Summer Issue 2009 - Communications Association of Hong Kong
Summer Issue 2009 - Communications Association of Hong Kong
CAHK NEW SERVICES AND PRODUCTS Summer Issue CAHK ACTIVITIES June 2009 Beijing Study Tour (中國電訊經濟國情培訓班) CAHK Activities 1-7 NTT Com Asia’s 10th Anniversary and the Grand Opening of Hong Kong Data Centre 8 Sony Ericsson launches Entertainment Unlimited, Reinforcing its Position as the Communication Entertainment Brand 9 CAHK’s first Beijing Study Tour had been held during 21 – 25 April 2009. The class was supported by Liaison Office Of The Central People's Government In the HKSAR and the Academy of Chinese Culture. There were thirteen members in this study tour. Upon completion of the classes, many participants sent feedbacks and expressed that it was a fruitful, exploratory, interactive, and enjoyable journey and would recommend other members to join in future. Topics and Tutors for the study tour were as follows (in Chinese) : 3 Hong Kong exclusively launches first INQ1 Social Mobile 10-11 HGC: HutchConnect:A onestop platform for carriers and cable owners 11-12 SmarTone-Vodafone moves into the home, offering the new Home Broadband and Phone Service 13 SmarTone-Vodafone presents HTC Magic™ – the first Android™ -powered smartphone in Hong Kong 14 PCCW launches eye2 - Hong Kong’s first Portable Media Center for your home 15-16 PCCW – your trustworthy partner 17 PEOPLES Superior “1-CardMulti-Number” Service offers free IDD calls to China 18 China Mobile HK Supported “Meet the CEO” Communications Tour for nurturing the younger generation in Hong Kong 18 NWT’s News 19 World’s First Commercial 4G/ LTE Site Unveiled in Sweden by Ericsson and Teliasonera 20 GfK TEMAX® (Technical Market Index) 20-21 CPCNet M@ilCONNECT & M@ilPROTECT 22-23 VCAST Launched the BrandNew V-Series Interactive Solutions For Business to Explore More Opportunities 24 GN Netcom Takes Corded Headsets To The Next Level With The All-New Jabra BIZ 2400 25 Key Telecommunications Statistics 26 授課題目 授課人 中國基本國情介紹 當代西方政制發展趨勢及反思 中國外交政策及當前熱點 <珠江三角洲地區改革發展规劃綱要>情況介紹 中國通訊業發展 中國經濟發展及國際金融危機 王瑜 唐士其 吳建民 鄒勇 蘇金生 王健 Group photo for the class A set of Hong Kong Telecom Story and Future Strategy for each speaker Members were active in sharing questions The tutorial were very interesting and rich in content Please share the end report and photos of the Beijing Study Tour : COMMUNICATIONS ASSOCIATION OF HONG KONG Page 1 Continued CAHK Activities Second ICT and Business Innovation Seminar 2009 The second seminar was focused on Octopus Card Mr.Sammy Kam, ,Technical Director of Octopus Card Limtied was our key-note speaker The best question was asked by Mr. Miles Au Yeung Our panel speakers were (from left) Dr. Xu Yan, Mr. Franky Lai, Mr. Sammy Kam and Mr. Gary Chow With the support from OGCIO, CAHK members, universities, and all supporting units, the Association continued to hold the second ICT and Business Innovation Seminar on 30 April, 2009. Octopus Card is well applied by Hong Kong people thus audience in the seminar grasped the opportunities to learn more in technological aspect and development from our panel speakers. The best question had been selected and awarded with a mobile handset sponsored by Sony Ericsson for encouragement. The winner was Mr. Miles Au Yeung from Ernst & Young Advisory Services Ltd. His question (in Chinese) is:「我 希望呢個問題四位嘉賓都可以俾啲意見:八達通喺 香港一個自己開發出來好成功結合咗商業同埋技術 的例子,唔知四位認為將來下一個例子喺一個咩範 圍、咩技術創造、產生一個香港獨有領先的一個例 子呢?」 You are welcome to recall the event by viewing Mobile Internet Education Project CAHK had worked with OFTA to plan for a mobile internet education project to the general public. First meeting was held on 10 June 2009. CAHK members of mobile vendors and service operators as well as representatives COMMUNICATIONS ASSOCIATION OF HONG KONG from OFTA joined and the convener of the organizing committee was appointed, Mr. Romax Chu of Nokia Ltd. The Launch Ceremony was proposed to be held in the CAHK 26th AGM on 11th September, 2009. Page 2 Continued CAHK Activities World Telecommunication and Information Society Day in Hong Kong 2009 Theme of 2009 :Protecting Children in Cyberspace Speaker With the full support of Hong Kong’s Office of the Telecommunication Authority (OFTA) and members of the Communications Association of Hong Kong (CAHK), the Association organized events to mark World Telecommunication and Information Society Day (WTISD) and raise public awareness of issues connected with information and communication technologies (ICT). The coorganizer of the celebrations that took place this year was the Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups. On 16 May, more than 100 celebrities and representatives of leading ICT companies, government officials and Dr. Hubert CHAN, the Chairman of CAHK, presented the aim and spirit of the WTISD to all participators and briefed the activities held in Hong Kong in celebrating the Special Day for 2009. Mr. Gregory So, Under Secretary for Commerce and Economic Devel- Sponsors and supporters gathered in the ceremony Prizes, Souvneirs and Preparation Kits for games were ready The celebrations began with a ceremony that included the award of prizes to the winners of an art competition. It had been open to secondary school students and those at tertiary educational institutions, who were asked to produce a Four-Panel Comic Drawing Competition to illustrate the theme of WTISD 2009 — protecting children in cyberspace. artworks of the participants are creative and inspiring. Participants had the opportunity to share their opinions on internet security especially for childen with the public through their drawings. Famous painter, Ah Chung, was invited to give in-depth advice and direction for the students in creating comics. Excellent responses were received. Total 672 submissions from more than 50 schools were collected. The COMMUNICATIONS ASSOCIATION OF HONG KONG over 200 students as well as 5 companies from Media namely TVB, RTHK, Commercial Radio, Hong Kong Broadband, and Oriental Daily gathered at the auditorium of HKFYG Tower and took this chance to share the joyfulness to the launch of this Day and getting to understand more about our future owners’ knowledge, ability and application skills on ICT initiative. opment Bureau, shared his view on the internet security for children. The winner of tertiary group was Sin Cheuk Yin from Christian Service Kwun Tong Vocational Training Centre Page 3 Continued CAHK Activities Centre for Ubiquitous Computing. Members of the winning team each received the latest model of handset which were sponsored by Nokia. The winner of 2009 is Kowloon Tong School (Secondary Section) who completed 4 check points and missions at 2 hours 50 minutes and 24 seconds. The winning artwork for tertiary group The winning artwork for secondary group 40 teams participated in the competition. Each team have 4 members and was allocated with one GPS device for the competition use. They should use the device to find location coordinates and check points, then complete a mission at each point. The team leaders stayed in the control centre would get the hints of next point by using a computer (CAHK offered each team a OLPC) from the headquarter, then communicated with their team members by using mobile device. Each team was expected to find 5 check points in their “hunting route” within the time limit (3 hours and 30 mins). The fastest team who finished all check points within the time limit won. The teenagers request for signature of famous painter Ah Chung while secondary groups was Nit Shun Hei from St. Paul's College. They had awarded with travel coupons which were sponsored by now.TV. The afternoon of 16 May was spent in a Geocaching Hunting Competition and the CAHK Trophy: ICT Quiz Competition, in which schoolchildren, assisted by their teachers, had to apply location-based and wireless technologies in an entertaining adventure game to locate access points and execute missions. The game was designed by Hong Kong Baptist University’s Research Kick Off Ceremony COMMUNICATIONS ASSOCIATION OF HONG KONG Winning Team Inside the process of the game, the students would have other chance to win in a second competition to show their good ICT knowledge. It was the CAHK Trophy: ICT Quiz Competition. The competition was held to encourage local students to take initative in equipping themselves by learning and applying the Information and Communication Technology around them. The questions are pre-set in each After completing each mobile device mission, the team needed to answer questions, and totally 20 questions have been set for each team. Page 4 Continued CAHK Activities With the support of TraxComm Ltd in setting the questions which was focused on ICT related websites like ITU, OFTA, e--government Strategies in Hong Kong, Innovation and Technology Development – R&D Centre, Innovation and Technology Commission, Digital Terrestrial TV (DTT) Service, Hong Kong Applied Science and Technology Research Institute Company Limited, etc. About 400 questions had been set bilingually (both English and Chinese, please refer to WTISD-HK 2009 website for the questions). Cable Television Limited Champion In addition to the trophy, the winners all received the latest mobile phone handsets sponsored by Sony Ericsson. The winner of 2009 is Queen Elizabeth School Old Student’s Association Tong Kwok Wah Secondary School who answered correctly 19 questions out of 20. Communications tour with career talks Hong Kong Jockey Club Science and Technology Parks Corporation, Hutchison Telecommunications (Hong Kong) Ltd, Office of the Telecommunications Authority, PCCW Limited, REACH Stanley Satellite Earth Station, SmarTone-Vodafone and TraxComm Limited. This year, the Association specially invited Airport Authority Hong Kong, Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited, and Hong Kong Jockey Club so that the students could learn from an angle of ICT users that how the ICT technologies provided by service operators applied in our daily life. Hong Kong Science & Technology Parks In an extension to the WTISD activities, on 23 and 25 May a Communications Tour was arranged. Total registration from 46 school were 927 students and total 16 sites were opened. The members of CAHK opened all prohibited area for our future owners in half-day visits to aim at letting them to understand the technology in depth. The supporting members included Cable TV, China Mobile Hong Kong Company Limited, CSL Limited, Hong Kong Communications Equipment Co. Limited, Hong Kong Cyberport Management Co. Limited, Hong Kong OFTA COMMUNICATIONS ASSOCIATION OF HONG KONG Page 5 Continued CAHK Activities The rundown of each route is informative and rich in content. The visit was including Data Centre Facilities, Switching Centre, Broadcast and News Centre, Photonic Centre, IC Development Centre where a product dem- onstration and trial by the students was conducted by a local game developer, Earth Station where the salellite operations and services had been introduced, Aviation Discovery Centre, and SkyDeck, etc. Kwalala Concert by Commercial Radio concert was officiated by Mr. Matthew Cheung Kinchung, GBS, JP, Secretary for Labour and Welfare. He reminded all “Even labours, Commercial Radio rounded off Hong Kong Kwalala Plan (商業一台香港誇啦啦計劃) by organizing a concert at Convention Centre on 26th June, 2009. though all are in hard time, you must remember that you live in groups, never alone, never being neglected. With this spirit, you can overcome the difficulties.” Including the Telecommunication Industry, there were totally representatives from five main industries namely Insurance, Property, Hotel/ Tourism and Retail to participate as cheer teams to motivate all the staff and industry players in Hong Kong. The Mr. Bruce Lam, President of CPE Vendor & Equipment Supplier Group from CAHK, represented the Association to attend the activity. His team designed a slogan for the industry (in Chinese) 電訊誇啦啦, 歌 藝 頂 呱 呱!齊 來 打 打 氣,香 港 靠 晒 你! There are around 300 members participated for the cheer team. Articles / Opinions sharing from Exco Members in Hong Kong Economic Journal (HKEJ) The 2008/2010 Exco members will share their opinions on ICT policies, market trends, innovative technology, and other ICT related topics by presenting articles in HKEJ. The following articles with topics (in Chinese) were published by HKEJ as from January 2009 up to date : ♦ 智能城市-香港距離這目標遠嗎? ♦ 電話交換機與通訊技術之整合應用 ♦ 適度規管與教育并行 ♦ 保護資訊環境爭取成為中文數碼中心 COMMUNICATIONS ASSOCIATION OF Back Row : Mr. Kenneth Lau, Dr. Yan Xu, Mr. Andrew Lee, Mr. Gilbert Chan, Mr. Gary Chow, Mr. Ray Cheung, Mr. Alex Cheung, Mr. Bruce Lam Front Row: Dr. Tony Seeto, Mr. Franky Lai, Dr. Hubert Chan, Mr. Stephen Ho, Mr. Dominic Leung Page 6 Continued CAHK Activities ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ 固網與 FMC 的機遇 3G 時代五年後正式展開 對本年度財政預算案的三項意見 建設「無線城市」強化智能交通 香港應發展成為「巧件」中心 善用 IT 托管服務提升競爭力 4G 寬頻技術無驚喜 流動 Push Email 提升資訊生活質素 3G 時代延續篇 電訊互聯網深化整合 拓新商機 為業界爭取公平進入國內市場 逆市投資 ICT 增競爭力 創新發展 政府統籌角色不可缺 科技連繫生活 玩具立大功 八逹通成功創新三大啟發 四川災區推廣「每童一電腦」計劃 非通訊科技影響通訊業發展 善用頻譜促進通訊業發展 善用視像會議 加強企業協作 提升香港資訊業競爭力 手機 Widgets 融入 Web 2.0 世界 創意推動六大產業 Upcoming Events Third ICT and Business Innovation Seminar 2009 Date : 24 June 2009 Key-Note Speaker : Mr. Alfred Wong, Chief Technology Officer of HK Exchanges and Clearing Limited Venue : Chiang Chen Theatre of Poly-University Time : 18:15 - 19:55 pm Joint Event 2009 GuangDong-Hong Kong Telecom Seminar and Golf Challenge Date : 5 November 2009 (pm) ( Seminar) and 6 November 2009 (Golf) Tentative Venue : Mission Hills ATIE Forum in India Tentative Date : 1-5 December 2009 26 CAHK AGM and cocktail th Tentative Date : 11 September 2009 For details and other supporting activities, please visit our web site, Venue : Aberdeen Marina Club Time : 18:00 – 20:00 Supporting Events Media Literacy Seminar Date: 23 May 2009,Saturday Time: 10:00am-02:00pm, Includes free lunch Venue: Function Rooms, 3/F, Core E, Cyberport 3 APNIC IPv6 and IRME Training in HK - 11-12 Jun Date: 11 and 12 June,2009 Venue: Training Theatre, Level 3, Cyberport 3, 100 Cyberport Road, Hong Kong Organiser: Hong Kong Internet Society Buyer Invitation Program in World IT Show WIS South Korea Venue : COEX, Seoul Korea Date : 17-20 June, 2009 Luncheon on 19 Jun - Mr. Markus Kummer / Who will rule the Internet? Date: 19 June, 2009 Fri Time : 12:30 noon - 2:00pm Registration at 12noon Venue :Club Lusitano, 27 F / 16 Ice House Street , Central, Hong Kong Speakers : Mr. Markus Kummer, Executive Coordinator of the Secretariat supporting the Internet GovernCOMMUNICATIONS ASSOCIATION OF HONG KONG ance Forum, The United Nations Fee: HKD 350 for CAHK Members Ubiquitous City- HK Fun Fair Date: 27 June,2009 Wed Time: 12:00nn-18:00pm Venue: HK Cultural Centre Piazza Area Harbour Side Code of Practice for the Protection of Workers and Members of Public against Non-Ionizing Radiation Hazards from Radio Transmitting Equipment Date: 14 July,2009 Time: 6:30pm to 8:00pm Venue: Lecture Hall, Hong Kong Science Museum, Tsim Sha Tsui, KLN Language: Cantonese Fee: Free of Charge Newly Joint Member Welcome the following member who has already joined CAHK as Associate Individual Member: ♦ Mr. Cheung Chi Wah c/o OVUM Europe Ltd. ♦ Mr. Daniel, Ng Ching Wa c/o PISA Ltd Page 7 “A new decade. A new perspective of space” NTT Com Asia’s 10th Anniversary and the Grand Opening of Hong Kong Data Centre By NTT Com Asia Limited NTT Com Asia, a wholly facility management and opowned subsidiary of NTT erations of the data centre; and Communications Corpowe are determined to be a ration, announced today leader in this arena and to be a the grand opening of the frontrunner ushering in the new group’s new data centre ICT generation.” Mr Moribayabuilding located in Tai Po, shi added. Hong Kong. The opening of the data centre marks a The main theme of the Opening new chapter for NTT Com Ceremony ---- “Space”, highAsia, which is also celelights one of the most outbrating its 10th anniversary standing aspects of the data in town. Under the theme Mr. Chan Yuk Tak, Eddy, JP, Commissioner for Innovation and centre. The 7-storey building “A new decade. A new Technology, The Government of the Hong Kong Special Adminishas a gross area of up to perspective of space”, the trative Region (Left 1), Dr. Samson Tam Wai Ho, JP, Member of 212,100 square feet, providing Hong Kong Legislative Council (Information Technology) (Left 2), ceremony held at the data Mr. Hiromi Wasai, President & CEO of NTT Communications more than 3,000 racks after centre was officiated by (Left 4), Mr. Daisuke Matsunaga, Deputy Consulate General, fully equipped to meet the fast Mr. Chan Yuk Tak, Eddy, Consulate-General of Japan in Hong Kong (Left 5), marks the growing needs. Initially, in JP, Commissioner for opening of the NTT Communications Hong Kong Data Centre. 2007, NTT Com Asia built a Innovation and Technoldata centre on the first floor of the building, which was ogy, Innovation and Technology Commission, Mr. Daithen owned by APTT. To accommodate customer desuke Matsunaga, Deputy Consulate General, Consulatemands, NTT Communications made a bold step at the General of Japan in Hong Kong and Dr. Samson Tam, end of 2008 to acquire APTT for 161 million HK dollars, Member of Legislative Council (Information Technology). and to upgrade the entire building into the current dedicated data centre. Since its establishment in Hong Kong in NTT Communications Hong Kong 1999, NTT Com Asia has been offering Data Centre has been built to world-class telecommunications serachieve the Tier III+ infrastructure vices to enterprises in Hong Kong and level. Every aspect of its facilities, Greater China, and dedicated to fosterincluding power, cooling, and ing ICT industry in the region. Mr. Matelecommunications systems are saaki Moribayashi, President & CEO, fully redundant to avoid single NTT Com Asia Ltd. remarked at the point of failure and to ensure ceremony, “Looking back over the past business continuity. Just one 10 years, I am deeply impressed by the year after its “soft launch”, the support of our customers and our peo- Mr. Hiromi Wasai, President & CEO of NTT Com- data centre has successfully acple, which is the solid foundation NTT munications (Right) presenting the trophy to Mr. Chan Yuk Tak, Eddy, JP, Commissioner for Inno- quired the ISO27001:2005 InforCom Asia built upon and the reason for vation and Technology, Innovation and Technol- mation Security Management our continued development. In the ogy Commission (Left). System (ISMS) certification, days ahead, NTT Com Asia is commitwhich is a testament to NTT Com ted to offering high quality ICT services by investing in Asia’s professionalism in managing the safety of customdeveloping innovative solutions and staff training to help ers’ data and equipment. enhance customers’ business operations and growth.” “The new NTT Communications Hong Kong Data Centre is the embodiment of the company’s resolution to explore business in Greater China; it also demonstrates our philosophy of perfection and innovation. We made every effort to ensure excellence in the infrastructure design, COMMUNICATIONS ASSOCIATION OF HONG KONG Apart from the data centre, in the first half of this year NTT Com Asia will launch a series of virtualization solutions ranging from virtual hosting to virtual infrastructure. The solutions will be capable to optimize the utility of servers, power and space to achieve cost effective and environmental friendly purpose. Page 8 Sony Ericsson launches Entertainment Unlimited, Reinforcing its Position as the Communication Entertainment Brand By Sony Ericsson Mobile Communications International AB Entertainment Unlimited builds on Sony Ericsson’s leadership in music, imaging, gaming, content services, and applications to deliver unlimited opportunities for consumers to share experiences. Sony Ericsson unveiled the next step in its evolution. The Entertainment Unlimited consumer proposition is the pinnacle of what the company has been working towards since the start of the joint venture in 2001 – the true fusion of communication and entertainment. Bringing together rich content, unique applications and best in class entertainment experiences, the new consumer proposition is based around three key promises: 1 Uniting best in class entertainment experiences into one offering such as the Walkman™ music experience, the Cyber-shot imaging experience, Java gaming and messaging integrated with services and applications. 2 Broadening entertainment experiences by seamlessly integrating the mobile phone into other devices in the home letting consumers share and enjoy top quality entertainment content through a variety of channels including TV, PC and Hifi systems. 3 Fusing communication with entertainment by removing barriers and offering unlimited sharing opportunities, multiplying the value of people’s entertainment experiences through a host of innovative web applications and Sony Ericsson’s unique Play Now offering. Sony Ericsson is unveiling the W995 Walkman™ phone at Mobile World Congress offering the most complete communication entertainment package to date. The launch of this phone exemplifies the excellence that Sony Ericsson has achieved in both the music and imaging categories and enables the evolution into Entertainment Unlimited. The company is also showing a mobile phone under the concept name Idou* giving a glimpse of one of a number of projects that will be launched this year under the umbrella of Entertainment Unlimited. “Entertainment Unlimited lets us reinforce our position as THE communication entertainment brand,” COMMUNICATIONS ASSOCIATION OF HONG KONG said Lennard Hoornik Head of Global Marketing and Vice President at Sony Ericsson. “Everything that we have done to date has brought us to this point - we created the music phone category in 2005 selling over 100 million Walkman™ phones and we are now ready to unveil the next chapter in the evolution of the company - Entertainment Unlimited giving consumers unlimited opportunities to share their entertainment experiences.” Idou encapsulates the future of mobile entertainment in the palm of your hand delivering visual communication like never before. Capture moments, talk through pictures and share all your experiences like never before with the 12.1 megapixel camera, intuitive touch features and Xenon flash. Tap directly into your favourite videos and tracks with the full-touch media menu and feast your eyes on movies, TV-series and video clips in true 16:9 widescreen format. Based on what will become the Symbian Foundation operating system, thousands of applications are available online letting you install new applications and download exciting content from PlayNow™ to make the Idou truly yours. Dick Komiyama, President, Sony Ericsson said, "Entertainment Unlimited is at the core of Sony Ericsson's philosophy, building on Idou* the strength of our great entertainment assets such as Walkman and Cyber-shot phones and our unique service and applications integration. Many of the strategic initiatives we've announced in the past year have laid the internal framework to launch this new consumer proposition to the market and Sony Ericsson is now ready to drive the next wave of market development with Entertainment Unlimited." Idou will be available 2nd Half of 2009. Page 9 3 Hong Kong exclusively launches first INQ1 Social Mobile – “Best Mobile Handset” at 2009 Global Mobile Awards Together with unmatched data and voice monthly plan to maximise social networking enjoyment By 3 Hong Kong 3 Hong Kong, the mobile operation of Hutchison Telecommunications Hong Kong Holdings Limited (“Hutchison Telecom Hong Kong Holdings”), has announced the exclusive launch of the INQ1, the “Best Mobile Handset” at the 2009 GSMA Global Mobile Awards. Designed by Hutchison Whampoa Limited’s new company INQ Mobile, the INQ1 Social Mobile (“INQ1”) is fully loaded with the most popular social networking services. Together with an integrated phonebook on one interface, the INQ1 allows users to network with friends anytime anywhere over 3 Hong Kong’s HSPA network. With the INQ1 debut in town, 3 Hong Kong also presented an unmatched data and voice monthly plan and an outstanding-value handset offer, allowing a wider spectrum of mobile users to enjoy mobile social networking functions. Integrating various popular social network services 3 Hong Kong’s initiatives in leading the industry by bringing popular internet services such as Windows Live Messenger, YouTube and Skype to handsets have been well-received by customers. Identifying the increasing demand for mobile social networking services, the Company exclusively launched the first social mobile INQ1 integrated with various social networking services on a one-click interface. Over 20 million Facebook users currently access the site through their mobile devices. With Facebook and Skype built into the device, the INQ1 allows customers to switch across different social networking accounts on a single interface, upload photos, update status, post new messages or chat with friends anytime anywhere. INQ1 customers can also download YouTube and 3Messenger to enjoy Windows Live Messenger from 3 Hong Kong mobile portal Planet 3. The INQ1 changes the conventional voice- and text-driven mobile communications landscape by delivering a new customer experience via user-friendly communications over the Internet that accelerates the adoption of mobile social networking services. Other built-in applications of the INQ1 include eBay, Google and Yahoo! Search engines. data and voice monthly plan and handset offer, enabling more customers to enjoy the service. Customers subscribing to a HK$88 monthly plan are entitled to 100MB data usage#, 1000 basic voice minutes and 200 heart-to-heart voice minutes. The thereafter charge is HK$10 per 30MB and capped at HK$290. This monthly plan allows users to access Facebook, upload photos, browse Yahoo! and Google search engines anytime anywhere. Upon signing an 18-month contract, customers can purchase an INQ1 at HK$333 (originally HK$888) plus HK $500 of prepayment. Alternatively, customers can opt for a six-month contract and purchase the handset at HK $980. Choosing either one of these superb value-formoney offers, customers can take home the “Best Mobile Handset”. Amy Lung, Chief Operating Officer – Mobile of Hutchison Telecom Hong Kong Holdings said: “3 Hong Kong is dedicated to bringing innovative and market-driven data services and products to a broader spectrum of 3G data service customers. The INQ1, a good-value-for-money social networking handset that boasts a series of popular social networking functions, is just a good fit for us. We believe that the handset can bring to more users a fun mobile social networking experience, and that it has further testified our market leadership in spearheading the development and adoption of mobile data services.” Unique features 3 Hong Kong introduced an outstanding-value INQ What made the INQ1 the winner of the “Best Mobile Handset” at the 2009 Global Mobile Awards? A design concept dubbed “ProHuman” which focuses on the provision of demand-driven services via the simplest handset design. The INQ1 is an easy-to-use handset that provides one-click access to fully integrated applications: COMMUNICATIONS ASSOCIATION OF HONG KONG Page 10 Unmatched data and voice monthly plan in town Continued 3Hong Kong 1. One-click access to fully integrated applications: Without trawling through the menus, users can instantly access Facebook, Skype, 3Messenger with a switcher key. 2. Built-in Facebook: With Facebook built into the device, the INQ1 supports most Facebook functions including displaying friends’ status, posting messages, uploading photos, adding new friends, receiving and sending personal messages and performing the “poke” funtion. The portal has been optimised for the INQ1, ensuring the same user experience on mobile as if browsing on PC. A notification will also be displayed on an idle screen when customers receive a new message. 3. Integrated phonebook: The innovative integrated phonebook merges and synchronises all contacts of a user on mobile, Facebook and Skype accounts. Simply access their mobile phonebooks, users can choose among various means to contact a particular friend, such as through his/her Facebook and Skype accounts. A friend’s online status is also displayed in the integrated phonebook. The procedures for setting the caller display photo can be simplified by sharing a friend’s profile picture used in Facebook. 4. Integrated message box: With SMS, Facebook and Skype messages delivered to the same inbox, customers can check messages from various social networking accounts over a single interface and send messages as well. Eye-catching Help Cards Unlike other electronic products, the packaging and user manual of the INQ1 present a fresh new image. The first project of INQ+ART, the first initiative of INQ Mobile’s INQ+ collaborative programmes, was to collaborate with seven famous illustrators namely Yuko Shimizu, Marcos Chin, Sara Varon, Pablo Bisoglio, Sloane Leong, Wayne Snooze and Caroline Ayello Wright to design the packing. Nine illustrations were selected to grace the back of the INQ¹ help cards, with one to dress its box, making manual reading a fun experience. Customers are charged HK$30 per month each for logging into Skype and 3Messenger. # HutchConnect: A one-stop platform for carriers and cable owners Scalability, flexibility provide a competitive edge in a tough economy By Hutchison Global Communications Limited In today’s tough economic climate, Asian businesses in every industry are finding ways to trim their costs. But the real challenge is to not just make cuts to the bottom line, but to ensure that assets can be deployed in a way that maximises competitiveness. IPVPN, IP Transit and voice services. Andrew Kwok, Senior Vice President of International Business of HGC, describes HutchConnect as a “single capacity multiple connection platform for carriers.” Hutchison Global Communications Limited (“HGC”), the Hong Kong-based global network provider, believes its HutchConnect platform offers Asian cable owners and carriers the most efficient capacity management as well as the greatest level of connectivity worldwide. HutchConnect acts as a meet-me-room for carriers, effectively making Hong Kong a virtual data centre, providing one-stopshop capacity management from capacity termination to the provision of multilayered services such as IPLC, IE, COMMUNICATIONS ASSOCIATION OF HONG KONG Page 11 Continued Hutchison Global Communications Limited “It is a massively scalable carrier-neutral platform that offers rapid provisioning of carrier customers and highlycompetitive pricing,” he added. HGC also offers direct connection to the US across the Pacific, and links to Europe either via Russia or through Southeast Asia and the Middle East. “Cable owners and carriers can terminate or transit their capacity through Hong Kong. We can provide backhaul with diversity, colocation service, managed equipment service and PoP establishment services.” To support flexible bandwidth provisioning, HGC also offers one-stop-shop in capacity management and pricing per port rather than point-to-point. HGC can also provide pre-activation for fast provisioning. Mr. Kwok said the neutral platform means cable owners and carriers have direct access to the best available connections, while at the same time allowing them to be in full control. The new TPE (Trans-Pacific Express) has recently linked into HutchConnect. The forthcoming TGN IA (Intra-Asia) and the AAG (Asia-America Gateway) cable systems will connect after they come into service in mid-2009. HGC can tailor connectivity solutions to meet customer requirements for cable diversity on submarine or terrestrial routes, offering bandwidth on demand, restoration planning and extensions to the rest of the world. “In today’s convergence environment, carriers are looking for a broad and flexible services platform that enables them to meet the rapidly-changing demands of their customers,” Mr. Kwok said. “HGC is best positioned to serve carriers and capacity providers with world-class integrated solutions.” HGC is also Hong Kong’s biggest peering provider, with direct peering with four other fixed-line carriers and HKIX. The HutchConnect multi-lateral peering service gives customers immediate and extensive reach and the ability to improve quality by adding new routes. Carriers can also enjoy private peering through a single connection with pay-as-you-grow pricing. HGC’s network delivers the greatest amount of diversity into mainland China, with four terrestrial connections. It operates the only link across Hong Kong’s Western Corridor into the mainland. COMMUNICATIONS ASSOCIATION OF HONG KONG Page 12 SmarTone-Vodafone moves into the home, offering the new Home Broadband and Phone Service By SmarTone-Vodafone Combining two services for the whole household at one great price Continuing its progress as a leader in total communications services spanning the mobile, fixed-line and broadband markets, SmarTone-Vodafone launched its Home Broadband and Phone Service. Delivered on its super-fast HSPA network, the new service offers unrivalled convenience and flexibility, outstanding service and superb value. This integrated broadband and telephone service for the home costs only $148 per month. existing fixed-line telephone contracts have not yet expired, they can still enjoy SmarTone-Vodafone’s residential phone service immediately, as every wireless gateway is pre-allocated with a new fixed-line telephone number. To enjoy the new Home Broadband and Phone Service, there is no need for technician visits for installation. Customers don’t need to make appointments or wait around. If customers move house, a simple call beforehand is all that is required to restart the service in their new residence. SmarTone-Vodafone is bringing its renowned customer service to the residential broadband and telephone service markets. If customers need assistance or even more advanced technical support, they can call a dedicated 24-hour hotline. Additional services include expert advice and consultancy for PC and LAN-related problems, as well as F-Secure PC Protection. For even greater convenience, all the SmarTone-Vodafone services enjoyed by the household can be consolidated into a single account that can be managed online at any time. The wireless gateway provides broadband speed of up to 7.2Mbps down and 2Mbps up. Customers can go online all they want and use any application they want, confident that SmarTone-Vodafone’s network provides super-fast speeds, exceptional stability and can accommodate large numbers of simultaneous users. “Customers subscribing to this new service can take home our wireless gateway, power it up anywhere in the home and get online. It is as simple as that. What’s more, this little box packs a Wi-Fi access point and also provides for up to 4 LAN cable connections. This is easily enough for most households, giving everyone convenient broadband access in the home,” said Mr. Douglas Li, CEO of SmarTone-Vodafone. “A new innovation allows a customer to plug their existing analogue home telephone into the wireless gateway and enjoy our residential phone service right away.” “With the launch of the Home Broadband and Phone Service, we are also adopting a new brand expression in our communications, “Love the difference”. This new strap line fully encapsulates the unique proposition that our brand represents and the innovation, quality, service and value that we offer to the marketplace. Our entry into the fixed broadband and residential telephone service markets gives consumers a new standard of service, unbeatable convenience and superb value, which we are confident they will embrace,” adds Mr. Li. SmarTone-Vodafone can help customers to port over their existing fixed-line telephone numbers from other networks. If customers want a new number, or their COMMUNICATIONS ASSOCIATION OF HONG KONG Page 13 SmarTone-Vodafone presents HTC Magic™ – the first Android™ -powered smartphone in Hong Kong By SmarTone-Vodafone Google services, customised widgets and apps provide the ultimate Internet experience exclusively from SmarToneVodafone. to ensure your calendar, contacts and email accounts are constantly kept up to date. SmarTone-Vodafone announced the launch of the new HTC Magic™, the first Android-powered smartphone in Hong Kong. Its curvy, compact form fits snugly in the palm of the hand and provides the ultimate Internet experience on a mobile, together with a suite of popular Google services. Additionally, SmarTone-Vodafone has customized exclusive widgets, apps and entertainment services to give Hong Kong users what matters most to them. Exclusively with SmarTone-Vodafone, users will benefit from a range of customized widgets, apps and entertainment services pre-installed on HTC Magic™, to provide instant one-touch access. With these widgets customers can easily get the latest weather forecasts, news headline updates and use apps to get comprehensive information on dining, movies, and the Hang Seng Index, as well as catch up with the hottest discussions on Hong Kong’s most popular forums. Customers can stay entertained with the latest high-resolution video content from E! Entertainment News, ANIMAX and SmarTone-Vodafone’s Music Video TV. Another nifty little feature is our special photo frame, allowing customers to browse through their snaps and watch slide shows. It makes for a great excuse to show off the HTC Magic™ to friends and colleagues. “We are delighted to extend our partnership with HTC and present the first Android-powered smartphone in Hong Kong,” said Mr. Douglas Li, CEO of SmarTone-Vodafone. “HTC Magic™ has a unique Webkit browser that automatically adjusts web content to fit the screen, supports multiple browser windows and makes navigation and browsing as simple as on a PC. Users can enjoy their favourite Google and Android applications on-the-go and, coupled with SmarTone-Vodafone’s customised widgets and apps, the HTC Magic™ now provides an unprecedented Internet experience on a mobile.” The home screen features SmarTone-Vodafone’s exclusive, always-on URL input bar, which comes complete with browsing history. This widget bypasses menus and home pages, taking users directly to their chosen website from a standing start. When browsing, users can zoom in and out or pan across web pages with a single finger stroke, or enlarge specific areas using the Magnifying Glass browser tool. The HTC Magic™’s trackball allows for easy singlehand operation with speed and precision, easing navigation of cluttered webpages and clicking on weblinks. HTC Magic™ is preloaded with tailored mobile versions of popular Google services and offers direct access to Gmail ™ and Google Search™. HTC Magic™ provides an enhanced YouTube™ experience, allowing users to upload videos directly, watch videos in widescreen, rate their favourites and view comments. Google Maps™ now includes Latitude and is enabled with Street View in anticipation of its coming Hong Kong launch. Google Talk™ is also included to help customers stay in touch with friends via instant messaging. Google’s unrivalled innovation continues with its latest development, Android Market on HTC Magic™. Customers can browse through close to 2000 apps, including games, shopping, travel, social networking and many more, currently available, free of charge, for quick and easy download. This smartphone also includes a variety of email options, such as POP3 and IMAP, as well as Gmail™. It enables synchronization and automatic push for Microsoft Exchange Server-based email and Gmail™, COMMUNICATIONS ASSOCIATION OF HONG KONG HTC Magic™ runs on the latest Android’s Cupcake 1.5 platform. It uses a 528MHz processor and boasts 288MB RAM of memory. It supports 7.2Mbps downloads and 2Mbps uploads, yet still manages to be compact and stylish. It comes with a superb high resolution 3.2” HVGA touchscreen display, bringing a vivid clarity to both still shots and videos taken with the 3.2 megapixel auto-focus camera. It has a media player for enjoying music and video, GPS and it supports up to 32GB microSD memory cards. “HTC Magic is a superb realisation of Google’s Android platform, providing users with an Internet experience of unprecedented speed and ease. SmarTone-Vodafone takes that experience up a notch by providing a range of one-touch widgets, apps and entertainment services that brings the best of the Internet closer to our customers. Only at SmarTone-Vodafone can users enjoy such a comprehensive experience with the new HTC Magic™. Our customers will love the difference we are bringing to them through our innovation and services, our unrivalled network and our great value offers,” adds Mr. Li. Page 14 eye PCCW launches 2Hong Kong’s first Portable Media Center for your home PCCW introduces eye2, a revolutionary communications and infotainment experience for Hong Kong’s households. Portable Media Center – eye2 Using a smart-looking Portable Media Center (PMC) with a built-in 8-inch touch-screen LED monitor and highquality stereo speakers, customers may watch now TV which has more than 170 fascinating channels and enjoy over 130,000 songs and music videos from the moov digital music service wherever they are at home. Children will be encouraged to learn multiple languages through interactive contents delivered over the device, while family members may also browse news and weather bulletins, check stock prices, and even obtain multilingual cooking recipes*. By PCCW Limited phone communication, TV, multimedia player, infotainment content and interactive services. On the back of PCCW’s unique quadruple-play platform, eye2 demonstrates our commitment to enhancing communications and infotainment services for Hong Kong’s households and to the development of information technology in Hong Kong.” Mr. Chan added: “Leveraging the global trend of IP convergence devices, PCCW launched its first-generation eye Multimedia Service in 2007, ushering in a new era of home communications and infotainment in Hong Kong. Since its introduction, customer response has been encouraging and multimedia content usage has grown continuously. After taking into account customer feedback and the latest in technology development, we have developed the world’s most advanced and exciting home multimedia product. Many top-notch telecoms operators around the world are developing similar home multimedia projects, which we believe will become a new global trend. We are confident that eye2 will strengthen our position as a leading player in Information and Communication Technologies in the world.” All in all, through eye2’s touch-screen LED monitor, more than 100 types of exciting infotainment contents and interactive services are accessible literally at the users’ fingertips to meet their individual needs. In addition, users can maintain close contact with their loved ones on eye2 through video calls^, or traditional voice calls in conjunction with the use of an indoor cordless DECT phone. PCCW’s Managing Director of Consumer Group, Mr. Tom Chan, said: represents a “eye2 breakthrough in technology integration and application. It enables teleCOMMUNICATIONS ASSOCIATION OF HONG KONG PCCW’s Managing Director of Consumer Group Mr. Tom Chan (centre), PCCW Consumer Marketing Director of Fixed Line and IDD Services Marketing Ms. Clara Kan (2nd from right) and Director of Product Development and Management Dr Allen Wong (2nd from left) are pleased to introduce eye2. Multimedia infotainment and application services available on eye2 include: • A vast majority of the 170-plus now TV channels, made available through embedded now TV decoder; • 130,000-plus music titles on moov, covering plugged songs, latest albums, concerts, moov Live and music videos. Elderly people may play back Cantonese opera masterpieces without the need to operate a complicated hi-fi system; Page 15 Continued PCCW Limited • • • • • Living Encyclopedia – instantly check up-to-date information, including news and weather bulletins, stock quotes, as well as horse-racing, football and Mark Six updates; Whiz Kids – fun-filled interactive learning features for children to improve their language skills include Disney Story Telling, Disney Greetings, Disney Song, English and Cartoon Song, IQ forum and Longman Interactive Learning*; Cooking Recipes – audio recipes are available in Cantonese, English, Tagalog and Bahasa Indonesian*. TV artiste Gigi Wong’s popular recipes are also available; PCCW Services - these include EasyWatch service, useful telephone numbers, billing inquiry, snaap! digital photo sharing service, and PPS service*. Users can buy movie tickets and select cinema seats*, and access the PCCW Yellow Pages directories *; • Multimedia Settings – eye2’s built-in multi-functional settings include language selection, brightness control, theme design, menu and title display, backlight and volume control, and ringtone selection, enabling customers to easily personalize their devices. Through eye2, customers may make video calls^ or traditional voice calls through indoor cordless DECT phones. To facilitate customers’ thorough enjoyment of this new experience, PCCW also offers a series of accessories including DECT phones, touch-screen protector, stylus and earphones, etc. For $188 a month, eye2 customers can enjoy designated now TV free to air channels, the opportunity to subscribe to any now TV pay channels, as well as a free trial for the moov digital music service, and unlimited local video and voice calls. Multimedia Player – view digital photos, play movies and enjoy music by simply inserting a memory device into the USB port; and PCCW’s Managing Director of Consumer Group Mr. Tom Chan (centre) is pleased to introduce eye2, Hong Kong’s first Portable Media Center for your home. COMMUNICATIONS ASSOCIATION OF HONG KONG Page 16 PCCW – your trustworthy partner By PCCW Limited As a world-class player in Information and Communications Technologies, PCCW has been a trustworthy partner of both large and small enterprises, offering the most innovative and sophisticated solutions to the private sector. Recently, PCCW has announced several initiatives in the areas of aviation, data management and education. lution also supports instant recovery of applications such as SAP, Oracle, SQL Server, Lotus Notes and Exchange Server. PCCW Solutions, a subsidiary of PCCW Limited, made its debut as a technology partner to mainland China’s air traffic management industry after winning a contract in May to provide the state’s Air Traffic Management Bureau (East China) with a Control Tower Simulation System (CTS) for training controllers. The Air Traffic Management Bureau (East China) acts as a regional unit of the Air Traffic Management Bureau of Civil Aviation Administration of China. The authority’s main responsibilities include providing air traffic control services, surveillance and flight information, as well as researching, developing and promoting new technologies in civil aviation air traffic management. PCCW is responsible for the design, delivery and implementation of the CTS system. Based on virtual reality technology, the CTS solution will simulate today’s air traffic environment in support of preparation, progress, record, playback and evaluation of training. PCCW Solutions Managing Director George Fok said: “We are proud to have been selected to provide the CTS solution. China is a fastgrowing market for air traffic management and this contract marks the Company’s first contribution to the industry there as a technology partner.” PCCW Global’s Senior Vice President of Asia Pacific, Stephen Pang, said: “Unification of technologies and collaboration are keys to saving costs and streamlining operations – and our proof-of-concept platform showcases just how to save IT costs while ensuring business continuity and providing superior network service. We are pleased to join with NetApp to provide this first business continuity technology center, enabling enterprises to design and test data recovery and protection strategies. This greatly enhances remote data access and transmission efficiency – resulting in improvements in response time and bandwidth utilization.” PCCW also plays a critical part in promoting wireless, interactive learning experience for primary students in an initiative of Intel Corporation and the Australian International School Hong Kong (AISHK). Under the Intel® skoool™ Interactive Learning and Teaching Technology program, primary-aged students can find text, visual, audio, and video Data management service is anresources on Classmate PCs - specially other strong area of PCCW’s. PCCW subsidiary PCCW Global PCCW Solutions Managing Director George Fok designed WiFi-enabled Personal ComLimited and leading storage and (right) and Air Traffic Management Bureau (East puters, to help understand academic concepts. Students and teachers can use data management player NetApp China) representatives at the contract-signing this application to collaborate within class, ceremony. unveiled a first-in-market business school and community. The application is continuity technology center in also integrated with a Learning Management System for Hong Kong in late May, with systems connected via a teachers to track students’ learning progress. 2,000km International Ethernet Private Line (IEPL) provided by PCCW Global. PCCW contributes to the e-learning environment by proThe center has been designed to demonstrate how a busi- viding the wireless connection infrastructure for the school in Kowloon Tong. Students can take advantage of the ness continuity solution can help client organizations achieve maximum performance and minimal cost of own- Classmate PCs to access Internet resources and collaboership, as well as optimal data availability and integrity on rate online with peers and teachers, as required by their an “anytime, anywhere” basis. The center accommodates daily classwork. semi-synchronous and asynchronous data replication, new application launch data migration and program testing. This innovative business continuity solution uses bandwidth efficiently to provide remote sites with cost-effective data recovery and protection. Meanwhile, NetApp’s unified storage system enables access via multiple protocols – including FC, iSCSI, NFS and CIFS, providing customers with effective replication and application backup. The soCOMMUNICATIONS ASSOCIATION OF HONG KONG "These days, students are becoming more technologically savvy, so it is important that we encourage them to learn from one another and nurture an interest to pursue knowledge beyond what is taught in the classrooms. Wireless Internet connectivity enables students to do so," said Gary Chow, Managing Director of Commercial Group and Engineering, PCCW. Page 17 PEOPLES Superior “1-Card-Multi-Number” Service offers free IDD calls to China By China Mobile Hong Kong Company Limited PEOPLES recently launched new offers for its Superior “1-Card-Multi-Number” service. less of whether they are in Hong Kong or China. Sending a SMS from Hong Kong to China only costs $0.28 per message (originally $0.5 per message). Besides, customers can enjoy mobile data in Hong Kong and China with the flat rate of only $2.8 per MB (originally $20.5 per MB). Free IDD to China for the whole year New subscribers to Superior “1-Card-MultiNumber” service can now make IDD calls to China for free in the first year of service. Combining the existing benefit in receiving free incoming calls in Hong Kong and Guangdong, the service truly embodies the essence of the convenient and value-for-money cross-border mobile communications. Send SMS to China at only $0.28/SMS & enjoy mobile data in Hong Kong and China with the flat rate of only $2.8/MB. Superior “1-Card-Multi-Number” customers can receive SMS via both Hong Kong and China numbers, regard- Service and so on. To meet the communication needs of the customers, Superior “1-CardMulti-Number” service also comes with a wide range of free valueadded services, including Hong Kong Ringback Tone, Call Forwarding Service, Voice Mailbox China Mobile HK Supported “Meet the CEO” Communications Tour for nurturing the younger generation in Hong Kong By China Mobile Hong Kong Company Limited During the 2-hour interactive session, Mr. Henshaw explained the evolution of mobile technologies with the aid of his full range of collectible handsets, from the very first mobile phone using NMT450 technology to the latest smartphones. To add more fun to the event, Mr. Henshaw also conducted a quiz based on some of the key issues that concern industry CEOs which had received very good response from the students. “Meet the CEO” is the special activity China Mobile Hong Kong designed for students participating in the “World Telecommunication & information Day”(WTISD) organized by CAHK, aimed to provide an opportunity for them to meet the top management of the company, explore more about the industry and provide an opportunity to ask relevant questions. Mr. Charles Henshaw, CEO of China Mobile Hong Kong Co. Ltd., fully supported the event. On 25 May 2009, he spent a session with the students from IVE at which he recounted the history of the mobile phone from its’ earliest beginnings and expounded on his views about the current and future developments of local and global telecom industry. COMMUNICATIONS ASSOCIATION OF HONG KONG Following the “Meet the CEO” session, the IVE students also paid a visit to China Mobile HK’s customer service hotline centre, where they could have a chance to see for themselves the live operation of a call centre. In all, a very successful visit by interested and inquisitive students who now have a better insight to the world of mobile telecommunications. Page 18 NWT’s News By New World Telecommunications Limited NWT won numerous brand and service awards Recently, “Economic Digest” recognized NWT’s strong dedication in building a brand image with innovative ser- NWT has obtained outstanding results in numerous brand and service awards, which reflects market recognition of its top-quality sales and services, customer satisfaction, as well as its outstanding brand image. vices and marketing strategies by presenting the company with “Outstanding Brand Awards 2009” Apart from winning “Customer Relationship Excellence Awards”, organized by Asia Pacific Customer Service Consortium, for 6 consecutive years, NWT was awarded “Distinguished Salesperson Award by HKMA for 7 consecutive years. Moreover, NWT was selected as “SME’s Best Partner” by the Hong Kong Chamber of Small and Medium Business Limited in recognition of its excellent support to local SMEs for 2 consecutive years. NWT’s Home Broadband Phone Service enhances your communication cost-effectively Learn more about NWT Internet Data Centre via online game NWT’s Home Broadband Phone Service provides highquality voice and various value-added services through broadband network. For a fixed monthly fee, you can enjoy unlimited call minutes to keep in touch with your friends and relatives. In view of the positive market response after the launch of its brand new Internet Data Centre (iDC) in early 2009, New World Telecom designed an iDC-related online game recently to introduce the environment and facilities of the iDC in a leisurely way. Home Broadband Phone Service provides a variety of value-added services, including Call Waiting, Caller Number Display, Call Forward, Do Not Disturb, Call Conference, Speed Dialling and Block the Blocker, giving you full control of communications within the comfort of your home at a monthly fee as low as $28. The game objective is to connect the power switches on the left with the iDC racks on the right within the time limit. As you go through different stages, the time limit will gradually become shorter so as to make the game more exciting. The new iDC offers a highly secure and controlled environment with carrier-grade data storage facilities. With a meticulous design, the new iDC not only helps enterprises reduce investment cost in equipment and network management, but also enhances cost-effectiveness. Click here to play the game now! COMMUNICATIONS ASSOCIATION OF HONG KONG Page 19 World’s First Commercial 4G/LTE Site Unveiled in Sweden by Ericsson and Teliasonera By Ericsson Limited Ericsson and TeliaSonera have unveiled the world's first commercial Long-Term Evolution (LTE) site in Stockholm, Sweden - an important milestone in making the mobile digital highway a reality. LTE will transform the mobile-broadband user experience, providing the ultrahigh data speeds needed for services such as internet TV, mobile video blogging, on-line video games and the mobile office environment. The site will be part of a commercial network scheduled to go live in 2010, bringing data rates far above what is possible in today's mobile broadband networks and allowing Stockholmers to stay connected and enjoy seamless, high-quality, online services even while on the move. Ulf Ewaldsson, Vice President and Head of Product Area Radio at Ericsson, says: "The unveiling of this site shows that LTE is no longer the story of the future; it is the story of today. Ericsson, as a leader in LTE development, is proud to work with TeliaSonera to bring a commercial LTE network to life." Erik Hallberg, Senior Vice President and Head of TeliaSonera Mobility Services in Sweden, says: "Being at the forefront of broadband evolution means our customers will be the first to benefit from this groundbreaking technology. This first LTE site is a key step towards further enhancing Sweden's fastest mobile broadband network." LTE enables unprecedented performance in terms of peak data rates, spectrum efficiency and delay. Ericsson has already demonstrated peak rates of 160Mbps. LTE can be deployed both in new and existing frequency bands and is designed to minimize the cost of network operation and maintenance. The evolution of mobile broadband is an integral factor in building sustainable cities that minimize the use of energy and reduce CO2 emissions. About the end-to-end LTE network Ericsson provides TeliaSonera with an LTE system (4G), including LTE Radio Base stations, which are part of the new RBS6000 series, an Evolved Packet Core network and mobile backhaul solution - including Redback's SmartEdge® 1200 routers and the latest EDA multiaccess aggregation switch. The LTE system is based on 3GPP standards for Long-Term Evolution radio technology and System Architecture Evolution (SAE) core technology. LTE is a continued evolution of GSM/CDMA/ WCDMA/TD-SCDMA (i.e. 2G and 3G) mobile networks and is an integrated part of Ericsson's Full Service Broadband offering. Ericsson offers high capacity radio access (LTE), high capacity EDA multi-access edge routers, evolved packet core networks (SAE), multimedia communication with IMS and high-capacity, low-cost carrier Ethernet transport. Through its work in standardization bodies and its own development, Ericsson is also a strong player in the large ecosystem of mobile broadband enabled devices. GfK TEMAX® (Technical Market Index) By GfK Retail and Technology Hong Kong Ltd. GfK Retail and Technology has developed a comprehensive index to track technical consumer goods markets. GfK TEMAX (Technical Market Index) is designed to support decision makers from Industry and Retail in obtaining substantiated facts about their markets. Reporting is on a quarterly basis at macro level for the following markets: ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Telecommunication Consumer Electronics Imaging/ Photo Small Domestic Appliances Major Domestic Appliances Information Technology Office Equipment / Consumables COMMUNICATIONS ASSOCIATION OF HONG KONG Reports and press releases are published on a quarterly basis in February, May, August and November. A like-for-like comparison with the same periods in previous years reveals fundamental developments in the technical consumer goods market in general - one subject to constant change - and also identifies trends and volumes specific to particular market segments (e.g. Information Technology). Explanatory background information, such as the impact of major trade fairs, major sporting events or changes in tax policy, complete the picture. The statistics are produced in tabular and diagram form. Starting with full year 2008 data, GfK TEMAX reports are available for selected countries together with corresponding press releases in English and local languages. Page 20 Continued GfK Retail and Technology Hong Kong Ltd. The GfK TEMAX findings are based on the retail panel surveys of GfK Retail and Technology which are carried out continuously in over 80 countries worldwide. the market recorded a fall of 5.9% compared to Q1 2008. The market value stood at HK$1.3 billion. Information technology: to watch the ‘Netbook’ Results of GfK TEMAX® Hong Kong for the first quarter The first quarter of 2009 witnessed a continual slow down of the technical consumer goods market since the global economy crisis in October 2008. At HK$ 7.91 billion, the market registered a decline of 12.5% from quarter one last year. All sectors of the market experienced the slow down with office equipment, consumer electronics and telecommunication feeling the biggest pinch. The overall market value for electrical appliances tracked by TEMAX amounted to HK$7.91 billion in the first quarter of 2009, which corresponds a decline of 12.5% on the same period in the prior year. This was largely contributed by the double-digit decline in consumer electronics, telecommunication and office equipment. The major and small domestic appliance market witnessed the smallest fall of less than 3%. The product to monitor in the information technology sector was portable PC, particularly the ‘Netbook’. This kept the growth in portable PC while the desktop registered a decline. At HK$1.45 billion, the IT market registered an 8.1% decline in Q1 2009 as compared to Q1 2008. Telecommunication: weak operator sales and maturing of models The mobile phone market experienced weak operator sales and the maturing of the mid-to-high-end models. The first quarter of 2009 declined some 15% compared to Q1 2008 to reach HK$2.51 billion. Consumer Electronics: LCD TV has the least impact The consumer electronics sector witnessed a 17.9% decline as compared to 2008 first quarter. The LCD TV, which has the biggest share of this sector, saw the smallest decline in this sector; all other product experienced double-digit decline. The consumer electronic market was valued at HK$1.85 billion in first quarter 2009. Office equipment and consumables: biggest decline The office equipment and consumables sector recorded the biggest decline of 23% in the first quarter over 2008 with sales value of HK$146 million. Small Domestic Appliances: big decline in Air Conditioner demand The decline in small domestic appliance was contributed by Air Conditioner, sales of which during ‘off peak’ season has been affected by the economic downturn. Dental care, Food Preparation and Vacuum Cleaner still enjoyed some growth compared to Q1 2008. The Small Domestic Appliance market was valued at HK$246 million in the first quarter, a 2% decline from Q1 2008. Major Domestic Appliances: only Washing Machine grew The survey The major domestic appliance market fell by 2.5% compared to first quarter 2008, with a market value of HK$386 million. Washing Machine was the only product that registered a growth. All other products saw a doubledigit decline. GfK TEMAX® Hong Kong is an index developed by GfK Retail and Technology to track the technical consumer goods markets. The GfK TEMAX® Report is published internationally. The findings are based on surveys carried out by the retail panel of GfK Retail and Technology. The retail panel comprises data from over 190.000 retailer outlets worldwide. All reports and press releases are also available at . Photo: fall in first quarter despite an increase in average price While the average price saw an increase from Q1 2008, COMMUNICATIONS ASSOCIATION OF HONG KONG Page 21 CPCNet M@ilCONNECT & M@ilPROTECT — Offering High Manageability and Transparent Email System Control with Total Protection By CPCNet Hong Kong Limited Email communications are essential to getting the job done in today’s business world; however, they cause various IT management issues. Overloading traffic, storage limitation, huge resources for backup, leak of critical business information, difficulty in accessing old emails and conforming regulatory compliance are some of the issues that arise. Failure to address them effectively could have serious repercussions on the organization. In view of these, CPCNet introduces its M@ilCONNECT and M@ilPROTECT services, helping IT Professionals to have true control on their email systems. M@ilCONNECT Dedicated Email Hosting Solution CPCNet M@ilCONNECT provides a brand new email service which is using dedicated server located in our carrier-grade Data Center, with pre-defined management and administration interface to enterprises. Customers can enjoy a truly solo email facility with robust server technology, whilst minimizing the IT running cost, management effort and easily extend messaging services to your growing organization. M@ilCONNECT Dedicated Email Hosting offers a managed, secured and cost effective solution - “NO Hardware, NO Software, NO Additional Manpower service to manage a company wide email system.” 3. 4. 5. 6. servers are secured and protected from viruses/spam Manageability - Stay in control to manage user accounts, passwords, storage quota, and more from user -friendly web-interface browser Reporting - Email server traffic report on messages per hour, bandwidth utilization, etc. No explicit limits on number of users, subject to your disk space consumption Hard drive resilience function using RAID technology for data protection Benefit Highlights: • • • • • Key Features: High performance with abundant bandwidth from CPCNet’s IDC, and top-quality server and system High security with dedicated server hosted in top-drawer IDC High manageability and flexibility with instant access web-interface for corporate or individual user account management any time anywhere, and email server traffic report (per device) Low TCO with no upfront investment, and all required appliance and software are provided and maintained by CPCNet 24 x 7 monitoring & technical support by CPCNet’s professionals in IDC 1. Robust, Scalable Network Infrastructure - Dedicated Email server installed at carrier-grade Data Center, with routers, switches and redundant power systems 2. Security and E-mail Protection - With sophisticated configuration on SMTP, IMAP, POP3, WebMail and other features to ensure the integrity and privacy of email. All COMMUNICATIONS ASSOCIATION OF HONG KONG Page 22 Continued CPCNet Hong Kong Limited M@ilPROTECT • Unlimited Archiving with Total Protection Fulfilling Corporation Compliance Needs CPCNet introduces the leading-edge M@ilPROTECT service, which provides an integrated Email Security & Archiving Service to help you founding a fully secure email protection and management system under compliance. M@ilPROTECT offers: • • • Effective inbound and outbound email backup, archiving and recovery • • • • Flexible storage upgrade Certified Anti-Virus Anti-Spam with 7 x 24 operation centre • Anti-Phishing: Protect users from clicking the faker URL inside spam mails which lead to phishing websites. Pre-Security: DOS Prevention and Connection Limits & Check. Mail Control: Mail Routing, Forwarding and Relay Control. Mail Auditing: Mail Archive, Statistics, Analyst Report and Searching. User Authentication: Support POP3, LDAP, Microsoft AD and Local Account Authentication. Server Management: Chinese & English UI, Access Log and SAN Storage Extendable. • Email traffic filtering with authentication • Advanced email searching and index function • Solution fulfilling regulatory compliance needs Benefit Highlights: Multi-languages support including English, Traditional Chinese and Simplified Chinese • • • Remote management tool • M@ilPROTECT All-round email security features: • Anti-Virus: Anti-Virus is bundled with 7x24x365 Virus Pattern Update. • • • • Anti-Spam: Reverse DNS Lookup, RBL Check, Black & White List, Keywords Check, Image Spam Detection, Intelligent Content Filter and Notification. COMMUNICATIONS ASSOCIATION OF HONG KONG Better budget control with NO CAPEX, NO maintenance cost and NO equipment investment Compatible with all mail servers High flexibility for further upgrade on storage and VAS CPCNet email & security experts’ management in retaining full control of the secure email services Around-the-clock hotline support by CPCNet CS agents Page 23 VCAST Launched the Brand-New V-Series Interactive Solutions For Business to Explore More Opportunities By Vcast.TV VCAST is a leading streaming solution provider who provides video broadcasting services and solutions via any IP-based network (Internet/Intranet/wireless) with virtually no limitation to anyone, anytime and anywhere. The brand-new V-Series interactive video broadcasting solutions aim for any size of businesses to take advantage of new media power and put video to explore unlimited business opportunities. A picture tells a thousand words but a video can cast an everlasting impression. Start Now! “In today’s economic downtimes, we hope our brand-new VBroadcast, VMail and VSignage solutions can help businesses to empower their communications and enhance their marketing mix with their own videos – either talk to their clients directly, showcase their products in action, or emotionalize their marketing messages – as a result, attracting more eyeballs and strengthening their own brand,” said Mr. Keith Lie, CEO of VCAST. address. It is a unique and effective way for company to leave a lasting impression. For many occasions, like seasonal greetings, clients prefer to watch a video rather than read through mounds of text. Video-email allows company to share, educate, and inform clients their new move. It becomes the best practice for most companies and the preferred medium for their marketing and general support. VSignage is an intelligent real-time digital signage solution which delivers dynamic and enriched multimedia contents and display to multiple screens or locations by using VCAST’s set-top-box (VBox). It offers high ROI as it presents the right message at the right time to the right audience: • • VBroadcast is a low-barrier and cost-effective web-based solution tailored for any enterprises to digitize their key knowledge into live or on-demand video-based multimedia contents for easy storage, delivery and sharing: • Company Announcements • Regional Meetings • Product Training • Staff Orientations • Marketing Campaigns • Product Launch Ceremonies • Corporate Event like Conferences and Tradeshows • • • no download integrated e-marketing solution tailored for any companies or organizations to distribute their own “VideoEmail” contents directly to anyone with an email COMMUNICATIONS ASSOCIATION OF HONG KONG Ser- Digital Signage at Hong Kong Book Fair 2008 Product & Service Showcase Show Times Queue Digital Signage at ISF Academy’s Campus One-stop solution from production, broadcast to promotion Multi-access via web, mobile & IPTV • Cost-effective with high ROI • Increased response rates • Enhanced brand image • Detailed traffic reports • Worry-free with 7/24 technical support Global audience reach with unlimited coverage • Dynamic contents & display layouts • Integrated latest news, weather or RSS feeds • Seasonal Greetings Using VMail Highlight Branch vices • Hong Kong Securities Institute eSeminar • Platform VMail is a one click with Morning Briefings / Executive Announcements Why VCAST? • Wal-Mart Global Procurement Worldwide Year Beginning Meeting Live Broadcast Ribbon-cutting Ceremonies in Different Branches Ad-hoc insertion of live videos, ads or emergency messages Page 24 GN Netcom Takes Corded Headsets To The Next Level With The All-New Jabra BIZ 2400 By GN Netcom Asia Ltd Advanced audio, superior comfort and outstanding design make the Jabra BIZ 2400 the best corded headset on the market GN Netcom, a world leader in innovative headset solutions, has revolutionized the corded headset market with the launch of the all-new Jabra BIZ 2400. Ten times better than its nearest competitor, the Jabra BIZ 2400 features a number of industry firsts including a boom arm with the ability to rotate 360 degrees, patented wearing styles and Bluetooth® connections (in selected models). It is ideal for contact centers and offices where it is essential to have a robust, durable headset that will increase productivity and efficiency. The Jabra BIZ 2400 will be available from all GN Netcom partners soon. The Jabra BIZ 2400 offers superior audio quality wrapped up in a sleek and user-friendly device. Its unprecedented level of comfort means it is ideal for all-day use. It also offers compliance with the EU Noise at Work Regulations via Intellitone® technology and Peakstop® technology to protect users against acoustic shock. There are three main areas where the Jabra BIZ 2400 outshines it competitors, highlighting 10 new features that make it the best corded headset yet. Advanced audio There have been three main developments in this area: 1. Improved noise-canceling - the Jabra BIZ 2400 comes loaded with a Zero-tolerance® noise canceling system that blocks out all unwanted and distracting background noise. 2. Gold contacts – the new microphone has contacts made from pure gold which ensure optimum voice transmission at all times. 3. Neodyne speakers – the new intelligent speakers can adapt to the user’s preferred phone system or audio application to deliver top-class sound, regardless of frequency. The Jabra BIZ 2400 is compatible with conventional narrowband desk telephony (803,400Hz), wideband IP telephony (80-6,8000Hz) and multimedia applications with full hi-fi quality (8015,000Hz). Outstanding design The Jabra BIZ 2400 is designed to withstand the everyday wear and tear associated with call centers and offices. Its new design features include: COMMUNICATIONS ASSOCIATION OF HONG KONG 1. Break-proof boom – the Jabra BIZ 2400 is the only headset on the market that allows users to rotate the boom arm in 360 degrees of motion. By replacing the traditional fixed wiring with a gold-plated slider, users can adjust the boom arm safe in the knowledge that it will never break. 2. Surgical steel – key metal parts of the Jabra BIZ 2400 are made from surgical steel to give it maximum strength and an eye-catching, quality finish 3. Kevlar cord – the Jabra BIZ 2400 features a Kevlarreinforced cord which protects against kinking, breakages and damage. Superior comfort The Jabra BIZ 2400 is designed for all-day use. The Jabra BIZ 2400 has improved comfort in the following ways: 1. Super-soft ear cushions and flexible wearing styles – the Jabra BIZ 2400 has super-soft ear cushions, similar to those used in high-end stereo headphones. It features three unique Flex-fit wearing styles, Earhook, Neckband, and T-bar. The headset can adapt to the user’s preference including use of right or left ear, avoiding hair entanglement. 2. Programmable soft-buttons – the Jabra BIZ 2400 can be used to control all incoming and outgoing calls. It features an answer/end button and a toggle-wheel, as well as two additional buttons which can be programmed via a PC to perform specific tasks. 3. Bluetooth connection for cell phones – the Jabra BIZ 2400 USB is the first corded USB headset with in-built Bluetooth® connections that allows users to seamlessly switch between PC telephony and cell phone calls. 4. ID tag – the Jabra BIZ 2400 comes with a clothing clip that can be used as an ID tag to enable users to customize their headsets. Simply log on to, enter the user details via the online template and personalize the headset. “The Jabra BIZ 2400 encapsulates GN Netcom’s experience and dedication to providing industry-leading products that increase productivity and efficiency,” said Ken Tam, Director of Sales, GN Netcom. “Based on the award-winning GN2100, the Jabra BIZ 2400 is the best corded headset on the market, offering amazing sound quality, outstanding comfort and extreme durability. It is the ideal choice for all office and call center workers.” Page 25 Key Telecommunications Statistics Telecommunications Services Quantity Mobile network operators (May 2009) 5 Wireline-based local fixed telecommunications network services (FTNS) operators (May 2009) 10 Wireless-based local FTNS operators (May 2009) 1 FTNS operators for distribution of domestic free TV programme service (May 2009) 2 Satellite-based external FTNS operators (May 2009) 5 Cable-based external FTNS operators (May 2009) 28 External telecommunications services operators (May 2009) 255 Household fixed line penetration rate (Note) (March 2009) 99.7% Mobile subscriber penetration rate (March 2009) 165.2% Mobile subscribers (March 2009) 11,580,149 2.5G and 3G mobile subscribers (March 2009) 3,697,854 Internet Services Internet service providers (May 2009) Registered customer accounts with dial-up access (estimated) (March 2009) Registered customer accounts with broadband access (estimated) (March 2009) Quantity 168 968,043 1,962,514 78.6% Household broadband penetration rate (March 2009) 7,986 Public Wi-Fi access points (May 2009) Note: Household fixed line refers to residential exchange line and IP telephony connection assigned with telephone numbers in accordance with the Hong Kong Numbering Plan. Household fixed line penetration rate is calculated by dividing the number of fixed lines by the number of households. Data Source: OFTA, HKSAR (8/6/2009) COMMUNICATIONS ASSOCIATION OF HONG KONG Page 26 Call for Paper Next Submission Deadline Tentative Circulation Date Mid September 2009 End of September 2009 The New Services & Products Bulletin offers excellent opportunities for its members to exchange new information. Paper should not be more than 1000 words and no Commercial Advertisement is allowed. You are highly encouraged to submit more photos or graphics in jpeg format to attract viewing. Please submit your paper by email to CAHK has the sole right to decide whether to publish the article. For any enquiry, please contact CAHK. Tel: (852) 25042732 Fax: (852) 2504 2752 Email: Website: Manager: Kathlin Liao Admin Assistant: Selina Lee While every care is taken in compiling this newsletter, CAHK makes no warranty or accepts no responsibilities for the accuracy or completeness in relation to the information contained in this newsletter or accepts no liability, direct or indirect, for any loss or damage whatsoever and howsoever suffered or incurred by any party. With the use of the information in this newsletter, the customer or any party irrevocably and unconditionally accepts and agrees to be bound by this disclaimer.