Sinai Scholars National Jewish Retreat August 1


Sinai Scholars National Jewish Retreat August 1
Passport to Jewish Discovery
Sinai Scholars National Jewish Retreat
August 1-5 2012
‫י”ז מנחם אב תשע”ב‬-‫י”ג‬
Hyatt Bonaventure | Fort Lauderdale
Sinai Scholars National Retreat
August 1-5 2012
Re vita
‫י”ז מנחם אב תשע”ב‬-‫י”ג‬
Hyatt Bonaventure | Fort Lauderdale
SRetreat! This year’s dynamic program, drawing students from across
halom, and welcome to The Seventh Annual Sinai Scholars National
North America for five days of learning and inspiration, is sure to be our best
yet. Our outstanding faculty from across the world will be bringing you the
best in both Jewish scholarship and leadership. Throughout the conference
you will have the opportunity to learn from exceptional teachers including
former president, Starbucks Coffee Company International and author of It’s
Not About the Coffee: Leadership Principles from a Life at Starbucks, Howard
Behar; director of Mayanot Institute of Jewish Studies women’s program in
Jerusalem, Rabbi Meir Levinger; and Prof. Eugene Kontorovich, law professor,
Northwestern University School of Law. As always, classes and workshops
will span the spectrum of interest, including Judaism in the media, Torah and
science, Jewish relationships and anti-Semitism. These, in addition to the
program’s other sessions, will assist you in your understanding of this year’s
retreat theme, Ahavas Yisroel: The Mitzvah of Loving Another as Yourself. Our
theme is an overarching frame, through which you can contextualize your many
dynamic experiences here over the next five days. Each of the sessions over the
course of the conference will be connected to this theme, and we’ll tie them all
together in a closing session at the end of the retreat.
We are pleased to introduce an exciting new addition to this year’s program:
The Mayanot Beit Medrash
Dynamic and inspiring teachers from the Mayanot Institute of Jewish Studies
in Jerusalem will bring authentic Jewish texts alive in this recreation of the age
old “Beit Medrash”. You will delve deeply into concepts as they wrestle with
classic texts. This rigorous Yeshiva style “chavrutah” (one-on-one) and guided
learning will add new dimensions and possibilities to your learning potential.
Join rabbis who have traveled from Israel’s Mayanot Institute of Jewish Studies
to experience these intellectual and challenging classes and discussions.
We welcome you again to The Seventh Annual Sinai Scholars National Retreat,
and hope your experience will be fullfilling and enjoyable. If you have any
questions or concerns, please contact your group leaders.
On behalf of the Sinai Scholars retreat team,
Rabbi Yitzchok Dubov
Sinai Scholars Society, Director
Mrs. Shternie Althaus
Educator and writer, Sydney, Australia
Mr. Bruce Backman
Senior Research Analyst, Fox News; Coordinator, National Jewish Retreat;
Former Aide, Former New York Governor George Pataki
Mr. Howard Behar
Former President, Starbucks Coffee Company International;
Author, It’s Not About the Coffee: Leadership Principles from a Life at Starbucks
Rabbi Berel Bell
Dayan (Judge), Rabbinical Court of Montreal, Canada;
Founding Dean, Bais Chaya Mushka Seminary, Montreal;
Creator, Rambam-on-the-Line; Director, Teacher Training
and e-Learning, The Rohr Jewish Learning Institute
Rabbi Chaim Block
Director, Chabad Lubavitch of South Texas;
Executive Committee Member, The Rohr Jewish Learning Institute
Mrs. Rivkie Block
Education and Preschool Director, Chabad Lubavitch of South Texas
Mrs. Matty Bryski
Codirector, Chabad of the Conejo, CA
Rabbi Moshe Bryski
Director and Spiritual Leader, Chabad of the Conejo, CA; Founder, Conejo Jewish Academy
Rabbi Boruch Cohen
Director, National Jewish Retreat
Rabbi David Eliezrie
Director, Chabad of North Orange County, CA;
Board Member, Renaissance and Renewal Pillar
of the United Jewish Communities; Member, Advisory Board, The Rohr Jewish Learning Institute
Rabbi Hesh Epstein
Director, Chabad Lubavitch of South Carolina; Chairman, Executive Committee, The Rohr Jewish
Learning Institute; Chairman, National Jewish Retreat; Executive Director, Columbia Jewish Day
Mrs. Brooke Goldstein
Director, The Lawfare Project; Founder and director, Children’s Rights Institute; Human Rights
Attorney; Author; Speaker; Award-winning filmmaker
Rabbi Moshe L. Gray
Director, Chabad of Dartmouth
Miriam Grossman, MD
Staff Psychiatrist, Jewish Board of Family and Child Services; Scholar-in-residence, World
Youth Alliance; Author; Media commentator
Rabbi Boruch Kaplan
Talmud lecturer, Mayanot Institute of Jewish Studies, Jerusalem, Israel
Professor Eugene Kontorovich
Law Professor, Northwestern University School of Law; Member, Institute for Advanced Study;
Specialization in international law
Rabbi Avraham Korf
Director, Friends of Lubavitch of Florida
Rabbi Moshe Kotlarsky
Vice Chairman, Merkos–Lubavitch World Headquarters; Chairman, The Rohr Jewish Learning
Institute; Chairman, International Conference of Shluchim
Mrs. Devorie Kreiman
MA Ed: Educational consultant; Leader, Teacher training workshops; Author
Chief Rabbi Yisroel Meir Lau
Chief Rabbi, Tel Aviv; Chairman, Yad Vashem; Former Ashkenazi Chief Rabbi of Israel; Awards:
Israel Prize and Legion of Honor; Author
Rabbi Meir Levinger
Director, Women’s program, Mayanot Institute of Jewish Studies, Jerusalem, Israel
Mrs. Chana Lipskar
Cofounder, The Shul, Bal Harbour, FL; Developer, Social and Educational Programs, The Shul;
Personal counselor
Rabbi Sholom Lipskar
Founder and Chairman, The Aleph Inst.; Cofounder, The Shul, Bal Harbour, FL, and Educational
Academy of the Elderly
Mrs. Miriam Lipskier
Cofounder and Director, Chabad Student Center, Emory Univ.; Staff member, Bais Chana
International; International program leader, teen and adult educational programs
Rabbi Chaim Mentz
Codirector, Chabad of Bel Air, CA; Radio Host, The Rabbi Mentz Show
Mr. David Nesenoff
Independent filmmaker, Singer/songwriter of contemporary Jewish music, Blogger
Rabbi Ruvi New
Spiritual leader, Chabad of East Boca Raton, FL;
Lecturer; Editor, Inside Out magazine
Rabbi Abba Perelmuter
Rabbi, Chabad of Belmont Shores, CA;
Speaker; Historian; Comedian
Mrs. Molly Resnick
Founder and Director, Mothers Against Teaching Children to Kill; Former News Producer, NBC,
Rabbi Yitzchak Schochet
Rabbi, Mill Hill Synagogue, UK; Chairman, Rabbinical Council of the United Synagogue;
Frequent Panelist, The Big Questions, BBC; Columnist, The Jewish News
Dr. Stephen F. Serbin
CEO and Medical Director, Family Medicine Centers of South Carolina; Chairman, Lay Advisory
Board, National Jewish Retreat
Rabbi Kasriel Shemtov
Executive Director, Mayanot Institute of Jewish Studies, Jerusalem, Israel
Mrs. Rivkah Slonim
Education Director, Chabad Center for Jewish Student Life at Binghamton University, NY;
International lecturer; Author
Rabbi Yisroel Spalter
Director and Spiritual Leader, Chabad of Weston, FL
Dr. Bernd Wollschlaeger
Former officer, expertise in biological warfare, Israel Defense Forces; Physician, family
practice, North Miami Beach, FL; Legislative leader, American Medical Association
Arts & Entertainment
Shmulie Marcus and Bentzi Marcus, 8th Day
Lead singers for 8th Day, brothers Shmulie and Bentzi produce music with a fresh sound and
an irresistible style. These unique sounds brings diverse styles together in a seamless blend
of folk, rock, soul, and blues – even a little country-western! Enjoy the unstudied perfection of
sibling vocal harmonies. The Marcus brothers have composed a new chapter in music for the
Michoel Muchnik
Chassidic Artist and Illustrator
Marc Weiner
Comedian, entertainer, and actor; starred on Nickelodeon, Saturday Night Live, Dora the
Explorer, and more.
Staff & Chaperones
Devorah Balarsky
Administrator, Sinai Scholars Society
Rabbi Vidal and Mrs. Chanah Leah Bekerman
Directors, Chabad at York University
Rabbi Chaim and Mrs. Raizel Brook
Directors, Chabad at California State University, Northridge
Rabbi Yitzchok and Mrs. Deena Dubov
Directors, Sinai Scholars Society
Rabbi Dovid and Mrs. Elisa Gurevich
Directors, Chabad at University of California, Los Angeles
Rabbi Mendel Matusof
Director, Chabad at University of Wisconsin
Rabbi Dubi Rabinowitz
COO, The Rohr Jewish Learning Institute
Rabbi Eliezer and Mrs. Roni Sneiderman
Directors, Chabad at University of Delaware
Rabbi Shmuel and Mrs. Chana Tiechtel
Directors, Chabad at Arizona State University
Rabbi Dov and Mrs. Runya Wagner
Directors, Chabad at University of Southern California
Rabbi Yisroel Wilhelm
Director, University of Colorado
Junior Chaperones
Daniel Berry
Tal Lewis
Rucheli Berry
Angie Shtulman
Rachel Fertel
Shmuli Shtulman
Michel Klein
Yaffa Solin
Princeton University
Columbia University
New York University
Cornell University
University of Wisconsin
University of Central Florida
University of Central Florida
University of California, Berkeley
Noa Langer
New York University
‫חם אב‬
3:00 p.m. – Pre-Registration
4:00 p.m. – Orientation and Introduction to Retreat Theme
Rabbi Chaim Mentz
Florida Ballroom BC
Welcome to the luxurious Hyatt Bonaventure in Weston, Florida for the seventh annual Sinai
Scholars National Retreat. Once you have registered at the Sinai Scholars welcome desk,
received your room key, and gotten settled, we invite you to enjoy refreshments in the tea
room at the Society Lounge.
Next, you will participate in an orientation where speakers will introduce our retreat theme,
Ahavas Yisroel: The Mitzvah of Loving Another as Yourself. Our theme is an over-arching
frame through which you can contextualize your many experiences throughout the next
five days. Each of the sessions over the course of the conference will be connected to this
theme, and we’ll tie them all together in a closing session at the end of the retreat.
5:00 p.m. – Ice Breakers
Group Locations
Haven’t bonded yet through Jewish geography? More than simple name-games, these
icebreakers will make schmoozing easy and warm the air in no time.
5:45 p.m. – Registration
6:00 p.m. – Mincha
6:15 p.m. – Dinner
Global Ballroom
Special Greetings and Dvar Torah:
Rabbi Avraham Korf
Director, Friends of Lubavitch of Florida
Jewish Teen Hero Award:
Avi Davidson
Winner of the Tampa Bay Lightning’s 2012 Community Hero Award
Keynote Address: Make “Your Story” a Masterpiece
Rabbi Moshe Bryski
This session explores the meaning and power of the stories of our lives. Our life stories
speak to us, beckoning us to transform ourselves and create masterpieces of unique human
interest, ensuring that our stories will one day be worth retelling.
7:45 p.m. – Workshops
The History of Love: A Cross Cultural Examination of This Most
Important Emotion
Rabbi Eliezer Sneiderman
Key West
Love is one of the most important emotions in the world. As they say, “All you need is love”.
But, as with many social ideas and concepts, we take it for granted. This class will look
at love and the social construct that surrounds it. Where did love come from? How did it
develop? What is the difference between love and ahava? One thing is for sure, after this
class you will never look at love the same way.
The Rebbe’s Legacy
Rabbi Ruvi New
Key Largo
Recounting the remarkable story of the Chabad movement’s growth and the Lubavitcher
Rebbe’s influence during his lifetime and beyond, this session explores the Rebbe’s legacy and
how it continues to impact and inspire the dynamics of world Jewry today. You will also learn
about the Rebbe’s vision for how we should live our lives today.
9:00 p.m. – Workshops
Film: The Making of a Martyr
Brooke Goldstein
Key West
On March 24, 2004, 15-year-old Hussam Abdu was apprehended at an Israeli checkpoint
with bombs strapped around his waist. Instead of detonating the bomb, Hussam voluntarily
surrendered and is now serving time in prison. Since the start of the Palestinian intifada, an
alarming number of suicide bombers have been children aged 18 and under. Through a series
of candid and thought-provoking interviews, The Making of a Martyr brings you into a part
of Palestinian culture largely ignored by the media, uncovering those who are facilitating,
teaching, and paying children to take their own lives as human bombs. The film will be
followed by a live interview with the director and producer.
Try to Mail a Letter in Israel
David Nesenoff
Key Largo
When White House correspondent Helen Thomas told David Nesenoff to “Go home!” he
moved to Israel to discover the foibles and oddities of Israeli life. He also learned the true
reason for Israel’s existence and her place in the world. This is a story for every Jew who
has a piece of Israel in their heart. These are stories of Israel as you’ve never heard about it
before. A hilarious, irreverent, and moving account of life in the Holy Land.
10:30 p.m. – Maariv
‫ ם אב‬T 2
7:00 a.m. – Mysticism in the Morning (optional)
Rabbi Meir Levinger
Florida Ballroom B
Start your day with a dose of spirituality and Jewish mysticism. This session will provide a
fresh perspective on how we experience life, introducing a deeper understanding of G-d’s
unity, how G-dliness can be found within everything, and how it impacts our daily lives.
7:30 a.m. – Shacharit
Beginners’ Service for Men
Grand Ballroom A
Do you ever feel lost in the synagogue, alienated by fast-paced
Hebrew texts? This beginners’ service will help you gain insight into the basics of prayer and
the how-tos of talking to G-d.
Beginners’ Service for Women
Grand Ballroom D
Do you ever feel lost in the synagogue, alienated by fast paced
Hebrew texts? This beginners’ service will help you gain insight into
the basics of prayer and the how-tos of talking to G-d.
Advanced Service
Florida Ballroom A
A traditional minyan, designed for men and women fluent in Hebrew
reading who regularly participate in organized prayer.
8:00 a.m. – Breakfast
Global Ballroom
8:45 a.m. – 9:00 a.m.
T-Feelin U!
Pre-Function Area
Join the club and get hooked up as we wrap the straps and kick-start the day with a dose of
authentic Jewish connection. When you don tefillin you align your mind, heart, body, and soul;
so wake up, smell the coffee, and do a powerful mitzvah by donning those black leather boxes
first thing in the morning.
9:00 a.m.
The Power of a Chassidic Tale
Rabbi Abba Perelmutter
Florida Ballroom BC
Elie Wiesel once noted that the reason G-d created the world was because He loved stories.
In this entertaining talk, this master storyteller draws on a wealth of chassidic tales to
illustrate some of life’s most important messages.
10:00 a.m.
The Ethics of Capitalism: The Sinai Scholars Academic Symposium
Rabbi Moshe L. Gray
Florida Ballroom BC
Join Rabbi Moshe L. Gray, Chabad at Dartmouth College, and chairman of the Academic
Conference Vision Committee, for a brief 15 minute info session on how you can join the
most exclusive of opportunities in NYC this Spring. This is one session you won’t want to
10:15 a.m. – Break
10:30 a.m. – Workshops
Disputing Occupation: Israel’s Borders in International Law
Professor Eugene Kontorovich
Key Largo
What does international law say about Israel’s presence in the West Bank and Golan? Is
Israel an illegal “occupier,” as the media and various propagandists would have us believe?
This session will examine the legal sources and texts to arrive at a factual and historical truth
about Israel’s borders.
Of Joy and Despair
Mrs. Devorie Kreiman
Key West
When tragedy strikes and life deals you a heavy hand of lemons, even the lemonade can taste
bitter. In this personal journey of finding strength in the face of sorrow, Mrs. Kreiman recounts
her horrific and painful experience of losing a son just days before his wedding, and how she
found solace in the Torah approach to coping with tragedy.
Beit Medrash - Men
Chassidus: Do We Really Exist?
Rabbi Meir Levinger
Florida Ballroom B
“It’s all in the mind.” No, really! It’s very possible there’s nothing out there, just pictures in
your head, and it’s scientifically impossible to prove otherwise. Obviously we don’t believe
that, but Judaism does have a picture of reality that’s very different to the one we’re all
familiar with. Discover the Jewish view on reality in this mind-blowing session.
Beit Medrash - Women
Chassidus: Beyond the Infinite; Torah in the World
Rabbi Baruch Kaplan
Florida Ballroom C
Discover the unknown elements of the Sinai Experience and understand their deeper meaning.
The Chassidic perspective of the Torah’s description of the events at Mount Sinai as we learn
the true nature of the Torah we are about to receive. Involves text preparation and class.
11:30 a.m. – Break
11:45 a.m. – Workshops
Beyond Oprah Winfrey and Dr. Phil: Who Are Chassidic Jews and
What Makes Them Tick?
Mrs. Rivkah Slonim
Key Largo
What’s with the guys with beards and women in wigs? From Oprah to the latest newspaper
exposé, curiosity about the chasidim keeps growing. As is often the case with the media,
much of what you’ve heard or read is either distorted or simply wrong. This frank talk
separates myth from reality and answers questions about the Chassidic way of life, and why
men and women willingly opt into such a lifestyle.
Israel and Us on Campus
Rabbi Dovid Eliezrie
Key West
How do we as students deal with hostile voices against Israel on campus? What does Jewish
tradition tell us about standing up against intimidation? Can we find a dialogue with those
who view Israel in a negative light? A provocative discussion with Rabbi David Eliezrie.
Beit Medrash – Men
Talmud in Depth: A Drop of Milk-The Talmudic Discussion on Milk
and Meat
Rabbi Baruch Kaplan
Florida Ballroom B
A taste of the dialectic of Talmudic discourse. A hands-on experience in learning how to
understand Mishna and Gemara – “learning how to learn.” The text used is the Talmud’s
discussion of the laws regarding the mixture of milk and meat in Tractate Chullin. Involves text
preparation and class.
Beit Medrash - Women
Talmud in Depth: Women and Prayer
Rabbi Meir Levinger
Florida Ballroom C
This class examines the different opinions, and the evolution of those opinions, regarding
women’s prayers – do women need to do set prayers or not. The class will look at the
Halachic application of these opinions, how different interpretations affect the practical
1:00 p.m. – Lunch
Global Ballroom
Special Tribute:
Mrs. Carolyn Hessel
Director, The Jewish Book Council
Greetings and Dvar Torah:
Rabbi Yisroel Spalter
Director and Spiritual Leader, Chabad of Weston (FL)
2:15 p.m. – Workshops
From Sinai to Seattle: Leadership Insights That Built Starbucks
Mr. Howard Behar
Key West
“People are not ‘assets,’” Howard Behar tells us; they are human beings. During his many
years as President of Starbucks, Howard Behar helped establish the Starbucks culture, which
stresses the importance of people over profits. Drawing on a deeply rooted Jewish heritage,
Howard coached hundreds of leaders at every level and helped the company grow into the
world-renowned brand it is today. At this session, Howard reveals the Jewish principles and
wisdom that guided his success, and how it’s absolutely not about the coffee.
Think You Know The Facts of Life? Think Again!
Miriam Grossman, MD,
Mrs. Molly Resnick
Key Largo
Get ready for an updated, politically-incorrect version of the birds and the bees by a TV
producer and a campus physician.
Beit Medrash – Men and Women
Why in the world does G-d want a world?
Rabbi Boruch Kaplan
Florida Ballroom B
An attempt to understand the question of all questions based on a Chassidic discourse of the
Lubavitcher Rebbe. The Rabbis teach that G-d consulted the souls of the righteous before He
created the world. How could they exist if there was not yet a world?
3:15 p.m. - Break
3:30 p.m.
Intellectual Property in Jewish Law
Rabbi Berel Bell
Key West
Today, illegal duplication of digital media has become rampant and is virtually effortless.
How does Jewish law view the copying of songs, software, and other digital media for
personal use? Do ideas belong to an inventor the way physical possessions belong to
an owner, such that copying can be compared to theft? This session explores halachic
implications of unauthorized duplications, and grounds for the protection of an artist’s
proprietary rights.
King David & the Psalms
Rabbi Chaim Block
Key Largo
King David: a king, a warrior, a poet, and a scholar. Relive the trials and triumphs of the
most colorful personality in Jewish history. Through this interactive lesson, you will discover
why our people have turned to the Psalms for solace and strength throughout the ages.
Beit Medrash, Men & Women
“The Call From Above – One Voice, Two Perspectives”
Rabbi Kasriel Shemtov
Florida Ballroom B
Based on the text of the Ten Commandments, this session will analyze various midrashic
approaches and their philosophical implications on diversity, tolerance, and unity.
4:30 p.m. - Break
4:45 p.m.
Group Locations
Is your mind boggled by all of this new information? Is your head spinning by the end of
the day? Are you wandering around the hotel lobby in search of some downtime to reflect?
If you answered “yes” to any of the above, these student-driven daily reflection meetings
will help you connect the sessions to your own life through group-lead discussions and
arguments in a casual setting. This is a place to ask all of your questions, give personal
feedback to newly learned material and make everything you are learning applicable. At the
end of this session you will also pre-register for upcoming sessions so that you can choose
the classes best suited for you.
5:45 p.m. – Wine Tasting
Pre-Function Area
6:15 p.m. – Mincha
Florida Ballroom A
6:30 p.m. – Dinner
Global Ballroom
Greetings: Rabbi Moshe Kotlarsky
Presentation: The George Rohr JLI Teen of the Year Award
Out of the Depths: From the Holocaust to Jewish Revival
Rabbi Yisrael Meir Lau
One of the youngest survivors of Buchenwald and one of Israel’s most celebrated chief
rabbis. In this harrowing, miraculous, and inspiring account of life in a deadly Nazi
concentration camp, Rabbi Lau relates how he managed to survive against all possible
odds and how he overcame the challenges he faced on the way to becoming the brilliant,
charismatic, and world-revered figure he is today.
8:00 p.m.
Eighth Day
Grand Ballroom ABCD
Join an electrifying, entertaining, and cultural evening with one of Jewish music’s hottest
new bands. Eighth Day’s fresh and unique sound, catchy and soul-stirring lyrics, and spirited
vocal harmonies will leave you dancing in your seat. Their “Yalili” music video was recently
rated as one of the top videos on YouTube in Israel, the US, and Australia.
10:00 p.m. – Maariv
Florida Ballroom A
10:15 p.m.
Film: Katmandu: A Prime-Time Drama Series
Amid rising tensions between secular and religious factions, Israel’s Reshet TV is airing
a new prime-time drama featuring the lives and pioneering work of Chabad shluchim in
Nepal. The series highlights the triumphs and struggles of a young couple who settled
down in this remote part of the Himalayas and made it their home, finding common ground
with tourists from an entirely different culture. Join the main actor who grew a beard
and learned to impersonate a Chabad shliach, and the real shluchim from Nepal, via live
hookup, for a fascinating interview and exclusive showing of the show’s premier episodes.
‫ט“ו מנחם אב‬
‫ ם אב‬U ST 3
7:00 a.m.
Mysticism in the Morning (optional)
Rabbi Meir Levinger
Florida Ballroom B
Start your day with a dose of spirituality and Jewish mysticism. This session will provide fresh
perspective on how we experience life, introducing a deeper understanding of G-d’s unity,
how G-dliness can be found within everything, and how it impacts our daily lives.
7:30 a.m. – Shacharit
Beginners’ Service for Men
Grand Ballroom A
Do you ever feel lost in the synagogue, alienated by fast-paced
Hebrew texts? This beginners’ service will help you gain insight into the basics of prayer and
the how-tos of talking to G-d.
Beginners’ Service for Women
Grand Ballroom D
Do you ever feel lost in the synagogue, alienated by fast paced
Hebrew texts? This beginners’ service will help you gain insight into the basics of prayer and
the how-tos of talking to G-d.
Advanced Service
Florida Ballroom A
A traditional minyan, designed for men and women fluent in Hebrew reading who regularly
participate in organized prayer.
8:00 a.m. – Breakfast
Global Ballroom
8:45 a.m. – 9:15 a.m.
T-Feelin U!
Pre-Function Area
Join the club and get hooked up as we wrap the straps and kick-start the day with a dose of
authentic Jewish connection. When you don tefillin you align your mind, heart, body, and soul;
so wake up, smell the coffee, and do a powerful mitzvah by donning those black leather boxes
first thing in the morning.
9:15 a.m.
Happiness Is a Serious Problem
Mrs. Miriam Lipskier
Florida Ballroom B
The Jewish mystical secrets to discovering real, lasting happiness. On average, we enjoy
more amenities, make more money, and live longer today than we have at any point in
human history, yet we are not necessarily any happier for it. Learn the tried and true mystical
approach to living happily ever after.
10:15 a.m. - Break
10:30 a.m.
The Jewish Survival Game
Dr. Stephen Serbin
Key West
This workshop will focus on raising our Jewish consciousness and will provide a forum for
participants to probe their Jewish identity and principles with a breadth and depth rarely
encountered before. The journey is more important than the destination; the process of
contemplating and discussing Jewish values is more important than the decision per se. The
Jewish Survival Game provides a non-judgmental forum for the analysis and exploration of
values which are often taken for granted.
Eat Pray Live
Mrs. Chana Lipskar
Key Largo
Chana, the mother of Samuel the Prophet, demonstrated to the world how one could reach
spiritual heights through personal prayer and introspection. Explore the mystery of prayer
through the lens of a woman’s search for unity and for personal and collective fulfillment.
Beit Medrash - Men
Altering Consciousness: The Chassidic perspective
Rabbi Baruch Kaplan
Florida Ballroom B
This class explores the different levels of Love of God described in the Shema and the
practical means to achieve them. Involves text preparation and class.
Beit Medrash - Women
Developing Deeper Relationships: A Chassidic Perspective
Rabbi Meir Levinger
Florida Ballroom C
Every relationship needs love and awe, the question is which of these two elements is
dominant in the relationship. How can we know the best relationship possible using these
two components?
11:30 a.m. - Break
11:45 a.m.
From the Luftwaffe to the IDF
Dr. Bernd Wollschlaeger
Key West
The son of a highly decorated World War II German tank commander, Bernd Wollschlaeger
considered his father’s Nazi allegiance an irredeemable sin. Ultimately, this led Bernd to
move to Israel and serve in the Israeli Defense Forces. In this session, Dr. Wollschlaeger
shares personal experiences as recounted in his moving book, A German Life, and in his short
film, Stauffenberg and My Life in the Shadow of a Hero.
Being a Jew in the world
Rabbi Shalom Lipskar
Key Largo
What is our responsibility toward people of other faiths? What is their role in G-d’s creation?
A discussion that traverses beyond the borders of political correctness, to uncover a deeper
understanding of human purpose and goodness.
Beit Medrash - Men
Talmud In-Depth: Does the Means Justify the Ends in Halacha
Rabbi Meir Levinger
Florida Ballroom B
In this class we’ll delve into a Talmudic attempt to interpret a Mishna. We’ll see how the the
different interpretations affect the practical halachic ruling and the different customs in the
Jewish community. This time old Talmudic argument has deep moral and ethical implications
as well.
Beit Medrash - Women
Talmud in Depth: A Drop of Milk-The Talmudic Discussion on Milk
and Meat
Rabbi Baruch Kaplan
Florida Ballroom C
The Talmudic Discussion of Milk and Meat – (twice, once to men and once to women) A taste
of the dialectic of Talmudic discourse. A hands-on experience in learning how to understand
Mishna and Gemara “learning how to learn.” The text used is the Talmud’s discussion of the
laws regarding the mixture of milk and meat in Tractate Chullin. Involves text preparation and
1:00 p.m. - Lunch
Global Ballroom
1:15 p.m. – Trip (optional)
Everyglades Holiday Park
Visit the Florida Everglades and witness nature’s wonders all around you while gliding over a
river of grass in an airboat! The hidden secrets of nature’s own will envelop your curiosity as
you explore a forest of unspoiled wonders.
2:15 p.m. – Workshops (optional)
Corporate Kosher: A Glimpse Behind the Scenes of Kosher
Rabbi Aryeh Weinstein
Get a better understanding of the issues involved in kosher certifying commercially
manufactured food. This session explores the laws of kosher, the production challenges
involved in maintaining kosher standards, and the resolution to many of the problems that
arise. Discover a long trail of investigative work that goes on behind the scenes, culminating
in the small symbol on foods you buy at your supermarket.
From Sinai to Cyberspace: The History
and Development of Jewish Law
Rabbi Berel Bell
Grand Ballroom BC
Join us for the ride as we explore the history and development of Jewish law and tradition
and the inner story of our lives and of our people. A lot has changed in 3000 years. We’ve
gone from camel backs to Cadillacs, and have entered a world of fast-paced technological
advance. Yet, the elemental questions about our tradition remain the same. How do we know
what G-d wants of us in this world? Do we have any evidence that the Bible text is divine and
true? Who has the right to interpret the Bible? How do we adapt its laws to modern times and
changing influences?
Woman of Valor: Who, Me?
Mrs. Miriam Lipskier
Key West
Aishet Chayil is a 3000 year old ode to the Jewish woman. Every Friday night this poem
from King Solomon is sung in Jewish homes around the world. Are the ancient values of the
“woman of valor” still applicable to today’s society? This session presents an in-depth and
text-based exploration of the meaning behind the Aishet Chayil, and how it relates to our
personal lives in the twenty first century.
Challah Baking with the Rebbetzins
Mrs. Shterna Althaus and Mrs. Matty Bryski
Grand Ballroom D
The aroma of freshly baked challah wafting through a home on Friday afternoon is a spiritual
and physical delight to the senses. Mix, knead, and braid in this hands-on, elbow-deep
workshop on traditional challah baking, seasoned with the teachings of the mystical secrets
of this mitzvah.
Responsible Relationships
Rabbi Boruch Kaplan
Florida Ballroom BC
The biblical account of Joseph, and his emotional reunion with his brother Benjamin and
father Jacob following 20 years of separation, provides a powerful lesson in how we can
deal with situations that are beyond our control. Examine the texts and discover the intricate
workings of relationships, responsibility, and reciprocity; what you can and cannot do when
reality is less than ideal.
4:30 p.m. – Pre-Shabbat Reception
5:30 p.m.
The 15th of Av: National Disaster, Love, and Rebirth (optional)
Rabbi Yisrael Meir Lau
Florida Ballroom ABC
The 15th of Av is Judaism’s mysterious love festival, dubbed in the Talmud as the most joyous
day on the Jewish calendar. What transpired on this day? What were the matchmaking antics
all about? And what is so unique about the joy of rebirth that follows national disaster? In this
insightful talk, Rabbi Lau reveals the inspiring secret behind this obscure Jewish festival.
6:45 p.m. – Candle lighting, Mincha, and Kabbalat Shabbat
Outside Captiva
7:00 p.m.
Student Candle Lighting
Campus Shluchos
Outside Captiva
A special Sinai Scholars candle lighting ceremony
7:15-7:30 p.m.
Power-speech: Feeling The Shabbat
Rabbi Yisrael Meir Lau
Grand Ballroom BC
This week reaches its climax in the moments entering Shabbat. Connect with the energies of
Shabbat at this powerful spiritual zenith with a few short words of inspiration and upliftment
from one of our generation’s foremost inspirational and motivational speakers.
7:30 p.m.
Student Kabbalat Shabbat
Grand Ballroom BC
Take a step back from the bustle of the week and find respite. With this ancient kabbalistic
prayer service, the entire Sinai Scholars group will come together to welcome Shabbat in
song and dance.
8:00 p.m. – Shabbat Dinner
Global Ballroom
Brew the Perfect Blend
The Journey of Life (as a Coffee Bean)
Rabbi Yitzchak Schochet
Like the coffee bean, we undergo a process of growth, development, and refinement. We may
get crushed along the way, but only to bring out our true flavor and achieve the perfect brew
This inspirational address presents a reflection of your life in your coffee mug that will get you
thinking about your personal journey, from the very first breath we take until our very last.
10:00 p.m.
Farbrengen General
Global Ballroom
What’s learned in a class or lecture is stored in the mind; what’s learned at a farbrengen
is engraved in the heart. A farbrengen is an informal gathering meant to create feelings of
warmth and inspiration. Insightful thoughts and powerful stories are shared, interspersed with
spirited singing. (An occasional “L’chaim!” often adds to the mood.)
Beit Medrash Farbrengen
Rabbi Meir Levinger and Rabbi Boruch Kaplan
Global Ballroom
After a long day of hitting the books, yeshiva students get together to share words of Torah
and help one another in their spiritual growth. Join Rabbi Levinger as he leads a Sinai
Scholars version of an authentic yeshiva-style farbrengen.
‫ ם אב‬U ST 4
8:00 a.m. – Light Breakfast
8:30 a.m. – Pre-davening workshops (optional)
The Half-Full Glass
Rabbi Chaim Block
Grand Ballroom BC
When tragedy strikes, most people despair. Only a select few are able to see the growth
and opportunity that come in its wake. This session uncovers some deeply meaningful and
motivational insights into Rabbi Akiva’s surprising response to the destruction of the Temple in
Jerusalem, and how it relates to this Shabbat of consolation.
You and Your Environment
Mrs. Rivkie Block
Grand Ballroom D
“Make for me a sanctuary and I will dwell within each one of you” (Exodus 25:8). This session
unwraps the biblical account of the tabernacle in the wilderness as a model for creating our
own modern-day inner sanctuaries, by exploring how our surroundings influence us and how
we can transform our personal homes into bastions for holiness.
9:00 a.m.
Mysticism in the Morning
Rabbi Meir Levinger
Florida Ballroom B
Start your day with a dose of spirituality and Jewish mysticism. This session will provide fresh
perspective on how we experience life, introducing a deeper understanding of G-d’s unity, how
G-dliness can be found within everything, and how it impacts our daily lives.
10:00 a.m. – Student Shacharis
Grand Ballroom BC
11:00 a.m.
Sermon: Insights on the Parsha
Rabbi Yisrael Meir Lau
Florida Ballroom ABC
12:00 p.m. – Lunch
Global Ballroom
Keynote Address: Looking Ahead to the Past
Rabbi Moshe Kotlarsky
Vice Chairman, Merkos L’Inyonei Chinuch—Lubavitch World Headquarters; Chairman, The
Rohr Jewish Learning Institute
Reports from the Front Line
Mrs. Miriam Lipskier
A humorous and heartwarming report of Jewish life on campus. Mrs. Lipskier—who, with
her husband Zalman, codirects Chabad activities at Emory University—describes what it’s
like providing a home for every Jewish student and cultivating the next generation of Jewish
2:30 p.m.
Rabbi Abba Perelmuter, Rabbi Dov Wagner, and Mrs. Runya Wagner
Key West
An unprecedented opportunity to hear truly original thinkers address the most important
issues of the day in the Jewish world. An opportunity to debate and pit your wits against
three highly intelligent and knowledgeable experts. No subject too controversial, no challenge
Beit Medrash – Men/Women Creation, Torah and the Shabbat
Rabbi Baruch Kaplan
Florida Ballroom B
There is a Talmudic discussion regarding the actual date of the Giving of The torah on Mountt
Sinai. All agree, however, that the Torah was given on Shabbat. An in-depth look at the
sources in the Torah and Talmud in order to understand the conceptual connection between
the giving of the Torah and Shabbat.
3:45 p.m. – Break
4:00 p.m.
Relationships - Men
Rabbi Eliezer Sniederman
Key Largo
When a different girl every night isn’t enough any more, what are the secrets to finding the
right person? Why are divorce rates in traditional Jewish circles insignificant compared to
secular American statistics? Is there a reason to stop and think before I keep dating? When
popular media runs too shallow, where should I look for guidance? Is there anything relevant
to my dating life in Judaism? This is an open session. Ask any questions you may have on
dating, to sex, to love.
Relationships - Women
Mrs. Rivkah Slonim
Key West
How does Judaism create a structure to support meaningful and fulfilling relationships?
How are men’s and women’s needs addressed within the context of Jewish marriage? In this
interactive workshop, we will explore Jewish attitudes toward love, marriage, and intimacy.
5:00 p.m. – Break
5:15 p.m.
Group Locations
Is your mind boggled by all this new information? Is your head spinning by the end of the
day? Are you wandering around the hotel lobby in search of some downtime to reflect? If you
answered, “yes,” to any of the above, these student-driven nightly reflection meetings will
help you connect the sessions to your own life through provocative group-lead discussions
and arguments in a casual setting. This is a place to ask all of your questions, give personal
feedback to newly learned material and make everything you are learning applicable.
6:15 p.m.
Keynote: Demystifying the Afterlife
Rabbi Yitzchak Schochet
Florida Ballroom ABC
Afterlife, heaven, world to come, Garden of Eden, resurrection of the dead, the list goes
on. We are told to serve G-d without regard for reparation, yet Jewish texts are filled with
rewards. Is there an ultimate reward? When and how will it unfold? This session explores a
discourse of the Lubavitcher Rebbe that unlocks a secret to the Jewish view on the reward
for doing a mitzvah.
7:00 p.m. – Mincha
7:15 p.m. – Seudah Shelishit
(Third Shabbat Meal)
Global Ballroom
Keynote: It’s a Wonderful Jewish Life
An optimistic look at the future of the Jewish people
Rabbi Moshe Bryski
A cursory glance at the state of world Jewry today can be cause for great concern, if not
alarm. From existential threats to Israel, to the bold reemergence of anti-Semitism in
Europe, to the distressing statistics regarding assimilation and drop-off among Jews in
America, it’s easy to be overcome by a sense of gloom and doom as it relates to the future
of the Jewish people. Drawing on profound Torah lessons, historical parallels and even a
classic in American cinema, this talk makes the point that those who discount Am Yisroel
(or themselves) out are terribly misguided. While concern may be warranted, a sense of
despair, hopelessness and powerlessness most certainly is not.
8:40 p.m. – Maariv
Florida Ballroom ABC
9:00 p.m. – Havdalah Service
The Rainforest
10:00 p.m.
Global Ballroom
Jewish Dating, Marriage, and Other Comedies
Mr. Marc Weiner
Comedian Marc Weiner entertains with a hilarious spoof on the
often bizarre world of Jewish dating and marriage.
The Newlywed Game
Rabbi Abba Perelmuter
A hilarious game-show session that will help you find out how much you really know—or
think you know—about your spouse.
10:45 p.m. – Sinai Scholars Melave Malkah/ Night Activity
Global Ballroom
Experience the afterglow of Shabbat as we escort the departing
Shabbat Queen. The tradition includes telling stories about the
Ba’al Shem Tov, the founder of Chassidism and singing soulful songs.
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7:30 a.m. –Shacharit
Beginners’ Service for Men
Grand Ballroom A
Do you ever feel lost in the synagogue, alienated by fast-paced
Hebrew texts? This beginners’ service will help you gain insight into the basics of prayer and
the how-tos of talking to G-d.
Beginners’ Service for Women
Grand Ballroom D
Do you ever feel lost in the synagogue, alienated by fast paced
Hebrew texts? This beginners’ service will help you gain insight into the basics of prayer and
the how-tos of talking to G-d.
Advanced Service
Florida Ballroom A
A traditional minyan, designed for men and women fluent in Hebrew reading who regularly
participate in organized prayer.
8:30 a.m.
Mysticism in the Morning (optional)
Rabbi Meir Levinger
Florida Ballroom B
Start your day with a dose of spirituality and Jewish mysticism. This session will provide a
fresh perspective on how we experience life, introducing a deeper understanding of G-d’s
unity, how G-dliness can be found within everything, and how it impacts our daily lives.
8:45 a.m. – 9:15 a.m.
T-Feelin U!
Pre-Function Area
Join the club and get hooked up as we wrap the straps and kick-start the day with a dose
of authentic Jewish connection. When you don tefillin you align your mind, heart, body, and
soul; so wake up, smell the coffee, and do a powerful mitzvah by donning those black leather
boxes first thing in the morning.
9:00 a.m. – Breakfast
10:00 a.m. – Closing Session
Take Aways
Rabbi Moshe Bryski
Florida Ballroom BC
Over the course of five days you will have experienced words of wisdom and inspiration from
scholars and prolific Jewish personalities from around the world. How will this shape your
philosophy on life moving forward? How will your relationships be impacted?
True Empathy is what it means to be human. To give to another without even so much as
thinking “what’s in it for me?” or “what will I get in return?” And if you’re honest with
yourself, that can be really hard. But that’s what it means to be Jewish. You cannot be a good
Jew without also being a good person, a good citizen, and a good neighbor. Judaism views
another’s material needs as your spiritual duty. We gave the world the golden rule: “Do not do
unto others as you wouldn’t want to be done to you.” Join Rabbi Bryski for closing words of
inspiration as we summarize the messages and lessons we’ve learned and focus on practical
steps we can take with us as we march onward to become more loving, caring, and giving
10:30 a.m. – Reflections
Group Locations
12:00 p.m. – Lunch
Global Ballroom
The People of the Book
Rabbi Yisroel Meir Lau
The expression “People of the Book” included Christians and Sabians in its original Arabic
terminology for non-Muslim
adherents to other faiths. Today, the term “People of the Book” (Am HaSefer) is a specific
reference to the Jewish people and their connection to Torah and the wider canon of Jewish
texts.In this session, the Chief Rabbi will address the Jewish nation’s eternal connection to
learning, and how, through continuing the unbroken chain of Torah study, we connect with past
generations and become a part of an ancient conversation with G-d that is still going on today.
2:00 p.m.—Farewell
The National Jewish Retreat: Taking It Home
Rabbi Efraim Mintz
Executive Director, The Rohr Jewish Learning Institute
The Eighth Annual
National Jewish Retreat
AUGUST 7–AUGUST 11, 2013
‫ה אלול תשע“ג‬-‫א‬
We hope and pray that next year’s retreat will be
with Moshiach in the holy city of Jerusalem.
‫לשנה הבאה בירושלים‬
The Fifth
, 2013
Sunday April 21
New York Unive
New York, NY
The Theme of the 2013 symposium is
“Ethics of Capitalism”
The symposium will include a full day of interactive learning, discussion,
debate, presentations and a gala dinner.
The gala dinner will include an award ceremony with Sinai Scholars alumni
and a group of leading Jewish professors, rabbis and leaders from across
the globe.
For more information on this year and last year’s symposium,
please visit
or please contact
The Sinai Scholars Society
Gratefully acknowledges the pioneering support of
George and Pamela Rohr
Since its inception the Sinai Scholars Society has been a beneficiary of
the vision, generosity, care and concern of the Rohr family.
In the merit of the tens of thousands of hours of Torah study by Sinai
Scholars students worldwide, may they be blessed with health, Yiddishe
Nachas from all their loved ones and extraordinary success in all their
The Sinai Scholars Society is a joint project of
Chabad on Campus and the Rohr Jewish Learning Institute.