Convention - Mid-America Tire Dealers Association


Convention - Mid-America Tire Dealers Association
DEC 29, 2014
MATDA Board Of Directors
Scott Woellhof - President
Champlin Tire Recycling Inc, Concordia, Ks
Did you know that February 28th, is the date of the MATDA Convention?!?
Did you know that February 28th, is also Floral Design Day?! The original
idea behind Floral Design Day, was a unique way to celebrate a special
birthday of Carl Rittner, who founded Rittner’s Floral Design School in
Mike Vondenkamp - Vice-President
Tire Dealers Warehouse, Wichita, Ks
Brent Colgrove - Secretary
Farmers Co-op, Plymouth, Ne
Steve Burhenn - Treasurer
Becker Tire, Great Bend, Ks
So it was particularly meaningful when Gov. Weld of Massachusetts
proclaimed Floral Design Day as part of Mr. Rittner's special birthday
Julian Albers
Mitten, Inc., Oakley, Ks
Floral design is a proud art form that has spanned thousands of years, with a
diversity of styles reflecting varying social, religious, and cultural trends.
Craig Aldridge
Prairie Ag & Auto, Inc, Plainville, Ks
Floral art is a very unique art form in that it plays an important role in our
social interactions, for decorating, establishing and maintaining
relationships, and generally enhancing the overall quality of our lives.......
Jason Burhenn
Shamrock Tire, Wichita, Ks
Keith Christensen
Commercial Tire Center, Salina, Ks
Justin Glasgow
Performance Tire & Wheel, Topeka, Ks
George Hoellen
T.O. Haas Tire Co., Lincoln, Ne
Dave McMannis
Canton Service Center, Canton, Ks
Diane Miller
M & M Tire & Auto, Abilene, Ks
Scott Ozment
Hesselbein Tire, Tulsa, Ok
Mike Riddle
American Tire Distributors, Wichita, Ks
Tony Thompson
Thompson OK Tire, Beloit, Ks
Jeff Webster
Take Ten Tire, Ponca City, OK
The floral industry is a multibillion dollar industry that brightens our lives at
such holidays as Thanksgiving, Christmas, Valentines' Day, Mother's Day &
Secretaries Day as well as on an every day basis, and in so doing,
contributes to our economy.
What’s that got to do with our convention you ask? Well we have had our
convention in or near March and at a casino so many times and I’m really,
really tired of the Irish, March Madness Basketball and Gambling themes
and needed a fresh marketing idea. ...and Wallah!!! It’s Floral Design Day!!
Who knew?!
The registration is attached with this newsletter. Some details are yet to be
confirmed but where else would you want to celebrate Floral Design Day?
And there are so many similarities between tire dealers and floral design.
The tire industry is a multibillion dollar industry that brightens our lives. It’s
a unique art to make money selling tires. Tires certainly enhance the overall
quality of our lives and contributes to our economy. And; And; people do
lots of crazy planters with tires.
The Annual meeting of the MATDA will be February 28th at the Opening
Luncheon at the convention.
Be sure to nominate an Employee of the Year and an Industry Service
Award. Also, you’ll find the scholarship applications for $500 scholarships
for deserving students.
“Treadmarks” is published monthly by the Mid-America Tire Dealers Association, 7321 N.W. Rochester Rd. Topeka, Kansas, 66617. Appearance of Advertisements in “Treadmarks” does not constitute endorsement by MATDA of the products or services advertised. For further information concerning “Treadmarks”
or the association, contact Shawn Herrick, Executive Director, at the address above or 785.286.1110, fax 785.286.0611 or e-mail -
DEC 29, 2014
FEBRUARY 28, 2015
TIA Vows...
The Tire Industry Association (TIA) announced
today that they would fight a proposal from the
Rubber Manufacturers Association (RMA) to
reinstate a mandatory tire registration program.
During a panel on tire registration and recalls at
the Passenger Vehicle Tire Safety Symposium
held by the National Transportation Safety Board
(NTSB), the RMA cited low registration rates of
tires sold by independent retailers as the reason
behind the proposal.
TIA Senior Vice President of Training, Kevin
Rohlwing, participated on the same panel and
called for a collective effort to educate consumers
on the importance of registering tires. Rohlwing
pointed to the fact that the National Highway
Transportation Safety Administration (NHTSA),
RMA and tire manufacturers have made little to
no effort to educate consumers as well as the fact
that low registration rates are more reflective of
consumer apathy than the lack of compliance on
the part of independent tire dealers.
"We are incredibly disappointed that RMA
supports a legislative solution to the problem of
low tire registration rates rather than
educational," remarked Roy Littlefield, TIA
Executive Vice President. "TIA has been working
with RMA on a number of legislative issues like
tire repair and used tires over the past few years,
but there have been no discussions related to
mandatory tire registration. We had talked about
working together to educate and improve
voluntary numbers, so it was a total shock to hear
that they are proposing legislation over
Rohlwing's presentation also drew comparisons
to NHTSA's system for registering child
restraints where the retailer does not play any role
nor bear any responsibilities with regards to the
process. He questioned why tire retailers are
treated differently and manufacturers are allowed
to shift the burden onto the back of small
businesses. Rohlwing cautioned the NTSB to
consider all of the factors related to the low rate
of tire registration before making any
recommendations to NHTSA.
Tire retailers must still comply with current tire
registration laws that require them to provide the
customer with the Tire Identification Number
(TIN) on a card so the consumer can register their
tires. And while RMA's proposal for mandatory
tire registration is simply a recommendation,
TIA will be stepping up efforts to promote
voluntary registration and educate consumers on
the importance of registering their tires. TIA is
currently working on a "Tire Safety Starts with
Registration" video, to be released in early 2015,
as the next addition to its consumer education
video series. TIA will follow up and submit
additional comments to the docket regarding the
attempt by the tire manufacturers to place the
burden for tire registration on retailers.
"It's important for the industry to recognize that
while the RMA's solution to the tire registration
problem is to legislate rather than educate, they
took the reverse approach when commenting on
tire service life," said Rohlwing. "During the >>
Tire collection and processing
Trailer placement
Licensed in KS, NE, MO, IA, CO, SD
Used tires
Playground/Landscaping mulch
Recycled picnic tables and park benches
DEC 29, 2014
FEBRUARY 28, 2015
panel on tire aging, RMA repeatedly defended
their 'educate not legislate' approach citing the
lack of scientific data that proves legislation is
necessary. Interestingly enough, there is a similar
lack of data regarding the number of retailers
who supply the registration cards in accordance
with the law and the percentage of consumers
who follow thru with the registration process."
While puzzling over the message, his telephone
rang. It was the florist, apologizing for having
sent the wrong card.
TIA will continue to monitor the situation and
maintain an ongoing dialogue with NTSB to
make sure that the voices of independent tire
dealers are heard on this issue. The Association
also wants to remind retailers that Congressional
action will be required to overturn voluntary
registration in favor of mandatory registration.
This fight is far from over and TIA will utilize all
resources and expertise to ensure that the
voluntary tire registration program remains in
"But," added the florist, "I accidentally sent your
card to a funeral party."
TIA is hosting a Federal Lobby Day on February
5, 2015 to meet with representatives on Capitol
Hill to discuss the Highway Bill. The issue of tire
registration will now be added to the agenda. For
more information on this effort, please contact
Roy Littlefield IV, TIA Government Affairs
Manager, at On the Light Side
On opening his new tire store, a man received a
bouquet of flowers. He became dismayed on
reading the enclosed card, which expressed
"Deepest Sympathy".
"Oh, it's all right," said the tire dealer. "I'm a
businessman and I understand how these things
can happen."
"Well, what did it say?" ask the shop owner.
"'Congratulations on your new location'," was the
The mission of the MATDA is to promote closer
cooperation and better understanding between the tire
dealers of Kansas, Nebraska, and Oklahoma; to provide
professional lobbying and governmental relations; to
provide effective training and education to enhance
members’ business acumen and help
them better serve the consumer; to promote public
understanding of the industry’s concern for the
environment, and to provide such services and activities
that are proper and necessary to achieve these mutual goals.
7321 NW Rochester
Topeka, Ks 66617
p 785.286.1110
f 785.286.0611
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Capitol Hill • Washington, D.C.
February 5, 2015
11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Caucus Room, Cannon House Office Building
Roy Littlefield IV, TIA Government Affairs Manager
Freda Pratt-Boyer, TIA President
The Importance of Members Coming to Capitol Hill
Former Congressman Al Wynn
Congress 2015
National Republican Senatorial Committee
Tax Reform Issues
Paula Calimafde, Executive Director,
Small Business Legislative Counsel
Voluntary/Mandatory Tire Registration
Kevin Rohlwing, TIA Senior Vice President of Training
Roy Littlefield, TIA Executive Vice President
Review of Status and Funding Options of a Long-Term
Transportation Bill
Roy Littlefield, TIA Executive Vice President
Roy Littlefield IV, TIA Government Affairs Manager
12:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m.
Caucus Room, Cannon House Office Building
Congressional Luncheon
with Keynote Addresses by:
Congressman Steny Hoyer (Democratic Whip)
Congressman John Delany (D-MD/Sponsor of H.R. 2084)
2:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Gold Room, Rayburn House Office Building
Connection Sessions
10 minute face-to-face, round robin connection session
meetings with key Hill staffers from the House Transportation
and Infrastructure Committee and the House Ways and Means
Committee to voice support for a sustainable Federal Highway
program, and to voice concern with some of the proposed
funding ideas.
2:00 p.m. – 3:30 p.m.
Transportation and Infrastructure Committee Room
Legislative Insight
Meet freshmen members from the House
Transportation and Infrastructure Committee
to discuss their top transportation initiatives.
5:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m.
Capitol Foyer, Rayburn House Office Building
Welcome Reception for 114th Congress
with Keynote Address by:
Congressman Bill Shuster(R-PA), Chairman,
House of Transportation and Infrastructure Committee