Complete - Oshkosh Public Library
Complete - Oshkosh Public Library
Everything we sell is worth every cent we ask. We want no Money that does not buy Satisfaction. L BUNN'S NEENAH DIRECTORY. 635 BUNN'S NEENAH DIRECTORY. 1900. ABBREVIATIONS USED IN THIS DIRECTORY. advt ........................ advertisement asst ........................... ..assistant av . . ......................... avenue bd................................boards ... between bet ..................... .... bkpr........ .... .............. book-keeper carp ....................... . .. ..carpenter clk ..... ............ ... .... cler& r.. com trav ................ commercial traveler cor .................................... corner E................................. .... east E ................... ........ ........... east of e s.... .................................. east side lab ........ ... .......... laborer mach............................. machinist mfg .... . . manufacturing mfr ........................... manufacturer mkr ................................... maker n . . ....... north of ne ................... .... .... northeast nr .. .. .... ............................. near ns....... ..... . .............. north side nw ... .... .............. northwest opp ..... ........ ............ ... opposite propr ...... .. ..................... proprietor res ..... ......................... residence Ry ................. . ........ railway s............................. ........ south of se....................... .......... southeast s s.......... .. ................ outh side sw............ ......... ....... southwest W............... .............. west w . . ................................ west of w s ................... ......... west side wks... ... .. ........................... works w kr................................ . .w orker A Aaseth Mrs Carrie, wid of Ole, res 410 6th Abendschein Fred W, res 346 E Columbian av Abendschein Wm, clk Dahms & Jandrey, res 346 E Columbia Adams E H, produce 210 W Wis av, res 302 Main Aderhold Emil L, cheese expert, res 252 E Wis av Albee Geo H, patent attorney, res 103 The Ave Albrechtsen Johanna, domestic 526 E Forest av Alderman Trena, res 1C9 Cherry Allender Glenn, hostler Dr Barnett, res 215 W Doty av Allender Mrs Jane, wid of Joseph, res 215 W Doty av Allender Russell, wks Kellogg & C, res 114 S Commercial Allo Georgena, res 215 S Commercial nuiMM ?opr0% LEADERS IN LOW PRICES, DRY 60ODS, CARPETS, CLOAKS,' 0 Se NTT BNB 636 or SEE HIM. BUNN'S NEENAH DIRECTORY. Allo Mrs H, wid of Geo, res 215 S Commercial Altenburg John, wks E F Wieckert, res Appleton Wis Althof Anna, wks K & C Co, res 727 Higgins av Althof Fred, lab K & C Co, res 727 Higgins av Alt.hof Julia, wks W Paper Co, res 727 Higgins av AMERICAN EXPRESS CO, Irwin E Pynn, manager, 105 N Commercial Amonson Alfred, wks Wooden Ware Co, res 615 The Ave Anderson Andrew, moulder stove works, res 741 W Winneconne av Anderson Antone, lab, bds Neenah Hotel Anderson August, wks Wooden Ware Co, res 417 7th ANDERSON A W, jeweler and optician with Wm Nelson, 113 W Wisconsin av, res 411 E Franklin av Anderson Charles, painter, bds 205 E Wis av Anderson Christ, moulder stove works, res 430 Caroline Anderson Gilbert, lab K & C Co, res 304 Oak Anderson Jacob, millwright Wooden Ware, res 250 3d Anderson Jennie, res 515 Clark Anderson Joseph, lab, res 304 Oak Anderson Julia A, domestic 120 Washington av Anderson Laura, res 313 The Ave Anderson Louis, hostler H Sherry, res 304 Oak Anderson M P, clk Dahms & Jandrey, res 437 E Doty av Anderson Mrs Anna, wid of Andrew, res 804 Main Anderson Mrs Mary, res 612 Higgins av Anderson Mrs Mary, wid of August, res 304 Oak Anderson Mrs Mary, wid of Jacob, res 411 E Franklin av Anderson Mrs Mary, wid of Knute, res 234 2nd Anderson Ole, res 515 Clark Anderson Rasmus. res 530 Maple Anderson Samuel, lab, res 148 2nd Anspach Herman, clk Alex Billstein, res 214 Washington Anunson Ole, Anna and Isabelle, res 804 Main Appelfeller Herman, res 229 2nd Arft John, wks M W -V Co, res 619 The Ave Arft Joseph, wks Howard P Co, res 619 The Ave Arft Mary, res 619 The Ave Armstrong Mrs Eva, re- 142 E N Water I T A _WALL T Ar wTT _ ._P_ AP_ The Largest and Finest Line in the city at 1o H.1. HARIMON'S, 40 HIGH STREET. _ T SELLS THE avorite Stoves" _ _ 177 MAIN ST. anges THE BEST IN THE MARKET. BUNN'S NEENAH DIRECTORY. 637 Arndt Ferdinand, wks M W W Co, res 401 5th Arndt Helen, maid 708 EI Forest av Arndt J Philip, res 113 1st Arndt Randall W, mgr Menasha Milling Co, res 113 1st Arndt Reuben, clk W Paper Mills, res 113 1st Arnemann Helen, Arthur, and Edwin, res 622 Isabella Arnemann Wm, ice dealer, res 622 Isabella Arno Andrew, wks Wooden Ware Co, res 413 The Ave Arno Geo. bartender A T Lueckenbach, res 413 The Ave Arno George, wks Wooden Ware Co, bds 413 The Ave Asel Mrs Catherine, wid of Geo, res 314 E Wis av Ash Mrs Martha A, wid of Jesse T, res 113 1st Asmus Herman, lab N Paper Co, res 415 Union Asmus Martha, wks K & C Co, res 415 Union Asmus Lizzie, res 415 Union Asmus Wim, lab, res 415 Union Asmus Wm, backtender N Paper Co, res 415 Union Atkinson Theo, porter Russell House Austin James, planing mill 121 2nd, res same Austin Joseph, wks J Austin, res 121 2nd Austin Wim, lab, res 121 2nd Austin Wm E, carp, residence 328 3rd Aylward Ella, bkpr Cudahy Bros, res 701 Main Alward Edmund, moulder N Stove Wks, res 124 Harrison Aylward James, moulder W Aylward & Son, res 701 Main Aylward John, moulder Wm Aylward & Son, res 701 Main Aylward Mrs Jessica, wid of Hurbert, res 507 E Wis av Aylward Wm (Wm Aylward & Son) res 701 Main Aylward Wm Jr (Wm Aylward & Son) res 701 Main Aylward Wm & Son (Wm and Wm Jr) foundry 118 Lake B BABCOCK CHAS A, secy Plover Paper Co, secy and treas Wis River Paper & Pulp Co, res 413 E Wis av Babcock Harry, clk H Babcock, res 537 E Wis av BABCOCK HAVILAH, (Bergstrom Bros & Co) vice-prest K & C Paper Co, res 537 E Wis av Babcock Helen, Caroline, Bessie and Geo, res 537 1 Wis av BANTl 111 ANhN Saionab/e Tailor 28 WASHINGTON ST. OPPOSITE POST OFFICE, H. F. WENRICH'S Granite Works MAIN STREET. It pays to get my ESTIMATES Special Designs Furnished 638 OSHKOSH, WIS. BUNN'S NEENAH DIRECTORY. BACH NIELS, bookbinder and job printer 114 W Wis av, res same, see adyt Bacon John B, (Koch & Bacon) res 316 E Franklin av Bacon Mrs Elizabeth M, wid of Jno B, res 316 E Franklin Badger Frances, teacher high school, bds 132 E Forest av BADGER FURNITURE STORE, Henry L Sorensen & Co, prop, 212 W Wis av, see advt Bahr Laura, domestic 569 E Wis av Baird Albert, drayman, res 151 3rd Baird Jessie and Agnes, res 151 3rd Baird Mary, teacher high school, res 421 W Winneconne av BAIRD S DENNISON, justice of the peace, insurance and collection agent, notary public 106 W Wisconsin av, res Jasperson House Baird T J, res 151 3rd Baker Anna, waitress Russell House THE NATIONAL UNION BANK OF OSHKOSH. W K Rideout, prest; R H Hackett, cashier. Oshkosh, Wis Baker Chas W', paper maker Howard P Co, res 135 1st Baker Mrs Catherine, wid of John, res 205 1st BALLISTER F E, teller The Nat Bank of Neenah, res 419 Church Bando Henry, fireman W Paper Mills, res 131 Van Barkhahn Wm, teaming, res 123 Harrison BARLOW Dr GEO G, (Henry L Sorenson & Co) res Milwaukee, Wis BARLOW S D, agent American and National Express Co's at Menasha, res 422 W N Water BARNES D W, vice-prest Home Trade Shoe Co, res 526 E Forest av BARNES E L, insurance, res 213 3rd Barnes Ethel, res 526 E Forest av Barnes Leon, res 213 3rd BARNETT J R Sr, Physician and Surgeon. Office hours 1 to 3, Patten block, res 203 Church BARNETT J R Jr, Physician and Surgeon. Office hours 10 to 12 and 7 to 8, Patten block, res 203 Church DEALERS IN & Brown Liff ook Ie ALL KOOD OF OF ALL KINDS. If you pay less elsewhere you get less value. If you buy it at our Stdre-It's all right. 639 BUNN'S NEENAH DIRECTORY. BARNETT M E, (M E Birnett & Co) res 118 Caroline BARNETT. M E & Co, (M E Barnett and M W Krueger) druggists, 101 W Wis av Barnett M S, res 203 Church Baron Cecilia, domestic 314 4th Bart August, wks woolen mill, res 131 3rd Bart Chas drayman, res 245 3rd Bart Chris, gardener, res 140 Lake Bart Joseph, res 140 Lake Bart Mabel, wks K & C Co, res 140 Lake Bart Mamie, res 245 3rd Bart Napoleon, res 140 Lake Bart Rose, wks K & C Co, res 245 3rd Bartels Henry, lab, res 403 Harrison Bartels Mrs Minnie, wid of Wm, res 727 Higgins av Bartelson Barte], lab, bds 115 W Doty av Bartlein Christina, domestic 532 E Forest av Bartlein Theresa, domestic 532 E Forest av Bartlett Lizzie, maid 137 N Commercial Bartz Mrs Amelia, wid of Herman, res 415 Harrison Bastii Frank, lab, res 424. 2nd Bauernfiend Carrie, domestic 216 W Wis av Baum Grace E, Geo and Nellie, res 126 E N Water BAUM JOHN F, street commissioner, office 112 E Wis av, res 126 E N Water BAUMGARTEN PETER Jr, (Stroebel & Baumgarten) res Washington road Baumgarten Peter Sr, res Washington road Baxter B 0, propr Baxter Business College, res 102 E Wis Beach Alice, res 312 S Commercial Behnke Wm, b'acksmith A G Raddatz, res 507 Sherry Beier Carl, wks Wooden Ware, res 607 The Ave Beier Chas, wks Wooden Ware, res 607 The Ave Beisenstein Carl, res 899 Higgins av Beisenstein Chas, beater eng K & C Co, res 899 Higgins av Beisenstein Frances, wks K & C Co, res 582 Oak Beisenstein Frank, finisher K & C Co, res 118 3rd Beisenstein George, wks Howard P Co, res 412 5th Beisenstein Gertie, wks K & C Co, res 899 Higgins 52ES5E2S2s255525E5 Q25 QUINN & ROGGIE V DRY ' 'Oj s 2·s j( GOOD5 IL^&Y 11 i0)SE C;E e S5I2S2gciS2 ~ AhE LEAD ER . New, Cheap and :e Large, Best Line in Oshkosh, Sennett 640 THE TAILOR MAKES CLOTHES THAT FIT THE FORM. BUNN'S NEENAH DIRECTORY. Beisenstein John, wks M W W Co, res 582 Oak Beisenstein Joseph, lab K & C Co, res 582 Oak Beisenstein Mrs M, wid of L, res 119 W Park Bell Byron 0, newsboy, res 530 S Commercial Bell John G, lab K & C Co, res 530 S Commercial Belszer Joseph, fruit dealer, res 113 E Doty av Bending B H, painter and paper hanger, res 302 River Bendt Herman, wks Wooden Ware, res 601 The Ave Bennett James H, deputy sheriff, res 248 E Franklin av Bennett Mrs Julia C, wid of Walter, res 316 Clark Bennett Sarah, res 303 W Forest av Benning Maria, governess C R Smith, bds same Bent Arnold, wks Wooden Ware, bds 424 5th Bentley Wm H, lab, res 304 Smith THE NATIONAL UNION BANK OF OSHKOSH. W K Rideout, prest; R H Hackett, cashier. Oshkosh, Wis Bergmann Herman, wks Wooden Ware, res 306 Caroline Bergmann Henry, lab, res 306 Caroline BERGSTROM BROS & CO (Geo 0 Bergstrom, D W Bergstrom and H Babcock), Propr of the Neenah Stove Works, mfr of stove and ranges, 619 Main BERGSTROM D W (Bergstrom Bros & Co) prest Neenah Boot & Shoe Mfg Co, res 418 Church Bergstrom C H, wagon mkr 126 N Commercial bds Russell BERGSTROM GEO 0 (Bergstrom Bros & Co) res 579 E Wisconsin av Bergstrom James W, res 579 E Wis av Bergstrom Jennie, student, res 406 Sherry Bergstrom Joseph, res 220 3d Bergstrom Louis, moulder stove works, res 406 Sherry Bergstrom Lucius S, student, res 579 E Wis av Bergstrom Mrs M J, res 345 E Wis av Bergstrom Nettie, stenographer J C Kerwin, res 406 Sherry Bergstrom Willis C, .student, res 41S Church Berndt Fred, wks Wooden Ware, res 625 The Ave Berndt Robert, wks G Schmid & Son Berndt Lena, packer Geo Schmid & Son Bernstein M, rag dealer 230 W Wis av, res 233 E Doty CALLf L It. M. Rftf oICN M ON, HE LEADS THEM ALL. Wall Paper, Decoratings. Paintings, Artists' Materials, 40 HIGH STREET. Contr tor -,----- and e3uil/ders . BUY YOUR SUPPLIES OF THE RALPH M. BURTIS CO. w AND YOU WILL SAVE MONEY. S .177 /VIJIN ST. BUNN'S NEENAH DIRECTORY. 641 Besat Mrs Alex, res 734 S Commercial Billstein Alex Co, gen mdse 100 E Wis av Billstein Mose, res 255 E Columbian av Biller Ida, domestic 243 E Doty av Bishop Amelia, res 236 5th Bishop Edith, corn trav, res 211 E Wis av Bishop Harvey, wks Cook P Co, bds 249 2nd Bishop Maude, res 236 5th Bishop Mrs Adelia, wid of Thomas, res 211 E Wis av Bishop Mrs Mary, wid of Charles C, res 236 5th Blair Mrs Lucy B, wid of W E, res 207 E Doty av BLAIR T B, job printing, 145 W Wis av, over the post office. Apiarist, propr of a large bee farm, res 207 E Doty av Blanchar Henry W, lab, res 213 Smith Blanchar Olive, res 213 Smith Blanchar Otis, paper mkr Strange Mill, res 213 Smith Blank Anna, res 232 4th Blank Anna, Lizzie, Minnie and Louisa, res 503 Elm Blank Fred J, res 503 Elm Blank Gustav, lab Wooden Ware, res 232 4th Blank Win, lab K & C Co, res 243 2nd Block Chas, lab K & C Co, res 512 Main Block Mrs M, res 422 E Columbian av Block M, painter, res 511 Clark Block Mary, finisher K & C Co, res 512 Main Block Wm, lab, res 422 E Columbian av Blohm August, wks W Paper Mills, res 332 Washington av Blohm Edward, hostler Gillingham, res 129 E Columbian Blohm Emma, cutter W Paper Mills, res 332 Washington Blohm Henry, teaming, res Higgins av Blohm Mrs Anna, wid of Wm, res 332 Washington av BOEHM C A, Dealer in the "ONLY" Bicycles manufac- tured. Bicycles repaired as good as new, and a full line of all sundries pertaining to this line always on hand. "Speculator in Bicycles," 205 W Wis av Boehm Edward, wks butcher shop, res 109 Main Boehm George and Joseph Jr, lab, res 109 Main Is the ptace to get a perfect fit and a FASHIONABLE SUIT. 28 WASHINGTON STREET, THE LOWEST PRICES UNEXCELLED WORKMANSHIP uTHE . _ I.H.1 642 . BEST STOCK F. WENRICH'S GRA^NTE BUNN'S NEENAH DIRECTORY. Boehm Joseph, lab, res 109 Main Boelter August, lab, res 244 Washington av Boelter August, wks Wooden Ware res 410 E Franklin av Boelter Herman, lab, res 407 E Franklin av Boelter Martha 0, wks K & C Co, res 244 Washington av Boelter Minnie M, res 244 Washington av Boelter Mrs Caroline, wid of John, res 410 E Franklin av Boelter Mrs Albertina, wks W Paper Co, res 407 E Franklin ave Boelter Otto, clk G Kalfahs, res 244 Washington av Boemer Martha, domestic Russell House Bode Henrietta, cook Jasperson House Bohlman Frank, teamster, res 414 Washington av Bois Sarah, waitress Russell House Bonnett Miss M S, res 201 Cherry Bonnett Mrs Margaret, wid of John, res 201 Cherry Borber Charles, lab, res 405 5th B reson Mable, domestic 203 Church THE NATIONAL UNION BANK OF OSHKOSH. W K Rideout, prest; R H Hackett, cashier. Oshkosh, Wis Boreson Ole, lab, res 611 Sherry Bosh John, wks K & C Co, res 430 E Franklin av Bourgo Edward, wks Wooden Ware, bds 543 Maple Boyle Stephen, switchman Wis C Ry, bds Murer Brady Thomas, mch tender W Paper Mills, 214 High Braemer Albert, lab K & C Co, res 312 E Columbian av Bramer Ida, domestic 111 Caroline Brandel Frank, wks Neenah Brewery, bds same Brandon Emma, school teacher, res 200 5th Brandow Helen May, residence 200 5th Brandow James B, res 200 5th Brandow James Jr, deliverer J D Lammel & Son res 200 5th Brandt August, lab, res 429 E Franklin av .Brandt Helen, wks cigar factory, res 429 E Franklin av Brandt Robert, wks cigar factory, res 429 E Franklin av Brass Mrs E, wid of C L, res 429 E Doty av Brass phillip L, wks Gilbert's, res 429 E Doty av Braun Henry, teac er German Lutheran school, res 307 Paul's place BUILDING MATERIAL L N WO-OD. COAL AND WOOD. COOK BROWN LIME ' COMPANY. They do say that we are the Leaders. Because we Buy and Sell the most and at the Lowest Prices. BUNN'S NEENAH DIRECTORY. 643 Brauer John, foreman painter M Wooden Ware Co, res Winnebago av Breening Charles, res 419 Union Breening Emma, res 419 Union Breening Francis, wks K & C Co, res 419 Union Breening Mary, res 419 Union Breening Tillie, wks shoe factory, res 419 Union Breitreiter Emma, res 228 4th Breitreiter Fred, coachman Henry Smith, res 228 4th Breitreiter Gustav, clk Johnson Bros, 228 4th Breitung Frank B, teamster Krueger & L, res 330 2nd Briggs Charles S (Eldridge & Briggs) res 117 E N Water Briggs Emma M, res 127 E N Water Briggs Mrs A E, wid of A C, res 127 E N Water Briggs Mrs M J, wid of A, res 421 Caroline Brill Joseph, moulder Neenah Stove Co, res 634 Higgins av Brinkerhoff Helen, res 128 E Forest av Brinkerhoff J V, res 128 E Forest av Brodtke Anna, res 344 Washington av Brodtke Herman, lab, res 344 Washington av Brodtke Lena, domestic 561 E Wis avBrodtke Minnie, domestic 561 E Wis av Brnecker Gust, wks W Paper Co, res 218 Bond Broecker Herman, wks W Paper Co, .res 324 Main Broecker Rudolph, clk G Kalfahs, res 502 Walnut Bronson Mrs Mary, wid of K, res 214 Washington Brown Arthur A, clk J Stilp Jr, res 318 4th Brown August, lab W Paper Mills, res 121 Union Brown C H, lumber buyer, res 332 4th Brown E R, mch tender N Paper Co, res 225 High Brown Ethel and Mayme, res 208 W N Water Brown Frank, agent Chas Scott, res 236 E Franklin av Brown James, horseman, res 208 W N Water Brown J F, house mover, res 425 Sherry Brown Mrs Maggie, wid of Henry, res 318 4th Brown Margaret E, res 252 E Wis av Brown Mrs M E, wid of C F, res 236 E Franklin av Brown Theodore, cooper, res 252 E Wis av BROWN W G, with Mnfrs Nat'l Bank, res 510 Isabella 1 {4 X\ fn Q 1\JU a. 1 rS II TI ,rR.,^ ,f C.=.,-~~.-,-^ s 11 - F - -. __ r - your trade an di they have bargains in L1..L Dry Goods, Cloaks r S olicit and Carpets. IF STYLISH You will find it was made by 644 BENNETT BENNETT C Jaior he Talor BUNN'S NEENAH DIRECTORY. Browne Flora and Rella. res 117 Oak Browne Geo Jr, news agt, res 117 Oak Browne Geo M, janitor city hall, res 117 Oak Browne Harry, mch tender K & C Co, res 117 Oak Brummund August, lab, res 116 Railroad Brunover Charles, music teacher Patten Block, bds 212 S Commercial Bruss Alma, domestic 112 W Wis av Bryan Bessie H, res 309 Bond Bryan John E, clk J Stilps Jr, res 309 Bond Bryan John A, res 309 Bond Bryan Lulu M, res 309 Bond Bryan Mrs Alice, wid of C A, res 309 Bond Buckley Joseph H, res 306 W N Water Buckley Martha A, res 306 W N Water Buckman Fred G, wks shoe fcty, res 310 Washington Buell Lottie, res 214 W Doty av Bulow Peter J, painter, res 629 W Winneconne av Burchard M. lab W Paper Mills, bds Union House THE NATIONAL UNION BANK OF OSHKOSH. W K Rideout, prest; R H Hackett, cashier. Oshkosh, Wis Burnham Edna, domestic 201 S Commercial Burr Mrs Dora, wid of John, res 306 W Doty av Burr Wm, lab, res 306 W Doty av Burts James E, painter, res 127 E Forest av Burts Mrs F A, wid of H A, res 127 E Forest av Butler Daniel (Butler & McCarthy) res 432 Sherry Butler & McCarthy (D Butler and T McCarthy) propr Murer House, 432 Sherry, res same Buxton C H, sign writer, res 714 W Winneconne av Buxton Charles, painter, res 714 W Winneconne av Buxton Howard, plumber, res 714 W Winneconne av C Cady Adelbert E, corn trav, res 221 Sherry Cady E A, mch R Jamison, res 111 E N Water Cady Ethel, res 111 E N Water Cahill Thomas H, conductor, res 407 Isabella OM The Leading n nPAINTER and e.«f lItline eilt@ ~ DECORATOR. Carries a full of Artistic We want you to be pleased with everything you buy at our store. If you're not, tell us. WE'LL MAKE IT GOOD. The Ralph M. Burtis Co.=Hardware STRE3ET. 1777mAIIN BUNN'S NEENAH DIRECTORY. 645 Callahan J D, Stock Exch Patten Blk, res 222 E Doty av Callahan John M, agt C & N W Rv, res 213 High Callahan Mae I, messenger W U T Co, res 222 E Doty av Callahan Mary, res 413 1st Callahan Mrs B, wid of John, res 413 1st Callahan Nellie, res 222 E Doty av Callahan Patrick, journalist, res 413 1st CALLAHAN THOS E, mgr Western Union Telegraph Co, Shock Exchange Patten Block, res 222 E Doty av Calvin Rev P S, pastor Union Baptist Church, res 219 N Commercial CAMPBELL MERRITT L, attorney and counselor-at-law 143 W Wis av, res 500 S Commercial Campbell Mrs Emma, wid of T S, res 109 E Wis av CANDY KITCHEN, A A Steele, propr. A full line of Fresh Confectionery always on hand. Ice Cream and Ices. All candies home made, 115 E Wis av Carman Elida, teacher 3d w school, res 320 Bond Carman Mrs Mary, res 320 Bond Carman Perry H H, wks Wooden Ware, res 320 Bond Carmin James, bds 234 3rd Carr James H, wks Gilbert & Co, res 209 3rd Carrican Mrs Mary, wid of Henry, res 203 Division Casperson Andrew, lab, res 434 Washington Casperson Anna M, res 302 W N Water Casperson August, wks K & C Co, res 135 4th Casperson Casper, fireman Whiting P Co, res 135 4th Casperson Charles, wks Gilbert P Co, res 135 4th Casperson Christ, wks Whiting P Co, res 302 W N Water Casperson George, lab, res 135 Fourth Casperson Martin, lab, res 434 Washington Casperson Nels, lab, res 302 W N Water Casperson Ole, mch tender K & C Co, res 143 4th Cavanaugh Thos, wks W Ware, res 316 N Commercial Chalfant Mrs Cassie, wid of Scott I, manicure and art work, res 115 W Wis av Chapin Rev John E, pastor First Presbyterian Church, res 125 Washington av nA 1B^I TII 1N 1 28 I FASHIONABLE TAULOR, N (Call and see the prettiest line of novelties in the city. SNASHINCGTOSN. , .,, ' . s __ anything in 77IAWmo e manufacture MONUMENTAL and __-_____-_ H. F. WENRICH'S Granite Works 646 CEMETERY WORK best linein thecity BUNN'S NEENAH DIRECTORY. Charnley Charles, res 113 The Ave CHENEVERT JOHN, propr of the Russell House. First class. $2.00 per day house, cor E Wisconsin and S Commercial. Chenevert Kittie and Mary, res Russell House Chicago, Milwaukee & St Paul Passenger Depot, 123 W Forest av Chicago & Northwestern Ry, John M Callahan agt, N Commercial CHICAGO RECORD, Chas W Sawyer agt, 143 W Wis av, over P O Chingkung Lunde, wks S Wing, res same Christensen Chris, bus driver K & C. res 312 Smith Chritensen Christina, wks Woolen Mill, bds 514 Hewitt Christensen Elmer, wks Sorenson & Son, res 320 Caroline Christensen Emma, domestic 312 Caroline THE NATIONAL UNION BANK OF OSHKOSH. W K Rideout, prest; R H Hackett, cashier. Oshkosh, Wis Christensen Inger, domestic 243 E Doty av Christensen John, res 406 Sherry Christensen Louie, printer, res 312 Smith Christensen Lars, cooper, res 320 Caroline Christensen Laurine, tailoress Dau & M, res 320 Caroline Christensen Louis, wks N Shoe Co, res 312 Smith Christensen Mars P, wks stove works, res 419 Van Christensen Marten C, carp, res 423 Washington Christensen Peter, shoemkr C F Youmans, res 681 Oak Christensen Soren, lab, res 312 Smith Christensen Thomas. res 312 Smith Christenson Alfred, driver Fred Fritzen, res 423 Union Christenson Andrew, wks stove works, res 203 Van Christenson Charles, lab, res 423 Union Christenson Christine, wks Woolen Mill, res 410 6th Christenson Frank, coachman J C Kerwin, res same Christenson H P. mounter Stove Works, res 423 Union Christenson Mrs Christina, widow of Fred, res 520 Wash Christenson Nels, res 203 Van Christenson Peter, lab, bds Neenah Hotel For the UA BEST ITY OFL CJOAL AN'1D WOOD .. Go to the $J We show ten We always give the most for the least. styles to the other stores one. BUNN'S NEENAH DIRECTORY. 647 Christenson Sena, domestic, 507 Clark Christianson Peter, wks wooden ware, 124 Abby av Christianson Tena, waiter, Jasperson House Christie Emma, res 137 N Commercial Christie Madge, res 137 N Commercial CHRISTOFFERSON ALBERT, blacksmith, M Christofferson, res 273 Main, Menasha Christofferson Christ, moulder stove works, res 531 Van Christofferson Carl, res 313 The Ave Christofferson Hans, contractor, res 313 The Ave Christofferson Henry, blacksmith and wagon mkrs, C H Bergstrom, res 414 Second Christofferson Louis, carp, res 313 The Ave CHRISTOFFERSON MICHAEL, Blacksmith and Horseshoer, also wagon-marer. All work turned out of this shop is guaranteed. Only the best of material used, 220 Main, Neenah, res 273 Main, Menasha Christofferson Peter, moulder stove works, res 408 Ninth CHRISTOPH BROS., (John and George) resident agents Standard Oil Co, 401 Edna av CHRISTOPH GEORGE, (Christoph Bros) res 116 E Columbian av CHRISTOPH JOHN, (Christoph Bros), res 317 E Forestav Christoph L, res 130 E Columbian av Clark Callie, res 561 E Wis av Clark Essie and Sadie, res 309 Clark Clark Miss Carrie B, wid of Charles, res 561 E Wis av Clark Mrs Eliza wid of Henry, res 309 Clark Clark Samuel, insurance, res 309 Clark Clark Theda, res 561 E Wis av Clark Rev J A, pastor church of the Good Sheppard, res 520 E Forest av Clark Wm, res 561 E Wis av Clarke Hugh S, wks Strange P Co, res 206 Ann Clarke J N, res 206 Ann Clarkson C B, foreman N Boot and Shoe Mfg C , res 464 S Commercial Clausen H H, city treasurer, res 130 E N Water fre Cl7oak^s ets,^ai ^D.rI EK DryG s MONEY eYOUR WILL GET YOU BARGAINS AT SPLENDID QUINN & ROGGE'S. 113 aN1 PkIN. Our Specialties are CORRECT PRICES, CORRECT STYLES, CORRECT WORKMANSHIP,9 i ¢ therefor we ask for a trial order. 648 BUNN'S NEENAH DIRECTORY. Clausen Carl, boots and shoes, city assessor, 206 W Wis av, res same Clausen Marie, teacher 3rd av school Clemans Daisy, teacher High school Cleveland Moses W, res 514 Sherry Coats A J, res 216 Oak Coats Fred H, res 621 Isabella Coats Haskel, pickle factory, res 243 E Columbian av Coats O N, mch-tender K & C Co, res 141 4th Coats N C, res 144 4th Coats S T, (Kellogg & Coats,) res 621 Isabella Coats Titus H, lab K & C Co, res 621 Isabella Cole Cassie, student, res 320 E Doty av Cole Claude, student, res 320 E Doty av Cole Rev J D, pastor M E Church, res 320 E Doty av Collins Hattie, res 201 Smith Collins Thomas, mounter Stove Works, res 201 Smith THE NATIONAL UNION BANK OF OSHKOSH. W K Rideout, prest; R H Hackett, cashier. Oshkosh, Wis Compton Louis, carpenter, res 211 Lake Shore Road Conklin Mrs Mary, wid of Sidney, res 113 E Franklin av Conover Mrs Jane H, res 402 Church Conrad Mrs Jane, wid of Henry B, res 116 W Doty av Conroy J C, wks wooden-ware, res 507 The Ave Conroy Mabel, res 507 The Ave Conroy Patrick, wks Wooden Ware, bds 234 3rd Conroy Tyrrell, bds 212 S Commercial Cook Albert J, harness mkr, res 520 S Commercial Cook Harry, clk S A Cook, res 138 N Commercial Cook Louis M, harness mkr Mrs M Cook, bds 520 S Commercial Cook Martin, harness mkr, res 520 S Commercial Cook Mrs Mary, harness; 108 E Wis av, res 520 S Commercial Cook Maud, res 138 N Commercial COOK HON. S. A., manufacturer, res 138 N Commercial Cooke Jane S, music teacher, res 447 E Wis av Cooke Mrs Sarah, wid of Thos, res 447 E Wis av Coon John A, moulder stove wks, res 315 Isabella ARTISTS' MATERIALS At H M.. HARMON'S. The WALL PAPER and Leading PAINTER and DECORATIONS. 40 HIGH STREET. DECORATOR. i<» »^«»^^»<4B o3*o 4eax» I -gTHE PLACE TO BUY Turnisbing$, Wscur YbO fibi 9 W I W t~o^^Q~xx~o^-^^^o^ ^W CUTLERY, TOOLS AND TINWARE, Q-C j ; I17 ° 7 1Vi lN STU. BUNN'S NEIENAH 649 DIRECTORY. Coon Lillian, res 315 Isabella Corht Charles, lab N Paper Co, res 568 Oak Coughlin Martin, engineer C M &.St P, res Lake av 2 s Sherman Courtney James, engineer Menasha Paper Co, bds 328 3rd Courtney John L, wks Charles Smith, res 224 2nd Courtney Matthew, asst engineer Menasha Paper Co, bds 328 3rd Courtney Michael, asst engineer K & C Co, bds 328 3rd Cox Edward V, insurance agt, res 742 Higgins av Cox Joseph, wks K & C Co, tes 409 4th Cox Lizzie, domestic, 406 E Wis av Cox Mamie, dressmkr, res 742 Higgins av COX 0 C, agt U S Express Co 137 W Wis av, res Russell House Cox Thomas, lab, res 742 Higgins av 0 a BUnion KBank 1 ati N.^.1^ rNational OF OSHKOSH. W. ' K. RIDEOUT, PRESIDENT. . HH. CASHIER. Northwest Corner of Main and Higho HACKETT, Coy Mrs Myrtle, wid of Frank, res 315 1st Coyn, Wm, night clk Russell House, bds same Cramer Albert F, wks Wooden Ware, res 124 E Wis av Cramer Alma A, res 124 E Wis av Cramer Blanche G, milliner, res 105 Winneconne av Cramer Burt A, with F A Cramer, res 105 Winneconne av Cramer Charles, butcher, res 124 E Wis av CRAMER F A, livery, sale, hack and boarding stable 216 S Commercial, res 105 Winneconne av Cramer Walter E, papermkr Strange P Co, res 124 E Wis See Kramer Crawford Daisy, res 403 Isabella Creedon Mrs Margaret, wid of Michael, res 733 Main Cross Mrs Mary, widow of A E, res 516 S Commercial Crutchfield Edwin, ship clk N Paper Co, bds Jasperson CUDAHY BROS, Theo J Kersten Mgr. Wholesale and Retail Meats, 327 N Commercial Cullen Larey, moulder Wm Aylward & Son, bds Jasperson Culver Mrs A B, wid of Andrew, res 321 N Commercial A D^ JA 1 T |N I | 11 THE NABE -FAS THE FASHIONABLE TAILOR Makes DRESS SUITS that fit, are pretty and cut in the latest style. 28 WASHINGTON ST. OPPOSITE P. 0. ,~**.*__*____*** PRICE . 'Those are Important considerations In pur- QUALITY WORKMANSHIP e e*_.._ ~ 650 chasing a MONUMENT. to serve you well. I am in a position H. F. WENRICH'S GRANITE WORKS, ~OSHKOSH, WISCONSIN. BUNN'S NEENAH DIRECTORY. Cumming Mrs Anna, wid of Wm C, res 216 Sherry Curdy Mrs Phoebe A,wid of Jacob, res 127 4th D Dahlmann Wm, wks K & C Co, res 708 Hig-gins av DAHMS ALBERT (Dahms& Jandrey) res 126 VWashington DAHMS & JANDREY (Albert Dahms and Chas Jandrey) Dealers in dry goods, groceries, boots, shoes, crockery and glassware, 130 W Wis av Dailey Mrs Dan, restaurant, res 508 N Commercial Dallmann Albert, paper mkr, res 318 Washington av Dallmann Carl, wks K & C Co, res 628 Higgins av Dallmann Elsie, tailoress, res 628 Higgins av Dallnan Martha, domestic 434 S Commercial Daman Annie, domestic 303 W N Water DANIELSON ABE, manager Geo Danielson, res 621 S River, Appleton, Wis DANIELSON GEORGE, Contractor and builder. Dealer in lumber, lath, shingles, etc. Office to yard 139 Lake, Telephone No 186, res 630 W Winneconne av see cover card Danielson L Mattie, draughting, res 630 W Winneconne av Danielson Peter, lab Defnet & Jensen, res 117 Van Danielson Phem e, stenographer, res 630 W Winneconne av Darling W E, carp, res 430 High Dau J J, (Dau & Madson) res 216 N Commercial Dau & Madson (J J Dau and Geo L Madson) merchant tailors, 112 W Wis av Dauck Elenry, wks Wooden Ware, res 249 2nd Davey Jennie, teacher business college, res 306 3rd Davey Margaret E, school teacher, res 328 3rd DAVIDSON R B, Real estate, loans and insurance 111 W Wilwaukee av, res 301 cor Higgins and Cherry av Davies Mrs Jane, wid of J R, res 429 E Wis av Davis D R, prest Winnebago Paper Mills, res Eau Claire MANUFACTURERS 'IlU .U ,I J~ M 'WHITE LIME, 'V BRICK and 1t II Irl . l I. DRAIN TILE. JiU UVOlU II Everything we sell is worth every cent We want no Money that does not buy Satisfaction. we ask. BUNN'S NEENAH DIRECTORY. 651 Davis Eben S, clk, res 320 E Franklin av Davis George A, with E'ectric L Co, res 304 S Commercial Davis Mrs Mary, wid of Robert, res 528 Oak Davis Samuel, carp, res 137 Harrison Davis Stephen R, res 420 S Commercial DAVIS W L, secy and treas Winnebago Paper Mills, res 420 S Commercial DEFNET ELI (Defnet & Jensen) sub mail carrier, res 157 Forest av DEFNFT & JENSEN (Eli Defnet and Jens P Jensen) Dealers in coal, wood, lime, cement, etc, 442 Sherry. 'Phone 203. See advt Delemater Grace, milliner Miss A Langdon, res same Delemater Ida, res 312 Oak Delemater Melissa,. dressmkr, res 312 Oak Deman J W, tel opr C & N W Ry, bds 314 Bond $200Y .CAPTAL NATIONAL UNION BANK of Oshkosh W. K. Rideout. Pres. R. H. Hackett, Cash. Northwest Corner Main and High. Demeritt Newell, res 303 E Doty av Dennhardt Wm, engineer Krueger & L M Co, res 110 Olive Denninger J F, photographer 123 W Wis av, res 229 Bond DeZotell F A, ticket agt C & N W Ry, bds Russell House DeWOLF HARRY J, teller Bank of Menasha, res 402 9th Dickinson Annastacia, res 515 E Doty av Dickinson Mrs Mary, wid of I H, res 515 E Doty av Dickinson Robert, wks J J Schmitz, bds same Dickinson Wm H, teaming, res 515 E Doty av Didrekson Peter, lab Stove Works, res 617 Winneconne av Dieckhoff Charles, wks Wooden Ware, res 640 Higgins av Dieckhoff Herman, fireman, res 640 Higgins av Dieckhoff Herman Jr, lab, res 640 Higgins av Dieckhoff Ida, res 640 Higgins av Dieckhoff John, lab, res 640 Higgins av Diedrich Mary, bds 249 2nd Diener Ernest, wks Wooden Ware, res 424 5th Dieterick Albert, wks Shoe Co, bds Union House Dietz Benjamin, baggageman W C Ry, res 517 Caroline vIn n i^ LEADERS IN LOW PRICES, DRY 600DS, .1111 CARPETS, VCLOAKS, ~ ROGA The Tailor SEE HIM 652 BUNN'S NEENAH DIRECTORY. Dietz Dora E, teacher high school, res 517 Caroline Dietz Emma D, res 333 5th Dietz Frank, brakeman W C Ry, res 520 Caroline Dietz Henry, watchman W C Ry, res 517 Caroline Dietz Ralph, wks Wooden Ware, res 517 Caroline Dietz Wm, lab, res 333 5th Dietz Wm H, insurance agt, res 333 5th Dillon Mrs Amanda, dressmaking and tailoring 101 Main Dillon Robert, painter and decorator, res 101 Main Diner Anna, res 423 4th Diner John, lab, bds 423 4th Diner Wm, wks Wooden Ware, res 423 4th Dobbertin Chs, watchman Wooden Ware, res 501 The Ave Doege Wm, carp, res 422 Monroe Dooley Sarah, domestic 525 E Forest av Dornbrock Charles, wks Wooden Ware, res 343 5th Doyle James, engineer K & C Co, res Appleton, Wis Draheim August, wks F Maurer, res 349 E Franklin av DRAHEIM CHARLES (Draheim & Pingel) res 116 W Wisconsin av Draheim Lena, clk Wm Kellett & Co,res 349 E Franklin av Draheim Paul and Otto, wks W W, res 349 E Franklin av DRAHEIM & PINGEL (Chas Draheim and John Pingel) Dealers in fine wines, liquors and cigars, 116 W Wis Draheim TWm, flagman C & N W Ry, res 129 2nd Droegmoeller Fred, baker, res 427 Monroe Dubois A J, dentist 132 W Wis av, res 216 W Wis av Dubois George, bar clk L Dubois, res 215 S Commercial Dubois G A, mch tender N Paper Co, res 210 Washington Dubois Louis G, saloon 119, res 215 S Commercial DUBOIS LOUIS 0, sub clk P 0, res 215 S Commercial Dubois Mary B and Maud E, res 215 S Commercial Dubrock Mamie, bkpr Dahms & Jandrey, res 404 Caroline Dubrock Mrs Eliza, wid of Louis, res 404 Caroline Duemke Herman, wks N Paper Co, res 626 Maple Duemke Wm, lab, res 626 Maple Dumke Albert, lab, res 623 Church Dumke Lizzie, tailoress Dau & Madson, res 623 Church WALL WT_ PALL PAPVR 1 -\ _AI_ The Largest and Finest Line in the city at H M. HARMON'S, 40 HIGH STREET. SELLS THE a__ avorite Stoves 177 MAIN ST. 2 sanges THE BEST IN THE MARKET. BUNN'S NEENAH DIRECTORY. 653 Dumke Mrs Henrietta, wid of F, res 623 Church Dungan Minnie, opr Wis Telephone Co, bds 523 Henry Dunn Elmira, res 220 Sherry Dunn M A, foremam Wm Krueger & Co. res 220 Sherry Dunn Richard, bridge builder C & N W Rv, res 421 3rd Dunn Will C, dentist 100 W Wis av, res 201 S Commercial Easton Fred, teamster, res 314 Third Eberhart August, brewer Walter Bros Brewing Co. res 417 Third Eberlein August, lab, bds Union House Eberlein Charles, wks W C Wing, res same Edgarton M L, Music Teacher and dealer in Pianos and Musical Novelties, 127 E Wis av, res same National UIion N^J_.atr_-_-Bl Uni^s^,.^. 0^-^B OF OSHKOSH. .Bank W. R K. RIDEOUT, PRESIDENT. CASHIER. H. HACKETT, Northwest Corner of Main and High. Edgarton Mrs M J, wid of Joseph, musical instruments, 127 E Wis av, res same Edwards George W, com trav, res 124 W Columbian av Ehlert Edward F, machinery, 108 Main, res 110 Main Ehlert Lilly, dressmaker, res 110 Main Ehrgott Adam W, (Neenah Brewery), res 129 Lake Ehrgott Charles, lab, res 212 Ann Ehrgott Clara M, wks N Paper Co, res 129 Lake Ehrgott George, lab Whiting P Co, res 130 Harrison Ehrgott Lena E, shipping clk Neenah Boot and Shoe Co, res 129 Lake Ehrgott Louisa F, ass't bkpr N Boot & S Co, res 129 Lake Eichmann Anna, res 225 3rd av Eichmann F C, jr, brakeman W C Ry, res 502 Caroline Eichmann Fred, carpenter, res 225 3rd av Eichmann John F, lab, res 151 3rd av Eichmann Mamie, dressmaker, res 225 3rd av Eisenach Albert, cooper, res 128 Harrison Eisenach Alex, cooper, res 420 Caroline Eisenach Charles, lab, res 134 Harrison B- 11INNI / e Jailor Aiashionab T 28 WASHINGTON ST. OPPOSITE POST OFFICE. H. F. WENRICH'S Granite Works MAIN STREET. It pays to get my ESTIMATES Special Designs Furnished 654 OSHKOSH, WIS. BUNN'S NEENAH DIRECTORY. Eiseiach Clara, res 128 Harrison Eisenach Otto, cooper, res 324 Harrison Eldridge A D, (Eldridge & Briggs), res 403 Isabella Eldridge & Brig-s, (A D Eldridge and Charles S Briggs) cheese, 214 W Wis av Eldridge H A, millwright woodenware, res 307 E Forest av Elliott David and Allie, res 408 4th Ellis Mrs J E, milliner 320 N Commercial, res same Ellis Mrs Mary A, wid of Joseph F, re. 163 N Commercial Elms C G, teamster G Neff, bds 546 Oak ELWERS FRED, (Kimberly & Elwers), res 314 E Wis av Elwers Mrs Mary, wid of Ernest, res 316 Caroline Ely Calvin, res 125 Washington Ely George, wks E F Wieckert, res 118 River Ely Leo and May, res 118 River Ely Mrs Julia, wid of Fred, res 118 River Ely Wm, butcher L Herziger, res 115 2nd Emery Howard, Ry man, res 136 4th Engebretzen Christian, moulder Stove Works, res 125 Union Engel Anna, printer, res 335 1st Engel AAugust, wks woodenware, res 142 3rd av Engel Chas, wks Whiting P Co, res 632 S Commercial Engel Fred, lab, res 142 3rd av Engel Fritz, lab, res 142 3rd av Engel Ida, dressmaker, res 120 E Doty av Engel Joseph, wks Krueger & Lachmann, res 417 1st Engel Matthias, res 335 1st Engfer Chas, lab N paper Co, res 112 Abby av Ennisson Wm J, (N Simon & Co), res LaCrosse, Wis Enos Florence L, teacher High school, res 239 E Franklin Enos Mrs Lucy. wid of J C, res 239 E Franklin av Erbert Mrs Sophia, wid of Henry, res 113 Union Erdmann Edward, wks Whitingf P Co, res 340 Washington Erickson Bore, lab, res 613 Sherry Erickson Mrs K S, wid of Erick, res 333 E Wis av Ermel Mrs Johanna, wid of Carl, res 626 S Commercial Ertel Chas, Eddie and Martha, res 408 E Forest av Ertel Fred, fireman W paper mills, res 408 E Forest av Fooi oo LMe rown DEALERS IN COALL- WOOD 0i'o 0ff 1111 OF ALL KINDS. If you pay less elsewhere you get less value. If you buy it at our Store- t's all right. BUNN'S NEENAH DIRECTORY. 655 Ertel Hattie, wks K & C Co, res 408 E Forest av Ertel Mrs Johanna, wid of Wm, res 408 E,Forest av Erwin Celia, clerk J Erwin, res 211 Franklin av Erwin John, grocer, 119 E Wis av, res 211 Franklin av Evans Guy, teamster Wm C Wing, res 424 Washington av Evensen Andrew, moulder Stove Works, res 217 Union Evensen Bert, moulder Stove Works, bds 401 Van Evensen Helene, res 217 Union Fahrenkrug Win, wks Wooden Ware, res 329 3rd Fahrenkrug Louis, wks Wooden Ware, res 325 5th Fahrenkrug Martha, wks N Paper Co Felton Fred, teamster F A Leavens, res 325 Lake Shore rd Felton Lizzie, wks C L Ohde, res same U. S. DEPOSITORY NATIONAL UNION BANK of Oshkosh of os CAPITAL $200,000 W. K. Rldeout. Pres. R. IH. Hackett, Cash. Northwest Corner Main and High. NATIONAL UNION BANK FELTON ROBERT, Stone Quarry. Dealer in dimension, crossing, coursing and the very best of building stone. Crushed road stone a specialty, 263 Lake Shore road, res same Felton Wm, well driller 249 Lake Shore roid, res same Felton Wm, res 326 Lake Shore road Fenton- Tony, hostler Neenah House, bds same Fenton E D, carp, res 224 Washington av Fenton Fred, carp E F Wieckert, res 326 Center Fenton Henry R, carp, res 238 E Franklin av Fenton Merton, cashier W C Ry depot, res 244 E Franklin Fenton Mrs Harriet, wid of Roger, res 435 E Wis av Fenton Roger G, tailor, res 224 Washington av Fenton Willis H, clk Stroebel & B, res 435 E Wis av Ferguson Charles, lab, res 612 Higgins av Finch C M, tel opr W C Ry, bds 523 Henry FINNEGAN WM H, propr of the Russell House sample room 103 E Wis av, res 109 E Doty av, see advt . QUINN & ROGGE 5e5ESSaSES-5- DRY GOODS i kssa sasgsci~esES252s' H 55E5a2 . . SB5SEE i2 AS aLEADERS. BLarge, New, Cheap and Best Line in Os'hkosh. MAKES CLOTHES THAT FIT THE FORM 656 BUNN'S NEENAH DIRECTORY. Fischer Hugo, res 413 The Ave Fischer Mary, domestic 229 Bond Fish Amy B, school teacher, res 168 E N Water Fish Flora-E, teacher 2nd ward, res 168 E -N Water Fish J J, res 168 E N Water Fitzgerald Michael, lab, res 320 3rd Fitzpatrick B, bkpr, res 733 Main Fitzpatrick Lucy, res 733 Main Fleming Wm, lab N Paper Co, res 239 3rd Flesch Frances, domestic 508 Caroline Foeltzer Fred, res 244 E Doty av Foeltzer Mrs Doris, wid of L, res 635 S Commercial Foot Amelia, domestic 224 The Ave Foreman Frank J, engineer C & N W Ry, res 136 4th Forrest Harry, with K & C Co, res 216 Oak Forrest Mrs Margaret, wid of M, res 216 Oak Forrest Nellie B (Forrest & Snell) res 216 Oak Forrest & Snell (Nellie Forrest and Bessie Snell) dressmakers, 133 W Wis av Foster John, wks E F Wieckert, res Appleton (at present) Foth Anna, domestic 314 E.Wis av Fowler Hiram, teaming, res 418 W N Water Foxgruber Chas L, wks Wooden Ware, res 206 2nd Fraser Alex, foreman Whiting P Co, res 323 N Commercial Fraser Jennie, teacher 3rd ward, res 323 N Commercial Fream Christ, hostler Union House, bds same Freeman L H, bill clk C & N W Ry, res 304 W Forest av Freeman Rev Benj, retired, res 842 Higgins av French Byron E, engineer Wooden Ware, res 239 5th Homer C, wks Wooden Ware, res 239 5th Fricke Carl, painter res 311 Pine Friedland Fred, res 604 Caroline Fritzen Carrie, res 520 Washington Fritzen Fred, grocery 105 E Wis av, res 520 Washington Froehlke Rev Albert, pastor German Lutheran Church 102 Oak, res 311 E Franklin av Fuechsel Amanda, res. 120 E Wis av Fuechsel Edward, comp N Daily News, res 120 E Wis av Fuechsel Ernst Jr, res 120 E Wis av c@oaL soIN Wall Paper, Decoratings, HI. M. lA IMiION, HE LEADS THEM ALL. P'Paintings, Artists' Materials, 40 HIGH STREET. /ga Q 6c ontractobr B3UY YOUR SUPPLIES OF THE RALPHIM. BURTIS CO. "" 53uilders AND YOU WILL SAVE MONEY. M: i .177 , T.-. IIN ST. BUNN'S NEENAH DIRECTORY. 657 Fuechsel Ernst Sr, bakery, res 120 E Wis av Fuechsel Otto, lab K & C Co, res 120 E Wis av Fullman John, bartender S G Thompson, res 134 W Wis av Fullman Thos, switchman C & N W Ry, res 308 Hewitt Furney Eugene, janitor Russell House, res 120 E Columbian GC Gaegan Thomas, lab, res 860 Higgins av Gaffney Chas H, attorney at law, 104 W Wis av, res 214 Church Gaffney James, fireman C & N W, bds 511 N Commercial Gaffney Philip, dry goods 102 W Wis av, res 214 Church Gaffney Wm, clk P Gaffney, res 120 Washington av Galau Chas, lab, res 898 S Commercial Galau Fred W, canvasser, res 898 S Commercial w K. RIDEOUT, PRESIDENT. n rW B n UH nio SNats National Union BanI OF OSHKOSH. CASHIER. HACKETTB H. R. Northwest Corner of Main and High. Galau Fred, jr, wks W paper Co, res 898 S Commercial Galau John, lab, res 898 S Commercial Galau Lena, res 898 S Commercial Gape Charles, lab, res 310 Elm Gape Wm, clk W Krueger & Co, res 310 Elm Galow August, lab, res 231 Smith Gardner George, reporter Neenah Daily News, res 311 E Wisconsin av Gardner Jesse R, res 311 E Wis av Gardner Mrs Lucia, res 311 E Wis av Garfield Wallace J, wks woodenware, res 515 The Ave Garfield Wm, wks woodenware, res 621 Sherry Garton Fannie, res 320 N Commercial Garton W J, upholsterer, 317, res 320 N Commercial Garvey George, paper maker, res 647 Lake Shore Road Garvey Patrick, lab, res 219 W Wis av Gavin John D, lab, res 126 W Doty av Garvin M J, cigarmaker, bds 212 S Commercial Gehl Michael N, com trav, res 219 5th fand. ss the place to get a perfect lit a FASHIONABLE SUIT. BRBTIN' \ NiN, . 28 WASHINGTON STREET, *"' '* THE LOWEST PRICES ^UNEXCELLED WORKMANSHIP THE BEST STOCK ' 658 - HH. F. WENRiCH'S GRANRTE BUNN'S N4EENAH DIRECTORY. GEHRING WILLIAM, prop Hotel Gehring, the best hotel in the Fox River Valley for the money, 401 N Commercial, res same, see advt GELHAAR OTTO, (Neenah and Menasha Coal Co), res Milwaukee, Wis Gerhardt C F, insurance agt, res 212 Smith Gerhardt Henry, carpenter, res 605 Higgins av Gerhardt John A, confectioner 312 N Commercial, res same Gerhardt Otto, wks woodenware, res 116 Abby av Gerhardt Martha, dressmaking. res 212 Smith Gerhardt Mrs Wilhelmina, res 311 Torry Germain Mrs Josie, wid of Benj, res 310 N Commercial Germuson K. res 210 Washington av GERTH ARNO W, ass't supt Metropolitan Life Insur Co, 102 W Wis av, bds 201 S Commercial Gerughty Frank, lab, res 315 Center Gerughty Ellen, dressmaker, res 315 Center Gerughty Jerry, wks woodenware, res 315 Center Gerughty John, hostler J Brown, bds same Gerughty Mrs T, wid of Patrick, res 315 Center Gibson Henry, engineer J Stevens, bds 212 S Commercial Gibson Joseph H, wks E Light Co, res 313 Sherry Gibson Lucius, res 419 S Commercial Gibson Margaret, -dressmaker, res 119 Church Gibson Wm, stock buyer, res 419 S Commercial Giddings Clark, boatman, res 139 3rd Giddings Eugene, policeman, res 155 Lake Giddings Fred, res 135 E Franklin av GIDDINGS F, (Giddings & Kasson), bds Hotel- Gehring GIDDINGS & KASSON,. (Fred Giddings and F W Kasson) fine new sample rooms 115 N Commercial .Giddings Harland, lab, res 139 3rd Giddings Mrs Esther. wid of E, res 160 Lake Gilbert Mrs Anna, wid of Wm, res 718 E Forest av Gilbert T M, paper mill, res 324 9th Gilbert Wm, paper mill, res 718 E Forest av Gillingham Elizabeth M, student, res 124 E Franklin av Gillingham Francis J, stock dealer, res 124 E Franklin av BUILDING MATERIAL i IBRO H WN COOK < LIME COAL AND WOOD. | COMPANY. Because we Buy and Sell the most and at the Lowest Prices. They do say that we are the Leaders. BUNN'S NEINAH DIRECTORY. 659 Gillingham Jay F, res 124 E Franklin av Gittins Minnie, res 405 E Wis av Gittins Watkin, res 405 E Wis av Gleason H J, res 110 W Columbian av Godfrey Wrig'ht, res 133 E Doty av Godhardt Julius, lab, res 121 The Ave Goldner Ernest L, wks W C Ry, res 508 Caroline Goldner Frank J, brakeman W C Ry, res 508 Caroline Goldner Wm T, wks W C Ry, res 508 Caroline Goodin Jennie, domestic Russell House Goodman Amy, dressmkr Ft & S, res 839 S Commercial Goodman Ed Jr, wks N Boot & Shoe Mfg Co, res 74 S Commercial Goodman Ed, wks N Boot & Shoe Mfg Co, res 745 S Commercial Goodman Emily, dressmkr, res 839 S Commercial BANK of Oshkosh DEPOSITORY .CAP. $200,00B CAPITAL NATIONAL UNION W. K. Rideout, Pres. R. H. Hackett, Cash. Northwest Corner Main and High. Goodman Mrs Annie, wid of Fred. res 839 S Commercial Goodman John Jr, lab, res 838 S Commercial Goodman John Sr, res 838 S Commercial Goodsir Jacob E, paper mkr, res Neenah Hotel Gore Robert R, wks Whiting P Co, res 162 E N Water Gottfried Lydia, domestic 404 E Wis av Gould Bessie I, res 314 Main Gould Carrie, res 314 Main Gould Claude W, clk J C Kerwin, res 314 Main Gould Claude W Sr, foreman Stove works, res 314 Main Gram Catherine, dressmkr, res 345 E Wis av Gram Hans P, res 345 E Wis av Gram Oscar and Anna, students, res 345 E Wis av Gram Petra, res 345 E Wis av Grassel Andrew, wks Wooden Ware, res 240 Webster Grassal Antone, hostler M H Wheeler, res 235 Grant GRAY EDWARD, drayman. He is all work. Never gets tired, res 523 N Commercial Gray John, fireman C & N W Ry, bds 523 N Commercial Gray T Edward, wks W Ware, res 523 N Commercial IONN& (IlKOPP[ Solicit your trade and | tl /V T I -III J ,'UJL IW3 MLINs ST'RIExET. they have bargains in Dry Goods, Cloaks and Carpets. IF STYLISH == You will = JfThe J find itwas Talilor made by BUNN'S NEENAH DIRECTORY. 660 Green Anna M, res 119 W Columbian av Green Mrs Mary C, res 120 W Doty av Green Mrs Mary J, wid of Geo B, boarding house 119 W Columbian av, res same Green W L, tailor, res 120 W Doty av Greenwood James, res 131 The Ave Greenwood S D, physician and surgeon 101 W Wis av, rooms 128 E Forest av Griesbach Hannah, domestic 109 E Doty av Groff Minnie, waitress Russell House, bds same Grube Hattie, rs 149 5th Grube Louis, gardener, res 149 5th Grube Louis, driver U S Express, res 149 5th Grunewald Albert, fireman K & C Co, res 319 Clark Grunewald August, wks N Boot & Shoe Co, res 319 Clark Grunewald Lizzie, domestic 537 E Wis av Grunske Chris, bar clk H T Witt, res 508 Van Grunske Emma, domestic Roberts summer hotel Guenther Henry, lab K & C Co, res 211 Main Guenther Schletta, tailoress, res 211 Main Gullixan Albert, hostler F C Shattuck, res 217 2nd nr 600 E Doty av Gullixan George, hostler C W Howard, b s same Gullbranson George, res 521 Maple Gullbranson Mrs Enga, wid of Ole. res 521 Maple Gunderson A G, supt N Boot & Shoe Mfg Co, res 219 Washington av Gunderson Harry C, wks N Boot & Shoe Mfg Co, res 219 Washington av Gunski Minnie, demestic 124 E Franklin av GUSTAVUS H F, agent for the Wisconsin Central Railway, res 216 Caroline, cor Isabella Guthormsen Anna, res 210 River Guthormsen T, millwright, res 210 River Guyett Loran, wks Kellogg & C, res 114 S Commercial H g~iI 53 l *tllll e * HlineIIIIVI i OrIH The Leading PAINTER and D liner I)ECORATOR. Carries a full of Artistic We want you to be pleased with everything you buy at our store. If you're not, tell us. WE'LL MAKE IT GOOD. The Ralph M. Burtis Co. Hardware 177 MAPIN STREET 661 BUNN'S NEENAH DIRECTORY. H Haber Dora, domestic 500 S Commercial Haertl A F, watch mkr, res 219 E Wis av Haertl Albert, tinsmith Wm K & Co, res 129 Washington Haertl Benj and Flora, res 219 E Wis av Haertl Frank, clk Wm Krueger & Co, res 219 EtWis av HaertI Henry E, wks E F Wieckert, res 305 High Haertl Peter A, jeweler 137 W Wis av, res 105 E Forest av Hagstrom George P, tailor Dau & Madson, res 513 Isabella HAHL WM, Saloon. A fine bar of Wines and Imported Liquors and Cigars. Fresh beer on draught and a genial smile awaits you at 210 Main, "The Dublin" res same Hale Flora M, teacher 2nd ward, res 205 W N Water National Union Bank W. K. RIDEOUT, PRESIDENT. H. HACKETT, CASHIER. R. Northwest Corner of Main and High. OF OSHKOSH. Hale Frances R, bkpr Whiting P Co, res 205 W N Water Hale Mrs Flora M, wid of S, res 205 W N Water Hale Nettie M, res 205 W N Water Hale W S, supt N Paper Co, res 303 E Forest av Halloren Bridget, cook Neenah Hotel Halsey Chester, lab, res 128 5th Halsey Kittie, Wm and Claud, res 127 E Forest av Halsey Nelson, engineer Whiting P Co, res 127 E Forest av Halverson Anton, lab, res 211 W Wis av Halverson Harry L, wks Wooden Ware, res 202 3rd Halverson Mrs Mary, res 211 W Wis av Hambach August, wks Wooden Ware, res 150 3rd av Hamilton J B, res 323 E Doty av Hamilton Mary E, res 323 E Doty av Hamlin J H, filer Wooden Ware, res 231 5th Hamlin Jessie M, bkpr, res 231 5th Hanby Sarah, wks W Paper Co, res 245 3rd Hand Mrs Jennie, wid of Geo, res 127 4th Handler Anton, lab, res 415 Van Handler George, res 601 Van A I B NATL I ... _ _________ '28 I FASHIONABLE TAILOR, Call and see the prettiest _of novelties in the city. WAISHINGTOrcN. i7nc 6 7lJ Wvi __________ H. -. H. F. WENRICHS Granite Works 662 *MONUMENTAL and CEMETERY WORK :.and have the largest and ' best line in the city. BUNN'S NEENAH DIRECTORY. Handler Lillian, res 567 E Doty av Handler N, lab K & C Co, res 567 E Doty av Handler Robert, paper mkr K & C Co, res 233 E Wis av Hanley Emma, res 610 E Wis av Hanley George, lab, res 610 E Wis av Hanley Lucy, domestic 226 5th Hanley Patrick, agent, res 610 Park av Hanke Mrs Matilda, wid of Fred, res 224 Smith Hanson Albert, backtender-K & C Co, res 503 Clark Hansen Anna, school teacher, res 431 Washington Hanson August, mason, bds 212 S Commercial Hansen Bertha. asst teacher high school Hanson Bros (M P and H) 118 W Wis av HANSEN CHAS 0, and surgeon 122 W Wis av, res 201 S Commercial Hanson Chris, lab K & C Co, res 117 2nd Hanson Christ, lab, res 404 Clark HInsen Dora M, stenographer M L Campbell, res 681 Lake Shore road Hanson Elmer, nicklel plater Stove Works, res Town of Neenah Hanson Elmer, lab, bds 317 Caroline HANSEN E M, Harness maker and Repairer. Dealer in light and heavy harness, whips, robes, blankets, and a full line of horse clothing. Repairing neatly done. 9.94 Wi.pgnn cin nr Hanson Hanson Hanson Hansen Hansen Hansen Hanson Hansen Hansen For the .Go .. Go ro vo 499.. Oh -rrvr Emma. wks K & C Co, res 117 2nd av Ernest C, Ry fireman, res 681 Lake Shore road Eva, res 314 Bond Fred. carp, res 206 Brien Geo D, harness mkr E M Hanson, res 224 W Wis Gunder, shoemaker 422 Caroline, res same Hans (Hanson Bros) bds 212 S Commercial Hans. wks Stove Works, res 126 2nd av Hans P, wks Stove Works, res 305 Union BEST'r to the to ihe ll lOOD We always give the most for the least. .We show ten styles to the other stores one. 663 BUNN'S NEENAH DIRECTORY. Hanson Jacobine, wks K & C Co, res 503 Clark Hanson Jacob, lab K & C Co, res 503 Clark HANSON JACOB (J Hanson & Co) res 316 Washington HANSON J & CO (J Hanson and Nels Larson) Wholesale cheese 109 Main, see advt Hanson Hanson Hansen Hansen Hanson Hanson Hansen Hansen Hansen Hansen Hanson tAS. James P, wks Gilbert P Mill, res 416 High John H, mch Wooden Ware, res 314 Bond J W, physician and surgeon 201 W Wis av, res same Mamie and Anna, res 126 2nd av Martin P (Hanson Bros) res 312 E Forest av Mary, res 206 Brien Mary, res 419 Washington Mers, packer Stove wks, res 311 Union Mrs Mary, wid of Daniel, res 431 Washington Mrs Marion S, wid of Jas, res 681 Lake Shore road Mrs Lena, res 220 4th DEPOSITOY CAPITAL $200,000 NATIONAL UNION BANK of W. K. Rideout, Pres. R. H. Hackett, Cash. Oshkosh Northwest Corner Main and High. Hansen Nels, painter, res 419 Washington Hanson Ole Berg, lab, res 123 4th Hansen Peter, tinner Stroebel & Baumgarten. res 126 2d av Hansen Peter, wks W Paper'Co, bds 119 E Doty av Hansen Peter, finisher Howard P Co, res 212 E Forest av Hansen Peter, lab, res 507 Sherry Hanson Peter, wks Wooden Ware, res 115 3rd Hansen Sena, res 431 Washington Hanson Sophia, wks K & C Co, res 117 2nd av Hanson Thorveld, wks K & C Co, res 117 2nd av Hanson Tobias, lab K & C Co, res 503 Clark Harder John, wks Wooden Ware, res 321 3rd Hardt John, wks W Paper Co, res 420 E Franklin av Harrington Jeane, asst principal high school, bds 117 Elm Harris Jennie S, stenographer K & C, res 117 E N Water Harris Mrs Emma, wid of James D, res 117 E N Water Harrison Maurice W, driver American Ex Co, bds Jasperson Hart John, back tender W Paper Mills Hart Mrs Caroline, res 529 S Commercial 7ar^ts4A arp ets, Ala^a ^Dry 6OOds 0soou$, Dry & YOUR MONEY WILL GET YOU BARGAINS AT SPLEND;D ROGGE'S, L /VFL:~ QUINN 113 N. e^ > /^l(i^"^ 664 -THE -TAILOR Our Specialties are Correct Prices, Correct Styles, Correct Workmanship, therefore we ask a trial order. BUNN'S NEENAH DIRECTORY. Harth Gertrude and Marion, res 208 Washington Harth Katherine, res 208 Washington Harth Mildred, school teacher, res 208 Washington Harth Mrs Elle.i, wid of P, res 20S Washington Hastings L B, cashier C M & St P Ry, bds Russell House Haufe August C, harness mkr 107 Main, res 307 Van Haufe Mrs Mary, wid of Carl, res 307 Van Haufe Otto, cigar mkr, res 307 Van Haufe Rudolph, wks K & C Co, res 307 Van Haven Einar, clk Kimberly & Elwers, res 122 Washington Haven Magda ene, res 122 Washington av Haven Mrs Mina, wid of Michael, res 122 Washington av Hawkinson Charles, clk Dahms & Jandrey, res 231 2nd Hawkinson Clara, dressmkr Miss Sherman, res 309 Lincoln Hawkinson Doris, wks N Boot & Shoe Co, res 309 Lincoln Hawkinson Ethel, domestic 204 E Forest av Hawkinson Hans, finisher K & C Co, res 309 Lincoln Hawkinson Haral, teamster G Danielson, res 426 Caroline Hawkinson Julia, wks Twin City Laundry, res 231 2nd Hawkinson Louis, lab K & C Co, res 111 2nd Hawkinson Lulu, milliner Mrs C Paepke, res 111 2nd Hawkinson Malinda, res 231 2nd Hawkinson Martin, janitor 3rd ward school, res 231 2nd Hawkinson Mary, dressmaker. res 111 2nd Hawley John. flagman C & N W Ry, res 415 4th Hawley Mrs Mary, wid of Ed, res 115 Main Hawley Thomas, grocery 115 Main, res same Hawks Frank, mfgr, res 437 E Wis av Hawks J D, newspaper agt 210 W Wis av, res same Hiynes Mrs Eleanor, wid of MH P, res 323 W N Water Hayward Anna, dressmaker, res 311 Church HEALEY J H, Supt City Schools. District agent Manhattan Life Insurance Co and the Standard Accident, best in the world. Dealer in all kinds of lumber, lath, shingles, shash, doors, etc. Office at res, 303 W N Water. Telephone 145. See advt Hehman Herman, wks Wooden Ware, res 116 Railroad Heinicke Emil, lab, res 550 1st av ARTISTS' MATERIALS At H. M. HARMON'S. The WALEL PAPER and DECORATIONS. Leading PAINTER and DECORATOR. 40 HIGH STREET. F~-94D4 I Witcben urnishings, u u rfi8 t s> !.t ~ o.o3a --. I >*,° > THE PLACE TO BUY CUTLERY, TOOLS AND TINWARE, C 17 7 1iALIN ST. I. BUNN'S NEENAH DIRECTORY. 665 Heinicke Johanna, wks N Boot & S Mfg Co, res 550 1st av Heinicke Ida, wks K & C Co, res 550 1st av Heinicke Mamie, wks K & C Co, res 550 1st av Heinicke Paul, lab Wm Krueger & Co, res 550 1st av Heinz John P, carp, res 121 The Ave Heinz Louis B and Joseph P, wks Wooden Ware, res 121 The Ave Heisler Wm, moulder Stove Works, res 308 Sherry Hendricks Anton, lab, res 619 Church Hendrickson Nels, res 340 1st av Henry Helen, res 527 E Wis av Herman George, saloon 222 W Wis av, res same Herman John, lab, res 229 Ann Herman Wenzel, bar clk Geo Herman, res 222 W Wis av Herrick Fred, back tender K & C Co, res 614 Isabella ~k National Union Bank Nationa| ,G,-n |W. " K. RIDEOUT, PRESIDENT. R. H. HACKETT. CASHIER. Northwest Corner of Main and High. OF OSHKOSH. Herrick Charles E, carriage and sign painting 122 N Commerc;al 2nd floor, res 123 3rd Herrick John, tinner Stroebel & Baumgarten, res 150 E Forest av Merrick Mrs Abbie, res 163 E N Water Herrick S C, wks Wooden Ware, res 123 3rd Herrick Warner E, bicycle repairer and blacksmith C H Bergtrom, res 123 3rd Herziger Charles, saloon 313 N Commercial, res same Herziger Emma, res 307 N Commercial Herziger John, bar clk C Herziger, res 307 N Commercial Herziger Louis, meat market 307 N Commercial, res same Herziger Louis Sr, alderman, res 307 N Commercial Hesse Louis, res 205 5th Hesse Wm H, bds Neenah Hotel Hesse Wm J. carp, res 236 Washington av Hesselman Charles, wks Wooden Ware, res 129 1st Hesselman Herman, wks Wooden Ware, res 129 1st Hesselman John, flagman C & N W Ry, res 129 1st Hesselman Nellie, res 129 1st A T 11 ^\ 1 1| DN BAN^ " I*I | N · THE FASHIONABLE TAILOR Makes DRESS SUITS that fit, are pretty and cut in the latest style. 28 ST. WASHINGTON OPPOSITEP. O, · *_ '~'''H-^^m' V_ PRICE a Those are important considerations In pur- "'^ QUALITY chasing a MONUMENT. ; WORKMANSHIP H. F. WENRICH'S GRANITE WORKS, _._.o_._w_.e 666 I am in a position to serve you well. ! OSHKOSH, WISCONSIN. BUNN'S NEENAH DIRECTORY. Hesselman Theodore, wks woodenware, res 129 1st Hesselman Wm, wks woodenware, res 421 7th Heup Wm, hostler, res 211 E Wis av Hewitt Chas,. teamster woodenware, res 416 High Hewitt Wm C, agt Chicago Record, res 518 Hewitt Heymann August, tailor Dau & M, res 322 Washington Heymann George, tel opr. res 322 Washington Heywood Martin. res 226 5th Hicks Chas, hostler F A Cramer, bds Jasperson House Higgins Amiee E C, and Eva M, res 318 Church Hig)ins Thomas, res 318 Church Hilliker C E, agt C M & St P Ry. bds National Hotel Hilton H C, with Mfrs National Bank, res 111 Bond Hilton J C, jeweler, 119 W Wis av, res 111 Bond Hindler Martin, wks K & C Co, res 602 Monroe Hinterthuer Chas, keg inspector woodenware, res 416 9th HINTERTHUER W H, bkpr Nat Bank of Neenah, res 201 The Ave, cor 3rd Hirdt Chas, res 519 Monroe Hirdt Frank, wks N Boot & Shoe Co, res 519 Monroe Hirdt Martha, wks K & C Co, res 519 Monroe Hirdt Wm, wks woodenware, res 519 Monroe Hjorth Louis, city civil engineer, res 447 E Columbian av Hoeper August, lab, res 321 Sherry Hoeper Fred, clk Wm Krueger & Co, res 112 E Franklin Hoeper Henry W, janitor High school, res 321 Sherry Hoeper John. lab Howard Paper Co, res 145 3rd Hoeper Mark, res 112 E Franklin av Hoeper Paul, res 142 3rd Hoeper Wm, lab, res 243 E Wis av Hoeper Wm, wks woodenware, res 231 E Wis av Hogan J F, agt W R Y W A & I B, res 235 Bond Hogenson Chris, res 313 Lincoln Hogenson Torvel, wks K & C Co, res 313 Lincoln Hogstad Auton, millwright K & C Co, res 107 E Forest av Hohnberger Chas, lab, res 301 The Ave Holbrook E N, res 336 9th Holden M A & Son, (M A and V A), Medicine Mfr, 314 E Columbian av MANUFACTURERe .I -U fl IIV Ml JiI · J l. I '~ WHITE LIME, BRICK and .~DRAIN TILE. Everything we sell is worth every cent we ask. We want no Money that does not buy Satisfaction. 667 BUNN'S NEENAH DIRECTORY. Holden Mand M, res 314 E Columbian av Holden V A, (M A Holden & Son), res 314 E Columbian av Holmes Allie B, dressmaker, res 315 9th Holmes Christ, hostler Mrs Kimberly, res 234 2nd, nr 600 E Doty Holmes Emma, res 234 2nd Holmes Ralph, clk The Wilde Co, res 315 9th Holmes Westley, gardener, res 315 9th Holmes Win, back tender W Paper Mills, res 420 9th HOME TRADE SHOE CO, C P Lindsley, prest and treas; D W Barnes, vice-prest. A fine line of ladies, gents and childrens' shoes and general footwear, 105 W Wisconsin Ave Hougard Mrs Isabella, res 317 W Forest av Howard Bernice, res 409 E Wis av .TADEPOSITORY CAPITAL $200,000 NATIONAL UNION BANK W. K. Rideout. Pres. R. H. Hackett, Cash. of Oshkosh Northwest Corner Main and High. Howard C W, prest C W Howard Paper Co, res 409 E Wisconsin av Howe Alfred, mach tender, K & C Co, res 239 Bond Howe Geo A, lab K & C Co, res 609 Isabella Howe Gto R. lab Whiting Paper Co, res 609 Isabella Howe Mrs Mary, wid of A. res 609 Isabella How ll Arlie 0, res 304 Smith Howell Thos H, brakeman W C Ry, res 304 Smith Hrub sky Anton, res 241 Main Hrubesky Charles, machinist, res 241 Main Hrubesky Frank, cooper woodenware, res 415 6th Hrubesky Joseph, wks woodenware, res 420 6th Hrubesky Mary, dressmaker, res 241 Main Hubbard Howard, fireman, res 324 3rd Hubbard J F, engineer, res 324 3rd Huebner Mamie, domestic, 115 Bond Huebner Otto, brakeman W C Ry, res 231 Ann Hughes Mrs Arvilla, res 249 E Franklin av Hughes E W, Frank I, res 249 E Franklin av Hughes W S. carpenter, bds 511 Division LEADERS IN DI¥ l I ULK LOW PRICES, 0 6S, 0 CLOY600D CARPET1S, CLOAKS, II UI The Tailor SEE HIM 668 BUNN'S NEENAH DIRECTORY. Huie Nina F, job printer T B B air, res 118 W Columbian Huie 0 L, cor trav, res 118 W Columbian av Hull Hiram E, lather, res 124 5th Humphrey Mrs Harriet, wid of Chas, res 321 N Commercial Humphrey Sarah, res 139 3rd Hunt Clara, res 115 E Forest av Hunt Edward, res 758 W Winneconne av HUNT HELEN, manager Postal Tel Cable Co, 117 N Commercial, res 758 W Winneconne av Hunt I W, with K & C Co, res 115 E Forest av Hunt John, clk P Gaffney, res 201 E Franklin av Hunt John Sr, res 758 WWinneconne av Hunt Mrs John, clk P Gaffney, res 201 E Franklin av Hunt Mrs Mary, wid of John, res 309 Bond Hunt Mollie, res 758 W Winneconneav Hurlbutt Jay Noyes, lather, res 230 Bond Hurlbutt Truman, res 230 Bond Hurley Thos, horse shoeing 110 Canal, res 210 E Forest av Huxley H E, farmer, res Main street road Hyson Lizzie, wks M Woolen Mills, res The Ave I Ihde John, lab H E Huxley, bds same Ihrig George W, com trav, res 126 4th Ilseng Andrew J, moulder Stove Works, res 609 Monroe Iverson Albert M, painter, res 252 2nd Iverson Bessie, res 252 2nd Iverson Iver, wks M W W Co, res 239 2nd Iverson Jennie M, res 252 2nd Iverson Mrs Anna, wid of M, res 252 2nd Iverson Peter, carpenter, res 252 2nd J Jackson Alma L, wks Boot & S Co, res 224 E Columbian Jackson Louis J, lab K & C Co, res 224 E Columbian av Jackson Wm, back tender K & C Co, res 317 Pine T'he Largest andc PAPhR ~WALL~ WALL 1PAF l lilnest 141ne »in the city at Ho. M.HARMON'S, 40 HIGH-STREET. SELLS THE avorite BStoves _AIN7__ S anges THE BEST IN THE MARKET. 177 MAIN ST. 669 BUNN'S NEENAH DIRECTORY. Jacobs Amelia and Anna, res 318 Smith Jacobs Frank, engineer John Strange P Co, res 316 Clark Jacobs John F, wks Van Ostrand, res 318 Smith Jacobs Thomas L, (W C Jacobs & Son), res 302 E Forest av Jacobs Thomas, grocer, res 302 E Forest av Jacobs W C & Son, (W C Jacobs estate, and Thos Jacobs) groceries 303 N Commercial Jacobson Carl, moulder Bergstrom Bros & Co, bds 212 S Commercial Jacobson Carrie B, clk Wm Kellett & Co, bds 519 Church Jacobson Emma, wks M Woolen Mills, res 434 4th Jacobson John R, clk Wm Kellett & Co, bds 519 Church Jacobson Katherine. res 115 W Doty av Jacobson Lena, domestic, 117 Church Jacobson M P, mason, res 115 W Doty av Jacobson Mrs Elsie, res 434 4th ~ationas In Ba nk 1 ion W. K RIDEOUT, PRESIDENT. CASHIER. R. H HACKET Northwest Corner of Main and High. National Union Bank OF OSHKOSH. Jacobson Nettie, domestic, 404 S Commercial Jacobson Peter, wks Howard P Co, res 434 4th Jaeck Hattie, dressmaker, res 513 Chestnut Jaeck Lydia, wks Baumgartner, res 513 Chestnut Jaeck Otto, drayman, res 513 Chestnut Jagerson Andrew, moulder stove wks, res 413 Sherry Jagerson Ida, res 413 Sherry Jagerson Geo A, moulder stove wks, alderman, res 129 Harrison Jagerson Geo Sr, moulder stove wks, res 521 Sherry Jagodnigg J T, (N Simon & Co), res Chicago Jamison Mrs .r A, wid of James, cooking school, res 121 E Forest av Jamison Mrs Jennett, wid of John, res 314 W Forest av Jamison Robert, machinist 131 N Commercial, res 314 W Forest av JANDREY CHARLES W, (Dahms & Jandrey), res 401 Cherry JANDREY ED E, (Wm Kellett & Co), res 125 E Franklin TI RA [i azshionab l e I28 ii 1I 1 7ailor WASHINGTON ST. OPPOSITE POST OFFICE. H. F. WENRICH'S Granite Works MAIN STREET. It pays to get my ESTIMATES Special Designs Furnished 670 OSHKOSH, WIS. BUNN'S NEENAH DIRECTORY. Jape August, meat cutter G Ulrich, rs 212 Caroline Jape Mary, domestic, 424 Washington av Jape Wm, bicycle repairer WmIKrueger & Co, Jasperson Alex. wks K & C Co, res 219 Smith Jasperson Ella, waitress Jasperson House Jasperson Ella, domestic 424 Monroe JASPERSEN H C, Jr, with H C Jaspersen Sr, res 219 High JASPERSEN H C Sr, dealer in flour, feed, grain, seeds and hay. A speciality made of leading brands. "Pillsbury's Best," the best flour on earth. Come and see. Store 203 W Wis av, res 219 High JASPERSON HOUSE, J P Jasperson, prop, 212 S Commercial JASPERSON J P, prop Jasperson House, splendid accommodation by the day or week, 212 S Commercial, res same Jaspersen S P, wks H C Jaspersen, res 219 Smith Jaspersen Thos, physician and surgeon 202 W Wis av, bds Russell House Jefferson Wm, res n end Lake Jenkins Arthur E, wks K & C Co, res 207 W Forest av Jenkins Edward, teamster Wooden Ware, res 207 W Forest avenue Jenkins Geo, switchman C & N W Ry, bds 511 N Commercial Jenkins James, capt General Utility man, "Handy Andy" res 215 W Wis av Jennings Ellis, (Wheeler & Jennings), res 535 E Forest av Jensen Ada L, dressmaker,.res 420 Washington Jensen Albert J, lab K & C Co, res 223 Van Jensen Carrie, domestic 524 Isabella Jensen Chas, stenographer K & C Co, res 143 Park av Jensen Chas W, moulder stove wks, res 223 Van Jensen Christ F T, grocery clk, res 112 E Columbian av Jensen Christina, res 513 Caroline Jensen Geo, painter, bds 413 Caroline DEALERS IN : Fook·t Hroa 1i r j qCOAL C. AND WOOD OF ALL. KINDS. If you pay less elsewhere you get less value. Ifyou buy it at our Store--It's all right. 671 BUNN'S NEENAH DIRECTORY. Jensen H P L, engineer, res 420 Washington Jensen Hans, wks stove wks, res 223 Van Jensen Hans, lab, res 241 Ann Jensen J J, wks stove wks, res 319 Union Jensen Jens P, shoemaker 121 E Wis av, res 241 Ann JENSEN JENS P, (Defnet & Jensen), res 112 Harrison Jensen Kittie, res 241 Ann Jensen Lena S, res 516 Church Jensen Louis, ship clk stove wks, res 536 Maple Jensen Martin, mason, res 513 Caroline Jensen Mary, dressmaker Mrs Dillon, res 241 Ann Jensen Nels, res 629 W Winneconne av Jensen Nels, miller, res 112 E Columbian av Jensen Nels C, lab, res 127 2nd av Jensen Nels F, engineer stove wks, res 516 Church Jensen Peter, barber shop 228 W Wis av, bds S Commercial Jensen Peter, lab, res 901 S C mmercial of Oshkosh . S. DEPOSITORY NATIONAL UNION BANK CAPITAL $200,000 W. K. Rldeout, Pres. R. H. Hackett, Cash. Northwest Corner Main and High. Jensen Peter. painter, res 402 Lake Shore av Jensen Rev H P, pastor Danish Lutheran Church, res 524 Isabella Jensen S P. clk G Kalfahs, res 504 Walnut JERSILD P N, prop "Pete's Place," sample rooms. Free lunch all day. Best line of wines and liquors and cigars in city 202 W Wis av, res same Jersild Hans, the knitting wks, res 620 Higgins av Johnson Albert E, lab, res 334 Smith Johnson Alex, fireman W Paper Mills, res 629 E Doty av Johnson Bessie, student, res 413 Isabella JOHNSON BROS, (Wm T and Theodore) daalers in a full and complete line of dry goods, groceries and provisions, 103 W Wis av Johnson C W, salesman N Cold Storage, res 413 Isabella Johnson Chas, wks Wooden Ware, res 212 4th Johnson Christina, domestic H E Huxley, bds same sE5-5 Sa355S-F -&-^i 5 QUINN & ROGGE AERY LEADE D RY '0 00 i._q5-_-2Ed5 05^^ C-S~__5--5-! 3525_25avS R S . Large, New, Cheap and Best Line in Oshkosho 672 BUNN'S NEENAH DIRECTORY. Johnson Clara R, dressmaker, res 715 Higgins av Johnson Daniel 0, wks Wooden Ware, res 543 Maple Johnson Edith A, school teacher, res 119 Washington av Johnson Edward M, mach shop, res 318 W Winneconne av Johnson Elera J, engineer Wooden Ware, res 401 Hewett Johnson Ellen, tailoress Dau & Madson, res 419 Sherry Johnson Ernst, wks E F Wieckert, res 137 2nd av Johnson Frances, teacher 4th Ward school, res 413 Isabella Johnson George D, wks I E Johnson, res 119 Washington av Johnson Helen M, res 119 Washington av JOHNSON INGOLF E, supt city Water Works, office 112E Wisconsin av, res 119 Washington av Johnson John, lab, res' 201 3rd Johnson John, wks Wooden Ware, res 212 4th Johnson John, wks Gilbert P Co, res 112 3d Johnson John J, wks C & N W, res 715 Higgins av Johnson John R, eng W Paper Co, res 334 Smith Johnson Lena B, res 334 Smith Johnson Mrs Bertha, wid of E, res 521 S Commercial Johnson Mrs Ella, wid of Frank, res 537 E Wisconsin av Johnson Mrs Emily, wid of Andrew, res 334 Smith Johnson Mrs Maria, wid of Peter, res 413 Isabella Johnson Mrs Mary, res 212 4th Johnson Ole, res 515 E Winneconne av Johnson Otto A, mach shop, res 521 S Commercial Johnson Rose, res 212 4th Johnson S L, pumps 215 W Wis av, res 738 Main Johnson Sadie,Kindergarten teacher, rooms 210 W Forest av JOHNSON THEODORE, (Johnson Bros), bds 215 W Forest av Johnson Walter M, eng W Paper Co, res 459 S Commercial JOHNSON WM T, (Johnson Bros), res 215 W Forest av Johnston John, millwright, res 119 Cherry Jonas Henry, wks Walter Bros bds Hotel Gehring Jones Arthur T, ice dealer 447 E Doty, res same Jones Bert, driver C L Ohde, res 421 E Franklin av Jones Cecilia, res 230 Bond Jones Elizabeth, domestic, 401 W Winneconne av Jones Evan W, farmer, res 528 Church CA LFL OINC Wall Paper, Decoratings, Ht M. I4FrjMON, HE LEADS THEM ALL. Painti ns, Artists' Materials, 40 HIGH STREET. . onractos BUY YOUR SUPPLIES OF THE ntr d M. BURTIS CO. RALPH 5Builders .... AND ; YOU 177 WILL SAVE MONEY. MI:IN ST. 673 BUNN'S NEENAH DIRECTORY. Jones Frank, clk, res 421 E Franklin av Jones Jennie, teacher high school annex Jones John, cement paver, res 212 N Commercial Jones Kittie, res 528 Church Jones Mary, res 2085 W N Water Jones Mayme, res 235 Bond Jones Miss, school teacher, bds Russell House Jones Mrs H M, res 421 E Franklin av Jones Mrs Julia, wid of Wm, res 208 W N Water Jones Owen W, hostler C A Babcock, res 511 Division Jones Robert, farmer, res 528 Church Jones Stephen W, eng K & C Co, res 230 Bond Jones Wm L, horse dealer, res 519 Church Jorgensen A W, wks Henry L Sorensen & Co, res 212 W Wisconsin av Jorgensen Anna, res 434 Caroline NationalI U n ion Ba n k W K RIDEOUT, PRESIDENT. National Union Bank OF OSHKOSH. R. H. HACKETT, CASHIER. Northwest Corner of Main and High. Jorgenson Christ, lab, res 412 Sherry Jorgensen Elva, res 202 W Wisconsin av Jorgenson Fred, lab, bds 412 Sherry Jorgensen H C, wks Henry L Sorensen & Co, res 210 W Wisconsin av Jorgenson James, driver A Miller, res 4th Jorgfenson John, cheese mfr, res 128 W Columbian av JORGENSEN JULIUS, mail carrier No 4, res 434 Caroline Jorgensen Mrs Anna, wid of Michael, res 434 Carolina Jorgenson Mrs C, res 101 Fourth Jorgensen Peter, bar clk P N Jersild, bds same Jourdain Ida, res 223 The Ave Jourdain Louis T, bookpr Woolen Mills, res 223 The Ave Julius Edward, lab, res 220 High Julius Fred, cigar mfr 220 High, res same Julius George, res 220 High Julius Henry, lab, res 227 Ann Julius Henry H, horseshoer M Thermansen, res 220 High Julius Lena, domestic, 210 Washington av Jurganson Dora, res 308 Clark Is the place to get a perfect fit and a FASHIONABLE SUIT. l AN BI W 28 WASHINGTON STREET, . iii THE LOWEST PRICES UNEXCELLED WORKMANSHIP ^AtEIXtlt^At IIiVIIBII"I|I5I ~·i __BIr i11 i1i,, 674 THE BEST STOCK H. F. WENRBCH'S GRANITE BUNN'S NEENAH DIRECTORY. Jurganson Jurgenson Jurgenson Jurgenson Jurgenson Jurgenson Hans, paper mkr, res 308 Clark Olaf, engineer, res 415 Clark Olge and Anne, res 411 Clark Mrs Lena, wid of Otto, res 411 Clark Mrs Margaret, wid of H F, res 308 Clark Walter, wks Wooden Ware, res 120 1st K Kaestner Annie, res 415 High Kaestner Edward, wks Wooken Ware, res 415 High Kaestner Henry, wks Wooden Ware, res 415 High Kaestner Paul, tinner Wm Krueger & Co, res 415 High Kagelund George E, moulder Stove Works, res 135 Van Kahlfoss Charles, lab Paper Co, res 429 E Columbian av Kalfahs Gustav. grocer and city mayor 110 W Wisconsin av, res 109 W Doty av Kampe Edward, moulder Wm Aylward & Son, res 637 First av. Kampe Ernst, chimney sweep, res 637 1st av Kampe George, wks Wooden Ware, res 637 1st av Kane Wm, res 414 E Columbian av KAPHINGST FRED, Dealer in lime, morter, brick, stucco, fire brick, sand, and everything needed in the mason and plastering line, office W Wis av near the W C Ry freight depot, res 431 S Commercial Kaplingst Fred Sr, res 431 S Commercial Kaphinst Christ, drayman, res 305 W Doty av Karmin James, lab, bds 234 3d Kasper Gertrude, bds 214 W Doty av Kasper Mary, wks Hotel Gehrino, bds same Kasper Tillie, wks Hotel (ehring, bds same Kasson F W (Giddings & Kasson), res 115 N Commercial Kauper Mary, domestic, 532 Forest av Kaufmann Mrs Theresa, wid of J G, res The Ave Keating Elizabeth, res 221 Union KEATING JOHN P, Reporter The Times, res 221 Union Keating Mary, clk P Gaffney, res 221 Union BUILDING MATERIAL IWOBIROWN Te COOK & C-AA* LIME COAL AND WOOD. I COMPANY. They do say that we are the Leaders. Because we Buy and Sell the most and at the Lowest Prices. 675 BUNN'S NEENAH DIRECTORY. Keating Peter, brakeman Wis C Ry, res 221 Union Keating Peter, res 221 Union Keehl Charles H, wks C & N W Ry, res 432 Elm Kehl Robert, lab, res 150 3rd av Kellett Thomas, res 147 4th Kellett Richard, res 314- 4th Kellett Walter, mch tender Gilberts KELLETT WM & CO., (Wm Kellett and Ed E Jandrey) Dealers in dry goods, carpets, millinery, 120 W Wis av KELLETT WM, (Wm Kellett & Co), res 117 Church Kelley Kelley Kelley Kelley Kelley Kelley James, wks-Wooden Ware, res 353 1st John, brakeman C & N W, res 353 1st, cor Hewitt Leo T, bartender Wm H Finnegan, res 353 1st Mary, res 353 1st Mrs Anna, wid of Daniel, res 353 1st Wm F, flagman C & N W, res 353 1st DEPOSITORY sCP. CAPITAL $200B NATIONAL UNIONNA KK of Wo K. Rideout, Pres. R. H. Hackett, Cash. Oshkosh _ Northwest Corner Main and High. Kellogg A W, (Kellogg & Coats), res 240 E Doty av Kellogg & Coats, (A W Kellogg and S T Coats) Livery, 114 S Commercial Kellogg F W, Ry postal clerk, res 220 E Columbian av Kellogg Ida, dressmkr, res 240 E Doty av Kellogg Mrs Maria, wks K & C Co, res 118 Church Kelly John, wks K & C Co, res 119 W Park Kelly Mrs Lucy, wid of Thomas, res 119 W Park Kelly Thomas, wks Wooden Ware, res 605 Isabella Kenna Mrs Ella, res 402 N Commercial KERSTEN THEODORE J, Mgr Cudahy Bros, wholesale and retail dealer in meats 327 N Commercial, res 212 2nd. Kerwin Alice M, res 514 E Forest av KERWIN J C, Attorney at law, city attorney, 134 W Wis av, res 514 E Forest av Kerwin Jessie E, res 514 E Forest av Kevill Jessa, res 230 Center &6o r rOL\IN\ \IN A& I .UU T (U 1 u M I I"N It -A as_ sss-sTrRIVF s Fand s~~~a_ a . - your trade a ncQ they have bargains in -p Solicit L Dry Goods, Cloaks Carpets. IF STYLISH You will Tailor find it was made by 676 BUNN'S NEENAH DIRECTORY. Keyes Abel, shipping and receiving clk Winnebago Paper Mills, res Menasha Kienitz Charles, wks Wooden Ware, res 514 Maple Kienitz Hulda, Ida and Amanda, res 514 Maple Kienitz Theodore, lab Wieckerts Mill, res 514 Maple Kies Frank, bookpr, bds 325 N Commercial Kiley Margarite and Emma, res 514 N Commercial Kiley Patrick, sample rooms 514 N Commercial, res same Kiley Thomas, bartender, res 514 N Commercial KIMBALL C L, city editor Daily News, res 202 Church Kimball Elizabeth. asst P M, res 202 Church Kimball Helen, student, res 202 Church KIMBALL L H, Postmaster, Proprietor and editor Neenah Daily News, res 202 Church KIMBEdLY AUGUSTUS, clk The Nat Bank of Neenah, res 569 E Wis av Kimberly & Clark Co, J A Kimberlv prest, H Babcock vice prest, F C Shattuck secy and treas, Paper Mills, 130 N Commercial KIMBERLY & ELWERS, (Mrs F J Kimberly and F El- wers). Dealers in a full line of pure drugs, also wall paper, window shades, paints, oils, glass, etc, 104 W Wisconsin av. Kimberly Jas C, vice prest Neenah Paper Co res 163 Park KIMBERLY J A, pres K & C Co, pres Neenah Paper Co, vice pres The National Bank Neenah, res 426 E Wis av Kimberly John A, jr, secy & treas Neenah Paper Co, pres The Wing Co, res 404 E Wis av Kimberly Lulu M, res 426 E Wis av Kimberly Mary E, res 426 E Wis av KIMBERLY MRS F J, wid of D L (Kimberly & Elwers), res 569 E Wis av Kimberly Nancy E, res 426 E Wis av Kimberly S Emma, res 406 E Wis av Kinnan Elizabeth B, res 150 Fifth Kinnan Mrs Ellen, wid of James, res 150 5th Kinnan Ellen A, teacher 3rd ward school, res 150 5th Kinnan Wm, drayman, res 150 Fifth The Leading PAINTER and DECORATOR. Carries a full line of Artistic WelPa We want you to be pleased with everything you buy at our store. If you're not, tell us. WE'LL MAKE IT GOOD. The Ralph M. Burtis Co.=Hardware MAFIN 177 STREET. BUNN'S NEENAH DIRECTORY. 677 Kirchberg Mrs D, wid of Gottfried, res 895 S Commercial Kirchberg Wm, farmer, res 895 S Commercial Klausner Oscar, wks Wooden Ware, res 401 The Ave Klausner Mrs Christina, wid of W, res 401 The Ave Klein Alfred, lab, res 216 W Forest av Klein Mrs Elizabeth, res 858 S Commercial Klein Peter, millwright K & C Co, res 216 W Forest av Kleinhans Emilv and Frieda, res 319 Center Kleinhans Otto G F, student, res 319 Center Kleinhans Rev August, pastor German Lutheran church, res 319 Center Klinke Arthur, clk A Billstein Co, res 104 Main Klinke George, lab, res 104 Main Klinke Mrs Sophia, wid of R H, res 104 Main Klug Minnie, domestic, 323 E Doty av Knickerbocker W H, wks Jones, res 402 Lake Shore av Knippel Louise, domestic, 417 Lincoln K.RIDEOUT, PRESIDENT. W. Union B HACKETT, CASHIER. H. Nat~iona l Un io n Ban k 'R. National Northwest Corner of Main and High. OF OSHKOSH. KNOLL WM H, (Spaar & Knoll), res 115 S Commercial Knudson Gustav, wks Wooden Ware, bds 414 3rd Knudson Iver, wks Wooden ware, bds 414 3rd Knudson John, lab, res 804 Henry Knudson Minnie, wks N Back, res same Knutson Alfred, wks Wooden ware, res 412 High Knutson Mollie, waiter Jasperson House. bds same Knutson Rudolph and Hyelmer, wks W Ware, res 412 High Knutson Thora and Helma res 412 HiZh Koch & Bacon (Arthur J Koch and John B Bacon) news dealers 129 W Wis av Koehler Mrs Maggie, res 324 Main Koelsch C, res 125 W Columbian av Koelsch Carrie, dressmaker, res 125 W Columbian av Koepke Frank, wks Wooden Ware. res 221 2nd Koepke Gustav, barn boss Walter Bros Brewing Co, res 756 S Commercial Koepke Mrs Fredericka, wid of Wm, res 221 2nd Koepsel Albert, painter, res 324 Main DA ! Tl 1\I BANTIN ____________ - _ 2 8 ]A/I: FASHIONABLE TAfLOP9 Call and see the prettiest i/ne of novelties in the city. I N GIT C N. monumental WI MONUMENTAL and .'CEMETERY H. F. WENRICH'S Granite Works 678 WORK and have the largest and best line in the city. BUNN'S NEENAH DIRECTORY. Koepsel August, lab K & C Co, res 214 Main Koepsel Charles, lab, res 324 Main Koepsel Flora, waitress, res 214 Main Koepsel Helen, tailoress M H Kramer, res 214 Main Koepsel John Jr, meat market 109 E Wis av, res 324 Main Koepsel John Sr, wagon mkr 230 Miin, res 324 Main Koepsel Wm, tinsmith Stroebel & B, res 214 Main Koepsel Wm A, wks John Koepsel Jr, res 324 Main Koerner Henry, carp, res 801 Main Koerner Henry Sr, farmer, res 801 Main Koerwitz Amelia, domestic 303 Church Koerwitz Herman, carp, res 415 E Franklin av Kohn Edward, lab, res 436 E Franklin av Kohrt Caroline A, res 416 E Franklin av Kohrt Ernest, hostler J A Kimberly, res 416 E Franklin av Kohrt Wm, wks Metz & Kohrt, res 416 E Franklin av Kolby Emil, lab, res Main street road Kopelke Ed, lab K & C Co, bds 605 Higgins av Kopelke Fred, wks Wooden Ware, res 640 Maple Kopelka Fred, wks Wooden Ware, bds 605 Higgins av Kopelka Tillie, domestic 214 Church Koplene Mrs Pauline, wid of Gottlieb, res 214 Brien Koplene Rudolph, lab, res 214 Brien Kordian Louis, wks Strange P Co, res 208 Hewitt Korotev Yarrow, wks Wooden Ware, res 511 The Ave Krabes Maggie, housekeeper 219 5th Kraby Andrew J, res 302 Lincoln Kraby Helen, res 302 Linc In KRABY PETER D, insurance, general brokerage. Fire, life, accident and tornado insurance 119 N Commercial, res 302 Lincoln cor 2nd Kragelund George, moulder Stove Works, res 135 Van Krake S G, res 320 E Franklin av Kramer C H, merchant tailor 123 W Wis av, res 216 Elm See Cramer Krampien Fritz, lab, res 790 S Commercial Krampien Mrs Reika, wid of Wm, res 116 W Park Kraplen Herman, cigar mkr Schultz, res 134 2nd av Fior the BEST QUALITY OF cOAL AND WOOD -...Go to the We show ten We always give styles to the other S the most for stores one. the least. 679 BUNN'S NEENAH DIRECTORY. Kraplen Wm, wks N Paper Co, res 134 2nd av Krause Addie, wks Wooden Ware, res 400 Sherry Krause Fred, wks Wooden Ware, res 400 Sherry Krause Mrs Mary, wid of Carl, res 425 E Columbian av Krause Win, lab, res 400 Sherry Kreklow August, lab, res 414 E Columbian av Kreklow August, lab, res 411 E Columbian av Kreklow Bert, wks E W Thurston, res 414 E Columbian av Kretzhemer Bertha, res 4C5 6th Kretzhemer Edward, wks Wooden Ware, res 405 6th Krieg James, wks K & C Co, res 122 3rd av Kreiger Herman, carp, res 315 E Franklin av Krieger Louisa, wks K & C Co, res 315 E Franklin av Krieger Otto, wks X & C Co, res 315 E Franklin av Kroeplin Herman, stripper C Schultz, res 326 Smith Kroeplin Louis, wks W Paper Co, res 326 Smith DIOITOY S. A. CAPITAL $200,000 NATIONAL UNION BANK of W. K. Rideout, Pres. R. H. Hackett, Cash. Oshkosh Northwest Corner Main and High. Krouse Annie. nurse, res 425 E Columbian av Krouse Minnie, res 425 E Columbian av Krouse Wm, lab, res 425 E Columbian av Krueger Annie, and Ida, wks K & C, res 411 E Columbian KRUEGER A H F, prest Krueger & Lachmann Milling Co. res 220 E Forest av Krueger Albert, lab K & C Co, res 411 E Columbian av Krueger Charlotte M, res 103 1st Krueger Ferdinand, lab, res 529 S Commercial Krueger Miss F, res 204 E Forest av KRUEGER H F (W Krueger & Co) res 121. E Franklin av Krueger Henry C, head miller Krueger & Lachman Milling Co, res 103 1st Krueger James H and Nettie, res 121 E Franklin av KRUEGER M H, vice-prest Krueger & Lachmann Milling Co, res Chicago, Ill KRUEGER M WM, (Win Krueger & Co) and (M E Barnett & Co) res 112 E Franklin av Krueger Martha, res 411 E Columbian av l^r4tE SCJtl tl {7j^t1Ahb WlS"RS, Dry 6oods, YOUIR MONEY WILL GET YOU BARGAINS AT SPLENDID QUINN & ROGGE$S. 13 MNIN. ^ eWn// 680 THE TAILOR Our Specialties are Correct Prices, Correct Styles, Correct Workmanship, therefore we ask a trial order. BUNN'S NEENAH DIRECTORY. KRUEGER & LACHMANN MILLING Co A H F Krueger, prest; M H Krueger, vice-prest; E J Lachmann, secy and treas. Mfrs of Flour. Dealers in Feed. S Water Krueger W F, asst miller Krueger & Lachmann Milling ;Co, res 220 E Forest av KRUEGER WM Sr (Wm K & Co) res 112 E Franklin av Krueger Wm H, res 121 E Franklin av KRUEGER WM & CO (Wm Sr, H F and M W Krueger) Dealers in heavy and shelf hardware, furniture, bicycles, sewing machines, paints, oils, glass, brushes, iron pipe, valves and pipe fittings, rubber and leather belting and packing, hot air and hot water heating, asbestos, tin, iron and steel roofing, sheet metal jobbing of all kinds, cutlery, guns and ammunition, creamery and dairy utensils and machinery, 107 W Wisconsin av Krutz Carl, wks Strange Mill, res 317 3rd Kuehl Albert. wks K & C Co, res 125 2nd Kuehl Anna, wks K & C Co, res 721 Higgins av Kuehl Charles, wks Wooden Ware, res 347 Washington av Kuehl Herman, lab K & C Co, res 347 Washington av Kuehl Ida, wks K & C Co. res 721 Higgins av Kuehl Mrs Tillie, wid of H, res 721 Higgins av Kuehl Otto, wks Wooden Ware, res 125 2nd Kuehl Wm, clk Gus Kalfahs, res 721 Higgins av Kuether August C, wks Wooden Ware, res 213 Hewitt Kuether Wm, wks Wooden Ware, res 325 2nd Kuhefuss Geo A, cashier C & N W, res 103 Caroline Kuhl Leonard, lab, res 502 Monroe KUHL Dr M A, Veterinary Surgeon and Dentist. Graduate of Toronto College; owner and manager of the world's heavy weight wonder "King Alar," registered 26,552, pure black, 17 hands, weight 1490, time 2:26. Stable and Infirmary 203 Main Kuhr John, wks Howard P Co, res 558 Oak ARTISTS' MATERIALS At H. M. HARMON'S. The Leading PAINTER and WALL PAPER and DECORATIONS. DECORATOR. 40 HIGH STREET. » F9Q4 < << 44dj~~~0~~& < THE PLACE TO BUY ;i i /eX urtis Wtcbn Yurnisblings, CUTLERY, TOOLS AND TINWARE, 17 7 mA I N ST. 1r/it t4>~'e'_4>e<e'°'"°'o'ee'e'* >t> 681 BUNN'S NEENAH DIRECTORY. Kummrow Robert, lab, res 626 Maple Kunz Amelia, res 317 Hewitt Kunz Charles, wks Wooden Ware, res 317 Hewitt Kunz Emma, res 321 3rd Kunz Fred, wks Wooden Ware, res 317 Hewitt Kunz Minnie, res 321 3rd Kunz Wm, wks Wooden Ware, res 321 3rd Kurtz Frank, millwright, res Main st road Kussmann Alvina, res 124 E Doty av KUSSMANN FERDINAND H, livery, sale and boarding stable 118 Canal, res 124 E Dotv av Kussmann Geo 0, wks F H Kussmann, res 124 E Doty av Kutler L F, manager and treas Neenah Cold Storage, res 740 College av, Appleton Nationa I-l k National Union BaI Bank *nion 1n.^2^ 0 OF OSHKOSH. ! w . K. RIDEOUT, PRESIDENT. R. H. HACKETT, CASHIER. Northwest Corner of Main and High, L. LACHMANN E J, secy and treas Krueger & Lachmann Milling Co, res 220 E Forest av Lachmann Emma, librarian city library, res 617 E Wis av Lachmann Katherine, music teacher, res 617 E Wis av Lachmann Louise, bkpr and stenographer N Paper Co, res 617 E Wis av Lachmann Mrs Katherine, wid of Jacob, res 617 E Wis av Ladd Mrs Anna, wid of Louis, res 123 2nd av LaGrange Flora Belle, res 409 Lake Shore road LaGrange George, teamster Wm Felton, res 409 Lake Shore road LaGrange James G, lab, res 409 Lake Shore road LaGrange Laura B, res 409 Lake Shore road LaGrange Mrs Ella, res 409 Lake Shore road Laird Frank, tailor C H Kramer, res 125 1st Lambert Mrs Anna, domestic Roberts Summer Hotel Lammel Allie, res 417 Linco.n Lammel John D, (John D Lammel & Son) res 417 Lincoln N D TK I I 151 r D31^ -_ BA_ NIO T _ THE FASHIONABLE TAILOR Makes DRESS SUITS that fit, are pretty and cut in the latest style. WASH 28 WASHINGTON OPPOSITE P. 0. ST. »««*_______*. PRICE i"«*«-^ *~QUALITY WORKMANSHIP -woo._*..*-.__.*» 682 » YThose are Important considerations In pur- chasing a MONUMENT. to serve you well, I am in a position H. F. WENRICH'S GRANITE WORKS, -- BUNN 'S OSHKOSH, WISCONSI N. NEENAH DItRECTORY. Lammel John D & Son, (John D and Wm), groceries 415 Lincoln Lammel Wm, (John D Lammel & Son), res 417 Lincoln Laudan Mrs Charlotte, wid of Henry, res 320 Sherry Landig Felix, porter Roberts summer hotel, bds same Lang Harry A, carpenter, res 224 Bond Lang Mrs E, wid of Thos, res 224 Bond Langdon Miss A, milliner 133 W Wis av, res same Langner Chas, res 118 Church Langner Minnie, dressmaker, res 118 Church Lansing Chas, paper mkr Whiting Paper Co, res 314 1st LANSING CLIFFORD, submail carrier, res 303 Caroline Lansing Cora I, teacher High school, res 303 Caroline Lansing Helen F, student, res 303 Caroline Lansing Williard E, bill poster Twin cities, res 303 Caroline Larson Amelia, opr telephone Co, res 253 E Franklin av Larson Anna. domestic 420 S Commercial LARSEN ANDREW, (Larsen & Peterson), res (not located as yet) LARSEN & PETERSO , (Andrew Larsen and Wm Peterson), dealers in groceries, crockery, glassware, dry goods, notions, fruits, canned goods, etc 114 W-Wis avenue Larson Larson lin Larson Larson Larson Caroline, teacher 2nd W school, res 228 Washington Chris, bartender Win H Finnegan, res 227 E Frankavenue Christian S, wks W Ware, res 214 Washington av Ed A, mach S A Cook, res 512 Caroline Edward, lab. bds Union House Larsen George, clk P 0, res 431 Washington Larson Larson Larsen Larsen Larson Larson Larson Gust, clk F Fritzen. res 314- Elm H P, engineer S A Cook P Co, res 512 Caroline H W, nickel plater stove wks, res 507 Clark Hans, wks Woolen Ware, res 309 The Ave Hans J, clk Jasperson House., res same Howard, lab, res 512 Caroline James C, res 214 Washington av MANUFACiTURER 'WHITE LIME, BRICK and . Ji IDRAIN. TIL»E. Everything we sell is worth every cent we ask. We want no Money that does not buy Satisfaction. 683 B[TNN'S NEENAH DIRECTORY. Larson L P, barber 301 N Commercial, res 230 Center Larson Louis M, comp Neenah Daily Times, res 214 Washington av Larsen Mark, moulder stove wks, res 315 Union Larsen Mary, domestic 336 Main Larson Mrs Anna, wid of John, res 253 E Franklin av Larson Nellie, res 253 E Franklin av Larson Nels, lab, res 540 Oak LARSON NELS, (J Hansen & Co), res 431 Washington Larsen Peter, res 315 Union Larsen Peter, clk Alex Billstein Co, res 309 The Ave Larson Peter, engineer, res 609 Higgins av LARSON PETER, dealer in fine line of choice wines, liquors, beer and cigars. Free lunch from 9 to 12 a m. Good stabling for horses 128 W Wis av, res same Larson Roal, moulder stove wks, res 604 Sherry Us S. DEPOSITOR NATIONAL CAPITASL $200, W. K. Rideout. Pres. R. H. Hackett, Cash, UNION BANK of Oshkosh Northwest Corner Main and High. Larsen Robt, nichol plater stove wks, res 507 Clark Larson Rudolph, res 604 Sherry Larson Sophia, res 228 Washington av Larson Theodore C, barber G F Nachtwey, res 214 Washington av Lasher Richard, cigar mkr, bds 212 S Commercial Lavey Katherine, res 408 Clark Law Ella M, stenographer J C Kenwin, res 123 Bond Law Joseph, res 337 4th Law Mrs Johanna, wid of James, res 337 4th Law Robert, millwright, res 123 Bond Law Roy. res 123 Bond Lawson Edward C, wks Howard P Co, res 210 5th Lawton Mrs Mary, nurse, res 213 E Forest av Leavens A F, cor trav, res 111 Caroline Leavens Addie D, bkpr and stenographer Winnebago Paper Mills. res 404 S Commercial LEAVENS FRANK A, Dealer in coal and wood and paper makers supplies 202 E Wis av, res 202 Elm .T A T Q & lN R ^/ G LEADERS IN LOW PRICES, Q DRLY .10ODS, CARPETS, CLOAKS, i i The Tailor SEE HIM 684 BUNN'S NEENAH DIRECTORY. I.eavens Chas, bkpr J I Case Co, res 210 Forest av Leavens Mrs Lillian, wid of Chas, music teacher, res 210 W Forest av Leavens Mrs L J, res 404 S Commercial Lee C A, wks Wooden Ware, res 416 6th Lee Chas, junk dealer, res 315 W Forest av Lee Frances, dressmaker, res 315 W Forest av Leininger Peter, wks Howard P Co, bds 417 7th Lemke Fred, lab K & C Co, res 133 3rd av Lemmermann Henry, wks K & C Co, res 664 Oak Lennox Walter, boat builder Menasha boat Co, res 407 The Avenue Lennox W D, wks Wooden Ware, res 407 The Ave Lenskin John, wks Wooden Ware, res 611 The Ave Lenz Fred, watchman K & C Co, res 612 Oak Lenz Gustav, clk G Kalfahs, res 612 Oak Lentz Wm, cigar mk's Geo Schmid & Son, res 612 Oak Lendig Lizzie, domestic 308 Hewitt Leopold Ricky, finisher W Paper Mills, res 230 Smith Le Roy Benj, city police, res 527 Maple Le Roy Benj Jr, comp Neenah Daily News, janitor post office, res 527 Maple Le Roy Lizzie, wks N Boot & Shoe Mfg Co, res 527 Maple LE TAURNEUX GEORGE, city clerk, res 401 W Winneconne av Le Tourneux Harry, res 401 W Winneconne av Le Tourneux Mrs Isa, teacher 2nd ward, res 401 W Winneconne av LEUTENEGGER J J, groceries, flour, feed, grain, salt, seeds, etc. 101-105 Main, res 320 Main Levin Richard, mason, res 433 E Franklin av Levin Bernhard, picture agt, res 415 Washington Levin Herman, cor trav, res 118 S Commercial Libbens Sophia, domestic, 115 S Commercial Lindsey Oscar J, clk Johnson Bros, res 516 S Commercial Lindsey Oscar 0, res 516 S Commercial LINDSLEY C P, pres and treas Home Trade Shoe Co, res 624 E Forest av Lipke Wim, wagoi mkr C H Bergstrom, res 310 Caroline WALL _ PAPER The Largest and Finest Line in the city at T .M HHARMON'S, 40 HIfH STREET. 8SELLS THE TJavorite 177 MAIN ST. Stoves an ges THE BEST IN THE MARKET. BUNN'S NEENAH DIRECTORY. 685 Lippert Fred, corn trav, res 227 E Doty av Lippert Gertie M, milliner A Langdon, res 227 E Doty av Litton Mrs M, wid of John, res 159 3rd av Livermore A 0, (Livermore & Son), res 117 W Wis av Livermore C D, (Livermore & Son), res 117 W Wis av Livermore Fred, driver C M Lindley, res 117 W Wis av Livermore Lulu, clk Livermore & Son, res 117 W Wis av Livermore & Son, (C D and A 0), bakery, 127 W Wis av Lloyd Arthur, wks A T Jones, res 123 2nd av Lloyd C M, wks K & C Co, res 620 Maple Lloyd Wm, lab, bds 620 Maple Lockwood, F A, wks Menasha P Co, res 416 6th Loehning Albert, lab, res 432 E Franklin av Loehning Charles, lab W Paper Mills, res 664 Oak Loehning Herman, lab N Paper Co, res 621 Higgins av Loehning, Mary, res 432 E Franklin av National ni n Ba nn N t IrrfaS SB~ ra OF OSHKOSH. R~W. K. RIDEOUT. PRESIDENT. H. HACKETT, CASHIER. Northwest Corner of Main and High. R. Loehning Mrs Augusta, wid of E, res 432 E Franklin av Loehning Otto, wks N Paper Co, res 414 Hewitt Loehning Wmi, finisher N Paper Co, res 150 Second av Longhurst Arthur, back tender W Paper Mills, res 120 1st Longhurst Bernard, lab C & N W. res 251 3rd Longhurst Mrs Johanna, wid of Wm H, res 251 3rd Longhurst Rolf, lab Gilberts P Co, res 339 5th Loudon Ida, domestic, 318 Church LUCE JOHN W, agt Singer Mfg Co, office 312 N Commercial, res 303 W Forest av Luce Mrs J W., with Singer Mfg Co, res 303 W Forest av Ludemann Cora, domestic, Murer House LUECKENBACH A T, propr of The Arcadia sample rooms and summer garden, fine wines, liquors and cigars, 121 N Commercial res 216 W North Water. Luebke Minnie, domestic, 569 Fw Wis av Lullmann Henry, wks Wooden Ware, res 320 3rd Lullmann Mrs Sophia, wid of Fritz, res 320 3rd Lund Christ C, shoe mkr and agt Twin City Laundry, 116 N Commercial, res 516 Henry BANTIN .ashionable Jailor 28 WASHINGTON ST. OPPOSITE POST OFFICE, H. F. WENRICH'S Granite Works MAIN STREET. It pays to get my ESTIMATES Special Designs Furnished 686 OSHKOSH, WIS. BUNN'S NEENAH DIRECTORY.. LYKEN 0 M, Saloon. A fine bar of wines, liquors and cigars. Fifteen year old Imported "Sour Mash." Ask for it. Remember the place near Wis Central Ry depot 428 Sherry, res same Lynch Mary, res 112 Main Lynch Patrick H, paper maker, res 112 Main Nt Maahs Emma, domestic, 332 4th Maahs Minnie, domestic, 514 E Forest av Maass Tillie and Emma, 425 E Forest av Mace Frank E, mach K & C Co, res 220 W N Water Machholz Clara, res 410 N Commercial Madison Tillie, domestic, res413 E Wis av Madnus Martin, Sr, eng K & C Co, res 541 S Commercial Madnus Martin, Jr, wks K & C Co, res 541 S Commercial Madsen Mads, nickel plate Stove Works, res Town of Menasha Madson Geo L, (Dau & Madson), res 307 E Wis av Madson Matt, fireman N Paper Co, res 159 3rd av Madson Mrs Edith E, res 159 3rd av Magnus Sven, lab, res 114 3rd av Magnusen H P, finisher W Paper Co, bds 312 W N Water Magnusen Martin J, lab N Paper Co, res Town of Neenah Magnusen Martin, Sr, lab N Paper Co, res Town of Neenah Mahn H, res 328 N Commercial Mahoney Clara, res 421 1st Mahoney Denis, lab, res 421. 1st Mahoney John M, wks Wooden Ware, res 421 1st Mahoney Lizzie, res 421 1st Mahoney Mrs Ann, wid of Michael, res 421 1st Malchert Albert,wks Wooden Ware, res 405 Washington av Malchert Henry, wks Wooden Ware, res 405 Washington av Malchow Carl, cigar mkr Schmit & Son, res Abbey av Malchow Fred, wks Wooden Ware, res 409 5th Malchow Louis, lab, res 220 Hewitt Malchow Mrs Minnie, wid of Fred, res 409 5th DEAL.RS IN Cook & Brown liAe0 Dl'0W lmlll0 oCOAL0--INwooo WOOD t If you buy it at our Store-It's all right. If you pay less elsewhere you get less value. 687 BUNN'S NEENAH DIRECTORY. Malchow Otto, wks Wooden Ware, res 409 5th Maalchow Wm, brakeman C & N W, res 420 2nd Mallison Linnie, domestic, 129 W Wis av Malone Dennis, office 121 N Commercial, res same MANHATTEN LIFE INSURANCE, J H Healy district agent, The best in the world, 303 W N Water Mannion Martin, lab, res 332 N Commercial Mannion John, wks K & C Co, res 332 N Commercial Manley Eliza, clk Alex Billstein Co, res 230 E Franklin av Manley Lida E, teacher Point schl, res 415 W Winneconne av Manley Mary, nurse, res 230 E Franklin av Manley Mrs Ann, wid of Francis P, res 230 E Franklin av Manley Oscar, cheese mkr, res 415 W Winneconne av Manley Stillman, wks O Manley, res 415 W Winneconne av Mansur Jefferson, res 144 3rd av Mansur Sidney E, teamster. res 413 Pine . S. DEPOSITORY CAPITAL $200.000 NATIONAL UNION BANK W. K. Rideout. Pres. R. Ho Hackett, Casho of Oshkosh Northwest Corner Main and High. Mansur Sidney J, res 413 Pine Manteufel Alma and Pauline, domestic, 507 E Wis av Mantor Chester C, jeweler J H Hilton, res 219 Ann Mantor Melvin Z, lab, res 219 Ann MANUFACTURERS NATIONAL BANK. D C Van Ostrand prest, F C Shattuck vice prest, Chas Schriber 2nd vice prest, S B Morgan cashier. General banking, 109 W Wis av Marlow Arthur G, bar clk, res 207 Hewitt Marquardt Charles, lab W Paper Co, res 626 S Commercial MARSH C N, pharmacist E P Marsh, res 329 E Doty MARSH E P, Druggist. Dealer in drugs, medicines, paints, oils, wall paper, books, stationery etc, 106 W Wis av, res 329 E Doty Marsh H E, pharmacist E P Marsh, res 329 E Doty MARTENS C F, Grocer 116 Main, Sample room in connection, ras same, see advt Martens Charles, shoemaker, res 201 Ann ^a55Hsa BEB SHeSe E5Bg2HEa5 RYyd00V DU V UUUS -- h-:S-ed2 i __35C--div-25a DSnnn QUINN & ROG(E A IvLarge, a as2aP RE LEADE R S . New, Cheap and Best Line in Oshkosh. BUNN'S NEENAH DIRECTORY. 688 Martens Clara, res 116 Main Martens Julius Jr, clk C F Martens, res same Martens Robert, wks Smith Pail factory, res 201 Ann Martin Edward, bds 774 S Commercial Martin Julius, lab, res 613 Henry Martin Mrs Sophia, wid of C, res 613 Henry Martin Silas, painter, res 132 E Wis av Mason Bryan, res 133 E Columbian av Mason Charles, com trav, res 126 W Columbian av Mason Edith, student, res 133 E Columbian av Mason Floyd B, school teacher, res 133 EIColumbian av Mason Fred, wks K & C Co, res 409 W N Water Mason H E, school teacher, res 133 E Columbian av Mason Miles, blacksmith W A Mason, res 133 E Columbian Mason Wm A, horse shoeing 114 Canal, res 133 E Columbian MATHESON MRS A L, fine millinery W Wis av, res 234 E Doty av MATHESON NELS, res 234 E Doty av Mathewson Elizabeth M and Caroline T, res 451 E Wis av Mathewson Mrs L L, wid of B G. res 320 E Forest av Mathewson Mrs.Mary E, res 451 E Wis av Matthes Emil, lab, res S end Reed Matthes H A, lab, res 640 Oak Matthes Mrs Minnie, wid of Fred, res S end Reed Mattheson Reinhold, carp, bds 431 Washington av Matthews John, lab, res 210 Elm Matthews Mrs Jennett D, wid of Lorenze, res 210 Elm Mattson M, fireman N Paper Co, res 117 3rd av Maxwell Nellie, res 205 N Commercial Maxwell S J, carp, res 205 N Commercial Mayer George, lab, res 141 The Ave Mayer Geo J, clk B V McDermott & Co, res 124 The Ave Mayer Henry J, bkpr, res 428 3rd Mayer J F, agt Miller Brewing Co, res 534 Main Mayer John (Zieman & Mayer) bkpr Neenah Stove Works, res 117 Bond Mayer Josephine, res 141 The Ave Mayer Mary, dressmaker, res 534 Main Mayer Mary, domestic 213 E Forest av Wall Paper, Decoratings, Q(C~AL,L. C)ON n'M Iteft*o M ON HE LEADS THEM ALL. Paintings, Artists' Materials, 40 HIGH STREET. ont raebors and S-BUY t nract ?3luilders ~ ~ ~ . .,. l YOUR SUPPLIES OF THE RALPH M. BURTIS COo AND You WILL SAVE MONEYo -~i.. 7 7 ^Nl IN ST. BUNN'S NEENAH DIRECTORY. 689 Mayer Mrs Agnes, wid of Joseph, res 141 The Ave Mayer Theresa, res 141 The Ave McCallister Guy, driver H Fowler, res 410 W N Water McCallum Murray, ship clk K & C Co, res 324 W Forest av McCarty Thomas (Butler & McCarty) res 432 Sherry McCauley Clarence, res 135 N Commercial McCAULEY EDWARD, Dealer in sweet and sour milk. Cream and Cottage cheese 213 E Forest av, res same McCAULEY WM, Dairyman and milk depot. Milk, both sweet and sour, cream and everything in this line delivered to all parts of city, 418 Walnut, res same McCraley Anna M, dressmaker, res 300 Bond McCraley Mrs Kate, wid of George, res 300 Bond McCray Chas, meat cutter G Ulrich, bds Hotel Gehring National Union Bank OF OSHKOSH. W. K. RIDEOUT., PRESIDENT. HACKETT CASHIER. H. Northwest Corner of Main and High. McDERMOTT B V & CO, Dealers in a fine line of staple and fancy family groceries, provisions and canned goods. Fruit and vegetables. Stock always fresh and new. 125 W Wis av, res 255 E Wis av McDermott Charles, res 255 E Wis av McDermott Clarence, res 434 S Commercial McDermott Daniel, res 255 1 Wis av McDermott G L, physician and surgeon, rear of 201 W Wis av, res 434 S Commercial McDermott Helen G, teacher high school, res 255 E Wis av McDermott John, painter Wooden Ware, res 255 E Wis av McDermott Mayme, clk B V McDermott & Co, res 255 E Wisconsin av McGhan Jessie, res 120 E Franklin av McGhan Rose, res 326 N Commercial McGinley Daniel, eng Gilbert P Co, res 402 N Commercial McGinley James, wks Gilbert P Co, res 340 1st McGinlev May, res 402 N Commercial McGinn Emmett and Rose E, res Neenah Hotel McGinn Henry, clk Neenah Hotel, res same S the place to get a perfect ftt atan SUIT. .FASH.IONABLE. a NI IW BAj | 28 WASHINGTON STREET, THE LOWEST PRICES THlE BEST STOCK 690 BUNNS N_ N -690 H. F. WENRICH'S GWRANT BUNN'S NEENAH DIRECTORY. McGINN J F, propr Neenah H, res 112-114 N Commercial McGinn James, Justice of the Peace 105 N Commercial, res 326 N Commercial McGregor Margaret, teacher high school, rooms 415 S Commercial McGregor May, res 109 E Wis av McGrcgor Mrs M D, wid of Donald, res 109 E Wis av McGregor Wm H, mch Strange P Co, res 109 E Wis av McGuire Patrick, wks K & C Co, res 325 Center McLeod L H, foreman N Paper Co, res 511 Sherry McMahon Mrs Margaret, wid of Thomas, res 200 Railroad McMahon Sisters (Jennie and Bridget) dressmaking 120 W Wis av, res 200 Railroad McMillan W B, wks N Boot & Shoe Mfg Co, res 121 Olive McMurchie Peter, physician ard surgeon 124 W Wis av McMurchy Angus, watch mkr 208 Main, res same McMurchie Angus Jr, lab, res 208 Main McMurchy Duncan, clk Larsen & Peterson, res 208 Main McMurchy Edward, printer, res 208 Main McMurchy Wm D, carp, res 208 Main Mears Mary A, bkpr N Boot & Shoe Mfg Co, res 124 E Franklin av Mears Mrs Elizabeth, wid of Isaac, res 124 E Franklin av Mehl Mary, domestic 624 E Forest av Megasson Walter H, stenographer Whiting P Co, rooms 129 E Wisconsin av Melchert Albert, wks K & C Co, res 405 Washingtcn av Melchert Amos, electrician city E Co, res 215 Ann Meichert Clara, res 215 Ann Meltzer Mrs Elizabeth, wid of C, res 511 Cherry Menning Lena, domestic 217 W Doty av Merbach Charles, carp J Austin, res 240 5th Merrill S E, parcel delivery, res 405 W N Water Merry E N, carp, res 202 E Columbian av Merry E W, res 202 E Columbian av Merry Lillie, teacher 2d ward school, res 202 E Columbian Mertz Max, wks Wooden Ware, res 228 2nd Messmann Charles, lab, res 424 E Franklin av Messmann Edith, res 240 2nd WRHE BUILDIN6A ATERIAL _... . COAL AND WOOD. COWM t COOK & NLIM COMPANY. Because we Buy and Sell the most and at the Lowest Prices. They do say that we are the Leaders. BUNN'S NEENAH DIRECTORY. 6)91 Messmann Ernest, lab, res 240 2nd Messmann John. wks K & C Co. res 240 2nd METROPOLITAN LIFE INSURANCE CO of New York, Arno W Gerth, asst supt, 102 W Wis av Metterich Edward, baggage C & N W, res 438 High Metz & Kohrt (Otto Metz and Ernest Kohrt) soda water, etc, 416 E Franklin av Metz Otto (Metz & Kohrt) res 416 E Franklin av Meyer.August, lab, res 142 3rd Meyer Mrs Augusta, wid of John, res 6Q1 The Ave Meyer Fred H, wks Cooks P Co, res 133 2nd Meyer Henry, tel opr C & N W, rooms 136 N Commercial Meyer John, tailor Dau & Madson, res 131 E Franklin av Meyer John A, wks N Paper Co, res 312 Hewitt Meyer Minnie, dressmaker, res 601 The Ave Meyer Wm, lab, res 267 Lake Shore road ofoshkosh CADPITOR20Y NATIONAL UNION BANK CAPITAL $200,000 W. K. Rideout, Pres. R. H. Hackett, Cash. Northwest Corner Main and High. Mhyre John 0, lab Gas Co, res 235 Ann Michelson Andrew, supt public wks, res 301 S Commercial Michelson Ella and Anna, res 301 S Commercial Michelson James fireman K & C Co, res 212 S Commercial Michelson Sam, lineman Wis T Co, bds 212 S Commercial Mickelsen, Rev Mickel, pastor Norwegian Luth Church, res 109 Cherry Millard A R, com trav, res 314 Sherry Miller Alfred H, meat market 412 Lincoln, res 337 4th Miller Chris, clk G Kalfahs, res 403 E Franklin av Miller George, finisher W Paper Co, res 117 W Doty Miller Hattie, domestic 115 E Columbian av Miller Herman, retired, res 103 The Ave Miller Henry, carp, res 229 2nd Miller Lauritz, paper mkr Howard P Co, res 414 Lincoln Miller Lena A, dressmaker, res 400 Caroline Miller John, wks Wooden Ware, res 225 3rd Miller Julius, wks C T Co, res 422 W Winneconne av Miller Mrs Hannah, wid of F H, res 414 Lincoln Miller Wm E, wks Wooden Ware, res 310 Bond & R Gf lI\ \ IN Ia*s S EET. have bargains mi they D r iry Goods, Cloaks and Carpets, IF STYLISH The You will Tailor find it was made by 692 BUNN'S NEENAH DIRECTORY. Mills Andrew J, res 432 W Winneconne av Minton Alfred, fireman W Paper Co, res 513 Caroline MOCKLY GERHARD (Mockly Bros & Sailer) bds Hotel Gehring Modrey Charles, wks Walter Bros, bds Hotel Gehring Moelke Jacob, moulder Bergstrom B, res 212 S Commercial Mohngan Joseph J, painter, res 411 Washington Mongan Thomas, riverman, res 521 The Ave MONTGOMERY J A, mail carrier No 1, res 163 E N Water Montgomery Mrs Ida, wid of Thomas, school teacher, res 163 E N Water Montgomery Mrs Sylvia, wid of Wm, res 212 Oak Moore James, switchman W C Ry, bds 432 Sherry Morey Julius B, machine agent, res 206 W Winneconne av Morey Lulu M, stenographer, res 206 W Winneconne av MORGAN S B, cashier Manufacturers National Bank, res 313 E Forest av Morris Mrs Jane, bds 217 Main Morrison Eu(ene C, gardener, res 420 Lake Shore av Morrissey Daniel J, wks Howard P Co, res 300 Bond Morse Mrs Mary, res 109 Park av Mortensen Chas, wks Wooden Ware, res 316 Center Mortensen Rasmus, lab Wieckert's Mill, res 316 Center Mott Florence B, school teacher, res 205 3rd Mott Harriet E, res 205 3rd MOTT WESLEY, attorney and counselor at law 109 W Wis av, res 205 3rd MOTT W MAYHEW, Secy Twin City building, Loan and Savings association, Notary Public 109 W Wis av, res 205 3rd Mouritsen Paul P, lab, res 440 E Columbian av Mueller Addie, res 302 Monroe Mueller August, lab, res 302 Monroe Mueller M A Lizzie, dom 203 W Doty av. res 302 Monroe Mueller Fred, sec foreman Wis C Ry, res 302 Monroe Mueller Jost, res 310 Bond MULLOY JEREMIAH, Attorney at law, 111 W Wis av, res 317 Lake Shore road III oe The, Leading PAINTER and DECORATOR. ACarries a full line of Artistic Wal P~e We want you to be pleased with everything you buy at our store. If you're not, tell us. WE'LL MAKE IT GOOD . The Ralph M. Burtis Co.-Hardware 177 MAIIN STREEi'T. 693 BUNN'S NEENAH DIRECTORY. Mulloy Michael, res 317 Lake Shore road Murer Felix, saloon and restaurant 200 W Wis av, res same Myhre Emma, res 317 Caroline Myhre Olaf A, wks O O Myhre, res 317 Caroline Myhre O 0, blacksmith 1.23 N Commercial, res 317 Caroline Myhre Hulda, opr Wis Telephone Co, res 317 Caroline Myhre Lena D, dressmaker, res 317 Caroline Myhre Valberg, opr Wis Telephone Co, res 317 Caroline N Nachtwey Geo F, barber shop and bath rooms 107 N Commercial, res same Nagel Ida, res 435 E Columbian av Nagel Wm, mason, res 435 E Columbian av Nantke Gusta, domestic 323 N Commercial Nash Edward, wks Wooden Ware, res 210 Hewitt National Union Bank OF OSHKOSH. W. K. RIDEOUT, R.H. HACKETT, PRESIDENT. CASHIER. Northwest Corner of Main and High. Nash Ida, wks N Boot & Shoe Co, res 207 Hewitt Nash Wm, mach tender Gilbert's P Co, res 522 N Commercial NATIONAL BANK OF NEENAH "THE9' Robt Shiells prest: J A Kimberly vice-prest; John Shiells cashier. general banking 100 W Wis av, see advt NATIONAL EXPRESS CO, I E Pynn agt, 105 N Commercial Neenah Boot & Shoe Mfg Co, D W Bergstrom prest; J P Shiells vice-prest; D C Van Ostrand treas; L C Oborn secy, mfrs of shoes, Race street Neenah Brewery, Adam Ehrgott prop 129 Lake Neenah Cold Storage. 434 Sherry NEENAH DAILY AND WEEKLY NEWS, L H Kimball prop and edit r, (Republican), 135 W Wis av NEENAH DAILY & WEEKLY TIMES, J N Stone, prop and editor, (Democratic) 127 W Wis av NEENAH HOTEL, 112 N Commercial F ^ | A1 BAN. , TI -28 N IN... IASfHII G TALLO(R AI D FASHIONABLE Call and see the prettiest inre of novelties in the city. NG TON. afa Amonum -- ______- W orA _ We manufacture anything In , MONUMENTAL and .- H. F. WENRICH'S Granite Works 694 CEMETERY WORK and have the largest and best line in the city. BUNN'S NEENAH DIRECTORY. NEENAH & MENASHA COAL CO, Otto Gelhaar prop; H M Northrup mgr. Dealers in all kinds of coal and wood 506 N Commercial Neenah & Menasha Gas & Electric Co, John Marx prest; Geo A Davis secy and mgr, cor Water and Race Neenah Paper Co, J A Kimberly prest; John A Kimberly secy and treas; J C Kimberly vice-prest 147 N Commercial NEENAH PLANING MILLS, E F Wieckert prop, 121 N Commercial, see advt NEENAH STOVE WORKS, Bergstrom Bros & Co props 619 Main Neff Gilbert, teaming, res 546 Oak Neff Myron, engineer city W Wks, res 232 Lake Shore road Nelson A C, foreman Geo Schmid & Son, res 515 E Winneconne av Nelson Alex G, lab, res 109 W Wis av Nelson Amelia, domestic Russell House Nelson Anna, res 127 2nd av Nelson Anton, mason, res 607 Sherry Nelson Alex, lab, res 109 W Wis av Nelson Chas, clk E H Adams, res 427 Caroline Nelson Chris, clk Dahms & Jandrey, res 540 Maple Nelson Christ, painter, res 427 Caroline Nelson Christ, hostler Mrs C B Clark, bds 611 E Doty av Nelson Christ, hostler Geo Danielson, res 655 W Winneconne av NELSON C W, plumber and taxidermist 123 E Wis av, res 321 Washington av, see advt Nelson Ellen, printer, res 514 Hewitt Nel-on Hans, lab Cook Mfg Co. res 514 Hewitt Nelson Hans, wks Krueger & Lachmann, res 410 E Columbian av Nelson Harold, res 316 S Commercial Nelson Henry, painter, res 205 E Wis av Nelson James C, lab, res 127 2nd av For the QUALITY BEST O CAL A0ND WOOD ... Go to the . r0n lile We show ten styles to the other stores one. We always give the most for the least. 695 BUNN'S NEENAH DIRECTORY. Nelson James F, sample rooms 113 N Commercial, res 117 N Commercial Nelson James, lab, res 427 Caroline Nelson J C, tailor Dau & Madson, res 231 E Wis av Nelson John, lab, res 215 W Wis av Nelson Lars, moulder stove works, res 722 Main Nelson Lena, domestic 601 Higgins av Nelson Louis, wks K & C Co, res 312 W North Water Nelson L P, carpenter, res 311 Van Nelson Mattie, domestic 120 E Franklin av Nelson Mrs Hannah, washwoman, res 213 W Wis av Nelson Mrs Kittie, wid of P C, res 254 Washington av Nelson Mrs C, wid of Fred, res 681 Oak Nelson Mrs Mary, wid of James, res 312 Smith Nelson Nels, res 428 Washington Nelson Nels, wks Wooden Ware, bds 413 Caroline PS. DEPOSITORY CAPITAL $200,000 NATIONAL UNION BANK of W. K. Rideout, Pres. R. H. Hackett, Cash. Nelson Nelson Nelson Nelson Oshkosh Northwest Corner Main and High. Nels, res 415 E Doty av Peter, lab, res S end S Commercial Peter, lab K & C Co, res 640 Washington Peter, painter, res 205 E Wis av . .DrrrrrYxa~lra··~rrY~ . . . R~---p- WM. NELSON, 3eweler and WatccmaRer. DEALER IN Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Silverware, Optical Goods, etc. Bicycles a specialty. 13 W. Wis ave. ]Residence same Nelson Rasmus, meat market 216 Wis av, re- 213 Wash av Nelson Rasmnus, wks Wooden Ware, res 121 4th Qr^M*AAA AT 0a,$, carpett QUINN a ROGGE'S, Dry 6oods, t7lloA- 1YOUR MONEY VILL GET YOU BARGAINS SPLENDID THE TAILOR · f angeW 0"8Our ~ __ B B^^/ft 696 Specialties are Correct Prices, Correct Styles, Correct Workmanship, therefore we ask a trial order. BUNN'S NEENAH DIRECTORY. Nelson Stephen, lab, res 410 E Columbian av Nelson T C, moulder Stove .Works, res 103 Lake Nelson Victor, moulder Stove Works, bds 722 Main Neubauer Charles, wks Wooden ware, res 127 3d av Neubauer Julius, lab, res 127 3rd av Neubauer Wm, lab N Paper Co, res 127 3rd av Neudeck A H, grocer 111 E Wis av, res same Neudeck Clara, res 111 E Wis av Neudeck Emil, driver A H Neudeck, res 111 E Wis av Neudeck Geo, clerk J H Neudeck, bds 111 E Wis av Neuman Albert lab, bds 502 Monroe Neustetter Charles, cigar mkr, res 433E Doty av Neustetter Christ cigar mkr, res 125 E Wis av Neustetter Christie, wks Wooden Ware, res 125 E Wis av Neustetter Elizabeth, res 125 E Wis av Neustetter Susie, wks N Boot & Shoe Co, res 125 E Wis av Newbert A A, supt N & M Gas & E Co, res 119 Church Newcomb Thomas, wks Howard P Co, res 915 Hewitt New Dane The. A weekly newspaper published each Tuesday, Harold Schmidt, editor, 201 E Wis av Nielson Christina, dressmaker, res 310 Harrison NIELSEN FREDERIK, house painter and paper hanger. First class work by first class workmen assured. 127 N Commercial, res 603 Caroline Nielson Julius, wks L Nielson, res 310 Harrison Nielson Lauritz, blacksmith 227 Main, res 310 Harrison Nielson Mrs F, wid of Peter, res 413 Henry Nielson R v J C, pastor Seventh Day Adventist Church, res 323 Union Nielson Otto, lab, res 323 Union Nitzel Mrs Sophia, wid of J Fred, plain sewing, res 321 E Wisconsin av Nitzel Mrs W, res 325 2nd Nitzel Wilma and Frederick, res 321 E Wis av NORTHRUP H M, manager Neenah & Menasha Coal Co. Insurance agent 506 N Commercial, res Menasha Nussbicker W H, bkpr KrueZer & L, res 107 E N Water Nyman August, paper mkr K & C Co, res 151 4th ARTISTS' MATERIALS At H. M. HARMON'S. The WALL PAPER and Leading PAINTE and DECORATOR. DECORATIONS. 40 HIGH STREET 90^ p<^^>0»< 9t<8 ¢THE PLACE TO BUY rn u rtiS thcbPen urnisbings, !i 4^/ US ..t ^ 8«^^e«><^eo^^«^ ^«__ CUTLERY, TOOLS AND TINWARE, 17 7 VnA ISN ST. BUNN'S NEENAH 697 DIRECTORY. OBERLY H L, Real estate bought sold and exchanged. Houses and other property for rent. Lands examined for non residents. Taxes paid for non residents. Lands bought and sold in Wisconsin, Dakota and other states. List your property with me. Office Patten block, cor Wis av and Commercial, res 627 Division Oborn Albina, res 216 Sherry Oborn Ed, res Russel House Oborn Ethel F, res 216 Sherry Oborn Louis C, secy N Boot & Shoe mfg Co, res 216 Sherry O'Brien C M, yard master C & N W, res 104 R R O'Brien George, mounter Stove Works, res 523 Henry O'Brien John, res 431 Elm National Union Bank OF OSHKOSH. . ACETT CASHIER. Northwest Corner of Main and ighQ, O'Brien Mary J, wks J Strange P Co, res 104 R R O'Brien Mrs Katherine, wid of M J, res 104 R R O'Brien Wm, mounter Stove Works, bds 523 Henry Ohde C L, bakery 111 N Commercial, res 212 Doty av Olds G, res 507 E Forest av Olds Robert, millwright, res 507 Forest av Olinski Richard, lab, res 243 4th Olkey Gustav, wks Wooden Ware Olmstead Charles C, jeweler Menasha, res 115 W Forest av Olmstead Elizabeth, school teacher, res 115 W Forest av Olmstead Jessie K and Grace B, res 335 Ninth Olmstead Mrs J B, res 335 Ninth Olmstead Mrs Mary, wid of O L, res 115 W Forest av Olmstead Lutie,bkpr Wm Kruger & Co,res 115 W Forest av Oleson Adolph, wks Wooden Ware, res 217 3rd Oleson Albert wks Gilbert P Co, res 217 3rd Oleson E A, wks N Boot & Shoe Mfg Co, res 333 E Wis av Oleson Edwin, tailor Dau & Madson, res 424 Washington Oleson Fred, wks Gilbert & Co, res 142 Fifth B A NTNI A_ __N_ - __T_ __ _ THE FASHIONABLE TAILOR Makes DRESS SUITS that fit, are pretty and cut in the latest style. 28 WASHINGTON OPPOSITE P 0'. ST. »-o<»<«»> ___»_^» < »a Those are important considerations In pur- PRICE * * QUALITY WORKMANSHIP ; ' .~,,,,~~.~e. _w' 698 chasing a MONUMENT. to serve you well. I am in a position H. F. WENRICH'S GRANITE WORKS, Oe,~OSHKOSH, WISCONSIN. BUNN'S NEENAH DIRECTORY. Oleson Lulu and Hattie, res 217 3rd Oleson Nannie, res 142 5th Oleson Ole F, millwright Gilberts P Co, res 142 5th Oleson Vina, res 333 E Wis av Oleson Andrew, millwright, res 130 3rd Olson Haus, finisher N Paper Co, res 138 3rd Olson John, sailor, bds 215 W Wis av Olson John, mason, res 126 3rd Olson John, hostler Peter Nelson, bds same Olsen Lauritz, wks Stove Works, res 109 First Olson Mrs J, wid of Ole, res 127 3rd Olson Ole, res 734 Main Olson Olga, wks N Boot & Shoe Mfg Co, res 127 3rd Olson P G, tailor Dau & Madson, res 424 Washington Orbenshein Fred, wks Kellogg & Coats Osborn W W, res 207 Washington av Ost August, lab brick yard, res 723 Main Otto Albert, florist 839 Main, res same Otto August, cigar mkr Schmit & Son, res 321 E Doty av Outagamie County Produce Co, Edwin H Adams mgr, 210 W Wisconsin av Owens David, bds 212 S Commercial Owens Elizabeth, dressmkr, res 325 E Franklin av Owens Henry, res 403 PRne Owens Wm H, paper mkr N Paper Co, res 447 E Doty av Ozanne I E, physician, surgeon and optician, 110 W Wis av, bds 459 S Commercial, rms 105 Winneconne av P. Paddock Francis. res 421 E Franklin av PAEPKE CHARLES, money order clk Post Office, res 217 W Doty av Paepke Chloe, res 217 W Doty av. Paepke Dora, res 217 W Doty av Paepke Henry, clk Stroebel & B, res 217 W Doty av Paepke Mrs C, millinery 141 W Wis av, res 217 W Dotv av Paetzold Mrs Bertha, mid wife, res 231 Ann Page Wm, tinner Stroebel & Baumgarten, bds Jasperson MANUFACTURER E ' U0:KJ U I ll. LIRl.UUB 'WHITE LIME, BRICK and OBRAIN TILE. We want Everything we sell is worth every cent we ask. no Money that does not buy Satisfaction. I BUNN'S NEENAH DIRECTORY. 699 Pagel John, lab Gilbert P Co. res 221 2nd Pagel Minnie, domestic, 255 E Columbian av Pagh Nelson Martin, hostler H Babcock, res 611 E Doty av Paine James E and Janet, res 209 Bond Paine John, wks Wooden Ware, res 209 Bond Palmer Clara, dressmkr. res 214 E Columbian av Palmer Frank, wks Wooden Ware, res 214 E Columbian av Palmer Mrs Olive, wid of G A, res 214 E Columbian av Palmer Roy A, res 214 E Columbian av Parker Albert, carpenter, res 136 3rd Parks Bertha, bookkpr, res 610 Isabella Parks Ida M, school teacher, res 610 Isabella Parks John E, janitor 2nd ward school, res 610 Isabella Parmeter C H, wks Cooks shingle mill, res 315 1st Parmeter Eli and Joel, res 315 1st Paschen Charles H, pop corn mfg, res 224 E Franklin av uA S. DEPOSITORY NATIONAL UNION BANK of Oshkosh CAPITAL $200,000 W. K. Rideout. Pres. R. H. Hackett. Cash, Northwest Corner Main and High. Paschen Henry, shoe mkr 224 Main, res same Paschen Henry S, lab, res 224 Main Patzel Eva, res 338 Bond Patzel Ida, domestic 124 E N Water Patzel John, drayman, res 777 W Winneconne av Patzel Joseph Jr, wks L Herziger, res 338 Bond Patzel Joseph Sr, tailor P Gaffney, res 338 Bond Patzel Katie, clk The Savings Bank, res cor High and Bond Patzel Lena and Mary, res 777 W Winneconne av Paul D A, mach Gilbert P Co, res 320 E Forest av PAUL JOSEPH D, (J Strange P Co), res 131 The Ave Paul Mrs Emily, wid of Chas. res 317 E Columbian av Paulsen Adolph, wks K & C Co, res 512 Monroe Paulsen Damie, cutter McMahon Sisters, res 520 Monroe Paulsen John, wks K & C Co, res 520 Monroe Paulsen Martin, res 520 Monroe Paulsen Ole, wks K & C Co, res 512 Monroe Paulsen Olaf, wks K & C Co, res 512 Monroe Paulsen Hans, res 323 Union Paulsen Mrs Mary, wid of Ole, res 239 2nd LEADERS IN I M LOW PRICES, CLOAKS, The Tailor SEE HIM 700 BUNN'S NEENAH DIRECTORY. Payne Arthur, lab, res 105 Park av Payne David, retired, res 842 Higgins av Payne Edley, res 105 Park av Pearson Frank, lab, res 217 2nd Peck Anna, res 109 E Doty av Peck Ed, mach tender W Paper Co, res 524 Henry Peck Frank D, bkpr Gilbert P Co, res 603 Henry Peck J W, nurse, res 603 Henry Peck Roland, lab K & C Co, res 603 Henry Pederson Edward, painter, res 514 Isabella Perry Alanson T, cooper, res 415 S Commercial Perry Nellie M, bds 214 W Doty av Perry Ola M, school teacher, res 415 S Commercial PETE'S PLACE, P N Jersild prop, sample rooms 202 W Wisconsin av Petersen Peterson Peterson Peterson Peterson Peterson Peterson Peterson Peterson Peterson Peterson Peterson Peterson Peterson Peterson Peterson Peterson Peterson Peterson Peterson Peterson Peterson Peterson Matilda, res 134 3rd Anna, dressmaker Forrest & S, res 614 Maple August, tailor, rms 129 1t Wis av Axel, carp, bds 629 W Winneconne av Carl, carp, bds 115 W Doty av Chris, lab K & C Co, res 614 Maple Christ, wks Wooden Ware, bds 413 Caroline Clara S, res 215 W Winneconne av Eva, bds 431 Washington Fred, lab, res 447 E Doty av Fred, painter, bds 212 S Commercial Fred, gardener. res 579 1st av Henry, stove packer stove works, res 603 Sherry James, lab, res 614 Maple Jennie, bds Jasperson House John, lab, res 215 W Winneconne av John, lab, res 115 W Doty av John, wks W Paper Co, res 153 2nd av Lars, moulder stove works, res 125 Olive Mamie, res 215 W Winneconne av Mary, wks Mrs Jensen, res 603 Sherry Mrs, cook Jasperson House, bds same Mrs Ellen, wid of C, washing, res 312 Harrison WALL PAPER The lIargest and Finest Line in the city at H M.HARMON'S, TH 40 HIGH STREET. SELLS THE . avorite Stoves8 . Zanges THE BEST IN THE MARKET. 177 MAIN ST. 701 BUNN'S NEENAH DIRECTORY. Peterson Mrs Johanna,.wid of Swen, res 212 Main Peterson Peter, lab W Paper Co, res 211 Van Peterson Peter, wks Wooden Ware, bds 212 4th Peterson Peter, wks Wooden Ware, res 212 Main Peterson Sarah, nurse, 507 E Wis av Peterson Stena, domestic 420 S Commercial PETERSON WM, (Larsen & Peterson), res not located yet Peterson Wm, wks Winnebago P Mills, res 208 4th Pfeiffer Flora K, res 134 W Columbian av Pfeiffer Mrs Ida, wid of Adolph, res 134 W Columbian av Pfeiffer Tillie and Emma, res 134 W Columbian av Pfeil George, clk Hotel Gehring, bds same Phetteplace L A, foreman E F Wieckert, res 220 N Commercial Phetteplace Martin, lab, res 213 W Wis av Phillips Adolph, malster Walter Bros, bds Hotel Gehring Nationa Un ion OF OSHKOSH. W. K. RIDEOUT, H OU. Bank w. HAKET PRESIDENT. CASHIER. Northwest Corner of Main and High. Phillips Arthur, foreman Wooden Ware, bds Hotel Gehring Phillips Fred F, barber, res 421 Caroline Phillips Zola, res 421 Caroline Pichler Jacob, bar tender O M Lyken's, bds same Pickard Herman, lab, res 313 W Forest av Piller Chas, wks Wooden Ware, res 302 Hewitt PINKERTONL J, (J L Fieweger & Co), general insurance office 207 Main, Menasha, res 325 9th PINGEL JOHN, (Draheim & Pingel), res 116 W Wis av Pingel Mrs Enga, res 634 Higgins av Pingel Mrs Mary, wid of John, res 116 W Wis av Piepenberg Clara, domestic 202 Church, res 321 Monroe Pipenburg Ferdinand, lab, res 321 Monroe Pipenburg Herman, flagman Wis C Ry, res 415 Harrison Ploetz E W, ticket act W C Ry, res 212 S Commercial PLUMMER H H, Lime, cement, etc, Canal St Menasha, res 132 E Forest av, see advt Plummer Mrs Josiah, res 132 E Forest av Plummer Olive, kindergarten teacher, res 132 E Forest av Plummer Ziepha, res 132 E Forest av A 1 N^ B11 1 I1 fashionable 5T 7ailor 28 WASHINGTON ST. OPPOSITE POST OFFICE. H. F. WENRICH'S Granite Works MAIN STREET. It pays to get my ESTIMATES OSHKOSH, WIS. Special Designs Furnished 702 BUNN'S NEENAH DIRECTORY. Pohlman John, hostler S A Cook, bds samePommerenke Anna, domestic 402 9th Pope C H, contractor and builder 400 Caroline, res same Pope Ida, domestic 304 S Commercial Popp Georfe, wks Walter Bros, bds Hotel Gehring POSTAL TELEGRAPH CABLE CO, Helen Hunt, manager 117 N Commercial Posselt Helen, domestic 324 Ninth Posselt Sophia, domestic E Forest av Prebensen James P, photographer 204 W Wisconsin av, res 167 E N Water Prebensen Julia, dressmaker, res 167 E N Water Prebensen Mrs Anna M, wid of John, res 167 E N Water Price Thomas G, mason K & C Co, res 818 Higgins av Price Mary, res 774 S Commercial Price William, res 774 S Commercial Pride E B, wks W C Ry, res 310 Smith Pride Nina, bkpr The Wilde Co, res 310 Smith Pride Norma, res 310 Smith Proctor Anna L, res 324 E Doty av Proctor John, res 324 E Doty av PYNN IRWIN E, agt American Express Co and National Express Co, res 120 E Doty av Pyritz Bertha, domestic 314 W Forest av o Quinan Martin, wks Woolen Mill, res 414 3rd Quinn P R, retired, bds 212 S Commercial R Raaen Walter J, clk G Kalfahs, res 109 Olive Rabe Flora, wks W Paper Co, res 406 Harrison Rabe.Frederick, lab K & C Co, res 411 Harrison Rabe Henry, mason, res 406 Harrison Rabe Lizzie, wks M Paper Mill, res 406 Harrison Rabe Sophia, res 411 Harrison Race Anna, domestic 125 Washington av OF ALL KINDS. If you buy it at our Store-It's all right. If you pay less elsewhere you get less value. ', 703 DIRECTORY. BUNN'S NEENAH Race Minnie, domestic 413 Church RADDATZ AUGUST G, horse shoeing and general blacksmithing, wagon repairing, etc. Dealers in buggies, sleighs, and all first class vehicles. Manufacturer of the "Only Plow," 234 Main, res 315 Torry Raddatz Ida, domestic 118 W N Water Raddatz Minnie, res 315 Torry Raddau Herman, lab, res 403 Monroe Raefeldt Charles, res 219 Ann Ranney Jane, res 110 WVColumbian av Ranz Jacob, mason. res 434 High Raprager August, lab, res 802 S Commercial Raprager Elma, res 802 S Commercial Raprager Ida, dressmkr. res 802 S Commercial Rasmusson Cena C, res 620 Caroline NATIONAL UNION BANK of Oshkosh .AP. DEPOSITORY $200,000 CAPITAL W. K. Rideout, Pres. R. H. Hackett, Cash. Northwest Corner Main and High. Rasmussen Christ, foreman W Paper M, res 504 Church Rasmusson Ella W, res 620 Caroline Rasmusson Hans, lab, res 620 Caroline Rasmussen Hans, lab K & C Co, res 417 Caroline Rasmussen H G, cab mkr Sorenson & Son, res 530 Maple Rasmussen Henry, painter C E Herrick, res 119 E Wis av Rasmussen Jacob, meat market 107 E Wisconsiu av, res 118 S Commercial Rasmusson James, wks Cook Mfg Co, res 519 Henry Rasmusson Nels, electrician, res 244 5th Rasmussen Peter, hostler J Stevens, res 457 Washington av Rasmussen Peter, painter, res 119 E Wis av Rasmussen Peter, packer Stove Works, res 320 Harrison Rather Oscar A, druggist Kimberly & E, bds Russell H Ratzloff Gustav, lab, bds 403 Monroe Rausch Jacob, carp, res 116 E Columbian av Rausch Joseph, wks F Kaphingst, res 116 E Columbian av Rausch Louis, res 116 E Columbian av Rausch Matthew, clk J Leutenegger, res 116 E Columbian Rausch Maggie M, dressmkr, res 116 E Columbian av QUINN & ROGOGE <SE5ES25555S H255HS5 5E5 9 D Is n OOD5j +sUKV·2 UUUUi ^gCSi q73P5C;.25~-2.~sq?-= ?q-S0 ^ A R LEA D E RS . Large, New, Cheap and Best Line in Oshkoshi. MAKES CLOTHES THAT FIT THE FORM 704 BUNN'S NEENAH DIRECTORY. Rausch Mrs Mary, res 116 E Columbian av Redden Herman, lab N Paper Co, res 409 Monroe Redden Mrs Minnie, wid of Wm, res 409 Monroe Redlin Wm F, res 408 Caroline Reed F H, with Mil Tea Co, res 413 E Forest av Reed Mrs Polly, wid of Wm L, res 302 River Reetz August, wks K & C Co, res 216 Hewitt Relyea Charles, wks W Paper Co, res 220 Center Relvea Ida M, dressmkr, res 220 Center Relyea Mrs M A, wid of J D, res 220 Center Relyea Murray, wks Whiting P Co, res 220 Center Rhoades A E, coachman G Bergstrom, res 353 Park av Rhoades E A, florist and gardener 353 Park av, res same Rhoades May, student, res 353 Park av Rhoades Thos C, telegraph operator, res 353 Park av Rhymer Joseph, engineer, res 543 Chestnut Rhymer Nancy, res 543 Chestnut Rhymer Rika, res 415 W N Water Rhymer Wmi, wks K & C Co, res 415 W N Water Rich Wm, tinner Stove Works, res 540 1st av Rich Mrs Anna, wid of Charles, res 540 1st av Richards Ida, dressmkr, res 303 N Commercial Richards W H, com trav, res 303 N Commercial Rieck Herman, lab, bds 425 E Columbian av Riedhauser Lottie, domestic Roberts Summer Hotel Riley A E, machine agt McCormick, bds Neenah Hotel Ritten Casper, res 324 2nd Ritten Henry, back tender K & C Co, res 324 2nd Ritten John, back tender K & C Co, res 324 2nd Ritten Mary, domestic 113 1st Roberts H Estelle, res Roberts Summer Hotel Roberts M E, propr Roberts Summer Hotel, res 621 E Forest av Robinson Frank H, wks Wooden Ware, res 323 W N Water Robinson John, salesman Wm Schumann, res 217 Smith Robinson N S, physician and surgeon, office Patten Block, res 204 E Forest av Robinson Wm J, clk C M & St P, res 424 Washington av 0c1 Rt. M. ItM oiZsn Wall Paper, Decoratings. ON, AL. 2I EDSTE HE LEADS THEM ALL. . Paintings, Artists' Materials, 40HIG....T 40 HIGH STREET, BUY YOUR SUPPLIES OF THE ',nd ^roirao .........- .ad- RALPH M. BURTIS CO. Suildders AND YOU WILL 17 7 SAVE MONEY. N/VPI'IN ST. 705 BUNN'S NEENAH DIRECTORY. Roblee C E, teamster Wooden Ware, res 320 W Forest av Roblee Jessie, res 320 W Forest av Rogers Frank, lab Gas Co, res 219 E Wis av Rohloff Wm J, wks Wooden Ware, res 310 3rd Roland Michael, saloon 113 E Wis av, res same Roland Rose and Frank, res 113 E Wis av ROMER JAMES, prop of the Union House and saloon 114 N Commercial, res same Rountree Mary, ast prin High school, bds 447 E Wis av Ruge Fred, lumberman, res 221 E Franklin av Ruge Nellie, res 221 E Franklin av Runde Otto, wks Woolen Ware, res 411 E Franklin av Rusch Charles, wks Stove Works, res 253 2nd Rusch Fred, wks Wooden Ware, res 253 2nd Rusch Rikie, res 253 2nd National Union Bank W. K. RIDEOUTL R. PRESIDENT. HACKETT cASHR. Northwest Cqrner of Main and High. OF OSHKOSH. Rusch Wm, lab, res 253 2d Rushford Clayton, lab, bds 401 Van Rushford John, brakeman W C, res 401 Van Russell E T, mill wright, res 211 Union Russell John, retired, res 309 High Russell Patrick, shoe maker, res 203 Division Russell Warren, cook Russell House, bds same S Sage Mrs Helen, res 243 E Doty av Sanders Byron, 'atty, res 113 E Franklin av Sande Emil, wks N Boot & Shoe Mfg Co, bds Union House Sande George E, mill wright, res 526 S Commercial Sande Mattie, res 214 Washington Sande Nellie 0, student, res 526 S Commercial Sandven Bertha, Domestic Union House Sandvin George, lab stone quarry, bds 263 L S road Sanford Elmer, wks Wooden Ware, res 408 5th Sanford Herbert, wks K & C Co, res 416 Hewitt Sanford L, wks Woodon Ware, res 210 R R . , * ls the place to get a perfect fit and a FASHIONABLE SUIT. IIW 28 WASHINGTON STREET, _ AA ji ~THE * m, ______________________ i WH. LOWEST PRICES WORKMANSHIP XUNEXCELLED THE BEST STOCK F. WENRICH'S WORKSmil GWORKS BUNN'S NEENAH DIRECTORY. 706 Sanford Luther, wks Wooden Ware, res 407 The Ave Sauer Paula, teacher Ger Luth school, bds 311 Franklin av Savings Bank, Fred B Wines mgr, 141 W Wis av Sawyer Bert L, teamster C L Sawyer, res 125 E Doty av SAWYER C L. Dealer in hard and soft coal, hard and soft wood, all lengths. Delivered to all parts of the Twin Cities. Telephone No. 70. Office 125 N Commercial. Yard at Forest av and E Water, res 201 S Commercial Sawyer Chas W, agt Chicago Record 143 W Wis av, res cor Hewitt and 6th Sawyer Fanny, res 201 S Commercial Sawyer Henry W, wks Wooken Ware, res 518 Hewitt Sawyer Lewis G, wks Wooden Ware, res 518 Hewitt Sawyer Walace H, wks Appleton Inter Ry, res 518 Hewitt SCHALLER P L, stenographer and bkpr Menasha Paper Co, res 200 N Commercial Schatzmann D, lab, res 233 Lake Shore Road Scherer Mary, domestic, Union House Schwerin Anna, domestic, 308 E Wis av Schimpf Dora, res 123 E N Water Schimpf Henry C F, harness mkr 211 W Wis av, res 123 EN Water. Schlichting August, cooper, res 312 Lake Shore Road Schlichting Edward, lab, res 312 Lake Shore Road Schlichter M J, tailor C H Kramer, res 211 Main Schmid Adeline, res 129 W Wis av Schmid Conrad, clk Geo Schmid & Son. res 129 W Wis av Schmid Geo & Son, (Geo and G M) cigars, 129 W Wis av Schmid Geo M, (Geo Schmid & Son), res 129 W Wis av Schmid George, (George Schmid & Son), res 129 W Wis av Schmidt Harold, editor and Publisher The New Dane 201 E Wis av, res same Schmidt.Herman, wks Wooden Ware, res 246 Third Schmidt Ida, res 227 3rd .Schmidt Otto, wks Wooden Ware, res 227 3rd Schmidt Wm, carp E F Wieckert, res 227 3rd Schmidt Wm H, carp, res 227 3rd BUILDING MATERIAL rTEW PCOOK COAL AND WOOD. B A WROWN LIMME COMPANY. They do say that we are the Leaders. Because we Buy and Sell the most and at the Lowest Prices. BUNN'S NEENAH DIRECTORY. 707 SCHMITZ J J, Horseshoer. A specialty made of track shoeing and special attention given in quarter cracks, contraction, etc, 203 Main, res same Schneider W E, car accountant W C, res 244 E Dotv av Schneller Frank, Peter and Jacob, res 200 N Commercial Schneller J B, clk H Trade Shoe Co, res 200 N Commercial Schneller Lydia, res 200 N Commercial Schneller Rev J, Pastor Ger Evan church, res 200 N Commercial Schnitzer Jacob, cigar mkr Geo Schmid & Son, res 401 E Columbian av Schottler Albert, moulder, res 117 Harrison Schrader Herman, res 249 Lake Shore Road SCHRIBER CHARLES, 2nd vice prest Manufacturers Nat Bank, res Oshkosh Wis Schreiber Frank, cooper C Smith, res 120 Abby av UP S. DEPOSITORY -CAPITAL $200.,000 NATIONAL UNION BANK of W. K. Rideout, Pres. R. H. Hackett, Cash. Oshkosh Northwest Corner Main and High. Schreiner Nicholas, cigar mkr Geo Schmid & Son, bds 313 Commercial SCHROEDER ALBERT F, druggist The Wilde Co, res 503 Church Schroeder Lena and Bertha, wks Whiting P Co, bds 249 2nd Schultz Anna, wks N Boot & Shoe Mfg Co, res 605 Division Schultz Berndard, barber O W Smith, rms 311 E Wis av Schultz Charles, druggist M E Barnett & Co, res 605 Division Schultz Charles F, cigar mfr 108 N Commercial, res 330 SmithSchultz E H, druggist M E Barnett & Co, res 605 Division Schultz Emma, domestic, 547 E Wis av Schultz Ferdinand, tailor Dau & Madson, res Appleton Schultz Henry, lab, res 113 Van Schultz Ida, domestic, 325 Ninth Schultz N F, painter, res 121 W Franklin av Schultz Robert, lab, res 420 5th Schultz Wm, Jr, wks Wooden Ware, res 517 Division iN IN K( I0l I '\U 3 aa3 MAIN STrREET. [ they have bargains iu L Dry Good-, and Carpets, Cloaks The IF STYLISH 'ff* You will find it was made by 708 Tailor BUNN'S NEENAH DIRECTORY. Schultz Wm, Sr, carp, res 605 Division Schumacher Magdalen, domestic, 216 W North Water Schumann August, lab, res 414 Oak SCHUMANN CHARLES J, mgr Wm Schumann, res 405 Sherry Schumann Lena, wks rag room. res 414 Oak Schumann Lena, domestic, 135 E Wis av SCHUMANN WM, Farm Implements, 223 Main, res 405 Sherry Schuster Otto J, prin High school, res 209 W Doty av Schwartz Anton, shoemkr, res 615 Church Schwartz Frank, lab, res 615 Church Schwartz Lulu, res 615 Church Schweitzer Phillip, agt Wm Hartig 209 Ann, res same Schwieger David, general agent J I Case Co, rooms 210 W Forest av, res Watertown Scofield Chas, ship clk N Boot & Shoe Mfg Co,. res 117 Oak Scofield Chas Jr, barber J G Thomas, res 517 Oak Scofield Frances and Helen, res 517 Oak Scott Charles W, agricultural implements 123 N Commercial, res 203 W Forest av Scott Clara M, res 116 Olive Scott Frank, res 203 W Forest av Scott G R, cor trav, res 220 W Forest av Scott George E, milk dealer, res 116 Olive Scott James, lab, res 714 Main Seager Edward S, wks Wooden Ware, res 99 3rd Seatoft Wm, hardware 126 W Wisconsin av, bds 212 S Commercial Seefeldt C, cigar mkr, res 762 S Commercial Seefeldt Fred, wks Wooden Ware, res 762 S Commercial Seefeldt Otto, lab Wooden Ware, res 762 S Commercial Seelow Carrie, domestic 205 W N Water Seelow Ida, domestic 117 E N Water Selden Jennie B, res 504 Main Sensenbrenner Frank, with K & C Co, res 124 E N Water Severson Mrs Sarah, res 230 Smith Sexton John C, lab, res 419 E Forest av O: The Leading n n PAINTER and l*e 111* ll~llll~il DECORATOR. Carries a full line of Artistic We want you to be pleased with everything you buy at our store. If you're not, tell us. WE'LL MAKE IT GOOD.- The Ralph M. Burtis Co.=Hardware 177 7FAIN TREET. 709 BUNN'S NEENAH DIRECTORY. Sexton Mary, res 419 E Forest av Sexton Michael, lab, res 234 3rd Sexton Mrs Sarah, wid of John, res 419 E Forest av Sharpless Earl, back tender W Paper Co, res 411 Clark Sharpless Wnm, 3d hand W Paper Co, res 411 Clark Shattuck Arthur and Vina, res 547 E Wis av SHATTUCK F C, vice-prest Manufacturers Nat'l Bank, sec and treas K & C Co, res 547 E Wis av Shattuck S F, clk F C Shattuck, res 547 E Wis av Shaw Sarah, 2nd cook Russell House, bds same Shaw Wm, section foreman C & N W, res 164 E N Water SHEDD GEORGE, clk Russell House, bds same SHEERIN HENRY, mail carrier No 2, res 308 E Forest av Sheerin Roy F, lab, res 303 Hewitt Sheerin Thaddeus S, eng Gilbert P Co, res 303 Hewitt Shepherd Harry, gardener, res 592 1st av Sherene Minnie, domestic 168 E N Water nk w.K.RIDEOUT, CASHIER. ion BankHACKETT, Ndation Union NationalI U PRESIDENT.- Northwest Corner of Main and High. OF OSHKOSH. Sherman Alice M, res 516 S Commercial Sherman Carrie L, res 115 Cherry Sherman Chas, groceries and meats 418 Sherry res same Sherman Frank, eng Howard P Co, res 111 E Forest av Sherman George, clk C Sherman, res 418 Sherry Sherman Wm, warehouseman Neenah Cold Storage, res 115 Cherry SHERMAN WM B, Confectionery, Ice Cream Parlors and Restaurant. Dealer in candies, fruits, soda water, ice cream, ices, cigars, tobacco and smokers' articles. Meals served at all hours, 322 N Commercial, res same Sherry Henry, res 527 E Wis av Sherry James, millwright, res 609 Church Sherry Niel, driver J Thompson, res 609 Church Sherry Thomas, bds Russell House, res 119 W Wis av SHIELLS JOHN P, cashier The National Bank of Neenah, vice-prest N Boot & Shoe Mfg Co, res 402 Church SHIELLS ROBERT, prest The National Bank of Neenah, res 243 E Doty av B^AA B I T1 TFASHIlONABLE TAILOR, N r TIN d Il | Call and see the frettiest -ine _______ ____ __of 28 novelties in the city, AIASHItNG1TOr.N. TTIAU^"+_ 7 1 We manufacture anything In G mFliNRtIC t r kB -and H. F. WENRICH'S Granite Works 710 .MONUMENTAL and CEMETERY WORK have the largest and best line in the city. BUNN'S NEENAH DIRECTORY. Shillcox Ruth, domestic 402 Church Shoenrock Herman, lab K & C Co, res 324 Washington av Shoetz Amanda, domestic 207 Sherry Shumaker Chas, engineer W P Co, res 113 E Franklin av Shumaker Hiram, carpenter, res 113 E Franklin av Shumaker Mildred, res 113 E Franklin av Sill Wm, res 239 E Franklin av Silverfriend Lenor, clk Alex Billstein Co, res Appleton Wis Simon Max, wks N Simon, res 207 Sherry Simon Nicholas, (N Simon & Co), res 207 Sherry Simon N & Co, (N Simon, J T Jagodnigg and Wm J Ennisson). wholesale cheese, butter and eggs 434 Sherry Simonsen John, mounter stove works, res 615 Sherry Sindahl Anna, res 427 Washington Sindahl Oscar, mason, res 303 W Winneconne av Sindahl N C, res 423 Washington SINDAHL WM, Contractor and Builder, Planing Mill. Sash, Doors, Blinds, Building material etc 427 Washington, res same, see advt Sinderman August, wks Walter Bros Brewing Co, bds 417 3rd Simpson Emma M, res 104 R R SINGER MFG CO, J W Luce a-gt 312N Commercial Skousgard Lais, carp, res 511 E Winneconne av Slusher W A, stenographer Whiting P Co, rooms 129 E Wisconsin av Slusher Walter, stenographer stove wks, res 127 E Wis av Smiles Benj D, watchman stove works, res 220 Washington Smiles Mrs M L, teacher 2nd ward, res 220 Washington av Smith Mrs Maria, res 220 Washington av Smith A J, (Smith & Smith), res 111 W Columbian av Smith Anna M, res 411 E Doty av Smith Anna, dressmaker Forrest & S. res W Menasha Smith Bertha, wks Hotel Gehring, bds same Smith C E, res 143 2nd av Smith Cephus C, stenographer Wooden Ware, res 222 W Winneconne av Smith Chas F, res 303 Church' For the BEST QUALITY OFl COAL AND WOOD .... Go to the inI eC We always give the most for the least. · We show ten styles to the other stores one. 711 BUNN'S NEENAH DIRECTORY. SMITH CHARLES R, prest First National Bank of Menasha, prest Menasha Wooden W Co, res 708 E Forest av Smith E J, physician and surgeon 121 W Wis av, bds Russel House Smith E L, (Smith & Smith)-, res 122 W Doty av Smith Frank, fireman Wooden Ware, res 413 Green SMITH H S, secy Menasha Wooden Ware Co, res 532 E Forest av Smith Harriet B, res 336 Main Smith John, moulder Mockly Bros & S, bds Hotel Gehring Smith Louisa, domestic, 117 Bond Smith Mark, ship clk Wooden Ware, bds 306 River Smith Mrs F, wid of August, res 216 Hewitt Smith Mrs H F, res 423 S Commercial Smith Mrs Menerva, wid of Alfred, res 111 W Columbian av Smith Mrs Sarah, wid of Edward, res 303 Church U. s. DEPOSITORY NATIONAL UNION BANK of Oshkosh CAPITAL $200,000 W. K. Rideout, Pres. R. H. Hackett, Cash. Northwest Corner Main and High. Smith Mrs Vesta A, wid o Hiram, res 336 Main Smith N 0, tinner Stove Works, res 520 Van Smith Nels, wks J Healy, res 411 E Doty av Smith O W, barber shop 106 N Commercial, res 423 S Commercial Smith Peter B, painter, res 222 W Winneconne av Smith &'Rasmussen (P B Smith, Peter Kasmussen,' painters, 119 E Wisconsin av Smith Rev B, retired, res 448 S Commercial Smith & Smith (A J and E L), barbers, 128 W Wis av Smith Seymour P, res 579 E Wis av Smith Theresa A, res 222 W Winneconne av Smith Wright, gardner, res 591 1st av Snell Bessie, (Forest & Snell), res 133 W Wis av Snell Maud, domestic, 429 E Wis av Solomon Charles, lab, res 504 Oak Solomon Fred, lab, res 504 Oak Solomon John, lab, res 504 Oak Solomon John, Jr, carp, res 553 Chestnut Solomon John, Sr, cooper, res 553 Chestnut eynpotAA^ aln ,ar 7 $~ClOa D-ry 8 00S$, " 1)D6ooIs YOUR fsl 9 MONVEY WILL GET YOU BARGAINS AT SPLENDIB QUINN &n^ROGGE8 i THE TAILOR ^*r^J^^^^ _Correct 712 Our Specialties are Correct Prices, Styles, Correct Workman_ship, therefore we ask a trial order. BUNN'S NEENAH DIRECTORY. Sommer Joseph, machinist, res 403 3rd Sommer Joseph, Jr, lab, 403 3rd Sommer Mamie, res 403 3d Sorenson Albert, res 613 Caroline SORENSEN ANDREW, (Sorensen & Son), res Washington Sorenson Ann, res 613 Caroline Sorenson Anna, dressmkr, res 510 Walnut SORENSEN CHARLES F A, (Sorensen & Son), res 120 E Franklin av Sorenson Charles, agt, res 113 Center Sorensen Charles, wks Wooden Ware, bds 413 Caroline Sorenson Charles H, wks W Paper Co, res 510 Walnut Sorenson Christ, wks K & C Co, res 510 Walnut SORENSEN DR JAMES, Dentist. Prepared to do all kind of work known to the dental art, including'porcelain fillings, crown and bridge work. Office 201 W Wisconsin av, res 113 Center Sorenson H, moulder Stove Works, res town of Menasha Sorensen Hans, carp, res 129 E Columbian av SORENSEN HARRY L & CO, (Harry L Sorensen and Dr Geo G Barlow) prop Badger Furniture Store. Dealers in a full line of furniture, picture frames and mouldings. Undertakers, embalmers and funeral directors 212 W Wis av, phone 64, see advt SORENSEN HENRY L, (Henry L Sorensen & Co,) res 311 Church Sorenson Hilda P, dressmkr Forest & Snell, res 234 2nd SORENSON JAMES, mail carrier No 3, res Washington Sorenson James, wks Wooden Ware, res 302 Cherry Sorenson Lars, painter, res 160 2nd av Sorenson Louis, lab Stove Works, bds 406 Sherry Sorenson Louis, res 113 Center Sorensen Louisa, res 413 Caroline Sorensen Louis, lab, res 115 Elm Sorenson Mary, res 160 2nd av Sorensen Mrs C L, wid of Christ, res 413 Caroline Sorenson Mrs Karn M, wid of C, res 113 Center ARTISTS' MATERIALS At H. M.HARMON'S., The Leading PAINTER and IWALL PAPIER and DECORATO R. DECORATIONS. 40 HIGH STREET, - ^ H96~~94 T 9 ~ THE PLACE TO BUY J i4.urtis i Iitcben furlisings, ;^I.. CUTLERY, TOOLS AND TINWARE, O 17 7 VlA:klN ST. 713 BUNN'S NEENAH DIRECTORY. Sorenson Nels, painter, res 234 2nd SORENSEN & SON, (Andrew and Charles F A). Dealers in a full line of fine furniture. Undertaking and upholstering, 132 W Wis av Sorensen S Christ, painter, res 234 2nd Sorenson Thomas, 3d hand W Paper Co Sorenson Walter, lab, res 113 Center Sorley C August, painter, res 455 S Commercial Sorley M E, painter, res 455 S Commercial Soule Louise, wks Whitings P Co, res 531 Maple Soule Mrs Victor, wid of John, res 531 Maple SPAAR & KNOLL, (J A Spaar & Wm H Knoll). Meat Market. Dealers in fresh, dried and salted meats, sausages, etc, 110 N Commercial SPAAR J A, (Spaar & Knoll), res 306 3rd National Union Bank OF OSHKOSH. R H.ACKETT PRESIDENT. Northwest Corner of Main and High, Spaulding Elmer, barber, res 405 Henry Spaulding Leah, bds 214 W Doty av Spaulding Merrick, painter, res 405 Henry Spaulding Mrs Mary, wid of Benj, res 405 Henry Spaulding Sumner, lineman Wis Tele Co, res 405 Henry Spear Emanuel, insurance, res 252 E Franklin av Spear Jennie, milliner, res 252 E Franklin av Spear Tracy, bookpr, res 252 E Franklin av Spiegelberg Bertha, domestic, 547 E Wis av Spoo Edward, packer Krueger & Lachmann Milling Co, res 337 E Franklin av Squire Mrs H H, wid of H J, res 304 Smith Stache Joseph, lab, res 216 E Doty av Stacker Henry, clk J J, Leutenegger, res 223 Ann Stacker Louis, wks N Boot & Shoe Mfg Co, res 223 Ann Stacker Wm, warehouseman W C, res 223 Ann Staff Albert, farmer, res Washington Staffeld Fred H, teaming, res 203 Union Staffeld John, wks K & C Co, res 223 Ann D DJ T- T A 1^1 -B FAHOAL I!| | TIO THE FASHIONABLE TAILOR Makes DRESS SUITS that fit, are pretty and cut in the 2 style. WASHlatest 28 WASHINGTON ST. OPPOSITE P. O. Those are Important considerations In pur- __ ... *»_**.*_«*_b*^__ PRICE ~* QUALITY WORKMANSHIP __= chasing a MONUMENT. .-\ to serve you well. _e.*ewe,.4D. I am in a position H. F. WENRICH'S GRANITE WORKS, OSHKOSH, WISCONSIN. BUNN'S NEENAH DIRECTORY. 714 Staffeld Mrs Eliza, wid of Fred. res 203 Union STANDARD OIL CO, Christoph Bros, resident agents, 401 Edna av Stanton C A, paper maker, bds 202 E Columbian av Stanton Claud M, brakeman, res 419 Sherry Stanton Genie C, res 419 Sherry Stanton James S, wks W C, res 419 Sherry Starr Louis, butcher Cudahy Bros, bds 511 N Commercial St Clair Harry, barber Geo F Nachtwey, res 107 N Commercial Stearns Mrs A M, wid of A,,res 121 E Forest av Stecker Fred W, (Fred Stecker & Co), res 522 Maple Stecker Fred C, (Fred Stecker & Co), res 522 Maple Stecker Fred & Co, (Fred C and Fred W), creamery 126 E Wisconsin av Stecker Henry, wks Wooden Ware, res 119 The Ave Stecker Jochiem, lab, res 518 Maple STEELE A A, Manufacturer of and dealer in confection- ery. All candies strictly home made. Try our ices, soda water and ice creams. Once a customer means always a customer at 115 E Wis av, res same Steffenhagen Fred, lab K & C Co, res 574 Oak Stein Elton, wks Gilbert P Co, res 113 The Ave Stein John H, eng Gilbert P Co, res 113 The Ave Stein Lorena, res 113 The Ave Stevens John, res 507 E Wis av Stevens Schuyler, res 507 E Wis av Stielow August, wks P Gaffney, res 817 Higgins av Stielow Clara A, wks K & C Co, res 819 Higgins av Stielow Ella L, res 819 Higgins av Stielow Richard, wks W Paper Co, res 841 Higgins av Stier Louis, driver Twin City House, bds Wagner Hotel Stilp Henry, wks Wooden Ware, res 156 4th STILP JOHN Jr, Dealers in the choicest line of family groceries in the city. All orders promptly filled and 'delivered to all parts of the twin cities 221 N Commercial, res same . n -n&isfiT llM gf^ G MANUFACTURERi WHITE LIME, BRICK and DRAIN TILE. Everything we sell is i worth every cent we ask. i We want no Money that does not buy Satisfaction. 715 BUNN'S NEENAH DIRECTORY. Stilp Joseph, bkpr Cold Storage, res 208 N Commercial Stilp Mrs Josephine, wid of John, res 208 N Commercial Stilp Steven R, with K & C Co, res 312 S Commercial Stock Exchange, Callahan.& Son, Patten Block Stockdyk Jennie, teacher 3rd Ward school STONE H A, with Neenah Daily Times, res 332 E Wis av STONE J N, prop and editor Neenah Daily and Weekly Times, res 332 E Wis av Stowe Lovel, notary public and real estate 121 W Columbian av, res same Stowe L Walace, clk Wm Seatoft, res 117 W Columbian av Strate Archie, clk Larsen & Peterson, res 210 E Columbian avenue Strate Hettie, dressmaker Mrs Sherman, res 210 E Columbian avenue Strate Levi, res 210 E Columbian av DEPOSITORY U.AP. $200,000 CAPITAL NATIONAL UNION BANK W. K. Rideout. Pres. R. H. Hackett. Cash. of Oshkosh Northwest Corner Main and High. Strey Albert, wks C & N W res 741 Higgins av Strey Bertha, domestic 216 Sherry Stridde Mrs Lena, wid of August, res 210 Bond Stridde August, tailor C H Kramer, res 210 Bond Stridde Clara, Elbert and Ella, res The Ave Stridde Hattie, res 304 S Commercial Stridde Wm, filer, res The Ave STROEBEL FRED, (Strobel & Baumgarten), res 3C9 W Winneconne av STROEBEL & BAUMGARTEN, (Fred Stroebel and Peter Baumgarten) Hardware, stoves, tinware, bicycles, sporting goods etc 122 W Wis av Strohmeyer August, hostler John Hunt, res same Stromer Chas, hostler G Whiting, res 400 E Forest av Strong J N, meat cutter Cudahy Bros, bds Neenah Hotel Stroole Mrs Kate, wid of Joseph, re- 310 Monroe Struss Albert, machinist, res 311 E Columbian av Struss Anna, wks N Paper Co, res 311 E Columbian av Struss Lena, res 311 E Columbian av LEADERS IN E 1Mum ROGGI QUINNN LOW PRICES, DRY 600DS, CARPETS, CLOAKS, LRPETS, 11 i The Tailor n SEE HIM 716 BUNN'S NEENAH DIRECTORY. Struss Mamie, wks N Paper Co, res 311 E Columbian av Struss Mrs Christina, wid of I B, res 311 E Columbian av Stuart W Z, with K & C Co, res 583 E Wis av Studley Mrs Carrie M, wid of W H. res 332 E Wis av Sturm C F, blacksmith M Christofferson, res 416 Caroline STURM JOHN & SON, (John and John Sturm Jr), Sample room. Fine Kentucky whiskies, imported wines and cigars, pool tables and bowling alley in connection 117 E Wis av STURM JOHN Jr, (John Sturm & Son), res same STURM JOHN Sr, (John Sturm & Son), res same Sturm Leonora, domestic 324 E Doty av Sturm Mrs Sophia, wid of Frederick, res 416 Caroline Sukalska Annie, domestic 320 Center Sumerton Mary E, res 216 W Winneconne av Sumerton Mrs P M, wid of A 0, res 216 W Winneconne av Sumerton Paulina A, res 216 W Winneconne av Sundberg Mrs Emma, wid of S, res 523 Henry Swane Louis, cor trav, res 601 Higgins av Swensen Hans, lab, res 763 S Commercial Swensen Jennie, wks N Boot & S Co, res 763 S Commercial Swift E S, res 418 Clark Swift Mrs S A, wid of E W, res 418 Clark Sworeen Bertha, domestic 103 E N Water Sykes Mabel, res 214 Lincoln Sykes S M, res 214 Lincoln Sykes Vernie, res 214 Lincoln Syme Mrs Mary, wid of Alex, res 569 E Wis av T Ta Fond Mrs Clara, res 216 W Forest av Tatro Peter C, size mkr W Paper Co, res 742 Hewitt Taylor E F, corn trav, res 211 S Commercial Taylor F G, dentist 125 W Wis av, res same Taylor Mildred A, res 211 S Commercial TEAL LAWSON, general draying and teaming. All orders receive prompt attention, 'phone 209, 3 rings. 135 Union, res same WALL PAPER The Largest and Finest Line in the city at H.oG.HARMON'S, 40 HIGH STREET. SELLS THE _ TISf_ _ _ avorite Stoves8 5Sange8 177 MAIN ST. THE BEST IN THE MARKET. BUNN'S NEENAH DIRECTORY. 717 Tessendorf Chas, beater engineer W Paper Co, res 638 S Commercial Tessendorf Chas, cigar mkr, res 638 S Commercial Tessendorf Dora, res 638 S Commercial Tessendorf Elizabeth, opr Postal Tel Co, res 619 Church TESSENDORF FRANK, Expert Photographer and dealer in photo novelties, Enlarged portraits in crayon a specialty. Studio Patten Block, res 211 3rd av Tessendorf Hattie, bkpr, res 619 Church Tessendorf John, back tender K & C Co, res 211 3rd av Tessendorf John, engineer E F Wieckert, res 619 Church Tessendorf Lillie, res 619 Church Tessendorf Louis, wks K & C Co, res 211 3rd av Tessendorf Louis Jr, res 211 3rd av Tessendorf Wm, wks W Paper Co, res 638 S Commercial Theby Alvina, clk Wm Kellet & Co, res 110 W Wis av National U inBankl Bank kT^H:^^\f =^* Union W.K. RIDEOUT, PRESIDENT. R HACKETT, CASHIER. OF OSHKOSH. Northwest Corner of Main and High. Theby Geo, bar clk Peter Nelson, res 115 S Commercial Theby Geo H, res 110 W Doty av Thermansen Alma M, res 307 Torry Thermansen George, lab W Paper Co, res 314 Harrison Thermansen Herman, blacksmith M Thermansen, res 307 Torry Thermansen M, horseshoeing 217 W Wis av, res 307,Torry Thielke Emily M, res 132 Washington av Thielke Louise S, dressmkr, res 132 Washington av Thielke Wm, res 132 Washington av Thomack Wm, wks C & N W, res 733 Higgins av Thomas C L, barber shop 110 S Commercial, bds 212 Oak Thomas Harry, res 325 E Franklin av Thomas J G, barber shop and bath room 115 W Wis av, res 111 W Columbian av Thomas Thos, wks K & C Co, res 134 E N Water Thomas Wm, plasterer, res 325 E Franklin av Thomas Wim mason, res 209 W Wis av Thompson David E, with Eve Breeze, res 430 W N Water ATI - I N1 B1 11 N 5Ma8hionable Jailor 28 WASHINGTON ST. OPPOSITE POST OFFICE. H. F. WENRICH'S Granite Works MAIN STREET. 718 it pays to get my ESTIMATES Special Designs Furnished OSHKOSH, WIS. BUNN'S NEENAH DIRECTORY. Thompson Eugene F, mgr N Simon & Co, res 115 H Lrrison Thompson Frank, lab, res 523 Henry Thompson F T, lab, res 313 S Commercial Thompson George, bleachman W Paper Co, res 119 E Doty av Thompson Geo F, retired, res 148 Lake THOMPSON JAMES J, contractor and builder, office 504 Church, res same Thompson John P, mason, res 339 E Wis av THOMPSON J M, "Gilt Edge" home made flour. A general dealer in all that pertains to a full equipped feed store 113 S Commercial, res 135 E Wis av Thompson Martin, carp, bds 234 2nd Thompson Minnie E, res 504 Church Thompson Mrs Margaret, wid of C, res 400 Edna av Thompson Dr Orin, life insurance, res 135 E Wis av Thompson Pearl, bkpr Johnson Bros, res 148 Lake THOMPSON S G, the Columbian Sample Rooms. Fine wines, liquors and cigars 134 W Wis av, res 148 Lake Thompson Susie, bkpr W Kellett & Co, bds 109 E Doty av Thompson T, res 400 Edna av Thompson Walter, lab, res 207 Smith Thompson Walter, clk Hanson Bros, res 313 S Commercial Thompson Willis, lab, res 523 Henry THOMSEN BROS (Theodore and Thomas Thomsen) Confectionery and Ice Cream Parlors. Dealers in fruits, candies, nuts, cigars, tobacco, etc, 111 W Wis av Thomsen Mrs Mary, wid of Nels, res 207 Smith THOMSEN THEODORE (Thomsen Bros) res 207 Smith THOMSEN THOMAS (Thomsen Bros) printer T B Blair, res 207 Smith Thornton Clarence, lab, res 236 Washington av Thornton Ellen, res 236 Washington av Thornton Ezra, wks W Paper Co, res 236 Washington av Thornton Mrs Amelia, wid of J P, res 236 Washington av Thornton Mrs Ann, wid of Sheldon, res 105 Park av DEALERS IN 0~t elii Foolim COAL& LiWOOD OF ALL KINDS. o If you pay less elsewhere you get less value. If you buy it at our Store--t's all right. 719 BUNN's NEENAH DIRECTORY. Thornton Sadie, res 236 Washington av Thornton Scott, wks Wooden Ware, res 419 5th Thuesen Emma, domestic 583 E Wis av Thuesen Knut, wks W Paper Co, res 157 2nd av Thuesen Lars, paper mkr K & C Co. res 119 1st Thurston E W, mach shop E Wis av, res 316 E Forest av Timan Gunda, res 412 Caroline Timm Bertha, domestic 418 Church Timm Mary, domestic 583 E Wis av Toeppler Clara, res 117 4th Toeppler Julius, salcon 208 W Wis av, res 117 4th Tohms Albert W, mch tender K & C Co, res 514 Clark Tolversen Ida, res 134 3rd Tolversen Chris, wks K & C Co, res 134 3rd Toppler Anna, domestic 123 3rd Torsrud Annie and Hans, wks Cook P Co, res 135 2nd C.DEPOSITORY U. CAPITAL $200,000 NATIONAL UNION BANK W. K. Rldeout, Pres. R. H. Hackett, Casho of Oshkosh Northwest Corner Main and High. Torsrud Carl, painter, res 135 2nd Torsrud Helen, res 135 2nd Torsrud Martin, painter, res 135 2nd Torsrud Mary, wks Gilbert P Co, res 135 2nd TRAVER DR F A, dentist Dr Sorenson, bds Doty av Tritten Wm, res 125 2nd Tumit Agnes, domestic 579 E Wis av TWIN CITY BUILDING, LOAN & SAVINGS ASS'N, H E Coats prest; Gustav Kalfahs vice-prest; W Mayhew Mott secy; S B Morgan treas; 109 W Wis av U Ulrich Ulrich Ulrich Ulrich Catherine, res 313 W Winneconne av Edward M, butcher G Ulrich, res 308 E Wis av Frank. lab, res 114 E Doty av George, carp, res 313 W Winneconne av ULRICH GODFREY, Meat Market. Dealer in fresh, salted, dried and smoked meats and sausages; butter, eggs, lard etc, 124 W Wis av, res 308 E Wis av * as22S2Es-52S2-Sa522522S 3 GriOODSn EHDVY IUSE GOO DK DsSRY 'd5a55-SBE2S5E SE5.2-5"52s5s a QUINN & ROGGiQ ASE LEADERS. New, .Cheap and Large, Bst Best Line in Oshkosh. 720 BUNN'S NEENAH DIRECTORY. Ulrich Ulrich Ulrich Ulrich Ulrich Ulrich Ulrich Lizzie, res 114 E Doty av Louise K, bkpr G Ulrich, res 308 E Wis av Mary, dressmkr, res 114 E Doty av Mrs Mary, wid of Alois, res 114 E Doty av Oswald, wks L Herziger, res 107 N Commercial Oswald, butcher, res 313 W Winneconne av Winp-;-utcher, res 114 E Doty av UNION HbIUSE, John Romer, prop. First class board at reasonable rates, A fine bar of wine, liquors and cigars. Farmers barn in connection, 114 N Commercial U S EXPRESS CO, O C Cox agt, 137 W Wis av Utley Ida, teacher 3rd ward school Utley T L, carp, bds Neenah Hotel Uvaas Halvor, clk P Gaffney, res 322 Smith Vandeloo Peter, wks Wooden Ware, res 421 5th Vandemark James, lab, res 134 E Columbian av Van Derhyden Abline, res 414 3rd Van Derhyden Ella, domestic 111 E Forest av Van Derhyden Frank D, wks Wooden Ware, res 414 3rd Van Dinter E E Mrs, restaurant 226 W Wis av, res same Van Middlesworth Henry, res 504 Main Van Middlesworth Mary J, res 137 Harrison VAN OSTRAND D C, prest Manufacturers National Bank; treas Neenah Boot & Shoe Mfg Co, res 413 Church Van Ostrand E H, res 115 Bond Van Tassel Julius S, lab, res 214 E Columbian av Van Tassell Lillian M, res 214 E Columbian av Van Tassell Mrs Eliza, wid of E, res 214 E Columbian av Van Slyke E H, lab, res 213 Sherry Verbeck Henry C, school teacher, res 115 W Wis av Verbeck Mrs Cherrissa, wid of Philip, res 115 WT Wis av Vestberg Erick, lab, res 211 Smith Vestberg Helen, res 211 Smith C * .ALLOI<11 iHr. M. ltFAijIMON, HE LEADS THEM ALL. -WallPaper, Decoratings. Paintings, Artists' Materials, 40 HIGH STREET. Contractor and BUY YOUR SUPPLIES OF THE ontraetors and RALPH M.' BURTIS CO. 9.uilders AND I - - YOU WILL SAVE MONEY. t177 NAIIN ST. BUNN'S NEENAH DIRECTORY. 721 VETERINARY INFIRMARY, and breeding stables, Dr M H Kuhl in charge, 203 Main Vogt E Herman, teamster, res 133 E Doty av VOGT HENRY, Manufacturer of cigars, Margaretta the leading lOc cigar. E F U, Red Wing, Riverside and Menu for 5c goods can not be equalled in the Fox River Valley. Ask for these brands. Factory and res 235 Main Vogt Henry A, paper mkr K & C Co, res 235 Main VOGT MAYME, res 235 Main Vogt Otto, lab K & C Co, bds 215 Ann Wachholz Martin, wks G Ulrich, res 304 W Winneconne av Wachholz Mary, res 106 W Winneconne av National Union Bank OF OSHKOSH. W. K. RIDEOUT, PRESIDENT. R. H. HACKETT, CASHIER. Northwest Corner of Main and High. Wachholz Mrs Albertina wid of C, res 106 W Winneconne av Wachholz Richard, drayman, res 304 W Winneconne 4v Wagener Henry, teamster, res 511 N Commercial Wagener Henry, wks N & M Coal Co, r 511 N Commercial Wagener Lizzie and Ella, res 511 N Commercial Walker Alex M, cigar mkr, bds 212 S Commercial Walker Mrs Phoebe, wid of Henry, res 109 Park av Wallanhaffer John, lab, res 718 S Commercial Wallner F C, foreman Walter Bros Brewing Co, res 430 4th WALTER JACOB, vice pres Walter Bros Brewing Co, res 428 The Ave Walter Mrs Catherine, wid of Peter, res 212 Smith Wanda Emil, teamster H Fowler, res 306 River Wanda Emma, cook C R Smith, bds same Wasserman Albert, cigar mkr, res 519 Chestnut Wassermann Minnie, res 519 Chestnut Watson George S, carp and house mover, res 207 Van WATTS C H, chief police, res 401 W N Water *1Ni N,g ls \a the place to get a perfect fit and FASHIONABLE SUIT. 28 WASHINGTON STREET, -THE LOWEST PRICES m1 ontVIIUmIent ls BEST STOCK H. UNEXCELLED WORKMANSHIP THE F. WENRICH'S 722 GRANTE BUNN'S NEENAH DIRECTORY. Weber Andrew, bar tender A T Lueckenbach, res Menasha Weber Annie, res 221 Bond Weber August, lab, res 221 Bond Webber Charles L, paints and wall paper, 128 E Wis av WEBER LOUIS, contractor and builder, res 331 E Wis av Weber Mary, res 331 E Wis av Weber Joseph, carp L Weber, res 331 E Wis av Weber Wm, lab, res 221 Bond Week Rev Hans J, pastor Scandinavian church, res 509 Isabella Wega Augusta, domestic, 426 E Wis av Wege Charles, wks Wooden Ware, res 1018 Henry Wege WTm, wks Wooden Ware, res 1018 Henry Wegner George, res 405 Sherry Weinke John, cigar mkr, res 313 S Commercial Weinke Lillian, clk Thomsen Bros, res 313 S Commercial Weinmann John, well driller, res 257 Lake Shore Road Weisant John, junk dealer, res 521 Chestnut Welch Daniel, lab, res 413 3rd Wells Fred, machinist Jennings, res 142 E N Water Wells Marcia, massage and nursing, res 121 E Forest av Wells Mrs Mary, wid of Wilber, res 142 E N Water Welsh Bertha, waitress Murer House Werthwein Mrs Emma, wid of E, res 404 Caroline West H L, lab Gas Co, res-217 Main West John, wks C & N W, res 245 E Franklin av West Leonard, bridge bldr C & N W. res 245 E Franklin av West Mabel, res 245 E Franklin av Westberg A, pattern fitter stove works, res 220 Smith Westberg Chas, trinner stove works, res 220 Smith Westberg Edward, painter, res 220 Smith Westberg Hannah, domestic 311 E Franklin av Western Union Telegraph Co, T E Callahan mgr 105 N Commercial Westfahl Lizzie, domestic 135 E N Water Wettpann Fred, res 141 3rd av Wever. Wm, wks E F Wieckert, res not located as yet Wheeler & Jennings, (M H Wheeler and E Jennings), lumber 141 W Wis av BUILDING MATERIAL g. I THI' COOK COOK d~ E BROWN LIlME COAL AND WOOD. | COMPANY. Because we Buy and They do say that Sell the most and at the Lowest Prices. we are the Leaders. 723 BUNN'S NEI'NAH IIRECTORY. Wheeler Carrie, res 424 S Commercial Wheeler Damie, asst librarian, res 153 Park av Wheeler F W, res 424 S Commercial Wheeler Jessie M, res 153 Park av Wheeler Karl K, conductor W C Ry, res 338 Smith Wheeler M H, (Wheeler & Jennings), res 525 E Forest av Wheeler Miss M J, res 418 Clark Wheeler Mrs Caroline M, wid of N C, res 153 Park av Wheeler Mrs Fannie, wid of Samuel, res 605 Isabella White Chas, fireman C & N W Ry, res 522 N Commercial White Mamie, school teacher, res 437 E Doty av White Joseph, barber 125 E Wis av, res 437 E Doty av WHITING GEORGE A, Paper Mills in Menasha, res 425 E Forest av Whitnack Samuel J, res 403 Isabella Whitney Jerrie H, supt Winnebago Paper Mills, res 223 W Wisconsin av U.CA. DEPOSITORY NATIONAL UNION BANK W. K. Rldeout, Pres. R. H. Hackett, Cash. of Oshkosh Northwest Corner Main and High. Whitpan John, wks M W Co, res 412 Washington Wickeham August, blacksmith C Bergstrom, res 408 Clark WIECKERT A H, with E F Wieckert, res Appleton WIECKERT E F, Proprietor of the Neenah Planing Mills, contractor and builder, office entrance at 121 N Com- mercial, near the bridge, res 301 High, see advt Wieckert Ernest, clk E F Wieckert, res 301 High Wieckert Flora, res 301 High Wieckert Maria, res 301 High Wilber M R, lab, bds 121 W Columbian av WILDE F A, (The Wilde Co), res Milwaukee, Wis WILDE F A Jr, (The Wilde Co), res 208 Church WILDE THE COMPANY, (F A Wilde and F A Wilde Jr,) The leading druggists. Pure drugs and medicines. toilet articles, perfumes and druggist's sundries 121 W Wis av, see ad f MO Ro Solicit your trade and they have bargains in nGE 1U 113 MIaIIN Ila /YIFlLIN STrREET. ~'rRE!~Tir ~ Dry Goods, and Carpets. Cloaks The The TffKnr IFSTYLISH You will find it was A(/U Al (.,^^^^ 'Tailor: made by 724 BUNN'S NEENAH DIRECTORY. Wildfang Henry, res 420 Edna av Wildfang Wm, painter, res 425 High Will Fred, lab, res S end Reed WILLARSON N G, mgr Wis Telephone Co, office Patten block, res 424 Monroe Williams Charles, engineer C & N W, res 320 Center WILLIAMS E A. General Insurance, fire, life and accident, 109 W Wis av, res 500 Church Williams Edward R, confectioner 118 N Commercial, res 434 W N Water Williams Edward, mason, res 312 Oak Williams Elbridge, res 117 Elm Williams F A, res 226 Center Williams Lulu and Mary, res 320 Center Williams Mable M, res 500 Church Williams Mrs Frances F, wid of R R, res 434 W N Water Williams Mrs Margaret, housekeeper, 708 E Forest av Williams Mrs Mary, wid of E, res 117 Elm Williams Wim, res 608 Higgins av Willis Laura and Gertrude, res 205 Bond Willis Laura, domestic, 714 W Winneconne av WILLIS L J. Dealer in and designer of marble and granite monuments of all descriptions for cemetery work, 221 W Wis av, res 205 Bond, see advt Wilson Mamie, bds 214 W Doty av Wiltse Mrs Carrie, res 582 Oak Wines Fred B, mgr Savings Bank, 141 W Wis av, res 206 E Columbian av Wing Charles wks S Wing, res same WING COMPANY THE, J A Kimberly pres, Wm C Wing sec. Fire, life and accident insurance, The largest insurance agency in the Fox River Valley, represents the safest, largest and best paying companies doing business in the United States. Call and look over our line. Office 109 S Commercial Wing- Mrs Catherine, wid of Elmer, res 424 Washington av l PAINTER The Leading and 1 II DECORATOR. e* elll .llllvl Carries a full line of 'Artistic U We want you to be pleased with everything you buy at our store. If you're not, tell us. WE'LL MAKE IT GOOD. The Ralph M. Burtis Co.-Hardware 177 7NPAIN 'STIREET. BUNN'S NEENAH DIRECTORY. 725 Wing Sam, laundry, 109 N Commercial, res same WING WM C, sec and treas The Wing Co, res 424 Washington av Wingrove Annie, res 325 N Commercial Wingrove Mrs Fannie, wid of Wm, res 325 N Commercial Wingrove Wm, wks J S Paper Co, res 325 N Commercial Wininski Sarah, waitress Russell House WINNEBAGO PAPER MILLS, D R Davis pres, W L Davis sec and treas, 223 W Wis av Winter Jens, painte r, res 224 Smith Wisconsin Telephone Co, N G Willarson manager, cor Wis av and Commercial, Patten block l~ation al U nion Bank w K RIDEOUT, PRESIDENT. National Union Bank . H. HACKETT, CSHIER. Northwest Corner of Main and High. OF OSHKOSH. Witpen Anna, domestic, 330 Smith Witpen Henry, painter, res 144 2nd av Witt Bertha, domestic, 218 Bond WITT H T, Sample rooms. Dealer in the choicest of wines, liquors and a full line of cigars. Fresh beer always on tap, 218 W Wis av. res 213 W Doty av Woeckner Charles, park police, res 537 Chestnut Woeckner Fred. lab, res 421 Monroe Woeckner Lizzie, wks K & C Co, res 421 Monroe Woeckner Minnie, wks N Boot & Shoe Co, res 421 Monroe Woeckner Wm, cutter N Boot & Shoe Co, res 233 Cherry Wolff Gustav, wks Wooden Ware, res 220 4th Wolff Mrs Johanna, wid of Ferdinand, res 220 4th Wohld Daniel, painter, res 311 Union Wohld Christina, res 311 Union Wojohn Herman, saloon, res 410 N Commercial Woodworth Mrs Caroline, res 415 E Doty av Wright James, supt K & C Co, res 135 E N Water Wright Jefferson, Ry Postal clk, bds 317 E Columbian av Wright Fred, stenographer and bkpr F A Leavens, res 105 E Winneconne av Wright Gtorge, com trav, bds 128 E Forest av D0 A 1 TI BB ANT_ TI [8 | | 208 FASHIONABLE TAMLOR, Call and see the prettiest ince of novelties in the city. WP ALSH I NGTONN%. Iftonum ntalal * orA H. F. WENRICH'S Granite Works 726 We manufacture anything MONUMENTAL and Inr and have the largest and best line in the city. BUNN'S NEENAH DIRECTORY. Y Yetberg Charles, baggageman W C, bds 310 Smith YOUMANS CHARLES F. Fine shoes for ladies, gents and children A fashionable line of footwear, 117 W Wisconsin av, see advt YOUMANS J L, mgr C F Youmans, res 225 E Franklin av Young A M, mch tender K & C Co, res 220 E Columbian av Young Young Young Young Young Young Young Young Young Young Chas, farmer, res 750 S Commercial David, mch tender K & C Co, res 115 W N Water Estelle, res 231 3rd Frederick, wks Wooden Ware, res 231 3rd Henry, foreman S A Cook P Co, res 202 W N Water Hugh, wks Cook P Co, res 115 W N Water John C, millwright W Paper Co, res 118 W N Water Lora and Beulah, res 115 W N Water Mrs C. wid of M, res 114 Center Mrs Melvina, wid of Hiram, res 231 3rd Z Zachow Fred, wks Wooden Ware, res 401 E Forest av Zachow Henry, hostler D W Bergstrom, res Island Zachow Ida, res 401 E Forest av Zachow John F, wks Wooden Ware, res 217 Center Zamzow Otto, clk C F Youmans, rooms 225 E Franklin av Zeinert August, lab Wis C Ry, res 251 E Columbian av Z, inert Emma, res 251 E Columbian av Zeinert Ida, res 251 E Columbian av Zeinert Paul, lab, res 251 E Columbian av Zehner Albert, paper maker Whiting P Co. res 324 1st Zeller Peter. fireman Wooden W. res 130 W Columbian av Zeller Valentine, res 130 W Columbian av Zellmer Tillie, domestic 201 E Franklin av Zemlock A G, wks Gilbert P Co, res 446 E Columbian av Zemlock Andrew, wks Howard & Hawk, res 217 1st av Zemlock Arthur, lab, res 522 Oak For the BEsrST COAL AND WOOC O UAmLITY WO; .... Go to the Ol li We show ten We always give styles to the other the most for the least. stores one. 727 BUNN'S NEENAH DIRECTORY. Zemlock Charles, eng Howard P Co, res 915 Hewitt Zemlock Francis, wks Gilbert P Co, res 217 1st av Zem:ock George, wks Wooden Ware, res 915 Hewitt Zemlock Helen, res 217 1st av Zemlock Margaret, clk Alex Billstein Co, res 217 1st av Zemlock Stephen, wks Wooden Ware, res 522 Oak Zick Reinhold, carpenter, res 227 Cherry Ziegert August, mason, res 209 5th Ziegert August and Edward, wks Wooden Ware, res 209 5th Ziegert Reinhold, mason, res 209 5th Zielke August, wks Wooden Ware, res 416 5th Zieman Gustav G, (Zieman & Mayer), res 309 Hewitt Ziemann & Mayer, (Gust G Zieman and John Mayer fuel) 116 N Commercial Zimmermann V 0, conductor W C, res 114 Center Zoch August F, conductor W C, res 317 S Commercial U. S. DEPOSITORY CAPITAL $200,000 NATIONAL UNION BANK of -- W. K. Rideout, Pres. R. H. Hackett, Cash. Oshkosh Northwest Corner Main and High. Zoch Celia M, res 317 S Commercial Zoelke Anna, dressmkr, res 419 E Columbian av Zoelk Henry, Jr, lab K & C Co, res 419 E Columbian av Zoelk Henry, eng K & C Co, res 419 E Columbian av Zoelke Otto, lab K & C Co, res 419 E Columbian av Zoller Henry, marble cutter L J Willis, bds Caroline AF-TER FOUR YEARS OF SUCFFL TREATMENTS IN OSHKOSH ROW OUDRUSSAWAY 0 0R - IDELITY RUPTIUE GORE RUPT Has proven all that is clained for it A SURE CURE. In 60 D; Witheu Hundreds of people have been If you are Ruptured call treated and cured. examined. We do not want any money in advai Cure. No Cure, No Pay. No Pain. No detentic DR. F. BROCKWAY, Physician, 83 Main business. John V. Bunn, AManager, Oshkosh, Wis. ;· vI T uss wA
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