Late Summer - Birchwood Lakes Community Association


Late Summer - Birchwood Lakes Community Association
Vol. 8 No. 2
Late Summer 2013
President’s Message
More photos
By Clare Bennett, President
I thought I would have difficulty in coming up with a topic for my message this issue.
However, the topic pretty much fell into my lap based on recent events and activities. I
am dismayed at the increase in poor behavior, acts of vandalism and theft, destruction of
property, and disregard for the wellbeing and safety of other members - especially our
In just less than one month, we have received reports of individuals on mini-bikes and
ATV’s tearing up our roadways, beaches, playgrounds and baseball field. We had speeding
vehicles, including a vehicle speeding in and out of the main entrance with no regard for
the safety of the children in the area and the adults that tried to stop him.
We received complaints of vandalism on members’ homes and property. We have had
theft of flowers and flower pots throughout the community, an entrance gate and camera
was purposefully vandalized and destroyed. Individuals are throwing stones over the fence
into our newly renovated pool and the newly purchased teeter totter has been damaged.
It appears that some members think “oh well, it has nothing to do with us – the Association will pay for it.” WE ARE THE ASSOCIATION – EACH ONE OF US. We all
pay for these acts in one way or another. Every time we have an act of vandalism we have
to submit a report to the insurance company. This can, and has in the past, resulted in a
significant increase in our insurance rates.
It results in other extra costs; repairs require materials, time and labor. Every time we
have to investigate and record an incident it takes us away from other necessary business
functions. Every time maintenance has to respond and act upon any incident it means
they lost that time to pursue regular maintenance duties. In some cases when we identify
the culprits they will be held directly financially responsible. But in all cases these extra
expenses have to come out of our budget. When expenses increase, so do our dues. So, I
repeat, we all pay for the poor actions of a few.
Any of you who know me know that I care deeply for this Community. Therefore, on
a personal level, I am reaching out to the Members of Birchwood for your help. What can
you do to help? Report incidents to the office and, if you can, help identify the individuals
responsible for these acts.
Maybe you know the kids in some of these incidents (we know it is not all kids) but
you don’t want to report them to the office or police – maybe let the parents of those kids
know what is going on – they may not be aware of what their children are up to. Talk to
your own children and/or grandchildren about appropriate behavior and about the rules
and regulations of the Association. Respect for people and property appears to be becoming a thing of the past.
Finally, on a similar note, I would like to remind you all that our staff works very hard
for the Association. We have a small staff and they are kept on their toes every minute of
every day attending to the needs of the Association and its Members. I have had reports, or
witnessed firsthand on occasion, members who are verbally abusive or harassing, including towards our young lifeguards. They don’t deserve to be treated in such a manner and,
thankfully, it doesn’t happen too often – but it shouldn’t happen at all. If a Member has an
issue or complaint I ask that they follow procedure and fill in a complaint form, which will
be handled through the appropriate channels.
I know that most of you, like me, care deeply for the community we live in and for our
neighbors and friends. Let us not allow those few disrespectful people ruin it for us. Let
us show them that we won’t stand for their behavior, so that we call all enjoy the beauty
around us.
Enjoy the summer. We have a beautiful pool renovation completed and lots of summer
activities. I hope that you get to attend some of them. Because of Birchwood and family
obligations I haven’t had too much of an opportunity to get out yet to our activities, but I
do hope to soon and look forward to seeing you throughout the summer.
Birchwood Lakes Community Association
212 Aspen Road
Dingmans Ferry PA 18328
Stroudsburg, PA
Birchwood VOICE
Activities Update
By Clare Bennett, President
Below is an update on some of our activities. If you have any questions about any of
these projects or any other activity in Birchwood please do not hesitate to call the office.
739 Entrance – The Board of Directors distributed a letter asking for volunteers who
use the main entrance gate Monday through Friday, between 4:15pm and 6pm, to have
their gate card access blocked during this time period. Unfortunately, we did not receive
enough volunteers to make this approach feasible. We sincerely thank those members who
did volunteer. Therefore, the Board of Directors will move forward with a plan that will
meet the traffic reduction requirements imposed on us by PADOT and that will be most
cost effective to the Members. The plan, which goes into effect October 1, 2013, will
block 50% of members in good standing, 50% of renters and 100% of members not in
good standing, from using the main entrance gate during this time period. Those members
will be able to use the other gates. Blocking will be on an 8 month rotation alphabetically
and for only that Monday through Friday, 4:15pm to 6pm time period.
Pool – The pool renovations are completed and the pool opened Memorial Weekend,
on schedule. The Board of Directors will be asking the Membership to approve reserve
money in the amount of $10,000 to replace the existing fence around the pool and, if funds
permit, to extend the fencing to include grassy seating areas within the pool area.
Salt Issue - Monthly field and quarterly lab testing continue and these results are being
closely monitored by our hydro-geologist. The exploratory well at Ivy Court underwent
an 8 hour pump test and static water level testing was performed throughout the pump test
on some of the surrounding wells to monitor water yield and any potential drawdown of
the surrounding wells. We await the results of that testing. The maintenance yard well was
modified by installing a packer to separate the good strata from the bad. The well will be
monitored and tested to see how successful the placement of the packer is and to determine if it will be a viable option for some of the impacted wells in the area. If these tests
are successful our hydro-geologist will submit a plan to the PADEP for their review and
approval before we can proceed. A meeting will be held with the area homeowners on July
20th at 1pm, followed by a community wide meeting at 2:30pm to update the members on
the salt issue.
Upper Birchwood Lake Dam Permit – The permit application was submitted in
September and the PADEP requested further surveying. The surveying was completed
and revealed that in one portion of Upper Lake we will be required to build a berm or sea
wall due to low lying properties. We have approved additional surveying required by the
engineer so that he can develop the specifications for the berm and we await more details
at this time. The Board of Directors is asking the membership for a reserve vote item of
$25,000 to be applied towards a bond for Upper Lake Dam. See more details in the Reserve Vote article.
Roads – Major drainage work has begun by Wayco on the upper part of Butternut and
Basswood. We are still working on the specifications and permit for the drainage work on
Old Oak Court. We continue to fill potholes in-house but they are developing faster than
The official publication of the
Birchwood Lakes Community Association
Published four times a year by
Community Newspaper Publishers
237 Phyllis Court, Stroudsburg PA 18360
PHONE: (570) 476-3103
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made by advertisers.
Late Summer 2013
we can address them. We have received estimates from a couple of companies to do these
road repairs as well as additional repairs on Butternut and Basswood. The Roads Committee will need to review and prioritize based on funding available.
Delinquent accounts – The Board is pleased to observe that collections efforts are
showing good progress. We continue to seek judgments on delinquent accounts and we
are following through on liens and sheriff sales where necessary. If you are in arrears and
wish to make payment arrangements please contact the office as soon as possible to avoid
legal action.
Office Building – Work has begun on repairs to the exterior of the office building. We
will be replacing the roof, windows, doors and siding and repairing the foundation. Work
is expected to be completed by the first week in August. We have removed the carpet and
put down a new sub-floor in the main office area. We have also created custom built desks
in the main office area to accommodate our Collections Clerk and Recreation Coordinator.
One of our members has generously offered to donate paint to paint the office interior and
we are looking at flooring options to replace the carpet. If anyone would like to donate
flooring for our office please call us.
Landlords/Tenants – New By-Laws and Rules and Regulations are in place relating to
rental properties. Please review and observe the new By-Laws and Rules and Regulations
if you have not already done so. All homeowners who rent out their home (unless it is a
family member) MUST have a one year lease, insurance and registration form on file with
the office. NO EXCEPTIONS. Citations will be issued if found in violation.
Badges & Decals – The 2013/2014 badges are now available at the office. All Members are reminded to wear their badges when using any of the common areas, and when attending meetings and/or recreational events. Lifeguards have been instructed to ask to see
everyone’s badge so please display them. Anyone without a badge will be asked to leave
the common area or will not be admitted to meetings or events. Please also make sure you
have your vehicle and boat decals. Public Safety is issuing citations for non-compliance.
From Our Recreation Coordinator
By Chrissie DeCola
On behalf of the Birchwood Lakes recreation staff, I would first like to thank all of our
volunteers and community members for their support in making our functions up to date
a success, especially Clare Bennett, Vinnie Flatt, and Joanne McInerney. Our community
members have been great in involvement and attendance, and a special “thank you” to all
of the new faces I have seen so far! All of our functions are designed to make the members
of Birchwood Lakes feel even more part of our community, so come and participate, “the
more, the merrier!” Thus far, we have had a party to celebrate the reopening of our beautiful new pool, our annual 3K walk, the Independence Day pool party, and a teen night at
the clubhouse, among other events. On a weekly basis, we have children’s arts and crafts,
bingo, and morning exercise swim sessions for adults.
With respect to future events, we have an upcoming Ice Cream Social on July 26th,
the kid’s fishing tournament on August 4th, and (my personal favorite) our annual Adult
Dinner Dance on August 17th. This year’s Adult Dinner Dance will have an 80’s theme, so
be sure to remember your hairspray, banana clips, and parachute pants! Please register in
advance with the office- admission for members is $5, non-members is $10. Entertainment
will be provided by Joe McKenzie, so you’re guaranteed to have a good time (thanks,
As many of you know, our lifeguards not only supervise our pool and beach areas,
but they also play a heavy role in organizing and bringing our events together. I would
like to commend two of these guards for their outstanding performances. First is our
Assistant Head Lifeguard, Miss Erin Marron, who made a water rescue at the pool on
July 3rd. Aside from being an alert and responsible role model for our new lifeguards,
Erin is one of our most energetic and creative guards, and is a true asset to the recreation
staff. Secondly, we have our Lifeguard of the Month—Head Lifeguard, Alex McGinley.
I have received countless compliments regarding Alex’s execution of his duties as Head
Lifeguard, his projection of authority in the swimming areas, and his advocacy for safety.
On July 23rd, Alex will be leaving Birchwood Lakes for basic training with the United
States Navy. It is with his final award as Lifeguard of the Month, that I would like to wish
him luck in all of his future endeavors, and thank him for his dedication to the Birchwood
Lakes Community Association. We will miss you!
To reiterate, we still have many upcoming events— keep your eyes open for flyers, or
pick up an event calendar from the mailboxes! I hope to see you all at these functions!
Late Summer 2013
Birchwood VOICE
Route 739 Entrance Plan to Go Into Effect October 1, 2013
Dear Fellow Members,
As most of our members are aware, the Board of Directors has been grappling for
some time with the problem of how to reduce incoming traffic into our main gate, specifically traffic that is traveling North on 739 during the 4:15 PM to 6:30 PM period,
Mondays thru Fridays. If we cannot make substantial reductions in this incoming traffic
(approx 40 left hand turning cars per hour), PennDot will require that Birchwood put in a
Left Hand Turning Lane, estimated to cost BLCA at least $250,000. Recently, the Board
of Directors tried a voluntary approach, whereby members who agreed would have their
gate card access blocked during the problem period.
While the Board greatly appreciates those members who did volunteer, we unfortunately received commitments from only 25 members, many of whom do not routinely
use this gate or use it minimally during this timeframe. The reduction in incoming traffic
would have been minimal. Several other plans have also been considered, including
opening up an additional entrance at Maheli, moving the guest gate to Doolan, and even
closing the gate to all traffic during the problem period. These plans did not meet the traffic reduction requirements, were too restrictive, and/ or were felt to be too costly for the
The Board of Directors is now ready to move forward with a plan that will meet the
traffic reduction requirements and that will be cost effective, but that will also require
some inconvenience during the problem period. The details are as follows:
• The plan will go into effect October 1, 2013.
• 50% of members in good standing, 50% of renters, and 100% of members not in
good standing will have their main gate access blocked and be required to use the
other three entrances at Doolan, Silver Lake, and Church, during the 4:15pm to
6:30pm period, Monday through Friday.
• Members in good standing and renters will be divided alphabetically into two
groups, A to K and L to Z. Each group will have their main gate access rotated
from blocked to unblocked, and vice versa, every 8 months. The 8 month rotation
will force each group to share the inconvenience during subsequent winter and
summer periods.
• If your last name falls into the A to K grouping, all gate cards in your household
will be blocked, effective October 1, 2013, and will stay blocked for 8 months till
May 31, 2014.
• On June 1, 2014, the groups will be rotated. The A to Z group will be unblocked
and the L to Z group will be blocked till January 31, 2015. The 8-month rotation
will continue thereon.
• 100% of all members and their households with account balances of $1 or more
will have their main gate access blocked for the problem period and it will stay
blocked until their balances fall below the $1 threshold. Once these members are
in good standing, they will be placed into one of the two groups, based on their last
name. Members who stay current on a yearly payment plan will fall into one of the
two alphabetical groupings; members who do not stay current will be blocked till
they become current. Members who have arranged for multi-year payment plans
through the Board are considered “not in good standing” and will be blocked until
their accounts meet the threshold.
The Board of Directors understands that this plan will be an inconvenience to the
membership, but other options were not acceptable and the only way to achieve the Left
Turn Lane suggested by PennDot would have been to place another assessment on the
members. The Board did not want to do this since an assessment will definitely be needed
for the Upper Lake/ Crossing Road Dam project currently under review by PADEP.
The Board thanks you for your full cooperation and assistance in the implementation
of this plan.
Yours truly,
The Birchwood Lakes Board of Directors
Welcome New Members
During the months of February thru May, 2013, several homes were sold within
the community. Birchwood Lakes welcomes the following new members into our
community: Caldwell, Wilson, Bianco, Sandor and Martin.
Birchwood VOICE
Board Meeting Minutes
(These minutes are brief highlights. Complete minutes are available on our website or at the office)
April 12, 2013
Approved total write offs for $963.14. Collections – 17 court hearings, 9 judgments, 3
certified judgments, and 4 liens and 4 payment plans initiated.
Lake Management Committee - The aerator compressor is to be replaced at a cost of
about $700. Activities related to the grass carp trial in Middle Lake will be proceeding
this coming week, including completing the application. The Catch and Release signs are
posted. Plans are under way to have another seminar in September highlighting our lakes.
Salt Update: Two exploratory wells dug at Ivy Court and at the corner of Barberry/
Spruce. We will be modifying the maintenance yard well with the installation of a packer.
Last quarterly data showed no major changes. Awaiting estimates from Moyer on several
projects. Once additional tests are done, another community meeting will be scheduled.
Board approved amendment of Section 98-10-10 Rentals and Leasing providing for a
citation for each infraction. Each violation will be a fine of $300 for the first month; $100
every month thereafter.
Approved Strand Pool Proposal of $3,315.
Palms Grant: We received $18,000 in grant money but we must spend $6,000 of
in-kind money from the upcoming budget. EcoSolutions will do the bulk of the work,
supplemented by in-house maintenance. (1) a riparian buffer along 450 ft of shoreline near
the pool. (2) a new swale and rock filter at Beach 3 on Lower Lake near the boat launch
and the accumulated sediment in the lake removed. (3) sediment and rocks brought into
Lower Lake by last season’s hurricane at the mouth of the seasonal stream removed and
a rock filter and riparian buffer installed at the lake edge. (4) An additional rock filter and
riparian buffer constructed on Lower Lake as part of the Old Oak Court project.
We will see if Joe Gallagher is willing to run a trial of the DINO 6 on the Middle Lake
to see if the machine can reduce the size of the peat bogs. Additional uses of the DINO 6
on other lakes by lakefront property owners will need further review by the Board.
Swim team requests various dates for reservation of clubhouse for fundraising events.
We do not charge for rental, but do take cleaning deposit from the league. We generally give three dates to the Swim Club. Right now they are asking for 9 fundraisers in a
two month period which may be problem with other activities or homeowner’s use of
clubhouse. It was decided to continue with our policy of allowing swim club to use the
clubhouse free for three occasions, but the other dates they will be required to pay a fee.
Historically, we give the swim team the free use of pool, lifeguards, clubhouse electric,
heat, insurance and $500. It was decided to allow them the three free dates with security
deposit only, a rental fee of $100 for all other fundraiser at the clubhouse, with an advance
two week notice confirming availability of clubhouse.
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Late Summer 2013
May 10, 2013
Administrative Costs: Payment Plans administrative fees are $25. Two payment plans,
current and arrears, which requires a great deal of administration. Treasurer Livingston
is recommending that the Board ask By-Laws to review the fee schedule and amend the
schedule to reflect a $25 administrative fee for each payment plan. The Board referred this
to the By-Laws Committee.
Rules and Regulations – Director Martin indicated that the Committee reviewed
the area of fines as it relates to untidy properties offering some changes to current fines
imposed. The Committee recommends that the Board amend Section 98-50-12 relative to
imposition of fines for untidy properties, noting if violation is not resolved within 30 days,
fine would be $50 per week instead of $25 per day until addressed. Board approved to
amend Section 98-50-12 relative to imposition of fines, noting if violation is not resolved
within 30 days, fine will be $50 each month for the first two months and the third month
and thereafter it will be $100 a month until resolved to the satisfaction of the Association.
Lake Management –PALMS Grant - stated that he will be starting on the riparian buffer at the pool area in a few weeks. A list of plants will be sent to the Lake Management
Committee for review before purchase. Lake Management and Beautification Committee
members may volunteer to help plant and their time could be included w/ in-kind expenses. Joe Gallagher also stated that he believes that the Old Oak Ct survey expenses can be
included in submissions to PALMS as an in-kind expense, but that the appropriate area
within the grant must be referenced. As to lake treatments he confirmed the use of more
expensive and more effective herbicides (Aquathol and Navigate) this season, focusing on
East Lake, the northern cove of Lower Lake, and Middle Lake, if needed.
Office Renovation Proposals-Office: Approved Diamond Homes at a cost of $29,925
for the external office renovations, subject to submission of a signed contract, references,
and insurance certificate, as well as verification that all permit fees included in cost proposal.
Salt Update: President Bennett updated the Meeting on the salt problem. She stated
that we recently approved several Actions Without A Meeting to move ahead with further
testing of the exploratory well at Ivy Court to determine water quality, yield and static
water levels of surrounding homes. This testing will provide the information we need to
confirm the viability of that site for the communal well. We also approved modifying the
maintenance well using a packer to determine if we can separate the good strata from the
bad, thereby, obtaining clean water from that well.
President Bennett informed the meeting that we are looking to haul water internally
to fill the water tanks at BL-3 and BL-4 and once we have everything in place we will
complete a test run to determine its feasibility. Quarterly lab testing will be mid-June; field
testing next week. The Board approved some slight modifications to two of the wells we
need to test. We are looking to host another community meeting in late June, depending
on the completion of the above testing. Once we determine if Ivy Court will work as the
communal well site, Brian Oram and Cornerstone Engineering will submit a plan to DEP.
We will not be able to do anything with this well until we have DEP approval.
President Bennett informed the meeting that she will be sending a letter to the homeowners surrounding the Ivy Court exploratory well, explaining what we are doing and
seek their permission for various testing.
739 Entrance: The Board discussed the options presented by Directors McConnon,
Ritson and White. These options are contingent on not getting enough volunteers to meet
our decreased left hand traffic requirement into the 739 entrance. Director Ritson had offered to review the gate access reports and the traffic study that was completed a couple of
years ago. He determined that we need to decrease left turn entrance anywhere from 52-66
during this period of concern (4pm to 6:15pm) listed. The group presented some options
to the Board for consideration. After further discussion the Board agreed to initially issue
a letter explaining the situation as asking for volunteers. The letter will be distributed in
the mailboxes, handed out by Public Safety at the 739 entrance, placed on our bulletin
boards and our website and included in the next newsletter. If we do not receive enough
volunteers to satisfy the requirements of the PADOT the Board will proceed with the plan
outlined in the letter. Deadline date for volunteering will be June 1, 2013.
Pool hours: Board discussed extending pool hours on weekend. The Board agreed to
change the pool hours as follows: Monday thru Thursday 12-7; Friday 12-8; Saturday 118; Sunday 11-7 from June 15th.
Reserve Vote - Board approved to accept the Reserve Vote consisting of: Road work
($175,000); extended fence by 7’ ($10,000); CD requirement for Upper Birchwood Lake
($25,000). The total reserve vote will be $210,000. In addition, wording will be added for
approval to consolidate the following reserve accounts under one fund name for each project (combine highway traffic occupancy permit and traffic study and entrances as Entrance
Permit) and (spillways/dams/bridges, Upper Birchwood Lake Dam Permit and Upper
Birchwood Lake dam, as Upper Birchwood Lake Dam).
Late Summer 2013
Birchwood VOICE
Birchwood Lakes Community Association
to our 2013
high school
For a full listing of activities see our calendar on the website or pick up a copy at
the office. Check with the office for any changes or new activities that may be
added throughout the summer.
July 26
Ice Cream Social (adults $2, children $1)
Call the BLCA Office or visit our website for pool and beach hours.
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June 14, 2013
Director Ritson volunteered he will head up the Upper Dam cleanup/removal of weed
and bush growth and debris with Lake Management Committee to save monies on clearing away the area.
Concerns voiced on lack of attention by security to violations of untidy properties.
Director White repeated we should ask our attorney how we can take these types of
violations to civil court since the fines and lack of compliance with clean up creates more
problems for community.
Public Safety - We need a Rowboat at each beach. It was suggested we buy one each
year. It was recommended we throw out any damaged, unclaimed, boats that are stored
in maintenance yard. Make complaints on public safety issues less complex. Things like
potholes, fallen trees or wires should be addressed easier and faster. A call in/email system
should be instituted. The Board endorsed an “If You See It, Report It” campaign. Board
approved revised mission statement as follows:“The mission of the Community Safety
Committee (CSC) is to research, assess, and recommend improvements to the BLCA safety program in the areas of equipment, procedures, and personnel. Recommendations will
focus on protecting our common areas and amenities and making them safer for members
and guests in accordance with the BLCA governing documents.”
Salt Update: Moyer was approved to modify a couple of wells we needed to access.
The Maintenance Yard well was modified, installing a packer to separate the good strata
from the bad. This well will be purged and monitored to see if the packer system is a feasible solution for some of the other wells. Quarterly testing was performed and the results
should be available in about three weeks. Letters were sent to the homeowners surrounding the exploratory well on Ivy Court to gain permission to do static water level testing of
their wells as well as water quality testing. To date we have received permission from four
of the homeowners to perform the testing. Mr. Oram and Moyer will be conducting an
8-hour pump test on the exploratory well as well as the static water level testing to determine quality and yield and to see if there will be an adverse impact on surrounding wells.
739 Entrance- A letter educating people was distributed at the entrances and by Legion.
We received 25 volunteers but this number is not near enough to meet the demands of
PADOT to reduce the traffic during the peak times. The Board agreed to block the gate
cards for 50% of the members, 50% of the renters and 100% of all members not in good
standing. A letter will be included in the Membership mailing in July and distributed in the
mailboxes. The Board agreed on an 8 month rotation cycle would be on an 8 month cycle
and the blocking would be done alphabetically. The blocked time at the 739 Entrance will
be 4:15pm to 6:30pm Monday through Friday. The Board will evaluate if the process is
working by reviewing the gate card reports immediately prior to implementation and the
again following implementation. If the program is successful PADOT will be provided the
documentation supporting this plan. The Board approved this plan.
Upper Birchwood Lake Dam Permit Additional Surveying - Last month we reported
that 40 properties were surveyed at the request of PADEP. The surveys revealed that in
one particular area of the lake we will be required to put in a berm or sea wall. Gary Flood
has submitted an estimate to perform additional survey work so that Chuck Givler can
provide exact specifications on this potential berm for Board and Member discussion.
Board approved Gary Flood Surveying proposal for $1,000.
R&R 98-50-22-Temporary Structures – Currently only one temporary structure is
allowed on a homeowner lot. Discussion ensued on seasonal structures like screened tents.
It was decided that citations should not be issued for these types of temporary seasonal
structures and to tell public safety to hold off on issuing citations for these types of structures at this time. Referred to Rules and Regulations Committee.
Fishing Tournament at Beach 3
Vote Hearing
Deadline for submission of ballots in the office
Adult ‘Eighties Theme’ Dinner Dance
(Members $5 – Non Members $10)
Annual Meeting
Pancake Breakfast
Pool Party
Board Meeting Minutes cont.
Aug. 03
Aug. 16
Aug. 17
Aug. 24
Aug. 25
Aug. 31
2 013
MT. POCONO OFFICE | | find us on
Birchwood VOICE
The Lily Pad
Issues and activities on our
lakes and in our environment
By Chas Ritson
It is now almost the middle of summer and it is time to give our members an update on
the state of our lakes and several of the programs that have been implemented under the
guidance of the Lake Management Committee:
Lake Treatments
• East Lake - was treated on June 5th along the eastern shore and in the east cove for
Naiad. It will be treated again week of 7/1 or 7/8, weather permitting for watershield, the one to two inch oval lily pad like plants and spatterdock, the yellow flowered invasive lily with large, almost circular leaves that can grow to 6-8 inches; the
focus of these treatments will be the numerous patches along the western shoreline
and near the pool. In addition, blatterwort, which has become a real nuisance this
year, will also be treated where it has “floated up” and been driven by the wind
along the eastern shore and cove. The lake is currently not in good shape, but
these new treatments should significantly improve conditions. As our largest and
shallowest lake, East Lake is always going to be problematic, but the current state
of the lake is not acceptable.
• Upper Lake - was treated for patches of filamentous algae on May 15th and on
June 28th for watershield and spatterdock. An additional treatment is scheduled for
week of 7/1 or 7/8, weather permitting, using a back pack to get to the shallowest
areas of the lake for watershield and spatterdock that were not treated on 6/28. A
treatment for Naiad and other pondweed will likely need to be performed in the inlet and eastern shoreline areas before the end of July. This lake is also not in good
overall shape, particularly in the shallow areas along the eastern shoreline. These
new treatments should markedly improve conditions.
• Middle Lake – was treated for pondweed on June 28th. The lake is in generally
good shape and this recent treatment will further improve conditions. Spot treatments around docks for spatterdock and native water lilies may be necessary later
this summer.
• Lower Lake – was treated on June 20th for spatterdock in the northern cove and
along the adjacent eastern and western shorelines where patches are becoming
larger and more frequent. The remainder of the lake is in good shape.
Geese – depending upon your perspective, the addling program was either highly
successful or was somewhat disappointing. While the LMC volunteers were able to addle
a record 39 eggs, the presence of at least 8-10 goslings was surprising. Discussions with
USDA indicate that the goslings and their parents may have been “walk-ons” from other
local areas, not necessarily missed nests. In any event, we’ll have 39 fewer year-old geese
next year, which is a good thing. The LMC is also considering a “geese roundup” next
year by the USDA that would dramatically reduce the size of our resident flock, which
now appears to be about 40. This activity would take place in June when the geese lose
their flight feathers for about 4-6 weeks. Aside from reducing nuisance goose poop,
having less geese should reduce the possibility of closed beaches. Lastly, the LMC will
be using pyrotechnics again this summer and fall in order to harass the geese and make it
so uncomfortable that they’ll leave. So, if you hear loud “booms’, that’s more than likely
LMC volunteers doing work for the community. And lastly, all natural GooseStopper is
being sprayed on all beaches and surrounding grassy areas each month this summer to
make these “hot spots” less desirable.
Grass Carp in Middle Lake – the small grass carp trial is about to be initiated. We have
received approval from PA Fish & Boat to stock a small number of hybrid carp, the outlet
on the lake has had the appropriate screening installed to prevent “escape”, and we are
about to pick-up the carp from a little hatchery. The LMC has decided to limit the initial
stocking to 12 eleven inch fish, with additional fish added over the next year or two. These
fish will grow to 30 pounds or more and will be used as a biological control on pondweed,
Naiad and other soft stemmed/ leafed aquatic plants.
Invasive Plants – the LMC urges all members who use their boats in water bodies other
than the four Birchwood lakes, to thoroughly clean their electric motors, boats, trailers
and other equipment to try to reduce the risk of introducing water chestnut, didymo (“rock
snot”), and Eurasian milfoil from lakes and rivers in northeast PA, northern NJ, and nearby NY that have problems with these organisms. Please note that the Delaware River is a
prime concern.
Late Summer 2013
Letters to the Editor
RE: Flowers & Flower Pots In the Community
BIG THUMBS DOWN to the individual(s) who stole the flowers and flower pots that
are placed throughout the community to help make it a beautiful place for all to enjoy. Just
a few people are giving their time to do this. To plant and water in the extreme heat, and
then to have someone come along and destroy and steal is really sick. You have to realize
you are stealing from yourself, as your dues pay for most of these plants, soil, mulch and
food for the plants.
You should also know that some of us have paid out of our own pockets and deeply resent this unlawful act. I hope that you do have a conscience and that you feel guilty every
time you look at what you have stolen. It would be a nice gesture if you put them back.
You can also join the Beautification Committee and see how hard they work.
The Beautification Committee
RE: New Safety Warning
Dear Members,
We were informed by the State Troopers of a recent incident that took place in Birchwood. It appears that a young man who was visiting a friend was stopped by three men in
a vehicle. They told him their vehicle had broken down and asked him to give their battery
a jump. The young individual agreed and got out of his vehicle to assist. Once he got out
the three men accosted him and took his wallet and phone, they then quickly removed the
jump leads, got in their car and took off. They were not residents and we have been unable
to identify how they gained entrance.
The State Trooper informed us that this is a new scam and that they have had other
reports of similar incidents throughout their jurisdiction.
Please help get the information out. Warn your children, parents, grandparents, family
and friends about this scam. If you see a suspicious situation, do not hesitate to report it
to the authorities. Under no circumstances should you stop to assist. If in doubt call the
police – it is better to be safe than to be sorry.
Clare A. Bennett
President, Board of Directors
RE: Reminders from our BLCA Administrative Assistant
Dear Members,
I’d like to take this time to thank the Community of Birchwood Lakes for making me
feel welcome in my new position as your Administrative Assistant. As a first time community office worker, I’ve come to understand the dynamics of how a community works. It
has been and continues to be my pleasure meeting the residents of Birchwood. Being the
Birchwood Lakes Administrative Assistant for the last six months, and the first recipient
of member phone calls, there are a few reminders I’d like to share with the Community to
keep it safe for all.
Please keep all pets on a leash. Loose dogs have been our top complaint. If your animal is loose, you may be subjected to a citation. Next complaint – speeding! Please keep
to the speed limit. It is very dangerous to be speeding in a residential area, anything could
happen, wildlife, children or other vehicles could dart out at any time. Staying within the
speed limit will allow you to react to these situations appropriately. Untidy Properties is
way up there on the complaint list! Do your best to keep your property tidy, we are pursuing untidy properties and issuing citations. It is our goal to keep Birchwood a safe and
pleasant community to live in.
Lastly, ALL complaints should be filed in the office using a complaint form. If you
cannot get to the office, please go to, where you will find any of
the forms you may need. Once again, I’d like to thank the residents of Birchwood for the
opportunity to serve your Community.
Kim Carrozza
BLCA Administrative Assistant
Late Summer 2013
Birchwood VOICE
Do You Love Your Pet?
Here we are again with summer already here with the beautiful weather that allows us
to open our windows to let the fresh air in and hopefully not the constant barking of dogs.
It is impossible to even relax in your yard, or on your deck, or try to read a book. Now,
back to loving your pet. Do you think that you pet is happy to be tied up all day and to be
alone? They bark because they are lonely and bored. Our pets should be part of the family
and treated as such and not left out in the extreme heat or cold. Please think of your pets
and your neighbors comfort and use some common courtesy.
2013 Septic Reminders
Postcards were mailed out January 2013 to those members who have had their septic
tanks pumped/inspected in 2008. This is a reminder that you need to provide the office
with documentation before December 31, 2013 to avoid receiving a citation.
Payment Plan Requests
If you plan on requesting a payment plan for your dues, you will need to write a letter
requesting it and stating a simple reason why you need to go on one. You also need to
include a check for $25.00 to cover the administrative cost. If do not enclose a check for
$25.00 and/or a reason why, a payment plan will not be provided.
Boat Decals/Badges
must be visibly present when using your
boat, canoe or kayak on Birchwood Lakes.
Guest boats are not permitted (see Invasive
Plants section in “The Lily Pad” page 6).
Recreation Fun
By Joanne McInerney, Recreation Committee Chair
The annual Birchwood Lakes Dinner Dance will be held this August on Saturday the
17th. The dance will have an 80’s theme, featuring music from the 80’s presented by one
of Birchwood’s own members. We hope you will come and enjoy the evening out with
friends old and new.
The Summer Kick-off Party was a great success; the weather was great and lots of
people attended and enjoyed a day of fun in the sun with good food and friends. Arts and
Crafts started up again on July 2nd with a nice turnout. The kids enjoyed creating starburst
decorations. Arts and Crafts for Kids is free to members and their families, and takes place
at the clubhouse every Tuesday and Thursday from 11.a.m. until noon; we hope you will
join us!
In addition to the fun activities we have every summer; we have decided to add three
Kid’s Nights into the mix. These will be advertised as to the dates and locations, and we
hope you will encourage your kids to come and enjoy a fun night out. Remember to check
your calendars for upcoming events.
Motorcycle Access
It has been brought to the attention of the BLCA Board of Directors that motorcyclists are circumventing the entrance gates to gain
access into the Community. The purpose of the gated entrances is
to prevent illegal entry into our Community by people who are not
residents or the guests of residents of Birchwood Lakes Community
Association. Please help keep Community safety a priority - Members are required to use
their gate cards at the entrances and we request that your motorcyclist guests are instructed to use the guest callbox to gain entrance.
Septic Tank Cleaning
Good Luck to our Head
Lifeguard, Alex McGinley, as he
leaves us for the United States
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Birchwood VOICE
The Theme for this Summer
is to Keep Cool!
When the summer solstice hit on June 21, with it came our first heat wave. If you’re
feeling the heat, so are your family, friends and neighbors too. And with these warm, muggy days, some of us know the challenge it is to sleep cool. If you’re too uncomfortable,
it can mean a long restless night of tossing and turning. So a little preparation before bed
may help you sleep like a log all through the summer.
Central air and window air conditioning units do a great deal to keep homes across the
world cool. But for those of you that don’t have one, let’s look to more traditional means.
Sleeping in a hot room at night is one of the more common complaints from families.
If you are without central air, or if your air conditioning system malfunctions during the
summer, you must know how to cool yourself down at night with different means.
Cool a room without air conditioning by first filling an empty plastic gallon jug with
water at least 4 inches from the top of jug. Freeze overnight until water is frozen into a
solid block of ice. Remove the frozen water jug from freezer.
Carefully cut the plastic jug from the large block of ice with a utility knife. Place the
block of ice in a bowl that is setting about waist level in the room. (You may need to place
the bowl on top of a stool for maximum room coverage.) Set up a fan directly behind the
bowl and turn it on. Feel instant cold air which can last for several hours.
Isn’t that cool?
Late Summer 2013
Summer Attitude of Gratitude
There’s a famous Dr. Wayne Dyer quote that says: “When given the choice between
being right or being kind, choose kind.” As a parent, the simple gift of kindness is not
only something you can practice, but a level of selflessness you can teach your children.
This summer, cultivate an attitude of gratitude with 10 random acts of kindness you can
encourage your little ones to do this season and all year round.
• Helpful acts like holding the door open for someone with their hands full is the
right thing to do, according to If your daughter
sees you open the door for a fellow shopper or a mom pushing a stroller, she will
remember to do it the next time you run errands together or even the next time you
come home with your arms full of grocery bags.
• Children know about gold stars, right? If they do well in school, the teacher rewards them with these significant little symbols of encouragement. If you ask a kid
how it feels to get gold stars, he will tell you it feels good. That’s when you let him
know that paying people compliments for their spiffy outfits or, better yet, good
deeds makes people feel good, too.
• Being a big brother means more when a boy helps his younger siblings. But helping those who are smaller, younger or less experienced doesn’t stop with sisters and
brothers. It’s a kindness children of all ages can extend to friends and even fellow
children at the playground or pool.
• Pint-sized bakers can add their own personal touch while telling the elderly woman
two doors down that she’s loved. All they have to do is bake cupcakes or cookies.
They’re fun and easy to make and that special neighbor will feel honored.
• Children outgrow clothes and toys in what seems like the blink of an eye. Turn this
transition into a bonding and charitable
moment. Let your child sort through and
donate old pants, shirts and shoes that no
longer fit. The same goes for toys they no
longer play with or want.
• Take pride in the places where you
live and play by keeping them tidy
and clean. Teach kids civic responsibility and kindness by not littering,
and by picking up potato chip bags
and candy wrappers discarded at the
playground, park or the beach. Let
your children do the same.
• If you let the stranger at the grocery
store get in front of you in line, and
your child sees this, she will learn
this is a tender-hearted act. In turn,
she will let a classmate get in front
of her at the water fountain one day.
Camping at Home
Camping at home is a fun activity for kids
and a great way to entertain kids during
summer. Build a campsite on your porch or
deck, in a spare bedroom, or in the backyard. This fun activity creates a place kids
can call their own and parents know where
the kids are and what they are doing.
Campsite on the Porch or Deck - The porch
or deck is a perfect spot to set up camp. It
is a defined area that can be decorated to
resemble an actual campsite.
• Pitch a tent and use the patio furniture
to create living quarters.
• Have a pool in the yard for the kids
to play in and hang a clothes line on the
porch to hang wet suits and towels.
• Drape an outdoor string of lights on the
railings to add ambiance to the camp site.
Late Summer 2013
Birchwood VOICE
Reserve Vote 2013-2014
This summer the Board of Directors will be asking you to vote to approve several projects to be funded from our reserve funds. As you are aware, the reserve portion of your
dues (25%) is put aside each year to fund major projects. This money is already available
and is not an extra assessment to our members.
The projects we are seeking your approval on are as follows:
Contracted Road Work ........................................... $175,000
The Board of Directors, in response to the recommendation of the Roads Maintenance &
Construction Committee, is seeking to continue contracted roadwork and improvements
in the community with the flexibility to prioritize roadwork and road improvements in the
spring based upon current road conditions, the road/drainage study, needs and available
Pool Fencing ............................................................... $10,000
The renovations of the pool have been completed. The Board
of Directors is now seeking funds to replace the existing fencing with a functional yet decorative fence that will enhance
the pool area. If funding permits, it is the intention to extend
the fencing to create more seating room within the parameters
of the pool.
CD Requirement for Upper Lake Dam Permit......... $25,000
PADEP requires Proof of Financial Responsibility for the
Upper Birchwood Lake Dam for the continued operation and
maintenance of the Dam. They have set the amount of the
bond for Upper Lake at $50,000. The Board of Directors is
asking the Membership to approve $25,000 to be placed into
reserves for half of the bond money required. The additional
$25,000 will come from existing funds in reserves for Upper
Birchwood Lake Dam.
Camera and Gate Upgrades ..................................... $10,000
We are in the process of reviewing our gates and cameras with
a view to upgrading and/or adding additional security options.
Grand Total......... $220,000
At this time, the Board of Directors requests that Members
approve the consolidation of the following various restricted
reserves approved in prior years. By doing so, each specific
project will be funded under one account:
• Combine Highway Occupancy Permit, Traffic Study
& Entrances (PADOT) under the project “Entrance
• Combine Spillways/Bridges/Dams, Upper Birchwood Lake Dam Permit and Upper Birchwood Lake
Dam under the project “Upper Birchwood Lake
We’re looking for
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Thomas R. Wilkins, CEO
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Patricia Blank Toombs
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Birchwood VOICE
How to Be a Good Neighbor
In his poem, “Mending Wall,” Robert Frosts writes “Good fences make good neighbors.” So what happens when neighbors share more than just a stone wall and conflicts
Most of us have to deal with neighbors. You’d probably be surprised how far common
sense and simple manners can go toward keeping up good neighbor relations. In addition,
there are laws that govern many of the ways we use our residential property and how we
relate to our neighbors.
Treat your neighbor as you would like to be treated is wisdom that is thousands of
years old. And it may be more important than ever in today’s litigious society where a
growing number of Americans -- nearly 80% -- live side-by-side in rural areas, in many
cases separated by little but landscaping or a boulder wall. Between sharing driveways and
fences to sharing the beautiful, or not-so-beautiful, sights and sounds of a neighborhood,
conflict is bound to happen from time to time. Excessive noise, pets off their leashes,
unmaintained lawns, trespassing, an illegal home business – are just some of the most
common complaints that can come up between neighbors. When these types of things
go unresolved, frustration turns into angry unfriendly neighbors, sometimes resulting in
phone calls to the state police or filing complaints with the association., an excellent resource website, lists tips on how to avoid earning the
scorn of your neighbors and being the subject of a complaint or possible lawsuit:
1. Get to know your neighbors. Make time to get to know your neighbors. Learning
the basics of why they choose to live in your neighborhood, what they desire in a
great neighborhood, what they do for a living, what they enjoy doing for fun, and
even the names of their kids can pay dividends in avoiding conflicts down the road.
2. Courtesy call. Open communication is an important part of home ownership, and
can help prevent future problems with your neighbors. They are more likely to be
supportive with your projects if they know what’s going on ahead of time. If you
are planning a major landscape or remodeling project, let your neighbor know in
advance. And if you’re going to have a party that could create some unexpected
noise, don’t just tell your neighbors about it, invite them.
3. Maintain your property. Think about the way your property affects your neighbors
and imagine the view from their side of the street or fence. Many neighborhood
associations and cities maintain covenants or have regulations about property
maintenance, according to Not adhering to these standards can get
you in hot water with more than just your neighbors.
4. Respect property lines. Check all local community rules and zoning laws before
landscaping, adding a fence or tree, or launching a remodeling project, such as
adding onto your home. If you’re building or landscaping near the property line,
make sure you’re in compliance with local codes. If you share a property line, such
as a shared driveway, work closely with your neighbor to find solutions that work
for both of you. If necessary, consult a lawyer to draft an agreement on how to
handle present and future actions with shared property. This saves you a lot of grief
Flair Home Center
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Late Summer 2013
in the future and/or if you sell your home.
5. Fences. Fences make for good neighbors, but make sure that before you build one,
you follow local codes regulating the height, location, material used and appearance of a fence. The finished side of a fence always faces your neighbor’s property.
If it is a property-line fence, neighbors have equal share in the future of the fence
and must agree in remodeling it. This also means that both neighbors are responsible for maintenance of the fence and need to split all costs for the preservation. If
there is a common fence, you and your neighbor should again do up an agreement
reflecting maintenance responsibilities etc.
6. Trees, Shrubs & Flowers. The tree and/or plant owner is responsible for the maintenance of their plantings. They are responsible for the maintenance of the tree
and any damage if the tree falls on a neighbor’s lawn or house. If a thunderstorm
or other natural disaster forces a tree to cause damage, then the tree owner is no
longer responsible. Neighbors are able to trim others’ tree branches if infringing on
their property; however, if they harm the tree, they could be sued so before you do
anything that may be questionable, confer with your neighbor, local zoning and/or
your attorney. Remember to trim overgrown hedges, bushes, trees so that this does
not create future problems.
7. Keep pets in control. Pets are free to roam on their owner’s property if they have a
fence set up, but if the animals escape and cause damage, it is the pet owner’s full
responsibility. Most neighborhoods and parks have leash laws and require owners
to clean up after their pets. Pet owners will also be responsible if their pet bites or
harms another person. If a neighbor has too many pets, then they could be violating
a zoning, health code or noise ordinance.
8. Don’t be a noisy neighbor. Loud noises aren’t only a nuisance, but also a potential
health hazard. Exposure to sounds of 115 decibels for 15 minutes a day can cause
hearing loss, according to the League of the Hard of Hearing. As a reference, a
noisy restaurant is about 80 decibels and live rock music is 130 decibels. Almost
every community prohibits excessive, unnecessary, and unreasonable noise (including excessive dog barking).
9. Seek mediation. Filing a lawsuit should always be the last resort. Before you get
there, speak with your neighbor about the problem. If it’s an issue that affects many
neighbors, team up for more support. (
A final note: in lake communities such as ours, it is difficult to clearly define your
property line. Your survey should show if there were stakes mounted by your surveyor
when your survey was initially done. If so, then locate these monuments (might be a small
pin in ground/may be a metal stake/may be an orange or pink flag). Make sure these stakes
are not overgrown with grass/weeds, etc. If your property was not staked originally at the
time of original survey, and a boundary dispute arises between neighbors, there is nothing
BLCA can do to resolve this type of situation. In order to resolve this types of neighborhood dispute, you will need to obtain the services of a surveyor to do a new survey and
provide the stakes and/or monuments delineating the boundaries of your property.
Rules and Regulations
Section 98 - 20 - 9 Careless driving - Amended
effective 9/8/06
A. Any person who drives a motor vehicle in careless disregard for the safety of persons or property
is guilty of careless driving and a citation shall be
B. If the motor vehicle operator has committed two
(2) or more moving violations at the same time,
which requires a traffic stop by the B.L.C.A. Public
Safety Department, the motor vehicle operator shall
also be guilty of careless driving.
C. The driver of a motor vehicle shall not follow
another vehicle more closely than is reasonable
and prudent, having due regard for the speed of the
vehicles, the traffic volume and the conditions of
the roadway.
D. A trailing vehicle shall maintain a minimum following distance from another vehicle of at least one
(1) car length for every ten (10) miles per hour.
E. The fine for violation of Section 98 - 20 - 9: A or
B shall be $100. The fine for violation of Section
98 - 20 - 9: C or D shall be $25.
Late Summer 2013
Birchwood VOICE
Easy Fruit Pizza the Kids Can Make
1 package Sugar Cookie Mix
8 ounces Cream Cheese, softened
1/4 cup powdered sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla
Enough bright, colorful fruit to cover your pizza. You can use fresh or frozen.
(Just thaw frozen fruit before you place on pizza)
Crust: Preheat oven to 350. Slightly grease the bottom of a pizza pan. Prepare sugar
cookie mix as directed and spread evenly on the bottom of pizza pan. Bake at 350 for
8-10 minutes or until slightly brown around outside of crust. Cool completely.
Cream Cheese Layer: Beat cream cheese, confectioner’s sugar & vanilla until smooth
& creamy. Spread on cooled cookie crust.
Fruit: Wash, dry & cut fruit as necessary. Arrange on top of cream cheese layer in a
circle pattern, starting from the outside and going in.
Zucchini Macaroni Salad
10 oz uncooked mini bow tie pasta
3 tbsp Cooking Oil
2 medium zucchini,ends trimmed off
1/4 cup Light Mayonnaise Dressing
2 tbsp cider vinegar
1/3 cup sliced black olives
1 tbsp fresh oregano
1/4 tsp garlic powder
salt and pepper to taste
Recipe Steps
Cook pasta in salted water according to package directions. Drain and place in a large
bowl, drizzle with 2 tablespoons of oil. Cut the zucchini into quarters, lengthwise. Brush
with remaining oil, then season with salt and pepper. Prepare the indoor or outdoor grill
to medium to medium-low heat. Grill the zucchini on all three sides until nice and tender,
careful not to burn them.
Remove the zucchini and set aside on a cutting board. Cut into 1/2 inch slices and
add to bowl with pasta along with mayonnaise, vinegar, black olives, oregano and garlic
powder. Season with salt and pepper to taste.
Seniors Section
Eating For One
Restaurants love to target seniors for their deals and steals. From discounts on coffee
and desserts to elaborate senior menus offering great options, many empty nesters find it
convenient and easy to eat out often. However, pocketbooks and waistlines can be quickly
stretched if you continually frequent restaurants rather than learning how to cook for a
much smaller household. Fortunately it is easy to cook for one or two people, especially if
you prepare meals using the tips and tricks below for your inspiration. Best of all, you will
stay on budget and reap health benefits at the same time.
First, take advantage of a slow cooker or microwave. Crock pots in particular allow
you the luxury of wholesome, home-cooked meals with little effort. Start something in the
morning, and go about your day without worrying about dinner that night. Then, enjoy a
hearty stew, soup or a healthy and delicious casserole. Best of all, there are plenty of crock
pot recipes designed for small families – often providing you with enough for two plus a
bit of leftovers.
To eat more vegetables, which are important in a senior diet, chop up twice what you
think you’ll need for whatever dish you are preparing. Then, bag these up and stick in the
fridge for the next day for a quick salad or snack. If you get bored with salads, try a cookbook at your local bookstore or online that is specifically designed for small meal preparation. Many websites also allow you to enter your favorite recipe and convert it into a
smaller serving size if you have a favorite dish you’d love to make, but have fewer mouths
to feed now. This can help you eat more healthy and at home more often.
For adults over 50, the benefits of healthy eating include increased mental acuteness,
resistance to illness and disease, higher energy levels, faster recuperation times, and better
management of chronic health problems. As we age, eating well can also be the key to a
positive outlook and staying emotionally balanced. But healthy eating doesn’t have to be
about dieting and sacrifice.
Pool Renovations
...and finally filling the pool!
Birchwood VOICE
Late Summer 2013
Late Summer 2013
Arts & Crafts
Birchwood VOICE
Birchwood VOICE
Seeking Local Candidate for
Military College Scholarship
By Rosemary M. Brown,
State Representative of the 189th Legislative District
I am currently seeking a worthy student from the 189th
Legislative District to participate in the Valley Forge Military College Legislative Appointment Initiative. This is a
wonderful opportunity for a student to attend one of the premier military colleges in the nation and receive a high-quality education from an outstanding faculty. Any student is
eligible for this appointment, not just those pursuing a career
in the Armed Forces.
Just a reminder: If you are encountering an issue with state government, please feel
free to contact my district office. We are here to help you with the following services:
• Driver’s license and vehicle registration applications and renewals
• Assistance with PennDOT paperwork (lost cards, changes, corrections, special
registration plates, vanity plates, and temporary placards for disabled persons)
• PACE and PACENET applications for seniors
• Property Tax and Rent Rebate applications
• Voter registration forms and absentee ballot applications
• State tax forms
• Student aid applications
• Free State maps, state park information, and PA Vacation Guides
• Copies of legislation and tours of the State Capitol
• Referrals to agencies to resolve state-related matters.
Pro-Veterans Legislation Heads to Full House
My legislation to waive a peddler’s license fee for
veterans recently passed in the House Veterans Affairs and
Emergency Preparedness Committee and heads to the full
House for consideration. This legislation will provide an additional benefit to veterans as
they establish a business opportunity.
Let’s Get Connected
For more information, or to sign up to receive my weekly legislative email newsletter,
visit my website My door is always open to hear from you regarding any questions or concerns you might have about state-related issues.
November to be “Carbon Monoxide Awareness Month” in PA
I am pleased that the House of Representatives recently passed my resolution recognizing the month of November 2013 as “Carbon Monoxide Awareness Month” in Pennsylvania. Carbon Monoxide is a highly poisonous and deadly gas that has no color, taste or
smell and can be produced by appliances that use gas, wood, oil or coal.
Senior Expo Slated for July 22
I will be hosting a joint Senior Expo with Rep. Mario Scavello on Monday, July 22,
from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m., at the Pocono Mountain East Senior High School. Please help us
spread the word and make this year’s Senior Expo the best yet!
Building Permits
BLCA Rules and Regulations (Section 98-50-19), in
accordance with the Association’s Covenants and
Restrictions, require members to obtain a BLCA permit prior to moving to, constructing, or erecting any
structure or building within the community. There is
no fee for obtaining the permit. Additionally, permits
are needed for septic repairs and tree removals. For
more information, contact the BLCA Office at 570828-2111.
BLCA Curfew
BLCA has a curfew of 10:00p.m. Sunday-Thursday
and 11:00p.m. Friday and Saturday. As a courtesy to
other members, please observe the curfew hours.
Right of Way Notice
All property owners are hereby put on notice that the
Association has a right of way on each roadway. Any
personal property placed in the right of way is not
the Association’s responsibility and will not be held
responsible for any damages incurred to said property. All property owners are to refrain from placing
personal property within the Association’s right of
way. The Association does not permit encroachment
of any Association property, which includes roads
or right of ways, common area or any other location,
which is BLCA property.
Late Summer 2013
A note to boat owners, especially our lakefront
owners: Many of you may not have applied for or
registered your boat(s). It is important to do so!
All boats in the community must be registered
and decals applied, including paddle boats. This
season may be close to an end, but the BLCA will
be addressing lack of compliance with registration
of boats as part of its regular enforcement program.
If you need more information, contact the office for details.
We’re Going Green
The Birchwood Voice is published in print, electronically at our website at, or in pdf format
via email. We have recently had to revamp our mailing and email lists for the newsletter in response to member complaints that they had not received recent edition(s) by mail or email.
We are asking all members to complete the form below, indicating your mailing preference and return the completed
form to the Office. It can be mailed to Birchwood Lakes Community Association, 212 Aspen Road, Dingmans Ferry PA
18328 or it can be returned in person to the office.
Alternatively, we have
made the form available on
our website at www.birchPLEASE CUT OUT AND MAIL OR DROP IT OFF TO THE OFFICE You can
complete the form electronName: ___________________________________________________________
ically and email to editor@ Unless
Date: _______________________________________
by submission of this form
you indicate otherwise, a
Lot ________ Block _________ Section ________
hardcopy newsletter will be
mailed to the address we have
Mailing Address: ___________________________________________________
for you on file at the office.
Members with tenants,
please advise your tenants that
if they would like a copy of
“The Birchwood Voice” they
can pick one up at the Office
___I prefer to receive a hard copy of The Birchwood Voice in the mail.
or obtain it from the BLCA
___I prefer to receive The Birchwood Voice in pdf format to my email address.
Your email address will
be added to our database.
___I prefer to read The Birchwood Voice on the Birchwood Lakes Website at
Please be assured that it
will be used only by BLCA
to distribute the newsletter
Note: If you change your email address from one listed above, please remember
and any pertinent Associato notify the office.
tion information.
Late Summer 2013
Birchwood VOICE
Birchwood Lakes Community Association
Board of Directors
President..................Clare Bennett
Vice President.........Joanne McInerney
Treasurer..................Marcella Livingston
Carl Fredrickson Leonard Glamann
Carolyn Martin
Thomas McConnon
Charles Ritson
Standing Committees
BLCA Property Development
Chairperson Carl Fredrickson
Co-Chair open
Chairperson Joanne McInerney
Carolyn Martin
Capital Projects
Chairperson Clare Bennett
Charles Ritson
Finance, Budget, Contracts
Chairperson Marcella Livingston
Charles Ritson
Roads Maintenance & Construction
Chairperson Leonard Glamann
Louis Freeman
Rules & Regulations
Chairperson Carolyn Martin
Joanne McInerney
Voting & Elections
Chairperson Marcella Livingston
Carolyn Martin
Appointed Committees
BLCA Property Beautification
Chairperson Carl Fredrickson
Linda White
Community Affairs
Chairperson Linda White
Clare Bennett
Community Safety
Chairperson Thomas McConnon
Chas Ritson
Lake Management
Chairperson Charles Ritson
Thomas McConnon
Chairperson Joanne McInerney
Adrianna Freeman
Contact Information
BLCA Office: 570-828-2111
Public Safety: 570-828-6009
800-916-7501 (Dispatch)
BLCA Board of Directors Email:
Birchwood Voice Editor Email:
Police, Fire, Ambulance: 9-1-1
When a call comes in for emergency
assistance (ambulance, fire, police), it is
difficult for the Association to offer assistance in leading the emergency volunteers
to your home if it isn’t clearly marked with
a 911 address. Make sure your sign is
visible from the road. If you need information on your 911 address, contact the
BLCA Office 570-828-2111
Upcoming Board Meetings
June 14, 2013 @ 7:00pm
July 9, 2013 @ 7:00pm
August 13, 2013 @ 7:00pm
August 24, 2013 @ 9:00am
2013 Dates to Note
See separate item in this issue
Fall: September 25, 2013
Dues Mailing - early March
Early Payment - March 31
Payment Plan Request - April 15
Dues Payment - May 1
Do you have a
question about living
in or visiting
Birchwood Lakes?
Go to or
call the office at 570-828-2111
Check out our community website for updates and information
Volunteers are always needed to join our committees. By joining you will get a
better understanding of how your community works. Consider volunteering your
time to help Birchwood move forward. The form for volunteering can be found on
our website at or is available at the BLCA Office.
The state of Pennsylvania provides several veteran benefits. Below are a few that you
may find helpful Pennsylvania Financial Assistance Benefits.
Persian Gulf Conflict Veterans’
Bonus Program
Pennsylvania voters gave overwhelming approval to funding for
the Persian Gulf Conflict Veterans
Compensation Program at the general
election on November 7, 2006. This
program will provide payments to veterans of Operation Desert Storm and
Desert Shield (August 1990 to August
Veterans Emergency Assistance
Provides financial aid in an emergency and temporary basis (not to exceed three
months in a 12-month period) to veterans, their widows, infant children or dependents
who reside in Pennsylvania for the necessities of life (food, dairy, shelter, fuel and clothing). An honorably discharged veteran must have served in the Armed Forces of the United States during established war service dates or during peacetime hostile fire or terrorist
attack as determined by the Department of Military and Veterans Affairs.
Pennsylvania Education Benefits
Payment of educational gratuities are for children of honorably discharged veterans
who have been certified by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs as having wartime
service-connected disabilities rated as totally and permanently disabled or children of veterans who die or have died of war service-connected disabilities or died in service during
a period of war or armed conflict. Children must be between the ages of 16 and 23. Visit
the Pennsylvania Dept. of Military and Veterans Affairs website for contact information
and benefits assistance.
1506 Route 739
Dingmans Ferry PA 18328
Serving Milford
Dingmans Ferry
and Pike County
Sold for the Potters
Sold for the Shenuskis
Sold for the Sprys
Sold for the Mascias
Pending Sale
� HOUSE Sold
Sold For Nahooms
Real Estate
Call Stan

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