by May io", 2008.


by May io", 2008.
2uGB -04- 2
Z008 -04- 2 3 -00=1Destination
Nova Association
PO Box 1390, 18 Dufferin Street
Lunenburg, Nova Scotia, Canada BOI2CO
Telephone (902) 634-8844 • Fax (902) 634-8056
To: CAOs, Mayors, Wardens & Municipal Councillors
April 16, 2008
Dear Municipal Partners:
On behalf of Destination Southwest Nova Association (DSWNA), I would like to thank you for
your support throughout the year. Your financial contribution has assisted in making Southwest
Nova Scotia the second highest tourism industry revenue generator in the province and a strong
competitor in the world's fastest growing economic sector.
I hope you had an opportunity to review the updated packages that were delivered to every
Municipal unit in mid February, along with our request for your continued support of our 20072010 Municipal Investment Strategy. Tourism is a billion dollar industry in Nova Scotia. Your
continued partnership in tourism benefits all sectors of the economy and contributes to the
municipal tax base which helps sustain our rural identity. The contribution that your
municipality invests in DSWNA is leveraged with industry and the provincial and federal
governments. This provides you with a solid return on investment and tourism growth. It also
stimulates the economy in our three tourism regions.
Once again, I would like to invite you to attend the DSWNA Annual General Meeting &
Municipal Tourism Summit on May 15th - May 16th at the Annapolis Basin Conference Centre
(Program is included). The Municipal Tourism Summit will be followed by our Southwest
Awards banquet. Please join us to celebrate the achievements of businesses within your region.
The Municipal Tourism Summit will include:
• Welcome (Guest Speaker);
• Update on the Municipal Investment Strategy;
• "New Wave" facilitated session - Ian Russell will demonstrate a unique opportunity
specifically designed for Municipalities in the Fundy Shore & Annapolis Valley,
Yarmouth & Acadian Shores, and South Shore. The session will highlight the
opportunity for Municipal units to partner with Scottish Councils to promote tourism and
business with the region. This facilitated portion of the Municipal Summit will be
interactive to engage your participation.
• Municipal feedback/suggestions for 2008-2009.
Please RSVP to Jeanette Joudrey at
I look forward to seeing you in May.
Kind Regards,
Madonna Spinazola, General Manager
Moving Forioard ... Growing Together
by May
io", 2008.
Destination Southwest Nova Association
PO Box 1390, 18 Dufferin Street
Lunenburg, Nova Scotia, Canada BOI 2CO
Telephone (902) 634-8844 • Fax (902) 634-8056
April 10,2008
Dear Valued Members:
On behalf of Destination Southwest Nova Association (DSWNA) I would like to thank you for
another busy and successful year at DSWNA. We currently represent 242 members and
municipal partners. Throughout the year, we have taken part in a variety of tourism-based
initiatives, as well as promotional shows with our continued goal to increase visitor visitation
and length of stay within Southwest Nova Scotia.
The information enclosed in this package includes:
Annual General Meeting & Conference Information and Registration Form
Southwest Awards Criteria and Nomination Form
Draft By-Laws
Call for Nomination - Board of Directors
Membership Invoice for 2008-2009
Newsletter (Tourism Tattler) - March/April edition
Official 2008 Visitor's Guide
The Annual General Meeting (AGM) & Conference includes the Southwest Awards Banquet.
Please see the enclosed Southwest Awards Criteria and Nomination Form to nominate a
deserving business. The AGM & Conference registration form and draft schedule of events
(subject to change) are also enclosed. Events will include a keynote speaker, enlightening
sessions, industry luncheon, Southwest Awards banquet, and much more.
The draft by-laws reflect the experiences of DSWNA after two years of operation, discussions by
the Board, and the governance workshop held in September 2007. The by-laws will be voted on
at the AGM, being held at 2:00 pm on Friday, May 16, 2008 at the Annapolis Basin Conference
Centre in Cornwallis Park.
The call for nomination outlines the Board makeup, based on the previously discussed by-laws.
The present Board has been polled and I am proud to say that the majority are willing to stand
for re-election. However, there are vacancies available and the nominating committee would
welcome additional participation. Nominations are not permitted from the floor at the AGM.
Please mail nominations by Friday, May 2,2008, to our Lunenburg office (see address above).
Thank you to AGM Committee Chair, Dan Myers and Committee Members, VanEssa Roberts,
Paul Stackhouse, Diane Tanner, and Tom Fredericks for their hard work in organizing this
informative and fun event. Don't miss this opportunity to learn some valuable business
Moping Fortoard ... Growing Together
. s, laugh with your colleagues and friends, and contribute valuable feedback. Through
continue pa rn~rships we will move forward and grow this organization together.
\\ 'C
Rick elsford
Destination Southwest Nova Association
Moping Fortoard ... Growing Together
Destination Southwest Nova Association
Annual General Meeting & Conference
May 15th & 16th, 2008
Annapolis Basin Conference Centre
Schedule of Events (DRAFT)
Please note that the schedule of events are subject to change
DSWNA Marketing Update
Emerging Markets
Nutrition Break
Municipal Summit
Information Sessions
Packaging Workshop Information Session
Tourism Act Repeal/TrANS Standards
Tradeshow & Reception
Southwest Awards Banquet / Live Auction
Kitchen Party
4:00pm-5 :OOpm
9:00am-l 0:00am
12: 15pm-l :45pm
Educational Sessions
Tourism Research Trends
UNESCO Biosphere/Environment
Nutrition Break
Educational Sessions
Marketing Principles
Staff Recruitment
Educational Sessions
Industry Luncheon
Annual General Meeting
Product Development Update
Membership Update
Closing Reception
,"[ouing Fonoard ... Growing Together
Destination Soutliwest NO1JajIssociation
Soutliwest jI wards Criteria
rrFiurstfay,9day 15th, 2008
The award categories are as follows:
One award for each region:
Fundy Shore & Annapolis Valley
o Yarmouth & Acadian Shores
South Shore
Partnership Award (any sector)
Sustainable Practices Award (any sector)
Criteria for Southwest Awards
Shall be a current member of DSWNA in good standing.
Shall be an individual, a community group, a festival! event organizer or a
business in Southwest Nova Scotia.
Shall be established in the tourism industry for a minimum of two years.
Shall be a recognized business/individual
within the community for outstanding
service (leadership, industry contribution, an outstanding example in the
community, etc).
Nominations may be from any area in Southwest Nova Scotia.
Shall meet the required deadline set forth by the Southwest Awards Committee Friday, May 2, 2008.
Nominations must be accompanied by one letter of support, in addition to the
nominee's supporting documentation.
Complete the nomination form (attached).
Submit a 200-250 word explanation of who is being nominated and why.
You may submit multiple forms if nominating more than one candidate.
All winners will be chosen by the Awards Selection Committee.
Only nominations with all appropriate documentation will be considered.
Destination Soutliwest Nova jlssociation
Southwest jlwardS
Nomination Ponn
rrTiurstfay, :May 15th, 2008
Please complete form and return to Destination Southwest Nova Association
Nominations will be accepted until Friday, May 2, 2008!
Award Category (please check):
Fundy Shore & Annapolis Valley
Yarmouth & Acadian Shores
South Shore
omination F orm
Partnership Award
Sustainab le Tourism Award
Sub mute
. dB ry:
Business Name:
(if applicable)
I Postal
I ndivid ual,
anization or business bein nominated:
Business Name:
(if applicable
Postal Code:
Please note: The following information is needed for a valid nomination:
Complete nomination form (all information is required)
200-250 word written explanation of who is being nominated and why
Supporting material to demonstrate the nominee's qualifications for the award
(Please attach documentation supporting your nomination to this/arm)
Destination Southwest Nova Association
PO Box 1390. Lunenburg. NS 801 2CO
Fax (902) 634-8056
Destination Southwest Nova Association
Call for Nominations! Applications to
Serve on the Volunteer Board of Directors
The nominating committee is seeking Nomination/Applications for members to serve on the
Volunteer Board of Directors for Destination Southwest Nova Association. The Board of
Directors criteria and information is listed below for your information, as well please see
attached DSWNA by-Laws or you can view the proposed By-Laws on our members' portal of
the website at
Additional inquires and comments should be made directly to the Nominating Chairman, Rick
Welsford at
or by fax at (902) 634-8056
Criteria for Nominations/Applications:
• Shall be a paid and current member of Destination Southwest Nova Association as of
Monday, March 31, 2008.
• Shall be prepared to represent Destination Southwest Nova Association.
• Written confirmation by the person nominated that they will serve if elected to the
position for which they are nominated.
• A description of the nominee's qualifications to serve.
• ApplicationslNominations shall be received by no later than Friday, May 2 ,
2008 and should be addressed to the attention of the Nominating Committee.
• In the case of a deficiency in the sectoral representatives, the nominating committee
will adjust as they deem necessary.
• If more members are nominated than there are open sectoral positions, an election
will be held by balloting; all members are eligible to vote.
• Board members are expected to attend all monthly meetings of the Board. The Board
of Directors will meet a minimum of 8 eight times per year. Directors will be asked
to sit and or chair at least one of the operational committees within DSWNA.
Committees include, but are not limited to: Membership, Communication, Content,
Marketing, By-Laws, Audit, Nominating, Special Events Committees, Product
• All new Board members agree to attend an orientation session within the first 45 days
of election to the DSWNA Board of Directors.
• Nominations will not be accepted from the floor.
• If there is no requirement for balloting, each voting member present will be given the
opportunity to ratify the slate presented by the Nominating Committee.
• Ballots, if required, will be given to each member.
Destination Southwest Nova Association
The name of the Association is "Destination Southwest Nova Association," herein called
"DSWNA". DSWNA shall be registered as a Not-For-Profit Organization with the Nova
Scotia Registry of Joint Stock Companies.
DSWNA is an independent, not-for-profit tourism, tourism management, culture, heritage
and trade association, supported by: dues and monies raised by the members, and by
municipal, provincial and federal governments. DSWNA is administered a General
Manager responsible to an industry-elected, volunteer Board of Pi rectors who are members
of the Association.
DSWNA will follow procedures as outlined in the By-Laws as approved by the Membership
and conduct the meetings in accordance with parliamentary procedure as outlined in
"Robert's Rules of Order" (newly revised l O'" edition, 2000).
3. MEGA END (Mission Statement)
The Destination Southwest Nova Association exists so that tourism in Southwest Nova
Scotia is a viable and sustainable industry; serving visitors with excellence.
4. ENDS (Objectives)
Provide partnership opportunities for marketing that are affordable, accessible and
a. To increase the numqer of visitors to the region, their length of stay, and/or their
level spending.
b. To present marketing opportunities that are responsive to market forces, trends and
consumer demand.
c. To create greater awareness of Southwest Nova Scotia as an attractive destination
To unite tourism stakeholders within the region on common goals.
a. Financial and human resources are leveraged to increase return on investment for
b. To communicate that tourism is everyone's business and is important to Southwest
Nova Scotia's quality of life.
c. Create awareness for the value and benefits of working in tourism.
Facilitate, coordinate and support product development and enhancement within the
a. Standards and code of ethics exist to assist the visitor buying decision and
b. There exists a positive climate for capital investment in tourism development.
There is pride and value for membership investment.
a. Members are engaged in the activities of the organization.
b. Members participate and contribute to the marketing strategies of the organization.
Destination Southwest Nova Association
DSWNA will represent the best interests of all membership throughout Southwest Nova
The Board of Directors will consist of:
a. A maximum of six (6) members in good standing represented by two (2) from South
Shore, two (2) from Yarmouth & Acadian Shores and two (2) from Fundy Shore &
Annapolis Valley, elected by members of DSWNA for a term of one (I) year; these
members will have full voting rights and;
b. Seven (7) members in good standing from the following sectors for a term of two (2)
years; these members will have full voting rights:
Parks Canada
c. Two (2) municipal representatives fora term of two (2) years; these representatives
will have full voting rights;
d. The Board (b & c) may re-offer for two(2),two-year (2) terms;
e. The Board (a) regional representative members shall serve for (2) terms of one (I)
Board members are expected to attend meetings of the139ard of Directors on a regular
Should a DSWNA member miss three (3)collsecutive meetings, this absence may be
deemed a resignation and they will cease to be included in quorum. This position may
be considered vacant.
All board members must sign and adhere to a Code dfEthics and Confidentiality
agreement which clearly states the role of Board members to direct DSWNA, act as
ambassadors, interpret the mission of DSWNA and consider all matters that are before
the Board as confidential.
In the event of a Board vacancy for any reason the Board of Directors will fill the
position until the next Annual General Meeting.
The purpose of the board, on behalf of the members, is to see to it that the Destination
Southwest Nova Scotia Association achieves the Ends, and avoids unacceptable actions
and situations.
The Board will govern with an emphasis on outward vision, commitment to obtaining
membership input, encouragement of diversity in viewpoints, strategic leadership, clear
distinction of Board and staff roles, collective decisions, the future, and pro-activity.
Specific job outputs of the board, as an informed agent of the membership, are those that
ensure appropriate organizational performance.
Appoint a chartered accountant or a fully qualified professional accountant to conduct an
audit/review. The annual statement shall be prepared by the association's accountant
and reviewed by the Audit / Finance Committee before presentation to the Board of
Directors. Once approved it will be presented at the Annual General Meeting.
Destination Southwest Nova Association
The President assures the integrity of the Board's process, and, secondarily, represents
the Board to outside parties. The President is the only Board member authorized to speak
for the Board (beyond simply reporting Board decisions), other than in specifically
authorized instances.
The assigned result of the President is that the Board behaves consistently with its own
rules and those legitimately imposed upon it from outside the organization.
The President has authority to make reasonable interpretations of Board policies on
Governance Process and Board-GM Relationship, with the exception of (a) employment
or termination of a GM and (b) instances where the Board specifically delegates portions
of this authority to others.
The President may delegate this authority, but remains accountable for its use.
The President shall be available for regular communication with.the GM.
The President is an officio member of all board committees.
The President shall, along with a designate member of the Board, who shall be the Chair
of the Audit Committee, and/or the General Manager, or any two of the three, sign all
papers and documents requiring signature on behalf of the Association, unless another
person is designated by the Board of Directors.
The President is appointed by the board members at a Board Meeting immediately
following the Annual General Meeting.
In the absence of the President, the Vice-President assumes the role.
In the event the President cannot serve the full-term of his office, the Vice-President will
assume the role until nominations and election at the next scheduled Annual General
Board Committees include:
Nominating Committee .....Chair appointed by the Board.
Audit / Finance Committee - Chair appointed by the Board.
By-Laws / Policies Committee - Chair appointed by the Board.
Board committees, when used, will be assigned so as to reinforce the wholeness of the
Board committees are to help the Board do its job, never to help or advise the staff.
Board committees may not speak or act for the Board except when formally given such
authority for specific and/or time-limited purposes.
Board committees cannot exercise authority over staff.
A Board Committee that has helped the Board create a policy will not then be assigned
to monitor compliance with that policy.
Board committees will be used sparingly and ordinarily in an ad hoc capacity.
This policy applies to any group that is formed by Board action, whether or not it is
called a committee, and whether or not it includes board members.
All board committee members shall abide by the same Code of Conduct as governs the
Destination Southwest Nova Association
Except as defined in written Terms of Reference, no Board Committee has authority to
commit the funds or resources of the Association.
Should a meeting not have a quorum, voting may take place by telephone, email,
facsimile, or other electronic means.
The fiscal year shall be from April 1st to March 31 st.
Notice and minutes of the Annual General Meeting shall be sent, in writing to each
member electronically or by pre-paid ordinary mail, postmarked at least thirty (30) days
prior to the next Annual General Meeting.
An Annual General Meeting shall be held within the first three (3) months of the fiscal
A quorum for the Annual General Meeting shall be 10% of members at year end.
All matters shall be decided upon a simple majority of votes determined by a show of
hands. In the case of equity of votes, the President or President-designate shall cast the
deciding vote.
Every member in good standing and in attendance shall be entitled to one vgte.
Any notice of Special Motion(s) shall be sent, in writing to each member electronically
or by prepaid ordinary mail postmarked at least ten (10) days before such a motion is
brought before a general meeting.
Reports are mandatory from the Auditors and annual written reports are required from
the following officers: President, General Manager and Committee Chairpersons.
Annual reports must be prepared and submitted to the General Manager not less than
fourteen (14) \ygrkil1g days prior to the Annual General Meeting.
These By-laws may be amended by resolution passed at the Annual General Meeting, of which,
notice of motion specifying the intention to propose the resolution has been duly given, by not
less than two thirds of such m~mbers,as are present.
Revised: April 4, 2008
Present: Rick Welsford; Staff Present: eariette Joudrey
Revised: November 5, 2007
Present: Rick Welsford & Diane Tanner; Staff Present: Jeanette Joudrey
Revised: September 6,2007 & October 29,2007
Present: Ainsley Bartram & Jeanette Joudrey
Revision review and amended on Sept 6th via email:
Madonna Spinazola, General Manager
Reviewed By-laws, November 13, 2006
Present: Judy Saunders, Diane Tanner, Bob Benson; Regrets: VanEssa Roberts, Bryan Nelson
Staff Present: Madonna Spinazola, Ainsley Bartram
Destination Southwest Nova Association
Inside this Issue:
DSWNA Annual
General Meeting It
• Membership Invoices
Meetings & Events
• Let's Talk Tourism
• 2008 s.Jucapf!S East
Coast &cpo
• T1ACBoard of DirectorS "Meet aAd
• Other Events
Page 2
2008 Saltscapes East Coast Expo
The Saltscapes East Coast Expo presents unique experiences in the best of accommodations,
food, wine and lifestyle that Atlantic Canada has to offer. This year there will be a Nova Scotia
pavilion! The provincial pavilion will showcase Nova Scotia and its seven new tourism regions
using animators, entertainers, culinary elements, audio-visual presentations, and elaborate displays. Bring along your family and friends to this exciting event!
When: Friday-Sunday, April 25-27, 2008
Where: Exhibition Park, Halifax
To Have Brochures Distributed at the Show:
Cost for 200 Brochures: Members-$50,
Deadline: Monday, April 21, 2008
Please contact Dustin O'Leary at (902) 830-8131 or
TIAC Board of Directors "Meet and Greet"
Tourism Industry Association of Canada (TIAC) Chair, Ken Lambert
and President/CEO, Randy Williams cordially invite you to a Board of
Directors "Meet and Greet" reception.
When: Thursday, April 17, 2008
Time: 5:15 - 6:45 pm
Where: Blomidon Inn, Wolfville
Other Events
Wednesday, May 14, 2008: TIANS Recognition of Excellence Dinner, Casino Nova Scotia
Hotel, Halifax - for more information, please contact Jane Rozee at (902) 496-7476 or
Thursday-Friday, May 22-23,2008: TIANS Annual General Meeting, Liscombe Lodge Resort
& Convention Centre - please call (800) 665-6343 to make a reservation
Friday-Saturday, May 30-31,2008 & Sunday, June 1,2008: Can-Am Equine Emporium East,
Hants County Exhibition Park, Windsor - for more information, please contact Paul Maguire
at (519) 421-1189 or visit
Upcoming Workshops
Product Development Day
Don't miss the next Product Development Day "Experiential Travel Product Development - Widening the Net of Opportunities", being held by the Nova Scotia Tourism Partnership Council.
You can help determine your destination's destiny by participating in a one-day workshop on
destination development. This interactive and in-depth workshop is designed to assist community leaders in their efforts to advance Destination Development.
When: Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Where: Holiday Inn, Truro
Time: 8:30 am - 4:00 pm
To register for this workshop, please contact Jennifer Halliwell at (902) 424-0723 or
Be sure to check the Members' Portal for daily updates
Nova Scotia Masterclass Series
The Nova Scotia Masterclass Series offers three professional development workshops designed
for owners/operators and senior management. The workshops are facilitated by some of the top
organizations from around the world, including learn purple, a leading management development
organization, Todd Lucier of, and the Disney Institute.
The workshops are as follows:
"The Keys to Internet Marketing Success"
When: Monday-Tuesday, April 21-22, 2008: Port Hawkesbury
Thursday-Friday, April 24-25, 2008: Dartmouth
Cost: $250 (members) / $300 (non-members) - includes refreshments and lunch
Time: 9:00 am - 3:30 pm
Seats: 28 per two-day session
These workshops will examine the trends and opportunities in online marketing, tools and resources that will help to enhance website presence. Attendees will work on computers provided,
and may also bring their own. All work accomplished by participants during both workshops will
be saved on memory sticks to help continue their new internet habits beyond the workshop.
"Leadership Excellence"
When: Tuesday, May 6,2008: Halifax & Sydney (via teleconference)
Cost: $200 (members) / $225 (non-members) - includes refreshments
Time: 9:00 am - 12:00 pm
Seats: 50 (Space is limited; Maximum 4 registrants per property)
This workshop will explore strategies, visions, leadership values and methods for improving
team results through strong leadership. Disney will share proven leadership philosophies which
exhibit values and behaviours that generate results in the business.
For more information, contact Michelle Sears at (800) 948-4267 or michelle
You can also download the registration form from the DSWNA website at:
reg form .pdf
llANS Workshops
"Staying Competitive in Dynamic Global Markets"
Learn how to attract and maximize the business potential of the international
When: Monday, April 28, 2008
Where: Howard Johnson Hotel and Convention Centre, Truro
When: Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Where: Rodd Grand Hotel, Yarmouth
"Technology Best Practices for Better Business"
Learn how to create standard forms, letters, brochures, business cards, etc. Computer software
and the importance of having an effective website will also be discussed.
When: Monday, May 12, 2008
Where: Fisheries Museum of the Atlantic, Lunenburg
For more information, or to register, please contact Jennifer Falkenham at (902) 423-4480, ext.
243, (800) 948-4267 or jennifer
Be sure to check the Members' Portal for daily updates
Page 4
Marketing Opportunities Updates
Out & About Magazine
BOOK NOW - There are only 5 Spots Left!
Out & About Magazine is distributed throughout New England. The publication prints 250,000 copies, five times a year. These copies are dlstrib•.'
. '\iA.f!~
uted in The Ellsworth American (Maine's largest weekly newspaper), The
Mount Desert Islander (distributed in Maine's favourite tourist destination) and in over 500 retail
outlets, including motels, hotels, B&B's, restaurants, and Chambers of Commerce. Research
also indicates that each issue is read by 2.3 people, meaning the readership of each issue is
575,000 people. Additionally, Out & About Magazine will design your ad at no extra charge.
·n BfiUrri
• f...
Cost: Medium Box Ad (3" W x 3" D) - $495
Deadline: Booking - Thursday, April 10, 2008
Materials - Friday, April 25, 2008
Distribution - Throughout May and June 2008
For more information or to book your space, please contact Dustin O'Leary at (902) 830-8131 or
2008 DSWNA Coupon Map
The coupon map includes a map and business discounts for visitors travelling around Southwest
Nova Scotia. 50,000 copies of the coupon map will be distributed through Visitor Information
Centres and operators throughout the area. It will also be available online at
Holiday Media will be putting together the map and will
create ads as part of the cost to advertise.
Costs: Back Cover - $1,300
Yo! Page Ad - $725
Y4 Page Ad - $375
Coupon Space - $275
Deadlines: Booking - May 19, 2008
Materials to Holiday Media - May 30,2008
Distribution - June 25, 2008
For more information, please contact Dustin O'Leary at (902) 830-8131 or
II Maritime Festival
This will be one of the most talked about events of the year! Bluenose II will be the centre of this
promotion along with three other Tall Ships on the Toronto Waterfront. The promotion will include a consumer travel show, travel trade and travel media receptions, entertainment, and animators - all supported by special media campaigns on radio and TV, as well as through print
and public relations. This promotion is expected to attract over 40,000 visitors.
When: Friday-Sunday, June 20-22, 2008
Where: Toronto, Ontario
To Have Brochures Distributed at the Show:
Cost for 200 Brochures: Members-$50,
Deadline: Friday, May 30, 2008
For more information on how you can take part in this exciting opportunity, contact Dustin
O'Leary at (902) 830-8131 or
Be sure to check the Members' Portal for daily updates
Nova Association
1,\1,,,111 JIl".I""
Page 5
Canada Showcase
Atlantic Canada Showcase 2008 is the largest travel trade marketplace in our region. Registration for both buyers and sellers will begin
online on April 14, 2008 at
registration will be accepted on a first-come, first-served basis, while
adhering to the seller criteria and allotments for each province.
When: October 6-9,2008
Where: Moncton, New Brunswick
Cost (until June 20): $800 for the first delegate and $400 for the second delegate
Cost (after June 20): $850 for the first delegate and $450 for the second delegate
Typically, Atlantic Canada Showcase sells out for sellers, so register early!
If you have any questions, please contact Gail Bremner at (888) 944-8687 or
Other Marketing
Chronicle Herald Banner Ad Marketing Opportunity
Flag-2-Flag Golf Destinations - Marketing Opportunity
Getaway Package Opportunity: Promote your tourism business for free!
WGBH Auction
Can-Am Equine Emporium East - Marketing Opportunity
DSWNA Updates
2008 DSWNA Visitor's
The 2008 Visitor's Guide to Nova Scotia's Fundy Shore & Annapolis Valley,
Yarmouth & Acadian Shores, South Shore, is now available (copy enclosed).
In response to the feedback we received at the Focus Group Session, held
on November 1,2007, the 2008 Visitor's Guide focusses on selling the tourism regions, Fundy Shore & Annapolis Valley, Yarmouth & Acadian Shores,
and South Shore within Southwest Nova Scotia. DSWNA's name, logo, and
website appear at the bottom of the guide's cover, and the organization is
mentioned throughout the guide solely in a corporate manner.
The 2008 Visitor's Guide offers the visitor a blend between new regions and
old trails/routes, in order to provide a seamless transition between regions
and between the two Regional Tourism Industry Association (RTIA) jurisdictions - DSWNA and
Central Nova Tourism Association - overseeing the Fundy Shore & Annapolis Valley.
The official release of the 2008 Visitor's Guide took place during the 2nd Annual DSWNA Travel
& Trade Show on Saturday, March 15, 2008 at the Holiday Inn Harbourview in Dartmouth. The
Deputy Minister of Tourism, Culture and Heritage, Honourable Kelliann Dean assisted with the
release. The 2008 Visitor's Guide is now available online. However, it will be relocated to more
prominent positions throughout the site after our scheduled redesigning.
If you would like more copies of the 2008 Visitor's Guide, please contact our Lunenburg office at
(902) 634-8844 or
Be sure to check the Members' Portal for daily updates
Page 6
New DSWNA Logo
The new DSWNA logo was developed to help people recognize DSWNA in
terms of the three regions we represent, Fundy Shore & Annapolis Valley,
Yarmouth & Acadian Shores, and South Shore, rather than the organization
itself. The three regions are represented on the logo by using their regional
name and colour, as well as identifiable icons. This logo will be used on all
marketing and communication pieces distributed by DSWNA.
2nd Annual DSWNA Travel & Trade Show
The 2nd Annual DSWNA Travel & Trade Show was held on Saturday, March 15, 2008 at the
Holiday Inn Harbourview in Dartmouth. It showcased 35 exhibitors and artisans from Fundy
Shore & Annapolis Valley, Yarmouth & Acadian Shores, and South Shore.
Unfortunately, old man winter was not swayed by the brightly-coloured advertisements for the
show and he persisted on dropping quite a snowstorm that day. As a result, visitation to the
show was less than expected. However, the show looked amazing and we received many positive comments and valuable feedback from our exhibitors, who were able to get some valuable
networking done.
Thank you to all the businesses and organizations who donated prizes for the DSWNA
Travel & Trade Show and Congratulations to the Winners!
2008 Doers' & Dreamers' Guide
The 2008 Doers' & Dreamers' Guide is now available. The guide has a brand
new design, encompassing the seven new tourism regions. Southwest Nova
Scotia features three of these regions, which are Fundy Shore & Annapolis Valley, Yarmouth & Acadian Shores, and South Shore. The guide focusses on
'experiences,' and offers the visitor many 'Don't Miss' and 'Must See' -type lists.
Please contact the Tourism and Culture Distribution Centre at (904) 424-4544
to order cases of guides.
Provincial Funding Applications
This portion of the provincial Tourism Marketing Opportunities Program is designed to provide
assistance to festivals or events and tourism marketing initiatives that impact increased visitation
and spending to the Province. The Program includes both Tourism Marketing Assistance and
Festival & Events Assistance. It is designed to provide cooperative (partnership) support to a
maximum of 50% of costs associated with the direct-to-consumer marketing initiatives that are
strategically in line with both the festivals'/events' mandate as well as the Province's objectives.
Applicable activities include marketing initiatives (i.e. brochure development, printing, and distribution, advertising campaigns, direct mail initiatives, research, etc.) or new website development.
For more information about the Tourism Marketing Opportunities
Program, please visit
If you would like to receive an application for either the Tourism Marketing Assistance or Festival
& Events Assistance Programs, please contact Jeanette Joudrey at (902) 634-8844 or
must be submitted to DSWNA by May 5,2008 for consideration.
Be sure to check the Members' Portal for daily updates
Nova Association
Member News
DSWNA Committees
As we welcome in a new year, we extend an invitation out to all our members who may be interested in joining a DSWNA Committee. The DSWNA Committees currently looking for new
members are:
Product Development
Please submit your expressions of interest to our office at (902) 634-8844 or
by Monday, May 19, 2008.
Current DSWNA Committees are as follows:
Finance Committee
• Judy Saunders, Treasurer & Chair (Old Orchard Inn) -
• Tom Fredericks (Wandlyn Inn, Kentville) -
• Rick Welsford (Artificial Reef Society of NS) -
• Diane Tanner (Municipality of the District of Lunenburg) -
• Madonna Spinazola, General Manager (DSWNA)
• Diane Smith (Barrington VIC) -
• Donna Hatt (White Point Beach Resort) -
• Hal Theriault (Digby Area Tourism Association) -
• Lisa Wolfe (Ross Farm Museum) -
• Marianne Gates (Kings CEO) -
• Mary Schofield (By the Tide Tours) -
• Sadie Anne Thomas-Frye (Department of Tourism, Culture & Heritage) -
Content Committee
• Allan Nelson (Water Street Lighthouse Bed & Breakfast) -
• Beth Halliday (The Cove Oceanfront Campground) -
• Jill Cruikshank (Region of Queens Municipality) -
• Larry Peach (Yarmouth & Acadian Shores) -
• Linda Bartie (Old Orchard Inn) -
• Sadie Anne Thomas-Frye (Department of Tourism, Culture & Heritage) -
• Trudi Curley (Bluenose Coast) -
• VanEssa Roberts (Town of Windsor) -
Marketing Committee
• Alan Lawley (Super 8 - Windsor) -
• Bob Benson (Churchill Mansion Inn) -
• Dan Myers (Oak Island Resort) -
• Julie Grandy (South West Shore Development Authority) -
• Ray Tudor (Brier Island Lodge) -
• Rene LeBlanc (Digby Pines Golf Resort & Spa) -
• Tanya Tayor-White (Parks Canada) -
• Trudi Curley (Bluenose Coast) -
Be sure to check the Members' Portal for daily updates
Page 7
Page 8
Southwest Nova
P.O. Box 1390,
18 Oufferin Street,
Nova Scotia
Tel: (902) 634-8844
Fax: (902) 634-8056
Madonna Spinazola,
(902) 678-5331
Tourism Tattler
Membership Committee
• Christine Pothier (Ste. Ann de Ruisseau Church) -
• Claire Turple (Chronicie Herald) -
• Ivan Fraser (Peggy of the Cove) -
• Joy O'Neill (Annapolis Digby Economic Development Agency)
• Pat Nickerson (DSWNA Board) -
Product Development Committee
• Jill Cruikshank (Region of Queens Municipality) -
• Julie Grandy (South West Shore Development Authority) -
• Lynne Perry -,
• Marianne Gates (Kings CEO) -
• Tina Connors (Lunenburg Queens Regional Development Authority)
The Clark's Harbour Centre
The Grand Opening of The Clark's Harbour Centre was held on March 26, 2008 at 6:30 pm at
The Clark's Harbour Centre, 2648 Main Street, Clark's Harbour. The new 50' x 137' multipurpose building is home to the town office, Clark's Harbour Visitor Information Centre, community meeting facilities, offices, a new library, and council chambers.
Community Spirit Award Winners
Dustin O'Leary
(902) 83G-8131
The Honourable Mayann E. Francis, Lieutenant Governor of Nova Scotia announced the first
recipients of the Lieutenant Governor's Community Spirit Award.
(902) 740-6347
to the communities
of Clare and Annapolis Royal, who were among the
four winners. The winners were selected from 19 nominations, all of which showed a high
degree of community collaboration and strength. Her Honour will present the winning communities their awards at separate celebrations to be held later this year in their home community.
Jeanette Joudrey
(902) 634-8844
For more information about the Community Spirit Awards, please visit
DSWNA Employment Opportunities
Erin Hume
(902) 634-8844
For a listing of email
contacts please visit:
DSWNA in partnership with Democracy 250 will be hiring one DemocracylTourism Ambassador for each of the three tourism regions within Southwest Nova Scotia; Fundy Shore & Annapolis Valley, Yarmouth & Acadian Shores and South Shore. Ambassador positions will be
from May to October 2008.
Other positions currently available, inciude:
• Marketing Director
• 2 Membership & Sales Support Coordinators (Fundy Shore & Annapolis Valley and South
Deadline for applications is 2:00pm on Friday, May 2, 2008.
If you would like to add anything to our website, such as a festival, event, business
logo, images, etc. to our website, or make any additions to our next newsletter, please
contact our office at (902) 634-8844 or
Be sure to check the Members' Portal for daily updates