discontinued - Prairie Contractors
discontinued - Prairie Contractors
historical palettes repair and replace mall & free-standing restaurants 1980-2012 updated july 2013 Design english oak palette repair and replace malls 1980-1986 updated july 2013 tile dining & serving area floors field tile Manf: -Series: Custom cont. Color: Apple Red dis with replace Size: 4”x8” Manf: Daltile Series: Porcelato Solid scont. Color: Nero Macchiato di ce with repla Size: 8”x8” Manf: Daltile Comments: Full Series: Terra Antica replacement Color: Oro with Oro spec. Size: 12”x12” Manf: Daltile Series: Porcelato Solid scont. i Color: Nero Macchiato d with replace Size: 8”x8” Manf: Daltile Comments: Full Series: Terra Antica replacement Color: Oro with Oro spec. Size: 6”x12” border tile Manf: Gail International t. disconw Color: Black Glazed ith e replac Size: 2”x10” tile front counter - serving side cove base Manufacturer: -Series: Quarry Tile Color: Red Size: -- english oak tile d ued iscontin replace with Comments: Cove base with bullnose. Use for total replacement. Manufacturer: Daltile Series: Matte Series Color: Almond, X735 Size: 4 1/4”x4 1/4” Comments: Use to patch if it matches the original Almond tile. Grout: Custom Building Products, Polyblend Sanded, #382 Bone Manufacturer: Daltile Series: Matte Series Color: Almond, X735 Size: 4 1/4”x4 1/4” Comments: Use to patch if it matches the original Almond tile. Grout: Custom Building Products, Polyblend Sanded, #382 Bone page 1 of 4 serving area back bar wall field tile Manufacturer: American d Olean ontinuewith Color: #58 Vellum, mattedisc replace finish Size: 4 1/4”x4 1/4” tile Manufacturer: Daltile Series: Quarry Tile Color: Diablo Red, 0T01 Size: 5”x8” other walls field tile Manufacturer: American Olean tinued h n o c s i d Color: #58 Vellum, matte wit replace finish Size: 4 1/4”x4 1/4” wall covering above chair rail Manufacturer: -Series: -ntinuedith o c s i d Color: Custom w/ CFA icon w replace Manufacturer: Koroseal Series: Evans & Brown/ Tiburon Ray Color: Ganymede, T228-38 Comments: FOR MALLS ONLY when paint is not allowed For total replacement Manufacturer: Koroseal Series: Evans & Brown/ Tiburon Ray Color: Ganymede, T228-38 Comments: FOR MALLS ONLY when paint is not allowed For total replacement ued iscontin Manufacturer: Koroseal Series: Evans & Brown/ Tiburon Ray Color: Bronze, T228-53 Comments: FOR MALLS ONLY when paint is not allowed For total replacement ued iscontin Manufacturer: Koroseal Series: Evans & Brown/ Tiburon Ray Color: Bronze, T228-53 Comments: FOR MALLS ONLY when paint is not allowed For total replacement above chair rail Manufacturer: -Series: Coffee Cream Color: -- inued discont h replace wit below chair rail Manufacturer: -Series: -Color: Dark Brown d replace with wainscot english oak Manufacturer: Formica Series: -Color: English Oak, 343 d replace with wood trim crown molding/chair rail Manufacturer: Randall Brothers Series: RB-17 inued Color: to match discontplace with Formica 343 English Oak re Size: 6” high Manufacturer: WilsonArt Color: Shaker Cherry, 7935-60 Material: plastic laminate wall base Manufacturer: Randall Brothers Series: RB-17 inued discontplace with Color: re to match Formica 343 English Oak Size: 6” high Manufacturer: WilsonArt Color: Shaker Cherry, 7935-60 Material: plastic laminate page 2 of 4 laminate front counter counter top Manufacturer: Formica Color: Light Beige, 1531 ntinuedith Material: Plastic Laminatedisco w replace customer face Manufacturer: Formica Color: English Oak, 343 tinued h n o c s i d Material: Plastic Laminate wit replace Manufacturer: WilsonArt Product: # D30-60 Color: Natural Almond Material: Plastic Laminate Comments: Use to patch if it matches original laminate Manufacturer: WilsonArt Product: # D30-60 Color: Natural Almond Material: Plastic Laminate Comments: Use to patch if it matches original laminate Manufacturer: Armstrong Series: Ceramaguard Color: White Finish: Unperforated, #605 Comments: Size to match existing Manufacturer: Armstrong Series: Cortega Color: White, #704 Finish: Angled Tegular Edge Comments: Grid: white 15/16” customer face base Manufacturer: Formica Series: Solid Colors Color: Black, 909 Material: Plastic Laminate ceiling tile english oak serving area Manufacturer: Armstrong Product: VinylRock inued Color: White discontplace with re dining room Manufacturer: Armstrong Product: Travertone, concealed spine d ued iscontin replace with page 3 of 4 lighting accent Comments: Original lighting specifications no longer available. Manufacturer: Besa Lighting Product: 1JC -412668 – SN Color: Amber Cloud Manufacturer: Besa Lighting Product: Wall Sconce, 704218SN Color: Amber Cloud other walls restroom finishes Manufacturer: Marlite Product: FRP Color: Brite White, P199 Finish: Pebbled Surface replace with partitions english oak Manufacturer: WilsonArt Color: Ochre Roletta, 4738-60 inued discontplace with vanity Manufacturer: Avonite Product: FI-9130 Color: Cairo Manf: Sherwin-WIlliams Product: SW6108 Color: Latte OR Manf: Marlite Product: FRP Color: Beige Finish: Pebbled Surface Manufacturer: Arborite Series: Patterns - Abstracts Color: Earthen Hemp, P-356 CA re replace with Manufacturer: Avonite Product: FI-9144 Color: Palermo page 4 of 4 burgundy almond palette repair and replace malls and free-standing restaurants 1987-1993 updated july 2013 tile dining/serving area floor field tile Manf.: International American Ceramics ued h Series: Four Seasons conptin is d c Color: Chestnut, #2314 re la e wit Size: 8”x8” Manufacturer: Daltile Series: Terra Antica Color: Oro Manufacturer: Crossville Series: Color Blox Color: Camping Out, A1115 Size: 12”x12” Comments: Grout to match existing. Patch should create a pattern in the floor that works with the original design Comments: Floor field tile: 12”x12” Tile base at walls: 6”x12” w/ cove and bullnose Tile base at millwork: 6”x12” w/ cove, w/out bullnose Grout: Custom Building Products, Tobacco Brown burgundy almond border tile Manufacturer: Gail International Series: Four Seasons d Color: Custom Red iscontinue d Size: 4”x8” accent tile Manufacturer: International American Ceramics Series: Four Seasons Color: Desert Sands, #2384discontinued Size: 8”x8” cove base Manufacturer: International American Ceramics Series: Four Seasons tinuewdith Color: Chestnut, #2314 disconp lace re Size: 4”x8” Manufacturer: Daltile Series: Terra Antica Color: Oro tile Manufacturer: Crossville Comments: Total replacement if Series: Color Blox existing floor remains Color: Camping Out, A1115 Size: 6”x12” Comments: See Oro comments above front counter - serving side cove base with bullnose Manufacturer: -Series: Quarry Tile Color: Red Size: Base ed discontinu h replace wit Manufacturer: Dal-Tile Series: Quarry Textures Color: Diablo Red, 0T01 Size: 5” x 8” Comments: Use for total replacement page 1 of 5 tile field tile front counter - customer side Manufacturer: American Olean Series: -ed ntincu discore Color: Almond, #87 e pla with Size: -- accent tile Manufacturer: American Olean Series: -ed ntincu Color: Cherry Red discore la e with p Size: -- cove base Manufacturer: International American Ceramics tinuewdith Series: Four Seasons disconp re lace Color: Chestnut, #2314 Size: 4”x8” Manufacturer: Daltile Comments: See Oro comments Series: Terra Antica above Color: Oro burgundy almond tile field tile Manufacturer: Dal-Tile Series: Matte Series Color: Almond, X735 Size: 4 1/4”x4 1/4”, 6”x6” Comments: Use to patch if it matches the original tile. Grout: Custom Building Products, Bone if tile is total replacement Manufacturer: Dal-Tile Series: Semi-Gloss Color: Vermillion, 0DM1 Size: 4 1/4”x4 1/4” Comments: Use to patch if it matches the original tile Manufacturer: Crossville Series: Color Blox Color: Camping Out, A1115 Size: 6”x12” serving area back bar wall Manufacturer: American Olean Series: -ed ntincu discore Color: Almond, #87 e pla with Size: -- accent tile Manufacturer: American Olean ed Series: -ntincu discore Color: Cherry Red - Scored pla e with Size: 4 1/4”x4 1/4” Manufacturer: Dal-Tile Series: Matte Series Color: Almond, X735 Size: 4 1/4”x4 1/4” Comments: Use to patch if it matches the original Almond tile Manufacturer: Dal-Tile Series: Semi-Gloss Color: Vermillion, 0DM1 Size: 4 1/4”x4 1/4” Comments: Use to patch if it matches the original tile accent tile Manufacturer: American Olean Series: -ed Color: Claret, #113 discontinu Size: 4 1/4”x4 1/4” page 2 of 5 tile field tile restroom floor Manufacturer: International ed American Ceramics ntincu o c is h d e Series: Four Seasons repla wit Color: Chestnut, #2314 Size: 8”x8” Manufacturer: Daltile Comments: See previous Oro Series: Terra Antica comments Color: Oro cove base Manufacturer: International American Ceramics ntinued Series: Four Seasons discoreplace with Color: Chestnut, #2314 Size: 4”x8” burgundy almond Manufacturer: Daltile Series: Terra Antica Color: Oro tile field tile Manufacturer: Crossville Series: Color Blox Color: Camping Out, A1115 Size: 6”x12” restroom wall Manufacturer: American Olean Series: -ed ntincu discore with Color: Almond, #87 e la p Size: -- accent tile Manufacturer: American Olean ed Series: -ntincu discore e Color: Cherry Red pla with Size: -- field tile Comments: Grout to match existing. Patch should create a pattern in the floor that works with the original design Comments: See previous Oro comments tile Manufacturer: Crossville Series: Color Blox Color: Camping Out, A1115 Size: 12”x12” Manufacturer: Dal-Tile Series: Matte Series Color: Almond, X735 Size: 4 1/4”x4 1/4” Comments: Use to patch if it matches the original Almond tile Manufacturer: Dal-Tile Series: Semi-Gloss Color: Vermillion, 0DM1 Size: 4 1/4”x4 1/4” Comments: Use to patch if it matches the original tile Manufacturer: Dal-Tile Series: Quarry Textures Color: Diablo Red, 0T01 Size: -- Comments: Use for patch kitchen floor Manufacturer: Summitville, Am. Olean, Daltile ed ntincu discore Series: Quarry Tile pla e with Color: Red page 3 of 5 wall covering Manufacturer: Vicretex ed Series: #1882 Tribune/ ntincu discore e China Glaze pla with Manufacturer: Vicky Series: VKY 7-4360 Color: Camel Comments: For malls only Refer to Burgundy Almond Refresh for paint options. Manufacturer: Artron Atlantic Series: Symphony Series #SSP-33 ued h Color: Genon conptin is d e wit c la re Finish: Cabrio Beige Manufacturer: Vicky Series: VKY 7-4360 Color: Camel Comments: For malls only Refer to Burgundy Almond Refresh for paint options. Manufacturer: WilsonArt Color: Natural Almond, #D30-60 Finish: Solicor Comments: Use for total replacement burgundy almond Manufacturer: Korogard Color: Shaker Cherry Material: Sheet and Corner Guard chair rail dining room Manufacturer: WilsonArt Color: Shaker Cherry, 7935-60 Material: Plastic Laminate laminate front counter Manufacturer: WilsonArt Color: Chamois, #D41-60 ed ntincu discore Finish: Solicor pla e with Manufacturer: WilsonArt Color: Port, #D14-6 laminate Comments: Use for total replacement restroom partitions Manufacturer: WilsonArt Color: Light Beige, #1531-60 page 4 of 5 lighting dining room Manufacturer: Halo Product: L743P Color: White with white or black interior Comments: Visual match is needed for damage replacement. Not all tracks and track heads are interchangeable. Manufacturer: -Product: Red Bowl Pendant ed ntincu discore Color: -e pla with ceiling burgundy almond ceiling tile ceiling tile Comments: If replacement is needed, replace all fixtures with Besa - Amber Cloud pendant. service area Manufacturer: Armstrong ed Product: VinylRock ntincu discore Color: White pla e with Finish: -- ceiling Manufacturer: Besa Lighting Product: 1JC-412618–SN Color: Amber Cloud Manufacturer: Armstrong Series: Ceramaguard Color: White Finish: Unperforated, #605 Comments: Size to match existing (24”x24”, 24”x48”) dining room Manufacturer: Armstrong ed Product: Tan, #2795A ntincu discore Color: -pla e with Size: 24”x48” Manufacturer: Armstrong Series: Cortega, #704 Color: White Finish: Angled Tegular Edge page 5 of 5 red, white & navy palette repair and replace mall and free-standing restaurants 1993-1995 updated july 2013 tile dining room floor Manufacturer: Dal-Tile Series: Glazed Premier Color: Peach, 2804 Size: -Manufacturer: Dal-Tile Series: Glazed Premier Color: Gray, 2803 Size: -- red, white & navy Manufacturer: Dal-Tile Series: Glazed Premier Color: Black, 2805 Size: -- wit Manufacturer: Daltile Series: Terra Antica Color: Celeste/Grigio TA04 Size: 12”x12”, 6”x12” Comments: 12x12 floor only; 6x12 cove base with bullnose (S-36C9T) Grout : Custom Building Products #370 Dove Gray ntinued Manufacturer: Daltile Series: Terra Antica Color: Celeste/Grigio TA04 Size: 12”x12”, 6”x12” Comments: 12x12 floor only; 6x12 cove base with bullnose (S-36C9T) Grout : Custom Building Products #370 Dove Gray ued iscontin Manufacturer: Daltile Series: Terra Antica Color: Celeste/Grigio TA04 Size: 12”x12”, 6”x12” Comments: 12x12 floor only; 6x12 cove base with bullnose (S-36C9T) Grout : Custom Building Products #370 Dove Gray Manufacturer: Dal-Tile Series: Porcelato Color: Nero Macchiato, CD37 Size: 6”x8” Cove Base (S-3689T) Comments: Use replacement spec if original floor remains Grout: Hydroment- Char Black or Match existing floor grout Manufacturer: Dal-Tile Series: Porcelato Color: Nero Macchiato, CD37 Size: 6”x8” Cove Base (S-3689T) Comments: Use replacement spec if original floor remains Grout: Hydroment- Char Black or Match existing floor grout Manufacturer: Dal-Tile Series: Quarry Textures Color: Diablo Red, #0T01 Size: 5” x 8 ” Comments: Grout: #951 Raven inued discont h replace disco replace d replace with with Manufacturer: American Olean Series: Ultra Pavers Texture inued 1000 discontplace with Color: Flint, U257 re Size: -- tile front counter - customer side Comments: Grout: Custom Building Products #381 Bright White Manufacturer: Dal-Tile Series: Semi-Gloss Accent Tile Color: Arctic White, 0190 Size: 4 1/4”x4 1/4” Manufacturer: American Olean d Series: ontinuewith Ultra Pavers Texture 1000 disc replace Color: Flint, U257 Size: Cove base tile front counter - serving side Manufacturer: -Series: Quarry Tile Color: Red Size: Base d ued iscontin replace with page 1 of 5 tile serving area back bar wall red, white & navy Manufacturer: Daltile Series: Semi-Gloss Accent Tile Color: Arctic White, 0190 Size: 4 1/4”x4 1/4” Manufacturer: Daltile Series: Semi-Gloss Accent Tile Color: Vermillion, 0DM1 Size: 4 1/4”x4 1/4” Manufacturer: Daltile Series: Semi-Gloss Accent Tile Color: Navy K189 Size: 4 1/4”x4 1/4” tile Comments: Grout: Custom Building Products #381 Bright White Comments: Grout: Custom Building Products #381 Bright White Comments: Grout: Custom Building Products #381 Bright White below chair rail Manufacturer: Crossville Series: Cross-Color Ceramic Color: Mica, A900 Size: 3”x3” Finish: Polished inued discont Manufacturer: Crossville Series: Cross-Color Ceramic inued discontplace with Color: White Diamond, A216 re Size: 3”x3” Finish: Polished tile Manufacturer: Daltile Series: Permabrites Color: Arctic White Size: 3”x3” Finish: Polished restroom wall Comments: If the restroom needs repair due to damaged finishes, the contractor should find a close match to existing finishes and patch the damaged areas. page 2 of 5 paint field accent Manufacturer: Sherwin-WIlliams Product: SW1040 Color: Windsor Grey inued discont h Manufacturer: Sherwin-WIlliams Product: SW6080 Color: Utterly Beige Comments: Eggshell (Walls), Semi-Gloss (Door Frames), Flat (Ceiling) Manufacturer: Sherwin-WIlliams Product: SW1007 Color: Black Tie inued discont ith Manufacturer: Sherwin-WIlliams Product: SW6004 Color: Mink Comments: Eggshell (Walls), Semi-Gloss (Door Frames), Flat (Ceiling) red, white & navy wall covering replace replace wit w below chair rail Manufacturer: Artron Atlantic Color: Regalia Grey, inued CFA-001-P discontplace with re wall covering Manufacturer: Koroseal Series: Desert Sand Color: River Pebble, 5921-98 above chair rail Manufacturer: Artron Atlantic Color: Davinci Sandlewood, inued CFA-002 discontplace with re Manufacturer: Koroseal Series: Desert Sand Color: Cobblestone, 5521-16 Manufacturer: Koroseal Series: Arabesque Color: Misty, C321-90 Manufacturer: Koroseal Series: Desert Sand Color: Cobblestone, 5521-16 chair rail d ontinue disc replace with dining room Manufacturer: Daltile Series: Scored Pattern Color: Vermillion Size: 4 1/4”x4 1/4” d ued iscontin replace with Manufacturer: WilsonArt Color: Brune Slate, 1763 Material: Plastic Laminate If majority of finishes are going to be updated, use 6” High Brune Slate Plastic Laminate to replace existing chair rail. page 3 of 5 chair rail continued Manufacturer: Daltile Series: Semi-Gloss Accent Color: Navy Size: 4 1/4”x4 1/4” with Manufacturer: WilsonArt Color: Brune Slate, 1763 Material: Plastic Laminate If majority of finishes are going to be updated, use 6” High Brune Slate Plastic Laminate to replace existing chair rail. Manufacturer: Armstrong Product: VinylRock inued Color: White discontplace with re Finish: -- Manufacturer: Armstrong Series: Ceramaguard Color: White Finish: Unperforated, #605 Comments: Size to match existing Manufacturer: Armstrong Series: Cortega Color: White, #704 Finish: Angled Tegular Edge Comments: Cirrus is available for patch and repair. Use Cortega for full replacement. laminate counter top face replace front counter Manufacturer: WilsonArt Product: 4622-60 Color: Grey Nebula red, white & navy counter top Manufacturer: WilsonArt Product: 4333-60 Color: Natural Nebula ceiling service area dining room Manufacturer: Armstrong Product: Cirrus, 534 Color: White replace Finish: Angled Tegular Edge with page 4 of 5 lighting dining room Manufacturer: Besa Lighting Product: 1JC -412668 – SN, Besa Pendant Color: White Cloud Manufacturer: Besa Lighting Product: 704268– SN, Besa Wall Sconce Color: White Cloud red, white & navy Manufacturer: Halo Product: L743P Color: White with black or white interior Comments: Visual match is needed for damage replacement. Not all tracks and track heads are interchangeable. page 5 of 5 checkerboard palette repair and replace mall & free-standing restaurants 1997-2002 updated july 2013 tile dining room floor Manufacturer: Crossville Series: Cross-Colors Ceramic Color: Mica, #A900 Size: 8”x8” Finish: Cross-Tread Manufacturer: Crossville Series: Cross-Colors Ceramic Color: Burgundy Smoke, #A790 Size: 8”x8” Finish: Cross-Tread Manufacturer: Crossville Series: Cross-Colors Ceramic Color: Graphite, #A850 Size: 8”x8” Finish: Cross-Tread Manufacturer: Crossville Series: Cross-Colors Ceramic Color: Graphite, #A850 Size: 6”x8” (cove base) Finish: Cross-Tread checkerboard tile condiment counter Manufacturer: Crossville Series: Cross-Colors Ceramic inued Color: Mica, #A900 discontplace with Size: 3”x3” re Finish: PO (Polished) Manufacturer: Crossville ed Series: Cross-Colors Ceramic continue with Color: White Diamond, #A216dis replac Size: 3”x3” Finish: PO tile Comments: Size discontinued. Crossville is holding stock of #A900 Mica 3”x3” for repairs and patches. Replacement spec TBD. Manufacturer: Daltile Series: Permabrites Color: Arctic White Size: 3”x3” Finish: PO Comments: Use Hydroment Grout, color: white front counter Manufacturer: Crossville Series: Cross-Colors Ceramic inued Color: Mica, #A900 discontplace with Size: 3”x3” re Finish: PO (Polished) Comments: Size discontinued. Crossville is holding stock of #A900 Mica 3”x3” for repairs and patches. Replacement spec TBD. page 1 of 7 tile continued Manufacturer: Crossville d Series: Cross-Colors Ceramic ontinuewith Color: White Diamond, #A216disc replace Size: 3”x3” Finish: PO tile Manufacturer: Crossville Series: Cross-Colors Ceramic inued t n o c s i d Color: White Diamond, #A216 with replace Size: 3”x3” Finish: PO checkerboard Comments: Use Hydroment Grout, color: white serving area back bar wall Manufacturer: Crossville Series: Cross-Colors Ceramic ued Color: Mica, #A900 iscontince with d Size: 3”x3” repla Finish: PO (Polished) Manufacturer: Crossville Series: Brilliante Color: Ruby #IG12 Size: 1” x 6” Liner Finish: PO tile Manufacturer: Daltile Series: Permabrites Color: Arctic White Size: 3”x3” Finish: PO Comments: Size discontinued. Crossville is holding stock of #A900 Mica 3”x3” for repairs and patches. Replacement spec TBD. Manufacturer: Daltile Series: Permabrites Color: Arctic White Size: 3”x3” Finish: PO Comments: Use Hydroment Grout Color: White Comments: Accent wall tile at serving area back wall Use Hydroment Grout – Color: White wall below chair rail Manufacturer: Crossville Series: Cross-Colors Ceramic ued Color: Mica, #A900 iscontince with d Size: 3”x3” repla Finish: PO (Polished) Manufacturer: Crossville Series: Cross-Colors Ceramic tinued h n o c s i d Color: White Diamond, #A216 wit replace Size: 3”x3” Finish: PO Comments: Size discontinued. Crossville is holding stock of #A900 Mica 3”x3” for repairs and patches. Replacement spec TBD. Manufacturer: Daltile Series: Permabrites Color: Arctic White Size: 3”x3” Finish: PO Comments: Use Hydroment Grout Color: White page 2 of 7 tile restroom wall Manufacturer: Crossville Series: Cross-Colors Ceramic ued Color: Mica, #A900 iscontince with d Size: 3”x3” repla Finish: PO (Polished) Comments: Size discontinued. Crossville is holding stock of #A900 Mica 3”x3” for repairs and patches. Replacement spec TBD. Manufacturer: Crossville Series: Cross-Colors Ceramic inued discontplace with Color: White Diamond, #A216 re Size: 3”x3” Finish: PO Manufacturer: Daltile Series: Permabrites Color: Arctic White Size: 3”x3” Finish: PO checkerboard tile Comments: Use Hydroment Grout Color: White kitchen/serving area floor Manufacturer: American Olean Series: Quarry Tile Color: Fawn Grey Size: 6”x6” Comments: Use Laticrete Grout – Color: #22 Midnight Black Manufacturer: American Olean Series: Quarry Tile Color: Fawn Grey Size: 5”x6” (base) Comments: Use Laticrete Grout – Color: #22 Midnight Black paint field Manufacturer: Duron Product #: 8632W Color: Timeless Gray . discont Manufacturer: Sherwin-WIlliams Product #: SW6004 t. disconw Color: Mink ith e c repla Manufacturer: Sherwin-WIlliams Product #: SW6074 Color: Spaulding Gray Manufacturer: Duron Product #: CW024W Color: Soaring White . discont Manufacturer: Sherwin-WIlliams Product #: SW6080 scont. h Color: Utterly Beige di wit replace Manufacturer: Sherwin-WIlliam Product: SW7031 Color: Mega Greige replace replace with with Manufacturer: Sherwin-WIlliam Product: SW2808 Color: Rookwood Dark Brown page 3 of 7 paint accent Manufacturer: Duron Product #: 8536N Color: Black Mar t. disconw ith replace Manufacturer: Duron cont. Product #: CW051W dis e with replac Color: Solo White wall covering checkerboard Manufacturer: Sherwin-WIlliams Product #: SW6074 Color: Spaulding Gray Manufacturer: Sherwin-WIlliams Product #: SW7007 Color: Ceiling Bright White soffits & bulkheads Manufacturer: Guard Series: DaVinci t. disconw Color: Blue Stone, ith replace G8266 Manufacturer: Guard t. Series: DaVinci disconw ith Color: Blue Stone, replace G8266 wall covering Manufacturer: Sherwin-WIlliams Product #: SW6004 t. disconw Color: Mink ith e c repla Manufacturer: Sherwin-WIlliams Product #: SW6004 t. disconw Color: Mink ith replace Manufacturer: Sherwin-WIlliams Product #: SW6074 Color: Spaulding Gray Manufacturer: Sherwin-WIlliams Product #: SW6080 scont. h Color: Utterly Beige di wit replace Manufacturer: Sherwin-WIlliam Product: SW7031 Color: Mega Greige dining room Manufacturer: Korogard Color: Shaker Cherry Material: Sheet and Corner Guard page 4 of 7 chair rail Manufacturer: WilsonArt Series: Laminate iscont.ith Color: Regimental Red d w replace Manufacturer: Avonite Series: Cliffside Color: F1-7391 . discont ith Manufacturer: WilsonArt Color: Shaker Cherry, 7935-60 Material: Plastic Laminate Manufacturer: WilsonArt Series: Gibraltar t. disconw Color: Taupe Mirage ith e c Material: solid surface repla Manufacturer: Avonite Series: Cliffside t. disconw Color: F1-7391 ith e replac Manufacturer: WilsonArt Color: Shaker Cherry, 7935-60 Material: Plastic Laminate Manufacturer: WilsonArt Series: Laminate iscont.ith d Color: Regimental Red w replace Manufacturer: WilsonArt t. Series: Laminate disconw Color: Brune Slate 1763replace ith Manufacturer: WilsonArt Color: Shaker Cherry, 7935-60 Material: Plastic Laminate Manufacturer: WilsonArt Series: Gibraltar nt. Color: Taupe Mirage disco ith e c Material: solid surface repla w Manufacturer: WilsonArt t. Series: Laminate disconw ith Color: Brune Slate 1763 e replac Manufacturer: WilsonArt Color: Shaker Cherry, 7935-60 Material: Plastic Laminate checkerboard chair rail trim front & condiment counters replace w dining room walls dining room Manufacturer: Korogard Product: Corner Guard Color: Mega Greige Manufacturer: Korogard Product: Corner Guard Color: Spalding Gray Manufacturer: Korogard Product: Corner Guard Color: Rookwood Dark Brown page 5 of 7 laminate condiment counter Manufacturer: WilsonArt Product #: 4622-60 Color: Grey Nebula replace Manufacturer: WilsonArt Product #: 4623-8 Color: Graphite Nebula laminate with inued discont restroom partitions Manf.: WilsonArt Product #: 4623-8 t. disconw Color: Graphite ith e c Nebula repla solid surface Manufacturer: WilsonArt Series: Gibraltar Color: Taupe Mirage checkerboard Manufacturer: Avonite Series: Gulf Coast Color: F1-7710 solid surface Manf.: WilsonArt Product #: 4849 t. disconw Color: Mission ith e c repla Adobe condiment counter upper ed continu dis replace with Manufacturer: Avonite Series: Cliffside Color: F1-7391 condiment counter lower Manufacturer: WilsonArt Series: Laminate Color: Regimental Red inued discont h wit Manufacturer: Avonite Series: Gulf Coast Color: F1-7710 Manufacturer: WilsonArt Series: Gibraltar Color: Taupe Mirage ued iscontin Manufacturer: Avonite Series: Gulf Coast Color: F1-7710 solid surface Manufacturer: WilsonArt Series: Gibraltar Color: Taupe Mirage Manf.: WilsonArt Comments: Use for total Product #: laminate replacement Color: Earth Wash replace d replace with front counter d ued iscontin replace with Manufacturer: Avonite Series: Gulf Coast Color: F1-7710 page 6 of 7 ceiling kitchen & service area Manufacturer: Armstrong Series: VinylRock Color: White Finish: -- ceiling dis checkerboard replace with Comments: Size to match existing dining room Manufacturer: Armstrong Series: Cortega Color: White, #704 Finish: Angled Tegular Edge lighting Manufacturer: Armstrong Series: Ceramaguard Color: White Finish: Unperforated, #605 ed continu Comments: Size to match existing (24”x24”, 24”x48”) dining room Manufacturer: Moore Lambert Product: Nautica Pendant t. disconw ith replace Manufacturer: Besa Lighting Product: 1JC -412668 – SN cont. dis Color: White Cloud with replace Manufacturer: Moore Lambert t. Product: Nautica Wall Sconce disconw ith e replac Manufacturer: Besa Lighting t. Product: 704268– SN disconw ith Color: White Cloud e replac Manufacturer: Besa Lighting Product: Tamburo 7, 7042MA-SN Color: Magma Manufacturer: Moore Lambert t. Product: Nautica Wall Sconce disconw ith e c repla Manufacturer: Besa Lighting Product: 704207-E1-SN discont. Color: Opal Matte with replace Manufacturer: Besa Lighting Product: Tamburo 7, 7042MA-SN Color: Magma Manufacturer: Halo Product: L743P Color: White, white or black interior Comments: Visual match is needed for damage replacement. Not all tracks and track heads are interchangeable. Manufacturer: Lithonia Lighting Product: LTE-RNDB-PAR20-MB-WH/LTA18WH Color: White, white or black interior Comments: Visual match is needed for damage replacement. Not all tracks and track heads are interchangeable. Manufacturer: Besa Lighting Product: BES00298-060 / B5561 Color: Red Magma page 7 of 7 rocky mountain palette repair and replace malls & free-standing restaurants 2001-2006 updated july 2013 tile dining room floor field tile Manufacturer: Dal-Tile Series: Rocky Mountain Color: Beige, #803 Size: 12”x12” ntinunetdavailable discola ceme no rep border tile Manufacturer: Dal-Tile Series: Rocky Mountain Color: Amaranto, #805 Size: 12”x12” ed continu Manufacturer: Dal-Tile Series: Cliff Pointe Color: Earth CP86 Size: 12”x12” Comments: Total floor replacement Grout: Custom Building Products, #52 Tobacco Brown ued iscontin Manufacturer: Dal-Tile Series: Cliff Pointe Color: Mountain CP85 Size: 12”x12” Comments: Total floor replacement Grout: Custom Building Products, #52 Tobacco Brown inued discont h Manufacturer: Dal-Tile Series: Cliff Pointe Color: Mountain CP85 Size: 6” x 12” S-36C9T Comments: Total floor replacement Grout: Custom Building Products, #52 Tobacco Brown ued iscontin Manufacturer: Dal-Tile Series: Cliff Pointe Color: Mountain CP85 Size: 6”x12” S-36C9T Comments: Total floor replacement Grout: Custom Building Products, #52 Tobacco Brown dis replace with accent tile Manufacturer: Dal-Tile Series: Rocky Mountain Color: Nero, #806 Size: 12”x12” d replace with rocky mountain cove base Manufacturer: Dal-Tile Series: Rocky Mountain Color: Nero, #806 Size: 12”x12” tile replace wit condiment counter cove base Manufacturer: Dal-Tile Series: Rocky Mountain Color: Nero, #806 Size: 6”x12” tile d replace with front counter - customer side field tile Manufacturer: Dal-Tile Series: Rocky Mountain Color: Beige, #803 Size: 6”x6” ntinunetdavailable discola ceme no rep page 1 of 8 tile continued accent tile Manufacturer: Dal-Tile Series: Semi Gloss Color: Black, K111 Size: 4 1/2” x 4 1/2 ” accent band Manufacturer: Dal-Tile Series: Keystones Color: Biscuit, D317 Size: 1”x1” Comments: Match existing checkerboard pattern (1:4 ratio) accent band Comments: Match existing checkerboard pattern (1:4 ratio) Manufacturer: Dal-Tile Series: Keystones Color: Desert Gray, D014 Size: 1”x1” rocky mountain cove base Manufacturer: Dal-Tile Series: Rocky Mountain Color: Nero, #806 Size: 6”x12” tile dis replace with Manufacturer: Dal-Tile Series: Cliff Pointe Color: Mountain CP85 Size: 6”x12” S-36C9T Comments: Grout: Custom Building Products, #52 Tobacco Brown front counter - serving side cove base with bullnose Manufacturer: Dal-Tile Series: Quarry Textures Color: Diablo Red, #0T01 Size: 5” x 8 ” tile ed continu Comments: Use TEK Accucolor EFX Epoxy Special Effects Grout, 100% Solid, #951 Raven serving area back bar wall field tile Manufacturer: Dal-Tile Series: Rocky Mountain Color: Beige, #803 Size: 6”x6” ntinunetdavailable discola ceme no rep page 2 of 8 tile continued accent tile Manufacturer: Dal-Tile Series: Semi Gloss Color: Vermillion, #0DM1 Size: 4 1/4” x 4 1/4 ” tile Comments: Wall Grout: Custom Building Products, Polyblend Sanded, #45 Summer restroom floor field tile ed able Manufacturer: Dal-Tile continu il Series: Rocky Mountain dis placement ava e r o n Color: Beige, #803 Size: 12”x12” rocky mountain border tile Manufacturer: Dal-Tile Series: Rocky Mountain Color: Amaranto, #805 Size: 12”x12” ued iscontin Manufacturer: Dal-Tile Series: Cliff Pointe Color: Earth CP86 Size: 12”x12” Comments: Total floor replacement Grout: Custom Building Products, #52 Tobacco Brown inued discont ith Manufacturer: Dal-Tile Series: Cliff Pointe Color: Mountain CP85 Size: 6”x12” S-36C9T Comments: Grout: Custom Building Products, #52 Tobacco Brown d replace with cove base Manufacturer: Dal-Tile Series: Rocky Mountain Color: Nero, #806 Size: 6”x12” tile replace w restroom wall field tile Manufacturer: Dal-Tile le ntinued Series: Rocky Mountain disco cement availab Color: Beige, #803 no repla Size: 6”x6” accent tile Manufacturer: Dal-Tile Series: Semi Gloss Color: Vermillion, #0DM1 Size: 4 1/4” x 4 1/4 ” Comments: Wall Grout: Custom Building Products, Polyblend Sanded, #45 Summer Wheat page 3 of 8 paint dining room Manufacturer: Sherwin-WIlliams d Color: Tumbleweed, SW1132 ontinuewith c s i d Finish: Eggshell (walls), Semigloss replace (door frames), Flat (ceiling) Manufacturer: Sherwin-WIlliams Color: Dapper Tan, SW6144 Finish: Eggshell (walls), Semigloss (door frames), Flat (ceiling) Manufacturer: Sherwin-WIlliams ed Color: Folklore Gold, SW1356 continue with s i d Finish: Eggshell (walls), Semigloss replac (door frames), Flat (ceiling) Manufacturer: Sherwin-WIlliams Color: SW 6108 Latte Finish: Eggshell (walls), Semigloss (door frames), Flat (ceiling) Manufacturer: Sherwin-WIlliams d Color: Boulevard Beige, SW2045 iscontinue d with Finish: Eggshell (walls), Semigloss replace (door frames), Flat (ceiling) Manufacturer: Sherwin-WIlliams Color: Ivory Lace, SW7013 Finish: Eggshell (walls), Semigloss (door frames), Flat (ceiling) Manufacturer: Sherwin-WIlliams d Color: White Pepper, SW1912 iscontinue d with Finish: Eggshell (walls), Semigloss replace (door frames), Flat (ceiling) Manufacturer: Sherwin-WIlliams Color: Ivory Lace, SW7013 Finish: Eggshell (walls), Semigloss (door frames), Flat (ceiling) rocky mountain Manufacturer: Sherwin-WIlliams Product: SW2808 Color: Rookwood Dark Brown paint restroom Manufacturer: Sherwin-WIlliams d Color: Folklore Gold, SW1356 ontinuewith c s i d Finish: Eggshell (walls), Semigloss replace (door frames), Flat (ceiling) Manufacturer: Sherwin-WIlliams Color: SW 6108 Latte Finish: Eggshell (walls), Semigloss (door frames), Flat (ceiling) page 4 of 8 laminate front counter Manufacturer: WilsonArt Series: Windsor ntinuedith Color: Mahogany, 7039 disco w replace Material: plastic laminate Manufacturer: WilsonArt Color: Shaker Cherry, 7935-60 Material: plastic laminate Manufacturer: WilsonArt Series: -Color: Congo Spruce, 7062 Material: plastic laminate Manufacturer: WilsonArt Color: Random Swirl, 6309 Material: metal laminate rocky mountain laminate condiment counter Manufacturer: WilsonArt Series: Windsor ntinuedith Color: Mahogany, 7039 disco w replace Material: plastic laminate Manufacturer: WilsonArt Color: Shaker Cherry, 7935-60 Material: plastic laminate Manufacturer: WilsonArt Series: -Color: Congo Spruce, 7062 Material: plastic laminate Manufacturer: WilsonArt Color: Random Swirl, 6309 Material: metal laminate laminate restroom partitions Manf: Nevamar t. Color: Earthdisconw ith stone, e replac EA2001 Manf: WilsonArt Series: Roletta discont. with Color: Ochre replace Roletta, 4738-60 Manf: Arborite Color: Earthen Hemp, P356RM Comments: Use for total laminate replacement page 5 of 8 solid surface field front counter Manufacturer: WilsonArt Series: Gibraltar Color: Light Beige solid surface edge band rocky mountain counter top ceiling tile replace with no rep condiment counter inued discont ith replace w Manufacturer: Avonite Series: Minerals Color: Palermo, F1-9144 restroom vanity Manufacturer: WilsonArt Series: Gibraltar Color: Quarry Melange, 9041 ML ceiling ntinunetdavailable discola ceme Manufacturer: WilsonArt Series: Gibraltar Color: Quarry Melange, 9041 ML solid surface dis Manufacturer: Avonite Series: Minerals Color: Palermo, F1-9144 continued Manufacturer: WilsonArt Series: Gibraltar Color: Graphite Mirage solid surface ed continu inued discont h replace wit Manufacturer: WilsonArt Series: Minerals Color: Palermo, F1-9144 kitchen & service area Manufacturer: Armstrong Series: VinylRock inued Color: White discontplace with re Finish: -- Manufacturer: Armstrong Series: Ceramaguard Color: White Finish: Unperforated, #605 Comments: Size to match existing (24”x24”, 24”x48”) page 6 of 8 ceiling ceiling tile dining room Manufacturer: Armstrong Series: Cortega Color: White, #704 Finish: Angled Tegular Edge ceiling Comments: Size to match existing (24”x24”, 24”x48”) trim Manufacturer: Chicago Metallic Series: Infinity Edge Trim Color: Painted Dapper Tan, SW6144 Size: 6” tall rocky mountain chair rail dining room Manufacturer: Clayton Fixture Series: Hard Rock Maple tinued h n o c s i d Color: Sherwin Williams, wit replace SW3214 Manufacturer: WilsonArt Color: Shaker Cherry, 7935-60 Material: plastic laminate trim Manufacturer: Korogard Product: Corner Guard Color: Latte, SW6108 Manufacturer: Korogard Product: Corner Guard Color: Dapper Tan Manufacturer: Korogard Product: Corner Gaurd Color: Rookwood Dark Brown page 7 of 8 wall covering dining room Manufacturer: Versa Series: Morinda Color: Sorrel, A36-546 Manufacturer: Versa Series: Hyde Park Color: Fig, A30-873 replace replace with Manufacturer: Sherwin-WIlliams Color: SW 6108 Latte Finish: Eggshell (walls), Semigloss (door frames), Flat (ceiling) with Manufacturer: Sherwin-WIlliams Comments: Replace with paint Color: Dapper Tan, SW6144 spec. Finish: Eggshell (walls), Semigloss (door frames), Flat (ceiling) Manufacturer: Korogard Product: Wainscot and Corner Guard Color: Shaker Cherry rocky mountain lighting dining room Manufacturer: Besa Lighting Product: 704218-SN Color: Amber Cloud Comments: Full replacement Manufacturer: ConTech Lighting Product: RLM19 inued t n o c s i d with Color: Black replace Manufacturer: Besa Lighting Product: 1JC -412668 – SN Color: Amber Cloud page 8 of 8 house of cards palette repair and replace malls & freestanding restaurants 2006-present updated july 2013 tile dining room floor & base Manufacturer: Daltile Series: Terra Antica Color: Oro Comments: Floor field tile: 12”x12” Tile base at walls: 6”x12” w/ cove and bullnose Tile base at millwork: 6”x12” w/ cove, w/out bullnose Grout: Custom Building Products, Tobacco Brown kitchen & serving area floor/base walls Manufacturer: Daltile Series: Quarry Textures Color: Diablo Red, 0T01 Comments: Floor field tile: 8”x8” Tile base at walls: 5”x8” w/ cove and bullnose Tile base at millwork: 5”x8” w/ cove, w/out bullnose Grout: TEC Grout Manufacturer: Crossville Series: Strong Color: Beige Size: 8”x8” Comments: Grout: Custom Building Products, Summer Wheat wall accent house of cards Manufacturer: Daltile Series: Semi-Gloss Accent Tile Color: Vermillion, 0DM1 Size: 4 1/4”x4 1/4” wall accent Manufacturer: Daltile Series: Semi-Gloss Accent Tile Color: Black Size: 4 1/4”x4 1/4” paint field Manufacturer: Sherwin-WIlliams Product: SW6115 Color: Totally Tan repl ace with Manufacturer: Sherwin-WIlliams Product: SW6108 Color: Latte Comments: Finish: Eggshell (Walls), Semi-Gloss (Door Frames), Flat (Ceiling) Manufacturer: Sherwin-WIlliams Product: SW2808 Color: Rookwood Dark Brown page 1 of 5 paint accent continued Manufacturer: Sherwin-WIlliams Product: SW6144 Color: Dapper Tan Comments: Finish: Eggshell (Walls), Semi-Gloss (Door Frames), Flat (Ceiling) Manufacturer: Sherwin-WIlliams Product: SW7013 Color: Ivory Lace Comments: Finish: Eggshell (Walls), Semi-Gloss (Door Frames), Flat (Ceiling) laminate front & condiment counter millwork house of cards Manufacturer: -Product: Plastic Laminate Color: Wild Cherry ued iscontin d replace with Manufacturer: WilsonArt Color: Shaker Cherry, 7935-60 Material: Plastic Laminate Manufacturer: WilsonArt Color: Shaker Cherry, 7935-60 Material: Plastic Laminate Manufacturer: Wilsonart Product: Plastic Laminate Color: Huntington Maple, 7929 millwork/door Manf: WilsonArt Product: Plastic Laminate Color: Sunstone, 4781K-52 disco ntinued replace with Manufacturer: WilsonArt Color: Shaker Cherry, 7935-60 Material: Plastic Laminate Manufacturer: WilsonArt Product: Plastic Laminate Color: Brushed Satin Nickel, 6202 page 2 of 5 laminate front counter millwork Manufacturer: WilsonArt Product: Plastic Laminate Color: Copper Mesh, 4881 restroom partitions Manf: WilsonArt Product: nt. Plastic Laminate disco ith e Color: Sunstone, replac w 4781K-52 Manf: WilsonArt Product: Plastic t. disconw Laminate ith e Color: Ochre replac Roletta, 4738-60 Manufacturer: Arborite Series: Patterns - Abstracts Color: Earthen Hemp, P-356 CA solid surface millwork house of cards Manufacturer: Avonite Product: F1-9144 Color: Palermo restroom vanity Manufacturer: Avonite Product: F1-9144 Color: Palermo ceiling kitchen & service area Manufacturer: Armstrong Series: Ceramaguard Color: White Finish: Unperforated, #605 page 3 of 5 ceiling dining room continued Manufacturer: Armstrong Series: Cortega Color: White, #704 Finish: Angled Tegular Edge ceiling trim Manufacturer: Chicago Metallic Product: Infinity Edge Trim Color & Finish: Painted, SW6144 Dapper Tan Size: 6” Tall trim Manufacturer: Blanke Material: Stainless Steel Size: Quarter Circle Trim, 1/2” house of cards Manufacturer: Blanke Material: Stainless Steel Size: Edge Protector, 3/8” Manufacturer: Blanke Material: Stainless Steel Size: Corner Angle, 1 9/16” Manufacturer: Korogard Product: Corner Guard Color: Latte, SW6108 Manufacturer: Korogard Product: Corner Guard Color: Dapper Tan Manufacturer: Korogard Product: Corner Gaurd Color: Rookwood Dark Brown Manufacturer: Korogard Product: Corner Guard Color: Shaker Cherry page 4 of 5 lighting accent Manufacturer: Con-Tech Product: Pineapple Twist Pendant Finish: Glass - Large Cone inued discontplace with re Manufacturer: Besa Lighting Product: 1JC -412668 – SN Color: Amber Cloud Manufacturer: Besa Lighting Product: Wall Sconce, 704218-SN Color: Amber Cloud window shades dining room house of cards Manufacturer: Phifer Product: Sheerweave Roller Shade Color: PG4 Stone wall covering Manufacturer: Vicky Series: VKY 7-4360 Color: Camel Comments: Accent wall covering for mall units only Manufacturer: Korogard Product: Wainscot Color: Shaker Cherry chair rail Manf: -t. Product: Wood discon ith w e c Color: repla Stained Traditional Cherry Manf: Wilsonart Product: Plastic Laminate Color: Huntington Maple, 7929 repl ace with Manufacturer: WilsonArt Color: Shaker Cherry, 7935-60 Material: Plastic Laminate page 5 of 5 spice palette repair and replace malls & freestanding restaurants 2007-present updated july 11, 2013 tile field dining room floor Manufacturer: Daltile Series: Terra Antica Color: Oro Size: 12”x12” Manufacturer: Stonepeak nuedvailable Series: Terrain Plus isconcteim d ent a Color: Dusty Trail Plus no repla Size: 12”x12” Comments: restrooms and behind the serving counter when using pods. cove base Manufacturer: Daltile Series: Terra Antica Color: Oro Size: 6”x12” Manufacturer: Stonepeak nuedvailable Series: Terrain isconcteim d ent a Color: Dusty Trail no repla Size: 6”x12” tile front counter customer face base Manufacturer: Daltile Series: Terra Antica Color: Oro Size: 6”x12” Manufacturer: Stonepeak ntinunetdavailable Series: Terrain Plus discola ceme Color: Dusty Trail Plus no rep Size: 12”x12” spice serving face base Manufacturer: Daltile Series: Quarry Textures iscont. Color: Adobe Flash, #0T06 d place with re Size: 6”x6” Comments: restrooms and behind the serving counter when using pods. Manufacturer: Daltile Series: Quarry Textures Color: Diablo Red, #0T01 Size: 8”x8” field tile, 5”x8” cove base w/ bullnose Comments: Diablo Red approved for all finish palettes. Adobe Flash approved for patch & repair only. Grout: TEC Accucolor EFX Epoxy Special Effects, #951 Raven page 1 of 9 tile kitchen service tile tile spice field kitchen & service floors Manufacturer: Daltile Series: Quarry Textures Color: Diablo Red, 0T01 Size: see comments Comments: Floor field tile: 8”x8” Tile base at walls: 5”x8” w/ cove and bullnose Tile base at millwork: 5”x8” w/ cove, w/out bullnose Manufacturer: Daltile Series: Quarry Textures Color: Diablo Red, 0T01 Size: see comments Comments: Floor field tile: 8”x8” Tile base at walls: 5”x8” w/ cove and bullnose serving area back bar wall Manufacturer: Crossville Series: Strong Color: Beige Size: 12”x12” Comments: Wall Grout: Custom Building Products, Polyblend Sanded, #45 Summer Wheat Manufacturer: Ceramic Technics Series: Trend Accent Tile Color: 80% #952, 20% #974 Size: 3/4” x 3/4” Comments: Wall Grout: Custom Building Products, Polyblend Sanded, #45 Summer Wheat restroom floor Manufacturer: Daltile Series: Terra Antica Color: Oro Size: 12”x12” Manufacturer: Stonepeak ed able Series: Terrain Plus ontinu c s i vail d n e Color: Dusty Trail Plus em t a c la p e r no Size: 12”x12” Comments: restrooms and behind the serving counter when using pods. page 2 of 9 tile restroom wall Manufacturer: Crossville Series: Strong Color: Beige Size: 12”x12” Comments: Custom Building Products, #52 Tobacco Brown Manufacturer: Ceramic Technics Series: Trend Accent Tile Color: 80% #952, 20% #974 Size: 3/4” x 3/4” Comments: Wall Grout: Custom Building Products, Polyblend Sanded, #45 Summer Wheat paint kitchen Manufacturer: Sherwin-WIlliams Product: SW7013 Color: Ivory Lace paint Manufacturer: Sherwin-WIlliams Product: SW6108 Color: Latte Comments: Finish: Eggshell (Walls), Semi-Gloss (Door Frames), Flat (Ceiling) Manufacturer: Sherwin-WIlliams Product: SW6089 Color: Grounded Comments: On door frames. Finish: Eggshell (Walls), SemiGloss (Door Frames), Flat (Ceiling) paint spice service Comments: Walls adjacent to cooler/freezer; drywall ceiling. Finish: Eggshell (Walls), SemiGloss (Door Frames), Flat (Ceiling) restroom Manufacturer: Sherwin-WIlliams Product: SW0007 Color: Decorous Amber Manufacturer: Sherwin-WIlliams Product: SW6106 Color: Kilim Beige replace with Manufacturer: Sherwin-WIlliams Product: SW7710 Color: Brandywine page 3 of 9 paint dining room Manufacturer: Sherwin-WIlliams Product: SW6144 Color: Dapper Tan Comments: Finish: Eggshell (Walls), Semi-Gloss (Door Frames), Flat (Ceiling) Manufacturer: Sherwin-WIlliams Product: SW7013 Color: Ivory Lace Comments: Finish: Eggshell (Walls), Semi-Gloss (Door Frames), Flat (Ceiling) Manufacturer: Sherwin-WIlliams Product: SW6108 Color: Latte Comments: Finish: Eggshell (Walls), Semi-Gloss (Door Frames), Flat (Ceiling) Manufacturer: Sherwin-WIlliams Product: SW6089 Color: Grounded Comments: On door frames. Finish: Eggshell (Walls), SemiGloss (Door Frames), Flat (Ceiling) wall covering dining room Manufacturer: Koroseal Series: Evans & Brown/Tiburon Color: Bronze, T228-53 eplace r Manufacturer: Koroseal Series: Evans & Brown/Tiburon Color: Ganymede, T228-38 eplace r with Manufacturer: Sherwin-WIlliams Product: SW6144 Color: Dapper Tan Comments: Replace wall covering with paint spec. with Manufacturer: Sherwin-WIlliams Product: SW6108 Color: Latte Comments: Replace wall covering with paint spec. with Manufacturer: Korogard Color: Shaker Cherry Material: Sheet and Corner Guard spice wainscot Manufacturer: WilsonArt Color: Shaker Cherry, 7935-60 Material: Plastic Laminate replace page 4 of 9 laminate customer face Manufacturer: WilsonArt Color: Tuscan Walnut, 7921 customer face accent Manufacturer: WilsonArt Color: Antique Copper, D494-60 Material: Decorative Metal replace with Manufacturer: Arborite Series: Patterns - Abstracts Color: Burnt Amber Mist, P-273 CA condiment counter Manufacturer: WilsonArt Color: Tuscan Walnut, 7921 condiment counter Manufacturer: WilsonArt Color: Limber Maple restroom partition Manufacturer: WilsonArt Color: Ochre Roletta, 4738-60 inued discontplace with restroom door re Manufacturer: Arborite Series: Patterns - Abstracts Color: Earthen Hemp, P-356 CA spice Manufacturer: WilsonArt Color: Tuscan Walnut, 7921 page 5 of 9 solid surface front counter Manufacturer: Avonite Product: FI-9144 Color: Palermo condiment counter Manufacturer: Avonite Product: FI-9144 Color: Palermo restroom vanity Manufacturer: Avonite Product: FI-9130 Color: Cairo replace with Manufacturer: Avonite Product: FI-9144 Color: Palermo ceiling kitchen & service area Manufacturer: Armstrong Series: Ceramaguard Color: White Finish: Unperforated, #605 dining room Manufacturer: Armstrong Series: Cortega Color: White, #704 Finish: Angled Tegular Edge spice ceiling trim Manufacturer: Chicago Metallic Product: Infinity Edge Trim Color & Finish: Painted, SW6144 Dapper Tan Size: 6” Tall page 6 of 9 trim serving area back bar wall Manufacturer: Blanke Material: Stainless Steel Size: Quarter Circle Trim, 1/2” Manufacturer: Blanke Material: Stainless Steel Size: Edge Protector, 3/8” Manufacturer: Blanke Material: Stainless Steel Size: Corner Angle, 1 9/16” trim dining room Manufacturer: Korogard Product: Corner Guard Color: Latte, SW6108 Manufacturer: Korogard Product: Corner Guard Color: Dapper Tan spice Manufacturer: Korogard Product: Corner Guard Color: Brandywine window shades dining room Manufacturer: Phifer Product: Sheerweave Roller Shade Color: PG4 Stone page 7 of 9 lighting accent Manufacturer: Con-Tech Product: Pineapple Twist Pendant ued Finish: Glass - Large Cone discontin with replace Manufacturer: Besa Lighting Product: 1JC -412668 – SN Color: Amber Cloud Manufacturer: Besa Lighting Product: Wall Sconce, 704218-SN Color: Amber Cloud Manufacturer: Hampstead Lighting Product: Plast Table Pendant Finish: Satin Nickel Manufacturer: Hampstead Lighting Product: Egesta S1 Pendant Color: Red Finish: Chrome Comments: Dimensions D:16.5” H:14” This red specialty pendant was used in the Dining Room of select FSU conversions and In Lines. The replacement spec is the same. Manufacturer: Hampstead Lighting Product: Egesta 250 S1 Pendant Color: Red Finish: Chrome Comments: Dimensions D:10” H:14” This red specialty pendant was used in the Entry Vestibule and the Dining Room of select FSU conversions and In Lines. The replacement spec is the same. spice Manufacturer: Hampstead Lighting Product: Cruise Suspension Pendant replace Color: Red Finish: Satin Nickel Manufacturer: Prima Product: Picture Light IV Finish: Silver replace Manufacturer: PRG Product: Round Drum Part Number: RHA-CFA.20X10.PEND Finish: Silver painted petal with clear acrylic shade in Pantone 187 with with Comments: Allow up to a six Manf: Accuserv Product: Rectangle Pendant, week lead time for fixture delivery to site. PR 289 Color: Red Manf: Cooper Lighting Product: Lumiere Cambria 922 Sign Lighter Finish: Bronze Powder Coat/Natural Stainless Steel Comments: Wall mount over J-box. Contractor to coordinate placement of remote transformer. page 8 of 9 chair rail dining room Manufacturer: Clayton Fixture Product: Wood - Hard Rock Maple Color: Stained #SW3113-K, inued discontplace with Cinnamon re Size: 1”x4” Manufacturer: WilsonArt Color: Shaker Cherry, 7935-60 Material: Plastic Laminate Manufacturer: Wilsonart Product: Plastic Laminate Color: Tuscan Walnut, 7921 Size: 4” high Manufacturer: WilsonArt Color: Shaker Cherry, 7935-60 Material: Plastic Laminate replace with spice Manufacturer: Avonite Product: FI-9144 Color: Palermo page 9 of 9 spice 2.0 palette repair and replace malls & freestanding restaurants 2007-present updated july 11, 2013 tile floor wall Manufacturer: Comments: Used with Custom ed able Stonepeak Ceramics Building Products ontinu avail Color: Terrain – Dusty Trail Plus grout in Tobacco Brown, Tile Base disc n e cem t la p e r o n Size: 12x12 to be 6x12 with Bullnose Trim Manufacturer: Quarry Textures Color: Diablo Red Size: 8x8 Comments: Used with TEC grout in Raven Manufacturer: Daltile – Vibe Color: V150 Techno Beige Size: 12x24 Comments: Used with Custom Building Products grout in Fawn Manufacturer: Daltile – Keystones Shapes Color: Cityline Kohl Size: 1” Pennyround Comments: Used with Custom Building Products grout in Fawn Manufacturer: Trend Color: Karma Series #974 Size: 1 ½ x 3 Aligned joint Comments: To be used with Custom Building Product Grout—Fawn Manufacturer: Ceramic Technics Color: Brushed Steel Tile Size: 1x2 Brick Comments: To be used with Custom Building Product Grout—Fawn grout spice floor Manufacturer: Custom Building Products Color: Tobacco Brown Manufacturer: TEC Color: Raven page 1 of 5 grout wall Manufacturer: Custom Building Products Color: Fawn tile trim Manufacturer: Blanke Color: Stainless Steel Size: 5/16” Comments: Quarter circle Trim Manufacturer: Blanke Color: Stainless Steel Size: 5/16” Comments: Quarter circle Trim paint Manufacturer: Sherwin-WIlliams Product: SW6108 Color: Latte Comments: Satin on walls, flat on ceilings spice Manufacturer: Sherwin-WIlliams Comments: Satin on walls Product: SW7710 Color: Brandywine Manufacturer: Sherwin-WIlliams Product: SW7013 Color: Ivory Lace Comments: Flat on ceilings Manufacturer: Sherwin-WIlliams Product: SW 7040 Color: Smokehouse Comments: Satin on walls, flat on ceilings page 2 of 5 paint Manufacturer: Sherwin-WIlliams Product: Color: Salute Comments: Flat on ceilings Manufacturer: Sherwin-WIlliams Product: Color: Java Comments: Semi-gloss on door frames laminate Manufacturer: WilsonArt Color: Shaker Cherry Material: Chair Rail/ Door Laminate Comments: Chair rail to be 2x4 wood with Plastic Laminate veneer. Manufacturer: WilsonArt Color: Bronze Stria Material: Millwork Manufacturer: WilsonArt Color: Tuscan Walnut, 7921 Material: spice Manufacturer: WilsonArt Color: Limber Maple Material: Millwork /Door Laminate Manufacturer: Formica Color: Brushed Stainless steel Material: Restroom Partition Laminate Manufacturer: Lumico Color: Olive Mesh Moiré/ Satin Material: Decorative Acrylic page 3 of 5 solid surface Manufacturer: Avonite Product: FI-9144 Color: Palermo Comments: Used on Millwork in Dining and Serving Areas Manufacturer: Avonite Product: FI-9130 Color: Cairo Comments: Used on Restroom vanity Millwork. Manufacturer: Silestone Product: Quartz Surface Color: Grey Amazon ceiling Manufacturer: Armstrong Series: Ceramaguard Color: White Finish: Unperforated, #605 Manufacturer: Armstrong Series: Cortega Color: White, #704 Finish: Angled Tegular Edge spice ceiling trim Manufacturer: Chicago Metallic Comments: Used on Suspended Product: Infinity Edge Trim Ceiling edges Color & Finish: Latte Size: 6” Tall Manufacturer: Chicago Metallic Comments: Used on Suspended Ceiling edges Product: Infinity Edge Trim Color & Finish: Smokehouse Size: 6” Tall page 4 of 5 trim Manufacturer: Korogard Product: Corner Guard Color: Latte, SW6108 Manufacturer: Korogard Product: Corner Guard Color: New Slate Manufacturer: Korogard Product: Corner Guard Color: Brandywine lighting accent Manufacturer: Besa Lighting Product: 1JC -412668 – SN Color: Amber Cloud Manufacturer: Besa Lighting Product: Wall Sconce, 704218-SN Color: Amber Cloud Manf: Accuserv Product: Rectangle Pendant, PR 289 Color: Red Comments: Allow up to a six week lead time for fixture delivery to site. Manf: Cooper Lighting Product: Lumiere Cambria 922 Sign Lighter Finish: Bronze Powder Coat/Natural Stainless Steel Comments: Wall mount over J-box. Contractor to coordinate placement of remote transformer. Manufacturer: PRG Product: Round Drum Part Number: RHA-CFA.20X10.PEND Finish: Silver painted petal with clear acrylic shade in Pantone 187 page 5 of 5 warm gray palette repair and replace malls & freestanding restaurants 2008-2010 updated july 2013 tile tile dining room floor Manufacturer: Crossville Series: Cross-Colors Color: Graphite Size: 8”x8” Comments: Finish: Cross Tread Grout: Hydroment, Char Black Manufacturer: Crossville Series: Cross-Colors Color: Mica Size: 8”x8” Comments: Finish: Cross Tread Grout: Hydroment, Char Black Manufacturer: Crossville Series: Cross-Colors Color: Burgundy Smoke Size: 8”x8” Comments: Finish: Cross Tread Grout: Hydroment, Char Black dining wall base warm gray Manufacturer: Crossville Series: Cross-Colors Color: Graphite Size: 8”x8” tile Comments: Finish: Cross Tread Grout: Hydroment, Char Black front counter customer face base Manufacturer: Crossville Series: Cross-Colors Color: Graphite Size: 8”x8” serving face base Manufacturer: Daltile Series: Quarry Textures Color: Adobe Flash, #0T0 Size: 6”x6” page 1 of 7 tile service back wall Manufacturer: Daltile Series: Cliff Pointe Color: Rock, CP84 Size: 12”x12” back wall floor tile Manufacturer: Daltile Series: Egyptian Glass Color: Garnet Gallery Size: 1”x1” Comments: Grout: Custom Building Products, #386 Oyster Gray Manufacturer: Daltile Series: Quarry Textures Color: Diablo Red, 0T01 Size: see comments Comments: Floor field tile: 8”x8” Tile base at walls: 5”x6” w/ cove and bullnose Tile base at millwork: 5”x6” w/ cove, w/out bullnose kitchen floor warm gray Manufacturer: Daltile Series: Quarry Textures Color: Diablo Red, 0T01 Size: see comments tile base Comments: Grout: Custom Building Products, #386 Oyster Gray Comments: Floor field tile: 8”x8” Tile base at walls: 5”x8” w/ cove and bullnose Tile base at millwork: 5”x8” w/ cove, w/out bullnose restroom floor Manufacturer: Crossville Series: Cross-Colors Color: Graphite Size: 8”x8” Comments: Grout: Hydroment, Char Black Manufacturer: Crossville Series: Cross-Colors Color: Mica Size: 8”x8” Comments: Grout: Hydroment, Char Black page 2 of 7 tile restroom wall Manufacturer: Crossville Series: Cross-Colors Color: White Diamond, A216 Size: 3”x3” Comments: Finish: Gloss Grout: Hydroment, White Manufacturer: Crossville Series: Cross-Colors Color: Mica Size: 3”x3” Comments: Finish: Gloss Grout: Hydroment, White paint dining room Manufacturer: Sherwin-WIlliams Product: SW6144 Color: Dapper Tan replace Manufacturer: Sherwin-WIlliams Product: SW6105 Color: Divine White Comments: Full repaint. Finish: Eggshell (Walls), Semi-Gloss (Door Frames), Flat (Ceiling) with Manufacturer: Sherwin-WIlliams Product: SW6108 Color: Latte Comments: Full repaint. Finish: Eggshell (Walls), Semi-Gloss (Door Frames), Flat (Ceiling) with Manufacturer: Sherwin-WIlliams Product: SW6108 Color: Latte Comments: Full repaint. Finish: Eggshell (Walls), Semi-Gloss (Door Frames), Flat (Ceiling) Comments: Finish: Eggshell (Walls), Semi-Gloss (Door Frames), Flat (Ceiling) Manufacturer: Sherwin-WIlliams Product: SW6101 Color: Sands of Time replace warm gray Manufacturer: Sherwin-WIlliams Product: SW 7040 Color: Smokehouse with Manufacturer: Sherwin-WIlliams Product: SW 7582 Color: Salute paint restroom Manufacturer: Sherwin-WIlliams Product: SW7519 Color: Mexican Sands eplace r page 3 of 7 paint kitchen Manufacturer: Sherwin-WIlliams Product: SW6105 Color: Divine White chair rail Comments: Walls adjacent to cooler/freezer; drywall ceiling. Finish: Eggshell (Walls), SemiGloss (Door Frames), Flat (Ceiling) dining room Manufacturer: Clayton Fixture Product: Wood - Hard Rock Maple Color: Stain #SW3113-K, Cinnamon Size: 1”x4” inued discont ith Manufacturer: Wilsonart Product: Plastic Laminate Color: Huntington Maple, 7929 Size: 4” high laminate customer face replace w replaceh wit Manufacturer: WilsonArt Color: Shaker Cherry, 7935-60 Material: Plastic Laminate Manufacturer: WilsonArt Color: Shaker Cherry, 7935-60 Material: Plastic Laminate front counter warm gray Manufacturer: Wilsonart Product: Plastic Laminate Color: Huntington Maple, 7929 Manufacturer: WilsonArt Color: Shaker Cherry, 7935-60 Material: Plastic Laminate customer face accent Manufacturer: WilsonArt Product: Plastic Laminate Color: Copper Mesh, 4881 laminate condiment counter Manufacturer: Wilsonart Product: Plastic Laminate Color: Huntington Maple, 7929 page 4 of 7 laminate continued Manufacturer: WilsonArt Product: Plastic Laminate Color: Copper Mesh, 4881 laminate restroom partitions Manufacturer: WilsonArt ed Product: Plastic Laminate discontinu with Color: Mission Adobe, 4849 replace Manufacturer: Formica Product: Plastic Laminate Color: Earth Wash solid surface front counter Manufacturer: Avonite Series: Pediments Color: Gulf Coast, F1-7710 warm gray condiment counter Manufacturer: Avonite Series: Pediments Color: Gulf Coast, F1-7710 condiment counter Manufacturer: Avonite Series: Pediments Color: Cliffside, F1-7931 restroom vanity Manufacturer: Avonite Series: Pediments Color: Cliffside, F1-7931 page 5 of 7 ceiling kitchen & service area Manufacturer: Armstrong Series: Ceramaguard Color: White Finish: Unperforated, #605 dining room Manufacturer: Armstrong Series: Cortega Color: White, #704 Finish: Angled Tegular Edge ceiling trim Manufacturer: Chicago Metallic Product: Infinity Edge Trim Color & Finish: Painted, SW6144 Dapper Tan Size: 6” Tall window shades dining room warm gray Manufacturer: Phifer Product: Sheerweave Roller Shade Color: PG4 Stone trim serving area back bar wall Manufacturer: Blanke Material: Stainless Steel Size: Quarter Circle Trim, 1/2” Manufacturer: Blanke Material: Stainless Steel Size: Edge Protector, 3/8” Manufacturer: Blanke Material: Stainless Steel Size: Corner Angle, 1 9/16” page 6 of 7 trim Manufacturer: Korogard Product: Corner Guard Color: Latte, SW6108 Manufacturer: Korogard Product: Corner Guard Color: New Slate lighting accent Manufacturer: Besa Lighting Product: 1JC -412668 – SN Color: White Cloud replace Manufacturer: Besa Lighting Product: 1JC -412668 – SN Color: Amber Cloud Manufacturer: Besa Lighting Product: 704207-E1-SN replace Color: Opal Matte h Manufacturer: Besa Lighting Product: 704268– SN replace Color: White Cloud h with wit wit gray wall covering dining room Manufacturer: Koroseal Series: Evans & Brown/Tiburon Color: Bronze, T228-53 replace Manufacturer: Koroseal Series: Evans & Brown/Tiburon Color: Ganymede, T228-38 replace Manufacturer: Besa Lighting Product: Wall Sconce, 704218-SN Color: Amber Cloud with Manufacturer: Sherwin-WIlliams Product: SW 7040 Color: Smokehouse Comments: Full repaint. Finish: Eggshell (Walls), Semi-Gloss (Door Frames), Flat (Ceiling) with Manufacturer: Sherwin-WIlliams Product: SW6108 Color: Latte Comments: Full repaint. Finish: Eggshell (Walls), Semi-Gloss (Door Frames), Flat (Ceiling) page 7 of 7 eclipse palette repair and replace mall & free-standing restaurants 2009-present updated july 11, 2013 tile kitchen & front counter floors Manufacturer: Dal-Tile Series: Quarry Textures Color: Diablo Red 0T01 Size: see comments tile Comments: Floor Field TIle: 8”x8”. Base Tile at Walls: 5”x8” with cove base and bullnose. Base Tile at Millwork: 5”x8” with cove base and without bullnose serving area walls Manufacturer: Dal-Tile Series: Kimona Silk Color: Water Chestnut P323 Size: 12”x24” tile dining room floor Manufacturer: Crossville Series: Porcelain Stone Color: Grey Mingle R001 Size: see comments eclipse tile Comments: Floor Field TIle: 8”x8”. Base Tile at Walls: 6”x8” with cove base and bullnose. Base Tile at Millwork: 6”x8” with cove base and without bullnose restroom Manufacturer: Dal-Tile Series: Cliff Pointe Color: Earth CP86 Size: 12”x12” Comments: Floor tile. 6”x8” with cove base and without bullnose Manufacturer: Dal-Tile Series: Kimona Silk Color: Water Chestnut P323 Size: 12”x24” Comments: 3”x12” bullnose. paint dining room Manufacturer: Sherwin-WIlliams Comments: Main paint Product: SW7031 Color: Mega Greige page 1 of 7 paint continued dining room Manufacturer: Sherwin-WIlliams Comments: Accent paint Product: SW6074 Color: Spalding Gray service area above tile Manufacturer: Sherwin-WIlliams Product: SW7031 Color: Mega Greige kitchen Manufacturer: Sherwin-WIlliams Product: SW6105 Color: Divine White dining room & door frames Manufacturer: Sherwin-WIlliams Product: SW2808 Color: Rookwood Dark Brown restroom Manufacturer: Sherwin-WIlliams Comments: Trim restroom vestibule Product: SW6074 Color: Spalding Gray eclipse drywall ceiling Manufacturer: Sherwin-WIlliams Product: SW6105 Color: Divine White playground Manufacturer: Sherwin-WIlliams Product: SW7031 Color: Mega Greige page 2 of 7 stain restroom Manufacturer: Thermofoil Color: Chocolate Pear chair rail Comments: For wood-framed mirror in restroom. dining room Manufacturer: WilsonArt Color: Shaker Cherry, 7935-60 Material: Plastic Laminate wall covering Manufacturer: Koroseal Series: Stream Color: Zinc, 51135 Comments: Main wall covering -- for mall units only. Manufacturer: Koroseal Series: Kimono Color: Velvet, K721-49 Comments: Accent wall covering -- for mall units only. wall covering eclipse dining room kitchen Manufacturer: Marlite Product: FRP Color: Brite White, P199 Finish: Pebbled Surface trim wainscot Manufacturer: Korogard Product: Wainscot and Corner Guard Color: Shaker Cherry page 3 of 7 trim dining room Manufacturer: Korogard Product: Corner Guard Color: Mega Greige Manufacturer: Korogard Product: Corner Guard Color: Spalding Gray Manufacturer: Korogard Product: Corner Guard Color: Rookwood Dark Brown trim walls and ceilings eclipse Manufacturer: Blanke Comments: Outside corners and top of tile Material: Stainless Steel Size: Quarter Circle Trim, 1/2” Manufacturer: Blanke Material: Stainless Steel, Rust-Resistant Size: Edge Protector, 3/8” Comments: Outside corners of FRP in kitchen. Outside corners of painted wall in dining (FSU spec for Vinyl). Manufacturer: Blanke Material: Stainless Steel, Rust-Resistant Size: Corner Angle, 1 9/16” Comments: At corners of pass thru Outside corners of FRP in kitchen; FUS remodel (AKA designation) OR 1-1/2” x 1-1/2” x height required; 18 ga. Stainless Steel Corner Cap Manufacturer: Chicago Metallic Product: Infinity Edge Trim Size: See drawings for size Comments: Ceiling trim at “floating” ceiling page 4 of 7 laminate front counter Manufacturer: Wilsonart Color: Shaker Cherry, 7935-60 Material: Plastic Laminate Manufacturer: Wilsonart Color: Pewter Mesh, 4878-38 Material: Plastic Laminate Manufacturer: Wilsonart Color: Satin Brushed Nickel, 6202-419 Material: Decorative Metal laminate condiment counter Manufacturer: Nevamar Color: Valencia Teak, WT0003PV Material: Woodgrain Laminate laminate partitions restroom Manufacturer: Wilsonart Color: Mission Adobe, 4849 Material: Plastic Laminate eclipse doors inued discont h replace wit Manufacturer: Formica Product: Plastic Laminate Color: Earth Wash Manufacturer: Wilsonart Color: Shaker Cherry, 7935-60 Material: Plastic Laminate laminate other Manufacturer: Wilsonart Color: Satin Stainless, 4830-07 Material: Plastic Laminate Comments: Lettering for custom artwork & office shelving page 5 of 7 laminate continued Manufacturer: Wilsonart Color: Regimental Red, D12-60 Material: Plastic Laminate Comments: Custom panelling solution solid surface front & condiment counters Manufacturer: Avonite Product: #FI-7710 Color: Gulf Coast sink bowls Manufacturer: Wilsonart Product: Solid Surface Color: Antique White, 1572-SL other Manufacturer: Avonite Product: #FI-7931 Color: Cliffside Comments: Located on tops of trash receptacles, condiment counter, and restroom vanity ceiling tile eclipse food service areas Manufacturer: Armstrong Comments: White aluminum grid Series: Ceramaguard Color: #605 Unperforated, White Size: 24”x24”, 24”x48” non-food service areas Manufacturer: Armstrong Series: Cortega Color: White, #704 Size: 24”x24” Comments: Angled Tegular Edge White aluminum grid page 6 of 7 lighting accent Manufacturer: Besa Lighting Product: Pera 9, 1JT-4126MA-LED-SN Color: Magma Comments: For use in dining area. Manufacturer: Besa Lighting Product: Tamburo 7, 7042MA-SN Color: Magma Comments: For use in dining area. window shades dining room eclipse Manufacturer: Phifer Series: Sheerweave Roller Shade Color: PG4 Stone page 7 of 7 heritage palette repair and replace mall & free-standing restaurants 2012-present updated july 2013 tile tile kitchen floors Manufacturer: Daltile Name: Quarry Floor Tile Part Number: Quarry Textures OT-01 Color: Diablo Red Size: 8”x8” Comments: Use with G-3 grout. Manufacturer: Daltile Name: Quarry Cover Base Part Number: Quarry Textures Q-3585 Color: Diablo Red Size: 5”x8” Comments: Use with G-3 grout. public area floors Manufacturer: Daltile Name: Porcelain Floor Tile Part Number: Veranda Series Field Tile Color: P-504 Gunmetal Size: 20”x20” Comments: Use with G-1 grout Install at a 45° angle throughout all areas with exception of the Restrooms, Entry Vestibules, and other small spaces heritage Manufacturer: Daltile Comments: Use with G-1 grout Name: Porcelain Cove Base Tile Part Number: S-36E9T Color: P-504 Gunmetal tile penny walls & other Manf: Specialty Tile Products Inc Comments: Use with G-2 grout Name: Red Penny Tile Use in Restrooms only, unless otherwise noted Part Number: SPS-8000 Color: Shiny Red Size: 3/4” Diameter Tiles, 12-1/2” x 11-1/4” Sheet Size page 1 of 15 tile penny walls & other (cont’d) Manufacture: Metal Mosaics Comments: Use with G-2 grout Name: Stainless Steel Penny Tile Use only in special circumstances as needed for curved surfaces Part Number: Stainless Steel Tiles Penny Rounds Color: Brushed Stainless Steel Size: 3/4” Diameter Tiles, 11-7/8” x 11” Sheet Size Manufacture: Metal Mosaics Comments: Use with G-2 grout Name: Stainless Steel Wall Tile Use on wall behind Serving Counter, unless otherwise noted Part Number: Stainless Steel Brick Running Bond Tile Color: Brushed Stainless Steel Size: 1” x 2” Brick, 12” x 12” Sheet Size tile subway tile elements heritage Comments: Use with G-2 grout Manufacture: Daltile Name: Subway Wall Tile Part Number: Modern Dimensions Field Tile K17548MOD1P1 Color: K-175 Biscuit Size: 4” x 8” Comments: Use with G-2 grout Manufacture: Daltile Name: Cove Base at Subway Wall Tile Part Number: Modern Dimensions A-3481 Color: K-175 Biscuit Size: 4-1/4” x 8-1/2” Comments: Use with G-2 grout Manufacture: Daltile Name: Left Corner Cove Base at Subway Wall Tile Part Number: Modern Dimensions SCL-3401 Color: K-175 Biscuit Size: 4-1/4” x 4-1/4” page 2 of 15 tile subway tile elements Manufacture: Daltile Name: Bullnose (on 4” side) at Subway Wall Tile Part Number: Modern Dimensions S-4849 Color: K-175 Biscuit Size: 4-1/4” x 8-1/2” Comments: Use with G-2 grout Comments: Use with G-2 grout Manufacture: Daltile Name: Bullnose Outercorner at Subway Wall Tile Part Number: Modern Dimensions SCRL-4449 Color: K-175 Biscuit Size: 4-1/4” x 4-1/4” Manufacture: Daltile Name: Bullnose (on 8” side) at Subway Wall Tile Part Number: Modern Dimensions S-4489 Color: K-175 Biscuit Size: 4-1/4” x 8-1/2” Comments: Use with G-2 grout heritage Comments: Use with G-2 grout Manufacture: Daltile Name: Right Corner Cove Base at Subway Wall Tile Part Number: Modern Dimensions SCR-R-3401 Color: K-175 Biscuit Size: 4-1/4” x 4-1/4” paint primary ceiling Manufacturer: Comments: Only in style 1 Heritage remodels Sherwin Williams Product: SW7021 Pro Mar 200 Zero VOC Color: Simple White Paint 11 - Semi Gloss Ceiling Paint page 3 of 15 paint continued FOH & BOH Manufacturer: Comments: Only in style 1 Heritage remodels Sherwin Williams Product: SW7021 Pro Mar 200 Zero VOC Color: Simple White Paint 11 - Eggshell Wall Paint Manufacturer: Comments: Style 2,3 Heritage remodels & Heritage new stores Sherwin Williams Product: SW7011 Pro Mar 200 Zero VOC Color: Natural Choice Paint 1 - Eggshell Wall Paint FOH & BOH accent Manufacturer: Sherwin Williams Product: SW7514 Pro Mar 200 Zero VOC Color: Foothills Paint 2 - Accent Manufacturer: Sherwin Williams Product: SW7025 Color: Backdrop Paint 12 - Accent Paint heritage ceiling Comments: Only in style 1 Heritage remodels Manufacturer: Comments: drywall ceilings Sherwin Williams Product: SW7011 Pro Mar 200 Zero VOC Color: Paint 1- Flat Ceiling Paint Manufacturer: Sherwin Williams Product: SW7021 Color: Simple White Paint 1- Flat Ceiling Paint Comments: Only in style 1 Heritage remodels ceiling accent Comments: Use sparingly as an Manufacturer: accent at drywall ceilings Sherwin Williams Product: SW7600 Bolero Pro Mar 200 Zero VOC Color: Paint 3 - Accent Flat Ceiling page 4 of 15 paint continued metal door frames Manufacturer: Sherwin Williams Product: SW7020 Pro Mar 200 Zero VOC Color: Black Fox - Semi-gloss Paint 4 Interior Door Frame Paint Manufacturer: Sherwin Williams Product: SW7025 Color: Backdrop Paint 12 - Accent Paint heritage chair rail frp Comments: Only in style 1 Heritage remodels dining room Manufacturer: Clayton Fixture Color: Shadow with glaze Material: Pre-finished trim Size: 3-1/2” H Comments: custom chair rail Only in style 1 Heritage remodels Manufacturer: Clayton FixtureColor: Shaker Cherry Material: Pre-finished trim Size: 3-1/2” H Comments: custom chair rail Only in style 1 Heritage remodels Manufacturer: Clayton Fixture Name: Wainscoting Part Number: Custom Color: Shadow with glaze Comments: Use throughout the Dining Room with an integral chair rail at standard dining table height kitchen Manufacturer: Marlite Part Number: P-199 Color: Bright White Size: 4’ x 8’ or 4’ x 10’ x .90” page 5 of 15 frp playground Manufacturer: Korogard Part Number: W202 Color: Oyster Size: 4’ x 8’ x .40” Thick Manufacturer: InPro Corporation Part Number: 406 Color: Dove Grey #0106 Size: .060” Thick, 4’ x 8’ panels heritage trim Manufacturer: Johnsonite Name: Vinyl Wall Base Part Number: Traditional Wall Base CB-40 Color: Black #40 Comments: Use throughout Playground Manufacturer: N/A Name: Stainless Steel Corner Guard Part Number: N/A Color: Stainless Steel Comments: Use in Kitchen only as noted Manufacturer: Korogard Name: Thermoformed Inside Corner Guard at Playground Part Number: F-410 Color: Oyster Comments: Use in Playground at inside corners in conjunction with CG-1 and FRP-1 Comments: Use in Playground at outside Manufacturer: Korogard Name: Extruded Outside Corner corners in conjunction with CG-2 and FRP-1 Guard at Playground Part Number: G-815 Color: Oyster Manufacturer: Korogard Name: Extruded Corner Guard Part Number: G-815 Color: Fog Manufacturer: Korogard Name: Extruded Corner Guard Part Number: G-815 Color: Seashell Comments: Use throughout the Dining Room on outside corners. To match SW “Simple White” page 6 of 15 laminate Manufacturer: Wilsonart Comments: Can only be ordered through Name: Millwork Plastic Laminate Clayton Fixtures Part Number: D96-81 Color: Shadow in Custom Finish #81 Manufacturer: Wilsonart Name: Plastic Laminate Part Number: 4878-38 Color: Pewter Mesh in Fine Velvet Texture Finish #38 Comments: Only used in BOH Manufacturer: Wilsonart Name: Restroom Partition Plastic Laminate Part Number: D96-60 Color: Shadow in Matte Finish #60 solid surface Manufacturer: DEX Industries Name: Concrete Countertop with Red Glass Part Number: TN1 Color: Red Heat heritage Manufacturer: Avonite Surfaces Name: Solid Surface Part Number: F1-9125 Color: Black Coral Manufacturer: Avonite Surfaces Name: Solid Surface Part Number: CFA Marble Color: C1-1800 window shade Manufacturer: Phifer Incorporated Name:Roller Shade Part Number: Sheerweave 4000 Color: Q15 Greystone, 5% Open page 7 of 15 ceiling tile dining room Manufacturer: Armstrong Comments: Use only in S13 building types Name: Optima Acoustical Ceiling Tile Part Number:Optima Plank #3261 Color: White Size: 24x72 Manufacturer: Armstrong Name: Ultima Acoustical Ceiling Tile Part Number: Ultima #1912 Color: White Size: 24x24 ceiling tile kitchen Manufacturer: Armstrong Name: Acoustical Kitchen Ceiling Tile Part Number: Ultima Health Zone #1935 Color: White Size: 24x24 heritage glass Manufacturer: Pulp Studio Comments: Use on single user Name: Fluted Glass with Graphic Restroom doors double opacity Part Number: Custom CHK 550AJR 2099-2/151 Manufacturer: Pulp Studio Comments: Use on Restroom Name: Fluted Glass with Graphic doors single opacity Part Number: Custom CHK 661AJR 2099/151 Manufacturer: Pulp Studio Name: Fluted Glass without Graphic (Double Opacity) Part Number: 443AJR Comments: Use on the Restroom vestibule door in Mall locations when one is present page 8 of 15 glass cont’d Manufacturer: Pulp Studio Name: Fluted Glass without Graphic (Single Opacity) Part Number: CHK772AJR Comments: Use on the Restroom vestibule door in Mall locations when one is present Manufacturer: Pulp Studio Name: Fluted Glass (ribbing runs vertically) Part Number: 151 Size: 1/4 in thick Comments: Primarily used in transoms of the Steel Wall and in the Low Wall Message Holder. Secondarily used on interior messaging provided by AMD wall covering Manufacturer: Arc Com Name: Wallcovering Part Number: Estrada #ACW-51187 Color: Hot Lips #17 Comments: Use in Mall and Licensee locations as an alternate to the Red Penny Tile Manufacturer: Arc Com Name: Wallcovering Part Number: F1-9125 Color: Mushroom #2 Comments: Use in Mall and Licensee locations above Wainscoting when paint is not permitted heritage Manufacturer: Arc Com Comments: Use in Dining Room Name: Wallcovering as needed when a painted surPart Number: Estrada #AC-51179 face is not desirable Color: Sahara #9 grout Comments: Use throughout Dining Manufacturer: Mapei Room, Restrooms, and behind Name: Floor Tile Grout Part Number: Ultra Color Grout Serving Counter where T-3 and T-4 is used Color: Charcoal #47 Comments: Use throughout for all Manufacturer: Mapei wall tile applications Name: Wall Tile Grout Part Number: Keracolor U Grout #09 with Grout Maximizer Latex Additive Color: Gray #09 page 9 of 15 grout cont’d Manufacturer: Mapei Comments: Use throughout Name: Kitchen Floor Tile Grout Kitchen/BOH areas where KT-1 Part Number: series is used Kerapoxy IEG Grout Color: Charcoal #47 wood Manufacturer: Skylar Morgan Furniture Design Name: White Oak Boards Part Number: Custom Color: Natural Wood metal Manufacturer: Alpha Coating Technologies, Inc. Name: Metal Finish Part Number: T1-7060 Color: Tri-Smoke Comments: Standard metal finish used on steel elements including, but not limited to: Brand Icon, Illuminated Brand Icon, Steel Wall, and Interior Messaging heritage Finish specification must be coordinated across vendors including CHI and AMD to ensure consistency page 10 of 15 lighting dining room Manufacturer: Juno/Indy Name: Accent Lighting Dining - 2 Head Part Number: MS302-WH/T5621/HB-28 Color: White Manufacturer: Juno/Indy Name: Accent Lighting Dining - 3 Head Part Number: MS303-WH/T5621/HB-28 Color: White Manufacturer: Juno/Indy Name: Accent Lighting at Serving Counter Part Number: MST4-FF-39H-WH/T5621 LENS Color: White Manufacturer: Kathleen Plate / Troy Lighting Name: Coca-Cola Light Part Number: Custom Comments: This fixture must be inventoried by Accuserv/Villa Lighting to ensure timely delivery of replacement fixtures heritage Manufacturer: Cree Name: Cord Mounted Downlight Part Number: LR6-DR1000/SC6-CM-GU24 Color: White Manufacturer: Juno Name:Dining Room Spot Light Part Number:(3)MG1L-27KNFL-WH/(1)TL602E-60-WH Color: White Manufacturer: Visual Comfort Name: Dining Wall Sconce Part Number: Oxford Tall Linear Wall Light Color: Oil Rubbed Bronze With Frosted Glass Shade page 1 of 15 lighting dining room cont’d Manufacturer: Visual Comfort Name: Egg Light Part Number: Clark TOB4006BZ-WG Color: Bronze ed discontincu e with Manufacturer: Meyda Lighting Name: Egg Light Part Number:143582 Color: White Glass Globe with Black Brass Canopy ed ntincu discore with e la p Manufacturer: Besa LightingName: Red Pendant Light Part Number: BES00298-060 / B5561 Color: Red Frit Glass Shade with bronze cable repla Manufacturer: Visual Comfort Name: Gooseneck Light Part Number: SL2923BZ Color: Bronze Manufacturer: Vagabond Vintage Name: Peach Basket Pendant (Small) Part Number: LA 10025 GY Color: Gray washed, wood slated shade Manufacturer: Vagabond Vintage Name: Peach Basket Pendant Part Number: LA 10025 GY Color: Gray washed, wood slated shade heritage Manufacturer: Lithonia Name: Recessed Can Light Part Number: LR6-DR1000/ RC6/GU24/LT6AB-DR Color: Black Manufacturer: Cree Name: Recessed Can Light Part Number: LR6-DR1000/ RC6-GU24 / LT6WH-DR Color: White Manufacturer: Bruck Lighting System, Inc Name: Red Pendant Light Part Number: 221227bz Color: Red Frit Glass Shade with bronze cable page 12 of 15 lighting dining room cont’d Manufacturer: Con-Tech Name: Track Lighting Part Number: CTL8030-B Track Heads/LT-6-B 6’ Track/LAC-24 24” Field-Cutable Cable Suspension Kit/Power Feed Color: Black lighting kitchen Manufacturer: Beghelli Name: Kitchen Surface Light Part Number: Spyder #SMLEDIP65SL-2-WT32-NOL-120V-SM-AC Color: Anodized Clear heritage Manufacturer: Lithonia Name: Kitchen Ceiling Troffer - Emergency Part Number: 2GT8-4-32-A12-MVOLT-EL14 Color: White Manufacturer: Lithonia Name: Kitchen Troffer Part Number: 2GT8-4-32-A12-MVOLT Color: White, flush steel door frame Manufacturer: Con-Tech Name: Kitchen Under Cabinet Light Part Number: UF228-P Color: White page 13 0F 15 lighting other Manufacturer: Juno/Indy Name: Accent Lighting - 2 Head Part Number: MS302-BL/ T5621/ HB-28 Color: Black Manufacturer: Lithonia Name: Emergency Exit Sign Part Number: Quantum Thermoplastic Exit/ Unit Combo #LHQM-S-W-3-R Color: White with Red 6” H lettering Manufacturer: Lightolier Name: Emergency Light Part Number: SURF Ceiling Series #SURF-C-N-W-SD2 Color: White heritage Manufacturer: Lektron Name: LED Cove Accent Lighting Part Number: LED Laser Lighting #190-3053 Color: Red LED light Manufacturer: Lithonia Name: Multipurpose Room - General Part Number: 2GT8-2-32-A12MVOLT-EL Color: White flush steel Manufacturer: Lithonia Lighting Name: Playground Lighting Part Number: AV-G-2-32-MDR-ASY-MVOLT Color: Gloss white enamel on cold rolled steel page 14 of 15 lighting other cont’d Manufacturer: Con-Tech Name: Red Pendant Light - Track Part Number: T Series One Circuit Track, see below for part #s Color: 14 Gauge Aluminum Channels with White finish Manufacturer: Visual Comfort Name: Restroom Wall Sconce Part Number: New York Subway SL2151BZ-WG Color: White glass with Bronze finish ued disconptin lace with re Manufacturer: Minka Group Name: Restroom Wall Sconce Part Number: 6441-267-PL Color: Dark brushed bronze hardware with Etched white glass shade heritage Manufacturer: Lithonia Name: Service Yard - General Part Number: VSL-2-32-MVOLT-DL-GB10IS Color: White polyester powdercoat paint page 15 of 15
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