Organizations use Goldfire Intelligence to enhance their competitive
Organizations use Goldfire Intelligence to enhance their competitive
Goldfire Intelligence™ The Enterprise Innovation Solution Invention Machine is the leading provider of Enterprise Innovation Software and Services to the Global 5000. For the past 10 years, Invention Machine has empowered over 500 Innovation Leaders to unlock the value of their expertise, accelerate time to market, and maximize returns on their technology investments. Organizations use Goldfire Intelligence to enhance their competitive intelligence and empower informed decision-making during the R&D and IP portfolio management processes. Business-critical decisions, such as prioritizing future project directions, selecting strategic partnerships, or deciding how to best leverage innovation assets, must be firmly grounded in factual information that accurately represents the current market landscape. Goldfire Intelligence helps companies to navigate the gap between their technology offering and the needs of the market place by delivering superior search capabilities of patent databases and scientific content through its intuitive natural language interface. Goldfire Intelligence also provides competitive analysis tools that work with patent bibliographic data to extract innovation and technology trends. R&D portfolio managers, technology planners, and IP specialists take advantage of Goldfire's facilitated access to this rich content when making strategic decisions for maximizing returns on corporate innovation initiatives. Goldfire Intelligence enables organizations to benefit in the following ways: 1 Enhance competitive intelligence to support R&D portfolio management 2 Drive the alignment of R&D and IP portfolio strategies 3 Reduce liability in infringement through facilitated access to patent content 4 Maximize ROI by monitoring emerging business opportunities Natural Language Query Patent Databases Scientific Content Industry Knowledge Personal Knowledge Domination through Innovation Figure 1. Goldfire Intelligence provides centralized access to global patent databases, scientific content, public research sites, and personal intelligence. Analysis Applications Knowledge Bases Relevant Results Goldfire Intelligence™ The Enterprise Innovation Solution High-Precision Knowledge Search their comprehension and application: With Goldfire Intelligence, users gain precision search capabilities of pre-indexed worldwide patent databases, scientific content, and personal knowledge. Searchable Knowledge Bases are created using Invention Machine's natural language indexing technology, where unstructured electronic documents are processed into an index of “meaning fingerprints” for sentences and phrases that define a clear pattern to be matched by a computer during searches. Queries entered as free-form text are similarly analyzed, and then compared to the contents of the Knowledge Bases - retrieving results that precisely match the query meaning. • Sentences that directly address the user’s question, ranked by relevance • Links to source documents in their entirety, with the relevant sentence highlighted • List of dynamically generated query synonyms for launching related searches While natural language search utilizes the full power of Goldfire Intelligence, advanced keyword searches are also supported. Dynamic Topic Categorization Goldfire Intelligence search results include a list of dynamically generated Topics that categorize the retrieved information. Clicking a Topic displays results within a specific category. Relevant Results in Context Once relevant knowledge has been retrieved, results are presented in a way that expedites Facilitated Access to Patent Databases Invention Machine provides users with superior access to major worldwide patent databases. Innovation professionals use Goldfire’s intuitive natural language search to quickly locate key competitor information within the wealth of market intelligence in patent documents. Search results are presented as relevant sentences that precisely address the query meaning, delivering solutions instead of disjointed facts. Invention Machine updates its patent Knowledge Bases on a weekly basis. Timesaving Patent Summarization Goldfire Intelligence users access meaningful summaries of patent documents directly from the search results page. Each patent summary organizes document information into the Application, Task, Method, and Features sections, and is available at several levels of detail. Extracted sentences directly answer research questions and are sorted by relevance. Category Topics are dynamically generated during each search. Figure 2. Goldfire Intelligence delivers relevant search results, transforming facts into solutions. Source documents can be opened from the results page with the relevant sentence highlighted. 2 © 2003 Invention Machine Corporation Competitive Analysis Applications Flexible Reporting Capabilities Goldfire Intelligence provides competitive analysis applications that leverage patent bibliographic data to generate in-depth company, inventor, and technology profiles. In addition, researchers gain valuable insights about technologies by using Goldfire’s interactive forward and backward patent citation maps. Goldfire Intelligence includes powerful reporting capabilities to facilitate knowledge sharing with colleagues and customers. Search and analysis results may be added to a report during a Goldfire Intelligence session, which can be saved on the Goldfire server or downloaded to the user’s personal drive. Access to Extensive Scientific Content Informative Industry News Feeds Goldfire Intelligence provides access to over 8,000 animated descriptions of unique fundamental processes in different disciplines, as well as their industry applications. Researchers draw upon this extensive scientific content to quickly identify alternative methods for performing specific design functions. Goldfire Intelligence users monitor top industry stories on a daily basis directly from their Goldfire Home page. News categories may be customized to deliver only those updates that are relevant to each user. Access to Personal Knowledge The Goldfire Knowledge Base Producer application enables users to build personal Knowledge Bases of documents on their hard drives, networked drives, personal e-mails, and selected Internet sites. Automated Research Alerts Goldfire users can schedule to run queries periodically, and receive Research Update alerts on their Home page when new information is detected. Convenient Hosting Options Our Goldfire Research customers will add the Goldfire Intelligence package to extend their enterprise knowledge search capabilities with access to proprietary industry content. In this case, the Goldfire Intelligence application will be hosted at the customer site. However, the Goldfire Intelligence package is also available as a standalone solution hosted by Invention Machine. Regardless of the hosting option, customers have secure knowledge access. Search results of personal Knowledge Bases are confined to the personal computer of the respective user. Figure 3. Goldfire Intelligence is equipped with advanced innovation trend analysis applications that deliver in-depth technology, company, and inventor profiles. For complete product information, please visit us at © 2003 Invention Machine Corporation 3 Goldfire™ US Headquarters Invention Machine Corporation 133 Portland Street Boston, MA 02114 USA T: 1.617.305.9250 T: 1.800.595.5500 (US and Canada) F: 1.617.305.9255 Invention Machine France 320 Avenue Berthelot 69371 Lyon Cedex 08 France T: +33 4 72 78 30 83 F: +33 4 78 74 40 74 Invention Machine Italy Via dei Mestieri, 15 20049 Concorezzo (MI) Italia T: +39 039 620 3064 F: +39 039 688 6109 Invention Machine UK Stony Stratford Milton Keynes, MK11 1YQ United Kingdom T: +44 1908 307 706 F: +44 1908 307 716 E-mail us at Copyright © 2003. Invention Machine Corporation. All rights reserved. Copy and distribution of these materials in whole or any part is strictly prohibited. Invention Machine,TM CoBrain,TM Knowledgist,TM TechOptimizer,TM Goldfire Research,TM Goldfire Intelligence,TM and Goldfire InnovationTM are registered trademarks of Invention Machine Corporation. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.