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General Officer Announcement
First Call e-News
The chief of staff, Army announced Monday, November 29th the following assignment:
Gray Matter e-News
Army Brig. Gen. Ralph O. Baker '82, deputy commanding general (maneuver), 1st Armored
Herbert On Sports e-News
Register of Graduates
Division/deputy commanding general-east, U.S. Division-Center, Operation New Dawn, Iraq to director for
operational plans and joint force development, J-7, The Joint Staff, Washington, DC. (Source: USDoD
Public Affairs)
Mike Lamke '94 Authors New Book: The Unsanctioned
Grad & author Mike Lamke '94 has published his first novel, The Unsanctioned.
A murder mystery thriller, a former Army Captain unmasks a Thai Blogger
capturing the interest of the director of National Intelligence who is running a
covert operation to stop anti-American bloggers... and the excitement begins!
More information about the book The Unsanctioned at his Facebook page "Mike
Lamkes-The Unsanctioned" for a discount or visit the website:
Richard Barlow Adams '67 Book Signing Dec 3
Update: Look for Richard Adams' Book Signing at the West Point Bookstore on
Friday, December 3rd, 1 - 3:30 PM
Sep 13, 2010: The Parting: A Story of West Point on the Eve of the Civil War
by Richard Barlow Adams, West Point Class of 1967, released July 2010.
Foreword by Peter M. Dawkins '59.
It is July 18, 1861 near Winchester, Virginia. The Civil War has begun, and
Confederate Lieutenant John Pelham, formerly of the West Point Class of 1861,
is about to confront his former classmates and best friends at the First Battle of
Bull Run.
Richard Barlow Adams is the first of three brothers to graduate from West Point.
Six months after graduation, I deployed to Vietnam as an artillery forward observer for D Company,
1/506th Infantry, 101st Airborne Division (of WWII "Band of Brothers" fame). Upon returning to the
States, I became an army aviator and transferred to the Army Corps of Engineers. After seven years in the
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military, my family and I returned to Austin, Texas, where I began a career as a consulting
civil/environmental engineer. Eventually moving to Baton Rouge, Louisiana, I formed, grew, and later sold
an environmental engineering company - a wonderful experience involving many wonderful people.
Read a preview from Richard Adams' new book
The Parting: A Story of West Point on the Eve of the Civil War...
Company Tapped for Honor - Jamie Arundell-Latshaw'98
A 14,000 percent revenue growth rate over three years is enough for
any young company to be noticed by the national business media.
In the case of Lexicon Inc., an El Cajon-based military training firm
owned by Fillmore resident Jamie Arundell-Latshaw '98, it’s enough
for fourth place on Inc. magazine’s annual list of the 5,000 fastestgrowing companies in the country. Lexicon also placed first on the
magazine’s lists of women-run companies and of San Diego areabased companies, and second on the list of government services
Arundell-Latshaw, 35, Lexicon’s Pres & CEO, said making such lists was one of her and husband Leroy
Latshaw’s goals when they launched the company in 2005.
“Back then, we thought that would really be out of reach,” said Arundell-Latshaw, who, like her spouse, is
a U.S. Army veteran. “But we just kept building the company, and once we heard the news that we had
been selected, we were very proud and humbled.” Arundell-Latshaw attributed her company’s growth to
its 50 full-time and 500 part-time employees, many of them U.S. military veterans and Iraqi- and AfghanAmericans.
"They go above and beyond to make our military better prepared to defend our country and to support
other nations around the globe,” said the West Point graduate, who oversees Lexicon largely from
Fillmore, where she is a stay-at-home mom taking care of the couple’s two young children.
More about Arundell-Latshaw & Lexicon's success...
Chabad Chaplains & MG Karl Horst '78 Visit CIA
Several Chabad Rabbis were recently participants at a Public Safety
Chaplains Conference in Washington, D.C. The Conference, which
invited Chaplains from the U.S. Military, and from federal, state, and
county agencies, was held at the CIA Headquarters Complex in
Langley, Virginia.
...The day-long training session featured a Keynote Address by the
Honorable Leon E. Panetta, Director of the CIA. ...The
chaplains heard from Major General Karl R. Horst '78, Commander of
U.S. Army Military District of Washington and Joint Force
Headquarters. Major General Horst, a 1978 graduate of West Point, and an experienced career battlesoldier, emphasized the need for commanders to include chaplaincy in their daily routine.(Source:
Pictured standing at the CIA Seal in Headquarters are (Left to right), Rabbi Levi Stone-Chaplain of
Connecticut Police, Rabbi Sol Lipschitz - Liaison-NYC Agencies, Major General Karl R. Horst '78, U.S. Army,
Rabbi Yosef Carlebach - Chaplain of New Jersey State Police, Chaplain Colonel Steven L. Berry-- U.S.
Army, and Rabbi Mendy Carlebach, Chaplain-Port Authority of NY & NJ Police.
Look for Caleb Campbell '08, Lions # 53 Over Thanksgiving
Updated 11-23-10: West Point graduate Caleb Campbell '08 made his NFL
debut on Sunday (11/21) with the Detroit Lions, becoming the first Army
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player to appear in a game in over a decade (and only the second in the past
30 years) ...Campbell wears No. 53 for the Lions. Keep an eye out for him on
Thanksgiving. (Source Yahoo Sports Blog / Photo: Getty images)
Previous Post: Caleb Campbell '08 Gets the Call
More than two and a half years after we first learned about Caleb Campbell
'08 at the NFL Draft, the West Point graduate has a chance to finally play his
first NFL game.
Campbell’s introduction to NFL life was delayed two years by his service to the
country, but he successfully made the Lions practice squad coming out of training camp. On Saturday, the
Lions activated him.
“Just got activated! Headed to Dallas. Ill take that!,” Campbell wrote on Twitter Saturday.
It’s quite possible Campbell could be inactive for the game, but they may use him on special teams. We
congratulate him for taking the next step on what has been a long journey. (Source: NBC Sports Nov 20,
Update: West Point Grads Elected
Updated 11-22: Links show West Point Graduate election winners
from Tuesday's Nov 2nd elections. Not every-candidate is listed here.
These are a few names that have been in the news over the past few
Ted Daley '88, R - MN State Senage, District 38
Warren Daniel '91, R - NC State Senate, District 44
Geoff C. Davis '81, R - KY 4th District, U.S. House
Steven Brett Guthrie '87, R - KY 2nd District, U.S. House
Dave Heineman '70, R- NE Governor
Jerry McNerney '73, D - CA Congress, 11th District
Bill Montgomery '89, R - AZ Maricopa County Atty, Phoenix
John Pappageorge '54, R - MI Senate, 13th District
Mike Pompeo '86, R - KS Congress, 4th Disttrict
Dan Powell '68, R - MD State Attorney
Frederick C. Rice '60, R - NH State House of Reps, Dist. 15
John Shimkus '80, R - IL US House of Rep, begin 8th term.
Dan Soucek '91, R - NC State Senate, District 45
Mick Zais '69 - SC Superintendent of Schools-elect, Newberry
Sen. Jack Reed '71 Delivers Senate Speech 11/19
Senator Jack Reed '71 D-Rhode Island gave a Floor Speech in the
Senate today (Nov 19), recognizing our West Point Grads that are
Wounded Warriors recovering at Walter Reed.
Thank you, Jim Wartski '82, for alterting us to today's speech by
Senator Reed. Go Army!
CSPAN Video of Today's Speech by Senator Jack Reed '71...
(under "transcript," scroll to min 41:07 (9 mins) to see video.)
Capt. Preston Pysh '03 Pens Diary of a West Point Cadet
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Diary of a West Point Cadet: A Graduate's Captivating and Hilarious Stories that
Teach Vital Leadership Lessons from the US Military Academy by Preston George
Pysh. A new book out this month, 212 pgs. Paperback / Released Nov 1, 2010
BG Frederick B. Hodges '80 Named Director...
In a DOD News Release on Nov 17, 2010, the chief of staff, Army announced the following assignment:
Brig. Gen. Frederick B. Hodges '80, to director, Pakistan/Afghanistan Coordination Cell, the Joint Staff,
Washington, D.C. He most recently served as deputy commander, Stability, Regional Command South,
International Security Assistance Force, North Atlantic Treaty Organization, Afghanistan. (Source: DOD
News Release - Nov 17, 2010)
WPS MN Student Leadership Seminar
The WPS of MN Student Leadership Seminar was held this
past Friday. Initial reports that the event was top notch once
again with approximately 69 students and 31 educators
attending. Attached is a photo of the leadership team and
Front Row: Lori Vertin ’82, CDT Samuel Crockett ’14, CDT
Seth Maxfield ’14, CDT Cody Kopowski ’11, David Limberg
’92, Gus Zenker ‘62
Back Row: Jeff Olson ’79, Lexa Hoffner ’93, CDT Daniel Garcia ’11, CDT Michael Wilke ’13, CDT Joe
McGinness ’12, Frank Crescioni ’79, Roger Baldwin ’64, LTC Glenn Waters ‘89
Kent Pietsch '64 Wentworth Club Captain for 2011
Kent Pietsch '64 Club Captain for 2011. Following the Annual General Meeting at Wentworth Club Oct 24,
the Club announced that they were "delighted to confirm the new Club Captain for 2011: Kent Pietsch."
Kent Pietsch is a 1964 Grad.
Wentworth membership tops 4,500 and hosts the BMW PGA Championship, which is the European Tour’s
annual flagship event. The inaugural Curtis Cup was played on Wentworth’s East Course and it was the
setting for a match that then became the Ryder Cup in 1953. Congratulations to Kent Pietsch '64.
WPS Mid-Hudson Holds Skeet & Trap Fundraiser
On Sunday, 14 November 2010, the West Point Society of the MidHudson Region sponsored a fund raiser for the Cadet Skeet and Trap
Team at the Skeet and Trap Team facility on Range 10 at Camp
Buckner. This popular annual event drew shooters ranging from
professional to first-timers from the Hudson Valley to New Jersey.
Cadet team members manned the ranges for over a dozen squads of
shooters that kept active from 10:00 a.m. well past 3:00 p.m., while
Society members provided a lunch of chili, pulled pork, salads,
vegetables and desserts. The
largest crowd to date enjoyed
the crisp, sunlit afternoon and
the warm camaraderie,
highlighted by the unveiling of a painting by John Grisoni depicting
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the venerable Dr. Joe Scancarello coaching a cadet on the team.
Slide show of the WPS Mid-Hudson Region Fundraiser for the
Skeet and Trap Team on Nov 14th...
Ben Kotwica '97 Serves America
Ben Kotwica '97 New York Jets, Assistant Special Teams Coach. "Ben
Kotwica Serves America" New York Jets coach Ben Kotwica talks
about his time as an Army Commander before he joined the
Jets.(Source NFL.com via WestPoint: The US Military Academy
Facebook page)
Short Video Spotlight featuring Jets Asst Special Teams Coach,
Ben Kotwica, Class of 1997...
James Orahood '68 on Veterans Day
Photo Caption: Daleville High School celebrated Veterans Day with a school
assembly Thursday. The event featured guest speaker James Orahood '68, a
United States Military Academy graduate from West Point. Aaron Piper / The
Herald Bulletin
DALEVILLE — In a small Veterans Day assembly in the junior/senior high
school gymnasium Thursday, Daleville students sang the national anthem and
played patriotic music. In the center of the gymnasium, a collection of men
and women took their seats. Some wore baseball caps with the letters MIA or POW. Others wore the battle
dress they’d worn in Vietnam. Others wore plain clothes, but when it came time to say the Pledge of
Allegiance, the true veterans were obvious.
Rather than placing a right hand over their hearts, the men and women in the small, quiet group lifted a
stiff hand to their brow and saluted the flag, just as they’d done in Korea, or Iraq, or Vietnam.
The featured speaker, James Orahood '68, a graduate of the United States Military Academy at West Point,
said the types of men who enlist in the military are responsible for saving the world.
More on the program and James Orahood
The Point Finder for the Military History ...by Greg Banner '79
A new book by grad Greg Banner '79, entitled, The Point Finder for the
Military History Sites of North America, is now available.
Greg writes, "This is a comprehensive reference book for the battle sites,
forts/camps, museums, parks, ships, etc... of North America (Both Canada and
the US). The intent is to list historical locations (past battle sites or forts) and
also to list any place where there is actually something to see today which
would be of interest to a military historian or buff. The book includes maps
and reference materials for each site, in addition to providing a number of
tables where the materials are cross-referenced by category.
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"As of yet there is no single resource which tries to compile all of this
information in one place and so this could be of interest and great use to both the professional military
history community and the casual tourist who likes to visit such sites."
More information and the book itself are available by e-mailing the the author at gbanner@cox.net
Couple with Passion for Helping Veterans
Marc Giammatteo '00 & Genna Griffith--A Couple with Passion for
Helping Veterans Fall in Love
SEATTLE -- They're dedicated to helping wounded warriors -veterans returning from Iraq and Afghanistan. But it was their love of
their country that eventually led them down the aisle.
Marc Giammatteo '00 is a banker at JP Morgan with a passion to help wounded veterans. That's because
he is one himself. The West Point graduate served 100 missions in Iraq. The last one ended in an IED
blast that shattered his right leg, still painful to recall. "They threw me in the back of my hum-vee,"
recalled Giammatteo. "Went as fast as we could to the outpost."
Giammatteo volunteers as a peer counselor with the group Wounded Warriors. Genna Griffith serves
veterans too. First as a singer and dancer in 600 U.S.O shows, and now through the group Achilles
International. She was moved to service by September 11.
One day their paths crossed -- they say they were brought together by love of country and service.
"It's not a job for her, it's not work, it's her life," said Giammatteo of his now wife, Genna.
Enjoy a short video interview...
Paul Bucha '65 - CTs only Living Medal of Honor Recipient
Paul Bucha '65 was a 25-year-old captain and commanding officer of Company D, 3rd Battalion, 187th
Infantry, 3rd Brigade, 101st Airborne Division, on March 16 to 19, 1968, when his actions near Phuoc
Vinh, in the Binh Duong province of Vietnam, earned him the Medal of Honor, which he was presented in
1970 by President Richard Nixon.
Connecticut's only living Medal of Honor recipient calls Ridgefield his hometown. The military bestows its
highest award on a member of the service for bravery above and beyond the call of duty and involves
risking the service member's life.
Bucha, a West Point graduate, defended his 89 men against an enemy force of about 1,500 over that
three-day period, in the course of which he received a painful shrapnel wound. "Using flashlights in
complete view of enemy snipers, he directed the medical evacuation of three air-ambulance loads of
seriously wounded personnel and the helicopter supply of his company. ..."
"There is always an element of fear," Bucha said about the battlefield, "but when the action starts, your
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training takes over and you do your job. It's not a question of courage or adrenaline. You do your job."
Read more of this article about Paul Bucha '65...
WPS Bluegrass Veterans Day Program
WPS Bluegrass had a great turnout for their Veterans Day program
even though a few key members were unable to attend the get
together luncheon.
Thank you to Jerry Cecil '66 for sending in the photo and note:
"Thanks for supporting your local society. Happy Veterans Day to
one and all---thanks for your service. ~ Jerry Cecil, '66"
Unveiling of BG Robert Neyland '16 Statue
A statue of Brig. Gen. Robert R. Neyland '16 has been overdue at the stadium that has carried his name
for the past 48 years, said one his former players.
"Gen. Neyland made Tennessee football. He was one of the leaders in football in this country," said Pat
Shires, who played for Neyland from 1950 to 1952 and was part of a committee to erect a statue of the
coach who put University of Tennessee football on the map.
Neyland had nine undefeated teams in 21 seasons, took the Vols to seven bowl games, won seven
Southern titles, one national championship and turned out more football proteges than any other coach.
When he retired in 1952, he then became UT's athletic director, the position he still held at the time of his
death in 1962.
"His impact as a coach and an athletic director, saying it's significant is an understatement," Hamilton
said. "He started an incredible tradition here. If you recognize the past, you can set the foundation of what
your future can become."
More about BG Neyland and the new statue unveiled 11/11/10...
ARMY Basketball Honors Jannarone Family
WEST POINT, N.Y. – The Army men’s basketball team will pay tribute
to former Dean of the Academic Board Brig. Gen. John Jannarone '38
and his wife, Anna May, for their long-time service to West Point and
their unwavering support of Army athletics.
Prior to the start of Army’s season opener on Friday, Nov. 12, two
seats at Christl Arena were unveiled in honor of Brig. Gen. and Mrs.
Jannarone. The seats will commemorate the countless contests the
couple cheered on the Black Knights during their association with
West Point.
“We are very proud to recognize the contributions the Jannarone family made to Army basketball and
West Point athletics,” Army men’s basketball coach Zach Spiker said. “The Jannarones were a fixture in the
West Point community and provided a tremendous role model for countless cadets. It is a testament to the
impact that they made that so many former cadet-athletes and community members are supporting this
Brig. Gen. Jannarone served as West Point’s Dean of the Academic Board from 1965-73 after a stint as a
professor of physics and chemistry from 1957-65. During his tenure as Dean, Jannarone also chaired West
Point’s Athletic Committee. A 1938 Academy graduate, Jannarone played football, basketball and baseball
as a cadet. He was commissioned in the Army Corps of Engineers and went on to earn a master’s degree
at the California Institute of Technology and a professional degree in engineering from Columbia. He was a
graduate of the Army Engineer School, the Command and General Staff College and the Army War
Read more about BG & Mrs. John Jannarone...
The Rev. Susan Sowers '82 - Pentagon to the Pulpit
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Susan Sowers would be a brigadier general by now if she had stayed in the
After all, she was a West Point graduate, a proven commander and leader,
and a full-bird colonel — the last step before getting that first general's star.
She worked with soldiers in the field and generals at the Pentagon — she was
even in the massive military complex when it was attacked on Sept. 11, 2001.
"Hands down, she would have been a general if she had stayed," said
longtime friend and mentor, retired Army Brig. Gen. Becky Halstead '81, who
has known Sowers since the 1970s. "Everyone knew it. She commanded at all levels up to brigade
command and was a great officer."
Now, she is the Rev. Susan Sowers, associate rector at St. Christopher's Episcopal Church on 12th Avenue.
She came to the church — and Pensacola — in June.
On this Veterans Day, Sowers stands as a reminder that those who served in defense of others once rarely
give that up after retirement. You'll find military retirees working for nonprofit organizations, working in
soup kitchens, mentoring children and, yes, serving in the clergy.
(Source: PNJ.com / John Blackie)
Read more about Rev. Susan Sowers '82
A Day to Honor our Veterans - LTC (R) Shawn Cowley '91
A couple of hundred Davidsonians gathered on the Village Green Thursday
morning for the annual Veterans Day ceremony that included patriotic songs of
school choirs, marching color guards, speeches and other words to honor
those who have fought for our nation.
...Army Lt. Col. (Ret.) Shawn Cowley '91, an Iraq and Bosnia war veteran and
the head of Hough High School’s Junior ROTC program, gave the keynote
speech (listen below). Noting that he is the son and nephew of World War II
veterans, he recounted his own experiences and the meaning of being a
member of the U.S. military.
“And so today I’m honored to continue what she did for me that day, and say thank you to all the
veterans in our audience, thank you for your service, thank for the great example you’ve set for me amd
my family, and thank you for making this the greatest contry on Earth. God bless you all.”
Listen to his address at this audio link...
Service Men & Women Honored & Remembered
...Local veterans of all ages were honored in Santa Barbara at several different ceremonies and events
across town - including LTC Michele Haberlach '86.
At the Veteran's Memorial Building, a West Point graduate and former Chinook helicopter pilot, who served
in Bosnia and the first Desert Storm combat mission in Iraq, helped honor female pilots who flew during
World War II. LTC Michele Haberlach '86 spoke to a crowd about her experiences overseas and the
importance of maintaining funding for veteran services. (Source: keyt.com, CA)
Video clip--LTC Michele Haberlach '86
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Veteran-Owned Green Business: Chris Boggiano '02
Veterans Day...equally as important, is the spirit of serving the greater good that these men and women
often carry with them after separating from active duty.
For many veterans returning from recent conflicts, environmental and energy issues have taken a high
priority in their value systems… and of this group, a few have made it their livelihood by starting green
businesses. They recognize the role that resource conservation plays in national security and further
economic growth… and most would rather not see their comrades fighting in parts of the world made
important by their oil reserves.
... if you’d like to find other [vet-owned businesses], take a look at the various eco-business categories at
Everblue Training Institute: Like many veterans of the Iraq War, West Point graduate Chris Boggiano '02
returned home wanting to do something about the US’ reliance on oil from other countries… some of which
don’t like us very much. His answer: Charlotte, NC-based Everblue Training Institute, which provides
training and exam preparation for those looking to enter the green building and renewable energy fields.
LTG Ben Freakley '75 - Nat'l Education Policy Leader of the Year
ARLINGTON, Va., Oct. 14 /PRNewswire/ -- U.S. Army Lt. Gen. Benjamin Freakley '75, commanding general
of the United States Army Accessions Command, has been named the Policy Leader of the Year by the
National Association of State Boards of Education (NASBE). The honor is annually given to a national or
state policymaker in recognition of their contributions to education. Freakley, the first active military officer
to receive this honor, will accept his award at NASBE's national conference on October 15, 2010 at the
Sheraton Hotel in Salt Lake City, Utah.
"In the last year, NASBE was joined in an innovative partnership with the U.S. Army in the cause of cutting
the dropout rate and improving secondary education," said NASBE Executive Director Brenda Welburn. "In
this cause, Lt. Gen. Freakley understands deeply the implications of the country's failure to graduate every
student ready for life and ready for citizenship. He is a special kind of leader who sees and is acting upon
the need for education and the military to unite in the service of America's youth to better ensure the
nation's future. For these efforts, NASBE is proud to present him as our Education Policy Leader of the
(Source: National Association of State Boards of Education /PR Newswire)
General Officer Assignments - US Department of Defense
General Officer Assignments - Oct 28
The chief of staff, Army announced today the following assignments:
Brig. Gen. Clarence K. K. Chinn '81 to, commanding general, Joint Readiness Training Center and
Fort Polk, Fort Polk, La.. He most recently served as deputy commanding general (support), 82d Airborne
Division, Fort Bragg, N.C.
Brig. Gen. John W. Nicholson Jr.'82, director, Pakistan/Afghanistan Coordination Cell, The Joint
Staff, Washington, D.C., to deputy chief of staff for Operations, International Security Assistance Force,
Operation Enduring Freedom, Afghanistan.
Source: U.S. Department of Defense
Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense (Pulic Affairs)
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Oldest Living Graduate is COL (R) Paul R. Walters '33
The Oldest Living USMA Graduate is now COL Paul R. Walters USA (Retired),
Class of 1933.
COL (R) Paul R. Walters '33 was born in 1908, and graduated from West Point
with the Class of 1933. He went on to spend 30 years in the Army. Now
retired, he currently serves as Class President, Treasurer, and Scribe. He and
his wife, Betty, reside in Alexandria, VA. He is 102 years old (in 2010).
Standard Solar Names Rick Berube '93 VP Operations
Standard Solar Names Rick Berube '93 Vice President of Operations
ROCKVILLE, Md.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Standard Solar, Inc., a leader in the full-service development,
installation and financing of solar electric systems for commercial, government and residential customers,
today announced Rick Berube has been named vice president of operations. Mr. Berube will be responsible
for Standard Solar’s Renewable Energy Hub (REH) strategy and will oversee all aspects of the company’s
operations and procurement.
“Rick is a great addition to the Standard Solar team,” said Standard Solar President Scott Wiater. “His
extensive background in supply chain operations, procurement, contracting and program management will
be an enormous asset as we continue to grow our operations.”
Prior to joining Standard Solar, Mr. Berube worked at Charles Stark Draper Laboratory, where he managed
all aspects of a more than $200 million annual budget in support of the Navy’s Trident II (D5) Fleet
Ballistic Missile Program. Before that, he taught military science and leadership development at the
Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Harvard University. He also served as an aviation officer in the
United States Army.
Mr. Berube earned a Bachelor of Science degree from the United States Military Academy and a Master of
Business Administration degree from Boston College’s Carroll School of Management.
Source: eSolar Energy News
Dr. Richard Hooker, Jr. '81 - NATO Defense College Dean
COL (RET.) Richard D. Hooker, Jr., 1981, Company I-4, Selected as the Dean of
the NATO Defense College, Rome, Italy
COL Rich Hooker, Class of 1981, retired in Washington, D.C. in June 2010 after
thirty-two (32) years of enlisted and commissioned service in the U.S. Army. A
career airborne infantryman, he has served in assignments with the 82nd
Airborne Division (Platoon Leader, 2-504th IN, Battalion Commander, 2-505th
IN), Commander, C Company (Pathfinder), 509th IN, Deputy Brigade
Commander, 173rd Airborne Brigade (Italy), XVIII Airborne Corps (Dragon
Brigade Commander), and most recently as the Chief, Communications Action Group (CAG), CJTF
Afghanistan. During his career, COL Hooker has served and commanded combat soldiers overseas in
Grenada, Kosovo, Iraq, Somalia, Rwanda, the Sinai Peninsula, and Afghanistan.
Dr. Richard D. Hooker, Jr., became Dean of the NATO Defense College in October 2010. He is a member of
the Council on Foreign Relations, the International Institute of Strategic Studies, and the Foreign Policy
Research Council. A former White House Fellow, Dr. Hooker previously taught at the Unided States
Military Academy at West Point and the National War College in Washington, D.C. He also served with the
Office for National for National Service, The White House under President George H.W. Bush, with the
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Arms Control and Defense Directorate, National Security Council during the Clinton Administration, and
with the NSC Office for Iraq and Afghanistan in the administration of George W. Bush. While at the NSC
he was a contributing author to The National Security Strategy of the United States.
Read more about Dr. Richard D. Hooker, Jr., '81 new NATO Defense College Dean...
JetBlue Names Gen (R) Stanley McChrystal '76 to BoD
NEW YORK, Nov. 9, 2010 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- JetBlue Airways (Nasdaq: JBLU) today announces the
appointment of retired General Stanley A. McChrystal to the New York-based corporation's board of
"The addition of Gen. McChrystal to JetBlue's board adds a new dimension to an already strong corps of
advisors," said Joel Peterson, chairman of the airline's board of directors. "His reputation for critical
thinking and strength in strategy will bring true value to JetBlue as we embark on the next phase of our
evolution. I look forward to working together to continue making this one of America's best-regarded
"We are honored to have Gen. McChrystal join our airline's leadership ranks," said Dave Barger, CEO and
president of JetBlue. "As we enter our second decade and continue to grow in new directions, the fresh
perspectives and counsel of leaders like Gen. McChrystal will be truly beneficial to maintaining our
competitive advantage."
..."I am pleased to join the board of JetBlue, an organization that is known for its quality, innovation, and
constant customer focus," said Gen. McChrystal. "I am eager to begin working with the board and
contributing my insights to help strengthen JetBlue's standing as a great place to work for its 13,300
Gen. McChrystal, age 56, was one of the nation's most accomplished military leaders. A 34-year U.S.
Army veteran of multiple wars, Gen. McChrystal commanded the U.S. and NATO's security mission in
Afghanistan, served as the director of the Joint Staff and was the Commander of Joint Special Operations
Command, where he was responsible for the nation's deployed military counter terrorism efforts.
(Source: JetBlueAirways / PRNewswire)
Read the News Release on JetBlue Naming Gen McChrystal '76 to their Board of Directors - PRNewswire
Lowe's & Home Depot 10% Discount w/Military ID
Thank you to grad Henmar Gabriel '61 for sending in this timely reminder. He writes, "I went to Lowe's
today and the young man who helped load the car notIced my West Point license plate and asked me if I
was in the military. I told him I had been in for 26 years, but I was now retired. He asked me if I had an
Army ID Card. I showed him my ID Card and he said that is worth 10% on any purchase at Lowe's. I
went in and asked sales person if I would get 10% off on a refrigerator. His response was, "Yes sir!" I
picked up a couple of items and when I checked out I put my ID on the counter and got a 10% discount."
Special Veteran's Day Events
ESPN Honors the Military With Week of Veterans Day Programming
The sports giant ESPN is rolling out a series of Veterans Day-related programming to honor veterans and
troops and to celebrate the link between the military and sports. On Tuesday [Nov 9], both The Herd With
Colin Cowherd (Nov. 9, 10am/9c, ESPNU and ESPN Radio) and SportsNation (4/3c, ESPN2) will be on
location at the United States Military Academy at West Point, N.Y.
Veterans Day Ruck March
Invited by a member of the Class of 2012. we are invited to participate in an event on Veterans Day. The
cadets of 1st Battalion, 1st Regiment are doing a Rucksack March to raise money for the Combined
Federal Campaign. (It is a 12-Mile March and begins at 0730, so it won’t take up your whole day off! ) On
Veterans Day (Nov 11) Starting at "the Apron.” For more information.
American Legion Post 325 of Eatontown will sponsor Veterans Day services at 11 a.m. Nov. 11 in
Veterans Plaza, (Wampum Park), located on Main Street (Route 35), Eatontown. The guest speaker is Lt.
Col. James P. Ross '90, product manager for Program Executive Office, Intelligence, Electronic Warfare &
Sensors, Fort Monmouth. A graduate of West Point with a degree in economics, he was commissioned as a
second lieutenant in field artillery and was later assigned to Fort Monmouth. In June of 2005, Col. Ross
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was deployed to Iraq, where he served in the Joint Contracting Command as director of contracting for
southern Iraq in Tallil Air Base, returning to Fort Monmouth in May 2006.
Participants in the 2010 American Legion Boys State program will be awarded at these services. From
Monmouth Regional they are: Jeremy A. Goldberg, Marcus R. Johnson, Kurt A. Mathisen, Patrick M. Rounds
and Brian M. Ruhnke. For additional information, call Joseph M. Gugliuzza at 732-455-8525
Sumter announces Veterans' Day speaker
The Sumter County Veterans Association will conduct it’s annual outdoor Veterans Day ceremony at the
Sumter County Courthouse on Thursday, Nov. 11, 11 a.m. The ceremony will be preceded by the ringing
of patriotic bell chimes from First Presbyterian Church at the corner of Main and West Calhoun Streets.
The guest speaker for this year's ceremony will be Lt. Gen. William G. Webster '74, who graduated from
the United States Military Academy and was commissioned in the Armor Branch in 1974.
Veterans Day ceremony to be Thursday, Nov. 11
To commemorate Veterans Day, American Legion Post 104 and Auxiliary Unit 104 along with Veterans of
Foreign Wars Post 9855 and Auxiliary Unit 9855 will sponsor a ceremony on Thursday, November 11,
2010, at 11:00 A.M. at the Veterans Wall of Honor in the Appomattox Courthouse Square on Court Street.
In the event of inclement weather, the ceremony will be moved to the American Legion building on
Oakleigh Avenue. All patriotic citizens from Appomattox and the surrounding area are invited to attend to
show their support and appreciation for our veterans.
The keynote address will be delivered by Brigadier General (BG) Robert M. "Bo" Dyess '82 of the U. S.
Army. General Dyess is a native of Appomattox County and is reportedly the first county native to attain
the rank of General. He is the son of Monroe Dyess and the late Frances Dyess.
Student-Athlete Leadership--LTC Mark Tribus '90
On Nov. 3, members of Ravenscroft's Student-Athlete Leadership group participated in a hands-on teambuilding session led by Lt. Col. Mark Tribus '90.
A graduate of West Point and Harvard Business School, Tribus served on active duty in the U.S. Army for
20 years. During his last military assignment at Duke University, Tribus taught leadership at both the
graduate and undergraduate level, and developed and facilitated the first-ever coach and athlete joint
leadership class. Tribus has also worked with several of the Duke athletic teams.
"I didn't really know what to expect when we started, but (Lt. Col. Tribus) told us that it would be easier if
we worked together as a team," said Emily McDowell '11. "It was pretty intense, both physically and
mentally, but I tried to keep his advice in mind and focus on the team. I think this activity really brought
us together as a group.
2010 West Point Job Fair - Arlington, VA, Dec. 3rd
If you are completing military service or seeking a new job in the civilian sector, you are encouraged to
attend the 2010 West Point Job Fair, which will be held on Friday, December 3, from 10 am to 2 pm at
the Army Navy Country Club in Arlington, Virginia. Job seeker attendance is free and exclusively for
West Pointers. We are expecting up to 33 companies and government agencies to be participating. This is
an event not to be missed if you are seeking civilian employment!
To register in advance for the job fair, visit http://www.westpointjobfair.com/, which will list the
registered employers, provide directions to the Army Navy Country Club, and offer tips for a successful job
fair experience. If you are employed but believe that your company would benefit from exhibiting at this
event (for a fee), they can register through the aforementioned web site. If they have questions about this
year's job fair, please ask them to send e-mail to WestPointJobFair@aol.com.
Again, this job fair is free and open to all West Point job seekers nationwide! If you have questions,
contact Carl Savino,'78 at WestPointJobFair@aol.com.
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Best wishes in your job search... and GO ARMY!
BG Reynold Hoover '83 - Running his First Marathon
Brig. Gen. Reynold Hoover '83 is anything but typical. The 49-year old
is the commanding general of the Joint Sustainment Command in
Afghanistan. As he prepares for his first 26-mile race, the ING New
York City Marathon, Hoover is considered accomplished by most
people’s standards. (Photo by Sgt. 1st Class Joe Cashion)
The former White House Special Assistant to the President for
Homeland Security has been training for his first marathon since last
November in Fort Hood, Texas, when pre-deployment activities began.
Then, five-mile runs seemed like long distances to the general.
As the commander of more than 10,000 service members, civilian
contractors and DoD employees sustaining the fight in Afghanistan, Hoover stays extremely busy traveling
throughout the entire theater of operations.
Runners can be chosen from a lottery; Hoover’s name wasn’t selected so he decided to run for charity to
raise money for “Hope for the Warriors.”
More about BG Hoover '83 at dvids.net...
COL Buster Hayden WPS of the El Paso Area
On Monday, 8 Nov, the former WPS El Paso Area is officially changing
the society name to the COL Buster Hayden West Point Society of the
El Paso Area. An event honoring COL James L. "Buster" Hayden '45 is
scheduled marking the event. Speakers include Chuck Harre '83;
Mayor of El Paso, Honorable John Cook; and MG Dana Pittard '81,
Commanding Genral of Fort Bliss. The Society will present COL
Hayden with the West Point Proclamation and plaque, a Letter from
Sen John Cornyn, a Texas Flag flown over the Capital from Rep Joe
Pickett, a Plaque from GEN Sullivan, AUSA; a new wine label with
wine, and and Proclamation from the City.
1LT Adam Fullerton '08 - Lacrosse
It’s hard to imagine standing in net anxiously awaiting a 100mph shot
that could come at any point. Then again, that might seem easy if
your other job is to coordinate military artillery. Adam Fullerton, a
First Lieutenant in the Army and a Major League Lacrosse goalie,
does both of these heart-racing jobs.
Year-round, Fullerton, a 2008 graduate of West Point is a fire support
officer. His main duties include coordinating airspace to make sure
the weapons being fired don’t hit any of their own planes or
helicopters and reach the intended target.
“I’m an artillery officer, and there are different variations of all these types of weapon systems but the
main focus is to coordinate air space,” Fullerton said.
...When asked what made him decide on Army he said, “It kind of came up because my twin brother
[Patrick] and I had looked to play lacrosse there. We took some visits and began to get some interest in
the place. After going up for a prospect day and an official visit I realized it was a pretty good opportunity
and we decided to go there.”
Read more about 1LT Adam Fullerton '08 and Major League Lacrosse...
Astronaut Jeff Williams '80 at West Point for Book Signing
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Astronaut COL (R) Jeffrey Williams '80, West Point Grad and recently
back from space, visited the West Point Cadet Book Store for a book
signing of his book, The Work of His Hands: A View of God’s Creation
from Space. (DCA Update - 3 Nov 2010)
Jim Nicholson '61 - Honored with Official Portrait
Department of Veterans Affairs Honors Former Secretary Jim
Nicholson '61 with Official Portrait
Washington, DC (Thursday, Nov. 4) Jim Nicholson '61, former
Secretary of Veterans Affairs was honored at a ceremony in
Washington DC unveiling his official portrait.
Nicholson was flanked by his predecessor, Secretary Tony Principi,
and his successor Secretary Eric Shinseki, who presided at the event.
Among the many guests and well-wishers were members of Nicholson’s family, his executive staff during
his tenure, and many friends, some of whom were Bush Cabinet members and diplomats.
Read the Press Release - Jim Nicholson '61 Honored with Official Portrait...
Meet the 'Hug Lady'
Bette Rose Bowers was featured on CNN video news on November
4th - she is the wife of Grad, Michael Bowers '63. Called the "hug
lady," she is profiled by CNN's Photojournalist William Walker.
The "hug lady," greets troops coming home from war in
Atlanta. They are both active members of the WPS Society of
Atlanta. Go Bette!
Short CNN video of Bette Rose Bowers (Mrs. Michael Bowers '63) Meet the Hug Lady as she greets returning Veterans.
Beat Air Force Spirit Video
Check out the latest WPAOG Spirit Videos on YouTube
The Break-In - Short 1 & The Break-In - Short 2
Go Army! Beat Air Force
The Passing of our Oldest Grad, COL (R) Thomas J. Wells '28
It is with great sadness we report that our oldest grad, Thomas J.
Wells, Class of 1928, died on October 23, 2010.
Repeating a greeting he sent out in April from Hawaii for Founders
"Greetings to my Fellow Graduates,
Ever since I graduated in 1928, 86 years ago, I have credited the
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military Academy and my associate grads with my good fortune. I am happy that West Point still continues
to furnish our Nation with highly qualified leaders. We need them now especially during these troubled
~ Aloha to you all from Hawaii, Thomas J. Wells '28"
May it be said, 'Well done,' be Thou at peace.
Shout out to the Football Team! - 1LT Mike Viti '08
LT Mike Viti '08, former West Point football player and assistant coach is with us in
Kandahar and would like to share the attached link with the football program ahead of
the Air Force game. (Short Video clip by specialist Kennedy James)
(source: dvids) Enjoy a short video clip
Operation Home Cooking Honors Military Spouses
With the full support of the Association of the United States Army (AUSA)
Family Programs, and underwriten by major coporations around the
country, Denise Sullivan Medved expects nearly 300 military spouses in the
DC/VA/MD area to attend a show she created, Operation Home Cooking
(OHC). OHC will Honor military spouses. The show will be held at the
Washington Convention Center Nov. 13 and 14, Veteran's Weekend.
Denise Sullivan Medved is the daughter of grad COL (R) Robert Patrick
Sullivan, Class of 1956, and has inherited many great things from her
father, including his entrepreneurial gene. Denise launched her venture,
Metropolitan Cooking & Entertaining Show (MCES) in 2006 with the
encouragement of many of COL Sullivan's classmates. Sadly, Col Sullivan
passed away in 2005. This year's program, Operation Home Cooking, is part of the Metropolitan Cooking
& Entertaining Show.
The Host Committee for Operation Home Cooking will be going to Bethesda Naval, Walter Reed, Wounded
Warriors, etc. to bring military spouses to the event on November 13 where they will see exhibitors, attend
a presentation by Food Network stars Paula Deen and Bobby Flay, receive a cookbook autographed by
Deen, Flay, or Rachel Ray, and be the guests at a private event lunch hosted by the spouses of senior
leaders in each branch of service. The Host Committee includes spouses of some of our top military
leaders including, Mrs. Sheila Casey, Mrs. Karen Preston, Mrs. Holly Petraeus, Mrs. Charlene Austin, Mrs.
Ellen Roughead, Mrs. Bonnie Amos, Mrs. Suzie Schwartz, Mrs. Linda Papp, Mrs. Cheryl McKinley.
Richard Graf '71 joins Corinthian Cove Consulting, LLC
SAUSALITO, California, October 28, 2010 – Corinthian Cove Consulting, LLC, which
assists investment management organizations with strategy and business development,
is pleased to announce that industry veterans Richard Graf '71 and Sheila Warner have
joined as partners. Existing members of the firm include John Boneparth, founder and
managing partner of Corinthian Cove, who previously served as president of Hall Capital
Partners and head of global institutional management at Putnam Investments, and Gail
Harris, a National Emmy Award-winning journalist and television producer.
Dick Graf '71 is the former Vice Chairman of the WPAOG.
Press Release from Corinthian Cove Consulting...
Bernard B. Banks '87 - Guest Edition: Frontline Leadership
Harvard Business Review: How Companies Can Develop Critical Thinkers and
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Creative Leaders. This post is part of an HBR Spotlight examining leadership
lessons from the military.
Today's leaders are continually cajoled to act as "outside-the-box" thinkers. Such
pronouncements give the impression the only sound solutions are ones never
previously conceived. However, what industry and the military really strive to
produce are leaders possessing strong critical and creative thinking skills. Both
implicitly eschew the notion that a box even exists. What can industry learn from the military about how to
advance the development of such leaders? One tangible example is how to construct and execute
experiential training while continuing to meet the needs of customers and stakeholders.
...If you wait for the right time to train it'll rarely occur. Today is the opportunity to prepare for tomorrow,
regardless of how much else is going on.
Bernard Banks '87, Guest, HBR's Frontline Leadership
Q&A with Advertising Age: Bryan Reese '91
In Q&A With Ad Age, Bryan Reese '91 Explains His Charge to Make Carrots Compete With Candy.
The chief marketing and innovation officer of Bakersfield, Calif.-based Bolthouse Farms, Mr. Reese is
leading the charge to market the produce just like potato chips, hoping that the new approach -- backed
by an estimated $25,000,000 ad campaign -- will spur carrot sales, which have flat-lined.
For Mr. Reese, it's perhaps his boldest step in a more than 20-year marketing career that includes time at
E.&J. Gallo Winery. He said it's too early to say if the campaign is working, but plans are in the works to
possibly expand it over the next year.
Mr. Reese, 41, a graduate of West Point and father of three, served two stints in Somalia with the Army
Corps of Engineers. In a recent interview, he discussed his marketing approach.
The carrots are sold in the produce section but also in store delis, next to juices, near checkout stands and
"everyplace where consumers are typically gong to grab something to snack on or junk food," Reese said.
More from Advertising Age on Bryan Reese and Scarrots.
Thomas A. Wuchte '82 - 2010 Award for Excellence
Thomas A. Wuchte '82 - 2010 Secretary's Award for Excellence in International Security Affairs
The Department [State Department, Office of Secretary of State] is pleased to announce the selection of
Mr. Thomas A. Wuchte '82 and Mr. Kevin P. O'Keefe as the winner and runner-up, respectively, of the
2010 Secretary's Award for Excellence in International Security Affairs.
This is a new Department-level
award, replacing the Under Secretary's Award for Excellence in International Security Affairs.
The Award recognizes individual excellence in the development, negotiation and/or implementation of
national policy and solutions to counter country-specific, regional and/or global nonproliferation, counterproliferation, political-military, arms control, verification and/or noncompliance challenges facing the United
States. The winner will receive a certificate signed by the Secretary of State and a $10,000 stipend and
the runner up will receive a signed certificate and a $2,000 stipend.
Mr. Wuchte is being recognized for his leadership in advancing efforts to implement UN Security Council
Resolution 1540, the UN resolution that established the first-ever binding obligations under Chapter VII of
the UN Charter for member states to take and enforce effective measures against the proliferation of
weapons of mass destruction, their delivery systems and related items. Mr. Wuchte's singular efforts have
ensured robust international implementation and enforcement of UNSCR 1540, established a remarkable
foundation for long-lasting multilateral cooperation that is uniformly cited as the model to follow by the
international community, strengthened international security, and advanced the cause of nonproliferation.
U.S. Department of State News Release on Thomas Wuchte '82 Receiving the Award for Excellence...
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West Point Welcomes Back Reunion Classes of '80 & '85
Enjoy the fun of all the events and Halloween at West Point
as the Reunion Classes celebrate their 30th Reunion (Class
of 1980) and 25th Reunion (Class of 1985) this weekend.!
Game Day Update:
Final: Army 29 / VMI 7
Go Army!
LTC Heyward G. Hutson III '90 Dives into Community Service
Duty & Devotion: Lt. Col. Heyward G. Hutson III '90, Sackets
Harbor, is a former Fort Drum officer who has received numerous
awards, including the Bronze Star, for service in Iraq. He is a
member of the Jefferson County Special Tactics and Rescue
(STAR) team. A West Point graduate, he holds a master's degree
in education from Northwestern State University and is serving a
one-year national security fellowship at Harvard's JFK School of
Government. He was born in Charleston, S.C., but refers to
himself as an “Army brat” who is following in the footsteps of his
father [Heyward G. Hutson II '58], also a West Point man who
served in Vietnam.
How did you get involved with the STAR team?
“When I came to Fort Drum in 1995 for the first of three separate assignments here, I was single and a
captain. I had never been connected with a community, and I wanted to do that, to help out in the
community. At Sackets Harbor, I had a conversation with a volunteer firefighter and I mentioned that I
was a certified diver. I took diving in gym class at West Point, and was certified in 1989. But I didn't dive
much until I got here in 1995.
(Photo caption: Lt. Col. Heyward G. Hutson III '90 of the Jefferson County STAR team stands in the water
after a training session in Alexandria Bay this month.)
(Source: Interview Watertown Daily Times)
Francis Q. Hoang '95 Joins FLUET HUBER + HOANG PLLC
Fluet & Huber Becomes Fluet, Huber + Hoang as Former Associate White House
Counsel and Afghanistan Combat Veteran Francis Q. Hoang '95 Joins the Firm
Woodbridge, VA (PRWEB) October 26, 2010
...the Law Offices of Fluet & Huber announced that Francis Q. Hoang '95, who served
as an Associate Counsel to the President and recently completed a tour of duty with the
U.S. Army Special Forces in Afghanistan, has joined the firm as a named Partner. The
new name of the firm is Fluet Huber + Hoang PLLC.
France Hoang served as an Associate White House Counsel and Special Assistant to President George W.
Bush from 2007 to 2009. In that role, he represented the White House in a myriad of investigations and
other sensitive matters before Congress, the GAO, and other government agencies as well as provided
legal counsel to the Homeland Security Council.
“We’re thrilled that France has joined the firm,” said Joseph Fluet, Founding Partner. “As one of
Washington’s most prominent lawyers, he will bring the experience, dedication, and intellectual firepower
our clients have come to expect.”
“France could have joined any firm in the country, and he chose Fluet & Huber,” said Jennifer Huber,
Managing Partner. “He is one of a kind, and will be a tremendous asset to both the firm and our clients."
Source: News Release
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Statue Dedication to the late GEN (R) Wayne Downing '62
Texas billionaire and former presidential candidate H. Ross Perot dedicated a statue to his friend, the late
GEN Wayne A. Downing '62 (1940-2007), during ceremonies at the GEN Wayne A. Downing Peoria
International Airport Thursday. Joining Perot on the stage is keynote speaker, Vice Adm. William McRaven,
commander of the Joint Special Operations Command.
The Glee Club Knight Caps (one of the cadet Glee Club's a cappella groups) travelled to Peoria, IL to
perform at the dedication of the memorial garden & statue of GEN Downing at the newly re-named GEN
Wayne Downing International Airport.
Photos of the Dedication ceremony
COL (R) Dave Buckley '75 to Sr VP nFocus Software
nFocus Software Hires COL Dave Buckley '75 as Senior Vice President of Government Business
LEAVENWORTH, Kan., Oct. 25 /PRNewswire/ -- nFocus Software, the leading provider of performance
management, training, and outcome measurement software, announced today that COL (Ret) Dave
Buckley, former Senior Growth Manager at Raytheon Missile Systems in Tucson, Arizona has joined the
company as Senior Vice President of Government Business Development, working out of the Leavenworth,
Kansas office.
Dave has established a formidable reputation as a senior defense leader and as a corporate executive,"
said Ananda Roberts, President of nFocus Software. "His depth and range of experience are incredibly
valuable to nFocus Software as we continue to develop effective and efficient training solutions for our
During his distinguished career with the U.S. military, Buckley served as Chief of Staff for the United
States Army Combined Arms Center (CAC) in Fort Leavenworth, Kansas where he was instrumental in the
reorganization of CAC as an integrating center and the initial design of the TRADOC Centers of Excellence.
"nFocus Software continues to provide excellent training, simulation and data management software for
our nation's military," said Buckley. "I am pleased to be a part of such an innovative company's rapid
growth and expansion."
nFocus Software is the leading provider of performance management, training and outcome measurement
software to the public sector.
Source: PR Newswire
Brian J. Poe '90 named VP Berico Tailored Systems
Telecommunications - Brian J. Poe has been hired as vice president of operations by Berico Tailored
Systems, of Columbia (MD). Poe, a West Point graduate, recently retired from the Army after 20 years of
service. He served as a military intelligence officer specializing in signals intelligence at the National
Security Agency and the Army’s Intelligence and Security Command headquarters. In fall 2007, Poe was
named the signals intelligence adviser for the XVIIIth Airborne Corps, then served in Iraq from December
2007 to February 2009. He has been awarded the Legion of Merit, the Bronze Star, and the Knowlton
Award for excellence in military intelligence. Berico Tailored Systems is a Veteran-Owned Small Business
that provides advanced mobile telecommunications technology, software development and integration for
the U.S. government and the private sector.
(Souce: The Daily Record)
'The WHY of It' - a new book by David S. DeHorse '80
The WHY of it: Langdell's Generation Speaks to Today's Law Students, a new
book by grad author MAJ (Ret) David S. De Horse '80 invites readers to prepare
for Law School unconventionally...to learn how to feel it."
The book..."portrays the original, idealized Case System of Legal Study as
established at the Harvard Law School and described in the literature of the day
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between 1870 and 1918. Law students today know the Case System as "the
Socratic Method" in reference to one of the system's main component parts.
Based on my research and experience I believe a "learning gap" exists for those
law students who think of the educational process as "the Socratic Method"'
my "dart on the wall" of that population is 70% of any law school class. This
book is designed to compress the time span between beginning the study of law
using Appellate level cases and reaping a fuller educational benefit by understanding the system
involved." To read more and for more infomration on the book and the author - see David DeHorse's
website (prepareforlawschool.com)...
Deb Lewis '80 & Doug Adams '80 - Duty, Honor, America Tour
...For America's Veterans and Military: LTC (R) Doug Adams '80
and COL (R) Deb Lewis '80 are on a bike ride. And what a ride it
is! Doug and his wife are taking on a 16,000 mile trek through 50
states over the next year.
Deb accompanying him in a motorcoach--all for their project: the
Duty Honor America Tour. The project aims to raise the awareness
of Vet and Military needs, by talking to Vets and veteran support
groups, listening to their stories as they cross, actually crisscross,
America over the next year. They're hoping to help target specific
needs as they travel. They left Maine on October 7th; Deb arrived at
West Point Thursday 10/21 and expects Doug to Friday 10/22 and
will spend a few days at West Point attending their Class of 1980 Reunion.
Photo Update: Doug Adams & Deb Lewis (Mr & Mrs. Adams, both Class of 80) stopped in at WPAOG while
at West Point not only for their 30th Reunion but also as part of their Duty Honor America Tour. With
them are WPAOG VP John Calabro '68 (l) and WPAOG President Bob McClure '76 (r).
COL (R) Deb Lewis '80 (with Daisy) in front of the motor coach
--her husband Doug Adams '80 is on the road cycling and
expected at West Point October 21st. You can read more about
their admirable trip, learn more about the Duty Honor America
Tour, and view a route map at
Happy 30th!
2010 Annual Meeting
Yesterday afternoon, the West Point Association of Graduates held its annual meeting in Herbert Hall. The
business of the meeting was to vote on candidates for Director, on candidates for Advisor at Large, and on
three proposed changes to the Association’s Bylaws.
All graduates were sent notice of the meeting via electronic or postal mail. 1457 ballots and proxies were
returned and voted at the meeting.
For Director with a three-year term, beginning 1 January 2011:
D. David Hostler ’68
1374 votes
Stanley J. Shipley ’73
1379 votes
Darcy G. Anderson ’78
1381 votes
John M. Robb ’91
1350 votes
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For Advisor at Large with a three-year term, beginning 1 January 2011:
Albert F. Dorris ’59
1334 votes
Robert K. DeVries ’62
1320 votes
Joseph W. Adamczyk ’72
1346 votes
Carl P. Cecil ’79
1332 votes
Kerry J. Trahan ’88
1310 votes
James A. Bland ’97
1310 votes
Bylaws Changes – all passed:
Change allowing non-graduates to serve in some officer positions with the Association
1384 votes
Change adding necessary detail to the indemnification provision of the bylaws
1415 votes
Changes to correct proofing errors in the current Bylaws’ text
1427 votes
The President and CEO, Bob McClure ’76, thanks all graduates who participated in the election and offers
his congratulations to those volunteers who have been elected.
Shooting Down Time: LTG (R) Bill Ely '33
September 10 2010- SPORTS ILLUSTRATED - A Retired General Proves that
age is no excuse and golf really is a game for life, by LTG (R) Bill Ely '33.
"A lot of people get excited when a top pro such as Arnold Palmer or Gary
Player shoots his age. I used to get excited about shooting my age, but not
so much anymore. I guess that's because I've done it more than 2,000 times
—2,005 to be exact..."
...Bill Ely will be 99 in December!
Read the Artice (PDF)
or Read the online excerpt at Sports Illustrated...
2011 & 2012 Reunion Schedule
Save the date for you reunion now.
Class of 1951
28 Apr – 1 May 11
Retiree Open House Weekend
Class of 1936
15-18 May 11
Graduation Week
Class of 1941
15-18 May 11
Graduation Week
Class of 1946
15-18 May 11
Graduation Week
Class of 1956
15-18 May 11
Graduation Week
Class of 1961
15-18 May 11
Graduation Week
FALL 2011
Class of 1966
22-25 Sep 11
Beat Ball State; Away Football Game
Class of 1971
8-11 Sep 11
Beat San Diego State
Class of 1976
15-18 Sep 11
Beat Northwestern
Class of 1981
15-18 Sep 11
Beat Northwestern
Class of 1986
27-30 Oct 11
Beat Fordham
Class of 1991
29 Sep – 2 Oct 11
Beat Tulane; Homecoming
Class of 1996
29 Sep – 2 Oct 11
Beat Tulane; Homecoming
Class of 2001
29 Sep – 2 Oct 11
Beat Tulane; Homecoming
Class of 2006
29 Sep – 2 Oct 11
Beat Tulane; Homecoming
Class of 1967
26–29 Apr 12
Retiree Open House Weekend
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Association of Graduates - United States Military Academy
Class of 1937
20-23 May 12
Graduation Week
Class of 1942
20-23 May 12
Graduation Week
Class of 1947
20-23 May 12
Graduation Week
Class of 1952
20-23 May 12
Graduation Week
Class of 1957
20-23 May 12
Graduation Week
Class of 1962
20-23 May 12
Graduation Week
FALL 2012
Class of 1972
13-16 Sep 12
Beat Northern Illinois
Class of 1977
25-28 Oct 12
Beat Ball State
Class of 1982
25-28 Oct 12
Beat Ball State
Class of 1987
27-29 Sep 12
Beat Stony Brook
Class of 1992
11-14 Oct 12
Beat Kent State; Homecoming
Class of 1997
11-14 Oct 12
Beat Kent State; Homecoming
Class of 2002
11-14 Oct 12
Beat Kent State; Homecoming
Class of 2007
11-14 Oct 12
Beat Kent State; Homecoming
Make sure to keep an eye on your mail box and email box for more details. You can also check your class
website for updates.
WPAOG Ticket Exchange
The WPAOG ticket exchange is in full effect. As a Net Community member you can post
tickets for sale or tickets needed. You can find the ticket exchange under Stay In Touch.
The ticket exchange is set up as an RSS feed so you can subscribe to it and keep track of
all new postings. Just click on the orange square and then click on subscribe when the feed
page appears. Ticket Exchange
This service was brought to you by the West Point AOG. We do rely on gifts to the Long Gray Line
Endowment to make services like this possible. Consider making a gift online.
Our Youngest Football Fans...
These babies decked-out in Army apparel were spotted at the
Tulane game on 9 October!
L-R: CPT Mike Haith '03 holding Lauren Haith and Marlee Duhon
in the arms of Glenn Duhon '94
Thank you to COL Todd Browne '85, DAA, for providing the
Col. Mark L. Stock '89 Takes Command of 'Devil' Paratroopers
Col. Mark L. Stock '89 took command on Friday of the 82nd Airborne Division's 1st Brigade Combat Team
and 504th Parachute Infantry Regiment at Fort Bragg.
"Sixty-seven years ago this very day, the 504th Parachute Infantry Regiment arrived at Fort Bragg and
held their first formation," Stock said. "Since then, 'Devil' paratroopers have established a legacy of
discipline, initiative and valor."
Stock replaced Col. Mark R. Stammer as commander of the unit that traces its lineage to the "Devils in
Baggy Pants" of World War II.
Stammer praised his successor as "an exceptionally gifted paratrooper, leader and combat-proven veteran
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Association of Graduates - United States Military Academy
of the Devils."
Stock, a 1989 West Point graduate, began his Army career as a rifle platoon leader in the division's 505th
Parachute Infantry Regiment and commanded 504th's 2nd Battalion. He has a master's degree in public
administration from Harvard.
"I can only say that I'm deeply honored and humbled to stand once again among these heroes and in the
ranks of our nation's finest brigade combat team," Stock said.
(Source: FayObserver)
Buried Treasure: West Point Ring Returned to Ralph Tuccillo '68
HAMPTON BEACH — In the early hours of the morning on Aug. 22, Scott Ewell knew that he had found
something special as he was searching the sands of Hampton Beach with his metal detector. Ewell, a 65year-old resident of Rowley, uncovered a 1968 West Point class ring buried a foot beneath the wet sand.
...Ewell, a military veteran himself, knew that this was a ring that could not be resold. "That's like the
Super Bowl ring of the military," he said. "It struck me that this ring should only be worn by one person. I
knew that I had no right to it." Ewell became determined to return the ring to its rightful owner.
After searching for the name inscribed on the inside of the ring, Ralph R. Tuccillo '68, over the Internet, it
did not take long to locate the retired Army colonel. It turns out, Tuccillo, had been vacationing at
Hampton Beach, lost the ring three weeks earlier while playing football in the surf. "I really thought it was
still on my finger," said Tuccillo. "But I looked down and it was gone."
"It says a lot about Scott's character," said Tuccillo. "He is a Good Samaritan, and I appreciate it."
(Source: The Daily News of Newburyport Mon Sep 27, 2010)
Army Advocate of the Month: Elisa Basnight '91
Elisa Basnight '91 Honored as Army Advocate of the Month
Philadelphia, PA - U.S. Army Advisory Board Member
A member of the Philadelphia Army Advisory Board, Elisa Basnight, is a law firm
attorney and founder of Girls Action Network, Inc., a nonprofit dedicated to
encourage young women to shatter stereotypes surrounding their education and
career opportunities. Elisa previously served in the U.S. Army. She supports the
Mid-Atlantic Recruiting Battalion through her involvement on the local Advisory
Board along with serving as a speaker at the Army Experience Center for youthfocused programs.
Q: How did you get involved with the Army?
Read more of the interview with Elisa Basnight '91...
TCL Commissioner GEN (R) Arthur E. Brown Jr. '53 to Receive
Technical College of the Lowcountry Commission Chairman General Arthur E. Brown Jr. '53 (U.S. Army
Retired) will receive the Distinguished Alumnus Award from The University of Pittsburgh Graduate School
of Public and International Affairs this Friday, October 8.
The Distinguished Alumnus Award is GSPIA's most prestigious award and recognizes individuals whose
outstanding professional accomplishments bring honor to the school and inspire students as role models.
To date, only 32 of 7,000 alumni worldwide have received the designation.
Brown, a Hilton Head Island resident, has been a member of the TCL Commission since 1997 and also has
served as chairman of the TCL Foundation.
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Association of Graduates - United States Military Academy
Brown graduated in 1953 from the United States Military Academy at West Point with a Bachelor of Science
degree. Brown received a Master of Public and International Affairs degree from the University of
Pittsburgh in 1965. Brown's distinguished 36-year career in the U.S. Army culminated in the rank of fourstar general and an appointment to Vice Chief of Staff of the Army. He also saw duty as both an advisor
and battalion commander during two tours in Vietnam and served as Deputy Superintendent at West Point
and Director of the Army Staff.
Veterans Green Jobs Appoints New CEO - Bill Doe '74
Dr. Bill Doe '74, Career Army Veteran and Environmental Leader, Brings
Experience to the Nonprofit
Oct. 5, 2010, Denver, Colo. – Veterans Green Jobs, a national nonprofit
dedicated to connecting veterans with meaningful opportunities in the green
jobs economy, has named Dr. William (Bill) W. Doe III '74, Ph.D, P.E., as its
new CEO. Bringing 35 years of combined experience in environmental and
natural resources conservation, the U.S. Army and higher education, Doe was
selected by Veterans Green Jobs’ board of directors as a result of a national
search. He will take the helm as CEO on October 15.
“I am honored to have been selected to lead Veterans Green Jobs to new
levels as an organization,” Doe stated. “Most importantly, I’m proud to be in
the vital role of successfully engaging veterans with our business, academic,
government, foundation and nonprofit partners as they seek sustainable jobs in the green economy
sectors. As both President Obama and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Admiral Mullen, have recently
stated, it is our nation’s obligation and sacred trust to assist our veterans as they and their families return
to our communities.”
In a statement to the WPAOG Mr. Doe stated that the lessons and values he learned at West Point of
personal responsibility, integrity, consideration of others and hard work has served him well beyond his
military career. He goes on to say, "During my fourteen years in higher education, as a researcher and
senior administrator, I have found these same skills and values apply equally in other settings and
environments. I am constantly reminded that leadership, both formal and informal, is about inspiring
others to perform beyond their own expectations and setting the conditions and organizational climate for
success. Schofield’s Definition of Discipline (first memorized as a West Point Plebe) has been one of my
guides for how to lead."
More about Veterans Green Jobs and the Press Release on CEO Dr. Bill Doe '74...
Grads Launch Duty, Honor, America Tour
Grads Deb Lewis '80 and Doug Adams '80 Launch Duty, Honor,
America Tour
Two veterans, Doug Adams (Cyclist) and his wife Deb Lewis (CEOChief Everything Officer), along with their little dog Daisy (Boss),
embarked on Oct 7th 2010 on a year-long cycling tour of the United
States to educate and inspire Americans to pay attention to what REALLY helps our veterans and military.
Read more about Duty, Honor, America Tour...
Find a West Point Grad Online
As a West Point graduate you can search for other grads online. You
can search by city and state, or company and class, or any
combination of each. - The search results are for living graduates only.
As a member of the Net Community you will have access to additional
search fields. If you are not currently a net community member please
consider registering. Visit the find a grad page online here.
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Association of Graduates - United States Military Academy
This service was brought to you by the West Point AOG. We do rely on
gifts to the Long Gray Line Endowment to make services like this possible. Consider making a gift online.
Electrical Engineering Senior Design Team Test DemonEye!
WEST POINT, N.Y. (Oct. 7, 2010) -- A West Point Class of 2010
electrical engineering senior design team will see their invention
tested by Soldiers in Afghanistan. Their device, named DemonEye,
adds precision and speed to battlefield target location.
Refining the cadet's proof-of-concept prototype to make a combat
system has been the responsibility of Lt. Col. Scott Crino, a former
West Point systems engineering instructor.
Cadets, now 2nd Lts. Derek Wales, George Hopkins and John
Eischer completed the DemonEye prototype for Projects Day in April. Shortly afterward, Wales delivered it
to AWG as a personal initiative, based on guidance from Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
faculty members and his father.
On Oct. 1, only five months later, Crino returned the prototype along with a new, ruggedized operational
version developed by Johns Hopkins University's Applied Physics Laboratory with AWG funding.
DemonEye won the West Point Scott R. Clark Innovation for Soldiers Award during the Projects Day
competition. It combines a laser range finder, digital compass, global positioning system and computer
control to calculate target locations quickly and accurately. It may also reduce the risk that human error
leads to misdirected weapons fire. (Photo Credit: Mike Strasser, West Point Directorate of Public Affairs
and Communications.) (source army.mil)
Gen. Stanley McChrystal '76
Four-star Gen. Stanley McChrystal '76 retired from his storied military career in
June 2010.
Before his resignation as commander of all U.S. and international forces in
Afghanistan, McChrystal, a graduate of the United States Military Academy at West
Point, was the director of the Joint Staff and the commander of the Joint Special
Operations Command.
While heading the JSOC, McChrystal oversaw the capture of Iraqi dictator Saddam
Hussein and is credited with the elimination of al-Qaeda in Iraq leader Abu Musab
In September 2010, McChrystal began teaching a course on leadership at Yale University. Titled
“Leadership in Operation,” the class will be offered to graduate students at Yale’s Jackson Institute for
Global Affairs and will cover a diverse range of topics such as the media environment and navigating
McChrystal will also draw on his personal combat experiences in teaching the course (Source: Jack Moore,
Executive Profiles, Sep 27, 2010, ExecutiveGov)
Generous Homecoming Reunion Gifts!
The Classes of ’90, ’95, ’00, and ’05 returned to West Point for
their reunion celebrations this Homecoming weekend.
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Association of Graduates - United States Military Academy
The Class of 2000, in commemoration of its 10th reunion,
presented a gift of $250,000 to West Point during the Army v.
Temple football game (photo). ...Representing the class on the
field were, Mr. Omar Ritter, Class Vice President; MAJ Katrina
Lewison, Class Secretary; MAJ Nate Conkey, Co-Chair for the
Class of 2000 Reunion Committee, and MAJ Jason Galui, who
represented Major Class donors and is a member of the 2000
reunion committee. They were joined by the President and CEO of the West Point Association of
Graduates, Colonel (Retired) Robert L. McClure '76 and the 58th Superintendent Lieutenant General David
H. Huntoon, Jr. '73.
We thank the Classes of ’90, ’95, ’00 and ’05 for their outstanding support for West Point!
Read more about the Reunions held over Homecoming Weekend...
The Passing of MG (Retired) Raymond P. Murphy '42
With deep regret we report the passing of MG (R) Raymond Patrick
Murphy '42 on 29 September 2010 at The Fairfax Retirement
Community, Fort Belvoir, Virginia. Born on 11 December 1917 in
Montana, Ray Murphy entered West Point in 1938 as member of the
class of 1942.
As a cadet, Ray Murphy stood out among his classmates. In an era
when plebes were not allowed to play on varsity teams, he lettered 3
years in basketball, 3 years in lacrosse (a game he learned to play as
a cadet), and 3 years in football. He was a three year starter in all
Read more about MG (R) Raymond P. Murphy '42...
Service Academy Career Conference – SACC
Austin, TX SACC - November 11-12, 2010
Registration Deadline: 31 October 2010
The Service Academy Career Conference is a two-day career seminar and job
fair; last year more than 300 employer recruiting teams participated. It is an
open format where you may meet directly with any employer.
SACC is a job fair exclusive to graduates of the U.S. Military Academy at West Point, the U.S. Naval
Academy in Annapolis, the U.S. Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs, the U.S. Coast Guard Academy in
New London and the U.S. Merchant Marine Academy in Kings Point.
If you miss the registration deadline please attend as a walk-in candidate and pay $40 at the door on
Friday. Bring 25-30 resumes.
Future SACC Conferences
Savannah GA, 3-4 March, 2011
Washington, DC 26-27 May, 2011
Seattle, WA 18-19 August, 2011
Candidate and Company Registration Info
This is just one of the many services the WPAOG provides to it's members. Membership is free however,
we do rely on gifts to the Long Gray Line Endowment to make this possible. Consider making a gift
ITT Appoints Kenneth W. Hunzeker '75
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ITT Appoints Kenneth W. Hunzeker '75 to Lead Government Relations for Its Defense Segment
MCLEAN, Va., Oct 04, 2010 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- ITT Corporation (ITT 46.46, -0.56, -1.19%) today
announced the appointment of Kenneth W. Hunzeker as vice president of government relations for the
company's Defense and Information Solutions segment, based in McLean, Va.
In this leadership role, Hunzeker, 58, will be responsible for establishing and maintaining relationships at
the senior level of the U.S. Department of Defense, military service staffs and government agencies and be
a focal point for coordinating a technical interface with these customers. He will also build productive and
effective relationships with members of Congress and Congressional committees and their staffs in order to
provide guidance on proposed legislation and regulation issues that have an impact on ITT Defense
programs. Additionally, he will be responsible for supporting long-range marketing strategy and business
planning. Hunzeker will report to David F. Melcher '76, president of ITT Defense and Information Solutions.
"Ken has extensive defense community experience in program management, strategy development and
finance and has worked with key decision makers within the United States Army, Department of Defense,
Office of Management and Budget, and Congress for many years," said Melcher. "His depth of
understanding our customers and his strategic awareness of how the defense space is evolving will be
invaluable assets as ITT looks to grow in the future." (Source: ITT Corporation, Wall Street Journal:
Market Watch, October 4, 2010)
Submit Your Favorite Recipes!
Don't let the gremlins grab you for not submitting your favorite recipe! The end of October marks the
deadline for the West Point Women's Club to receive YOUR recipies for their upcoming book. You can
follow the link to the PDF of the info about the upcoming book. e-mail your delectible dish recipes to
ckrdharris@aol.com or shannon.x.2@hotmail.com or use the info on the PDF link below.
Calling all West Point Foodies! A reminder that the West Point Women’s Club is looking for graduates
and their families to contribute their favorite recipes for the newest West Point cookbook, to be published
in 2011. This promises to be the largest edition ever published, so send in your favorites!
Anyone affiliated with West Point is welcome to submit recipes – this includes cadets, parents,
grandparents, retired graduates, USMA and West Point civilian employees.
Grad Nick Hill '07- from Army to Team USA
10/01/2010 - Puerto Rico -- Nick Hill '07 has served his country. Now
he's playing for his country.
Hill, a left-handed pitcher in the Seattle Mariners' organization who
three years ago became West Point's highest-drafted baseball player,
is a member of Team USA. Comprised of 24 minor league players not
currently on major league 40-man rosters, the club is participating in
the Pan American Games/World Cup Qualifier that begins here Friday.
The United States, one of 13 teams, opens against Puerto Rico
Saturday night.
For Hill, this is his second go-round on a national team. He competed
with the USA Baseball National Team that captured the International University Sports Federation World
Championship in 2006, becoming the first Army player since Steve Reich (1993) to play for Team USA.
"Getting to do this, just getting the opportunity to put the uniform on is really a privilege," Hill told
FanHouse. "I am just soaking up every minute of it and enjoying it. It's a pretty cool experience just
getting to play with all of these other guys.
"I am grateful every day just to be playing, period." Source MLB Fanhouse
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MG Rhett A. Hernandez '76 to U.S. Army Cyber Command
The Department of the Army announced today that Maj. Gen. Rhett A. Hernandez assumed
command of U.S. Army Cyber Command (ARCYBER) during a ceremony held at Fort Belvoir, Va.
Army Cyber Command is the Army's service component to U.S. Cyber Command, a sub-unified
command under U.S. Strategic Command. Army Cyber Command's mission is to plan, coordinate,
integrate, synchronize, direct, and conduct network operations and defense of all Army networks. When
directed, ARCYBER will conduct cyberspace operations in support of full spectrum operations to ensure
U.S. and allied freedom of action in cyberspace, and to deny the same to adversaries. (Source: DoD
Press Release, Oct. 1, 2010)
LTC Troy Perry '89 Promoted to COL
Troy Perry, son of David and Roberta Perry of Belfast, was promoted by the
U.S. Army from Lieutenant Colonel to Colonel in a ceremony held at the
National War College at Fort McNair in Washington, D.C., Sept. 17.
Perry has been in the Army for more than 22 years. He has served in
numerous command and staff positions in locations around the world.
...Perry has been in the Army for more than 22 years. He has served in
numerous command and staff positions in locations around the world. His
tours of duty have included Germany, Kuwait and Iraq, in addition to
numerous assignments around the Unites States...
In previous assignments, he served as an instructor and assistant professor
at the United States Military Academy and as the aide-de-camp and assistant
executive officer to the commanding general of the Training and Doctrine
Command. Col Perry's most recent assignment was serving as a strategic
planner in the Executive Strategy Group in the Office of the Chief of Staff of the Army. He is currently a
student at the National War College at Fort McNair. He is a graduate of the Armor Basic and Advanced
Courses, the Combined Arms Staff Services School and the Army Command and General Staff College. He
earned a bachelor's degree in political science from the United States Military Academy in 1989 and a
master's degree in public policy from Harvard's John F. Kennedy School of Government in 1999.
B&B's for Vets
MORGANTOWN, W.Va. — A West Virginia innkeeper who started letting military families stay free for
Veterans Day in 2008 has recruited 400 inns across the U.S. and Canada as part of an initiative to offer
free rooms this fall. B&Bs for Vets is a way to thank active and retired military members for their service
and to raise awareness of the bed-and-breakfast industry, said Kathleen Panek, who runs the Gillum
House in Shinnston.
Walt Hylander '45 and his wife, Jean, who own Rosswood Plantation in Lorman, Miss., have taken Panek's
idea a step further, providing free accommodations in their four-room inn to active service members yearround...As of Tuesday morning, nearly 400 independently owned inns, including five in Canada, had signed
on to offer free rooms Nov. 10, the night before Veterans Day. (source: Associated Press)
Pass the Ragsdale, Please!
"What a great day for Army football this past
Saturday. It was 95 degrees at kickoff and our
Black Knights never cooled-off. The Duke
Homecoming Party was spoiled by an opportunistic
Army defense and an offense that chewed-up
yardage both on the ground and through the air
(two TD passes). The game was effectively over by
the end of the 3rd Qtr. with Army up 35-7. Our
second string played much of the 4th Qtr. when
Duke scored two late TD’s. The Army crowd (which
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Association of Graduates - United States Military Academy
included a great contingent from the 82nd ABN DIV)
was big and boisterous and stayed right to the
end. Army’s “unofficial” Rabble Rouser, COL Dan
Ragsdale ’81, got hoisted into the air in celebration by the cadets much to the delight of everyone. With
the team standing at attention to our front, the Alma Mater was sung full-throat and ended with a cheer of
BEAT NAVY!" ~ Thank you to Marc Gunnells '77, Major Gifts Officer here at WPAOG for capturing a great
'Haint Blue' by Carl E. Linke '70
Haint Blue - A new book out in June 2010 by grad Carl
E. Linke '70. 316 pages, 5 reviews so far - all 4 and 5
A Look Inside: Chapter 7
Carl E. Linke graduated from the U.S. Military Academy
(West Point) then served as an Infantry officer in the
U.S. Army for twenty years. After leaving the service he
spent professional years developing and promoting startup companies in Chicago and in the Research Triangle of
North Carolina. Carl and his wife live in Chapel Hill, NC.
He longs for the day when he can sit on the dock to
watch the sunrise over Lucy Creek in Beaufort, SC.
From the Publisher's site: "A Lowcountry tale of a secret,
a hex and the Gullah community, filled with century old
strife, passion, grisly violence, LIARS tales and local
legends, Haint Blue lures the reader into the pluff mud
and out of South Carolina marshes in a compelling story
of guilt, forgiveness and hope."
50-Year Affiliation Program
The 50-Year Affiliation Program enables the cadet Class and the graduated Class to interact with one
another at least one time during each of the four years at the Academy. Each affiliation event occurs in
conjunction with an event of special significance to the cadet Class. The program has matured to become
an indispensable element in not only the development of cadets but also the strengthening of the Long
Gray Line as cadets “Grip Hands” with those who preceded them a half-century earlier. The most recent
graduated class of 2010 was honored to have members of the Class of 1960 present at every major
milestone, informally interacting and offering advice to the Class of 2010 as part of the 50-Year Affiliation
“It gives the older class a rare opportunity to pass on valuable
experiences to the younger class and to establish a few lasting
relationships,” explains LTG (Ret.) Charley Otstott, President of the
Class of 1960. He has attended numerous events including Branch Night,
where he had the opportunity to pin his own Infantry crossed rifles on the
current First Captain—a gift spanning half a century. “It’s a gratifying
experience, and I’m proud to have the cadets carry on these great
traditions,” he noted.
Words of wisdom also passed from one class president to another. “LTG Otstott has given me some of
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Association of Graduates - United States Military Academy
the soundest advice during my time here,” recalls Cadet Arron Conley, President of the Class of 2010
(pictured left). “His class’s willingness to dedicate so much time and effort to our professional,
social, and ethical development truly highlights their commitment to service,” he says. “The
program is critical to maintaining and reinforcing the bonds of the Long Gray Line. Hopefully we
can pay it forward to the Class of 2060.”
At West Point, cadets not only receive a first-class education, as they are transformed into selfless leaders,
but also form lifetime bonds with classmates and an attachment to the historic buildings and grounds that
beckon them to return even decades later. The West Point Association of Graduates understands
the profound importance of maintaining the unbreakable connection among members of the
Long Gray Line—those of the past, those of today, and those of tomorrow. It is an organization
funded neither by the Academy nor by dues, but rather by the generosity of people like you.
Your support of the Long Gray Line Endowment helps keep Herbert Hall, your home at West Point, open
and functioning, and your gifts support programs such as the Ring Melt and 50-Year Affiliation Program, as
well as communications from West Point, memorial services, class and society support, career services,
and graduate archives—keeping you connected to West Point and the Corps of Cadets. You perpetuate the
events, the awards, the traditions. You provide the means that honor you, your families, today’s cadets,
and West Point itself—all hearts clad in gray.
Consider supporting the Long Gray Line Endowment with an online gift.
'Remember the Rowboats'--by Jim Grunseth '74
Grad Jim Grunseth '74 and his wife Barbara have
recent book Remember the Rowboats. It's a tool for
marriages. "Your marriage, like two rowboats meant to
be together, will slowly and subtly drift apart unless you
are well anchored." One review out of several: "If
you're looking for a book on building your marriage that
is forged out of the fire of personal experience,
Remember the Rowboats is for you. It's solid, helpful,
practical, biblical advice on keeping it all together when
everything is falling apart. The chapter "Oars and Life
Jackets" is worth the whole book."
Jim and his wife, Barbara, serve with Campus Crusade in
Christ in Wisconsin.
Other literature and more about the book...
Thank You '75! Class Presents $1M Gift at 35th Reunion
Class of 1975 Presents a 35th Reunion Gift of $1 million
to Thomas Jefferson Hall Cadet Library and Learning
During their 35th reunion gathering this past weekend,
Class of 1975 alumni presented a gift of $1,000,000 to
West Point for Thomas Jefferson Hall Cadet Library and
Learning Center. The class is recognized for this gift on
the “Class of 1975 Terrace”, located on the 6th floor of
the library, overlooking the Plain.
The Honorable Wes Hayes, Class President, and Fundraising Chairman Dr. Paul Schaefer represented the
Class on the field during the formal presentation that occurred during the victorious Army vs. North Texas
game on 18 September.
Photo, left to right: Superintendent LTG David H. Huntoon '73, Class of 1975 President Wes Hayes, Class
of 1975 Fundraising Chairman Paul Schaefer, WPAOG President COL (R) Robert L. McClure '76.
More on the Class of 1975 Reunion Gift...
Bill Roedy '70 to leave MTV
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Veteran international chief, Bill Roedy '70, to step down
LONDON -- Bill Roedy, the architect of MTV's global expansion for the past 20
years and one of showbiz's most prominent international execs, is set to retire
at year's end.
Viacom chairman Philippe Dauman told staffers Tuesday that the London-based
Roedy, who masterminded the international rollout of MTV and sister outfits
Nickelodeon, VH1 and Comedy Central, had "crisscrossed the planet, planting
our flag on nearly every continent and spreading the gospel of quality,
audience-first programming from Beijing to Bangalore to Buenos Aires and
everywhere in between."
Roedy took an unusual path to a career in TV. A graduate of West Point and Harvard U., Roedy served as
an officer in the U.S. Army for seven years, including a stint as commander of three NATO nuclear missile
silos in Italy. He took a 180-degree turn in the late 1970s and joined HBO as a manager of national
accounts in 1979. He wound up overseeing West Coast affiliate operations for HBO before moving on to
Read more - article on Bill Roedy '70 leaving MTV...
Short Video - COL Douglas Wheelock '83 Assumes Command
Aboard ISS!
Update 9-23: Enjoy video clip from NASA - Change of Command Ceremony
NASA and the Russian Federal Space Agency have announced COL Doug
Wheelock '83 will take command of the International Space Station on 22
September at 7 PM GWM from Earth Orbit. The Change of Command Ceremony
will be televised on NASA Television at 2105 GMT - or at www.nasa.gov/ntv and
choose "The Public Channel"
Photo and additional info
Next Schools Chief Face Daunting Challenges
Next Schools Chiefs Face Daunting Challenges--[South Carolina] One is a West Point graduate who retired
from the Army as a brigadier general. Mick Zais '69 then took on a second career as president of Newberry
College and is credited with turning the school around.
...The would-be state superintendents of education, Democrat Holleman and Republican Zais, are two of
the most accomplished candidates running this year. That’s a good thing. (Source: The State, South
Assignment: Brig. Gen. Thomas S. Vandal '82
Brig. Gen. Thomas S. Vandal '82, deputy commanding general (support), 3d Infantry Division
(Mechanized)/U.S. Division - North, Operation Iraqi Freedom, Iraq, to commandant, U.S. Army Field
Artillery School, U.S. Army Fires Center of Excellence, Fort Sill, Okla
DoD Press Release...
Assignment: Brig. Gen. Patrick J. Donahue II '80
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Brig. Gen. Patrick J. Donahue II '80, deputy commanding general (operations), 3d Infantry Division
(Mechanized)/U.S. Division - North, Operation Iraqi Freedom, Iraq, to director, concept development and
learning, Army Capabilities Integration Center, U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command, Fort Monroe,
DoD Press Release...
Assignment: Gen. Gary H. Cheek '80
Brig. Gen. Gary H. Cheek '80, assistant surgeon general for warrior care and transition/commanding
general, Warrior Transition Command, Office of the Director Army Staff, Arlington, Va., to director, military
personnel management, Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff, G-1, U.S. Army, Washington, D.C.
DoD Press Release...
"Fiddler" In the Hall!
Grad Tom Hallett '88 to appear in Fiddler in the part of the Rabbi.
In the 23 January production of FIDDLER ON THE ROOF at Eisenhower Hall,
the part of the Rabbi will be played by Thomas Hallett ’88. Tickets sales
will begin around the holiday season.
Filled with a rousing, heartwarming score, which includes “Tradition,”
“Matchmaker, Matchmaker,” “If I Were A Rich Man” and “Sunrise, Sunset,”
Fiddler on the Roof is a timeless classic.
Group tickets (20 or more) available now – ask about Meet & Greet
Details http://www.ikehall.com/
2010 Nininger Award: CPT Robert I. Sickler, III ’05
15 September 2010, the West Point Association of Graduates
presented the fifth annual Alexander R. Nininger Award for Valor at
Arms to Captain Robert I. “Bobby” Sickler, III ’05, Aviation, of
Pendleton County, Virginia, during a dinner at Washington Hall
following an earlier reception at Herbert Hall.
At the formal dinner in Washington Hall, CPT Sickler noted that it
was an honor to receive the Nininger Award but he accepted it on
behalf of all of his fellow Soldiers.
The Nininger Award was instituted in 2006 upon a suggestion from Doug Kenna ’45 (College Football Hall
of Fame, 1984) that the West Point AOG bring the valorous combat deeds of West Point graduates in the
Global War on Terrorism to the attention of the Corps of Cadets. (Photo l-r: WPAOG Chairman Jodie Glore
'69, 2010 Nininger Award recipient Captain Robert I. Sickler, III '05, and West Point Superintendent MG
David Huntoon '73; photo by J. Phoenix, ASSEMBLY, WPAOG Publications 2010.) Updated to add photo
The Nininger Awards Ceremony and Captain Sickler...
Read about Captain Robert Sickler, III '05 in this week's Gray Matter...
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Grad Robert Urban '97 authors book 'The Egg of Shi-Low'
The Egg of Shi-Low is a new book in the Christian Fiction genre, by
West Point Grad Robert Urban '97. A brief summary - For nearly
850 years the warriors of Shi-Low have been entrusted with
safeguarding their lands from the return of the demons of the
Shadow world. When Shi-Low's leader in this age is given the
opportunity to destroy one of the crystals which once poisoned the
Egg of Shi-Low he chooses instead to use its power. That decision
puts him in a position where he is forced to choose between two
paths, one which will lead to the destruction of Shi-Low and one
which will allow for his safety and those who serve him. Yet, the
only path which will also bring forth victory over the demons of the
Shadow world is the path that ends with the destruction of ShiLow. The question then becomes, which path will Shi-Low's
master choose?
The book, The Egg of Shi-Low just out last month, is available at most book stores,
including Barnes and Noble...
MG Scaparrotti '78 Nominated to Lead Army's I Corps
The Defense Department on Monday named a new commanding general to lead
Army operations at Joint Base Lewis-McChord, and his post will reflect some of the
changes under way at the local base. Quantcast
Maj. Gen. Curtis “Mike” Scaparrotti’s (Class of 1978) nomination to lead the Army’s I
Corps must be approved by the Senate, along with his promotion to lieutenant
general. He would succeed interim commander Maj. Gen. John Johnson, and he’s
expected to be confirmed by the end of this year (source: The Olympian)
Read the announcement about MG Curtis "Mike" Scaparrotti '78...
Sonki Hong '93 - America's Heroes Calendar
Grad Sonki Hong '93 writes that his organization (SonkiFitness.com)is helping to raise
funds for the charity Freedom is not Free with a new America's Heroes Calendar (and
btw, he's "Mr. June"). He's asking for help to support and promote this worthwhile
The 2011 America’s Heroes Calendar features veterans of our military and raises money
for wounded/deceased soldiers and their families. 100% proceeds of this calendar aid
this incredible charity.
Read more about this organization and the calendar
Grad to Grad...
An interesting election - Both Republican and Democratic
Michigan Senate candidates are grads of West Point:
Incumbent John Pappageorge '54 (R) and Aaron Bailey '99
(D). Both are running for the 13th state Senate District seat
in Michigan.
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LTC & Mrs. Nick Mastrovito '85 Open Grace House for Women
The Grace House for Women is a transitional home for women who have
been struggling in their lives and have no family or home to which they
can return. The goal is that upon graduating from the two year
program, these women will be self-sufficient; living independently of
any federal or state assistance; enrolled in school and/or employed.
Read more about The Grace House...
Vincent Viola '77 One of Seven Top High-Frequency Traders
Man vs Machine: Seven Major Players in High-Frequency Trading - Special to
CNBC.com Published: Monday, 13 Sep 2010
Vincent Viola '77 has been named one of the top seven high-frequency
traders. High-frequency trading has grabbed headlines in the past year, but
little is known about the top players in the business. (Vincent "Vinnie" Viola '77
Photo credit: NIAF.org)
Brooklyn-born Vincent Viola, known to friends as Vinnie, has long been a major
player on Wall Street. A graduate of West Point, Viola earned his chops on Wall Street in the 1980s as a
trader on the New York Mercantile Exchange. In 1987 he started a commodities trading firm called Pioneer
By the mid-1990s, he was vice chairman of the Nymex. In the 2000s, he ascended to the role of chairman
and helped bring the exchange through 9/11 and the collapse of Enron. Viola stepped down in 2004 and
spent his time running Pioneer and several other electronic trading operations.
Read about the seven top High-frequency traders...
Justin Charise '00 Wins National Award
MILWAUKEE, WI - Northwestern Mutual recognized Justin Charise ’00 as the
company’s leading first year financial representative at the 130th Annual Meeting
held this summer in Milwaukee.
The award recognizes Charise for his exceptional efforts to help clients achieve
financial security and is based on total production. “Justin led the way this year,
helping hundreds of clients revisit their financial security options,” said
Northwestern Mutual Executive Vice President Todd M. Schoon. “Today, the
importance of a long-term financial strategy is crystal clear, and financial
professionals like Justin have never been more valuable.”
Only one representative across the nation achieves this coveted honor each year, and Charise joins an
exclusive group of Northwestern Mutual representatives having reached this incredible milestone.
First Ever Super, SuperReunion!
During 26-28 August 2010, history was made as the “First Ever”
gathering of African-American Graduates from all five US military
service academies got together for a Super Reunion. The focus
for the Reunion was to connect diverse skilled professionals with
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limitless opportunities for collaborated community service;
network on one of Maryland’s finest golf courses, learn how to
access the many services available through the Veterans
Employment Office, rekindle old relationships and expand their
social and professional network.
(Photo: LTC (R) Minton Francis '44 and Captain Marcus Brooks '07)
More on the Inaugural African-American gathering of Graduates from the five U.S. Military Service
'Career Activist Republic' - book by Peter Weddle '71
...what is talent? It is neither skill nor expertise. Talent is the capacity for
excellence, and that gift exists in all people. In other words, the talent used to
perform uncommon feats is no different from the talent used to perform even the
most mundte deeds exceptionally well.
PDF of the book flyer, The Career Activist Republic by Peter Weddle '71
COL (R) Paul Fardink '70 & the Glenn H. Curtiss Museum
On 6 Sept 2010, LTC (R) Paul Fardink of Lakewood, NY, USMA
’70, presented a check to Mr. Rick Leisenring, the Curator of the
Glenn H. Curtiss Museum of Hammondsport, NY. (L-R: Trafford
L-M Doherty, Exec Dir, Paul Fardink '70, and Rick Leisenring,
The donation is for creating a full-scale mannequin of LT Thomas
Selfridge, USMA 1903, to be positioned with Mr. Glenn Curtiss in
the 1908 June Bug aircraft display. Both Curtiss and Selfridge
were members of Alexander Graham Bell’s Aerial Experiment
Association. LT Selfridge lost his life on 17 Sept 1908 following
the crash of the Wright Flyer at Fort Myer, VA thus becoming the world’s first powered-flight fatality. At
the time, Selfridge was flying with Orville Wright as an official army observer.
Thank you to Paul Fardink '70for submitting this story and photo.
Soldier & Poet - Captain Zach Horan '06
Double News for Grad Zach Horan '06 - He's been featured on the DOD Live site
in their feature "Warfighter Wednesday" - Zach's account of "My experiences in
the International zone." He was also recently selected for the People's Choice
Winner in the 2010 South Carolina Poetry Initiative Single Poem
Capt. Horan '06 is the Aide de Camp to the Director, Iraq Training and
Advisory Mission.
When a 240 mm Katyusha rocket explodes within six hundred meters of where
one is standing, there is a moment of sheer panic, followed by blinding terror,
increased heart rate, desperate heaving breaths, and finally exuberant joy when
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one realizes that they are still alive. It is a dubious honor to possess knowledge
such as this, but this is Iraq. Rocket attacks happen.
Of course I knew the inherent risk of deploying, but that does not prepare the mind for the surreal
experience of trying to comprehend the fact that there are people who want to kill you. Read the article
by Captain Horan...
On his poetry writing he says, "Most of my early writing mirrored what I had recently read, and, to an
extent, that is still true today," he said. "It never ceases to amaze me how influential authors and
passages will still show up in my writing years after reading their works."
And while having dabbled in short stories, poetry, essays and newspaper articles, he said it is poetry that
has captivated his desire for storytelling.
"Poetry is like looking at an object through fog in that you catch clear glimpses every now and then, but
ultimately the unseen portion is up for interpretation," he said.
More on the People's Choice Winner in the 2010 South Carolina Poetry Initiative Single Poem Contest...
Ralph R. Tuccillo '68 Named Corp VP ManTech
FAIRFAX, Va - (BUSINESS WIRE) -- ManTech International Corporation (MANT 36.83, +0.14, +0.38%)
(http://www.mantech.com/), a leading provider of innovative technologies and solutions for mission-critical
national security programs, announced today that it has named Ralph R. Tuccillo '68 corporate vice
president of capture management. In this position, Tuccillo will lead the company's business capture
efforts, working closely with ManTech's business units to develop and execute effective business capture
strategies for major federal opportunities.
Press Release - announcing Ralph R. Tuccillo's appointment as Corp VP at ManTech...
Donald Koterwas '64 book 'Sandcastles Last Forever'
Donald Koterwas '64 was inspired to write his book, “Sandcastles Last
Forever” after a family vacation to the beach. (Courtesy photo: Donald
Koterwas '64 and his wife Sperry in Edinburgh, Scotland.)
Who knew a week-long stay at a beach house would turn into a published
book years later for Donald Koterwas?
Koterwas, his wife and their five children spent a memorable vacation at
Myrtle Beach many years ago and during that week their middle son Teddy
spent his time building sand castles.
“Sandcastles Last Forever,” Koterwas’ first book was published in May and
the author said the inspiration stemmed directly from events that took place that week.
Read more about Don Koterwas' '64 first book, Sandcastles Last Forever.
Alan Stempel '87 graduates U.S. Army War College
Army Reserve Lt. Col. Alan K. Stempel '87 has graduated from the U.S. Army War College at Carlisle
Barracks, Carlisle, Pa., and earned a master's degree in Strategic Studies. The college is the Army's senior
educational institution.
The 10-month curriculum of the Army's senior officer school is designed to prepare and train officers of all
the U.S. military branches of service, foreign military officers, as well as senior civilian officials of federal
agencies, to serve in top-level command and staff positions with the U.S. Armed Forces worldwide.
...The colonel is a field support detachment commander assigned to the 303rd Information Operations
Battalion at Billings, Mont. Stempel has served in the military for 23 years. (source: North Jersey. com)
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Warfighter Wednesday - LTC Joshua J. Potter '93
Warfighter Wednesday: My Four Responses
Lt. Col. Joshua J. Potter '93 is an Iraqi Army Division Stability-Transition Team (STT) chief with the 1st Advise and Assist Brigade, 3rd Infantry Division, currently
serving in Baghdad, Iraq. This is his fourth tour in support of Operation Iraqi
Freedom. This is his sixth overall deployment and he previously was the Civil Affairs
officer for the 1st Infantry Division G9 (Civil-Military officer) and course developer /
chief instructor with the Directorate of Cultural Influence and Counterinsurgency
training over 8,000 Transition Team members who are inbound in support of the
Global War on Terrorism, in Cultural Influence, Counterinsurgency, and the role of the advisor.
Read the full article on Lt. Col Joshua J. Potter '93 on DOD Live.mil...
John Patterson '96 Named LCA Superintendent
The Liberty Christian Academy school board has named John Patterson '96 as
Patterson has served as interim superintendent since July. He said that last
week’s meeting was the first opportunity the board has had to meet since that
Previously, Patterson held the positions of executive director of academy relations
and boys’ head basketball coach. He is entering his seventh year with the school.
Duties of the LCA superintendent include overseeing LCA’s elementary, middle
and high schools and communicating with the Liberty University chancellor and
other university staff. Patterson has three principals underneath him, in addition to an associate
superintendent, Tim Hahn, who previously worked at Liberty High School in Bedford County.
Read more about John Patterson's new appointment as LCA Superintendent
Grads Enjoy Chance Meeting...
A coincidental meeting involving Matt Collins '03 and William D. Mounger '48.
Matt writes, "I recently traveled to Jackson, Mississippi to attend the 2010
USA International Ballet Competition (IBC), and it just so happened that Billy
Mounger (Chairman of the Board for the USA IBC) took time out of his busy
event filled schedule to meet up and chat. We had a great time!
"Billy chairs is a two-week *Olympic-style* competition where tomorrow*s
ballet stars vie for gold, silver and bronze medals, cash awards, scholarships
and jobs. It is known as a stepping stone for a dancer*s career. Dancers from
around the world, along with students and teachers, company directors and
ballet patrons travel to Jackson, Mississippi to compete, study with master
teachers, offer company contracts, and enjoy some of the world*s best dance
performances. The USA International Ballet Competition has become known as a Festival of Dance, and is
a National Endowment for the Arts 2010 American Masterpiece as designated through the Mississippi Arts
Thank you to Matt Collins for submitting this story and photo.
The Salisburys Sponsor Interactive Civil War Exhibit
MG and Mrs. Alan Salisbury '58 (USA-Ret.) recently donated $100,000 to
sponsor an exhibit with unique ties between the US Army and their family.
MG Salisbury, a retired Signal Corps officer, and his wife Florence were
interested in supporting the campaign to build The National Museum of the
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United States Army. They explained to Rachel Hartmann, Director, Major and
Planned Gifts, that they preferred to support a specific element.
The Salisburys have a great love of music. MG Salisbury’s connections to music
and the military date back to his days in The United States Military Academy
Glee Club and Mrs. Salisbury has performed with chorale groups throughout her
adult life. While exploring sponsorship options with Hartmann, the Civil War
Exhibit resonated with them. This interactive exhibit will feature three Civil War music selections including
“Home Sweet Home,” taps and “Battle Hymn of the Republic.” Ultimately, sponsoring the Civil War Exhibit
was a perfect match for the Salisburys.
Read more about MG (R) Alan Salisbury '58 and the
National Museum of the United States Army...
Kelly Perdew '89, Much More than an 'Apprentice'
Former Army Lt. Kelly Perdew '89 may always be known in some
circles as an "apprentice," no matter what he's accomplished.
That just goes with winning "The Apprentice," the TV reality show
that pits proven-but-still rising business leaders against each other to
win a coveted place as apprentice to celebrity business mogul Donald
...In addition to his work at Rotohog, Perdew is a mentor for Founder
Institutes, which helps entrepreneurs build their companies, an
adviser and board member to three start-ups, and an active
supporter of the National Guard Youth Challenge Program. The guard challenge program targets at-risk
kids 16 to 18 by involving them in programs that bolster civic values, academics and physical fitness. The
program aids high school drop-outs by assisting them in getting their GEDs, he said.
About half the kids who go through the program -- and some 95,000 have gone through so far, Perdew
said -- go into the military. The other half typically go on to college or into the workplace, he said.
Military.com-Kelly Perdew...
Authors McAleer '87, Dwyer '81, and Efaw '89
Author Grads Donna McAleer '87, Gail O'Sullivan
Dwyer '81 & Amy Efaw '89...
Women In Military Service For America Memorial
Foundation and Women’s Research & Education
Institute (WREI) – announces a discussion and booksigning event for five West Point, Coast Guard and
Navy authors on Thursday, September 23, 2010 in
Arlington, VA, in honor of the 30th year anniversary
of women graduating from the Federal Military Service
• Donna McAleer, West Point Class of 1987, author of Porcelain on Steel: Women of West Point’s Long
Gray Line (2010)
• Gail O’Sullivan Dwyer, West Point Class of 1981 author of Tough as Nails: One Woman’s Journey
Through West Point (2009)
• Sharon Hanley Disher, Naval Academy Class of 1980, author of First Class: Women Join the Ranks at the
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Naval Academy (2008)
• Martha LaGuardia-Kotite, CDR, USCGR, Coast Guard Class of 1989, author of So Others May Live: Coast
Guard’s Rescue Swimmers: Saving Lives, Defying Death (2008)
• Amy Efaw, West Point Class of 1989, author of Battle Dress (2003) and After (2009)
Read the Press Release on Five Women Authors
Gen. Lloyd J. Austin III '75 - Assumes Command
U.S. Army Gen. Lloyd J. Austin III '75 (l.)receives
the command colors from U.S. Marine Gen. James
N. Mattis, commander, U.S. Central Command, at
the change-of-command ceremony for U.S. ForcesIraq in Baghdad 9/1. Austin relieved Gen. Ray
Odierno '76 (r.) as commander of the remaining
forces in Iraq, marking the end of U.S. combat
operations in the country. Operation Iraqi Freedom
ended and Operation New Dawn began. (DoD photo
by U.S. Navy Petty Officer 1st Class Chad J.
Operation New Dawn Story...
CBS Sunday Morning Segment on Scotty Smiley '03
For Captain Scotty Smiley '03, Losing His Sight to a Car
Bomb Only Intensified His Fighting Spirit.
At West Point, the motto is "Duty, honor, country." And few
cadets ever took that more seriously than Scott Smiley.
Known as Scotty to friends and family, he was a straightarrow - a leader among leaders with a promising future, and
a high-school sweetheart he adored: Tiffany Elliott.
CBS Sunday Morning Article and Video Interview with
Captain Scott Smiley by Tracey Smith 9/6/10...
Capt. Scott Smiley has a book signing scheduled for the West Point Book Store on September 14th - Hope
Unseen is a new book out this month.
News from WPS of the Piedmont
WPS of the Piedmont’s recent luncheon on19 August--Ali Palmer,
Class of 1997 takes a moment for a photo with guest speaker, US
Senator, Kay Hagan of NC.
New Alaska U.S. Senate Candidate Joe Miller '89
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Update: Tuesday night (Aug 31) Sen. Lisa Murkowski of
Alaska conceded to Tea Party-backed candidate Joe Miller
in the state's Republican Senate primary. More from The
Associated Press on Joe Miller's Senate Primary victory.
More from the WSJ
Grad Joseph Miller '89: Alaskan Swaps Law Court for the
Limelight--FAIRBANKS, Alaska—This time last year, Joe
Miller '89 was augmenting his income from his private
legal practice by working as a part-time attorney for the
borough here, and had to put in for leave to take an elkhunting trip with two of his sons.
Now, the 43-year-old Mr. Miller stands on the brink of what would be one of this year's biggest political
upsets. If his slim lead in last Tuesday's GOP primary holds, he will oust Sen. Lisa Murkowski from a seat
she and her father, Frank, have held for 30 years.
Mr. Miller—a graduate of West Point and Yale Law School, a combat veteran and former state and federal
magistrate—advocates dismantling some federal agencies, saying many of their functions, such as the
federal welfare system, should be handled by states. "The age of the entitlement state is over," he said.
Read more about Joe Miller's lead in the election...
Afghan Facility in Memory of Col. John B. O'Dowd '78
NEW YORK— On August 15, 2010 U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Afghanistan
Engineer District-North, dedicated its new dining facility to Col. John B.
O’Dowd who served as commander from July 2004-2005 and recently passed
away in January 2010. His leadership set the course for the thousands of
personnel who followed and shared the mission.
"Col. O'D still lives on in our hearts. He was a charismatic, affable, inspiring
leader and close friend, and the glue that held us together during 9/11,”
said retired civilian Peter Shugert, who served as Col. O’Dowd’s chief of
public affairs during his tenure at New York District. “He was a leader
among men, and a 4-star General to us who served with him.”
Read the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Announcement...
Grad Bill Montgomery ’89 Elected
On August 24, 2010, Bill Montgomery ’89, won a stunning victory in
the Republican primary for Maricopa County Attorney. Bill, a former
armor officer, faced interim Maricopa County Attorney Rick Romley in
the Republican primary. Many viewed Bill as the underdog in the
race since Mr. Romley was appointed as the Maricopa County
Attorney in April 2010, and was previously elected to serve four
terms as the Maricopa County Attorney between 1989 to 2004. Bill’s
margin of victory was impressive: 50% to 38%.
Thank you to grad Mike Mitchell '97 for sending in this news item.
Read announcement of Bill Montgomery's election...
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West Point graduate chasing dream of being in NFL
Associated Press -Aug. 27, 2010 - ALLEN PARK, Mich. (AP) — Detroit Lions linebacker Caleb Campbell
'08 says he got emotional two weeks ago when he sang the national anthem in a football uniform for the
first time in 32 months.
The West Point graduate says he thought about his classmates protecting the country while he was
representing them in the NFL. Campbell will get another chance Saturday night in Detroit against the
Cleveland Browns. He has a shot to make the team after enduring a long wait to resume his dream of
playing professional football.
Detroit drafted Campbell in 2008 in the seventh round. He was a day away signing his contract when the
Army revised a policy and forced him to cease playing football in order to perform "full time traditional
military duties," until at least 2010. (Source: AP News / Syracuse.com)
Herbert On Sports is Back
Starting Today Morris Herbert, ’50, will once again renew his weekly sports letter. The
letter – which covers the results of all Army Corps Squad and club sports, goes by email
to subscribers. If you don’t already subscribe, email us and ask for “HERBERT ON
"Greetings to all! And, here’s hoping we enjoy winning seasons across the board for
Read Herbert On Sports
Capt. Scotty Smiley '03 with Doug Crandall '95 Author Book
Just In -- Capt. Scotty Smiley '03 with Doug Crandall '95 have authored a
new book, Hope Unseen, The Story of the U.S. Army's First Blind Active-Duty
“Scotty Smiley’s story is one all Americans should hear. It will inspire them
in tough times
and help them through some of the difficult challenges they face in life.”
– Senator Bob Dole
Five years ago, Captain Scotty Smiley was on top of the world. A twentyfive year old Army officer, he was strong, fit, and whip-smart, married to a
kind and beautiful woman, had graduated from West Point, survived Ranger
school, and was shipping out to Iraq to fight for his country. But on April 6,
2005, the six month anniversary of his tour of duty, a suicide bomber set off
a car bomb thirty meters from Scotty’s vehicle. Shrapnel penetrated his
brain, and two weeks later, Scotty woke up in the Walter Reed Army Medical Center, critically wounded
and unable to see.
This tragic event would have defeated many others, but for Captain Scotty Smiley, it was only the
beginning. This fall, he shares his remarkable journey of faith, hope and courage with the help of writer
Doug Crandall in a new book: HOPE UNSEEN: The Story of the U.S. Army’s First Blind Active-Duty Officer
(Howard Books, a division of Simon & Schuster: September 14, 2010: hardcover, $24.99). This inspiring
story of an American hero will warm the hearts and capture the imaginations of readers of all kinds.
Press Release PDF about Hope Unseen
Dellavalle Sister Grads Start a Jewelry Line
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Paige Dellavalle '09 and Ashley Dellavalle '04 enjoy a challenge, no
matter what the odds or obstacles. Swimming competitively during
their years growing up in East Amwell, they were determined to excel
in sports.
Both attended and graduated from the United States Military
Academy at West Point, majoring in management with a minor in
systems engineering. Although Paige suffered a shoulder injury that
prevented her from deploying to a combat zone, Ashley served in
Afghanistan from March 2007 through June 2008.
Now, both are civilians again and business partners. In November, they formed a company called “stella
valle” and are actively working on “turning a dream into a reality,” Ashley said.
“Two sisters, one dream, Army past, fashion future” an advertisement for stella valle reads. hoto: Paige
Dellavalle '09 and Ashley Dellavalle '04, originally of East Amwell - sisters, soldiers, entrepreneurs.
Read more about the entrepreneurial Dellavalle sisters...
Astronauts Repair ISS-Doug Wheelock' 83
Two space station astronauts hit pay dirt in orbit Aug
16 after successfully replacing a vital pump to restore
their spacecraft's cooling system, which has been
limping along at half-power for more than two weeks.
Astronauts Douglas Wheelock '83 and Tracy Caldwell
Dyson wired up a bulky ammonia pump the size of a
kitchen oven into the right side of the space station
during the hours-long spacewalk. It was the third
spacewalk for the astronauts to make the tricky repair
220 miles (354 km) above Earth. A fourth spacewalk is planned for later to clean up some final work.
"Game over!" Wheelock said as they wrapped up the pump replacement work. Mission Control used
remote commands to start filling the pump with liquid ammonia and plans to start testing it on Tuesday.
The crew affectionately call him "Wheels."
Photo caption: NASA astronauts Tracy Caldwell Dyson (left) and Doug Wheelock work to set up the
ammonia spare pump module after it was installed on the S1 Truss during an Aug. 16, 2010 spacewalk
outside the International Space Station. It was the third spacewalk dedicated to the repair.
Their recent space walk fixed cooling problems...
Napoli '86 Named Pres, The Hartford Consumer Mkts
HARTFORD, Conn., Aug 17, 2010 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- The Hartford Financial Services Group, Inc.
/quotes/comstock/13*!hig/quotes/nls/hig (HIG 20.88, +0.54, +2.66%) announced that it has named Andy
Napoli, [West Point Class of 1986], 45, president of Consumer Markets, effective Aug. 23.
"Consumer Markets is one of The Hartford's three growth businesses," said Liam E. McGee, chairman,
president and chief executive officer of The Hartford. "Andy's track record managing products in personal
lines insurance and cultivating affinity markets, combined with his broad operational experience and 15
years as a military officer, uniquely positions him to execute on the Consumer Markets strategy we
outlined in April. His commitment to operational excellence, innovation and creativity makes him an ideal
leader for this business."
Read the release--Andy Napoli named President, Consumer Markets at The Hartford...
Recruiting, Development, & Retention of Cyber Warriors...
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Recruiting, Development, and Retention of Cyber Warriors...by Lieutenant Colonel Gregory Conti '89
Academy Professor and Director of West Point's Cyber Security Research Center and Lieutenant Colonel
Jen Easterly '90 member of the US Cyber Command Commander's Action Group (CAG).
Make no mistake, our nation faces persistent, widespread and growing threats in cyberspace. Across the
array of dangerous actors and their capabilities, we’ve witnessed an evolution from data compromise and
loss, to the disruption of information networks to the physical destruction of information systems...The
United States Government recognized the clear and present danger posed by this increasingly perilous
threat environment and created United States Cyber Command.
We are at a unique cusp in history, as we have the first-ever opportunity to create a large-scale
organization to fight and win wars in cyber space.
This isn’t a trivial undertaking...
Read more of "Recruiting, Developent, and Retention of Cyber Warriors...
Face the Nation: Gen Ray Odierno '76
Bob Schieffer spoke with the commander for U.S. forces in
Iraq General Ray Odierno '76 on the future of Iraq after last
U.S. combat brigade left the country, yesterday morning,
Sunday, 22 August 2010.
Video excerpt from the Face the Nation
interview with Gen Odierno...
(posted from the blog "Politico" as the direct link to Face the
Nation required additonal software downloads).
Superintendent Huntoon '73 Joined the March Back
WEST POINT, N.Y. (Aug. 11, 2010) ...They may not have
immediately recognized the three stars of their new superintendent
LTG David Huntoon '73 who joined them on a 10-mile ruck march
in late July, but he's working on that.
"I started from the back of the formation and moved to the front,
and I'm pretty sure I had the opportunity to speak to the vast
majority of those 164 great cadets who were moving along with
purpose under that heavy ruck in the middle of the night," Lt. Gen.
David Huntoon, Jr. said of the Cadet Basic Training company. "I
just came away so inspired by their commitment. They were fired
up and could see the end of CBT coming pretty soon." (Story, Mike
Strasser / photo credit Sgt. Vincent Fusco, West Point Directorate
of Public Affairs and Communications)
Caption: Lt. Gen. David Huntoon Jr., West Point Superintendent, relieved the Company F guidon bearer
during the 'March Back' for the class of 2014 on Aug. 9.
Superintendent David Huntoon '73 joins the 2014 March Back...
LCA-Vision Partners with Fisher House Foundation
CINCINNATI – AUGUST 18, 2010 – LCA-Vision Inc. (NASDAQ: LCAV), a leading provider of laser vision
correction services under the LasikPlus® brand, today announced its partnership with the Fisher House
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Foundation, Inc., a non-profit organization dedicated to supporting and providing a “home away from
home” for military families while their loved ones are hospitalized for an illness, disease or injury.
“It is an absolute honor to partner with Fisher House Foundation, an organization dedicated to supporting
the soldiers and families of service men and women who were wounded or injured during their
deployment in Iraq and Afghanistan. We are working diligently with the Wounded Warrior Project to
provide our wounded heroes with the access and care they need to achieve enhanced vision, alleviating at
least one daily burden,” stated David Thomas '82, Chief Operating Officer of LCA-Vision. Dave
Thomas provided the leadership for making this program possible.
More about free eye surgery & the Wounded Warrior Project (Press Release)...
WPS Heart of Texas Hosts Cadets
FORT HOOD, Texas — Col. Douglas Crissman '88,
commander of the 3rd Brigade Combat Team, 1st Cavalry
Division, his wife Carolyn, as well as the Heart of Texas
West Point Society, hosted a reception for the U.S. Military
Academy cadets participating in the Cadet Troop Leading
Training program.
Crissman noted that the program gives cadets a feel for
what life in the Army is like outside of the classroom.
Cadets and alumni from WPS Heart of Texas...
More from WPS North Florida
The West Point Society of North Florida held its Third Annual
Ceremony on Aug. 14th, commemorating the anniversary of
the end of the hostilities with the Seminole and Miccosukee
Indians and remembering the soldiers and West Point
Graduates who perished in the Florida Indian Wars. The
ceremony was held at the St. Augustine National Cemetery
at the Monument honoring Major Francis Dade and the other
war dead from the Florida Indian Wars. Attached
photograph is of the west Point Graduates in attendance at
the ceremony with two re-enactors at the Dade Monument.
Thanks to Don Jacobovitz '77 for submitting the story and photo.
Salisburys Sponsor Interactive Civil War Exhibit
MG and Mrs. Alan Salisbury '58 (USA-Ret.) recently donated $100,000 to sponsor an exhibit with unique
ties between the US Army and their family. MG Salisbury, a retired Signal Corps officer, and his wife
Florence were interested in supporting the campaign to build The National Museum of the United States
...MG Salisbury’s connections to music and the military date back to his days in The United States Military
Academy Glee Club and Mrs. Salisbury has performed with chorale groups throughout her adult life.
...While exploring sponsorship options the Civil War Exhibit resonated with them. This interactive exhibit
will feature three Civil War music selections including “Home Sweet Home,” taps and “Battle Hymn of the
Republic.” Ultimately, sponsoring the Civil War Exhibit was a perfect match for the Salisburys.
...Using his father’s records and some genealogy research tools, Salisbury traced his way back to Javin
Butterfield Salisbury, who was also a Civil War general and a third cousin of Daniel Butterfield.
During the Civil War, MG Daniel Butterfield revised a bugle call specifically for his brigade to signal “lights
out.” The bugler played it to signal the troops for the first time in July, 1862.
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[Alan] Salisbury also added that the Museum is “long, long, long over due” and that the Washington, DC
area location will provide a critical historical link for visitors to the monuments that are related to specific
wars such as World War II, Korea, and Vietnam.
Graduate from Fitness Boot Camp - Sonki Hong '93
Imagine a week on a tropical beach that leaves you trimmer and fitter yet still
feels like a vacation. Southern California–based West Point graduate and
international fitness champion Sonki Hong '93 takes his fitness boot camp
methods—which combine everything from plyometrics and beach running to
body-weight drills and martial arts—to Waikiki Beach in the spring and Maui in
the fall for 7 days each. You'll also be kayaking, swimming, surfing, snorkeling,
and scarfing ultrafresh sashimi.
More on 'sonkifitness'...
BG Tim Trainor ’83 Named Dean of the Academic Board
On 28 June 2010, then-COL Tim Trainor '83, Professor and Head of the
Department of Systems Engineering, was nominated for promotion to
brigadier general and assignment as Dean of the Academic Board. He
replaces BG Patrick Finnegan '71, who retired and is now the 25th
President of Longwood University in Farmville, VA. Trainor selected the
Engineer Branch upon graduation from West Point and served in
operational assignments that included Germany, Honduras, Fort Bragg,
NC, Fort Riley, KS, and Sarajevo, Bosnia. In 2007, he deployed to
Basrah, Iraq, to work with the United Kingdom-led Provincial
Reconstruction Team and Iraqi leaders to improve their infrastructure
revitalization plans. Trainor earned an MBA from the Fuqua School of
Business at Duke and a doctorate in Industrial Engineering from North
Carolina State University. He is a member of the Military Operations
Research Society, American Society for Engineering Management and
American Society of Engineering Education. The formal promotion ceremony and reception was held at
Eisenhower Hall on the afternoon of 17 August 2010.
Slide show of Dean Trainor's Ceremony...
An Example of the Long Gray Line. Go Army!
GEN Odierno '76 and three members of his
Commander's Initiatives Group recently took a picture
at Camp Victory, Iraq. We felt it was exceptional that
we had three decades of USMA graduates represented
in one small office:
GEN Raymond T. Odierno, '76; COL Joesph M. Martin,
'86; MAJ Derek F. Burt, '96; CPT Jessamyn J. Liu,
'06. Truly an example of the Long Gray Line. Go
Thank you to CPT Jessamyn Liu, Commander's
Inititives Group, Special Assistant United States Forces-Iraq for sending the photo.
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Bruce E. Kasold '73 Chief Judge U.S. Court of Appeals, Veterans
West Point graduate Bruce E. Kasold (Class of 1973) assumed the mantle
chief judge of the U.S. Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims in an August 6
investiture ceremony in Washington, D.C.
Created by the U.S. Congress in 1988, the U.S. Court of Appeals for
Veterans Claims remains the nation's youngest federal appellate court.
Congress created the court to provide veterans, for the first time, a right to
seek judicial review of claims denied by the Department of Veterans Affairs'
Board of Veterans' Appeals. The court has exclusive judicial jurisdiction over
adverse decisions of the Board of Veterans' Claims. The court is located in
Washington, D.C.
Read the Press Release...
John Heller '84 Named Pres. IT Services, Harris Corp
MELBOURNE, FL/WASHINGTON, DC, August 10, 2010 — Harris Corporation
(NYSE:HRS), an international communications and information technology
company, has named John Heller '84 president of its IT Services business,
reporting to Daniel R. Pearson, chief operating officer (COO). Heller, 48, has
served as vice president and general manager of IT Services' Department of
Defense (DoD) Programs since joining Harris in 2007 with the acquisition of
Multimax, Inc. Heller succeeds Ted Hengst, who recently was named vice
president and chief information officer (CIO) for Harris.
In his role as president of IT Services, Heller will lead all aspects of the
business, including partnering with cross-divisional operational leadership,
key staff members, and customers to shape growth strategies and advance
innovation in the global delivery of mission-enabling IT Transformation,
Managed Solutions and Information Assurance.
Press Release...
Ultimate road trip: Iraq to Mount McKinley
Brian Stoltz, left ...was accepted to West Point and
graduated in 2005. The 29-year-old was honorably
discharged in May. Mario Cicconetti, also 29, earned a
Bronze Star in Iraq and is now attending law school.
Brian and Mario were sharing cigars and watching the sunset
over the Diyala Province in Iraq during their 2009
deployment when the idea to climb Mount McKinley hit
them. What might seem like a heat-induced fantasy actually
made sense. Both were experienced climbers and infantry
captains who wanted a swan song to end their Army careers.
They were stationed at Fort Wainwright in Fairbanks, Alaska, where 20,320-foot Mount McKinley - North
America's highest peak - looms on the horizon. And they wanted to do more than climb a mountain: They
wanted to help fellow soldiers who had not escaped unscathed from wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.
So they used their climb as a fundraiser for the Wounded Warrior Project. The effort raised thousands of
dollars and the sum is still growing through donations at their website, http://www.sawtoothsoldiers.com/.
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Read about their adventure...
News from WPS North Florida
Grad Don Jacobovitz '77 recently received the Government
Engineer of the Year Award for 2010 from the Florida
Engineering Society. The award was based upon his
contributions to the engineering profession and the
community in which he serves. He is the Public Works
Director for Putnam County, Florida. Don is a member of the
class of 1977, and lives in Florida.
Thank you to Don Jacobovitz for the story and photo.
West Point AOG iPhone App is Here
The West Point Association of Graduates iPhone App is now available in the
Apple Store!
An important thing to know is that there is an Alumni Directory piece requiring a
one-time login. You will need to enter your Cullum Number and last four of your
Social Security Number. Check your email box for a messsage from the
WPAOG with your cullum number in it. If you didn't receive the email and
you don't know your cullum number you can email address@wpaog.org with your
name, graduation year and last four of your social and we will send it to you.
Explore, have fun, and stay in touch with West Point and the Long Gray Line!
The Android App is in Development for a future release. Give us your feedback and suggestions.
Gregory Celestan '84 an E&Y Entrepreneur of the Year
CEO of Celestar Corporation, Gregory Celestan, NamedErnst & Young
Entrepreneur of the year 2010
Tampa, FL, June 21, 2010 – Celestar Corporation, a leading provider of
technology and strategic consulting services and solutions to government
organizations and commercial clients, today announced that CEO Gregory
Celestan received the Ernst & Young Entrepreneur Of The Year® 2010 Award in
the Distribution, Manufacturing and Defense category in Florida. According to
Ernst & Young LLP, the award recognizes outstanding entrepreneurs who are
building and leading dynamic, growing businesses. Gregory Celestan was
selected by an independent panel of judges, and the award was presented at
a gala event at the Omni Orlando Resort at Champions Gate on June 10.
Read the Press Release...
Read article excerpt...
MG (R) Chuck Swannack '71, President & CEO
19 July 2010 -FAYETTEVILLE, N.C.-- US Logistics, a wholly
owned subsidiary of private equity consolidator Ranger
International Services Group, announces the promotion of
Major General (ret.) Chuck Swannack to President & Chief
Executive Officer. Swannack had previously served as the
company’s Chief Operating Officer. US Logistics is a
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government outsourcing contractor specialized in tactical vehicle overhauls and repairs, technical staffing,
base logistics, and aircraft technical services, headquartered near Fort Bragg, North Carolina. General
Swannack retired from the US Army in 2005 after 33 years of service, culminating as the Commander of
the fabled 82nd Airborne Division at Fort Bragg. As the new Chief Executive Officer of US Logistics,
Swannack will lead the continuing aggressive growth of that award winning company, with constant
vigilance on quality, safety, and F.A.R. compliance. US Logistics has strong backing from large institutional
shareholders, and a deeply experienced management team at multiple levels which Swannack now leads.
Caleb Campbell '08: A True Underdog Story
August 9, 2010 - (Photo by Gregory Shamus/Getty Images)
...It’s strange to think that a professional football player is
coming into the 2010 season with no NFL experience, despite
being drafted in 2008. Even stranger is the image of that
same player, who will turn 26 in September, being forced to
carry the pads of, say, 23-year-old second-year player Zack
Follett. Yet that scenario is just one of many unusual
circumstances brought about by the tale of West Point
graduate Caleb Campbell.
Roland Smith '78, Pres & CEO Wendy's/Arby's
Roland Smith '78, President and Chief Executive Officer for Wendy's/Arby's
Group Roland Smith, President and Chief Executive Officer for Wendy's/Arby's
When Wendy’s/Arby’s Group Inc. CEO Roland Smith (West Point, 1978)
attended the Army’s Northern Warfare School as a Cadet, he had a
pronounced fear of heights; even 10 feet in the air was a challenge for him.
Yet, in the 30+ years that followed, he became an accomplished Army pilot,
climbed mountains that rank among the world’s tallest, and earned a welldeserved reputation as a turnaround artist for struggling companies.
“If you are not willing to take risks, then you're a prisoner of your ability to
go outside the comfort zone,” he said in an exclusive interview with Veterans
MG Bruce A. Casella '75 Sets Up Shop at AAFES
The Army & Air Force Exchange Service’s Board of Directors
has selected Maj. Gen. Bruce Casella ’75 as
Commander/Chief Executive Officer of the Department of
Defense’s oldest and largest exchange service.
General Casella comes to AAFES from the Army Reserves
where he served as the Commander of the 63rd Regional
Support Command in Moffett Field, Calif...
During Casella’s 35 years of service, he has been assigned to
a variety of command and staff positions including command at company, battalion and group levels. His
overseas assignments included tours in Korea and Germany as well as a deployment in support of
Operations Enduring and Iraqi Freedom in 2005, where he served as the Commanding General for the
377th Theater Support Command (Forward).
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(Photo: Maj. Gen. Bruce Casella met with AAFES associates and customers during a recent visit to the
world’s largest exchange at the Kaiserslautern Military Community Center in Ramstein, Germany.)
Paul Mlakar, Jr. '94 Rings NASDAQ Closing Bell
Paul Mlakar, Jr. '94 was invited to ring the closing bell at
the NASDAQ stock exchange in June. He received the
invitation as President of BiologicsMD a pharmaceutical
development company he formed with 3 other MBA
colleagues. They are developing a preclinical trial drug
for the treatment of osteoporosis. They entered and
won the Rice University Global Business Plan
Competition and as a result were awarded the prize of
ringing the closing bell. Paul's Dad, Paul Mlakar, Sr.
'66, accompanied him to the event as a distinguished
"Porcelain on Steel" Receives Gold Award
Donna McAleer '87 has learned that her new book, Porcelain on Steel:
Women of West Point's Long Gray Line, has won a gold medal from the
Military Writers Society of America for their 2009-2010 literary awards, in
the category of Military/ Army.
Read a review
BG Lynn A. Collyar '79 has been named Director...
For Immediate Release--The chief of staff, Army announced today the following assignment.
Brig. Gen. Lynn A. Collyar '79, commandant, U.S. Army Ordnance Schools, U.S. Army
Sustainment Center of Excellence, Fort Lee, Va., to director, logistics operations, Defense Logistics
Agency, Fort Belvoir, Va.
US DOD News Release...
Online Magazine features New Grad, Matthew McClary '10
Military Officer online magazine features 2010 Grad on
August's cover.
Matthew McClary doesn't fit the profile of a typical Army
cadet at the U. S. Military Academy at West Point, NY.
McClary's classmates refer to him as "Grandpa McClary"
because at 25, he's a bit older than most of them and he
has combat experience. Someone will say, "Tell us a war
story, Grandpa McClary," and I'm always happy to," he
Story on page 64...
Karen Lee '86 to head Pioneer Human Services
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Karen Lee '86, Washington's Employment Security commissioner, said Monday that she's taken a new job
as the head of Pioneer Human Services in Seattle.
Lee, a West Point graduate, had served in Gov. Chris Gregoire's administration since 2005. Her new job
with the non-profit will have her leading more than 1,000 employees across the state at more than 50
locations who deliver social, health, economic and employment services to needy people.
"Under Karen's leadership, the Employment Security Department has been transformed to become one of
highest-performing agencies in state government," Gregoire said in a statement. "I will greatly miss her
energy and commitment to excellence."
William L. Lang '83, MD, MJA to Axion Health Advisory Bd
DENVER, CO, August 02, 2010 /24-7PressRelease/ -- Axion Health(TM) (http://www.axionhealth.com/), a
workforce health protection, emergency preparedness and clinical response provider, today is pleased to
announce the appointment of distinguished clinicians, Gilad S. Gordon, MD, MBA and William L. Lang '83,
MD, MHA to the Axion Health National Advisory Board.
William L. Lang, MD, MHA, a graduate of West Point, received his medical degree from at the Uniformed
Services University of Health Sciences (USUHS) and his Master of Healthcare Administration degree from
the University of North Carolina (UNC) at Chapel Hill. He completed his residency in Family Practice at
Madigan Army Medical Center. Dr. Lang has held academic appointments at both UNC and USUHS. Dr.
Lang was the physician member of "Task Force Mercury", chartered by the Army Surgeon General to
develop the Army's approach to managing medical information in the twenty-first century.
Read Press Release...
Interested in a Military Academy? John Shimkus '80 is Willing to
U.S. Rep. John Shimkus '80, R-Collinsville, is accepting applications from people interested in attending
one of the U.S. military academies.
High school seniors, college students and anyone else interested in the academies must apply now for
summer 2011 admission.
"As a graduate of the United States Military Academy at West Point and the recipient of a Congressional
appointment myself, I am very proud to now assist others wishing to advance their lives and careers by
serving their country," Shimkus said. "I encourage young men and women with any level of interest to
contact us now. There are several steps in this process, and applications must be filed with both my office
and the individual academies."
Cambridge Who's Who Adds LTG Michael A. Vane '75
Lt. General Michael A. Vane '75 Joins the Ranks of Leading Professionals
FORT MONROE, VA, July 28, 2010 /Cambridge Who's Who/ -- Lt. General Michael A. Vane, Director Army
Capabilities Integration Center for the United States Army, has been recognized by Cambridge Who's Who
for demonstrating dedication, leadership and excellence in Defense Department force modernization.
Lt. General Vane has served in various positions comparable to chief executive officer, chief operating
officer, and senior board member. He has specifically served as commander at all levels to include
commanding general at Fort Bliss in Texas for two years.
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Robert G. Blatz '83 Named Senior VP Operations
WAYNE, PA, Jul 29, 2010 (MARKETWIRE via COMTEX) -- U-Store-It Trust
/quotes/comstock/13*!ysi/quotes/nls/ysi (YSI 8.18, +0.03, +0.37%) announced the appointment of Robert
G. Blatz '83 as Senior Vice President of Operations.
Bob Blatz, age 49, served as President and Chief Operating Officer for American Land Lease (NYSE: ANL)
and its predecessors, Asset Investors Corp. and Commercial Assets Corp. from 1999 through 2009.
Mr. Blatz received his bachelor of science degree in general engineering from the United States Military
Academy at West Point and a masters in business administration from The George Washington University.
Mr. Blatz served as an officer in the United States Army for ten years. His assignments included both
domestic and international responsibilities.
BG Raymond A. Thomas III '80 JSOC Deputy Commander
Brig. Gen. Raymond A. Thomas III '80 will become deputy commander for
operations at Fort Bragg's Joint Special Operations Command, the Army
announced Thursday.
He has been Lt. Gen. Lloyd J. Austin III's deputy director for special operations
on the Joint Staff at the Pentagon since August.
JSOC oversees the U.S. military's secret counterterrorist units. During the first
Gulf War, Thomas was aide-de-camp to then-Maj. Gen. Wayne Downing, the
JSOC commander. He also has been JSOC's director of operations and chief of
staff and previously served as deputy commander.
Congratulations - '05 Grads Pedaled Ocean to Ocean!
2005 grads Joel Glover, Dan Marques, Pete Phipps, and
Kevin (Pedalin'withapurpose.com) pedaled coast to coast to
raise funds for the Wounded Warrior Project.
"Thank You Donors - Without all of you this trip would not
be complete... "
Kristopher Webber'10 4th-generation West Point Graduate
1 Aug, 2010 - Kristopher Webber '10 of Gilford is congratulated by
President Obama upon his graduation from the United States Military
Academy at West Point on May 22, 2010.
Webber, a 2006 graduate of Gilford High School, was commissioned
after graduation as a Second Lieutenant in the Infantry and will be
stationed at Fort Lewis, Wash. with the 2nd Infantry Division after
going through infantry officer and Ranger training at Fort Benning,
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He is the fourth generation in his family to graduate from the U.S.
Military Academy, joining his great grandfather (class of 1923), grandfather (class of 1948), uncle (class of
1974) and father (class of 1979) in the ranks of the "Long Gray Line."
His younger brother, Ken, a 2009 graduate of Gilford High School, entered the U.S. Military Academy as a
member of the class of 2014 at the end of June.
Captain Sarah Wolberg '02 Graduates Pathfinder School
U.S. Army Capt. Sarah Wolberg graduated from the U.S. Army Pathfinder School at Fort Benning, Ga.
Of the approximately 160 soldiers who began the course, only about 40 graduated, and Wolberg was the
only woman.
Wolberg, a 1997 graduate of Socorro High School, was a West Point graduate, Class of 2002. She served
in the 101st Airborne as a combat engineer under the command of Gen. David Petraeus through the entire
invasion of Iraq, from Kuwait to Mosul.
Wolberg also recently graduated from the U.S. Military graduate school in Monterey, Calif., with a master's
degrees in mathematics and physics, and will now return to West Point to teach mathematics.
Sarah is the daughter of Dr. Donald Wolberg and the late Patsy Reinard, a Socorro attorney. By
circumstance, her graduation from Pathfinder's School comes on the third anniversary of her mother's
death. (Source: El Defensor Chieftan, 17 July 2010)
Mr. Robert L. Gordon, III '79, New Assignment
Mr. Robert L. Gordon, III '79, a member of the Senior Executive Service,
is assigned to the Office of the Secretary of Defense, serving as the
Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Military Community and Family
Policy, effective July 19, 2010.
Mr. Gordon is responsible for policy, advocacy, and oversight of all
community support to service members and families; quality of life
issues; state liaison initiatives; family programs and the 24/7, 1-800
family assistance services; child development and youth programs;
military spouse career advancement; the off-duty, voluntary education
program for military personnel; tuition assistance; morale, welfare, and
recreation; defense resale for commissaries and exchanges; and family
violence prevention and intervention.
Included within the purview of his
office is advocacy for quality education for all military students and
defense-wide policy responsibility for the Department of Defense Education Activity that serves
approximately 84,000 students in 192 schools in 14 districts located in 12 foreign countries, seven states,
Guam, and Puerto Rico.
His oversight includes the Armed Forces Retirement Home, casualty and
mortuary affairs, and military funeral honors.
Prior to his appointment, Gordon served as the Chief People and Program Officer and Senior Vice President
for Civic Leadership at City Year, where he was responsible for the organization’s people programs
including: recruitment, human resources, program and service, research and evaluation, the development
of City Year’s 1,600 member corps of young leaders, the appointment of more than 12,000 alumni as
‘leaders for life,’ and the engagement of children and teens in service and civic leadership.
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Caleb Cage '02 Will Remain Nevada Veterans Director
Update: 11/12/10: CARSON CITY, Nev. (AP) 11/11-- Nevada Gov.-elect
Brian Sandoval says he will reappoint Caleb Cage '02 as director of
veterans services.
The Republican governor-elect announced his intent Thursday as the nation
observed Veterans Day.
Cage is a Reno native who was first appointed to the post in July by
outgoing Gov. Jim Gibbons.
A 2002 graduate of West Point, Cage achieved the rank of captain. He served in Iraq and was awarded the
Army's Bronze Star medal.
The state Office of Veterans Services provides assistance to Nevada's veterans, active military personnel
and their families. It also oversees two veteran memorial cemeteries and the Nevada State Veterans
Source: ABC13Action News, Las Vegas)
Previously Posted, July 2010: CARSON CITY – An Army officer who served in Iraq has been named
executive director of the Nevada Office of Veterans Services. Gov. Jim Gibbons has selected Caleb Cage
'02 of Reno for the job to succeed Charles Harvey who held it for only a short time before returning to his
post as director of the American Reinvestment and Recovery Act that handles federal stimulus money.
Cage is a graduate of West Point and attained the rank of Army Captain. He was awarded the Army’s
Bronze Star for his service in Iraq. In his new post he will be charged with helping 339,000 veterans and
their families in Nevada.
He has been senior policy advisor for rural and veterans issues for Lt. Gov. Brian Krolicki. (Source: Las
Vegas Sun, 30 July 2010)
The Philosophy of a West Point Legend
William F. Lewis, who was an instructor in the Department of Physical Education
(DPE) from 1945 to 1978, lived by a simple philosophy: Be happy. Whether he
was performing one-armed pull-ups to inspire faculty and cadets to exercise or
teaching a roomful of plebes how to dance, Lewis always lived by this motto.
West Point is fortunate to benefit from a charitable bequest made from his and
his wife’s estate.
Read More
WPAOG 2011 Travel Schedule
Join fellow West Point travelers to beautiful locations where
expert guides will lead you through fascinating educational
and cultural experiences.
2011 WPAOG Trip List
Service Academy Career Conference
San Diego, CA SACC - 26-27 August 2010
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Registration Deadline: 13 August 2010
If you miss the registration deadline please attend as a walk-in
candidate and pay $40 at the door on Friday. Bring 25-30
Future SACC Conferences
Austin, TX - November 11-12, 2010
Washington, DC - May 2011
More Details and Registration
Norman E. Beatty '63 to American Bankers Association Board
Norman E. Beatty '63, First Hope Bank’s Chairman, President, and CEO, has been
nominated to a three-year term as a member of the board of directors of the
American Bankers Association (ABA). Beatty was selected by the ABA’s
Nominating Community as part of its official slate of candidates for election at the
association’s annual convention to be held Oct. 17-20 in Boston. ABA’s board is
the association’s governing body between annual conventions.
ABA represents banks of all sizes and charters and is the voice for the nation’s
$13 trillion banking industry and its 2 million employees. ABA’s extensive
resources enhance the success of the nation’s banks and strengthen America’s
economy and communities. The majority of ABA’s members are banks with less
than $165 million in assets, states a press release from First Hope Bank.
”I am honored to be nominated to represent our bank, our region and our industry,” said Beatty.
Team Red, White & Blue Charity Golf Tournament
Take part in the 1st Annual Team Red, White & Blue Charity Golf Tournament, and help us support our
wounded veterans. The tournament will be held on September 7, 2010 at Tour 18 in Houston, where
they've reproduced the most renowned holes in the history of golf from tournaments like the U.S. Open,
The Masters, The Tour Championship and the PGA Championship. The course is one of the most beautiful
and challenging courses in the region, so don't miss out on your chance to play at a top notch course and
support a great cause all in one effort.
The Non Profit formed a Fundraiser by several members of the Class of 2002. Thank you to Gary Bartels
'02 for sending in this story.
Read more at Team RWB...
GEN (R) Donn Starry '48 to Pentagon Hall of Fame
Retired Gen. Donn A. Starry '48 (l) and Lt. Gen. Robert
P. Lennox '77 (r), the Army G-8, unveil the Force
Management Hall of Fame display during Starry's
induction ceremony June 15, at the Pentagon. Starry is
only the 10th inductee into the hall of fame. The display
hangs on the wall in the E-Ring of the Pentagon in the
G-8 area.
Gen. Starry is considered to be the architect of the
1980s' Air-Land Battle Doctrine, which transformed how
the Army fights conventional wars. Even though he
retired more than 25 years ago, his lasting contributions
to the Army were recognized recently. Gen. Starry...
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earned the Silver Star, the Bronze Star Medal with "V" device, the Soldier's Medal, and the Purple Heart,
during two tours in Vietnam...and was an award recpient of the West Point Distinguished Graduate Award
in 2009.
Thank you to Robert D. Weiss '71 and John J. McCuen '48 for submitting this story. Original Post 25 June
Updated: Thank you to Mr. Max Maxfield, G-8Force Development, for sending the full article infomration
(Photo - Marla Hurtado, G-8 Force Development).
Full story and photo at http://www.army.mil/-news/2010/06/23/41264-general-charged-with-changinghow-the-army-fights-honored-at-pentagon/...
Distinguished Graduate Citation...
LTG William Caldwell IV '76 - Thoughts on McChrystal, Petraeus
Lt. Gen. William Caldwell says Afghan mission has not changed. The leadership
in Afghanistan has changed, but the mission there remains the same.
That’s what top Afghan commander Gen. David Petraeus told Lt. Gen. William B.
Caldwell IV, commander, NATO Training Mission-Afghanistan, when he visited
Caldwell and his team in theater earlier this month.
“He’s being real clear to everybody that, ‘Look, what we were doing before, the
strategy that was in place, is still valid,’” Caldwell said during a recent telephone
interview. “We’re still going to continue to execute it, but there has been a
change in personnel.”
(Photo: Lt. Gen. William B. Caldwell IV '76)
A native of Columbus, Caldwell returned July 9 to begin two weeks of leave, taking his family on a beach
vacation and then relaxing at home with friends and loved ones.
The general spoke to the Ledger-Enquirer just hours after his flight landed in Atlanta about the progress
his team has made and the challenges it now faces, specifically with cultivating competent leaders to serve
within the Afghan National Security Force.
2LT Cedric Fraser '10 - Guyana Defence Force
28 July...officers from the Guyana Defence Force were recently awarded with
their master’s and bachelor’s degrees in Computer Science and Management
2LT Cedric Fraser '10, (Photo-right) )who was privileged to undergo his Officer
Cadet training at the United States Military Academy at West Point, New York,
graduated with his bachelor’s degree in Management with a Minor in Systems
... Fraser said the military aspect of his training was done at the US Airborne
School in Fort Benning, Georgia. He said that the training covered several aspects including Cadet Basic
Training, Cadet Field Training and advanced training courses in airborne, air assault and Cadet Leadership
Development Training.
During his years of study at the university he was also active in Boxing and won the heavyweight title at
the National Championships of the National Collegiate Boxing Association
“It was a challenge to manage the academic work load with the physical demands of the course, but in the
end it is all rewarding,” Fraser expressed.
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BG Raymond A. Thomas III '80 Named Deputy Dir
Brig. Gen. Raymond A. Thomas III '80, deputy director for special operations, J-37, The Joint Staff,
Washington, D.C., to deputy commander for operations, Joint Special Operations Command, U.S. Special
Operations Command, Fort Bragg, N.C. (Source: DOD General Officer Assignments)
Zach Horan '06-Coveted Military Assignment
Zachary “Zach” Horan '06 has done a lot in his short 25 years of living. The Army officer with Fort Mill
roots led a U.S. Army platoon of 33 soldiers. He escorted top military dignitaries. As an Army company
commander, Horan, a Fort Mill High School graduate whose family lives in Fort Mill, trained at least 200
soldiers in basic combat “must dos.”
Now, he can add one more accolade to the lineup. Capt. Horan, a West Point graduate, this month
stepped into a new role as aide-de-camp for Brig. Gen. Bradley May.
On the Move: Dr. Sean Ghidella '85
Dr. Sean Ghidella '85 has joined Puget Sound Orthopaedics at the Lakewood and Tacoma clinics. He is a
graduate of West Point and the Georgetown University School of Medicine. Ghidella has served in the
military as an orthopedic and hand surgeon with the last eight years of his career holding positions of chief
of hand surgery and chief of orthopaedic surgery at Madigan Army Medical Center. He retired from the
Army as a colonel and a combat veteran after 21 years of service this year to pursue civilian practice.
(Source: Business Examiner)
Texas A&M Names Charles G. Rodriguez '75 VP
Texas A&M University-San Antonio has named ...Charles G. Rodriguez '75 as vice president for strategic
initiatives, institutional advancement and military affairs...Rodriguez is a graduate of West Point and retired
from the U.S. Army, where he spent four years as Adjutant General of Texas.
“Texas A&M-San Antonio has experienced unprecedented enrollment growth and program expansion and
these strong leaders will help us keep our momentum,” said Maria Hernandez Ferrier, president of A&MSan Antonio. (Source: MySanAntonio.com)
Corps of Engineers gets New Commander for Nola District
Col. Ed Fleming '89 took control of the local Army Corps of
Engineers this morning as the New Orleans District's 61st chief
engineer, the second new commander installed here since
Hurricane Katrina plowed into the Gulf Coast in 2005 and thrust
the federal levee-building agency into a new and often difficult
Gen Stanley McChrystal '76--Retirement Ceremony
The sunset ceremony, held at Fort McNair on the Anacostia
River, marked Gen McChrystal's retirement from the military
after 34 years - 23 July 2010.
"With my resignation, I . . . left unfulfilled commitments I
made to many comrades in the fight, commitments I hold
sacred," McChrystal said. "My service did not end as I would
have wished."
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Mostly, though, McChrystal's speech -- which was disarmingly funny, personal and often wistful -- poked
fun at himself, paid homage to the troops who fought for him and offered thanks to his wife.
Retirement Speech video clip...
Article and Photos...
Day 46 - Finally in Nevada
Three '05 grads are in the last two weeks of their crosscountry bicycle ride for the Wounded Warrior Project. Pete
Phipps, Dan Marques and Joel Glover report...
After a great breakfast at Peggy’s Diner in Milford, Utah, we
set out at 5:30 am for the Nevada border. After riding 10 or
15 miles we couldn’t help but stop to turn around and take
in the gorgeous sunrise. Afterward, we passed through a
curious plot of old looking buildings. We were surprised to
learn that the odd looking buildings were actually the
remnants of Frisco, an old Utah mining town.
Read more at their website, 'pedalinwithapurpose.com'
WPS Northwest FL - New President & Treasurer
"Change of command" ceremony for the West Point Society
of Northwest Florida, which was held on the banks of Tom's
Bayou in Valparaiso, Florida.
Featured in the photo are officers and members of the
advisory council (l -r), Chuck Merkel, secretary; Chris Beam,
incoming president and treasurer; Fred Dent, vice president;
Jerry White, outgoing president [see his smile?]; John Streit;
Bob Caron.
Thank you to West Point friend and supporter, Chuck Merkel, for submitting this news item.
1760 Ogdensburg Battle: Mark Valley '87
FOUNDERS DAY WEEKEND: 'Human Target' actor Mark
Valley '87 was among soldiers participating in anniversary of
final skirmish of French and Indian War--1760 Ogdensburg
OGDENSBURG — When Mark T. Valley, Operation Desert
Storm veteran and U.S. Military Academy at West Point
graduate, was growing up in Ogdensburg, he knew that
Abbe Francois Picquet had founded his hometown on the
banks of the St. Lawrence River, but no one ever told him
about its role in the French and Indian War. But on Saturday, with musket in hand and dressed in a
French soldier's uniform, the Fox network star of "Human Target" was firing volleys at hundreds dressed as
British soldiers as part of Founders Day weekend.
"It's kind of like a movie set," Mr. Valley said as he stood on Lighthouse Point, preparing to participate in
the 250th anniversary of the final battle of the French and Indian War. ...Mr. Valley said he was
impressed by the 800 to 1,000 historical re-enactors who joined him in remembering the battle that was
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fought off the shore of Ogdensburg in 1760.
During what's become known as the "Battle of the Thousand Islands," 11,000 British and colonials under
the command of Sir Jeffrey Amherst traveled down the St. Lawrence River on their way to Montreal,
where they hoped to defeat the French army.
LTC Martin J. Barr '91-Commands Infantry Battalion
Lt. Col. Martin J. Barr '91, formerly of Mason City, assumed command of the
Second Battalion, 58th Infantry on June 16 at Fort Benning, Ga.
He is a 1991 graduate of West Point Military Academy.
Randall Crowder '02 First Venture Labs Fellow
AUSTIN, Texas — Texas Venture Labs at The University of Texas at Austin
announced Randall Crowder '02 as the first Texas Venture Labs Fellow. Crowder is
also an entrepreneur, active investor and executive director of the Central Texas
Angel Network (CTAN) and a managing partner at TEXO Ventures.
"Randall is the perfect person to help us grow our organization," said Rob Adams,
director of Texas Venture Labs. "He is passionate about new venture creation and
the innovative spirit that fuels entrepreneurs. He understands what makes a
startup successful and what it takes to successfully raise and leverage investor
Nebraska Gov Heineman '70 Honors Service Members
Nebraska Governor, Dave Heineman '70, Honors America's Service Members by joining the Education
Center at the Wall Leadership Team
Washington, D.C. – Nebraska Gov. Dave Heineman, a West Point graduate who served in the United States
Army, has joined the leadership team for the campaign to build the Education Center at The Wall,
announced Jan C. Scruggs, founder and president of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund (VVMF), the
group that is leading the drive to build the Education Center
West Point Grad Maj. Jonathan Doyle '95
COB BASRA, IRAQ – Maj. Jonathan Doyle '95 was born at West Point 37 years ago while his father was an
instructor there. Now he is in his second tour in Iraq as senior military police officer in the 1st Infantry
Division where he serves as commanding general’s senior advisor on military police and law enforcement
Doyle, who is a graduate of West Point, told MidHudsonNews.com in an interview from his base in Iraq that
he has seen a “dramatic” improvement among the Iraqi over the two tours that he has spent there. “They
are becoming a more professional force,” he said. “They are developing, they are gaining confidence and
they are gaining confidence not only in themselves but the people they are representing, the population is
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gaining confidence in their abilities to protect them and enforce their laws.”
Doyle said the US led forces are turning more and more responsibilities over to the Iraqi military and
taking on more of an advisory role. That gives him confidence as the American forces begin to pull out
later this summer.
Doyle’s second tour in Iraqi ends next January. (Source: Empire State News)
Grad Honors Sister with West Point Achievement
2nd Lt. Jason Sexton '10, a graduate of West Point, was
packing his bags for Fort Sill, Okla.
...Jason Sexton is the youngest of three children and
the only boy. His oldest sister, Leslie, always prodded
him to be his best, their mother said. Three months
before her high school graduation, Leslie Sexton was
killed in a car crash. Jason was 14.
Jason Sexton decided to honor his sister by living up to
her image of him. He worked hard, studied and applied
to the United State Military Academy.
Story & 3-Min. Video...
Greg Gadson '89 Heads Wounded Warrior Program
WASHINGTON (Army News Service, July 14, 2010) -- The U.S.
Army Wounded Warrior Program gained a new director
Tuesday -- one who has a lot in common with those he'll be
Lt. Col. Gregory D. Gadson '89, a West Point graduate, lost
both of his legs to a roadside bomb in Iraq in 2007. Despite
nearly losing his life, Gadson went on to complete two
graduate degrees and recovered with assistance from the
Wounded Warrior Program, which he is now responsible for.
CPT Chris Migliaro '06 - A Red, White and Blue Attitude
...A couple of Purple Hearts and a Bronze Star
WALLINGFORD - Chris Migliaro Sr. said his son has known what he wanted to do with his life ever since
he watched television specials about the military on the Discovery Channel in the 10th grade. And he's
done it well.
U.S. Army Capt. Christopher Migliaro '06, a Lyman Hall High School graduate, received two Purple Hearts
in April and May after serving two tours in Iraq and Afghanistan and was awarded a Bronze Star for his
leadership role following his second deployment. A two-star general awarded the Bronze Star to Migliaro.
"It makes deployment all worth it," he said of the honor. While on his tours, Migliaro was responsible for
securing neighborhoods, setting up councils and leading platoons. (Source: My Record-Journal.com,
Conn., 03 July 2010)
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A Rare Woman General, GEN Heidi Brown '81
Living with War: A Rare Woman General
Radio KPLU-NPR Listen:
part of the Obama administration's rapid drawdown of troops
from Iraq, millions of pieces of equipment - from office
support to weaponry - must be identified and moved.
Doing that while making sure troops aren't adversely affected is a huge logistical puzzle.
In this first installment of our regional series, Living With War, we get a glimpse into the life of a rare U.S.
Army general who was at the helm of those decisions: Brigadier General Heidi Brown -- one of only 23
female general officers in the army.
Candidate Spotlight: Doug Heckman '81
Doug Heckman '81 (D-Norcross), in the race to replace John Linder as
Rep of the 7th Congressional District. The seat was left open after the
retirement of Linder earlier this year who decided not to run for reelection.
MG Dana Pittard '81 to Lead Fort Bliss
Eastwood graduate is back in El Paso to lead Fort Bliss
By Ouisa D. Davis; El Paso Times, 09 July 2010
Maj. Gen. Dana J.H. Pittard, left, smiled as Gen. James D.
Thurman mentioned he is a 1977 graduate of Eastwood High
School during a change of command ceremony at Fort Bliss
Friday. Pittard took command of Fort Bliss from Maj. Gen.
Howard Bromberg, right. During his remarks Pittard said he
loves soldiering and loves El Paso. "There is truly no place like
home," he said.
Van Houten '89 Chairs US Olympic's Athletes' Advisory Council
A 4-year member of the team handball club while at West Point, Matt (Lee M.) Van Houten '89, had the
opportunity to play on the US National Team and participated in 2 Pan Am Games (the Olympic Qualifier
for team handball).
Matt is currently serving a four year term as the chair of the US Olympic Committee Athletes' Advisory
Council, which is composed of one rep from each olympic sport, who must have played in the Olympics or
other high level international competition. Matt is a 1989 Graduate of West Point.
Senate Confirms Gen Odierno '76 and LTG Austin '75
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The Senate has confirmed GEN Ray Odierno '76, the
current commander of U.S. Forces-Iraq, to lead
U.S. Joint Forces Command.
LTG Lloyd Austin '75 to receive a 4th star and
confirmed to succeed General Odierno as
Commander of US Forces Iraq. (Photos-file photos)
Pentagon Channel video clip
Updated 15 July: News article - LTG Austin
Carhart '66 Pens "Sacred Ties"
Tom Carhart '66 is a West Point graduate and Vietnam veteran, with a
doctorate in military history from Princeton and a law degree from the
University of Michigan. He is the author of five previous books.
"...Carhart tells the moving story of six cadets of the Point class of 1861
and the bonds among them, which grew out of the shared experience of
being cadets as well as attending illegal dinner parties at the tavern run by
Benny Haven, former food supplier to the college (“former” because he had
also run forbidden liquor to cadets)..." Then came the Civil War.
Sacred Ties: From West Point Brothers to Battlefield Rivals: A True Story of the Civil War.
Hardcover, 384 pages, May 4, 2010
Fulfilling Her Dream To Serve
Haley Murray '08 had made a self-fulfilling prophecy when she was an eighthgrader at Mary Putnam Henck Intermediate School. The Army lieutenant had
been required to write an essay about what she wanted to do when she
finished high school. For Murray her path was clear: She was going to West
It took Murray about a year to get to Fort Bragg, N.C., the posting she had
requested. Her then-boyfriend (and now husband) Lt. Matt Hamilton-her West
Point classmate-had also requested to be posted to Fort Bragg. Coincidentally,
they were both assigned to the 27th Engineer Battalion. When they learned
they would be deployed to Afghanistan last December, the couple, already
engaged, decided to get married prior to leaving the U.S.
It's rare, Lewis and Brenda Murray said, for a woman to lead a combat unit.
In fact, Lt. Murray is one of the very few females-if not the only one-to be
placed in this position.
In addition to making the roads safer for both the soldiers and the villagers,
Murray and the men she commands serve another purpose. "A lot of what
they do," Brenda Murray said, "is make friends."
U.S. Military Academy was 'amazing experience'
14 July - U.S. Rep. Rodney Alexander (left), R-Quitman,
honored 2nd Lt. Brian J. Clayton '10, a recent West Point
graduate, Monday by presenting Clayton with a flag that flew
over the Capitol.
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"We just want to say thank you for accepting this position,"
Alexander said as he presented Brian with an American flag
that was flown over the U.S. Capitol in honor of the grad.
"Thank you and good luck."
Duncan Larkin '94 authors new book, “Oxygen Debt”
There are so many books out there-boring, predictable books-about a charming,
good-looking protagonist; a dashing hero facing impossible odds who saves the
day...But not OXYGEN DEBT.
Published just last month, there is a rave review at Amazon.
"...I get a lot of inspiration out of talking to [top runners] these people. Again, you
don't have to be this great runner. But if you run a lot, you instantly relate to
people that are at the top of their sport. They have a lot of gifts and talent and
they've applied it and they've worked hard and they're successful, but it's no
different than anyone who's just trying hard. A 20-mile run is a 20-mile run. It's
hard no matter what..."
Interview: Runner's World...
On Serving This Great Nation: LTG Ben Freakley '75
LTG Ben Freakley '75 May 2010 on Serving this Great
Nation ...[West Point] was a phenominal experience and a
great education... I never looked back. I served for 25
years in the Infantry with phenominal soldiers, ordinary
people who did ever day extraordinary things and just
motivated me personally...
Army Strong Stories
Enjoy a video clip...video...
Bryant S. "Corky" Messner '79 Helps Sponsor Santa U
ARVADA, Colo.–(BUSINESS WIRE)–Christmas arrives early
this year as theThird Annual Santa University kicks off July
13-16, 2010.
Bryant S. “Corky” Messner '79, CEO of Messner & Reeves
and graduate of West Point, viewed the program as a
creative and heartfelt way to show support for our nation’s
troops. Messner & Reeves, an entrepreneurial-minded law
firm based in Denver, provided a financial donation to help
support this year’s Santa University program. The Noerr
Programs deploy more than 2,000 seasonal cast members and 250 kindly gentlemen to take on the role of
Santa each November.
West Point to Welcome New Superintendent
WEST POINT, N.Y. – Lieutenant Gen. David H. Huntoon, Jr. '73, will assume command as the 58th
Superintendent of the U.S. Military Academy from Lt. Gen. Franklin L. “Buster” Hagenbeck '71 in a
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ceremony Monday, July 19, starting at 10 a.m. at Trophy Point.
Hagenbeck is scheduled to retire from the U.S. Army after serving for almost 40 years.
Huntoon graduated from West Point in 1973, received his Master of Arts Degree in International Relations
from Georgetown University. His military education includes the Infantry Officer Basic and Advanced
courses, Army Command and General Staff College and School of Advanced Military Studies.
News Release...
Donald Horner, Jr. '81: Key Lessons from the Gulf Oil Spill
Donald Horner Jr. '81, an expert in management and leadership at
Jacksonville University, explains how BP and Obama stumbled. Here are
Horner’s observations about leadership as demonstrated in response to the
Gulf oil spill.
What are some key lessons business leaders should learn from the BP
disaster, both leading up to the spill and in response to it?
The first mission of leaders is “do no harm.” Do no harm does not mean “do
nothing.” It appears that neither BP nor the administration understood this
Another key lesson is to properly diagnose the magnitude of an untoward
event. It is really, really important to get this right, because everything that
follows is based on this assessment.
Read more of the Interview...
Vice Mayor Alan Cordova '89 Presses for Reform
Dumaguete City, Philippines - old and new City Councilors Mull
over House Rules before Going into full legislation. (L)
Presiding Officer City Vice Mayor Alan Gel Cordova '89
Newly installed City Vice Mayor Alan Gel Cordova, 43, vowed
to live up to the expectations of Dumagueteños by confirming
his drive to lead the new City Council to new heights of
professionalism and genuine commitment to the people by
minimizing if not eliminating mediocrity, dilatory tactics, and
selfish interest in their functions as city policymakers and
legislators. Vice Mayor Cordova told the CHRONICLE in an
exclusive interview that “it must have been providential that I ran and won as independent, in fact the first
in the city’s history, because then I owe nothing to politicians, but I owe everything to the people, those
faceless and nameless citizens who staked their confidence in me. Thus, I will not fail them.”
'Pedalin' with a Purpose' a two wheeled journey
Day 34 Recap; Western Continental Divide
Class of 2005 classmates, Pete Phipps, Dan Marques, Joel
Glover--10 July, Today was one of the most beautiful and
painful days we’ve had on this entire trip. We started in
Salida, CO at an elevation of just over 7,000 feet. For 24
long, winding miles we climbed up the Monarch Pass on
route 50 to reach the Western Continental Divide at 11,312
feet above sea level. While the climb was grueling and the
rain was annoying, we couldn’t help but take in some of the
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sheer beauty that Colorado has to offer. Around every corner was a breathtaking view of another set of
sprawling mountains. The air, as thin as it was at 11,000+ feet, felt clean and fresh and was laced with
the scent of pine trees. Reaching the Continental Divide was a big moment for each of us. Each of us felt a
sense of pride and satisfaction, knowing that we started our ride at sea level in Portland, Maine and that
we had reached the highest point on our trip. Please spread the word so we can show them some
Day 32: West Point Friends along the way...
Rick Albrecht '80 - Volunteer extraordinaire
LTC (R) Rick Albrecht '80 has been named "American Legion of
South Dakota Good Samaritan of the Year." He has earned this
recognition with over 9,000 hours of volunteer efforts to a long list
of individuals and organizations. Earlier this year he received the
"SERTOMA" (Service to Mankind) Award, presented by the by the
Sertoma Club who nominated him for the American Legion award.
He's pictured showing the Sertoma Award.
Updated 12 July to show the new Good Samaratin Award, Rick
writes..."very nicely done, it has the Biblical quote about the Good
Samaritan on one side and the award data on the other side."
Long Gray Line Announcment
Members of the Long Gray Line,
A letter naming those whom the Nominating Committee is recommending for positions on the Board of
Directors and Advisory Council is available online. The letter also describes two amendments to the
WPAOG Bylaws that the Board is proposing to the membership for approval.
The election of Directors and Advisors, along with the proposed amendments to the Bylaws, will be the
matters taken up at the WPAOG Annual Meeting on 20 October 2010, at five in the afternoon in the Herbert
Alumni Center.
Election and Proposed Bylaws Changes
John Thurman, Jr. '00 recognized for Academic, Community
John Thurman, Jr. '00 recognized for academic, community
leadership Kirksville College of Osteopathic Medicine
(ATSU-KCOM) Dean Philip Slcoum, D.O., formally recognized
the service of second-year student doctor John Thurman Jr.
with a Dean’s Letter of Commendation. This is an infrequent
recognition honoring the rare student who displays all of the
positive virtues sought by the University. Only three letters
have been extended since 2004.
Thurman was honored during a surprise ceremony on May 28 on ATSU’s Missouri campus. “This letter is
presented to John in recognition of his leadership, courage, strength of character, perseverance, honesty,
integrity, and compassion,” said Dr. Slocum. “In the 118-year history of KCOM, few people have been
better ambassadors. John Thurman will be a success in whatever field he chooses to serve humanity.”
Thurman grew up in Midland, Texas, and attended the United States Military Academy at West Point
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Academy from 1996-2000. He served seven years in the U.S. Army, including tours in Kuwait and
Baghdad, Iraq, for Operation Iraqi Freedom. (Photo: KCOM Dean Philip Slocum, D.O.; John Thurman Jr.,
OMS II; and ATSU President Jack Magruder)
Press Release
Army's Andrew Maisano '10 Scholar-Athlete of the Year
Men's Lacrosse Player Becomes Fourth Black Knight to Win Award
July 6, 2010 - Army men’s lacrosse player Andrew Maisano'10 has
been named the 2009-10 Patriot League Male Scholar-Athlete of the
Year, it was announced Tuesday. Maisano earned the honor after
being named the 2010 Scholar-Athlete of the Year in men’s lacrosse.
The voting was conducted by one sports information director from
each school around the League who could not vote for their own
On the field, Maisano started every game at midfield for the Black
Knights over the last two seasons. This year as a senior, he scored
three goals and added five assists for eight points while picking up 10
ground balls in 17 games. His steady play helped the Black Knights
finish 6-0 against Patriot League teams, capture the League title and
advance to the second round of the NCAA Tournament for the first
time since 1993.
A native of Lakeview, N.Y., Maisano graduated 26th in his class at the United States Military Academy in
May, which put him in the top five percent. He netted a 4.00 cumulative grade-point average, which placed
him on the Patriot League’s Academic Honor Roll for the fourth year in a row. He was named the winner of
the 2010 Lowe’s Senior CLASS Award during the NCAA Men’s Lacrosse Final Four and earned First-Team
Academic All-America selection by ESPN The Magazine and the College Sports Information Directors
Association (CoSIDA) last month.
Recent Grad Micah Highwalking '10
When Micah Highwalking tossed her hat in the air at West Point graduation
ceremonies May 22, she was celebrating her mother and her Northern
Cheyenne people as much as her own accomplishment.
The 23-year-old, who grew up in Lame Deer, was the first member of her tribe
to graduate from the nation’s oldest military academy and one of only five
American Indian West Point graduates.
Honors to Ambassador Eikenberry '73
National Military Academy of Afghanistan honors Ambassador
Eikenberry '73
Nato Training Mission-Afghanistan, 22 June 2010 - Members
of the Afghan Ministry of Defense presented Ambassador Karl
W. Eikenberry, U.S. Ambassador to Afghanistan, with an
honorary degree from the National Military Academy of
Afghanistan June 21... he was presented a diploma and a
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sword for his efforts in 2002 while serving in Afghanistan,
which ultimately led to the establishment of the academy.
“My dear friend Ambassador Eikenberry, you are the first to receive an honorary diploma from the National
Military Academy of Afghanistan,” said Afghan Lt. Gen. Mohammad Amayoon Raizeem Fowzi, Deputy of
Ministry of Defense. “You have played a key role in establishing this academy and as a representative of
the Ministry of Defense of Afghanistan, I present you with - I present you with my heartfelt
congratulations and thank you for all your help.”
Hank Keirsey '76--Call of Duty: Black Ops on Jimmy Fallon
Jimmy got to play the newest edition to the Call of Duty
franchise, 'Call of Duty: Black Ops!' On hand to show him
the game was Treyarch developer Mark Lamia and retired
Lieutenant Colonel Hank Keirsey '76. Call of Duty has sold
more than any other with $1.2 billion in sales. Gamers await
the new Black Ops due out in November.
LTC Hank Keirsey '76 and the new Call of Duty video clip
New West Point Dean Named: Col Tim Trainor '83
West Point, N.Y. – Secretary of Defense Robert M. Gates announced 28
June that President Barack Obama has nominated Col. Tim Trainor for
promotion to the grade of brigadier general and assignment as the U.S.
Military Academy’s Dean of the Academic Board. He is currently serving as
Professor and Head of the Systems Engineering department here.
Trainor will replace Brig. Gen. Patrick Finnegan, who retired earlier this
month and will assume the position as the 25th President of Longwood
“I am both honored and humbled to be nominated to this position and look
forward to serving as Dean and continuing to enhance and broaden our cadets learning opportunities both
here and abroad,Trainor said.
Read the Press Release
LTG David Huntoon '73, Visits Walter Reed with Cadets
The newly appointed Superintendent at West
Point, LTG David H. Huntoon, Jr.'73, recently
visited Walter Reed with West Point Cadets. LTG
Huntoon spent the morning (25 Jun) visiting soldiers,
graduates and their families, later presenting a
soldier with a Purple Heart Award at a ceremony in
the auditorium. He was greeted at the main lobby of
Walter Reed by Ms. Phyllis Kuberek (Executive
Services), COL Jim Wartski '82, Mr. Fred Larson,
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Cadet Luis Rivas '11, Cadet Lauren Yoon '11, and
Cadet Anna Stein '12. Not available was Cadet Mary
Beth Worth '12 who was observing surgery next to an
Army Surgeon in the OR. Programs similar to these
that orient cadets toward career paths are funded through WPAOG. LTG Huntoon had a VIP parking spot
that stated "Reserved for Black Knight Parking Only." The Grads, Families, and cadets welcomed him and
look forward to his arrival at West Point.
Region Awaits Petraeus' Visit Home
Gen. David Petraeus '74 is visiting his hometown today to
honor vets and graduates. He is scheduled to give the
commencement address at his alma mater, Cornwall High
School, and be the special guest speaker at the National
Purple Heart Hall of Honor Tribute in New Windsor. (Source:
Times Herald-Record 25 June 10)
Grad Believes in Giving Back
West Point graduate, U.S. Army Captain John David Silvers
'90 believes in giving back to the community. "A lifetime of
service will present challenges in your life," he said.
At 42, Silvers is a freshman member of the Upper Makefield
Township Board of Supervisors. He strongly believes in giving
back to his community.
...“I joined [the Army] because I went to West Point,” he
said. “I had a five-year obligation upon graduation in 1990. I
actually served six years, but I went to West Point for the
education and the leadership qualities that they teach.”
West Point faculty ...assist National Military Academy of
Afghan Army Col. Lajward Kanin, left, Leadership and
Management Department head at the National Military
Academy of Afghanistan, discusses the plan for launching
the management major with U.S. Army Maj. Aram Donigian
'98, faculty mentor, during their initial meeting. While NMAA
is six years old and has graduated two classes, the
management major will be a new offering in 2011. (Source:
Story courtesy of Sgt. Vincent Fusco, West Point, N.Y., La
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Grande Observer, Ore., 22 June 2010, Page 12A / Photo
courtesy Maj. Aram Donigian)
Dedication of Hottell ’64 Chair for Character Development
“I loved the Army: it reared me, it nurtured me,
and it gave me the most satisfying years of my
life. Thanks to it, I have lived an entire lifetime in
26 years. It is only fitting that I should die in its
service... I deny that I died FOR anything—not my
country, not my Army, not my fellow man, none of
these things. I LIVED for these things.” To
continue the tradition of integrity and honor of MAJ
Hottell '64 and countless other Academy graduates
into the future, Thayer Award recipient Ross
Perot visited West Point and honored John
Alexander Hottell by endowing this Chair of
Character Development in his memory.
In recognition of the sacrifice of MAJ Hottel '64 and the generosity of Ross Perot, a small, dignified
ceremony was held in the Thayer Award Room of Taylor Hall on the morning of 16 June 2010. There, LTG
Buster Hagenbeck ’71; MAJ Hottell’s widow, Mrs. Linda Pickett; Mr. Perot; and COL (Ret.) Bob McClure ’76,
West Point AOG President, unveiled a large bronze plaque formally dedicating the new John Alexander
Hottell III ’64 Chair for Character Development.
Slide show...
West Point 5th Generation
Col. Mark Armstrong Sr. administers the military oath of
office to his son, 2nd Lt. Mark Armstrong Jr., at West Point
May 22 as Armstrong Jr. becomes the fifth generation of his
family that has graduated from the United States Military
Academy. His father, a 1981 graduate of West Point, serves
on active duty as the U.S. Army North Region IX Defense
Coordinating Officer in Oakland, Calif.
2LT Mark H. Armstrong, Jr., '10
- COL Mark H. Armstrong, Sr. '81
Two uncles - John L. Armstrong Jr. '78
- Jon Halsey '85
Grandfather - LTC John L. Armstrong '46
Both Great Grandfathers
- Col John D. Armstrong '19
- MG Milton B. Halsey '17
and Great Great Grandfather
- COL Frank S. Armstrong 1891
Read More
John Nagl '88--We can still win the war...
...skeptics may have forgotten that counterinsurgency is always slow and grinding - "like eating soup with
a knife," in the words of T.E. Lawrence (of Arabia), a man who knew something of this most challenging
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kind of war.
Defeating an insurgency requires the patience to implement the classic "clear-hold-build-transition"
counterinsurgency strategy. Efforts to clear the enemy from an area require large numbers of well-trained
and usually foreign troops; hard as it is, clearing is the easy part. Success requires local troops to hold the
area so that the insurgents cannot return to disrupt the process of building a better life for the population
in the cleared area, which can then be transitioned to local control. Setbacks are likely at each stage of the
process, but there are no shortcuts; defeating insurgents is hard, slow work.
John Nagl is president of the Center for a New American Security. A retired Army officer, he served in both
wars in Iraq and is the author of "Learning to Eat Soup with a Knife: Counterinsurgency Lessons from
Malaya and Vietnam."
Grad at SU Whitman School of Mgmt
Syracuse, NY -- After a tour of duty in Iraq and one in Afghanistan,
Maj. Brian Steele '97 is back.
A joint collaboration between the U.S. Department of Defense
Syracuse University, it is the only program of its kind in the nation...
In 14 months, Steele will earn a master’s degree in business
administration and an executive master’s in public administration,
specifically geared toward a military application.
Photo: Army Maj. Brian Steele poses at Syracuse University's
Whitman School of Management, where he is earning a graduate
degree in the school's defense comptrollership program.
The Nation’s Leadership Laboratory...
What Are They Teaching at West Point and Why?
A talk by David S. Maurer '95, Lieutenant Colonel, USA (Ret.)
The Military Academy at West Point has taught leadership and graduated leaders of
character for more than 200 years. During times of war, the emphasis on the principles
of leadership is even more profound. Today, with our nation embroiled in the Global
War on Terrorism, these young graduates are being asked to lead in the most
demanding and extreme conditions imaginable and to be ready to do so almost
immediately. This presentation examines key aspects of the leadership curriculum at the Academy and
suggests lessons that can be learned by non-military leaders struggling to perform, do the right thing and
lead with character, integrity and competence.
Wednesday, June 30, 2010 at the National Press Club in Downtown DC
Read more and register
Bradley J. Ruther '98- Receives Award
SIOR Rookie of the Year - “We are honored that Brad won a
SIOR (Society of Industrial and Office Realtors) award in
Largest Dollar Volume Transaction category, but not
surprised. Brad’s strong motivation and leadership skills
give him the ability to consistently deliver tangible results
for his clients,” says CCR president, Wayne Hach. (Photo:
Brad with SIOR President, Lynn Reich)
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Brad’s leadership skills were honed early through his
education and graduation from the United States Military
Academy at West Point and while serving as Army Infantry
Captain in Iraq where he was awarded the Bronze Star
Medal and the Combat Infantryman’s Badge.
Washington Post--On Leadership
Washington Post--On Leadership
By Military scholar Col. Charles D. Allen, Washington Post, 17 June 2010
Colonel Charles D. Allen '78 (U.S. Army, Ret.) is the Professor of Cultural
Science in the Department of Command, Leadership, and Management at the
U.S. Army War College.
Henry Flipper at West Point: From slave to Army officer
This week, the U.S. Army marked its 235th birthday on June 14 -- and another anniversary that has a
personal meaning to many of us. In 1877, Henry Ossian Flipper became the first African American
graduate of West Point, the same school where this May the president and Commander-in-Chief, Barack
Obama, delivered the commencement address. That a black man would be elected president 130 years
after the first black graduate of West Point would have been beyond the pale for many Americans of that
generation and culture.
Henry O. Flipper was born into slavery in 1856 and gained his freedom after our bloody Civil War. In 1873,
talented and well educated, Flipper received an appointment to West Point and left Atlanta University for
New York state. While the U.S. War Department sought to create a cadre of African American officers, the
military academy staff and students resisted the introduction of Negroes into the Corps of Cadets. Flipper
was the seventh African American to enter West Point and, as a member of the Class of 1877, was the
first to graduate and be commissioned as an Army officer...
...Institutional bastions, like West Point, are the holders of traditions and can be the fiercest resisters.
Civilian direction and oversight is required to ensure that strategic change is not subverted and diverted.
This is reaffirmed by the legacy of a talented former slave who was motivated to serve his country. The
opportunity provided to Henry O. Flipper led to opportunities for countless named and unnamed soldierleaders.
2005 Grads Biking for Wounded Warrior Project
Pete Phipps, Dan Marques, Joel Glover, class of 2005 grads will
be biking across the country to raise money for the Wounded
Warrior Project. "In May 2005, Joel, Dan, and Pete graduated
from the United States Military Academy at West Point, leaving
New York after four years together to lead and serve our nation’s
finest. Since then, they’ve finished a combined five combat tours
in both Iraq and Afghanistan. Now they get to honor those
American soldiers whose courage has inspired them."
spread the word so we can show them some support.
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People on the Move - Susan Moblo '84
Promotions, hires and recognitions in South Sound
Susan Moblo '84 has joined TAPCO Credit Union as Vice President and Chief Credit Officer. She is a
graduate of West Point and served in the Army as a transportation officer for five years before beginning
her career in banking. She has 21 years of retail and commercial banking experience in the Pierce County
and Puget Sound area. (Source: Business Examiner )
Retired Soldier, Civilian Finds 'Wonderful Life'
Retired Lt.Col. Doug Sims '66 is now retiring from civilian life after almost 50 years of service both in and
out of uniform. Sims is an avid motorcyclist who has lived in Germany for two decades. By all accounts,
Sims has had a "wonderful life."
Sims is the deputy of the Force Management Division,
Headquarters U.S. Army Europe G-3. His office is responsible
for helping to field new equipment to Soldiers and
maintaining readiness for Army units in Europe. He came to
the division in 1993 after 27 years as a Soldier...
Sims graduated from West Point in 1966 and left for Vietnam
soon after. During his time there, the young officer
experienced a chance encounter with the late actor Jimmy
Stewart, best known for his role in the 1946 American
classic, "It's a Wonderful Life."
...One of his sons, Douglas A. Sims II, is also a West Point Grad--Class of 1991.
Gen. Frederick M. Franks Jr. '59 in the news...
Gen. Frederick M. Franks Jr. '59
Years of service: 1959-1994
Berks connection: Born in West Lawn, he is a 1954 graduate of Wilson High
School, where the library is named for him.Military significance: The first
amputee active-duty general since the Civil War, during operations Desert
Shield and Desert Storm he commanded the American and British VII Corps,
the largest armored corps in U.S. history.
His story: A 1959 graduate of West Point, he later served as an instructor
there. During the Vietnam War, he was wounded in Cambodia...He earned the
Silver Star, Distinguished Flying Cross, the Bronze Star with V Device, the Air
Medal and two Purple Hearts.
Ralph Semmel '78 Named Director
Ralph D. Semmel, who currently oversees a variety of research and development
activities at the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory, has been selected
to lead the Laboratory as its next director.
On July 1, Semmel will succeed Richard T. Roca, who has served as APL’s director since
January 2000.
Andrew Dillon '90 Named Director of Chicago Union League Club
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The Union League Club of Chicago has elected Andrew C. Dillon, of Western
Springs, to a three-year term as a director. He will also chair the Club
communications committee. Previously Dillon served on the Union League
Club’s communications, membership, library, technology, and art committees.
He has also served on several special subcommittees including the
“Commitment to Country Committee” formed in the wake of the 9/11 attacks,
the Club’s initial Website development subcommittee and a Task Force Katrina
organized to help refurnish and rebuild Boys & Girls Clubs in New Orleans in
the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. Dillon served as an organizing member of
the Club’s Younger Members Group in 1995. He is currently vice president of
the Chicago Engineers’ Foundation and he is the immediate past commander of
the Union League Club of Chicago’s American Legion Post 758.
MG Ron T. Riley '73 Retires
After 37 years on active duty, MG Don T. Riley '73 retires from active
duty. Read Article
War Hero Speaks to Hometown Graduates
1LT Zach Osborne '08 gave an inspirational address to the
graduating class in his hometown of Roanoke, VA on 12 June 10.
Osborne was wounded in Afghanistan in January and is recovering
at Walter Reed Army Medical Center. Read More
MSNBC Story on Women in Combat
COL(R) Jack Jacobs' story on how women are playing a larger role in combat. The video features BG(R)
Becky Halstead '81 and CPT(R) Dawn Halfaker '01. Watch Video
Army Captain Hits the Beach for 180-mile Run
Zach Keefer '05 grins after completing his ultra marathon
before noon on May 16. The Army captain and helicopter
pilot was celebrating his safe return from a second tour in
Afghanistan with the run.
He starts where the highway ends, a man on the beach
beginning a long run. With his first steps where N.C. 12
meets the sea, in Corolla at the far northern end of the
Outer Banks, Zach Keefer began a weeklong run of almost
180 miles to Emerald Isle by foot and ferry. (Source: The
Charlotte Observer, May 2010)
The Flynns: Grad Dad '85, Grad Son '10
Proud Dad Timothy Joseph Flynn '85 and son, Timothy Albert Flynn '10, after
the parade, and on Graduation Day, 22 May, during the commissioning.
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