Edition 4 - Malkara School


Edition 4 - Malkara School
Diary Dates:
 P & C meeting
Wednesday 11 April @ 7pm
 Board meeting
Wednesday 11 May @ 5pm
 Malkara External Review
Wednesday 25 May @ 9:30
 Queens Birthday
Monday 13 June
 Last day of Term 2
Friday 1 July
 Last day of Term 3
Monday 18 July
 Malkara Railway
6- 7 August
Inside this issue:
Report from Mauve
Malkara Trivia Night
External Review
Healthy Lunches
Freedom on Wheels Clinic
Fridays @ 2:15pm
Week 3
Week 4
Week 5
Week 6
Week 7
Subject to change
WENDY ALDER P&C PRESIDENT WENDY ALDER P&C PRESIDENT HER EXCELLENCY LADY COSGROVE PATRON HER EXCELLENCY LADY COSGROVE PATRON Dear Malkara families and friends This newsle er starts with a plug for the miracle‐workers on the Malkara P&C. Four Malkara Mums, Kylie, Tara, Lesley and Wendy, master‐minded our first ever Trivia Night. We had approximately 170 people a end Trivia Night. A great turn up! If you received a Mother’s Day gi that your child purchased at school, then those same four are behind that too. Model Railway planning will commence in earnest at the P&C mee ng on 11 May at 7.00 in the staffroom. Paul, Deputy P&C President and of Model Railway BBQ fame, will be keen to get on with the planning, and will bring grand total of P&C organisers to five. Please phone the school if you have the capacity to help the commi ee in their quest to raise funds for our school. Otherwise, just come to the mee ng on 11 May. The first Board mee ng for the year will be held just before the P&C mee ng. On behalf of the current Board Chair, Nicole Mackey, I warmly welcome Tara Sco as a new parent representa ve. She joins Nicole and George Tremopoulos as the three parent reps, Lachlan Ellis and Charmayne Tinkler as staff reps, Olwyn Munro as the community rep, Michelle Fitzgibbon who provides the secretariat, and me. You will have received your child’s ILP at the end of last term. A reminder to please sign one copy and return it to school asap. Malkara is undergoing School Review this year. An external panel will be on site on 6 and 7 September to appraise our progress against the School Strategic Plan. Opportuni es will be available for families to offer contribu ons to the School Review. Please watch the newsle er and your child’s school bag for informa on so you can have your say. ‘Breaking News’ Blue Class has a new student this term. We are excited to announce that A big welcome to Alexis! Its lovely to during the holidays six classrooms have you and your family as part of our and the administra on area were school. fi ed with air‐condi oning. Jennie Mauve Mushrooms have been working hard all through Term 1. We love learning and have been reading, wri ng, learning about numeracy and having lots of fun! During Term 1 our class theme was about farm animals, and we went on an excursion to the Farmyard Nursery during week 9 to consolidate our knowledge. We held an assembly and presented informa on we learnt about pigs. Mauve Mushrooms have been working in the vegetable garden, weeding, plan ng and watering. Being part of the Fresh Taste program we have learnt through our cooking session about hygiene, cleaning up and packing away, and also what tastes good and some mes, not so good. Not only are we a Fresh Taste class but we love exercise ‐ gym, swimming, running races, bike riding, walking—just try and keep up!! We raised money for and par cipated in the Relay for Life fundraiser with the Sts Peter and Paul school and easily completed the distance. In the Veggie Patch Bradley, Lillie and Linkin Sco picking the produce. Yarra weeding. Fresh tas ng Lily mint rubbing. So is fruit and yoghurt. Cheese toas es are yummy! Bradley and Lillie enjoying their noodles. Wri ng, reading, sor ng, classifying and communica on! So much to learn. Mauve Mushrooms are very happy to have extra people to help us have more fun. We play sport with Marist Students (we beat them every me!). We are always happy to walk with our Sts Peter and Paul friends. Come on boys! Run! Quick photo and keep on walking! Mauve Mushrooms are always well prepared for adventure. Here we are packed for our Farmyard Nursery excursion. We love exercise! Jumping Riding Climbing Hold onto your hand Linkin Sco ! On the last day of Term 1 we joined in with Blue and White Classes and played some games and had a picnic. A er all the fun we needed to rest. What a great start to the year. We cooked pikelets and shared them with our friends. Lillie feeding the hungry sheep. Above the parachute. Lily pa ng the guinea pig. Under the parachute. Time for a rest. Trivia Night!
Malkara's first Trivia Night was a great success with
raising over $5000.
A big thank you to our fabulous organising and
helpers, and for all the wonderful Malkara friends
and families who were able to attend on the night.
Thank you to all of our wonderful sponsors and every one who made the trivia night possible. Fresh Tastes
As we continue to discuss and promote Fresh Tastes
in the classroom, teachers have commented on how
responsive the students have been to selecting a
“healthy choice” from their lunch box. Attached is a
selection of healthy lunch box options.
Cooking sessions are still a highlight for our students.
Purple class enjoyed making ‘Healthy Faces”.
SchoolReviewisanopportunityforschoolstoimproveperformancebyre lecting
9.30amatschool,todiscussyourviews.Pleasecontactthefrontof iceifyouare
Swimming ACT currently have several posi ons (see vacancies) for swimming lessons on Tuesday a ernoons at Malkara. The term fees are $175 based on the school term, and the lessons are 1:1 for 30 minutes with an instructor. Currently a number of our students are being funded as part of their NDIS package. Interested families can call 62574837 or 0400 000 224 or email officemanager@swimmingact.com.au for further informa on. Vacancies: 1 x 3pm 1 x 4pm 2 x 5pm 2 x 5:30pm FreedomonWheelsClinicatMalkaraTuesday7June
Ever wanted your child to ride a bike with friends or family but the traditional design
made it impossible? We know one product doesn't suit all so we have a range of
innovative bike solutions to help your child get some wheels! A Freedom on Wheels
Cycle gives a new kind of independence to children with disabilities by allowing them to
ride a bike for the first time. The bikes are made using a range of special components
designed to meet the individual needs of each child.
The Freedom on Wheels Cycle Clinic provides an individual assessment that results in
design solutions to suit the age, height, weight and type of disability as well as the
physical and cognitive abilities of your child. This assessment process is carried out by
a physiotherapist supported by TADACT staff. The assessments can take up to 45
minutes per child and bookings are essential. Input from carers and children's ongoing
therapists can form an important part of the assessment and we welcome their
attendance at the clinic.
TADACT is a registered provider with the NDIS. We can put together the information
the NDIS will need to add a Freedom on Wheels Cycle to your child’s NDIS plan.
For those who already have the provision in their plan for a cycle, please fill in the form
below and return via email to projects@tadact.org.au to be included in this Freedom on
Wheels Cycle Clinic.
If your plan is coming up for review and you have not yet added a provision for a cycle,
be sure to include a Freedom on Wheels Cycle when developing your revised plan so
your child can attend a future cycle assessment clinic and then be provided with a bike.
If you don’t have NDIS funding but would be interested in attending the clinic for an
assessment and possible bike please contact our Office Manager Jennifer Merriman by
phoning 6287 4290 or via email at jennifer@tadact.org.au.
If your child is unable to attend this session and/or you have an interest in future
Freedom on Wheels Cycle Clinics at Malkara, please register your details by emailing
projects@tadact.org.au so we can arrange for future clinics and supply bikes to all
those who want the freedom of a set of wheels!
Gender: M/F
NDIS number:________________________________________________________
Managed or Self-Managed____________________________________
Name/s of Parent/s, Carer/s and/or guardian:_______________________________
Contact phone numbers:________________________________________________
Current physio/OT:_____________________________________________________
All information collected is for internal use only and will not be shared without your
prior consent.
Renewal Time ‐ WWVP (Working with Vulnerable People) It has been nearly three years since the Working with Vulnerable People (Background Checking) Act 2011 (ACT) (the WWVP Act) commenced on 8 November 2012. The WWVP Act requires those who work or volunteer with vulnerable people to have a background check and be registered and issued with a registra on card by the ACT Government, in an a empt to prevent the abuse and neglect of young and vulnerable people. For those registered when the system commenced, renewal no ces should have been received in the mail to your most recent postal address. The renewal process is an online process, although you can choose to post in your renewal or a end a shop front. We encourage anyone who needs to renew to do so before their registra on expires, otherwise you will not be able to engage in regulated ac vi es and services and will need to a end a shopfront and commence the process again. Keep in mind, if you have been charged or convicted of any new relevant offences since your registra on, you must disclose this in your renewal applica on. The renewal process involves a new criminal history check and, in some instances, a risk assessment in accordance with the Working With Vulnerable People (Background Checking) Risk Assessment Guidelines 2012 (No 1).