The Pevex Collection
The Pevex Collection
pevex brochure.qxd:pevex brochure.qxd 6/3/09 08:46 Page 1 The The Pevex Pevex Collection Collection The Pevex Collection Fireplaces • Fire baskets Fire backs • Accessories & Cast iron products 1 pevex brochure.qxd:pevex brochure.qxd 6/3/09 08:46 Page 2 W elcome to the Pevex Collection, a comprehensive range of fireplaces, firebacks and sundry cast iron products built up and established over the last 20 years. We offer the largest range of Swan nest baskets & firebacks in the UK many of which are exclusively designed and manufactured to our specifications. In our fireback range choose from over 100 different styles including modern, minimalist to traditional or quirky. We hold large large stocks of most items & pride ourselves on an efficient and friendly service before, during and after sales. Thank you for choosing The Pevex Collection, we are confident that you will be delighted with your choice. CONTENTS P1. P2-3. P4-11. P11-12. P13. P13. P14. P15. P15. P16. P16. P17-18. P19. BREAD OVEN DOORS TRADITIONAL STYLE FIRE BACKS FRENCH COLLECTION FIRE BACKS TRADITIONAL STYLE CAST IRON FIRE BASKETS TAPERED FIRE INSET GRATES SWAN NEST FIRE BASKETS FIRE DOGS FIREFRONTS FIRESCREENS & COMPANION SETS FENDERS CAST IRON BRACKETS SUNDRY ITEMS FIRE INSETS Bread Oven Doors ALL THESE DOORS ARE BOTH DECORATIVE & FUNCTIONAL. ALL ARE HINGED TO OPEN & CLOSE, AND ARE FULLY LINED. DOOR 1. 13''w x 19''h 1 DOOR 2. 12''w x 16''h DOOR 3. 10''w x 14''h DOOR 4. 6''w x 6''h pevex brochure.qxd:pevex brochure.qxd 6/3/09 08:46 Page 3 Traditional Style of Firebacks Measurements are approximate and are shown as Width x Height FB004 Mini Back 8 Kg 394 x 267mm 151/2''x 101/2'' FB005 Plain with Star 37 Kg 533 x 368mm 21''x 14'' FB007 Standard Back 11 Kg 457 x 356mm 18''x 14'' FB015 Horse Head 14 Kg 559 x 470mm 22''x 18'' FB017 Plain Small 11 Kg 495 x 445mm 19'' x 17'' FB018 Mini Royal Oak 15 Kg 495 x 445 19''x 17'' FB016 Chinese Dragon 16 Kg 495 x 483mm 19''x 19'' FB009 Welsh Dragon 35 Kg 572 x 457mm 221/2''x 18'' FB008 Urn 37 Kg 546 x 521mm 211/2''x 201/2'' FB001 Coat of Arms 1635 34 Kg 610 x 521mm 24''x 201/2'' FB010 Wood Cutter 38 Kg 660 x 559mm 26''x 22'' FB011 Large Plain Back 55Kg 762 x 660mm 30''x 26'' 2 pevex brochure.qxd:pevex brochure.qxd 6/3/09 08:46 Page 4 Traditional Style of Firebacks Measurements are approximate and are shown as Width x Height FB013 Cherub 50 Kg 508 x 660mm 20''x 26'' FB006 Royal Oak 69 Kg 864 x 737mm 34''x 29'' FB014 Wheatsheaf 55 Kg 711 x 737mm 28''x 29'' 3 FB002 Horse & Tree 42 Kg 762 x 660mm 30''x 26'' FB012 Large Fleur de Lys 55 Kg 762 x 660mm 30''x 26'' FB003 Laughing Lion 55 Kg 762 x 660mm 30''x 26'' FB020 Mon Droit 90 Kg 851 x 636mm 33'' x 25'' pevex brochure.qxd:pevex brochure.qxd 6/3/09 08:46 Page 5 French Collection of Cast Iron Firebacks Measurements are approximate and are shown as Width x Height 2156 The Lesson 12Kg 360 x 360mm 14''x 14'' 2155 Eros 20 Kg 370 x 370mm 15''x 19'' 671 Louis 15th, mini 18 Kg 450 x 450mm 18''x 18'' 268 Country Scene 29Kg 480 x 480mm 19''x 19'' 234 The Farmers Wife 30Kg 500 x 500mm 20''x 16'' 233 The Guardian of the Geese 30Kg 500 x 500mm 20''x 20'' 371 Alone against all, Small 26Kg 540 x 540mm 21''x 21'' 270 Louis 15th Small 31Kg 540 x 540mm 21''x 21'' 326 The Captains Coat of Arms 44Kg 540 x 715mm 21''x 28'' 333 Shepherd and Dog 25Kg 545 x 445mm 21''x 18'' 2152 Mother and Child 35Kg 545 x 580mm 21''x 23'' 078 Angels 34Kg 500 x 600mm 22''x 24'' 4 pevex brochure.qxd:pevex brochure.qxd 6/3/09 08:46 Page 6 French Collection of Cast Iron Firebacks Measurements are approximate and are shown as Width x Height 5 2151 The Stag And Horns 37Kg 555 x 550mm 22''x 21'' 011 Salamander 34Kg 570 x 495mm 22''x 20'' 267 The Hunter 38Kg 570 x 570mm 22''x 22'' 329 Alone against all, Large 45Kg 570 x 625mm 22''x 25'' 324 The Wake 40Kg 590 x 580mm 23''x 22'' 330 Louis 15th, Medium 43Kg 590 x 610mm 23''x 24'' 168 The Blacksmiths 35Kg 600 x 500mm 24''x 20'' 169 The Bakehouse 35Kg 600 x 500mm 24''x 20'' 171 The Gleaners 35Kg 600 x 500mm 24''x 20'' 173 The Harvest 29Kg 600 x 500mm 24''x 20'' 175 Horses of the Camargue, Small 26Kg 600 x 5000mm 24''x 20'' 176 Saturn 35Kg 600 x 500mm 24''x 20'' pevex brochure.qxd:pevex brochure.qxd 6/3/09 08:46 Page 7 French Collection of Cast Iron Firebacks Measurements are approximate and are shown as Width x Height 177 Volcano 35Kg 600 x 500mm 24''x 20'' 182 Wild Geese, Small 35Kg 600 x 500mm 24''x 20'' 245 Geese Keeper 21Kg 600 x 500mm 24''x 20'' 655 Imprint, Small 21Kg 600 x 500mm 24''x 20'' 667 Ombelles 20Kg 600 x 500mm 24''x 20'' 668 Arcane 30Kg 600 x 500mm 24''x 20'' 669 Grenu 23Kg 600 x 500mm 24''x 20'' 999 Cubism 25Kg 600 x 500mm 24''x 20'' 000 Abundance 25Kg 600 x 500mm 24''x 20'' 001 Regatta 27Kg 600 x 500mm 24''x 20'' 002 Water Flowers 22Kg 600 x 500mm 24''x 20'' 003 Ploughing of Yesteryear 28Kg 600 x 500mm 24''x 20'' 6 pevex brochure.qxd:pevex brochure.qxd 6/3/09 08:46 Page 8 French Collection of Cast Iron Firebacks Measurements are approximate and are shown as Width x Height 7 004 Rhythm & Blues 28Kg 600 x 500mm 24''x 20'' 005 The Washerwomen 28Kg 600 x 500mm 24''x 20'' 022 The Diligence 22Kg 600 x 500mm 24''x 20'' 023 The Triangles 28Kg 600 x 500mm 24''x 20'' 032 Art Deco 33Kg 600 x 500mm 24''x 20'' 033 Equinox 33Kg 600 x 500mm 24''x 20'' 034 Bonsai 35Kg 600 x 500mm 24''x 20'' 266 Rocaille 32Kg 600 x 550mm 24''x 22'' 2154 The Royal Alliance 45Kg 600 x 600mm 24''x 24'' 595 Dauphiné Coat of Arms 50Kg 600 x 630mm 24''x 20'' 332 Brittany - Normandy 32Kg 605 x 510mm 24''x 20'' 080 The Lovers 39Kg 6100 x 610mm 24''x 24'' pevex brochure.qxd:pevex brochure.qxd 6/3/09 08:46 Page 9 French Collection of Cast Iron Firebacks Measurements are approximate and are shown as Width x Height 339 Louis 15th,Large 50Kg 615 x 630mm 24''x 25' 269 French Coat of Arms 35Kg 620 x 590mm 24''x 23'' 331 Royal Sirens 61Kg 620 x 620mm 24''x 24'' 079 Bathers 35Kg 640 x 600mm 25''x 24'' 596 The Flautist 59Kg 640 x 640mm 25''x 25'' 672 Henry the 4th 44Kg 650 x 630mm 26''x 25'' 058 Louis the 15th, Large 38Kg 650 x 650mm 26''x 26'' 059 Louis the 16th, Large 39Kg 650 x 650mm 26''x 26'' 2157 Two Angels 60Kg 660 x 660mm 26''x 26' 327 Shield of Alliance 57Kg 695 x 615mm 27''x 24'' 246 The Farmyard 33Kg 700 x 550mm 28''x 22'' 370 Return of the Hunters 40Kg 620 x 620mm 24''x 24''” 8 pevex brochure.qxd:pevex brochure.qxd 6/3/09 08:46 Page 10 French Collection of Cast Iron Firebacks Measurements are approximate and are shown as Width x Height 170 The Heron 46Kg 700 x 560mm 28''x 22'' 9 172 The Sailing Ship 44Kg 700 x 560mm 28''x 22'' 174 Wild Geese, Large 44Kg 700 x 560mm 28''x 22'' 178 The Deer 40Kg 700 x 560mm 28''x 22''” 181 The Steeplechase 53Kg 700 x 560mm 28''x 22'' 183 Horses of the Camargue, Large 41Kg 700 x 560mm 28''x 22'' 247 The Great Steeplechase 38Kg 700 x 560mm 28''x 22'' 666 Imprint, Large 39Kg 700 x 560mm 28''x 22'' 670 Grenu 26Kg 700 x 560mm 28''x 22'' 997 Occitanie 34Kg 700 x 560mm 28''x 22'' 2149 Louis 14th, large 70Kg 700 x 560mm 28''x 26'' 328 The Troubadour 54Kg 700 x 720mm 28''x 29'' pevex brochure.qxd:pevex brochure.qxd 6/3/09 08:46 Page 11 French Collection of Cast Iron Firebacks Measurements are approximate and are shown as Width x Height 012 Salamander 55Kg 725 x 640mm 29''x 25'' 036 Salamander 47Kg 730 x 580mm 29''x 23'' 179 Bacchus 58Kg 800 x 700mm 32''x 28'' 180 Chivalry 59Kg 800 x 720mm 32''x 29''” 007 Hureau de Vibraye Coat of Arms 72Kg 800 x 740mm 32''x 29'' 335 The Island Nymph 71Kg 800 x 785mm 32''x 31'' 2153 Cupid 100Kg 800 x800mm 32''x 32'' 334 Jupiter & the 4 Seasons 85Kg 935 x 790mm 37''x 31'' 006 Order of Malta 140Kg 820 x 840mm 32''x 33'' 2150 The Crusaders 160Kg 870x 780mm 34''x 41'' 017 Blazon in Foliage 88Kg 990 x 655mm 39''x 26'' 10 pevex brochure.qxd:pevex brochure.qxd 6/3/09 08:46 Page 12 French Collection of Cast Iron Firebacks Measurements are approximate and are shown as Width x Height 042 043 044 046 048 050 227 052 053 054 055 056 057 336 337 15Kg 20Kg 18Kg 22Kg 32Kg 26Kg 28Kg 37Kg 35Kg 42Kg 17Kg 60Kg 77Kg 121Kg 125Kg 500 x 400mm 600 x 450mm 500 x 500mm 600 x 500mm 700 x 500mm 600 x 600mm 700 x 450mm 700 x 600mm 800 x 500mm 800 x 600mm 600 x 400mm 800 x 700mm 1000 x 700mm 1300 x 850mm 1200 x 950mm 20''x 16'' 24''x 18'' 20''x 20'' 24''x 20'' 28''x 20'' 24''x 24'' 28''x 18'' 28''x 24'' 32''x 20'' 32''x 24'' 24''x 16'' 32''x 28'' 39''x 28'' 51''x 33'' 47''x 37'' Rosette backs Ermine backs Plain back Cast Iron Backplates 013 24Kg 014 39Kg 600 x 500mm 700 x 550mm 24''x 20'' 28''x 22'' 009 25Kg 010 32Kg 008 54Kg 600 x 500mm 24''x 20'' 700 x 550mm 28''x 22'' 1100 x 605mm 43''x 24'' Fleur de Lys backs 015 24Kg 016 39Kg 600 x 500mm 700 x 550mm 24''x 20'' 28''x 22'' Traditional Style of Cast Iron Fire Baskets Measurements are approximate and are shown as Width x Depth x Height 11 AT030 Neoclassical Basket (Black/Polished) 22''x 11''x 19'' 28Kg AT031 Arts & Crafts Basket (Black/Polished) 21''x 12''x 13'' 26Kg AT040 16'' Spanish Basket (Black/Polished) 16''x 13''x 9'' 20Kg AT041 18''Spanish Basket (Black/Polished) 18''x 13''x 81/2'' 22Kg FB050 Fire Basket with removable sides 24''x 15''x 9'' (19''width at back) 13Kg AT042 21''Spanish Basket (Black/Polished) 21''x 13''x 9'' 24Kg pevex brochure.qxd:pevex brochure.qxd 6/3/09 08:46 Page 13 Traditional Style of Cast Iron Fire Baskets Measurements are approximate and are shown as Width x Depth x Height FB301 Large French Firebasket 22'x 12''x 51/2'' 10Kg FB302 French Firegrid (can be cut down by 4'') 24''x 16''x 61/2'' 18Kg FB217 17'' Cromwell c/w ashfront & tray 17''x 11''x 6'' 15kg FB221 21'' Cromwell c/w ashfront & tray 21''x 111/2''x 7'' 24Kg FB221N 21'' Cromwell Basket only 21'x 111/2''x 7'' 19Kg FB319 Scottish Farmer Firebasket 21''x 10''x 18'' 31Kg FB115 15'' Basket with fireback 151/2''x 11''x 17'' 24Kg FB119 19'' Basket with fireback 191/2''x 11''x 20'' 33Kg FB250 Earl Taper Basket 23''x 12''x 22'' 33Kg FB681 Queen Anne Fire Basket 21'x 111/2''x 261/2'' 50Kg FB680 Regency Fire Basket 211/2''x 12''x 22'' 40Kg FB300 Small French Firebasket 18''x 12''x 51/2'' 8Kg FB217N 17'' Cromwell Basket only 17''x 11''x 6'' 11Kg 12 pevex brochure.qxd:pevex brochure.qxd 6/3/09 08:46 Page 14 Tapered Inset Grates Measurements are approximate FB121 16'' Inset Grate 161/2''width at front x 91/2''width at back x 11''d x 9''ht FB122 18'' Inset Grate 181/2''width at front x 111/2''width at back x 111/2''d x 9''ht Replacement tapered Grate 14''width at front x 10''width at back x 7''d x 4''max ht Swan Nest Firebaskets Measurements are approximate and are shown as Width x Depth x Height Swan Nest Baskets are available in a comprehensive range of sizes to suit most fireplace widths 20'' 24'' 30'' 36'' & 42'' Swan Nest Baskets can be used in conjunction with Fire Dogs (as illustrated right). FB120 FB124 FB130 FB136 FB142 20''Swan 24''Swan 30''Swan 36''Swan 42''Swan basket basket basket basket basket FB120 20'' Swan Nest 20''x 13'' FB124 24'' Swan Nest 24''x 15'' FB130 30'' Swan Nest 30''x 15'' FB136 36'' Swan Nest 36''x 16'' Choose a Cast Iron Fire Back from our comprehensive collection to enhance your Fireplace’s appearance & performance. 13 pevex brochure.qxd:pevex brochure.qxd 6/3/09 08:46 Page 15 Fire Dogs Measurements are approximate and are shown as Width x Depth x Height FB100 Small Gothic Fire Dogs 7''x 9''x 16'' (Black/Polished) FB102P Large Gothic Fire Dogs 10''x 16''x 23'' (Black/Polished) FB101 Small French Fire Dogs (black) 7''x 9''x 16'' FB103 Large French Fire Dogs (black) 10''x 17''x 23'' FB104P Cherub Dogs 9''x 18''x 17'' (Black/Polished) FB105 Gothic ball Fire Dogs (Black) 71/2''x 16''x 16'' FB105P Gothic ball Fire Dogs (Polished) 71/2''x 16''x 16'' FB109 Wheatsheaf Fire Dogs (Black) 81/2''x 161/2''x 141/2'' FB106 Small Landier Fire Dogs 61/2''x 18''x 16'' FB107 Medium Landier Fire Dogs 81/2''x 181/2''x 18'' FB108 Large Landier Fire Dogs 81/2''x 181/2''x 24'' 14 pevex brochure.qxd:pevex brochure.qxd 6/3/09 08:46 Page 16 Firefronts Measurements are approximate AT010 16'' Warwick Firefront (Black) AT010P 16'' Warwick Firefront (Polished) AT012P 18'' Classic Firefront (Polished) AT011 16'' Classic Firefront (Black/ Polished) AT015 16'' Blenheim Firefront (Black/Polished) AT017 18'' (Black/Polished) Heavy Duty Fire Screens & Companion Sets Measurements are approximate FS1 Large Fire Screen with wings FS2 Medium Fire Screen with wings FS3 Free Standing Fire Screen Overall ht 920mm Height of panels 770mm Width of main panel 760mm Width of wings 360mm Overall ht 790mm Height of panels 660mm Width of main panel 660mm Width of wings 310mm Overall ht 790mm Height of panels 660mm Width of main panel 660mm FS4 Free Standing Fire Screen CS1 4 Tool Large Companion set 100mm ht x 450mm width CS2 4 Tool Medium Companion set 840mm ht x 390mm width Overall ht 737mm Height of panels 578mm Width of main panel 813mm 15 pevex brochure.qxd:pevex brochure.qxd 6/3/09 08:46 Page 17 Cast Iron Fenders Measurements are approximate FB401 Large Fender FB400 SMALL FENDER 33''W X 91/2''D 41''w x 12''d Cast Iron Brackets Measurements are approximate and are shown as Width x Depth - Holes are pre-drilled BR001 10'' Chinese Dragon 9'' x 9'' BR003 10'' Lacework 91/2'' x 91/2'' BR004 7'' Victorian 7''x 81/2'' BR005 12'' Victorian 111/2''x 91/2'' BR006 9'' Art Noveau 9'' x 9'' BR007 12'' Arches 111/2'' x 91/2'' BR008 12'' Ornamental 12''x 10'' BR009 Arts & Crafts 8''x 8'' BR012 12''Hanging Basket BR014 131/2''Hanging Basket BR016 Cherub 141/2''x 10'' BR044 171/2''Heavy Duty Hanging Basket 16 pevex brochure.qxd:pevex brochure.qxd 6/3/09 08:46 Page 18 Boot Jacks Measurements are approximate and are shown as Width x Depth x Height BJ001 Small Beetle Boot jack 10''x 3'' x 3'' BJ002 Large Beetle Boot jack 10''x 5'' x 3'' BJ005 Mr Pickwick Boot jack 11''x 3'' x 3'' BJ003 Mermaid Boot jack 10''x 3'' x 3'' BJ006 Labrador Boot jack 11''x 4'' x 3'' Boot Scrapers Measurements are approximate and are shown as Width x Depth x Height 17 BS001 Victorian Boot Scraper 6Kg 14''x 6''x 9'' BS002 5 Blade Boot Scraper 7Kg 11''x 8''x 4'' BS003 Rococo Boot Scraper 7Kg 13''x 9''x 9'' BS004 Large Blade Boot Scraper 11Kg 14''x 9''x 7'' BS005 Dog Boot Scraper 3Kg 12''x 5''x 4 BS006 Blade Boot Scraper 6Kg 7''x 1/2'' x 18 pevex brochure.qxd:pevex brochure.qxd 6/3/09 08:46 Page 19 Boot Scrapers Measurements are approximate and are shown as Width x Depth x Height BS007 Brush Boot Scraper 12Kg 13''x 101/2'' x 7'' BS010 Shell Boot Scraper 6Kg 11''x 14'' x 10'' Door Stops Measurements are approximate and are shown as Width x Depth x Height DS002 Horse Door stop 21/2Kg 91/2''x 21/2'' x 9'' DS004 Punch Door Stop 5 Kg 91/2''x 2'' x 13'' DS005 Judy Door Stop 5Kg 91/2''x 2'' x 13'' Umbrella Stands & Kettle Measurements are approximate and are shown as Width x Depth x Height US020 Dog Umbrella Stand 22Kg 18''x 81/2''x 28'' US030 Traditional Umbrella Stand 22Kg 18''x 81/2''x 28'' KET01 Kettle 6Kg 10''x 6''dia x 9'' 18 pevex brochure.qxd:pevex brochure.qxd 6/3/09 08:46 Page 20 Fire Insets and Wooden Surrounds Double plain band polished Arch inset & plain (A3) surround on black granite hearth The Pevex Collection Pemsby polished Tiled insert & Bullseye (A2) surround on black granite hearth Debenham polished Tiled inset & plain (A3) surround on black granite hearth Bradley polished Arch inset & Bullseye (A2) surround on black granite hearth Single plain band polished Arch inset & Corbel (A1) surround on black granite hearth Art Nouveau polished tiled inset & Corbel (A1) surround on black granite hearth Authorised Distributor Pevex Enterprises Ltd Tel: +44 01473 736399 Fax: +44 01473 736406 E-Mail:
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