Jan 6 -.pub - Duncanville Church
Jan 6 -.pub - Duncanville Church
1st Assembly (8:15 am) Assignments CARE & COMMUNICATION CARD Prayers: Opening: Communion: Offering: Date: _______________________________________ Communion Servers for January: Name: ______________________________________ 2nd Assembly (10:45 am) Assignments Address: ____________________________________ ____________________________________________ City, State, Zip: _______________________________ ____________________________________________ E-mail address: _______________________________ ____________________________________________ Contact Numbers: _____________________________ ____________________________________________ Children’s Names: ____________________________ ____________________________________________ Member 1st Time Guest Attendee 2nd Time Guest Communication/Care Request: Please Keep Confidential Prayer _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ I would like to: Talk to a minister or elder Find a new church home Rededicate my life to Christ Talk about baptism Become a member of this church family If a guest, how did you hear about us: Family/Friend Another Church Drive By Internet Other: ___________________________________ I would like information on: Bible Classes Men’s Ministry Children’s Ministry Recovery/Prison English Classes Women’s Ministry Life Groups Youth Ministry Other: ___________________________________ PLEASE COMPLETE AND RETURN TO EITHER A MINISTER, ELDER, OR PLACE IN THE CONTRIBUTION PLATE DURING ASSEMBLY TIME. Prayers: Opening: Communion: Offering: January 6 David Leggett Joe Gentry Rich Nischan January 6 Nathan Lowe Will & Carson Pinon Raul Guerrero Communion Servers for January: FOR THE RECORD: DECEMBER 30, 2012 ATTENDANCE: 1st English-Speaking Assembly ..............................171 2nd English-Speaking Assembly ............................ 408 Spanish-Speaking .................................................... 94 Bible Classes ........................................................... 303 CONTRIBUTION: Weekly Budget ................................................. $24,500 Contribution ...................................................... $28,921 Rivers of Compassion (ROC)................................ $250 Debt Retirement ($333,000)............................... $4,165 • YTD Contribution ................................. 161,230 • % of Completion......................................... 49% CHILDREN’S MINISTRY NEWS & EVENTS... PARENT’S LUNCH WITH MISS CONNIE MONDAY NIGHT MADNESS (MNM): NEW ROOM: 153 January 7, 14, 28: Come Check It Out! 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm Youth Room Zoom Zone (3rd & 4th Grades) WEDNESDAYS IN JANUARY: January 13 3rd & 4th Grades Grande Room (152), following second service. We will look at the 2013 calendar of events and answer your questions. January 20 Preschool January 27 1st & 2nd Grades February 10 5th & 6th Grades January 7 Troup Meeting Jennifer Carlson: Daughter-in-law of Ron & Sandra, resting to extend pregnancy Stan Dacus: Recovering from knee surgery Mary Katherine Harrison: Newborn daughter of Bryan & Libby, 4 weeks early delivery, breathing issues, NICU Terry Jones: Recovering from knee replacement Pedro Matus: Family member of Norma Tarin, colon & kidney cancer, beginning treatments Dianne McFerren: Recovering from knee surgery Amanda Nall: Received good biopsy results Travis Nall: Experiencing blurred vision due to cataract, retina is still attached OraLee Nischan: MRI revealed crushed vertebrae (T12), treating with medications Raquel Oliver: Recovering for 2nd knee surgery Marie Phillips: Upcoming surgery to repair broken arm, rehab at Health South – Plano Kay Rodgers: Recovering from stroke PLEASE MAKE NOTE! Please join Ms. Connie in the Grande Room for lunch after the 2nd Assembly. Please feel free to bring the kiddos! BOY SCOUTS (Monday): R E M E MB E R I N G I N P R A Y E R ... YOUTH MINISTRY NEWS & EVENTS... CUB SCOUTS (Wednesdays): January 9 Den Meetings VENTURE CREW (Thursdays): January 17 Crew Meeting Jan. 2, 9, 16, 23: POWER HOUR Grades 5 & 6 Room 223 2nd Assembly Jan. 30: VOLUNTEERS FOR TODAY! FOR 1ST ASSEMBLY (8:15 Nursery: Celebration Station: Children Bible Hour: Worship & Bible Study of Matthew 7:00 pm Youth Room Pancakes & Games 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm Youth Room & Gym AM): Lucia Bevers Wanda Adams Pauline Dagen FOR 2ND ASSEMBLY (10:45 HIGH SCHOOL RETREAT When: January 18 - 20 Where: Cleburne State Park Cost: $50 Sign up now to register your spot and pay later! Pick up a form from Dennis or Kim or sign up online at www.crossoverstudents.org! AM): Nursery: Jim Davis, Deanna Falls- Smith Celebration Station: Dora Villarreal Esmeralda Garza Children Bible Hour: Connie Davis Zoom Zone (3rd & 4th): Jeff Conrad Power Hour: Kim Lowe Young Helpers: Erik Flores, Jessica Houts, Morgan James, Britany Johnson, Haden Reno, Jeremy Smith, Saleen Donohoe and Zoe Gonzales TEENS, mark your calendars! Begins January 7, 14, 28 6:30 - 8:00 pm Monday, January 21, 9 am Youth Room Wear your work clothes and meet us in the Fellowship Center. E X T E N D IN G S Y MP A T H I E S T O .. Barry Bunn and family in the loss of his mother, Velma Ann Bunn CARLSON’S CORNER... Good Morning and Happy New Year. May God's blessing abound in 2013! We have every reason to believe He will care for all of our needs. He is faithful! My prayer is we will be faithful in return, and among other important things, that means we are faithful witnesses of His faithfulness! Make time to tell others this year of what God has done, what He is doing, and what great promises the future holds. God is depending on us to spread the Word! Make it your goal to lead one person to Jesus this year. The Holy Spirit will participate with you in sharing the Good News...I always suggest you take a few minutes the first of each new year and jump onto our website (soon to be brand new!) and read our Church Vision, which is an accompaniment to our Mission Statement. One of the reasons we maintain the "the bond of unity in the Spirit of peace" is we share a common vision of what God is calling us to be and do...If you are new to our church family in the last 6 months or are a visitor or are just curious to know more about us, please come to a three week Orientation Class I will host on Sunday mornings during the Bible Class time beginning January 20. More info in next week's bulletin...The Shepherds meet Jan 8 and 22 this month. Remember, if you want to pray with them, all you have to do is ask. Their new meeting format is heavy on prayer. We are blessed to have men serving this congregation who believe in the power of prayer. In turn, I hope you pray for them and their families. The family that prays together, stays together!... Get ready for Upward Soccer coming soon! It's going to be a great opportunity to reach out to our community!...Ya' know I love ya'! Hey Teens! Service Hours! C O N T IN U E T O P R A Y F OR ... L O N G - T ERM & SHUT - IN Odie Adams, Don Bottoms, Charlene Brooks, Margie Burns, Connie Chappell, Ray Crowell, Dorothy Davis, Juanice Davis, Judy Ferris, Walt Fullerton, Michael Garcia, Terry Goldman, Johnye Francis Gullet, Larry Hayner, Lola Hickman, Ludie Mae Hobbs, Ruby Horn, Pauline Johnson, Meredith Kelly, Yon Le, Fred Mann, Faye McCarley, Taralya McDonough, Debbie McWheithy, Hazel Meeks, Jordon Mills, Travis Mills, Charlcie Moore, Jennie Pack, Bryan Paiz, Roger Peters, Debbie Peterson, Cynthia Richardson, Adriana Rivas, Jeannie Ross, Bernice Scarborough, Jean Simpson, Mary Skinner, Melinda Stewart, Tona Stewart, Jim Thorton, Lois Weir C O N T IN U E T O P R A Y F OR ... OU R CANC ER L I ST Maleah Arnold, Bob Barkley, Katz Basic, Don Bielinski, Gerald Brooks, Kay Bunn, Ray Burks, Collin Christian, Steven Cockerham Sr., Vernon Collins, Stephany Conner, Gary Cook, Les Elliott, Gary (Angie Espejo’s brother), Billie Gilliam, Jerilee Gott, Stephanie Katool, Ethan Lipps, Rachellie Matson-Conerly, Les Miller, Jasmine Munoz, Susan Newberry, Jennifer Parker, Kaitlyn Perry, Anna Ramon, Golda Roberts, Mary Sessions, Lester Taulton, Michelle Toledo, Tracy Tolleson M IL IT A R Y PER SO N NEL Gene Becker, Christopher Bouchillon, Anthony Broussard, Daryl Borman, Kaleb Clements, Larry Davis, Cameron Fife, Christopher Gonzalez, Nicholas Haywood, Jarrod Hinton, Jeffrey Irwin, Cliff Jobe, Jason Kelly, Matthew Litsey, Daniel Luna, Chris Maxwell, Josef Merrt, Matthew Miller, Ryan Pévey, Ryan & Candace Reitmier, Zach Robertson, Christopher Sanchez, Dillon Shepley, Elliot Simpson, Jerrod Stevens, James Terrell, Perry Warren FAMLY MATTERS... IN THE SPOTLIGHT... Una familia buscando conocer a Dios, compartir a Cristo, servir a otros, y crecer en fe. FAMILYFEST SCHEDULE: Jan. 6: Jan. 13: Jan. 20: Jan. 27: I GLESIA DE C RISTO — EL L UGAR DE G RACIA … No meal served due to BKU Night Team 2 Team 3 Team 4 J ANUARY 6, 2013 NEW ORIENTATION CLASS: Beginning Sunday, January 20 Rm 215 Teacher: Ron Carlson GIVING THANKS: Cards have been posted on the bulletin board by Room 106 from Carolyn Shaw and Glenna Woodall GOD & CHURCH TRAINING: Boy Scouts/Girl Scouts (Grades 6 - 8) Starting Wednesday, January 9 7 pm - Room 230 Cost: $20 COMMUNION: As we partake of the Lord’s Supper today, please hold the bread and the cup until we are led to participate as one body of believers. Please dispose of cups in provided trash cans near each exit as you leave. Please take a moment some time this week to pray for our people listed below. If you would like, you may even want to send a greeting card just to let them know that you were thinking of them. PERSON OF THE WEEK: Kay Rodgers 303 Wishing Creek Dr Duncanville, Tx 75137-3139 MISSIONARIES OF THE WEEK: Guillermo & Nora Elisa Lopez Villa Alemania, Nicaragua guillermolopez72@yahoo.com ANNUAL CORPORATE MEETING Save the Dates for 2013! Men’s Weekend: February 15 - 16 Ladies’ Weekend: April 19 - 20 OUR CONTACT INFORMATION: Church Building Work Day Monday, January 21, 9 am CONTACT: 972-298-4656 (Office) 972-298-4829 (Fax) Wear your work clothes and meet us in the Fellowship Center. WEBSITE: www.ourgraceplace.org Whether or not you are a medical professional, you can serve in this ministry. enero 13: enero 20: enero 27: febrero 10: 3rd & 4th Grados Preschooler 1st & 2nd Grados 5th & 6th Grados CONVIVIO HOY DESPUES DEL SERVICIO! Por favor quedate a comer y pasar un tiempo con tus hermanos! ¿Desanimado sin ganas de orar ni leer la Biblia? LOCATION: 402 W. Danieldale Rd Duncanville, TX 75137 When: January 18 - 19 Where: Crown Plaza - Dallas Market Center Register Online: www.ihcf.net CONVERSACIONES CON Miss CONNIE ¿Alguna vez se ha preguntó lo que su hijo está aprendiendo en la clase de Biblia? ¿O qué pasa durante la Iglesia de los niños? ¿O qué actividades están disponibles para su niño de tercer grado? Por favor acompañe a Miss Connie para un almuerzo por los domingos comenzando el 13 de enero 2013. Sunday, January 20 10:35 am Auditorium MAILING: PO Box 382000 Duncanville, TX 75138 31ST ANNUAL MEDICAL MISSIONS SEMINAR G A T H E R IN G S O N GS PRAYER S C R I P T U R E R E A D IN G W E L C O M E & I N T R OD U C T I ON C O N G R E GA T I ON A L S I N G I N G C O M M U N IO N C O N G R E GA T I ON A L S I N G I N G C O N T R IB U T I O N CHILDREN’S MOMENT G R E E T IN G O F P E A C E S E R M ON B Y R ON C A R L S O N I N V IT A T I ON S O N G P A S T OR A L M O ME N T OUR ASSEMBLY TIMES: SUNDAYS: 1st Assembly ........................................ 8:15 am 2nd Assembly ..................................... 10:45 am Bible Classes ........................................ 9:30 am Life Groups ...........................................6:00 pm WEDNESDAYS: Bible Classes ........................................7:00 pm Cub Scouts ............................................7:00 pm Vamos a usar nuestra inteligencia, ¿desde cuándo nuestra carne siente la necesidad por las cosas espirituales? Nunca, nuestra carne quiere cosas que le agradan. Por otro lado nuestra inteligencia nos muestra que es necesario alimentar nuestro espíritu. Así que aún sin ganas, debemos tratar de hacer lo necesario para alimentar nuestra comunión con Dios y no caer en esa acomodación espiritual, y consecuentemente sufrir por estar lejos de la fe. Así que tenemos que despertar, no importa si está con ganas o no, usted sabe que necesita buscar a Dios, orar, leer la Biblia, entonces hágalo. Es como el alimento físico, a veces no sentimos hambre, pero si llega el momento de comer comemos, ¿por qué? Porque sabemos la necesidad que nuestro cuerpo tiene de alimentarse para estar de pie, para no enfermar, entonces comemos aun sin tener ganas, ya quien no come, muere. Pues bien, el espíritu es lo mismo, si no alimenta su espíritu queda débil y enferma, espiritualmente hablando, y comienzan los síntomas: desánimo, duda, acomodación, tristeza, angustia, ansiedad, hasta que llega la muerte espiritual. Así que si usted tiene ese cuidado con su cuerpo que un día perecerá, imagine el cuidado que debe tener con su alma que vivirá para siempre. Entonces, no haga lo que tenga ganas de hacer, haga lo que tiene que ser hecho, lo que es bueno para su fe y así tendrás vida. Quien vive por lo que siente es insensato, quien vive por la fe es inteligente. HORARIO DE SERVICIO: DOMINGO: Clase Bíblica Adoración 9:30 am 10:45 am MIÉRCOLES: 7:00 pm Clase Bíblica INFORMACION DE CONTACTO: Jerry Gonzalez, Ministro 972-298-4656 (Office) 214-325-8044 (Cell) jerrygonzalez@ourgraceplace.org (Email) 402 W. Danieldale Road, Duncanville 75137 PO Box 382000, Duncanville 75138 OUR ASSEMBLY TIMES: SUNDAYS: WEDNESDAYS: 1st Assembly 8:15 am Bible Classes 7:00 pm 2nd Assembly 10:45 am Cub Scouts 7:00 pm Bible Classes 9:30 am Life Groups 6:00 pm OUR COUNSELING INFORMATION: Steven Armstrong ............................................... 972-257-0449 Linda Johnson .................................................... 972-298-3614 Elaine VanSteenberg.......................................... 814-229-9590 OUR ELDERS: Gene Adams .......................... (972-291-2764) gadams6@att.net Gary Billingsley. .....(972-768-6355) 1gary.billingsley@gmail.com Jerry Cook ................. (972-979-4885) jerrywcook38@gmail.com Rick Cotton ........................ (214-924-9045) rtcotton@swbell.net Mike Crowell ................. (972-951-1361) mrcrowell47@gmail.com Stan Dacus..................... (214-435-3110) sdacus1@sbcglobal.net Grover Davis ......... (214-244-1032) grover.davis.5040@gmail.com Jim Davis .......... (214-415-6447) wayfaringstranger2@yahoo.com Kirk Fullerton ................ (214-213-8051) kirkfullerton@gmail.com Joe Gentry ................. (972-283-9519) spoilsowar@sbcglobal.net Tim Haynes ............... (972-709-7003) tim_haynes@sbcglobal.net Jimmy Sigmund................. (972-291-8154) sigmunds@tx.rr.com Marcus Steverson ..... (972-523-0051) msteveson@sbcglobal.net Tim Sullivan ........... (972-296-8894) timsullivando@sbcglobal.net Harvey Widner ..................... (972-298-3846) harvey@widner.net John Wood................ (469-644-6689) blessedwood3@gmail.com OUR MINISTRY TEAM: CHILDREN’S: Connie Davis .............................. 214-415-3593 conniedavis@ourgraceplace.org FAMILY LIFE: Jeff Conrad ................................. 214-923-9079 jeffconrad@ourgraceplace.org MUSIC COORDINATOR: Clark Hackney ......... 972-298-4656 PREACHER: Ron Carlson ................................. 214-394-9018 rcarlson8@tx.rr.com RECOVERY/PRISON: Stek Steck ...................................................... 469-363-5026 stek@me.com Devon Wallace .............................................. 469-335-7797 brotherdevon@peoplepc.com SPANISH-SPEAKING: Jerry Gonzalez ............. 214-325-8044 jerrygonzalez@ourgraceplace.org YOUTH GROUP: Dennis Jamison ............................................. 214-929-8730 dennisjamison@ourgraceplace.org Kim Lowe ...................................................... 972-375-6929 tuckeredout@gmail.com OUR OFFICE MINISTRY TEAM: ACCOUNTING: Al Batten ............................ 972-298-4656 x20 BOOKKEEPING: Clynda Davis .................... 972-298-4656 x13 clyndadavis@ourgraceplace.org EDUCATION: Maleah Arnold ....................... 972-298-4656 x12 maleaharnold@ourgraceplace.org FACILITIES MGMT: Gene Adams ............... 972-298-4656 x37 gadams6@att.net MEMBER INFO: Rosa Flores ...................... 972-298-4656 x14 rosaflores@ourgraceplace.org PUBLICATIONS: Anne Bunn ...................... 972-298-4656 x11 annebunn@ourgraceplace.org MAILING: PO Box 382000, Duncanville, TX 75138 CONTACT: LOCATION: 402 W. Danieldale Rd, Duncanville, TX 75137 WEBSITE: 972-298-4656 (Office) 972-298-4829 (Fax) www.ourgraceplace.org
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