Betting BIOS Bugs Won`t Bite Y`er Butt?


Betting BIOS Bugs Won`t Bite Y`er Butt?
Betting BIOS Bugs
Won’t Bite Y’er Butt? Xeno Kovah Corey Kallenberg About us •  MITRE researchers for the past 7.5 years •  As of today, full @me at LegbaCore! •  Focused on low level x86 security at the kernel level and below (kernel, VMM, SMM, BIOS, peripheral firmware, etc) •  Papa Legba is the voodoo spirit who serves as an access control mechanism between the human world and spirit world. Or meatspace and cyberspace About this talk •  Discuss the threats against BIOS •  Go through a few of the numerous vulnerabili@es we and others have found over the past 2 years •  Explain how you can start to protect yourself •  BIOS and UEFI (Unified Extensible Firmware Interface) will be used as synonyms in this talk, because almost all modern BIOSes use (U)EFI What, me worry? About BIOS security? If your BIOS is compromised everything is compromised If your BIOS is corrupted your system is bricked AZacker does not need physical presence to aZack BIOS BIOS passwords do not protect BIOS itself, only some configura@on se[ngs •  No enterprise-­‐grade machines use update jumpers • 
Threats •  In Sept. 2011 the first crimeware (Mebromi) was founding using BIOS infec@on [13] •  In Dec 2013 NSA IAD director said other states are developing BIOS aZack capabili@es [14] •  In Dec 2013 Snowden leaks said NSA SID has a catalog of offensive capabili@es that includes BIOS/SMM implants [15] •  In Jan 2014 CrowdStrike said that some malware they aZributed to Russia is collec@ng BIOS version info (but they didn’t say they had seen BIOS infec@on itself) [16] BIOS/SMM/OROM/DMA/ACPI/ME/TXT/Firmware AZack Talks (from 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 First BIOS exploit, by ITL Date of leaked NSA documents showing exis@ng weaponized BIOS infec@on capability A bunch of people say “I can do what NSA can do!” Number of Novel A.acks in BIOS/SMM/OROM/DMA/ACPI/ME/TXT/Firmware AZack Talks (from
2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Cumula@vely: 99 novel vulnerabili@es or malware techniques 2015: Know of at least 4 vulns under disclosure not yet publicly talked about Top 10 5 aZacks of 2013-­‐2014 •  See [17] for a dedicated survey paper of aZacks •  Wanted to cover, but due to @me constraints, they were moved to backup – 
CSW13 – Evil Maid Got Angrier [1] NSC2013 – Tick & Flea [2] BH2013 – Defea@ng Win 8 Secure Boot [3] CSW14 – VU#758382 Setup UEFI variable [4] CSW14 – All Your Boot are Belong to Us [5] •  Let’s talk about these – 
BH2013 – VU#912156 (Ruy Lopez) [6] 31C3 – Thunderstrike [7][8] 31C3 – VU#766164 (Speed Racer) [9] BH2014 – VU#552286 (King & Queen’s Gambit) [10] 31C3 – VU#976132 (Darth Plagueis) [9] Compromise Key/Legend X √ X √ SPI Brick SMM SecBoot • 
X √ X X X TpmBoot AuthVars BLE BWP PRR √ = aZack can defeat protec@on, X = aZack can’t defeat protec@on SPI = Able to write to the SPI flash chip, where the BIOS lives. Uber-­‐win, grants all other capabili@es Brick = able to render the system inoperable SMM = Able to infect SMM. Grants AuthVars, Brick, SecBoot, BWP, BLE. Usually TpmBoot SecBoot = Able to defeat UEFI and/or Win8 Secure Boot TpmBoot = Able to defeat a “measured boot” that stores measurements in TPM AuthVars = Able to write to UEFI Authen@cated Variables without needing a signature. Grants SecBoot. May imply SPI depending on BIOS update mechanism BLE = defeats BIOS_CNTL.BLE (BIOS Lock Enable) security bit BWP = defeats BIOS_CNTL.SMM_BWP (SMM BIOS Write Protect) security bit PRR = defeats Protected Range Registers If BLE and BWP and PRR are defeated or not used, it implies SPI Just remember “the more checkmarks, the more security is defeated” and then come back and read the slides later :) Defea@ng Signed BIOS Enforcement[6] Kallenberg et al. – MITRE (now LegbaCore) •  Presented the 2nd ever public BIOS exploit •  Corrupted SMM during malicious BIOS update. Takes control before any protec@ons are set. AZacker can write anywhere in SPI, or just hang out in SMM. •  Found on Dell La@tude E6400. Thanks to code reuse, affected 22 total models. √ √ √ √ SPI Brick SMM SecBoot √ √ √ √ √ TpmBoot AuthVars BLE BWP PRR Thunderstrike[8] Trammell Hudson – Two Sigma •  Improvement over exis@ng work[7] that used PCI Op@on ROMs (OROMs) to bootkit Mac OS X •  Determined that OROMs s@ll get loaded even when firmware updates are taking place. That’s a major design flaw, assigned CVE-­‐2014-­‐4498 –  And of course the SPI has to be completely unlocked during update, therefore the OROM can write to it •  Confirmed that there is no special flash chip protec@on as [7] hypothesized •  Requires malicious thunderbolt dongle plugged in [7] X X X N/A N/A √? X X X [8] √ √ √ N/A N/A √ √ √ √ SPI Brick SMM SecBoot TpmBoot AuthVars BLE BWP PRR Speed Racer[9] BuZerworth & Cornwell et al. & Wojtczuk – MITRE/Bromium •  Independently hypothesized by Sam Cornwell and John BuZerworth of MITRE and Rafal Wojtczuk of Bromium. Proved through implementa@on by Corey •  Architectural hardware race condi@on flaw that completely takes BLE off the table! It can no longer provide any protec@on •  Made a sampling of enterprise machines go from 30% vulnerable to 80%. X/√(depends) √ SPI X √ Brick SMM SecBoot X √ √ X X TpmBoot AuthVars BLE BWP PRR Extreme Privilege Escala@on[10] Kallenberg et al.– MITRE (now LegbaCore) •  3rd and 4th ever public BIOS exploits. The most wide-­‐
spread BIOS memory corrup@on vulns ever. Don’t need kernel privilege to launch on either Windows or Linux. •  Vulnerabili@es found in UEFI open source reference implementa@on for the BIOS update code. AZacker gains arbitrary code execu@on in SMM before signatures are checked and before SPI is locked. •  Trickled down to a lot of systems (Phoenix vulnerable, AMI vulnerable, HP 33 enterprise/470+ consumer models, Dell 39 enterprise, Lenovo 45 enterprise). Most vendors (Acer/ASUS/Sony/Panasonic/Samsung/
Toshiba, etc) never reported what all is vulnerable. √ √ √ √ SPI Brick SMM SecBoot √ √ √ √ √ TpmBoot AuthVars BLE BWP PRR Venamis[11] Wojtczuk – Bromium & Intel ATR •  Independently discovered Rafal Wojtczuk of Bromium and the Intel ATR team. Proved by implementa@on by Corey •  When you reboot, some BIOS protec@ons become unlocked. Turns out also to be true when you go into a low power state (see VU#577140 if it ever gets published) •  The first code that executes at resume is supposed to lock the system back down. An “EFI boot script” gets interpreted to quickly configure and lock everything back down before handing off to the OS •  This script can be hijacked, and the aZacker can get code execu@on at a @me when the flash chip is unlocked, and play DMA games to get code execu@on directly in SMM √ √ √ √ SPI Brick SMM SecBoot √ √ √ √ √ TpmBoot AuthVars BLE BWP PRR Shout outs to my co-­‐founder, Corey
•  Corey has single-­‐handedly taken down every BIOS security mechanism that he’s gone up against…repeatedly. And we’re all beZer for it, since he disclosed all the vulnerabili@es •  Next up: Intel Management Engine (undefeated since 2009…) √ √ √ SPI Brick SMM √ √ √ √ SecBoot TpmBoot AuthVars BLE √ √ ??? BWP PRR ME/AMT Defense: What can you do today for free •  Z0MG please go apply BIOS patches/updates!!!1! –  They’re just EXEs! I’m sure your patch management system can handle pushing and running EXEs! •  It does no one any good for us to work hard to discover and disclose firmware vulnerabili@es and then have the vendors issue advisories and patches if no one ever patches their BIOS! •  Nor does it do you any good to act like you don’t have exploitable vulnerabili@es wai@ng to be targeted Defense: What can you do today for free •  Run MITRE Copernicus – long URL, just google “MITRE Copernicus” Designed for enterprise deployment – 
Vulnerability check && integrity check Supports 32/64bit Windows >= 7 Intel Distributed as pre-­‐signed binary, “Code for data” source code license available Contact if you want the source and are willing to pilot on > 1k systems •  Run Intel ChipSec – hZp:// – 
Designed for modularity for security researchers Vulnerability check. No integrity check Very prominent warning.txt says not to run on produc@on systems ;) Supports Windows/Linux/UEFI Shell Distributed as source, Requires you have a Windows kernel driver signing key to run on Windows Defense: What can you do today for free •  If you’re trying to build something where you have some evidence that you’re not owned right from startup (aka secure boot), you need to demand a “DRTM Measured Boot with an STM” •  “DRTM Measured Boot” today mostly means “Use Intel’s open source ‘tboot’ as your boot loader” –  It’ll be a drama@c improvement over your current security posture, but unfortunately it’s been known since 2009 that it’s architecturally vulnerable, un@l we start ge[ng STMs (SMM Transfer Monitors) embedded in our BIOSes. •  So we’re working to get STMs embedded BIOSes –  But it would help us help you if Intel and the OEM’s hear from customers that they do actually want their systems to be secure Conclusion •  All state-­‐sponsored aZackers now know with 100% certainty that BIOS aZacks are feasible, weaponizable, and used by other states in the wild –  Welcome to the age of “me too!” for BIOS aZacks •  The past couple years has seen a massive spike in vulnerabili@es being responsibly disclosed –  But you’re not patching your BIOSes, are you? –  Our data indicates that 99.95% of un-­‐patched enterprise machines contain at least one low level vulnerability that allows for bricking or backdooring the system •  Free op@ons exist for you to start assessing your vulnerability (or infec@on) posture and start remedia@ng it Contact •  TwiZer: @xenokovah, @coreykal, @legbacore •  Email: {xeno, corey} •  hZp:// for our GPG keys •  As always, go check out for the free classes from Corey and I on x86 assembly & architecture, binary executable formats, stealth malware, and exploits. •  Then go forth and do cool research for us to hear about! References [1] Evil Maid Just Got Angrier: Why Full-­‐Disk Encryp@on With TPM is Insecure on Many Systems – Yuriy Bulygin – Mar. 2013 hZp:// [2] BIOS Chronomancy: Fixing the Core Root of Trust for Measurement – BuZerworth et al., May 2013 hZp:// hZp:// [3] A Tale of One Soƒware Bypass of Windows 8 Secure Boot – Bulygin et al.– Jul. 2013 hZp://­‐13/briefings.html#Bulygin [4] All Your Boot Are Belong To Us (MITRE por@on) – Kallenberg et al. – Mar. 2014, delayed from publicly disclosing poten@al for bricking un@l HITB at Intel’s request hZps://­‐mitre-­‐final.pdf hZp:// [5] All Your Boot Are Belong To Us (Intel por@on) – Bulygin et al. – Mar. 2014 hZps://­‐intel-­‐final.pdf References [6] Defea@ng Signed BIOS Enforcement – Kallenberg et al., Sept. 2013 hZp://­‐%20Kallenberg,%20Kovah,
%20BuZerworth%20-­‐%20Defea@ng%20Signed%20BIOS%20Enforcement.pdf hZp:// hZp:// (not yet released) [7] DE MYSTERIIS DOM JOBSIVS Mac EFI Rootkits -­‐ Loukas K (snare), Jul. 2012 hZps://­‐us-­‐12/Briefings/Loukas_K/
BH_US_12_LoukasK_De_Mysteriis_Dom_Jobsivs_Slides.pdf [8] Thunderstrike – Trammell Hudson, Dec. 2014 hZps:// CVE-­‐2014-­‐4498 [9] Speed Racer: Exploi@ng an Intel Flash Protec@on Race Condi@on – Kallenberg & Wojtczuk, Dec. 2013 hZps:// hZp:// [10] Extreme Privilege Escala@on on UEFI Windows 8 Systems – Kallenberg et al., Aug 2014 hZps://­‐14/materials/us-­‐14-­‐Kallenberg-­‐Extreme-­‐Privilege-­‐Escala@on-­‐On-­‐
Windows8-­‐UEFI-­‐Systems.pdf hZp:// [11] AZacking UEFI Boot Script – Wojtczuk & Kallenberg, Dec. 2013 hZps:// hZp:// [12] See all the rest of stuff here: hZp:// References [13] “Mebromi: the first BIOS rootkit in the wild” hZp://­‐the-­‐first-­‐bios-­‐rootkit-­‐
in-­‐the-­‐wild/ [14] “NSA Speaks Out on Snowden Spying” hZp://­‐speaks-­‐out-­‐on-­‐snowden-­‐spying/ [15] "To Protect And Infect” hZps:// (contains leaked classified NSA documents) [16] “U.S. Gas, Oil Companies Targeted in Espionage Campaigns” hZp://­‐s-­‐gas-­‐oil-­‐companies-­‐targeted-­‐in-­‐espionage-­‐
campaigns/103777 [17] “Summary of AZacks Against BIOS and Secure Boot” hZps://­‐22/dc-­‐22-­‐presenta@ons/Bulygin-­‐
Summary-­‐of-­‐aZacks-­‐against-­‐BIOS-­‐UPDATED.pdf also worth a read, even though it’s incomplete and they don’t include all our work ;) Backup •  “Should you worry when the skullhead is in front of you? Or is it worse because it’s always wai@ng, where your eyes don’t go?” –  They Might Be Giants Evil Maid Just Got Angrier [1] Bulygin et al. -­‐ Intel •  Using TPM support with MS BitLocker FDE is supposed to not allow the system to boot if the measurements of pre-­‐boot code like the BIOS change. This is to prevent a present aZacker from stealing the FDE password or key •  Established that SPI may imply TpmBoot •  Didn’t present a new way to break into SPI, just assumed it was unlocked √ √ √ √ SPI Brick SMM SecBoot √ √ √ √ √ TpmBoot AuthVars BLE BWP PRR BIOS Chronomancy [2] BuZerworth et al. -­‐ MITRE •  The “Tick” Showed how all implementa@ons of TpmBoot at the @me were fundamentally incapable of providing security guarantees in the presence of a BIOS level aZacker •  Established that SPI always implies TpmBoot (not just in the presence of implementa@on bugs) •  The “Flea” showed an aZacker can persist across BIOS updates (so you can’t use that as a valid cleaning strategy) •  But this work also enabled a stronger TpmBoot √ √ √ √ SPI Brick SMM SecBoot √ √ √ √ √ TpmBoot AuthVars BLE BWP PRR A Tale of One Soƒware Bypass of Windows 8 Secure Boot [3] Bulygin et al. -­‐ Intel •  Concretely established what we already know to be architecturally true. If SPI is unlocked, and the aZacker can infect it, they get to run first, and Secure Boot won’t work. •  Presented 5 specific places to target to defeat Secure Boot once you can write to SPI. •  Just assumed SPI is unlocked, but that’s an unfortunately common occurrence on anything unpatched and sold a couple years ago √ √ √ √ SPI Brick SMM SecBoot √ √ √ √ √ TpmBoot AuthVars BLE BWP PRR Setup for Failure[4] Bulygin et al. & Kallenberg et al. – Intel/MITRE (now LegbaCore) •  Independently discovered by Bulygin’s team and Corey (though only Corey realized it could be used to brick a system) •  There exists a UEFI non-­‐vola@le variable “Setup” that is crucial to secure boot but is not marked as authenKcated. Therefore anyone who understands its structure can modify it and turn of Secure Boot a couple different ways X √ X √ SPI Brick SMM SecBoot X X X X X TpmBoot AuthVars BLE BWP PRR All your boot are belong to us[5] Bulygin et al. -­‐ Intel •  Intel team publicly disclosed 5 new BIOS configura@on vulnerabili@es that they had been privately disclosing to vendors under NDA for almost a year •  Vendors were for the most part not fixing quickly, and we doubt some of them ever issued patches to fix their old models, and only let their new models be fixed when they got increased protec@on from their IBV X √ X √ SPI Brick SMM SecBoot X X X X X TpmBoot AuthVars BLE BWP PRR