Physics in Canada La Physique au Canada
Physics in Canada La Physique au Canada
Vol. 64 No. 2 Physics in Canada La Physique au Canada APRIL-JUNE (SPRING) AVRIL À JUIN (PRINTEMPS) HIGH PERFORMANCE COMPUTING (HPC) LE CALCUL DE HAUTE PERFORMANCE (CHP) GUEST EDITORS: MARK WHITMORE, P.PHYS., U. MANITOBA AND GORDON DRAKE, P.PHYS., U. WINDSOR 2008 2008 Serving the Canadian physics community since 1945 / Servont la communauté de physique depuis 1945 Canadian Association of Physicists / Association canadienne des physiciens et physiciennes PHYSICS IN CANADA LA PHYSIQUE AU CANADA Canadian Association of Physicists Association canadienne des physiciens et physiciennes Vol. 64 No. 2 (April-June (Spring) 2008 / avril à juin (printemps) 2008) DE FOND ARTICLES DEPARTMENTS DÉPARTEMENTS EDUCATION ÉDUCATION FEATURES 39 40 41 47 55 59 67 75 85 46 46 Foreword - “High Performance Computing (HPC)”, by M. Whitmore and G. Drake Préface - “Le calcul de haute performance (CHP)”, par M. Whitmore et G. Drake High Performance Computing Technologies, by Rob Simmonds Astrophysical Jets, by David A. Clarke et al. Finite Element Analysis in Solid Mechanics : Issues and Trends, by Nader G. Zamani Supercooled Liquids and Supercomputers, by Ivan Saika-Voivod and Peter H. Poole Quantum Monte Carlo Methods for Nuclei, by Robert B. Wiringa The Next Canadian Regional Climate Model, by Ayrton Zadra et al. High Performance Computing in Canada: The Early Chapter, by Allan B. MacIsaac and Mark Whitmore Cover / Couverture : PhD Physics Degrees Awarded at McMaster University, Dec. 2006 to Nov. 2007 (cont’d from Jan-Apr.08 PiC) / Doctorats en physique décernés à l’Université McMaster, déc. 2006 à nov. 2007 (suite du PaC de jan. à avr. 08) Congratulations : Paul Corkum, Art McDonald, Barth Netterfield, and Carl Svensson Advertising Rates and Specifications (effective January 2008) can be found on the PiC website ( - Physics in Canada). Les tarifs publicitaires et dimensions (en vigueur depuis janvier 2008) se trouvent sur le site internet de La Physique au Canada ( - La Physique au Canada). Example of a Global environmental multiscale (GEM) grid with a higher resolution region within the thick black lines. Inset: the seven GEM limited area model domains used in the regional climate simulation proposed in the InterContinental-scale Transferability Study (ICTS) (for details see Zadra et al, p. 74-83) Exemple d’une grille du modèle de l’environnement mondial à échelles multiples (GEM) avec une résolution plus élevée dans la région bordée d’une ligne noire épaisse. Carte en cartouche: les sept zones GEM à surface limitée utilisées dans le projet de simulation du climat régional qui s’appelle ICTS (InterContinental-scale Transferability Study- étude de transférabilité des données à l’échelle intercontinentale) (pour plus de détails voir Zadra et al, p. 74-83) LA PHYSIQUE AU CANADA / Vol. 64, No. 2 ( avr. à juin (printemps) 2008 ) C i 54 DEPARTMENTS DÉPARTEMENTS 74 84 89 92 93 94 PHYSICS IN CANADA LA PHYSIQUE AU CANADA Congratulations : André Bandrauk and Paul Corkum News and Congratulations - New Director for Canada’s Perimeter Institute - Dr. Richard Taylor inducted into Canada’s Science and Engineering Hall of Fame - Raymond Laflamme honoured with “Premier’s Discovery Award” Departmental, Sustaining, and CorporateInstitutional Members / Membres départementaux, de soutien, et corporatifs-institutionnels In Memoria Ralph Nicholls (1926-2008) Tapan Kumar Bose (1938-2008) Yoginder Joshi (1938-2008) Barry Wallbank (n/a - 2008) Books Received / Livres reçus Book Reviews / Critiques de livres Employment Opportunities / Postes d’emploi The Journal of the Canadian Association of Physicists La revue de l'Association canadienne des physiciens et physiciennes ISSN 0031-9147 EDITORIAL BOARD / COMITÉ DE RÉDACTION Editor / Rédacteur Béla Joós, PPhys Physics Department, University of Ottawa 150 Louis Pasteur Avenue Ottawa, Ontario K1N 6N5 (613) 562-5758; Fax:(613) 562-5190 e-mail: Associate Editor / Rédactrice associée Managing / Administration Francine M. Ford c/o CAP/ACP Book Review Editor / Rédacteur à la critique de livres Richard Hodgson, PPhys c/o CAP / ACP Suite.Bur. 112, Imm. McDonald Bldg., Univ. of / d' Ottawa, 150 Louis Pasteur, Ottawa, Ontario K1N 6N5 (613) 562-5800 x6964; Fax: (613) 562-5190 Email: Advertising Manager / Directeur de la publicité Greg Schinn EXFO Electro-Optical Engineering Inc. 400 av. Godin Quebec (QC) G1M 2K2 (418) 683-0913 ext. 3230 e-mail: Board Members / Membres du comité : René Roy, phys Département de physique, de génie physique et d’optique Université Laval Cité Universitaire, Québec G1K 7P4 (418) 656-2655; Fax: (418) 656-2040 Email: David J. Lockwood, PPhys Institute for Microstructural Sciences National Research Council (M-36) Montreal Rd., Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0R6 (613) 993-9614; Fax: (613) 993-6486 Email: Tapash Chakraborty Canada Research Chair Professor, Dept. of Physics and Astronomy University of Manitoba, 223 Allen Building Winnipeg, Manitoba R3T 2N2 (204) 474-7041; Fax: (204) 474-7622 Email: Canadian Association of Physicists (CAP) Association canadienne des physiciens et physiciennes (ACP) The Canadian Association of Physicists was founded in 1945 as a non-profit association representing the interests of Canadian physicists. The CAP is a broadly-based national network of physicists in working in Canadian educational, industrial, and research settings. We are a strong and effective advocacy group for support of, and excellence in, physics research and education. We represent the voice of Canadian physicists to government, granting agencies, and many international scientific societies. We are an enthusiastic sponsor of events and activities promoting Canadian physics and physicists, including the CAP's annual congress and national physics journal. We are proud to offer and continually enhance our web site as a key resource for individuals pursuing careers in physics and physics education. Details of the many activities of the Association can be found at . Membership application forms are also available in the membership section of that website. L'Association canadienne des physiciens et physiciennes a été fondée en 1946 comme une association à but non-lucratif représentant les intérêts des physicien(ne)s canadien(ne)s. L’ACP est un vaste regroupement de physiciens oeuvrant dans les milieux canadiens de l'éducation, de l'industrie et de la recherche. Nous constituons un groupe de pression solide et efficace, ayant pour objectif le soutien de la recherche et de l'éducation en physique, et leur excellence. Nous sommes le porte-parole des physiciens canadiens face au gouvernement, aux organismes subventionnaires et à plusieurs sociétés scientifiques internationales. Nous nous faisons le promoteur enthousiaste d'événements et d'activités mettant à l'avant-scène la physique et les physiciens canadiens, en particulier le congrès annuel et la revue de l'Association. Nous sommes fiers d'offrir et de développer continuellement notre site Web pour en faire une ressource-clé pour ceux qui poursuivent leur carrière en physique et dans l'enseignement de la physique. Vous pouvez trouver les renseignements concernant les nombreuses activités de l’ACP à Les formulaires d’adhésion sont aussi disponibles dans la rubrique “Adhésion” sur ce site. II C PHYSICS IN CANADA / VOL. 64, NO. 2 ( Apr.-June. (Spring) 2008 ) Normand Mousseau Chaire de recherche du Canada, Département de physique Université de Montréal, C.P. 6128, Succ. centre-ville Montréal, Québec H3C 3J7 (514) 343-6614; Fax: (514) 343-2071 Email: Michael Steinitz, PPhys Department of Physics St. Francis Xavier University, P.O. Box 5000 Antigonish, Nova Scotia B2G 2W5 (902) 867-3909; Fax: (902) 867-2414 Email: ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION / ABONNEMENT ANNUEL : $40.00 Cdn + GST or HST (Cdn addresses), $40.00 US (US addresses) $45.00 US (other/foreign addresses) Advertising, Subscriptions, Change of Address/ Publicité, abonnement, changement d'adresse: Canadian Association of Physicists / Association canadienne des physiciens et physiciennes, Suite/Bureau 112, Imm. McDonald Bldg., Univ. of/d' Ottawa, 150 Louis Pasteur, Ottawa, Ontario K1N 6N5 Phone/ Tél: (613) 562-5614; Fax/Téléc. : (613) 562-5615 e-mail/courriel : Website/Internet : Canadian Publication Product Sales Agreement No. 0484202/ Numéro de convention pour les envois de publications canadiennes : 0484202 © 2008 CAP/ACP All rights reserved / Tous droits de reproduction réservés WWW.CAP.CA (select Physics in Canada / Option : La Physique au Canada) ÉDITORIAL HIGH PERFORMANCE COMPUTING (HPC) A ny reader of Physics in Canada is well aware of the incredible advances in computing and communications that have occurred during our lifetimes, and how they have revolutionized, not only science, but our daily lives as well. There are so many examples that illustrate. In less than 40 years, our common tools have changed from slide rules to massively parallel computer systems, connected across the country by networks with unimaginable capacity and speeds. In barely 20 years, memory costs have gone from roughly $1,000 for a 20 MB disk to $10 for a 2 GB stick, a reduction in per unit cost of a factor of 10,000, or even more if you choose to incorporate general inflation in the calculation. We are all familiar with these kinds of numbers, but it is still worth pausing from time to time to reflect on just how incredible they are -- and to speculate on how far and fast these trends will continue. Our interest in this issue of Physics in Canada is in the realm of the big systems, or high performance computing (HPC) as it has come to be known in recent years. Our primary goals are to summarize the computing systems and technologies that are available to us now, and to illustrate some of the breadth of the physics that is being done with them. Our additional goals are to describe the Canadian journey in HPC, with emphasis on the process and achievements of the past decade, and point potential users to the access points for the resources that are now available. Our issue opens with an overview of HPC technologies, their components, and how to choose different ones for different applications. It includes a description of grid services used to coordinate access to computers distributed around the world. Our issue closes with the story of HPC in Canada to date, how our various resources are organized and available nationally, and the emergence of a new era and a new organization, Compute Canada. This story has been one of, probably unparalleled, cooperation amongst interested scientists across the country, and tremendous support from organizations including NSERC, the National Research Council of Canada, the Canada Foundation for Innovation, CANARIE, provincial funding organizations, and numerous computer manufacturers who have provided generously of both financial support and time. Above all else, the key to success has been the cooperation across all these sectors. HPC, and applications to different sciences. They vary in both style and content, but they have important common and complementary features. They are all intended to appeal to a broad audience of physicists with different areas of expertise. They range from the enormous scales of astrophysics, to the minute scales of nuclei. They cover condensed matter physics, equilibrium and non-equilibrium physics, the finite-element analysis of engineering, astrophysics, nuclear physics, and the ever-improving climate modeling, in particular the Canadian Regional Climate Model. Some emphasize technique, some emphasize results, and some illustrate the place of simulations within the broader spectrum from "theory" to "experiment". A major goal of all academic work is not just to predict our future as a planet and society, but to control our future. Computers play a major role in this enterprise because they enable an ever more detailed modeling of the physical world in which we find ourselves, and a cataloguing of its rich diversity (such as the human genome). Recent advances are analogous suddenly to having at our disposal a microscope or telescope that is orders of magnitude more powerful than what was previously available, and so we can see further and do more to control our own destiny than was previously possible. The Canadian Regional Climate Model is an obvious example of this, but all the articles illustrate in one way or another how computers are playing an increasingly important role as an extension of our own senses to monitor and control the world in which we live. The pace of development will only quicken in the future, and the Canadian academic community has an important role to play at the leading edge of these developments. We hope that you find this collection of articles enjoyable and informative. For those of you who have not been part of the exciting Canadian HPC story, we invite you to reflect on what a diverse community can accomplish when it works tirelessly and cooperatively towards a common cause. Mark Whitmore, University of Manitoba Gordon Drake, University of Windsor Guest Editors, Physics in Canada Comments of readers on this editorial are more than welcome. Mark Whitmore <Mark_Whitmore@>, Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3T 2N2. Gordon Drake <gdrake@uwindsor. ca>, Department of Physics, University of Windsor, Windsor, Ontario, N9B 3P4. Between these two "bookends" of this issue, we have a collection of five papers illustrating the techniques of The contents of this journal, including the views expressed above, do not necessarily represent the views or policies of the Canadian Association of Physicists. Le contenu de cette revue, ainsi que les opinions exprimées cidessus, ne représentent pas nécessairement les opinions et les politiques de l’Association canadienne des physiciens et des physiciennes. LA PHYSIQUE AU CANADA / Vol. 64, No. 2 ( avr. à juin (printemps) 2008 ) C 39 EDITORIAL LE CALCUL DE HAUTE PERFORMANCE T out lecteur de La Physique au Canada est bien au fait des incroyables progrès survenus en informatique et en communication pendant notre vie, et de la manière dont ces progrès ont révolutionné non seulement la science, mais aussi notre vie quotidienne, ce que tant d’exemples illustrent. En moins de 40 ans, nos outils courants ont changé, passant des règles à calcul aux systèmes d’ordinateurs ultraparallèles qui forment à l’échelle du pays des réseaux aux capacités et aux vitesses inimaginables. En 20 ans à peine, le coût de la mémoire est passé d’environ 1 000 $ pour un disque de 20 Mb à 10 $ pour une clé USB de 2 Gb, soit un facteur de diminution de 10 000 du coût de l’unité, ou même plus si l’on si l’on tient compte de l’inflation générale. Nous connaissons tous de tels chiffres, mais il vaut quand même la peine de s’arrêter de temps à autre pour se rendre compte à quel point ils sont incroyables et pour conjecturer quant à l’aboutissement de ces tendances et au rythme auquel elles nous y mènent. Le thème du présent numéro de La Physique au Canada est le domaine des gros systèmes, ou le calcul de haute performance (CHP), comme on en est venu à l’appeler ces dernières années. Nos buts principaux sont de résumer les systèmes et technologies informatiques dont nous disposons aujourd’hui et d’illustrer une certaine ampleur de la physique à laquelle on les emploie. Nous voulons aussi décrire la démarche canadienne en CHP, en mettant l’accent sur le processus et les réalisations de la dernière décennie, et orienter les utilisateurs éventuels vers les points d’accès des ressources dont on dispose actuellement. Ce numéro s’ouvre sur un aperçu des technologies de CHP, de leurs composantes et de la façon d’en choisir certaines pour des applications différentes. Il inclut une description des services de réseau servant à coordonner l’accès aux ordinateurs disséminés autour du globe. Le dernier article du numéro décrit l’histoire du CHP au Canada à ce jour, le mode d’organisation de nos diverses ressources et leur disponibilité à l’échelle nationale, ainsi que l’aube d’une nouvelle ère et d’un nouvel organisme : Calcul Canada. Cet article décrit la coopération, probablement inégalée, entre des scientifiques intéressés à l’échelle du pays et le soutien extraordinaire de divers organismes, dont le Conseil de recherches en sciences naturelles et en génie, le Conseil national de recherches du Canada, la Fondation canadienne pour l’innovation, CANARIE, des organismes de financement provinciaux et bien des fabricants d’ordinateurs qui ont contribué généreusement à la fois un soutien financier et leur temps. Plus que toute autre chose, la clé de la réussite a été la coopération entre tous ces secteurs. Les premier et dernier articles de ce numéro encadrent une série de cinq documents illustrant les techniques de CHP et leur application à différentes sciences. Ceux-ci varient tant par le 40 C PHYSICS IN (CHP) style que par le contenu, mais ils comportent d’importants caractères courants et complémentaires. Ils visent tous à séduire un vaste auditoire de physiciens de différents domaines d’expertise. Ils vont de l’échelle immense de l’astrophysique à celle, infime, des noyaux. Ils traitent de physique de la matière condensée, de physique en équilibre et hors d’équilibre, d’analyse par éléments finis du génie, d’astrophysique, de physique nucléaire et de modélisation climatique en constante amélioration, notamment du Modèle régional canadien du climat. Certains articles mettent en lumière la technique et d’autres les résultats, et d’autres encore illustrent la place des simulations dans le vaste spectre d’activités allont de la « théorie » à « l’expérimentation ». L’un des grands objectifs de toute recherche académique n’est pas uniquement de prédire l’avenir de notre planète et de notre société, mais de le contrôler. L’ordinateur joue un rôle de premier plan dans cette entreprise, car il permet de modéliser de façon de plus en plus détaillée le monde physique qui nous entoure et d’en cataloguer la riche diversité (tel le génome humain). Les progrès récents s’apparentent soudainement à disposer d’un microscope ou d’un télescope d’une puissance supérieure de plusieurs ordres de grandeur à ce dont on disposait antérieurement, de sorte que nous pouvons mieux voir et faire plus que ce qui était possible auparavant pour contrôler notre propre destinée. Le Modèle régional canadien du climat en est un exemple évident, mais tous les articles illustrent d’une façon ou d’une autre comment l’ordinateur joue un rôle de plus en plus grand comme prolongement de nos propres sens pour surveiller et contrôler le monde où nous vivons. Le rythme du progrès ne pourra que s’accélérer dans l’avenir et la collectivité universitaire canadienne a un rôle important à jouer à l’avant-plan de ce progrès. Nous espérons que vous trouverez cette série d’articles à la fois agréables à lire et instructifs. Pour ceux d’entre vous qui n’ont pas eu part à la passionnante histoire du CHP au Canada, nous les invitons à réfléchir à ce que peut réaliser une collectivité diverse qui travaille sans relâche et dans la coopération à une cause commune. Mark Whitmore, Université du Manitoba Gordon Drake, Université de Windsor Rédacteurs invités, La Physique au Canada Les commentaires de nos lecteurs au sujet de cet éditorial sont bienvenus. NOTE: Le genre masculin n’a été utilisé que pour alléger le texte. CANADA / VOL. 64, NO. 2 ( Apr.-June. (Spring) 2008 ) ARTICLE DE FOND HIGH PERFORMANCE COMPUTING TECHNOLOGIES BY ROB SIMMONDS igh performance computing systems are used for solving a wide range of scientific problems. Some problems can be solved serially on a single processor, and some larger problems can be split into smaller tasks each of which can be run sequentially. With problems that cannot be partitioned in this way, the only effective way to solve them is to create parallel programs that can utilise a large number of processors concurrently. Depending on the problems that need to be solved, different types of computers might be most suitable. H these models is easier than using MPI, but the programs created are limited to running on shared memory computers. There are a number of programming models for parallel applications. The message passing model is most scalable and has the advantage of being usable on the widest range of computing systems. With the message passing model, a set of independent processes perform calculations and exchange information using messages when required. Today, most such programs use the Message Passing Interface (MPI) libraries which were created to make it easier to port code between systems. MPI has a large number of functions that enable point-to-point communication between processes, and collective operations that distribute or collect data from large numbers of processes. This paper describes the types of systems that are currently used to run both serial and parallel HPC applications. It also describes grid middleware that is used to enable international projects. An excellent example of a project using grid technologies is the ATLAS physics experiment [1] that has many Canadian participants. Other programming models rely on having all processors being able to access a shared memory address space. Multi-threaded programs use many threads of execution coordinated by mutual exclusion primitives that provide ordered access to data items accessed by more than one thread. In programs using the OpenMP programming model, concurrency is enabled between pairs of directives inserted into the code. In general, writing programs using SUMMARY This paper gives an overview of technologies currently used in high performance computing (HPC) environments. The different programming models used for HPC applications are outlined and the types of computer systems currently available explained. The paper also provides a description of grid computing services that are employed to coordinate access to computers distributed around the world, and the wide area networking technologies required to use these distributed environments effectively. Most computers use scalar processors, and parallel execution is enabled by using multiple processors concurrently. Another form of parallelism comes from using vector processors that perform operations on multiple data elements simultaneously. Only a small number of vendors sell vector computers, and these are currently only cost effective for solving a small set of problems. The rest of the paper is laid out as follows. The second section describes current computer systems. These include clusters (1), large shared memory computers (2), and systems designed for running very large message passing programs (3). The next section describes specific system components: multi-core processors (1), accelerators (2), cluster interconnects (3), and storage systems (4). The fourth section describes grid computing services, and the fifth section describes wide area networking issues. The paper is summarised in the final section. COMPUTER SYSTEMS There are a number of different types of computer systems used for high performance computing. As already mentioned, vector systems provide high performance for some applications. Systems that use scalar processors are described in this section. These include cluster systems, large shared memory computers and systems designed specifically for running large message passing applications. A ranking of the fastest 500 computers in the world is kept at; this ranking is based on the performance of a single benchmark. R. Simmonds <simmonds@> WestGrid Chief Technology Officer, WestGrid, BioSciences 530, University of Calgary, 2500 University Dr. NW, Calgary, Alberta, T2N 1N4 Cluster Computers Cluster computers have become increasingly popular and now dominate the top 500 list. Depending on the components used, a cluster may be suitable for running large numbers of serial jobs or, if a high bandwidth, low latency interconnect is employed, clusters are capable of running large message passing parallel programs. A decade LA PHYSIQUE AU CANADA / Vol. 64, No. 2 ( avr. à juin (printemps) 2008 ) C 41 HIGH PERFORMANCE COMPUTING (SIMMONDS) ago, groups built their own clusters in order to create cost effective systems [12], but cost effective clusters are now sold by many vendors. Some clusters are designed specifically for HPC environments where price/performance has been the major factor in purchasing decisions. These systems are built using compute nodes with fewer fault tolerance features than are in systems designed for enterprise data centres. However, the power and cooling requirements of recent processors have increased dramatically. Due to this, more advanced systems are gaining popularity for HPC applications. Many of these are blade systems that have many components including power supplies, network switches and cooling fans built into a chassis. Compute blades that hold processors, memory and local hard drives are plugged into these chassis. The use of shared power supplies and carefully engineered airflow through the chassis leads to lower power consumption and reduced load on external air conditioners. Shared Memory Systems For large scale shared memory processing, there are fewer choices of system. Some vendors sell computers with 32 processor sockets; only SGI ( sells computers that scale to hundreds of processor sockets sharing memory. The SGI systems can be configured with different combinations of processor and memory modules as required. These are useful for running parallel programs that are difficult to program using the message passing model, or that need huge amounts of memory in a single address space. However, no shared memory systems scale to the extent that distributed memory systems can. The large shared memory systems can be used as cluster nodes, though nodes with small numbers of processor sockets are far more cost effective when large shared address spaces are not required. This is why nodes with two sockets are the most common building blocks for clusters. Large Systems Cluster computers are very scalable, but they might not provide the best solutions for running very large message passing parallel programs. There are several reasons for this. One is that clusters usually run a general purpose operating system (OS) on each node, often some variant of Linux. If each instance of the OS is running independently without synchronisation, the timing of I/O interrupts at different nodes can cause jitter in parallel programs leading to lower performance [10]. Also, these OS instances are often running services that are not needed by the parallel programs and these add jitter. Another problem is that any component failure on a node running part of the parallel program can cause the whole program to fail. The more nodes employed, the greater the chance that a failure will occur. There are systems that are built specifically for running very large message passing jobs. Currently, an IBM BlueGene system heads the top 500 computer listings. Each BlueGene has a large number of PowerPC processors, all running at reduced clock speeds. This makes the processors more reliable, and also 42 C PHYSICS IN increases the thermal efficiency, resulting in less cooling being required. It does this at the cost of serial performance, although this is not considered so important in a massively parallel system. A BlueGene has multiple interconnection networks for different types of communication, with one of the networks used to synchronise the processors. Cray ( and SGI also sell cluster based systems with features designed to reduce jitter. SYSTEM COMPONENTS This section provides information about some of the components used in HPC computing systems. It starts by describing the current multi-core processors. Then, accelerators that can be used to boost the performance of some programs are introduced. Finally, interconnection networks and storage systems are described. Multi-core Processors For many years, the speed of scalar processors doubled roughly every 18 months. This is no longer possible due to physical constraints on the materials used to construct processors, so this doubling of serial processing speed will not continue. Currently, the primary technique being used to increase performance of general purpose processors is multi-core. With this, each processor has multiple processing cores, each of which contains the logic required to perform scalar processing. Current multi-core processors have between 2 and 8 cores. The multi-core processors have several caches, along with memory and I/O controllers. In all designs, each core has a level 1 (L1) cache that consists of fast memory used just to hold data, and instructions that are used by the individual core. They also have an L2 cache that is larger, but with slightly greater access latency. The L2 cache might be for use by a single core, but is more likely to be shared by more than one core. Some designs also have an L3 cache that is shared between all of the cores in the processor. It is important to understand the design of the processors, since this has implications on how to get the best performance from a program using the processor. Since all the cores in the processor share a connection to the computer’s memory bus, processes that need high bandwidth might perform best if they do not share the same socket with other processes. Processes that communicate through shared memory might perform best if they run in the same multi-core processor so that they share cache structures. These are issues that have been addressed in large shared memory computers in the past, but now they are affecting all computers. Currently, the writers of cluster scheduling systems are working to adapt their software to be aware of these issues when deciding where to place the processes that are part of a parallel program. Accelerators There is currently a trend to add accelerators to compute nodes. An accelerator is a special purpose unit capable of running CANADA / VOL. 64, NO. 2 ( Apr.-June. (Spring) 2008 ) HIGH PERFORMANCE COMPUTING (SIMMONDS)AA some calculations faster than a general purpose processor. Ideally, the accelerator is used to offload parts of the computation, with the main processor continuing to execute instructions. The idea of using accelerators is not new. For example, in the 1980s, the INMOS Transputer was used to accelerate workstations. Accelerators are gaining popularity at the moment since they can provide performance that greatly exceeds that of general purpose processors for specific tasks. Current accelerators include IBM’s Cell processor [8], the ClearSpeed card ( and Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs). Both the Cell and ClearSpeed cards provide superior floating point performance. FPGAs perform well when it is advantageous to work with variable word lengths. Another type of accelerator that is gaining popularity is general purpose graphics cards (GPGPUs) that offer very high floating point performance while being relatively inexpensive. One issue with current GPGPUs is that they do not support the same floating point arithmetic standards as general purpose processors, although this may be addressed in future units. Another problem with card based accelerators is the limited bandwidth between the main processor and the card. Due to this, these accelerators only give good performance if the ratio of work done to I/O required large. Current scalar processors have two to eight cores, but future processors could have many more; Intel has demonstrated a prototype processor with 80 cores. The term many-core has been used to describe processors where adding or removing a few cores will make little difference, since the performance will be limited by the socket bandwidth. It is likely that these future processors will have accelerators in the same package as the scalar processing cores. Economics will dictate which accelerators are added to processors. Cluster Interconnects age. Also, the volume of data that is used by modern applications is increasing massively. The size of individual disk drives has increased considerably in the past few years, and new technologies have led to lower priced drives. The speed of disks has not increased greatly, so modern storage systems need to access many disks concurrently to get high performance. This is done either by using hardware controllers that stripe across many disks, or by using cluster file-systems that access large numbers of disk servers in parallel. The Lustre file-system ( is an example of a highly scalable cluster filesystem that is used on many of the largest Linux HPC clusters. Large disk arrays are configured in redundant configurations called RAID sets so that a file-system can survive a drive failure. With small disk drives, RAID level 5, where one drive holds parity information for a set of striped drives, was adequate. However, with larger disks, the increased time for a disk array to rebuild itself after a disk failure greatly increases the chance that a second drive could fail before that process is complete. To reduce the chance of losing data, most large HPC disk arrays now use RAID level 6 that allows more than one disk to fail in any RAID set. However, RAID 6 uses additional space for parity information. DISTRIBUTED COMPUTING Previous sections have described computer systems that are situated in a single machine room. However, many large projects have collaborators in different countries and use computing resources distributed globally. One of the best known large scale collaborations is the ATLAS project [1] that will process data collected at CERN at sites around the world. The following sections describe some of the technologies used to facilitate these projects. Grid Computing The concept of grid computing was developed at the end of the 1990s [6]. This aims to provide coordinated access to computing resources that are geographically separated and belong to different administrative domains. A well known grid environment is the CERN Large Computing Grid (LCG) that will be used to distribute data and jobs for the ATLAS project. Nodes in a cluster computer are linked using one or more networks. These networks are used to access the nodes, for the nodes to access networked storage, and for message passing communications. Ethernet provides good bandwidth, but generally high latency largely due to the complex IP software stacks used to access them. One gigabit per second (Gb/s) Ethernet is used most often; 10 Gb/s Ethernet components are available, but are expensive compared to other high performance networks at this time. Low latency interconnects such as Myrinet ( and Quadrics ( are specifically designed for use with HPC clusters and provide low latency communications suitable for running scalable message passing programs. Many new clusters use Infiniband networks. Infiniband is designed to handle multiple protocols simultaneously, and provides good price performance compared to other high performance interconnects. A number of different grid middleware toolkits exist, with the Globus Toolkit (GT) [2] being the most widely used. The GT provides the basic components needed to build a grid environment. These handle authorisation and authentication, resource discovery, launching jobs, and the efficient movement of data between geographically separated systems. Current versions of the GT include other higher level services; additional services are usually needed to create a complete grid environment. The Virtual Data Toolkit (VDT) package includes GT along with other services useful for setting up a grid environment on Linux based systems. As the size and performance of computer systems have increased, so has the need for greater performance from stor- Large scale grid computing environments, such as LCG, need to achieve a number of things. One is to distribute data so that it can be accessed at sites separated by huge distances. Another is to send jobs to sites with resources available to run them. Storage LA PHYSIQUE AU CANADA / Vol. 64, No. 2 ( avr. à juin (printemps) 2008 ) C 43 HIGH PERFORMANCE COMPUTING (SIMMONDS) There is often a need to coordinate the distribution of data and jobs since there is no point sending a job to a site that does not have the required data. Data management in grid environments often uses data discovery and replication services [5]. These can use tools such as the Meta Data Catalog Service (MCS) to provide relational indexing of data files based on their contents. The indexes are referred to as Logical File Names (LFNs). Then, a scalable information service such as the Replica Location Service (RLS) can be used to find all of the copies of the file that exist. Each physical file is referenced by its name referred to by its Physical File Name (PFN). A data replication service can be used to find a “close” copy of a particular file and move it to a site where it will be needed by one or more jobs. In a Globus environment, GridFTP [4] is used to provide high performance data transfer. Jobs in a grid environment are managed using meta-schedulers such as Condor-G [7]. A meta-scheduler is a tool that can send jobs to distributed resources, each of which could have its own scheduling system to manage local job starting policy. In a Condor-G/Globus environment, each local resource runs a Globus Resource Allocation Manager (GRAM) service. Each GRAM instance may provide an interface to a local cluster with thousands of processors, or it could provide an interface to another meta-scheduler that itself submits jobs to many clusters, each controlled by its own local job scheduler. This provides a highly scalable way of accessing large numbers of distributed compute resources. The Globus Monitoring and Discovery Service (MDS) can be used to publish and discover information about resources. This information could be displayed in a human readable form using tools such as WebMDS, or it could be used directly by other tools such as meta-schedulers. In this way, a new resource can be added to the set of resources available automatically. Once discovered, a data management system can replicate data to the site, and a meta-scheduler can start sending jobs to the new site. Rules can be set up to prevent the meta-scheduler submitting jobs to a site until the required data is available. The Globus tools use the Grid Security Infrastructure (GSI) to handle authorisation and authentication. This uses a Certificate Authority (CA) model that allows users to be added to a system by a resource provider without any secret information, such as a password, being exchanged between the resource provider and the user. GSI also enables single sign-on using short lived credentials generated from a user’s CA signed certificate and private key. This enables resources in multiple administrative domains to be accessed using a single credential. The mapping schemes used with GSI mean that it is not important if the usernames at different sites are not the same. Each site has control over which users can use its resources; in a simple Globus environment, this is done by adding a string called the Distinguished Name (DN) that identifies a user’s credential to a mapping file. 44 C PHYSICS IN In a grid environment with resources distributed across many administrative domains, adding DNs to mapping files at each site is likely to be difficult to coordinate. To deal with this, Virtual Organisation (VO) management tools such as VOMS [11] can be employed; a VO describes a group of users working on a common problem. If VOMS is used, rather than adding each person in a VO to a mapping file, a resource provider can simply add the VO. The resource provider has control of how the users of the VO are mapped to the resource. One way to configure this is so that, each time a new user from the VO accesses the resource, he or she is mapped to a new local account. Since it is not important to grid users what their local usernames are, a random username can be allocated. Using VOMS, a resource provider can add the VOs they trust to their configuration and let the VO managers control which of their users can access the resource. Web Services Based Tools Grid tools have not been universally adopted by all collaborating research groups. In particular, some groups that are not concerned about cross domain authorisation or tightly coupled coordination of resources have adopted simpler Web service based tools. Web service workflow managers such as Kepler ( and Taverna (taverna.sourceforge. net) provide powerful graphical interfaces and have been widely adopted by some areas of science such as Bioinformatics. WIDE AREA NETWORKING In order to distribute data around large grid environments, high performance wide area networks are critical; large capacity research networks link systems around the world. In Canada, these research networks are operated by CANARIE ( Current research networks are a mix of IP networks where data streams share links between high performance routers, dedicated links between sites that communicate often, and dynamically configured lightpath networks. A lightpath is a point-to-point optical circuit linking two sites, and software services such as UCLP [3] can be employed to construct lightpaths as required. To achieve high performance data transfer over wide area networks, it is vital to use tools designed specifically for this task. Tools that use the TCP protocol need to be able allocate large buffers and ideally be able to move data over parallel streams. An example of such a tool is GridFTP [4] from the Globus Toolkit. Other tools employ protocols specifically designed for wide area data transfer, such as UDT [9], that avoid the performance issues encountered by TCP data retransmission algorithms on large round trip time (RTT) networks. SUMMARY This paper has given an overview of technologies currently employed in high performance computing environments. These include large scale computing systems employing powerful processors, high performance communication networks, and large storage systems. The paper also included information CANADA / VOL. 64, NO. 2 ( Apr.-June. (Spring) 2008 ) HIGH PERFORMANCE COMPUTING (SIMMONDS)AA about grid and Web service based software that enables coordinated access to computing systems distributed around the world. Finally, some technologies needed for high performance wide area networking were discussed. Because of this, the computer processing power available to researchers in years to come will dwarf what was available just a few years ago. It will be fascinating to see what research advances these new computer systems will enable. Computing technologies are evolving rapidly, and very large systems can now be purchased for a few million dollars. REFERENCES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. The ATLAS Project. The Globus Toolkit. User Controlled Lightpaths. B. Allcock, L. Liming, and S. Tuecke. GridFTP: A Data Transfer Protocol for the Grid. E. Deelman, J. Blythe, Y. Gil, and C. Kesselman. Pegasus: Planning for Execution in Grids. Technical Report TR-2002-20, ISI, November 2002. 6. I. Foster and C. Kesselman. The Grid: Blueprint for a New Computing Infrastructure. Morgan Kaufmann, 2004. 7. J. Frey, T. Tannenbaum, I. Foster, M. Livny, and S. Tuecke. Condor-G: A computation management agent for multi-institutional grids. In Proceedings of the Tenth IEEE Symposium on High Performance Distributed Computing (HPDC), pages 7-9, San Francisco, California, August 2001. 8. M. Gschwind. The cell broadband engine: Exploiting multiple levels of parallelism in a chip multiprocessor. International Journal of Parallel Programming, 35(3), June 2007. 9. Y. Gu and R.L. Grossman. UDT: UDP-based Data Transfer for High-Speed Wide Area Networks. Computer Networks, 51, May 2007. 10. A. Hoisie, G. Johnson, D.J. Kerbyson, M. Lang, and S. Pakin. A performance comparison through benchmarking and modeling of three leading supercomputers: blue gene/l, red storm, and purple. In SC '06: Proceedings of the 2006 ACM/IEEE conference on Supercomputing, page 74, New York, NY, USA, 2006. ACM. 11. R. Alferi From gridmap-file to VOMS: Managing authorization in a Grid environment. Future Generation Computer Systems, 21(4):549-558, 2005. 12. T. Sterling, D. Savarese, D.J. Becker, J.E. Dorband, U.A. Ranawake, and C.V Packer. BEOWULF: A parallel workstation for scientic computation. In Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Parallel Processing, pages 11-14, Oconomowoc, WI, 1995. LA PHYSIQUE AU CANADA / Vol. 64, No. 2 ( avr. à juin (printemps) 2008 ) C 45 C CONGRATULATIONS ONGRATULATIONS ONGRATULATIONS C CONGRATULATIONS TWO PROMINENT ROMINENT C PHYSICISTS HYSICISTS I INTO O ORDER RDER OF OF C AS O .11/08) T WO P CANADIAN ANADIAN P INDUCTED NDUCTED INTO CANADA ANADA AS OFFICERS FFICERS (A (APR PR.11/08) PAUL AUL C ORKUM is P CORKUM is one one of of Canada’s Canada’s leading leading experts experts on on lasers lasers and and their their applications. applications. For For more more than than 30 30 years, years, this this National National Research Research Council Council scienscientist also Canada ResearchatChair tist (now (also Professor of Physics the at the University of Ottawa) hasdevelbeen University of Ottawa) has been developing and advancing concepts oping and advancing concepts needed needed to understand how intense to understand how intense laser light laser usedthetostrucstudy pulseslight can pulses be usedcan to be study the matter. He isasknown turestructure of matter.ofHe is known the as the father of the attosecond pulse, father of the attosecond pulse, which which is sothat rapid thatallowed it has allowed to capture first of is so rapid it has him to him capture the firstthe image image of anorbiting electronan orbiting an atom. Recognized for his an electron atom. Recognized for his innovative innovative research for his contribution he is research and for his and contribution to physics, to hephysics, is the recipient the recipient of the 2006 Prizesciences, for natural the of the 2006 Killam Prize Killam for natural the sciences, 2007 2007 NSERC Polyani (see 54 page for more details) NSERC Polyani Prize Prize (see page for54 more details) and is a and is a member of both theSociety Royal of Society of London and the member of both the Royal London and the Royal Royal of Canada. SocietySociety of Canada. 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The additional funding funding to to support support their their research, research, and and their their universities universities receive receive aa salary salary contribution contribution to to fund fund aa replaceThe winners winners receive receive additional replacement for the the Fellow’s Fellow’s teaching teaching and and administrative administrative duties, duties, thus thus allowing allowing the the winners winners to to focus focus on on their their research research for for two two years. years. ment for (For news/2008/) news/2008/) (For more more information information :: P HD DP PHYSICS AWARDED WARDED AT AT M MCCM MASTER ASTER U UNIVERSITY NIVERSITY;; Dec. Dec. 2006 2006 to to Nov. Nov. 2007 2007 (cont’d (cont’d from from Jan.-Apr. Jan.-Apr. 08 08 PiC) PiC) PH HYSICS D DEGREES EGREES A DOCTORATS OCTORATS EN EN PHYSIQUE PHYSIQUE DÉCERNÉS DÉCERNÉS À ÀL L’U CM déc. 2006 2006 àà nov. nov. 2007 2007 (suite (suite du du PaC PaC de de jan. jan. àà avr. avr. 08) 08) D ’UNIVERSITÉ NIVERSITÉ M MC MASTER ASTER;; déc. Steven J. Steven J. Bickerton, Bickerton, "" A A Search Search for for Kilometer-Sized Kilometer-Sized Kuiper Kuiper Belt Belt Objects Objects with with the the Method Method of of Serendipitous Serendipitous Stellar Stellar Occultations" (D.L. (D.L. Welch), Welch), June June 2007 2007 Occultations" Kevin F. F. Lee, Lee, "Controlling "Controlling Molecular Molecular Alignment" Alignment" (P. (P. Corkum Corkum ), ), June June 2007 2007 Kevin David Lepischak, Lepischak, "High-Amplitude "High-Amplitude delta delta Scuti Scuti Variables Variables in in the the LMC" LMC" (D. (D. L. L. Welch), Welch), June June 2007 2007 David Michael V. V. Massa, Massa, "" Studies Studies of Michael of Polymer Polymer Crystal Crystal Nucleation Nucleation in in Droplet Droplet Ensembles" Ensembles" (K. (K. Dalnoki-Veress), Dalnoki-Veress), June June 2007 2007 Soko Matsumura, Matsumura, "" Planet Planet Formation Formation and and Migration Migration in in Evolving Evolving Protostellar Protostellar Disks", Disks", (R. (R. Pudritz), Pudritz), June June 2007 2007 Soko 46 HYSICS 46 &C P PHYSICS IN IN C 64, N NO 2 (( Apr.-June. Apr.-June. (Spring) (Spring) 2008 CANADA ANADA // V VOL OL.. 64, O.. 2 2008 )) ARTICLE DE FOND ASTROPHYSICAL JETS BY DAVID A. CLARKE, NICHOLAS R. MACDONALD, JON P. RAMSEY AND MARK RICHARDSON A strophysical jets are long, collimated, supersonic flows of plasma emanating from compact celestial objects such as protostellar objects (PSO) that become stars once thermonuclear reactions begin, and active galactic nuclei (AGN) that are supermassive black holes (108 n 109 Mu, where Mu = 2 H 1030 kg is the mass of the sun) at the cores of nascent galaxies. Examples of jets are shown in Fig. 1. “Dead stars” (white dwarfs, neutron stars, and stellar black holes) can also exhibit jets (e.g., the famous microquasar SS433 [1]), but we shall concentrate here on jets from “young” objects such as PSO and AGN. The term jet was first applied to an astronomical object by Baade & Minkowski [2] to the “protrusion” out of the core of the nearby galaxy M87. In fact, this feature was first observed by H. Curtis in 1918 [3], the same Curtis of the famous “Curtis-Shapley debate” [4]. By the late 1980s, dozens of extragalactic radio jets had been extensively studied (e.g.,, most with radio interferometers such as the National Radio Astronomy Observatory’s Very Large Array, although several have been observed optically with the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) [5] and a few in x-rays (e.g., Wilson et al. [6]). What are now known as PSO jets can be traced to S. Burnham’s discovery in 1890 [7] of what he called “faint nebulosities”. Burnham’s objects were first interpreted as faint stars, but later identified as a separate class of objects by G. Herbig and G. Haro in the 1940s and for whom these objects are now named. Herbig-Haro (HH) objects were not widely understood as jets until the early 1980s when observations first revealed their narrow and collimated nature (e.g., Snell et al. [8] use the term “streams”, and don’t go quite so far as to call them “jets”). Hundreds of HH objects are now known, many of them associated with jets ( As protostars and protogalaxies form, the surrounding gas, dust and, in the case of the latter, whole stars are drawn in gravitationally which, by necessity, possess some initial angular momentum. As collapse ensues, conservation of angular momentum requires that the rotation speed of the in-falling material increases until it reaches a pointCthe so-called centrifugal barrierCwhere it can no longer move toward the rotation axis. Instead, material may only SUMMARY Nature has devised numerous mechanisms by which the universe could become selfaware, and where humanity could spring forth from the ashes of ancient supernovæ and gaze back upon the heavens to contemplate its origins. Astrophysical jets are one such mechanism. To an astronomer, a jet is a long, collimated, supersonic flow of gas emanating from a condensed object collapsing under its own weight. But to a forming star, a jet is the “arm” by which angular momentum is removed from the rapidly rotating object, allowing it to evolve. Without this mechanism, the spin of a protostar would prevent it from collapsing enough to trigger thermonuclear fusion, and we would not be here to talk about it. In this contribution, we introduce the reader to astrophysical jets, and discuss how supercomputing allows us to investigate the physics of these “hand-brakes of nature”. Fig. 1 Three “inverted palette” images of jets, where black represents the highest brightness. a) Very Large Telescope image of HH 34 in Orion (courtesy, the European Southern Observatory). The jet is the narrow feature emanating from the protostar in the top left corner and disappears from view before reaching its terminus at the right where it excites a bow shock in the interstellar medium; b) Very Large Array (VLA) image of the western jet in Cygnus A (from [9]). The jet moves from the AGN at the bottom left corner to the right filling a giant radio lobe of hot plasma (see [10] for an excellent overview of this prototypical AGN); c) VLA image of the “naked” jet from the quasar 1007+417. The quasar is the dark spot at the top of the image, and the jet is the series of knots ending at the small, off-axis lobe at the bottom. D.A. Clarke <>, N.R. MacDonald, J.P. Ramsey, and M. Richardson, Institute for Computational Astrophysics, Department of Astronomy & Physics, Saint Mary’s University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, B3H 3C3 LA PHYSIQUE AU CANADA / Vol. 64, No. 2 ( avr. à juin (printemps) 2008 ) C 47 ASTROPHYSICAL JETS (CLARKE ET AL.) “fall” parallel to the axis and on to the equatorial plane, forming an accretion disc. Were there no way for the disc to lose any of its angular momentum, such a configuration would remain stable for æons, rotating in a pseudo-solid body/Keplerian fashion much like the Milky Way does, without forming a compact objectCthe star or AGNCat its centre. Planets would not form from the debris of the disc, and we would not be here to discuss it. But Nature has found a way to rid the system of its angular momentumCjets. As shown in Fig. 2, a small fraction of the disc material is thrown off in long, collimated, oppositelydirected supersonic outflows carrying with them most of the disc’s angular momentum. This allows material in the disc to drift inward and collect at the gravitational “bottom” of the system (e.g., Königl & Pudritz [11]; Shu et al. [12]). Remarkably this process has been directly observed. Table 1 gives recent results from Woitas et al. [13] for the PSO RW Auriga. In these HST observations, the jet and accretion disc are sufficiently resolved to measure rotational speeds from Doppler-shifted emission lines. From these data and previous measurments of mass flow rates, angular momentum fluxes are deduced. The conclusion: the jets in RW Aur transport less than ten percent of the accreted material but more than 2/3 of the angular momentum away from the disc. TABLE 1 Measured rates at which mass and angular momentum are accumulated on the accretion disc (inflow) and then transported away by jets (outflow) for RW Aur (from [13]). An AU (Astronomical Unit) is 1.5 H 108 km, the distance between the Earth and the sun. Even before remarkable observations such as Woitas et al. were possible, jets were known to be associated with most star formation regions as well as young galaxies and quasars, and it has been widely believed for some time that virtually all stars and AGNs pass through a “jet phase” (e.g., see [14] for a recent and very digestible review of jets). A typical AGN is 108 times more massive than a PSO, and thus the scales of their associated jets are much greater. Jets from PSOs are about a light year (1016 m) in length and travel at 100n200 km/s, while those from AGNs can be longer than 106 light years and travel at 90% or more the speed of light. The jet phase might last 105 yr for a PSO and 108 yr for an AGN; in either case, a very small fraction of their total lifetime. Besides their size, one of the most important differences between jets from PSOs and AGNs is their density relative to their surrounding media. The density of a typical galactic jet is ~104 particles per cm3 (an excellent laboratory vacuum is 104 times denser), similar to that of the surrounding interstellar 48 C PHYSICS IN medium (ISM) for a density ratio of ~1. Conversely, a typical extragalactic jet may have a density of only 1 m−3 (that’s per cubic metre) while that of the surrounding inter-galactic medium (IGM) ~1 cm−3 for a density ratio of 10−6. It is this striking difference in density ratios that is thought to be responsible for many of the morphological differences between galactic and extragalactic jets. Prior to 1985, a prevailing model for launching outflows posited that a thick accretion discCone whose “vertical” thickness is an appreciable fraction of its equatorial radiusCformed about a compact object with a deep “funnel” reaching down to the object’s surface. A radiation-driven wind from the compact object would be blocked by the disc in the equatorial plane, but allowed to escape along the rotation axis and within the evacuated funnel. Indeed, the funnel would help collimate the outflow into the narrow jets observed [15,16]. However, in 1985 Papaloizou & Pringle [17] showed that such a funnel is hydrodynamically unstable in 3-D, rendering the mechanism impotent. It was Blandford & Payne [18] who first described the jet-launching model to stand the test of time. They showed that a jet can be launched magneto-centrifugally from the surface of an accretion disc, much like a bead on a wire accelerates outward if the wire were slanted outward enough from the rotation axis, then spun about. In this model, the “bead” is a mass of hot, ionised plasma and the “wire” is a magnetic field line. As ionised matter cannot cross field lines, it is obliged to follow it and thus form a collimated jet (Fig. 2). Fig. 2. Artist’s rendition of the Blandford & Payne model, in which the rotating accretion disc wraps up magnetic field lines into a helical pattern, launching a jet from the surface of the disc [courtesy NASA/ESA and Ann Feild (STScI)]. This paper inspired other theoretical discussions (e.g. [19,20]), and numerous computational investigations (e.g., [21n27]) to study various aspects of this theory. While each of these works examined the problem from a different angle, all agree on one main point: In a rotating, magnetised plasma collapsing under its own gravity, jets are unavoidable. THEORY AND METHODOLOGY Jet Physics It is often said that 98% of the universe is in the plasma state, with the EarthCin its mostly solid stateCrepresenting an anomaly. Plasma physics is enormously complicated to solve properly as it requires tracking every particleCionCunder their mutual electromagnetic and, in astrophysics, gravitational CANADA / VOL. 64, NO. 2 ( Apr.-June. (Spring) 2008 ) ASTROPHYSICAL JETS (CLARKE ET AL.)AA fields. Fortunately, if one can assume charge neutrality over small volumes of space and that relative speeds among the particles are comfortably sub-light, a simpler system of equationsCthose of magnetohydrodynamics (MHD)Cprevail. MHD was almost single-handedly developed by the Swedish physicist Hannes Alfvén (1908n1995) who won the Nobel prize for his efforts in 1970 ( people/alfven.html). His was often the story of “the lone voice in the wilderness”, where scoffs such as ‘Were such a thing possible, Maxwell himself would have discovered it!’ were reportedly heard at his seminars. It wasn’t until Enrico Fermi, having attended one of Alfvén’s lectures, pronounced his theory to be sound that Alfvén’s ideas started to be taken seriously. And when his most controversial predictionCthat a form of electromagnetic waves, later to be known as Alfvén waves, could propagate through a conducting mediumCwas confirmed in the lab in the late 1950s, his ideas finally became mainstream. In their primitive form, the equations of ideal (infinite conductivity) MHD are: ∂ρ r + ∇ ⋅ (ρ v ) = 0; ∂t (1) r r r ∂v r r 1 1 + (v ⋅∇) v = − ∇p − ∇φ + (∇ × B) × B; ∂t ρ µ 0ρ ∂p r r + v ⋅∇p = − γp∇ ⋅ v ∂t r ∂B r r = ∇× (v × B ), ∂t (2) (3) (4) where ρ is the density, ν6 is the fluid velocity, p α ργ is the thermal pressure, γ is the ratio of specific heats (5/3 for a plasma), φ is the gravitational potential satisfying Poisson’s equation (2φ = 4πGρ), and B6 is the magnetic induction which, by virtue of equation (4), satisfies the solenoidal condition, @B6= 0, for all time so long as it is imposed as an initial condition. These equations reduce to those of ordinary fluid dynamics when B6= 0. They describe how fluidCionised gas in this caseCflows under the influence of pressure gradients, gravity, and magnetic forces. It is an extremely rich and non-linear system of equations permitting four types of waves, both longitudinal and transverse. Except for the simplest of situations, they are almost completely inscrutable by pen and paper, and computational methods are necessary to make progress in realistic systems. Introductions to the subject can be found in the texts by Davidson [28] and Biskamp [29]. Jets are a classic astrophysical application of MHD. The MHD approximation (isotropic pressure, local charge neutrality, sublight interparticle speeds) is widely believed to be valid, and there is much evidence of the association of jets with diffuse gases and magnetic fields [14]. We therefore use equations (1)n(4) as our starting point to build our jet models. Computational Methods We use ZEUS-3D, a computer program under development by the authors at the ICA and publicly available on the ICA web site ( A comprehensive user manual and a gallery of 1-D, 2-D and 3-D simulations are also available from this site, and inquiries on its use should be directed to DAC. ZEUS-3D is an example of a finite-volume code in which a region of interestCsay the portion of the ISM or IGM through which a jet propagatesCis divided into a number of small zones, typically 100 million or more in 3-D. Equations (1)n(4), or at least their conservative variations (e.g. [30]), are integrated over each zone volume and/or zone face and the resulting difference equations are advanced in time by a small time-step using a time-centred and conservative procedure. This process is repeated for as many time-steps as required (e.g., tens of thousands) until the system has evolved to the desired state. As for any system of partial differential equations, initial and boundary conditions define the problem and for us, these are set to launch a jet from the surface of an accretion disc, or propagate a jet through a quiescent medium. The truly dedicated reader can find a complete description of the numerical methods in Clarke [31]. THE SIMULATIONS Magneto-centrifugally Launched Jets Figure 3 illustrates our initial conditions for launching a jet from the surface of an accretion disc (inner radius ri ~ 0.05 AU). An atmosphere in hydrostatic equilibrium (ρatm ~ r−1/(γ−1)) is established about a 1 Mu central mass (PSO) that provides the gravity. A hydrostatic disc in Keplerian rotation about the PSO is maintained as left boundary conditions, with ρdisc/ρatm = 100 and pdisc/patm = 1 (pressure balance). A uniform magnetic field [B2z = 0.05F0 p(ri)] perpendicular to the disc permeates both the atmosphere and the disc. At t = 0, the disc is suddenly set into rotation and a rather knotty jet is the result (Fig. 4). The initial Bz is wrapped around the rotation axis creating the helical field needed for the Blandford & Payne mechanism to accelerate material along the z (horizon- Fig. 3 Schematic diagram showing the initialisation of the magnetocentrifugally launched jet problem with all boundary types labeled. The disc is the gray band along the left side, with the inner radius of the disc, ri , shown. LA PHYSIQUE AU CANADA / Vol. 64, No. 2 ( avr. à juin (printemps) 2008 ) C 49 ASTROPHYSICAL JETS (CLARKE ET AL.) Fig. 4. A 2-D axisymmetric simulation of a jet flowing from left to right and launched from an accretion disc maintained as boundary conditions on the left side. The top half shows density and the bottom half Bφ, with black indicating high values, white low values. Note that the density “knots” correspond to regions of relatively low Bφ. tal) axis. As tempting as the association may be between the knotty appearance of the jet in HH 34 (Fig. 1a) and the knots (actually “rings” in axisymmetry) in the simulated jet (Fig. 4), it is unlikely these two phenomena are related, at least directly. Figure 4 represents the first 8 AU (~ 1 light-hour) of the jet, whereas the HH 34 jet is about 1 light-year in length. Instead, (magneto)hydrodynamical instabilities within the jet itself (e.g., shocks) are likely the cause of the HH 34 knots, although they could well begin as the knots seen in Fig. 4. Indeed, this points to a current limitation of all simulations performed to date: No single simulation has yet been able to resolve the jet launching region and follow the jet to observable scale lengths. This is a very difficult computational problem, and one that is at the core of the Ph.D. dissertation of JPR. Still, the origin of the knots in the simulation is of interest (e.g. [32]), as they point to an important role played by the protostellar atmosphere not considered in the original Blandford & Payne model. Figure 5 shows the density distribution, magnetic field lines, velocity vectors, and acceleration vectors of the inner-most region of our simulation (0.4 H 0.5 AU) at a time that best illustrates how the knots are formed. Because the disc has an inner radius, ri , the Blandford & Payne mechanism is capable of launching material from the disc at r > ri only. As material begins moving away from the disc, the hydrostatic balance of the atmosphere is disturbed and, at least at first, gravity wins out. Material, particularly near the axis, is drawn toward the centre (e.g., some of the white velocity vectors along the axis in Fig. 5 are pointing inward), replenishing the central core with material. The momentum of the inwardly falling material actually adds more matter to the core than needed to restore balance, and the imbalance in hydrostatic equilibrium now favours the outward pressure gradient. This drives material away from the core but, owing to the still inwardly moving material close to the axis, is redirected to lower latitudes (upward in Fig. 5), forming the rings, or knots. This time, momentum carries too much material away from the core so that gravity is again dominant, and the process repeats like a damped, driven oscillator continuing for as long as the simulation is run. From the local accelerations (black vectors in Fig. 5) and densities, we can deduce the period of oscillation 50 C PHYSICS IN Fig. 5. A blow-up of the inner 8ri x 10ri (0.4 H 0.5 AU) of the launched jet, showing details of how the knots are generated. Greyscale is density with black indicating high values, black lines are magnetic field lines, white arrows indicate velocities, while black arrows show accelerations. The disc is located along x1 = 0 and x2 $ 1, where x1 and x2 are the axial (z) and radial (r) coordinates respectively. The putative protostar is located at the origin. and, with the local velocities, we can determine the expected spacings between the knots. We find this agrees with the measured spacings in the simulations to within 10n20%. Of course, the role of the magnetic field is critical for all aspects of this calculation, including the condensation of the knots. Much of the knot material originates from near the axis where Bφ is the lowest (the φ-component of any vector must go to zero toward a symmetry axis). As this material is pushed to lower latitudes, the paucity of Bφ within the knot means its combined magnetic and thermal pressure is lower than that of its new surroundings, and it is compressed into the high density, low Bφ features we see in Fig. 4. The knots represent a significant modification to the Blandford & Payne model, one that only numerical simulations could reveal. While these knots may not be directly related to the observed knots (though we won’t know this for sure until we do the calculations), they do have quantitative implications on the mass and momentum fluxes transported by the jet which, in these simulations, are still too low by a factor of two to ten compared with measured fluxes from a typical stellar jet. Reasons for this discrepancy may include: 1. 2. 3. the disc we impose as left boundary conditions may be unrealistic; starting the simulation off with the disc suddenly rotating at t = 0 rather than allowing the disc and jet to co-evolve may have unrealistic consequences; our initial atmosphere, which we know plays a critical role in the oscillatory nature of the knot generator, is CANADA / VOL. 64, NO. 2 ( Apr.-June. (Spring) 2008 ) ASTROPHYSICAL JETS (CLARKE ET AL.)AA 4. probably unrealistic; our disc extends only to 1 AU and yet in our own solar system, the solar disc extended at least to Neptune (30 AU), and probably much further. It is for these reasons that we are taking the next step, and doing a simulation to include the jet launching region, the entire disc, and more realistic initial atmospheric and magnetic configurations on a grid that will extend to observed scale lengths (104n105 AU). This should give us a great deal more insight into the nature of stellar jets and what, if anything, their observed properties can tell us about the conditions where they were launched. Propagating Jets We are also studying the effects of magnetism on an extragalactic jet propagating through the IGM. As shown in Fig. 6, we initialise a uniform, quiescent unmagnetised ambient medium and inject a light (ρjet/ρamb / η = 0.02), supersonic (M = 10 is the Mach number, the ratio of the jet speed and local sound speed) and magnetised jet, as indicated by the arrow at the bottom left corner of the figure. We do not concern ourselves here with how the jet is launched, just how the jet, once launched, interacts with its surroundings. Questions to address include: What is the nature of the Fig. 6 Schematic diagram showing the initialisation of the propagating jet problem (rj = jet radius, νj = jet velocity) with all boundary types labeled. The inset indicates the scale of the elongated zones used for both the launched jet and propagating jet problems, where the elongation is in the direction of flow. “hotspots” in AGN lobes such as Cygnus A (Fig. 1b)? How does the magnetic field affect the appearance of the jet-lobe system? What is the origin of the filaments observed in Cygnus A and many other AGN lobes? Some of these questions are fairly well understood, some are still open. In either case, this is an area where numerical simulations have taken the lead role. The early 2-D axisymmetric simulations of Norman et al. [33] contributed two very important pieces of insight. First, the hot spots at the lobe extremities mark a strong shock where the supersonic jet flow is decelerated to subsonic speeds. Kinetic energy is converted to magnetic and thermal energy, and these increase the synchrotron emissivity (the primary emission Fig. 7. a) Density distribution for a 2-D axisymmetric jet with a very weak magnetic field; b) Density (upper) and Bφ (lower) for a 2-D jet with a strong Bφ; c) Density (upper) and Aφ (lower) for a 2-D jet with a strong Bp. In all cases, black indicates high values, white zero. mechanism for extragalactic jets) dramatically in the hot spots and lobes. Second, they found that dense jets (η > 1) are “naked” while light jets (η < 1) enshroud themselves in a cocoon or lobe. This computational observation along with the astronomical observation that most AGN jets feed extended “fluffy” lobes is the primary reason why it is believed that η n 1 for most extragalactic jets. Figure 7 shows three M = 10, η = 0.02 jets at the same evolutionary time that differ only in the nature of the magnetic field they transport. Panel (a) depicts a jet with a weak magnetic field, (b) a jet with a strong toroidal magnetic field (β tor / 2F0 p/B2φ = 0.2), and (c) a jet with a strong poloidal magnetic field (βpol /2F0 p/B2p = 0.2, where B2p = B2r + B2z ). Panel (b) includes both density (upper) and Bφ (lower), whereas panel (c) includes both density (upper) and the φ-component of the vector potential, Aφ (lower), whose contours follow magnetic field lines. All flow is from left to right, with the actual jet confined to near the symmetry axis. In Fig. 7a, for example, the jet streams along the bottom 1/20 of the image and is characterised by several condensations (grey knots) along the axis from which oblique shocks (grey streaks pointing to the left) are anchored. The large light-grey and turbulent region above the jet is the cocoon filled with exceedingly hot (~109 K) jet material that passed through the Mach disc at the jet terminus. The bow LA PHYSIQUE AU CANADA / Vol. 64, No. 2 ( avr. à juin (printemps) 2008 ) C 51 ASTROPHYSICAL JETS (CLARKE ET AL.) shock leading the jet and surrounding the cocoon is in the ambient medium, and the sharp separation between the light grey cocoon and the dark grey shocked ambient medium is the contact discontinuity. This is known to be Kelvin-Helmholtz unstable, whence the many undulations and “fingers” of ambient medium reaching into the cocoon. Consider first the jet with the weak magnetic field in Fig. 7a. If this jet were ballistic, it would have propagated eleven times the distance shown. Instead, with η = 0.02, this jet resembles a jet of compressed air in water; it manages to advance, but results in a lot of backflow, internal shocks, and an extended and turbulent cocoon [33]. On the other hand, the hoop-stress of a strong toroidal magnetic field provides rigidity even to a light jet, allowing the jet to present a “sharper” leading point as it propagates [34]. Thus, the jet in Fig. 7b advances further with less back-flowing material and a narrower cocoon. The opposite is true with the poloidal field jet. Large poloidal flux loops form at the head of the jet and “peel away” from the axis giving the jet a “blunter” presentation than even the hydrodynamical jet. Progress is correspondingly slower and more material is deflected into the cocoon. In Fig. 7c, the cocoon is as narrow as it is because of the “transparent” boundary conditions above the jet inlet (Fig. 6) and most of the cocoon material flows off the grid at the left side. Were reflecting conditions imposed, this material would remain on the grid and the cocoon would be substantially larger. Finally, Fig. 8 shows line-of-sight integrations of the synchrotron emissivity of two 3-D simulations, and represent how a radio telescope might observe such objects. Figures 8a and 8b are, respectively, jets with a weak (βφ = 105) and strong (βφ = 0.2) toroidal magnetic field. Unlike 2-D, in 3-D the toroidal field is free to move off the initial symmetry axis, and the field is mostly poloidal in the cocoon. Both jets have M = 10 and η = 0.1, with η chosen higher than the 2-D jets to reduce computational time. Even still, each jet took several days on a 16-core, 2.4 GHz cluster to complete. The most striking aspect of Fig. 8a is the filamentary nature of the cocoon, and its similarity with the Cygnus A lobe in Fig. 1b. In the simulations, the filaments are a result of turbulent eddies in the lobe wrapping the weak magnetic field into bundles. This is such a fundamental property of weak-field turbulence, that one might expect all extragalactic radio lobes to be filamentary, and indeed all well-resolved (and thus near-by) radio lobes are (e.g., Pictor A, M87, 3C 219, Centaurus A, to name the best-known). However, some of the more distant radio lobes do not resemble Cygnus A. The lobe associated with the quasar 1007+417 (Fig. 1c) is not filamentary and is confined to the head of the jet. Superficially, it resembles Fig. 8b, suggesting 1007+417 may be an example of a jet transporting a strong toroidal magnetic field. Could qualities such as “extended and filamentary” vs. “confined and smooth” be indicators of local magnetic field strength? Unfortunately, things are never so simple. Other 2-D and 3-D simulations show that a jet with a strong magnetic field can still have an extended, filamentary lobe provided it has a low enough η and high enough Mach number, M. On crossing the terminal jet shock (Mach disc), jumps in density and magnetic field asymptote to finite values as M 64, while the jump in thermal pressure is unbounded. Thus, no matter how strong the field transported by the jet may be, a sufficiently strong shock can render the post-shock magnetic field dynamically weak, and the formation of an extended filamentary cocoon can result. Further progress requires lots of computing power and an accurate MHD solver including as much physics as practical and possible. This includes a model for the emissivity that can exploit all the information the observations can yield. For example, synchrotron emission depends on the magnetic field and the relativistic electrons embedded in the fluid. The former we have, but we have had to make overly simplistic assumptions about the latter in creating Fig. 8. As part of his M.Sc. thesis, NRM is modifying ZEUS-3D to account for the energy gains and losses of the underlying electron population as it experiences the MHD effects of the overlying fluid. This will improve our ability to compare simulations with observations and untangle the competing physical effects responsible for the nature of extragalactic jets. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Fig. 8. Line-of-sight integrations of the synchrotron emissivity for two 3-D jet simulations with a) a dynamically weak magnetic field (β o 1), and b) with a dynamically strong toroidal magnetic field at the orifice. As with Fig. 1, these images are shown with inverted palettes. 52 C PHYSICS IN Support from NSERC though its DG, PGA, and USRA programmes is gratefully acknowledged. Some simulations were performed on facilities provided by the Atlantic Computational Excellence Network (ACEnet), funded by the CFI, ACOA, the provinces of Nova Scotia, Newfoundland & Labrador, and New Brunswick, and SUN Microsystems. CANADA / VOL. 64, NO. 2 ( Apr.-June. (Spring) 2008 ) ASTROPHYSICAL JETS (CLARKE ET AL.)AA REFERENCES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. K.M. Blundell and M.G. Bowler, ApJ, 616, L159 (2004). W. Baade and R. Minkowski, ApJ, 119, 215 (1954). H.D. Curtis, Pub. Lick Obs., 13, 31 (1918). H. 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LA PHYSIQUE AU CANADA / Vol. 64, No. 2 ( avr. à juin (printemps) 2008 ) C 53 C CONGRATULATIONS ONGRATULATIONS CREATORS REATORS OF OF A C ATTOSECOND TTOSECOND S SCIENCE CIENCE,, TWO T WO CAP CAP M MEMBERS EMBERS,, WIN 2007 NSERC NSERC WIN 2007 POLYANI P OLYANI A AWARD WARD (M (MAR AR.3/08) .3/08) CONGRATULATIONS C ONGRATULATIONS Two Canadian Canadian researchers Two researchers have have caused caused aa revolution revolution in in molecular science molecular science by by developing developing most most of of the the main main conconcepts of of aa new new field field known known as as "attosecond "attosecond science." science." cepts Attosecond science Attosecond science fuses fuses chemistry chemistry and and physics physics to to arrive arrive at the the innovative at innovative idea idea of of using using intense, intense, ultra-short ultra-short laser laser pulses to to image image and pulses and even even ultimately ultimately control control molecules. molecules. The achievements achievements by The by NDRÉ B BANDRAUK ANDRÉ ANDRAUK,, Canada Canada A Research Research Chair Chair in in Computational Computational Chemistry Chemistry and and Molecular Molecular Photonics Photonics at at the the Université Université de de Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke, and and Senior Scientist Scientist at P AUL C CORKUM ORKUM,, Senior at PAUL the National National Research the Research Council's Council's Steacie Institute Institute and and Professor Canada of Steacie ResearchatChair at the University of Physics the University of Ottawa Ottawa have them this this year's year's $250,000 $250,000 John John C. C. Polanyi Polanyi have earned earned them Award the Natural Natural Sciences Sciences and and Engineering Engineering Award from from the Research of Canada. Canada. Research Council Council of The researchers have have combined combined the the power power of of supercomsupercomThe researchers puting laser technology technology to to control control and and puting and and the the latest latest laser manipulate matter with with lasers lasers at at the the molecular molecular level, level, both both manipulate matter spatially and temporally. temporally. Their Their research research could could lead lead to to spatially and advances technology, bio-photonics bio-photonics and and advances in in materialsf materials technology, high-bandwidth high-bandwidth telecommunications. telecommunications. Drs. known for for developing the Drs. Bandrauk Bandrauk and and Corkum Corkum are are known developing the science of molecules molecules exposed exposed to to intense intense laser laser light light and and for for science of exploiting this new new science science to to generate generate and and measure measure exploiting this shorter light pulses pulses and and new new methods methods for for imaging imaging and and shorter light controlling molecules. controlling molecules. A chemist, Dr. Dr. Bandrauk Bandrauk began began aa productive productive A theoretical theoretical chemist, collaboration in laser laser science science with with Dr. Dr. Corkum, Corkum, an an experexpercollaboration in imental physicist, in in the the mid-1980s. mid-1980s. Their work over over two two imental physicist, Their work decades has built built on on Dr. Dr. Polanyi's seminal work work through through decades has Polanyi's seminal Dr. laser experiments experiments and and Dr. Dr. Dr. Corkum’s Corkum’s advanced advanced laser Bandrauk’s state-of-the-art supercomputer supercomputer Bandrauk’s sophisticated sophisticated state-of-the-art simulations. simulations. Their first work work used used chirped chirped picosecond picosecond pulses, pulses, those those Their first with varying frequencies frequencies to to control control molecular molecular dissodissowith time time varying 54 HYSICS 54 &C P PHYSICS IN IN ciation. Now, ciation. Now, six six orders orders of of magnitude magnitude faster, faster, they they have have shown that that intense shown intense chirped chirped attosecond attosecond pulses pulses can can monitor monitor and control control the and the electron electron and and its its complex complex quantum quantum wave wave motion in thus reflecting reflecting aa major motion in matter, matter, thus major breakthrough breakthrough in in molecular science. An attosecond attosecond is is aa billionth molecular science. An billionth of of aa bilbillionth of of aa second second – – one one thousand thousand times times faster lionth faster than than the the femtosecond that femtosecond that was was previously previously used used as as the the measure measure for for the shortest shortest controlled controlled light the light pulse. pulse. For For example, example, an an athlete athlete winning aa race race by by an an attosecond winning attosecond would would be be ahead ahead by by less less than the the width than width of of an an atom. atom. Investigations of Investigations of the the inner inner workings workings of of aa molecule molecule by by taktaking atoms atoms apart apart and and putting putting them ing them back back together together have have led led to to better understanding aa better understanding of of the the quantum quantum nature nature of of the the smallsmallest bits est bits of of matter matter in in the the universe. universe. A A conceptual conceptual new new model model was first first introduced introduced by Corkum and and confirmed confirmed by was by Dr. Dr. Corkum by joint joint theoretical and theoretical and experimental experimental collaboration. collaboration. This This allowed allowed an electron electron to an to orbit orbit and and re-collide re-collide with with an an atom atom or or molemolecule under cule under the the influence influence of of an an intense intense laser laser pulse, pulse, resulting resulting in aa revolutionary in revolutionary method method that that emits emits aa light light pulse pulse faster faster than ever ever before. than before. Attosecond pulses Attosecond pulses open open up up new new avenues avenues for for time-domain time-domain studies and and control control of of multi-electron multi-electron dynamics studies dynamics in in atoms, atoms, molecules, plasmas plasmas and and solids solids on on their their natural, natural, quantum molecules, quantum mechanical time mechanical time scale scale and and at at dimensions dimensions shorter shorter than than molecular and molecular and even even atomic atomic scales. scales. These These capabilities capabilities promise to to change change the promise the understanding understanding of of matter matter where where the the quantum wave wave nature quantum nature of of matter matter dominates. dominates. Previously, chemists chemists thought thought that Previously, that intense intense light light pulses pulses would destroy destroy molecules would molecules rather rather than than produce produce interesting interesting science. Dr. Dr. Bandrauk science. Bandrauk showed, showed, through through theory theory and and supersupercomputer modelling, computer modelling, that that new new molecules molecules could could be be created created with intense intense short The original with short laser laser pulses. pulses. The original investigation investigation by the the two two researchers researchers of of the the nonlinear, nonlinear, nonperturbative nonperturbative by reaction of of atoms atoms and and molecules molecules to intense laser reaction to intense laser pulses pulses resulted in resulted in the the major major discovery discovery of of the the generation generation of of attosecond pulses. attosecond pulses. As well, well, The The Economist As Economist reported reported last last year year that that attosecond attosecond science has science has brought brought the the world's world's scientific scientific community community into into "an era era of of control control of of the the quantum quantum world." "an world." It It said said further: further: "If "If such processes processes (electronic) (electronic) could such could be be manipulated, manipulated, then then it it would have have applications applications in would in fields fields as as far far apart apart as as computing computing and medicine." and medicine." That That is is the the next next challenge challenge for for the the researchers: the researchers: the application application of of attosecond attosecond pulses pulses to to concontrolling electrons electrons inside These advances advances in in trolling inside molecules. molecules. These visualizing, understanding visualizing, understanding and and ultimately ultimately controlling controlling the the wave nature wave nature of of one one of of the the most most mysterious mysterious objects objects in in sciscience –– the the electron ence electron itself itself –– have have put put the the Bandrauk-Corkum Bandrauk-Corkum group of of researchers researchers at at the group the forefront forefront of of this this new new area area of of sciscience. It It also ence. also highlights highlights Canada's Canada's eminence eminence in in aa new new field field of of research that that can research can be be referred referred to to as as "dynamic "dynamic imaging." imaging." NOTE: of DAMOP-APS DAMOP-APS NOTE: At At the the May May 28 28 meeting meeting of (Penn (Penn State State U) U) Paul Paul Corkum Corkum and and André André Bandrauk Bandrauk will Fellows of of the the APS. will be be elected elected Fellows APS. C 64, N NO 2 (( Apr.-June. Apr.-June. (Spring) (Spring) 2008 CANADA ANADA // V VOL OL.. 64, O.. 2 2008 )) ARTICLE DE FOND FINITE ELEMENT ANALYSIS ISSUES AND TRENDS BY IN SOLID MECHANICS: NADER G. ZAMANI T he area of Finite Element Analysis (FEA) has become a standard tool in the numerical solution of the field equations governing physical problems. These field equations arise in diverse areas such as: solid mechanics, fluid dynamics, heat transfer, electrostatics, and electromagnetism. Generally speaking, these are coupled, nonlinear, and time dependent partial differential equations which describe some form of conservation law. Depending of the nature of the field, the conservation of momentum, energy, and charge are normally taken into account. The concepts behind these field equations have been known to the science community since the early 1800s. These concepts are attributed to prominent physicists/mathematicians such as Euler, Lagrange, Laplace, Bernoulli, and Fourier to name a few. Some of the approximate numerical schemes which are the basis of the FEA approach are due to well known scientists such as Raleigh, Ritz, and Galerkin. The breakthrough, however, came about due to the development of high speed digital computers. At that point, the early numerical schemes were altered and modified making them efficient, accurate, and feasible for implementation on computers. The first comprehensive numerical solution which embraced FEA concepts in its modern form is attributed to Courant [1] where he used piecewise linear polynomials on a triangular mesh to solve the Laplace equation. Although this work set the wheel in motion, it was not until the early 1960 where serious development in FEA started. It is not surprising that this activity coincided with the development of high speed computers in the private sector. One of the early projects along this path was the development of the NASTRAN program which was created by NASA for structural analysis [2]. This code that still exists, has gone through continuous updating and improvements and prob- SUMMARY This expository paper discusses the area of Finite Element Analysis (FEA) as pertaining to the subject of solid mechanics. FEA as a computational tool has evolved rapidly in the past fifty years and continues to do so with technological advances in the computer industry. The paper briefly presents a historical background together with the current status of the field, and the future trends. ably is the most widely used FEA software for structures. Due to the NASA connection, the NASTRAN code is in the public domain and the source code can be acquired at no cost to the user. APPROPRIATE ELEMENT SELECTION To avoid total generality, the rest of this expository article focuses on the FEA formulation for solid mechanics applications. Other areas such as fluids, heat transfer, and electromagnetism follow the same track. In structural analysis, the primary variable of interest is the displacement vector. Once the displacements are determined, strains can be computed, and based on the material response, the stresses are evaluated. For the sake of illustration, assume a linear behavior in kinematics and constitutive law. Depending on the topological nature of the structure, the three most common elements are solid, shell, and beam elements which are symbolically displayed in Fig. 1. The number of nodes is one of the factors determining the accuracy of the results [3]. Fig. 1 (a) solid, (b) shell, (c) beam elements If the topology is one dimensional (or a composite of onedimensional parts) such as the frame of building, or a communications tower, the beam elements have to be used. On the other hand, if the topology is two-dimensional such as a pressure vessel or aircraft wing, the shell elements covering surfaces are the most appropriate. Finally, for a bulky object with no specific topological characteristics, solid elements are commonly used In principle; every structure can be modeled with solid elements, but the demands on resources make it impractical even with today’s computing power. All these elements have to be modified in one form or other to be able to handle special situations such as: material incompressibility, material plasticity and visoelasticity. N.G. Zamani <zamani@uwindsor. ca>, Department of Mechanical, Automotive and Materials Engineering University of Windsor, Windsor, Ontario, Canada LINEAR VS. NONLINEAR RESPONSE In a finite element analysis, there are three sources of nonlinearity. These are labeled as geometric, material, and contact [4]. For the special case of strictly linear problems, LA PHYSIQUE AU CANADA / Vol. 64, No. 2 ( avr. à juin (printemps) 2008 ) C 55 FINITE ELEMENT ANALYSIS (ZAMANI) the details of the code may vary, but all FEA codes basically give the same results. This is assuming that the same elements are used and the same numerical integration algorithm is employed. The minor differences are due only to code implementation. A geometric nonlinearity refers to the case of large displacements, large rotations, and large strains. These are considered to be mild nonlinearities which can easily be handled with a good iterative solver. All nonlinearities require an iteration approach for the numerical solution. Such algorithms are variations of the Newton-Raphson method or its secant implementation. For a mnemonic of this behavior, see Fig. 2(a). The material response is also known as the constitutive law. This represents the relationship between the stress and the strain (or force and deflection). Most materials display a linear response in a very narrow range. To give the reader a better idea, consider the stretching of a rubber band. For small forces, the relationship between the applied force and the resulting stretch is linear. However, very quickly this linearity is lost and a rather complicated path is traversed. This is an example of a nonlinear elastic response. The situation in plasticity is considerably more complicated but falls into the category of nonlinear constitutive response. Material nonlinearity is also considered to be a mild nonlinearity. For a mnemonic of this behavior, see Fig. 2(b). Presently, the majority of commercial FEA codes are capable of handling both geometric and material nonlinearities. The degree of their performance (in terms of efficiency and accuracy) varies from code to code. Furthermore, some codes have a vast database of material properties which could be preferred by the users. Fig. 2 (a) nonlinear geometry, (b) nonlinear material, (c) nonlinear contact The most severe type of nonlinearity is generally due to contact condition. Basically, any type of metal forming application such as forging, stamping, and casting require contact calculations, see Fig. 2(c). The mathematical tools for handling contact algorithms involve the Lagrange multiplier and/or constrained optimization. A poor formulation often leads to lack of convergence and other numerical difficulties. STATIC VS. DYNAMIC RESPONSE Technically speaking, all loads are dynamic (time dependent) in a real world environment. The main issue is whether the inertia effect (mass times acceleration) is significant compared to other loads. In a nutshell, this has to do with the duration of the applied load compared to the natural periods (inverse of the 56 C PHYSICS IN natural frequencies) of the structure [5]. For example, an impact load on many occasions leads to a substantial inertia effect. In terms of dynamic analysis, commercial FEA packages give the user several options for carrying out the calculations. This is schematically represented by Fig 3. For linear problems, the modal superposition is generally available. The user can select the number of modes and therefore control the accuracy of the results. One can also use the full history analysis by numerically integrating the equations of motion in time. The term full time history analysis refers to the fact that the governing field equation is a time dependent differential equation. Therefore, the unknowns are also time dependent. This system of differential equations has to be solved numerically by an approximate integration it time. Clearly, in nonlinear problems, this is the default approach. A variety of integration routines is available but the most common ones are the central differencing and the Newmark method. The former is conditionally stable whereas the latter is unconditionally stable. Fig. 3 (a) Static response for a slowly varying load, (b) Dynamic response for a fast varying load IMPLICIT VS. EXPLICIT FORMULATION There are two finite element methodologies in solid mechanics. These are known as the Explicit and Implicit methodologies [6]. The term Explicit refers to the fact that when numerical integration in time is carried out, a predicted entity can be written directly in terms of the past values without actually solving a system of algebraic equations. Whereas in the Implicit approach, in order to calculate a predicted value, one is bound to solve a system of equations and therefore more computation is involved. Both are designed to solve (integrate) the equations of motion in time. The equation of motion for the linear case can be stated as [M]{ẍ}+[C]{ẋ}+[K]{x}={F(t)}. Here [M], [C], and [K] are the mass, damping and stiffness matrices respectively. The vector represents the displacement vector and {F(t)} is the vector of applied loads. The methodology used depends on the nature of the application being considered. Generally speaking, short duration events such as metal forming, crashworthiness, and detonation require explicit codes. In such codes, the mass matrix is approximated to become diagonal, and the central differencing method is used for time integration. The stiffness matrix is not stored in its entirety at every time step and no iterations are carried at each time step. However, the conditional stability of central differencing requires an extremely small time step selection. There are very few explicit FEA codes and they require consid- CANADA / VOL. 64, NO. 2 ( Apr.-June. (Spring) 2008 ) FINITE ELEMENT ANALYSIS (ZAMANI)AA erable computing resources. The majority of the existing commercial FEA codes however are based on an implicit formulation. This is not surprising as the bulk of the design problems in engineering and product developments can satisfactorily be handled with the implicit FEA formulation. There is another important difference between the implicit and explicit codes. In nonlinear problems, implicit codes require substantial iteration steps. If the conditions are not realistic, the solution usually diverges and the user is informed. However, in explicit calculations, since no iteration is involved, the software always arrives at a solution. The difficulty is that this may not be the solution to the problem under consideration. It is worth mentioning that problems which ordinarily can be solved with an implicit code can also be solved with an explicit one. However, the extremely small time step will dictate an unreasonable solution time. The remedy is referred to as the mass scaling option that is available in explicit codes. In this option, the density of the material is artificially changed to result in an attainable run time. One should carefully check the energy history to make sure that the results are not contaminated by non-physical effects. MESH ADEQUACY AND REFINEMENT One of the most common questions when dealing with finite element analysis is how small a mesh should be used for a desirable accuracy. The user should be reminded that one cannot provide an answer without performing a mesh convergence study. Basically, making a single run regardless of how small the elements are; provides no information on the accuracy. The key is in making a sequence of runs with decreasing element size and comparing the differences in the results. Of course the refinement should be performed in the critical regions and the comparison of the results should also be made in the critical locations. When the percentage change is to the user’s satisfaction, the mesh is assumed to be satisfactory. It is well known that displacements converge faster that the stresses, however, the latter entities are more important. Therefore, the convergence should be based on the stress variable. The strategy above is known as “h” refinement. There are two other strategies known as the “r” and “p” methods [7]. In the “p” method, the mesh is fixed but the degree of the approximating polynomial is increasing. Although the “p” strategy displays promising results in linear problems, it is not available in most commercial codes. The final refinement strategy is the so called “r” method. There, the number of nodes (and elements) is fixed. However, their locations are adaptively changed to reduce the error estimate. This method has also been implemented for the Boundary Element Method for linear problems [8]. Currently, most commercial FEA codes have an adaptive (automatic) mesh refinement capability for solving linear problems. Sophisticated error estimators are used to perform the refinement strategies [9]. SOURCES OF ERROR IN AN FEA CALCULATION Understanding the sources of error in a finite element calculation is vital to obtaining good results [10]. In this section, these sources are briefly described. The most obvious source is the mathematical model that is expected to represent a physical phenomenon. This source is beyond the control of the typical user. Engineers and physicists are primarily responsible in arriving at an accurate model. The second source is the approximation of the physical domain with the finite element model. If the boundaries of the domain are curved surfaces, finite elements may only approximately represent this domain as shown in Fig. 4(a). The use of higher order elements can reduce this error. Mesh refinement will also improve the error. The interpolation error is displayed in Fig. 4(b). The nature of the shape functions dictates how well the finite element functional variation approximates the exact solution. Higher order elements approximate the exact solution more accurately. The error in numerical integration is also a critical factor in controlling the error. This is symbolically displayed in Fig. 4(c) where the area under a curve represented by an integral is approximated by the area of the trapezoid. There are however circumstances where intentionally some error is introduced in the integration process. This eliminates the possibility of unrealistically stiff structures [11]. The final source of error is the mathematical round-off which could dramatically affect the results. There are different reasons for this undesirable effect. Among the reasons are the single precision calculations, extreme mesh transition, and hard/soft regions being present [12]. Fig. 4 (a) physical domain approximated by the finite element domain, (b) exact solution approximated by the finite element solution, (c) area under curve approximated by area under line OPTIMIZATION The primary role of a commercial finite element package is to perform analysis. However, the ability to perform analysis naturally leads to the idea of optimization. In this situation, the objective function, constraints and design variables are defined first. A sequence of analysis is performed which systematically updates the design variables such that the objective function is optimized [13]. The optimization calculations can be based on the gradient methods or more recent approaches such as the Genetic algorithm [14]. Most recent commercial codes have an optimization module. To give a concrete example of how optimization is used, consider the design of a loaded part to have a LA PHYSIQUE AU CANADA / Vol. 64, No. 2 ( avr. à juin (printemps) 2008 ) C 57 FINITE ELEMENT ANALYSIS (ZAMANI) minimum weight, where the von Mises stress is to remain below the yield strength of the material. VECTORIZATION FOR MULTIPROCESSING The mainframe supercomputers appeared in the market about twenty-five years ago. This prompted the FEA software companies to revise and reexamine their codes to run efficiently on these machines. It mainly consisted of vectorizing their codes to utilize the multiprocessor nature of the supercomputers. The multiprocessing capability has recently been introduced in the personal computer (PC) market. Currently, the major FEA software has separate installations which allow them to use a number of processors. Naturally, the licensing cost for such versions is more expensive than for a single processor version. PRE AND POSTPROCESSING CAPABILITIES It was not very long ago that commercial FEA software relied solely on third party pre- and pos-processors. The finite element software companies primary put their efforts on the solver module. This caused a great deal of inconvenience for the user who needed to invest additional time to train in separate software. This was particularly troublesome when FEA software were marketed to operate on the personal computers. The turn around solution was achieved by two approaches. Some FE software where modified to have a proprietary preand post-processor written from scratch to handle the needs, while others incorporated third party codes and integrated them with the solver module. This allowed the user to seamlessly perform the pre- and post-processing, and run the finite element analysis simultaneously. Currently, all commercial FEA software packages have their own pre- and post-processors. They also have the flexibility of transferring data to and from third party software. Mesh generation still remains a challenging issue in a preprocessor. This is particularly the case when the geometry under consideration is complicated. As an example, one can visualize the meshing of a full automobile engine block. Creating a free mesh using tetrahedron elements is now feasible regardless of the complexity of the geometry. However, if all hexahedral elements are needed, the situation is not completely satisfactory. Mesh generation remains an active research area in applied mathematics. FEA AND CAD SOFTWARE INTEGRATION A large number of general purpose commercial FEA software packages has been developed and made available in the public domain since early 1970s. This is also the case with CAD packages which are widely used in industry. Clearly, the spectrum of the CAD software is rather wide depending on their capabilities. These packages are traditionally used by the so called designers who are not formally trained in physics or engineering. Their experience is gained by on-the-job training and they usually act as the interface between the production (fabrication) and the engineering divisions. The global trend is the elimination of such positions and replacing them with qualified engineers or physicists. This has prompted the integration of FEA modules in standalone CAD packages. The numbers of CAD and FEA software packages have dwindled in the past decade and now there are a handful of fully integrated CAD/FEA packages which are referred to as CAE software. In this context, CAE also embraces Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) modules. Therefore, the analysis capabilities are seamlessly integrated with CAD features. The cycle does not end at this stage and in most cases are directly linked to the Computer Aided Manufacturing (CAM) area which is the end of the product development cycle. It is expected that this tend will continue with only a few fully integrated CAE software packages handling the entire design process. CLOSING REMARKS One of the important points that is being raised in this expository article is to emphasize that not all FEA software packages are the same. The user should clearly identify the needs for his/her analysis. The decision should also factor the CAD requirements. The cost of the software has a direct link to the capabilities of the acquisition. Another factor which should be seriously taken into account is the type and level of the technical support available for the CAE software. One should not assume that the software’s documentation is sufficient and well enough written for an average reader. This could be a major issue, as training courses can be extremely expensive, and in some cases not even available. Online searches and sharing information with other users can be of great value to decide which software fits the users’ needs. REFERENCES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. R. Courant. Bull. Am. Math. Soc., 49,1 (1943). R.H. MacNeal, NASTRAN Theoretical Manual, NASA-SP, 221, 3 (1976). R.D. Cook, Finite Element Modelling for Stress Analysis, John Wiley and Sons (1995). K.J. Bathe, Finite Element Procedures, Prentice Hall (1996). T.J. Hughes, Linear Static and Dynamic Finite Element Analysis, Prentice Hall (1987) T. Belytschko, W.K. Liu, and B. Moran, Nonlinear Finite Elements for Continua and Structures, John Wiley and Sons (2000). J.N. Reddy, Introduction to the Finite Element Mathod, McGraw Hill (2006) N.G. Zamani and W. Sun, IJNME, 44, 3 (1991). B. Szabo and I. Babuska, Finite Element Analysis, John Wiley and Sons (1991). P.G. Ciarlet, The Finite Element Method for Elliptic Problems, North Holland (1978). O.C. Zienkiewicz and R.L. Taylor, The Finite Element Method, McGraw Hill (1988). G. Strang and G. Fix, An Analysis of the Finite Element Method, Prentice Hall (1973). S. Moaveni, Finite Element Analysis, Theory and Applications with ANSYS, Prentice Hall (2008). G. Lindfield and J. Penny, Numerical Methods Using MATLAB, Prentice Hall (2000). 58 C PHYSICS IN CANADA / VOL. 64, NO. 2 ( Apr.-June. (Spring) 2008 ) ARTICLE DE FOND SUPERCOOLED LIQUIDS AND SUPERCOMPUTERS BY IVAN SAIKA-VOIVOD AND PETER H. POOLE T he liquid state provides condensed matter physics with some of its longest standing and most perplexing questions [1,2]. By comparison, the fundamental nature of the other conventional phases, gas and crystal, are much better understood. Our understanding of how the properties of gases and crystals arise from interactions at the molecular level was (and continues to be) facilitated by the availability of idealized but exactly-solvable limiting models as tractable starting points for theory, and by systematic techniques for extending these ideal models to recover the properties of realistic systems. For example, for gases, we can start with the ideal gas, and then make progress toward a real gas by adding terms to a virial expansion. For crystals, the Einstein crystal provides an idealized starting point, and successive improvements can be made by progressing through e.g. the Debye model, to better reveal the thermodynamics of crystals; or Bloch’s theorem, to provide a starting point for understanding electronic properties. For liquids, the situation is different. Liquids lack the discrete symmetry and long-range molecular order of crystals, and so the simplifications exploited in much of solid state physics simply do not apply. Superficially, the structure of a liquid seems to have more in common with that of the gas phase, at least from the standpoint of symmetry. However, the vast difference in density between a gas (well above the critical temperature) and a liquid (near the freezing temperature) precludes the use of the ideal gas as a starting point for any practical approach to studying the liquid. The densities of most liquids near freezing are within ten percent of the corresponding crystal density. Hence, many-body molecular interactions play a dominant role in determining the properties of the liquid state, whereas in a typical real gas these can usually be treated as perturbations to the ideal gas. In addition, many of the most interesting questions about liquids have to do with their evolution in time, in particular their dynamical behaviour in equilibrium (e.g. diffusion), and with how they behave when they are out of SUMMARY High performance computing is now central to efforts to resolve long-standing questions on the nature of cold, dense liquids, and on how they transform to crystalline and amorphous solids. We review several current examples. equilibrium (e.g. during the transformation of a liquid to a solid). Liquids consequently present us with a theoretical “perfect storm”: we face all the complexity of a dense, disordered, strongly interacting, many-body system; we are denied simplifications based on symmetry, as in crystals; and we must not only treat the physics of a disordered structure, but also how the structure changes with time. Of course, liquids are not the only physical system to present such barriers to understanding. Indeed, much of modern statistical physics is focussed on systems where time-varying disorder is a central feature (e.g. granular matter, frustrated magnetic systems). Liquids are simply a commonly encountered, and historically important, case. In this article, we will focus our attention on one regime where these challenges come strongly to the fore: in the supercooled liquid state [1]. By this, we mean the liquid state that can be observed if a liquid is cooled to a temperature T below the crystal melting temperature Tm. While the supercooled state is a metastable one, in the sense that the crystal has a lower free energy than the liquid, almost all liquids can be studied for some range of T below Tm on a time scale long enough for a metastable liquid-state equilibrium to be established. Interest in this regime derives in large measure from the fact that solid matter, whether crystalline or amorphous, can be formed from the supercooled liquid, in the former case by nucleation, and in the latter via the glass transition. These two solidification mechanisms, while starkly different, depend sensitively on the nature of the supercooled liquid in which they begin, and high performance computing has proven to be an indispensable tool for progress in this area. We will illustrate this by discussing results from our own research and also highlight related studies, especially those carried out in Canada. COMPUTERS AND LIQUID STATE PHYSICS Computers have had a singular impact on the development of liquid state physics in general [2,3]. This is due to the fact that, although the analytical challenges of the liquid state are severe, the physical ingredients of a classical liquid at the molecular level are easy to specify, making an algorithmic approach attractive [3]. The system’s potential energy is usually well-approximated as a sum over a specified two-body interaction function, and Newton’s laws suffice to determine the trajectories of the molecules in space, starting from some given initial condition. This specification is straightforward to implement as a computer algorithm, and is known as molecular dynamics (MD). I. Saika-Voivod <>, Department of Physics and Physical Oceanography, Memorial University of Newfoundland, St. John's NF, A1B 3X7, Canada, and P.H. Poole, Department of Physics, St. Francis Xavier University, Antigonish, Nova Scotia B2G 2W5, Canada LA PHYSIQUE AU CANADA / Vol. 64, No. 2 ( avr. à juin (printemps) 2008 ) C 59 SUPERCOOLED LIQUIDS (SAIKA-VOIVOD AND POOLE) If one is interested only in structural or thermodynamic properties, the time evolution of the system can be replaced by a stochastic exploration of the system’s configuration space, using Monte Carlo (MC) methods. A computational approach to the liquid state thereby opens up the opportunity to model the behaviour of the system at the molecular level, and study how bulk properties arise from microscopic interactions. Complete knowledge of atomic positions as a function of time are generated in MD simulations, making it possible to evaluate any property accessible in experiments, and many that are not accessible, or at least not yet. The principal challenges of a molecular-level approach to modelling the liquid state are the limitations on the system sizes and time scales that are accessible using a given generation of computing hardware. In MD simulations of classical liquids, the fundamental time step by which the molecular trajectories are advanced forward in time is usually on the scale of 1 fs. For simulations on a modern single processor of a system having 103 molecules, a time scale on the order of 100 ns can be reached if one is willing to wait several weeks for the results. So long as the internal equilibrium relaxation time of the liquid is less than this, reliable results can be obtained. However, there are many processes in supercooled liquids (e.g. crystal nucleation) that may occur only on much longer time scales. Since the liquid-state relaxation slows down as T decreases, this upper time scale also sets a bound on the lowest T that can be reached in equilibrium. Constraints on the system size depend in part on the time scale that a given study must access: for long time scales, the smallest system sizes are chosen. For short time scale phenomena, system sizes of as large as 109 atoms have been realized. While computationally impressive, such systems are a long way from the macroscopic regime. In all simulations of bulk liquids, periodic boundary conditions are used to minimize surface effects. In spite of this, finite-size effects remain a serious challenge for even the most modern simulations. An instructive example is the recent work of Sokolovskii, Thachuk and Patey at UBC [4]. This study examines the influence of system size on the evaluation of tracer diffusion in a hard sphere liquid. The estimation of the diffusion constant of an infinite sized system from finite sized simulations is a long-standing problem, and this work shows how state-of-the-art computing power and careful analysis have finally evolved to the point where a reliable answer can be obtained. The twin constraints of size and time scale are affected differently by computer hardware and software developments. For large system sizes, parallel computing algorithms are desirable, dividing the work of simulating a single large system over many processors. At the same time, the largest accessible time scale of any simulation, whether serial or parallel, depends on processor speed. The advent in the last decade of very large clusters of fast, inexpensive processors, interconnected by high-bandwidth, low-latency networking, has thus benefitted the simulation of both large systems and long time scales. In 60 C PHYSICS IN addition, these clusters facilitate studies in which a large number of independent single-processor liquid state simulations are run under different conditions, e.g. of temperature and density in order to evaluate a liquid’s equation of state. Such “embarrassingly parallel” parameter-space exploration studies have flourished in the last decade, and have stimulated the development of new computational methods, such as parallel tempering [5]. The above discussion has avoided the question of where one gets the molecular interaction potential required as input to an MD or MC liquid simulation. This is a large and complex topic by itself, and space precludes a full discussion here. For classical simulations (to which we restrict ourselves), these potentials are developed either by fitting the parameters of a model function to a selection of experimentally-known properties (e.g. an atomic radial distribution function, or a melting temperature), or by fitting a model function to a potential energy surface determined quantum mechanically, usually for a small molecular cluster. The alternative is to implement a fully quantum mechanical approach, i.e. a quantum molecular dynamics (QMD) simulation. In QMD, electronic degrees of freedom are modeled explicitly, and so the molecular interactions are evaluated within the algorithm from first principles. In this way, QMD realizes a qualitatively higher degree of realism and, in addition, allows for the evaluation of the electronic properties of liquids, which are not available from classical simulations. For certain problems, such as the notable work of Stanimir Bonev and coworkers at Dalhousie University on the high pressure properties of liquids such as hydrogen and nitrogen [6,7], QMD is the only reliable way to proceed. However, the computational demands of QMD are much higher than for classical MD. Currently, a large QMD liquid simulation would be of a system of a few hundred molecules over a time scale of tens of ps. At present, this makes QMD unsuitable for most problems related to large length/time scale phenomena in supercooled liquids, e.g. crystal nucleation. However, there is no question that, as computational power continues to progress, QMD studies will systematically displace classical simulations of the liquid state in the years to come. THERMODYNAMICS AND PHASE DIAGRAMS As stated in the Introduction, crystal and glass formation depend sensitively on the interplay of both thermodynamic and dynamical properties of the supercooled liquid state. In this section, we focus on some of the thermodynamic aspects. One of the most fundamental thermodynamic descriptors of a liquid, an equation of state (e.g. the pressure P as a function of temperature T and density ρ) is readily evaluated from simulations. However, it is often crucial to determine the thermodynamic relationship of the liquid phase to the crystal. For example, the nucleation rate is a strong function of degree of supercooling, which can only be stated if the coexistence temperature for the liquid and crystal phases is determined. CANADA / VOL. 64, NO. 2 ( Apr.-June. (Spring) 2008 ) SUPERCOOLED LIQUID (SAIKA-VOIVOD AND POOLE)AA A suite of methods has therefore been developed to evaluate the free energy of both liquid and crystal phases from simulations, to use this information to locate phase coexistence conditions and, ultimately, to build complete phase diagrams for model substances. Daan Frenkel and coworkers have played a leading role in the development of these methods, and the recent text by Frenkel and Smit is an invaluable resource for any researcher in this area [5]. To evaluate the free energy of any phase, one general approach is to identify a state of the system for which the free energy is known exactly, and then numerically carry out a “thermodynamic integration” (TI) to the particular state of interest in order to find the free energy difference between the exactly known and the desired state. For gases, the low density, ideal gas limit is the natural starting point, followed by a TI along a path that (say) first changes the density to the desired value, and then the temperature. For liquids, the difference between the free energy of the liquid and the ideal gas can be determined by integrating the excess pressure along an isotherm from low densities, where the simulated system’s pressure is well described by a low order viral expansion. As long as no discontinuous phase transitions occur along the chosen path, the absolute free energy can be computed to arbitrary precision. In computer simulations, the path along which the integration occurs need not be a function of macroscopic variables. For example, it could occur along a path where a parameter in the system Hamiltonian is changing. This approach is exploited to find the free energy of a crystal. For a crystal, a natural starting point is the Einstein crystal of the desired structure; i.e. a crystal in which the molecules do not explicitly interact with each other, but are held near their ideal positions by harmonic springs. The free energy of this system can be computed exactly. A parameter in the system Hamiltonian is then varied so as to “morph” the system from this ideal potential to the real one (usually, at fixed T and ρ), while computing the free energy change along the way. Free energy changes from this state to other T-ρ points can be computed by conventional TI. Such methods, combined with the common availability of computing clusters with hundreds of processors, have made possible the evaluation of complete equations of state and free energy surfaces for a number of important model systems. These data can then be used to construct extensive phase diagrams. Fig. 1 shows the result of our own work to determine the phase diagram of a commonly studied model of silica, the so-called “BKS” model [8]. The simulated phase diagram, compared to that known from experiment (also shown [9]), both reveals the inadequacies of the model (and thus provides clues for how to improve the model), and clearly identifies regimes of interest, e.g. at what range of T and P the liquid is supercooled, so that crystal nucleation can be studied. As we discuss below, our knowledge of the phase diagram for BKS silica facilitated our subsequent study of the nucleation of the stishovite crystal from the supercooled melt. Phase diagrams have been determined for a wide range of model materials using these techniques, including those for Fig. 1 (a) Experimentally determined coexistence lines of silica in the P - T plane. Stability fields for the stishovite (S), coesite (C), β-quartz (Q) and liquid (L) phases are shown. Both stable (solid) and metastable (dashed) coexistence lines are shown. The inset shows the stability fields of cristobalite and tridymite. Adapted from Ref. [9]. (b) Phase diagram of BKS silica in the P - T plane, evaluated from simulations as described in Ref. [8]. Solid lines are stable coexistence lines. Dotted lines show error estimates for the crystal-liquid coexistence lines. Metastable coexistence lines (dashed) are also shown that meet at the metastable S-L-Q triple point. The locations of the S-C (filled square) and C-Q (filled circle) coexistence boundaries at T = 0, are also shown. several models of water [10]. The thermodynamic properties of supercooled water have been a sustained source of interest for several decades, and simulations have made significant contributions by providing information on states where experiments are challenging: e.g. in the deeply supercooled limit, where fast crystal nucleation pre-empts observation of liquid-state behaviour, and in the regime of negative pressure, where only a few experimental studies have successfully ventured. For example, LA PHYSIQUE AU CANADA / Vol. 64, No. 2 ( avr. à juin (printemps) 2008 ) C 61 SUPERCOOLED LIQUIDS (SAIKA-VOIVOD AND POOLE) simulation results were the basis of the proposal that a first order liquid-liquid phase transition occurs in supercooled water [11], the influence of which on surrounding states can explain many of water’s unusual properties. Evidence now exists for analogous liquid-liquid transitions in a range of substances (e.g. liquid silicon) and simulations have been central to efforts to elucidate this phenomenon [12]. Similarly, for several years, simulation studies of supercooled water have pointed to the possibility that a minimum of the density (in contrast to the density maximum that occurs at 4° C) occurs in the supercooled regime [13,14]. Guided in part by these simulation results, experimental evidence for the occurrence in supercooled water of this extremely rare phenomenon has recently been reported [15]; see Fig. 2. Fig. 2 Comparison of density vs. temperature curves at ambient pressure for bulk liquid D2O (open triangles), confined liquid D2O (filled circles) from Ref. [15], D2O ice Ih (filled squares), and MD simulations of liquid TIP5P-E water (open diamonds) from Ref. [13]. The density values for the TIP5PE model (which is a model of H2O) have been multiplied by 1.1 to facilitate comparison with the behaviour of D2O. Both a maximum and a minimum of the density occur in simulations and experiment. DYNAMICS NEAR THE GLASS TRANSITION With the exception of quantum liquids (i.e. liquid He), there are only two possible fates for a supercooled liquid as T decreases: it will either undergo a first-order phase transition to a crystalline solid, or it will form an amorphous solid, or glass, at the glass transition temperature, Tg [16]. Superficially, the glass transition seems to be a purely dynamical transition, unrelated to any thermodynamic process. The viscosity of a liquid increases rapidly as T decreases, and in the absence of crystallization, the time scale for liquid-like structural relaxation eventually exceeds typical observation times. The value of Tg is (somewhat arbitrarily) taken as the T at which the viscosity exceeds 1013 poise. Below Tg, the system retains a disordered liquid-like structure, but the mechanical properties become solid-like. 62 C PHYSICS IN This simple picture of the glass transition was notably critiqued in a 1948 paper by Walter Kauzmann [17]. The paper describes what has since become known as the “Kauzmann paradox”. Kauzmann pointed out that the heat capacity of a liquid is generally higher than that of the crystal to which it freezes and, as a consequence, the entropy decreases more rapidly in the liquid than in the crystal as T decreases into the supercooled regime. For a wide range of liquids, this results in the thermodynamic behaviour shown schematically in Fig. 3. The liquid entropy, extrapolated to arbitrarily low T, would not only meet the crystal entropy, but even threatens to become zero at finite T. In practice, this “entropy catastrophe” is avoided because the glass transition seems to always intervene, knocking the liquid out of equilibrium, and putting a halt on the further decrease of entropy. The paradox is this: If the glass transition is a purely dynamical phenomenon, how can it be invoked to resolve a purely thermodynamic problem (the entropy catastrophe)? Kauzmann’s paradox suggests that thermodynamics must play a role, along with dynamical behaviour, in the physics that underlies the glass transition. This conceptional tension, between the dynamical and thermodynamic underpinnings of glass formation, persists to the present day. Fig. 3 Schematic behaviour of the entropy for a typical liquid and crystal of the same substance. Tm is the crystal melting temperature. At Tg the liquid falls out of equilibrium and becomes a glass. In 1995, P.W. Anderson wrote: “The deepest and most interesting unsolved problem in solid state theory is probably the theory of the nature of glass and the glass transition” [18]. While theories of the glass transition abound, it continues to be true that none is commonly accepted to have “solved” the problem, in the sense of accounting for the complex range of observed behaviour in a unified way. In this context, computer simulations have played a central role in testing theories, and in providing clues for the development of new theories. A prominent example in the 1990’s was the simulation work of Kob and Andersen [19], who used extensive MD simulations of a binary Lennard-Jones liquid to confirm many of the predictions of the mode-coupling theory (MCT) of the glass transition that had CANADA / VOL. 64, NO. 2 ( Apr.-June. (Spring) 2008 ) SUPERCOOLED LIQUID (SAIKA-VOIVOD AND POOLE)AA been developed previously by Goetze [20]. This stimulated a great deal of work, both through simulations and experiments, to test the range of applicability of MCT. The interrelationship of dynamics and thermodynamics in glass-forming liquids has also been explored with much success using simulations [16,21]. For example, a number of theories connecting entropy and diffusion have been proposed, stimulated by the ideas of Adam and Gibbs (AG) in 1965 [22]. Simulations provide a helpful testing ground for such theories because both thermodynamic and transport properties can be evaluated from a single set of runs; in experiments, widely different apparatus are required to access these observables, making systematic studies challenging. Several studies have demonstrated the validity of the AG theory in simulations. In our own work with F. Sciortino on liquid silica, we were also able to draw specific connections to the Kauzmann paradox [23]. We showed that the AG relation is obeyed in liquid silica, and at the same time the T dependence of the configurational entropy exhibits an inflection point that provides the mechanism for this system to avoid Kauzmann’s entropy catastrophe. This result from simulation awaits experimental confirmation, since the relevant behaviour occurs in an extremely challenging experimental regime between 3000 and 4000 K. There has also been ongoing interest in the possibility of finding molecular-level structural features in the liquid associated with the approach to the glass transition [24]. Supercooled liquids are notably homogeneous in a structural sense as they approach Tg. For example, they typically lack any growth of density fluctuations as T decreases, precluding the possibility of thinking of the approach to the glass transition as the approach to a conventional critical point. However, numerous experiments and simulations provide evidence that significant spatial heterogeneities of dynamical properties arise and grow in liquids as T 6 Tg. These results indicate that the dynamics in a supercooled liquid does not slow down uniformly in space. Rather, correlated groups of relatively mobile and immobile molecules emerge and grow in size as T decreases. These are of course transient mobility fluctuations, which appear and disappear on the time scale of structural relaxation in the liquid. While in most cases experiments only provide indirect evidence of such “dynamical heterogeneity” (DH), simulations are able to image this phenomenon directly. Simulations carried out by S.C. Glotzer and coworkers have provided particularly clear views of DH [25,26]. In these studies, careful analysis of very long equilibrium MD runs of the binary Lennard Jones liquid showed that a molecule that is significantly more mobile than the average has a higher probability of occurring close to another similarly mobile molecule. These mobile molecules tend to form quasi-one-dimensional “strings” in which molecules move one after another, like dancers in a conga line. These results were subsequently confirmed in experiments on colloids, in which the trajectories of individual colloid particles were recorded and analyzed via confocal microscopy [27]. Much recent work has focussed on how the emergence of the mobility correlations of DH can be incorporated into a broad theory of glass formation. Fig. 4 Dynamical heterogeneity in liquid water as imaged in simulations using the isoconfigurational ensemble. Larger spheres represent molecules that have a greater propensity to remain immobile on the time scale of structural relaxation; smaller spheres have a greater propensity to be mobile. These propensities are evaluated as averages for each molecule, starting from the same initial configuration, averaged over randomly chosen initial momenta. These results were obtained from simulations of N = 1728 ST2 water molecules at ρ = 0.83 g/cm3 for T = 350 K (top panel) and 270 K (bottom panel). Note how the characteristic size of the dynamically correlated regions increases as T decreases. Details may be found in Ref. [29]. Note that only O atoms are shown. More recently, Harrowell and coworkers developed a novel simulation approach that showed that, despite the absence of an obvious and growing structural heterogeneity in glass-forming liquids, the orgins of DH can be ascribed, at least in part, to configurational properties of the liquid state [28]. They define an “isoconfigurational ensemble” of MD simulation trajectories, each starting from an identical equilibrium liquid config- LA PHYSIQUE AU CANADA / Vol. 64, No. 2 ( avr. à juin (printemps) 2008 ) C 63 SUPERCOOLED LIQUIDS (SAIKA-VOIVOD AND POOLE) uration, but in which the molecular velocities are assigned randomly from the Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution. By averaging the displacement of a particular molecule at a given time over all the MD trajectories, the configurationally-induced “propensity” for molecular mobility as a functional of spatial position in the starting configuration can be assessed. In simulations of both 2D soft spheres and 3D liquid water, the resulting spatial maps of “dynamic propensity” affirm the picture of glass-forming liquids becoming progressively more heterogeneous as T 6 Tg [29]; see Fig. 4. The appearance of DH even after this kind of isoconfigurational averaging also suggests that a comprehensive theory of glass formation must be based on both dynamical and configurational ingredients. From the standpoint of computing, the practicality of using an approach such as isoconfigurational averaging is made possible only by the existence of large computing clusters. CRYSTAL NUCLEATION In order for a liquid to freeze, nucleation of the new crystalline phase must occur first. We will restrict our discussion to homogeneous nucleation, which takes place within the bulk of the supercooled liquid [1]. Fluctuations in local structure give rise to portions of the liquid that have a high degree of crystalline order. These ordered pockets can be thought of as embryos or nuclei from which the new phase arises. Perhaps surprisingly at first glance, these small embryos tend to shrink and vanish, for although the bulk crystal has a lower free energy than that of the liquid, the interface created between the crystalline embryo and the surrounding liquid makes embryo growth unfavourable from a free energy standpoint. The idea of the competition between bulk and surface contributions to the free energy of embryo formation (i.e. the work required to form an embryo) is a main ingredient of Classical Nucleation Theory (CNT), a phenomenological theory in which an embryo has a well defined interface with the surrounding liquid. There is no generally accepted microscopic theory of nucleation and so, despite dating back to the 1920’s, CNT forms the theoretical basis for quantitatively understanding nucleation. In CNT, the work required to assemble an embryo composed of n particles is given by ∆G ( n) = − ∆µ n + aγn2 / 3 = −kBT ln Nn , N (1) where ∆F is the difference in the chemical potential between the bulk liquid and the bulk crystal, γ is the surface tension, a is a factor that depends on the shape and density of the embryos, Nn is the equilibrium number of embryos of size n present in the liquid, and N is the total number of liquid particles. The generic shape of ∆G(n) is shown in Fig. 5, where we see a maximum at n*, the critical embryo size. Embryos must overcome a free energy barrier of height ∆G(n*) before it is thermodynamically favourable for them to grow. The rate of nucleation, or the rate at which embryos cross the 64 C PHYSICS IN Fig. 5 ∆G(n) obtained from Nn from simulations of high pressure silica for a set of temperatures. The curves are obtained from parallel simulations described in Ref. [30]. The solid curves are fits to the n dependence given by Eq. 1. barrier per unit volume, is given by, J = R exp −∆G (n∗ ) , kBT (2) where R is a kinetic prefactor that depends on the dynamics of the supercooled liquid. The study of nucleation seems ideally suited to computer simulations. One would think that the microscopic level of detail in a MC or MD simulation should enable researchers to systematically peel apart the nucleation process. This is true, but there are challenges nonetheless. Nucleation of a post-critical embryo typically occurs in a metastable supercooled liquid as a rare event, particularly if ∆G(n*) is large. For small to moderate supercooling, it may not be feasible to witness even a single nucleation event in even the longest simulations. Another basic difficulty lies in discerning the embryo from the surrounding liquid particles. In a simple supercooled liquid, the neighbours of a given particle form a fairly ordered environment and, as mentioned earlier, the density mismatch between the liquid and crystal phases is not large. Determining which particles are crystal-like and which are not becomes a subtle task. Nonetheless, satisfactory criteria have been worked out to define local crystalline order, with the help of spherical harmonics. By looking at how this order is correlated between neighbouring particles, it becomes possible to identify embryos and the number of particles they contain. Fig. 6 shows snapshots of embryos taken from our simulations of silica [30]. With the embryos identified, the next step is to be able to drive the system to nucleate. This can be accomplished through biased sampling MC. In this technique, an order parameter, like the size of the largest cluster in the system, is identified. Then, a potential energy term that is a function of the order parameter is added to the model Hamiltonian, and is often taken to be a parabola centred upon a particular cluster size, n0. The new addition to the Hamiltonian biases the system to be in a state CANADA / VOL. 64, NO. 2 ( Apr.-June. (Spring) 2008 ) SUPERCOOLED LIQUID (SAIKA-VOIVOD AND POOLE)AA They, and now others, have used simulation to drive our understanding of nucleation in numerous systems (argon, hard sphere colloids, NaCl, silica, and carbon, among others), and under various influences, e.g. in the presence of metastable critical points, near interfaces, or under extreme pressure. For example, contrary to recent suggestions, Frenkel was able to show that diamonds are not likely to nucleate in the carbon-rich middle layers of Uranus [32]. In our work, we have used biased/tempered MC to study nucleation in a model of silica for which we worked out the phase diagram earlier. We focussed on a high pressure regime where nucleation occurs fairly easily, i.e. on a reasonable time scale for simulations. We showed that the form given by CNT for ∆G(n) holds reasonably well even when the barrier becomes fairly small at large supercooling (see Fig. 5). Additionally, we reached a point where the picture of nucleation begins to change qualitatively and the idea of a limit to liquid metastability may be required to make sense of some of the free energy profiles we calculated. Fig. 6 Crystal-like Si atoms in liquid silica. Top left: Sample critical nucleus at 3300 K containing 10 Si atoms. Top right: A snapshot of the growing crystal embryo from a dynamic crystallization simulation at 3000 K when it contains 23 Si atoms. Bottom: Sample end configuration of a crystallization simulation. containing a cluster of size n0. Thus, through biased sampling, we can study at leisure the system when it is in an otherwise improbable state, in our case, states in which large and/or critical embryos are present. By simulating the system at values of n0 ranging from small to critical to post-critical, we can calculate Nn, which through Eq. 1 determines ∆G(n) To determine ∆G(n) for several temperatures, we would run many simulations, each with a different T and n0. Perhaps these would all be running at the same time if a computing cluster is available. However, the equilibration of these systems can be greatly sped up by using a technique dubbed parallel tempering. In this scheme, simulations running in parallel are allowed to exchange configurations. The probability with which two processors commit to an exchange is precisely determined by the Boltzmann distribution. Qualitatively, the increase in computational efficiency comes from allowing slow states at low T to benefit from occasional visits to high temperatures, where kinetic barriers are more easily overcome. Liquid configurations with embryos of critical size can be selected from the biased/tempered MC simulations in order to study their dynamic properties with good statistical sampling. In particular, the rate at which particles attach themselves to a critical embryo is used to calculate the dynamic prefactor in Eq. 2, thus completing the calculation of quantities required by CNT to predict the rate of nucleation. The development and application of these techniques to nucleation is mostly attributable to Daan Frenkel and coworkers [31]. A number of other efforts are ongoing in Canada to simulate nucleation and crystal growth. For example, Peter Kusalik (formerly at Dalhousie, now at U. Calgary) and coworkers were the first to simulate ice nucleation in the presence of a strong electric field [33], and more recently have done notable work simulating the interface of a crystal surface as it progresses into the liquid phase [34]. Nucleation is also being studied in liquid nanoclusters in the group of R.K. Bowles [35] at the University of Saskatchewan. Freezing of clusters differs from that of bulk liquids in that there is an inherent inhomogeneity in the system, i.e. a significant portion of the particles are on the surface, as well as the fact that there are typically several different structures to which the cluster may freeze at a given T. The frozen cluster structures are not bound to be true periodic crystals, and may have (for example) icosahedral or decahedral structure. It is intriguing to think about possible connections between nucleation and the glass transition. What impact do dynamical heterogeneities have on the nucleation processs? Are the heterogeneities themselves a result of subtle ordering connected with embryo formation? Is the liquid trying to order locally to a structure that cannot fill space? We are engaged in exploring some of these questions, and are encouraged by some hints on the subject now appearing in the literature pertaining to glass formers [36]. OUTLOOK AND CONCLUSION Computer simulation has and will continue to play a valuable role in developing our understanding of the supercooled liquid state, the glass transition and crystal nucleation. Simulations have been instrumental in testing microscopic theories of the glass transition, in linking thermodynamics to the glass transition, in calculating material properties from microscopic interactions, and in testing nucleation theories. Despite this progress, fundamental questions remain. For example, there is no generally accepted theory that can tell us why one liquid should form a glass, while another crystallizes easily. It is LA PHYSIQUE AU CANADA / Vol. 64, No. 2 ( avr. à juin (printemps) 2008 ) C 65 SUPERCOOLED LIQUIDS (SAIKA-VOIVOD AND POOLE) inevitable that simulations will play a role in clarifying such questions. In addition, those contemplating research in this area will benefit from paying attention not only to scientific trends, but also to the technological trends of computing hardware and software. For example, the explosive growth in single-processor speed over the last several decades presently allows us to study classical liquids over nearly 8 orders of magnitude in time, up to almost the Fs time scale. More recent improvements in parallel architectures and algorithms have now also allowed the sizes of systems studied to grow dramatically. The focus of current development in processor technology is now shifting to multi-core processors, offering more potential for parallelism (and lower power consumption), but with the speed of single cores not increasing as dramatically as in the past. On its own, this would shift the advantage to the simulation of larger systems (via parallelism), but would slow the increase of the maximum accessible time scale. In another direction, the advent of accelerator cards (e.g. “GPGPUs” based on graphics coprocessors) offer the potential for tremendous speed increases with some algorithms. Finally, we note that our discussion in this article has focussed on simple and network-forming liquids such as water, but the basic ideas behind nucleation and glassy dynamics provide the underpinning for understanding more complex phenomena such as phase transitions and gelation in colloids, macromolecular assembly, protein folding and crystallization, and nanoparticle self-assembly. 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Such calculations can provide a standard of comparison to test whether sub-nucleonic effects, such as explicit quark degrees of freedom, must be invoked to explain an observed phenomenon. They can also be used to evaluate nuclear matrix elements needed for some tests of the standard model, and to predict reaction rates that are difficult or impossible to measure in the laboratory. For example, all the astrophysical reactions that contribute to the Big Bang or to solar energy production should be amenable to such ab initio calculations. To achieve this goal, we must both determine reasonable Hamiltonians to be used and devise reliable many-body methods to evaluate them. Significant progress has been made in the past decade on both fronts, with the development of a number of potential models that accurately reproduce NN elastic scattering data, and a variety of advanced many-body methods. In practice, to reproduce experimental energies and transitions, it appears necessary to add many-nucleon forces to the Hamiltonian and electroweak charge and current operators beyond the basic single-nucleon terms. While testing our interactions and currents against experiment, it is also important to test the many-body methods against each other to ensure that any approximations made are not biasing the results. For s-shell (3- and 4-body) nuclei, a number of accurate many-body methods have been developed; a benchmark test in 2001 compared seven different calculations of the SUMMARY Quantum Monte Carlo methods are applied to the ab initio calculation of the structure and reactions of light nuclei. binding energy of the 4He nucleus using a semi-realistic test Hamiltonian and obtained agreement at .0.1% [3]. Multiple few-body methods also agree quite well on lowenergy three-nucleon (3N) scattering and progress is being made on larger scattering problems [4,5]. For p-shell (5#A#16) and larger nuclei, three methods that are being developed and checked against each other are the no-core shell model (NCSM) [6], coupled-cluster expansion (CCE) [7], and quantum Monte Carlo (QMC) [2]. This article will focus on the quantum Monte Carlo method as an example of modern ab initio nuclear theory. We will describe the nature of the problem, a method of solution, and present some of the successes that have been achieved as well as future challenges that must be faced. NUCLEAR HAMILTONIAN At present we have to rely on phenomenological models for the nuclear interaction; a quantiative understanding of the nuclear force based on non-perturbative quantum chromodynamics (QCD) is still some distance in the future. We consider nuclear Hamiltonians of the form: H = ∑ K i + ∑ vij + i i< j ∑V i < j <k ijk . Here Ki is the kinetic energy, νij is an NN potential, and Vijk is a 3N potential. Realistic NN potentials fit a large scattering database; models such as the Nijm I, Nijm II, and Reid93 potentials of the Nijmegen group [8], Argonne ν18 (AV18) [9], and CD Bonn [10], fit more than 4,000 elastic data at laboratory energies #350 MeV with a χ2/datum ~1. These potentials are all based on pion exchange at long range, but inevitably are more phenomenological at shorter distances. Their structure is complicated, including spin, isospin, tensor, spin-orbit, quadratic momentum-dependent, and charge-independence-breaking terms, with ~40 fitted parameters. However, these sophisticated NN models are generally unable to reproduce the binding energy of few-body nuclei such as 3H and 4He without the assistance of a 3N potential [1]. R.B. Wiringa <>, Physics Division, Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, Illinois 60439 Multi-nucleon interactions can arise because of the composite nature of the nucleon and its corresponding excitation spectrum, particularly the strong ∆(1232) resonance seen in πN scattering. The expectation value of 3N potentials is much smaller than that for NN forces, but due to the large cancellation between one-body kinetic and two-body potential energies, they can provide significant corrections to nuclear binding. Fortunately, four-nucleon potentials LA PHYSIQUE AU CANADA / Vol. 64, No. 2 ( avr. à juin (printemps) 2008 ) C 67 QUANTUM MONTE CARLO ... (WIRINGA) appear small enough to ignore at present. Models for the basic two-pion-exchange 3N potential date from the 1950s [11]; more sophisticated models have followed, including the TucsonMelbourne [12], Urbana [13], and Illinois [14] models. In principle, the 3N potential could have a far more complicated dependence on the spins, isospins, and momenta of the nucleons than has been studied to date, but there is limited information by which to constrain the models. Three-nucleon scattering data provides some information, but very little partial-wave analysis has been done which would help unravel the structure. Energies and excitation spectra of light nuclei provide the best current constraints for 3N potentials, especially isospin T = 32 interactions, which are particularly important for neutron stars. Hamiltonians based on chiral effective theories are under development that should provide a more consistent picture of both NN and many-nucleon forces, while also making closer connections to the underlying symmetries of QCD [15]. An important additional ingredient for the evaluation of electroweak interactions of nuclei is a consistent set of charge and current operators. The standard impulse approximation (IA) single-nucleon contributions need to be supplemented by many-nucleon terms that again can be understood as arising from the composite nature of the nucleons and the meson exchanges that mediate the interactions between them. It is important to use currents that satisfy the continuity equation with the Hamiltonian. In practice, two-nucleon operators give the bulk of the correction to the IA terms; they can be 20% corrections for magnetic moments and transitions, although generally much less for electric transitions and weak decays [1]. For the present article, we consider a Hamiltonian containing the AV18 NN potential and Illinois-2 (IL2) 3N potential. The AV18 model can be written in an operator format as: vij = ∑ p =1, 22 v p ( rij )Oijp , Oijp =1,14 = [1, σi ⋅ σ j , Sij , L ⋅ S, L2 , L2σi ⋅ σ j , (L ⋅ S) 2 ] ⊗ [1, τi ⋅ τ j ], Oijp =15,22 = [1, σi ⋅ σ j , Sij , L ⋅ S] ⊗ [Tij , ( τzi + τ zj )]. Here σ (τ) is the Pauli spin (isospin) operator, L (S) is the pair orbital (spin) angular momentum operator, and Sij = 3σi @ r̂ij σj @ r̂ij − σi @σj is the tensor operator, which can exchange spin and orbital angular momenta. The first fourteen terms are isoscalar, or charge-independent, i.e., they do not mix isospin states. The first eight of these terms, up through spin-orbit, are the most important. A good semi-realistic model designated AV8N has been constructed (and used in the 4He benchmark paper mentioned above) using just these operators; it reproduces S- and P-wave NN scattering phase shifts and the twonucleon bound state (deuteron) very well. The central, spinisospin, and tensor-isospsin components are shown in Fig. 1 by solid lines with the left-hand scale; the central potential has its maximum of .2000 MeV at r = 0. The six terms quadratic in L are smaller, but are needed to fit higher partial waves in NN scattering. The last eight terms 68 C PHYSICS IN Fig. 1 Important potential terms and corresponding VMC correlations for 4He. break charge-independence, being either isovector (τzi + τzj), or isotensor (Tij= 3τziτzj − τi@τj), in character; they are generally small, and differentiate between pp, np and nn forces. Their origin is in the electromagnetic (Coulomb, magnetic moment, etc.) interaction, and the strong interaction (mπ0 − mπ± effects, ρ-ω meson mixing, etc.). The IL2 3N potential includes a long-range two-pion-exchange piece, three-pion-exchange ring terms, and a phenomenological short-range repulsion. The spin- and isospin-dependence is fixed by the rules of πΝ interactions, while the overall strength is characterized by four parameters determined by a fit to ~20 nuclear energy levels when used with AV18 in the calculations described below. QUANTUM MONTE CARLO METHODS The many-body problem with the full Hamiltonian described above is uniquely challenging. We want to solve the manybody Schrödinger equation H Ψ (r1, r2, @@@, rA; s1,s2, @@@ , sA; t1, t2, @@@ , tA) = E Ψ (r1,r2, @@@, rA; s1,s2, @@@ , sA; t1, t2, @@@ , tA) where si = ± 12 are nucleon spins, and ti = ± 12 are nucleon isospins (proton or neutron). This is equivalent to solving, for an A-body nucleus with Z protons, 2A H (AZ ) complex coupled second-order differential equations in 3A-dimensions. For 12C, this number is 3,784,704 coupled equations in 36 variables! (In practice, for many nuclei, symmetry considerations can reduce the number by an order of magnitude.) The coupling is quite strong; the expectation value +νtτ , corresponding to the tensorisospin operator Sijτi@τj is . 60% of +νij ,. This is a direct consequence of the pion-exchange nature of nuclear forces (and indirectly, the approximate chiral symmetry of QCD). Furthermore, +νtτ , = 0 if there are no tensor correlations in the wave function, so we cannot perturbatively introduce these couplings. CANADA / VOL. 64, NO. 2 ( Apr.-June. (Spring) 2008 ) QUANTUM MONTE CARLO ... (WIRINGA)AA The first application of Monte Carlo methods to nuclei interacting with realistic potentials was a variational (VMC) calculation by Pandharipande and collaborators [16], who computed upper bounds to the binding energies of 3H and 4He in 1981. Six years later, Carlson [17] improved on the VMC results by using the Green’s function Monte Carlo (GFMC) algorithm, obtaining essentially exact results (within Monte Carlo statistical errors of 1%). Reliable calculations of light p-shell nuclei started to become available in the mid 1990s and are reviewed in [2]; the most recent results for A = 9,10 nuclei and 12C can be found in [18,19]. A VMC calculation finds an upper bound EV to an eigenenergy E0 of the Hamiltonian by evaluating the expectation value of H in a trial wave function, ΨT: EV = ΨT | H | ΨT ΨT | ΨT ≥ E0 . Parameters in ΨT are varied to minimize EV, and the lowest value is taken as the approximate energy. A good trial function is [2] | Ψ T = 1 + ∑U i< j<k ijk S ∏ (1 + U ij ) | Ψ J , i< j where Uij and Uijk are non-commuting two- and three-body correlation operators induced by νij and Vijk , respectively, S is a symmetrizer, and the Jastrow wave function ΨJ is | Ψ J = ∏ f c ( rij ) | Φ A ( J π ; T ) . i< j Here the single-particle A-body wave function ΦA(J π;T) is fully antisymmetric and has the total spin, parity, and isospin quantum numbers of the state of interest, while the product over all pairs of the central two-body correlation fc(rij) keeps nucleons apart to avoid the strong short-range repulsion of the interaction. The long-range behavior of fc and any single-particle radial dependence in ΦA (which is written using coordinates relative to the center of mass or to a sub-cluster CM to ensure translational invariance) control the finite extent of the nucleus. The two-body correlation operator has the structure U ij = ∑u p = 2, 6 p ( rij )Oijp , where the O ijp are the leading spin, isospin, and tensor operators in νij . The fc(r) and up(r) are obtained by numerically solving a set of six Schrödinger-like equations: two single-channel for S=0, T=0 or 1, and two coupled-channel for S=1, T=0 or 1, with the latter producing the important tensor correlations [20]. These equations contain the bare νij and parametrized Lagrange multipliers to impose long-range boundary conditions of exponential decay and tensor/central ratios. The central, spin-isospin, and tensor-isospin correlations obtained for 4He are shown in Fig. 1 as dashed lines measured by the right-hand scale. The fc is small at short distances, to reduce contributions from the repulsive core of νc, and a maximum near where νc is most attractive, while the long-range decrease keeps the nucleus confined. The uστ and utτ are small and have signs opposite to νστ and νtτ as expected from perturbation theory. Perturbation theory is also used to motivate the three-body correlation Uijk = − εVijk ( r~ij , r~jk , r~ki ) where r~ = yr, y a scaling parameter, and ε a (small negative) strength parameter. Consequently, Uijk has the same spin, isospin, and tensor dependence that Vijk contains. The ΨΤ is a vector in the spin-isospin space of the A nucleons, each component of which is a complex-valued function of the positions of all A nucleons. The tensor correlations mix spin and spatial angular momenta, so that all 2A spin combinations appear. Because the nuclear force is mostly isoscalar, the conservation of isospin results in fewer isospin possibilities, somewhat less than (ZA ). For MJ = 0 states there is an additional factor of 2 reduction. The total numbers of components in the vectors for 4He, 6Li, 8Be, 10B, and 12C are 16, 160, 1792, 21504, and 270336, respectively. Constructing the trial function with the pair spin and isospin operators in Uij requires P = A(A - 1)/2 sparse-matrix operations on this vector (more if Uijk triples are used). Acting on the trial function with νij then requires a sum of P additional operations for each spin or isospin term in the potential. Kinetic energy contributions are evaluated by finite differences, i.e., by reconstructing ΨΤ at 6A slightly shifted positions and taking appropriate differences. Quadratic momentum-dependent L2 and (L@S)2 terms in νij require additional derivatives, but various tricks can be used to reduce the number of operations, including rotation to a frame where fewer differences are needed, and Monte Carlo sampling these relatively short-ranged terms when the two nucleons are far apart. Evaluating Vijk requires additional operations, but these terms can also be sampled when the nucleons are far apart. The 3A-dimensional spatial integration is carried out by a standard Metropolis Monte Carlo algorithm [21] with sampling controlled by a weight function W(R) .*ΨΤ *2, where R = r1, r2, ... rA specifies the spatial configuration. Thus more (less) time is spent evaluating the integral where the trial function is large (small). VMC calculations produce upper bounds to binding energies that are .2% above exact results for A = 3,4 nuclei. However, as A increases, our present trial functions get progressively worse and are unstable against breakup into sub-clusters. For example, our 7Li trial function is more bound than 6Li, but less bound than 4He plus 3H. Because any wave function can be expanded in the complete set of exact eigenfunctions, the inadequacy of the trial function can be attributed to contamination by excited state components in ΨΤ . LA PHYSIQUE AU CANADA / Vol. 64, No. 2 ( avr. à juin (printemps) 2008 ) C 69 QUANTUM MONTE CARLO ... (WIRINGA) The Green’s function Monte Carlo method provides a way of systematically improving on the VMC trial state by removing such contamination and approaching the true lowest-lying eigenstate of given (J π;T) quantum numbers [2]. GFMC projects out the lowest-energy eigenstate from ΨΤ by a propagation in imaginary time: Ψ ( τ) = exp[ −( H − E% 0) τ]ΨT , =e − ( E0 − E% 0 ) τ lim Ψ ( τ) ∝ Ψ 0 , × [ Ψ 0 + ∑ αi e − ( Ei − E0 ) τ Ψ i ], such that the average over all discarded configurations of Ψ(τ)† @ ΨT is 0. Thus, if ΨT were the true eigenstate, the discarded configurations would contribute nothing but noise to +H,. In practice, a final few (10–20) unconstrained steps are made, before evaluating the energy, to eliminate any bias from the constraint. Expectation values with GFMC wave functions are evaluated as “mixed” estimates O ( τ) τ→∞ where Ẽ0 is a guess for the exact E0. If sufficiently large τ is reached, the eigenvalue E0 is calculated exactly while other expectation values are generally calculated neglecting terms of order |Ψ0 − ΨΤ |2 and higher. In contrast, the error in the variational energy, EV, is of order |Ψ0 − ΨΤ |2, and other expectation values calculated with ΨΤ have errors of order |Ψ0 − ΨΤ |. The evaluation of e−(H−Ẽ0)τ is made by introducing a small time step, ∆τ = τ/n (typically ∆τ = 0.0005 ΜeV−1), Ψ ( τ) = e ΨT = G n ΨT . − ( H − E%0 ) V τ n where G is the short-time Green’s function. Again, Ψ(τ) is a vector function of R, and the Green’s function Gαβ(RN,R) is a matrix function of R and RN in spin-isospin space: Gαβ ( R ′ , R ) = R ′ , α | e− ( H − E0 )V τ | R, β , % where α, β denote the spin-isospin components. The repeated operation of Gαβ(RN,R) in coordinate space results in a multidimensional integral over 3An (typically more than 10,000) dimensions. This integral is also done by a Metropolis Monte Carlo algorithm. The short-time propagator is approximated as a symmetrized product of exact two-body propagators and includes the 3N potential to first-order. The Gαβ(RN,R) can be evaluated with leading errors of order (∆τ)3, which can be made arbitrarily small by reducing ∆τ (and increasing n correspondingly). In the benchmark calculation [3] of 4He, the GFMC energy had a statistical error of only 20 keV and agreed with the other best results to this accuracy (< 0.1%). Various tests indicate that the GFMC calculations of p-shell binding energies have errors of 1–2%. For more than four nucleons, GFMC calculations suffer significantly from the well-known fermion sign problem; the Gαβ(RN,R) is a local operator that does not know about global antisymmetry. Consequently it can mix in boson solutions that are generally (much) lower in energy. This results in exponential growth of the statistical errors as one propagates to larger τ, or as A is increased. For A$8 the resulting limit on τ is too small to allow convergence of the energy. This problem is solved by using a constrained-path algorithm [22], in which configurations with small or negative Ψ(τ)† @ ΨT are discarded 70 C PHYSICS IN Mixed = Ψ ( τ) | O | Ψ T Ψ ( τ) | Ψ T . The desired expectation values would have Ψ(τ) on both sides, but if the starting trial wave function is reasonably good, we can write Ψ(τ) = ΨT + δΨ(τ), and neglecting terms of order [δΨ(τ)]2, we obtain the approximate expression O ( τ) = Ψ ( τ) | O | Ψ ( τ) ≈ O ( τ) Ψ ( τ) | Ψ ( τ) Mixed + [ O ( τ) Mixed − O V ], where +O,V is the variational expectation value. More accurate evaluations of +O(τ), are possible, essentially by measuring the observable at the mid-point of the path. However, such estimates require a propagation twice as long as the mixed estimate and require separate propagations for every +O, to be evaluated. In practice, the operator in the mixed estimate acts on the explicitly antisymmetric ΨT, which helps project out boson contamination in Ψ(τ) and is particularly convenient for evaluating operators with derivatives. The expectation value of the Hamiltonian is a special case, because half of the propagator can be commuted to the other side of the mixed expectation value, giving Ψ(τ/2) on either side; consequently the energy has a variational upper bound property and converges to the eigenenergy from above. As described above, the number of spin-isospin components in ΨT grows rapidly with the number of nucleons. Thus, a calculation of a state in 8Be involves about 30 times more floatingpoint operations than one for 6Li, and 10B requires 25 times more than 8Be. Calculations of the sort being described are currently feasible for A #10. A few runs for the ground state of 12C have been made; these require ~100,000 processor hours on modern massively parallel computers or ~1017 floating point operations for a single state. RESULTS The imaginary-time evolution of GFMC calculations for the first three (J π; T=0) states in 6Li is shown in Fig. 2. The energy is evaluated after every 40∆τ propagation steps and is shown by the solid symbols with error bars for the Monte Carlo statistical errors. The EV = E(τ = 0) for the 1+ ground state is at −28 MeV, above the threshold for breakup into separted α(4He) and deuteron (2H) clusters. However, the energy drops quite rapidly and is already stable against breakup after only a few CANADA / VOL. 64, NO. 2 ( Apr.-June. (Spring) 2008 ) QUANTUM MONTE CARLO ... (WIRINGA)AA Fig. 2 GFMC propagation for three states of 6Li. Fig. 3 propagation steps. The final energy and statistical error is obtained by averaging over E(τ) once the energy is stable. The rapid drop in E(τ) for small τ indicates that the ΨT has a small contamination of very high (>100 MeV) excitation; GFMC is particularly efficient at filtering out such errors. The 3+ excited state is actually unstable against cluster breakup, but is physically narrow (decay width Γ=0.024 MeV) and the GFMC energy is stable. However, the 2+ excited state is physically wide (Γ=1.3 MeV) and after an initial rapid drop from the −24 MeV starting energy, it continues to drift lower, so a straight average is not reasonable. In principle, if the calculation is carried to large enough τ, the energy should converge to the sum of α and deuteron energies. In this case we extrapolate linearly back to the end of the initial drop as marked by the open star in Fig. 2 to estimate the energy of the state. Figure 3 compares GFMC calculations of energy levels of selected nuclei with the experimental values (right bars). The calculations use just the AV18 NN potential alone (left bars) or with the IL2 3N potential (middle bars). The figure shows that calculations with just a NN potential underbind the A$3 nuclei, with the underbinding getting worse as A increases. In addition − − many spin-orbit splittings, such as that of the 52 − 72 levels in 7Li, are too small. The addition of IL2 corrects these errors and results in good agreement with the data; for 53 levels in 3 # A # 10 nuclei the rms deviation from experiment is only 740 keV. The case of 10B is particularly interesting, as the calculation with just AV18 incorrectly produces a 1+ ground state instead of the correct 3+. As the figure shows, including IL2 reverses the order of the two levels and produces the correct ground state. This result has been confirmed by NCSM calculations using different realistic NN and 3N potentials [23]. Many of the states shown in Fig. 3 are strong stable, i.e., they can decay only by electromagnetic or weak transitions, if at all. Others are actually resonant states that decay by nucleon or α emission. As discussed above, good energies can still be GFMC energy level calculations for various nuclei using the AV18 (blue) and AV18+IL2 Hamiltonians (red) compared with experiment (green). As can be seen, the AV18+IL2 results are consistently lower than AV18 alone, and are in much better agreement with experiment. obtained for resonant states that are physically narrow by the techniques discussed above, but for wide states with decay widths Γ > 0.2 MeV, a true scattering calculation is more appropriate. A nuclear GFMC calculation was recently completed for the case of n+α scattering [24]. The basic technique is to confine the nucleons in a box, with a radius large enough so that a nucleon at the edge is far enough away from the others (inside the α) that it is in the asymptotic scattering regime. A logarithmic boundary condition is imposed on the trial function, and a GFMC propagation is made that preserves the boundary condition while finding the energy of the system. The combination of energy and logarithmic derivative at the boundary radius gives a phase shift δ(E). A number of calculations are made for different boundary conditions to map out δ(E), from which partial-wave cross sections can be calculated and resonance poles and widths extracted. This is illustrated in Fig. 4, where n+α − + − scattering in the 12 , 12 , and 32 channels, calculated with AV18+IL2, is plotted (solid symbols) and compared to an R-matrix analysis of experimental data (solid lines). The agreement is quite encouraging, but this is by far the simplest of many scattering cases we would like to study. In addition to energies of nuclear states, we calculate a variety of other properties, such as one- and two-nucleon density and momentum distributions. An example is shown in Fig. 5 where the point proton and neutron densities of 4,6,8He are shown. The α is extremely compact and has essentially identical proton and neutron densities. In the halo nuclei 6,8He (so-called because of the weakly bound valence neutrons and consequently extended neutron distribution) the α core is only slightly distorted. However, the valence neutrons drag the center of mass of the α around and thus spread out the proton density. Recent neutral atom trapping experiments that measure the isotope shift of LA PHYSIQUE AU CANADA / Vol. 64, No. 2 ( avr. à juin (printemps) 2008 ) C 71 QUANTUM MONTE CARLO ... (WIRINGA) Fig. 4 GFMC calculation of n + α scattering in partial-wave cross sections for the AV18+IL2 Hamiltonian. Experimental data are shown by solid curves. atomic transitions in these nuclei, combined with extremely accurate atomic theory, have determined the charge radius differences among the helium isotopes [25]. GFMC calculations of these charge radii are quite challenging because the neutron separation energies are only 1−2 MeV, so absolute energies of the 4,6,8He nuclei must be calculated to much better than our standard 1−2% accuracy. By using variations of the AV18+IL2 Hamiltonian for the GFMC propagator, it is possible to map out the dependence of the charge radius on separation energy, and then read off a prediction from the experimental separation energy. The resulting radii agree with atom trap experiments at the 1-2% level [26]. CONCLUSIONS The VMC and GFMC quantum Monte Carlo methods discussed here have established a new standard of comparison for the ab initio study of light nuclei using realistic interactions. There are many calculations of interest beyond those discussed here. These include the study of the small isovector and isotensor terms in the nuclear Hamiltonian, which contribute to the energy difference between “mirror” nuclei like 3H–3He and 7Li–7Be. The microscopic origin of these forces is not fully understood, so the ability to test interaction models against experimental energies is an important tool. Electromagnetic and weak transitions between different nuclear states and the response of nuclei to scattered electrons, neutrinos, and pions is also of considerable interest. The first GFMC calculations of magnetic dipole (M1), electric quadrupole (E2), and weak Fermi (F) and Gamov-Teller (GT) transitions in light nuclei are just becoming available [27]. VMC calculations have been made for the electromagnetic elastic and transition form factors in 6Li [28] and for spectroscopic factors in the 7Li(e,eNp) [29] reaction which are in good agreement with experiment. Calculations of spectroscopic amplitudes such as 72 C PHYSICS IN Fig. 5 Point proton and neutron densities for helium isotopes. +8Li(J) + n(j)|9Li(JN),, where the nuclei are in a number of different possible excited states, are being used as input to DWBA analyses of radioactive beam experiments, such as 2H(8Li,p)9Li [30]. There have also been VMC studies of astrophysically interesting radiative capture reactions such as d(α,γ)6Li, t(α,γ)7Li, and 3He(α,γ)7Be [31]. GFMC calculations of such reactions should be feasible in the next few years. The chief drawback of the present VMC and GFMC methods is the exponential growth in computational requirements with the number of nucleons. It will be some time before A=11,12 calculations become routine. One of the challenges in moving to larger nuclei is the need to transition from parallel computers with hundreds of processors, to the next generation of massively parallel machines with tens of thousands of processors. With present machines tens of configurations reside on each processor, but in future one configuraton might be spread over ten processors, which will require some major programming adjustments. To reach larger nuclei, a new quantum Monte Carlo method, auxiliary field diffusion Monte Carlo (AFDMC), is under development and has already been used for larger nuclei like 16O and 40Ca using slightly simpler interactions [32]. The chief advantage of this method is that, by linearizing the problem with the introduction of auxiliary fields, spins and isospins can be effectively sampled, rather than completely summed over. The other ab initio nuclear many-body methods, NCSM and CCE, are also pushing on to larger nuclei, and we expect continued rapid progress in this field. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The quantum Monte Carlo work described here has been done by many researchers including J. Carlson, K.M. Nollett, V.R. Pandharipande, M. Pervin, S.C. Pieper, B.S. Pudliner, R. Schiavilla, and K. Varga. This work is supported by the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Nuclear Physics, under contract DE-AC02-06CH11357. CANADA / VOL. 64, NO. 2 ( Apr.-June. (Spring) 2008 ) QUANTUM MONTE CARLO ... (WIRINGA)AA REFERENCES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. J. Carlson and R. Schiavilla, Rev. Mod. Phys. 70, 743-841 (1998), and references therein. S.C. Pieper and R.B. Wiringa, Annu. Rev. Nucl. Part. Sci. 51, 53-90 (2001), and references therein. H. Kamada et al., Phys. Rev. C 64, 044001 (2001). A. Kievsky et al., Phys. Rev. C 58, 3085 (1998). A. Deltuva et al., Phys. Rev. C 71, 064003 (2005). P. Navrátil, J.P. Vary and B.R. Barrett, Phys. Rev. Lett. 84, 5728 (2000); P. Navrátil and W.E. 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LA PHYSIQUE AU CANADA / Vol. 64, No. 2 ( avr. à juin (printemps) 2008 ) C 73 NEWS AND CONGRATULATIONS NEWS AND CONGRATULATIONS NEW DIRECTOR FOR PERIMETER INSTITUTE CANADA’S May 9, 2008 - The Board of Directors of Canada’s Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics (PI) announced the appointment of Dr. Neil Turok to the position of Executive Director, replacing Dr. Howard Burton who left PI in mid-2007 after having served in this role since the institute was first created iin the summer of 1999 (Dr. Robert Myers from CITA had been acting as Executive Director in the interim). The appointment is effective October 1st. Commenting on his appointment, Dr. Turok says, “I am thrilled and honored to serve as the next Executive Director of Perimeter Institute, or PI. The Institute’s innovative approach, its flexibility and its determination to tackle the most basic questions are already attracting the world’s most brilliant students and researchers to Canada. Working with the excellent PI team, I hope to strengthen these developments so that PI becomes a world epicenter for theoretical physics, catalysing major scientific breakthroughs.” About Dr. Turok Neil Geoffrey Turok was born in Johannesburg, South Africa, and educated in England with a PhD from Imperial College. After stays at Santa Barbara, Fermilab, and a Professorship at Princeton University, he took the Chair of Mathematical Physics at Cambridge University in 1997. DR. RICHARD TAYLOR INDUCTED INTO CANADA’S SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING HALL OF FAME Dr. Richard E. Taylor is a Nobel laureate for his work in physics. He and his colleagues provided the first physical evidence for quarks, now recognized as the building blocks of 99 percent of all matter. He is a Distinguished University professor in the Department of Physics at the University of Alberta and on the Board of Trustees of Canada's National Institute for Nanotechnology (NINT). Born in Medicine Hat, Alberta, Dr.Taylor is a Companion of the Order of Canada and a Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada. The Canadian Science and Engineering Hall of Fame is a central part of the Innovation Canada exhibition. This is where the Museum honours individuals whose outstanding scientific or technological achievements have made a significant contribution to Canadian society. There are currently 40 scientists, engineers, and researchers recognized in the Hall of Fame, including John Polanyi, Maude Abbot, Sir Sandford Fleming and Joseph Armand Bombardier. Each spring, new members are added to the permanent gallery at the Canada Science and Technology Museum and on its website RAYMOND LAFLAMME HONOURED WITH "PREMIER'S DISCOVERY AWARD" Dr. Raymond Laflamme of the Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics (PI) and the Institute of Quantum Computing (IQC) at the University of Waterloo has been honoured with a special Premier's Discovery Award for his contributions in natural sciences and engineering. He is a noted cosmologist and mathematical physicist who worked on the cosmic background radiation, the cosmological constant, and developed, with Stephen Hawking, the so-called Hawking-Turok instanton solutions which can describe the birth of an inflationary universe. With Paul Steinhardt, Princeton University, he has been developing a cyclic model for the universe. Neil Turok is not only an award winning scientist but a profoundly engaged scientist and founder of the African Institute for Mathematical Sciences in Muizenberg -- a postgraduate educational centre supporting the development of mathematics and science across the African continent. 74 C PHYSICS IN The award, presented April 29th in Toronto, acknowledges Dr. Laflamme' s individual achievements and demonstrated leadership in the globally competitive arena of scientific research. Dr. Laflamme is this year’s speaker at the Herzberg Memorial Public Lecture held on June 8th in Quebec City as part of the 2008 CAP Congress. He will be speaking on “Harnessing the Quantum World”. CANADA / VOL. 64, NO. 2 ( Apr.-June. (Spring) 2008 ) ARTICLE DE FOND THE NEXT CANADIAN REGIONAL CLIMATE MODEL BY AYRTON ZADRA, DANIEL CAYA, JEAN CÔTÉ, BERNARD DUGAS, COLIN JONES, RENÉ LAPRISE, KATJA WINGER, AND LOUIS-PHILIPPE CARON T he provision of regional climate-change projections to support climate impact and adaptation studies is a growing field that places heavy demands on the modelling systems used in this production process. Impact groups require increasingly higher-resolution climate information, commensurate with the spatial and temporal scales at which they work (e.g. at the scale of individual river catchments, the scale of a forest ecosystem, etc.). Furthermore, potential changes in climate means, such as shifts in seasonal mean rainfall or temperature, are being recognized as of secondary importance with respect to impacts on many climate-sensitive sectors. Rather information on potential changes in infrequent, extreme events (e.g. high-impact weather events such as wind-storms, ice-storms, flooding, droughts etc) is often more important to properly support impact and adaptation work. Many of these extreme events are more accurately simulated in higher resolution modelling systems. The ability to identify changes in extreme events related to anthropogenic forcing, versus slow changes in the climate system associated with natural variability, also places an enormous demand on our models. In particular, as the emphasis shifts towards rare (extreme) events, a large ensemble of regional climate simulations is required, so that a probability of occurrence can be attached to those changes in extreme events that are identified to be forced by increasing greenhouse gas (GHG) concentrations. SUMMARY The new generation of the Canadian Regional Climate Model is being developed within the framework of the existing Global Environmental Multiscale (GEM) model presently used for global and regional numerical weather prediction at the Meteorological Service of Canada. GEM supports a number of model configurations within a single system, e.g. a regular latitude-longitude global model, a variable-resolution global model and a limited-area model (LAM), allowing a flexible approach to model development. Within the Canadian Regional Climate Modelling and Diagnostics Network, the LAM version of GEM will be used and further developed into a flexible and computationally efficient regional climate model. The dual requirements of a significant increase in model resolution and an increased number of climate simulations, demands a highly efficient modelling system that can capitalize on the recent advances in parallel computing architectures. In short, Regional Climate Modelling groups need to use accurate, physically based, models that are optimally designed for application at high-resolution and that integrate in the minimal time possible. In the context of the next 5-10 years, high-resolution means an RCM resolution of ~10km, with specific, targeted integrations at ~2km resolution over a limited geographic domain. The limited-area version of Global Environmental Multiscale (GEM), a model originally developed for Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP) [1-3], supports these combined needs, particularly the requirement to operate at high resolution in a highly parallelised computational environment. GEM has therefore been targeted as the dynamical core of the next-generation of the Canadian Regional Climate Model (CRCM5). In the following sections, we present a brief description of the history, properties and behaviour of the GEM model, as well as an overview of the past, present and future of climate modelling in Canada. NUMERICAL WEATHER PREDICTION IN CANADA Analysing and forecasting the weather, using numerical models, requires a huge computing and data processing power. The process that leads to the production of weather forecasts at the Canadian Meteorological Centre (CMC) located in Dorval is an endless cycle of computer tasks performed many times per day and that can be summarized as follows: i. Data ingest: acquisition, decoding, re-formatting and quality control of large amounts of meteorological data from many sources worldwide. ii. Data assimilation: an accurate three-dimensional depiction of atmospheric winds, pressure, moisture, and temperature, called objective analysis. It is a careful weighing between a preceding forecast and recently acquired observational data. iii. Forecast: prediction of the time evolution of the atmosphere, from a few hours up to a couple of weeks into the future. A. Zadra1,3, <ayrton. zadra@ec.gc. ca> D. Caya2,3, J. Côté1,3, B. Dugas1,3, C. Jones3, R. Laprise3, K. Winger3 and L.-P. Caron3 1 Meteorological Research Division, Environment Canada, Québec, Canada 2 Ouranos Consortium, Montréal, Québec, Canada 3 Centre ESCER pour l’Étude et la Simulation du Climat à l’Échelle Régionale, Université du Québec à Montréal, Québec, Canada LA PHYSIQUE AU CANADA / Vol. 64, No. 2 ( avr. à juin (printemps) 2008 ) C 75 ... REGIONAL CLIMATE MODEL (ZADRA ET AL.) The above steps are then followed by post-processing (statistically-based adjustments for the automatic generation of forecast products) and dissemination to weather offices and other clients. NWP became a reality after the Second World War with the development of civil aviation and the first computers. Canadian scientists have been at the forefront of the development of numerical methods for data assimilation and weather forecasting. Some of the methods developed in Dorval are at the foundation of current operational models worldwide: spectral method, semi-implicit time integration scheme, coupling of the semi-Lagrangian method to the semi-implicit time scheme, fully elastic non-hydrostatic modelling, variable resolution, and objective analysis. As resolution and computing power increased, more sophisticated parameterizations of subgridscale physical effects were developed (henceforth referred to as the “physics”). The GEM model is the current NWP model in Canada. A global stretched-grid configuration at 15-km resolution is used for regional short-range forecasts and a global uniform-resolution configuration at approximately 33-km resolution for global medium-range forecasts. The medium-range (global) data assimilation is a 4-dimensional variational scheme [4], while the short-range (regional) data assimilation is a more restricted 3dimensional scheme. More details on the GEM model dynamics and physics are provided later in this article. CLIMATE MODELLING IN CANADA History of global climate modelling Climate modelling was initiated in early 1970’s at the Canadian Climate Centre which later became the Canadian Centre for Climate modelling and analysis (CCCma). The first Canadian General Circulation Model (GCM) was based on the global NWP model, which used the spectral transform technique, a Eulerian semi-implicit scheme and very rudimentary physics consisting of surface fluxes of heat, moisture and momentum, a soft moist convective adjustment scheme, solar and terrestrial radiative transfers using prescribed cloud and ozone distributions. Sea surface temperature and sea ice distributions were prescribed from climatology and held constant. Over land, surface temperature was calculated using a simple thermal inertia scheme and a simple bucket method handled the water content. In the 1980’s, the model was upgraded to allow an option for triangular truncation and hybrid vertical coordinate system [5]. The standard horizontal resolution of the atmospheric component remained T32 truncation for some time, with 10 levels in the vertical; recent integrations however are being performed with T47 and T63 with 31 levels and an uppermost level at 1 hPa. A lot of effort went into the development of suitable physics in the atmosphere, including: turbulent vertical fluxes of heat, moisture and momentum in the planetary boundary layer and the free atmosphere following Monin-Obukhov similarity theory; orographic wave drag; convective fluxes of heat and moisture; clouds and precipitation; solar and terrestrial 76 C PHYSICS IN radiative energy transfers interacting with clouds that are diagnostically derived from local relative humidity (CGCM2 [6]; CGCM3 [7-9]). Interactions between the atmosphere and the underlying surface through exchanges of energy and water constitute an essential element of a climate model. The atmospheric component is therefore coupled to a three-dimensional dynamical ocean model with thermodynamic sea ice [10]; the more recent version employs an isopycnal eddy-stirring mixing and sea ice is treated with a dynamical cavitating-fluid scheme. CGCM3 employs the CLASS scheme [11], a three-layer soil model with explicit treatment of snow and vegetation, and fractional surface types: bare soil, vegetation, snow over bare soil and snow with vegetation. Several transient GHG and aerosols (GHG&A) experiments have been realised with CGCM2 (IPCC Third Assessment Report) and CGCM3 (IPCC Fourth Assessment Report). History of regional climate modelling The development of the Canadian Regional Climate Model (CRCM) was initiated in 1991 at the Université du Québec à Montréal and has since then been pursued within the Canadian Regional Climate Modelling (and Diagnostics) Network. In 2002, the Ouranos Consortium was created and its Climate Simulations Team (CST) became responsible for the development of the operational versions of the CRCM and to carry out the climate-change projections. The Ouranos CST got strongly involved in the development of later versions of the model. The dynamical kernel of CRCM evolved from the computationally efficient fully elastic semi-implicit semi-Lagrangian nested model of Tanguay et al. [12] in which orography was implemented through a terrain-following scaled-height coordinate. CRCM employs one-way nesting following Davies [13]: lateral boundary conditions for winds, air temperature, water vapour and pressure are interpolated (either from reanalyses or CGCM simulations) and progressively imposed over a 10 grid point ribbon around the domain perimeter. An option also exists for weakly nudging the large scales within the interior of the domain [14]. The typical horizontal grid mesh has been 45 km for some time, with a 15-min timestep, and the number of levels in the vertical has increased from 10 to 29. The standard domain has been enlarging from 100×70 to 201×193 grid points, and it now covers most of North America and adjacent portions of Atlantic, Pacific and Arctic Oceans. The physics package of CGCM2 was initially employed in CRCM [15]. Later the moist convective adjustment was replaced with a deep cumulus convection scheme [16]. A recent version of CRCM developed by the Ouranos CST uses the CGCM3 physics package including CLASS, which contributed to reduce substantially the excessive water recycling in summer [17]. The Great Lakes are handled with a mixed-layer model developed by Goyette et al. [18]. Sea surface temperatures and sea ice distributions are prescribed by interpolating analyses or CGCM simulations; an option exists for coupling CANADA / VOL. 64, NO. 2 ( Apr.-June. (Spring) 2008 ) ... REGIONAL CLIMATE MODEL (ZADRA ET AL.)AA with the regional ocean model developed by Saucier et al. [19] over the Gulf of St-Lawrence and Hudson-James Bays. Climate simulations and climate-change projections were realized driven by time slices of CGCM2 for transient GHG&A scenarios [20-21]. ∂Z& ds +D+ =0 ∂Z dt d ln θ d θ & d ≡ ln * + Z ln θ* dt dt θ dZ DESCRIPTION OF THE GEM MODEL ≡ CRCM5 is the version of the model that is developed by the CRCMD Network, a collaboration among scientists at UQAM, Environment Canada (RPN and CCCma) and Ouranos. The dynamical kernel of this version is the Local Area Model (LAM) version of GEM, described below. d Tv p κZ& ln * − κ ln − = Fθ dt T Z Z δH dφ d ( φ − φ* ) Z& − gw = − Rd T * − gw = 0 dt dt Z Hydrostatic pressure and vertical coordinate dqv = F qv dt The nonhydrostatic formulation of GEM uses hydrostatic pressure [22] as the basis for its vertical coordinate. The hydrostatic pressure (π) is defined as a pressure field in hydrostatic balance with the mass field ∂π = −ρ ∂φ p = π exp( q ') ⇒ ln p = ln π + q ' , qT ' = 0 (2.1b) where prime denotes a perturbation quantity and the subscript T denotes evaluation at the model top. Departure from hydrostatic balance is defined by the “nonhydrostatic index” µ≡ ∂p −1 ∂π (2.2) Hydrostatic pressure varies monotonically with height and can be used to define a terrain-following vertical coordinate η ≡ ( π − πT ) /( πS − πT ) (2.3) where the subscripts S refers to evaluation at the surface of the model. To allow for a more general non-linear relation between η and π, the terrain-following vertical coordinate of the model, denoted by Z, is taken to be π*(η), the reference pressure profile, obtained from η(π,πS,πτ ) by replacing the fields π, πS and πτ by reference1 values Z/π*, ZS/π*S and Zτ/π*τ respectively. Governing equations The governing equations are the forced nonhydrostatic primitive equations [3]: dV H + Rd Tv ∇ ln p + (1 + µ)∇φ + f ( k × V H ) = F H dt 1. 1 ∂π ∂φ =− ∂Z ρ ∂Z (2.1a) where ρ is the density and φ the geopotential height. True pressure (p) is represented as a perturbation from π, (2.4) dw − gµ = δH F V dt where dZ , Z& = dt p = ρRd Tv and d ∂ ∂ ≡ + V H ⋅∇ + Z& dt ∂t Z (2.5) (2.6) (2.7) (2.8) (2.9) (2.10) (2.11) (2.12) Here, VH is horizontal velocity, D is horizontal divergence, Tν is virtual temperature, s = ln[(πs - πT ) / (Zs - ZT )] is the mass variable, qν is specific humidity of water vapour, f is the Coriolis parameter, k is a unit vertical vector, g is the vertical acceleration due to gravity, and FH, F θ, F V and F qν are parameterized physical forcings. Eqs. (2.4)-(2.10) are respectively the horizontal momentum, mass continuity, thermodynamic, vertical momentum, vertical velocity, water vapour and hydrostatic pressure equations, and (2.11) is the equation of state, taken here to be the ideal gas law for moist air. The switch δH in (2.7) controls whether the model operates in hydrostatic or nonhydrostatic mode. Boundary conditions consist of periodic condition in the horizontal for global grids, or are provided by nesting data for limited-area grids; and homogeneous conditions ZA = 0 at the top and bottom of the model atmosphere. Time and space discretisations In GEM, equations (2.4)-(2.10) are first integrated in the absence of forcing. The parameterised forcing terms appearing on the right-hand sides of those equations are then added using a fractional-step time method. The time discretisation used to integrate the frictionless adiabatic equations of the first step is (almost) fully implicit semi-Lagrangian. A prognostic equation of the form dF / dt + G = 0 (2.13) The reference state is motionless and isothermal with temperature T*. The reference potential temperature and geopotential are, respec−R /c , φ* = − Rd T * ln( Z / Z S ) , where Rd and cpd are the gas constant and specific heat of dry air at constant pressure, tively, θ* = T * ( Z / p00 ) and p00 / 1015 hPa. d pd LA PHYSIQUE AU CANADA / Vol. 64, No. 2 ( avr. à juin (printemps) 2008 ) C 77 ... REGIONAL CLIMATE MODEL (ZADRA ET AL.) is discretised as ( F n − F n−1 ) / ∆t + [(1 / 2 + ε)G n + (1 / 2 − ε)G n−1 ] = 0 a) b) (2.14) where ψ n = ψ(x,t ), ψ n-1 = ψ(x(t - ∆t), t - ∆t) , ψ = {F,G}, t = n∆t, x = (r,Z) is the 3-dimensional position vector, r is the position vector on the sphere of radius a, and a trajectory is determined by an approximate solution to dr / dt = VH (r,Z,t ), d 2r / dt 2 = -r*VH / a*2, dZ / dt = ZA (r,Z,t ), d 2Z / dt 2 = 0. c) (2.15) The scheme (2.14) is decentred along the trajectory to avoid spurious response arising from a centred approximation in the presence of orography. Cubic interpolation is used everywhere for upstream evaluations, except for the trajectory computations in (2.15) where linear interpolation is used instead. Grouping terms at the new time on the left-hand side and known quantities on the right-hand side, (2.14) may be rewritten as Fig. 1 F n / τ + G n = F n-1 / τ - [(1 - 2ε) / (1 + 2ε)]G n-1 / R n-1, τ = (1 + 2ε)∆t / 2. (2.16) A variable-resolution discretisation on an Arakawa C grid is used in the horizontal. The scalar grid, where scalar fields are defined, is described by giving a list of longitudes and latitudes, excluding the poles. The grid points of the zonal (meridional) wind image are located at the same (longitudes) latitudes as the scalar grid points but at longitudes (latitudes) situated halfway between those of the scalar grid. The horizontal discretisation of equations is centred almost everywhere and, hence, is almost everywhere second order in space. There is no staggering of variables in the vertical, and the equations where a vertical derivative appears are discretised layer by layer with a centred approximation. Examples of GEM grids: (a) non-rotated global uniform latitude-longitude grid; (b) rotated, variable-resolution grid with highest resolution domain (thick black line) centred over Europe; (c) rotated, uniform limited-area over Europe (dashed lines indicate nesting and sponge zones). Red lines indicate the position of the (rotated) equator. For clarity, only every 5 grid points of the original grids are shown. is used to place an experiment’s area of interest over its domain equator, where a latitude-longitude grid will most closely resemble a plane surface. Another attractive property of GEM is that it can operate in highly parallelised computational environments. Figure 2 shows some results from computational speedup rate experiments for increasing number of processors. Spatial discretisation of (2.16) yields a set of coupled nonlinear equations. Terms on the right-hand side, which involve upstream interpolation, are first evaluated. The coupled set is rewritten as a linear one (where coefficients depend on the basic state), plus a nonlinear perturbation that is placed on the right-hand side. The set is then solved iteratively using the linear terms as a kernel, and reevaluating the nonlinear terms on the right-hand side at each iterations. Two iterations, the minimum for stability, have been found sufficient for practical convergence [3]. The linear set can be algebraically reduced to the solution of a 3-dimensional elliptic boundary-value problem, from which the other variables are obtained by back-substitution. A great amount of flexibility is available in configuring the model’s horizontal mesh (Figure 1). Namely, the simulated domain (i) may have uniform or variable latitude and/or longitude grid point distributions; (ii) may be of global or limited area extent; and finally, (iii) its rotation poles may or may not be co-located with the true geographical poles. The last option 78 C PHYSICS IN Fig. 2 Computational speed-up rate for the parallelised GEM model: The thick red line shows the measured speed-up rate as a function of the number of processors (CPUs), with respect to a reference simulation with 24 processors. The thin straight line indicates the theoretical (perfect) speed-up curve. CANADA / VOL. 64, NO. 2 ( Apr.-June. (Spring) 2008 ) ... REGIONAL CLIMATE MODEL (ZADRA ET AL.)AA RESULTS FROM REGIONAL CLIMATE SIMULATIONS WITH GEM Configurations, physical parameterisations and forcing data A set of present-day climate simulations exploring various model configurations has been performed over the last few years. Some were limited-area simulations for the period of December 1959 to December 2000, using the European Centre for Medium Range Weather Forecast (ECMWF) ERA40 reanalyses as lateral boundary conditions. Other simulations were performed, with uniform- or variable-resolution global grids from January 1978 to March 2004. For all simulations, sea-surface temperature and sea-ice surface boundary conditions were interpolated from the AMIP2 (Atmospheric Model Intercomparison Project v2) observed, 1º×1º monthly mean values, as obtained online from the Lawrence-Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) Program for Climate Model Diagnosis and Inter-comparison (PCMDI). The following parameterisations were used: (i) deep and shallow moist convective processes [23]; (ii) large-scale condensation [24]; (iii) correlated-K solar and terrestrial radiations [25]; (iv) ISBA land-surface scheme [26]; (v) subgrid-scale orographic gravity-wave drag [27]; (vi) low-level orographic blocking [28]. GEM has already participated in several international climate experiments. Figure 1b shows one of the domains used in GEM’s contribution to the Stretched Grid Model Intercomparison Project (SGMIP) [29]. Results from these experiments show that large-scale climatological features, such the tropospheric and lower stratospheric temperature and winds are well reproduced by the model, with biases generally smaller than 2º C and 3 m/s, respectively. GEM also contributed to the InterContinental-scale Transferability Study (ICTS) [30], where participating models were asked to simulate the 2000-2004 period, with the same model physics and resolution, over seven distinct limited-area domains distributed over many continents (Figure 3). Each model had to provide simulated data at specific locations where observations (station data) were available, and energy and water budgets were considered at different timescales. The appeal in the LAM modelling approach is that it can be used to downscale information, i.e. to generate small-scale features consistent with the large scales provided at the lateral boundaries. In this approach, computer resources are no longer used to simulate conditions over the entire globe, which allows the focussing of resources on the domain of interest. Lateral conditions for the LAM domain are taken from available lower-resolution simulations or analysed data. Several such databases are available nowadays and provide the best current knowledge of the atmospheric state on a regular grid. The previously mentioned ERA40 is an example and provides global data from 1957 to 2000. Several North-American (NA) and European (EU) LAM experiments driven by ERA40 have been performed. Figure 4 shows some results from the NA experiment, where the 500-hPa geopotential height field is used as a proxy of the large-scale information content. Differences with respect to the driving analyses are contoured. Results indicate that winter results are closer to the analysis than the summer ones, this summer bias being caused by warmer-than-observed temperatures throughout the simulated atmosphere. Lower precipitation and a drier surface are also found in the winter simulations. The differences between the two seasons can be explained by the relative strength of the driving winds [31]. Much stronger mean westerly tropospheric winds occur in winter, allowing for a greater control of the LAM by lateral boundary conditions. In the summer, climatological winds are only half as strong, the lateral control is therefore weaker allowing the LAM to drift more from the analysed climate. Results from these climate experiments indicate that GEM performs rather well, for a model originally developed for NWP. Some deficiencies can be traced to physical parameterisations and surface processes, and plans to improve their representa- a) b) c) Fig. 4 Fig. 3 The seven GEM-LAM domains (black lines) used in the regional climate simulations proposed by the ICTS experiment. Red X’s indicate the positions of observation stations. (a) Winter mean and (b) summer mean of the 500-hPa geopotential height GZ (in dm) generated by a GEM-LAM regional climate simulation over the North American grid shown in (c). Differences with respect to the corresponding means from ERA40 reanalyses are shown with solid contours (colour interval in units of 10 dm). LA PHYSIQUE AU CANADA / Vol. 64, No. 2 ( avr. à juin (printemps) 2008 ) C 79 ... REGIONAL CLIMATE MODEL (ZADRA ET AL.) tion are described in the last section of this article. In the following section, results from a recent study on the simulation of extreme events by GEM are presented. A study on tropical cyclone activity The landfall of hurricane Katrina in 2005 is a prime example of the devastation a tropical cyclone (TC) can yield on coastal populations and infrastructures. This destructive power arises from a combination of extreme winds, storm surges and flooding, torrential rains and mudslides. Since 1995, tropical cyclone activity in the Atlantic Ocean has increased markedly in contrast to the quieter period of the 70's and 80's. Recent years have seen many records broken in the Atlantic and the accumulated cyclone energy index has been above the 19512000 median for all years from 1995-2005, except in 1997 and 2002 [32], years during which an El Niño, known to suppress TC activity in the Atlantic, was observed. Whether this upswing in activity is due to a multi-decadal natural variability, to a long-term rising trend caused by anthropogenically forced global warming or to a combination of the two is still unclear. This uncertainty has its root in the relatively limited number of years of TC data available and the reliability of these historical data [33]. Climate models offer an alternative to observations by which TC activity and the factors controlling interannual variability can be explored. However, so far, CGCM studies of future tropical cyclone activity have shown widely different conclusions. One major cause of this is the low resolution of CGCMs and their inability to simulate the important processes controlling tropical cyclone genesis and intensification. The physical realism of these simulated tropical cyclones clearly improves with increasing model resolution [34]. Running a high-resolution model over the whole globe is still not feasible except on the Fig. 5 Grid used in the hurricane study. The high-resolution area covers most powerful superthe entire TC track in the computers and only Atlantic, while the rest of the for limited simulation globe is run at a lower resolution, time. An alternative typical of today's GCM. approach to achieving locally enhanced resolution (e.g. over the tropical Atlantic) is to run a model in variable-resolution mode (GVAR). In this study, we exploit this option in GEM using a 2° global domain with telescoping up to 0.3° over the entire tropical Atlantic TC track (Figure 5). Initially we concentrate on the ability of GEM to simulate past observed Atlantic TC activity. In the first step of this evalua- 80 C PHYSICS IN Fig. 6 Normalised intra-annual distribution of Atlantic tropical cyclones for the period 1979-2004. tion, GVAR GEM has been integrated for the period 1979-2004 using observed sea surface temperatures (SSTs). A comparison of simulated TC activity/intensities between the GVAR run and observations allows a direct comparison of TC statistics on climate timescales. Figure 6 shows the relative monthly distribution for the period 1979-2004 for both observed and simulated TCs. These storms have been selected based on physical characteristics typical of TC, such as a wind speed threshold of 63 km/h. The majority of Atlantic tropical storms are observed during the period August-October, with a peak in September. We notice that GEM reproduces fairly well the intra-annual distribution of TCs, with a maximum during September. However, its overall distribution is biased toward a too large proportion of TCs at the end of the year to the detriment of the beginning of hurricane season. In absolute numbers, GEM tends to systematically overestimate the monthly production of TCs; the reasons for this are currently under investigation. Fig. 7 Normalised maximum wind speed distribution of Atlantic tropical cyclones for the period 1979-2004. CANADA / VOL. 64, NO. 2 ( Apr.-June. (Spring) 2008 ) ... REGIONAL CLIMATE MODEL (ZADRA ET AL.)AA A recurrent problem with low-resolution GCM when studying TCs is the low intensity of the system produced: 2° GCMs produce systems that are reminiscent of TCs, but too weak to be considered so: the wind speed threshold of 63 km/h is rarely reached with low-resolution CGCM. By increasing the resolution to 0.3°, we witness the formation of tropical storms and Category 1 hurricanes (threshold of 119km/h). Figure 7 shows that GEM still comes short of producing the most intense storms (Category 3+); further increases in resolution seem to be necessary for simulating these most destructive storms. This is not entirely surprising since 0.3° appears an insufficient resolution for eye development, a key process in the development of extremely high wind speeds in TCs. FUTURE PLANS FOR GEM AS A REGIONAL CLIMATE MODELLING TOOL One of the primary aims of the CRCMD Network is to prepare CRCM5 for use as the next-generation operational Canadian Regional Climate Model. The primary goal of this network is to evaluate and further develop CRCM5 for application at ~10km resolution as a pan-North American regional climate model. In this concluding section we briefly discuss a few of the present and planned projects within the Network that are contributing towards this goal. Assessing a single parameterization package for GCM and RCM resolutions An important aspect in the operational application of RCMs is compatibility of physical parameterisations across the interface between a driving GCM and client RCM. The capacity of the physics to be used across the resolution range spanned by GCMs and RCMs, depends on the resolution sensitivity of a few key schemes (e.g. convection and cloud parameterizations). Recent analysis of a large ensemble of RCM simulations, challenges the conventional wisdom that commonality of physics increases the ability to reproduce large-scale variability as defined by the GCM results over the RCM domain [35]. Furthermore, in the case of the parameterization of convection, schemes have been specifically developed for the mesoscale range (~10-50 km model resolutions). These schemes likely perform better at present and planned RCM resolutions than schemes with GCM resolutions in mind. To address these questions, the 4th version of the Canadian GCM physics (AGCM4) is being implemented into the GEM dynamical core. The resolution sensitivity of this package will then be evaluated within the CRCMD Network. Parallel to this, MSC scientists will assess the performance of the AGCM4 physics in their coupled GCM configuration. Depending on the results obtained in both assessments, a common physics package in a single dynamical framework applicable for both GCM and RCM modelling will become available. Implementing Canada-specific Earth System Modelling features into CRCM5 Some process modules, which play a key role in defining regional climate differences across Canada and become increasingly important as model resolution increases, are presently being implemented into CRCM5. Some of the key processes include: i. An interactive lake model representing important lake processes (e.g. lake surface temperatures, lake-ice fractional coverage, and surface evaporation). A number of one-dimensional lake models are presently being tested. These models can provide an accurate representation of the surface and subsurface lake temperatures. Through use of a coupled ice module, the lake-ice fraction can also be calculated and act as a lower boundary condition for the model atmosphere. One of these models will subsequently be coupled with the land-surface parameterization in CRCM5. ii. An interactive permafrost model will be implemented into CRCM5. Permafrost conditions are relatively widespread in Arctic Canada and exhibit significant sensitivity to a warming climate, in particular a shorter and milder winter season [36]. Changes in permafrost characteristics can have a large impact on transport and building infrastructure in the Canadian Arctic. The latest version of the CLASS land-surface scheme [11] is suitable for permafrost studies due to its multi-layer deeper vertical structure. This version of CLASS will be coupled with a permafrost model and be introduced as an interactive component in CRCM5. Developing a coupled Arctic Regional Climate Modelling System based on CRCM5 The Arctic is particularly sensitive to anthropogenic climate change, with most Global Climate Models indicating a significant Arctic amplification of any predicted global mean temperature increase, in response to increasing levels of greenhouse gases [37]. The 4th Assessment Report of the IPCC [38] indicates the potential for widespread impacts of climate change on Arctic communities, infrastructure and ecology. Many of the key processes occurring in the Arctic climate system are coupled atmosphere-ocean-sea ice phenomena, often occurring on relatively small spatial scales. Sea-ice often acts as an integrating surface quantity between the atmosphere and ocean, and is therefore a critical component to simulate accurately in Arctic climate models [39]. The third major new model component therefore being coupled into CRCM5 is an Arctic regional ocean and sea-ice model. Present efforts centre on coupling the Rossby Centre Ocean Model (RCO) [40] to CRCM5. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This research was achieved as part of the scientific research programmes of the Canadian Regional Climate Modelling (CRCM) Network, funded by the Canadian Foundation for Climate and Atmospheric Sciences (CFCAS), the Ouranos Consortium on Regional Climatology and Adaptation to Climate Change, and Mathematics of Information Technology and Complex Systems (MITACS). This work was partly supported by the Office of Science (BER), U.S. Department of Energy, Grant No. DE-FG02-01ER63199. LA PHYSIQUE AU CANADA / Vol. 64, No. 2 ( avr. à juin (printemps) 2008 ) C 81 ... REGIONAL CLIMATE MODEL (ZADRA ET AL.) REFERENCES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. J. Côté, S. Gravel, A. Méthot, A. Patoine, M. Roch and A. Staniforth, “The operational CMC-MRB global environmental multiscale (GEM) model. 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LA PHYSIQUE AU CANADA / Vol. 64, No. 2 ( avr. à juin (printemps) 2008 ) C 83 DEPARTMENTAL MEMBERS / MEMBRES DÉPARTEMENTAUX (as at 2008 April 1 / au 1er - Physics Departments / Départements de physique - avril 2008) Acadia University Bishop's University Brandon University Brock University Carleton University Collège François-Xavier-Garneau Collège Montmorency Concordia University Dalhousie University École Polytechnique de Montréal Lakehead University Laurentian University McGill University McMaster University Memorial Univ. of Newfoundland Mount Allison University Okanagan University College Queen's University Royal Military College of Canada Ryerson University Saint Mary’s University Simon Fraser University St. Francis Xavier University Trent University Université de Moncton Université de Montréal Université de Sherbrooke Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières Université Laval University of Alberta University of British Columbia University of Calgary University of Guelph University of Lethbridge University of Manitoba University of New Brunswick University of Northern British Columbia University of Ontario Inst. of Technology University of Ottawa University of Prince Edward Island University of Regina University of Saskatchewan (and Eng. 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Svensson Louis Taillefer John G.V. Taylor Andrej Tenne-Sens Michael Thewalt Greg J. Trayling William Trischuk Sreeram Valluri Henry M. Van Driel Paul S. Vincett Erich Vogt Andreas T. Warburton (as at 2008 April 1 / au 1er avril 2008) The Corporate and Institutional Members of the Canadian Association of Physicists are groups of corporations, laboratories, and institutions who, through their membership, support the activities of the Association. The entire proceeds of corporate membership contributions are paid into the CAP Educational Trust Fund and are tax deductible. CORPORATE / CORPORATIFS CANADA ANALYTICAL & PROCESS TECH. BUBBLE TECHNOLOGY INDUSTRIES CANBERRA CO. GLASSMAN HIGH VOLTAGE INC. Les membres corporatifs et institutionnels de l'Association canadienne des physiciens et physiciennes sont des groupes de corporations, de laboratoires ou d'institutions qui supportent financièrement les activités de l'Association. Les revenus des contributions déductibles aux fins d'impôt des membres corporatifs sont entièrement versés au Fonds Educatif de l'ACP. JOHNSEN ULTRAVAC INC. KURT J. LESKER CANADA INC. NEWPORT INSTRUMENTS PLASMIONIQUE INC. VARIAN CANADA INC. The Canadian Association of Physicists cordially invites interested corporations and institutions to make application for Corporate or Institutional membership. Address all inquiries to the Executive Director. INSTITUTIONAL / INSTITUTIONNELS ATOMIC ENERGY OF CANADA LIMITED CANADIAN LIGHT SOURCE INSTITUTE FOR QUANTUM COMPUTING PERIMETER INSTITUTE FOR THEORETICAL PHYSICS TRIUMF L'Association canadienne des physiciens et physiciennes invite cordialement corporations et institutions à faire partie des membres corporatifs ou institutionnels. Renseignements auprès de la directrice exécutive. CANADIAN ASSOCATION OF PHYSICISTS / ASSOCIATION CANADIENNE DES PHYSICIENS ET PHYSICIENNES Bur. Pièce 112, Imm. McDonald Bldg., Univ. of/d’Ottawa, 150 Louis Pasteur, Ottawa, Ontario K1N 6N5 Phone / Tél : (613) 562-5614; Fax / Téléc : (613) 562-5615 ; Email / courriel : INTERNET - HTTP://WWW.CAP.CA 84 C PHYSICS IN CANADA / VOL. 64, NO. 1 ( Jan.-Mar. (Winter) 2008 ) ENSEIGNEMENT HIGH PERFORMANCE COMPUTING THE EARLY CHAPTERS BY IN CANADA: ALLAN B. MACISAAC AND MARK WHITMORE T his article was intended to be a history of high performance computing (HPC) in Canada, and the current environment. However, some major and exciting events took place during its preparation, prompting us to add a somewhat nostalgic flavour to this history and to focus on the most recent aspects of that history. These events are the fulfillment of the main mission of an organization known as, and its formal conclusion to allow for the emergence of a new organization, Compute/Calcul Canada, with a new and ambitious mandate. The formal end of was recommended by its Board of Directors in October, 2007, and subsequently approved by the organization’s membership on November 16, 2007. For the purposes of this article, we think of this as the opening of Chapter 3 in the Canadian HPC story. As we celebrate this new chapter, we should also celebrate those chapters which came before, and reflect on the elements that have made this story so successful. St. Lawrence Seaway, as the US had no non-military computing suitable to the task. The start of Canadian HPC is probably the purchase and installation of “Ferut” at the University of Toronto as a joint initiative of the University of Toronto and the National Research Council in 1952. This, of course, was back in the days when you could just say computing, since all computing was “high performance”. Ferut was a Ferranti Mark I purchased for about $300,000. There is probably more computing power in the toys in a MacDonald's Happy Meal today than available from Ferut, but it was very impressive at the time. In fact, it was powerful enough that it was used to draw the international boundary between Canada and the USA along the All three of these machines were, without doubt, world class, but their stories highlight the problems with HPC in Canada in the past. They were single generation facilities, with at best minor upgrades to the hardware before they disappeared; they had no national mandate to support and develop HPC throughout the country; and they never had an opportunity to develop and maintain a staff to support the Canadian user community. With one outstanding exception, these three things were lacking in all HPC initiatives in Canada during this time period. THE EARLY YEARS SUMMARY The HPC story in Canada provides an excellent example of what a coordinated, cooperative national initiative can achieve. We present here a summary of this story, with an intentionally nostalgic flavour appropriate to the closing of one successful chapter in this story, as a new one begins. Without providing all of the details, we try to present the keys to the success of this initiative, some idea of parallel paths followed in different areas of the country, and a table of the current HPC academic consortia. Chapter 1 of our story runs from the time of the purchase of Ferut to the emergence of a nationally coordinated HPC strategy, and the national organization, over 40 years later. The very early years were interesting, but the modern period really begins during the 1980's and it is on this period that we wish to focus. Canada's HPC efforts were sporadic during this chapter. For example a Cyber 205 supercomputer was installed in Calgary in 1985, but it was gone by 1991. A Cray XMP-4 was installed at the Ontario Centre for Large Scale Computing at the University of Toronto in 1988, but the machine and the Centre lasted only until about 1992. Finally, a Fujitsu VPX240 was installed in Calgary with a largely commercial mandate, but also made available to university researchers. It disappeared in 1996. [This is the favorite machine of one of the authors, ABM, as much of the work on his Master's thesis was done on it.] The exception was the computing resource maintained by the Meteorological Service of Canada, subsequently know as Environment Canada (EC). In 1962, that organization acquired the first of its facilities, which have been used ever since to run weather predictions. That first machine was a Bendix G20, with less computing power than a modern cell phone. Environment Canada has maintained a first rate facility and staff since then, with regular updates. Their most recent hardware is a supercomputer provided by IBM, which was installed in 2003 and updated in 2005. This continual updating and long term maintenance of a qualified support staff differentiates this facility from the other initiatives in Canada throughout the 40-year period of Chapter 1 of our story. However, Environment Canada did not have, nor has it ever had, a mandate to support general research requiring HPC resources across Canada. Allan B. MacIsaac <>, Department of Applied Mathematics, Middlesex College, University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, N6A 5B7 and Mark Whitmore <mark_whitmore@>, Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3T 2N2 LA PHYSIQUE AU CANADA / Vol. 64, No. 2 ( avr. à juin (printemps) 2008 ) C 85 HPC ... THE EARLY CHAPTERS (MACISAAC AND WHITMORE) A DECADE OF ACHIEVEMENT Before 1997 As is often the case, the transition from one chapter to another can be continuous. We choose to begin this one with the emergence of a national project, largely lead by Brian Unger of the University of Calgary. It started with the submission of an NSERC Major Facilities Access grant application called HPCnet. This application had 49 signatories from 11 Canadian universities, spanning the country from Victoria, BC to St. John’s, NL. It was intended to support access to existing HPC resources, to develop new tools for using and accessing the facilities, and to foster collaborations. HPCnet was awarded 3 years of funding at the level of $175,000 per year, beginning in 1996. Illustrative of the challenges facing the community, the Fujitsu VPX240 at Calgary was shutting down just as this award was made. A number of critical steps followed this award. A group of academic researchers came together to administer the grant, and to award funding for support personnel and software development projects. The personnel team was the fore-runner of the national Technical Analyst Support Program (TASP) team that now spans the country. The project brought visibility and cohesion, and a sense of success. A broad community joined together, with members from the university, government and private sectors. It was supported administratively by the organization WURCnet based in Alberta, and the National Research Council (NRC). The national community also set forth on an important visioning and planning mission, culminating in the creation of a new organization,, and the publication of “A Business Case for the Establishment of an Advanced Computational Infrastructure for Canada”, both in 1997. This was almost exactly 10 years ago. The lack of existing resources was certainly a short-term impediment. However, the community was determined to share what it had. As an example, one of a number of initiatives was the provision of an AlphaServer 4100, by Digital Equipment Corporation (now HP Canada ), located at Memorial University of Newfoundland (MUN). Digital and MUN made a commitment to make this facility available nationally. Thus, the community began to demonstrate that it could successfully share resources across the country. The 1997 Business Case presented a plan for a national HPC infrastructure of hardware, software and personnel, joined by the high-speed national network CANARIE, “…applied to national needs and opportunities for research and innovation in the sciences, engineering, and the arts.” It presented a notional 7-year budget of approximately $225 Million, covering all aspects. Some of the research community thought this was wildly optimistic, 86 C PHYSICS IN but turned out to be delightfully wrong. As we reflect on the elements of the success of , it is inspiring to recall that those 1997 plans included three phases: 1. 2. 3. Engaging the Community, 1997 - 98 Building Regional Infrastructure, 1999 - 2002 Collaboration for Competitiveness, 2003 - 05 With small adjustments for timing, the HPC community has evolved very much in line with those phases. Another of the intriguing aspects of this initiative was the people involved. It was driven and run by researchers, but supported by professionals and organizations, in particular the NRC and WURCnet. 1997 and Beyond The year 1997 was an extraordinary one. In the early days of HPCnet and the early work towards the Business Case, there were no apparent sources of funding of the magnitude contemplated in those plans. However, in that same year, the Government of Canada created the Canada Foundation for Innovation. Suddenly, there was a real opportunity for significant funding. In one year, the community had the Business Case, an unprecedented funding opportunity, national cooperation, and momentum. The year 1998 was, perhaps, even more extraordinary. It culminated in the submission of an application for renewal of the NSERC MFA grant, submission of a separate MFA proposal from universities in Quebec, and 11 parallel CFI applications, all under the umbrella of and with a commitment to sharing resources. A critical step in this process was this commitment to sharing. Participants and leaders from many of the CFI projects met at York University during the proposal phase, and formally agreed to provide access to external users to any facility that was funded via CFI, at the level of 20%. Specific wording was agreed to that would be included as a commitment in all CFI projects. The larger (nonQuebec) MFA proposal listed all 11 CFI projects with a short description of each. An important feature of the two MFA proposals was that each one referenced and complemented, but did not compete with, the other one. In the end, 1998 and 1999 were years of great success. Both MFA grants were funded. The larger one was funded at $300,000 for the first year, and $600,000 for each of the successive years. Similarly, the other one was funded at $100,000 for the first year, and $200,000 for each of the next two. In June of 1999, five of the CFI projects were funded, with total CFI funding of $16.4 M, and “project costs” totaling over $40 M. But better things were still yet to come! CANADA / VOL. 64, NO. 2 ( Apr.-June. (Spring) 2008 ) HPC ... THE EARLY CHAPTERS (MACISAAC AND WHITMORE)AA Birth of the Consortia In 1993, CANARIE had been formed to create a leadingedge national network for Canadian researchers and, in 1997, the Canadian Foundation for Innovation (CFI) was announced. These were the initial conditions needed for the true emergence of the Canadian HPC community on to the modern world HPC scene. If CANARIE's research network was the information super-highway, then the HPC centres were to be the cities at the ends where much of the information was to be manufactured and from which it would be distributed. Many of the early CFI proposals were multi-institutional, with various internal organizational structures. These were all the fore-runners of the current HPC “consortia”. Across Canada there came to be seven regional consortia; ACEnet in the Atlantic, RQCHP in Eastern Quebec, CLUMEQ in Western Quebec, HPCVL in Eastern Ontario, SCINET in the greater Toronto area, SHARCNET in Western Ontario, and WESTGRID in the western provinces. Between 1999 and 2004 these consortia were awarded no fewer than 12 major CFI awards totaling over $100 M (project costs in excess of $250 M). Each consortium award was the result of local need, desire and initiative, but each of these awards owed part of its success to the efforts of and the members’ lobbying of, and consultation with, the CFI. One of the strengths of in these early days was that, while the success of the consortia was in part the result of the efforts of, the organization itself was not tied to the success or even the existence of any consortia. This left free to carry out its primary mission of promoting the need to fund HPC research in Canada. The authors of this article were each involved in the creation of one of the seven consortia. While the ends were similar, the paths differed. ACEnet had its genesis as a very loose organization which submitted a Memorial-centered CFI proposal in the first CFI competition, under the informal name of Atlantic Computing Consortium, or AC3, with an obvious parallel to the name C3. Members of AC3 across Atlantic Canada worked cooperatively for a number of years, submitting CFI proposals that were quasi-independent of each other, but that referenced and supported other members of AC3 and their systems. This arrangement fitted the four-province, two-island geography of the times. However, in 2003, the community was ready to make the leap, and submitted an integrated CFI proposal, and ACEnet was born. Of course, the funding situation remains complex, with matching funding coming from numerous provincial and related organizations. In contrast, SHARCNET was largely born as a regional project and was driven to be so by the provincial funding organizations within Ontario at that time. While the Compaq-Western Centre for Computational Research might be considered its UWO-centric forerunner, SHARCNET truly began as a consortium much as it currently exists, although it has grown from seven institutions initially to its current seventeen members. To give some perspective on what the creation of the consortia means to researchers, we'll consider what SHARCNET has meant to a HPC researcher at the University of Western Ontario. In 1998 the entire University was largely served by an 8 processor Cray SV1. Certainly a very good machine at the time and it was running at full load constantly. Today, SHARCNET provides over 8000 processors available from 15 different machines, with massive amounts of memory and disk storage. Better still, the Cray SVI was supported by a single dedicated, technical support person, while today SHARCNET employs over 18 technical support personnel. And this is only at SHARCNET; like all members of all consortia, UWO scientists can access any system, and consult any of the personnel, at any of the other consortia as well. The technical support staff within SHARCNET are another legacy of, as the first of these were hired in part with funds from the NSERC MFA grants. More importantly many of the SHARCNET personnel are part of a national support group known as the TECC. The creation of TECC, (Technical Experts in Compute/Calcul Canada), is a further example of the legacy of which, interestingly, was created before Compute/Calcul Canada existed. TECC, founded in large part due to the efforts of a group of TASP supported staff at RQCHP, is a group of HPC experts who have agreed to work together to better support the Canadian HPC community and to provide guidance to national and regional groups which require access to personnel with high level technical skills. Members of this group work together, developing standards and exchanging information in order to maintain the hardware and software used by computational researchers across Canada. The model of coordinated national efforts was the foundation of another project carried out under the auspices of, the creation of The Long Range Plan for HPC in Canada (LRP). Published in 2005, the LRP provided a vision of a sustained and internationally competitive infrastructure for computationally-based research in Canada. It was one of the enablers of Chapter 3 in our story. THE FUTURE At the writing of this article, the HPC research community finds itself, yet again, at the edge of another exciting journey. In 2007, after extensive consultation with, the consortia and universities, CFI created the National Platform Fund to "provide(s) generic research infrastructure, resources, services, and facilities that serve the needs of many research subjects and disciplines, and that require periodic reinvestments because of the nature of the technologies." targeted initially at HPC. The CFI invited a single, national proposal on HPC. The consortia responded, rolling up their sleeves, and creating such a proposal, with a structure that reflects the value and critical role that each LA PHYSIQUE AU CANADA / Vol. 64, No. 2 ( avr. à juin (printemps) 2008 ) C 87 HPC ... THE EARLY CHAPTERS (MACISAAC AND WHITMORE) APPENDIX 2 APPENDIX 1 Important Events in Chapter 2 of the HPC Story 1995: Submission of the MFA Grant, HPCnet 1996: Awarding of the MFA Grant, HPCnet, 3 years @ $175,000 per year Formation of the organization HPCnet, and start of national planning Closing of the Fujitsu VPX240 at Calgary Donation of AlphaServer 4100 by Digital Equipment Corporation 1997: 1998: Creation of Publication of “A Business Case for the Establishment of an Advanced Computational Infrastructure for Canada”(December) of the Canada Foundation for Innovation Formal commitment to a policy on external sharing and access Submission of NSERC MFA for renewal, listing all CFI projects Submission of Parallel MFA from Quebec universities Submission of 11 parallel CFI proposals 1999: Awarding of both MFA grants Funding of 5 CFI projects, at a total of $16.4 M (project costs of $41 M) Emergence of the consortium model 2005: Publication of “A Long Range Plan for HPC in Canada” HPC Consortia in Canada, Current Membership WESTGRID: U. Victoria, UBC, Simon Fraser, UNBC, U of Alberta, U of Calgary, U of Lethbridge, Banff Centre, Athabasca U, U of Saskatchewan, U of Regina, Brandon U, U of Winnipeg, U of Manitoba SHARCNET: McMaster U, U of Western Ontario, U of Guelph, U of Windsor, Sir Wilfrid Laurier U, Fanshawe College, Sheridan College, U of Waterloo, Brock U, York U,UOIT, Trent U, Laurentian U, Lakehead U, Perimeter Institute, Ontario College of Art & Design, Nipissing U. HPCVL: Queen’s U, Royal Military College, Carleton U, U of Ottawa, Ryerson U, Seneca College, Loyalist College SCINET: U of Toronto CLUMEQ: Laval U, Université du Quebec (UQAM, ETS, INRS, UQAC, UQTR, UQAR, UQAT, UQO), McGill U. RQCHP: U de Montréal, Concordia U, U de Sherbrooke, Bishop’s, École Polytechnique ACEnet: Memorial U, St. Francis Xavier U, U of New Brunswick, Saint Mary’s U, UPEI, Dalhousie U, Mount Allison U, Acadia U, Cape Breton U 2007/08 Award of CFI National Platforms Grant Folding of Creation of Compute/Calcul Canada consortium plays, and a management and governance structure to ensure it is truly a national platform. As a result of this new CFI award, another $150 M of infrastructure will be installed, new support funds are being awarded as an outgrowth of the earlier MFA awards, a new organization, Compute/Calcul Canada is being formed, and, one of Canadian science’s true success stories, is passing the torch after a job well done. EPILOGUE was an organization whose successes were, in some sense, intangible. It was the members who won the CFI and NSERC grants, not the organization. But it was the organization, an organization of the members, which guided those members’ cooperation, helped manage the national project and coordinated some of the major pro- 88 C PHYSICS IN posals, and provided the advocacy that was critical to the creation and maintenance of the vibrant, and tremendously successful, HPC community in Canada. On that front has been an unparalleled success. As we all celebrate the future, we should also celebrate the past, and always remember what the keys to our success have been. We must also remember the essential role our many partners have played. Major computer vendors made major investments, and have played critical roles. Provincial governments have provided essential matching funds and, in many cases, funds for personnel. And CANARIE has provided the essential connections, without which the national infrastructure simply could not be used effectively and efficiently. CANADA / VOL. 64, NO. 2 ( Apr.-June. (Spring) 2008 ) IN MEMORIAM RALPH NICHOLLS - (1926-2008) In 1965 he was enticed to move to the new York University campus on Keele Street, Toronto, where he established the Department of Physics and the Physics Graduate Programme, acting as Chair for both from 19651969. His wife Doris joined and helped to build the Biology Department. During this time he appointed all of the original physics faculty members, and designed the Petrie Science Building. However, he recognized that the space age had begun in 1957, with the launch of Sputnik 1, and "space" became his new focus. Thus he founded two partner entities, the Graduate Programme in Experimental Space Science and the Centre for Research in Experimental Space Science (CRESS). In his early years at York he launched rockets to measure the ultraviolet spectrum of the aurora, and added faculty members with space interests, building up an internationally recognized research centre. In 1971 when the Canada Centre for Remote Sensing was created Ralph Nicholls recognized another important application of spectroscopy, soon making this a part of CRESS. At about the same time, York University began a program in Earth Science, and CRESS was adapted to this by changing its name to the Centre for Research in Earth and Space Science; Nicholls continued as its Director until 1992. In 1986 he initiated discussions within this group that led to the formation of an Ontario Centre of Excellence on the York University campus, the Institute for Space and Terrestrial Sciences. From 1985 onwards he was a member of a number of space mission teams, including SPEAM 1 that was operated by Marc Garneau during his first flight. In more recent years his interest in radiative transfer increased and he with his collaborators, including those at Defence Research Establishment Valcartier, created spectral synthesis code and spectroscopic atlases. The latter occupied his time to the end of his career. His enormous energy extended well beyond the York University campus. He held visiting professorships at the US National Bureau of Standards, and at Stanford University, and was visiting lecturer at the NASA Ames Research Center. He served on many national and international committees. Internationally he was involved with the International Astronomical Union, the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics and the Americal Physical Society and was the Canadian Observer on the NASA Space and Earth Sciences Working Group on the Scientific Uses of the Space Station. Nationally he chaired the NRC joint sub-committee on Space Astronomy (197480), the NRC Associate Committee on Space Research (1984-85) and the Canadian Advisory Committee on the Scientific Uses of Space Gordon Shepherd Station. He was Editor of the Canadian <> Journal of Physics from 1986-1992. He Centre for Research also received numerous honours, including in Earth and Space Science (C.R.E.S.S.), the Fellowship in the Royal Society of York University, Canada (1978), the Queen's Golden Jubilee 4700 Keele Street, Medal (2002), and the Order of Canada in Toronto, ON, M3J 1997. 1P3 IN MEMORIAM Ralph W. Nicholls (OC, FRSC), Distinguished Research Professor Emeritus at York University in Toronto, died peacefully in his sleep, on January 25, 2008 at the age of 81 years. Nicholls was born in Surrey, England in 1926 and graduated from Imperial College, London where he obtained his Ph.D. and D.Sc. degrees and for a time (1945-48) served as Senior Lecturer. In 1948 he was appointed to the Physics Department at the University of Western Ontario (UWO), and one of his first acts must have been to join the CAP, as he has been a supportive member since that year. At UWO he established a theoretical and experimental group focused on the determination of transition probabilities in molecular systems. In 1950 he gave a paper on this work to a very small Saturday morning audience of the American Physical Society in Cleveland and after his talk one of the members of the audience, Nate Gerson of the Air Force Cambridge Research Laboratories, asked him if he would like a contract to extend the scope of his work. Gerson had a mandate to establish auroral research in North America, and recognized the value of the transition probability research to this enterprise. He implemented contracts to other Canadian universities as well, as he described in Physics in Canada 40, 308, 1984. Nicholls in turn wrote an obituary for Gerson in PIC, the March/April issue, 2002. This link not only provided Nicholls with ample funds to build up a thriving group, but also altered his outlook beyond "classical spectroscopy" to its many application areas, of which the upper atmosphere and the aurora became the first. One of Nicholls' first tasks under this contract was to organize an international Auroral Physics Conference, where in 1951 the leading scientists in the field worldwide, many from the Scandinavian countries, were brought to the UWO campus. This brought him to the forefront on this subject, and established his reputation as a scientist and organizer. Ralph Nicholls' door was always open, especially to young scientists, and he worked hard to improve their security in the universities. He offered his advice and support freely, and in so doing created enduring relationships. The number of lives he influenced is enormous. He will be remembered with respect and affection by all. LA PHYSIQUE AU CANADA / Vol. 64, No. 2 ( avr. à juin (printemps) 2008 ) C 89 IN MEMORIAM IN MEMORIAM TAPAN KUMAR BOSE - (1938-2008) Tapan Kumar Bose, professeur émérite à l'Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières et fondateur de l'Institut de recherche sur l'hydrogène (IRH), est décédé subitement le 24 janvier 2008. Récipiendaire de la médaille du Gouverneur général du Canada en 1993, il a aussi reçu, entre autres, le Meritorius Service Award de la National Hydrogen Association (USA) de même que la médaille de reconnaissance de l'Association canadienne de l'hydrogène, et il a été admis en 2005 au cercle d'excellence de l'Université du Québec. Après avoir obtenu un baccalauréat et une maîtrise en physique de l'Université de Calcutta, le professeur Bose a complété son doctorat à l'Université de Louvain en 1965. Il a ensuite effectué des recherches postdoctorales au laboratoire Kammerlingh Onnes à Leiden ainsi qu'à l'Université Brown, au sein de l'équipe de R. H. Cole. Prêt à entreprendre une carrière universitaire, il n'hésita pas, en 1969, à se joindre à une institution toute nouvelle, l'UQTR. Il y amorcerait, avec quelques autres, une solide tradition de recherche, en plus de renouer des amitiés faites à Louvain. À Brown, le professeur Bose avait réalisé des mesures précises des coefficients du viriel de la permittivité et de la pression de différents gaz purs ou mélanges. Il poursuivit ces travaux à l'UQTR, avec ses étudiants et collaborateurs, ne cessant toutefois de les étendre. De la permittivité statique, il passa à l'indice de réfraction, pour ensuite s'intéresser aux propriétés d'absorption du rayonnement électromagnétique dans les micro-ondes et dans l'infrarouge. Son laboratoire permettait donc d'étudier la réponse de différentes substances à Louis Marchildon une excitation électromagnétique sur une <louis.marchildon@ très large gamme de fréquences. En>, Département 1980, il fondait le groupe de recherche de physique, Université du Québec à Troissur les diélectriques, avec le collaboraRivières, 3351 boul. des teur de toute sa carrière, Jean-Marie Stforges, Trois-Rivières, Arnaud. Québec, G9A 5H4 Avec un laboratoire bien pourvu et une solide expérience des mesures précises, le professeur Bose s'attaqua à l'étude du comportement critique, sujet chaud des années '80. Il mit en lumière l'anomalie de la permittivité et de l'indice de réfraction de mélanges près du point critique de démixtion. Mais à la même époque, 90 C PHYSICS IN différents chercheurs notaient que les méthodes qu'il avait développées pour la détermination de la permittivité et de l'indice de réfraction pouvaient servir à la mesure précise de la quantité de gaz circulant dans un gazoduc. Sans interrompre ses travaux fondamentaux, le professeur Bose amorça alors une toute nouvelle problématique de recherche, de nature appliquée. C'est alors que son remarquable talent d'organisateur se révéla véritablement. Rapidement, son groupe de recherche grandit, et il réussit à obtenir d'importantes subventions et commandites pour l'étude du gaz naturel d'abord, et de l'hydrogène ensuite. Il fonde l'IRH en 1994 et, l'année suivante, reloge son équipe dans un édifice moderne érigé au moyen de fonds qu'il a lui-même trouvés. Comptant une cinquantaine de chercheurs, assistants techniques et étudiants, l'IRH devient vite un centre de réputation internationale. On y étudie, en particulier, le stockage d'hydrogène par adsorption dans des micropores ou nanotubes de carbone, ou par réfrigération magnétique; son utilisation dans des piles à combustible ou dans des moteurs à explosion; la modélisation de son comportement en présence de flammes; et son usage dans des systèmes autosuffisants, alimentés entre autres par l'éolienne qui est devenue la marque du campus de l'UQTR. Malgré toutes ses responsabilités, dont celles de président de l'Association canadienne de l'hydrogène et de président du comité technique ISO TC 197 sur les technologies de l'hydrogène, et malgré ses nombreux déplacements, le professeur Bose s'investit dans chacun de ces projets. À sa retraite, en 2005, l'édifice de l'IRH est renommé " Pavillon Tapan K. Bose ". Il poursuivra, dans ses dernières années, ses efforts auprès de l'industrie et des gouvernements pour l'utilisation de l'hydrogène et des sources d'énergie sans émission de carbone. Aucun de ceux qui ont bien connu Tapan ne restait indifférent à sa forte personnalité. Grand travailleur, doué d'une inépuisable énergie, il savait aussi savourer de bons moments de détente avec ses collègues et amis. Il adorait la discussion, piquant souvent son interlocuteur en exprimant une opinion à laquelle l'autre ne pouvait que réagir. Fonceur, soutenant indéfectiblement ses collaborateurs, il oubliait vite les conflits et n'en gardait jamais rancune. Il avait une inébranlable confiance en son intuition, et un pouvoir de conviction à peu près irrésistible. Né en Inde à l'époque coloniale, il n'en a pas moins conservé un profond respect des institutions britanniques, et est toujours resté le produit de deux cultures. Il rêvait de faire de sa région d'adoption la " Vallée de l'hydrogène ". Il aura laissé à l'UQTR la marque d'un véritable bâtisseur. CANADA / VOL. 64, NO. 2 ( Apr.-June. (Spring) 2008 ) IN MEMORIAM YOGINDER JOSHI (1938-2008) BARRY WALLBANK (N/A-2008) The St. Francis Xavier University (StFX) community was saddened by the death on April 2, of Dr. Yoginder Joshi, Senior Research Professor of Physics. Dr. Joshi was 70. Yogi established a world-renowned laboratory in atomic spectroscopy at StFX and created a world-wide network of collaborators. He had active collaborations with physicists in the Netherlands, Russia, France, Italy, U.S.A., India, Egypt and Canada. His research was funded continuously by the National Research Council of Canada and the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada for the 43 years he was at StFX. He published over 240 papers, including five in the past few months while recuperating from cancer treatment. In 1993 Dr. Joshi was elected a Fellow of the Optical Society of America, and in 1994 was elected an Associate Member of the Institute of Atomic Spectroscopy of the Russian Academy of Sciences. He received the St. Francis Xavier University Research Award in 1996. Dr. Wallbank was born in England. He earned his Ph.D. from the University of Liverpool in 1974 and was a research fellow at the University of British Columbia before joining the physics department at StFX in 1982 as a research associate. He joined our faculty in 1988. He was a dedicated teacher and researcher, achieving the rank of Full Professor in 2000 and assuming the role of Chair of our Physics department in 2005. As Chair, he devoted himself generously to the enhancement of the Physics department’s programs and was particularly attentive to the intellectual growth and general well-being of all the students in the program – as indeed was he of all the students whom he encountered. Professor Wallbank was internationally known for his expertise in laser assisted electron scattering from elemental gases. He had numerous undergraduate honours students and postdoctoral fellows assisting in this research, which was just recently relocated to a custom-designed laser research laboratory in our new Physical Sciences building. He published many research papers in internationally recognized peer adjudicated journals with coauthors from around the world. His focused, professional approach to his research will be missed by the faculty and students alike. IN MEMORIAM Dr. Joshi was born in the Punjab in India. After completing a master’s degree at Punjab University and teaching in India for two years, he came to Canada in 1961. He earned his Ph.D. from the University of British Columbia in 1964. He joined the physics department at StFX in 1965 after having taught at St. Dunstan’s University (now the University of Prince Edward Island) for one year. He was chair of our physics department from 1990- 96. Upon his retirement from the university in 2001 he was appointed a Senior Research Professor and continued his research and some teaching until his death. The St. Francis Xavier University community was deeply saddened and shocked by the death on May 22, of Dr. Barry Wallbank, Chair of the Department of Physics Dr. Wallbank and his wife, Dr. Denise Wallbank of the StFX Chemistry Department have been an important part of the scientific and academic community of St. Francis Xavier University. They Michael Steinitz have two children, Andrew and Sarah, and <>, one grandchild, whom they recently greet- Department of Physics, St. Francis ed on a trip West. Xavier University, Antigonish, Nova Scotia, B2G 2W5 LA PHYSIQUE AU CANADA / Vol. 64, No. 2 ( avr. à juin (printemps) 2008 ) C 91 BOOKS BOOK REVIEW POLICY Books may be requested from the Book Review Editor, Richard Hodgson, by using the online book request form at CAP members are given the first opportunity to request books. Requests from non-members will only be considered one month after the distribution date of the issue of Physics in Canada in which the book was published as being available (e.g. a book listed in the January/February issue of Physics in Canada will be made available to non-members at the end of March). The Book Review Editor reserves the right to limit the number of books provided to reviewers each year. He also reserves the right to modify any submitted review for style and clarity. When rewording is required, the Book Review Editor will endeavour to preserve the intended meaning and, in so doing, may find it necessary to consult the reviewer. Beginning with this issue of PiC, the text of the book reviews will no longer be printed in each issue, but will be available on the CAP website. LA POLITIQUE POUR LA CRITIQUE DE LIVRES Si vous voulez faire l’évaluation critique d’un ouvrage, veuillez entrer en contact avec le responsable de la critique de livres, Richard Hodgson, en utilisant le formulaire de demande électronique à Les membres de l'ACP auront priorité pour les demandes de livres. Les demandes des non-membres ne seront examinées qu'un mois après la date de distribution du numéro de la Physique au Canada dans lequel le livre aura été déclaré disponible (p. ex., un livre figurant dans le numéro de janvier-février de la Physique au Canada sera mis à la disposition des non-membres à la fin de mars). Le Directeur de la critique de livres se réserve le droit de limiter le nombre de livres confiés chaque année aux examinateurs. Il se réserve, en outre, le droit de modifier toute critique présentée afin d'en améliorer le style et la clarté. S'il lui faut reformuler une critique, il s'efforcera de conserver le sens voulu par l'auteur de la critique et, à cette fin, il pourra juger nécessaire de le consulter. Commençant par cette revue de PaC, le texte des critiques de livre ne sera plus imprimé dans chaque revue, mais sera disponible sur le page Web de l’ACP. BOOKS RECEIVED / LIVRES REÇUS The following books have been received for review. Readers are invited to write reviews, in English or French, of books of interest to them. Books may be requested from the book review editor, Richard Hodgson by using the online request form at Les livres suivants nous sont parvenus aux fins de critique. Cellesci peuvent être faites en anglais ou en français. Si vous êtes intéressé(e)s à nous communiquer une revue critique sur un ouvrage en particulier, veuillez vous mettre en rapport avec le responsable de la critique des livres, Richard Hodgson par internet à GENERAL INTEREST LIE GROUPS, PHYSICS AND GEOMETRY, Robert Gilmore, Cambridge University Press, 2008; pp. 319; ISBN: 978-0-521-88400-6 (hc); Price: $80.00. A list of ALL books available for review, books out for review, and copies of book reviews published since 2000 are available on-line -see the “Physics in Canada” section of the CAP's website : FINAL THEORY, Mark Alpert, Simon & Schuster Canada, 2008; pp. 356; ISBN: 978-1-4165-7287-9; Price: 29.95. UNDERGRADUATE TEXTS A STUDENT'S GUIDE TO MAXWELL'S EQUATIONS, Daniel Fleisch, Cambridge University Press, 2008; pp. 134; ISBN: 978-0-521-70147-1 (pbk); 978-0-521-87761-9 (hc); Price: $28.99/$80. 92 C PHYSICS IN Il est possible de trouver électroniquement une liste de livres disponibles pour la revue critique, une liste de livres en voie de révision, ainsi que des exemplaires de critiques de livres publiés depuis l'an 2000, en consultant la rubrique "La Physique au Canada" de la page Web de l'ACP : GRADUATE TEXTS AND PROCEEDINGS THE PHYSICS OF THE Z AND W BOSONS, R. Tenchini and C. Verzegnassi, World Scientific Publishing Co., 2008; pp. 419; ISBN: 978-9-812-707024 (hc); Price: $89.00 CANADA / VOL. 64, NO. 2 ( Apr.-June. (Spring) 2008 ) BOOK REVIEWS / CRITIQUES DE LIVRES LIVRES Book reviews for the following books have been received and posted to the Physics in Canada section of the CAP’s website : Review summaries submitted by the reviewer are included; otherwise, the full review can be seen at the url listed with the book details. [NOTE: Short reviews received for books listed in the January to September 2007 issues are included as well.] Des revues critiques ont été reçues pour les livres suivants et ont été affichées dans la section “La Physique au Canada” de la page web de l’ACP : A SHORT INTRODUCTION TO QUANTUM INFORMATION AND QUANTUM COMPUTATION, Michel Le Bellac, Cambridge University Press, 2006; pp. 167; ISBN: 0-52186056-3 (hc); Price: $60.00. [Review by Michael Underwood, Institute for Quantum Information Science, U of C; posted 5/7/2008; To read the detailed review, please see ] BASIC VACUUM TECHNOLOGY, 2ND EDITION, A. CHAMBERS, R.K. Fitch and B.S. Halliday, Institute of Physics Publishing, 1998; pp. 184; ISBN: 0-7503-0495-2; Price: $45.00 (hc). [Review by Jake Bobowski, University of British Columbia; posted 5/7/2008; To read the detailed review, please see ] In the preface, the authors identify the need for a modern book that covers a broad range of topics relevant to vacuum technology that is suitable for readers who need to become experts in the field. These authors attempt to fill the void with their book entitled Basic Vacuum Technology. In this reviewer's opinion, too much has been sacrificed in the effort to make this book affordable. This book will be easily accessible to anyone with a solid foundation in undergraduate thermodynamics. The topics covered include gases and gases in vacuum, the pumping process, the various types of pumps and gauges used to measure pressure, vacuum materials and the maintenance of these materials, leak detection, and archetypical vacuum systems. This broad range of topics is covered in mere 160 pages with 20+ pages of appendices. As a result none of the topics are covered in great detail. The text of the book is accompanied by plenty of black and white figures. Unfortunately, the figure captions are kept to a bare minimum forcing to reader to search through the main text for a detailed description. This book does succeed in introducing all of the major topics to be considered when designing a functional vacuum system. However, those looking to become experts in the field will be better served by a more advanced text. Those who are faced with designing a specific vacuum system, be it a UHV system or a gas handling system for a dilution refrigerator, will certainly benefit from a more specialized text. Jake Bobowski University of British Columbia GENERAL RELATIVITY AN INTRODUCTION FOR PHYSICISTS, M.P. Hobson, G. Efstathiou and A.N. Lasenby, Cambridge University Press, 2006; pp. 554; ISBN: 0-521-82951-8 (hc); Price: $70.00. [Review by Lance Parsons, Physics Dept., Memorial University; posted 5/7/2008; To read the detailed review, please see ] STRING THEORY AND M-THEORY: A MODERN INTRODUCTION, K. Becker, M. Becker and J. Schwarz, Cambridge University Press, 2006; pp. 739; ISBN: 0-52186069-5 (hc); Price: $80.00. [Review by Henry Ling, University of British Columbia; posted 5/7/2008; To read the detailed review, please see ] SUPERFRACTALS, Michael F. Barnsley, Cambridge University Press, 2006; pp. 452; ISBN: 0-521-84493-2 (hc); Price: $35.00 . [Review by Collin Carbno, SaskTel; posted 5/7/2008; To read the detailed review, please see ] I enjoy programming to produce fractals so naturally I enthusiastically dug into Barnsley's book. Chapters one to four are spent laying a detailed mathematical foundation for the concepts needed to explain what a superfractal is. The key foundational concept is that of a fractal top. Barnsley's precise mathematical explanation for a fractal top is "an addressing function for the set attractor of IFS such that each point on the attractor has a unique address, even in the overlapping case". A fractal top is roughly what is formed by taking a transformation of a picture and then putting it on top of the original picture, taking another transformation of a picture (perhaps a different one) and putting it on top of the output picture. The resulting picture depends on the exact sequence of overlays (tops) used to create the picture and generating pictures used. Superfractals are roughly a fractal top that is created by applying either deterministically or randomly, a collection of different transformations to one or more generative pictures, where one iterates in generations so that the output of one generation becomes the input of next generation. The limit of this process under some conditions becomes a superfractal. If you are looking for a book that puts superfractals on a solid mathematical foundation, then this book is perfect. However, if you are more interested in getting a feeling for superfractals, how to create them, how they work, how to actually use them in a graphics application, this book may disappoint you. Collin Carbno SaskTel THE CHRONOLOGERS' QUEST: THE SEARCH FOR THE AGE OF THE EARTH, Patrick Wyse Jackson, Cambridge University Press, 2006; pp. 291; ISBN: 100521813328; Price: $30(US). [Review by Louis Marchildon, Universite du Quebec a Trois-Rivieres; posted 5/20/2008; To read the detailed review, please see ] LA PHYSIQUE AU CANADA / Vol. 64, No. 2 ( avr. à juin (printemps) 2008 ) C 93 EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES Laurentian University Université Laurentienne Postdoctoral Research Positions at SNOLAB for the SNO+ and DEAP Experiments Three Postdoctoral Research positions are available in the experimental particle astrophysics group at Laurentian University, for two experiments under development at SNOLAB in Sudbury, Ontario, Canada. SNOLAB is Canada's new state-of-the-art international facility for particle astrophysics and an expansion of the highly successful Sudbury Neutrino Observatory (SNO), located two kilometers underground at Vale Inco's Creighton Mine. For information on the laboratory and the experimental program please see The SNO+ experiment will refill the SNO detector with a custom liquid scintillator to extend SNO's solar neutrino measurements to lower energies as well as to study geo-neutrinos and reactor neutrinos. It also plans to load the scintillator with Neodymium to search for neutrino-less double beta decay with high sensitivity. Two postdoctoral associates would lead research in the SNO+ topics planned at the SNOLAB site and at Laurentian University. These include the establishing of purification and radio-assay techniques for the SNO+ metal-loaded liquid scintillator, and the study of detector backgrounds. Other topics include developing the SNO+ supernova neutrino burst trigger, Monte Carlo modeling, and other DAQ and data analysis tools. The third postdoctoral associate will participate in the DEAP/CLEAN experimental program which uses single-phase liquid-argon as the detecting medium to search for WIMP dark matter. The collaboration is developing detectors at several mass scales including DEAP-1, a 7kg detector, MiniCLEAN a 360 kg detector and DEAP/CLEAN a 3600 kg detector. DEAP-1 is currently operating underground at SNOLAB while MiniCLEAN and DEAP/CLEAN are proposed to be installed at SNOLAB in 2009 and 2010 respectively. The successful candidate will take a lead role in the operation and analysis of data from DEAP-1 and will participate in the development of DEAP/CLEAN including the implementation of the calibration systems. We seek applicants with a PhD in experimental particle astrophysics, nuclear or particle physics or a closely related field. The candidates should have demonstrated ability to lead efforts in hardware development and data analysis. These positions are based at the SNOLAB site in Sudbury and administered through Laurentian University. The initial appointments will be for two years. Salary will be commensurate with qualifications and experience. Applicants should send a detailed CV and a statement of research interests, as well as arranging for three letters of reference to be forwarded to (please include the reference "SNO+/DEAP application"): Ms. Shari Moss SNOLAB Project Office P.O. Box 159, Lively ON Canada P3Y 1M3, or by e-mail to A review of applications will begin on July 27, 2008, but applications will be accepted until the positions are filled. We thank all who express interests in these positions and advise that only those selected for an interview will be contacted. For further information contact Dr. Clarence Virtue ( Laurentian University is committed to equity in employment and encourages applications from all qualified applicants including women, aboriginal peoples, members of visible minorities and persons with disabilities. 94 C PHYSICS IN CANADA / VOL. 64, NO. 2 ( Apr.-June. (Spring) 2008 ) POSTES D’EMPLOIS Director of SNOLAB SNOLAB is Canada's national underground research facility for particle astrophysics located in Sudbury, Ontario at the Creighton Mine operated by Vale Inco Ltd. SNOLAB is the deepest laboratory in the world, located 2 km underground and will provide space for a number of international experiments in an ultra-clean environment starting this year. The principal scientific topics under investigation at SNOLAB are the detection of Low Energy Solar Neutrinos, Neutrino-less Double Beta Decay, Cosmic Dark Matter and Supernova Neutrinos. SNOLAB employs approximately 35 scientists, engineers, technicians, and general staff and expects hundreds of scientists from institutions world-wide to participate in experiments. It is operated by the SNO Institute, formed by a consortium of Canadian Universities, and receives capital and operating support from the Canada Foundation for Innovation, NSERC, NOHFC, FEDNOR and The Ontario Ministry of Research and Innovation. The Director will have overall responsibility for the Scientific Program of SNOLAB and for its operation and development, as well as the authority for critical decisions directed to the securing and management of the operating funds, the safety of all workers, and the development and implementation of policies, internal systems and programs. The successful candidate will have an advanced degree in a physics related discipline, demonstrated leadership abilities, scientific insight and vision. He/she will have an outstanding international research record with more than 10 years experience in a senior role. The successful candidate will have achieved international stature in the fields of particle and/or nuclear physics and will have a proven track record for attracting operational and capital funding for research projects. Experience with administrative and financial matters associated with large scale science projects is required along with strong communication, interpersonal, negotiating and relationship building skills. The Director position will be a five-year initial appointment associated with one of the member institutions and is renewable. This position is available January 1, 2009. Salary will be commensurate with that of a senior Full Professor at a Canadian University. The position is open to all qualified applicants. Please note that in the case of equal qualifications, preference may be given to a Canadian Citizen or Permanent Resident. Applicants should forward a detailed CV and arrange to have at least three letters of reference sent to: Dr. Nigel Lockyer, Chair SNOLAB Director Search Committee c/o Ms. S. Moss, SNOLAB Project Office P.O. Box 159, Lively, Ontario, Canada P3Y 1M3 Consideration of applications will begin August 1, 2008 and will continue until a suitable candidate is found. Please direct any queries to SNOLAB is committed to employment equity and diversity in the workplace and welcomes applications from women, visible minorities, aboriginal people, persons with disabilities, and persons of any sexual orientation or gender identity. Postdoctoral Research Position at SNOLAB in Experimental Astroparticle Physics A Postdoctoral Research position in experimental astroparticle physics is available at SNOLAB. Now in the final stages of construction, SNOLAB is Canada's new state of the art facility for astroparticle physics and is an expansion of the highly successful Sudbury Neutrino Observatory (SNO) located near Sudbury Ontario. With its completion this year, SNOLAB will be the deepest underground ultra-clean facility in the world and will be a leading location for conducting frontier experiments in astroparticle physics. The successful applicant would be expected to play a major role in one of the SNOLAB programs which include: searches for Dark Matter (DEAP/CLEAN, MiniCLEAN, PICASSO, SuperCDMS); searches for neutrinoless double beta decay (SNO+ with neodymium and Gas EXO); studies of low energy solar and geo-neutrinos (SNO+) and a supernova watch (HALO). For more details about the laboratory and the experimental program please see We are seeking applicants with a PhD in experimental astroparticle physics, nuclear or particle physics or in a closely related field. The candidates should have demonstrated ability to lead efforts in hardware development and data analysis. The position will be based at the SNOLAB site in Sudbury Ontario and will be administered through Queen's University. The initial appointment will be for two years. Salary will be commensurate with qualifications and experience. Applicants should include a detailed CV, a brief statement of research interests and arrange to have at least three letters of reference forwarded to: Ms. S. Moss, SNOLAB Project Office, P.O. Box 159, Lively, Ontario, Canada P3Y 1M3 or by e-mail to: SNOLAB thanks all who express an interest and advises that only those selected for an interview will be contacted. A review of the applications will begin on June 15, 2008 but applications will be accepted until the position is filled. SNOLAB is committed to employment equity and diversity in the workplace and welcomes applications from women, visible minorities, aboriginal people, persons with disabilities, and persons of any sexual orientation or gender identity. LA PHYSIQUE AU CANADA / Vol. 64, No. 2 ( avr. à juin (printemps) 2008 ) C 95 EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES MEDICAL PHYSICISTS 3 permanent positions available in the department of radiation oncology The Montréal Jewish General Hospital, a 637 bed hospital complex, was created in 1934 by the Jewish community to serve the population without distinction of race, religion or financial means. All the medical services and activities take place in French as well as in English. The Jewish General Hospital benefits from an envied reputation for the quality of its patients’ relations and for its spirit of good-companionship and mutual aid which reigns within its staff. Advantages: • Financial support for geographical relocation • A generous, individual budget for continuing education • Free services of a professional coach to facilitate your integration • Complete advantage plan • Access to the hospital parking lot at the preferential rate of $42 per month • Easy access by public transportation • Health services exclusive to employees • Daily opportunities to practice both French and English To submit your candidacy, you must have a Masters or PhD in Medical Physics. For information: Tel.: (514) 328-1091 or PHYSICIEN(NE) MÉDICAL(E) 3 postes permanents disponibles dans le département de radio-oncologie L’Hôpital Général Juif de Montréal, un centre hospitalier à vocation universitaire de 637 lits, a été créé en 1934 par la communauté juive pour desservir la population du Québec, sans distinction de race, de religion ou de moyens financiers. Tous les services médicaux et toutes les activités s’y déroulent aussi bien en français qu’en anglais. L’Hôpital Général Juif bénéficie d’une réputation enviable pour la qualité de ses relations avec les patients et pour l’esprit de camaraderie et d’entraide qui règne au sein de son personnel. Avantages : • Un soutien financier à la relocalisation géographique • Un généreux budget individuel pour les activités de perfectionnement • Les services gratuits d’un coach professionnel pour faciliter votre intégration • Un plan complet d’avantages sociaux • L’accès au stationnement de l’hôpital au tarif préférentiel de 42 $ par mois. • Un accès facile par les transports en commun • Un service de santé à l’usage exclusif des employés • Des opportunités quotidiennes de pratiquer le français et l’anglais Pour soumettre votre candidature, vous devez détenir une maîtrise ou un doctorat en physique médicale. Pour information : Tél. : (514) 328-1091 ou 96 C PHYSICS IN CANADA / VOL. 64, NO. 2 ( Apr.-June. (Spring) 2008 ) ALL UNDELIVERABLE COPIES IN CANADA / TOUTE CORRESPONDANCE NE POUVANT ETRE LIVREE AU CANADA should be returned to / devra être retournée à: Canadian Association of Physicists/ l’Association canadienne des physiciens et physiciennes Suite/bur. 112 Imm. McDonald Bldg. Canadian Publications Product Sales Agreement No. 40036324 / Numéro de convention pour les envois de publications canadiennes : 40036324 Univ. of/ d’Ottawa, 150 Louis Pasteur, Ottawa, Ontario K1N 6N5