‡, 50 ı 35 Bouyan Filchev I. 2001. Mixed media, 76 x 56 ∑ II. 2001. Mixed media, 76 x 56 III. 2001. Mixed media, 76 x 56 BULGARIA ¡ÛˇÌ ‘ËΘ‚ I. 2001. —ÏÂÒÂ̇ ÚÂıÌË͇, 76 ı 56 ∑ II. 2001. —ÏÂÒÂ̇ ÚÂıÌË͇, 76 ı 56 III. 2001. —ÏÂÒÂ̇ ÚÂıÌË͇, 76 ı 56 8 ¡⁄À√¿–»fl 9 Õ‡Ú‡Îˡ ’ËÏËÒ͇ ∑ œÓÚÂÚ ÓÚ ÏË̇ÎÓÚÓ. 1999. —ÏÂÒė ÚÂıÌË͇, 40 ı 33 Nataliya Himirska ∑ Portrait from the Past. 1999. Mixed media, 40 x 33 Damyan Hristov ∑ Nine Lives II. 1999. Lithography, 38 x 83 ¡⁄À√¿–»fl BULGARIA ƒ‡ÏˇÌ ’ËÒÚÓ‚ ∑ Nine Lives II. 1999. ÀËÚÓ„‡Ùˡ, 38 ı 83 –‡‰ÓÒ·‚ »ÎË‚ ∑ ’ÓËÁÓÌڇ· + ¬ÂÚË͇· II. 2001. —Ûı‡ ˄·, 100 ı 50 Radoslav Iliev ∑ Horizontal + Vertical II. 2001. Dry point, 100 x 50 Fikret Isslyamov ∑ Composition I. 2001. Lithography, 38 x 56 Composition III. 2001. Lithography, 38 x 56 BULGARIA ‘ËÍÂÚ »ÒΡÏÓ‚ ∑ ÓÏÔÓÁËˆËˇ I. 2001. ÀËÚÓ„‡Ùˡ, 38 ı 56 ÓÏÔÓÁËˆËˇ III. 2001. ÀËÚÓ„‡Ùˡ, 38 ı 56 10 ¡⁄À√¿–»fl 11 –ÓÏËÎ ‡ÎËÌÓ‚ œÚˈ‡. 2001. —ÏÂÒÂ̇ ÚÂıÌË͇, 70 ı 47 ∑ ◊Û‚ÒÚ‚Ó Ë ‰ÂÈÒÚ‚ËÚÂÎÌÓÒÚ. 2001. —ÏÂÒÂ̇ ÚÂıÌË͇, 70 ı 47 Romil Kalinov Bird. 2001. Mixed media, 70 x 47 ∑ Feeling and Reality. 2001. Mixed media, 70 x 47 Zahari Kamenov The Wall I. 2000. Dry point, mezzotint, 70 ı 50 The Wall II. 2000. Dry point, mezzotint, 70 ı 50 ∑ The Wall III. 2000. Dry point, mezzotint, 70 ı 50 ¡⁄À√¿–»fl BULGARIA «‡ı‡Ë ‡ÏÂÌÓ‚ —ÚÂ̇ڇ I. 2000. —Ûı‡ ˄·, ψÓÚËÌÚÓ, 70 ı 50 —ÚÂ̇ڇ II. 2000. —Ûı‡ ˄·, ψÓÚËÌÚÓ, 70 ı 50 ∑ —ÚÂ̇ڇ III. 2000. —Ûı‡ ˄·, ψÓÚËÌÚÓ, 70 ı 50 ŒÌÌËÍ ‡‡ÌÙËÎˇÌ «‡ ÏËÌÛÚ͇ Ò‡ÏÓ. 2000. —ÂË„‡Ùˡ, ÓÙÓÚ, ‡Í‚‡ÚËÌÚ‡, ÒÛı‡ ˄·, 70 ı 100 –‡ÁÏËÒÎË Á‡ Ò‚Ó·Ó‰‡Ú‡. 2000. —ÂË„‡Ùˡ, ÓÙÓÚ, ‡Í‚‡ÚËÌÚ‡, ÒÛı‡ ˄·, 70 ı 100 ∑ —˙ÌˇÚ Ì‡ ‡Ì„·. 2000. —ÂË„‡Ùˡ, 100 ı 70 Onnik Karanfilyan Only For a Minute. 2000. Serigraphy, etching, aquatint, dry point, 70 x 100 Reflections upon Freedom. 2000. Serigraphy, etching, aquatint, dry point, 70 x 100 ∑ The Angelís Dream. 2000. Serigraphy, 70 x 100 Hristo Kardjilov ∑ Act I. 1999. Dry point, 99,5 x 66 Act II. 1999. Dry point, 99,5 x 66 Act III. 1999. Dry point, 99,5 x 66 BULGARIA ’ËÒÚÓ ˙‰ÊËÎÓ‚ ∑ ¿ÍÚ I. 1999. —Ûı‡ ˄·, 99,5 ı 66 ¿ÍÚ II. 1999. —Ûı‡ ˄·, 99,5 ı 66 ¿ÍÚ III. 1999. —Ûı‡ ˄·, 99,5 ı 66 12 ¡⁄À√¿–»fl 13 ÷‚ÂÚ‡Ì ‡Á‡Ì‰ÊË‚ —˙ÒÚÓˇÌË I. 2001. —ÏÂÒÂ̇ ÚÂıÌË͇, 65 ı 50 —˙ÒÚÓˇÌË II. 2001. —ÏÂÒÂ̇ ÚÂıÌË͇, 65 ı 50 ∑ —˙ÒÚÓˇÌË III. 2001. —ÏÂÒÂ̇ ÚÂıÌË͇, 65 ı 50 Tsvetan Kazandjiev State I. 2001. Mixed media, 65 x 50 State II. 2001. Mixed media, 65 x 50 ∑ State III. 2001. Mixed media, 65 x 50 Atanas Kolibarov ∑ Our Daily Bread, Our Spiritual Bread I. 2001. Etching, aquatint, 50 x 65 Our Daily Bread, Our Spiritual Bread II. 2001. Etching, aquatint, 50 x 65 Our Daily Bread, Our Spiritual Bread III. 2001. Etching, aquatint, 50 x 65 ¡⁄À√¿–»fl BULGARIA ¿Ú‡Ì‡Ò ÓÎË·‡Ó‚ ∑ ’Ρ· ̇¯ ̇Ò˙˘ÂÌ, ıΡ· ̇¯ ‰ÛıÓ‚ÂÌ I. 2001. ŒÙÓÚ, ‡Í‚‡ÚËÌÚ‡, 50 ı 65 ’Ρ· ̇¯ ̇Ò˙˘ÂÌ, ıΡ· ̇¯ ‰ÛıÓ‚ÂÌ II. 2001. ŒÙÓÚ, ‡Í‚‡ÚËÌÚ‡, 50 ı 65 ’Ρ· ̇¯ ̇Ò˙˘ÂÌ, ıΡ· ̇¯ ‰ÛıÓ‚ÂÌ III. 2001. ŒÙÓÚ, ‡Í‚‡ÚËÌÚ‡, 50 ı 65 ƒËÏÓ ÓÎË·‡Ó‚ –‡ÁıӉ͇ ‚ „‡‰Ë̇ڇ ̇ ÒÛÂÚ‡Ú‡. 2000. ŒÙÓÚ, ‡Í‚‡ÚËÌÚ‡, 65 ı 50 –‡ÁıӉ͇ ÔÓ ıÓËÁÓÌÚ‡. 2001. ŒÙÓÚ, ‡Í‚‡ÚËÌÚ‡, 65 ı 50 ∑ —ÛÂÚ‡Ú‡. 2001. ŒÙÓÚ, ‡Í‚‡ÚËÌÚ‡, 65 ı 50 Dimo Kolibarov A Walk in the Vanity Garden. 2000. Etching, aquatint, 65 x 50 A Walk on the Skyline. 2001. Etching, aquatint, 65 x 50 ∑ The Vanity. 2001. Etching, aquatint, 65 x 50 Tsvetana Kosturkova ∑ The Rocks of Melnik. 1999. Lithography, 37 x 44 BULGARIA ÷‚Âڇ̇ ÓÒÚÛÍÓ‚‡ ∑ ÃÂÎÌ˯ÍË Ò͇ÎË. 1999. ÀËÚÓ„‡Ùˡ, 37 ı 44 14 ¡⁄À√¿–»fl 15 ƒËÏËÚ˙ Û΂ ∑ ÷‚ÂÚˇ. 2000. —ÏÂÒÂ̇ ÚÂıÌË͇, 48 ı 33 –ÓÁË II. 2001. —ÏÂÒÂ̇ ÚÂıÌË͇, 49,5 ı 39 Dimitar Koulev ∑ Flowers. 2000. Mixed media, 48 x 33 Roses II. 2001. Mixed media, 49,5 x 39 Emanuela Kovach Tired Wings. 2001. Etching, 53 ı 40 ∑ Fragment I. 2001. Etching, 65 ı 50 ¡⁄À√¿–»fl BULGARIA ≈χÌÛ· Ó‚‡˜ ”ÏÓÂÌË ÍËÎÂ. 2001. ŒÙÓÚ, 53 ı 40 ∑ ‘‡„ÏÂÌÚ I. 2001. ŒÙÓÚ, 65 ı 50 —ÓÌˇ Ó‚‡˜Â‚‡ ÓÒÏ˘ÂÒÍË Ô‡ı. 1999. —ÂË„‡Ùˡ, 70 ı 100 ∑ ÓÒÏ˘ÂÒÍo ‚˙ÎÌÂÌËÂ. 1999. —ÂË„‡Ùˡ, 70 ı 100 »Á·ÎËÍ. 2001. —ÂË„‡Ùˡ, 100 ı 70 Sonya Kovacheva Cosmic Dust. 1999. Serigraphy, 70 x 100 ∑ Cosmic Swell. 1999. Serigraphy, 70 x 100 Outburst. 2001. Serigraphy, 70 x 100 Hristofor Krustev ∑ The Boat of D. 2001. Dry point, 65 x 101 The Road. 2001. Dry point, 65 x 101 Expectation. 2001. Dry point, 65 x 101 BULGARIA ’ËÒÚÓÙÓ ˙ÒÚ‚ ∑ ÀӉ͇ڇ ̇ ƒ. 2001. —Ûı‡ ˄·, 65 ı 101 œ˙ÚˇÚ. 2001. —Ûı‡ ˄·, 65 ı 101 Œ˜‡Í‚‡ÌÂ. —Ûı‡ ˄·, 65 ı 101 16 ¡⁄À√¿–»fl 17 ÕËÍÓÎ‡È Ã‡ÈÒÚÓÓ‚ ∑ ¿ÔÓ͇ÎËÔÒËÒ Ò„‡ ËÎË ‚Ë̇„Ë ¿Ì„ÂÎ. 2001. ÀËÚÓ„‡Ùˡ, 50 ı 65 ¿ÔÓ͇ÎËÔÒËÒ Ò„‡ ËÎË ‚Ë̇„Ë œÓÍΡÚËÂ. 2001. ÀËÚÓ„‡Ùˡ, 50 ı 65 ¿ÔÓ͇ÎËÔÒËÒ Ò„‡ ËÎË ‚Ë̇„Ë √¯̇ ÁÂÏˇ. 2001. ÀËÚÓ„‡Ùˡ, 50 ı 65 Nikolay Maystorov ∑ Apocalypse Now or Ever Angel. 2001. Lithography, 50 x 65 Apocalypse Now or Ever Malediction. 2001. Lithography, 50 x 65 Apocalypse Now or Ever Sinful Land. 2001. Lithography, 50 x 65 Nikolay Marinski ∑ Bullfight. 2001. Linocut, 50 x 35 Encounter. 2001. Linocut, 50 x 35 ¡⁄À√¿–»fl BULGARIA ÕËÍÓÎ‡È Ã‡ËÌÒÍË ∑ Óˉ‡. 2001. ÀËÌÓ„‡‚˛‡, 50 ı 35 —¢‡. 2001. ÀËÌÓ„‡‚˛‡, 50 ı 35 »ˆÍÓ Ã‡ÁÌ‚ œ˙ÎÌÓ. 2000. ÀËÚÓ„‡Ùˡ, ÍÓÎÓ„‡Ùˡ, 40 ı 66 œ‡ÁÌÓ. 2000. ÀËÚÓ„‡Ùˡ, ÍÓÎÓ„‡Ùˡ, 40 ı 66 ∑ ŒÚ‚˙Ì. 2000. ÀËÚÓ„‡Ùˡ, ÍÓÎÓ„‡Ùˡ, 52 ı 60 Itsko Maznev Full. 2000. Lithography, collography, 40 ı 66 Empty. 2000. Lithography, collography, 40 ı 66 ∑ Outside. 2000. Lithography, collography, 52 ı 60 Kostadinka Miladinova Magic Symbols III. 2000. Lithography, 65 x 50 ∑ Magic Symbols IV. 1999. Lithography, 65 x 50 BULGARIA ÓÒÚ‡‰ËÌ͇ ÃË·‰ËÌÓ‚‡ Ç„˘ÂÒÍË ÒËÏ‚ÓÎË III. 2000. ÀËÚÓ„‡Ùˡ, 65 ı 50 ∑ Ç„˘ÂÒÍË ÒËÏ‚ÓÎË IV. 1999. ÀËÚÓ„‡Ùˡ, 65 ı 50 18 ¡⁄À√¿–»fl 19 œÂÚ˙ ÃË΂ ∑ ÷‡ÒÍËˇÚ ‰‚Óˆ ‚ —ÓÙˡ 1925. 1999. ÀËÚÓ„‡Ùˡ, 48 ı 56 Petar Milev ∑ The Royal Palace in Sofia 1925. 1999. Lithography, 48 x 56 Yuliy Minchev ∑ Screen III. 1999. Linocut, 45 x 30 XXXV. 1999. Linocut, 45 x 30 Black Square. 1999. Linocut, 45 x 30 ¡⁄À√¿–»fl BULGARIA fiÎËÈ ÃË̘‚ ∑ ≈Í‡Ì III. 1999. ÀËÌÓ„‡‚˛‡, 45 ı 30 ’’’V. 1999. ÀËÌÓ„‡‚˛‡, 45 ı 30 ◊ÂÂÌ Í‚‡‰‡Ú. 1999. ÀËÌÓ„‡‚˛‡, 45 ı 30 ≈ÏËÎ ÃˇÁ˜Ë‚ ∑ “ËÔÚËı ’ 9ì. 2000. —ÏÂÒÂ̇ ÚÂıÌË͇, 70 ı 100 Emil Mirazchiev ∑ ìX 9î Triptych. 2000. Mixed media, 70 x 100 Irina Mishel ∑ Water. 2001. Etching, 40 x 60 BULGARIA »Ë̇ Ã˯ÂÎ ∑ ¬Ó‰‡. 2001. ŒÙÓÚ, 40 ı 60 20 ¡⁄À√¿–»fl 21 ‡ÚÂË̇ ÃÛ¯‡ÌÓ‚‡ √Ìˇ‚ I. 1999. ŒÙÓÚ, ÎËÌÓ„‡‚˛‡, 60 ı 50 √Ìˇ‚ II. 1999. ŒÙÓÚ, ÎËÌÓ„‡‚˛‡, 60 ı 50 ∑ √Ìˇ‚ III. 1999. ŒÙÓÚ, ÎËÌÓ„‡‚˛‡, 60 ı 50 Katerina Moushanova Anger I. 1999. Etching, linocut, 60 x 50 Anger II. 1999. Etching, linocut, 60 x 50 ∑ Anger III. 1999. Etching, linocut, 60 x 50 Nedko Nedkov ∑ Oriental Diary I. 2001. Mixed media, 39,5 x 59,5 ¡⁄À√¿–»fl BULGARIA Õ‰ÍÓ Õ‰ÍÓ‚ ∑ ŒËÂÌÚ‡ÎÒÍË ‰Ì‚ÌËÍ I. 2001. —ÏÂÒÂ̇ ÚÂıÌË͇, 39,5 ı 59,5 –‡Îˈ‡ ÕËÍÓÎÓ‚‡ ÿÂÒÚ‚ËÂ. 2001. √‡‚˛‡ ̇ ‰˙‚Ó, 35 x 45 ∑ ÓÏÔÓÁËˆËˇ. 2001. √‡‚˛‡ ̇ ‰˙‚Ó, 35 x 45 Ralitsa Nikolova Procession. 2001. Woodcut, 35 x 45 ∑ Composition. 2001. Woodcut, 35 x 45 Ivan Ninov Land. 2000. Lithography, 46,5 x 67 ∑ Space I. 2000. Lithography, 46 x 56 Space IV. 2000. Lithography, 42,5 x 67 BULGARIA »‚‡Ì ÕËÌÓ‚ «ÂÏˇ. 2000. ÀËÚÓ„‡Ùˡ, 46,5 ı 67 ∑ œÓÒÚ‡ÌÒÚ‚Ó I. 2000. ÀËÚÓ„‡Ùˡ, 46 ı 56 œÓÒÚ‡ÌÒÚ‚Ó IV. 2000. ÀËÚÓ„‡Ùˡ, 42,5 ı 67 22 ¡⁄À√¿–»fl 23 ≈ÎÂ̇ œ‡Ì‡ÈÓÚÓ‚‡ œ‡ÍÂÚ ÓÚ –ÛÏ˙Ìˡ. 2000. ÀËÚÓ„‡Ùˡ, 50 ı 65 œËÒÏÓ ÓÚ ÃÓÌË͇. 2000. ÀËÚÓ„‡Ùˡ, 50 ı 65 ∑ ƒ‚ ÔËÒχ ÓÚ ‡Ì‡‰‡. 2000. ÀËÚÓ„‡Ùˡ, 50 ı 65 Elena Panayotova Parcel from Romania. 2000. Lithography, 50 x 65 Letter from Monica. 2000. Lithography, 50 x 65 ∑ Two Letters from Canada. 2000. Lithography, 50 x 65 Roumyana Panayotova ∑ Satiated and Hungry. 2000. Lithography, 40 x 50 ¡⁄À√¿–»fl BULGARIA –ÛÏˇÌ‡ œ‡Ì‡ÈÓÚÓ‚‡ ∑ —ËÚ Ë „·‰ÂÌ. 2000. ÀËÚÓ„‡Ùˡ, 40 ı 50 …Ó‰‡Ì œ‡ÌÍÓ‚ ∑ ØÚËÚ ̇ “ÓkÂχ‰‡ I. 2000. ÀËÌÓ„‡‚˛‡, 100 ı 70 ØÚËÚ ̇ “ÓkÂχ‰‡ II. 2000. ÀËÌÓ„‡‚˛‡, 100 ı 70 Yordan Pankov ∑ The Dreams of Torquemada I. 2000. Linocut, 100 x 70 The Dreams of Torquemada I. 2000. Linocut, 100 x 70 Ilia Pashov Change?. 2001. Lithography, 54 x 71 ∑ Change 2001?. 2001. Lithography, 54 x 72 Silhouette. 2001. Lithography, 50 x 66 BULGARIA »Îˡ œ‡¯Ó‚ œÓÏˇÌ‡? 2001. ÀËÚÓ„‡Ùˡ, 54 ı 71 ∑ œÓÏˇÌ‡ 2001? 2001. ÀËÚÓ„‡Ùˡ, 54 ı 72 —ËÎÛÂÚ. 2001. ÀËÚÓ„‡Ùˡ, 50 ı 66 24 ¡⁄À√¿–»fl 25 …Ó‰‡Ì œ‡ÒÍÓ‚ ∑ À˛·Ó‚ÂÌ Ô‡ÁÌËÍ I. 2000. √‡‚˛‡ ̇ ÏÂÚ‡Î, 59 ı 46 Yordan Paskov ∑ Love Feast I. 2000. Metal engraving, 59 x 46 Darina Peeva ∑ Recollection of the Shadow. 2000. Mixed media, 50 x 35 Construction of the Memory. 2000. Mixed media, 65 x 50 ¡⁄À√¿–»fl BULGARIA ƒ‡Ë̇ œÂ‚‡ ∑ —ÔÓÏÂÌ Á‡ ÒˇÌ͇ڇ. 2000. —ÏÂÒÂ̇ ÚÂıÌË͇, 50 ı 35 ÓÌÒÚÛÍˆËˇ ̇ ÒÔÓÏÂ̇. 2000. —ÏÂÒÂ̇ ÚÂıÌË͇, 65 ı 50 œÎ‡ÏÂÌ œÂÌÓ‚ ∑ “‡Ìˆ. 2000. ŒÙÓÚ, ‡Í‚‡ÚËÌÚ‡, 60 ı 40 ¡ËÍ. 2000. ŒÙÓÚ, ‡Í‚‡ÚËÌÚ‡, 60 ı 40 –ËÙ. 2000. ŒÙÓÚ, ‡Í‚‡ÚËÌÚ‡, 60 ı 40 Plamen Penov ∑ Dance. 2000. Etching, aquatint, 60 x 40 Bull. 2000. Etching, aquatint, 60 x 40 Reef. 2000. Etching, aquatint, 60 x 40 Georgi Penchev ∑ Horses. 1999. Woodcut. 35 x 60 BULGARIA √ÂÓ„Ë œÂ̘‚ ∑ ÓÌÂ. 1999. √‡‚˛‡ ̇ ‰˙‚Ó, 35 ı 60 26 ¡⁄À√¿–»fl 27 √ÂÓ„Ë œÂÚÍÓ‚ ∑ —˙Ì ‚ ΡÚ̇ ÌÓ˘. 2001. ÀËÚÓ„‡Ùˡ, 56 ı 44 Georgi Petkov ∑ A Summer Nightís Dream. 2001. Lithography, 56 x 44 Mihail Petkov Opposition I. 2000. Mezzotint, chine colle, 50 ı 65 ∑ Opposition II. 2000. Mezzotint, chine colle, 50 ı 65 Opposition III. 2000. Mezzotint, chine colle, 50 ı 65 ¡⁄À√¿–»fl BULGARIA ÃËı‡ËÎ œÂÚÍÓ‚ œÓÚË‚ÓÔÓÒÚ‡‚ˇÌ I. 2000. ÈÓÚËÌÚÓ, ¯ËÌ ÍÓÎÂ, 50 ı 65 ∑ œÓÚË‚ÓÔÓÒÚ‡‚ˇÌ II. 2000. ÈÓÚËÌÚÓ, ¯ËÌ ÍÓÎÂ, 50 ı 65 œÓÚË‚ÓÔÓÒÚ‡‚ˇÌ III. 2000. ÈÓÚËÌÚÓ, ¯ËÌ ÍÓÎÂ, 50 ı 65 ¡ÓˇÌ‡ œÂÚÍÓ‚‡ ∑ œÓÂÍˆËˇ Á‡ Í˙ÒÚ. 2000. —Ûı‡ ˄·, 62 ı 102 Boryana Petkova ∑ Projection for a Cross. 2000. Dry point, 62 x 102 Dimitar Popgeorgiev ∑ A Walk with a Dog. 2000. Mixed media, 35 x 24 BULGARIA ƒËÏËÚ˙ œÓÔ„ÂÓ„Ë‚ ∑ –‡ÁıӉ͇ Ò ÍÛ˜Â. 2000. —ÏÂÒÂ̇ ÚÂıÌË͇, 35 ı 24 28 ¡⁄À√¿–»fl 29 ‡ÚÂË̇ –‡‰Â‚‡ ∑ ÿ‡Ï ͇Ò˙Î. 2000. ÀËÌÓ„‡‚˛‡, 50 ı 78 Katerina Radeva ∑ Sham Castle. 2000. Linocut, 50 x 78 Yordanka Radeva The ìGreat Watersì Cycle 1. 2001. Dry point, 48 ı 35 ∑ The ìGreat Watersì Cycle 2. 2001. Dry point, 48 ı 35 The ìGreat Watersì Cycle 3. 2001. Dry point, 51 ı 39 ¡⁄À√¿–»fl BULGARIA …Ó‰‡Ì͇ –‡‰Â‚‡ ÷ËÍ˙Î √ÓÎˇÏ‡Ú‡ ‚Ó‰‡ì 1. 2001. —Ûı‡ ˄·, 48 ı 35 ∑ ÷ËÍ˙Î √ÓÎˇÏ‡Ú‡ ‚Ó‰‡ì 2. 2001. —Ûı‡ ˄·, 48 ı 35 ÷ËÍ˙Î √ÓÎˇÏ‡Ú‡ ‚Ó‰‡ì 3. 2001. —Ûı‡ ˄·, 51 ı 39 –ÛÒÎ‡Ì –‡‰Â‚ ¬ Ô‡ÏÂÚ Ì‡ ¡‡Ú‡Ùˡ I. 2000. —ÏÂÒÂ̇ ÚÂıÌË͇, 19 x 10,5 ∑ ¬ Ô‡ÏÂÚ Ì‡ ¡‡Ú‡Ùˡ II. 2000. —ÏÂÒÂ̇ ÚÂıÌË͇, 19 x 10,5 ¬ Ô‡ÏÂÚ Ì‡ ¡‡Ú‡Ùˡ III. 2000. —ÏÂÒÂ̇ ÚÂıÌË͇, 19 x 10,5 Rouslan Radev In Memory of Batafia I. 2000. Mixed media, 19 x 10,5 ∑ In Memory of Batafia II. 2000. Mixed media, 19 x 10,5 In Memory of Batafia III. 2000. Mixed media, 19 x 10,5 Georgi Savov Book I. 2001. Dry point, 51 x 78 Book II. 2001. Dry point, 78 x 51 ∑ Book III. 2001. Dry point, 51 x 78 BULGARIA √ÂÓ„Ë —‡‚Ó‚ ÕÓÈíÌ, ÍÌË„‡ I. 2001. —Ûı‡ ˄·, 51 ı 78 ÕÓÈíÌ, ÍÌË„‡ II. 2001. —Ûı‡ ˄·, 78 ı 51 ∑ ÕÓÈíÌ, ÍÌË„‡ III. 2001. —Ûı‡ ˄·, 51 ı 78 30 ¡⁄À√¿–»fl 31 —ËÏÂÓÌ ÿË‚‡˜Â‚ ∑ —ˆÂ̇ I. 2001. ÀËÚÓ„‡Ùˡ, 45,5 ı 32,5 —ˆÂ̇ II. 2001. ÀËÚÓ„‡Ùˡ, 45,5 ı 32,5 Simeon Shivachev ∑ Scene I. 2001. Lithography, 45,5 x 32,5 Scene II. 2001. Lithography, 45,5 x 32,5 Roumen Skorchev Composition of Forms Outside the Body. 1999. Lithography, 51 ı 38,5 Pandoraís Box IV. 2000. Lithography, 51 ı 38,5 ∑ Pandoraís Box VI. 1999. Lithography, 51 ı 38,5 ¡⁄À√¿–»fl BULGARIA –ÛÏÂÌ —ÍӘ‚ ÓÏÔÓÁËˆËˇ ÓÚ ÙÓÏË ËÁ‚˙Ì ÚˇÎÓÚÓ. 1999. ÀËÚÓ„‡Ùˡ, 51 ı 38,5 ÛÚˡڇ ̇ œ‡Ì‰Ó‡ IV. 2000. ÀËÚÓ„‡Ùˡ, 51 ı 38,5 ∑ ÛÚˡڇ ̇ œ‡Ì‰Ó‡ VI. 1999. ÀËÚÓ„‡Ùˡ, 51 ı 38,5 –ÓÒÂÌ —Ô‡ÒÓ‚ ∑ ÓÏÔÓÁËˆËˇ I. 2000. —ÏÂÒÂ̇ ÚÂıÌË͇, 61,3 ı 52 ÓÏÔÓÁËˆËˇ II. 2000. —ÏÂÒÂ̇ ÚÂıÌË͇, 60 ı 49,5 Rossen Spassov ∑ Composition I. 2000. Mixed media, 61,3 x 52 Composition II. 2000. Mixed media, 60 x 49,5 Dimen Stanchev ∑ The Master of the Birds. 2001. Etching, 65 x 50 BULGARIA ƒËÏÂÌ —ڇ̘‚ ∑ √ÓÒÔÓ‰‡ˇÚ ̇ ÔÚˈËÚÂ. 2001. ŒÙÓÚ, 65 ı 50 32 ¡⁄À√¿–»fl 33 ƒÂÌˈ‡ —ÚÂÙ‡ÌÓ‚‡ ∑ ∆Â̇ڇ Ë ıËÏ˘ÂÒÍËÚ ˇ·˙ÎÍË II. 2001. ¬ËÒÓÍ Ô˜‡Ú, 53 ı 62 ∆Â̇ڇ Ë ıËÏ˘ÂÒÍËÚ ˇ·˙ÎÍË III. 2001. ¬ËÒÓÍ Ô˜‡Ú, 53 ı 62 Denitsa Stefanova ∑ The Woman and the Chemical Apples II. 2001. Intaglio, 53 x 62 The Woman and the Chemical Apples III. 2001. Intaglio, 53 x 62 Borislav Stoev Hills I. 2001. Lithography, 48 ı 62 ∑ Hills II. 2001. Lithography, 48 ı 62 Hills III. 2001. Lithography, 62 x 48 ¡⁄À√¿–»fl BULGARIA ¡ÓËÒ·‚ —ÚÓ‚ ’˙ÎÏÓ‚Â I. 2001. ÀËÚÓ„‡Ùˡ, 48 ı 62 ∑ ’˙ÎÏÓ‚Â II. 2001. ÀËÚÓ„‡Ùˡ, 48 ı 62 ’˙ÎÏÓ‚Â III. 2001. ÀËÚÓ„‡Ùˡ, 62 x 48 “Ó‰Ó “‡˜Â‚ ∑ œÂÈÁ‡Ê II. 1998. —ÏÂÒÂ̇ ÚÂıÌË͇, 40 ı 59 Todor Tachev ∑ Landscape II. 1998. Mixed media, 40 x 59 Violeta Grivishka - Taneva ∑ Diamond Heart. 2001. Lithography, 65,5 x 48,5 BULGARIA ¬ËÓÎÂÚ‡ √˂˯͇ “‡Ì‚‡ ∑ ƒË‡Ï‡ÌÚÂÌÓ Ò˙ˆÂ. 2001. ÀËÚÓ„‡Ùˡ, 65,5 ı 48,5 34 ¡⁄À√¿–»fl 35 flÌÍÓ “ËıÓ‚ ∑ ÕÓÒڇ΄ˡ Á‡ ·˙‰Â˘ÂÚÓ. 2001. ŒÙÓÚ, ‡Í‚‡ÚËÌÚ‡, 60,5 ı 31 Yanko Tihov ∑ Yearning for the Future. 2001. Etching, aquatint, 60,5 x 31 Bozhidar Tonev Psychology Manual - Day One. 2001. Dry point, Psychology Manual - Day Two. 2001. Dry point, ∑ Psychology Manual - Day Three. 2001. Dry point, ¡⁄À√¿–»fl BULGARIA ¡ÓÊˉ‡ “ÓÌ‚ ”˜Â·ÌËÍ ÔÓ ÔÒËıÓÎӄˡ ‰ÂÌ Ô˙‚Ë. 2001. —Ûı‡ ˄·, 55 ı 33,5 ”˜Â·ÌËÍ ÔÓ ÔÒËıÓÎӄˡ ‰ÂÌ ‚ÚÓË. 2001. —Ûı‡ ˄·, 55 ı 33,5 ∑ ”˜Â·ÌËÍ ÔÓ ÔÒËıÓÎӄˡ ‰ÂÌ ÚÂÚË. 2001. —Ûı‡ ˄·, 55 ı 33,5 ¿Ì̇ ÷ÓÎÓ‚Ò͇ ∑ √‡‰Ë̇. 1999. ÀËÚÓ„‡Ùˡ, 56 ı 73 Anna Tsolovska ∑ Garden. 1999. Lithography, 56 ı 73 Manya Vaptsarova The Whispering Wind I. 2000. Dry point, 100 x 70 The Whispering Wind II. 2000. Dry point, 100 x 70 ∑ The Whispering Wind III. 2000. Dry point, 100 x 70 BULGARIA Ã‡Ìˇ ¬‡Ôˆ‡Ó‚‡ ÿÂÔÌÂ˘ËˇÚ ‚ˇÚ˙ I. 2000. —Ûı‡ ˄·, 100 ı 70 ÿÂÔÌÂ˘ËˇÚ ‚ˇÚ˙ II. 2000. —Ûı‡ ˄·, 100 ı 70 ∑ ÿÂÔÌÂ˘ËˇÚ ‚ˇÚ˙ III. 2000. —Ûı‡ ˄·, 100 ı 70 36 ¡⁄À√¿–»fl 37 ¿Ú‡Ì‡Ò ¬‡ÒË΂ ƒÂÚÒÍË Ë„Ë VI. 2000. ÀËÚÓ„‡Ùˡ, 46 ı 61 ∑ ƒÂÚÒÍË Ë„Ë VIII. 2001. ÀËÚÓ„‡Ùˡ, 47 ı 62 Atanas Vassilev Playthings VI. 2000. Lithography, 46 x 61 ∑ Playthings VIII. 2001. Lithography, 47 x 62 Valeri Vassilev Oasis I. 2001. Lithography, 50 x 69 Oasis II. 2001. Lithography, 50 x 69 ∑ Oasis III. 2001. Lithography, 50 x 69 ¡⁄À√¿–»fl BULGARIA ¬‡ÎÂË ¬‡ÒË΂ Œ‡ÁËÒ I. 2001. ÀËÚÓ„‡Ùˡ, 50 ı 69 Œ‡ÁËÒ II. 2001. ÀËÚÓ„‡Ùˡ, 50 ı 69 ∑ Œ‡ÁËÒ III. 2001. ÀËÚÓ„‡Ùˡ, 50 ı 69 œÂÚ˙ ¬ÂÎËÍÓ‚ ∑ ¬ ÔÓ‰ÌÓÊËÂÚÓ Ì‡ Ò˙Ìˇ. 2000. ŒÙÓÚ, ‡Í‚‡ÚËÌÚ‡, 36 ı 27,5 Petar Velikov ∑ At the Foot of the Dream. 2000. Etching, aquatint, 36 x 27,5 Biliana Vardjieva - Vinkler ∑ Composition I. 2000. Serigraphy, 96 x 75 Composition II. 2000. Serigraphy, 70 x 100 Flower. 2000. Serigraphy, 75 x 95 BULGARIA ¡ËÎˇÌ‡ ¬‡‰ÊË‚‡ ¬ËÌÍΠ∑ ÓÏÔÓÁËˆËˇ 1. 2000. —ÂË„‡Ùˡ, 96 ı 75 ÓÏÔÓÁËˆËˇ 2. 2000. —ÂË„‡Ùˡ, 70 ı 100 ÷‚ÂÚÂ. 2000. —ÂË„‡Ùˡ, 75 ı 95 38 ¡⁄À√¿–»fl 39 «‡ÙË …Ó̘‚ ∑ —‚ÂÚ‡ —ÓÙˡ. 2001.√‡‚˛‡ ̇ ‰˙‚Ó, 50 ı 29 Zafir Yonchev ∑ St. Sophia. 2001. Woodcut, 50 x 29 Yulian Yordanov Spaces in the Dream I. 2000. Lithography, 58 x 42 ∑ Spaces in the Dream II. 2000. Lithography, 58 x 42 ¡⁄À√¿–»fl BULGARIA fiÎË‡Ì …Ó‰‡ÌÓ‚ œÓÒÚ‡ÌÒÚ‚‡ ‚ Ò˙Ìˇ I. 2000. ÀËÚÓ„‡Ùˡ, 58 ı 42 ∑ œÓÒÚ‡ÌÒÚ‚‡ ‚ Ò˙Ìˇ II. 2000. ÀËÚÓ„‡Ùˡ, 58 ı 42 …Óı‡Ì …ÓÚÓ‚ ∑ ”Ú ˘Â Á‡‰Ûı‡ ÛÚ¯ÌËˇÚ ‚ˇÚ˙. 2001. ÀËÚÓ„‡Ùˡ, 45 ı 50 Yohan Yotov ∑ Start Blowing Tomorrow Shall the Wind of Tomorrow. 2001. Lithography, 45 x 50 Nikolay Zlatanov Days and Nights I. 2001. Linocut, 28 x 88 ∑ Days and Nights II. 2001. Linocut, 28 x 88 Days and Nights III. 2001. Linocut, 28 x 88 ¡⁄À√¿–»fl BULGARIA ÕËÍÓÎ‡È «Î‡Ú‡ÌÓ‚ ƒÌË Ë ÌÓ˘Ë I. 2001. ÀËÌÓ„‡‚˛‡, 28 ı 88 ∑ ƒÌË Ë ÌÓ˘Ë II. 2001. ÀËÌÓ„‡‚˛‡, 28 ı 88 ƒÌË Ë ÌÓ˘Ë III. 2001. ÀËÌÓ„‡‚˛‡, 28 ı 88 40 ¿Õ¿ƒ¿ CANADA 41 œ‡ÚËÍ ¡ÛÎ‡Ò ∑ «ÂÌËÚÂÌ ÙËÎÚ˙ ‰ÌÓ. 2000. ŒÙÓÚ, 30 ı 60,5 œ‡‡ÎÂÎ̇ χ„ÌÂÚËÁ‡ˆËˇ. 2000. ŒÙÓÚ, 29 ı 68 Patrick Bulas ∑ Zenith Filter One. 2000. Etching, 30 x 60,5 Parallel Magnetization. 2000. Etching, 29 ı 68 Caren Dugas ∑ Fragment of Perception. 2000. Etching, 50 x 61 Released from Fear. 2000. Etching, 50 x 88 ¿Õ¿ƒ¿ CANADA ‡ÂÌ ƒÛ„‡Ò ∑ ‘‡„ÏÂÌÚ ÓÚ ÛÒ¢‡ÌÂÚÓ. 2000. ŒÙÓÚ, 50 x 61 ŒÒ‚Ó·Ó‰ÂÌ ÓÚ ÒÚ‡ı. 2000. ŒÙÓÚ, 50 x 88 ”ÓÎÚ˙ ƒÊÛÎ ŒÒÎ‡ÌˇÌ ̇ ÏË„‡. 2000. ÀËÚÓ„‡Ùˡ, 72 x 55 ∑ ”ÒÛ͇ÌËˇÚ ‚Ó‡Î. 1998. ŒÙÓÚ, ÀËÚÓ„‡Ùˡ, 92 x 59 Walter Jule Leaning of the Moment. 2000. Lithography, 72 x 55 ∑ The Twisted Veil. 1998. Etching, Lithography, 92 x 59 Dubravka Babich Hommage A V. B. II. 1999. Reservage, 106 x 58 ∑ Hommage A V. B. III. 1999. Reservage, 106 x 58 CROATIA ƒÛ·‡‚͇ ¡‡·Ë˜ ¬ ˜ÂÒÚ Ì‡ ¿ ¬. ¡. II. 1999. –ÂÁ‚‡Ê, 106 x 58 ∑ ¬ ˜ÂÒÚ Ì‡ ¿ ¬. ¡. III. 1999. –ÂÁ‚‡Ê, 106 x 58 42 ’⁄–¬¿“— ¿ 43 …ÓÒËÙ ¡ÛÚÍӂ˘ ∑ U2 Mrgar. 2000. ¿Í‚‡ÚËÌÚ‡, „‡‚˛‡ ̇ ‰˙‚Ó, 49 x 98 U2 Mrgar. 2000. ¿Í‚‡ÚËÌÚ‡, „‡‚˛‡ ̇ ‰˙‚Ó, 49 x 98 U2 Mrgar. 2000. ¿Í‚‡ÚËÌÚ‡, „‡‚˛‡ ̇ ‰˙‚Ó, 49 x 98 Josif Butkovich ∑ U2 Mrgar. 2000. Aquatint, woodcut, 49 x 98 U2 Mrgar. 2000. Aquatint, woodcut, 49 x 98 U2 Mrgar. 2000. Aquatint, woodcut, 49 x 98 Ivica Sisko ∑ Havenís Garden I. 2000. Aquatint, 80 x 53 ÃÛÌË ¬ÂÈÁӂ˘ ∑ —‡ÚË Ë ÌËÏÙ‡. 1999. —Ûı‡ ˄·, 40 ı 30 Munir Veizovich ∑ Satyr and Nymph. 1999. Drypoint, 40 x 30 ’⁄–¬¿“— ¿ CROATIA »‚ˈ‡ —ËÒÍÓ ∑ –‡ÈÒ͇ „‡‰Ë̇ I. 2000. AÍ‚‡ÚËÌÚ‡, 80 x 53 Ondrei Michalek Refuge A. ..... Woodcut, linocut, 59 x 83 ∑ Refuge ¬. ..... Woodcut, linocut, 59 x 83 Refuge —. ..... Woodcut, linocut, 59 x 83 ◊≈’»fl CZECH REPUBLIC ỎÂÈ ÃËı‡ÎÂÍ ”·ÂÊˢ ¿. ..... √‡‚˛‡ ̇ ‰˙‚Ó, ÎËÌÓ„‡‚˛‡, 59 x 83 ∑ ”·ÂÊˢ B. ..... √‡‚˛‡ ̇ ‰˙‚Ó, ÎËÌÓ„‡‚˛‡, 59 x 83 ”·ÂÊˢ C. ..... √‡‚˛‡ ̇ ‰˙‚Ó, ÎËÌÓ„‡‚˛‡, 59 x 83 44 ≈—“ŒÕ»fl ESTONIA 45 ¬Ë„ …ÓÂ͇Ή‡ ŒÚ ÒÛÚËÌ ‰Ó ‚˜Â. 2001. —Ûı‡ ˄·, ÂÁ‚‡Ê 50 x 97 ∑ ŒÚ ÒÛÚËÌ ‰Ó ‚˜Â. 2001. —Ûı‡ ˄·, ÂÁ‚‡Ê 50 x 97 ŒÚ ÒÛÚËÌ ‰Ó ‚˜Â. 2001. —Ûı‡ ˄·, ÂÁ‚‡Ê 50 x 97 Virge Joekalda From Morning Till Night. 2001. Drypoint, reservage 50 x 97 ∑ From Morning Till Night. 2001. Drypoint, reservage 50 x 97 From Morning Till Night. 2001. Drypoint, reservage 50 x 97 Benjamin Vasserman ∑ Variation I. 1998. Etching, aquatint, 48 x 64 Variation II. 1998. Etching, aquatint, 48 x 64 Absorption. 1999. Etching, aquatint, 48 x 64 ‘»ÕÀ¿Õƒ»fl FINLAND ≈—“ŒÕ»fl ESTONIA ¡ÂÌˇÏËÌ ¬‡ÒÂÏ‡Ì ∑ ¬‡Ë‡ˆËˇ I. 1998. ŒÙÓÚ, aÍ‚‡ÚËÌÚ‡, 48 x 64 ¬‡Ë‡ˆËˇ II. 1998. ŒÙÓÚ, aÍ‚‡ÚËÌÚ‡, 48 x 64 ¿·ÒÓ·ˆËˇ. 1999. ŒÙÓÚ, aÍ‚‡ÚËÌÚ‡, 48 x 64 œ‡ÒË ÕËËÌËÌÂÌ ∑ ÓÌÒÚÛ͈ËË I. 2000. —ÂË„‡Ùˡ, 60 x 60 ÓÌÒÚÛ͈ËË III. 2000. —ÂË„‡Ùˡ, 60 x 60 Pasi Niininen ∑ Constructions I. 2000. Silkscreen, 60 x 60 Constructions III. 2000. Silkscreen, 60 x 60 Eugenia Gortchakova ∑ Iconostasis. 2000. Etching, 54 x 35 I Ask Myself the Same Question. 2000. Etching, 54 x 35 GERMANY ≈Û„ÂÌˇ √Ó˜‡ÍÓ‚‡ ∑ »ÍÓÌÓÒÚ‡Ò. 2000. ŒÙÓÚ, 54 x 35 «‡‰‡‚‡Ï ÒË Ò˙˘Ëˇ ‚˙ÔÓÒ. 2000. ŒÙÓÚ, 54 x 35 46 √≈–ÿջfl 47 ’ËΉ„‡‰ KÎÂÔ - œ‡‡ WAV ÎÂÌÚ‡. 2000. √‡‚˛‡ ̇ ‰˙‚Ó, 45 x 30 ∑ —Ú˙ÍÎÂ̇ ÎÂÌÚ‡. 2000. √‡‚˛‡ ̇ ‰˙‚Ó, 30 x 45 –‡ÁÔÓÎÓÊÂÌ. 2000. √‡‚˛‡ ̇ ‰˙‚Ó, 45 x 30 Hildegard Klepper - Paar WAV Band. 2000. Woodcut, 45 x 30 ∑ Glass Band. 2000. Woodcut, 30 x 45 Disposed. 2000. Woodcut, 45 x 30 Martina Tscherwitschke I Dream, Therefore I Am Not. 1998. Etching, 50 x 40 ∑ Special Relationship. 1998. Etching, 50 x 40 √⁄–÷»fl GREECE √≈–ÿջfl GERMANY MaÚË̇ ◊‚˘Í Ã˜ڇˇ, ÒΉӂ‡ÚÂÎÌÓ Ì Ò˙Ï. 1998. ŒÙÓÚ, 50 x 40 ∑ —ÔˆˇÎÌÓ ÓÚÌÓ¯ÂÌËÂ. 1998. ŒÙÓÚ, 50 x 40 EË͇ √ÛÚÂ̯‚‡„ ∑ ÇÏÓ, ÏÓÊ ÎË. 1998. ÀËÚÓ„‡Ùˡ, 95,5 x 74,5 Erica Gutenschwager ∑ Mother, May I. 1998. Lithography, 95,5 x 74,5 Zaharoula Mavridis ∑ Composition Nudes. 1999. Mixed media, 82,5 x 45 GREECE «‡ı‡Û· Ç‚ˉËÒ ∑ ÓÏÔÓÁËˆËˇ „ÓÎË Ú·. 1999. —ÏÂÒÂ̇ ÚÂıÌË͇, 82,5 x 45 48 √⁄–÷»fl 49 “ÓÌˇ ÕËÍÓÎ‡Ë‰Û ∑ ¬ÂÏÂÚÓ Ú˜Â. 2001. —ÂË„‡Ùˡ, 67,5 x 101 Tonia Nicolaidou ∑ Time is Running. 2001. Serigraphy, 67,5 x 101 Iris Xilas Xanalatos ∑ Easy Sailing. 2000. Mixed media, 64,5 x 48,5 »–¿ IRAQ √⁄–÷»fl GREECE »ËÒ ÒËÎ‡Ò Ò‡Ì‡Î‡ÚÓÒ ∑ —ÔÓÍÓÈÌÓ Ô·‚‡ÌÂ. 2000. —Ï. ÚÂıÌË͇, 64,5 x 48,5 ¿ÎË ’‡Ò‡Ì ¿Î‰Ê‡·‡Ë ∑ ˙ÒÚÓÔ˙Úˢ‡Ú‡ ̇ »˘‡. 2001. 56,5 x 54,5 Ali Hasan Aljabary ∑ Crossroads of Ishtar. 2001. 56,5 x 54,5 Andrea Carini ∑ Untitled. 2000. Intaglio print, 50 x 70 ITALY ¿Ì‰Â‡ ‡ËÌË ∑ ¡ÂÁ ËÏÂ. 2000. »ÌÚ‡ÎËÓ, 50 x 70 50 »“¿À»fl 51 ÀÛ˜ËÓ œ‡ÒÂËÌË CRVX. 2000. ÀËÌÓ„‡‚˛‡, 53,5 x 35 ∑ A Lattere. 2001. ÀËÌÓ„‡‚˛‡, 80 x 61 Lucio Passerini CRVX. 2000. Linocut, 53,5 x 35 ∑ A Lattere. 2001. Linocut, 80 x 61 Takemi Azumaya Solar Eclipse T.T.T. 1999. Lithography, 99 x 70 ∑ Solar Eclipse SANKOV. 2000. Lithography, 100 x 70 flœŒÕ»fl JAPAN “‡ÍÂÏË ¿ÁÛχˇ —Î˙Ì˜Â‚Ó Á‡Ú˙ÏÌÂÌË T.T.T. 1999. ÀËÚÓ„‡Ùˡ, 99 x 70 ∑ —Î˙Ì˜Â‚Ó Á‡Ú˙ÏÌÂÌË —¿Õ Œ¬. 2000. ÀËÚÓ„‡Ùˡ, 100 x 70 Ç҇ıËÓ ‘ÛÍÛ‰‡ ∑ œÓ˜Ë‚͇ڇ ̇ Ô‡Ô‡Ú‡. 2000. —ÂË„‡Ùˡ, 60 x 80 Õ‡ ÒÚ‡‰ËÓ̇. 2000. —ÂË„‡Ùˡ, 58 x 80 ¬ χ̇ÒÚË. 2000. —ÂË„‡Ùˡ, 58 x 80 Masahiro Fukuda ∑ The Rest of the Pope. 2000. Silk-screen, 60 x 80 In Stadium. 2000. Silk-screen, 58 x 80 In Monastery. 2000. Silk-screen, 58 x 80 Hidehiko Gotou Monument. 1999. Wood block, mixed media, 55,2 x 40,5 ∑ Presentiment. 1999. Wood block, mixed media, 55,2 x 40,5 JAPAN ’ˉÂıËÍÓ √ÓÚÓÛ œ‡ÏÂÚÌËÍ. 1999. ƒ˙‚ÂÌ ·ÎÓÍ, ÒÏÂÒÂ̇ ÚÂıÌË͇, 55,2 x 40,5 ∑ œÂ‰˜Û‚ÒÚ‚ËÂ. 1999. ƒ˙‚ÂÌ ·ÎÓÍ, ÒÏÂÒÂ̇ ÚÂıÌË͇, 55,2 x 40,5 52 flœŒÕ»fl 53 ‡ÁÛÍÓ ’ÓÒÓÏËÁÛ ∑ ÀÂÚˇ˘ „‡‰ ë99 - II. 1999. ÀËÚÓ„‡Ùˡ, 58 x 42,5 Kazuko Hosomizu ∑ Flying City ë99 - II. 1999. Lithography, 58 x 42,5 Keizo Kiguchi ∑ Wave - 02. 2001. Lithography, 50 x 65 flœŒÕ»fl JAPAN ÂËÁÓ KË„Û˜Ë ∑ ¬˙ÎÌ∞ - 02. 2001. ÀËÚÓ„‡Ùˡ, 50 x 65 –ËÓÁÓ Ó¯ËÏËÁÛ ∑ œÓÒÚ‡ÌÒÚ‚Ó ÓÚ ÂÎÂÏÂÌÚË - 205. 2000. ÀËÚÓ„‡Ùˡ, 68 x 94 —‚ÂÚ¢ ‚ˇÚ˙. 2001. ÀËÚÓ„‡Ùˡ, 70 x 95 ≈ÒÚÂÒÚ‚ÂÌ ‰Ûı. 2001. ÀËÚÓ„‡Ùˡ, 70 x 95 Ryozo Koshimizu ∑ Space of Elements - 205. 2000. Lithography, 68 x 94 Shining Wind. 2001. Lithography, 70 x 95 Natural Spirit. 2001. Lithography, 70 x 95 Avito Koyama ∑ My Landscape 3-Fe-01. 2001. Silk-screen, 49,5 x 72,5 My Landscape 26-Jan-1. 2001. Silk-screen, 49,5 x 72,5 JAPAN ¿‚ËÚÓ ÓˇÏ‡ ∑ ÃÓˇÚ ÔÂÈÁ‡Ê 3-Ù‚-01. 2001. —ÂË„‡Ùˡ, 49,5 x 72,5 ÃÓˇÚ ÔÂÈÁ‡Ê 26-ˇÌ-1. 2001. —ÂË„‡Ùˡ, 49,5 x 72,5 54 flœŒÕ»fl 55 “‡‰‡Ú‡Í‡ Û‰ÓÛ √‡‰ 20 - 1. 2000. √‡‚˛‡ ̇ ‰˙‚Ó, ÍÓÔË̇, 52 x 52 ∑ √‡‰ 99 - 2. 1999. √‡‚˛‡ ̇ ‰˙‚Ó, ÍÓÔË̇, 40 x 60 Tadataka Kudou Town 20 - 1. 2000. Woodcut, silk, 52 x 52 ∑ Town 99 - 2. 1999. Woodcut, silk, 40 x 60 Kioko Sakamoto ∑ Model Room I. 1998. Wood block printing, 85 x 55 Contents III. 2000. Wood block printing, 85 x 55 flœŒÕ»fl JAPAN ËÓÍÓ —‡Í‡ÏÓÚÓ ∑ ÃÓ‰ÂΠ̇ ÒÚ‡ˇ I. ŒÚÔ˜‡Ú˙Í ÓÚ ‰˙‚ÂÌ ·ÎÓÍ, 85 x 55 —˙‰˙ʇÌˡ III. ŒÚÔ˜‡Ú˙Í ÓÚ ‰˙‚ÂÌ ·ÎÓÍ, 85 x 55 —‡‰Ó —‡ÍÛ‡Ë œËÒ˙ÒÚ‚ËÂ. 1999. ŒÙÓÚ, 42,4 x 60 ŒÚ‰Ëı. 2001. ŒÙÓÚ, 42,4 x 60 ∑ “˙͇Ì. 2001. ŒÙÓÚ, 42,4 x 60 Sado Sakurai Presence. 1999. Etching, 42,4 x 60,6 Repose. 2001. Etching, 42,4 x 60,6 ∑ Tissue. 2001. Etching, 42,4 x 60,6 Shiro Tazumi Bread. 1999. Silk-screen, 63 x 80 ∑ Pear. 2000. Silk-screen, 63 x 80 JAPAN ÿËÓ “‡ÁÛÏË ’Ρ·. 1999. —ÂË„‡Ùˡ, 63 x 80 ∑ Û¯‡. 1999. —ÂË„‡Ùˡ, 63 x 80 56 flœŒÕ»fl 57 flχ¯ËÚ‡ “ÂÚÒÛÓ √‡‚˛‡ ̇ ‰˙‚Ó H13 - 401. 2001. √‡‚˛‡ ̇ ‰˙‚Ó, 61,5 x 60 √‡‚˛‡ ̇ ‰˙‚Ó H10- 53. 2000. √‡‚˛‡ ̇ ‰˙‚Ó, 62 x 35 ∑ √‡‚˛‡ ̇ ‰˙‚Ó H13 - 402. 2001. √‡‚˛‡ ̇ ‰˙‚Ó, 61,5 x 60 Yamashita Tetsuo Woodcut H13 - 401. 2001. Woodcut, 61,5 x 60 Woodcut H10- 53. 2000. Woodcut, 62 x 35 ∑ Woodcut H13 - 402. 2001. Woodcut, 61,5 x 60 Tomoya Uchida ∑ Nest #22. 1998. Intaglio, 60 x 90 Nest #28. 1999. Intaglio, 60 x 90 Nest #29. 1999. Intaglio, 60 x 90 flœŒÕ»fl JAPAN “ÓÏÓˇ ”˜Ë‰‡ ∑ √ÌÂÁ‰Ó #22. 1998. »ÌÚ‡ÎËÓ, 60 x 90 √ÌÂÁ‰Ó #28. 1999. »ÌÚ‡ÎËÓ, 60 x 90 √ÌÂÁ‰Ó #29. 1999. »ÌÚ‡ÎËÓ, 60 x 90 —‡Ì‡Â flχÏÓÚÓ ∑ ¬ Â͇ڇ - I, A ¬A 29 a. 2000. —ÏÂÒÂ̇ ÚÂıÌË͇, 105 x 26 ¬ Â͇ڇ - II, A ¬A 29 ·. 2000. —ÏÂÒÂ̇ ÚÂıÌË͇, 105 x 26 Sanae Yamamoto ∑ In the River - I, AQUA 29 a. 2000. Mixed media, 105 x 26 In the River - II, AQUA 29 b. 2000. Mixed media, 105 x 26 Arta Yaunaraja ∑ Spring (Wood). 1999. Drypoint, 55 x 77 Yellow Sea. 1999. Drypoint, 59 x 77 À¿“¬»fl LATVIA ¿Ú‡ flÛ̇‡ˇ ∑ œÓÎÂÚ (√Ó‡). 1999. —Ûı‡ ˄·, 55 x 77 ∆˙ÎÚÓ ÏÓÂ. 1999. —Ûı‡ ˄·, 59 x 77 58 À»“¬¿ LITHUANIA 59 ¡ËÛÚ —ڇ̘Ë͇ÈÚ ÕÂÊÌÓÚÓ ‰ÓÍÓÒ‚‡ÌÂ. 1999. ŒÙÓÚ, ‡Í‚‡ÚËÌÚ‡, 48 x 46 ∑ œÓ΄̇· Ú‚‡. 1999. ŒÙÓÚ, ‡Í‚‡ÚËÌÚ‡, 46 x 48 »ÏÔÂÒˡ. 2000. ŒÙÓÚ, ‡Í‚‡ÚËÌÚ‡, 48 x 46 Birute Stanchikaite The Soft Touch. 1999. Etching, aquatint, 48 x 46 ∑ The Bent. 1999. Etching, aquatint, 46 x 48 Impression. 2000. Etching, aquatint, 48 x 46 Mark Frising An Approach to Lightness. 1999. Mezzotint, aquatint, 106 x 75 ∑ Machine to Shake Hands. 1999. Mezzotint, aquatint, 106 x 75 Nothing Lost Nothing Gained? 1999. Mezzotint, aquatint, 106 x 75 ÿ ≈ƒŒÕ»fl MACEDONIA Àfi —≈á”–√ LUXEMBOURG Ã‡Í ‘ËÁËÌ„ œÓ‰ıÓ‰ Í˙Ï ÎÂÒÌÓÚÓ. 1999. MeˆÓÚËÌÚÓ, ‡Í‚‡ÚËÌÚ‡, 106 x 75 ∑ ǯË̇ Á‡ ˙ÍÓÒÚËÒ͇ÌÂ. 1999. MeˆÓÚËÌÚÓ, ‡Í‚‡ÚËÌÚ‡, 106 x 75 ÕË˘Ó Á‡„Û·ÂÌÓ, ÌË˘Ó ÒÔ˜ÂÎÂÌÓ? 1999. MeˆÓÚËÌÚÓ, ‡Í‚‡ÚËÌÚ‡, 106 x 75 “‡È˜Â ¡Î‡Ê‚ÒÍË ∑ «‡‚˙˘‡ÌÂ. 1999. —Ûı‡ ˄·, 50 x 60 Õ‡Á‡‰. 1999. —Ûı‡ ˄·, 50 x 60 Traiche Blazhevski ∑ Come Back. 1999. Drypoint, 50 x 60 Backward. 1999. Drypoint, 50 x 60 Irena Iazheva Shine in the Night. 1999. Intaglio, 100 x 70 ∑ Connection. 1999. Intaglio, 100 x 70 MACEDONIA »Â̇ …‡Ê‚‡ ¡ÎˇÒ˙Í ‚ ÌÓ˘Ú‡. 1999. »ÌÚ‡ÎËÓ, 100 x 70 ∑ ¬˙Á͇. 1999. »ÌÚ‡ÎËÓ, 100 x 70 60 ÿ ≈ƒŒÕ»fl 61 MËˇÌ‡ ˙ÒÚ‚‡ ∑ ‘Û„‡. 2001. ÀËÚÓ„‡Ùˡ. Miriana Krsteva ∑ Fuga. 2001. Lithography. Dimitar Malidanov ∑ At the Beach. 2001. Drypoint, 70 x 100 Leaf. 2001. Drypoint, 70 x 100 ÿ ≈ƒŒÕ»fl MACEDONIA ƒËÏËÚ‡ ÇÎˉ‡ÌÓ‚ ∑ Õ‡ Ô·ʇ. 2001. —Ûı‡ ˄·, 70 x 100 ÀËÒÚÓ. 2001. —Ûı‡ ˄·, 70 x 100 «‡ÌÂÚ‡ —ÔËÓ‚Ò͇ ◊ÂÚËËÚ ÒÂÁÓ̇. 2000. ÀËÌÓ„‡‚˛‡, 100 x 70 —ÔÓÏÂÌË. 2001. ÀËÌÓ„‡‚˛‡, 100 x 70 ∑ ÓÒÏÓÒ - ÃÂÚ‡ÏÓÙÓÁË 3. 1999. ÀËÌÓ„‡‚˛‡, 100 x 70 Zaneta Spirovska The Four Seasons. 2000. Linocut, 100 x 70 Recollections. 2001. Linocut, 100 x 70 ∑ Space - Metamorphoses 3. 1999. Linocut, 100 x 70 Lidia Vuisich ∑ Antique. 2000. Linocut, 70 x 50 Artistís Book. 1999. Linocut, 70 x 50 M¿ ≈ƒŒÕ»fl MACEDONIA Àˉˇ ¬ÛÈÒ˘ ∑ ¿ÌÚË͇. 2000. ÀËÌÓ„‡‚˛‡, 70 x 50 ÌË„‡Ú‡ ̇ ıÛ‰ÓÊÌË͇. 2000. ÀËÌÓ„‡‚˛‡, 70 x 50 62 ’ŒÀ¿Õƒ»fl THE NETHERLANDS 63 ÃËÂÍ ÓÔÂÌÒ L T T I. 1999. ÀËÌÓ„‡‚˛‡, 21 x 21 ∑ L T T IV. 1999. ÀËÌÓ„‡‚˛‡, 21 x 21 L T T II. 1999. ÀËÌÓ„‡‚˛‡, 21 x 21 Miek Coppens L T T I. 1999. Linocut, 21 x 21 ∑ L T T IV. 1999. Linocut, 21 x 21 L T T II. 1999. Linocut, 21 x 21 Steve Lovett The Islander. 2001. Serigraphy, 56 x 40 ∑ Backnard Pielu. 2000. Serigraphy, 56 x 40 ÕŒ–¬≈√»fl NORWAY ÕŒ¬¿ «≈À¿Õƒ»fl NEW ZEALAND —ÚË‚ ÀÓ‚ÂÚ ŒÒÚÓ‚ËÚˇÌËÌ˙Ú. 2001. —ÂË„‡Ùˡ, 56 x 40 ∑ ¡‡Í̇‰ œËÂÎÛ. 2000. —ÂË„‡Ùˡ, 56 x 40 –Âȉ‡ –Û‰ÈÓ‰ ∑ ‡ÎˇÚ Ë Í‡Îˈ‡Ú‡. ÀËÌÓ„‡‚˛‡, 48 x 110 Reidar Rudjord ∑ The King and the Queen. Linocut, 48 x 110 Eva Rydhagen Childhood I. 1999. Etching, 59 x 46 ∑ Childhood II. 1999. Etching, 46 x 56 Childhood III. 1999. Etching, 50 x 60 NORWAY E‚‡ –ˉı‡„ÂÌ ƒÂÚÒÚ‚Ó I. 1999. ŒÙÓÚ, 59 x 46 ∑ ƒÂÚÒÚ‚Ó II. 1999. ŒÙÓÚ, 46 x 56 ƒÂÚÒÚ‚Ó III. 1999. ŒÙÓÚ, 50 x 60 64 ÕŒ–¬≈√»fl 65 ’Â΄ ¬‡Î »‰ÂˇÚ‡ Á‡ ÏÂÏÓˇÎ̇ ÍÓÎÓ̇. 2000. ŒÙÓÚ, 33 x 45 –‡Ì‰Â‚Û. 1999. ŒÙÓÚ, 33 x 45 ∑ –‡Áˇ‰ÂÌË ‰ÂÍÓË. 1999. ŒÙÓÚ, 33 x 45 Helge Wahl The Idea of Memorial Column. 2000. Etching, 33 x 45 Rendez-vous. 1999. Etching, 33 x 45 ∑ Corroded Scenery. 1999. Etching, 33 x 45 Mira Boczniowicz ∑ Empire of the Soul 1 (triptych). 2000. Intaglio, 76 x 84 œŒÀÿ¿ POLAND Ãˇ ¡Ó˜ÌËӂ˘ ∑ »ÏÔÂˡ ̇ ‰Û¯‡Ú‡. 2001 (ÚËÔÚËı). 2000. »ÌÚ‡ÎËÓ, 76 x 84 M‡ËÛ¯ ‘ËÎËÔÂÍ ∑ œ‡ˇˆË. 2000. ¿Í‚‡ÙÓÚ, 46,5 x 66,5 Mariusz Filipek ∑ Spiders. 2000. Aquafort, 46,5 x 66,5 Michal Kurkowski ∑ Undiscovered Lane. 2000. Etching, aquatint, drypoint, 85 x 60 Deadly Cone II. 2000. Etching, aquatint, drypoint, 85 x 60 POLAND ÃËı‡Î ÛÍÓ‚ÒÍË ∑ ÕÂÓÚÍËÚ Ô˙Ú. 2000. ŒÙÓÚ, ‡Í‚‡ÚËÌÚ‡, ÒÛı‡ ˄·, 85 x 60 —Ï˙ÚÓÌÓÒÂÌ ÍÓÌÛÒ II. 2000. ŒÙÓÚ, ‡Í‚‡ÚËÌÚ‡, ÒÛı‡ ˄·, 85 x 60 66 œŒÀÿ¿ 67 ¿ÚÛ —ÍÓ‚ÓÌÒÍË ∑ √·‚Ë III. 1998. √‡‚˛‡ ̇ ‰˙‚Ó, 63 x 74,5 √·‚Ë IV. 1998. √‡‚˛‡ ̇ ‰˙‚Ó, 63,5 x 74,5 √·‚Ë VIII. 2000. √‡‚˛‡ ̇ ‰˙‚Ó, 62 x 75 Artur Skowronski ∑ Heads III. 1998. Woodcut, 63 x 74,5 Heads IV. 1998. Woodcut, 63,5 x 74,5 Heads VIII. 2000. Woodcut, 62 x 75 Viola Tycz ∑ Cybernetic. Intaglio, chine colle, 69 x 112 Romantic Cyber. Intaglio, chine colle, 65 x 100,5 ƒ‡‚ˉ ‰Â ¿ÎÏÂȉ‡ “‡ÈÙÛÌ. —˄̇Π8—. .... —ÏÂÒÂ̇ ÚÂıÌË͇, 56 ı 56 ∑ “‡ÈÙÛÌ. —˄̇Π9—. .... —ÏÂÒÂ̇ ÚÂıÌË͇, 56 ı 56 David de Almeida Typhoon. Sign 8C. Mixed media, 56 x 56 ∑ Typhoon. Sign 9C. Mixed media, 56 x 56 œŒ–“”√¿À»fl PORTUGAL œŒÀÿ¿ POLAND ¬ËÓ· “˘ ∑ Ë·ÂÌÂÚ˘ÌÓ. »ÌÚ‡ÎËÓ, ¯ËÌ ÍÓÎÂ, 69 x 112 –ÓχÌÚ˘ÂÌ ÍË·Â. »ÌÚ‡ÎËÓ, ¯ËÌ ÍÓÎÂ, 65 x 100,5 Valentina Anopova The Book. 2000. Copper engraving, 45 x 35 ∑ The Meditation. 1999. Etching, engraving on the plastic, 25 x 52, 5 –”—»fl RUSSIA ¬‡ÎÂÌÚË̇ ¿ÌÓÔÓ‚‡ ÌË„‡Ú‡. 2000. É̇ „‡‚˛‡, 45 x 35 ∑ –‡ÁÏËÒ˙Î˙Ú. 1999. ŒÙÓÚ, „‡‚˛‡ ‚˙ıÛ Ô·ÒÚχ҇, 25 x 52, 5 68 —ÀŒ¬¿ »fl SLOVAKIA 69 »„Ó œË‡˜Í‡ »ÒÚÓËË. 1999. —ÏÂÒÂ̇ ÚÂıÌË͇, 66 x 99 œËÁ‡˜ÌÓ I. 2000. —ÏÂÒÂ̇ ÚÂıÌË͇, 99 x 66 ∑ œËÁ‡˜ÌÓ II. 2000. —ÏÂÒÂ̇ ÚÂıÌË͇, 66 x 99 Igor Piachka Stories. 1999. Mixed media, 66 x 99 Visionary I. 2000. Mixed media, 99 x 66 ∑ Visionary II. 2000. Mixed media, 66 x 99 Milan Unkovich Castles. 2000. Etching, aquatint, 7 x 70 ∑ Prophets. 2000. Etching, aquatint, 13,5 x 75 ÿ¬≈÷»fl SWEDEN —ÀŒ¬≈Õ»fl SLOVENIA ÃËÎ‡Ì ”ÌÍӂ˘ «‡Ï˙ˆË. 2000. ŒÙÓÚ, ‡Í‚‡ÚËÌÚ‡, 7 x 70 ∑ œÓÓˆË. 2000. ŒÙÓÚ, ‡Í‚‡ÚËÌÚ‡, 13,5 x 75 ’‡Ò ’‡ÒÂ΄ÂÌ ∑ ÃÛÒÓÌ. 1999. »ÌÚ‡ÎËÓ, 87 x 67 Hasse Hasselgren ∑ Monsoon. 1999. Intaglio, 87 x 67 Klaus Daniker Tipperary. 2000. Intaglio, 50 x 44,5 ∑ Ping Pong. 1999. Intaglio, 50 x 44,5 SWITZERLAND ·ÛÒ ƒ‡ÌËÍ “ËÔ˙ÂË. 2000. »ÌÚ‡ÎËÓ, 50 x 44,5 ∑ œËÌ„-ÔÓÌ„. 1999. »ÌÚ‡ÎËÓ, 50 x 44,5 70 ÿ¬≈…÷¿–»fl 71 ”Ï·ÂÚÓ Ã‡‰ÊÓÌË ∑ ¬ÂÓ̇ 1. 1999. —Ûı‡ ˄·, ‡Í‚‡ÚËÌÚ‡, 24 x 50 Umberto Maggioni ∑ Verona 1. 1999. Drypoint, aquatint, 24 x 50 Thow - Beng Lau Work 9806. 1998. Intaglio, 63,8 x 90 Work 9808. 1998. Intaglio, 63,8 x 90 ∑ Work 9901. 1999. Intaglio, 64,5 x 91 “”–÷»fl TURKEY “¿…¬¿Õ TAIWAN TÓÛ - ¡ÂÌ„ À‡Û œÓËÁ‚‰ÂÌË 9806. 1998. »ÌÚ‡ÎËÓ, 63,8 x 90 œÓËÁ‚‰ÂÌË 9808. 1998. »ÌÚ‡ÎËÓ, 63,8 x 90 ∑ œÓËÁ‚‰ÂÌË 9901. 1999. »ÌÚ‡ÎËÓ, 64,5 x 91 fiÒÛÙ ¿È„ÂÌ ...... 2000. √‡‚˛‡, 50 ı 80 ∑ ...... 2000. √‡‚˛‡, 50 ı 78 Yusuf Aygen ...... 2000. Engraving, 50 ı 80 ∑ ...... 2000. Engraving, 50 ı 78 Emin Koc ∑ Arinna. 1999. 50 x 70 “”–÷»fl TURKEY EÏËÌ ÓÒ ∑ ¿Ë̇. 1999. 50 x 70 72 ¬≈À» Œ¡–»“¿Õ»fl UNITED KINGDOM 73 –‡ÎÙ Ë„˙Î “ÂÚÓ ı‡ÏÓ‚Ó ÍÛ˜Â. 2001. —ÏeÒÂ̇ ÚÂıÌË͇, 62 x 60 ∑ ◊ÂÚ‚˙ÚÓ ı‡ÏÓ‚Ó ÍÛ˜Â. 2001. —ÏÂÒÂ̇ ÚÂıÌË͇, 62 x 60 Ralph Kiggell Third Temple Dog. 2001. Mixed media, 62 x 60 ∑ Fourth Temple Dog. 2001. Mixed media, 62 x 60 Norman Mathieson ∑ Fly Away, Boy. 2000. Serigraphy, 38 x 51 Heads and Tales. 2001. Serigraphy, 38 x 51 Point to Point. 2001. Serigraphy, 38 x 59 —¿Ÿ U. S. A. ¬≈À» Œ¡–»“¿Õ»fl UNITED KINGDOM ÕÓÏ˙Ì Ã‡ÚËÒ˙Ì ∑ ÀÂÚË Ì‡‰‡Î˜, ÏÓϘÂ. 2000. —ÂË„‡Ùˡ, 38 x 51 √·‚Ë Ë ÔË͇ÁÍË. 2000. —ÂË„‡Ùˡ, 38 x 51 ŒÚ ÏˇÒÚÓ Ì‡ ÏˇÒÚÓ. 2000. —ÂË„‡Ùˡ, 38 x 59 ƒ. ‡ÔӷˇÌÍÓ ∑ œÎ‡Ï˙Í. —ÂË„‡Ùˡ 76 x 57 Û·ڇ ‚ ƒËÒ. —ÂË„‡Ùˡ 76 x 57 D. Capobianco ∑ Flame. Silk-screen, 76 x 57 Tower in Dis. Silk-screen, 76 x 57 J. T. Nye Lot with Wooden Fence. 1999. Monotype, serigraphy, 75 x 20 Lot with Barb Wire. 1999. Monotype, serigraphy, 75 x 20 ∑ Location of two Lots. 1999. Monotype, serigraphy, 20 x 75 USA ƒÊ. “. Õ‡È œ‡ˆÂÎ Ò ‰˙‚Â̇ Ó„‡‰‡. 1999. ÃÓÌÓÚËÔˡ, ÒÂË„‡Ùˡ, 75 x 20 œ‡ˆÂÎ Ò ·Ó‰ÎË‚‡ ÚÂÎ. 1999. ÃÓÌÓÚËÔˡ, ÒÂË„‡Ùˡ, 75 x 20 ∑ ÃÂÒÚÓ̇ıÓʉÂÌË ̇ ‰‚‡ Ô‡ˆÂ·. 1999. ÃÓÌÓÚËÔˡ, ÒÂË„‡Ùˡ, 20 x 75 74 —¿Ÿ 75 EÎÙË ÿÛÁÂÎ͇ ∑ 30 ˙„˙·. ... . ÀËÚÓ„‡Ùˡ, ÒÂË„‡Ùˡ, 76 x 57 ≈lfi Schuselka ∑ 30 Angles II. ... . Lithography, silk-screen, 76 x 57 Lihie Gendler - Talmor ∑ Printed Circuits. 2001. Etching, 40 x 30 Printed Circuits. 2001. Etching, 40 x 30 fi√Œ—À¿¬»fl YUGOSLAVIA —¿Ÿ USA ÀËıË ƒÊẨÎ˙ - “‡ÎÏÓ ∑ ŒÚÔ˜‡Ú‡ÌË ÓÍ˙ÊÌÓÒÚË. 2001. ŒÙÓÚ, 40 ı 30 ŒÚÔ˜‡Ú‡ÌË ÓÍ˙ÊÌÓÒÚË. 2001. ŒÙÓÚ, 40 ı 30 À˛·Ë¯‡ ¡˙Íӂ˘ ∑ “˜ÂÌËÂÚÓ. 2000. —ÂË„‡Ùˡ, 100 x 70 —ÔÓÏÂÌË. 2000. —ÂË„‡Ùˡ, 100 x 70 Liubisha Brkovich ∑ The Flow. 2000. Serigraphy, 100 x 70 Memories. 2001. Serigraphy, 100 x 70 Velizar Krstich Hem - Nem. 2000. Mixed media, 50 x 42 ∑ Portrait of Unknown Man. 10.647. 2000. Mixed media, 50 x 42 Portrait M. M. 2000. Mixed media, 50 x 42 YUGOSLAVIA ¬ÂÎËÁ‡ ˙ÒÚ˘ ’ÂÏ - ÌÂÏ. 2000. —ÏÂÒÂ̇ ÚÂıÌË͇, 50 ı 42 ∑ œÓÚÂÚ Ì‡ ÌÂÔÓÁ̇Ú. 2000. —ÏÂÒÂ̇ ÚÂıÌË͇, 50 ı 42 œÓÚÂÚ M. M. 2000. —ÏÂÒÂ̇ ÚÂıÌË͇, 50 ı 42 76 fi√Œ—À¿¬»fl 77 ÃËÎÂ̇ ÇÍÒËÏӂ˘ ∑ —Ôˇ˘‡ Ò˙Ò Á‚ÂÁ‰Ë. 2000. ŒÙÓÚ, 50 ı 42 —Ôˇ˘‡ ÔÓÚÓ͇Î. 2000. ŒÙÓÚ, 50 ı 42 Milena Maksimovich ∑ Sleeper with Stars. 2000. Etching, 50 x 42 Sleeper Orange. 2000. Etching, 50 x 42 Branko Nikolov ∑ Couple. 2001. Intaglio, 110 x 74 Presence. 2001. Intaglio, 109 x 28 fi√Œ—À¿¬»fl YUGOSLAVIA ¡‡ÌÍÓ ÕËÍÓÎÓ‚ ∑ ƒ‚ÓÈ͇. 2001. »ÌÚ‡ÎËÓ, 110 x 74 œËÒ˙ÒÚ‚ËÂ. »ÌÚ‡ÎËÓ, 109 x 28 —ÎÓ·Ó‰‡Ì –‡‰ÓÈÍӂ˘ »ÒÚÓˡ Á‡ ÍÓÚÍË Ë ÔËÎÂÚ‡. 2000. ŒÙÓÚ, ‡Í‚‡ÚËÌÚ‡, 50 ı 70 ∑ √ÓÎˇÏ‡Ú‡ ˜Â̇ Ôˡ‚ˈ‡. 1998. ŒÙÓÚ, ‡Í‚‡ÚËÌÚ‡, 50 ı 70 Slobodan Radoikovich The Cat Chicken Story. 2000. Etching, aquatint, 50 x 70 ∑ The Big Black Leech. 1998. Etching, aquatint, 50 x 70 –‡ÁÏÂËÚ ̇ „‡ÙËÍËÚ ҇ ÔÓÒÓ˜ÂÌË ‚ Ò‡ÌÚËÏÂÚË. ƒ‡ÌÌËÚ ‚ ͇ڇÎÓ„‡ ÚÓ˜ÌÓ ‚˙ÁÔÓËÁ‚Âʉ‡Ú ËÌÙÓχˆËˇÚ‡, ÔÓ‰‡‰Â̇ ÓÚ ‡‚ÚÓËÚ ‚˙‚ ÙÓÏÛΡËÚ Á‡ Û˜‡ÒÚËÂ. ¬Ò˘ÍË Ô˜‡ÚÌË Ï‡Ú¡ÎË Ì‡ “ÂÚÓÚÓ ÏÂʉÛ̇ӉÌÓ ÚËÂ̇Π̇ „‡ÙË͇ڇ —ÓÙˡ 2001 Ò‡ ÓÚÔ˜‡Ú‡ÌË Ì‡ ı‡ÚËË ‘¿¡–»¿ÕŒ. —˙ÒÚ‡‚ËÚÂÎ ¿Î·Â̇ —Ô‡ÒÓ‚‡ «Ì‡Í ̇ ÚËÂ̇ÎÂÚÓ ¡ÛˇÌ ‘ËΘ‚ ’Û‰ÓÊÂÒÚ‚ÂÌÓ ÓÙÓÏÎÂÌË ¡ÛˇÌ ‘ËΘ‚ œÂ‚Ó‰‡˜Ë: ÕËÍÓ· √ÂÓ„Ë‚, —ÚÂÙ‡Ìˡ fl̇ÍË‚‡ ‘ÓÚÓ„‡Ù Õ‰ˇÎÍÓ ˙ÒÚ‚ –‰‡ÍÚÓ Õ‡‰Âʉ‡ œÂÚÍÓ‚‡ –‰‡ÍÚÓ Ì‡ ‡Ì„ÎËÈÒÍË ÂÁËÍ —‚ÂÚÓÒ·‚ œËÔÂÓ‚ “ÂıÌ˘ÂÒÍË Â‰‡ÍÚÓ ÃËÎ͇ …ÓÌ‚‡ œÂ‰Ô˜‡Ú̇ ÔÓ‰„ÓÚӂ͇ ‘¿“”à ŒŒƒ —ÓÙˡ »Á‰‡ÚÂÎÒÚ‚Ó ¡˙΄‡ÒÍË ıÛ‰ÓÊÌËÍì ”Îˈ‡ ÿËÔ͇ì 6, —ÓÙˡ 1504 © ¿Î·Â̇ —Ô‡ÒÓ‚‡, Ò˙ÒÚ‡‚ËÚÂÎ © ¡ÛˇÌ ‘ËΘ‚, ıÛ‰ÓÊÌËÍ © ÕËÍÓ· √ÂÓ„Ë‚, —ÚÂÙ‡Ìˡ fl̇ÍË‚‡, Ô‚Ӊ‡˜Ë © Õ‰ˇÎÍÓ ˙ÒÚ‚, ÙÓÚÓ„‡Ù The size of the graphic works is in centimeters. The data in the catalogue reproduce exactly the information, given by the artists in the application forms for participation. All printed matters for the Thirth International Triennial of Graphic Arts Sofia 2001 are printed on FABRIANO papers. Compiler: Albena Spassova Symbol of the Triennial: Bouyan Filchev Layout: Bouyan Filchev Translators: Nikola Georgiev, Stefaniya Yanakieva Photographer: Nedyalko Krustev Editor: Nadezhda Petkova English Editor: Svetoslav Piperov Copy Editor: Milka Yoneva Computer Layout: FATUM Ltd. Bulgarski Houdozhnikì Publishing House 6 Shipkaì Str., Sofia 1504 © Albena Spassova, compiler © Bouyan Filchev, graphic designer © Nikola Georgiev, Stefaniya Yanakieva, translators © Nedyalko Krostev, photographer ISBN 954-406-107-X THIRD INTERNATIONAL TRIENNIAL OF GRAPHIC ARTS SOFIA 2001