Product Showcase Media Kit plus Reservation Form
Product Showcase Media Kit plus Reservation Form
PARTICIPATE IN OUR QUARTERLY ONLINE Product SHOWCASE The Product Showcase is an opportunity to have constant visibiity! Our members depend on the quarterly Product Showcase to plan their purchases for the upcoming season. The ad space features full-color, high-resolution image(s) and descriptive copy with contact information. Hotlinks are used by potential buyers, directing them to your website or email address. The Product Showcase is offered as a downloadable PDF file to member shopowners of the FabShopNet Retailers’ Association ns PLUS new s/Notio attern /P s k o Bo shopowners who visit our website looking for product information. CD Dotty p Let’s Go cessful ongoing sho d nee r own suc everything you a Host you lement contains party. CD market, and imp tion. ng promo to plan, r-lo yea k profitable dof ideas yons, bea Hundreds techniques, cra and sheer play paint ed. quilts— s, bows, thread es includ ton a galleri ing, but ching. Ide stit of joy Press Networ ic Shop The Fabr 2-6500 ng Breckli -941-1179 630 2006 Rates 1/9 page single product description (21/4” x 2 7/8”) – $50 Quilting quilters A-Z of uld-be s and wo h more than k quilter rific The boo g for, wit hs. A ter n waitin have bee ional photograp lting class. qui ept 900 exc machineor dhan . for any urce Inc ppings Quilt To for embellishing ’ Reso Quilters -278-5695 773 ersresour www.quilt klingpres 1/4 page fabric line description (up to five images) (111/16” x 91/2”) — $85 www.brec 360-89 m www.fabs Plan now to submit your product information for inclusion in each issue. Make your reservation today. Limited space available! s Skirt as Tree color r Christm and 15Home fo sion has 3-color scalloped ver d or er pointe n for any This new and eith patter versions perfect edges. The ristmas tree! Ch ic Vases sy Fabr st the late n and Ea Fast, Fu en’s fabric vases— to projects ans Linda Joh fts, with six fun tructions to in 3-D cra rnoon. Easy ins art. an afte work of make in create a ities Possibil 206 , Inc. blishing C&T Pu 114 Light Winter poems, illustrated ickle ks of three boo lts by Anna Gossn s for One of nning qui .com). Great gift with stu w.aghines ages. Hines (ww lt lovers of all qui Fabric blishers ollins Pu HarperC -242-7737 Collect 800 com erCollins. www.Harp ions 800-284-1 om b.c www.ctpu YOUR FABRIC PHOTO HERE 303-740-6 ibilitiesqu www.poss YOUR PHOTO HERE me oduct Na here, here, Your Pr cription lc™ s FabriCa fabric Quilter’ quilt design and ares, squ e pocket blocks, erse Easy-to-us calculator for more. Rev estimating diamonds and ts. cos find als, ckly diagon ns or qui . calculatio des here, product e, here, 20-word here, her here. here. e, here, e, here, her here, here, her e, here, her Name mpany Your Co number ries CD stery Se ry quilt ional My myste Internat gram guide and month trip this pro ate a 12- YOUR FABRIC PHOTO HERE ls Use nth to cre Promotional too of the mo the world. ed. around includ k Networ ic Shop The Fabr -892-6500 phone ress web add 360 m www.fabs tries, Inc ed Indus Calculat 075 800-854-8 ersfabrica YOUR FABRIC PHOTO HERE 2 www.quilt YOUR FABRIC PHOTO HERE PUBLISHED BY TheFabricShop network YOUR FABRIC PHOTO HERE Flo Exquisitely wer Show detailed pai are works of art. Sur nted flowers with col round the orbookbindi coordinated Pal m azzo ngs, or Na nature tex turescapes tiles. Benarte x 212-840-3 www.bena 250 Inc. • e-mail: P.O. Box 820128 • Vancouver WA 98682-0003 (360) 892-6500 • fax (360) 892-6700 The Pin Signatu k Ribbon re By KN Kar Collection TM Cranston en Neuberger. TM and Neube donate rger wil a part of the procee l ds. Fre sh Brew A patchw ork of cof fee paraph lia with coo steam and rdinates of bea ernans, cups. Tw are gua o colorw ranteed ays to wake you up. Tim Quilting Treasur es by Cran ston eless Tre asures 800-46 800-329-5 www.cpw 330 .com 6-0666 www.ttfa 3 Your Fa bric Lin 20-word e product description here, her e, here, her here, here, her here, e, here, e, here, her here, her e, here, here, e. here. Your Co mpany Name phone num web add ber ress E L P M SA E G Books/Patterns/Notions A P Let’s Go Dotty CD Quilt Toppings A-Z of Quilting Host your own successful ongoing shop party. CD contains everything you need to plan, market, and implement a profitable year-long promotion. Hundreds of ideas for embellishing quilts—paint techniques, crayons, beading, buttons, bows, thread play and sheer joy of stitching. Idea galleries included. The book quilters and would-be quilters have been waiting for, with more than 900 exceptional photographs. A terrific for any hand- or machine-quilting class. The Fabric Shop Network Breckling Press Quilters’ Resource Inc. 360-892-6500 630-941-1179 773-278-5695 Home for Christmas Tree Skirt Fast, Fun and Easy Fabric Vases Winter Lights This new version has 3-color and 15-color versions and either pointed or scalloped edges. The perfect pattern for any Christmas tree! Linda Johansen’s fabric vases—the latest in 3-D crafts, with six fun projects to make in an afternoon. Easy instructions to create a work of art. One of three books of poems, illustrated with stunning quilts by Anna Gossnickle Hines ( Great gifts for quilt lovers of all ages. Possibilities C&T Publishing, Inc. HarperCollins Publishers 303-740-6206 800-284-1114 800-242-7737 YOUR PHOTO HERE Quilter’s FabriCalc™ Easy-to-use pocket quilt design and fabric estimating calculator for blocks, squares, diagonals, diamonds and more. Reverse calculations or quickly find costs. Calculated Industries, Inc. 800-854-8075 Your Product Name International Mystery Series CD 20-word product description here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here. here. Use this program guide and mystery quilt of the month to create a 12-month trip around the world. Promotional tools included. Your Company Name phone number web address 2 The Fabric Shop Network 360-892-6500 E L P M SA E G PA Fabric Collections YOUR FABRIC PHOTO HERE YOUR FABRIC PHOTO HERE YOUR FABRIC PHOTO HERE YOUR FABRIC PHOTO HERE YOUR FABRIC PHOTO HERE Flower Show Exquisitely detailed painted flowers are works of art. Surround them with color-coordinated Palazzo bookbindings, or Naturescapes nature textiles. Benartex 212-840-3250 The Pink Ribbon Signature CollectionTM By KN Karen Neuberger.TM Cranston and Neuberger will donate a part of the proceeds. Quilting Treasures by Cranston 800-329-5330 3 Fresh Brew Your Fabric Line A patchwork of coffee paraphernalia with coordinates of beans, steam and cups. Two colorways are guaranteed to wake you up. 20-word product description here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here. here. Timeless Treasures Your Company Name 800-466-0666 phone number web address ONLINE PRODUCT SHOWCASE RESERVATION CONTRACT MEDIA SUPPLIED SPACE RESERVATION ❑ 1/9 page (single product and photo) ❑ 1/4 page (collection ad with up to 5 photos) $50 x _____ $85 x _____ ads ads = = $ ________ $ ________ (4x consecutive 5% discount) (Please see page 5 for specifications) ❑ ❑ CD ❑ ftp upload (contact us for your username and password ❑ Printed materials via mail or Federal Express ISSUE ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ Dates Reservation Ad Materials Online Winter 2006 December 15, 2005 December 30, 2005 February 1, 2006 Spring 2006 May 15, 2006 May 31, 2006 May 15, 2006 Summer 2006 June 15, 2006 June 31, 2006 July 15, 2006 Fall 2006 September 15, 2006 September 30, 2006 October 15, 2006 Winter 2007 December 15, 2006 December 31, 2006 January 15, 2007 Spring 2007 March 15, 2007 March 31, 2007 April 15, 2007 Summer 2007 June 15, 2007 June 31, 2007 July 15, 2007 Fall 2007 September 15, 2007 September 30, 2007 October 15, 2007 Email attachment (2.5 MB or smaller zipped or stuffed file) Include printed proof with digital material. Provide a high-resolution image (300 dpi tif, eps, or jpeg) in CMYK color. If providing an Illustator file, convert all fonts to outline. See next page for templates and sizing information. ADVERTISER INFORMATION Total Ad Insertion Cost $ ________ Please also complete product information on the next page. Additional scan charges ($15/scan) $ ________ TOTAL $ ________ PLEASE PRINT Name______________________________________________________________________ Company_______________________________________________________________ Address____________________________________________________________________ City_____________________________________State___________Zip_______________ Payment: ❑ Check ❑ Bill Me ❑ Visa ❑ MasterCard Exp. date __________________ Credit Card #______________________________________________ ccv _______ Signature: ____________________________________________________________ Phone________________________________Fax__________________________________ AGREEMENT 800 Number __________________________________________________________________ I agree to the terms and provisions stated on page 6, and certify that all information, artwork, and photographs provided by me are unencumbered by copyright(s), both U.S. and foreign. Website address __________________________________________________________ E-Mail_____________________________________________________________________ Ad Agency Contact Information: ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Authorized Signature ________________________________________________________________________ Title Date ____________________________________________________________________________ For questions or additional information, contact Laurie Harsh at (360) 892-6500 or address them to and identify them as Product Showcase in the subject line. PUBLISHED BY TheFabricShop network Send all e-mail documents and images to: Inc. Send all printed materials to: The Fabric Shop Network Inc. P.O. Box 820128 Vancouver, WA 98682 e-mail: P.O. Box 820128 Vancouver WA 98682-0003 (360) 892-6500 • fax (360) 892-6700 4 AD FORMAT TEMPLATES Provide a high-resolution image (300 dpi tif, eps, or jpeg) in CMYK color. If providing an Illustator file, convert all fonts to outline. Suggested font: Stone Informal. If you do not have that font, please use Helvetica. product name — 9.5 point bold type product description — 8 point type company name — 9.5 point bold type web address and phone number — 8 point type Product Name 20-word product description here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here. here. Company Name web address phone number 1/9 Page Product Ad Outside dimensions: 22/5” x 27/8” Use template above for exact photo and font sizing and positioning. 1/4 Page Fabric Collection Ad Outside dimensions: 111/16” x 91/2” Use template at left for exact photo and font sizing and positioning. Your Fabric Line 20-word product description here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here. here. Company Name web address phone number 5 Quarterly Online Product Showcase Advertising Terms and Provisions A. B. C. D. E. Rates effective for 2006. Cancellations/changes will not be accepted by the publisher after the closing date. Cancellations prior to closing date must be in writing and are not considered accepted until confirmed in writing by the publisher. Advertiser and advertising agency assume liability for all content of product profiles and for any claims arising therefrom made against the publisher. All payments are non-refundable. F. Prepayment is required for all first time advertisers. Thereafter, the advertiser can set-up an account with FSN. G. Unless otherwise indicated, all payments are due upon receipt of invoice. Payments received later than thirty (30) days after invoice shall be subject to annual interest at the rate of 18% or the highest permitted by state law. H. Advertiser is ultimately responsible and liable for payment for advertising placed by agency in the event the agency defaults payment to the Publisher. I. There is a $35.00 charge for any check returned for non-payment. J. If any account becomes delinquent and is sent to a collection agency, attorney or becomes the subject of litigation, advertiser is liable for the payments due, interest charges and the cost and expenses of collections, attorneys fee or litigation. K. Positioning of advertisements is at the discretion of the publisher. Requested positions are guaranteed only as space permits and when accompanied by a 10% preferred positioning premium on the gross insertion rate. L. Advertiser and advertising agency assume liability for all content of advertisements printed and for any claims arising therefrom made against the publisher. M. Publisher shall not be liable for any failure to print, publish, or circulate all or any portion of an issue in which an advertisement accepted by the publisher is contained if such failure is due to acts of God, strikes, accidents, or other circumstances beyond the publisher’s control. N. In consideration of publication of an advertisement, the advertiser and agency, jointly and severally, will indemnify and hold harmless the magazine, its officers, agents, and employees against expenses (including legal fees) and losses resulting from publication of the contents of the advertisement, including without limitation, claims or suits for libel, violation of right of privacy, copyright infringement, or plagiarism. O. No conditions, printed or otherwise, appearing on the contract, order, or copy instructions, which conflict with the publisher’s policies will be binding on the publisher. P. All verbal instructions regarding contract or insertion must be followed up in writing. Q. Failure to make the order correspond in price or otherwise with the rate schedule is regarded only as a clerical error. Publication is made and charged for at the rates in effect at the time of publication without further notice. R. Cancellation of space contract by the advertiser or its agency forfeits the right to position protection and/or the contract rate. The rate on past and subsequent insertions will be adjusted to conform with the actual space used at current rates. S. The forwarding of an order is construed as an acceptance of all rates and conditions under which advertising is at the time sold. T. Publisher reserves the right to decline advertising which does not meet with the Publisher’s approval. U. Upon written request, the publisher will attempt to return all ad materials sent in by the advertiser (props, models, product, etc.) to the advertiser, but shall not be held liable for damaged, lost, or unreturned goods. V. All ad film executed by the Publisher at no charge remains the property of the Publisher. 6