Van-Fraser News - Vancouver Heritage Club


Van-Fraser News - Vancouver Heritage Club
Volume 7 Number 1
January/February 2015
Van-Fraser News
V A N - F R A S E R
The success of an
organization such as the
Van-Fraser Heritage Club
is totally dependent on
the willingness of
members to step forward
and plan and organize
events and activities or
participate to ensure their
Santa has sent along a
special thank you. The
2014 Letters to Santa
Campaign was truly
amazing with
congratulations and thank
you to all those who
helped deal with a huge
increase in volume over
Starting November 20,
Santa’s Elves at the new facility in Richmond, one of eleven
2014 through January
operations across Greater Vancouver and the Fraser Valley .
30, 2015 one hundred
and eight individuals volunteered 4,112 hours helping Santa reply to
approximately 33,421 children whose letters were received prior to
January 10th.
Members got together in eleven sites across Greater Vancouver and the
Fraser Valley throughout December 2014 and January 2015 to ensure that
every Letter to Santa from a child was read and received a response. These
unteers bring a sense of commitment, humour and compassion to their work.
Each location is filled with good spirits and a unified sense of purpose. It is
something you can experience only when you contribute your efforts to this
type of effort. All this and responding in over 20 languages.
This past season one special elf responded to 6,481 letters, taking bundles
home every day to respond in the appropriate language. She and others are in
our Over 5000 Club and very high on Santa’s recognition list
This effort is replicated across the country with 1.5 million Letters to Santa
received for the 2014 season. This represents a major increase over the
previous year. (Continued of Page 2)
Thank You Members
Elves volSSpecialized
Bus Trip
Thomas the Tank Engine
Bereavement Guide
Honouring Our Own
Mark Your Calendar
Quarterly Luncheon
Treasure in the basement
In Memoriam
Your Membership Form
Mexican B&B
Travel Opportunities
Page 2
January/February 2015
“Wow ,this is wonderful, you have no idea how much this
means to our whole family this Christmas. Please thank
everyone at the Post Office” was the comment from the
Vancouver Christmas Bureau for the receipt of six food
Christmas Hampers.
Van-Fraser members donated food and toys to help
complete the hampers for 6. families in December with
Bonnie Wong volunteering several days as she wrapped all
the boxes and gifts for this festive occasion.
Van-Fraser members continued the practice of donating
toys to the Salvation Army for Christmas and received the
following congratulations. “Thank you, thank all your
group. We appreciate his so much. This means so much
as we are short of toys this year.”
In mid January delivered nine boxes of used stamps, post
cards and Campbell Soup can labels to the Order of the
Eastern Store in support of their Stamp Out Cancer
program. The money collected from the sale of the
stamps and recycling of the labels is used to support
dressing stations for cancer patients at locations across
Van-Fraser member preparing family
the province. You can participate in this year round
program by saving used stamps and labels and bring them
to any of our special events throughout the year. You can
also phone the Club Office to obtain a pre-addressed and stamped envelope and mail in your
A very special thank you to the Technical Services Team who have faithfully built and
maintained the World’s Largest Mailbox as part of our Letters to Santa Program. The mailbox
has made a great number of appearances over the last ten years including Richmond Public
Library, Christmas at Canada Place, Vancouver Square letter writing event and the Rogers
Santa Claus Parade.
One of the most important activities supported by Van-Fraser
members is Al Miller’s work with Orphans in Zimbabwe. This
includes personal donations, supplying raffle items and the
purchase of raffle tickets. Congratulations and thank you to
all who helped raise over $9,500.00 to help provide the basic
necessities to children in such dire need. We especially want
to thank Leon Pon for the very generous donation from the
Pon Yon Society. Our colleague Al Miller continues to visit
Zimbabwe several times a year to do hands on work with
local people making improvements in their lives and
preparing young children for their future.
Congratulations to all those elves who were winners in this
year’s Elf Draw. Each time an elf submits a bundle of twenty
letters they can enter into a draw for gift cards. The winners
this year are;
James Costinak, Abbotsford
Irene Evans, Abbotsford
Elaine Galley, Surrey
Vern Frick, Vancouver
Peter Kozakevich, Chilliwack
Peter Wong, Vancouver
January/February 2015
Page 3
Even as Santa takes a well deserved rest on a sunny beach there are
needs to be filled for the Santa Letter Program.
Each year we get a huge number of Letters to Santa from school
classes . They tend to all arrive within a few days in December and
have a very small window within which to respond in order to get the
replies back to the school before the Christmas break. We are l
ooking for some members who could specialize in schools and be
available to answer letters from a number of schools between
December 9 and 17, 2015.
Also, we get a huge number of international letters each year with
many of these are from children in English classes, especially Asia,
who write and expect a reply in English. However, there are also a large number who write in
their own language and we are able to reply in their language from our selection of letters
translated into 27 different languages. We have several dedicated volunteers who can reply,
especially to the many from Taiwan and China. If you can help us with these letters, it would be
so helpful.
Call the Heritage Club office to volunteer and get more information.
There are only
six seats left for
this fantastic 14
day trip through
some of the most
scenic national
parks and wild
areas in North
This year, based
on feedback from previous trips, we will stay
two days in both of the National Parks, with
two nights in the same hotel, and provide
more time for sightseeing or just plain
relaxation. The bus will stop every two
hours so everyone can eat and stretch. Our
goal is to be settled in the hotel by 5 pm
each day.
The cost is $1209.99 CDN per person.
If you plan to join the tour phone the office
immediately at 604 482-4311 to receive an
application form.
The West Coast Railway
Museum in Squamish will
be hosting Thomas the
Tank Engine on May 1618 and May 23-24. You
can plan to visit with your
whole family. Children
and Grand Children enjoy
watching the Thomas TV
programs and videos and
reading his books and will
be thrilled at seeing the
real Thomas live and in
Book your tickets at
The Van-Fraser Heritage Club will once again
be hosting a Thomas Letter Writing Event in
conjunction with our Railway Mail Car Museum.
Our volunteers will help children write a letter
to Thomas and his friends. The children will
then take their letter to the Railway Mail Car
and place in the Sort Action Box. This will also
provide and opportunity for the parents to visit
the Car
If you wish to volunteer to help out at the Park
on one or more of these days helping the
children prepare their letters or responding to
them, please contact the office at
604 482-4311.
January/February 2015
Page 4
You may be called upon the act as an Executor or Executrix following the death of a family
member or friend.
Provided below is a list of duties and responsibilities of an Executor and Executrix. It is not a
complete list, however it provides a good overview of the responsibilities and principal tasks:
Locate original Will. Conduct a Wills Search by contacting BC Vital Statistics Agency
604 660-2937 or
Notify the beneficiaries of the death and advise them of their entitlement under the Will
Determine who will act as Executor or Administrator of the Estate, if no will exists
Make all funeral arrangements. Pay funeral expenses
Obtain a death certificate. Purchase extra original copies to include with applicable
insurance claims
Contact the administers of all company pension plans the deceased received. Obtain
information about any survivor benefits, life insurance and eligibility for medical/dental
Those who retired from Canada Post prior to 2000/10/01, call the Public Service
Superannuation Plan: 1-800-561-7930
Those who retired from Canada Post after 2000/10/01, call the Canada Post Pension
Administration Centre: 1-877-480-9220
Call Service Canada to notify of the death and to obtain information regarding Canada
Pension, Old Age Security and related survivor benefits.
1-800-277-9914 or
Apply for Canada Pension Plan benefits, if any (if the deceased ever worked outside of
Canada, foreign social security benefits may also be payable)
Locate all life insurance policies and obtain information about the amount payable on
each. Notify the insurer of the death.
Contact financial institutions to remove deceased's name from joint accounts or to
transfer accounts held solely by the deceased in the name of the Estate.
Determined pre-authorized debits and credits clearing the deceased's bank account and
contact vendors to cancel or change service.
Notify phone and utility companies to change the name on bills or change the service
Contact credit card companies to remove deceased's name from accounts or to cancel.
Destroy all cards!
(Continued on Page 5)
Page 5
January/February 2015
Contact local ICBC Autoplan broker or private insurer to cancel or change car insurance.
Cancel deceased's Driver's License at local Service BC office 1-800-663-7867 or
Contact Medical Services Plan to confirm that BC Medical coverage has been cancelled or
updated: 604-683-7151 or
If the deceased was receiving GST rebates, contact CRA 1-800-959-1953 or
If the deceased was receiving Veteran's benefits, call Veteran's Affairs Canada
1.866-522-2122 or
If the deceased was receiving the senior's supplement/disability benefits, call the BC
Seniors Line: 1-866-866-0800 or supp.htm
Contact Social Insurance Registration to cancel deceased's Social Insurance Number
1-800-206-7218 or
Contact Passport Canada to cancel deceased's passport1-800-567-6868 or
Notify Post Office to redirect mail, if applicable
Cancel subscriptions
Locate and list the contents of safety deposit box(es), if applicable
Apply to the court for Letters of Probate
File income tax return for year of death and any outstanding from former years
Pay any income tax owing.
Pay money bequests and distribute specific gifts of property according to the
instructions in the Will (be sure to obtain receipts)
Pay legal fees and any outstanding fees related to administering the estate
Prepare and distribute a final report to the beneficiaries.
Submitted by Van-Fraser Member L. Hinkleman
Page 6
January/February 2015
The Canadian Expeditionary Force, following extensive training on the Salisbury Plain in England
began its movement to the Western Front in France. The Princess Patricia’s Canadian Light
Infantry joined the British 27th Division in Belgium in December 1914 with the remainder of the
CEF moving to France in February 1915. Following arrival they were designated the
1st Canadian Division.
Moving to France along with the CEF
was the Third Field Ambulance of the
Canadian Army Medical Corps with
Vancouver Letter Carrier, Matthew
Henry Harlock.
While the arrival in England had been
complete with marching bands and
welcoming crowds Harlock notes in
his dairy a somewhat different
situation. Following issue of a fur
coat, mitts and mufflers they were
forced to spend their first night in
France sleeping a Fish Market.
This was to be one of the final entries in M.H. Harlock’s Diary. It is known that he kept more
diaries of his service including time in Gallipoli, Greece and Egypt. These were lost along with
M.H. Harlock with the sinking of the Canadian Hospital Ship. HMHS Llandovery Castel in June
On November 10 the Van-Fraser Heritage Club will honour the memory of Canada Post
employees who lost their lives serving their country. Watch for further information on how you
can become part of Honouring Our Own.
March 24, 2015 Quarterly Luncheon Knight and
Day,Surrey ( See Page 7)
June 23, 2015 Quarterly Luncheon TBA
September 25, 2015 Annual Banquet Continental
Seafood Restaurant
November 10,2015 Honouring Our Ow Ceremony
at PPC, followed by luncheon
December 8, 2015 Christmas Luncheon at Green
Acres Golf Course
Watch the newsletter for further information
through the year.
Page 7
January/February 2015
The first Van-Fraser Quarterly
Luncheon will be held on
Tuesday, March 24th at the
Knight and Day Restaurant,
9677 King George Highway,
Tickets are $17.99 per person
andincludes a choice of Roast
Turkey, stuffing, mashed
potatoes and garlic toast or Veal
Cutlet, mashed potatoes,
cooked vegetables, and garlic
toast. With both entrees there
is coffee, tea, pop, soup or
salad. Please indicate your
choice of entrée when ordering
your tickets from the Van-Fraser
Office at 604 482-4311,
This is another great opportunity to get together with old
friends and colleagues, enjoy an
excellent meal and great companionship.
Hope to see many of you there.
As the former Vancouver Mail Processing Plant closes down
and items are removed from a number of storage areas in the
basement, including old equipment as well as boxes of old
books, publications, and reference material.
One of the old pieces of equipment found was a cast iron bag
rack that possibly dates back to the early 1900’s Railway Mail
Service. Once cleaned and reassembled the bag rack will
become part of the Railway Mail Exhibit at Squamish.
Recently located were two bound books. The first was assembled for the convention of the Federated Association of Letter
Carriers who held their meetings in Vancouver in 1913. The
book contains a photo of every Vancouver Letter Carrier who
was working in Vancouver at the time. It also contains a
number of advertisements from various local companies as well as the Association of Western
Postal Clerks.
A second book was published in 1923 for the Convention of the Amalgamated Civil Servants of
Canada for their Vancouver Convention. This book contains photos of a number of Senior
Vancouver Postal Clerks as well as employees of various Government Departments in the
Vancouver Area and advertisements from a large number of local businesses. A notation on the
back outside cover shows “Donated by Mrs. A. Sparrow” with a date stamp from Post Office
Public Relations, June 9, 1959.
One of the roles of the Heritage Club is the preservation of Canada Post memorabilia. If you
think you have a little treasure in your basement or attic, please let us know.
Page 8
January/February 2015
The following Van-Fraser Members passed away during 2014
Louis Astoria
Reginald Bartlett
Kenneth Bennett
Floryan Brandys
Patrick Dennis
Thomas Forquhar
Raymond Goon
Leslie Hancox
Fred Johnson
Dick Keill
Mollie Manifold
Norm MacIver
Violet Mah
Leslie Smith
Stanley Tyson
Terry Wall
Frank Zahar
WORKPERKS is an additional benefit of membership in the Heritage Club. With your
membership number you can join work perks to take advantage of daily discounts.
Getting started is easy. Visit the Canada Post WorkPerks Website and select Create Account to
register. You will need to create an account name and password for all subsequent logins. You’ll
also be asked to enter your name, email address and your WorkPerks access code. The access
code is your last name and the last three digits of your Heritage Club Membership Number.
Below is a sample of some of the discounts that were available in January.
Bambudda Gastown
Offer 1: 5 course family style dinner for $30 per person
Offer 2: 15% off food and non-alcohol items (weeknights)
Offer 3: 10% off food and non-alcohol items (Friday-Saturday)
Bourbon Street Bar and Grill
20% off food and non-alcohol items
Chilli Lee Szechuan Cuisine
Offer 1: 15% off food and non-alcohol itemsnOffer 2: 10% off delivery services (minimum $25 order)
Fish House Stanley Park
20% off food bill at the Fish House in Stanley Park for lunch or dinner. Up to 4 people maximum
Kayla Mayla Bistro
Offer 1: 10% off food and non-alcohol items during lunch 11:30 am to 3:00 pm
Offer 2: 15% off food and non-alcohol items during dinner 5:00 pm to 10:00 pm
La Belle Patate
15% of any poutine on the menu
Pizza Garden
Free beverage with purchase of any pizza
Page 9
January/February 2015
You should now have received your Membership Form
for the Van-Fraser Heritage Club.
If you have not received a form please contact the
office at (604) 482-4311 and one will be sent to you
Our Treasurer, Taka Nukina, is very busy with
registrations for our members who are renewing and
says “THANK YOU” to all those who have completed
and returned their form.
If you have completed the form but still haven’t
mailed it, please mail it immediately!
This form offers you the opportunity to indicate the
activities in which you wish to participate and allows your Club Executive to plan for activities
throughout the year. It also provides the opportunity for you to suggest new activities that
would be of interest to fellow members. You will also ensure your eligibility for our MEDOC
Travel Insurance.
Your dues help fund luncheons, dinners and gatherings throughout the year that bring together
your fellow members.
Member, Jedd
Derry, has just
opened a unique
Bread and
Breakfast in
The Villa Star of
the Sea is located
on Playa de
Cocos, Barra de
Navidad, Isla de
Navidad, Jalisco,
Mexico. He is
offering all
Heritage Club
Members a discount of 15% made this season (CAD or USD). Jedd notes
that the La Sirena Gordita Tapas Bar on the beach is open
daily from 11am until sunset serving beer wine, margaritas
and tapas.
You can visit the website at or call
Van-Fraser News
Until is published by the
Van-Fraser Heritage Club
Unit 160 - 5940 Ferguson Road
Richmond BC V7B 0B1
604 482-4311
The editor reserves the right
to edit
any/all submissions
in whole or part
for use in this publication
Page 10
January/February 2015
April 20,2015 19 Day Repositioning Cruise through the Panama Canal, Fort Lauderdale to
Vancouver on the MS Noordam. See all the expansion work that has been done on the canal
to accommodate the larger ships. Visit Cartagena, Panama Canal, Costa Rico, Nicaragua,
Guatemala, Puerto Chiapas, Huatulco, Cabo San Lucas, San Diego, Victoria. Inside cabins
from $2564.00 CAD pp, outsides $2870.00 and verandahs $4213.00 CAD pp. includes all
April 6, 2015 15 day cruise to Hawaii, Vancouver return. 5 fun days at sea each way and 4
days visiting Honolulu, Maui, Kauai and Hilo.This is a great trip for people who like lots of time
enjoying the ship, good food and entertainment, and don’t like to fly. Inside cabins from
$1613.00 CAD pp including taxes.
MAY 2, 2015 5 day Alaska mini cruise, Vancouver to Ketchikan return on the Coral Princess.
Inside cabins starting at $598.00 Cad pp including taxes. Balconies from $741.00 Cad pp. This
is a great cruise for people new to cruising or just a short break for regulars!
May 5, 2015 4 day repositioning cruise, San Diego to Vancouver on the MS Noordam. Meet
other Heritage Club members who will already be on the ship having sailed through the
Panama Canal on the April 20th cruise. Itinerary is San Diego, 2 days at sea and one day in
Victoria before sailing to Vancouver. Fly early and enjoy San Diego area for a few days pre
cruise. Inside cabins start at $393.00CAD pp; windows from $451.00, Verandas from $509.00
including taxes.
May 11, 2015 14 day spring bus trip travelling from Vancouver to Revelstoke (lunch in
Kelowna winery),2 nights in Banff, Grand Falls,Montana,2 nights in Yellowstone, Salt Lake
City, 4 nights in Las Vegas, Wendover and Pendleton. Price is $1209.00 per person, based on
double occupancy and includes bus fare, all hotels taxes, driver gratuities and national park
fees. There are a limited number of seats available. Book soon to avoid disappointment if the
bus fills. Call the Heritage office for a registration form and payment details.
June 15, 2015 14 day Alaska Cruise on the MS Statendam. This ship cruises from Seattle
return but does not repeat any ports. Visit Ketchikan,Juneau, Tracy Arm, Icy Straight Point
(Hoonah), Anchorage, Homer, Kodiak, Hubbard Glacier,Sitka and Victoria—an amazing
itinerary to see Alaska. Obstructed view window cabins start at $2616.00 CAD pp including all
August 16, 2015 14 day Alaska Cruise on the Oosterdam. This ship cruises back to back
from Vancouver return visiting Ketchikan (twice),Juneau (twice),Skagway, Seward, Haynes,
and Glacier Bay. Inside cabins star at $2423.00 CAD pp including taxes.
September 13, 2015 U Drive Golf and sightseeing Trip. This trip is becoming a highlight
for many members who like to drive their own vehicle to a destination and enjoy the
fellowship and hotel amenities, as well as golfing, sightseeing, shopping , meals, BBQs and
good times with other members.
REMINDER: Be sure you have out of country travel insurance for any trip you book and that
it is in effect before you pay for your trip. For those with MEDOC, ensure you have renewed
your Heritage Club Membership for 2015 and paid your dues to be covered.
Van Fraser Heritage Club 604 482-4311