A Spectacular Open House! - The Cat House on the Kings


A Spectacular Open House! - The Cat House on the Kings
A Spectacular Open House!
The Cat House on the Kings Spring Open House fundraiser can’t
be described as anything less than “spectacular.” The weather was
absolutely perfect, tons of generous people brought cat food, cleaning supplies and their open wallets. We must of course thank our very
own Tammy Barker for all her hard work. Each time she pulls off yet
another magnificent open house, we stand in awe of her talents. Tammy’s
staunchest supporter, her husband, Terry, is also our ever-loyal DJ.
We would also like to thank, Karen Rae, and her sister, Chris, for
the monumental job coordinating and assembling the auction items.
We offer our thanks
to our dedicated
group of volunteers,
some who travel
great distances to
be here and to our
vendors as well.
Thanks also to Beth
Caffrey for standing
up as our Master of
Tammy, Laura, Vicki & Lynea
Radio personalities “Gus” and “Izzy”, of “The Morning Blaze”,
105.1 (The Blaze), showed up to help out. “Izzy’s Animals of the
Week” segment features a Cat House adoptable every two weeks.
Learning The Cat House was short on volunteers for the Open House,
they came out and helped to run the snow cone booth.
Girl Scouts Hailey and Kylie, made the trip from Bakersfield to volunteer and hand out free cat toys along with an educational sheet on
how to properly socialize and play with your cat. (Read more about
Hailey and Kylie in this issue)
Marmalady’s mom, Laura Lemeiux traveled all the way from Canada
to volunteer and to sell Marmalady items. Laura met up with her
friend, Vicki Johnson, who came from Virginia to attend our open
house and to volunteer. “It was my dream trip!” said
Vicki with undisguised enthusiasm.
Tammy’s dog Sarge patrols the raffle item area
Our next open house is tentatively set for November
7th. We will let everyone know when the date is
Pompous Albert Wins 2nd Place
Thank you to everyone who voted for Pompous
Albert in the “Give Litter” contest. The all natural,
made in the USA, World’s Best Cat Litter created
the “Give
to help
support the
many cats
that reside
in shelters.
Thanks to
the diligent
voting and
sharing of our loyal Facebook fans, The Cat House
on the Kings won 2nd place. We will be receiving
15,000 lbs. of cat litter. You guys rock! For more
info or to find a retailer near you visit their website.
Girl Scouts are Great!
Dinuba FFA Donates!
Hailey and
Kylie have
both been Girl
Scouts for
seven years.
They are currently working
on their “Silver Award”
the highest
a Girl Scout
can earn. They
have chosen
Cats” as their project because as Hailey put it; “We
love, love, love cats!” They have volunteered locally
where they live in Bakersfield and they ran an online
fundraiser for their project selling cat t-shirts. They
made $800 dollars. They happened to run across
The Cat House Facebook page and were excited to
learn that we were looking for volunteers. They also
decided this would be an excellent outreach opportunity. They made cat toys and handed them out at
the open house along with an informational sheet on
“Socializing and Playing with Your Cat.” Hailey and
Kylie also helped sell sno cones, t-shirts and assisted
with the raffle.
“We are determined to do anything we can to make
the world a better place for our furry friends” said
Hailey. Anyone interested in helping us with our
“Helping Cats” efforts or have a volunteer opportunity
we can participate in please email us at
Every year the Dinuba High School Future Farmers of
America holds a drive to collect food and supplies to
benefit The Cat House on the Kings. Students solicit
donations from friends, family and fellow students. The
Cat House wishes to extend our gratitude for their generous gifts. It is good to know that the future rests securely
in the hands of such wonderfully caring young people.
To their parents: Stand and take a bow, job well done!
FROM...................................................IN MEMORY OF
Albrecht, Michael...................................... Vinny & Reba
Anderson, Frank......................................Harvey Braziel
Betz, William & Pamela...................................Anne Post
Catalano, Sally................................................ Beth Elliot
Clemons, John & Cheryl.................................. Fiv+ Kitty
Compagno-Wright, Joan........................... Havey Braziel
Cox, Sidney B................................................ Beth Elliott
Daves-Plaunt, Jill........................ Edward & Edna Daves
David, Beverly........................................... Sadie Malone
Florida, Bobi.............................................Kathryn Friese
Galicia, Carlo.......................................................William
Gatti, Diana E................................................ Gene Holm
Gorham, Holly.......................................................P-Kitty
Gress, Noura..........................................Simba & Sparky
Griffin, Diana & Arthur H. Barabas................ Bouboulina
Harvey Braziel, Brothers Roo & Brody, Buffy, Jack
Cat, David Lee Clark, Fatface, Barbara Friedman,
Sue M Lehr- Graves, Kit, Lillie, Bud, Duke, Annie
& Maddie, Miaumiau Ann Carlene Miller, Saundy’s
Mother, Neeva, Roberta Niederjohn, Vinny &
Reba, Ms S’kitty, Sable, Shorty, Solo, Simba &
Sparky, Sydney, Tiger, Bob Volturno, William
Grudko, Roy................................Chuncy Billups Grudko
Guha, Chandana............................ My Father, Sampson
Hull, Edward...................................................... Lani Hull
James, Georganne.....................Danny, Bb & Your Turn
Jamieson, Kristina A.......Lillie, Bud, Duke, Annie, & Maddie
Kunimitsu, Donald................ David Lee Clark, Raymond
Richard Bennett Sr.
Leslie, Todd.......................................Forgotten & His Bff
Newman, Ashley.........................................Bob Volturno
Ng, Lilian...............................................................Neeva
Noel, Melissa.......................................... Kathy Lasswell
Stiltz, Dan & Susan.............................................. Tupelo
Switzer, Linda L................................................. Jack Cat
Wailes, Kimberly............................................. Chipmunk
FROM..................................................... IN HONOR OF
Griffin, Diana & Arthur H. Barabas......... Stella Beristain,
Bonnie Chenevert, Grey Kitty
Kathy Bethel, Realtor......................The Late Beth Elliot,
Spencer P. Moran, Robin Springenberg,
Christy & Stephen Sullivan
$10 Spays & Neuters!
Yes, that is correct. The Cat House on the Kings is currently offering $10 spays and neuters. A southern California cat rescue
was forced to close leaving 50 cats with nowhere to go. A deal
was struck. The Cat House on the Kings would take the cats. In
return The Cat House received a $100,000 grant specifically for
offering low-cost spays
and neuters. In addition, a
large donation was made
to provide for the care of
the 50 cats. While 50 cats
is a big addition for us, the
number of cats that will be
fixed via the grant made
it a win-win situation for
20,000 Cans
of Friskies!
Thanks to a month long campaign held by
Purina and PetFinder, The Cat House on
the Kings received a whopping 20,000 cans
of Friskies cat food. Every time someone
watched a video on YouTube, Friskies donated
one can of food. For every new YouTube
channel subscriber, they donated two cans of
food that were then shared among five rescue
groups. Thanks Friskies!
Attention Adopters
If you have adopted a pet from The Cat House on the Kings and
you are reading a paper version of this newsletter instead of the
e-newsletter, we probably don’t have your current e-mail address.
It is important that we be able to reach you in the event that your
pet gets lost. If the microchip registry cannot reach you they will
contact us as the backup. If we cannot reach you either, it is going
to be difficult to reunite you with your pet! So if you have moved,
changed phone numbers or e-mail addresses since you adopted
from us, please e-mail info@cathouseonthekings.com with your
current contact information so that we can update our records.
Thank you!
New Video:
“Sanctuary of 700”
A new video documentary has been produced
about The Cat House on the Kings! Nelson
Cinematic in association with Shifted Image
Productions has filmed a 12½ -minute video
about The Cat House and posted it on Vimeo.
SNIP Team Donates Bench
A beautiful butterfly bench has been donated to The Cat House
on the Kings in Lynea’s honor. Tracy Jonas-Monge, Executive
Director of SNIP and
the SNIP Team are
very grateful for the
partnership between
our two organizations. SNIP wanted
to show their appreciation to Lynea
for giving them the
opportunity to participate in last year’s
large spay and neuter
grant. The grant money enabled SNIP to offer dog owners a lowcost option to fix their pets.
Please take a moment to watch this video. It
is guaranteed to make you smile, soothe your
soul and bring a tear to your eye. The video
was dedicated to the memory of our special
angel, Kaylie Bergen, whose final wish in life
was to visit The Cat House on the Kings.
Be sure to share it too!
Donates Food
Grand Prize Winners!
The Cat House on the Kings is pleased to announce that we have
won the Grand Prize
of $2,000 in The
Animal Rescue Site
2015 Spring Beta Test
Shelter Challenge. We
are also the winners
of a weekly challenge,
for garnering the most
votes in one week, for
an additional $500!
Thank you for voting
every day and sharing
the contest post. Our
sincerest thanks go to
GreaterGood.org and also to The Animal Rescue Site for sponsoring the contest.
MeowBox is a company where you can
subscribe to have quality kitty food, unique
toys and treats delivered every month, three
or six months. Each shipment will contain
five or more items hand selected especially
for your cat. MeowBox is a great supporter
of animal rescues and shelters. They recently shipped us 720 cans of cat food. Their
website states; “With every MeowBox you
buy, we give a can of food to a shelter cat”.
Thank you MeowBox! MeowBox founder,
Olivia Canlas, wrote about her trip to The
Cat House on the Kings.
The new Animal Rescue Site “Fun in the Sun” Shelter Challenge
has begun and will run until August 9th. Please vote every day!
Register now for our very first Virtual 5K fundraising event. What
better way to have fun, get some exercise and raise money for The
Cat House on the Kings? For a small fee of $26, all entrants will
receive an original “Cat House on the Kings” medal. The majority
of the fee goes directly to us.
Kitten #11260 is a handsome fellow who
is seeking a furever home and a name of his
own. Visit our website to fill out an adoption
application for Kitten #11260.
You can walk, run or
crawl, whenever and
wherever you want. The
best part is, if you really don’t want to do the
running part, no one will be any the wiser. The run began on May
27th and will continue on until Friday August 28th.
The Dedication wall helps raise much needed
funds. You may make a donation for a plaque in
memory of a lost loved one (In Memory of...), to
honor someone (In Honor of...), or just to show
your support of the cat House (The Miller Family
Supports...) The plaques are black metal with
gold lettering and are hung in the entryway of
the Cat House.
For more information or
to place an order, call:
Marilynn Miller (559) 645-1080
Remember to use your ResQwalk (www.resqwalk.com) or your
Wooftrax (www.wooftrax.com) apps whenever you walk or run so
that you are further donating with every step you take.
Sizes and Prices
3” x 12”............$100.00
7” x 12”............$180.00
10.5” x 12”.......$250.00
Sanger Rotary Club
A presentation on The
Cat House on
the Kings was
done for the
Sanger Rotary
Club. A nice
donation was
made to us and
several of the
“500 Cats”
book were sold
as well. We
look forward
to hosting
them on a private tour.
Sanger Women’s
Club Donates
Beth Caffrey gave an informational presentation for the Sanger Women’s Club during
a luncheon
held for the
benefit of The
Cat House on
the Kings. The
fundraiser featured a giving
tree filled with
Andy Warhol cats. The
ladies then
decided they
had to see The
Cat House for
They arrived
for their tour bearing gifts of food, litter
and other supplies. Many of the ladies
purchased our book, “500 Cats.” The
Women’s Club has extended an invitation
to The Cat House to hold a presentation/
fundraiser on a yearly basis.
“Love the animals. God has given them the rudiments of thought and joy untroubled. Don’t trouble them, don’t harass them, don’t deprive them of
their happiness; don’t work against God’s intent.”
- Dosteovsky, The Brothers Karamazov
Scrunchies Save Birds
A new research study has found that putting a brightly colored
hair scrunchie on a cat can reduce bird deaths by as much as 54%,
while not hindering the cat’s ability to hunt mice and gophers.
Susan Stiltz
Landscape Design
& Consulting
Specializing in water-wise,
low-maintenance gardens
ISA Certified Arborist #WE-0977A
Animal lover Susan Stiltz has been volunteering at The Cat House on the Kings for more than
10 years. We are extremely grateful to Susan for all that she has contributed to us over the
years. Please consider using Susan’s services for your next yard project.
Vaccine Grant Awarded
Thanks to a grant written by our very own
Tracy Jonas-Monge, The Cat House on the
Kings has received a vaccine grant valued at
$2,075.00. Greatergood.org made this grant
possible in conjunction with Boehringer
Ingelheim, one of the world’s leading pharmaceutical companies. On Friday, May 22nd, the
shipment of 500 Fel-O-Guard Plus 3 vaccines
arrived at The Cat House.
Ways to
Help Us Out
Volunteer Testimonial
“My daughter Penny and I have returned home to Huntington Beach after three days of volunteering at your sanctuary. We swept
floors, cleaned feeding stations,
shook out bedding, washed blankets and towels, and hung laundry
out to dry. We thoroughly enjoyed ourselves and the best part
was interacting with the kitties.
We lounged on the grass and let
them love us. We walked down to
the river with bunches of cats in
tow to eat our lunch. They all get
along and are so very friendly. The
grounds are beautiful and with the
kitties everywhere it creates a Zen
-like calm that lowered my blood
Sally Cardinal
The Cat House staff was very nice and helpful. I am so glad I was
able to visit The Cat House in person. I am hoping to return for
another visit soon. I’d also like to give a shout out to the Edgewater Inn for discounting their rooms for your volunteers.” -Sally Cardinal (Letter has been edited for length)
*Shop through iGive and a percentage of your
purchase (0.5%-20%) goes to The Cat House.
*Bravelets donates $10 to The Cat House
from each sale of a Bravelet.
*Donate your Fresh Step Paw Points and we
get kitty litter for free!
*Shop at AmazonSmile and they will donate
0.5% of your purchase to The Cat House.
Chewy.com is an online store for all your
pet’s needs. They carry a huge selection of
pet food, treats and supplies that are delivered
right to your door. Here is the really good
part: with your first order, Chewy.com will
donate $20 to The Cat House on the Kings!
Wish List:
Bleach, Paper Towels, Pine Cleaner, Recyclables, Postage Stamps,
Postcard Stamps and Gift Cards (Amazon, Home Depot, Costco, etc.)
The above items can be dropped off at the Blackstone/Ashlan
Petco in Fresno, or at the Cat House
Amazon Wish List:
Brooms-Commercial, Canned Kitten & Adult Cat Food
Always Needed: Volunteers, Foster Homes
Reach over 26,000 of our newsletter subscribers
with a business card sized ad. $50 for a single insertion
$150 annual rate w/four quarterly issues
Email Tammy@cathouseonthekings.com
Giving bears a second chance at
freedom since 1989
Idaho Black Bear Rehab, Inc.
6097 Arney Lane
Garden City, Idaho 83714 USA
Please support IBBR’s 2015 Second Chance at
Freedom Campaign
IBBR is a not-for-profit 501(c)(3) organization
When the last individual of a race of living things breathes no more, another heaven and another earth
must pass until such a one can be seen again.
- William Beebe
Important Reminder!
Please remember to add info@cathouseonthekings.com
to your email safe list so we don’t end
up in your junk email box!
Contact Info/Sponsor a cat*
The Cat House on the Kings
7120 S. Kings River Road
Parlier, CA 93648
(559) 638-8696
Sign up to sponsor at: www.cathouseonthekings.com
The Cat House on the Kings is a private, non-profit, no cage, no-kill sanctuary, rescue
and adoption center for cats run solely on donations and out-of-pocket funding by our
founder, Lynea Lattanzio. The Cat House is open to visitors daily by appointment only
(except major holidays)
Hours: 8:00am-11:00am; 1:00pm-4:00pm
We are located near Reedley, CA Southeast of Fresno, CA
*for $15.00 per month
Quality Printing
Since 1907
3685 W. Gettysburg, #102 • Fresno, CA 93722
web: http://americanpressfresno.com
(559) 271-0290 • Fax (559) 271-0390
email: americanpress@sbcglobal.net
The Cat House on the Kings
Feline Rescue
7120 South Kings River Road
Parlier, CA 93648
Order Cat House on the Kings
Apparel & Merchandise@
Check out our selection of new styles and colors!
RIP Benny
You can contribute to the Cat House on the Kings every time you shop at
Save Mart, Food Maxx, Smart Foods or Lucky grocery stores. With just a
swipe of the S.H.A.R.E.S. card, you painlessly donate to the Cat House on
the Kings. Our last quarterly check was for $2,326! Pick up a card at The
Cat House office, the Petco Adoption Center or send us a SASE and we will
mail you a card.
It is with a heavy
heart that we relay the
news that long-time
resident, Benny, has
passed away from
old age. He was a
wonderful dog and
although he never
found his forever
home, he will forever be in our hearts. He will be greatly missed.