1000 horsepower gss-r


1000 horsepower gss-r
January, 2014
’65 Coronet S/FX at Lions
Editor’s Page ................................................... 4
Mr. Norm’s Corner ........................................... 6
Cover Story: 1000 HP Mr. Norm’s GSS-R
Street/Strip Terror .......................................... 10
Product Spotlight ........................................... 18
Jeep Wrangler FIVE STAR............................ 20
Millennium Musings ....................................... 24
Publisher ...................... Mr. Norm
Editor ............................ Larry Weiner
Managing Editor .......... Deb Murphy
Editorial Assistant ....... Debbie Weiner
Contributors ................. Linda Mandalas
Howard Benjamin
Andrew Schultheis
Special Mr. Norm’s Members’ Rides ............ 26
Trailer Towing Tips ........................................ 30
Women’s World ............................................. 34
Specials of the Month .................................... 38
West Coast Report ........................................ 40
But Wait, There’s More.................................. 42
East Coast .................. Mike Staveski
Midwest ....................... Bob Longstreth
West Coast .................. Steve Temple
ON THE COVER: 1000 HP Mr. Norm’s GSS-R Kenne Bell
Supercharged 426 Hemi-Powered
Photo by Howard Benjamin
P.O. Box 381 / Highland Park, IL 60035 / (760) 630-0547 / mrnorm1013@aol.com / www.mrnorms.com
Driving to the Beat of a Different Drummer
This photo of the M37 was taken the day after I bought. I had just washed it and was getting ready to install the original steel
roof that came with the truck.
ver the years, I have
been fortunate to
have the opportunity to drive a wide
variety of highly-desirable,
vintage and late model muscle
cars. And while it has been
fun, I also have a tendency to
like vehicles that have not always been considered mainstream. Among those, the one
that really jumps out is the
1953 Dodge M37 that was my
daily driver for five years. My
affinity for the M37 dates back
to when I was in the Army in
the 70’s. The motor pool for
our unit had quite a few Korean War era M37’s along with
the more modern Kaiser
M715, lots M151’s and quite
a few AM General M35 deuce
and a half’s.
While driving a deuce was
fun, I always enjoyed the M37
more, partly because it was a
Dodge, but also because it
was the kind of truck you
could imagine driving on the
street. After all, under the military sheet metal was essentially the same chassis and
powertrain that was used in a
Power Wagon. The 230 cubic
inch flathead, backed up by a
four speed manual, a transfer
case and 5.83:1 gears meant
that while it might not be fast,
in low range you could probably pull a building down with
it. Maybe they should have
used an M37 instead of the
GMC pickup in the second Lethal Weapon movie. Imagine
an M37 pulling down the
house that was mounted on
stilts at the edge of the cliffs.
Needless to say, for many
years after I got out of the Army, I kept an eye out for a
nice M37, but never found
one. And like the old saying
that you will find something
when you’re not looking for it,
one day when I was heading
back to the shop after a day
on the road calling on customers, I spotted an olive drab
M37 in a front yard with a For
Sale sign in the windshield. As
soon as I was done at work, I
headed straight back to where
I had spotted the M37. A
quick once over confirmed
that it was in very good condition. Before I could ring the
doorbell, an elderly man came
out and introduced himself as
the seller’s father.
We talked about the Dodge
for a while, and he told me
that his son had found it
’s Page
many years earlier, restored it
and then parked it in a pole
building where it had been
sitting for a long time. He
needed money and had decided to sell it. In fact, they had
just put it outside with the
sign earlier that day. I asked
if we could take it for a drive
and the father and I were off
and running around town.
The M37 drove perfectly
and there was no doubt in my
mind that I wanted it. He said
that his son would be back in
an hour and that I should
come back and talk to him. I
told my wife about the M37 as
soon as I got home and in no
time flat we were on our way
to meet the seller. The Dodge
was still sitting in front of the
house where I had parked it
after the test drive, and as we
walked up to it, I could see
that my wife didn’t like it. She
thought that it was going to
be a Jeep, which it obviously
wasn’t. While I was negotiating with the seller, my wife
looked the M37 over. Meanwhile, the seller and I had
agreed on a price, which was
when my wife walked over to
us. She asked me if I was actually considering buying it. I
said yes, and her terse reply
was “the money must really
be burning a hole in your
pocket!” At this point, the
seller had backed up about
five paces to get some space
between he and my wife. I
looked at my wife, looked at
the seller and said, yes, I like
it, I’m going to buy it and
handed him the money before
things got contentious.
Other than a couple of mi-
nor items, the Dodge was
trouble free all the years I
owned it, and eventually, my
wife warmed up to it. One
thing that was for sure, neither rain, nor snow, nor sleet
of night would keep me from
wherever I was going in the
M37. It might not have been
comfortable like a new truck,
but it had character in spades
and reminded me of a time
when I was a young man just
starting on the adventures of
One day when I went to
work, I left the M37 outside.
Usually, I parked it in the garage area of the building where
I worked, but it was such a
warm, sunny summer day
that I broke with tradition.
About lunch time, a man
walked into the building and
inquired who owned the
M37. I told him that I did,
and asked him why he
wanted to know. He said he
was an actor and performed in a one man stage
play about the Vietnam
War. He thought that the
Dodge would be the perfect complement to his
act, since the M37 was a
very common Army truck
in Vietnam. I said that
The truck came with a copy of
the original US Army Operators Manual. Note the cartoon
like artwork on the cover.
The entire manual features
this type of art, along with
information about vehicle
operation and maintenance,
and was very typical of the
printed literature the Army
provided GI’s during that
the M37 wasn’t for sale, but
he was very persistent and
ultimately convinced me to
sell it to him.
All these years later,
sometimes when I am daydreaming, I think about that
old M37. Yes, my wife was
right, it wasn’t real practical,
but it sure was fun to drive.
And of all of the vehicles that
I have owned over the years,
it was definitely one that
stood out and got everyone’s
attention wherever I went.
Next time you are looking for
a collector vehicle to purchase
or restore, don’t feel like you
have to follow the crowd.
Sometimes picking a unique
vehicle, like taking the road
less traveled, can be more
fun. In fact, it can even be an
Mr. Norm
elcome to 2014.
Our hope is that
the year brings
much joy to all of
you and that as you look back
on the past year, the good far
outweighs the not-so-good.
It’s naïve to think the
world’s problems will all be
solved in the next 365 days,
but in terms of America, the
economy is reviving, more jobs
are opening up – and I mean
real jobs not McJobs. The
American auto industry has
made a heroic comeback and
is creating new jobs. Things
could be better, but we’re
heading in the right direction.
Now that 2014 has arrived,
we’re figuring out where we’ll
be going, in terms of shows
that is. As well-attended as
our show schedule proved last
year, we’re anticipating the
same and better for this year.
The schedule process made me
start thinking of what shows
were “the best;” then I realized
each show we go to has its serious plusses. There’s really no
“best” show but there are certainly shows that do certain
things “best.” Take for instance the first show we went
to in 2013, the one that kicked
off our 50th Anniversary tour
de force: Mopars on the Strip
in Las Vegas.
All the things that are great
about Mopars on the Strip are
also great about Vegas. If you
haven’t ever been to Sin City,
you gotta go, hopefully for the
upcoming Mopar show. Vegas
has just about anything you
could want, some of which you
probably shouldn’t want now
that I think about it. It’s a mix
The Mr. Norm’s display at Mopars on the Strip, set up at the host hotel, the Cannery in Las Vegas, Nevada.
of the most outrageously luxurious accommodations, on the
Strip, and real down-to-earth,
gritty, Old West ambiance, in
downtown Vegas. The shows
are extraordinary, the food is
fabulous and, bring on the
drum roll, you get all this at a
price far less than you’d pay in
any other major city as long as
you stay away from the casino!
And then there’s the topnotch drag strip, just 20
minutes outside the center of
town. Vegas has a world-class
racing facility and you can’t
beat the weather, especially
when the rest of the country is
under a few feet of snow. The
desert southwest is definitely
the place to be, as long as it’s
not in the middle of summer.
So, I’d say Mopars on the
Strip is the Best Show for your
In terms of hospitality, you
can’t beat MoparFest just outside of Toronto, Ontario. Mo-
m’s Corner
All the things that
are great about Mopars on the Strip are
also great about
Vegas. If you haven’t
ever been to Sin City,
you gotta go
MoparFest in Ontario, the Most
Hospitable Show
Another view from the MoparFest, my vote for the Best Hospitality.
parFest is what I’d call the
other end of the spectrum
from Vegas: it’s balmy and
green during the show season
and the setting for MoparFest
is absolutely gorgeous, the
kind of landscape that makes
you want to hang out all day
long and enjoy the friendliness
of the people and organizers
and the superior accommodations for spectators. Those accommodations include miles
of free parking and a free
shuttle that carries people to
and from the show and the
stands that were originally
built for livestock auctions.
MoparFest is sponsored by
the neighboring town and is
one of, if not the, largest club
shows in North America and it
gets my vote for Most Hospitable.
Next, Carlisle, Pennsylvania is one of the best of the
best in the states. It’s big, it’s
got great management and is
very well planned.
Josh King’s show at the
Indianapolis Speedway is the
up and coming show with a
facility that can accommodate
the 150,000 to 200,000 people
that show up every year. Indy
is a car city and with the marketing and advertising genius
of King, it’s the show to watch
get bigger and better every
Of course, the Big Daddy
of all is the Mopar Nationals
at Columbus, Ohio. It’s got
the most cars, the most venders, the most people, though
the facilities could use a little
sprucing up.
Belvedere could use the
presence of some of those
prosperous, growing American
auto makers. The organizers
at Belvedere try hard but have
their work cut out for them in
terms of bringing more cars,
vendors and spectators to the
event. I don’t think it’s been
the organizers fault, rather
the recession; but as the
economy improves, they have
to figure out how to get that
show back on the map.
Okay, now that you’ve
heard my opinion, let me
know yours. I’m always looking for new shows to go to.
Some of our best experiences
have been at some of the
smaller, local shows. So, if
you’ve got favorites, shows
you wouldn’t miss, let me
know where they are. Better
yet, during the coming year,
send us photos that illustrate
what makes your favorites so
That’s it for now. Let’s
make 2014 the best year yet!
Call, fax or e-mail for consultation services
Call, fax or e-mail for consultation services
106 State Hwy. PP
Scott City, MO 63780
Phone: (573) 264-2033
Fax: (573) 264-3821
E-Mail: rkgibson@clas.net
P.O. Box 35300
Richmond, VA 23235-0300
Phone: (804) 275-2155
Fax: (804) 275-1969
E-Mail: sixpackfrank@aol.com
Mr. Norm unleashes 1000 horsepow
By Larry Weiner
Photos by Larry Weiner, Toshi
Akatsuka and Bill Scharing
adass. There’s just
no other way to describe
GSS-R Challenger.
This is not a muscle car for
the faint of heart; rather, the
GSS-R is a pure blooded, bad
to the bone, fire breathing animal that’s ready to lay waste
wer GSS-R Challenger
to nearly anything that pulls
up next to it, anytime, anywhere.
The supercharged Challenger GSS-R follows in the
footsteps of a long line of high
performance Dodges that Mr.
Norm has developed over the
years including the big block
1967 H-Code 383 and 1968 M-
Code 440 GSS Darts and the
1972 supercharged GSS Demon. In addition, Mr. Norm is
well known as one of the leading pioneers in the development and evolution of the super fuel funny car category
with his nitro burning, supercharged Hemi powered Coronets, Chargers and Challenger.
And with the debut of the new
supercharged Challenger GSSR, it’s obvious Mr. Norm is not
resting on his laurels.
The Mr. Norm’s GSS-R
Challenger is the brainchild of
Jim Bell, owner of Kenne Bell
Superchargers and Mr. Norm.
The Mr. Norm’s GSS-R Challenger is a direct response to
the Shelby 1000, for which
Kenne Bell provides the superchargers. Make no mistake,
the Shelby 1000 is a very serious Mustang, and has amazing
capabilities. The problem is,
there wasn’t a Challenger that
offered the level of performance
necessary to face off against
the Shelby 1000. Leave it to
Mr. Norm to level the playing
field, working with Kenne Bell,
along with some of the best
and the brightest in the Mopar
performance world to come up
with a Challenger that’s more
than ready to even up the
When it comes to people
like Mr. Norm and Jim Bell,
the saying “great minds must
think alike” rings true. When
Norm spoke to Jim about developing the GSS-R, it turned
out the Jim Bell was already
working with Bill Scharing,
whose 2010 Challenger SRT-8
is powered by a 1000 horsepower Kenne Bell supercharged Hemi, backed up by a
powertrain that mirrored what
Norm had outlined for the GSS
-R. In fact, all of the tuning
Mr. Norm’s Signature Carbon Fiber underhood trim adds a touch of detail to the polished and plated Kenne
Bell 3.6L Liquid Cooled Supercharger
calibrations were done and the
Challenger had been thoroughly tested on the track
where it was running consistent low 10’s in the quarter.
Armed with this information, Norm and Jim decided
that the timing was perfect to
offer the 1000 horsepower
combination as a new Mr.
performance package. A TorRed
2014 Challenger SRT-8 was
chosen for the first production
GSS-R. For the purpose built
supercharged Gen III 426
Hemi engine, Mr. Norm and
Jim Bell chose to work with
Chris Seidle at Seidle Motorsports. Chris starts with a
6.4L Hemi crank case, sonic
tests it to check for cracks,
machines it, and then adds
nothing but the best parts.
The engine build includes a
Scat 4340 stroker crank, Scat
1000 Horsepower Kenne Bell Supercharged 426 Hemi Engine
H-beam rods with ARP 2000 rod bolts and 10:1
compression Diamond custom pistons with
Trend H-13 tool steel wrist pins. Total Seal AP
steel rings, a Comp Cams hydraulic roller, non
MDS lifters, Cometic head gaskets, coated main
and rod bearings, ARP head studs, and an ATI
damper are also included in the engine build.
On top of the short block, Jim Bell recommends using the earlier 6.1L Hemi heads as
they have more material than comparable 6.4L
heads making them better suited to high boost
applications. The heads are ported and polished
so that they will flow enough volume to handle
the demands of as much as 23 lbs. of boost and
are finished off with a competition valve job. A
Kenne Bell 3.6L liquid cooled twin screw supercharger provides the boost. Not enough? Kenne
GSS-R fender emblem detail
Badass. There’s just no
other way to describe the
1000 horsepower Mr.
Norm’s GSS-R Challenger.
This is not a muscle car for
the faint of heart; rather,
the GSS-R is a pure blooded, bad to the bone, fire-
GSS hood graphic detail
breathing animal that’s
ready to lay waste to
nearly anything that pulls
up next to it, any time,
any place.
Mr. Norm’s Serial Number Dash Plaque
Bell 4.2L and 4.5L Liquid
Cooled superchargers are
available options and all
amazingly, fit under the stock
Challenger hood. When it
comes to lubrication, Kenne
Bell recommends Lucas Synthetic Oil for the supercharger and engine.
The end result is a 426
cubic inch Hemi that produces 1000 horsepower on the
ground at 23 lbs. of boost
running on E85 fuel. If you
want to run on 91 octane
pump gas, the engine can be
built with 9.3:1 compression
pistons and the boost is set at
15-17 lbs. When it comes to
making max power, Kenne
Bell recommends running E85 because of the higher octane it offers, especially when
compared to pump gas.
Backing up the engine is a
transmission built by Paramount Performance. This is a
completely custom built unit
that features extensive machining to reroute the fluid, including enlarged passages for great-
Katzkin custom leather interior
with Mr. Norm’s 50th Anniversary
embroidered logos (below)
Mr. Norm’s Pistol Grip Shifter
er fluid volume and proprietary
clutches in place of the stock
components. Paramount also
provides a 3000 rpm stall
torque converter. In addition,
a custom driveshaft and half
shafts are also sourced from
Paramount. For those of you
who prefer to shift your own
gears, a built to the max six
speed Tremec by Rockland
Standard is an available option.
A complete Mr. Norm’s 50th
Anniversary package dresses
up the TorRed Challenger GSS
-R. On the outside, the Challenger features contrasting signature side and hood graphics,
side scoops and chrome GSS-R
fender badges.
Inside, a
Katzkin Custom leather interior with special 50th Anniversary embroidered logos and a
serialized dash plaque remind
everyone that this is a very
special Challenger, while a Mr.
handles shifting
chores. Keeping
the Challenger
on the pavement
lowering springs
and sway bars.
The springs lower the Challenger 0.375” (10
mm) in the front
and 1.250” (32
mm) at the rear.
The front sway
stock, while the
rear is 105%
stock consists of
a staggered set
of BF Goodrich G-Force Sport
Comp 2 tires, with 245/
45ZR20 on the front and
275/40ZR20 on the rear,
mounted on Hurst Stunner al-
loy wheels, size 20” x 9” on the
front and 20” x 10” at the rear.
Like all Mr. Norm’s limited
edition vehicles, each Challenger GSS-R is entered into
the Original Grand Spaulding
Dodge Registry, and issued a
that’s signed a sealed by Mr.
Norm personally.
The Mr. Norm’s GSS-R
Package starts at under 50K.
You supply the 2010 to 2014
Challenger, and just add the
package with all of the go-fast
goodies. Compared to the 145
– 160K the Shelby 1000 package costs, (and that’s without
the Mustang GT500) it’s a bargain at twice the price.
For more information on
the Mr. Norm’s GSS-R Challenger, call Mr. Norm’s at 760630-0547.
Bill lighting up the
tires on the Mr.
Norm’s GSS-R
Challenger in the
burnout box at
Irwindale Speedway prior to a run
Bill suited up and ready to run at the
Mojave Mile where he ran 191.5 miles
per hour (above).
Bill putting the drag racing tune into his
GSS-R prior to hitting the track (below).
ill Scharing is a dyed in the wool
Mopar enthusiast. He has two late
model Challengers, a Kenne Bell
supercharged SRT-8, and his over the top Mr.
Norm’s GSS-R that was the development vehicle for the 1000 horsepower program. His
GSS-R Challenger is the ultimate dual purpose street / strip machine and proves that
you really can have your cake and eat it too.
Bill drives the Challenger to the track, installs
the racing tune, changes the wheels and tires
and hits the track. When he’s done racing, he
puts the street tune back in, puts the street tires and
wheels back on and drives home. In case you were wondering how he does all this without a trailer, Bill leaves the
front passenger bucket seat out of the Challenger so that he
has room to carry all four wheels and tires in the car, along
with an aluminum floor jack, tools, a couple of containers of
E-85 and his racing helmet.
In December, Bill drove 150 miles from his home in
Southern California to Famoso Dragstrip in Bakersfield and
raced at this legendary track where he broke into the nines
with a 9.97 @ 139.79 mph. A couple of months earlier, Bill
raced his Challenger in the Mojave Mile, an unlimited speed
contest where he ran over 191 miles per hour and is planning to crack the 200 mile per hour barrier the next time
out. Bill and his Mr. Norm’s Challenger; a man and his machine.
The Mr. Norm’s Challenger and Cuda Shaker Style Hoods were inspired by the original 1970 Hemi Challenger and Hemi Cuda Shaker
Hoods. The appearance is authentic right down to the shape of the
Shaker, the Shaker Trim Ring and the vehicle specific character
lines on the hoods. There’s nothing like looking out the windshield
over the Mr. Norm’s Shaker Hood when you’re behind the wheel of
your Challenger.
The Mr. Norm’s Challenger and Cuda Shaker Style Hoods are proudly Made in the USA from only the highest quality American made
products. Each hood is hand laid, has rolled edges and features
OEM style inner, hinge plates and latching system. The Mr. Norm’s
GSS Challenger and Cuda Shaker Style Hoods are easy to install
using simple hand tools.
As seen on the cover of Mopar Action Magazine
The Racers Net for the Mr. Norm’s Shaker Hoods is only 749.95 plus shipping. Check them out on
the Mr. Norm’s website at www.mrnorms.com or call Mr. Norm’s at 760-612-6365 and order your
Shaker Hood today!
Mr. Norm’s Signature and original Grand Spaulding Dodge
emblem embroidered on the front
Mr. Norm’s 50th Anniversary logo embroidered on the back
Mr. Norm’s Letterman Jacket has the following features:
24-ounce Melton wool body
Snap front closure
100% genuine leather sleeves
Locker loop
Diamond-quilted nylon lining
Rib knit collar, cuffs and waist-band
Front slash pockets with leather
Interior chest pocket
Available in the following popular sizes: S, M, L, XL, 2SL, 3XL, 4XL
Small, Medium, Large and Extra-Large: $279, plus shipping
Larger sizes slightly more
Mr. Norm’s Featur
Jeep Wrangler
Five Star
What would Patton drive?
eneral George S.
Patton was one of
the most acclaimed
military leaders of
all time. His successes leading 3rd Army in the liberation
of Europe during WWII are legendary, and were seen on the
big screen in the Academy
“Patton.” As a leader, Patton
believed that his appearance
was extremely important be-
cause it inspired the confidence of his troops and commanded respect. Patton believed in this so much, that he
even designed special uniforms for the tank command. During the war, he often traveled to the front in a
Jeep, wearing full battle dress
as he personally lead his men
into battle.
Which take us to the inevitable question, if he were still
alive, what would Patton
drive? The likely answer is the
Jeep Wrangler FIVE STAR, a
vehicle that embodies the kind
of form and function that he
would have appreciated. From
the lettering on the hood that
follows the theme seen on US
ARMY tactical vehicles during
WWII, to the graphics on the
cowl that mirrors the appearance of service stripes on a
Class A uniform, the FIVE
Five Star
re Vehicle
Includes the
following equipment
STAR celebrates its heritage as
one of the most popular military vehicles of all time.
Exterior features abound,
including a steel AEV Heat Reduction Hood that’s secured
with Drake Off Road Billet
Hood Latches. Additional exterior accessories include FIVE
STAR Aluminum Bumper
Trim, Mopar Tail Light Guards
and tubular Side Steps, which
are a near necessity due to the
high riding stance of the Jeep
Wrangler FIVE STAR.
When it comes to on and off
road performance, the Jeep
FIVE STAR is more than ready
to conquer the toughest challenges. The chassis features a
Rancho 3” Trail System Lift Kit
325/60R20 inch BFGoodrich
Mud Terrain T/A KM2 tires
mounted on bold Vision Off
Road Fury 399 Black Milled
20” x 10” alloy wheels. American Rebel Jeep logo aluminum
differential covers on both axles provide additional gear the
oil capacity and cooling necessary for surviving tough trails
in the wilderness. The 3.6L
Pentastar V6 engine breathes
If he were still alive, what would Patton
drive? The likely answer is the
Jeep Wrangler FIVE STAR, a vehicle that
embodies the kind of form and function that
he would have appreciated
 FIVE STAR cowl “service
stripe” graphics and hood
 FIVE STAR windshield banner
 FIVE STAR flat style fender
flares, set of 4 in black grain,
no painting required
 FIVE STAR aluminum front
and rear bumper trim
 FIVE STAR logo embroidered leather head rests for
front seats
 FIVE STAR logo embroidered Berber carpet mats
 FIVE STAR serialized dash
data plaque with sequential
serial number
 Billet aluminum engraved
transmission shift knob with
rubber read grip
 Billet aluminum engraved
transfer case shift knob with
rubber tread grip
 Jeep logo ribbed aluminum
front differential cover
 Custom adjustable hood
 Mr. Norm’s Sport Club window decals (2)
 Mr. Norm’s Grand Spaulding
Dodge emblem
 Mr. Norm’s Land of Performance embossed licensed
 FIVE STAR registered in the
original Mr. Norm’s Grand
Spaulding Dodge registry
 8.5– by 11-inch Mr. Norm’s
Certificate of Authenticity
suitable for framing.
 Lifetime membership in the
Mr. Norm’s Sport Club
deeply through a Mopar
cool air intake, while exhaust chores are handled
by a Rush Double Barrel
Shotgun cat back system.
Inside, the Wrangler
FIVE STAR features glove
Leather, with the instantly
recognizable FIVE STAR
logo embroidered in the
headrests, along with Carbon Bullet wings that contrast with the Ink perforated leather. Berber carpet
mats with the FIVE STAR
logo are durable, yet attractive. Rounding out the
interior is a Jeep MB inspired Serial Number Dash
Data Plaque that’s located
to the left of the steering
One look at the Jeep
Wrangler FIVE STAR and
you know that this is no
ordinary vehicle. The bold,
no nonsense appearance of
the FIVE STAR sets it apart
from standard production
models, and it’s equipped
tackle the toughest terrain
sweat. The Jeep Wrangler
FIVE STAR is what General
Patton would demand of
his personal staff vehicle if
he were in command today.
Available options:
Mr. Norm’s / Katzkin premium
quality, custom leather seat covers
Leather seating surfaces with
contrasting top stitching
Carbon bullet wings
Perforated leather inserts
Embroidered FIVE STAR logo on
front head rests
Custom alloy wheels
Off-road tires
2– or 3-inch lift kit
Cool air intake
Dual exhaust tail pipe with double barrel shotgun style exhaust
Heat reduction steel hood
Available for all 2007-2014 Jeep
Wrangler Model S and Colors
Available for 2– and 4-door Jeep
Package price is $3,590 plus
From The
Original Mr. Norm’s Grand Spaulding Performance Products Division
Millennium Musings
Dart Mod
By Andrew Schultheis
n last month’s article, I
covered the first stage of
customizing my new 2013
Dart. While I’m satisfied
with the changes to the car so
far, there have been a few setbacks related to the upgrades.
First off, I really liked the aggressive stance of the Dart
thanks to the Eibach Sportline
lowering springs. But, if you're
like me and live in a rural area
with uneven road surfaces and
serious dips, or you live in the
city where the streets are littered with nasty potholes, the
lowered suspension will have
you scraping the bottom of the
car more often than you would
imagine. Every time the bottom
meets the pavement, I find myself cringing at the tortured
sounds coming from beneath
my seat.
Secondly I had used PlastiDip to coat the wheels, changing them to black to match the
color of the car. Plasti-Dip is a
very inexpensive and easy alternative to spray painting or
powder coating, but the durability of the product isn't good
unless a considerable number
of coats are applied. For the
most part, my wheels are holding up great, seeing as how I
did them about three months
ago, but my rear passenger's
side wheel is less than attrac-
Andrew Schultheis and his Dart.
tive due to a clogged nozzle
when I was spraying it. Being a
car guy, as well as a perfectionist, I can't wait until we
have warmer days so that I can
fix this mistake. Last but not
least, the Injen cold air intake
was an investment that I'm
very happy with, so I don't particularly have anything negative to say about it except that
it gets extremely loud before it
shifts when you have it floored,
but who doesn't love that!
The Dodge Dart, being a
relatively new vehicle, doesn't
have a lot of aftermarket support for it yet. Unfortunately, if
you are a car enthusiast like
me and love to modify and customize your vehicle, this may
discourage you from buying a
new Dart. However, I have
heard that development is being done to increase the performance of the Dart by installing
a turbo 2.4 engine, or even
crazier rumors of dropping a
Pentastar V6 into this little do24
mestic tuner car. Since the
Dart is front wheel drive, it
would probably have so much
torque steer when you lean on
the throttle that it would feel
like two armies were playing
tug of war with the steering
wheel. These ideas leave 2.0L
owners like me feeling a little
left out.
Last, but not least, from
the appearance perspective, I
would really like see the aftermarket tool up parts such as
body kits, spoilers, and hoods.
All of this would really help,
since there's not much to
choose from right now, and my
quest to build one of the most
wicked domestic tuner cars on
the road doesn't stop with performance.
Stay tuned for more upgrades as I keep looking for
more parts and accessories to
add to the Dart.
Until next
month, thanks for reading and
remember, Mopar or no car!
Dare to be different
By Larry Weiner
Photos provided by RB Dickson,
Joe Hennings, Curly’s Custom
Pro Charger supercharger drives off the crank and
mounts on the side of the V-Twin
his month we are featuring two distinctly
Rides. The first is the
2008 Mr. Norm’s Ram Super
Truck that is owned by RB
Dickson. The Super Truck that
RB has, happens to be Serial
Number 1 of the production
run. Like most Mopar enthusiasts, after driving the Ram a
few times with the stock 5.7
Hemi, RB decided that he
Left: Mr. Norm’s Super Truck
shows off its Viper Ram hood and
front fascia
wanted to step up the performance.
At this point, most people
would have installed a cool air
intake and a cat back dual exhaust system and called it a
day. Although the factory 5.7
Hemi is a lively engine in a
Ram 1500, especially a standard cab, short bed, RB wanted
more power, much more in
measures, RB decided to up
the ante in a big way.
He shipped the Super
Truck to Arrington Performance in Martinsville, Virginia, and in no time flat, the 5.7
had been pulled and was sitting on the ground. In its
place, Arrington had sourced a
540 horsepower 392 Hemi
Crate engine. The 392 has
specs that read more like a
racing engine, including 10.3:1
compression forged pistons,
forged crank, forged rods, CNC
392 Hemi Engine in Super Truck
heads and a hydraulic roller
cam. Obviously, RB was well
on his way. But, being the true
hot rodder that he is, RB wanted even more performance. So
while the Super Truck was still
apart, he had Arrington add
additional goodies like Kooks
long tube headers, a 90mm
throttle body, a Corsa cat back
dual exhaust and a 2600 rpm
stall converter for the trans-
Mr. Norm’s Super Truck on Hot Rod Power Tour
A truck with this kind of
performance also needed a
boost in stopping department,
so RB had the factory cast iron
calipers and rotors replaced
with SSBC Tri Power Calipers
and 14 inch cross drilled and
ventilated rotors. At this time,
the stock wheels and tires
were also swapped out for a
set of Rodtana R/T 2 piece 22
x 10 forged wheels and set of
Want to see your
Mopar featured
in Pentastar
Power? Email
photos and information about
your vehicle
along with your
name and phone
number to Larry
Rodtana 22 inch multi piece wheels, Pirelli
Eibach lowering springs,
Michaels rear roll pan
Gaylord’s Lids tonneau
cover all
add to the presence of the
Super Truck
staggered Pirelli PZero tires,
305/40ZR20 on the rear. For
a stance worthy of a Super
Truck, the Ram was lowered
using an Eibach Pro Truck
lowering kit and Bell Tech Ni-
tro Drop 2 Shocks.
On the exterior, RB added
a Sir Michaels rear roll pan
and a Gaylord’s Lids tonneau
cover to his Super Truck. Inside, Katzkin custom leather
seat covers are accented with
Custom tubular exhaust is short. Dash gauges look similar those in a Challenger
the Super Truck logo, as are
the plush carpet mats. Interestingly, many of the parts RB
chose were featured on the
prototype Mr. Norm’s Super
Truck that debuted in the
SONY exhibit at the 2007 SEMA SHOW. We’d
say that RB has
built one really cool
Ram, and we look
forward to seeing
him and his one of a
kind Mr. Norm’s Super Truck at some
Mopar shows in
The second Members Ride featured
this month is actually two vehicles.
One is a Mr. Norm’s
GSS Challenger and
other is
matching, fully customized Harley Davidson that’s been
painted and striped
to match the Challenger, right down
to Mr. Norm’s sig-
nature. Joe Hennings is a big Mr.
Norm’s fan and has a very cool GSS
Challenger that he drives as often as
possible. The Challenger features numerous upgrades including the Mr.
Norm’s GSS graphics, hood pins and
custom wheels. And while the Challenger is neat, what Joe did next is
really incredible.
Joe had a 2011 Harley Electra
Glide that he wanted to customize.
He hooked up with Curly’s Custom
Cycles in Chesterton, Indiana and
showed shop owner Lance “Curly”
Waugaman his Mr. Norm’s GSS
Challenger. Curly asked Joe what
he would like to do with the bike.
Joe gave Curly carte blanche to
do whatever he wanted with the
Harley. Seeing how much Joe
liked his Mr. Norm’s GSS Challenger, Curly came up with the
idea to build the Harley to
match the Challenger.
Once the theme of the Harley was decided, work on the
bike commenced in earnest.
Curly and his crew completely blew it apart and then
modified virtually every part.
They started by stretching the frame and
increasing the rake to 44 degrees. Next up,
Bagger Magazine cover with
they split the case on the engine and refull custom Harley Daviszine motorcycle and
placed all of the internals. An S&S stock matching Mr. Norm’s GSS Challenger.
stroke forged crank replaced the factory
piece. The cylinders were bored to the max, inJoe debuted his Harley at Sturgis where it
creasing the displacement of the twin from 95 was chosen for the cover of American Bagger
cubic inches to 107, necessitating new pistons, Magazine. Because the Mr. Norm’s GSS Chalwhile the cylinder heads were ported and pol- lenger was the inspiration for the Harley,
ished, and larger valves replaced the stockers. American Bagger featured it on the cover with
Not content to stop there, Curly added a Pro the bike, making it the first time in the history
Charger supercharger that is mounted on the of the magazine that a car was on the cover.
left side of the engine and driven off the crank. And not just any car, but a Mr. Norm’s GSS
The result is one bad to the bone V-Twin that Challenger.
now puts out a whopping 155 horsepower at
6800 rpm.
On the outside, nearly every part on the
Harley was powder coated, and many custom
Curly’s Custom Cycles
parts were fabbed by the talented crew at
Curly’s shop. Rolling stock consists of a 26
Phone: 219-395-8457
inch front wheel with a 120/50/26 tire, while
out back an 18 inch wheel with a 200 wide tire
fills the fender.
Trailering Tips
2003 Dodge Ram 3500 pulling 24’ Haulmark Auto Transport trailer
hile we all enjoy
driving our favorite
shows and events,
sometimes that’s just not practical. Race cars and full-on
show cars are generally trailered. And now that winter has
arrived in full force in most of
the country, many enthusiasts
will be trailering their vehicle
to shows and events rather
than driving them because of
the inclement weather and salt
on the roads.
Unlike driving a car or
truck, pulling a trailer is much
demanding. Whether
you’re a seasoned veteran or a
novice, there are a number of
things to consider when it
comes to trailering, starting
with the truck you will be using to pull the trailer. The one
thing you never want to happen if you can avoid it, is to
have a break down on the
road. With that thought in
mind, the best thing to do before you start out on a trip is
to take time to check out your
truck. Items such as the
brakes, cooling system, tires,
lights, battery and even windshield wiper blades are all important for a safe journey,
whether it’s near or far.
With regard to the truck
you choose for trailering, be
sure that the manufacturer’s
suggested towing capacity for
the vehicle is not exceeded by
the total weight of the trailer
and the vehicle you will be
hauling with it. Likewise, it’s
important that the load rating
of the trailer hitch meets or exceeds the requirement for the
combination of the weight of
the trailer and the vehicle it
will be towing. In addition,
check to confirm that the electrical plug your truck is outfitted with is compatible with the
one on the trailer. If the vehicle
does not have a brake controller, you’ll need to install one,
as it is a necessity for the operation of the trailer brakes.
While many new trucks come
equipped with a trailer brake
controller from the factory, old-
Unlike just driving a car or truck, pulling a
trailer is much more demanding.
Whether you’re a seasoned veteran, or a
novice, there are a number of things to
consider when it comes to trailering.
er trucks did not. Another
item that’s really important
when trailering is exterior mirrors that extend for trailer towing and have both normal view
and convex mirrors
We have been trailering vehicles for a number of years
with a 2003 Dodge Ram 3500
Quad Cab that has a rated
towing capacity of 15,250 lbs.
Our trailer is a 24-foot Haulmark tandem enclosed auto
transport trailer. The Ram, a
four-wheel drive one-ton dually, is powered by a 24-valve
Cummins 550 HO, backed up
by a six-speed manual transmission.
overdrive has been
installed and provides a 22-percent
overdrive and the
ability to split transmission gears, plus
the benefit of improved fuel economy.
The differentials are
gears and outfitted
with Outlaw ribbed
Rickson 19.5”
Forged Aluminum
Wheels and Goodyear
265/70R19.5 commer-
aluminum Ram logo differential covers that not
only look good but offer
increased oil capacity for
lower operating temperature and longer gear life.
For rolling stock, the
Ram has been upgraded
from the stock 17-inch
forged aluminum Rickson Truck Wheels. They
Lightweight aluminum 6” adjustable Rapid
weigh less than the stock Hitch
steel wheels, and benefits
include better fuel economy, along with longer brake steel wheels, the lighter alumiand wheel bearing life. When num wheels reduce unsprung
compared to the heavy stock weight for safer vehicle handling. In addition, the tires
have been upgraded from the
stock LT235/80R17 to Goodyear G159 265/70R 19.5. The
G159 Goodyear’s are specifically designed for commercial
over-the-road truck use and
have more plies than the stock
Out back, rather than use
a single position hitch, we outfitted the Ram with a lightweight aluminum Rapid Hitch
which offers 6-inch adjustable
height designed to ensure safe
level trailering regardless of the
tongue height of trailer or the
ride height of the truck. The
Rapid Hitch is V5 certified with
a strength rating
of 10,000 lbs. and
a 1500 lb. tongue
weight. It utilizes
a 2-inch and a 2
ball, the larger of
case, is the required size for
coupling on the
We also upgraded the trailer
with 12,500 lb. Superwinch S5000 12V electric winch
axles and torsion
bar suspension in place of the mon and dangerous occuroriginal 7,500 lb. axles and rences in trailering is tire failleaf springs. The torsion bar ure. Like the upgrade to the
suspension rides much better higher capacity axles, the
and is far more reliable than Goodyear G647 tires are far
the leaf springs the trailer was more durable and significantly
with. safer than what the trailer
Wheels and tires have also was originally equipped with.
been upgraded from standard
15-inch, five lug wheels to 16inch eight lug wheels and
Goodyear G647 RSS tires, size
225/75R16, which are over
the road commercial truck
tires like those used on the
Ram. Compared to the standard trailer tires, they are larger, far more durable and manufactured using additional
plies. One of the most comPortable air tank
Inside the trailer, we installed Kinedyne Logistical
Tracking from front to back in
addition to the four floor
mounted D-Rings that were
already in place. The logistical
tracking makes it easy to tie
down virtually any vehicle in a
safe, secure way. In the event
of a problem with a vehicle,
we added a Superwinch
S5000 12 volt electric winch
is mounted to iron plate that
is welded to the trailer chas12-volt battery jump box
sis. The Superwinch provides
a 5000 lb. pull rate, and with
the hand held remote, makes
getting a disabled vehicle into
the trailer easy.
Equipment to consider
carrying in the trailer or the
bed of your truck when trailering should include a spare
Aluminum floor jack
wheel and tire for the trailer, a
tool kit, a lightweight aluminum floor jack, an air tank
and a 12V battery
jump box. You
never know when
you will need a
spare tire, tools,
jack or need to
start a vehicle
with a dead battery. A couple of
2 x 4’s are also
handy to have for
you’re on the road,
we’ve learned that it’s best to
as self-reliant as possible and
believe in the legendary Boy
Scout motto “Be Prepared.”
While trailering is more
involved than just driving, it
provides a great way to get
your vehicle to shows and
events when it isn’t practical
to drive. And by doing your
homework and preparing for
the unexpected, you will
hopefully have a safe, uneventful trip.
Women’s World
New Year's Resolutions
You say you never stick to them….
These will make you might want to rethink that…
at least according to us WOMEN
By Linda Mandalas
his January, like every
other, many people
begin with a laundry
Everyone wants to start off
with a new beginning, a clean
slate. Those resolutions are
usually about losing weight,
saving money, paying off debt
or spending more time with
the family. I find a lot of women are challenging this tradition, gravitating towards a new
area in their lives: their auto!
That’s right, their "babies" are
a top priority. So, from a woman who loves cars, here are
some New Year’s resolutions
you may want to add to your
list for 2014. Don't worry, all
you men out there, you can
take advantage of my list too.
I will change my oil on time.
believe this one, it will pay
off in the long run.
changes is important to keep
your vehicle running smoothly
and efficiently. Regular oil
changes are key to keep your
engine well lubricated and preventing corrosion.
Valuable tip: If you have a
newer vehicle, regular oil
changes may be required to
maintain your warranty status. Be sure to refer to your
owner’s manual for your recommended oil change interval.
I will wash my car regularly,
remember, everyone loves to
get wet and wild!
Let me just say that washing your vehicle, especially in
the winter, yes, I said winter,
is one of the best moves you
could make when preserving
your automobile. Rinsing off
the slush, salt, sand and
snow, particularly from the
undercarriage, will prevent the
salt from caking on and promoting rust.
You should take time once
every other week or right after
a snowstorm to give your baby
a bath. This will give you the
most prevention of any type of
damage. For those of you who
do not reside in the "snow belt"
areas, don't be fooled. Everyday road debris such as gravel, tar and rock chips will also
cake on and promote rust. So,
be sure to hose your baby
down and give her a thorough
cleaning so she can continue
to look good for years to come.
I will keep at least a quarter
tank of gas in my car at all
times – Fill ‘er up!
Most people are unaware,
but there are several reasons
to keep at least a quarter tank
of gas in your vehicle at all
times, especially in the winter.
If you’re stuck or off the road,
you may need to run your en-
gine to stay warm while you
wait for a tow truck. Be aware
that if your tank is relatively
empty, it allows condensation
to occur, which could prevent
your car from starting and
lead to ice buildup that could
damage to your fuel pump and
For those of you not troubled by the winter weather,
remember this could assist
you when you get stuck in
those long traffic jams, burning fuel, watching that fuel indicator slowly reaching "E".and
hoping you move soon so you
don't die and create another
traffic jam. I know when we’re
in a hurry and see the fuel
tank is below the quarter tank
mark when we are in a hurry,
we put it off. But I hope next
time these thoughts will come
to your mind and you'll take 5
minutes to pump some fuel!
I will keep up on my recommended maintenance. Check
your owners manual, it's a
good read!
When you keep up on the
regular maintenance it should
improve your fuel economy
and extends your auto's life.
However many people don’t
take the time to perform the
(other than oil changes) on
their vehicles. Manufacturers
recommend a specific maintenance schedule in your owners
manuals. This is to help extend the life of your vehicle,
you can save money on performing the regular maintenance. In the long run it usually prevents your spending it
on more costly repairs, and
this will keep
you in compliance with any
warranty coverage. Be sure to
read your owner’s manual to
see your vehicle’s
Think of it as
your vehicle’s "Fifty Shades of
I will check my tire pressure
regularly. No one wants a
Checking your tire pressure with a tire gauge is one of
the quickest and simplest
things you can do for vehicle
maintenance. Keeping your
tires inflated to the proper
pressure helps your fuel economy and extends the life of
your tires. Be sure to refer to
your owner’s manual or the
sticker in your driver’s doorjamb to see your tire’s recommended inflation. If you notice one or all of your tires losing air frequently, be sure to
have them checked for any
damage such as a nail or object that could have pierced
the tire. If you have scuffed a
curb you could have damaged
the bead of the tire causing a
slow leak. Remember, get it
checked or you could end up
"flat" on the road side waiting
to get "picked-up".
Another side note with
tires: be sure to rotate your
tires on regular intervals. This
helps to extend the life of the
tires by ensuring all four tires
wear evenly. It is typically recommended
5,00010,000 miles.
I will learn how to use the
technology in my car. I am
smarter than I think.
Today's vehicles are usually equipped with cool gizmogadgets such as Bluetooth,
allowing you to pair your
phone or other devices with
your car. This time-saving
technology allows you to use
GPS, listen to music, make
hands-free calls and more.
Not only does this make your
driving experience more pleasurable it assists in reducing
distracted driving such as texting, making call, putting on
tending to children or other
passengers in the back seat.
These are all behaviors that
put us and our passengers
and other drivers at serious
risk. These distractions cause
minor fender benders as well
as major accidents. In addition, all of these distractions
could hurt your driving record
and increase your vehicle insurance.
I will review my automotive
insurance coverage. Are you
in good hands?
Be sure to review your automobile insurance policy,
check your coverage limits
and check that all drivers and
vehicles in your household are
adequately covered. The beginning of the New Year may
be a good time to check with
your insurance agent to obtain an updated quote and
make sure you are taking advantage of any discounts that
may be offered to lower your
insurance premium.
Remember, good driving
records, year of your vehicle
(s), marital status and, yes,
your age all affect the pricing
of your insurance, and not
just your auto insurance.
Maybe the New Year would be
a good time to a complete insurance review and update!
Be prepared for an automotive emergency with an
emergency kit. It could save
your life!
I have one in my vehicle
and so should everyone! Keep
an emergency kit in the trunk
with supplies to keep you
comfortable in case of an
emergency. Be sure to include
things like bottled water,
granola bars, warm blankets,
extra socks and boots, hats
and gloves and blankets.
Don't forget to include a
cell phone charger. Batteries
weather. Even if you live in
an area where you wouldn’t
be depending on your emergency kit for survival if you
get stuck or go off the road,
they may make the wait more
comfortable while waiting for
a tow truck to arrive.
Here are some suggestions
you and your love ones
should follow:
1. Do Not Panic!!!
2. Do not leave the car. It will
protect you from the wind
and provide some measure of
thermal insulation. Huddle
together and wait for help or
a break in the weather. It is
easier to locate a large vehicle
then a person wandering lost.
3. Use supplies conservatively from your Emergency Kit.
9. If you are stuck in the
snow, spell “HELP” outside
your vehicle-maybe a can of
orange spray paint in that
emergency kit!
4. If you are stuck during the
day place an orange or red
flag on your antenna.
5. If you are stuck at night
leave your dome light on, only while the vehicle is running.
6. Occasionally check your
tailpipe to make sure it is free
from any blockages, this prevents carbon monoxide poisoning when the engine is
7. If there is more than one
person in the vehicle, take
turns sleeping and do not
sleep while the engine is running.
8. If you have a cell phone,
call for assistance and provide authorities with your location. Do not run down the
I hope that these "New Years
Resolutions" words of wisdom
have been some help, assistance and guidance to any
and all of you. Be sure to
share them with everyone
you know. You never know
whom they may help.
Wishing all of you the
Happiest of New Years, may
all of your hopes and dreams
come true. Stay safe and we
hope to have you all back
here next month checking
out Pentastar Power from Mr.
Norm's Sport Club. If you
are not a member you are
missing out....sign up here:
Charter Sponsors
Bosak Motors
3111 W. Lincoln Hwy.,
Rt. 30
Merrillville, IN 46410
888-507-1403, ask for Mr. J
Crystal Chrysler
Jeep Dodge Ram
1005 S. Suncoast Blvd.
Homosassa, FL 34448
352-563-2277 / Steve Lamb
Fairfield Auto Group
3360 Rt. 406,
Muncy, PA 17756
888-548-3870 / Steve Kaiser, Jr.
Steve White Motors
3470 U.S. Highway 70
Newton, NC 28658
Steve Landers
Chrysler Jeep
Dodge Ram
4600 South University
Little Rock, AR 72204
Roger Gibson
Restoration service.
Year One
Time tested quality
parts. .
Choice Hotels
20% discounts for club
with special number
Meguire's Wax
Irvine, CA
800-347-5700 /
Mancini Racing
Offering quality, selection and
service for performance
Galen Govier
The Chrysler Registry
2008 - 2014 Dodge Challenger SXT and R/T
2006 - 2014 Dodge Charger SXT and R/T
2005 - 2008 Dodge Magnum SXT and R/T
2005 - 2014 Chrysler 300 Base and Hemi C
2002 - 2014 Ram 1500
2008 - 2014 Dodge Avenger and Caliber
2008 - 2014 Chrysler 200 and Sebring
Note: No other discounts can be applied to sale price. Shipp
Item No. 63
ping is not included in price Offer expires January 31, 2014
West Coas
It’s raining outside today….
any of you would probably be happy with a
simple day of rain,
compared to the snow
storms and sub-zero temperatures
that you are dealing with right now.
Here in Southern California where
it is generally sunny and warm
nearly every day, even in January,
the rain kept me from driving the
Plymouth 440 GTX Wagon up to
Huntington Beach this morning to
check out the action at Donut Derelicts.
For those of you who have not
heard of Donut Derelicts, here in
SoCal, it’s the location for what
has become a near legendary impromptu cruise in every Saturday
morning. In typical California
fashion, it starts at about 5:30
AM and by 9:00 AM everyone
and it’s like it never happened.
But during those three and a half
hours, it’s typical for four or five
hundred cars and trucks of all
kinds show up and strut their
stuff. And while everyone is walking around checking out all of the
cool rides, there is a continuous
stream of gear heads waiting in
line for a hot cup of coffee and a
fresh donut from the Adams Ave.
Donut Shop, which is the home of
Donut Derelicts. As Paul Revere
and the Raiders sang in the ‘60’s,
it’s where the action is.
So thanks to the inclement
weather, here I am, looking out
the window watching the rain and
day dreaming about all of the
amazing cars I saw on display at
the Muscle
“Rare performance
cars of all brands
that are coveted by
collectors today were
nothing more than
used cars that many
owners were eager to
get rid of for the
chance to drive a
brand new high performance Dodge from
Mr. Norm.”
Chicago Sun Times Sports, Imports and Compacts Section December, 1971 with
Grand Spaulding Dodge ad for used late model high performance cars
Car and Corvette Nationals just
before Thanksgiving. While many
of those muscle cars are extremely valuable collector cars today,
there was a time not so long ago
when they were nothing more
than new or late model used
cars. Feeing nostalgic, I started
looking through an old stack of
car magazines and newspapers
I saved from the 1960’s and
early 1970’s. Part way through
the magazines, I run across a
page from the Sports, Imports
and Compacts Automotive Section
of the Chicago Sun Times from
December, 1971, just before
st Report
The first thing
that caught my
eye was the Mr.
Norm’s ad at the
page. While there
were only six cars
listed in the ad,
there were several
that sure would
be nice to have
today, especially
at 1971 prices.
How about a ‘68
Charger R/T for
just 1,595 or a
nearly new one
year old ’70 Challenger T/A for
If that
how about a ’69
Charger R/T with
a 440 four speed
for 2,195 or a ’70
with a 383 and
four speed and
factory warranty Original black and white photo of Mr. Norm in a demon costume in front of Grand Spaulding Dodge
for just 2,395. for factory promotion for the new 1972 Dodge Demon. Look at the photo carefully and you will see
There was even that the first vehicle on the front line of the used car lot is a 1970 Plymouth Superbird.
one for the Chevy
good old days when you could
Looking at photos of the used
Chevelle SS396 with the rare L78
buy a new muscle car for under
car lot at Grand Spaulding in the
375 horsepower engine. And evefour thousand dollars, or a nice
1960’s and early ‘70’s showed
ry one was Dyno’d, Sun Scoped
used one for two grand or less.
some of the incredible muscle
and ready to go.
Tomorrow, the weatherman precars that had been traded in on
Needless to say, the Grand
dicts a sunny, warmer day, but
new Dodges. Rare performance
Spaulding Dodge ad piqued my
until then, I think that I’ll check
cars of all brands that are coveted
curiosity, so I started reading the
out an old copy of Hi Performance
by collectors today were nothing
classified ads which revealed even
Cars Magazine and see what kind
more than used cars that many
more bargains. Some of the ads
of mischief Joe Oldham and Cliff
owners were eager to get rid of for
that caught my eye included a
Gromer were getting into. I can
the chance to drive a brand new
1966 Shelby GT 350 for 950.00
always go to Donut Derelicts next
high performance Dodge from Mr.
firm, a ’68 Dart GSS equipped
with every speed goodie you
Regardless of where you live,
would need to go drag racing, but
looking at old car magazines is a
needing rod bearings, also for
great way to pass a snowy or
950.00. Other ads included a ’69
Camaro Z/28 for 2,000, a ’58
rainy day. The wood in the fireplace is crackling, the hot choco‘Vette for 1,250 or partial trade
late tastes great and despite the
for a Honda, and a ’67 Firebird
cool rainy weather, I’m having a
400 convertible for 850.00 begreat time reminiscing about the
cause the seller had been drafted.
But Wait, Th
The Night the Earth Stood Still
he year was 1965, and
Funny Car racing had
exploded on the scene,
capturing the attention
of fans and taking the drag strips
of the country by storm. Chrysler
led the way, commissioning Automotive Conversion Corporation
to build six acid dipped, altered
wheelbase Plymouth Belvedere’s
and six Dodge Coronets to compete in the Factory Experimental
category that quickly morphed
into what became known as Funny Cars. All twelve were destined for top Chrysler racers
such as Sox & Martin, Dick
Landy, Butch Leal and the Ramchargers, with the goal of dominating the FX racing.
Needless to say, other Chrysler racers, along with fierce competitors like Dick Harrell, Gas
Rhonda and Arnie Beswick who
were running Chevrolets, Fords
and Pontiacs were not about to
sit on sidelines and miss out on
the action. Overnight, home
brewed altered wheelbase cars
started coming out of the woodwork, and by spring of the year,
altered wheelbase cars of all
kinds were tearing up strips all
over the nation.
Among those
who saw the handwriting on the
wall and wanted a piece of the
action was Mr. Norm.
After campaigning two Super
Stock Dodge Polara’s with John
Farkonas and Pat Minick in 1964,
often times racing against his own
customers, Norm parted ways
with them at the end of the season and hooked up with Gary Dyer. Dyer immediately set to work
building a new altered wheelbase
‘65 Coronet sedan for FX competition powered by a blown, nitro
Nr. Morn’s S/FX Coronet on the track at Lions. Photo courtesy of the Mr. Norm’s Collection
burning Hemi. It was a brutally
fast, highly competitive car, but
as successful as it was, Norm was
determined to go even faster and
beat the factory teams at their
own game. And the way to do it
was to get one of the acid dipped
factory altered wheelbase Coronets.
The opportunity presented
itself when Roger Lindamood sold
Norm his “Color Me Gone” A/FX
Coronet mid-season in ‘65. Dyer
immediately pulled the stack injected engine and dropped the
blown, nitro burning Hemi and
drivetrain from the sedan into the
factory lightweight and began terrorizing the competition. Running
all over the Midwest, Southeast
and East, Mr. Norm’s S/FX Coronet was the car to beat everywhere it raced.
But on the West Coast, where
much of the racing was dominated by dragsters, gassers and altered, the racers did not believe
that Mr. Norm’s nitro burning late
model door slammer from Chicago
could hold a candle to them. Nev-
here’s More
Dyer’s record breaking run
at Lions made the front page
of the Los Angeles Herald
with the headline “8.63 It’s
What’s Happening Baby,”
and in the process, made
Grand Spaulding Dodge a
household name from coast
to coast.
Dyer in the Dodge faced off
against Don Gay’s Pontiac GTO.
The sound of the two blown motors was deafening and the night
air was thick with the smell of
When the tree
came down, Dyer dropped the
hammer on the blown Hemi and
blasted down the quarter mile in
a record 8.63 that brought everyone to their feet. At a time when
most funny cars were struggling
to break into the 8’s, Mr. Norm’s
S/FX Coronet blew Don Gay away
and was instantly recognized as
the fastest funny car in the country. In fact, Dyer’s record breaking run at Lions made the front
page of the Los Angeles Herald
with the headline “8.63 ET; It’s
What’s Happening Baby,” and in
the process, made Grand Spaulding Dodge a household name from
coast to coast.
Actual surviving drag handout from
Grand Spaulding Dodge circa 1965
celebrating the record run at Lions
er one to back down from a challenge, at the end of the racing
season in the Midwest, Mr. Norm
and Gary Dyer loaded the Dodge
on the trailer and headed west.
Once there, they raced nearly anyone who was willing to go up
against the fire breathing Coronet, and put them on the trailer
in short order.
Then, one unforgettable night
in November at Lions Dragstrip in
Long Beach, Mr. Norm put an end
to the skeptics once and for all.
The stands were packed as Gary

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