thirlwells - Billingham Community Newspaper
thirlwells - Billingham Community Newspaper
COMMUNITY NEWSPAPER Christmas Fayre High Grange Community Centre We are hosting a Christmas Craft Fayre in High Grange Community Centre on Casson Way on Sunday 30th November 2014. Please keep the date in your diary to come along and visit us and, if anyone is interested in securing a table to exhibit crafts & Christmas gifts please contact Maureen Bowler on 01642 535744 for more details. Local Dialling Codes 1st October ISSUE 33 thirlwells T E E S S I D E ’ S E STAT E AG E N T the name you can trust! SEPT/OCT 2014 Billingham Number 1 Number 1 for New Listings in Billingham & Number 2 in Middlesbrough for available properties in Billingham & Number 2 in Middlesbrough We are Teesside’s longest established independent professional Estate Agents 65 Queensway, Billingham, TS23 2LU. T. 01642 361 111 75-77 Borough Road, Middlesbrough, TS1 3AA. T. 01642 245 796 ESTATE AGENTS • LETTINGS • VALUATIONS • AUCTIONS Pick up a free car from either of our offices! Graces Little Book of Jokes goes global Please remember that from the 1st October your local dialling must be prefixed by the 01642 code or it won’t work, get into the habit now or make a note in your diaries to remind yourself. Coffee Morning The Hospital of God at Greatham invite you to join them at their coffee morning held on the first Friday of the month at Hereford Terrace Community Centre. Starting at 10 am – 12.30 you can enjoy good company at this monthly get together, meet old friends and make new one’s over a great cup of coffee. This event provides a wonderful opportunity for both carers and sufferers of dementia to continue their social life in a friendly and relaxed atmosphere. Call Jane Conroy on 01429 279005 for further information. Photo by: Ellis Lowe Get into Golf at Billingham Golf Club A cordial invitation is extended to readers by the members of Billingham Golf Club to come along and try their superb new Sport England practice facilities and also to sample the Club House and see what this established course has to offer. Whether a complete novice or a more established golfer, the practice range will be open for a “Free Taster” of golf at half term from the 27th of October to the 1st of November. If these dates are not convenient for you, or you want to find out more about group or individual lessons please call Mike Ure our Club Pro on 01642 557060 or alternatively ring the Club Secretary Julie Lapping on 01642 533816. TEES Credit Union Ltd Collection Points Monday’s 1.30 – 3.00pm New Life Family Centre, Low Grange Avenue, Billingham Thursday’s 11.00am -12.00pm Billingham Food Bank, 4 - 6 West Precinct, Billingham Town Centre Friday’s 10.00 - 11.00am Clarences Community Centre, Port Clarence Road, Port Clarence, Billingham Photo by: Nicky Wilson Royal Navy Photographer Reader may recall that last October we ran with the headline ‘Our Grace’. Well this year, our very own Grace Franklin, now aged 8 years old, is busy penning a new edition of the ‘Little Book of Jokes’ in support of The Royal British Legion’s Poppy Appeal. Children can help by contributing their jokes to this next edition by emailing the top 100 will be selected to be included in the book. At the time of penning her first book, Grace’s dad, Captain Glen Franklin was serving in Afghanistan, telephone calls home were short and for a young girl who just wanted to talk to her dad, goodbyes were hard. So just as the tears were about to fall and in a bid to banish those tears, father and daughter would exchange jokes to each, so they could end each and every call with a laugh and a smile. Last year’s appeal was such a success that Grace has set herself a more ambitious target for 2014. Graces Little Book of Jokes was sold across the globe, raising over £600 for The Royal British Legion. Prime Minister David Cameron said “Grace turned a difficult time for her family into an opportunity to put smiles on faces and raise money for a good cause.” You could be a part of helping in the compiling of this next book – so please do send in your jokes. Recently Grace was nominated for the Points of Light Awards, which saw this talented young author whisked down to the NATO summit in Cardiff Bay. Grace received her award from Defence Secretary Michael Fallon onboard HMS Duncan. There are still sponsor opportunities for this next book, if you or your business would like to help this budding author in her support for The Royal British Legion in this 100 year commemorative year of WW1, please email us at news@ and we will pass your details to Grace’s family, mum Jenny, dad Glen and sister Elizabeth, you can help them to get this next edition to print. Stay up to date with all things billingham at Our Sponsors The Billingham Community Newspaper is an independent publication that is funded by sponsorship and adverts. This issue has been supported by: Low Vision Supplies Queensway Dental Clinic Billingham International Folklore Festival 01642 553220 PD Ports Impetus Environmental Trust 01642 673313 The Pharmacy Telephone: 01642 530304 01642 564077 JW Smith Accountants 0800 915 5393 SRC Northfield School & Sports College Cowpen Cars 01642 370101 Hartlepool 6th Form College 01429 294444 Thirlwells 01642 361 111 Flooring Pete 01642 891840 NHS Healthy Hearts ‘‘ Vals Corner Val Scollen, Chair, Board of Trustees Well this is me as you’ve never seen me before. Inspired by so many people doing great things for Billingham Legacy Foundation, I decided that during the Carnival I would do my own Ice Bucket Challenge and as I’m scared of water faced some demons to do this but, I did and I raised over £100 - not bad for a pensioner! We hope you can support Grace with her next edition of The Little Book of Jokes’ if you can take any stock to sell please let us know. Pat our Editor has also been in the news winning Middlesbrough Philanthropic’s Teesside Hero Award and we have students from our schools and colleges excelling in all they do - just as well we ran ‘Billingham’s Got Talent’ at the Carnival and Horticultural Show - we truly do, what a great place Billingham and our surrounding communities are to live, work and play. by Val Scollen ‘‘ 2 Val completing The Ice Bucket Cha llenge BROUGHT YOU BY LOW VISION SUPPLIES 176 Belasis Avenue , Billingham TEL: 01642 530801 www.lowvisionsupplies .com Billingham Removals 07903 265 409 Northfield School Stockland (Billingham) Ltd. Telephone: 01642 360973 Billingham Gardening Services 07712228555 The Lock Shop 07717357791 Tilly Bailey & Irvine 0800 052 6824 Useful Numbers Local Government • Billingham Town Council – 01642 551171 • Stockton Borough Council – 01642 393939 Community • BELP – 01642 559115 • Hereford Terrace – 01642 564077 • Billingham Carnival and Garden Show – 01642 559115 • BIFF – 01642 553220 • CAB – 01642 633 877 • SRCGA – 01642 733902 Libraries • Bedale Avenue – 01642 527895 • Roseberry Library – 01642 528084 Business Services • Know How NE – 01642 607592 • Five Lamps – 0800 4580 120 • HMRC – 0845 0109000 Emergency Services • Cleveland Fire Brigade HQ – 01429 872311 or 999 • Billingham Fire Station, Seaton Carew Road – 01642 546000 • Cleveland Police – 01642 326326 or in an emergency 999 • Billingham Police Station, Town Centre – 01642 302930 • Billingham Neighbourhood Enforcement Team – 07747 033429 • Ambulance – 01904 666000 • James Cook University Hospital – 01642 850850 • University Hospital of North Tees – 01642 617617 • NHS Direct – 0845 46 47 GP Practices • Kingsway Medical Centre – 01642 554967 • Abbey Health Centre – 01642 552700 • Melrose Surgery – 01642 553055 Chemists • The Pharmacy, Finchale Ave – 01642 530304 • Davidson Pharmacy, 3 Station Road – 01642 360145 • Billchem Ltd, Billingham Health Centre Pharmacy – 01642 553846 • Boots – 01642 553263 • Harry Hill Chemists, Kenilworth Road – 01642 553184 • Rowlands Pharmacy, 39 Queensway – 01642 554416 • Tesco Pharmacy, Leaholme Road – 0845 677 9770 The Consultancy 01429 239689 If you are interested in becoming a sponsor or advertising in the newspaper, please email us at news@ billinghamcommunitynewspaper. or call 01642 564 077. Billingham Community Newspaper is published by the Billingham Community Newspaper Ltd., a not-for-profit company limited by guarantee, run by a board of trustees. Whilst every care is taken, the publishers cannot be held responsible for the accuracy of any information herein. All dates and details of events may be subject to change and you are advised to check with the organisers. The publishers endeavour that any information is correct at the time of printing but may be liable to change. The views expressed herein are not necessarily those of the publishers. BCN Hereford Terrace Billingham TS23 4AA - Tel: 01642 564077 newsBillinghamcommunitynewspaper. Printed locally on Teesside. SEPT/OCT 2014 Churches WEBSITE SPECIALISTS 01429 239 689 WWW.THECONSULTANCY.CO.UK • New Life Church – 01642 646009 • St Cuthbert’s – 01642 554929 • Our Lady of the Most Holy Rosary – 01642 553118 • St Columba’s – 01642 654388 • St Luke’s – 01642 554929 • St Aidan’s – 01642 554929 • St Mary Magdalene – 01642 554929 • North and South Billingham Methodist – 01642 562046 • Spiritualist Church – 01642 881211 • Kingdom Hall – 01642 563895 • Billingham Baptist Church – 01642 656966 • The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints – 01642 563162 St Peter’s Church Wolviston 01642 554929 SEPT/OCT 2014 News in Brief The Royal British Legion – Billingham Branch On August 4th at 8.00am Billingham Branch of The Royal British Legion held the first of a number of commemorative events at the Cenotaph in Station Road. At 11.00pm some 70 local people and branch members held a short candle service to mark the exact time in 1914 when Great Britain entered the Great War. During the next few months the branch will hold short flag raising events at the Cenotaph to mark significant dates from 1914. All dates will involve a bugle call, the raising of the union flag and take place at 8.00am each date. The planned dates are: September 15th - Union Flag raised at the Cenotaph at 8.00am and lowered at 7.30pm to mark the occasion of the first trenches dug on the western front. Dress formal with standards. October 19th - Union Flag raised at the cenotaph at 8.00am and lowered at 7.30pm to mark the occasion of The First Battle of Ypres. Dress formal with standards. November 6th - Union Flag raised at the cenotaph at 8.00am and lowered at 7.30pm to mark the occasion of Great Britain and The Ottoman empire declaring war. Dress formal. November 9th St Cuthbert’s Church Service followed by Remembrance Sunday Parade. December 16th - Union Flag raised at the cenotaph at 8.00am and lowered at 7.30pm to mark the occasion of the German naval raid on Hartlepool, Whitby and Scarborough. There will be a full program at Hartlepool details TBC. December 21st - Union Flag raised at the Cenotaph at 8.00am and lowered at 7.30pm to mark the occasion of the first German air raid on Great Britain. Dress formal. 3 Forever Friends When we ask ourselves, who in our lives means the most to us, we often find it is not those who give advice or solutions but those who choose to share our pain or hurt. Such wise words for adults but when you reflect that at the tender age of 8 years, young Kacey Day should choose to shed her own gorgeous locks of blonde hair, to enable her to share the pain of her best friend Rebecca Henderson, also 8 yrs old, it makes you feel very humble indeed. Rebecca, a pupil at Bewley Primary School, has a rare form of cancer; she is enduring painful treatments that caused the loss of her own lovely hair. Rebecca’s best friend and school chum Kacey, knew just what to do, in fact she said ‘It’s just what any friend would do’ get your own luscious locks shorn and donate them to The Little Princess Trust’, who specialise in providing real hair wigs for children across the UK and Ireland. Kacey’s mum Sharon said ‘I thought Kacey was joking when she first told me what she wanted to do. I am just so proud of her, she has launched her own fundraising page on www.justgiving. com/kacey-day should anyone want to contribute towards the cost of a real hair wig for Rebecca through The Little Princess Trust, each wig costs around £350’. Rebecca’s mum Tracy said ‘I couldn’t believe it when Kacey said she wanted to be the same as Rebecca, it is such a lovely thing to do and such a brave thing for a child to do. A real hair wig is much more comfortable for a child to wear and can be style like your own hair’. The Princess Trust provides real hair wigs, free of charge to boys and girls across the UK and Ireland that have lost their own hair through cancer treatment. Some children cope well with the side effects of treatment such as hair loss, for others it can be so traumatic and very upsetting. Of course the sourcing and manufacturing of the wigs is not free, so the Trust raises funds to enable them to provide this service to families whilst they decide on their long term plans to cope with their child’s condition. I believe we should all have a friend like Kacey in our lives. If you can help Kacey raise money for The Princess Trust then please visit her just giving page, details printed above to donate. Well done to both girls, may your friendship continue to shine like a light for us all to see. L-R Kiera Day, Rebecca Henderson, Kacey Day and Jake Henderson Work set to complete park refurbishment WORK is set to get under way on a £200,000 project to complete the transformation of John Whitehead Park in Billingham. Stockton Council’s ‘Heart of the Park’ project will put the finishing touches to the regeneration of our fabulous park. The Stockton Borough Council has worked in partnership with a range of stakeholders to develop this project which will create an attractive ‘core area’ in the centre of the park where users will see new pathways, seating and surface improvements, landscaping, newly planted trees and an area for events. There will also be new signage, picnic tables and waste Work on ‘Heart of the Park’ is scheduled to start at the bins installed along with some toddler play equipment. beginning of this month (September) and is expected to The full cost of the project is being met by Able UK, be completed by Christmas. who have committed funding for the scheme via the Landfill Communities Fund. Councillor Ken Dixon, Stockton Council’s Cabinet Member for Arts, Leisure and Culture, said: “John Whitehead Park is already well used and valued by the local community and the new sports facilities are already attracting more people there. This new phase of works will complete the development of the park and further enhance it as a space for leisure, sport or relaxation that everyone can enjoy.” The Battle of the Hook, Korea 1953 Wolviston Court WI On Thursday October 9th, the branch will be holding its 47th Birthday Party, with entertainment by Eric Collins. His talk is entitled “The reluctant Monarch” and should prove very interesting. The monthly competition will be a Royal Souvenir. He spoke to the group last year about the Crown Jewels and had all the ladies wishing they had a few of the items! After all, ‘Diamonds are a girl’s best friend…’ In November, following our Annual Meeting, members will be able to make a craft item - usually themed with Christmas in mind. The group meets in the Community Centre, Clifton Avenue, Billingham at 7pm on the second Thursday of each month except August. Interested ladies are always welcome and can attend 3 sessions as a guest before deciding whether to join as a member. For further information, please contact the Secretary, Florence Wilson on 01642 554532 If you have news stories, please email us at: news@billingham Veteran’s from The 1st Battalion The Duke of Wellington’s Regiment (The Dukes), who served in the Battle of the Hook 1953 were treated to a hero’s welcome when they visited Billingham International Folklore Festival to meet with the performers of the South Korean dance troupe. Malcolm Prince, Brian Park and John Unthank recalled they set sail for Korea at the end of September 1952, to join the 1st Commonwealth Division. This deployment was as a result of the United Nations decision to support the United States in resisting the communist invasion of South Korea, by their neighbours in the north of the country being supposed by the Chinese. The Battalion joined the Division at the end of September and soon found themselves in the front line, moving forward to occupy a position called The Hook in May 1953. Once there, ‘The Dukes’ found themselves involved in the most serious military action that was to change the course of the war in Korea. The Hook was a strategic position that had already been the site of 2 previous heavy attacks from the North and from day one the regiment came under fire from snipers, mortars and artillery, with the first casualties occurring on the 19th May, which saw many killed or injured over the following 7 days, including Malcolm himself who was evacuated back home via Malta after the conflict. During the night of 28th May, following a huge artillery barrage, wave after wave of Chinese troops attacked the British positions on the Hook. Initially knocked back, ‘The Dukes’ fought back up the line to regain the original ‘D’ Company trenches that were being held by the enemy. Over the next 24 hours heavy losses and injuries occurred with an additional 27 men missing in action. Throughout the battle ‘The Dukes’ were subjected to constant barrages of artillery fire, each followed by relentless waves of attacking Chinese troops. Being aware of the strategic importance of their position ‘The Dukes’ kept their heads and held the Chinese troops, enabling them to maintain their control of The Hook. It is said that the Korean War is often a forgotten war, it never achieved the outcome sought to bring unity to the divided nation, so to avoid adverse publicity it was seldom talked about in USA or here in the UK. The South Korean’s themselves have never forgotten the debt they owe to such honourable veterans as Malcolm, Brain and John and when they visited the festival and shared stories of their time in Korea, details of the battles fought, all generations of the dance troupe showed their respect to these very honourable gentlemen. It was recognised that these kind men, who fought so bravely truly gave these international visitors the freedom they enjoy today. Our local veterans were treated like royalty by all members of the South Korean dance troupe, expressing personal thanks for the honour of their visit to meet them. It seems apt, in this Centenary year, when we are asked to remember those lost in WW1 veterans, we reflect on the words ‘Least we Forget’ –consider the humility of these international visitors, who recognise the many lives lost to give them their freedom. Thank you Malcolm, Brian and John, wear your medals with pride, we all owe you a debt we can never repay. 4 Alex supports child-led inquiry into cost of going to school Young people from across the country launched their own enquiry after official statistics revealed that there are 3.7 million children living in poverty, Alex Cunningham MP was delighted to support them in gathering evidence in an official committee room at Westminster. In the first inquiry led by children into the cost of attending school and its effect on children in poverty, supported by The Children’s Society, Alex helped young people from The Children’s Commission on Poverty to question experts about the cost of going to school during a special session. The Children’s Commission on Poverty questioned witnesses over three days, investigating how struggling families manage to bear the costs of school essentials such as lunches, uniforms and basic materials, including text books and access to computers. The panel, comprised of 16 children and teenagers from across England, are leading the Commission’s 18-month investigation into child poverty in the UK, a timely reminder as the new academic term starts for schools nationwide. Alex said: “The Commission is providing young people with a unique opportunity to examine firsthand the stark realities facing thousands of families living below the poverty line and I was pleased to be able to help guide panel members in questioning the expert witnesses giving evidence to the inquiry. “The investigation is not only giving children a crucial platform to speak out about what poverty is really like and reveal the day-to-day challenges they face through their own eyes, but also beyond financial costs to examine the emotional effects that the costs of school life have on children and their families. Matthew Reed, The Children’s Society’s Chief Executive, said: “We are grateful for Alex’s support for the young people and their commitment to ensuring children’s views are heard on this issue. The crisis of child poverty is growing, yet children’s views have been largely absent from the poverty debate. Children’s ability to benefit fully from their education is critical to their future. Yet too often, children in poverty are missing out because of the costs involved.” Please send us your views on this research to news@ Teacher of the Appeal for more Foster Carers Year Award. and Adopters in Billingham Good Luck Mr Burgess! On the 26th of October staff and students at Northfield will be glued to their televisions with their fingers crossed as they watch this year’s Teacher of the Year Award, broadcast live from the Guildhall, London. Associate Assistant Headteacher John Burgess has been shortlisted for the prize. This year over 30,000 teachers were nominated for the prize. Upon hearing the good news Mr Burgess said “It’s a great honour to be a finalist in such a prestigious award. It’s something I never expected to receive and I could only have done so by working in such an impressive school with such incredible students and dedicated staff ”. SEPT/OCT 2014 News in Brief Wolviston Court Evening Townswomen’s Guild We meet on the fourth Thursday of each month, the meeting commences at 7 p.m In Wolviston Court Community Centre, Clifton Avenue, Billingham. We are a small group and welcome visitors at each meeting. Our next meeting is on 25th September this is an open meeting as we are hosting the Marske Fishermen’s Choir and the more the merrier to hear these wonderful voices. The following meeting is on 23rd October, the speaker is Peter Cook and his topic is “Now and Then”. We have had a good summer with visits to Saltholme to enjoy all the birds, Kirkleatham Hall to see the Saxon Jewellery and Preston Park to wander round the Walled Garden, but most important in each case to enjoy some refreshments in good company. We are looking forward to our next outing to Hardwick Hall for lunch. We held a Coffee Morning in August in aid of “Guide Dogs for the Blind” and raised £250 to help this very necessary charity. If you require any further information please don’t hesitate to contact the Secretary Evelyn Shand on 01642 656568. 50 Golden Years Stockton Council is looking for more foster carers and adopters from Billingham to support some of the most vulnerable children and young people in the area. There are around 387 children and young people across Stockton on Tees who need to be looked after, and the Council is encouraging people of all ages and backgrounds to consider fostering or adopting a child. Many people don’t realise that foster carers and adopters can be of any age, as there is no upper age limit. Carers can also be of any sexuality and they may be single, divorced, widowed, living together or married. They might be employed or unemployed, and they may be a homeowner or tenant. The Council welcomes applications from all sections of the community and would urge people not to rule themselves out until they have contacted the Fostering and Adoption team for more information. In particular, the Council is looking for people to consider fostering children over the age of eight and groups of brothers and sisters, as well as people who would be willing to foster young people on a longterm basis until they reach adulthood and are able to live independently. Adopters are also needed for a number of children who are waiting for forever families, and these include children over four years old and groups of brothers and sisters who need to stay together. If you think you could foster or adopt, a drop-in session is taking place at Billingham Forum on Friday, 26 September between 11am and 2pm, where the Council’s friendly Fostering and Adoption team will be on hand to offer information about the process and the support available to you. For more information, contact Stockton Council’s Child Placement team on: 01642 526218, email: or visit: McDonald’s Love Where You Live Business Managers Danny Hewitt (McDonald’s Thornaby) and Leanne Norman McDonald’s Wolviston) were runners up in the recent McDonald’s ‘Love Where You Live’ competition held at Salford in Manchester. Both of these business managers shared with colleagues and senior management from across the north region details of their store’s local impact by working with the local community, offering support and volunteer resource. Danny worked with local residents in Thornaby by sponsoring a local football team and helping renovate the area leading to their ground. This involved local staff giving up their time to work as volunteers to help clear the area and help with the renovation. Leanne has been involved with several events to support Billingham Legacy Foundation including Christmas in the Clarences, BLF Community Games, a Careers Week presentation at a local school and with Billingham Carnival & Horticultural Show. Recently staff from the Wolviston McDonald’s store have volunteered to support the horticultural projects down at Port Clarence being ran by Billingham Environmental Links Projects. Well done to both Danny and Leanne and thank you for volunteering in our communities. Many congratulations to Barney & Jackie McLean who celebrated their 50th Wedding Anniversary on 8 August 2014. The couple who married at Holy Rosary RC Church in 1964 celebrated with a garden party, inviting family and friends to celebrate with them. Barney said that Jackie is still very much the girl for him and hasn’t aged a bit since they were first married all those years ago! Glad to see that the romance is still alive. Barney & Jackie would like to thank the team of Kings Coffee in Norton who supplied all the catering for their celebratory event. Congratulations to you both. Raise a cuppa to Macmillan Fri 26 September 10 am – 1 pm A funeral home in Billingham is inviting local people to join its staff for a coffee morning to raise money for Macmillan Cancer Charity. Staff from The Co-operative Funeralcare, at 61 Station Road, are holding the event on Friday, 26 September, from 10am until 1pm. During the fundraiser there will be a book stall and a raffle, and guests will also be able to browse around the funeral home and enjoy coffee and a cake, with all proceeds going to Macmillan. Visit our New LOOK website www.billingham community SEPT/OCT 2014 Family Fun Day in High Grange Tanya Lawson helped organise a family fun day at High Grange Community Centre during the recent school holidays. Building on a great event she organised at the centre last year, Tanya decided it would be great if everyone rallied to help and give support during the day ensuring both parents and children enjoyed themselves, with face painting, arts and crafts, a bouncy castle, raffle, cakes and refreshments there was something for everyone. Tanya wanted to thank staff from Tummy Ticklers, Thirteen and community centre manager Maureen Bowler for all their help. Family Fun Day in Port Clarence Stores Limited. Clarences residents action group (CRAG) recently ran a family fun day down in Queensway Dental joined in the fun in the sun, gave away free toothbrushes and Port Clarence, with support from Housing Group Thirteen, A Way Out and Corner toothpaste and spent time encouraging children to take good care of their teeth by House. The sun shone and everyone had a good time, including when it came to drawing the raffle ticket for the TV in the community centre kindly donated by Asda avoiding sugary drinks. 5 News in Brief Billingham Choral Society Rehearsals are now in full swing again, after the summer recess, with a full programme of events leading up to Christmas. You can hear the choir at 7pm on Saturday October 4th in St. Cuthbert’s Church Hall on The Green - and enjoy a lovely supper afterwards as part of the Harvest Celebrations tickets £6 from church members. Sing some carols with us at Stockton Garden Centre in November and watch out for details of a “Songs for the Season” event in St. Aidan’s Church, Tintern Avenue on Wednesday December 17th at 7pm. This concert will be repeated at St. Hilda’s Church, The Headland, Hartlepool on December 19th at 7.30pm. We are supporting the Haematology Unit at North Tees Hospital and the Great North Air Ambulance with our Carol concerts this year. Please help us reach our target of £1000. We are currently learning lots of new songs in preparation for a Choral Spectacular in The Sage, Gateshead to be held in March 2015 - the last event was a sell-out and thoroughly enjoyed by both audience and singers. A recording is available through choir members at £6 if you missed that one and we are now clearing out our own CD at the reduced price of £2 – makes a nice Christmas gift. Please contact Musical Director Margaret Pringle by telephone 01642 363502 if you are interested in joining the choir or for any information regarding events or visit We will soon be collecting WISH TOKENS from the Evening Gazette please save them for us - every token will help towards the cost of transport to The Sage for the Spectacular next year. Send your tokens to F Wilson, 28 Whitehouse Road Billingham when the campaign ends and thanks for your help Your Choir needs you Synthonia Male Voice choir was formed in 1928, as part of the social side of ICI and it has remained a very successful and friendly choir, entertaining groups and raising lots of money for local organisations. BUT…sadly, numbers have declined recently and unless we can recruit some new singers, it is in danger of having to close. You do not have to audition, or be able to read music to sing with us - if you enjoy singing various different kinds of music - both modern and traditional - and would like to know more, please contact Margaret Pringle 01642 363502. The choir is part of the North East Group of the National Association of Choirs and will be taking part in a Choral Spectacular in The Sage next year, so now is a good time to join, as we are learning new items. We rehearse in the Foster Suite at Synthonia Club, Belasis Avenue on Mondays 7.15pm to 9pm - just come along and see what fun it can be - a warm welcome awaits you. The choir will join with Billingham Choral Society to present a joint concert in Norton Methodist Church on December 6th in aid of the Haematology Unit at North Tees Hospital – tickets £5 will be available from choir members or at the door. We hope to see you there. More information about joining and events at www. If you have news stories, please email us at: news@billingham 6 SEPT/OCT 2014 a Billingham Legacy Foundation Event Billingham Carnival and Horticultural show an w ho d Ho rticultural S a This year BLF Supporters Group took up the mantle of organising this year’s Carnival and Horticultural Show following the retirement of Roger Black. This event is ran wholly by volunteers and there is always opportunity to add skills and expertise that can help us further develop this event over the coming years. Particular thanks must go to the events team from Stockton Borough Council who were superb in their help and assistance. Also special thanks to Cleveland Police and our PSCO’s who helped us ensure this wonderful family event remained safe for everyone. We are short of photo’s for this year’s event as Pat’s camera ‘disappeared’ from a table – if anyone recovered a camera and would like to return it to Old Billingham Business Centre it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks to Paul Whittingham and Singing Sue’s who contributed their personal photo’s to enable us to share this fabulous day with you. If you can fill in the gaps, please send us your photo’s to nd ow Horti cultural Sh horticultural show 2014 Sponsored by growhow RHS Bankshian Medal for the largest amount of points in the horticultural class. Roly Gray Winning Pot Leeks RHS Silver Medal. Roly Gray Second in Pot Leeks RHS Bronze Medal. Stevie Chambers Best Leek in the show RHS Certificate. Roly Gray Best Exhibit of Chrysanthemums RHS Silver Medal. Roly Gray Second Best Exhibit of Chrysanthemums RHS Bronze Medal. Roly Gray Most Points in Chrysanthemums RHS Certificate. Roly Gray Best Exhibit of Dahlias RHS Silver Medal. Ken Westwood Second Best Exhibit of Dahlias RHS Bronze Medal. Ken Westwood Most Points in Dahlias RHS Certificate. Ken Westwood Best Exhibit of Vegetables RHS Silver Medal. John Gallon Second Best Exhibit of Vegetables RHS Bronze Medal. D & L Wathey Most Points in Vegetables s RHS Certificate. John Gallon Most Points in Novice Section RHS Certificate. Joseph Chambers Most Points in Flower Section RHS Certificate. Kevin Trischler Best Exhibit of Pot Plants RHS Certificate. Kevin Trischler Most Points by Billingham Residents RHS Certificate. John Gallon Best Dressed Onions RHS Certificate. Marshall Emmerson The Show had the most entries ever and the produce was of the highest standard. The show manager Deryck Forrest thanked the exhibitors for supporting the show with their fine exhibits and introduces Jacqui Reed from Growhow UK to present the winners with their awards. Best Top Tray RHS Certificate. John Gallon Primary Schools Vegetable Competition RHS Certificate & BELP Trophy. High Clarence Primary School School Wildlife Garden Competition RHS Certificate. Wolviston Primary School SEPT/OCT 2014 an w dH orticultural Sho 7 Britain’s Strongest Man an w dH orticultural Sho at Billingham Carnival & Horticultural Show 2014 a Billingham Legacy Foundation Event Contenders at the ready and these immensely strong men, from all across the UK, test every aspect of their strength and mental ability carrying out a challenging range of tasks on The Green in Billingham. Britain’s Strongest Man contest saw eight men battle it out for a place at the next stage of the contest, the World Championship in the USA 2015. Tasks at the competition - part of Billingham’s annual carnival and horticultural show - included pulling a 32-tonne truck and deadlifting a 400kg car. Competitors also had to flip a 365kg tyre six times before pulling a 350kg metal chain 15 metres in the quickest time possible (and we watched the 2 man support crew struggle to re position for the next contender – these are no lightweights!!!). As muscles were stretched and pulled, competitors moved to the final challenges which included a 130kg log lift followed by five atlas stones which each weighed between 140kg and 200kg. Bob Daglish, organiser of Elite Strongman has been promoting strongman events for over 20 years said ‘This has been one of our best events all year, the competitors are in better shape than ever and they have the potential to win when they compete in the USA next year. Today they have all been fantastic.’ When all the times and repetitions were calculated there was a tie, so a tug of war was held to decide the overall winner, Mikey Lane, 30, from Coventry was awarded the title, with Tom Stoltman, of Scotland awarded second place. Mikey said “I’m feeling pretty good about going to America but there is still a lot of room for improvement so I need to keep training.” Not far behind in third place was Scott Metcalf of Sunderland, in fourth place was Gareth Eddy from Hartlepool and in fifth place was Hywell Owen Thomas from Wales. Each will compete in the Amateur Strongman finals next March in Columbus, Ohio. After the organiser for the past 21 years, Roger Black, stepped down, the event was taken over this year by The Billingham Legacy Foundation which is led by volunteers. Funding manager Pat Chambers said: “The community event brings together the old and the young with traditional crafts and hobbyists through to the very best in horticulture. “We hope to make the event even bigger and better next year.” Alongside fairground rides and craft stalls, the event also played host to a Billingham’s Got Talent competition. Bill Whyman, 56, who is operations manager at Falck Safety Services at Haverton Hill, who will be sponsors at The Billingham Legacy Foundation’s next fundraising event said: “I did not realise it was on the doorstep. 1st Place Mikey Lane 2nd Place Tom Stoltman 3rd Place Scott Metcalfe “This is the first time I have been and I think it is a wonderful event.” gham Carnival The Elite British Strongman Challengers at Billin 8 SEPT/OCT 2014 a Billingham Legacy Foundation Event Billingham Carnival and Horticultural show’s Got Exhibition of Arts & Crafts nd ow Horti cultural Sh a an w ho d Ho rticultural S m a h g n i l l i B 4 1 0 2 t n e Tal Thirteen year old Olivia ’s Crawford winner of Billingham Got Talent 2014 SEPT/OCT 2014 9 a Billingham Legacy Foundation Event Billingham Carnival and Horticultural show an w ho d Ho rticultural S a nd ow Horti cultural Sh Fairground & Rides Dog Show Retirement beckons for Roger after 21 years of the Carnival and Garden Show Thank you to all our sponsors Billingham Legacy Foundation & their hardy volunteers - Stockton Borough Council and their events team- New Life Family - Resource Centre - GrowHow - Sita UK - Turners Fairgrounds - Fracture Theatre Café Ramos- North East Truck & Van - Asda - McDonald’s - Tesco Distribution - Elite Strongman - PPS Ltd - Old Billingham Business Centre -Thirteen - Warburtons - Goshen Trust - Calor Gas - Unite And a host of individual sponsors, too many to list but sending a huge thank you to you all. Since its inception in 1993 Roger Black, supported by his wife Margaret, has organised and ran the annual Billingham Carnival and Garden Show. Now aged 70 years old Roger decided it’s time to take some well earned rest having fundraised and delivered not only the Carnival but was instrumental in providing an annual senior citizens Christmas party, numerous children’s parties and teddy bear picnics on The Green, using any profits from the show to fund these community events. As with this year’s event the Carnival provides an opportunity for local charities to raise essential funds, so it is estimated that across Roger’s 21 year involvement he has helped generate hundreds of thousands of pounds for good causes. The Billingham Partnership Board of which Roger was an original member brought together businesses and resident groups to be involved in community development and cohesion, long before it became a political necessity to do such work. Roger is also a founding Director of the Billingham Environmental Link Programme Ltd and Billingham Legacy Foundation, both organisations work to support local people. From solid foundations Roger has now passed on the responsibility for the organisation and running of the Carnival to the Billingham Legacy Foundation Supporters Group with the caveat that all proceeds from the Carnival go to developing and maintaining the Carnival and the Billingham Legacy Foundation for the benefit of people in the area. Terry Waldron the Chair of the BLF said ‘ Roger should be proud of what he has achieved over the last 21 years, he has left a positive mark on our community and a legacy for us to build on. We are grateful for all the work and support from Roger, his wife Margaret and, their sons Gavin and Andy, their business Print & Promotional have offered continuity of support to the Carnival across the 21 year span. Roger, thank you for all you have done and we wish you a happy retirement’ 10 SEPT/OCT 2014 News in Brief Commemorative Theatre at Preston Park BCN’s editor and fundraiser Pat Chambers was momentarily lost for words when she received a call to say that Andy Preston, Chairman of Middlesbrough Philanthropic Foundation had nominated her for the foundation’s Teesside Hero Award and indeed, that she had won it. Pat follows in the footsteps of many others who simply volunteer to help make a difference in their community. Pat said ‘Billingham is “a special place” , it’s friendly and more like an overgrown village. It is full of good people achieving great things, I’m humbled to receive this award as being involved in our community Teesside Hero Award newspaper I know there are so many good people out there far more deserving of this award than me’. Pat Chambers works full time but still manages to raise money for a wide range of charities, organise events throughout the year in the community and as we said, is also the editor and fundraiser for Billingham Community Newspaper. Pat wins a trophy and £1,000 from charitable movement Middlesbrough and Teesside Philanthropic Foundation to give to a good cause of her choice. Foundation chairman Andy Preston, who nominated Pat for the award, said: “Over three years I’ve seen some of the amazing things Pat achieves for Billingham. I’m not exaggerating when I say that Billingham, and in fact Teesside, would be worse off without Pat Chambers. Bravo Pat!” The Teesside Hero award was presented by Andy’s fellow Foundation patrons Mark Smith of Billinghambased Stockton Machine Company and Claire Watson of chemical giant SABIC, who have key operations north of the river. Recruiting new members NOW!!! STUNNING digital visuals, music and lights are set to captivate audiences when a World War One commemoration project with a difference comes to Stockton. Homecoming is a new moving and thought provoking outdoor theatrical production which commemorates 100 years since the outbreak of World War One in Britain. Stockton Council is working in partnership with the four other Tees Valley local authorities to produce five large scale outdoor theatrical performances of the production, each one telling a story from the five towns. A range of special effects including mobile structures, digital projections, music, lights and stunning pyrotechnics will bring Preston Park Museum and Grounds to life with stories from the frontline at 8.30pm on Saturday, 27 September. The production tells the moving stories of residents’ contribution to the war, both on the home front and foreign battlefields overseas. Visitors are invited into the beautiful surrounds of Preston Park where the real wartime stories of soldiers, nurses, civilians and munitions workers will be played out on stage. The stories have been researched by archivists and local libraries, including interviews with residents across Stockton Borough and the wider Tees Valley. The event is free of charge but entry tickets will be required. Tickets will also include access to the Park and Ride service operating from local car parks. To find out more and secure a ticket visit or Alternatively tickets are also available from the Rediscover Stockton shop. Continental Market Visits Stockton Monday’s & Friday’s 10:00am-11:30am At Billingham Forum You don’t have to be a singer to join this ladies choir! A fun, relaxed approach to singing as a group and to build your confidence. Picture Military Wives, Gareth Malone and Rock Choir all rolled in to an hour and a half! Contact Singing Sue on: 01642 885409 for more information or ‘like’ us on Facebook Winning Ticket Holder Book now to avoid disappointment! Billingham Legacy Foundation Vice Chair Kevin Pitt presented the winning ticket holder Jenna Barker with the TV (numbers 821-825), 2nd Prize 276-280, 3rd Prize 481-485 and 4th Prize 116- 120 Many thanks to Tesco Distribution Centre for donating the prizes for this fundraiser. If you have news stories, please email us at: From Thursday 18 to Saturday 20 September Stockton’s new events space at the northern end of the high street will be transformed into a bustling market with more than 30 stalls offering a wide range of tasty produce and hand crafted goods. From 10am to 4pm daily traders from France, Belgium, Italy, Spain, Holland, Poland among others will be offering a taste of the continent to buy and take away or enjoy in the Town Centre. Brittany biscuits, olives, Italian nougat, cheeses, sausages, tartiflette (a delicious cheese and potato dish from the Alps), charcuterie, fresh bread, croissants and freshly made crepes will just be some of the mouth-watering foods on offer. In addition stalls selling regional handmade goods such as handbags, soaps, lavender, toys and pashminas will be on offer. To get shoppers in a truly continental mood all the traders will also wear their traditional dress and stalls will be decorated to reflect the trader’s nationality. Christmas Fayre Starting at 2pm on 15 November in North Billingham Methodist Church on Marsh House Avenue, a traditional Christmas Fayre with a host of cake, gift and craft stalls to tempt you all into early purchases ready for Christmas. Meet friends old and new and take the time to enjoy some seasonal refreshments too. SEPT/OCT 2014 Friends of Cowpen Bewley Woodland Park As councils come under more pressure to save money it is becoming increasingly important for communities to ensure that we all work together to help Stockton Borough Council maintain and develop facilities like Cowpen Bewley Woodland Park. There is so much pressure on resources, that if we, as a community don’t help, facilities like Cowpen Bewley Woodland Park are at risk of becoming neglected, as local authority budgets are squeezed and monies need to be allocated to maintain essential services. A ‘Friends of Cowpen Bewley Woodland Park’ group has recently been formed to promote the biodiversity, conservation, protection and improvement of the physical and natural environment of the Park and, to promote the benefits of the Park to you and encourage you to visit and use the park, we want you to walk, with your family and friends, or with your dogs and help us ensure that this wonderful park is fit for purpose, with accessible pathways and does not become so neglected that pathways become overgrown. The Friends group is planning an event in the park on Saturday 25 October 10 am until 4 pm so you can find out more, about the wildlife that occupies and visits the park and, meet with our current group of volunteers, perhaps consider becoming a volunteer too. You don’t have to be a gardener to volunteer, simply provide some willing hands to help us with maintenance of the park, help protect the wildlife and provide a legacy for future generations who may wish to use the park for conservation, education and recreation. Stockton Borough Council are currently in consultations with the Friends, other interested parties and Tees Environmental Trust about the future management of the park and we want to provide strong evidence of support from our community through the Friends group to help with the upkeep of this wonderful park. The ‘Friends of Cowpen Bewley Woodland Park’ event will be publicised in the Billingham Newspaper and also in the Herald and Post. Please check future issues if you are interested in the future of the park. If you are interested in becoming a Friend and participating in future events send an e-mail requesting further information to or call 07899945307. Making a clean sweep for safety With summer drawing to a close, Chimney Fire Safety Week 8 –14 September, provided a timely reminder to make sure that your chimney is ready for the winter. As part of the national Fire Kills campaign, Cleveland Fire Brigade is urging householders to ensure their chimney is safe and to have their chimney swept by a registered chimney sweep. Open fires not only warm up a home, but also create a unique relaxing ambience. With the numbers of people using open fires growing, Fire Chiefs have provided some top tips for safer chimneys. • Always use a fire guard to protect against flying sparks from hot embers • Make sure embers are properly put out before you go to bed • Keep chimneys and flues clean and well maintained Phil Lancaster, Director of Community Protection explains: “With the colder, winter months looming, people will begin to start using open fires and their chimneys again. In order to keep you and your family safe from fire, you need to take necessary steps such as ensuring your chimney is swept regularly, depending upon what fuel you burn and I would urge all householders to have a working smoke alarm in their home.” All chimneys and flue-ways should be cleaned and checked during the summer months to ensure they’re free from debris and in full working order, a blocked or defective chimney can cause both chimney fires and carbon monoxide poisonings so it’s very important to employ a professional qualified Chimney Sweep. Community Champions Awards 2014 Stockton Borough Council is sponsoring the Children and Young Peoples category, which recognises the achievements of individuals and groups who have made a positive difference to the lives of young people. The criteria for the award is; ‘An individual or group that has supported young people in the world of education, training and employment or who has made a concerted effort to encourage children to get involved in sports and other leisure activities .’ Are you are aware of someone who deserves recognition and thanks and who also meets the above criteria? If so, please take the time to nominate them and help them get the recognition they deserve. You can nominate online via The Gazette website at www. Alternatively you can complete a nomination form. Forms can be requested by contacting Dawn Mackey by calling 01642 527022 or at dawn. There are a host of other categories so do ensure you get active with your nominations and help shine a light on good people doing great things in Billingham and our surrounding communities. The deadline for nominations is Thursday 16th October 2014 Join Stockton’s big community switch to save money on your fuel bills STOCKTON Council is once again inviting residents to find out more about a collective energy switch which could see them significantly reduce their gas and electricity bills. The Big Community Switch will see people join together to form a single, powerful buying unit to negotiate cheaper energy costs. This is the third time the Council has worked with delivery partners ‘iChoosr’ and ‘Make It Cheaper’ to host the collective switching scheme. Residents will be able to register for the scheme from today (Tuesday 2 September) until midnight on Monday 13 October. After that the Big Community Switch organises an auction, and the supplier offering the best tariff will be able to offer residents a new contract. After the auction residents will receive a personal offer and can see how much money they can save. There is no cost to register and no obligation to accept the personal offer. The Big Community Switch will ensure the switch is easy and hassle free. Councillor David Rose, Stockton Council’s Cabinet Member for the Environment, said: “We are committed to doing all we can to reduce fuel poverty, and this includes finding different ways to help people get cheaper bills. “When we ran the collective switch scheme last year more than 2000 people signed up and from this around 230 residents switched energy supplier. The average saving for a dual fuel customer was £165 but for some people who had not switched before the savings achieved were much larger with one resident saving £524 per year. “I’m really pleased that we are able to offer residents another opportunity to join forces and make a collective approach to the energy market. It’s a great opportunity for businesses and community groups to get on board too and the more people who sign up, the bigger the buying unit to attract lower prices from competing suppliers.” People without internet access, or who would like some help in the process can also register in Stockton and District Advice and Information Service, Horizon Centre, 1 Bridge Road, Stockton on Tees, TS18 1BH (01642) 615834. The Big Community Switch is open to all householders (including those in rented accommodation and those using a prepayment meter), tenants, small businesses and community groups. For more information and to apply on line visit www. If you have news stories, please email us at: news@billinghamcommunity 11 Price Busting Meal Deals 1. Any 2 x 10” pizzas £8 2. Any half parmesan, any 10” pizza, tub of chilli or garlic £10 3. Any 10” pizza, large doner kebab, tub chilli or garlic £9 4. Any 3 x 12” pizzas £16 5. Any 3 (1/4lb) burgers* £6 with chips only *excludes doner, bolognese & parmo burger 15 Station Road, Billingham Tel 01642 558761 FREE DELIVERY WITH ORDERS OVER £7.00 5PM TILL LATE 12 SEPT/OCT 2014 Education in partnership with SRC Bede Sixth Form SRC Bede celebrates A level success It has been a summer of celebrations at SRC Bede Sixth Form as the college achieved a 98.4% A level pass rate. Results day saw the Billingham college achieve 100% pass rates in 20 out of 25 subjects, pass rates at AS level reached 88.3%, while BTEC results were outstanding with 53% of students reaching Distinction or higher. Rick Wells, director of SRC Bede Sixth Form, said: “I am extremely pleased with the very strong performance of our students again this year. “Many students have exceeded expectations and I think this is a result of the specialist attention we give them and the individualised support which SRC Bede Sixth Form is all about.” Among the many students celebrating success was straight A student Holly Jenkins. The 17-year-old has secured a place at Newcastle University to study Psychology after getting an A* in Biology, an A in Psychology and an A in Chemistry A levels. “Thrilled is the only world to describe how I am feeling,” said Holly from Billingham. SRC Bede’s own budding Olympic hopeful, Rachel Highfield, was also among those to clinch the results she was hoping for. The Thornaby sprinter will be studying Sport, Physical Activity and Health at Durham University after achieving an A* in Physical Education, a B in Biology and a C in English Literature. The 18-year-old, who had to fit her studies around a gruelling training schedule, said: “It has been hard work and it was stressful but it was worth it.” College director Mr Wells said: “We work relentlessly to improve students’ achievements, and we have again demonstrated that commitment in this year’s results.” But, he added, the hard work doesn’t stop there with the college, which was recently graded Good by Ofsted, already looking to further success in 2015. SRC Bede Sixth Form, which is part of Stockton Riverside College, offers a wide range of A level, BTEC and additional courses. Rachel Meier with her daughter, Millie. Being an A* student is a new experience for Billingham mum, Rachel Meier. The 35-year-old, who left school with no qualifications, is among those celebrating exam success this summer. Almost 19 years after leaving school the Stockton Riverside College student has picked up her first qualifications. What’s more she exceeded even her own expectations, achieving a string of distinctions on the college’s Access to Health course and an A* in GCSE English. “I always thought that I just wasn’t very clever,” said Rachel, who spent 15 years working overseas as a maternity nurse. Ambitions of becoming a midwife were cast aside as she believed she lacked the ability to make the grade. Today, however, it seems the dream is back on track. Rachel explained it was having her daughter, Millie, now three, that inspired her to go to college. “I want to be a good example to her,” she said. “It has always been my dream to be a midwife, and I want to show her that if you work hard then you can achieve.” It was while studying at Stockton Riverside College that the mum-of-one discovered she had a deep rooted fear of exams. Looking back she said: “I realise now that is why I left school with nothing.” At college, with support from her teachers, Rachel learned techniques to help her to cope with the stress of the exam room. Of her results she said: “I couldn’t believe it when I opened the envelope. I kept having to check it, I thought that there must have been a mistake.” Rachel now plans to study counselling at Stockton Riverside College alongside a further GCSE in Biology in a bid to go on and secure a place at university. She said: “It has been hard work but I couldn’t have done it without the support of my family and teachers. “At college I have learnt so much, not just on the courses, but about myself as well.” Students left to right: Rachel Highfield, Grace Stobbs, Holly Jenkins and Lewis Arnett all celebrating A level results at SRC Bede Sixth Form. TRAVEL ▶ Great range of AS & A levels TO COLLEGE FOR FREE! ▶ 100% pass rate in 20 subjects ▶ Free travel from Hartlepool area STILL ENROLLING! MARSH HOUSE AVE, BILLINGHAM, TS23 3HB OPEN EVENING THURS 16 OCT 6PM-8PM OFSTED GOOD Mum’s an A* student SRC Bede: 01642 373 250 2014 Job success for students Stockton Riverside College Prince’s Trust Team programme students Daniel Chantrell and Heather Watson. SRC Princes Trust Left to right: Daniel Chantrell, Emily Crosby, Adele Cavanagh, Team leader Chris Smith, Glen Perry and Heather Watson. A fortnight’s work experience has paid off for two students after bosses were so impressed with their work that they offered the pair permanent contracts. Heather Watson, 18, and Daniel Chantrell, 23, were snapped up by Teesside food manufacturer, SK Foods, after they carried out work placements as part of their course on The Prince’s Trust Team programme delivered by Stockton Riverside College. Heather, of Billingham, who has struggled to find work since leaving school, and spent two years doing volunteer work, said of her job on the factory floor: “I couldn’t believe it when they offered me a permanent position, this will be my first paid job.” Daniel, of Stockton, added: “This is the first time I have done a work placement and have been given a job offer at the end of it - and I have done quite a few.” The Prince’s Trust Team programme is a free 12-week development scheme delivered by Stockton Riverside College helping unemployed young people, aged 16 to 25, to build their confidence and skills through a series of challenges and tasks including a work placement and community projects. Heather and Daniel successfully completed the course and have now taken up positions as production operatives on SK Foods’ factory floor. The firm’s managing director, Jeremy Faulkner, said: “Both Heather and Daniel worked exceptionally well and as a result of that we offered them both jobs.” A new Prince’s Trust Team programme is due to start at Stockton Riverside College on Monday September 22. For details or to book a place call Amy Langstaff on 07702 990 394. WE’RE STILL ENROLLING! SEPT/OCT 2014 Education St Michael’s GCSE Results STUDENTS at a Teesside Academy have celebrated their latest GCSE results with a host of star-studded performances. Up to 95 per cent of all students achieved five A* to G including English and maths. Under the government’s new accounting rules 68 per cent achieved five A* to C. The school recorded excellent results in subjects such as GCSE French (85 per cent), German (100 per cent), additional science GCSE (80 per cent), physics (95 per cent) and English literature (73 per cent). A notable achievement was attained by Pupil Ross Graham, 16, of Billingham, who sat his exams knowing his mother, Helen, 51, was fatally ill with skin cancer. Helen, who had been fighting cancer for five years, but was only told the condition, was incurable in August last year, died shortly after Ross completed his final exam. Alongside studying for his exams Ross, who achieved 11 GCSEs (including six A*A), also dedicated his time to helping raise over £10,000 for the MacMillan Nurses to keep a promise he made to his mum before she died. The overall results mark a continued journey of improvement for St Michael’s Catholic Academy which has undergone a series of radical changes within the past year. With a new dedicated team of teachers and leaders, new facilities, new uniform and new name it is now part of the multi-academy Carmel Education Trust led by Carmel College, Darlington. Head teacher Andrew Ramsey, who took over the leadership of the school in September 2013, said: “It’s great to see so many smiles on successful faces. We have been delighted with the number of students achieving highly across all of their subjects. “It is a reflection of the supportive and nurturing ethos of St Michael’s that so many staff and students have been in school today celebrating with our students. It is this strong ethos and focus on values that underpins all our success.” 13 St Michael’s News The A-Team, L-R, Daniel Millington, Sean Douthwaite, Beth Hall, Lucy Jones, Darren Stait, Bethany Kelly and Hannah Bradley, who between them achieved 72 A*-A GCSE grades Year 8’s send Bikes to Tanzania Year 8 students from Northfield School and Sports College set themselves a challenge to raise funds that would enable them to send 10 bikes to Tanzania to help young people travel to school. However, as you would expect, young people in Billingham are just so enterprising, that target of 10 was blown out of the water and a phenomenal 58 bikes are now being provided to the village children. The original idea for this project came from Year 8 Tutor Mr Tattersall after reading an article in Grassroots. He asked each form group to put forward names of students who would be prepared to represent them, with the final pupil selections being made by the student council. With a boy and girl selected from each form, the fundraising ideas just flowed, those ideas soon became a reality, from cake sales, to card sales, a sponsored ‘Onesie Walk’ around Wolviston to the sale of handmade Christmas Cards, a mammoth 12 hours sports marathon to selling sticks of candy cane – there was simply no stopping this wonderful team. Of course there was a lot of learning along the way and a huge reality check about a lot with letters to students in Tanzania and teacher Claire Dickinson facilitating a skype call to one of the schools involved, this communication really helped everyone understand the impact the bikes would have and the time that would be saved by being able to cycle to school, when currently students may walk 2 hours each way. This is a superb achievement and we are so proud of you Year 8 (or Year 9 as you will be this term), Elish meets students in visit to India Elish pictured above with students in Pune Billingham teenager Elish Chambers (16 yrs old) wants to thank everyone who helped her represent North East England during her trip to India in August. Travelling with NEE Girl Guiding, this young leader participated in a range of community activities, working with young girls aged 5 – 13 years during the ‘Discover their Potential’ challenge in Pune. Elish said ‘I absolutely loved every bit of India, from the bustle of the city to the remoteness of the villages. Without the support of your readers, I simply wouldn’t have had this fantastic opportunity. I have learned so much from living and working with these young people and created memories that will last a life time. Most importantly, I learned how hard it is for these young people to receive an education that we take so much for granted. It is a struggle to get a place at a government school and students have little resources available to work with, it is amazing they learn so much with so little. I would ask anyone who discounts a ‘call from India’ to think again. Learning to read and speak English is a life changing opportunity not just for the children of India but their families too. We take so much for granted it has made me realise how fantastic our education system is and appreciate all the resources we have at St Michael’s.’ 14 Education Northfield’s Best Ever Examination Results This year, students and staff at Northfield are celebrating record breaking examination results! The number of students achieving 5+A*-C (E+M) is the highest ever achieved at the school and a 14% improvement on last year’s results. 111 students achieved 10 or more A*-C grades; 15 students achieved 10 or more A*/A grades, and 181 students achieved at least 1A*/A grade. Our English results improved by 16 % this year and Maths results have risen by 21% since 2011. Headteacher, Craig Walker, was delighted with the improvements: “Staff, students and parents have worked hard this year and I am so pleased that our students have received the excellent academic results they deserve.” Highest Achieving Students: 14 A*/A: Megan Clark 13A*/A: Eleanor Davidson 11A*/A: Anna Breivik, Jessica Gibson, Emily Lau, William Henderson, Amy Dunhill 10A*/A: Rosie Caldwell, Thomas Siddons, Laura Freer, Morgan Murray, Aimee Connor, Robbie Ayton World Challenge 2014 During the summer holidays, 11 Northfield students experienced the opportunity of a lifetime when they embarked upon a three-and-a-half week journey to Central America. Two years ago, students from Years 9 and 10 dedicated their spare time and energy to raising £3,795 in order to take part in the World Challenge expedition. At the time all they knew was that they would visit three countries and to expect the unexpected. As the two years progressed, the challengers chose exactly what their ideal expedition itinerary would consist of. This included: a three day trek at 3700m above sea level, through a cloud forest in Sierra Norte, Mexico; a two day project in an SOS village, working with disabled orphans in Tuxtla, Mexico; visits to Mayan ruins in Palenque, Mexico, and Tikal, Guatemala; a grueling three day trek through the dense, humid, creepy crawly filled Belizean jungle, and finally a well-deserved rest and relaxation phase on the idyllic Caribbean island of Caye Caulker! All students rose to the challenge by each sharing the roles of team and deputy leaders, accountants, organisers of travel, food and accommodation, and health and safety. They travelled across three countries with two border crossings using planes, boats, coaches and buses, racking up a grand total of 1331.4km (not including the journey to Central America)! The challengers went above and beyond expectations when dealing with difficult and demanding situations abroad which even the most experienced traveller might have struggled with. Their enthusiasm and vigour throughout was commendable, resulting in the most amazing and unique memories created for all involved. The students left as teenagers and returned as mature young adults. SEPT/OCT 2014 Northfield News Education News in Brief Vote at Northfield Students returned to Northfield after their summer break wearing their new school uniform. Last year the students had been asked whether they wished to keep or change their uniform. The result was an overwhelming Yes vote. The students are very proud of their new uniform which has turned heads and even stopped traffic as they walked to school. Debbie Myers, mother of Laura, in Year 8 said: “I think that the new uniform makes the students feel tidy and smart and gives them a sense of pride. Whilst attending an appointment just after school, numerous people asked Laura which school she attended. They gave such positive comments about how smart she looked. People in cars were even slowing down to admire the new uniform”. Year 7 Ebony Butler’s first day at Northfield Northfield’s Art Club Celebrates Billingham’s 50th Folklore Festival Due to the success of last year’s artwork, created by Northfield’s Art Club, Northfield’s students were asked again by the organisers of Billingham Folklore Festival to create an impressive 20 pieces of artwork to be displayed around the arena to mark the festival’s 50th anniversary. During the summer term, pupils from Year 7, 8 and 9 attended art club to create 10 dance figures and 10 flags to represent the wide range of countries that have taken part over the years. Many thanks to all the pupils who have taken part this year and to parents who supported them with extra evenings after school. A huge thanks to Mr Shearman and Mr Smith for their help. Deputy Head Girl Molly Wearne and Head Girl Abbi Liddle Charity Music Night On Thursday 25th September, Northfield is holding an entertainment evening featuring Northfield student musicians, singers and dancers, as well as very special guests, the Silverwood band (the oldest wind band in Teesside) and Saltburn Songsters Ladies Choir. The theme of the eveing is ‘A Night at the Movies’, featuring the music from Harry Potter, Les Miserables, Glenn Miller’s Tuxedo Junction, to name but a few. Ticket prices are £3 for adults and £2 for concessions. All proceeds will be split between Butterwick Hospice and Caner Research. We hope to see you there! New starter Year 7 Isaac Howells If you have stories about your college or school, please email us at: news@billinghamcommunity SEPT/OCT 2014 15 50th Anniversary of the Billingham International Folklore Festival of World Dance Finale of International Folklore Festival goes off with a bang! The finale of the 50th Billingham International Folklore Festival of World Dance went off with a real bang on Saturday night, when thousands of spectators gathered in John Whitehead Park to mark the end of the week-long celebration. After 33 world dance events, 20 workshops, 3 new commissions and 2 street parades - the Festival closed its doors for another year with audiences applauding the passion and enthusiasm displayed by the performers from across the globe. The countries represent in Tees Valley included Chile, Italy, Ireland, Mexico, North Cyprus, Russia, South Korea, Spain, Thailand and the UK. The final day included a farewell parade that saw all of the dancers walking through the town waving to the crowds and saying goodbye and a big thank you for all of their support during the festival. Billingham International Folklore Festival of World Dance was supported by Arts Council England, Stockton Borough Council and the Heritage Lottery Fund. The Festival organisers estimate an increase of 25% on audience attendances of workshops, free and ticketed events in comparison to last year’s event. Joe Maloney, Festival Director said: “After 50 years the people of Billingham still find time to show loyalty towards the Festival, whether it’s to share a tale about bygone days or by attending one of the many unique shows we put on. For us to stay in the public eye for years to come we will need a new generation of people to pick up the cultural baton, and from the high attendance of our young people’s workshops I think the Festival is in safe hands. “I would also like to put on record the overwhelming support we received from our funders and sponsors, as without their input there would be no festival for everyone to enjoy. I really hope that Billingham continues to welcome global performers for years to come and that the Festival stays close to everyone’s heart. ” Over the week-long event the Festival visited venues across Billingham, Middlesbrough and Newcastle ranging from theatres, town halls, churches, schools, colleges, parks bandstands and the bespoke outdoor festival arena. If you missed the Bilingham International Folklore Festival of World Dance you can still read about the programme by visiting www.billinghamfestival. and if you would like to take part in next year’s festival then just drop the organiser’s an email on info@ or by calling 01642 553 220. 16 SEPT/OCT 2014 50th Anniversary of the Billingham International Folklore Festival of World Dance News in Brief SEPT/OCT 2014 17 Business It’s a Love Story When BCN appealed for residents to get in touch if they could help with any of the history of Billingham Press, photo’s, articles, old editions, Val Rutter (aged 79 years) called us and said her late husband Bob used to work there, starting his career as an apprentice. On visiting Val to listen to the rest of the story and see the wealth of information she had kept regarding Bob’s career including some old editions, what unfolded was a real love story. Val was out with friends at the Carlton Dance Hall in Norton, when a handsome young man, Bob, tapped her on the shoulder and asked her to dance; she said ‘I danced with him the rest of that evening, in fact, I really danced with him for the rest of our life together’, Bob sadly died of leukaemia aged just 53 years old in October 1985. The Carlton Dance Hall was opposite what used to be the Fiesta Nightclub (and if you can’t remember the Fiesta you may now know the venue as the Destiny Centre – which seems fitting for Val’s story). Val was 17 years old and Bob was aged 19. At a time when National Service was the norm, Bob was conscripted to serve his 2 years in the military, which took him across the globe to Singapore and Kuala Lumpa before returning home to take up an apprenticeship at Billingham Press. Val said, ‘Love was kept alive through letters at that time as that was the only way you could keep in touch. Through our letters to each other we really got to know each other, so that when Bob came home aged 21 years, we became engaged then married in 1954’. See photo Thinking back Val recalled that moving to Billingham Press meant a pay increase of £3 a week, an absolute fortune in those days. They needed to wait to get a house in Billingham and started building their married lives together. Bob operated the printing press at the newspaper, (see picture) and thoroughly enjoyed his role there. Val remembers the staff parties that the newspaper organised; they kept everyone together and were great fun. In fact through BCN and the Beamish photo’s we published, Val recognised the picture of Freda Maull and Ernie French, both friends from bygone years, Val even had a photo of them in her photo album at ‘The Fiesta’ – both looking as radiant and in love then as they did when they were at Beamish! Val and Bob had 2 sons, Kevin and Graham, with 6 grandchildren and 4 great grandchildren. Val said ‘When I read the article in your newspaper, I decided to hunt out the old album and finding the old editions of Billingham Press decided to contact you. It has brought back so many lovely memories of such happy and loving times, seeing photo’s in my album then pictures in the community newspaper made me think what a small world it is really’. We totally agree with you Val, Billingham is a place where it’s easy to know your neighbour, so glad that you are such a valuable part of our community history. Ivan Harrington’s Apprenticeship BCN had the pleasure of meeting with Ivan Harrington recently to talk about his extensive career with Billingham Press. Ivan, now 85 years old, commenced his career with Billingham Press on 26th August 1943 and he has his original apprenticeship indenture all officially signed and sealed. It’s great to see that even in a time of war, Britain was still investing in education and apprenticeships, very much as we still do today – education and learning is the key. Ivan had a small break of career with his National Service 1947 – 49 when he served with the Artillery but returned to his role in the print room on completion of his service. Across 50 years, Ivan saw the huge transition form letterpress printing through to lithography and digital, in fact he recalls a list being posted in the staff room asking employees to sign if they wanted to move from letterpress to lithography, there were concerns about everyone coping with the modernisation and change but wow, just look at them now! Ivan’s father in law was a bit of a photographer and it didn’t take long for Ivan to get the bug too – taking 1000’s of photo’s across the years and recording the information meticulously to provide a wonderful snapshot of the history of Billingham. Currently Stockton Libraries Archives are working to record this information and when complete will be available for many generations to come. 18 Business SEPT/OCT 2014 Wilton Group Celebrates 20 Glorious Years Directors at Wilton Engineering Group wanted to do something special to celebrate their 20 year anniversary and decided the best way to do that was with people they knew and cared about - their staff! Using the fabulous grounds at Wynyard Hall Hotel and the new marquee which can comfortably host 400 for conferencing and functions, staff were entertained through a wonderful pirate and princess themed day. The sun shone and of course the easiest way to cool down is to put the directors in the stocks and throw wet sponges at them. The catering was outstanding and staff stood poised to help and assist as staff from across the Wilton Group, with their families, enjoyed the fun day. Many congratulations to everyone on Wilton truly a magnificent day. SEPT/OCT 2014 Business Apprentices put through their paces with the army 19 Town Centre Update from Tony Donnelly, Town Centre Manager, Stockland UK Ltd PD Ports has been taking its’ new recruits through a pre-employment programme which has been putting the group through their paces. A group of eight long-term unemployed were selected from over 60 applicants to take part in a five week pre-employment programme which on completion resulted in them joining PD Ports as dock operations apprentices. As part of this programme the cohort spent a week with the 4th Battalion the Yorkshire Regiment at Middlesbrough gaining an insight into the Army Reserve learning about camouflage and concealment, first aid, observation and map reading. The group also undertook a gruelling obstacle course at the Marne Barracks in Catterick. Developed in conjunction with Redcar Development Trust and with the assistance of the Army Reserve, the programme aims to get the recruits ready to be in work instilling self-esteem, boosting morale, encouraging team work and problem solving as well as nurturing a good work ethic. Russ McCallion, PD Ports Group HR Director, commented: “At PD Ports we feel it is important to provide an entry into the world of work for those who are hoping to become apprentices as it ensures they are ready to be committed to their career. We are fully supportive of this group and welcome them into our Company. We will do all we can to ensure that they have every opportunity to secure permanent roles with PD Ports.” Those who went through the initial pre-employment programme have now started their 18 month apprentice programme and following this it is hoped that all will become permanent employees of PD Ports. Ummar scoops the Sieff Award 2014 UMMAR Hanif, Neighbourhood Manager for Thirteen, the parent company of Tees Valley Housing and Tristar Homes, was rewarded for his work recently when he scooped the Sieff Award 2014 at the North East Business in the Community Awards. Ummar won the accolade for being a real advocate of the values of the recently-formed Thirteen Group, as well as his commitment to improving the communities where he works with a passion for developing new approaches to working. The housing expert was an integral part of the board advisory team looking at strategic risks to the business, and has been quick to response to the challenges and threats to social housing, excelling in his career at the same time. Alison Thain, Chief Executive, of the Thirteen Group, said: “Ummar has been a rapidly rising star since he was part of our ‘Open House’ project in 2006 which targeted people from BME communities to consider housing as a profession. “Ummar has constantly demonstrated his undisputed abilities with his flair for developing new initiatives, bringing fresh thinking to our approach to neighbourhood management and using his drive and vision to respond to the challenges and threats to social housing. He is a real asset to, and ambassador for, the Thirteen Group, never taking opportunities for granted and volunteering in his spare time to help others fulfil their ambitions.” His success meant Ummar also recently met Prince Charles at the national Business in the Community Awards. It was really great to see the town centre buzzing throughout Billingham International Folklore Festival, so many of the visitors enjoying the fantastic sunshine we had during the opening ceremony, using our local stores and enjoying the ambience of the redeveloped centre. We had some visitors comment on the fantastic changes and improvements since their last visit to Billingham and spent time relaxing in the sunshine with a coffee watching some of the festival groups entertain shoppers and visitors alike as they performed in and around the centre. With the new Customer Service Centre & Library nearing completion we will soon be able to remove all the fencing and boards from around that development. This building is looking very impressive and compliments the extensive programme of regeneration in the town. We all know that planning permission has been granted for Aldi to develop the site of the Billingham Arms, we hope this investment will bring a host of new opportunities for the community. (Start date for development is still to be announced but we will keep you posted through this column). There have been some enquiries regarding the potential sale of the town centre – discussions are still in progress, again, we will keep you updated should there be any changes. 20 Business Talented youngsters land jobs as Lucite looks to the future Pictured with Laboratory Analyst Natasha Connor (centre) at the Cassel site are Production Technicians (left to right) Dean Blakemore, Tom Swan, Tom Walker, and Cameron Appleyard. Not in the picture are Laboratory Analyst Stuart Arkle, based at Newton Aycliffe and Production Technicians Daniel Liddle and Liam Rutherford. Chemical company Lucite International has again demonstrated the value of the apprenticeship route into work by taking on a team of talented new recruits. Six youngsters, all sponsored by the acrylics intermediates manufacturer throughout their 3 and 4-year apprenticeships at TTE in Middlesbrough, have impressed enough to be offered Production Technician roles at the Billingham site. In addition, the company, which also runs a Polymers and Resins production site at Newton Aycliffe, has taken on two Laboratory Analysts who successfully completed a 2-year sponsored Young Scientist programme via TTE. All the latest recruits are from the Middlesbrough, Stockton and Hartlepool areas. A quarter of the Lucite’s 300-strong workforce on Teesside is now made up of people under the age of 30 and the latest new employees follow in the footsteps of dozens of other former sponsored apprentices to be taken on in recent years who are helping the company to bridge the skills and age gap. Cassel Site Director Melanie Jury said: “We’re delighted with the young people we have WILLS Office & WILL REVIEWS - Hartlepool CARE HOME FEE CLAIMS PROBATE & ESTATES INHERITANCE TAX CARE HOME FEE CLAIMS WILLS & WILL REVIEWS FAMILY TRUSTS LASTING POWERS OF ATTORNEY FAMILY TRUSTS PROBATE & ESTATES LASTING POWERS OF ATTORNEY INHERITANCE TAX 0800 0526 824 Offices in Wynyard, Stockton, Hartlepool & Barnard Castle 0800 0526 824 Tilly Bailey & Irvine LLP is authorised and regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority and is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority for the conduct of investment business. Offices in Wynyard, Stockton, Hartlepool & Barnard Castle recruited. All demonstrated the high levels of motivation and achievement we were looking for during their apprenticeships and landed these permanent jobs totally on merit. “Lucite has an excellent track record over many years of recruiting young people after completing their apprenticeship. Apprenticeships and staff training and development form an essential part of our succession planning as we look to the future.” The Production Technicians all gained an NVQ Level 3 in Process Operations via TTE with some gaining an HNC in Chemical Engineering via Teesside University supported by the company. Dean Blakemore said: “The Production Technician apprenticeship programme included off site training initially followed by 2 years working on site which was invaluable in getting ‘hands on’ experience of the skills required to run the chemical plants.” Natasha Connor completed her Young Scientist programme at the end of 2013 having previously studied science subjects at A Level at Middlesbrough’s Macmillan Academy. Sponsored by Lucite throughout the programme, the company is now encouraging her to study for a Bachelor of Science degree at Teesside University via day-release. She said: “The ability to earn as well as learn was important to me and I’m so glad I followed the apprenticeship route with Lucite’s support.” SEPT/OCT 2014 Cleveland pOLICE update Inspector Marc Anderson Billingham Neighbourhood Inspector I am pleased to inform you that public reported crime for the financial year at the end of August for Billingham is showing a 19% crime reduction compared to the same time last year and reported anti-social behaviour is also showing a reduction of 11%. In summary this means there has been 147 less victims of crime and 128 less calls of anti-social behaviour reported in Billingham over the past five months which can only be a good thing for our community. However your Neighbourhood team have continued to react to incidents reported and such an example has been where there has been a crime series in Billingham north and west where insecure vehicles had been targeted during the months of August and September. Due to this additional officers were deployed on evenings in these specific areas and three persons were arrested during the month of August for these offences. There have been a number of thefts from vehicle across Wolviston, Billingham North and West overnight in the early hours of Thursday 4th September. Patrolling units pursued and detained two males in the area who were subsequently arrested and have since been charged to court for a number of these offences.. Can I remind you all to ensure that you secure your vehicles when unoccupied and where possible remove items of value such as phones, sat navs, lap tops, tools, etc. Thieves need to be denied opportunity, we would rather see offences prevented in the first instance and these are the vehicles that were specifically targeted. Community intelligence is vital to assist us in reducing crime and bringing offenders to justice and I would encourage you all to continue reporting any suspicious incidents or any information relating to crime or antisocial behaviour to your Neighbourhood Policing Team. You can contact your Neighbourhood team on telephone number 101 or alternatively attend one of the community meetings held by Officers that are advertised on Cleveland Police Website. www. OFFICE SPACE AVAILABLE Competitive rates, easy in/out terms For further information please contact Gavin on 01642 533089 or Old Billingham Business Centre 1 Chapel Road, Billingham, TS23 1EN SEPT/OCT 2014 21 Hereford Terrace, Billingham, Stockton-on-Tees, TS23 4AA Telephone: 01642 564077 Let’s get Billingham Healthy! A new initiative linking Healthy Heart checks with school activity is getting under way in Billingham right now. In the coming weeks 11 schools in Billingham will receive a ‘Let’s get Active’ pack of playground equipment to encourage playtime exercise. The packs will consist of lots of fun play equipment including Saturn Skippers, Hula Hoops, Skipping Ropes, Frisbee’s and other fun-filled items to encourage playtime exercise. Along with this the schools will have the opportunity to compete for huge cash prizes to be used for other equipment or to access activities. How will this work and what can you do to help your local school? Book a Healthy Heart check now and your GP surgery will award you a token to give to your local school, the schools that have collected the greatest amount of tokens will win cash prizes. It’s that easy! What’s in it for you? Well, along with helping your local schools and community, the check aims to help you lower your risk of four common but often preventable conditions: heart disease, stroke, diabetes and kidney disease. Who will you do it for? Book a Healthy Heart Check now and look forward to a healthier future. People eligible for the Healthy Heart check are those aged 40-74 who haven’t had a check in the last 5 years and don’t have any of the following: • Coronary Heart Disease • Stroke • Diabetes (any type) • Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD stages 3 to 5) • Hypertension • Atrial Fibrillation • Transient Ischaemic Attack (TIA) • Familial Hypercholesterolemia • Heart Failure • Peripheral Arterial Disease (PAD) or Peripheral Vascular Disease (PVD) • Those who have been prescribed statins • Those who have been identified with a CVD risk score of 20% or above BELP is a not for profit organisation that serves people in our community. The Place in Billingham provides a full and inclusive range of services from community activities through to education, training, work clubs and skills development suitable for all ages and abilities as well as offering a range of programmes to help people into employment and support healthy living. The Place in Billingham also offers confidential advice and guidance in all matters including debt, benefits and housing issues and offers a confidential support service for anyone with drugs or alcohol problems. More than just a community centre, The Place is where those who grace our halls find friends and wider support. Mostly The Place is where we learn to share our lives and develop the essence of our community. WE DON’T JUST GET YOU TRAINED, WE GET YOU INSPIRED. We offer a range of classes which are chosen in keeping with community needs and realistic job opportunities. The courses are reviewed constantly to meet the changing demands and opportunities. TRAINING COURSES AT THE HEREFORD CENTRE: CSCS (construction) Emergency First Aid in the workplace Level 2 Food Hygiene Basic Computing Level 1 Computing Level 1 and 2 Adult Health & Social Care Courses Level 1 and 2 Child Health & Social Care Courses Drugs & alcohol awareness Mental Health awareness Silver surfers (over 60’s If you would like any further details regarding any of the courses please contact June or Ellis at the Hereford Centre on 01642 564077. The Hereford Centre also help people in recovery from alcohol and drugs issues return to work. - If you are in recovery and would like some help to return to work please contact Naomi at the Hereford Centre on 01642 564077. Join Billingham Rugby Club U10’s and U11’s You only have one heart, look after it! Billingham Rugby Club U10’s and U11’s teams are looking forward to a fantastic season again this year. Meeting every Sunday morning, they come together to improve their skills in rugby, health and fitness, developing socially and forming lasting friendships. The U10’s and U11’s teams last year experienced amazing opportunities, with the highlight of their season being chosen to represent England as “Guard of Honour” at Twickenham, the home of English rugby, where they were also given the opportunity to show off their talents on the pitch in front of 78,000 people, an experience which has inspired both teams. The teams have enthusiasm and drive which has led them to some outstanding victories. Win or lose, the team’s passion and spirit is their strength. With the Rugby World Cup 2015 being held in England we and the RFU are looking to get more children involved in this fantastic sport. Youth teams and Mini teams training sessions and matches take place every Sunday. Interested in playing for Billingham Rugby Club? Please contact Colin Snowdon (Youth Chairman) on 07733307861 or or come along to the club on a Sunday morning from 10am. FOLLOW US ON SOCIAL MEDIA @BillinghamWorkC @The_Place_In_Billingham We are looking for the artist amongst you to promote the Healthy Heart project and healthy living in our area. Create a poster and win a prize. You’ll see your poster in the Billingham Community News and in locations throughout the Billingham area. Winning Categories: Under 10 years old Aged 10 to16 years old 16 years old plus Send entries to ………………. 22 SEPT/OCT 2014 Arts Simply Ballet Dance teacher Jo Laud invited BCN across to The Picture House on Mill Lane to visit some of the young people now enrolled into her ballet classes. When looking at the host of dance classes in Billingham from Zumba to Tap, Jo realised that Billingham lacked its own Ballet School and, as a RAD (Royal Academy of Dance) registered teacher with 10 years’ experience decided to open her own school and has been overjoyed at the number of students now enrolled. Jo said ‘Ballet helps develop confidence and poise whatever your age, it’s a great way to keep fit and of course to make new friends. I run classes from age 3 through to more mature citizens who have never even set foot in a ballet studio before. The sessions range from Twinkle Toes to a special session for our seniors, so there truly is something for everyone at Laud Ballet.’ The students who joined with Jo for a photo call dazzled us with their technique and musicality but most of all their smiles. Well done Jo and we wish you continued success with your business. If you want to learn more about the range of classes available www.laudballet. or email Silver Swans Sunday 5 October 2014, 2.00–4.15pm The Picture House South View, Billingham, County Durham TS23 1BT If you’re over 65 and it’s been a while since you danced (or you’ve never given it a go), come along and try our FREE Silver Swans workshop. Open to all abilities, this is a relaxed and friendly workshop featuring: 2.00–2.45pm 2.45–3.30pm 3.30–4.15pm Ballet class Refreshments Zumba To book a place in this one-off workshop contact: Jo Laud – / 07771 722289 Presented by In support of “My first ballet class, aged 67 – just wonderful!” – Silver Swan class attendee, 2013 Photo: Andy Ross, courtesy of Scottish Ballet, Regenerate @RADheadquarters /RoyalAcademyofDance Royal Academy of Dance® is a charity registered in England and Wales No. 312826 Silver SwansTM is a registered trademark of the Royal Academy of Dance House of Blah Blah CREATIVE students are to be given the opportunity to make a show of themselves at a new arts venue on Teesside. Cleveland College of Art & Design graduates Bobby Benjamin and Keren Pearson, have opened the doors to their new artistic venture in Middlesbrough to encourage talented young artists to exhibit their work. The House of Blah Blah, on Exchange Square, features a gallery, studios, archive and storage facilities, a band practice room and project spaces for exhibitions, workshops and photo shoots. “Opening our own arts venue is something that Keren and I have wanted to do for a long time,” said Bobby 31, who studied photography at CCAD before graduating with a fine art degree from university. “We really want to encourage young artists from across Teesside, including CCAD, to come and use the facility, put work on display and show what incredible talent we have here in the North East.” The House of Blah Blah, which has been three years in the planning opened with an exhibition of nine local and international artists, all former CCAD graduates, showing a diverse range of artistic mediums from photography and installations to sculpture, painting, film and textile design. “It’s great to be able to offer event space for creative people, run by artists who understand their creative vision,” said Keren, 27, of Billingham who studied art and design, textiles and fashion at CCAD. “It has been a lot of hard work getting The House of Blah Blah off the ground. The building had been empty and lying derelict for over ten years and it took us six months alone just to restore it for the opening. “Now we hope that it will be a real focal point buzzing with creative artists, writers, musicians, film makers all coming together to help support the arts on Teesside and across BILLINGHAM PLAYERS 2014/15 SEASON INFORMATION Friday 3 October, 7.30pm: We will be hosting a free and informal preseason evening. All are welcome to come along and mingle over a drink, join in the quiz and find out what is in store for the 2014/15 season. We’re also very excited to announce that 2015 is our 40th anniversary year! There will be lots of exciting events and celebrations. We hope our audience will delight in joining us for our Ruby anniversary celebrations. Monday 10 – Saturday 15 November: Oh What a Lovely War This chronicle of the First World War, told through songs and anecdotes from the period, is directed by Sue Brackenbury, with musical direction from Steve McNichol. The show coincides with Armistice Day, which will be particularly poignant this year. We look forward to welcoming our audiences to join us. Wednesday 10 – Friday 12 December: Oh What a Lovely Christmas Our celebration of Christmas, both traditional and modern, is devised by Sue Brackenbury & Steve McNichol. Bring your singing voice and join us for some Christmas sparkles and songs. Monday 9 – Saturday 14 February 2015: Relatively Speaking An Alan Ayckbourn comedy, directed by Julia Armstrong. Greg and Ginny are living together, but Greg is becoming suspicious that he is not the only man in her life. He wonders about Ginny’s plan ‘to visit her parents’ and decides to follow her. In a classic case of mistaken identity, the hilarity ensues in true Ayckbourn style. This was one of our original productions, and Julia was an original star! She is returning to direct this production and begin our 40 year anniversary celebrations. Monday 20 – Saturday 25 April 2015: The Fifteen Streets Adapted by Rob Bettinson from the novel by Catherine Cookson, and directed by Barrie Robinson. Set in 1910, this tells the story of one family’s fight for physical and moral survival in the poverty and squalor of the dockland slums of Tyneside. At the centre is the apparently impossible love affair between rugged docker John O’Brien and Mary Llewellyn, a schoolteacher. For regular news and updates, please see our website: www. Martina Cole Book Signing the country.” The House of Blah Blah will be opening up more space on its second floor over the summer to accommodate musicians and a library, as well as a submission area for new artist to sell their work. For more information on opportunities at CCAD contact (01642) 288888 or log on to Bestselling author Martina Cole is heading to Thornaby Central Library next month to talk about her latest novel, The Good Life. The event on Thursday 9 October will offer fans of the hard-hitting writer the chance to learn about her life and work as well as her latest thriller. Martina will be signing books at the end of the event. Martina is renowned for her uncompromising and haunting writing set in and around gangland London. Her books have been adapted for both television and the stage. The Good Life is Martina Cole’s 21st novel and will be on sale to the public at the beginning of October. The event starts at 7.15pm. Tickets cost £4 and are available through the Visitor Information Centre at the Rediscover Shop on Stockton High Street, by telephone on (01642) 528130 or from any library in Stockton Borough. Booking is essential. SEPT/OCT 2014 23 Health QUEENSWAY DENTAL CLINIC Queensway Dental Clinic Hits the Gold Standard Queensway Dental Clinic has been awarded the Investors in People (IIP) Gold standard, the first dental clinic in the north east region to achieve the highest level of people management accreditation. Queensway Dental Clinic, which employs over 100 staff across its sites in Billingham and Darlington, joins the top seven per cent of accredited organisations across the UK who believes in realising the potential of their teams. The dental practice has been recognised for its commitment to developing and supporting its employees. After renewing the Investors in People standard earlier this year, IIP were so impressed with the people management practices at Queensway that it reassessed the clinic and awarded the highest accolade of gold. Joanne Cooper, Practice Manager at Queensway Dental Clinic said: “We are proud to have been awarded the Investors in People Gold standard, the business is only as good as its people and this award reflects our dedicated team. In the future we will continue to develop and maintain the high standards that we already have in place.” Investors in People is the UK’s leading accreditation for business improvement through people management, and provides a wealth of resources for businesses to innovate, improve and grow, with a focus on good people making great business. Paul Devoy, Head of Investors in People, said: “We’d like to congratulate Queensway Dental Clinic on its Gold standard. Such a high level of accreditation is the sign of great people management practice, and demonstrates a commitment to staff development and shows an organisation committed to being the very best it can be. Queensway should be extremely proud of their achievement.” Steve Burrows, Managing Director of Investors in People North of England said: “This is a fantastic achievement for Queensway and I would like to congratulate the team on their success. We believe that good people make a great business and as a proven organisational development framework, Investors in People is designed to help organisations and their people to realise potential, enhance performance and meet goals. With their Gold accreditation, Queensway is certainly working to realise their people potential.” To find out more and read profiles of the team at Queensway Dental Clinic, visit Queensway Dental Clinic, 170 Queensway. Billingham, Teesside, TS23 2NT Call us on 01642 554667 or please visit Ross takes on the coast to coast for Macmillan We reported last edition on the sad loss of Helen Graham and the pledge her son 16 year old son Ross made to her, that he would cycle the Coast to Coast, fundraising for Macmillan in memory of the help and support they gave to his family during that sad time. We are pleased to report that Ross Graham did indeed complete the Coast to Coast, not with his training buddy Joe Howard, who broke his shoulder just 2 days before the event but, with another great friend Ralf Hodgson (17 Years old) pictured right. Ross, managed to complete all the intensive training with Joe, then following completion of his GCSE’s set off from the Marina in Whitehaven completing the challenge in Roker Sunderland in just one day (a very long 12 hour day!). Ralf travel up from competing in another cycling event in Devon,so he could accompany Ross throughout the challenge. Ross raised over £11,000 for Macmillan and successfully achieved A* in his GCSE’s. What a star he is, well done Ross! p o h S k c o L e h T 23 1AF S T m lingha Keys l i B d a on Ro hs and Auto i t a t S 11 ksmit c o L r 24 h · · · · · Key cutting service Auto Spare Keys, Replaced, Chipped and Coded Auto Key Remote Repair service available Locks, Padlocks, Keys and Remotes All domestic, commercial & auto work covered Tel: 07717357791 24 SEPT/OCT 2014 + This winter, protect yourself from flu Eat Healthy Foods and changing your eating habit Choosing healthier foods is easier than you may think. By changing just a few eating habits you can make a big difference to your diet. Making small changes to your diet is the healthiest and most achievable way to lose weight. visit the for more details Your first step is to eat fewer foods high in calories, fat, salt and sugars and swap them for something healthier, including more fruit and vegetables. Remember, small changes can add up to make a big overall difference to your diet. Find out more in the eatwell plate about which foods you should be eating – and in what amounts – to achieve a balanced diet. Food and drink swaps Try these small changes when you have your next meal or drink, or when you open the kitchen cupboard or fridge looking for a snack. Once you’ve got started, try thinking of your own healthier swaps, too. When buying pre-packed food, don’t rely on the attractive promotional print on the wrapping, which can be misleading. Instead, learn to read the nutritional information when checking for calorie, fat, salt and sugar content. Breakfast • Swap from whole milk to semi-skimmed, 1% fat or even skimmed milk. • Swap a sugar-coated breakfast cereal for a whole grain breakfast cereal such as porridge or shredded whole grain wheat cereal with no added sugar. • Swap a sprinkle of sugar on your breakfast cereal for a topping of fresh or dried fruit, which counts towards one of your five a day. • Swap full-fat Greek yoghurt for lower-fat or fat-free Greek yoghurt, or natural low-fat yoghurt. Lunch • Swap white breads, bagels and muffins for whole grain varieties. • Swap butter and cheese in your jacket potato for reduced fat spread and reduced salt and sugar baked beans. • Swap a tuna melt panini for a tuna salad sandwich on wholemeal bread without mayo. • Swap a cheddar cheese filling in your sandwich for reduced-fat hard cheese. Dinner • Swap creamy or cheesy sauces for tomato- or vegetable-based sauces on your pasta, meat or fish dishes. • Swap mashed potato made with butter and whole milk for mash with low-fat spread and a lower-fat milk such as semi-skimmed, 1% fat or skimmed. • Choose leaner cuts of meat: for example, swap streaky bacon for back bacon. • Swap the frying pan for the grill when cooking meat. Drinks • Swap a coffee made with whole milk to a “skinny” coffee made with semi-skimmed or skimmed milk. • Swap a cordial for a cordial with no added sugars. • Swap a few of your sugary drinks for a glass of water. • Swap a cola or fizzy drink with some 100% fruit juice (with no added sugar) mixed with soda water. • Swap hot chocolate made with whole milk and served with whipped cream for a hot chocolate made with skimmed milk and no cream. Snacks • Choose from these 10 surprising 100kcal snacks • Swap a blueberry muffin for a currant bun on its own or with some reduced fat spread. • Swap yoghurt-coated raisins for plain raisins. • Swap salted nuts for unsalted nuts. • Swap cheese straws for rice cakes with lower-fat cream cheese. The eatwell plate highlights the different types of food that make up our diet, and shows the proportions we should eat them in to have a well balanced and healthy diet. Free Advice and Support available: Health Trainer service (FREE 1:1 advice on improving diet, being more active and weight loss for adults) 01642 383833 Lite4life service (FREE group weight loss service for adults) - 01642 526696/526740 Flu is a highly infectious disease which can affect anyone during the winter months. It causes very unpleasant symptoms which often result in missing work/school and upset normal living for several days, even weeks. In some cases the infection is more serious, can lead to serious complications and may even be fatal. It is caused by a virus which can be spread by coughing or sneezing. It can be picked up by breathing in droplets from the air or touching contaminated surfaces. Some people are more susceptible to infection and can suffer more seriously from the complications of flu. These people include the elderly, pregnant women and those with certain long term conditions. In other words, people who you are likely to be in contact with each day, maybe without realising it. There is a very easy way to protect not just yourself, but also those who you could pass the virus on to…. HAVE A FLU JAB. If you receive this vaccination you will protect yourself from flu and its complications and so won’t be able to infect anyone you come into contact with, either at home or in the workplace. Even if you have been vaccinated in previous years it is vital to get it again this year, as each year a new vaccination is used to protect against the latest and most harmful strains of the flu virus. The Pharmacy offers a flu vaccination service which is available free of charge to those who are eligible on the NHS. Our staff can advise you if you fall into this group. If not we can still vaccinate you for a small fee. There is no need to make an appointment; we will fit you in at a time to suit you. Flu can be a major cause of people taking sick days off work which is inconvenient and costly to businesses. If you are an employer and would like to offer the flu vaccination to you employees, please call The Pharmacy to discuss how we could help with this. Our vaccination service will run from 29th September so now is the time to plan your flu jab, before winter sets in. To find out more please drop in, visit our website or call us on 01642 530304 SEPT/OCT 2014 Sport Hartlepool Sixth Form College has achieved Continuous Outstanding Academic Success for the last eight years – with the highest A Level Pass rate in the area of 99.8% for 2013 Meet the academy team at elitesport@hsfc HARTLEPOOL SIXTH FORM COLLEGE IT’S NOT TOO LATE TO ENROL 99% 100% 298* A level pass rate BTEC pass rate 25 Star grades this year Continuous Outstanding Academic Success A 30 year tradition that money can't buy! It’s not too late to enrol at the top performing college in the area! elitesport@hsfc has established itself as one of the best sporting programmes in the region, with over 200 students qualifying for national championships in recent years and also forming part of the colleges academy programme. A combination of academic excellence and performance sport has seen huge growth in the academies and if you look at the quality and pedigree of our academy coaching team its clear to see why. Not only do our students progress to top sporting universities to continue their studies, many also achieve sporting excellence and develop their performance to excellent levels with sport forming an integral part of their college lives. Below are some profiles of the coaching team. Please note that even if we don’t run an academy in your chosen sport, anyone of county standard or above will receive athlete support and a benefits package to help you achieve to the maximum. Chris Hyndman: Academy and Elite Athlete Manager Former England U18/20 and Northampton Saints rugby player, Chris is the elite athlete mentor in the college. Due to his elite level background Chris knows what it takes to reach the very top of your chosen sport. His ability to motivate and ‘pinpoint’ areas for improvement with athletes has helped guide many of the college’s alumni to where they are now with regards to their chosen sport. Chris is also the head coach of the college’s rugby academy which has established itself as one of the best programmes in the area. His ability as a coach not only resides in rugby but across a range of sports where he challenges the athletes involved and creates an environment is which they can flourish. In recent years, academy graduates have gained elite sports scholarships to many higher education establishments such as Durham University and also to South Africa with the famous Natal Sharks Academy. Contact the college: TWITTER.COM/HPOOLSFC FACEBOOK.COM/HPOOLSFC Tel: 01429 294444 Email: web: Hartlepool Sixth Form College Brinkburn, Blakelock Road Hartlepool, TS25 5PF Willie Boland- Football Academy Elite Team Coach: Willie has a vast amount of experience in the game and is currently completing his UEFA A Licence. During his professional career he played in the Premier League for Coventry City making 60 appearances. He also played for Cardiff City and was involved in their promotion season 2002-03 and voted the clubs player of the year. After finishing his career in Hartlepool he coached as part of the centre of excellence for Hartlepool United and now coaches at the Middlesbrough Centre of Excellence with age groups 14-16 years old. Willie’s philosophy is to get the ball on the ground and play and he adopts this same methodology to all sessions within the college academy structure with a real focus on the technical development of players. Dave Newton - Football Academy Development Team Coach: Dave is Chairman of Greatham Community Football Club which is highly regarded as one of the best Community Clubs in the North East. He has a wealth of experience in coaching from ages 6-18 and is currently involved in the Hartlepool United Development Centre for young players. Dave has recently completed a number of FA youth modules and specific FA professional development courses and works alongside Willie Boland in creating a programme where players of all abilities will flourish. Tom Heselton- Sports Scientist and Lindsay Johnson Academy for Girl’s Football Coach: Tom is a Loughborough University Sports Science graduate and ex pupil of the college. Whilst completing his degree Tom worked as an assistant coach to the Loughborough Men’s and Women’s football teams and due to his skills and abilities was offered a role as Sports Scientist and Analyst to the Antigua and Barbuda Men’s International Team in their build up to the World Cup of 2014. On completion of this role Tom moved back to the area and is now the colleges sports Scientist, working specifically with all our scholars and teams in aspects such as strength and conditioning, preparation and recovery. Tom also provides Physio and Sports Science Support to Hartlepool United Youth Team. The girls programme is also overseen and designed in conjunction with Lindsay Johnson, current Everton Ladies player and ex England International. Lindsay visits the college whenever she can to deliver sessions to the squad. It is not too late to enrol for September 2014 – you can register your interest at, or ring us on 01429 294444 @HSFC_SPORT @HSFC_SPORT 26 Sport SEPT/OCT 2014 Hartlepool Sixth Form College Marie Lithgo - Head Netball Coach Marie is Head Netball Coach of the colleges prestigious Netball Academy and has made a huge impact since taking over in 2013. Marie is currently coaching at an elite level and as well as being the Head Coach at the college she is also British Army Head Coach, South Durham and Cleveland County Head Coach and a qualified England Netball tutor and coach assessor. It’s safe to say that if you want to develop as a player you are in very safe hands and the college run an elite and development team each year. Marie has also captained the Army and Tri-services teams. A Few words from our Students Luke Wilson (St Michaels School, Billingham) I had an exceptional 2 years at the college. They helped me develop as a Rugby Player whilst also gaining a BTEC Extended Diploma in Sports Science at D*D*D*. I had the opportunity to play at National Championships during both years as we were regional champions Dan Marshall (Northfield School, Billingham) Dan swam the final of both events and set a PB in the 200 freestyle finishing 4th from all college students in the country. This was done in front of a packed out swimming arena at Bath University. Due to his performance this year Dan has been awarded a scholarship next year at the college and will benefit from all of the extra support that this brings. Dan said, ‘I really enjoyed Nationals and it added to the many competitions that I take part in as a Middlesbrough ASC swimmer. It was also great to set a PB whilst down there and the level of competition was higher than I expected. It was also great to be part of a team of fellow athletes and the morale and atmosphere was something I will always remember. I hope to qualify next year and go a few places better. I am also part of the elite athlete support programme and would recommend the college to any aspiring athlete’. Johan Olkers - Forwards Coach (Rugby) Johan grew up in South Africa and played professional rugby for Blue Bulls Rugby Union in Pretoria. He has also played professionally in Ireland as well as holding Head Coach positions in University and Professional clubs in both South Africa and England. He has a wealth of experience in coaching forwards play and has spent a lot of time developing his coaching knowledge as well as holding the prestigious position as forwards coach for Pumas Rugby Union who compete in the Premier Division of the Currie Cup in South Africa. Being a recent addition to the coaching team, we are very excited to welcome someone of Johan’s pedigree and are sure that you will benefit from his excellent knowledge of the game. Puzzles & Fun SUDOKU EASY HARD visit our website for answers - It is not too late to enrol for September 2014 – you can register your interest at, or ring us on 01429 294444 ALPHA-SEARCH KIDS WORDSEARCH Each word ends in C Can you find the hidden words? They may be horizontal, vertical, diagonal, forwards or backwards. Can you find the hidden words? They may be horizontal, vertical, diagonal, forwards or backwards. AQUATIC, ATOMIC, ATTIC, BASIC, CLASSIC, CLINIC, COMIC, COSMIC, CRITIC, DISC, EPIC, FABRIC, GARLIC, HEROIC, LOGIC, LYRIC, MAGIC, MEDIC, MIMIC, MUSIC, MYSTIC, PANIC, PICNIC, RELIC, SONIC, TONIC, TOPIC, TOXIC, TRAGIC, ZINC. ALBATROSS, BEAR, CAMEL, CHEETAH, CROCODILE, DOLPHIN, EAGLE, ELEPHANT, HORSE, KANGAROO, LEOPARD, LIZARD, MONKEY, OCTOPUS, PELICAN, PENGUIN, RABBIT, SNAKE, SQUIRREL, WHALE. SEPT/OCT 2014 27 Sport Junior Stars Shine at England Camp The England Under 14 Ice Hockey team held a two day intensive camp at Swindon recently competing against the best young talent in the country. Ethan Hehir, Alex Kelly and James Hellens were all successful in gaining a place in the England u14 squad – This is a fantastic achievement for the players and the Junior Club at Billingham. The players were originally noticed by the England sectors when competing in Hull at the National Conference Championships on the May Bank Holiday weekend. All three were part of the Northern Conference u13s who finished as unbeaten champions, from this the players were invited to the England trial at Swindon. The boys started to play ice hockey at 4 to 5 years of age, with Alex and Ethan at Billingham and James with Newcastle. All three players are extremely hard working and Tees Active are extremely happy to support them in their continued development at both club and international level. Each player will bring different attributes to the England Squad: Alex is a Net-Minder who is very strong on his skates and impresses with his speed and agility, he finished in the top three Net-Minders at the Conference Finals with a 91.49% save average. James transferred from Whitley Bay last season and moved into a more defensive role, he has a very strong physical presence coupled with an offensive flair that will lead to goals. James led the scoring in the Billingham U14s last season. Ethan is a very passionate on attack, a superb forward who is known for his finishing ability particularly around the net area. This is the second outing for Ethan at England level as he represented the u13s last year travelling to Quebec. We wish the boys every success in this coming season and hope they enjoy their experiences in Europe scheduled for February and April 2015. Billingham Forum Junior stars have gone from strength to strength, from entry levels in Learn to Play, all the way through u10s, u12s, u14s, u16s and u18s, boosting excellent facilities with support available to help all our young stars reach their potential in this very demanding sport. Any youngsters wishing to try this exciting sport for the first time can do so on Sundays at the Left to right, Ethan Hehir , Alex Kelly, James Hellens Billingham Forum : 4:15pm to 5:30pm contact venue for pricing / conditions Billingham Five A Side League Busy Billingham Town FC Well it’s been another busy couple of month at the club, the shelter for disabled supporters has been installed so the game can be watched under cover, this improvement was funded by Middlesbrough & Teesside Philanthropic Foundation for which we are very grateful. The new season kicked off in August and at that first game we launched over 140 balloons in our 1st balloon release, so far the only tag to be returned has been from Cowpen Lane – we’re sure that at least one balloon must have travelled further than that!!!! The first game also saw the introduction of our new mascot Billy the Bear, we are confident we are the only team playing at this level to have a club mascot. To help raise funds and be more sustainable, we raffled off the name of the ground in pre-season training, a lot of local companies supported this initiative but the winner was Evolution Valves, so for the rest of the season our ground will be known as ‘The Evolution Arena’. Many thanks to everyone who supported us throughout our fundraising. The first player of the month for this season was Joel Callander, this award is being sponsored by Peking Garden in Stockton. Each month they are kindly offering a meal for two and a drink each for the player receiving this award. Our next fundraiser, is our Show of the Month being held on 4th October 2014, we have local singer Danny Stevens entertaining us, tickets are £2 and available at the club or via a committee . On the pitch the team has made a steady start to the season after 6 games they have drawn 4 and lost 2, the early fixtures were seen as a difficult start, so to come through that with 4 draws is seen as steady progress after last season. We have also had Wynyard Juniors lead the teams out and take half time penalties against Billy the bear which the kids loved, if any junior teams, schools or local groups would like to do the same contact us via our website Our club is family friendly, if you’ve never been to one of our games take time to pop along for a look, you will receive a warm welcome and might just be bitten by the local football bug! Billingham Synthonia Under 9’s Charity Day Martin Bennington, Manager of Billingham Synthonia Under 9’s football club hosted a charity event at SRC Bede 6th Form to fundraise for Rebecca Henderson, who is currently undergoing treatment at Newcastle RVI. Raising over £1000 on the day, Martin wants to send thanks to all who helped and supported by donations or purchases, or simply turning up and supporting the occasion. Special thanks to Andy Collett, Gary Skyes, Phil Laverick, Grassroots Community, MFC Foundation and Tesco Distribution Centre for their support. Pictured are the Under 9’s all with their medals presented on the day for helping throughout the fundraiser. In the opening game of the new season newly promoted Blue Bells, Newton Bewley eased past Monkey Hangers with an 8v2 win to open their campaign. Station Plastering took an early at the top of the table sinking Swans 11v3. Last season’s league champions, Barwick Rangers, continued their unbeaten run against Scouting For Goals winning their match 6v2. In the final game of the night promoted Pinpoint Recruitment found Motortech a tough prospect losing 2v4. The first games in the second division are played at SRC Bede Sports Hall, on Marsh House Avenue, from 7.00 p.m. on Sunday 14 September. Diesel Centre, Eston open against new team Farcelona. Relegated Spartans then play Half A Crown followed by The Wanderers & P.A.C.S. New team Teesside Wanderers play Billingham Fire to complete the fixtures. For more information on fixtures, results & news please visit our website or follow us on Facebook or Twitter @b5side If you have sports stories please email us at: news@billinghamcommunity 28 Sport Comets are Ice Hockey’s British Masters Champions Cleveland Comets travelled to Nottingham to take part in the British Masters (Over 35) tournament at the weekend and posted an impressive 8 game unbeaten streak to lift the Championship Trophy With a number of former Bombers, Stars and Wasps players in their lineup there was occasions when the games resembled a replay of the former Heineken League’s heyday as players from Blackpool, Durham, Grimsby, Solihull, Milton Keynes and Nottingham faced each other 20yrs further down the line. Though the pace may not have been as fast as those glory days the skill was still evident for all to see with the passion for the game shining through. Comets posted an impressive first day in the group stages as the won all four games to top their group and most importantly secure the no 1 ranking for Sunday’s championship games. Opening against their derby rivals Durham Dragons, Comets shared the spoils with a 2-2 tie. Comets went into the second game to destroy Grimsby Lightning with an emphatic 4-0 win to get their title challenge back on track. It all looked to be in vain as Blackpool Seagulls led by a single goal from their Canadian star Dave Anthony but with just 2 secs left Simon Hehir proved why he was named forward of the tournament as he rifled the puck into the roof of the net for the equalizer. That draw keeping Comets hopes alive. .The Comets went into their final game knowing they had to win by a 5 goal margin to secure the Championship and although Nottingham may have been in their own building and with the majority of the crowd behind them, Comets outstanding team work came shining through. The home net was peppered by shots as Comets gave every last ounce of effort in search for goals. The first 3 came pretty quickly as Cleveland raced into a 3-0 lead. With their own hopes of victory now gone Nottingham had every intent of spoiling Comets party Stout defending, excellent net minding and the pipework continually denied the Comets assault on Nottingham’s net, Goal no 4 came with 9 mins left and seemed to lift Cleveland’s tiring limbs A last gasp push saw Tony Boynton pick out Simon Hehir who finished clinically to secure the Masters Championship title for the jubilant Comets. SEPT/OCT 2014 British Gas National Swimming Championships 2014 Billingham ASC swimmer Stephanie Blakeburn has returned from The British Gas National Swimming Championships in Sheffield as National Champion in the 200 metres individual medley event. Stephanie stormed to victory in the 200 metres individual medley final to win the gold medal in a super new personal best time. Stephanie had qualified for the final in first place where she had to beat off strong opposition, including Olympic medalist Kerry –Anne Payne, to win the gold medal taking 2 seconds off her previous best time. Stephanie later received accreditation from The Amateur Swimming Association and was named as swimmer of the day in The Championships. Three days later, Stephanie was back on the medal podium again, winning the bronze medal in 200 metres butterfly in another hotly contested race. Stephanie had qualified for the final in fourth place and powered her way to win the bronze medal in the final. Throughout the week Stephanie competed in a total of seven events setting personal best times and also reaching the finals of 400 metres freestyle, 100 metres butterfly and freestyle. Head Coach Guy Fawkes was delighted with Stephanie’s impressive swimming results. He said that this has been a particularly tough year for Steph, combining a full time degree course at Teesside University with her demanding training schedule. Steph has managed to balance both with excellent results. It is wonderful to see her end the swimming year crowned as National Champion. Billingham Stars are ready to take on all-comers ULTIMATE WELCOME TO windows & conservatories Est. 1988 After a busy summer of transfers and competition format changes, Billingham Stars are ready to take on all-comers as they look to avoid three seasons on the spin without a trophy. The Teessiders have seen quite a few comings and goings throughout the summer - Canadian Thomas Stuart-Dant and Chris Sykes - both high-scoring forwards - signed from League rivals Sutton Sting, whilst Billingham-born defenseman Tom Keeley returns after three years playing in North America. Billingham have made sure that they have a squad large enough to cope with the rigours of a long campaign by retaining the bulk of last season’s team. The National Ice Hockey League North competition has reverted to a Division 1 and 2 format, plus the Stars will compete in the new Challenge Cup, a competition that will see Billingham take on four teams from Billingham Removals the higher level English Premier League – Manchester Phoenix, Peterborough Phantoms, Sheffield Steeldogs and Telford Tigers. The Stars are delighted to be welcoming back main sponsors Ultimate Windows for another season. Fans are able to ensure both entry and their favourite seat is secure by purchasing a season ticket – these are still available priced at £135 adults, £90 concessions and £440 family (2+2) and cover all League and Cup fixtures. Crossword Across 1. Nil (4) 3. Cask (6) 8. Security device (7) 9. Water barrier (3) 10. Terse (4) 11. Rudderless (6) 13. Technical terminology (6) 15. Zealous (4) 18. Written record of events (3) 19. Countries (7) 21. Currency unit (6) 22. Labyrinth (4) Down 1. Fastner (3) 2. Detection instrument (5) 4. Japanese martial art (6) 5. Armbones (5) 6. Restricted (7) 7. Adult male swan (3) 10. Coaxed (7) 12. Part of the eye (6) 14. Majestic (5) 16. Stringed instrument (5) 17. Consumed (3) 20. Litigate (3)
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