Presented by ROBERTO V. GARCIA Chairman and Administrator Subic Bay Metropolitan Authority BUILDING THE NEW SUBIC Key Performance Indicators (2012 vs. 2011) Major developments affecting 2012 VIP (Vietnam / Indonesia / Philippines) emerging dragon economies on radar screen of foreign investors Strong Philippine economic performance due to investor confidence arising from good governance practices United States “Asia Pivot” strategy National government’s decision to utilize SBIA as the Philippine Air Force’s forward operating base as key defensive strategy S U B I C B A Y M E T R O P O L I T A N A U T H O R I T Y 3 Key Performance Indicators NEW PROJECTS AND INVESTMENTS KPI 2011 Total Committed US$959 M Investments Cumulative Investments (1992-2012) No. of New Projects 2012 Variance US$70 M 93% US$7.83 B US$7.90 B 127 351 0.9% 176% New Approved Investments 2011 Top New Approved Investments Committed Investments Rank Company (In US$) Converted to PhP (US$1 = PhP43) 1 Energy Logics Solar Holdings, Inc. 458,500,000 19,715,500,000 2 HydroChina Subic Limited Corp. 450,000,000 19,350,000,000 3 Multifront Marketing Corp. 22,696,323 975,941,897 4 Filhan Hotel Leisure & Dev’t. Corp. 2,222,222 95,555,546 5 Subic Super Yacht Haven, Inc. 1,995,000 85,785,000 6 7 8 Rowena Minoo Samurai, Inc. Bigrid Corp. First Subic Food Ventures Corp. 1,500,000 1,150,855 932,000 64,500,000 49,486,765 40,076,000 9 Others 20,515,258 882,156,086 US$ 959,511,658 PhP 41,259,001,294 GRAND TOTAL S U B I C B A Y M E T R O P O L I T A N A U T H O R I T Y 5 New Approved Investments 2012 Top New Approved Investments Committed Investments Rank Company Converted to PhP (US$1 = PhP42) (In US$) 1 Malayan Towage and Salvage Corp. 11,627,000 488,334,000 2 Astro Air International, Inc. 5,270,000 221,340,000 3 Raizen Asia Pte. Ltd. 5,200,000 218,400,000 4 Subic Ray Corporation 4,597,500 193,095,000 5 NSStern International, Inc. 3,609,112 151,582,733 6 Elite Delight Investments Ltd. 2,325,581 97,674,419 7 Global Daeil Subic, Inc. 2,047,619 86,000,000 8 Magnum Air (Skyjet), Inc. 1,599,302 67,170,697 9 AIA Planters Aviation Corporation 1,350,000 56,700,000 10 First Subic Food Ventures Corp. 1,218,333 51,170,000 11 Others 31,611,834 1,327,696,967 US$70,456,281 PhP2,959,163,816 GRAND TOTAL S U B I C B A Y M E T R O P O L I T A N A U T H O R I T Y 6 New Approved Foreign and Local Investments New Approved Investments (2011 vs 2012) Committed Investment 2011 2012 Increase Total in US$ 959 M 70 M (889 M) Less Renewable Energy Projects 908 M Net New Committed Investment 51 M 70 M 19 M 37% S U B I C B A Y M E T R O P O L I T A N A U T H O R I T Y 7 Key Performance Indicators EXPORTS 2011 KPI Export (FOB Value) 2012 Increase US$0.826 B US$1.927 B 133% Our Top 3 Exporters in terms of FOB Value Exporter Rank S FOB US$ 1 HHIC-PHIL 1.189 B 2 SANYO DENKI 0.144 B 3 JUKEN SANGYO 0.083 B U B I C B A Y M E T R O P O L I T A N A U T H O R I T Y 8 Key Performance Indicators EMPLOYMENT GENERATION KPI 2011 2012 No. of Jobs Generated 88,957 89,104 DOMESTIC HELPERS/ CARETAKER 0.61% Increase 0.17% MANUFACTURING 17.03% CONSTRUCTION 9.10% SHIPBUILDING MARINE RELATED SERVICES 30.61% 2012 Workforce by Business Sector SERVICES 42.64% Contributing to the National and Local Economy BIR & BOC CASH REMITTANCES TO NATIONAL GOVERNMENT Collecting Agency 2011 2012 Increase BIR PhP 1.107 B PhP 1.286 B 16.22% BOC PhP 6.117 B PhP 6.329 B 3.47% PhP 7.224 B PhP 7.615 B 5.42% TOTAL Contributing to the National and Local Economy NATIONAL GOVERNMENT AND LGU SHARES Allocation from 5% Corp. Tax 2011 National 2012 Variance PhP199 M PhP187 M 6% 145 M 139 M 4% 344 M 326 M 5% LGUs TOTAL OLONGAPO CITY 32 M DINALUPIHAN 16 M HERMOSA 13 M SUBIC 18 M MORONG 11 M SAN ANTONIO 11 M S U B I C B A Y CASTILLEJOS 10 M SAN MARCELINO 15 M M E T R O P O L I T A N A U T H O R I T Y 11 GAINING GROUND 2012 Major Developments and Accomplishments Financial Performance HIGHEST PROFIT IN SBMA’S 20-YEAR HISTORY Net Income After Taxes S U B I C B A 2011 2012 Increase (PhP 1,118 M) PhP 811M 170% Y M E T R O P O L I T A N A U T H O R I T Y 13 2012 Financial Turnaround Gross Revenues vs. Net Income Total cumulative loss reduced from PhP 7 to 6.2 Billion O F F I C E O F T H E A N D A D M I N I S T R A T O R 2012 Financial Summary 2011 Revenues Variance PhP 1,634 M 16% (1,006) -7% 328 628 91% Depreciation (676) (742) 10% EBIT (342) (115) 67% Other Income/Expenses (766) 926 Operating Expenses EBITDA (Operating Profit) Net (Loss) Profit PhP 1,410 M 2012 (1,082) (PhP 1,113 M) PhP 811 M 221% 173% Increased Revenues by 16% Revenue Source Increase Land and Buildings PhP85 M Regulatory Income 84 M Seaport Operations U B I C A Y Total Collected 12 M AF Total Collected 3M Collection of unpaid past due accounts, totalling PhP34 M Admission Fees of PhP36 M for motor vehicles and heavy equipment Increase of PhP20 M in SBMA’s Gross Revenue Share from locators Increased fees (Co-location / 19% 3M B CUSA 74% 63 M Airport Operations S 12% CUSA and Admin Fees (AF) Visa and accreditation / CRTE/PTO / Vehicle Registration) 7% M E T R O P O L I T A N A U T H O R I T Y 16 Reduced Expenses by 7% CUT OPERATING EXPENSES WITH AUSTERITY MEASURES Decrease Expense Item (In Peso Thousands) Manpower S U B I 33,323 (17%) Others (Rentals, meals, reimbursements, etc.) 8,375 (47%) Power & Water 4,251 (18%) Supplies & Fuel 2,561 (57%) Advertising 1,717 (64%) Communication Services 1,036 (34%) Repairs & Maintenance 360 (36%) Travel & Training 290 (71%) C B A Y M E T R O P O L I T A N A U T H O R I T Y 17 Low CAPEX CUT CAPITAL EXPENDITURES Decrease CAPEX (In Peso Thousands) Land & Land Improvements 22,233 (84%) 4,534 (27%) Equipment Outlays IT Outlays S U B I C B A Y M 7 E T R O P O L I T A (100%) N A U T H O R I T Y 18 Foreign Exchange Gains FAVORABLE EXCHANGE RATES ON SBMA’S FOREIGN LOANS S U B I 2011 2012 FOREX Gains (PhP .566 M) PhP 1.11 M 297% C B A Y M E T R O P O L I T A N A U T H O R I T Y 19 Increased Operating Profit by 91% 2011 2012 Increase PhP 328 M PhP 628 M 91% The bottomline is that EBITDA substantially increased. S U B I C B A Y M E T R O P O L I T A N A U T H O R I T Y 20 2012 Development Highlights SEAPORT Launch of Vale’s Ore Transhipment Hub Start of commercial operations of New Container Terminal 2 Successful holding of First Subic Bay Maritime Conference & Exhibit with more than 500 foreign and local participants Creation of SBMA-initiated Maritime Technical Working Group to implement stakeholders’ recommendations made during the Conference Approved contract and project along Argonaut Highway for a super yacht marina facility S U B I C B A Y M E T R O P O L I T A N A U T H O R I T Y 21 Seaport NEW MARITIME PROJECTS Malayan Towage and Salvage Corporation HY Shipbuilders Corporation Asia Pacific Chartering Phil., Inc. Sea-tech Marine Automation Co., Ltd. Multihullsdirect Corporation 2 0 1 1 S t a t e o f t h e F r e e p o r t A d d r e s s Seaport OPERATIONS KPI Gross Registered Tonnage (GRT) 2011 2012 Variance 14,049,553 23,902,552 70% 1,803 2,003 11% 27,671 36,304 47% 2,593,117 2,213,709 15% No. of Ship Calls Containerized Cargo (in TEUs) Noncontainerized Cargo (in MTs) S U B I C B A Y M E T R O P O L I T A N A U T H O R I T Y 23 2012 Development Highlights AIRPORT Suspension of development plans for airport conversion to a world class tourist destination in deference to national security concerns Promotion of SBIA for general aviation, aircraft repair, jet charters and other allied aviation activities Use of the airport area as staging ground for various events ranging from car test driving/product launching, movie filming/photo shooting by different TV networks and advertisers, sky diving and triathlon to the VFA or RP-US Mutual Defense Treaty Exercise S U B I C B A Y M E T R O P O L I T A N A U T H O R I T Y 24 Airport OPERATIONS Source 2011 Lease PhP 30.56M (5.6%) 3.75M 5.80M 54.4% .12M .17M 40.1% Royalty U B I C B A Y M Variance PhP 32.78M Airport Fees S 2012 E T R O P O L I T A N A U T H O R I T Y 25 2012 DEVELOPMENT HIGHLIGHTS Tourism 513% increase in the number of leisure-related new and expansion projects (319 in 2012 vs. 52 in 2011) S U Opening of Ayala Land Harbor Point Mall Subic Ray Corporation residential/condotel facility at Moonbay Marina area American International School at the former Legenda Suites Resom Resort Philippines development of hotel, casino and golf course in various areas McDonald’s at Harbor Point and Rizal Highway Subic Bay Peninsular Hotel (Former Grand Seasons Hotel and Casino) Puregold Supermarket at Fortuna Anchor Mall, Harbor Point B I C B A Y M E T R O P O L I T A N A U T H O R I T Y 26 Tourism 2012 DEVELOPMENT HIGHLIGHTS Increase of 130 in the number of new hotel rooms Increase of 26% in the number of other tourism-related facilities 38 rooms (Terrace Hotel) Ayala Land’s Harbor Point 60 rooms (Mango Valley III) 274 new merchant stores 20 rooms (Jusco Hotel) Four (4) state-of-the-art cinemas 12 dormitory rooms (The Cabin) Average foot traffic of 29,600 on weekdays and 39,713 on weekends Additional 31 new restaurants/dining facilities, including those at Harbor Point S U B I C B A Y M E T R O P O L I T A N A U T H O R I T Y 27 Development of Subic Bay as Tourist Destination Tourism TOURISM TRAFFIC (Arrivals via SCTEX only) Year Visitor Arrivals Tourist Arrivals Hotel Guests Hotel Occupancy Rate 2012 5,228,434 1,252,217 1,208,151 69% 2011 4,631,696 1, 150,637 1,106,571 71% Variance 13% 9% 9% 2% S U B I C B A Y M E T R O P O L I T A N A U T H O R I T Y 29 Development of Subic Bay as MICE Destination Tourism MICE Meetings/Incentives/Conventions/ Exhibitions Classification International Local TOTAL S U B I C B 2012 2011 A Y No. of Participants 2012 2011 Increase Increase 11 20 82% 2,725 8,955 229% 131 273 108% 104,382 119,673 15% 141 293 108% 107,107 128,628 20% M E T R O P O L I T A N A U T H O R I T Y 31 Tourism SPORTS Sports Events Classification S U B I C 2011 2012 Increase International 8 15 88% Local 27 33 22% TOTAL 35 48 37% B A Y M E T R O P O L I T A N A U T H O R I T Y 32 2012 Development Highlights INDUSTRIAL LEASES Orica Philippines, Inc., first SBF locator that will use our bunkers in Ilanin Forest East – Sustainable Use Zone as regional logistics hub Linneman Technologies, Inc. Global Architectural Fabrications Subic Innovative Fibre Industries, Inc. Vibro Equipment & Parts Far East Co S U B I C B A Y M E T R O P O L I T A N A U T H O R I T Y 33 2012 Development Highlights INDUSTRIAL LEASES Repossession from defaulting or non-paying locators and residents of leased premises, totaling some 257,786 square meters (SQM) of land. Facility Land Size (SQM) Paradise Consulting 45,097 Wanbol Area 44,022 Legenda Suites 40, 000 Firing Range 36,261 Edu Palace 25,000 Go-Kart Area 21,020 EOD Area 14,763 “Blue Skeleton” 10,519 Mini-Golf Area 10,000 Aparri Electronic Corporation 8,104 Summit Hotel 3,000 S U B I C B A Y M E T R O P Continuous business mapping of locators and residents, resulting in billings of PhP5 M and $10 K for SBMA sublease shares O L I T A N A U T H O R I T Y 34 2012 Good Governance Initiatives ACTIONS TAKEN RELATIVE TO CONGRESSIONAL HEARINGS Rice Smuggling Waste Dumping Additional control measure, requiring importers of restricted goods to secure the necessary Suspension of operations of Glenn Defense Marine and other waste service contractors, involving the collection and disposal of ship permits from concerned government agencies prior to unloading the goods in the Freeport sewage using sea vessels Additional preventive measure, requiring that all such sea vessel sewage are to be collected directly from the ship at the pier and Suspension of concerned SBMA officers and revamp of Seaport Department transported by accredited landbased haulers to be treated in accredited waste treatment plants Suspension of involved trader/locator and subsequent cancellation its CRTE and PTO S U B I C B A Y M E T R Coordination with DENR and Philippine Coast Guard for imposition of appropriate penalties O P O L I T A N A U T H O R I T Y 35 2012 Good Governance Initiatives Creation of Regulatory Monitoring Unit for easier inspection process for renewal of Business Permit to Operate (BPTO) Conduct of Social Acceptability Process for RP Energy project and publication of its final report in SBMA’s website Management reorganization Launching of “COMMUNITY WATCH PROGRAM” S Implementation of “NO PLASTIC POLICY” Continuing improvement of Freeport image through “OPERATION FACELIFT” Set up of “PROJECT UNITY” with LGUs U B I C B A Y M E T R O P O L I T A N A U T H O R I T Y TAKING OFF Plans and Prospects for 2013 Asia’s Newest Emerging Dragon Exchange rate improved by 3.70% Asia’s best performing stock market S U B I C B A Y M E T R O P O L I T A N A U T H O R I T Y 38 2013 Plans and Prospects DEVELOPMENT THRUSTS AND ACTION PLANS 1) Maximize Seaport and Airport capacity utilization 2) Aggressively promote tourism programs and build new tourism infrastructure 3) Develop idle properties and lease out remaining available lands 4) Streamline locator procedures to make them more “customer-friendly” 5) 6) S U Certification by a third party certifying body in ISO 9001:2008 Quality Management System Public bidding of SBMA’s 20% share in Subic Water and Sewerage Company, Inc. B I C B A Y M E T R O P O L I T A N A U T H O R I T Y 39 2013 Plans and Prospects DEVELOPMENT THRUSTS AND ACTION PLANS S 7) Implement new Rationalization Plan and long overdue salary increases 8) Complete financial re-structuring plan 9) Launch new corporate website 10) Expand SBMA territory through EO 675 to provide land for new industrial locators 11) Purchase badly needed equipment for security, maintenance and infrastructure U B I C B A Y M E T R O P O L I T A N A U T H O R I T Y 40 2013 Plans and Prospects PRIORITY SHOPPING LIST ITEM COST PhP50 M RFID Gate Security System CCTV System 50 IT Enterprise Resource Planning System 60 LED and other service vehicles 15 Dump trucks & garbage trucks 13 Harbor patrol boats 9 Others (Supplies, thermoplastic pavement markings, etc.) 5 Traffic light & dump truck repair 3 TOTAL S U B I C B A Y M E T R PhP205 M O P O L I T A N A U T H O R I T Y 41 2013 Plans and Prospects SEAPORT PROJECTS Aggressive marketing by Maritime Technical Working Group for increased utilization of New Container Terminals 1 and 2 as an alternate port to decongest Manila Second VALE iron ore transshipment operations Opening of feeder lines to Singapore and Japan Redevelopment of NSD portion New ship building projects in Redondo Peninsula S U B I C B A Y M E T R O P O L I T A N A U T H O R I T Y 42 2013 Plans and Prospects AIRPORT PROJECTS Aggressive marketing for general aviation, aircraft repair, jet charters, etc. Astro Air International, Inc.’s Taiwan-Subic- Taiwan commercial flights twice a week Balikatan exercises at SBIA’s South West and South East Aprons Department of National Defense to occupy small portion of SBIA under commercial terms Application of EO 271 to be able to take a portion of the 16 transit flights of Air Macau to Vietnam, Malaysia and Thailand, and divert these to Subic S U B I C B A Y M E T R O P O L I T A N A U T H O R I T Y 43 2013 Plans and Prospects SUBIC BAY AS A TOP TOURIST DESTINATION Completion and Operations in 2013 Under Construction Legenda Hotel & Casino TOTAL 600 rooms Buma Subic 35 rooms Rock Crystal Hotel 200 rooms Freeport Mansions 65 rooms Subic Bay Peninsular Hotel 1,000 hotel rooms 100 rooms Freeport Elite 80 condotel units Segara Residences 120 condotel units 6 condotel units Mora Moto 34 condotel units A total of 1,120 additional rooms S U B I C B A Y M E T R O P O L I T A N A U T H O R I T Y 44 2013 Plans and Prospects TOURISM Subic Bay as Theme Park Capital of the Philippines Boardwalk Water Park Subic Aviary and Bird Park Holy Land Subic Sanctuary & Theme Park Treetop Adventure Expansion Moonbay Marina’s River Walk S U B I C B A Y M E T R O P O L I T A N A U T H O R I T Y 45 2013 Plans and Prospects TOURISM Subic Bay as the country’s top sports tourism site Continuation of current sports events in sailing, marathon, triathlon, boxing, cycling, beach volleyball and water sports Completion of Binictican golf course Manny Pacquiao’s Sports Complex Minanga Golf Course Muy Thai, UFC, American Football special events S U B I C B A Y M E T R O P O L I T A N A U T H O R I T Y 46 2013 Plans and Prospects TOURISM Boardwalk Development Project Resom Resort Hotel and Casino Legenda Hotel and Casino Prospective developers for “blue skeleton”, Boardwalk area, and SBMA offices block S U B I C B A Y M E T R O P O L I T A N A U T H O R I T Y 47 2013 Plans and Prospects TOURISM West Ilanin Redevelopment Project Resom Villas & Spa Resort Central Business District New Royal Choices shopping center Harbor Point Transport Terminal and Retail Area S U B I C B A Y M E T R O P O L I T A N A U T H O R I T Y 48 2013 Plans and Prospects INDUSTRIAL LEASES REGULATORY Expansion of SBMA territory Creation of joint SBMA –BOC Technical Working Group to more effectively combat smuggling Streamlining of business processes to reduce requirements and improve delivery of services Amendments to existing agreements with other agencies or implementation of new agreements Enhancement of safety culture through CommunityWatch campaign and intensified LED security activities through EO 675 in Redondo and Hermosa area for new ship builders and industrial locators Belgium-based Enfinity Philippines Renewable Resources, Inc. (Solar power generation facility to be operated by one of the world’s leading developers of solar photovoltaic [PV] projects) S U B I C B A Y M E T R O P O L I T A N A U T H O R I T Y 49 2013 STRATEGIC PLAN SUMMARY Maximize land use potential of the Freeport Aggressively pursue JICA recommendation to use Subic as alternate port to decongest Manila Develop the airport for general aviation, aircraft repair, jet charters and other allied aviation activities Fully exploit tourism potential by creating new attractions and destinations, promoting MICE, sports and theme parks to attract more tourists Invest in new equipment and infrastructure needed to support SBMA’s strategic initiatives above Improve the Agency’s financial performance further to provide funds for its Strategic Plan S U B I C B A Y M E T R O P O L I T A N A U T H O R I T Y 50 GOOD GOVERNANCE MAKES GOOD BUSINESS. “THE BEST IS YET TO COME…”
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