STEP 2014 Manufacturing Directory


STEP 2014 Manufacturing Directory
January 12-15, 2015
January 11-14, 2016
Prairieland Park
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada
STEP Equipment Manufacturers
September 2014
3twenty Modular ................................................. 5
ABC Ventilation System ...................................... 5
Advance Engineered Products Ltd. .................... 6
Ag Growth International ...................................... 6
Agtron Enterprises Inc. ....................................... 7
Arc Alloy Welding (1984) .................................... 7
Bergen Industries Inc. ......................................... 8
Bourgault Industries Ltd. ..................................... 8
Bourgault Tillage Tools Ltd. ................................ 9
Brandt Group of Companies ............................... 9
Bridgeview Mfg. Inc. ......................................... 10
Calmar Industries Ltd. ....................................... 10
Canora Weaving & Manufacturing .................... 11
Capital "I" Industries Inc. ................................... 11
Central Water & Equipment Services ............... 12
Chicks in Camo ................................................. 12
CNH Canada .................................................... 13
Combine World Inc. .......................................... 13
Commutron Industries Ltd................................. 14
Crestline Coach Ltd. ......................................... 14
Croatia Industries Ltd. ....................................... 15
Cyclone Metal Products .................................... 15
Darmani Grain Storage ..................................... 16
Degelman Industries Ltd. .................................. 16
Denyse Klette Art Studio ................................... 17
Dingwall Designer Guitars ................................ 17
DJ Richards Design .......................................... 18
Doepker Industries Ltd. ..................................... 18
DSG Power Systems Inc. ................................. 19
Dutch Openers .................................................. 19
DynaIndustrial ................................................... 20
Eco Innovative Illumination ............................... 20
Edgewood Forest Products Inc. ........................ 21
E-Kay Enterprises Ltd. ...................................... 21
EMW Industrial ................................................. 22
Engineered Performance Ducting ..................... 22
Environmental Instruments Canada Inc. ........... 23
Evraz Inc. NA .................................................... 23
Fail Safe House Lifting Systems Inc. ................ 24
Failure Prevention Services .............................. 24
Flexxifinger QD Industries Inc........................... 25
Fortis Mining Engineering & Manufacturing ...... 25
Free Form Plastic Products Inc. ....................... 26
G & S Sales Ltd. ............................................... 26
Gang-Nail Trusses ............................................ 27
Gatco Manufacturing Inc................................... 27
Gilmore Masonry Heaters Ltd. .......................... 28
Groundwerks Consulting Inc............................. 28
Harvest Services .............................................. 29
Haukaas Mfg. Ltd. ............................................ 29
Highline Manufacturing Ltd. .............................. 30
Hillberg & Berk Accessories Inc. ....................... 30
Honey Bee Manufacturing Ltd. ......................... 31
Houston Land & Cattle Corp. ............................ 31
Industrial Machine & Mfg. Inc. .......................... 32
Intragrain Technologies Inc. ............................. 32
Irving Machine Inc. ........................................... 33
Jakeco Holdings Inc. ........................................ 33
Kelln Consulting Ltd. ......................................... 34
Koenders Mfg. 1997 Ltd. .................................. 34
Koenders Water Solutions Inc. ......................... 35
Kramble Industries ............................................ 35
L & M Wood Products ....................................... 36
Lakeland Log & Timber Works Ltd. .................. 36
Leon Ram Companies ...................................... 37
Lewis M. Carter Mfg (Canada) Ltd. ................... 37
Littelfuse Startco Engineering Ltd. .................... 38
Maxfield Inc. ..................................................... 38
Melissa Squire Fashion Design ........................ 39
Meridian Mfg. .................................................... 39
Metular Fabricators Inc. .................................... 40
Michel's Industries Ltd. ..................................... 40
Milligan Biofuels Inc. ......................................... 41
Mitsubishi Hitachi Power Systems Canada Ltd. 41
Morris Industries Ltd. ........................................ 42
NORAC Systems International Inc. .................. 42
NorSask Forest Products Limited Partnership .. 43
Norseman Structures ........................................ 43
Open Mind Developments ................................ 44
PapaBravo Innovations .................................... 44
Pattison Liquid Systems Inc. ............................ 45
Paysen Livestock Equipment Inc. ..................... 45
Petrotag Technologies Inc. .............................. 46
Pillar Lasers Inc. ............................................... 46
Prairie Machine and Parts ................................ 47
Quality Assured Manufacturing Inc. .................. 47
QuickThree Solutions Inc. ................................ 48
Rainy Day Fabricating ...................................... 48
Ralph McKay Industries Inc. ............................. 49
Rite Way Mfg. Co. Ltd. ..................................... 49
Rogers Sprayers Inc. ........................................ 50
Rouse Industries .............................................. 50
RS Cabinet Doors Ltd....................................... 51
Saskatchewan Abilities Council Inc. ................. 51
SBC Case Industries Ltd. ................................. 52
Schulte Industries Ltd. ...................................... 52
Seed Hawk Inc. ................................................ 53
SeedMaster ...................................................... 53
Shercom Industries Inc. .................................... 54
SimAIR Crystalline ........................................... 54
SkyCan Manufacturing Ltd. .............................. 55
Sova Design Millinery ....................................... 55
Spraytest Controls ............................................ 56
Stewart Steel Inc. ............................................. 56
Sun Country Farms .......................................... 57
SuperiorRoads Solutions .................................. 57
Tatanka Designs .............................................. 58
Team Power Solutions ..................................... 58
Titan Clean Energy Projects Corporation ......... 59
Trailtech............................................................ 59
Vale Solutions Ltd. ........................................... 60
Vermette Wood Preservers .............................. 60
Western Ag Global ........................................... 61
Wilger Industries Ltd. ........................................ 61
WRT Equipment Ltd. ........................................ 62
STEP Equipment Manufacturers
Agri-Value Processing
Lewis M. Carter Mfg. (Canada) Ltd.
Sun Country Farms
DSG Power Systems Inc.
Milligan Biofuels Inc.
Titan Clean Energy Products Corp.
Contract Manufacturing
ARC Alloy Welding (1984)
Bergen Industries Inc.
Brandt Group of Companies
Ambulances & Specialty Vehicles
Bridgeview Mfg. Inc.
Crestline Coach Ltd.
Building Products
Capital “I“ Industries Inc.
PapaBravo Innovations
Eco Innovative Illumination
Croatia Industries Ltd.
Fail Safe House Lifting Systems Inc. Cyclone Metal Products
Gang-Nail Trusses
Dutch Openers
Denyse Klette Art Studio
Gilmore Masonry Heaters Ltd.
Dingwall Designer Guitars
RS Cabinet Doors Ltd.
Fortis Mining Engineering & Mfg.
DJ Richards Design
Shercom Industries Inc.
Industrial Machine & Mfg. Inc.
Hillberg & Berk Accessories Inc.
Leon Ram Companies
SimAIR Crystalline
Littelfuse Startco
3twenty Modular
Mitsubishi Hitachi Power Systems
Meridian Mfg.
Canada, Ltd.
Brandt Group of Companies
Metular Fabricators Inc.
Prairie Machine and Parts
Capital “I“ Industries Inc.
Norseman Structures
Quality Assured Manufacturing Inc.
Degelman Industries Ltd.
Ralph McKay Industries Inc.
Leon Ram Companies
Saskatchewan Abilities Council Inc.
Vale Solutions Ltd.
Canora Weaving & Manufacturing
SkyCan Manufacturing Ltd.
Open Mind Developments
Stewart Steel Inc.
SBC Case Industries Ltd.
Syl’s Mechanical Company
Ag Growth International
Vale Solutions Ltd.
Bergen Industries Inc.
Construction Equipment
Brandt Group of Companies
Brandt Group of Companies
E-Kay Enterprises Ltd.
Capital “I” Industries Inc.
Ag Growth International
Meridian Mfg.
Degelman Industries Ltd.
Brandt Group of Companies
Groundwerks Consulting Inc.
Bee Products
Leon Ram Companies
Koenders Mfg. 1997 Ltd.
SuperiorRoads Solutions
Diesel Engines
WRT Equipment Ltd.
DSG Power Systems Inc.
Commutron Industries Ltd.
Eco Innovative Illumination
Littelfuse Startco
Team Power Solutions
Fashion & Design
Chicks in Camo
Melissa Squire Fashion Design
Sova Design Millnery
Tatanka Designs
Fertilizer Applicators &
Bourgault Industries Ltd.
Bourgault Tillage Tools Ltd.
CNH Canada
Degelman Industries Ltd.
Free Form Plastic Products Inc.
Maxfield Inc.
Mitsubishi Hitachi Power Systems
Canada Ltd.
Morris Industries Ltd.
Pattison Liquid Systems Inc.
Seed Hawk Inc.
Western Ag Global
Failure Prevention Services
Fuel Additives & Lubricants
DSG Power Systems Inc.
Milligan Biofuels Inc.
STEP Equipment Manufacturers
Grain Cleaning/Sorting/
Lewis M. Carter Mfg (Canada) Ltd.
Grain Handling, Storage &
Ag Growth International
Agtron Enterprises Inc.
ARC Alloy Welding (1984)
Bourgault Industries Ltd.
Brandt Group of Companies
Bridgeview Mfg. Inc.
Darmani Grain Storage
Doepker Industries Ltd.
E-Kay Enterprises Ltd.
EMW Industrial
Free Form Plastic Products Inc.
Gatco Manufacturing Inc.
Intragrain Technologies Inc.
Koenders Mfg. 1997 Ltd.
Kramble Industries
Michel’s Industries Ltd.
Rainy Day Fabricating
Ralph McKay Industries Inc.
Stewart Steel Inc.
Vale Solutions Ltd.
Bergen Industries Inc.
Bourgault Industries Ltd.
Brandt Group of Companies
Degelman Industries Ltd.
Morris Industries Ltd.
Rite Way Mfg. Co. Ltd.
Harvesting Equipment &
Brandt Group of Companies
Calmar Industries Ltd.
Dutch Openers
E-Kay Enterprises Ltd.
Flexxifinger QD Industries Inc.
Free Form Plastic Products Inc.
Harvest Services
Honey Bee Manufacturing Ltd.
Houston Land & Cattle Corp.
Koenders Mfg. 1997 Ltd.
Kramble Industries
Michel’s Industries Ltd.
Ralph McKay Industries Inc.
Rite Way Mfg. Co. Ltd.
Stewart Steel Inc.
Haying & Bale Equipment
Bourgault Industries Ltd.
Bridgeview Mfg. Inc.
Degelman Industries Ltd.
Haukaas Mfg. Ltd.
Highline Manufacturing Ltd.
Morris Industries Ltd.
Rite Way Mfg. Co. Ltd.
Industrial / Commercial
ABC Ventilation System
Ag Growth International
Brandt Group of Companies
Cyclone Metal Products
Degelman Industries Ltd.
Eco Innovative Illumination
Engineered Performance Ducting
Evraz Inc. NA
Doepker Industries Ltd.
Failure Prevention Services
Haukaas Mfg. Ltd.
Littelfuse Startco
Lewis M. Carter Mfg. (Canada) Ltd.
Norseman Structures
Petrotag Technologies Inc.
Rouse Industries
Saskatchewan Abilities Council Inc.
Shercom Industries Inc.
SkyCan Manufacturing Ltd.
Vale Solutions Ltd.
WRT Equipment Ltd.
Hillberg & Berk Accessories Inc.
Land Leveling & Preparation
Capital “I“ Industries Inc.
Degelman Industries Ltd.
Haukaas Mfg. Ltd.
Highline Manufacturing Ltd.
Leon Ram Companies
Schulte Industries Ltd.
Degelman Industries Ltd.
Rite Way Mfg. Co. Ltd.
Golf Courses/Parks
Calmar Industries Ltd.
Central Water & Equipment
Leon Ram Companies
Ralph McKay Industries Inc.
Rogers Sprayers Inc.
Shercom Industries Inc.
Livestock, Feeding, Handling &
Manure Handling Equipment
Ag Growth International
ARC Alloy Welding (1984)
Bridgeview Mfg. Inc.
Degelman Industries Ltd.
Dutch Openers
Highline Manufacturing Ltd.
Kelln Consulting Ltd.
Leon Ram Companies
Paysen Livestock Equipment Inc.
Material Handling
Ag Growth International
Brandt Group of Companies
Capital “I“ Industries Inc.
Degelman Industries Ltd.
Leon Ram Companies
Stewart Steel Inc.
Mining & Oil/Gas
3twenty Modular
ABC Ventilation System
Brandt Group of Companies
Capital “I“ Industries Inc.
Central Water & Equipment
Croatia Industries Ltd.
Environmental Instruments Canada
Failure Prevention Services
Fortis Mining Engineering & Mfg.
Groundwerks Consulting Inc.
Industrial Machine & Mfg. Inc.
Littelfuse Startco
Metular Fabricators Inc.
Mitsubishi Hitachi Power Systems
Canada, Ltd.
PapaBravo Innovations
Prairie Machine and Parts
Quality Assured Manufacturing Inc.
Quick Three Solutions Inc.
Rouse Industries
Team Power Solutions
WRT Equipment Ltd.
Municipality Equipment
Brandt Group of Companies
Calmar Industries Ltd.
Capital “I“ Industries Inc.
Central Water & Equipment
Crestline Coach Ltd.
Degelman Industries Ltd.
DSG Power Systems Inc.
G & S Sales Ltd.
Groundwerks Consulting Inc.
Haukaas Mfg. Ltd.
Highline Manufacturing Ltd.
L & M Wood Products
Leon Ram Companies
Milligan Biofuels Inc.
Schulte Industries Ltd.
Shercom Industries Inc.
SuperiorRoads Solutions
Tec-Water Supplies Inc.
Vermette Wood Preservers
Musical Instruments
Dingwall Designer Guitars
Jakeco Holdings Inc.
Saskatchewan Abilities Council Inc.
Pasture Equipment
Haukaas Mfg. Ltd.
Pesticides, Applicators &
Pattison Liquid Systems Inc.
Recreational & Sporting
Bergen Industries Inc.
Canora Weaving & Manufacturing
Eco Innovative Illumination
Free Form Plastic Products Inc.
Saskatchewan Abilities Council Inc.
SBC Case Industries Ltd.
Shercom Industries Inc.
Rock Pickers & Windrowers
Bergen Industries Inc.
Degelman Industries Ltd.
Highline Manufacturing Ltd.
Rite Way Mfg. Co. Ltd.
Schulte Industries Ltd.
Seeders & Planters
Bourgault Industries Ltd.
CNH Canada
Morris Industries Ltd.
Pillar Lasers Inc.
Seed Hawk Inc.
Seeding & Tillage Tools
Bourgault Tillage Tools Ltd.
Brandt Group of Companies
Dutch Openers
Haukaas Mfg. Ltd.
Pillar Lasers Inc.
Ralph McKay Industries Inc.
Monitoring Equipment
Agtron Enterprises Inc.
Environmental Instruments Canada
Intragrain Technologies Inc.
NORAC Systems International Inc.
Petrotag Technologies Inc.
Snow Removal Equipment
Brandt Group of Companies
Capital “I“ Industries Inc.
Degelman Industries Ltd.
Leon Ram Companies
Schulte Industries Ltd.
Capital “I“ Industries Inc.
Degelman Industries Ltd.
Highline Manufacturing Ltd.
Schulte Industries Ltd.
Soil Analysis
Western Ag Global
Solar Products
Kelln Consulting Ltd.
Spraying Equipment &
Brandt Group of Companies
E-Kay Enterprises Ltd.
NORAC Systems International Inc.
Robers Sprayers Inc.
Spraytest Controls
Vale Solutions Ltd.
Wilger Industries Ltd.
Free Form Plastic Products Inc.
Koenders Mfg. 1997 Ltd.
Maxfield Inc.
Meridian Mfg.
Petrotag Technologies Inc.
Stewart Steel Inc.
Bourgault Industries Ltd.
Brandt Group of Companies
Degelman Industries Ltd.
Free Form Plastic Products Inc.
Morris Industries Ltd.
Trailers and Trailer Accessories
Advance Engineered Products Ltd.
Bergen Industries Inc.
Bridgeview Mfg. Inc.
Cyclone Metal Products
Doepker Industries Ltd.
Maxfield Inc.
Michel’s Industries Ltd.
Quick Three Solutions Inc.
WRT Equipment Ltd.
Bergen Industries Inc.
Truck & Transport
Advance Engineered Products Ltd.
Doepker Industries Ltd.
Used Equipment
Brandt Group of Companies
Combine World Inc.
Water Management Products
Calmar Industries Ltd.
Central Water & Equipment
Failure Prevention Services
G & S Sales Ltd.
Kelln Consulting Ltd.
Koenders Water Solutions Inc.
Koenders Water Solutions Inc.
Wood Products
Edgewood Forest Products Inc.
L&M Wood Products
Lakeland Log & Timber Works Ltd.
NorSask Forest Products Limited
Vermette Wood Preservers
3twenty Modular is a leading designer and manufacturer of modular
workforce housing and offices with a strong focus on customer
service, quality and safety.
Their builds are durable, stackable, transportable and comfortable
featuring a wide variety of styles and floor plans. This company is
committed to providing perfect solutions for the mining, oil and gas,
construction and industrial markets.
These modular units include floor plans created to work on a variety
of sites such as offices, bedrooms, and wash cars.
In addition to renting this product, a customized design is also an
3twenty Modular
PO Box 25040
Saskatoon, SK
Canada S7K 8B7
Tel: +1-306-382-3320
Fax: +1-855-893-6380
Contact: Chang Li
ABC Ventilation Systems is committed
to the design, development and
production of high performance
coated fabrics and ventilation
products for underground mining and
tunneling, and industrial applications.
ABC's combination of expertise,
experience and process result in
an unparalleled level of customer
commitment and quality.
ABC’s PVC ducting is used worldwide to
supply ventilation for mines and tunnels.
Ducts are available in lay-flat (MineVent™),
spiral (MineDuct™), and oval (TwinDuct™)
ABC's adjustable pitch Vane Axial fans are
designed by world leading aerodynamic fan
specialists to meet the most demanding mine
and tunnel ventilation applications.
ABC Ventilation Systems
1802 Quebec Avenue
Saskatoon, SK
Canada S7K 1W2
Tel: +1-306-653-4303
Fax: +1-306-653-3890
Contact: Gary Thorinson
ABC can assist in the design of your tunnel
or mine ventilation system and provide
recommendations on a complete system
including Fans, Ducting and Cassettes. /
Products include:
Aircraft Refuelers
Crude Oil
Custom Builds
Lazer Inox - Stainless Steel Products
Portable Vac Units
Septic Single Axle Vac Trucks
Septic Tandem Axle Vac Trucks
Super 407 Full Vac Double Conical
Westech - Vacuum Systems
The Advance Engineered
Products Group is in the
business of designing,
engineering and building
the finest tank and vacuum
truck equipment in Canada.
Advance Engineered
Products Group
144 Henderson Drive
Regina, Saskatchewan
Canada S4N 5P7
Phone: +1-306-721-5678
Fax: +1-306-721-5010
Contact: Jean (John) Kipp
AGI’s Divisions:
Ag Growth International (AGI)
is a leading North American
manufacturer of grain handling,
conditioning and storage
equipment with a domestic
and international distribution
AGI’s customers range from
small scale farmers to
commercial operations, grain
storage facilities and ports.
Ag Growth International
198 Commerce Drive
Winnipeg, MB
Canada R3P 0Z6
Phone: +1-204-489-1855
Contact: Victoria Umin
Batco Manufacturing (specialty belt conveyors)
Wheatheart Manufacturing (grain handling equipment)
Westfield Industries (portable grain augers)
Edwards Group (Twister and Grain Guard brand grain
storage, Grain Guard and Keho brand aeration and grain
drying equipment)
Hi Roller (enclosed belt conveyors)
Union Iron (material handling and storage equipment)
Applegate Livestock Equipment (livestock equipment)
Tramco (material handling for processing industry)
Airlanco (dust control and aeration equipment)
MEPU (portable and stationary dryers)
REM (grain vacs)
“With manufacturing expertise and a commitment to quality
and innovation, AGI offers some of the most recognized brands servicing global agriculture today.”
Agtron's products are conceived and designed by our in-house Research and Development
department. Using the latest technology combined with farming backgrounds, our engineering
staff is able to create the most innovative products with the user's perspective in mind.
“The Legend” Wi-Fi Air Drill Rate & Blockage Monitor
Agtron is a manufacturer of
agricultural electronics including
blockage and rate monitors for air
seeders, shaft and bin monitors,
area counters and variable rate
controls for seed, fertilizer and
anhydrous application.
Our latest developments
incorporate wireless technology,
GPS, computers, software and
instrumentation to monitor and
control all aspects of a farming
The Legend Detection Systems for Air Drills ensure that up to 240 seed
and fertilizer runs are delivering the right rates, and no blockages! Take
the uncertainly out of the seeding operation by detecting high / low / no
seed rates.
ART160 Rate and Blockage Monitor - Single Shoot
...for a single shoot system. Use the ART 160 to confirm seed and fertilizer rates
with a simple calibration. Rate is shown in seeds per hectare or kilos per
hectare. Blocked runs are indicated by number.
ART260 Rate and Blockage Monitor - Double Shoot
...for a double shoot system. Use the ART 260 to confirm seed and fertilizer
rates with simple calibrations. Rate is shown in seeds per hectare or kilos
per hectare. Blocked runs are indicated by number.
ART100 Blockage Monitor
Our entry level Air Drill Blockage Monitor requires minimal setup, and uses the
same great Stainless Steel sensors. Audio and visual blockage alerts are provided. Flow information
helps find meter or air system faults. Heavy duty weather proof harness is used throughout.
Agtron Enterprises Inc. 4 Channel Shaft and Bin Monitor
242 Robin Crescent
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
Canada S7L 7C2
Phone: +1-306-934-0640
Fax: +1-306-668-7666
Contact: Bill Baker
Monitor up to 4 shafts and/or bins. The monitor is ideal for situations where you only need to know if
the shaft is turning. The simple design lets you easily select the level of sensitivity you would prefer
before getting alarms.
Pro Grain Bagger
Arc Alloy Welding is a
manufacturing facility
specializing in custom
fabrication, repair, and
manufacturing of
agricultural equipment.
Used for temporary or long term grain storage.
Stores high moisture or dry grain in 10,000+
bushel bags.
Grain is protected from weather, insects,
wildlife and spoilage.
Easy setup, maintenance and operation.
Quality, cost-efficient method of grain storage.
Grain Extractor
New machine recently launched by Arc Alloy.
Quick and easy way to extract grain from grain bags.
Capacity is 8000 - 8500 bushels per hour.
Discharge auger size is 16” with a cross auger size of 9”.
An efficient and convenient addition to a grain storage/handling system.
Arc Alloy Welding
PO Box 188
Colonsay, Saskatchewan
Canada S0K 0Z0
Phone: +1-306-255-2112
Fax: +1-306-255-2113
Contact: Glenn Stumborg
Bergen manufactures
agricultural equipment,
livestock trailers and utility
trailers. They have always
been known for their heavyduty construction, which is
evident in all their products.
Hydraulic Drive Grain Augers
Grain Augers
BERGEN Trailers
Flat Deck Trailers
Gooseneck Flat Deck Trailers
Tapernose Gooseneck Trailer
Bumper Hitch Livestock Trailer
Round Nose Gooseneck Trailer
ATV Trailers
Snowmobile Trailers
Horse Trailers
Harrow Draw Bar System
Self-leveling Harrow Bar
3-point Hitch Harrow System
Other Transport Systems
Bergen Industries Inc.
PO Box 133
Drake, Saskatchewan
Canada S0K 1H0
Phone: +1-306-363-2131
Fax: +1-306-363-2266
Contact: Al Bergen
Swather Transport
Header Transport
Rock Digger & Transport
ATV Ramp Rack
The Bridgeview Grain Express
The Grain Express is a 13” system with a capacity of up to
10,000 bushels per hour.
Load or unload a 1000 bushel trailer in about 6 minutes.
Bridgeview can supply the Grain Express handling system
only, or a complete turnkey system with hopper bottom bins,
catwalks and assembly.
This company specializes
in manufacturing products
for the agriculture industry.
Bins and Hopper Cones
Hopper cones are available in a wide variety of sizes and degrees for mounting
most popular makes of bins. Ideal for grain, seed and feed storage.
Bridgeview galvanized, bolted, hopper bottom bins come in a variety of sizes to
meet your grain storage needs.
Bale King Bale Processors
Bale King's superior processing and spreading
abilities makes it the ideal bale processor for
spreading feed, bedding or mulch.
Bale King V-Rake
Bale King’s standard oversize rake wheels and hydraulic windrow
adjustment handle all crops with ease.
Pulldozer—Land Shaper
Bridgeview Mfg. Inc.
PO Box 4
Gerald, Saskatchewan
Canada S0A 1B0
Phone: +1-306-745-2711
Fax: +1-306-745-3364
Contact: Dale Kotzer
Relaim unproductive land
Levels grades, backstops and contours. Leaves ground
seed bed ready.
24’ and 18’ sizes available (integrated trencher optional
(XL model)).
Diesel Exhaust Fluid (DEF) Storage and Handling Equipment
We offer a full line of indoor and outdoor DEF storage
solutions. Our storage is made using quality ISO 22241
compliant tanks and components. We offer various sizes
and configurations to suit any application.
Flow Control Kits
With a Calmar Auger Spout,
you can efficiently and safely
direct the flow of grains and
oilseeds to all areas of your
truck box or grain cart...without
splash, spillage and wind loss!
Easy Installation
Serves as an extension to the auger
for easier unloading
Grain flow is concentrated but not
Built in pressure release
Fits 10” to 17” augers
Rain Booster
Calmar Industries Ltd.
302 Gladstone Crescent
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
Canada S7P 0C7
Phone: +1-306-975-1999
Fax: +1-306-975-7175
Contact: Adam Tofin
Totally self contained unit—use as a
primary pumping unit or as a booster unit to
increase lower pressures
Irrigation and drainage for golf courses,
parks, athletic fields, acreages, nurseries,
market gardens, etc.
Canora Weaving is the major
supplier of strapping in
western Canada, customweaving to meet customers’
specific requirements.
Custom-made white strapping in widths from half an inch to 2 inches,
produced to the client's specifications, including various strengths
depending on the final use. Black or accented strapping can also be
Custom made tarps of all types:
 Truck trailers and their contents
 Boats
 Golf carts
 Snowmobiles
 Other recreational vehicles
 Inner tubes used for recreation
 Hot tubs
Canora Weaving &
PO Box 843
Canora, Saskatchewan
Canada S0A 0L0
Phone: +1-306-563-4443
Contact: Robeel Rao
Repairs to tears and wear in trailer tarps of all types, with particular
attention paid to the needs of custom haulers who need quick but
thorough repair work done.
Custom Work
Everything is made to order.
Pumping Services
Pumping Systems
With over 50 years experience with
qualified personnel, Central Water &
Equipment Service offers portable
pump and pipeline rentals, sales and
Dewatering of mine sites, reservoirs and lagoons.
Transfer or drainage of water or effluent through
portable pipelines to distant locations.
Emergency water transfer for municipal, industrial,
mining and forestry industries.
Water supply for hydrotesting of tanks, vessels and
pipelines as well as well fracturing.
Sewer bypass projects.
Dust control.
Fire protection.
Specialty Services
Cold weather water transfer using portable pump and
pipeline equipment.
Heating services to prevent freezing and ice buildup in
portable pipelines and tanks during sub-zero pumping
Filtering services are available for the removal of
particulates and trace amounts of petroleum based
products. Carbon filtration systems are also available.
Fisheries and oceans approved screens and filters.
Central Water &
Fittings and accessories
Equipment Services Ltd.  A wide range of pipeline fittings, valves and pump
302 Gladstone Crescent
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
Canada S7P 0C7
Phone: +1-306-975-1999
Fax: +1-306-975-7175
Contact: Darcy Tofin
Designer and supplier
of an outdoor fashion
line for women.
accessories are available to provide a fast and
efficient installation.
Chicks in Camo has created a line of clothing
specifically for women. Their clothing is designed
to fit that special figure for comfort and durability in
the hunting field while portraying a casual, but
classy appearance.
Products include camouflage outerwear, clothing and
accessories for women, girls and infants.
Chicks in Camo
PO Box 66
Tessier, Saskatchewan
Canada S0L 3G0
Phone: +1-306-370-8897
Fax: +1-403-859-2363
Contact: Carol Robbins
Case IH Agricultural
CNH—Case New Holland is
a world leader in the fields of
agricultural and construction
equipment. They have an
extensive product range to
suit any application.
Hay and Forage
Material Handling
Planting, Tillage and Seeding
Advanced Farming System
Construction and Earthmoving Equipment
New Holland Agriculture
Front-end Loaders
Balers and Haytools
Auto Steering Systems
CNH Canada
PO Box 1928
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
Canada S7K 3S5
Phone: +1-306-664-7600
Fax: +1-306-664-7672
Contact: Sean Lennon
Combine World Inc.
Combine World specializes
in used, rebuilt and new parts
for late model harvesting
Source, purchase and export used
farm equipment.
Operate a repair and
machine shop where
they prepare and modify
equipment to customers
Supply new and used
parts for all late model combines,
swathers, tractors and haying
Combine World Inc.
PO Box 357
Allan, Saskatchewan
Canada S0K 0C0
Phone: +1-306-257-3800
Fax: +1-306-257-4220
Contact: Charles Smith
Commutron Industries
Ltd. is an automated
custom PCB assembler
providing cost-effective
Since 1997, Commutron has been providing electronic manufacturing
solutions to the following industries:
Oil & Gas
Toy & Recreation
Commutron offers a complete range of services which
may include one or all of the following:
Component Procurement
SMT and TH Assembly
Both Pb & Pb free processes
Testing (function testing)
Programming through JTag
Turn-key solutions
AOI (automated optical
 Rework or Component
 Conformal Coating
Commutron Industries Ltd.
PO Box 99
Elbow, Saskatchewan
Canada S0H 1J0
Phone: +1-306-854-2265
Fax: +1-306-854-2264
Contact: Kevin Perry
Crestline Coach Ltd. manufactures
ambulances, buses, rescue trucks,
specialty vehicles and emergency
medical equipment.
Crestline is one of the most advanced manufacturers of
custom-built ambulances and specialty vehicles. Crestline is
also Canada’s largest supplier of small and mid-sized buses
for para-transit, shuttle, transit and tour applications. In
addition to vehicle solutions, Crestline provides a full line of
emergency medial equipment and vehicle repair parts.
Specialty Vehicles
Emergency Medical Equipment
Crestline Coach Ltd.
126 Wheeler Street
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
Canada S7P 0A9
Phone: +1-306-934-8844
Fax: +1-306-242-5838
Contact: Scott Sawatsky
Croatia Industries Ltd. provides custom machine works and
mechanical services to mining, forestry, utility and research
sectors. With an ability to manufacture large batches of
small parts, or large single parts, customers appreciate the
attention to detail and quality of workmanship.
Custom machine works
and mechanical services
to mining, forestry, utility
and research sectors.
Products and services include refurbishment of gearboxes,
pumps and custom equipment, drill strings, mining casings,
CAD, CAM and engineering services, mechanical, machine
and welding services.
Croatia Industries Ltd.
2508 Millar Avenue
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
Canada S7K 4K2
Phone: +1-306-934-3747
Fax: +1-306-934-0018
Contact: Ken Cenaiko
Cyclone Metal
Cyclone Metal Products is a custom
metal manufacturer with products
suitable for the industrial, commercial,
transportation and the agri-food
Cyclone specializes in custom metal fabricating
using stainless steel, aluminum, copper and brass.
Specialized products manufactured by Cyclone
Cyclone Metal Products
440 N. Longman Crescent
Regina, Saskatchewan
Canada S4N 6J4
Phone: +1-306-721-7910
Fax: +1-306-721-7911
Contact: Marc Soucy
King’s Choice Smokehouses
Truck Decks
Specialized Cabinets
Service Bodies
Fuel Tanks
Other services include custom braking, custom shearing
and forming, plasma cutting, saw cutting, arc/mig/tig
welding, punching, rolling, repair work and portable
Darmani has been manufacturing grain storage solutions since
1985. Located in Fiske, Saskatchewan, Darmani has strategic
depots across Western Canada to serve the farming community.
Industry leading features, attractive pricing and flexible financing
allows Darmani to be a leader in grain storage.
Darmani Grain Storage
PO Box 64
Fiske, Saskatchewan
Canada S0L 1C0
Phone: +1-306-377-4433
Fax: +1-306-377-4430
Contact: Curtis Epp
Agriculture Equipment:
Degelman Industries has been
manufacturing equipment used
in the agricultural, industrial
and construction industries for
over 40 years.
Degelman Industries Ltd.
272 Industrial Drive
PO Box 830
Regina, Saskatchewan
Canada S4P 3B1
Phone: +1-306-543-4447
Fax: +1-306-543-2140
Contact: Paul Degelman
 Harrows
Land Levelers
 Grain
Bale Processors
 Rock
Pickers & Rakes
Wheel Rakes
 Land
Manure Spreaders
Material Handling Equipment
 Dozer Blades
 Snow
 Telehandlers
Cutting Equipment Rotary Cutters
Ice Breaker
Denyse Klette has devoted her life to art and creativity. Her natural tendency toward entrepreneurship and her constant thirst for learning has resulted in a diverse portfolio of art. She has created small pieces of art for individuals, to expansive works for hotels and large corporations such as Disney Canada Inc. and The Body Shop Canada. One of Denyse’s series, fondly named, The Girls, has a life of its own. Born on a scratch pad, the result of doodling after an in depth discussion with her daughters about self‐esteem, the paintings have become a sensational celebration of the female psyche and form. The Girls helped Denyse raise thousands of dollars for good causes, but perhaps their greatest contribution has been to help women celebrate themselves as the precious works of art that they are! Art that will make you smile everyday! Denyse has created two other lines of art called Hanging Loose, a celebration of being young at heart and the enchanting Princess and the Pea ‐ Around the World, a whimsical twist to the old bed time story. Denyse Klette Art Studio PO Box 49 Site 503 RR 5 Saskatoon, Saskatchewan Canada S7K 3J8 Phone: +1‐306‐260‐7730 Contact: Denyse Klette Dingwall Designer Guitars is
a manufacturer of electric
guitars, focusing on high-end,
high-performance instruments.
Dingwall Designer Guitars
518B 44th Street East
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
Canada S7K 0W1
Phone: +1-306-242-6201
Contact: Sheldon Dingwall
DJ Richards
DJ Richards Design is
a quilt-pattern business
publishing four to six
original patterns each
year, for sale to retailers
across Canada, United
States, and Australia.
Each quilt design pattern created and produced by DJ
Richards includes detailed instructions about how to
make each quilt. The patterns available include table
runners, table centerpieces, placemats, small table
cloths and lap-sized adult and baby quilts.
Retailers purchasing quilt patterns from DJ Richards
Design also receive technical, instructional, and
marketing support. Consumers buy the patterns in
person or online from their local quilt shops.
DJ Richards Design
101 Edelweiss Crescent
Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan
Canada S6J 1E4
Phone: +1-306-693-7244
Contact: Debbie Richards
Doepker Industries Ltd.
is a leading manufacturer
of highway semi-trailers
located in western Canada.
Doepker has been in business for over 60 years, and has been
manufacturing transportation equipment for the last 40 years. The
company is customer driven, with a diverse line of high-quality,
durable trailers that are offered through an extensive dealer network.
Types of Trailers:
Flat Decks
Oil & Gas
Doepker Industries Ltd.
PO Box 10
Annaheim, Saskatchewan
Canada S0K 0G0
Phone: +1-306-598-2171
Fax: +1-306-598-2028
Contact: Dave Doepker
DSG Power Systems Inc. has built a solid reputation as a one stop provider for a
full range of diesel and natural gas power solutions. DSG began in 1983 as a
re-builder and re-manufacturer of diesel fuel injection components. Since then,
their focus on providing diesel powered solutions has fueled their product research
and development and has led DSG to manufacture a diversified line of quality
products with an outstanding impact on their clients and the diesel powered
DSG Power Systems Inc. has
built a solid reputation as a one
stop provider for a full range of
diesel and natural gas power
Products Include:
Auto & Pickup Performance & Parts
Farm Performance
Medium and Heavy Truck Performance & Electronics
Fuel Treatment & Economy
Exhaust & Emissions Products
Fuel Injection & Turbocharger
Cold Weather Products
Generators, Pumps & Construction Equipment
DSG Power Systems Inc.
230 29th Street East
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
Canada S7L 6Y6
Phone: +1-306-242-7644
Fax: +1-306-242-5457
Contact: Percy Hoff
Permanent theme lighting for interior and exterior use.
Applications include homes, restaurants, bars, commercial
buildings, stores, offices, warehouses and others with a wide
range of options.
Eco Innovative Illumination
offers a permanent solution
to all your lighting needs
using a fraction of the energy
consumption of traditional
Permanent decorative theme lighting with a wide range of
applications including: 12V system—Ideal for RV’s, boats,
quads, golf carts, and other vehicles or mobile applications.
Eco Innovative
Safety-Brite LEDs can be installed on structures or mobile
equipment and are a permanent safety lighting solution.
Applications include: walkways, catwalks, scaffolds, tool cribs
and vehicles.
Central Office
PO Box 430
Spiritwood, Saskatchewan
Canada S0J 2M0
Phone: +1-306-842-1678
Fax: +1-306-833-2273
Contact: Elise Selby
Edgewood Forest Products Inc. operates a stud‐grade sawmill in Carrot River, Saskatchewan and is planning to re‐open a plywood plant in Hudson Bay, Saskatchewan. Edgewood Forest Products has been operating as a dimensional lumber producer in Saskatchewan since 2009. Their parent company, C & C Wood Products has a 30—year history in the wood products industry, and felt there was strong long—term potential to develop the industry in Saskatchewan too. The sawmill’s annual production capacity is 120 million FBM. The plywood plant has the potential to produce 115 million square feet of 3/8” plywood per year. The main species of wood used are primarily white spruce (80%), jack pine, black spruce, aspen & tamarack. Sawmill – Carrot River Products: 1x3, 1x4, 1x6, 2x3, 2x4, 2x6 (inches) Lengths: 6 to 10 feet Grades: stud, #2, #3, 4 square, stk, u lity, economy Plywood Plant – Hudson Bay Edgewood Forest Products Inc. PO Box 669 Carrot River, Saskatchewan Canada S0E 0L0 Phone: +1‐250‐992‐7471 Fax: +1‐250‐992‐5272 Contact: Ron Dunn Products: 3/8, 1/2, 5/8, 3/4 inches Dimensions: 4 feet wide, 8 feet long Grades: sheathing, good one side, good two sides (so wood or hardwood) Edgewood’s lumber is heat treated in dry kilns. The wood supply is currently CSA certified. They control their own Forestry Management Agreement (FMA) providing them a secure, reliable and environmentally sustainable source of fiber. They supply customers in North America, Europe and Asia. 21
EMW Industrial provides
design, construction and
maintenance services to
many industries across
Western Canada including
the grain and potash sectors.
EMW works with companies that use equipment to receive, process,
and distribute product through their facilities.
Products include dry materials such as potash, grain, food, fertilizer,
seed, and liquid materials such as fertilizer.
EMW Industrial provide consulting and design, fabrication, installation,
maintenance and safety services to the following industries:
Manufacturing and Processing
Grain Handling and Fertilizer
Oil and Gas
EMW Industrial
PO Box 416
Saltcoats, Saskatchewan
Canada S0A 3R0
Phone: +1-306-782-4945 xt.256
Fax: +1-306-782-4994
Contact: Ewen Morrison
Engineered Performance™ Ducting is a leading manufacturer of
flexible ducting for environmental and temperature control.
Our products are utilized in construction, special event, utility,
marine, military, mining, oil & gas and aviation applications.
Engineered Performance Ducting
3150A Faithfull Avenue
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
Canada S7K 8H3
Phone: +1-306-653-4328
Fax: +1-306-653-4340
Contact: Paul Funk
Manufacture and distribute the Ventilator Radon Sniffer;
Manufacture and distribute the TM372 Portable Sample
Counter; Distribute the GammaMaster radiation detection
watch, the RadAlTM Radiation Monitor and Alarm,
Radiation Alert® product line and the TGI line of digital
Multi Channel Analyzers for gamma spectroscopy systems.
Radiation protection for
mining and industry.
In addition to these products, we provide radiation protection
consulting services, surveys and audits. We have prepared
various types of documentation, such as: training materials,
technical reports, procedures and parts of Environmental
Impact Statements.
We are proud to offer our free On-Line Radon Toolkit as a
public service. The Radon Toolkit is a set of programs to
calculate radon source terms as well as radon and radon
progeny concentrations.
Environmental Instruments
Canada Inc.
202—135 Robin Crescent
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
Canada S7L 6M3
Phone: +1-306-686-0081
Contact: Kai Kaletsch
Evraz Regina produces a variety of steel products:
The largest steel company in
Western Canada, Evraz
Regina is a mini-mill recycling
steel scrap and producing
energy tubular products.
Evraz Inc. NA
PO Box 1670
Regina, Saskatchewan
Canada S4P 3C7
Phone: +1-306-924-7420
Fax: +1-306-924-7413
Contact: Robert Schutzman
Hot Rolled Coil
Slit Coil
Cut-to-Length Sheet and Plate
OCTG Tubing
OCTG Casing
Line Pipe
Standard Pipe
Power Poles
Our ATLAS HLS 5.0 offers the safest and most secure
way to elevate a house in the world today.
This systematic house lifting equipment is available to
North American contractors on a rental basis, with Fail
Safe providing the necessary support and training on
how to operate the Atlas 5.0.
Our state of the art ATLAS HLS 5.0 and training will
equip your company with the best house lifting system
available. Regardless of your project’s location, expect
mitigated safety concerns, superior equipment,
maneuverability, and increased productivity.
Please contact us or visit our website for more
information about the ATLAS 5.0.
Fail Safe House Lifting Systems Inc.
1145 Rose Street, Unit F
Regina, Saskatchewan
Canada S4R 1Z5
Phone: +1-306-543-7302
Contact: Cameron Wensel
Failure Prevention Services
(FPS) designs, manufactures,
and distributes stainless steel
and specialty filtration products
to customers involved in oil and
gas, nuclear, potash refineries
and water filtration.
FPS is a leading manufacturer of environmentally friendly,
re-cleanable stainless steel filtration products. These
products help their customers:
Reduce operating costs
Increase performance
Extend equipment life
Be environmentally responsible
FPS Products:
 Stainless Steel Filters
Failure Prevention
PO Box 789
Watson, Saskatchewan
Canada S0K 4V0
Phone: +1-306-287-3210
Fax: +1-306-287-3394
Contact: Leanne Weiman
Vessels and Reservoirs
Glycol Kits
Air Filters and Housings
Flexxifinger® QD™ Pulse Crop Lifter
Flexxifinger QD Industries Inc.
is the premier manufacturer of
harvest attachments, with an
innovative product line that is
featured at over 100 agricultural
dealers across North America,
and relied upon by producers
around the globe. Flexxifinger
“the choice of mechanized
farmers worldwide.”
The Flexxifinger™ QD™ Pulse Crop Lifter was
originally designed for straight combining in
desiccated crops like peas, lentils, and edible
beans, where cutting close to the ground is
required. Using Flexxifinger’s patented QD™
installation system, users can attach or detach
an entire set of lifters in approximately two
minutes. (Optional “C Series” nylon finger
provides additional 2” in length)
Flexxifinger® QD™ HighCut™ Lifter
Manufactured with cereal crops in mind, the new
Flexxifinger™ QD™ HighCut™ Lifter allows the user to
cut higher off the ground than the standard Pulse Crop
Lifter, leaving between six and eight inches of valuable
stubble in the field. It features a number of structural
differences compared to standard steel lifters, including
a reinforced skid shoe and patented nylon finger.
Flexxifinger® Quicker Picker Rock Picker by ROBO
Flexxifinger QD
Industries Inc.
P.O. Box 1599
Assiniboia, Saskatchewan
Canada S0H 0B0
Phone: +1-306-642-4555
After Hours: +1-306-640-7229
Fax: +1-306-642-3520
Contact: Dave W. Dietrich
The Flexxifinger® Quicker Picker Rock Picker is the
world's first Rotary Rock Picker for skid loader use.
Now Farmers and Landscapers can pick rocks with
ease, picking rock 2 to 3 times faster than rock
buckets. The Flexxifinger® Quicker Picker will fit
on any skid loader with a quick attach plate. This
design is modeled after the rotary combine and we
all know how the rotary combine revolutionized the
farming industry.
Mine construction, development & rehabilitation
Custom fabrication
Accident remediation
Hard & soft rock operations
Mining attachments
SolidWorks® for design and drawings
Fall protection products
Reel unwinders
AutoCAD® services
Striving for Success,
through Innovation
FORTIS has an experienced
team that supplies Mine
services, Custom Metal
Fabrication, Engineering
services, and Machine Shop
services. Our team supplies
a complete project solution
for our customers from
design and fabrication
through to installation.
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
Canada S7K 5Z2
Free Form Plastic Products
is a rotational molding
company that produces a
wide array of products for
the agricultural, automotive,
chemical, recreational,
transportation and mining
Tanks & Stands
Liquid Fertilizer
Transportable Liquid
Adjustable Swath
Auger Downspouts
& Hoppers
3-Point Hitch
Custom Plastics Fabrication
Dock Floats
Free Form Plastic
Products Inc.
P.O. Box 159
St. Brieux, Saskatchewan
Canada S0K 3V0
Phone: +1-306-275-2155
Fax: +1-306-275-2101
Contact: Gerry Miller
Watermaster Self-Priming Floating Pump
G & S Sales Ltd. manufactures
and distributes the Watermaster
Floating Pump along with its
The Watermaster Floating Pump is a lightweight,
reliable, self-priming pump that floats! It is one of
the fastest pumps for moving water on the market.
At 700 gallons per minute it will fill a 3000 gallon
water tank in less than 5 minutes.
It is totally self contained, with no need for
electricity or auxiliary tractor power. It runs on a
small gasoline motor which keeps output costs
low. Just set it on the water and start it up. The
Watermaster is portable and easy to set up.
Whether you need a pump for emergency flood
control or to recharge the fire engine, Watermaster
is the ideal emergency standby pump!
For mining, construction or road building, this is
the pump that will keep you working. It is capable
of pumping 4" of water off of a 20,000 sq. ft. area
every hour.
BIG CAPACITY: over 40,000 gallons per hour
G&S Sales
PO Box 40
Dilke, Saskatchewan
Canada S0G 1C0
Phone: +1-306-488-4334
Fax: +1-306-488-4337
Contact: Greg Tait
SUPER EFFICIENT: with a 5.5 horsepower heavy
duty industrial engine.
Our Products Include:
Roof Trusses
Floor Trusses
Tall Walls
Engineered Wood
Gang-Nail Trusses is a
manufacturer of roof and
floor truss systems for
residential, commercial,
multifamily complexes
and farm buildings.
Gang-Nail Trusses
PO Box 480
Pilot Butte, Saskatchewan
Canada S0G 3Z0
Phone: +1-306-781-4535
Fax: +1-306-781-4842
Contact: Dennis Zilinski
CrossFlow Areation
CrossFlow Aeration is a revolution in grain aeration. By using horizontal
air movement, the CrossFlow Aeration system cools grain faster and in
less time while using smaller fans than traditional aeration systems.
GrainAir Tubes
Gatco Manufacturing Inc.
manufactures grain ventilation
and grain handling products.
GrainAir Tubes are made of 18 gauge perforated galvanized steel. The
Tubes come in telescoping eight foot sections and can be ordered with
two (GT200), three (GT300), or four (GT400) sections to accommodate
differed sized bins. All these GrainAir Tubes come with a cap assembly.
Auger Hog
The Auger Hog is the adjustable, detachable hopper for your auger. It
attaches and detaches in seconds, stays on your auger between bins,
and adjusts from 12" to 28" in height merely by moving the handle. Due
to the Auger Hog's clever design, it also increases the average augers
speed by 20-30%, prevents any product loss to spitting, blowing or
overflowing, and cleans out almost completely when finished.
Manufacturing Inc.
PO Box 515
Swift Current, Saskatchewan
Canada S9H 3W3
Phone: +1-306-778-3338
Fax: +1-306-778-2022
Contact: Lyndon Raynord
No more opening and closing lids with the weather. The Vent-A-Lid is
a specially designed ventilation tool for your grain bins. By installing the
Vent-A-Lid on your existing lid, you are creating ventilation at the highest
point of your bin, where heat naturally wants to flow. The Vent-A-Lid is
designed with a deflector that nearly eliminates snow and birds entering
your bin while allowing ventilation at all times. Let the heat out with the
A Gilmore Masonry Heater is a unique type of masonry
fireplace that is able to burn wood cleanly and store a large
amount of heat.
Masonry heaters, fire places,
brick and stone structures.
Gilmore Masonry Heaters Ltd. strives to build one-of-a kind
masonry heaters, fire places, brick and stone structures
of all kinds. Not only are Gilmore Masonry Heaters an
efficient heating appliance with environmental benefit, it
can be an attractive and appealing feature of a house.
Heaters can be enhanced with an integral bake oven.
Gilmore Masonry Heaters and Gilmore Bake Ovens will
be custom tailored to meet the client’s specific heating
requirements as well as to allow a wide range of aesthetic
Gilmore Masonry Heaters Ltd.
PO Box 1825
Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan
Canada S6H 7K8
Phone: +1-306-692-2058
Fax: +1-306-693-8918
Contact: Michael Gilmore
Consulting Inc.
Groundwerks Consulting is a
company dedicated to improving
roadways, streets, rail lines, oilfield
leases and access roads by way of
reduced construction, maintenance
and environmental processes and
Groundwerks is a soil stabilization company offering a
cement additive that is a powder composed of acaline-earth
elements. When combined with cement powder it creates a
road base structure with far more compressive strength.
Base is 36% stronger than normal construction methods.
Uses 34% less product than other stabilization methods.
Supports the immobilization of harmful substances endangering
the environment.
Additional benefits to using this cement additive include
increased curing, added extra strength in the soil cement
process, reduction in the need for base sub base and
minimizes the need for re-milling asphalt.
Groundwerks Consulting is committed to bringing better roads,
cheaper construction and lower maintenance costs to the rural,
governmental, municipal and environmental industries.
Groundwerks Consulting
PO Box 200
Preeceville, Saskatchewan
Canada S0A 3B0
Phone: +1-306-547-7776
Fax: +1-306-547-4432
Contact: Merlin Alberts
Bale Cart
Haukaas has been manufacturing
top quality products for over 25
Safely and quickly gather round bales.
Wide row spacing allows for the trailer to drive
between the bale rows for fast loading.
 Double bale chambers designed to gently gather
bales without damaging the wrapping.
 Bale cart is durable and designed to handle over
200,000 bales during its lifetime.
“We are changing the way bales are moved”
Bale Grapples
Rotating grapple used to easily stack round bales.
Standard grapple used to load trailers.
Gentle handling on the net wrap.
Easy to use - eliminates flipping and aligning. Simply
rotate and place.
Bale Rack Kit
Bale rack kits are designed to enable a standard width
highway trailer to safely haul round bales.
 Haul large round bales “pipe style”.
“We did the hard part...we left the easy part for you”
Haukaas Mfg. Ltd.
PO Box 8
Mortlach, Saskatchewan
Canada S0H 3E0
Phone: +1-306-355-2718
Fax: +1-306-355-2352
Contact: Rhonda Haukaas
Trailer Conveyor
Central unload for both hoppers.
17” wide enclosed conveyor with clean out.
Doesn’t reduce trailer clearance.
Hillberg & Berk designs
fabulous and timeless
jewellery for sophisticated
and refined women across
the world.
Hillberg & Berk
Accessories Inc.
2169 McIntyre Street
Regina, Saskatchewan
Canada S4P 2R8
Phone: +1-306-522-5893
Fax: +1-306-585-2873
Contact: Rachel Mielke
Saskatchewan designer and entrepreneur Rachel Mielke founded
Hillberg & Berk in 2007. Using only the finest semi-precious
stones and metals, freshwater pearls and Swarovski crystals
sourced from around the world, her handcrafted, artisan jewellery
line is designed to last throughout time. Each season,
Hillberg & Berk introduces a new line of jewellery.
New! AirFLEX 
Honey Bee manufactures a diverse selec on of draper pla orms that a ach to most combines and many of the windrower tractors on the market today. 
Draper header designed to feed crops quickly and smoothly to your combine, cu ng close to the ground without risking the cu erbar. U lizes a unique floa ng cu erbar which flexes across the en re width of the table. Air suspension and innova ve reel allows the AirFLEX to give unparalleled ground‐following control when harves ng. Perfect for pulses and all crops. Grain Belt Headers 
With a strong understanding of material flow into a combine this superior straight‐cut header is built to move crops smoothly to the feeder housing. Using drapers and a unique feed auger, the Grain Belt Header uniformly feeds the crop heads first into the combine, providing constant harvest speeds, superior threshing and less down me. Depending on the crop, you can increase combine capacity by 20%. WS Grain Belt Swathers 
Honey Bee Manufacturing Ltd. PO Box 120 Fron er, Saskatchewan Canada S0N 0W0 Phone: +1‐306‐296‐2297 Fax: +1‐306‐296‐2165 Contact: Brad Nelson Turn your Windrower into a high‐efficiency swather. Reduce machinery capital costs and increase your produc vity. Low profile cu erbar and lateral float system allow you to shave the ground when cu ng short cereals or specialty crops. Rice Belt Headers 
Specifically designed for rice harvest, but suitable for wheat, lupins, peas, beans, wild rice and many other crops.
The Rice Belt Header is a rugged, ground‐hugging header that is designed to last. Houston Land
& Cattle Corp.
Houston Land and Cattle Corp. is a
manufacturer, distributor, retailer and
patent holder of the Houston Seed
Saver, used to assist with the
harvesting of crops. The Houston
Seed Saver is an aluminum framed,
hinged, floating polycarbonate which
mounts to combine headers to
eliminate seed loss and dust caused
by the aggressive nature of the
augers on combine platforms. With a
vision to help increase the profitability
of farming operations, this company
strives to invent and manufacture
innovative products tailored to the
agricultural industry. Features include:
Universal mounting
Easy installation
Aluminum frame
Margard panels
All stainless steel hardware
Adjustable throat opening
Houston Land & Cattle Corp
PO Box 32
Southey, Saskatchewan
Canada S0G 4P0
Phone: +1-306-726-7977
Contact: Bill Houston
Industrial Machine &
Manufacturing Inc. offers
machining, specialty
welding and fabrication,
thermal sprayed coatings
and industrial mechanic
services to heavy resource
industries and original
equipment manufacturers (OEM).
Products and services include repair and replacement
of potash mining and processing equipment, power
generation equipment, steel mill equipment, OEM specialty
components for oil and gas exploration and production,
critical components for agriculture equipment and
Industrial Machine &
Manufacturing Inc.
3315 Miners Avenue
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
Canada S7K 7K9
Phone: +1-306--242-8400
Fax: +1-306-933-0649
Contact: Tom Foster
Intragrain Technologies Inc. develops,
commercializes and markets cost effective,
innovative grain storage monitoring
The award winning Bin-Sense™ system is the
original wireless grain storage monitoring system.
Bin-Sense™ consists of temperature cables,
remote units, and master units. Each yard site
requires one master unit to collect all of the
information from the remote units on all of the
other monitored bins. The communication between remote and
master units is done wirelessly, and the information is then sent
through the cellular network back to where it can be
viewed at anytime from anywhere.
This is a system that requires no external power source, allowing it
to be used in all remote locations. All information is transmitted
wirelessly, enabling customers to view their bin temperatures
anytime, anywhere via the internet or mobile app. As a user, you
will be notified via text message and/or email when a threshold has
been breached allowing you to take action as you see fit.
Intragrain Technologies Inc.
1355 Cornwall Street
Regina, Saskatchewan
Canada S4R 2H6
Phone: +1-306-570-7979
Fax: +1-306-545-7979
Contact: Kyle Folk
Irving Machine Inc. is a machine and welding shop with
capabilities for prototype development, small production
runs and in house repairs. This company is also a
manufacturer of exploration drilling parts and equipment,
and oil and gas pipe handling equipment. In their machine
shop, they employ knowledgeable and experienced
engineers, machinists and welders/operators, and they
manufacture their products using modern CAD facilities
and a full range of top of the line machine tools.
Irving Machine Inc.
PO Box 2980
Tisdale, Saskatchewan
Canada S0E 1T0
Phone: +1-306-873-5437
Fax: +1-306-873-4158
Contact: Colin Irving
Manufacturer of a wide range of customized packaging supplies for
use in agricultural, industrial, commercial, mining, forestry
application, and more.
Bulk Sacs
Jakeco Holdings Inc. is a
Saskatchewan based
packaging supply specialist,
100% family owned and
operated, with over 10
years of experience in the
agricultural industry.
Flexible Packaging
Container Liners
Pallet Liners
Jakeco Holdings Inc.
830 51 Strteet East, Bay #5
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
Canada S7K 0X9
Phone: +1-306-249-5503
Fax: +1-306-249-5580
Contact: Kevin Côté
Rollstock Film
Kraft Paper Bags
Insulated Water Troughs
These highly insulated field-proven troughs provide dependable water access in extreme cold
climate conditions without an artificial heat source. Specially engineered tapered drink tubes
(wider as they extend towards the bottom of the trough) allow for movement of the ice layer
and prevents solid freeze-up. Water can be supplied by two means: 1) overhead via a
centrifugal pump typically from a well with the pipe draining to the source or 2) underneath
via a pressurized line buried below frost line.
Motion Controlled Winter Water Bowl
Kelln Consulting Ltd. is a
consulting engineering
company specializing in
solar voltaic and wind
technologies for electrical
systems both on-grid and
off. They also offer alternative energy solutions
for thermal heating.
The Motion-controlled Winter Watering System is the ultimate winter system because it is 100%
freeze-proof when installed and maintained properly. It does not require an artificial heat source
regardless of how few animals may be using the system. In the case of the solar-powered
system, the power required to run the motion eye and the pump is supplied by deep-cycle
batteries which are re-charged by the solar panels. A system is sized according to the number
of animals using the system.
Float Pumps
The K1 and K2 pumps are single stage continuous duty centrifugal units which are economical
medium-output pumps suitable for shallow-lift situations. The K3 is powered by a 1 HP continuous
duty high volume single stage magnetic drive centrifugal pump. These units are portable and can
easily be moved from one location to another. The pump drains back to the water line making it
ideal for summer and late fall applications.
Submersible Pumps
The 12V and high capacity 24V Centric is a multi-stage centrifugal submersible which is both
efficient and versatile for year round water pumping.
The high performance 24V HR and 48V HR series pumps are comprised of a Helical Rotor and
Stator type pump connected to a brushless continuous duty motor. As a positive displacement
pump, it requires proper freeze protection.
Kelln Consulting Ltd.
PO Box 94
Lumsden, Saskatchewan
Canada S0G 3C0
Phone: +1-306-731-2224
Fax: +1-306-731-2774
Contact: Ken Kelln
Koenders' diverse product line
includes a wide range of
polyethylene and non-poly
products for agricultural,
industrial, recreation and
residential use.
Koenders’ also specialize in
custom metal fabrication and
custom rotational molding.
The 9300 is a positive displacement continuous-duty submersible which is best suited to
low output wells of moderate depth and for applications with smaller output requirements.
Non Submersible Pumps
The Kelln Piston Pump is a double action piston - single cylinder high performance pump. The
Roto Pump is a rotary-vane brass-body pump available in two standard output sizes 3 gpm or 1.5 gpm - coupled with 12 or 24VDC motor. The Diaphragm Pump is excellent
for smaller livestock numbers or cottage application.
These pumps are capable of 20 feet of suction (Self Priming to 8 Feet).
Ice Fishing Shacks
Ice Auger Cases
ATV Boxes
Boat Docks & Boat Lifts
Swath Rollers
Hopper Bins
Bin Lids / Openers
Bait Stations
Skunk Traps & Raccoon Traps
Water Tanks / Storage Tanks
Berms Spill Trays
Drain Pans
Calf Warmers
Livestock Water Troughs
Mineral Feeders
Sow Feeders
Hog Sorting Panels
Piggy Decks
Feed Carts
Koenders Mfg.
1997 Ltd.
PO Box 171
Englefeld, Saskatchewan
Canada S0K 1N0
Phone: +1-306-287-3139
Fax: +1-306-287-3689
Contact: Colin Tamme
Poultry Waterers
Poultry Feeders
Windmills range from 12 to 24 feet, all in galvanized
steel, with single and double diaphragm models. One
system is ideal for ponds up to 2 acres.
Koenders Water Solutions Inc.
manufactures and distributes
windmills throughout the world.
Their focus is to build top quality,
reasonably priced products
which are primarily used for
aeration of ponds and small
They function in wind speeds as low
as 3mph and will turn out of the
wind at 27mph or greater.
Freeze Control Unit will keep the air
flowing, and with constant aeration,
can prevent icing near
the airstone.
Koenders Water Solutions Inc.
3426 Saskatchewan Drive
Regina, Saskatchewan
Canada S4T 1H1
Phone: +1-306-721-1495
Fax: +1-306-721-1496
Contact: Alan Goode
Kramble Industries is an engineering
company specializing in the design
and manufacturing of remote control
systems used primarily in agricultural
Portable Combine
Swing Auger Mover
300 Foot Range FM Remote Control
Manual Swing/Winch Controls
12vDC Electric System
No Need to Start Tractor
Multi-channel Selectable
Dual wheel drive
Adjustable Ride Height
Spring Suspension
Wireless Full Bin Alarm
12vDC FM Receiver
Bright LED Alarm Lights
87 dB Audible Alarm
Universal Fit
Magnetic Backed Receiver
Simple to Install
Expandable – Multiple Sensors Can
Transmit to a Single Receiver
Trailer Chute Opener
Kramble Industries
#102 - 2750 Faithful Avenue
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
Canada S7K 6M6
Phone: +1-306-933-2655
Fax: +1-306-933-2655
Contact: Doug Kramble
300 Foot Range FM Remote Control
Manual Open/Close Switches
12vDC Electric System
Programmable Limit Sensors
Multi-channel Selectable
Heavy Duty Cabling
Universal Mounting Hardware
Over 300 ft/lbs of torque
12vDC System
Single Stage Process
Two Speed Motor
Adjustable Air Flow
Self Cleaning Aspiration Column
Endgate & Hoist
300 Foot Range FM Remote Control
Manual Keypad
12vDC Electric System
LED Indicator Lights
600 lb Force
Hoist Controls available for
Air, Cable or Electric Systems
Simple to Install
12vDC Electric System
2.4 GHz Transmitting Frequency
High Resolution
Interference Free
Four Channel Capability
Infrared For Night Vision
Image Reversible
IP66 Waterproof Rating
8 G Force Vibration Durability
82 Degree Wide Angle Lens
L & M Wood Products is 100% Saskatchewan owned
private wood processing company. The company is
focused on developing quality primary wood products
for residential, commercial, industrial and agricultural
markets. Their facility includes a sawmill, post plant,
planer mill and treatment plant, and represent state-ofthe-art manufacturing technology and equipment.
Products include dimensional treated lumber, square
timbers, posts and rails.
L&M Wood Products
PO Box 280
Glaslyn, Saskatchewan
Canada S0M 0Y0
Phone: +1-306-342-2080
Fax: +1-306-342-4707
Contact: Terry Edwards
Log Home Packages:
Lakeland Log & Timber offers Log Home Packages for the lake, resort or
residential housing industry. The manufactured log home packages have
been machined uniformly so that all cutting and fitting is performed by milling
or notching equipment rather than by hand tools. Features of the log homes
Lakeland Log & Timber Works Ltd. is a
unique handcrafted and manufactured
log building company in northern
500 sq.ft. cabins to 10,000 sq.ft. luxury homes.
Log sizes are available in 8” and 10” diameter.
Profiles can be round, flat or square in appearance.
Lengths of logs vary from 3’ to 20’.
The shipment of log home packages is with a regular flat deck lumber truck.
Construction of the home can be done by the homeowner or by a carpenter
by following a coded set-up plan.
Lakeland Log & Timber
Works Ltd.
PO Box 420
Christopher Lake, Saskatchewan
Canada S0J 0N0
Phone: +1-306-982-3251
Fax: +1-306-982-4749
Contact: Rudy Ackelauer
MaXfield operates and builds
its reputation on excellent
manufacturing, innovation
and efficient production
methods satisfying the needs
of domestic and international
MaXfield provides engineered products and services to the energy sector,
pressure vessel users, trucking industry, other manufacturers, oil and gas
exploration/production companies, well completion service and supply
industries, engineering firms, propane distributors, mining companies,
liquid fertilizer and farm implement dealers, along with agricultural
Truck and transport units for pressure vessels
Anhydrous ammonia (NH3) tanks and trailers
Equipment for mining & energy
Propane distribution systems
Power generation equipment
Compressed gas vessels, transport units and equipment
MaXfield Inc.
801 50th Street East
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
Canada S7K 3Y5
Phone: +1-306-242-8900
Fax: +1-306-242-7878
Contact: Robert Ashton
Melissa Squire makes dresses both casual and formal, bridal and
graduation, crop tops, sleevez , crinolines, skirts and baby dresses.
Her jewelry line is wire wrapped and beaded pieces. She also uses
old vinyl records to create a line of rings, bracelets, hair pieces and
Flower hair pieces, mini top hat fascinators, and decorated birdcage
veils and garters are among her collection of accessories.
Melissa Squire Fashion
Design is a 1950's pinup
inspired brand with an
edgy, rockabilly attitude.
Melissa Squire Fashion Design
615 2nd Avenue North
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
Canada S7K 2C9
Phone: +1-306-244-5444
Contact: Melissa Squire
construction trailers
self framing buildings
pole structures
modular structures
RTM homes
custom metal fabrication
Servicing the following industries…..
Metular Fabricators believe quality
workmanship coupled with the best
raw materials manufactured with
attention to detail and quality
presented to end-users at a fair
price and delivered on time is a
simple yet somewhat forgotten
“Best Business Practice”
oil & gas
Metular Fabricators Inc.
PO Box 100
Stony Beach, Saskatchewan
Canada S0G 4S0
Phone: +1-306-345-2090
Fax: +1-306-345-2095
Contact: Lorne Holmes
Grain Body Tarp Systems
Michel’s Industries manufactured
its first truck tarp in 1969. Their
line of custom truck tarps are
suitable for grain trailers, gravel
trucks, dump trucks, etc. Michel’s
also manufactures an auger
attachment for unloading
semi-trailers, a combine hopper
cover and the crop catcher.
Suitable for farm boxes and semi-trailers.
Side-rolling tarp system.
Electronic controls available in the driver’s cab, or as an optional
wireless remote.
Gravel Body Tarp Systems
New tarp systems designed for gravel and dump trucks.
Several styles of tarp systems are available.
Hopper Augers
Attaching to semi trailers’ hoppers, this system aids the
farmer in loading their air-seeder and can be used as a
transfer auger in the fall.
“The Tarp Specialists”
Electric Hopper Cover
 An electric combine hopper cover which enables the farmers to cover
their combine hopper, in the field, when there are signs of inclement
Crop Catchers
Michel’s Industries Ltd.
PO Box 119
St. Gregor, Saskatchewan
Canada S0K 3X0
Phone: +1-306-366-2184
Fax: +1-306-366-2145
Contact: Brad Michel
A combine header attachment to prevent chaff and seeds from
being thrown onto the Feeder house by the retractable fingers
on the auger drum.
Wireless Remote Chute Opener
The “EZ Opener 200” is mounted above the bottom of your chute and
will not interfere with the use of swing augers. It is also protected
from rocks flying off tractor tires.
The "EZ Opener 200" can be mounted on either the driver side or
passenger side of the trailer. Because of the remote signal strength it
can be opened or closed from the top of your bin or your air-seeder.
Milligan Biofuels is a leading
edge Canadian bio-diesel
production company with an
emphasis on ongoing research
and development.
The company is based in Foam
Lake, SK and plans to continue
expansion plans in Western
Milligan’s Bio-Diesel is unique in North America as it is
made from 100% canola. Their bio-diesel is of the highest
quality meeting North American and European standards.
Milligan’s bio-diesel is an environmentally friendly, natural,
renewable resource uniquely made from canola.
Diesel Fuel Conditioner
Milligan’s Diesel Fuel Conditioner is designed to help combat
the effects of Ultra Low Sulphur Diesel (ULSD). Their Diesel
Fuel Conditioner is a one of a kind, highly effective treatment
that increases lubricity, fuel economy, as well as cleaning
Penetrating Oil
A canola based penetrating oil that makes nearly any
mechanical job easier.
Road Dust Suppressant (RDS)
A canola based RDS that controls the dust, repels water, and reduces road
Milligan Biofuels Inc.
PO Box 130
Foam Lake, Saskatchewan
Canada S0A 1A0
Phone: +1-306-272-6284
Fax: +1-306-272-6283
Contact: Len Anderson
Canola Meal & Oil
Used in all types of livestock operations - dairy farms, feedlot operations, hog
and poultry producers.
NORAC Systems International, founded in 1974, is a leading manufacturer of precision farming solutions for the
agricultural industry. NORAC employs 60 full time staff and is based in Saskatoon, Canada with sales and service
offices in the United States and France. All products assembled by NORAC are completed to ISO standards and
NORAC's electronics areas are equipped with the latest technology.
NORAC has pioneered the use of ultrasonic technology in agricultural equipment controls and has experienced
significant growth with a number of leading-edge technologies. NORAC Spray Height Control systems are available
as an aftermarket option or factory installed with leading sprayer manufacturers in North America, Europe, South
America, Australia and Africa. NORAC is continuously growing worldwide sales channels and offers global customer
support through a rapidly expanding base of international distributors and sprayer manufacturers.
NORAC’s UC4.5™ and UC5™ Spray Height Control systems use ultrasonic sensors mounted on the left, right and
center sections of the sprayer’s boom to automatically maintain a preset height of the entire boom above the ground
or top of the crop. The NORAC UC4.5™ system comes complete with a NORAC stand-alone panel, while the
NORAC UC5™ system is ISOBUS certified and can be operated through the NORAC ECHO™ or the tractor’s
existing control panel.
NORAC Systems International
3702 Kinnear Place
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
Canada S7P 0A6
Phone: +1-306-664-6711
Fax: +1-306-664-6664
Contact: Danea Armstrong
NorSask Forest Products is
a modern state of the art
softwood lumber stud mill
located in Meadow Lake,
NorSask is a softwood lumber company specializing in the production
of 8’ and 9’ stud lumber. Norsask produces approximately 125 million
FBM of lumber annually. The main species of wood used are spruce,
pine and fir (SPF).
1” x 4” and 1” x 6” rough or finished lumber.
2” x 4” and 2” x 6” finished lumber in stud-grade.
Kiln-dried and heat treated.
NorSask Forest Products
Limited Partnership
PO Box 9020
Meadow Lake, Saskatchewan
Canada S9X 1A3
Phone: +1-306-236-5601
Fax: +1-306-236-6477
Contact: Tracey Gorski
From project concept to completion, Norseman
Structures has a strong commitment to a quality
product, excellent value and superior service in
the design, fabrication and installation of steel
framed, fabric structures. Excellence in building
design and a focus on safety and quality gives
customers confidence in the strength and
reliability of a trusted advisor.
Building solutions for a variety of industries:
Oil & Gas
Waste & Recycling
Public Works
Sports & Recreation
Agriculture & Equine
Military & Aviation
Norseman Structures
3815 Wanuskewin Road
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
Canada S7P 1A4
Phone: +1-306-385-2888
Fax: +1-306-249-1889
Contact: Kent Anderson
Local Norseman building consultants partner
with customers to provide personalized service
and ensure the best building solution is provided.
From equipment storage to maintenance garages;
from salt and sand storage to warehousing; from
commodity storage to riding arenas, Norseman
Structures offers unique building solutions second
to none.
Open Mind Developments Corporation believes in producing environmentally
friendly plastic products in a socially and environmentally sustainable manner.
PELA case is the natural way to protect your Apple product. When the PELA case
is finished protecting your smartphone, it will can be composted in an industrial
composter and return to the earth, similar to a fruit peel.
Open Mind Developments was
created to challenge the status
quo in how conventional plastic
products are manufactured and
have made it their mission to
replace conventional plastic
with environmentally friendly
Think of your PELA case as your very own piece of original art. The PELA case is
comprised of natural crop fibres to add strength to the biopolymers. The natural
fibres grow to different sizes, giving each PELA case its own unique look. Your
PELA case doesn’t look like conventional plastic because it isn’t conventional
plastic, and that’s the point.
The technology used to create the PELA case will
be used for the development of more environmentally
friendly plastic products made from locally grown
agricultural crop straw, biopolymers and recycled plastic.
Open Mind Developments
PO Box 8183
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
Canada S7K 6C5
Phone: +1-306-717-8949
Contact: Jeremy Lang
Manufacturer of electric vehicles specifically designed for the
underground mining industry, including stock vehicles for purchase
as well as custom vehicles for specific mining applications.
PapaBravo Innovations is a world
leader in electric vehicle design and
manufacturing for underground
mining applications.
PapaBravo Innovations
#4 - 2510 Jasper Avenue
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
Canada S7H 2K2
Phone: +1-306-954-3445
Fax: +1-306-954-3450
Contact: Brandon Hall
For All Your Liquid Handling Needs
Liquid Distribution Kits - Pattison liquid kits are
closed, pressurized distribution systems designed
to give precise, uniform fertilizer distribution in all
fields including side hills.
Field Equipment - Pattison offers a complete
line of fertilizer application equipment to meet
the needs of today's farming practices
Pesticide Handling Systems - The Handler allows
you to puncture, empty, rinse, and discard a jug of
pesticide in seconds. Spend less time loading and
more time spraying.
Pesticide Pumps - Designed for maximum
flexibility, portability, and ease in handling
for the user of multiple bulk containers.
Pattison Liquid Systems is a
manufacturer of liquid fertilizer
application and handling equipment.
Pattison Liquid
Systems Inc.
PO Box 336
Lemberg, Saskatchewan
Canada S0A 2B0
Phone: +1-306-335-2215
Fax: +1-306-335-2246
Contact: Rick Pattison
Paysen Livestock Equipment Inc.
is a manufacturer and distributor
of an extensive line of livestock
handling & feeding equipment for
cattle, horses, and bison.
Paysen Livestock Equipment also
manufactures grain bin hopper
cones & flat steel floors.
Paysen Livestock
Equipment Inc.
PO Box 309
Central Butte, Saskatchewan
Canada S0H 0T0
Phone: +1-306-796-4508
Fax: +1-306-796-4909
Contact: Jim McGillvray
Products include:
 cattle squeezes
 calving pens
 corral panels
 gates
 Paysen’s crowding tub
 Paysen’s 10’ x 16’ adjustable
 auto head gate
 manual head gate
 calf tip table
portable loading chute
bale feeders
light tombstone feeder
heavy tombstone feeder
feed troughs
rectangular bale feeders
feeder panels
bale handlers
steel water troughs
PetroTag 400 tank gauging system can measure temperature
corrected height, volume, mass and density with a single sensor
probe. It can also measure water level and has an independent
high level alarm.
Petrotag Technologies Inc.
is a Canadian company that
designs and manufactures
precision tank gauging and
liquid level monitoring
solutions to help their
customers in the oil and
gas market to track their
fuel inventory.
PT500 Modular Tank Gauge will be the successor to the
PT400. The PT400 was designed specifically for monitoring bulk
fuel sites. The newly designed PT500 will have the capabilities
to monitor any liquid filled tank. The controller board is being
designed in a modular form which will allow a customer to pick
and choose features desired. Some of these features include
volume/density measurement, alarm
capabilities, communications options,
and temperature monitoring.
Petrotag Technologies
509A Gray Avenue
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
S7N 2H8
Phone: +1-306-244-6868
Fax: +1-306-249-0431
Contact: Linda Henderson
Pillar Lasers Inc. is a Western Canadian manufacturer of specialized agricultural equipment. The company has built a reputa on for building quality farm equipment such as Disc Hoe Openers, Pillar Toolbars and the Pillar Heavy Harrow. “On the Cu ng Edge of Agriculture”
DH ‐ 40 Series Drills DH ‐ 50/60 Series Drills The DH‐40 Series was the first model of the Pillar Disc Drill that was released. It is a 3 plex toolbar with parallel li ing sub frames to raise and lower the double shoot Disc/Hoe openers. The main toolbar does not move to li the openers out of the ground. The DH‐50 and 60 Series drills are 5 plex toolbars with parallel li ing sub frames to li and lower the double shoot Disc/Hoe openers. The main toolbar does not move to li the openers out of the ground. The DH5010 and DH6010 Pillar Disc Drills come The 40' toolbars can be set up with 9, 10 or 12" with Flexi‐coil easy flow headers but can be adapted to other air carts as well. These two spacing. models come with an 8 run, double shoot air The 40' models come with a 6 run air pac and pack. the toolbars can be set up with tow between or tow behind air carts. The Pillar toolbars can be set up with tow be‐
tween or tow behind air carts. Pillar Lasers Inc. PO Box 1940 Warman, Saskatchewan Canada S0K 4S0 Phone: +1‐306‐242‐4955 Fax: +1‐306‐242‐1085 Contact: Bill Froese 46
Field Sergeant ‐ Heavy Harrow The Field Sergeant is a well built heavy harrow available in 52’, 60’ 72’ and 84’. It features hydraulic ne angle adjust, hydraulic down pressure, hydraulic wheel adjust from transport to field posi on, harrow frame gauges visible from the tractor, solid draw tubes and the best of all posi ve hitch weight in transport. Serves the gas and oil,
agriculture, and mining
industries, and can custom
manufacture any project to
design or specification.
Quality Assured Manufacturing Inc. are
a complete service provider for custom
steel fabrication and have been called
upon by the various industries including
oil and gas, mining, agriculture, power
stations, waste management, construction,
chemical processing, and pulp/paper.
They manufacture ULC & API tanks for the oil/gas and agriculture
sectors, ranging from 300 gallons to 200,000 litres. ULC and 25 to 2,000
barrel API tanks, in single or double wall, with or without skid packages,
custom colors, internal & external coatings and sandblasting.
Products also include chutes, pulverizers, catwalk systems, silos for feed,
salt, and cement, as well as fertilizer and structural steel skid packages
and custom steel fabrication.
Quality Assured Manufacturing Inc.
PO Box 35084
Regina, Saskatchewan
Canada S4X 4C6
Phone: +1-306-543-6900
Fax: +1-306-543-6955
Contact: Rod Culbert
Products include:
The Quickstand Trailer is built to transport,
deploy and retrieve Quickstand products.
Quickthree Solutions Inc. invents,
designs, and manufactures unique,
portable, industrial equipment.
The Quickstand Silo is an easily transportable
proppant silo built for rapid deployment
Quickmix Batch Plant & Portable Silos for
cement powder, fly ash or other pneumatic
bulk products.
QuickThree Solutions Inc.
139A 105th Street East
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
Canada S7K 1Z2
Phone: +1-306-244-6644
Fax: +1-306-244-6650
Contact: Alvin Herman
Rainy Day Fabricating is a
manufacturer of high quality
products that are tough, durable,
and helpful for farmers to
become more efficient.
The Hopper is an all-steel hopper, made of 16-gauge steel. The
Hopper's belting is made from industrial strength belting and is
fastened around the top edge so that it
can mould itself to the bottom of the bin to stop grain from
spilling out while auguring. This belting also prevents the
negative effects that wind can have when auguring your
product from the bins. The Hopper has a foam barrier between
your auger and the hopper to stop grain from vibrating out. The
Hopper is held onto your auger by a simple ratchet strap.
The Lump Buster is a machine that is used to breakup hard or
lumpy fertilizer. The Lump Buster can sit inside The hopper for
farm use under fertilizer bins or can be mounted to any fertilizer
leg, rail site or have legs added to the Lump buster to stand over
a any conveyor. The lump Buster is made from 3/16 mild or
stainless steel. The shafts are 1 inch diameter with 5/16 studs
welded to them a with a stud welder. The lump buster is driven
by hydraulic or elctircl motors. The Bearings are an all poly
housing with a triple seal on the back and a dust cap on the
front to keep all the fertilizer dust out.
Rainy Day Fabricating
PO Box 808
Assiniboia, Saskatchewan
Canada S0H 0B0
Phone: +1-306-642-3315
Fax: +1-306-642-3340
Contact: Jason Johnson
Agricultural Products:
Chisel Plows
McKay EMPIRE Wiese
is a major manufacturer
of heat treated metal
components. The
company has a history
of providing quality
products to meet the
needs of their diversified
Ralph McKay
Industries Inc.
130 Hodsman Road
Regina, Saskatchewan
Canada S4N 5X4
Phone: +1-306-721-9292
Fax: +1-306-721-9622
Contact: Garth Hubick
Vegetable Tools & Standards
Field Cultivators
Danish Style “S” Tine Cultivators
Points & Spikes
Harvesting Aids
Row Crops
Disc & Coulter Blades
Drill Shoes
Sub-Soiler Points
“Stubby” Crop Lifters
Lawn & Garden Products:
Rite Way has long been known for
its innovative designs in farm
equipment that give farmers the
functionality they need -- at the
prices they can afford.
Rite Way has just introduced a
new generation of farm equipment.
Its land rollers and harrows fold up
narrower for transport and now
unfold while moving FORWARDTM.
And its popular rock pickers have
been updated with an even larger
Furrowers & Busters
Rotary Tines
Land Rollers 8’ to 89’ in 1, 3, 5
or 7 sections
Rock Pickers
Rock Windrowers
Jumbo Harrows 50’ to 90’
One Till Disc Harrows
MaxiRotary Harrows
Rite Way Mfg. Co. Ltd.
PO Box 26097
Regina, Saskatchewan
Canada S4R 8R7
Phone: +1-306-337-4440
Fax: +1-306-337-4441
Contact: Marj Strandlund
The Ultimate Rear
Mounted Boom System
Skid Mount Sprayer
(SMA) - Boom Kit (BK)
Hose Feed Sprayer
Electric Sprayer
Heavy Duty Farmyarder
Tractor Mount
Front Mounted Sprayer
Tow Behind Boom
Light Duty Farmyarder
Custom Manufactured
Rogers Sprayers Inc. is a
manufacturer of the Windfoil
and Falcon covered spray
Rogers Sprayers Inc.
141 - 105th Street East
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
Canada S7N 1Z2
Phone: +1-306-975-0500
Fax: +1-306-975-0499
Contact: Merv Bilinski
Rouse Industries was
established in 2008
as a designer and
manufacturer of
gearboxes, clutches
and transmissions
for high horsepower
applications in both
the production and
exploration side of the
oil and gas market.
Rouse Industries designs and manufactures high horsepower
industrial transmissions, gearboxes, mud pump drives and
hydraulic clutches. Their equipment
is purpose built for a variety of oil
and gas exploration and production
as well as mining and construction
Providing both off the shelf and
custom solutions for complete units
as well as clutch sub assemblies for
various other gear box manufacturers.
Rouse Industries
PO Box 1327
Weyburn, Saskatchewan
Canada S4H 3J9
Phone: +1-306-842-2422
Fax: +1-306-842-6264
Contact: Dustin Rouse
RS Cabinet Doors Ltd. is a
Canadian manufacturer of
quality kitchen cabinet doors
and drawer fronts. Cabinet
doors and drawer fronts are
custom sized and available
in most wood varieties. The
company is continually
developing new door styles
and using new wood species.
RS Cabinet Doors Ltd. is a manufacturer of
quality kitchen cabinet doors and drawer fronts
for the kitchen manufacturing industry. Their
cabinet doors and drawer fronts are custom
sized and available in most wood varieties.
They are continually developing new door styles
and using new wood species, supplying their
customers with extraordinary quality and design.
Due to increased customer demand for pre-finished wood products,
RS Doors opened a Finishing Division in 2009. We also expanded our
product line to include many accessories, such as bar brackets, cleats,
gables and moldings. We now have the ability to supply virtually all the
finished parts required for a kitchen.
RS Cabinet Doors Ltd.
1102—17th Street West
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
Canada S7M 3Y3
Phone: +1-306-934-6560
Fax: +1-306-934-5952
Contact: Darren Hayward
Follow us on Twitter @rscabinetdoors
The Saskatchewan Abilities
Council works with people of
varying abilities to enhance their
independence and participation
in the community through
vocational, rehabilitation and
recreational services.
Wood Products:
Metalwork Products:
Picnic tables
Textile Products:
Saskatchewan Abilities
2310 Louise Avenue
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
Canada S7J 2C7
Phone: +1-306-374-4448
Fax: +1-306-373-2665
Contact: Doug Helfrick
Industrial Coveralls and Overalls
 High Visibility and FR Coveralls
and Vests
Shop and Lab Coats
Veterinary Wraps and Drapes
Bank Deposit Bags
Shopping Bags
Industrial Bags
Newspaper Carrier Bags
Wheelchair Lifts
Sask-a-Pole Mobility Aids
Custom Fabrication
Real Estate Sign Frames
Mailing Services:
Mail Personalization
Other Services:
Screen Printing/Embroidery Services
Promotional Products
Recycling Services
SBC Case Industries (2013) is
a private company that has
provided effective case solutions
since 1984.
Hard Cases
Soft Cases
Hockey Bags
Foam Inserts
Sewn Products
Welded Aluminum
Plastic Cases
SBC Case Industries Ltd.
2120 St. George Avenue
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
Canada S7M 0K7
Phone: +1-306-665-8979
Fax: +1-306-665-0936
Contact: Trevor Sonstelie
The Seed Hawk Promise
Providing the most grower-profitable seeding solutions through groundbreaking innovation.
Farmers founded Seed Hawk and today our R&D continues to be driven by farmers. The result is innovative,
efficient seeding systems for all growers – big or small. From our big 84’ toolbar paired with an 800 bushel air
tank to our small 19’8” and 111 bushel combination toolbar and tank 30 Series, we cover more ground, more
Our legendary opener assembly started it all. Precise seed and fertilizer placement results in industry leading
emergence and crop establishment. In fact, Seed Hawk customers say that their yields improve by 10.8%* when
they’re asked to compare their old seeder to their Seed Hawk.
Innovations such as Twin WingTM, Sectional Control® technology (SCT®) and a huge 1400 bushel tank have kept
Seed Hawk ahead of the competition. SCT has been proven to save farmers 10-15%** on seed and fertilizer
while reducing lodged areas and improving yields.
Look to Seed Hawk for all your seeding needs.
Seed Hawk Inc.
PO Box 123
Langbank, Saskatchewan
Canada S0G 2X0
Phone: +1-306-538-2221
Fax: +1-306-538-2228
Contact: Peter Clarke
The Leader. By Design.
Designs, patents &
manufactures leading-edge
dryland seeding equipment
and seeding guidance
systems for the progressive,
no-till farmer.
#1 South Plains Road West
Emerald Park, Saskatchewan
Canada S4L 1C6
Phone: +1-306-721-3001
Fax: +1-306-721-3002
Contact: Cory Beaujot
*Based on a 2010 survey of Seed Hawk customers conducted by a third party.
**Results may vary depending on field seeded and moisture conditions.
® Seed Hawk, Sectional Control and SCT are registered trademarks and ™Twin Wing is a trademark of Seed Hawk Inc.
SeedMaster Opener
 Place seed & fertilizer & pack in one pass with pinpoint accuracy with
SeedMaster’s patented, two-knife, ground-following opener – placing
every seed at exactly the same depth.
 The opener’s fertilizer knife places nutrients in a separate furrow at a
safe, optimal location beside the seed row – close enough for maximum
uptake, yet far enough to protect against seed damage.
 The benefits to the farmer: rapid, uniform crop emergence – jumping
ahead of the weeds – and uniform development throughout the growing season.
SeedMaster Frames
 SeedMaster drills are made with a simple, bullet-proof frame – from 20 - 90 ft (6 - 27 m) models,
to the narrow-folding Compact-in-Transport (CT) design.
 All components of the drill – including the tanks and the frames – are
made with laser cut components and a flawless, long lasting powder
coat paint finish.
 All SeedMaster models have a bolt-together design and are easily
shipped long distances for quick and simple on-farm assembly - an
attractive, cost-saving feature not only for an increasing number of
North American sales, but also for growing Kazakh, Russian, and Australian markets.
SeedMaster Seeding Systems
 SeedMaster manufactures a multitude of complete seeding systems –
all with equipped with their industry-leading opener technology.
 Row spacing options from 10-30 in (24-76 cm).
 Working widths from 20-90 ft (6-27 m).
 SmartSeed granular metering systems – individual row metering for
gentle handling and accurate metering all products, from ultra high rates
of fertilizer to ultra low rates of canola.
 SeedMaster offers a wide array of options for on-board and tow-behind commodity carrying & metering
– from 100 - 920 bushels of granular product & from 1333 - 4300 Imperial gallons of liquid fertilizer.
 All of the systems are built ruggedly for long lasting frame performance and are easily maneuverable.
Shercom Industries is a fully integrated
tire collector, processor and manufacturer
of products made from recycled tires.
Shercom Industries Inc.
RR #4, Site 404, Comp #9
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
Canada S7K 3J7
Phone: +1-306-933-0600
Fax: +1-306-933-0660
Contact: Garry Gelech
SimAIR Crystalline
The exquisite vases by Rod and
Denyse Simair include some of the
rarest in the world, particularly in the
area of large wheel thrown raku and
crystalline glazed porcelain.
Curb Ramps
Wheel Chocks
Pictured is a small selection of the exquisite work done by Rod & Denyse
Simair. Please see their website for more samples or contact them to arrange
a viewing.
Dance of the
Snow Faries
Hidden Gem
Rod and Denyse combine their talents
in a way which highlights one another's
strengths, producing rare and distinctive
award winning works of art.
Their works can be found in collections
throughout the world.
Catch the Wave
A Star is Born
True Blue
Enchanted Emerald
SimAIR Crystalline
RR5 Site 33 Compartment 8
Prince Albert, Saskatchewan
Canada S6V 5R3
Phone: +1-306-763-6314
Contact: Rod Simair
Manufacturing Services:
SkyCan Manufacturing specializes
in industrial services including custom
manufacturing of metal and plastic
tooling and parts.
Skycan Manufacturing provides a complete turnkey solution for
metal and plastics tooling and parts requirements.
Diverse spectrum of tooling and parts projects, from machining
to two-shot injection molding.
Skycan also specializes in finishing requirements.
The Skycan advantage is to:
 Provide cost effective mold creation in China as an alternative
for a costly North American mold creation in a comparable lead
 Provide a cost effective production process in China as an
alternative for a North America production process.
SkyCan Manufacturing Ltd.
1201 Osler Street
Regina, Saskatchewan
Canada S4R 1W4
Phone: +1-306-352-9922
Fax: +1-306-352-0627
Contact: Steve Yang
Skycan provides specialized services for all your Metal Forming,
Plastics and Finishing Requirements.
Millinery is the art of hat making. It is by large a forgotten art. However; for people
interested in the energy and simple luxury a unique and hand made product can
bring; a proper hat holds the same appeal as a tailored suit or hand crafted jewelry.
Sova Design is the fashion
design house of Sherri Hrycay.
Sherri is a milliner and designer/
producer of special occasion
woman's and children's wear.
Our hats are hand crafted and individually inspired works of art. They are created
with genuine fur felt and trimmed with the most unique materials: velvets, ribbons,
broaches, beads, and in some cases hand- embroidery.
Sova Design Millinery
1411 12th Street East
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
Canada S7H 0E7
Phone: +1-306-384-3399
Contact: Sherri Hrycay
The Remote Boom Control which
is a useful tool for troubleshooting
problems on sprayers. The Remote
Boom Control is a handheld remote
which turns on individual booms one
at a time from behind the sprayer
allowing farmers to check and service
sprayer nozzles easily.
Spraytest Controls Inc. is a
family owned business and
manufacturer of wireless
remote controls for agricultural
use. Manufacturers and
distributors of wireless controls
for agricultural and industrial
Spraytest Controls can also adapt
wireless controls to numerous other
applications such as grain truck
end-gates and hoists, seed tender
gates and conveyors, hopper augers,
and grain trailer slides.
Spraytest Controls
PO Box 269
Beechy, Saskatchewan
Canada S0L 0C0
Phone: +1-306-859-1200
Fax: +1-306-859-2188
Contact: Dale Wiens
Stewart Steel Agriculture Products:
Stewart Steel manufactures
agriculture equipment and
waste management products.
As well, they specialize in
industrial and oilfield
fabrication. They service a
market that extends to all
parts of Canada, Northern
and Southern USA, and
The “Axceller” Kit is a conversion kit for Case rotors on Case
The “Extender” is an unloading auger extension for all combines.
Maurer Grain Tank Extension adds extra capacity to a combine’s
grain tank.
Single pole header transport for combine headers up to 30
Case rotor manufacturing, rebuilds and high speed dynamic
Rigid header skid plates.
Stewart Steel Industrial/Petroleum Products:
Stewart Steel Inc.
PO Box 1087
Weyburn, Saskatchewan
Canada S4H 2L3
Phone: +1-306-842-4411
Fax: +1-306-848-3519
Contact: Del Croissant
Heavy Industrial and Petroleum Products:
 Material handling products include conveyors,
auguring systems, piping and manifolding.
 Heavy-plate cutting, rolling and fabrication and wear resistant plate
and overlay are available for process and high-abrasion situations.
Doghouses and On-Site Structures
400bbl Oil Tanks
Stairs, Railings and Catwalks
Vessels, Tankage and Hopper Bottoms
Truck Bodies and Trailers
Design Service
Structural Steel
Sun Country Farms is a
manufacturer and distributor of
wild bird seeds, accessories and
outdoor wildlife products.
Sun Country Farms
Backyard Best Blend
Black Oil Sunflower Kernels
Black Oil Sunflower Seed
Critter Crunch
The 5lb and 17lb bags are packaged in a consumer friendly clear poly
bag, light enough for easy carrying.
Sun Country Farms
PO Box 320
Langham, Saskatchewan
Canada S0K 2L0
Phone: +1-877-217-7333
Fax: +1-306-283-4793
Contact: Kent Rathwell
Sun Country Farms offers various birdseeds, suet, nectar,
feeders, bird houses, bat houses and wildlife products
Pothole Patcher
SuperiorRoads Solutions manufactures
and sells road maintenance equipment
including street sweepers and a
pothole patcher.
The people at SuperiorRoads have
more than 30 years of experience in
designing innovative, efficient and
cost-effective solutions for keeping
your streets and roads well-maintained.
The Python 5000 is a self-propelled
pothole patching machine. One
person can easily carry out the entire
patching operation -- without ever
leaving the comfort of the operator's
In about two minutes, you will have a
patch that will out-last the surrounding roads. The Python 5000 also has
the unique ability to quickly repair cracks and joins in the road.
Street Sweepers
The SuperiorRoads sweeping
technology gives you excellent
sweeping performance in a wide
range of applications and conditions.
Our system means more debris from
the surface goes into the hopper.
Choose from the nimble S2
or the ultra-powerful S3.
SuperiorRoads Solutions
PO Box 26097
Regina, Saskatchewan
Canada S4R 8R7
Phone: +1-306-337-4440
Fax: +1-306-337-4441
Contact: Marjorie Strandlund
Tatanka Boutique showcases various
First Nations, Métis and Inuit artists’
work and incorporates the same
qualities found in art galleries where
each art piece is identified by its
Tatanka Designs
2156 Albert Street
Regina, Saskatchewan
Canada S4P 2T9
Phone: +1-306-525-2201
Fax: +1-306-525-2208
Contact: Joely BigEagle-Kequahtooway
Major Projects:
Focused on the on-going growth and expansion in Canada, Team Power
Solutions have appointed key personnel to manage large endeavors that are
often time and cost sensitive with a key focus on personnel safety throughout
the progression of the project.
Team Power Solutions is an industry
leader in electrical and instrumentation
engineering, manufacturing, construction
and maintenance.
Electrical Field Services:
Team Power Solutions offers unparalleled service for electrical solutions.
Predictive, preventative, reliable and reactive expertise is available 24 hours a
day, 7 days a week.
We offer a standard product line and custom application electrical power,
distribution and control equipment.
Team Power Solutions offer professional engineers with a wide knowledge of
expertise in all levels of power systems.
We offer a wide range of services including construction, commissioning,
maintenance, DCS/PLC programming and project management.
Team Power Solutions
809 46th Street East
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
Canada S7K 0X1
Phone: +1-306-384-5552
Fax: +1-306-384-5477
Contact: Tom Boehm
Safety and Training:
We can provide both technical and electrical safety related training. Courses
range from 12 hour lunch and learn presentations to 40 hour comprehensive
maintenance classes.
Trailtech designs and manufactures trailers for
a variety of uses:
Trailtech is committed to the
continual development and
research in trailer technology.
Using the latest designs and
available technology, Trailtech
is able to produce safe
products of the highest quality.
Trailtech Strong & Dependable
• Prospector
• Construction
• Commercial
• Dump
Combine Trailers • Sprayer
• Truck Deck
PO Box 988
Gravelbourg, Saskatchewan
Canada S0H 1X0
Phone: +1-306-648-3158
Fax: +1-306-648-3305
Contact: Ryan Miller
Vale Solutions Ltd. has been
manufacturing quality material
handling products designed for
the agricultural and potash
In 2014 Vale Solutions introduced its own line of stationary
and portable aggregate conveyor systems. These products
have primarily been destined for use within the gravel
industry, but interest is growing to have the conveyor products
used in the coal and frac sand industries. Conveyor widths
from 36-60”, lengths from 36-100’, and capacities up to 1000
tons/hour can fulfill the needs of customers.
Vale Solutions operates out of a 20,000 sq. ft. plant located
near Indian Head Sask. Equipment including automated band
saws, plasma table, 100 ton press and other metal fabricating
equipment allow Vale to
manufacture a wide range
of products required by
our customers.
Vale Solutions Ltd.
PO Box 1420
Indian Head, Saskatchewan
Canada S0G 2K0
Phone: +1-306-695-2460
Fax: +1-306-695-2666
Contact: Ron Braden
Personnel include CWB
certified welders, draftsmen,
engineers and fabricators.
Vermette Wood Preservers is a manufacturer of
pressure treated wood. Our product line consists
of rails, poles, lumber, timbers, piles, crossarms,
pipeline sleepers and blocking, shavings and
Vermette Wood Preservers is a wood
preserving facility, manufacturing fence posts
and rails.
Custom treating of lumber is also provided.
Vermette Wood Preservers
PO Box 128
Spruce Home, Saskatchewan
Canada S0J 2N0
Phone: +1-306-764-4054
Fax: +1-306-922-4044
Contact: Perry Vermette
Custom treating services are also available. The
posts that we process and pressure treat are made
from Jack Pine, which is one of the strongest pines
in the world.
We can produce almost any size of pole, timber,
lumber or piling that you may require.
PRS™ Technology
Western Ag Global builds the
business of complete professional
agronomy services. Global recruits,
trains and supports its Western Ag
Professional Agronomy Licensed
Business Partners (LBPs).
The Plant Root Simulator (PRS) probe is a soil analysis
It utilizes an ion exchange resin membrane to develop a
picture of dynamic ion flux in soil and other heterogeneous
The highly adaptable tool can be easily used in the field,
greenhouse, growth chamber or lab settings.
The PRS probes are a convenient and economical way of
quantifying both spatial and temporal variations in nutrient
supply rates for all nutrient ions at once.
The PRS probe is an essential tool in agronomic, forestry,
turf grass and ecological research.
Western Ag Innovations Inc.
#3 - 411 Downey Road
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
Canada S7N 4L8
Phone: +1-306-978-1777
Fax: +1-306-978-4140
Contact: Ken Greer
WILGER Industries Ltd. is
a manufacturer of industry
leading sprayer components
and accessories utilized by
major sprayer manufacturers
at original equipment level
and also through authorized
Wilger’s goal is to develop and
manufacture better engineered,
innovative sprayer components
and accessories that make
spray application safer, easier
and more effective.
WILGER Industries Ltd.
Site 412, Box 280, RR #4
71st St. Rd. & Highway 16W
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
Canada S7K 3J7
Phone: (306) 242-4121
Fax: (306) 242-4122
 All-in-one Tip-Cap with snap-in strainer is easier to clean
and stays clean longer.
 Tip-Cap, strainer and seal stay assembled when you
remove from the nozzle body which makes them easier to
handle and store.
 ER, SR, MR & DR droplet size selective models let you
match the droplet size to your application, optimizing
coverage and drift control.
COMBO-RATE® Nozzle Bodies
 Easily switch spray tips or spray with multiple tips.
 Modular design allows you to “stack” multiple nozzle
bodies, or combine a single body with a multi-tip turret.
 Nozzle bodies are available with
manual shut-offs so they can be
used individually or in combination.
 Compatible with Capstan Aim
Command and SharpShooter.
KWIKSTOPTM Rapid Shut-off Nozzle Bodies
 A major innovation in nozzle body
design, KWIKSTOP nozzle bodies
remove air trapped in the spray
boom, so nozzle bodies shut-off
faster and nozzle run-on is
significantly reduced.
 Easily interchangeable with most
bottom take off style nozzle bodies
or can be ordered on new sprayers.
Boom End Flush Valves
 Special short compact design to accommodate existing
boom constructions.
 Large internal diameter to
maximize flow and minimize
residue buildup
 Quick and easy installation
 Chemical and UV resistant
materials and O-rings.
 Available in 3 versions:
TWS (CNH), QN SST (1-1/4”
NPTF compatible), and 1” NPTF.
FlowViewTM Flow Indicators
 Modular design has individual columns and fittings which lets you build a system tailored specifically to
meet your requirements.
 Wide flow range indicating capability:
Low Flow model - 0.03 to 0.7 USGPM
Standard model - 0.05 to 2.7 USGPM
 Molded from special UV and chemically resistant material, stays clear longer than PVC
 2 styles available:
Manifold Flow Indicators
- Multiple indicators can be connected together so that one feed hose can supply
multiple outlets
Isolated Feed Flow Indicators
- Allow individual feed lines to be monitored
WRT designs, manufactures and distributes construction equipment products used by
contractors in road related construction and in the mining industry. WRT manufactures
aggregate equipment that includes conveyors, inclined and horizontal vibrating screens,
portable cone, jaw and screen plants. WRT also manufactures asphalt plants and related
equipment, feeder plants, feeder/screen plants and pull-type pneumatic tire rollers.
Construction equipment
products including
conveyors, crushers,
asphalt plants, compaction
equipment, etc.
WRT Equipment Ltd.
818 43rd Street East
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
Canada S7K 3V1
Phone: +1-306-244-0423
Fax: +1-306-653-1292
Contact: Reid Bews
Conveyors: Portable and stationary conveyors truss style, channel style; radial stacking conveyor fixed height radial stackers, portable radial stackers,
portable folding radial stackers; shuttle conveyor channel style, angle style, truss style.
Crushers: Cone crushers - Excel Raptor XL300 &
XL400; cone crusher plants - WRT XL300IOC & WRT XL400IOC.
Asphalt Pants: Portable asphalt plant; stationary asphalt
plant; asphalt hot mix drum mixers; liquid asphalt storage
tankers; portable asphalt hot mix surge bins; components.
Compaction Equipment: PT13 pull type pneumatic tire
roller, PT15 pull type
pneumatic tire roller, PT13W pull type water ballast
pneumatic tire roller.
Other Products: Gravel trailers. Bin feeder plants.
Feeder/screen plants. Screening plants.
Inclined and horizontal vibrating screens . Vibratory
feeders. Aggregate washing & classifying systems.
Saskatchewan Resources Drivers of the Manufacturing Sector
Saskatchewan has 38% of the arable land in Canada. The land area is over 64 million acres.
In 2013, Saskatchewan’s total crop production exports totaled $8.8 billion.
Saskatchewan supplies 7% of the world's wheat exports, valued at $3.4 billion in 2013.
In 2013, Saskatchewan exported $2.3 billion in dried peas and lentils.
Saskatchewan is a leading producer of canola and canola oil with exports valued at $2.1 billion and $1.5 billion respectively in 2013.
World's top exporter of lentils, mustard and canary seed.
Largest potash producer; supplying 39% of the world’s exports in potash.
Saskatchewan is home to over 16% of the world’s known potash reserves.
Second largest uranium producer; supplying 16% of global production.
Saskatchewan, is home to gold, base metals, clays, coal, diamonds, platinum group metals, rare earth elements and sodium sulphate.
In 2013, Saskatchewan’s exports in the mining sector totaled $5.7 billion.
Oil & Gas:
Oil and gas exports totaled $11.9 billion in 2013.
Second largest crude oil producer in Canada.
Crude oil production in Saskatchewan accounts for 35% of all Canadian crude oil production and 15% of total Canadian oil production.
Production volume of crude oil was 486,000 barrels per day in 2013.
Saskatchewan is the third largest natural gas producer in Canada, with 2013 production totaling 5.5 billion cubic meters.
There were an estimated 34,100 jobs in the upstream oil and gas industry in 2012.
Manufacturing represents 6.9% of all economic activity in Saskatchewan
In 2013, total manufacturing sales were $15.7 billion.
In 2013, the value of Saskatchewan manufacturing exports (outside of Canada) was $5.5 billion.
There were 28,400 people employed in the manufacturing industry in Saskatchewan in 2013.
Real opportunities.
Right now.
Saskatchewan is a leader in the agricultural equipment industry, with
a firm grasp of present agricultural needs and an eye on the future.
With its strong supplier base, central location, skilled workforce and
low cost of doing business, Saskatchewan is a driving force in the
agricultural equipment industry.
Discover the opportunities in Saskatchewan now.
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9/4/12 3:52 PM
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