SwanSon HealtH ProductS
Swanson Health Products Optimization of the order picking process through gradual automation Case Study Swanson Health Products Fargo, ND, USA case study - Swanson Health Products Health consciousness advocate Swanson Health Products, a leading direct - to - consumer marketer of dietary supplements was founded in 1969 by Leland Swanson, Sr. Swanson Health Products is the realization of one man’s dream of bringing wellness to the world. Today, the company, run by Leland’s son, Lee, carries on that dream, reaching millions of health conscious people in the United States and around the world via mail order catalogs and an expansive website. The products range from vitamins to dietary supplements, natural products for hair, skin and nail health as well as healthy foods. The 140,000 ft2 (13.200 m²) warehouse, located in Fargo, North Dakota, is in the same building as the core activities of the company such as professional positions, call center and customer care center, as Conveying system Filling point Schaefer Carousel System and workstation u S-Pemat - Collecting Belt well as manufacturing and distributing. The company offers around 15,000 products, which are shipped globally, and is committed to the highest level of service possible, offering a 100% satisfaction guarantee policy. In addition to the Fargo facility, Swanson Health Products operates distribution facilities in the Reno Nevada area and Harrisburg Pennsylvania. Base of partnership with SSI Schaefer: Project Objectives / Requirements: The collaboration with SSI Schaefer first started in 2006 when Swanson Health Products (SHP) turned to SSI Schaefer’s expertise in leading distribution technologies in order to undergo a remodeling of its order picking processes at the Fargo facility. The decision came in the wake of a significant growth in market demand which resulted in a rapid expansion of the product range. The main challenges were: `` Short installation time during ongoing operations `` Adaptation of several new interfaces within the existing systems ``Respond to the changing needs of the customer with flexibility The principle objectives were to: In this competitive market, SHP was compelled to reorganize its warehouse to offer optimal quantities with a high service level and short delivery times, and to optimize the distribution service process. The success of the first project that resulted in the flawless installation of an SSI Schaefer Carousel System convinced SHP to choose SSI Schaefer as a long term partner to help the company increase the efficiency and the capacity of its warehouse step by step. `` improve the order picking accuracy and throughput `` increase the quality of service `` grow the available product range `` improve the worker interface with the automated systems `` improve the information flow `` increase the number of orders per day `` increase the warehouse capacity and the inventory management visibility case study - Swanson Health Products Solution by SSI Schaefer SSI Schaefer designed the automated warehouse in Fargo in several phases hand in hand with SHP, in order to reveal the company’s potential, one change at a time. Phase 3: Extension of the Schaefer Carousel System - 2011 In 2011, a cluster of four additional SCS modules and a 2nd pick-to-tote workstation were installed in order to maximize productivity and throughput. The second system allowed SHP to reduce operational cost and increase fulfillment volume. During Phase 3 the SMC was integrated into the SCS sytem in order to provide inventory replenishment on demand to all 8 SCS modules. Phase 5: Future implementation of an additional Miniload Crane due to the further increase of SKUs. Phase 2: Dynamic storage & retrieval of the slow movers with the installation of the Schaefer Miniload Crane - 2010 According to the SSI Schaefer Director of automated systems, Ross Halket, “The key factor to the success of this project relies in the great communication and the deep respect that the companies have for each other. SHP trusted SSI Schaefer with this solution and SSI Schaefer took it upon itself, as a reliable partner, to empower SHP and help the company successfully take its first steps into the world of automation.” In 2010, Schaefer implemented a one aisled SMC combined with a “Goods to Person” workstation and thereby automated the company’s slow moving area. The system was integrated to optimize performance and space, and allowed SHP to extend their SKUs range by an additional 5,000 to 7,000 – SKUs. Phase 1: Sufficient storage capacity with the implementation of a Schaefer Carousel System - 2008 In 2008, SHP decided to equip the warehouse with a Schaefer Carousel System (SCS) to provide sufficient storage for the increasing number of SKUs and for future growth of the product range. The system, which included three highdensity storage modules, became fully operational in September of 2008. In June of 2009, an additional high-density module was installed to help with the addition of new SKUs. Phase 4: Automation of the fast movers with the implementation of the A-Frame - 2011 After the automation of slow movers, the increase in storage capacity, and with the optimization of productivity, SHP took a big step towards efficiency and decided to automate the fast moving area. SSI Schaefer therefore implemented an A-Frame for the picking of the approximately 400 fastest SKUs. case study - Swanson Health Products Implemented SSI Schaefer Systems and their impact on the Client’s Facility SHP has installed one SCS - eight carousels; two pods of four. The installation happened in three stages over four years. There was one Miniload installed in 2010 and one A- Frame in 2011. The Schaefer systems all interfaces with SHP’s AS400. The SHP management information system team worked with the Schaefer team to integrate the two systems and continues to work together to troubleshoot issues. The SSI Schaefer systems have had a positive impact on the SHP facility. They have helped to increase productivity, reduce labor costs and lower cost per order. Customer Statement “ SSI Schafer provided a systems approach which included all aspects of material handling, goods to man and fully automated picking methods. This integrated design allowed Swanson Health Products to develop a relationship with one supplier in order to maximize productivity, increase throughput and most importantly improve customer service levels.” (Statement from Terry Kraft, Director of Operations, Swanson Health Products) Schaefer Carousel System - High dynamics in the most confined space: `` The Schaefer Carousel System is a storage and retrieval system that follows the “Goods to Person” principle. `` The system installed in Fargo is composed of two clusters of four modules connected to two Pick to Tote workstations. `` The SCS helps increase the picking and storage capacity with a performance of up to 250 double cycles / carousel per hour. `` It also allows for a 50% gain in storage density (11,264 storage places) and offers the possibility of an unlimited product range as well as the precise administration and checking of inventories. Schaefer Miniload Crane - The storage and retrieval unit for maximum storage capacity: A-Frame - Automatic picking system for fast moving products: `` The Schaefer Miniload Crane is the perfect solution for maximum usage of vertical storage and minimum use of floor space at the same time. `` The one-aisle Schaefer Miniload Crane (SMC) implemented in Fargo was installed for the storage and retrieving of the slow movers in the warehouse. `` With a load capacity range from 110 lbs to 660 lbs, (50 kg to 300 kg), a length of 150 ft, (46 m) and double-deep storage with one tower, the SMC installed in Fargo can achieve a performance of up to 180 double cycles per hour. `` The SMC offers storage capacity of 9,024 storage locations and therefore perfectly meets SHP’s requirements in terms of maximum use of space as well as short order lead times. `` SSI Schaefer equipped the warehouse with an A-Frame to hold some of the high volume products. The particularity of the system installed is that it is used for the picking of round products only. `` The system implemented in Fargo consists of 10 modules each with 72 channels where the products are stacked vertically and the orders are handled at a rate of 4 items per second. `` The vertical stacking system design allows for short distances for replenishment while the machine is operating to fill orders. This helps increase the productivity and contributes considerably to the excellent cost/performance ratio of the system. Facts and Figures System Key Figures Warehouse Size 140,000 ft2 (Building is 220,000 ft2) System Size 108,000 ft2 (10,000 m²) SKUs 15,000 Units/Day 55,000 – 70,000 (Fargo Facility) Degree of Automation 85% Number of Shifts/Day 2 Shifts of 8 hours Our Scope of Supply and Services Conveying System Carton conveyors for different carton sizes Picking Systems Automatic Picking S-Pemat 10 modules Channels/module 72 Semi - automatic Picking Pick to Tote Workstations 3 Storage & Retrieval Systems Schaefer Carousel System 8 modules 64 carriers 22 Levels 11,264 Storage places Schaefer Miniload Crane 1 Aisle 9,024 Storage places Totes Totes with dividers – seamless integration of load units with equipment; more SKUs per cube Software Solution WAMAS C Nr. 310812en © SSI Schäfer Graz. Printed in Austria. We assume no responsibility for printing errors. SSI Schaefer Systems International Inc. 10021 Westlake Drive Charlotte, NC 28273 Tel. (704) 944 - 4500 Fax (704) 588 - 1862 www. general@ssimail.net www.ssi-schaefer.us SSI Schäfer Peem GmbH Fischeraustraße 27 A-8051 Graz Tel. +43/316/60 96-0 Fax +43/316/60 96-457 sales@ssi-schaefer-peem.com www.ssi-schaefer.com
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