Sockeye Express - Issaquah Connect
Sockeye Express - Issaquah Connect
Sockeye Express Sunset Elementary School Weekly Parent Newsletter June 9, 2014 Sunset Elementary School 4229 W. Lake Sammamish Pkwy. SE Bellevue, WA 98008 Office Phone: 425.837.5600 Attendance Phone: 425.837.5650 Office Hours: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 8:45 AM – 4:15 PM Wednesday 8:45 AM – 2:00 PM Sunset & PTA Website District Website Wayne Hamasaki, Principal Michael Herzberg, Dean of Students Kelsy Nelson, Counselor Kim Tempel, Secretary Sally Eggiman, Secretary/Attendance Martha Snowden, Secty./Health Asst. Linda Okamoto, Nurse Wheeled racers were part of dozens of activities at Sunset’s Annual Field Day on June 3. More photos on page 5-6. You’re Invited to the You’re Invited to the Sunset Retirement Reception for Retirement Celebration for Principal Wayne Hamasaki Jeanne Spurlock Lisa Stix Christine Weisel 1st Grade Teacher 5th Grade Teacher Reading Teacher Monday, June 16, 2014 4:00-5:00 p.m. Multi-Purpose Room Join us as we celebrate their 81 years of service as educators. Share your experiences and enjoy light refreshments. If you’d like, bring a food dish, photos or other memories of our retirees. Tuesday, June 17, 2014 4:30-7:00 p.m. Multi-Purpose Room Bring your stories, photos and laughter. Light refreshments provided by Sunset families and staff: A-M Desserts M-Z Beverages Touch of Hawaiian attire suggested. “Caring to learn and learning to care.” Sockeye Express Page 2 June 9, 2014 JUNE 9 9 9 9 10 11 12 12 13 13 13 15 16 16 17 17 18 18 M M M M T W Th Th F F F Su M M T T W W Gr. 3, 4, 5 Author Anjali Banerjee Visit PTA General Membership Meeting July Birthdays Lunch with the Principal 1st Gr. Play Performance Student Council & Safety Patrol Celebration School Board Meeting 5th Gr. End of Year Party at Sambica ECE Picnic Last Day for ECE Crazy Hair Spirit Day Issaquah School District High School Graduations Father’s Day 2nd Gr. Picnic/BBQ to Pine Lake Park Retirement Reception for Spurlock, Stix, Weisel Last Day for PMK Mr. Hamasaki Retirement Celebration End of the Year Assembly Last Day for AM K, FDK, Gr 1-5, Report Cards 9:25 AM-12:00 PM 9:30-11:00 AM Lunchtime 5:00-6:45 PM 2:30-3:30 PM 7:00 PM Library Portable 4 MPR Stage MPR/Stage/Gym MPR Admin Board Rm 5:00-7:00 PM Big Toy Area Key Arena 10:00 AM-1:00 PM 4:00-5:00 PM 4:30-7:00 PM 10:00-11:25 AM 11:45 AM MPR MPR/Gym MPR/Gym Site Council Thank Yous Thank you for serving on the Sunset Site Council this past school year parent representatives Cindy Liddle, Lynda Nielsen, Trisha Snyder and Lindsay Krienke; staff representatives Sally Eggiman, Amy Fairley, Erin Keen and Michael Herzberg; and Principal Wayne Hamasaki. Congratulations to the elected parent representatives: Tori McBride, ECE-2nd grade; Kelly Rogers. 3rd-5th grade; Victoria Fritch, 3rd-5th grade alternate; Cindy Liddle, community/at large and Trisha Snyder, community/at large alternate. Lindsay Krienke was appointed by the PTA Co-Presidents as the PTA representative. VOICE Mentors Thank You Sunset is fortunate to have the largest number of mentors (21) and students served (30) in the district. Thank you Aaron Evans, Marilyn Evans, Mary Hawk, Raymond Extract, Karen Gentsch, Carly Griffin, Susan Griffin, Sam Hansen, Mary Hawk, Peggy Howland, Shan Kerouac, Mollie Miller, Stephanie Nevels-Yanchar, Jake Osborne, Shawna Pacheco, Jan Townsend, Natalie Undi, Lenka Vavrek, Luke Vavrek, Marge Wang and Jenna Weber. Congratulations to our Sensational Sockeyes drawing winners for June 6: (left to right) Drew, Takashi, Daniela, Lyla, Grace, Laura, Aiden and Megan. Title I Schools Communication Districts are required to disseminate information to parents about the state Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction 's written complaint procedures for resolving issues of violation(s) of a Federal statute or regulation that applies to Title I, Part A programs. For more information on Citizen's Complaints, go to: OSPI's Citizen Complaint. Kindergartners celebrated Mr. Hamasaki’s birthday on June 6. “Caring to learn and learning to care.” Sockeye Express Page 3 June 9, 2014 2014-2015 Sunset Staffing and Changes Thank you for an awesome school year! We are so fortunate to have such wonderful parent and community support. This enables students to have many rich elementary school experiences. Thank you to the enthusiastic and committed Sunset PTA Board, Sunset Site Council and the hundreds of volunteers who provide so many wonderful programs and projects. Great parents have great children and we have outstanding students who love learning, love their teachers and love being at Sunset. We have Sensational Sunset Sockeyes! Thanks also to our dedicated and caring Sunset staff including, teachers, specialists, educational assistants and support staff such as the office, health room, custodial, food service and tech services. What an incredible group of educators! 2014-15 Sunset Staff: We Will Miss: Principal Amanda Dorey (new) Dean of Students (to be hired) Early Childhood Education: Devon McCurdy, Kabre Richards Kindergarten: Shannon Jensen (new), Shawna Pacheco (return from leave of absence), Jodi Skroch, (1 to be hired) 1st Grade: Jennifer Bland, Angelina Edwins (move from K), Amy Fairley, Cindy Nelson, Jennifer Pierce (move from K) 2nd Grade: Terry Baker, Vicki Bergstrom, Marie Blakley, Abigail Blastos (move from 1st), Sharon Castro 3rd Grade: Erin Keen, Rosemary McPhail, Marty Merrill 4th Grade: Cami Cress (move from 3rd), Marianne Eshom, Usha Ganesh, Michelle Larson, Stephanie Marshall/Shannon Lampman (job share) 5th Grade: Jessica Daley/Lisa Baer (job share), Deanna Buder, Paula Jones, Gina Montgomery Counselor (to be hired) Librarians Karen Kline, Lisa Baer Literacy Support Teacher (to be hired) Music Specialists Marie Bean, Erin Simpson Occupational Therapist Jeannie Anstiss PE Specialists Anne Diello, Shelley Thomas Psychologist Melissa Huppin Reading Teachers Anne Betz (move from 5th), (1 to be hired) Resource Room Teacher Nicole Brookens, (1 to be hired) SAGE Wendy Heider (new, return to Sunset) Speech & Language Pathologist K-5 Lisa Dagg SLP ECE Lisa Guderjohn & Kristy Riggs Vision Specialist Krista Lussenhop Allyson Carpenter, Kindergarten, transfer to Cougar Ridge Michael Herzberg, Dean of Students, new Principal in Port Angeles Kirsten Homan, SAGE, assigned to Apollo & Newcastle Cathleen Leader, former Resource Room, private provider Kelsy Nelson, Counselor, child care leave Chuck Orser, Literacy Support, transfer to Enumclaw Ashlee Osborn, Sockeye Club Site Manager, child care leave Tanna Pittman, ECE Kate Rudie, Reading EA, will be a student teacher Karla Shannon-Garvey, ECE Nicole Stewart, ECE Psychologist, moving to CA Natalie Stumpges, RAP Teacher, transfer to Tahoma SD, Maple Valley Jackie Wimmer, 3rd grade, move to CA Support Staff: Custodians Mike Getty, Quy Huynh Educational Assistants Martha De La Vega, Ronda Green, Debra Johnson, Kathy LeMond, Corinne Marques, Jenny McKenny, Barb Naeseth, Gail Pearson, Esther Portello, Kim Putney, Tim Ryan, Denise Stevens and Gena Vavrek Food Service Staff Milka Joya, Melanie Troutman Nurse Linda Okamoto Secretaries Sally Eggiman, Martha Snowden, Kim Tempel Vision Support Staff Andree Ament, Kim Osgood, Tamara White Tech Specialists Greg Eddy, Janell Wildermuth Sockeye Club Site Coordinator James LaFranchi (new) Retirements Miss Mis Wayne Hamasaki Jeanne Spurlock Lisa Stix Christine Weisel Four of our Sunset staff members are coming to the end of their careers in education and will enjoy retirement in a few days. Thank you Mr. Hamasaki, Mrs. Spurlock, Mrs. Stix and Mrs. Weisel! Wayne Hamasaki has been Principal/Teacher for 28 years, the past 11 as Sunset’s Principal. Jeanne Spurlock has been a teacher for 34 years, the past 17 years as Sunset’s 1st grade teacher. Lisa Stix has been a 5th grade teacher for 19 years and will be a Science to Go Instructor next year. Christine Weisel has been a teacher for 28 years, a reading teacher at Sunset for the past 2 years. “Caring to learn and learning to care.” Sockeye Express Page 4 June 9, 2014 End of the Year Notes to Parents Last Day of School: AM & PM ECE Friday, June 13 Usual dismissal time PM Kindergarten Tuesday, June 17 Usual dismissal time AM & Full Day Kindergarten, Grades 1-5 Wednesday, June 18 11:45 AM dismissal Library Books: All Library books were due back to the school Library on June 6. If you still have books out, return them immediately or you will be charged for lost books. Lost and Found: Please check the lost and found for missing items. All leftover clothes will be donated to a local charity after the end of the school year. Medications: Pick up all medication from the Health Room by June 20. Medications not picked up will be discarded. School Supplies. School supplies may be ordered online at or families may purchase the usual way at a store. A paper copy of the School Supplies List and online ordering information will be in the report card envelope on the last day of school. The School Supplies List is also available online on the school’s website Report Cards will be sent home on the last day of school. If your child will not be here on the last day, please send a selfaddressed, stamped envelope to your child’s teacher and the report card will be mailed to you. All textbook and library fines must be paid in order for students to receive their report cards. Any items left behind will be available in the office during the scheduled office hours listed below. Summer Office Hours: June 19-24 June 25-Aug. 1 Aug. 4-29 9:00 a.m.—3:00 p.m. Office closed for the summer 8:30 a.m.—3:30 p.m. Bus Information will be mailed to families from the district transportation department during the last week in August. Class Placement Notification: Parents can find the name of their child’s teacher via the internet through Family Access effective Friday, August 29, after 4:30 PM. If you are unable to get online access, call the office, 425-837-5600, on Tuesday, Sept. 2, or thereafter and we will let you know who will be your child’s new teacher. Early Childhood Education Meet Your Teacher First Day of School Curriculum Night Tuesday, Sept. 2 Monday, Sept. 8 Thursday, Sept. 18 3:00-3:45 p.m. 6:30-8:00 p.m. Kindergarten-AM, PM, FDK Meet Your Teacher Tuesday, Sept. 2 Last names M-Z at 9:00-9:30 a.m.; A-L at 10:00-10:30 a.m. Kindergarten Testing Wednesday, Sept. 3 No school for kindergartners, testing by appointment First Day of School Thursday, Sept. 4 K Curriculum Night Tuesday, Sept. 2 6:00-7:15 p.m. in classrooms Grades 1-5 Meet Your Teacher First Day of School Curriculum Night-Gr. 2,4 Curriculum Night-Gr. 1,3,5 Tuesday, Sept. 2 Wednesday, Sept. 3 Wednesday, Sept. 17 Thursday, Sept. 18 Last names M-Z at 9:00-9:30 a.m.; A-L at 10:00-10:30 a.m. Grades 1-5 6:30-8:00 p.m. 6:30-8:00 p.m. “Caring to learn and learning to care.” Express Sockeye Express Page 53 FIELD DAY June 3, 2014 “Caring to learn and learning to care.” February June24, 9, 2014 Express Sockeye Express Page 63 Kindergarten Dads Program June 2 “Caring to learn and learning to care.” February June24, 9, 2014 Sunset PTA News June 2014 Yearbook Thank Yous The Sunset 2013-2014 Yearbook will be distributed to students on Thursday, June 12. After many months of hard work, I want to extend a huge thank you to the following people who volunteered numerous long days and late nights to take photographs, edit, design, publish and distribute our Sunset yearbook: Yearbook Committee: Vidhu Nedungadi, Lorraine Panek, and Nina Podlesnyak Accounting and Spreadsheet Team: Glenn Citerony, Millie Crithfield and Victoria Fritch The 80 page, full-color edition is our school's largest ever, and is filled with wonderful memories. We hope you will enjoy the students' artistic and literary perspectives on what makes Sunset Elementary such a sensational school. There's even a very special surprise on page 79! We can't wait for you to see it all! Thank you to our fabulous, dedicated volunteers! Jackie Citerony PTA Yearbook Chair Orange Ruler FUN RUN Video Thank you for the incredible job you did in supporting our school through the big Spring Fundraiser, the Orange Ruler Fun Run! It was a tremendous success and we made over $52,000 for our school! Our children and school will benefit greatly from these funds as they will be used specifically for ongoing technology support, student enrichment programs, fun family events, grade level and school grants and so much more. To see the kids in action on a short video clip, Click Here. Order School Supplies for Next School Year Sunset PTA is again partnering with School Tool Box so that you can buy pre-packaged school supplies for your children for the 2014-2015 school-year. You have the option to customize your order (adding or removing items from the approved supply list). Ordering begins on June 1st and is easy; just go to and create login credentials. After logging in, follow the directions on the Home Page and click on the "myChildren" page to add your child(ren). Remember to look for Sunset Elementary Bellevue, WA. Lakemont Pharmacy Mention Sunset Elementary when you shop at Lakemont Pharmacy (near Matthew’s Thriftway and Starbucks). The pharmacy will donate 4% of over-the-counter purchases (non-prescription medications, health and personal care items) to Sunset PTA. The pharmacy will also provide free 30-day supply of children’s daily multivitamins. Let’s support our local business as well as earning for our school! Questions? Tiffany Henretty at
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