April 2013 - Covenant Presbyterian Church


April 2013 - Covenant Presbyterian Church
April 2013
Reaching out with the message and love of Christ
We Gotta Wanna
Ladies Luncheon
Spring Work Morning
Covenant’s Library Open for Business! 5
Summer Block Party
Notes for April
Rummage Sale
Women’s Retreat
Ken & Bola Taylor in Japan
Everyday Evangelism
Youth Parent Partnership Team
Treasurer’s Report
Edible Reno Magazine Article
April Calendar
Celebrate April!
We Gotta Wanna
He said to them, “Go into all the world and
preach the good news to all creation.”
–Mark 16:15
By Pastor Jay Hull
Dear friends:
“Make it happen, Stu!” I can
still hear my high school
basketball coach, Coach
Chappell, shout these words
from the sideline. “Make it
happen, Stu!” He was
encouraging our all-league
point guard, Kenny Stuart. He
was urging him to do
something good with the ball—
drain a long jumper, zip a
needle-threading pass to one of
our big men for an easy layup,
drive the lane for another
acrobatic basket. Win the game
for us.
One game, though, Stu hurt
his knee and I found myself out
on the floor dribbling the ball up
the court. And I heard the
coach: “Make it happen, Jay.” It
Covenant Presbyterian
6695 Mae Anne Avenue
Reno, Nevada 89523
was the
one and
only time
I heard him say this. And I
remember feeling good hearing
my name, but I also remember
thinking it sounded oddly forced
with my name instead of Stu’s.
It seemed like this time Coach
Chappell was expressing more
of a vain hope than a heartfelt
expectation. “Make it happen,
Jay.” I really wanted to live into
his words, but I wasn’t very
confident. Stu was all-league: I
was second string. Stu had real
skills: I had a nice uniform. Stu
was our opponents’ worst
nightmare: I was a sweet
dream. So, when the coach
called out “Make it happen,
Jay!” what I heard was “Don’t
let it happen, Jay!...” Don’t lose
the ball. Don’t take a bad shot.
Don’t pass it to the other team.
Don’t lose the game for us.” I
look back to those times and I
lament that my varsity
basketball career was marked
by a deep fear of ever making
the big mistake and becoming
Continued on Page 2
We Gotta Wanna- Continued from Page 1
You cannot stay
where you are and
go with God. You
cannot continue
doing things your
way and accomplish
God’s purpose in his
ways. Your thinking
cannot come close
to God’s thoughts.
For you to do the will
of God, you must
adjust your life to
him, his purposes
and his ways.
—Henry Blackaby
Chimes Newsletter
chimes@covenant-reno.org or
Church Office:
Place articles & submissions on
the desk in office
To be a part of the Chimes “Creative
Team” contact Julie Minedew
Deadline for the May Issue:
April 7th
the goat rather than an ardent
desire to get in the game, give
my best effort and maybe be a
hero once or twice. With a
minute to go in our last game of
the season, it was clear we
were going to lose—Stu hadn’t
“made it happen”—and the
coach asked if I, being a senior,
wanted to get in the game.
“Nah, that’s OK Coach,” I said.
And the 3rd-string point guard
chimed in “Well I want to go in!
I tried out for the team to play!”
So the coach put him in and I
sat. And I learned a lesson that
stuck with me.
have affirmed together a
“theme verse” for the coming
year. This verse is intended to
remind us, as we attach it to
our publications, first of all that
we are people of God’s Word.
And then in some way we use it
to focus our attention on where
we are as God’s Church and
where we believe He is calling
us to go next.
This year our Elders
selected Mark 16:15 as our
theme verse: He [Jesus] said to
them, “Go into all the world and
preach the good news to all
“Ya gotta wanna wear yourself out giving your
all to make something good happen
rather than hide in comfortable
obscurity because you are
afraid of making something
bad happen.”
- Pastor Jay
It’s up to the coach when and
Our leaders are hearing God
how much you play in the game, say to us: Make it happen,
but at all times ya gotta wanna.
You’re on the team to play, not
Now, of course, we
watch. Ya gotta wanna. Ya
that God is the One
gotta wanna get off the bench
who actually makes things
and try your best, play hard,
happen. And we know that He,
come what may. Ya gotta
unlike basketball coaches, is
wanna wear yourself out giving
not confined to the sidelines.
your all to make something
He’s in the game with us. He
good happen rather than hide
does more than urge us to do
in comfortable obscurity
something good with our lives:
because you are afraid of
making something bad happen. He helps us.
He calls us to be His
Ya gotta wanna.
partners for His kingdom
Every year your Elders go
purposes, and He helps us
away together for a time of
know what we’re supposed to
prayer and discussion, team
be doing. In God’s Kingdom the
building, evaluation and
planning. And each year we
Continued on Page 3
We Gotta Wanna- Continued from Page 2
long-range jumper, the needlethreading pass, the acrobatic
basket has to do with loving
others and helping them hear
and respond to the good news
of Jesus Christ. Winning the
game is connected to our role
as God’s instruments of
immediate and ultimate
blessing as we help others
know God’s love is for them
and trust in Jesus Christ for
Make it happen, Covenant.
We must not translate this into
“Don’t let it happen, Covenant.”
We must not give in to our
natural fear of ever making the
big mistake and becoming the
goat before our friends and
neighbors. We must instead
find our confidence and move
as partners in Christ who
cultivates in us a supernatural
and ardent desire to get in the
game, give our best effort and
maybe be a hero once or twice.
“Go into all the world and
preach the good news to all
It’s up to the Lord when and
how we play in the game, but at
all times we gotta wanna. He
will provide the opportunities,
but we must know who we are,
and Whose we are. We are the
Church, and the Church is here
to work, not watch. We gotta
wanna. We gotta wanna get out
the doors and try our best, work
hard, come what may. We
gotta wanna wear ourselves
When I have lost my temper
out giving our all to make
I have lost my reason, too.
something good happen rather
I'm never proud of anything
than hide in comfortable
which angrily I do.
obscurity because we are
afraid of making something bad
happen. We gotta wanna.
When I have Talked in anger
Heavenly Father, Lord Jesus,
and my cheeks were flaming
Holy Spirit, make it so.
Jesus went through all the
I have always uttered
towns and villages, teaching
something which I wish I hadn't
in their synagogues,
preaching the good news of
the kingdom and healing
every disease and sickness.
In anger I have never done
When he saw the crowds, he
a kindly deed or wise,
had compassion on them,
But many things for which I felt
because they were harassed
and helpless, like sheep
I should apologize.
without a shepherd. Then he
said to his disciples, “The
In looking back across my life,
harvest is plentiful but the
workers are few. Ask the
and all I've lost or made,
Lord of the harvest, therefore, I can't recall a single time
to send out workers into his
when fury ever paid.
harvest field.”
- Matthew
Pastor Jay
So I struggle to be patient,
for I've reached a wiser age;
I do not want to do a thing
or speak a word in rage.
I have learned by sad
experience that when my
temper flies,
I never do a worthy thing,
a decent deed that's wise.
-Author Unknown
Pastor Jay and Covenant’s Elders take a break for lunch at the
2013 Elder’s Retreat.
Ladies Luncheon
By Connie Benedict
adies of the Victorian era
are often pictured with
billowing hoop skirts with
narrow bodices, demure
bonnets and accordion fans to
cool themselves.
But did you ever wonder
how those tiny waists were
achieved? Or what kinds of
undergarments were needed to
create that look? The secrets
will be revealed April 13 at this
year’s Ladies Luncheon when
Civil War Re-enactors, Jodi Ray
and Janet Dunlap share the
secrets of 19th century fashion.
Their presentation will be
preceded by a talk by Kathleen
Audet on “Who Does God Say
That You Are: Recapturing the
View That Matters?”
The menu will be based on
the traditional Victorian High
Tea and ladies are invited to
furnish table settings for tables
of four or eight. The luncheon
will be at noon and hostesses
are asked to arrive at 11 a.m.
to set their tables.
Tickets are $6 each and
available in the Narthex.
Oh, and another feature will
be on the secret language of
using the fans. They were for
more than simply cooling off!U
Ladies Luncheon
Saturday, April 13th
12:00 pm
Cost $6.00
Spring Work Morning
Come lend a hand on Saturday, April 27th from 8:30 am to noon.
By Barbara Mize
t has been a long and cold
winter it seems, and I think
we are all looking forward to
the upcoming warmer days of
the spring. We are also looking
forward to spending a little time
tending to our church home. It
is definitely time to “spruce up”
the building and grounds. We
have set aside the morning of
Saturday, April 27 from 8:30 ‘til
noon to accomplish our semiannual maintenance morning
and we invite everyone who is
part of our Covenant family to
come and join in.
We will wash windows,
polish furniture, replace burned
out light fixtures, clean out
clutter, make small repairs, pick
up litter that has blown in on
the grounds, do some outdoor
landscape clean-up and more!
If you can come for the entire
morning, great! If you are only
available for part of the morning,
that is much appreciated too.
With many of us participating,
we will complete the
maintenance needed on the
building and grounds and enjoy
our time working alongside one
another. When we wrap up the
work at noon, everyone is
invited to enjoy lunch provided
by the Administration Ministry
Hope to see you there!
Covenant’s Administration
Ministry TeamU
Covenant’s Library Open for Business!
Whether you’re looking for a great book to read or an opportunity to serve, Covenant’s
newly reorganized library has something for everyone!
By Patti Hemsley
f you have stopped in
recently, you already know
that Covenant’s small but
first-class library is open and
ready to be used after a long
period of reorganization.
Information on our entire
collection of over 1900 books
(we are still working on DVDs
and CDs) has been entered
into the library computer. You
may now search for a book by
logging on and performing a
simple search using the
author’s name or book title.
New shelf labels have also
been installed to help browsers
locate books within a general
category such as Bible
Translations, Marriage and
Family Life, Missions, Sermon
Collections or New Testament
Our collection features not
only books in a wide array of
Christian subjects but also
contains biographies, fiction for
adults, teens and children and
Christian “board books” and
bible stories for our youngest
Checking out a book is easy.
Simply legibly write your name
and phone number on the book
card (located on the first page
or two of each book) and place
it in the wooden check out box.
Use a “Date Card” and the
nearby calendar to note the
date 4 weeks in the future; this
will be the date the book is due.
Return books by placing
them on the labeled shelf.
Please (pretty please?) do NOT
re-shelve any books. Librariantypes like to do that all
themselves, so please let them!
Though most of the data
entry work and sorting are
finished, we invite volunteers to
devote a few hours each month
to help the Library Committee
keep the room and collection in
tip-top shape. If you are
interested in helping, please
call Patti Hemsley. Training will
be provided. U
Summer Block Party
By Patti Hemsley
t’s official! Be sure to mark
Saturday, June 1 on your
calendars with one word –
FUN – and plan to come to
Covenant Presbyterian’s firstever “Almost Summer
Neighborhood Block Party”!
fashioned merriment and it’s a
party you won’t want to miss!
So plan now to come and
help build new relationships
with our neighbors in Northwest
Reno. Here are some ways you
can get involved:
The day will begin bright and
early with the huge annual
church Rummage Sale drawing
visitors and neighbors to CPC
throughout the morning.
J Plan to come and be
But the best part of the day
will just be revving up as the
final sales are completed.
Ministry teams, members of
groups such as MOPS, Cub
Scouts and Pioneer Club and
an army of volunteers will be on
hand all afternoon to welcome
neighbors, friends and curious
passers-by to our property.
We’ll serve up barbecue meals
and other treats, enjoy a live
Christian band, cheer at a
horseshoe tournament or shoot
some arrows, play carnival
games, award prizes and
maybe try out face-painting,
bounce houses and some very
special activities for moms.
Throw in a lot of laughter, good
conversation and some old-
J Pray for God’s blessings as
we prepare for the event.
Ask for good weather, a
great turnout and friendly,
productive relationships
between volunteers as
plans are made and carried
J Invite your friends and
neighbors to come too.
J VOLUNTEER to help out
during all or part of the day
(set up will begin early).
J There are also opportunities to canvas the nearby
neighborhood in the week
leading up to the event.
To volunteer contact Danny
Fierro at Danny@covenantreno.org or call him at (775)
746-8118. U
A Bee Line
to the Cross
British pastor Charles
Spurgeon (1834-1892) began
preaching at age 16. Despite
battling depression and a
painful birth defect, he became
known as “the prince of
preachers.” The prolific speaker
and author left behind a 5,103volume collection of work.
When asked about his
preaching style, Spurgeon was
simple and direct: “I take my
text and make a beeline for the
cross.” Spurgeon taught his
students that “from every text in
Scripture there is a road to the
metropolis of the Scriptures,
that is Christ.”
Consider Spurgeon’s words
whenever you read a Bible
passage, and see how you can
make a beeline to the cross.U
“When you talk, choose the very same
words that you would use if Jesus
were looking over your shoulder.
Because he is.”
—Marie T. Freeman
Notes for April
By Denell Hull, Director of Musical Arts
At the first light of dawn, the king got up and hurried to the lions’
den. When he came near the den, he called to Daniel in an
anguished voice, “Daniel, servant of the living God, has your God,
whom you serve continually, been able to rescue you from the
lions?” - Daniel 6:19-20
Children’s Musical
next month,
it’s another
fine musical
by our
Covenant Children’s
Choir, another Bible
Story brought to life by our
young actors and singers. This
time there will be weak kings,
wicked advisors, faithful heroes
and real live lions! It’s the story
of Daniel, and the Musical is
called “Rescue in the Night.”
Bring your friends
and families to our
presentation of
“Rescue in the Night”
Sunday afternoon,
May 5th
at 4:00 pm.
Praise Team
The Praise Team will
continue to lead worship at our
8:30 am service each Sunday.
We practice every
Wednesday at 7:45 p.m. Call
me if you’re interested in being
a part of the band or singing in
this group.
Chancel (Adult) Choir –
Choir Rehearsals are on
Thursday nights - 7:00 to 8:30
We’ll be singing for the
11:00 am services into June
(Note: There will be one service
at 10:00 on May 26th).
Once again my thanks to
our wonderful Covenant Choir
and your special efforts during
the Easter Season. Thanks for
giving your time and sharing
your gifts. Thanks for
participating in the memorial
service for Jay’s mother, Joan
Hull. Also, thanks to all of you
who have taken the time to
express your appreciation to a
choir member during this busy
season of singing and
celebrating our Risen Lord. It’s
such an encouragement to
know that our music is touching
people in a special way from
time to time.
Denell Hull, Director of Musical
Thinking “Spring
Cleaning?” Think
Rummage Sale!
By Connie Benedict
s you begin your “spring
cleaning,” don’t forget
Covenant’s annual rummage
sale which is set for June 1.
We will begin collecting at
the church Monday, May 27,
and set-up day will be Friday,
May 31. The actual sale will be
June 1, in conjunction with a
variety of other outreach
activities on the church
A time to reflect, rest, renew
and relate at the Covenant
Presbyterian Church
Women’s Retreat
August 23-25
At the Zephyr Point
Presbyterian Conference
Center, Lake Tahoe.
Ken & Bola Taylor in Japan
Mission Outreach Starts with Music!
By Patti Hemsley
en and Bola Taylor, our
newest missionaries,
began their 16th year of
service with World Venture in
January 2013.
Following a furlough year in
the United States, the
Taylors flew home to metro
Tokyo where they resumed
their roles as “musicianaries”
in a country where fewer
than 2% are Christian.
even international tours”,
explained Ken.
Listen to what Dr. David
Whitaker, Pastor of Morgan Hill
Bible Church, wrote following a
visit to Japan last summer:
Prayer Requests: Bola
has resumed her leadership
with GLOW (God’s Love on
Wheels). She coordinates
the distribution of refurbished
wheelchairs donated from
Japan to the Philippines.
Ken and Bola both
toured Southeast Asian
night clubs and performed
on concert stages as jazz
artists before becoming
Christians at the height of
their professional music careers.
After accepting a call to
serve in Japan in 1997, they
found a unique ministry
niche when a love for
American black gospel
music swept the country.
“This music, first popularized
by the movie ‘Sister Act’,
continues to be a
phenomenon in Japan”,
reports Ken.
¨ Pray that the mission
of GLOW will see much
fruit in the Philippines.
“Musicianaries” Ken and Bola Taylor share the
gospel with the people of Japan through music.
Their “Hallelujah Gospel Family” Choirs pack
auditoriums in a country where only 2% of the
people are Christian.
The couple capitalized on
this enduring craze by forming
the ‘Hallelujah Gospel Family’
(HGF) and now lead a growing
network of over 50 gospel
choirs with about 1,000
members (80% of whom are
“The gospel is shared
through rehearsals, regional
and combined concerts, and
Ken and Bola will continue
to focus on training church
leaders, developing resources
for churches and spreading the
gospel through evangelistic
outreach. It is a privilege for our
church to come alongside
and support such a
dedicated, resourceful and
joyful couple.
“The HGF concert was truly
an amazing event! To see two
people from the Philippines
leading a Japanese choir
singing black gospel with lyrics
like “you were made to praise
the Lord” to a 2000-seat
auditorium packed with their
mostly unbelieving friends and
loved ones blew me away. Only
God would have brought that
strategy together!”
Ken will carry on as field
leader of Japan Baptist
Fellowship (JBF),
supervising the work of
about 25 missionaries from
all over the world. This group
continues to plant new
churches and find innovative
ways to reach the Japanese
people for Christ.
¨ Pray for Ken as he
leads JBF in making fresh
and bold changes for effective ministries.
Please remember to pray
for Ken and Bola regularly.
You can also request their
prayer letters or email them a
note of encouragement at
Their website is
kenandbola.com or ‘friend’
them on facebook.U
Everyday Evangelism
Few of us are called to minister in far away lands; all of us
can share the love of Jesus with those we meet everyday.
By Tony Wildey
vangelism is something
we are called to do as
It is something that we
sometimes struggle with, but
never-the-less something that
we must do. The Great
Commission (Matthew 28:1620) makes it clear.
In our lives, Jennifer and I
are learning to incorporate
evangelism into everything we
We have Jesus in our
business commercials. We
practice business as
Christians; treating our
customers the way God wants
us to treat them. When we get
the chance, we speak to
people about the love of our
Savior. We talk about Jesus
constantly! I am always
amazed at the way Jennifer
manages to bring up the
subject of repentance and
forgiveness and the love of the
God with the most unlikely of
people who come into our store.
She inspires me to do the
same! God bless her!
Why just the other day, she
and and I were in Winco Foods
shopping, which is our habit on
Fridays, when we came upon a
bald man in a wheelchair. He
and his wife were tied for first
place with me in getting in the
shortest line, and I decided to
let them go first. Then he told
his wife that they had forgotten
the chicken and would she go
back to get it from the back of
the store. There was a little
time before the customer in
front of us was done so I asked
him how he was doing and he
responded that he was fine.
Then he told me his wife wasn’t
feeling well and he had sent
her to the back. Now he was
feeling uncomfortable because
we might have to wait and he
didn’t like sending her to the
back when he knew she was
already feeling under the
So, while she was gone,
and so he wouldn’t feel
uncomfortable about us waiting
on him, I began putting his
groceries on the conveyor belt
and speaking to him about
Jesus. He eventually said to
me “I guess you are wondering
what happened to me. I had a
stoke!” I told him I was
unaware that strokes could
cause baldness and he looked
puzzled and then laughed.
I pray each day that God
will lead someone my way that
may need to know the Gospel
and I hope each time it will
lead to the “sinner’s prayer”
and their eternal salvation.
Will they be going with us when
the Lord comes back? Most
importantly...will they be going
to Heaven or to Hell?
Do you take every
opportunity to speak to
someone? Have you settled
into a lifestyle that is “politically
correct”? Please don’t! Please
say something...even just a
little “Jesus loves you”. It gets
easier the more you try!
God Bless you!
Tony Wildey, Elder
Evangelism Ministry
Youth Parent
Partnership Team
arenting teens and
tweens in today’s world
is challenging and moms
and dads need all the help they
can get! That is why Covenant
has started the Youth Parent
Partnership Team.
Part PTA, part support group,
this team is geared towards the
parents of kids in 6th through
12th grade and serves to
strengthen the partnership
between parents, their kids and
Covenant’s Youth Program.
At each of the monthly
meetings we have a
presentation on a topic of
interest to parents, such as
keeping kids safe on FaceBook.
At our last meeting we learned
that a jaw-dropping 93% of kids
are exposed to internet
pornography! Following the
presentation we have time for
discussion of the challenges
that we as parents are facing
now. We also take time to pray
for our youth leaders and
discuss ways to support our
youth program.
Parent Seth Owen had this
to say about the Parent
Partnership Team, “The
parents meeting was great last
month. The time spent with
other parents of kids of all ages
was great. Its nice to have
support from other parents to
discuss challenges in parenting
as well as have some time to
pray for each other.”
Next Meeting:
Tuesday, April 16th
6:30 pm.
Youth Room (in the
portable building behind the
For more information about
the Parent Partnership Team
please contact Pastor Danny
Julie Minedew (julie@
covenant-reno.org) or Shannon
Simpkins (shannonsimpkins
Church Staff
Jay Hull
Director of Family Ministry
Danny Fierro
Musical Arts Director
Denell Hull
Children’s Ministry Director
Stefany Berry
Youth Director
Adam Hemsley
Office Coordinator
Barbara Mize
Office Assistants
John Kanuch
Julie Minedew
Clerk of Session
Kay Blakely
C himes Publisher
Julie Minedew
Edith Van Rossem
Will Davidson
Christian Education
Gerry Dunlap
Tony Wildey
TJ Hill
Jim Hemsley
Martha Aiyuk
Joanne Dickson
Samuel Dueñas
Chris Rhodes
Dale & Mary Anderson
Ann Christie
Meg Davis
Carole Faeth
Catalina Fierro
Barbara Landis
Dorothy Mburia
Roby Monson
Sylvia Myers
Bettylou Reed
Beth Wicks
Lisa Wilson
Treasurer's Report
February 2013
General Fund
Covenant’s Community Garden
Featured in Edible Reno-Tahoe
he Spring issue of edible
Reno-Tahoe Magazine
contains a wonderful
article about Covenant’s
Community Garden, the
Building Fund
Covenant’s 25th
On April 21, the Fellowship
Ministry Team will provide
special after-service
refreshments to
commemorate the 25th
Anniversary of the church’s
founding. Watch for more
details closer to the event.
volunteers that work the garden
and the impact of donated
vegetables from the garden on
our community.
Edible Reno-Tahoe is a
quarterly publication that
promotes and celebrates the
abundance of local foods in the
Northern Nevada and Lake
Tahoe region. To get a copy of
this beautiful magazine visit the
Edible Reno Tahoe Website for
a listing of local businesses that
carry it. You may also read the
magazine online at their
website :
April 2013
5:00 pm
Youth Worship
6:00 pm
High School Youth
3:00 pm
Pioneer Club
5:45 pm
6:15 pm
JH Youth Group
7:00 pm
Praise Team
7:00 pm
Choir Rehearsal
5:45 pm
Deacons Meeting
7:00 pm
Admin Meeting
Fellowship Meeting
Mission Meeting
7:00 pm
Praise Team
7:00 pm
Choir Rehearsal
8:00 am
Men's Bible Study
9:00 am
Covenant Garden
Work Morning
8:00 am
Men's Bible Study
12:00 pm
Ladies Luncheon
Acquire the Fire Youth Event - Sacramento
5:00 pm
Youth Worship
6:00 pm
High School Youth
CPC 25th
5:00 pm
Youth Worship
6:00 pm
High School Youth
1:00 pm
Martha Circle
3:00 pm
Pioneer Club
5:45 pm
6:15 pm
JH Youth Group
7:00 pm
Praise Team
7:00 pm
Choir Rehearsal
6:30 pm
Session Meeting
10:00 am
Chimes Folding &
3:00 pm
Pioneer Club
5:45 pm
6:15 pm
JH Youth Group
7:00 pm
Praise Team
7:00 pm
Choir Rehearsal
8:00 am
Men's Bible Study
10:00 am
Set building
for Children’s
8:00 am
Men's Bible Study
8:30 am
Church Work
Morning &
Covenant Garden
Work Morning
“Our Lord has written the
promise of the resurrection, not in
books alone, but in every leaf in
springtime.” —Martin Luther
5:00 pm
Youth Worship
6:00 pm
High School Youth
2 large lemons
3 Jake Armer
3 cup all-purpose flour
4 Becky Christian
2 tsp baking powder
6 Bill Evans
1/2 tsp salt
7 Ammi Dueñas
Natalie Jackson
9 Tony Wildey
12 Steven Jackson
Dakota Doyle
16 Paul Wilson
17 Christine Geiger
Aaron Lesher
Ian Sturtz
19 Kay Ko
22 Phillip Lynam
Jacob Simpkins
23 Dale Anderson
24 Marilyn Christensen
25 Gerry Dunlap
Liz Ball
26 Ray Westhafer
27 Mary Anderson
28 Bev Carne
30 Laverne & Bill Evans
3/4 cup unsalted butter,softened
2 1/2 cup sugar
4 Eggs
1 cup whole milk
2 tsp poppy seeds
1. Preheat oven to 325° F. Butter and flour two 9- x 5- x 3-inch
metal loaf pans, knocking out any excess flour. Finely grate
enough zest from lemons to measure 2 teaspoons and squeeze
enough juice to measure about 1/2 cup.
2. Into a bowl sift together flour, baking powder, and salt. In a large
bowl with an electric mixer beat together butter, 2 cups sugar, and
zest until light and fluffy.
3. Beat in eggs 1 at a time, beating well after each addition. With
mixer on low speed add flour mixture and milk alternately in
batches, beginning and ending with flour mixture and beating just
until batter is combined well. Beat in poppy seeds and 1
tablespoon lemon juice and divide batter between loaf pans,
smoothing tops. Bake loaves in middle of oven until a tester
comes out clean, about 1 hour. While loaves are baking, in a small
bowl stir together remaining lemon juice and remaining 1/2 cup
sugar until sugar is dissolved.
4. Cool loaves in pans on a rack 15 minutes.
5. Run a thin knife around edges of pans and invert loaves onto
rack. Turn loaves right side up and pierce tops all over with a thin
skewer. Repeatedly brush lemon glaze over tops of loaves until all
of glaze is absorbed. Cool loaves completely.
6. Tea bread keeps, wrapped in wax paper, in
an airtight container at room temperature 4 days
or, wrapped in foil and frozen, 1 month.
Yield: 2 Loaves
The Covenant Chimes is a
publication of:
Feed Your Body
Covenant Presbyterian
6695 Mae Anne Avenue
Reno, Nevada 89523
Sunday Services
8:30 am
Contemporary Worship Service
10:00 am
Sunday School
11:00 am
Traditional Worship Service
Feed Your Soul
LifeLine Wednesday
Covenant’s Mid-Week Program for the Entire Family
Dinner 5:45 pm ~ Bible Study 6:15 pm
Reaching out with the message and love of Christ
PERMIT No. 523