february compiled pages.pub - Jersey Shore Area School District


february compiled pages.pub - Jersey Shore Area School District
February 2009
Volume 2 Issue 6
Jersey Shore Area Senior High School, 701 Cemetery St., Jersey Shore, PA 17740
Did You Know...
• Over 24 million pictures are uploaded to
Facebook daily.
• Roughly 75% of all
Americans are
chronically dehydrated.
• At any one time,
there are 100 million
phone conversations
taking place in the
• Blue and white are
the most common
school colors.
• Fingernails grow
nearly four times
faster than toenails.
• On average, 100 people choke to death
on ballpoint pens
each year.
• In Cleveland, Ohio,
it’s illegal to catch
mice without a hunting license.
• Toilet paper was invented in China in
the 1300s, but it was
for emperors only.
What's Barking ?
Let’s All Square Dance!
By Dominique Laubach
Ah… the second marking period
has finally ended. Several eager students
looked forward to the beginning of the second semester.
Schedules have been
changed, lunch periods have been switched,
and new friends have been made. However, this also means that square dancing
has officially begun!
Every year, square dancing is offered to students in the beginning of the
second semester. In the past years, many
students have taken pleasure in the five day
class. Many students deem it an “easy
grade.” There isn’t a test to be completed all you have to do it dance! This year, however, many students seem to have mixed
feelings about square dancing. Are students enjoying square dancing like they
used to in the past? Looking around the
gym, it’s very obvious to see who enjoys it Cassie Weymouth, Evan Bletz, Loryn
Haas and Tyler Irvin demonstrate
and who does not.
Courtney Shearer says, “I love it! It some square dancing moves.
keeps us entertained in gym.”
The dancing itself is composed of fears of embarrassing yourself, square
simple moves. For most students, the hard- dancing can be a blast.
“I think it’s more fun this year. It
est part of square dancing is listening to the
instructor. At first, the moves may seem a gives us a chance to socialize with people
but awkward, but you eventually pick
them up. And once you overcome your Continued on page 2
The Soldier Wall Returns
By William Miller
Did anyone take notice to the wall in the front lobby? Well, if you have not, you
should take a look.
The wall facing the courtyard has been covered by pictures of the men and women
who serve our country and have graduated from Jersey Shore Area High School. If anyone
knows a JSHS graduate that is currently enlisted or has once served in the military, please
Continued on page 3
Page 2
Let’s all Square Dance!
class, you get the advantage to switch out if you would
Square dancing isn’t really half as bad as some
who you normally wouldn’t socialize with,” stated
individuals make it out to be. It’s understood that some
Melissa Winter.
There isn’t a rule about specific clothing that is individuals might not like who their partner is, but when
required to be worn, which is a major plus. If you hap- it gets down to it, you’re not with that same person each
pen to dislike square dancing, you most likely don’t have dance round. It’s a class where students can have some
to dance for the whole class period. If you have a larger good ol’ fun.
Continued from page 1
Chorus members make it big!
Sarah Eck, Blair
ties from Mansfield UniverAldridge, KariAnne Miller,
sity. The festival host was
and Clayton Lose from Jersey
Tim Latsha, choral director
Shore Area High School were
of Bloomsburg High
selected to perform in the
School. KariAnne, Blair,
District 8 Chorus Festival
and Sarah have been seheld at the Bloomsburg High
lected for the Regional ChoSchool Jan. 14 to 17. This
rus Festival at Mount Caryear’s festival included 144 of
mel Feb. 18 to 21. The stuthe best high school musidents were accompanied by
cians from 52 school districts. The conductor of the pro- their choral teacher Mrs. Tess Bower-Gist.
gram was Dr. Peggy Dettwiler, director of choral activi-
Art students flash-off their creativity
Congratulations are in
order for several of Mrs.
Dwyer’s art students. Jake
Martin’s pen
and ink rendering of a Pennsylvania barn
has been selected to represent Jersey
Shore Senior
High in the juried Regional Art Show at the
Java and Juice Café gallery in
Williamsport. The show will
feature young artists K-12
throughout Lycoming
County. The show will hang
during the month of March
and a “First Friday” opening
reception will be held for
teachers, the student artists
and their families and school
administrators. Awards will
be given for originality, craftsmanship, and creativity.
Other student
artists of note
are Megan
Corbett, Kyle
Williams and
again, Jake
Martin. They
will have their
art displayed
in the Department of Education Building in Harrisburg
for the month of March for the
PAEA 2009 Youth Art
Month Exhibit. Their artwork will also be entered
in the Sargent Art Contest.
The winner will receive an
expenses paid trip to New
York City in July and then
compete nationally for a
trip to India.
Page 3
The Soldier Wall Returns
Continued from page 1
see Mrs. Bloom in the library or speak to one of the secretaries in the office. Please have the following information read-
PB Banned from
Cafeteria due to
By Stephanie Smith
It’s peanut-butter
jelly time, peanut-butter
jelly time, peanut-butter
jelly time!! This song
probably wouldn’t make
sense if the peanut butter
wasn’t in there just as the
peanut-butter is being
taken out of our cafeteria.
The Nutrition
Group (which is our food
service provider) has decided that no food products
with peanut-butter in them
will be served in our school
due to the outbreak of salmonella. This includes peanut-butter jelly sandwiches
and the peanut-butter chip
granola bars.
“We have 13 items
a day that the students can
choose from” says Lorie
Berry, the head cook of
Jersey Shore Senior High.
Peanut Corp. has
recalled all of its products
from Blakely Georgia as of
January 2009 after they
were linked to a state-wide
salmonella outbreak that
has killed 8 and sickened
500 so far. This outbreak
has spread to more than 40
states and has caused
nearly 20% of its victims to
be hospitalized. A big clue
to the outbreak was found
in a five pound jar of King
Nut’s unopened peanut
butter that was found in
Salmonella is an
organism which can cause
serious and sometimes fatal infections in young children, frail or elderly people, and others with weakened immune systems.
Healthy persons infected
with Salmonella often experience fever, diarrhea
(which may be bloody),
nausea, vomiting and abdominal pain. In rare circumstances, infection with
Salmonella can result in
the organism getting into
the bloodstream and producing more severe illnesses such as arterial infections (i.e., infected aneurysms), endocarditis and
Until this outbreak
has been deemed under
control our cafeteria is going to play it safe and not
serve any peanut butter
products, for the safety of
the students and staff.
“We will allow peanut butter to be back on
the menu when the government says it’s safe,” said
ily available: name, service, rank, area served, year of graduation, and a picture of the soldier. Help our school properly
recognize our hometown heroes.
Idol Updated
By Cassie Weymouth
It’s the dead of winter, Christmas is over, and
you’re looking for something to occupy your time
until warmer weather returns. One of America’s favorite shows, American Idol, has a new season that
started on January 14.
Producers have changed things up this year
with a fourth judge added to the panel. Joining
Simon Cowell, Paula Abdul, and
Randy Jackson is new
judge Kara
first auditions were
held in Phoenix, Arizona. As usual, the auditions were both amazing and amusing. Judge Randy Jackson said he is
impressed with the talent that the males have shown.
Jackson said, "The boys have the edge right
now. We’ll see who holds up through the test of time,
you know what I mean, because it’s a little early to
really tell now, but I think the boys have the edge."
Every year American Idol has the good singers and the bad singers. It’s always surprising to see
who gets to advance to the next round, which will be
in Hollywood. For example, one girl was given a
golden ticket to go to Hollywood after showing up to
audition in a bikini. Unfortunately for the male population, she was sent home after a drama-filled audition in Hollywood.
The show also gives us a look at the stories
behind those who audition. For example, one man
planned to audition last season but a few days before
the audition, his wife passed away. He returned this
year to audition, instantly wowed the judges, and
packed his bags for Hollywood.
Even if you’re really not into reality TV, you
should at least catch a few of the shows just to get a
good laugh. Who knows? Maybe you’ll watch the next
big star.
Page 4
Weaver Is Girl of Month
The Business and
Professional Women’s
Club Girl of the Month
for February is Courtney
Elizabeth Weaver, daughter of Laurence and Colleen Weaver of Jersey
Courtney’s activities include the following:
for one year, SADD, tennis and National Business Honor Society; for
two years, National
Honor Society, concert
choir, and track and field; for three years, varsity basketball and Key Club; and for four years, FBLA.
Courtney has served as treasurer, reporter, and
Big 33 Service Hour Chairperson for FBLA. As a sophomore, Courtney served SADD as treasurer and her basketball team as captain. Outside school Courtney has
served her church as acolyte. She participated in the
production of Jersey Shore’s “Our Town” documentary.
In addition to volunteering at the Jersey Shore Elementary School, Courtney has also given her time and talent
as a YMCA basketball instructor and as a Jersey Shore
girls’ basketball camp instructor. In addition, she previously held a position with T.A Seeds and is currently
employed by McConnell’s Country Store.
At the 2008 FBLA regional conference, Courtney’s high placement secured her participation in the
FBLA state leadership conference where she finished in
the state’s top ten in her category. In 2009, Courtney
again placed high at the FBLA regional competition. She
was selected to participate in Pennsylvania Free Enterprise Week and is a graduate of the Dale Carnegie public
speaking course. Courtney is a varsity letter winner in
both track and basketball. Her accomplishments have
been recognized with her inclusion in Who’s Who
Among American High School Students. Courtney remains a consistent member on the distinguished honor
Courtney’s interests include running, reading,
white water rafting, web design, and spending time at
her grandparents’ cabin in Waterville and at Penn State
with her sister.
She plans to attend Penn State University in State College to double major in information science and technology and security risk analysis.
Brady Is February Citizen
The Jersey Shore Lions’
Club Citizen of the Month for February
is Luke Scott Keith Brady, son of Kraig
and Kimber Brady of Jersey Shore.
Luke’s activities include the
following: for one year: Skills USA; for
two years: DVD Yearbook, National
Honor Society, and soccer; and for four
years: Bible Club.
Outside school, Luke held a
part-time position with Lock Haven
Plumbing and Heating. Currently, he
plays drums for a local band called My
Heart to Fear, formerly known as Tear-
book. Luke also writes and performs
original acoustic guitar music. As a
competitor in Skills USA, Luke achieved
third place honors in TV and video production.
Luke enjoys drumming, singing, playing acoustic guitar, snowboarding and skateboarding, and playing
video games. His educational plans include attending Philadelphia Biblical
University to study the Bible and music.
He hopes to be able to do full-time touring with his band.
Prom Is Right Around the Corner
By Ashley Weaver
Get ready to dance! The
prom will be here in a few months.
Soon will be the time to rent your
tuxes guys. Girls get ready to shop
for that perfect dress and the perfect
accessories. It is never too early to
plan the party. The early bird gets
the worm so you should plan that
limo ride through town in advance.
If you don’t have enough money you
can always combine a few couples
into one limo for split amounts.
If money is too tight for the
girls to get their dresses you can talk
to Mrs. Riggle in order to get a cute
dress cheap. February 19th is the date
to buy them. If you have a dress that
you need to get rid of and it is in
good shape then you can give it to
her so it can help make some other
girl’s prom dreams come true.
Page 5
6 Questions
Hip Hop, 80’s Fashion Are Her Favorite Things
By Cassie Weymouth
Why did you decide to be
a teacher?
“I decided to be a teacher because it’s more than just having a passion for teaching the
kids; I want to educate the
students and also be there as
someone they can talk to if
they have any problems.”
What kind of hobbies do
you have?
“I am a leader of the hip hop
class on my college campus. I
also enjoy singing, scrapbooking, shopping, hanging
out with friends and watching
How does it feel to be a
teacher instead of the student?
“It’s still kinda weird, it hasn’t
really hit me yet, but I feel like
I can relate to them more.”
What is your favorite
“All the books by Sydney Shelton.”
What is your favorite
“The Green Mile.”
Who inspires your fashion
“The decade of the 80’s.”
Some Cool Sites to Help Pass the Time
Ever dream of setting up a
battle between, say, Paris Hilton and
Martha Stewart? Check out
www.googlefight.com where you can
We know it’s a rare occurrence – you have a study hall with
input names and see who would win
nothing to do, no homework, no
a battle between them.
tests to make up. Before you decide
You’re sick of scraping the
to fall asleep and leave a puddle of
windshield free of ice and snow
drool on the desk, why not spend
every morning. You’re tired of
some time checking out these very
spending hours shoveling the walks.
cool web sites.
You dream of moving someplace
Have you ever pondered the warm after you get out of school.
number of days you have left here on How much will it cost to live in your
earth? Check out
new hometown? Check out http://
www.deathclock.com where you are cgi.money.cnn.com/tools/
asked a series of questions and based costofliving/costofliving.html and
on your answers, it gives you a date
you’ll get a good idea.
when you are expected to join the
Everyone has heard of Facedearly departed.
book, MySpace, and YouTube. Have
Another cool site is
you ever considered what sites are
never visited? Check out
WorldClock.php where you can see
an ongoing counter that shows all
You and your friends are
kinds of interesting facts, like how
stoked at your success with Rock
many people have been born so far
Band. Now you want to start your
this year, or how many barrels of oil own band, but you’re all arguing
have been used worldwide.
about a name. Stop by http://
By Sveta Hinaman and
William Miller
www.blamepro.com/bang.htm and it
will automatically generate random
band names. It’s pretty sweet.
Don’t view if you have a
headache – the pictures appear to
move! But it can be almost hypnotic.
Didn’t get enough fun popping bubble wrap during Christmas?
Try this
http://www.virtualbubblewrap.com/popnow.shtml This
website will drive your friends and
teachers crazy – but only if you have
the volume turned up.
Need some help in knowing
how to properly hug someone without sending the wrong message?
Well this website is your guide.
http://www.wikihow.com/Hug This
website teaches you the proper hug
training techniques. Check it out!!!!
Continued on page 6
Page 6
Leo 7/23-8/22
Uh oh. There’s trouble in paradise for the
happy Leo couple. You need to be more
understanding of your sweetie. If you’re
a single, Leo, consider yourself lucky.
By Chelsea Moore
Happy Birthday, Aquarius!
Aquarius 1/20/-2/18
Wow, I bet Valentine’s Day sucked for
you. According to the sun, everybody
except you seems to be in a ticked-off
mood. But no worries…they’ll come
around. Keep your chin up.
Pisces 2/19-3/20
If you’re the type that bases all actions
on spontaneity, you might want to start thinking things
through. Just a warning.
Aries 3/21-4/19
You have a zillion ideas running through your head at
the moment. Your ideas are good, but you have to keep
going Energizer-Bunny style.
Taurus 4/20-5/20
Like the bull you are, you need to take charge. Your
crush is lazing around, so grow a pair of horns and ask
him or her out!
Gemini 5/21-6/21
Twins, you’re really getting two-faced now. Little old
karma is coming back around, so if you talk crap, you’re
gonna spit blood.
Cancer 6/22-7/22
Your crush is pretty cute…and half the school thinks so
too. If you don’t act now, he or she will be off the market.
Virgo 8/23-9/22
Some call it open-mindedness, but quite
frankly, you’re a pushover. It’s not a bad
thing, but don’t let someone take advantage of you…
Libra 9/23-10/22
Kudos to Libra…you’re a generous little soul this month!
It’s great you’re giving away Valentines like they’re going out of style, but watch your generosity. Less is always more.
Scorpio 10/23-11/21
You’re making somebody really sad. Like REALLY sad.
Almost too sad for words. So whoever you’ve been ignoring lately is going to blow up in your face if you don’t
listen to them.
Sagittarius 11/23-12/21
Ah, Sag, love is really in the air for you. You’ve got the
ladies or gents at your feet and they’re willing to serve.
Just hope your luck doesn’t run out before prom.
Capricorn 12/22-1/18
Are you sure your best friend of the opposite sex sees
you as just a friend? Or maybe vice versa? Sometimes
friends make the best boyfriends/girlfriends, and c’mon,
they’re more fun!
Some Cool Sites to Help Pass the Time
Continued from page 5
Do you enjoy the crazy way Guitar Hero messes
with your eyes? Try this one - http://break.com/index/
cool_optical_illusion.html - and you’ll find other optical
illusions that make your eyes do crazy things.
Another snow day got you down? How about
making your own snow flake.
http://snowflakes.barkleyus.com/ This website allows
you to cut up your snowflake the way you want it to look
like. So have fun!!
This website is full of bright, colorful flashes.
Warning, do not go on to this website if you are prone to
seizures!! http://fletchowns.net/
This website ‘Auditorium’ is about the process
of discovery and play. There are no right or wrong answers. http://playauditorium.com/ There are many
ways to solve every puzzle.
This website has the lyrics to the song that never
ends… have fun!! http://www.zutroy.com/stuff/
neverend/index.htm The lyrics to this song are never
ending, they just keep going and going.
Here, you pick up a ball and throw it, and see
how fast it travels in different directions. Why? Just for
the pure fun of it. http://www.procreo.jp/labo/
Page 7
Who’s that Cherub with the Arrow?
By Kaitlyn Welteroth
It’s Valentine’s Day again,
and you are probably hoping that
Cupid will shoot his arrow your
way. According to legend, if Cupid
shoots an arrow at you, you will fall
in love with the next person you see.
Cupid is also known around the
world as the God of Love and has
become one of the most famous
Valentine’s Day symbols. It is
thought that Cupid plays the main
role in most love connections
around Valentine’s Day. Here is his story.
There was a very beautiful mortal woman
named Psyche. Venus, a goddess, was very jealous of
Psyche, and she then ordered Cupid to punish Psyche.
When Cupid went to punish her, he fell
madly in love with her. He asked her to
be his wife, but since Cupid was a god
and Psyche was a mortal, she was not
permitted to look at him. Psyche talked
to her sisters about the problem and
they told her to sneak a glance at Cupid, and as soon as she did, he left her.
Cupid also made their castle and gardens disappear and Psyche was found
alone in an open field.
As Psyche was wandering
around she came upon Venus’s temple.
Venus gave her a few tasks to complete
with hopes that Psyche would fail. Venus gave her a little box to collect a few things with during her journey;
she was told to not open the box. But instead of following the instructions she disobeyed, just like the last
Jerky, Cashews and Long Underwear
So what embarrassing gifts did you get for Christmas?
By Loryn Haas
If you think
what you got for
Christmas was embarrassing then you
haven’t asked
The majority of people received clothes,
money, and a lot of
electronics, but
some were not as
Trisha Winter (10) had beef
jerky and cashews as
her stocking stuffers.
Rebecca Glenn (11)
Erica Green
for Christmas was
given long underwear from her
Greene (10)
opened a present
up to find a snowman sweater crocheted by her
great aunt.
Numerous students for
Christmas have
got upsetting
gifts, but if it wasn’t for those awkward gifts, there
would be no humor in the holidays.
Those old prom dresses cluttering up your closet? You can donate them and help
raise money to fight cancer. Dresses can be dropped off in Mrs. Riggle’s room B232. If you need a dress, stop by and check them out. The dresses will be sold for
$10 and all money raised will be donated to the Relay for Life.
Page 8
Courtney Vidonish
Nate Edkin
Abe Williams
Megan Corbett
This or That: Valentine’s Edition
By Lincoln Mauck
Freshman: Courtney Vidonish
Sophomore: Nate Edkin
Junior: Abe Williams
Senior: Megan Corbett
Better Gift: Flowers or Candy?
F: Flowers are pretty!
S: Candy… flowers die.
J: Candy, because life’s like a box of chocolates.
Sr: Candy, because flowers die within a
Out with friends or just your loved one?
F: I think it’s nice if you can chill with your friends AND
your main squeeze at the same time.
S: Friends never leave
J: Loved one… unless they ripped your heart out and
stomped on it repeatedly.
Sr: With your loved one.
Mushy movie or Horror movie?
F: Horror, it gives you more of a reason to cuddle.
S: Horror.
J: Horror, because slasher movies freaking rock and I
love them.
Sr: Horror, I hate chick flicks.
Chalky Candy Hearts or Chocolate?
F: Chocolate doesn’t break your teeth.
S: Chocolate goes great with milk.
J: Chocolate, because it tastes really good especially if
they’re the ones with the cherries in the middle.
Sr: Chocolate, candy hearts just about break my teeth.
Fancy Expensive Dinner or Candle lit
home cooked meal?
F: Home cooked meal. I’m a vegetarian so
it’s easier that way.
S: Home cooked meal, no candles.
J: Home meal, it’s cheap like me. -winkSr: Candle lit home meal, I think it means
Store Bought card or Handmade
F: Handmade card = adorable and/or exciting.
S: Handmade, more meaning.
J: Who cares? Not me.
Sr: Handmade cards, store bought ones have no humor.
Milk Chocolate or White chocolate?
F: Milk chocolate.
S: Dark chocolate.
J: Milk chocolate.
Sr: Milk chocolate, white chocolate isn’t chocolate.
Love song or Love Poem?
F: Love song, definitely.
S: Love song, better beat.
J: Love song, because I’m a song writer. (myspace.com/
Sr: Poem, most love songs are way too cheesy for me.
To: Jami LeVan
Dearest Jami. I love love love you.
From: Natasha Decapria
To: Kaitlyn, Kaity, and Alisabeth
You guys rock. Happy V-Day!
From: Nicole
To: Erica Green
You’re so fun to be around! I’m so
glad I’ve met you. Love ya!
From: Linsey Richards
To: Rick Englert
I love you more than anything.
Happy Valentine’s Day!
From: Linsey Richards
To: Sebrina Richards
I love you! You’re the best sister
and the best friend. Happy Valentine’s Day!
From: Linsey Richards
To: Taran Foulkrod
You’re the best! I’m so glad I work
with you. Love ya!
From: Linsey Richards
To: Slammee
I love you! You are the best cousin
ever! Happy V-Day!
From: Kay
To: Britt P.
Happy V-Day love! I love you.
Never ever ever forget it!
From: Kay
To: Christy
I love our sleepovers. They are
amazingly fun. I’m glad we are best
friends! I love you.
From: Cathleen
To: Arista Bates
You are the best friend I have ever
had. Happy Valentine’s Day!
From: Alyssa
To: James Shields
We love you.
From: Taryn and Cassie
To: Mr. Owens
You’re a great dancer.
From: Anonymous
To: Aaron Moore
Sup Dawg ?!
From: Anonymous
To: Brittani Young
Sista I love you! We have our moments but we’re still sistas. I will do
everything for you. I will be by your
side and help you with everything!
From: Janelle Renzo
To: Kaity Lundy
<3 ya.
From: Jessica Laubach
To: Kayla Klinger
When you believe in yourself anything is possible! Happy Valentine’s Day!
From: Cassandra Sobers
To: Mike Fryer
You’re totally awesome dude!
From: Latrinda
To: Ethan Bardell
See you Tuesday.
From: Cassandra Sobers
To: Kristi Stably
We have so much fun. You and
Porky make a cute couple so you
guys should date. Happy V- Day
From: ?
To: Alicia Markle and Kathleen
Happy Valentine’s Day! You guys
are my sweethearts! LOVE
To: Dominique Laubach
I love you so much. You are the best From: Melissa Winter
cousin and the most trustworthy
best friend I could ever have.
To: Dillon Perchinski
Thanks for being there for me! I
Great times. Don’t ever change.
From: Erika Greene
From: ?
To: Robbie Chapman
From: Your Secret Admirer
To: Ashley Mann
Hey shorty. Love ya.
From: Jessica Laubach
To: Natasha Decapria
From: Kate Smith
To: Megan Corbett
Have a happy Valentine’s Day!
From: Trisha Bertin
To: Bethany Lehman
Happy Valentine’s Day, Bess. I
hope you have a great day. Love
ya, Bess.
From: Kal Clark
To: Mapuanna
Love ya dude! You’re awesome!
Well we had a nice run, lol.
From: Latrinda
To: Ma
I love you baby sister! You are
amazing. Happy V-Day!
From: Kay
To: Alyssa Fink
I love you so much! You are a great
From: Arista Bates
To: Linsey Richards
Happy Valentine’s Day from your
From: Sebrina Richards
To: Amanda Koons
Hey “Best Friend” we need to
hang sometime soon again. I love
you, my Valentine. =p
From: Larissa Furl
Page 9
To: Kaylyn and Evan
I love you both so much! You’re the
bestest newspaper people in the
whole world! [:
From: Jessica Sweely
To: Kaylyn and Skye
You two are rockstars and I love
you!! Now sing me a song lol [:
From: Marissa (your #1 fan)
To: Blair Russo
OH NO! Put it back on, put it
back on. Buffalo has big M&M’s. I
know he wants to eat them.
From: Shnitzel
To: Brittany Peace
I got a Swanson’s dinner in the
freezer with your name on it.
From: Shnitzel
To: Cathleen, Christy, and Kristin To: Vanessa Martin
The Fantastic 4! Love you all! =)
Love you love love fine sexy… bye.
From: Kaity
From: Natasha Decapria
To: Emily and Derek
I love you guys. You’re great
friends to be around. Happy VDay.
From: Latrinda
To: Jess Fausey
Glad we’re friends again, missed
you bunches.
From: Patty
To: My 4th Period Lunch Table
You guys rock! Happy V-day.
From: Nicole
To: Kayla
I love you all the time. I don’t want
you to leave.
From: Amber
To: Patty
To: Mikey Fryer
I love you lol. I’m glad you’re back
Great times. Happy V-Day! Don’t here with me.
EVER change. Love you lots.
From: Amber
From: Halfabagle
To: Jaron Smithgall
To: Alyssa
Baby I love you!! Happy ValenI love you babe, you’re the best.
tine’s Day! Be mine!!
From: Amber
From: Your Baby Boo
To: Amanda Jameson
I love you, you’re my best friend! [:
From: Tarissa Todd
To: Jessica and Amy
I am so glad to have you guys as
friends. Love ya both.
From: Latrinda
To: Trisha Ann
I love you sugar, you’re my best
From: Tarissa Todd
To: Jessica Lynn Sweely
Just remember…Just keep swimming…
From: Elijah Marie Bardo
To: Brock Wesley
Hey Brock, Love you like a
brother. Love you and Happy
Valentine’s Day!!
From: Chelsea Welsey
To: Chode
Love you man. Haha. You’re such a
From: Someone you know
To: Chris
Yo hun, glad we are all good.
Happy V-day
From: Admirer
To: Allen Mertz
You’re dumb, but I love you. Your
Bob Marley hoodie turns me on.
From: It’s a secret
To: Cody Shreck
You’re adorable.
From: Anonymous
To: Amber Fryer
I love you wifey. So happy to be
back here with you in lunch.
From: Patty
Page 10
To: Amber Fryer
You’re the bestest cuz ever!! I love
you girly.
From: Bethany Brooke
To: Alyssa Keller
I love you babe! Happy V-day!!
From: Kay
To: Bethany Brooke
I love you so much cuz!
From: Best cuz ever (lol)
To: Ma and Thelma
I love you like sisters
From: Amber
To: Little Mermaid
From the first day I saw you I knew
we would be together forever! I love
you little mermaid.
From: Cinderella
To: Kelcey Hamilton
I love you and Happy Valentine’s
From: CJ Brion
To: A-Money
Happy Valentine’s Day!! Without
you I’m like sneakers without laces pointless. Lol. I love you
From: T-Homie
To: Mrs. Shemory
Thanks for always being there
when I needed you most. You make
AP calculus easier to comprehend.
From: Samantha
To: Alexa Raeya
There are not enough miles in the
world for the laps you have to take.
From: Skippy
To: Jess and Skyler
You guys are always there when
needed; you are the best friends
anyone would wish for.
From: You’ll never know
To: Jared
You’re awesome.
From: Jared
To: Jess Williams
I love you more than everyone because you’re weird and you have an
amazing singing voice. Eye Loaf
From: Your best friend
To: Latrinda Winters
We share an interest in bananas,
and monkeys fascinate me also.
Meet me under the banana tree at
From: Anonymous
I love you to the moon and back,
don’t ever forget that. Best friends
forever and today promise. Love
From: Cheyenne Merrill
To: Anna Rogers
Thanks for being a good friend!!
From: Jessica
To: Megan
You Rock, Babe!
From: Taylor
To: Cortney Rishel
Thank you for helping me in school.
I love you so much, see you soon.
From: Kayla Enders
To: Ben Bower
Dude, Ben great times! Live it up
this summer okay? Party at your
house. Lol j/k.
From: ?
To: Emily Miller
Love you Dude!
From: Jesus
To: Roy VanEmon
I love you with all my heart. Happy
Valentine’s Day! Love Ya!
From: Tiffanie Wilson
To: Titania
“Love-in-idleness” shall bring forth
thy downfall.
From: Oberon
To: Romeo
O Romeo, Romeo! Wherefore art
thou Romeo?
From: Juliet
To: Alicia Sobers
See you next Tuesday.
From: Ryan Bilby
To: Ricky Sanford
Baby we will get married and we will
have the cutest babies in the world!
From: Wifey
To: Lyssa Deuel
Dude you’re hilarious… you’re a
great friend. I love you dude!
From: Autumn Shirey
To: Oaklyn Kay Henry
Oakie, I love you to death, you’re
the best friend in the entire world!
From: Your best friend ILY
To: Brianna McCloskey
Hey babe Happy V-Day! Hope
you get lots of kisses! I love you!
From: B. Young
To: Mindy
You clown! Hah love you homie.
From: Brittany
To: Brittany Young
Hey Happy V-Day! Hope you
have a good one.
From: Brianna McCloskey
To: Bethany Buttorff
Ditch the T, go with me, baby
From: Ethan
To: Andrea Schilling
I miss and love you!
From: LCD
To: Ashley Hawkins
Ok listen, you’re goofy but I love
you! I would tell you something but
it’s not appropriate for school.
Sorry, love you.
From: Tasha Shirey
To: Cheyenne Meryl
You’re so cute! I love you to death!
Don’t let stupid stuff bring you
From: LCD
To: Link Mauck
I super love you baby! P.S you’re a
From: You know.
To: Tasha Shirey
Well to start out with you are my
best friend in the world and you are
the jelly to my peanut butter!
From: Ashley Hawkins
To: Brittany Standridge
To: Chey Higgins
I love you so much. You’ve always
been there for me and our friendship will never end I promise! Love
you baby girl.
From: LCD
To: Janelle Renzo
Happy V-Day!
From: Natasha Koons
From: ?
To: Trisha Bertin
Happy V-Day! We have to hang
out over the summer.
From Halfabagle
To Lincoln Mauck
You are a great person Lincoln. I
love you so much!
From: Anonymous
To: Katie Huntington
I love you so much, thanks for being
there for me.
From: Krystal Knepp
To: Chad Guiswhite
Aw! Chad you’re so cute! Ha-ha,
this year has been fun! Hah!
From: Kt Huntington
To: Trish Shirey
Happy V-Day Babe! I love you!
From: B Young
To: Jess Sweely
Hey beautiful! Happy V-Day. I
love you!
From: B Young
To: Arista Bates
Dearest Arista, you are the flower
on a cloudy day! I love you so much,
and will always love you, will you
marry me?
From: Dylan Entz
To: Justin Shipman
I can’t wait for you to come over and
see the amazing gift basket I have
for you.
From: Brad
To: Cassie Weymouth
I love you so much!
From: Robbie Chapman
To: Laura Howlett
Love ya babe!
From: Chad Starr
To: Anyone who loves me
All I want for Valentine’s Day is the
Flyers Valentine’s Day pack.
From: Brad Ungard
To: Princess
Hey how you doing sweetie.
From: Chad
To: Mapawana
Great Times! I love you to death.
To: Nate and Chris Yarger
Happy V-Day!
You guys are awesome! Well I’ll miss From: Malfabagle
you guys both!
To: Kyle Stabley
You’re a great friend!
From: Aaron Moore
To: Cody Hilner
You’re my best friend and I don’t
know what I would do without you!
From: Jessica Sweet
To: Kelsie Musser
Kelsie you’re the best. I love you so
From: Ian Berry
To: Brooke Dillman
<3 ya lunch crew
From: Jessica Laubach
To: Logan
I love you so much baby!
From: Courtney
To Cathleen
You’re the bestest friend ever!
Happy Valentine’s Day!
From: Christy
To: Milo
Love you bestie! Keep your chin
From: Otis
To: Gub-Gub
From: Eric and friends
Page 11
You’re an awesome friend! And I’m
glad to know you.
From: Latrinda
To: Rebecca
I love you babe!
From: Geoff
To: Emily Clark
Happy Valentine’s Day. You are a
great friend
From: Greg Lowell
To: Kaylynn
You are a major HOTTIE!
From: Cody Winter
To: Taylor Paulhamus
You have always been there for me
always! Thank you so much, Happy
Valentine’s Day!
From: Linsey Richards
To: Kaitlyn W.
I love your kitty cat book mark. I
hope you get your dream of becoming a librarian.
To: Alainah Rosencrance
To: Jess Fausey
From: Tarissa Todd
Jess you are the best friend anyone
Day! Hope you and that special
could ask for. I can talk to you
To: Chelsea Ungard
guy can hook it up! Lol
about anything and that’s what a
Love ya lunch crew
true friend is. You are special to me. From: Amber Kachelries
From: Jessica Laubach
Hope we stay this close forever!
You’re my BFFE!
To: Tyler Ivin
To: Oaklyn Henry
From: Janelle Renzo
Happy Valentine’s Day babe, I
From: Tarissa and Cassie
love you so much! With all my heart!
To: Aubry Soanes
From: Fork
Roses are Red, Violets are blue. I
To: Ericka Greene and Aubry
think you’re hot and wanna be with
To: Josh Stover
Thanks for being there, best friend
Happy Valentine’s Day! I love your
From: Eric Wenner
forever! Love you!
From: Taran Fulkrod
To: Chad Guisewhite
From: Secret Admirer
Are the neighbors out babe?
To: Mapuana
To: Temecka Breon
Happy Valentine’s Day sugar lips. Happy V-day, we had some good
Tamecka you’re my best friend.
From: Tarissa, Amanda, and Trish times together
Never change. I hope we always
From: Brandy
stay best friends. I love you.
To: Faith Russell
From: Your BFF
Thanks for being the best sister!! I To: Brittoni Young
love you!!
We will be friends forever
To: Kaylyn Yost
From: Nicolette Russell
From: Natasha Koons
I love you bestest friend forever no
matter what we go through.
To: Krista
To: William Miller
I love Krista Lyn Weymouth. She
Happy V-day. Text me sometime. From: Taryn Fioretti
is amazing!!!
KK. <3 ya lots. LOL J/K
To: Casandra Sobers
From: Dakota
From: Halfabagle
Love ya lunch crew.
To: William Notevarp
From: Jessica Laubach
To: Everyone
Happy Valentine’s and I love you.
I LOVE Taryn, Taran, DJ,
To: Ms. Studenny
Have a sweet day!!
Mapuana, Cassie, Brittani, Josh,
Happy Valentine’s Day!
From: Chelsea Wesley
Bow Wow, Jade, April, Lindsey,
Zac Landerer, Dusty, PJ, James,
From: Your Favorite Student
To Brock Wesley
and LYSSA!
Love you Sweet Cheeks! J
From: Cheyenne
To: Melina Mantle
From: Taylor Wallen
To: Latrinda Winter
Keep on booking!!!!
To: Dominique
Happy V-day, sis
From: Link
<3 Happy Valentine’s day! <3
From: Halfabagle
To: Emily Hockenberry
From: Kristi + Tabby
To: Ashley Mitchell
You are one of the greatest friends
I have ever had. I’ll always be there
To: My Boo
It’s a hair flip girl!
for you.
I love you so much. I can’t wait to
From: Jessica Sweet
From: Anonymous
spend forever with you.
To: Megan
From: Alicia Hall
To: K.Yost
My sister is very annoying but I
have to love her.
From: Kautz
To: Sam Haines
Sam you are such a great friend!
Thanks for always being there for
From: Bethany Lehman
To: Janelle Renzo
Hey sis hope you have a great Vday.
From: B.Young
To: Laura Howlett
Laura, I hope you have a great Vday.
From: B.Young
To: Ashley
I’ll always be here for you.
From: Tiara
To: Alicia Sobers
You are my sunshine!
From: Amanda Jameson
To: Leslie Tressler
Please… always try to understand
me, luv ya!
From: Tiara Edwards
To: Brandon Jameson
You’re the air that helps me breath!
I love you.
From: Secret Admirer
To: Corey Hulsizer
From: Jade Brooks
To: Ashley Gwen Painter
I love you! Will you marry me?
From: Mikey
To: Gabe King
I love you!
From: Anonymous “Chris”
To: Mrs. Kaufman
You’re the best teacher there is.
Thank you for everything. Happy
Valentine’s Day!
From: Linsey Richards
Page 12
To: Kyle Koch
To: Molly Hyland and Casey
I’ll get you, princess! And little rain,
To: Jordan Peasley
Kotchy I love ya! Happy Valen-
You’re amazing. I love you. Stay
tine’s Day bro! Thanks for always
Oh my, you girls are the peanut
From: Witch
cool you cool gummy worm!
From: Bethany Brooke
From: Josey Ely
To: Opa Jager
To: Jessica Sweely
Stay with us for this next
You’re a total babe. Loving you is
easy because you’re beautiful!
From: All German 3’s
being there for me!!
To: Amber Fryer
butter to my jelly!
From: A Cool Kid
To: Mapunan
From: Autumn
To: Taylor Curry
From: Kate Smith
Happy Valentine’s Day babe, I
To: Marissa Tompkins
You are my best friend! I love you
hope you like your gift.
From: Nate Sanso
so much.
To: Natasha DeCapria
From: Arista Bates
You’re hot. I want be best friends
forever. You are a great person and
I LOVE YOU! hehe. Happy V-
To: Laura Howlett
day babe!
I <3 you!
From: Kayla
From: ?
To: Orion Bovard
To: Trish and Tanssa
From: The Zombies
From: ?
To: Jared Fisher
To: Trisha
thing you do you guys will always be
Dang! Fishers got it goin’ on!
Happy V-Day, Cupcake-head.
my best friends. I love you guys!!!
To: Natasha DeCapria
From: FBI
Hope you have a super duper day.
From: Emily Cook
I want to be just like you. You are
We love you. Bo-Bo.
To: Nate
You are my bee-eff-effs! I love you!
From: Megan C.
To: Jess Koon
I miss you in lunch.
From: Autumn Wynn
To: Eric Budd, Dillon Perchinski,
Maddy Drier, Alex Clementoni
Thank you guys so much for every-
To: Nicole and Kaitlyn
I care tons about you.
To: Alanna Vanemon
From: Ben
I love the way your eyes sparkle and friends!
To: Corey Sue Hulsizer
Corey Sue you’re my bestie for-
ever! I Wuv Vu! Happy Valentine’s
Day bestie!
From: Bethany Brooke Hughes
To: Skylynn Butler
Happy V-Day. <3 Ya
From: Sandy Henry
To: Ms. Kibbe
I love when you have an epiphany.
From: 5th Period
To: Lacy Lose
He had the old bull now he wants
the young calf.
From: Alyssa Fredirickson
To: Chelsea Wesley
Thanks for everything you do and I
love you so much. You’re my pepperoni!
From: William Notevarp
To: Johnny Nyman
Thanks for the phone call.
From: Anonymous
the way your hair blows in the
breeze! I see you all the time in the
halls. Hopefully I will one day let
you know who I am! Happy Valentine’s Day Alanna.
From: ?
To: Chelsea Wesley
Happy Valentine’s Day Chelsea!
From: William
To: Casey McCracken
Tonight will be the night I WILL
From: Caleb Barnhart
To: Taryn Fioretti
From: Lyssa Deuel
To: Ethan Bardell
Hey Goober.
From: Jessica Laubach
To: Cody Winter
I miss your sweet kisses and warm
From: Your Two Lovers
To: Amy Palski
Happy Valentine’s Day to my best
From: Kaity
To: Marina Hartranft
Lunch Crew
From: Jessica Laubach
To: Lucus Costa
You’re so dang adorable!!
From: Anonymous
To: Jake Zwald
You’re very sweet, and funny. I’ve
loved you for a long time now. I just
can’t tell you yet. Someday I will,
wait for me! I love you!
From: Anonymous
To: David Becker
I love you and hate the Steelers.
From: The Biggest Pitt Hater
To: Molly Hyland
Sorry about all the things I put you
through and I really miss you.
From: Ryan Koch
the list can go on and on.
From: Anonymous
To: Natasha DeCapria
Natasha, you are the greatest I love
you sooooo much.
From: Vanessa Martin
my idol and you are amazing in every
aspect of life.
From: Kate Smith
To: Twilight Fans
We unite on V-day to take over the
Harry Potter trilogy with love and
affection. Team Edward!
From: Twilight Master
To: Brad Ungard
I love you.
From: Jess Sweely
To: Lyssa Duel
Lyssa, I want you to know you’re an
amazing friend; you have always
been there for me and I’m doing the
same for you. Happy Valentine’s
Day. I love you.
From: Cheyenne Merrill
To: Crissy Lauer
Love ya.
From: Lyssa
To: Brittany Snyder
Love ya! You’re an awesome friend.
From: Latrinda
To: Alexa Ream
What would Jesus do? Hope your
To: Link
back gets better.
Just cause I have glasses like you.
From: Dakota Nelson
From: Erica
To: Colby Frye
From: Blizzard
To: Jared
I love you! (haha)
To: Demon Child (lol)
You’re awesome.
From: Mercedes Guthrie
I wish we could hang out more… From: Logan
To: Dustin Clark
Great times. Don’t ever change. I
love ya lots. Happy V-Day! P.S.
maybe outside of school so I can
kick your butt at some video games.
From: Little One
See ya in gym class.
To: Sam
From: ?
Happy Valentine’s Day!
To: Jessica Fausey
From: Clayton
I love you with all my heart and I will To: Sara Litzelman
to the day I die. Happy Valentine’s I think you should start writing that
book of yours and include the time
From: Skyler Bower
when just last week we had a two-
To: Vinnie “VJ” Jones
You make baking oh so sweet.
From: Nat & Jess
To: Janelle Renzo
From: Jess Fausey
To: Mason Dincher
Love when you swing me in square
dancing. You really know how to
From: Jess Rell
To: Kalen Barnes
I don’t really like you today. I definitely will tomorrow. But next week
is looking a little hazy. I will think
about it.
From: Josh Klinger
To: Lukas Kreger
I wish we could hang out more outside of school. I also think you’re
cute. Have a great Valentine’s
From: True Love
To: Natasha
You are such a sweet girl. I’m so
happy were cool now. You’re so
pretty and I love your makeup.
yes we have a two-hour delay, didn’t
To: Marina
You are the love of my life. I can’t
To: Lyssa
From: Vincent Jones
amazing baby.
millions best friend. Happy Valen-
From: Babe
To: Courtney Palmatier
To: Auria Wample
We have had some good times.
Remember the white van? That was
I love you dance partner! Happy so funny! Happy V-Day.
Valentine’s Day best friend!
From: Erin Raab
To: Sadie Steppe
From: Brandy
To: Krystal Knepp
I love you! Happy V-Day.
Mater: “I knew I’d made a good From: Katie Huntington
Lighting McQueen: “In what?”
Mater: “My best friend.”
Happy Valentine’s Day!
From: Erin Raab
To: Monique
Is your shoe still wet? Happy Val-
From: Christy
From: Sandie
out of a wet paper bag. Love you
From: Erin Raab
You’re so sweet
love you with all of my heart. You’re
live without you a single minute. I
love your bouncy curly hair. Please
be my Valentine.
From: ?????
To: Gabe K.
Hey there cowboy!
From: T.D.K
To: Latrinda Winter
Latrinda, I love you to death. You
are the greatest best friend ever!
Happy Valentine’s Day!
From: Trisha
To: Alex Bower
I miss you being at our school! I miss
those big hugs you always gave me!
Remember what we always promised, to love each other forever! I
will always love you forever!
From: Your First Love
To: Ruthie
To: Carolyn Nyman
I love you cousin!
I love you honey and always will.
From: Cassie
From: Krystal Knepp
To: My Lunch Table
Happy V-Day everyone!
From: Nicole Cohick
To: Todd Bowes
You’re so cute! I love you!
From: Cassie
To: Miranda white
entine’s Day! You, too, Shaniqua!
To: Brandon Lorson
You’re beautiful! Will you be my
From: Jamal
I love you and you don’t even know
Thank you so much for being my
our spot!!! Haha.
To: Bandsagal
and we wonder if I can find my way
From: Abbey
wait until summer so we can go to
Happy Valentine’s Day! I love you
From: Jared
Happy Valentine’s Day Babe! I
To: Levi L.
I love you with all my heart. I can’t
To: Caleb
You’re awesome!
you ask the smart one and then me
Happy V-Day.
To: Horace Peabody
To: Logan
you know?” Or the great times when To: Tanya Siford
tine’s Day!
hanging with you. Happy ValenFrom: Latrinda
From: Michelle
was here until I decided to ask a
You are an awesome friend! I love
tine’s Day!
and went to school and couldn’t for
the life of me figure out why no one
To: Trisha
From: The Zombies
To: Romy
going in early except I had no clue
From: Dylan Entz
Feed me Seymour!
hour delay and we were planning on
Hi beautiful, just wanted to send teacher and she informs me “Oh
some V-Day love.
To: Orion Bovard
Page 13
square dancing partner. I had a
who I am!! I see you all the time in
From: ?????
From: Tyler
To: Lindsey Lose
Dude, you are one of the toughest
blast! I hope you have a wonderful To: Alyssa Fink
people I have ever met! You love to
Valentine’s Day!
Alyssa, you are the sun on a cloudy
get hurt! But please try not to get
From: Erin
day. You make my whole world stop hurt anymore.
spinning when I see you.
From: Me
Page 14
To: Casey McCracken
Tonight will be the night that I will
fall for you over again. Don’t make
me change my mind.
From: Kyle Myers
To: Erika Motter
My love burns for you like spicy,
spicy taco sauce. Although you are
with him we are destined to be together. Like cheese in an enchilada,
we’ll always have chile.
From: Your Sexy Latin Lover
To: Cassie Weymouth
You’re my secret … haha shhh don’t
tell April.!
From: Taryn Fioretti
To: Chad Starr
You’re so hot I want you to be my
Valentine baby
From: Your Secret Admirer
To: Jack Tyler Maggs
I miss you little man.
From: Jessica Laubach
To: Kaity Lundy
Lunch Crew
From: Jessica Laubach
To: Taran Fulkrod
I love you so much thank you for
being there for me when I needed
you the most! I LOVE YOU!
There’s a new sheriff in town! HaHaHa Love ya!
From: Erika Greene
To: Cece and Leslie
Love ya! I am really glad were
friends! Well more like my cousin lol!
From: Latrinda
To: Galen Greider
Some day we are getting married.
True story
From: Andrea Schilling
To: Sky
Happy V-Day, Love ya babe.
From: Joe
To: Anna
You are a great girlfriend. You are
kind and nice to everyone.
From: Nick
To: Amy Dick
I love you more than you know and I
think we should hook up.
From: Your Secret Admirer
To: Alicia Sobers
See you next Tuesday!
From: Cassandra Sobers
To: Nicollette Probst
I <3 You!
From: Vanessa
To: Megan Corbett
You’re the best! Thanks for always
being there for me. Love ya!
From: Linsey Richards
To: Melissa, Caitlin, Kathleen
Happy Valentine’s Day! You girls
are my best friends and I love you all
so much! I can’t believe we’re seniors! BFF’s <3 xoxo
From: ?
To: Mindy
I love you so much babe! Happy
Valentine’s Day!
From: Evan
To: Kaitlyn W.
To: Nik and Ness
I love you guys! You’re the BEST!
From: Chad
From: Cia
To: Taylor Kanski
To: Erica Nichole
We had some great times. It is fun
I love you!! You and I have gotten
when we hang out with Bobby,
really close again and I love it!!
Josh, Porky, and Krist. Happy VFrom: Corey Sue
Day. I can’t believe you are missing
the all night skate.
To: Dani Stabley
From: Brandy B.
Hey you’re a great friend. I will
remember you even after we gradu- To: Ms. George
What I do Ms. George, You da
From: Jeremy Kesig
coolest teacher fo sho.
From: Josh Miller
To: Jess Laubach
Happy Valentine’s Day lunch
To: Moriah Clair
I’m glad the Big Mac didn’t run you
From: Kaity Lundy
over. Welcome to crappy Pennsylvania.
To: Dominique Young
From: Tiff Fa Fa
Happy V-Day Buddy. I <3 ya 2
death. Great times. Txt me. You
To: Luke McClain
have my number.
Sooo… you want to play checkers
From: ?
From: ?
To: Admiral
Dude you’re the most awesome kid
in school
From: Josha Allison
To: Casey
We should go out in “bublic” some
From: Bub
To: Nate
You’re awesome
From: Ethan Winters
To: T-Todd
Happy V-Day BEANO!!
From: Chad
To: David
I love you with all my heart.
From: Cassie
To: Corey Moore
I’m glad that I could maybe get to
know you; well I would love to chill.
From: ?
To: Jesus
Thanks for all the hugs and love
you give to me. You will always be
my Jesus. Love you still, hun.
From: Luna & Phoenix
To: My Video Game Collection
I’ll be home soon baby! I miss you!
From: Link
To: Gabe King
I love and deeply miss your amazing
whispering eye!
From: Link
To: Alex Stopper, Alexa Moore,
Tanya Siford, Courtney Shearer
I love our lunch table and all the
great times we share! Happy Valentine’s Day!
From: Erin Raab
To: Krista Weymouth
You love me, I love you, let’s make a
family. Happy Valentine’s Day!
P.S. I really like you.
From: Mason Dincher
To: Natalie Freed & Mikailey
Hey girlies! You two are the greatest friends a girl could ask for! Nothing would be the same without you!
From: Alex Stopper
To:Matthew Boatman
Dude we’re throwing that iCarly
singles party! Love you best friend!
From: Alexa Moore
To: Skyer Bower
I love you so much you’re the best.
From: Jess Fausey
To: Evan Bletz
I absolutely love everything about
you! You’re my best friend and I
don’t know what I would do without
you. I love you!
From: Melinda Roupp
To: Jimmy & Joe
We love our college boys!
From: Alexa & Erin
To: Erin Raab, Alexa Moore,
Tanya Siford
Lunch is so much fun with you girls!
Between the peanut butter and jelly
sandwiches, gogurt explosions and
“Tammy, what are you doing?
Scrubbing”, I have a great time!
From: Alex Stopper
To: E-RAAB!!
Make me a goober sandwich please.
I love ya!!
From: T-sif
To: My girl
I love you sweetheart <3
From: your babe
To: Gabby
You can always put smiles on the
faces of those around you, more
often than not for reasons you
don’t understand. XOXO
From: Anonymous
To: Chelly Bean
I love you baby sister!!! :P
From: Ax-e-la
To: Money Maker
Love you money maker!! You’re my
From: Dutchess “Dutch”
To: Mrs. “D Dawg” Dwyer
To the best art teacher ever! Have
a happy Valentine’s Day!
From: ?
Page 15
To: Erika Leese
To: Soupy
To: Laura Haldeman
I don’t know you that well but I do
Soupy, you’re the peanut to my
Hey anatomy buddy! I miss you! (&
To: Devin Bowmaster
know you like chicken patties haha.
butter, the star to my burst, the pop
I watch you in all of your classes. I
From: James Barnes
to my tart, the fruit to my loop, but
From: Chad
finally thought I would let you know
you are my everything but I just
most importantly, you’re the best to
To: Alicia Sakiadis
can’t tell you who I am. Sorry babe.
Track workouts are for when we get From: Autumn
I love you!
I still love you.
things accomplished.
From: Vanessa Lorson
From: Your secret Valentine
To: Ethan Bierly
my friend
From: James Barnes
To: Mike
It’s all about Sadie! I’m an expert
To: Tarissa
To: Jordon Siddle
To: Josh Klinger
singer on RB, but don’t be jealous
Happy Valentine’s Day!! You’re
Hey love! I love you!
I was only in it for the teddy bear,
you’ll catch up someday.
the peanut butter to my jelly. Ha ha. From: Vanessa Lorson
and your hot friends.
From: Sadie
I love you!
From: Trish
From: Kalen Barnes
To: Candy Man
I love you! Thank you so much for
To: Brittney
Umm… I think you’re late for work.
To: Becky Frye
From: Sadie
I love you! You’re the best girl-
To: Logan Zinck
I hate the thought of you not being
with me.
From: Your secret admirer
friend ever! Haha! Love you sis!
everything you do for me. I know we
From: Cassie Sechrist
To: Blizzard
will be together forever and ever.
To: Levi Eck
Levi, you make me smile and you’re
From: Willy
so hot. You make my heart melt…! I
To: Spencer
To: Miranda White
anything. Please be my Valentine??
connected again. You’re a great
I bet you think you’re funny be-
From: your secret love
friend even though you drive me
To: Amanda Stephens
crazy at times. See you around,
Amanda, I heart you! And I wanted
Tiger. LOL.
to tell you that “Steve” will eventu-
To: Caleb
with a creeper from my “inner circle.”
wish we could be together more than After five years we’re finally getting From: Horace Peabody
cause you got 19 blue ribbons!
From: Anonymous
I love you! Sorry I got you mixed up
To: Casey McCracken
Baby, I love the way your hair blows From: Bitty
in the wind! I love you so much, don’t
ally come around.
From: Natasha Stephens
Ha ha, sorry about that! I hope you
ever leave me! Tonight will be the
To: Alexa Moore
still love me!
night I will fall for you.
Mad love to my lil sis.
To: Gabby Chappel
From: The Interrupter
From: Blake
From: Skippy
You’re so beautiful. Wanna date?
To: Erin Raab
To: Aaron Fleegle
To: Jeffrey Chrisenberry
I love you even though I think you
To: Logan Zinck
what? My best friend.
We’ve been friends for so long it’s
are the biggest coward!
Even though we fight all the time, I
From: Sadie Steppe
amazing. From playing with Poké-
From: ?
couldn’t go a day without being with
From: Josh Hines
I know I made a good choice. In
Aaron buddy, you’re the greatest.
you. I love you and I always will.
mon cards to being my hobby,
To: Leroy Jenkins
you’re always there. Love you.
To: Chad Starr
You’re goofy but I love you!
From: Bitty Boo
Chadkins, I am still waiting on that
From: Brit
daisy! Happy Valentine’s Day.
From: Amanda Stephens
From: Courtney
Page 16
Who’s your dream valentine?
a Wi
- Cam
ed L
Y ou
Robbie Chapman- Taylor Swift
ck Sp
Levi E
- Jenn
a Jam
sa Hu
dy- V
dy An
Page 17
Jersey Shore
Basketball is
Evan Bletz
Jersey Shore’s basketball teams are coming
to the end of their seasons. As of February 10th
these are the current stats of our teams.
On the boy’s side their record is 11-9 and
clinched a playoff birth after a win over Montoursville. Freddy Rogers is the top scorer with 349
points including 30 three pointers. His highest
point total in a single game this year was 27 against
Bloomsburg. Zack Potter is second with 258 and
his highest point total in a single game was 25
against Troy. Ben Barnhart is third in scoring with
224 points and his highest point in a single game
was 25 against Selinsgrove.
On the girl’s side their record is 5-14.
Coach Adam Kline has not updated any personal
stats on the girls team.
Guard Fred Rogers ( Photo from Lock Haven Express)
Teachers vs. Students on the Courts
The teachers
took on the
students at
the winter
sports rally.
The result?
A tie game!
Winter athletes were
also recognized.
Page 18
Siford February Athlete of the Month
By Samantha Englert
Tanya Siford has been chosen as Paw
Print’s female Athlete of the Month due to her
outstanding performances in the past basketball
games. Tanya has been playing basketball for
about seven years. She hopes to get her first double-double, which is when a player has a doubledigit score and double-digit assists or rebounds,
before the end of the season. Tanya’s goals for
this season inculde going to districts and now to
just finish the season strong.
“This season has been rocky but we
really do have a great team, even though our record doesn’t show it,” says Tanya.
Tanya is honored to be chosen as Athlete
of the Month for February. She plans to not only
attend college but play there as well. Her choices
include Penn College or Bloomsburg. Her advice
for younger players is “to play every game like it’s
their last one, because eventually it’ll be your last
game,” and to “not put your head down if you
make a mistake; just keep playing.”
Thompson February Athlete of Month
By Stephanie Smith
Clay Thompson has been swimming for
almost 13 years of his life. His personal stats for
the year are: 50 yard free- 23 seconds and 100
yard free- 51 seconds. He hopes to make states
and nationals this year.
“I think our team is doing pretty good,”
said Thompson, “considering how many kids we
When asked if he would continue swimming in college he said it depends on what college he attends. He hopes to go to Bloomsburg.
His advice for younger swimmers is
“Keep on keeping on.”
Steelers Victorious in Super Bowl XLIII
By Corey Myers
The Super Bowl is arguably the best show in
sports, with its funny commercials and halftime shows
not to mention the game. Plenty of people watch the
game with their families and friends, and the Super
Bowl is a time for eating good party foods like chips and
dip, wings and pizza.
This year was the Pittsburgh Steelers against the
Arizona Cardinals in an odd turn of events many people
were rooting for the Cardinals to upset the hometown
favorite. Larry Fitzgerald was the big star leading up to
the Super Bowl, but in the end the Steelers prevailed
and an emerging star came forward in Santonio Holmes.
The Steelers wide out caught the game-winning pass in
a 27-23 victory in what could be one of the best Super
Bowls ever.
Page 19
‘Taken’ Best Action Movie of New Year
By Kaylyn Yost
When Bryan Mills (Liam
Neeson) decides to retire from his
job as a secret government employee
so he can be close with his daughter,
things aren’t quite what he expected.
His daughter, Kim (Maggie Grace),
and her friend decide to take a trip
across Europe.
It may
sound like a boring
start to a boring
movie, but “Taken”
is anything but boring.
While calling to check up on
her, Bryan hears his daughter being
kidnapped by foreigners and both
his parental and agent instincts set
in. With the help of some fellow
agents he finds out that his daughter
was taken by followers of a foreign
sex trafficking organization, and he
has about an 90 hour window to find
her unharmed.
If you’re big on action movies, this is a must see. It’s got everything from explosions, to fight
scenes and everything in-between.
This movie actually has a storyline
and you will be on the edge of your
seat through the whole pursuit.
There are a few moments when I
found myself asking “wait, what’s
going on?” but it is definitely one of
the best action movies I’ve seen in a
long time.
4 out of 5 stars
‘Push’ should be Pushed Out of Theaters
Who wins
the battle between
the supernatural
If a world of supernatural beings interests you
and the Division?
then the two hour long movie “Push” is just for you.
You’ll have to see
Let me summarize; it all
for yourself.
starts out with a group called the
My opinDivision who use new drugs on paion on the movie
tients to create an army of superb
Push was that
soldiers. The Division produced
there was exhilaseven different groups of the unorrating moments
dinary called the watchers who are
but most of the
future seekers and movers who use
movie was boring
telekinesis. A pusher pushes
and wasn’t very
thoughts into one’s mind. A shadow has the ability to
action filled. Near
hide people and places from others. Stitches heal the
wounded. A screamer blows things up by their massive the end of the
movie you seem to
screams. Last but not least is a sniffer who tracks peolose interest and
ple down by their scent.
The Division received a new drug that killed the forget what is going on. So if
patients, all but one named Kira Hudson. She escaped
the laboratory with the new mysterious drug and set out you’re easily distracted, this might not be the best choice to see—it’s
to find help. She soon met up with Nick (a mover) and
easy to get lost.
Cassie (a watcher who sees all of them dying) and they
try to change all of their futures by working together.
2 out of 5 stars
Loryn Haas
Page 20
Obama Sparks Debate on Abortion
By Kylie Starr
The ideas of abortion rights have been thrown
back and forth in this country for ages. Whether you are
pro-life or pro-abortion you must agree that it is a very
controversial issue. Recently, Obama has revoked the
Bush administration’s ban on giving federal money to
international groups that perform abortions or giving
out abortion information. This in return caused a lot of
debate between liberals and conservatives.
Liberals argue that the Bush administration’s
policy was being discriminatory against the poor by denying information about abortion, HIV/AIDs, and
groups that may perform abortions. This consequently
led to the closing of clinics in rural areas.
Conservatives believe that it is morally wrong to
use American tax payers’ money to pay for something
that some may consider immoral. Therefore, if you are
pro-life and have strong beliefs your tax money will be
forced into the new policy.
This could be a positive thing for America. First
there is the population control issue, population will
now be under control if someone may decide they are
not ready to be a parent or bear a child. Second, recently raped women may now choose to get an abortion
for free for something they could not control. This is
one of the best outcomes of this new improved policy.
Also, young adults and teenagers who do not think before they act and are stuck with the consequence may
now have a new choice of what to do.
If this right was ever taken away women would
probably go back to what they did in the past with abortions. They would perform their own procedures which
are dangerous and life threatening. If somebody wants
something bad enough and it is illegal nothing is going
to stop them from getting it. With this new decision by
the Obama administration women can now afford and
be safer with these procedures.
America is the home of the free, so why not allow women the right to choose? It is their body. If they
don’t agree with abortions then they will not get one, but
some do and will. If a women’s right to choose is taken
away it is a total one-eighty from the fact that we are a
free country. Times are changing and along with that so
do our laws and policies.
Students Hopeful of Obama’s Potential
Fellow tenth-grader Madigan Drier agrees. “I
think that he is a perfect leader to take this country out
of its economic crisis.”
Never before has a president entered office in
Senior Chris Moore also has a similar, though
such a precarious situation. As Barack Obama was being
more concise, opinion: “He’s a cool guy.”
sworn in, his country’s recession was shaping up to be
However, it takes more than willpower or even
the worst the United States had seen in several decades.
coolness to turn a country around. It takes a special,
More workers are losing their jobs than at any other
special man. And thus far, Obama has done nothing to
point since World War II; meanwhile, the country’s
suggest he is anything but special. An eight-year-old girl
situation overseas is as dangerous and temperamental
sent him a handwritten letter last Sepas it has been since, arguably, the
But given all that tember, and he wrote out a reply. Prior to
Cold War.
Enter Barack. In one of the
Obama has shown the election, his campaign returned a one
hundred dollar donation to a lobbyist for
most hotly contested elections in
us, we must rea nonprofit organization. He also faUnited States history, Obama ended
up winning in a landslide, securing
member one thing: mously addressed a crowd of thousands
in the pouring rain on the same night in
53% of the popular vote and a whop“Yes We Can.”
which his opponent John McCain canping 365 electoral votes. And immedicelled.
ately, he’s faced with the most severe
So his track record is sterling so far. “He seems
national debt of the past half-century.
It takes an extremely gifted government to over- like he has a good head on his shoulders,” Boring adds.
“I think he’s very selfless.”
come this type of obstacle. Sophomore Alyssa Boring,
“I think that he is an extremely well-spoken,
however, believes the Obama administration is just what
very morally strong man,” says Drier.
the nation needs.
However, Obama still has a lot on his plate. It
“Barack is just the man to help us turn America
back in the right direction,” she says. “Even though he’s will take a tremendous group effort to restore our econdoubted by many, I believe he has the willpower to turn omy while still avoiding a nuclear holocaust. In the end,
we all have to wait and see. But given all that Barack
us around.”
Obama has shown us, we must remember one thing: Yes
We Can.
By Eric Budd
The Paw Print
Managing editor: Courtney Kaelin
News Editor: Samantha Englert
Features Editor: Kylie Starr
Sports Editor: Evan Bletz
Opinion Editor: Kaylyn Yost
Cartoonist: Eric Budd
Advanced Staff Reporters: Eric Budd, Candice Chopick,
Loryn Haas, Svetlana Hinaman, Dominique Laubach,
Levi Leibowitz, Lincoln Mauck, William Miller, Chelsea
Moore, Corey Myers, Stephanie Smith, Mariah Sortman,
Danielle Stabley, Ashley Weaver, Kaitlyn Welteroth,
Cassandra Weymouth.
Introduction Staff: Jessica Aunkst, Kierstin Bathurst,
Trish Bertin, Brianna Bomboy, Gabrielle Chappel, Ian
Cohick, Megan Condo, Thomas Fleming, Dakota
Graves, Taylor Hawkins, Molly Hyland, Amber
Kachelries, Ryan Keen, Emily Packer, Amanda Ritter,
Cassandra Sechrist, Emily Thomas, Megan Tomb, Krista
Weymouth, Desiree Worth.
By E
Page 21
Letters Policy
Letters should not exceed 250 words (about two-thirds
of a typewritten page).
All letters, whether hand-delivered or submitted directly
to The Paw Print online, must include the writer's full
name and grade.
The Paw Print reserves the right not to publish letters.
The Paw Print edits letters for clarity and style.
Letters that attack private individuals will not be published.
Letters deemed libelous will not be published.
Anonymous letters will not be published.
Poetry is not published in the Letters section.
Letters recognizing school and/or community groups
and individuals for good deeds as well as letters criticizing policy and/or offering solutions to problems are encouraged.