2008 Annual Report - National Multiple Sclerosis Society


2008 Annual Report - National Multiple Sclerosis Society
A 2008 achievement report
to our Chapter community
we believe…
…that people with MS
deserve options, support
and hope to live better
with their disease
…that every person in our
community can play a
role in improving the lives
of those affected by MS
…that a world free of
MS is within our grasp
2007-2008 Board of Trustees
John Bjornson, Chair,
Point B Solutions Group LLP
Ray Heacox, Vice-Chair,
Belo Seattle/KING/KONG,
Northwest Cable News
Jill Scheuermann, Secretary,
KeyBank Commercial Banking
Michael Boyle, Treasurer,
Microsoft (retired)
Joseph K. Piper, Immediate Past Chair,
Integra Ventures
Patricia Shepherd-Barnes, President
Scott Benner,
Frederic T. Kutscher Associates Inc.
David Bergsvik,
Saltchuk Resources Inc.
Butch Blum, Butch Blum
Brian K. Bogen,
North Star Utilities Group
James D. Bowen, MD,
MS Center at Evergreen
Bill Brown,
Green Diamond Resource Co.
Ross N. Case, White Star LLC
Rosanne Esposito,
Expeditors International
of Washington Inc.
Glen Foresman, Haggen Inc.
Dwight Gaston, Blue Nile Inc.
Patrick Giusti, Oracle Corporation
Gina Harris, Univar USA Inc.
Bret Jordan, Western America LLC
Greg Komen, Bonaventure Group Inc.
Rick D. Len, Russell Investment Group
Jeff Merriman-Cohen,
Henry David Thoreau
Dear Friends and Supporters,
Merriman Berkman Next
James R. Mitchell, Puget Sound Bank
Karen L. Nilson, MD,
Valley Medical Center
R. Thomas Olson, Miller Nash LLP
Scott Park,
Quality Heating & Air Conditioning
H. Greg Paton, Weyerhaeuser (retired)
Elizabeth Pelley,
First Choice Health Network
Stephen D. Rose, K & L Gates
Douglas R. Roulstone,
Thomas James International LLC
Bill Sample, Microsoft
Paul K. Weigel, Microsoft
William E. Whitaker, Kibble & Prentice
David B. Willis, Willis Marketing Inc.
Anndee Mayers
Gene Merlino
U.S. Senator Patty Murray
Erin Musser
Jim O’Donnell
John E. Phillips
Jack E. Price
Susan Stoller
Elise Topp
Douglas L. True
o those of us at the Greater Washington Chapter of the National MS
Society, living our beliefs means that every action we take is aimed at
making life better for people with MS. And in 2008, it meant searching
out even more ways to effectively and efficiently serve that cause.
In this report, you’ll find examples of how we have expanded our services
and our reach to change the lives of more and more people affected by MS.
You’ll learn how we have collaborated with our community and contributed
to promising research into new MS treatments and a cure. You’ll see the faces
of many of the thousands of walkers, cyclists and other event participants
who are supporting a robust MS Movement in our Chapter community.
And you’ll read the names of the donors who funded our work, living their
beliefs in the importance of our mission.
We mark the successes of 2008 humbly, knowing we could not have achieved
them without you. And, we enter an economically uncertain 2009 knowing
we will need to hold tight to our beliefs, to act upon them wisely, and to
count on you more than ever before.
Each day, every day, we are relentlessly committed to turning the world
around for people with MS. To improving their lives, curing their disease,
rallying others around their cause. We are fueled by our unyielding beliefs
in the inspiration of those we serve and in the generosity of our community.
Thank you for believing in us. Sincerely,
John Bjornson, Chair,
2008 Board of Trustees Patricia Shepherd-Barnes,
Chapter President
toll-free number: 1-800-344-4867
Advisory Council
Ellsworth C. Alvord Jr., MD
James F. Beley
Barbara Bernbaum
Diane Cheifetz
Fred Fleischmann
Katharyn Alvord Gerlich
Jean Godden
Betty Hedreen
Robin S. Leavitt
Cindy Masin
“Live your beliefs
and you can turn
the world around.”
Meeting the day-to-day
challenges of living with MS
Highlights of 2008
nA first-of-its-kind publication,
“Know Your Rights,” debuted as
a legal guide on issues such as
employment, SSDI, family law
and insurance matters.
for everyone, we saw an 11%
increase in people who turned
to us for help with the unique
financial challenges of living
with MS. We offered assistance
with prescription MS drugs,
counseling, medical equipment,
rent and utility bills, and more.
nA new initiative recruited
professionals to collaborate
with us on how we can best
assist families living with MS
on legal issues, health insurance,
health and physical activity,
and financial aid.
Chapter-sponsored exercise
and wellness programs gave
nearly 200 people the chance
to improve their health and
well being. We also partnered
with the YMCA of Greater
Seattle to provide access to
fitness programs designed
to meet the unique physical
challenges of MS.
100 students with MS or whose
parents have MS earned college
scholarships totaling $300,000.
In 2008, we expanded the
program to extend funding to all
four years of a college education.
nMore than 80 volunteers signed
up for the new MS Activist
program, developing relation­
ships with lawmakers to educate
them about the impact of public
policy on people with MS and
their families.
nMore than five dozen children
attended the Kids Journey Camp,
where they found companionship and insights among others
whose parents have MS.
Mary Sprute (diagnosed in 1997)
“I’ve come to
realize that
the effects of
this disease
are something I can
deal with if I take charge of my
health, think positively and get the
proper support.”
Mary Sprute, a regular at a joint
Chapter/YMCA fitness program
Social workers provided
care management services to
20% more clients over the
previous year.
nWe responded to a 60% increase
in calls for information and
assistance over 2007 and
distributed more than 1,700
packets of educational materials.
toll-free number: 1-800-344-4867
visit our website: www.mswashington.org
nAs the economy worsened
Dollie Foutz (left, diagnosed in 2000) and her family
In a region where MS is more prevalent than almost anywhere else
on earth, our Chapter is the most dependable source of programs,
services, education, information and support. From the young
adult newly diagnosed, to the man or woman who has lived with
the disease for decades, to the family member caring for a loved
one, we are a one-stop resource for our entire Chapter community.
Kids Journey Camp participants
Engaging our community
in the MS Movement
nMore than 10,000 walkers
and nearly 800 teams raised a
record $2.15 million at eight
Walk MS sites.
Bike MS continued its extraordinary fundraising momentum
by generating $1.67 million
from 1,600 cyclists and 100
teams, a 15% increase over
the previous year. We also
expanded to a spacious and
more comfortable new site at
the Skagit Valley Fairgrounds.
honored First Choice
Health with the prestigious
Hope Award. Patty Jordan
was recognized with the
Spirit Award. Guests at the
event raised $403,000 plus
additional gifts of $275,000
to support research and
nMore than 1,000 guests
attended the Seattle and
Tacoma MS Luncheons,
raising $300,000 and hearing
keynote presentations from
National MS Society
Board Chairman Weyman
T. Johnson Jr. and marathon
runner Zoe Koplowitz.
MS Luncheon
keynote speaker
Kim Phillips
in 1988)
“Just wanted
to say thanks
for putting on
the ride this
year – great route, excellent
support and it was sunny.
My spouse has MS and it
was really neat to see all
the support, enthusiasm and
money being raised for the
National Multiple Sclerosis
Society. The Society has
helped our family over the
years and it means a lot to
be part of events like this.”
Joe Rovegno, Bike MS rider
toll-free number: 1-800-344-4867
visit our website: www.mswashington.org
nThe Dinner of Champions
The Chapter’s expertly executed fundraising events – Walk MS,
Bike MS, Dinner of Champions and MS Luncheons – brought
thousands of people together to have fun, to celebrate successes
large and small, to build a caring community and to raise money
for programs and research. In 2008, despite a worsening economy,
revenue from these events increased over the previous year.
Advancing the promise
of tomorrow through research
visit our website: www.mswashington.org
“My colleagues and I received a
five-year grant from the National
MS Society in 2008. This
funding, along with another grant
we received from the Society in
2007 are key to advancing
rehabilitation care and research
for persons with MS. For example,
we are developing and testing new
treatments for some of the common
effects of MS – depression, pain
and fatigue. This grant will also
allow us to attract and train
researchers to the field of MS
rehabilitation in order to advance
care for persons with MS.
This work would not occur if
we did not have funding from
the National MS Society.”
Dawn Ehde, PhD,
University of Washington
MS Rehabilitation Research
and Training Center
Re v e n ue s
F Y 2008
F Y 2007
$ 2,149,407
$ 2,101,390
MS Bike Tour
MS Luncheon
$ 6,022,349
$ 6,004,443
F Y 2008
F Y 2007
$ 4,858,663
$ 4,939,255
Management and
general expenses
$ 5,893,457
$ 5,839,296
$ 128,892
$ 165,147
MS Walk
Dinner of Champions
Less: Benefit to donor costs
Public support
(individual donations, program grants, etc.)
Interest and other income
Total Revenues
Exp e n se s
Programs and services
Total Ex penses
C han ges i n net assets
The Chapter’s fiscal year begins Oct. 1 and ends Sept. 30
toll-free number: 1-800-344-4867
The Greater Washington
Chapter is one of the Society’s
most committed research
supporters. In 2008, leaders
from the Chapter Board of
Trustees were instrumental
in establishing the new Fast
Forward research initiative
aimed at getting new drugs
to market more quickly. We
provided a total of $1 million
to the Society’s research
efforts in 2008.
As efficient, effective stewards of our donors’ contributions,
only 17 cents of every dollar raised was used for fundraising
and administrative costs. Our Chapter is consistently
recognized among all National MS Society chapters for our
efficient use of financial, staff and volunteer resources.
Our Chapter is local, but our vision is global. By raising
funds for research, we help ensure a better world today
and tomorrow for people who live with MS.
Managing our resources
Thank you to our generous donors!
Kids Journey Camp counselor and participant
Bill Luria (diagnosed in 2007), MS Activist
Tens of thousands of volunteers, Board members, donors and event
participants help fuel our success every year. The Chapter is honored to
recognize the following individuals and businesses for funds donated
or raised between October 2007 and September 2008. We are deeply
grateful for your contributions and your confidence.
Mr. & Mrs. Richard C.
EMD Serono Inc.
Jewish Community
Microsoft Giving Campaign
Kedge Foundation
The O’Donnell Family
Col. & Mrs. W.F. Konopka
Microsoft Matching Gifts
$100,000 and up
$50,000 to $99,999
visit our website: www.mswashington.org
Volunteer Sue Dahlin (diagnosed in 1986)
and her son Davy
Teresa & Patrick Rapozo
Ms. Carrie Rhodes
Ms. Sarah Lynn Bullock
Ms. Jean A. Rhodes
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy S.
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Robison
Deacon Charitable
Safeway Foundation
Russell Investment Group
Sign of the Orz
Oberto Sausage Company
Mr. & Mrs. Kelly Evans
Starbucks Matching Gifts
Costco Wholesale
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Piper
Evergreen Healthcare
Mr. & Mrs. Phil Stoller
Mr. & Mrs. William A. Davis
Point B Solutions Group
Mr. & Mrs. Glen Foresman
Strategic Business Systems
Mr. Louis Ross &
Ms. Rosanne Esposito
Mr. & Mrs. Todd Rauch
The Bill and Melinda Gates
T & A Shemanski
Testamentary Trust
First Choice Health
Network, Inc.
Glenna Miller Travers &
Gerry Travers
Glaser Foundation
Dr. Jay & Dr. Arlene
Teva Neuroscience, Inc.
Janet Levy Pauli &
William Pauli,
Peachy & Mark Levy
Mr. & Mrs. Louie Gracey
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce
The Norcliffe Foundation
Mrs. Elise Topp
$10,000 to $24,999
Ms. Susan J. Guffey &
Mr. Gene H. Priestman
Ms. Patricia J. True
Mr. & Mrs. Jamie Rhodes
Acorda Therapeutics, Inc
Mr. Gary W. Hall
The Seattle Foundation
Alfred & Tillie Shemanski
Mr. Clark Hodder
Washington Mutual
Matching Gift Program
Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Alger
$25,000 to $49,999
Ms. Katharyn Alvord
Blue Nile
Mr. Alex W. Alvord
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Matza
Mr. & Mrs. Ross Case
Mr. & Mrs. E.C. Alvord III
Microsoft Corporation
Columbia Athletic Club
Mr. & Mrs. Elias Alvord
Moccasin Lake Foundation
Employees Community
Fund of The Boeing
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Alvord
MultiCare Health Systems
Mr. & Mrs. John Baumann
Dr. & Mrs. Dodi Nov
Group Health
Bayer HealthCare
Pharmaceuticals Inc.
Mr. Allen Oskoui
Gull Industries
Mr. Jeff G. Kidwell
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Lisagor
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Lokey
Mr. & Mrs. Mike Veith
Mr. Paul Weigel & Ms.
Laurel Rivers
toll-free number: 1-800-344-4867
Rosanne Esposito (diagnosed in 1998),
who helped establish the Chapter’s
prescription assistance program, with
her husband Lou Ross
Mr. & Mrs. William R.
Otto and Phoebe Haas
Commander & Mrs. William
Haggen Food & Pharmacy
“No one should
be in the
position where
they don’t have
access to a drug that can make
such a difference in their life.”
Biogen Idec
Northland Services, Inc.
Dr. & Mrs. Ellsworth C.
Alvord, Jr.
Walk MS team
Mr. & Mrs. Richard
The Dierks Family
Ms. Donna J. Johnson
Ms. Danielle A. Lee
Ms. Jocelyn Dohm
Mr. Herbert B. Lipman
Mr. & Mrs. Craig Adams
The Driano Family
Jorgensen Forge
$2,500 to $4,999
Ms. Monica S. Alberts
Mr. & Mrs. Tony Marshall
Mr. William L Massey
Mr. & Mrs. Tucker McHugh
The Estate of Anne Marie
Parker Smith & Feek Inc.
Tamzin Boyce (diagnosed in 2007),
Chapter Wellness Grant recipient,
with her husband Peter and dog Max
$5,000 to $9,999
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Albert
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Alonso
Amsted Industries
Mr. Doug Bailey
Mr. Jeff Berkman
Mr. & Mrs. Sanford
Mr. & Mrs. John Bjornson
The Estate of Violet Black
Mr. & Mrs. John Cooney
Ms. Jackie Costigan
Mr. & Mrs. Jon Croy
Ms. Patricia Cummins &
Mr. John Tietjen
The Christianson-Frueh
Mr. & Mrs. Dean Polik
The Estate of Florence E.
Puget Sound Energy
Goldman Sachs
Philanthropy Fund
Mr. George Rhodes
Rick Steves’ Europe through
the Back Door, Inc.
Mr. Clark A. Rider
Dale Robinson & Helen Turk
Mr. & Mrs. Mike Schiller
Mr. David Owen Hastings
Mr. Ray Heacox & Ms.
Cynthia Huffman
Ms. Patty Shepherd-Barnes
Mr. & Mrs. William A
The Shuhart Family
Mr. Michael Hurley
Mr. Graham C. Johnson
Ms. Molly Johnston
Mr. & Mrs. Bret M. Jordan
Ms. Cheryl Curran
Kashi Company
Ms. Sue Dahlin
Mr. Mike Kearny
Ms. Corrie E. Dahring
Mr. & Mrs. Steven Kelly
Mr. & Mrs. Colin Davies
Mr. Tom Kelly
Dr. Janice Dobson &
Mr. Daniel Dobson
Ms. Kaycee Kiesz
Mrs. Kathleen E. Boucher
Ms. Kim Larson & Mr. Jim
The Boyce Family
Fairweather Masonry
Mr. & Mrs. Dave Brewster
Mr. & Mrs. Robert
The David Fortin Family
Racine Family LLC
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth A.
Employees Community
Fund of Boeing
Puget Sound
The Estate of Mabel L.
Mr. & Mrs. Rich Pursley
Safeway Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Dunlap
Mr. Thomas Blackwood
Mr. William Pollard
Mr. Donald G. Graham, Jr.
Larry Benaroya Family
Mr. & Mrs. David Cameron
Christopher Kelly Family
Mr. Todd Parsons
Mr. Trevis L. Gleason &
Ms. Caryn Almgren
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Emery
Mr. & Mrs. Rick Anderson
Enderis Co, Inc
Mr. Henry Aronson &
Ms. Anne Traver
Enterprise Rent-A-Car
Dr. Katherine Babington &
Mr. James Babington
Mr. Reid Shockey
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Skaggs
Mr. Landis A. Smaaladen
Mr. Carl S. Stempin
Sterling Savings Bank
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Steudel
Ms. Tricia Stovall
Swedish Medical Center
Oh Boy! Oberto Team
Teva Neuroscience, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Walt Thomas
Totem Ocean Trailer
Express, Inc.
Upchurch Scientific
Mr. & Mrs. Don Lewis
Valley Medical Center
Luke 12:48 Foundation
The Watson Family Fund
Mr. & Mrs. Mike Malocha
Mr. & Mrs. Brandon Wilhite
Ms. Maureen Manley
Scott & Carrie Willis
Brandon Erickson & Liz
The Fairweather Family
Lily Jung, MD
Ms. Ruth Kahle
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Kahn
Ms. Gina Kavesh
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick J. Keenan
Mrs. Melynda S Kennedy
Mr. & Mrs. Mike Kerby
Key Mechanical Co.
of Washington
Ms. Heather M. Long
Mr. Tim Luke
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Lyons
Ms. Pam Massey
Mr. & Mrs. Eric Mauseth
Mr. & Mrs. Fred May
Mr. & Mrs. Ron Mayers
Ms. Vanessa Mazal
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry McDevitt
Ms. Kate Farner
KeyBank National
Ms. Kathy McFadden
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Farrell
Mr. Pete Keyes
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Felgenhauer
Mr. Tom McLaughlin
Kibble & Prentice
Bank of America
Mr. & Mrs. John Ferraro
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Kieffer
John Gillespie & Carolyn
Ms. Connie M. Bechtol
The Foro Family
Mr. Jeff Kimbell
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Bellamy
Mr. Myles B. Frank
Mr. & Mrs. Harry Kirchner
Benaroya Research Institute
Mr. David J. Freeburg
Ms. Cindy A. Klettke
Mrs. Danita J. Bennett
Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Freeman
Mr. Ed Kommers
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Beszhak
Dr. & Mrs. Glen Fryxell
Mr. & Mrs. David Laielli
Mr. & Mrs. John Bosman
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond
Mr. Ron Leamon
Ms. Catherine Bailey
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Boyle
Mr. & Mrs. Lancing Brandon
Mr. & Mrs. Colin Brissey
Mr. & Mrs. Denis Brown
Mr. Claudio Bucceri
The Budzynski Family
Mr. & Mrs. Jim Burgess
Mr. Steven Burns
Mrs. Sarah B. Cadle
Mr. & Mrs. Scott Carlsen
Ms. Marilyn & Mr. David
Ms. Maggie Carrido
Casey & Carol Castaneda
Mr. & Mrs. Jim Cheng
Mr. & Mrs. Ned Gebert
Mr. & Mrs. Jim Gillingham
GM Nameplate
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Graf
Darin Granger
Miss Lotta Gustafsson
Mr. & Mrs. Russell Hagen
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Hagen
Hanger Prosthetics &
The Hartsock Family
The Hein Family
Mr. & Mrs. John Herum
Dr. & Mrs. Rodney
Columbia Bank
Mr. & Mrs. Todd Hofmeister
Mr. Jeff Corbett
Mrs. Julie Holmberg
Crane Fund For Widows &
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Huber
Ms. Cary Cruea
Mr. Derek Crump
Miss Kimberly Cuccia
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Curley
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Cutting
Dacels Jeweler’s, Inc.
Ms. Kirsten Fiona Darley
Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Davis
Dr. Robin de Regt &
Mr. Mark de Regt
The Delamarter Family
Deloitte & Touche LLP
Mr. Robert W. Diehl
Dr. Richard Mesher &
Prof. Cynthia Lee
Ms. Elaine S. Metropolit
Milgard Manufacturing, Inc.
Mr. Rick L. Miller
Million Dollar Round Table
Ms. Kate B Gardner
Mrs. Joanne M. Coleman
Mr. & Mrs. Ian Croley
Ms. Tina Carol McKim
Drs. John Huddlestone
& Sandra ReilleyHuddlestone
Mr. & Mrs. Harry Hunke
Mr. & Mrs. Graham Hunter
Mr. & Mrs. Roger A. Idiart
Mr. Robert Ingman &
Ms. Marie Doyle
Mr. & Mrs. Tom Starr
Mr. & Mrs. John Iverson
Jameson Babbitt Stites &
Lombard, PLLC
Mr. & Mrs. Rodney Janz
Mr. & Mrs. John Jeffries
Mr. Brian Jester
Mrs. Amanda Johnson
About Multiple Sclerosis
Multiple sclerosis interrupts the
flow of information between the
brain and body and stops people
from moving. Every hour in the
United States, someone is newly
diagnosed with MS, an unpredictable, often disabling disease of the
central nervous system. Symptoms
range from numbness and tingling to
blindness and paralysis. The progress,
severity and specific symptoms of
MS in any one person cannot yet be
predicted, but advances in research
and treatment are moving us closer
to a world free of MS. Most people
with MS are diagnosed between
the ages of 20 and 50, with at least
two to three times more women
than men being diagnosed with
the disease. MS affects more than
400,000 people in the United States
and 2.5 million worldwide.
toll-free number: 1-800-344-4867
visit our website: www.mswashington.org
Mr. & Mrs. Tom Freeman
Getty Images Seattle Inc.
The Elsner Family
Mr. William Alexander &
Ms. Linda Baker
Pape Material Handling
Mr. & Mrs. Dwight Gaston
Mr. & Mrs. Michael K.
MetLife Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Tom Paine
Mr. & Mrs. James Garner
Mr. & Mrs. David Ederer
Mr. & Mrs. Tim Bailey
Mr. & Mrs. Steve Oberto
“It feels like
I’m in control
of something
rather than it
being in control
of me. At the
end of the day, I can say
I tried my best.”
The Karsten Aldrich Family
Medtronic, Inc.
Neurology & Neurosurgery
Associates of Tacoma,
Mr. & Mrs. James Mitchell
Mr. & Mrs. Shane Moloney
Mr. Hugh Montague
Mr. & Mrs. Jason Russell
Ms. Mary Tillotson
Ms. Letitia Toy
Mrs. Kris Tripp
Mrs. Heather Monti
Safeco Insurance
Matching Gifts
Mr. & Mrs. Greg Mork
Mr. & Mrs. William Sample
Twisted Pair Solutions, Inc
Moss Adams LLP
Ms. Kirstin Sandaas
MS Fit Club
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Murphy
Mr. & Mrs. Robert L.
Tykeson Family Charitable
Mr. & Mrs. Chuck Nasman
Mr. Alan Mark Schiller
Mr. Mark Vadon &
Ms. Mattie Iverson
Ms. Kristen Neely
Mr. Andrew T. Serafini
Venture Bank
Dr. Karen Nilson
Mr. Andrew Seres
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Vincent
Mr. Stuart Francis
Mr. Gopal Seshadrinathan
Wal-Mart Stores, Inc
Dr. Jeff Shaw &
Ms. Lynley Fow
Washington Mutual Bank
Mr. Scott Ofstead
Mrs. Lindsey Rachelle
Ms. Laura Shifflette &
Mr. Michael Passage
Mr. & Mrs. R. Thomas Olson
Dr. David Shull &
Mrs. Mieko Takahashi
Mr. & Mrs. Victor Weil
Silver Creek
Mr. William J. Wertley
Mr. & Mrs. Sam Slutzky
Weyerhaeuser Company
Mr. & Mrs. Earl Overstreet
Mr. & Mrs. Scott H. Park
Mr. Sean Eugene Patrick
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Pavitt
Mr. & Mrs. Ray Pelley
Mr. & Mrs. Stefan Persson
Ms. Mindy Smith
Dr. Barbara Snoey &
Mr. Martin Snoey
Mr. Ross Peyton
Ms. Diane Southworth &
Mr. Robert Hallberg
Mr. Thomas Platt
Mr. Daniel M. Spinazzola
Mr. Stephen W. Prentice
Mr. John Stanton
Mr. Simon Pritikin
Mr. Scott Stracener &
Ms. Denise Robinson
Prudential Financial
Puget Sound Bank
Mr. & Mrs. Sheldon
RealTime Productions
Student Works Painting
Ms. Amy C. Reiss
Mr. William Swayne II
The Richardson Family
The Wharton Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Delbert Roberts
Erin Thomasson
Mr. Inigo A. Rodriguez
Ms. Cathy Tietjen
Ms. Susan M. Truscott
Mr. & Mrs. Jackson Weaver
Mr. & Mrs. Jason Webb
The Weinand Family
Mr. & Mrs. Brian Wheeler
Mr. William E. Whitaker
Mr. Weerapan Wilairat
Mr. Mike Young
Kyle W. Zitek
Ms. Rosemary Zorko
$1,000 to $2,499
Mr. & Mrs. Steven Aalvik
Ms. Jenn Abbatiello
Ms. Maren Aberle & Ms.
Janelle Aberle
Ms. Sherryl R. Adair
Mrs. Tamara K. Adams
Adobe Matching Gift
Ms. Cathy Adolph
Robert & John Adolph
Ms. Tina Agnew
Ms. Ruby Akins
Ms. Kerry Albritton
Mr. & Mrs. Chris L. Allen
Mr. & Mrs. Dean Allen
Ms. Ralee Bankston
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Barager
Ms. Elizabeth Barnett &
Ms. Loree Barnett
Mr. Tom H. Boehmer
The Marita Cantrell Family
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Dally
Mr. & Mrs. Brian Bogen
Steve & Jeremy Caplan
Ms. Sharee A. Daniels
Ms. Jean Boraca-Moore
Ms. Cathy A. Carl
Mr. & Mrs. Darin Danner
Ms. Catherine K. Boshaw
Mr. & Mrs. Andy
Mr. & Mrs. Ron Danz
Carter Subaru
Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas
BP Matching Fund Program
The Casas Family
Mrs. Virginia Dashiell
Ms. Shannon L. Braddock
Mr. & Mrs. Chris Case
Ms. Deanna L. Daum
Mr. & Mrs. Landon Brazier
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Casey
Mr. & Mrs. Craig Davenport
The Brebner Family
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Cast
Mr. David M. Davey
Mr. Brian Lee Bartlett
Mr. Peter Brehm
Mr. & Mrs. Darrell Cavens
Mr. & Mrs. Charlie Bartlett
Mr. Michael Brettell &
Dr. Patti Brettell
Ms. Rachele S. Cawaring
Davidson Family Fund of
Episcopal Charities
Dr. & Mrs. William Barrett
Mr. Bill Barry, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Bartee
The Shannon Bartelds
Mr. & Mrs. Marty Bask
Mr. & Mrs. Ryan Baskett
Mr. Troy D. Batterberry
Mr. Karim Batthish
Dr. James D. Bowen &
Ms. Wenie Din
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Bridge
Mr. Todd Britsch
Mrs. Leslie Broady
Ms. Susan R. Brock
Ms. Debbie Lee Allen
The Ben Bauermeister
Allteck Line Contractors, Inc
Mrs. Bonnie Bautz
Brooks Rand Lanbs, LLC
Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Altaras
Ms. Elizabeth Becker &
Miss Janelle Becker
Mrs. Jill R. Brooks
The Brower Family
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Behan
Mr. & Mrs. Steven D. Brown
Mr. James Beley &
Ms. Kay Knapton
Mrs. Janet Raines Brown
Mr. Juan Luis Alzate
Amgen Foundation
Matching Gift
Ms. Becky L. Anderson
Mrs. Camie Anderson
The Anderson Family
Mr. & Mrs. George
Mr. & Mrs. John Anderson
Mr. & Mrs. John Anderson
Ms. Lindsay N. Anderson
Belina Interiors
Mrs. Jeanine Benham-Jones
& Mr. Chris Jones
Mr. & Mrs. Scott Benner
Mr. William Benshoof
Mr. Lee Benson
The Andrew Family
Mr. David Bergsvik &
Ms. Scarlett Cava
Mr. & Mrs. L. A. Andrew, III
Mr. Frank H. Brod
Mr. Robert Brooks
Mr. & Mrs. Jason Brown
Ms. Angela L. Bruemmer
Mr. Bruce Bryant
Mr. Jay Bublitz &
Miss Annique Beaumont
Mr. David A. Buecker
Mr. Ralph Buehlmaier
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Bullard
The Cazalet Family
Ms. Mary Cedarleaf
Central Steel, Inc
Mr. James M. Davidson
Mr. Jeffrey Dail Davidson
The John Davidson Family
Mr. Keith Chaffee-Ellis
Davis Property &
Investment, LLC
Mr. Andrew J. Charter
Abby Jane & Ron Davis
Mr. & Mrs. Brian D. Chase
Mr. Joel P. Davis
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Cheifetz
Mr. & Mrs. Joth Davis
Ms. Michelle Joan Cherry
Mr. & Mrs. James Davis
Mr. Erik Christensen
Mrs. Nicole C. Davis
Mr. & Mrs. James M. Clark
Mr. Damion Deaterla
The Clark Family
Kurt & Kory DeBuck
Ms. Lynn Clark
Mr. & Mrs. Mark DeLong
Miss Polly M. Clark
Ms. DeAnn DeRosier
Ms. Shelley R. Clark
Mr. Dave Despard
Ms. Debbie Cleveland
Ms. Rebecca Dias
Mr. & Mrs. Charles
Christopher Dieffenbach &
Judith Yarrow
Mr. Peter H. Cohen
Ms. Kristen E. Dietz
Mr. & Mrs. Nick Cole
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Diggins
Mr. Gene J. Colin
Mr. Eric E. Dillon
Mr. Robert Collins
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory
Mr. Carlos Bergueiro
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Bunt
Ms. Jill M. Anger
The Beringer Family
Mr. & Mrs. Jon Burch
Ms. Arezou Arefi-Afshar
Mr. Gregory B. Berkman
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Burk
Commerce Bank
of Washington
Mr. Joel H. Arensberg
Ms. Gloria Bernhardt
Mr. Tim Burke
Mrs. Angee Conneway
Areva NP - Richland Branch
Mr. Lee Donnahoo
Ms. Melissa Bettes
Mrs. Nancy J. Cooper
Mr. & Mrs. Troy Armijo
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Donofrio
Mrs. Katy Cordon
“My dad died in
a car accident –
a staggering blow
to our family. Five
of us kids were still
at home, and now I really started
noticing Mom’s MS...
I am going back to school so
I can support both my family
and my mom.”
Mr. Sujit Bhavsar
Mr. & Mrs. William
Mr. John F. Aslin
Mr. Robert C. Dorn
Mr. & Mrs. Louis A. Bianco
Mr. & Mrs. Don Cote
Mr. & Mrs. James Atwood
Mrs. Mindy Downing
Mr. Derek Bigelow
Ms. Kimberly Ann Aure
The Avcular Family
Mr. & Mrs. Mark
Mr. Scott B. Downing
Bikes n’ Boats, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Charles
Binn and Partners, LLC
AWA Electrical
Consultants, Inc
Mr. Ernie Butler
Ms. Eli K. Bjornoy
By Design Rockeries &
Excavation, LLC
Christian J. Search,
MS scholarship recipient
Mr. & Mrs. William Baker
Mrs. Christine M. Ayre
Mr. William R. Bacon
Mr. John Baggs, Jr.
Dr. Sally Baird &
Mr. Robert Baird
Dr. Joel E. Baker
Ms. Sheri M. Baker
Mr. & Mrs. Tim Baker
Mrs. Linda J. Baldini
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Ballaine
Ms. Angela L. Balmer
Bank of America
Mr. & Mrs. David L.
Mrs. Marti Kay Burton
Mr. Roger T. Burton
Mrs. Robin L. Cowper
The Cox Family
Mrs. Tracy K. Cozby
Mr. Gary L. Bylund
Ms. Stephanie Craig
Mr. & Mrs. Jim Bjornstad
Mr. Jorge M. Cabrera
Ms. Christi C. Craven
Ms. Laurie Black
Ms. Deb A Cage
Ms. Lanette R. Creamer
Mr. Arnold N. Blinn
Mr. Clint D. Calhoun
Mr. Phil Crean
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Camera
Ms. Pamela Creighton
The Todd Schobert Family
Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Campbell
Ms. Jeanne Crisp
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Blucher
Mr. & Mrs. Roy Campbell
Mr. Donald E. Culver
Mr. Robert Campbell &
Ms. Sarah Applegate
The Tony Cuozzo Family
Mr. Gerald J. Campo
Ms. Diana Dailey Cutler
Canron Western
Constructors, Inc
Mr. Bryan C. Dady
Mr. Michael R. Blue
BNY Mellon
Mrs. Hollie M.
Mr. David Boe &
Ms. Sandra Reid
Mr. & Mrs. Brent Curran
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Dale
Ms. Mary N. Donaldson
Mr. James Drage
Ms. Tanja Draper
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Dressel
The Duffie Family
Dr. Daniel T. Dugaw
Mr. Tim Duggan
Mr. & Mrs. Roy Dunbar
Mr. & Mrs. James Dunnam
Ms. Renee Duprel
Mr. & Mrs. Steven R. Dyette
E C Company
Mr. Connor Y. Eagan
Mr. Fred Ebsworth
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Eckles
toll-free number: 1-800-344-4867
visit our website: www.mswashington.org
Russell Matching Gift
Mr. Dan Edelman
Mr. Nathan W. Edwards
Mr. Joseph Gadison
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Hard
ILWU Local 23
Mr. Dustin M. King
Mr. Ronald S. Eggers
Mr. Francis Gan
Ms. Emily K. Ireland
The King Family
Mr. Darrin E. Eide
Mr. & Mrs. Dominic
Mr. Patrick &
Mr. Stephen Harper
Issaquah School District
Ms. Deanna Jean
Ms. Nancy C. Eiselt
Mr. Richard Eizenhoefer
Ms. Wendy C. EllingtonMehta
Mr. & Mrs. John Ellingwood
Mr. Mike Ellis
Mr. Alan Elser
Enclos Corp
Ian & Douglas England
Mrs. Joyce E. Eriksson
ESA, Delta Rho #3834
Ms. Karen Eg Estevenin
Mr. Michael A. Ewing
Expert Drywall, Inc
F.O.E. Skagit Valley Aerie
Mr. Monty Fairweather
Mrs. Doris M. Farrell
Dr. & Mrs. John Farrer
Mrs. Katie H. Fawcett
Mr. & Mrs. Ferenc Feher, III
Feinberg Foundation
The Felkner Family
Ms. Beth Fenkner
Mr. & Mrs. Alan E. Feucht
Mr. & Mrs. Mike Feuling
Ms. Kathleen D. Fisher
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Fisher
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Harris
Mr. David Gauger &
Ms. Ann Goodenberger
Mr. & Mrs. Bill Harris
Mr. Scott W. Gaulke
Mrs. Tamre Geene-Rogers
Mrs. Sherryl Gehrig
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Harris
Ms. Linda Harris
Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas C
Ms. Shuba Iyer
Mr. Eric Izenas
Mr. Tag D. Jacklin
Ms. Barbara D. Jackson
Michael & Cherie Jackson
Mr. & Mrs. Ben Kirschner
Mr. & Mrs. Edgar Klein
Mr. Kraig Klinkhammer
Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Kniveton
Mrs. Kristi Knutson
Miss Jessica L. Geiser
Mr. Rick Harris
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Gibson
Mr. Aaron Harting
Mr. Richard Jacob
Mrs. Pam Kocina &
Miss Ashtyn Kocina
Mr. James W. Gibson, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Hartz
Mr. & Mrs. David Janik
Ms. Carol Koenig
Mr. Donald Gilmore
Miss Nicole E. Haskey
The Kohler Family
Global Impact
Mr. Grant Haugen
Janitorial Management
Services, Inc
Mr. & Mrs. Larry Glosser
Mr. Howard Hawke & Mrs.
Elizabeth Madonick
Mr. Rod Janson
Mr. Gregory K. Jarvis
Mr. & Mrs. R. Stanwood
Ms. Holly R. Hawker
Ms. Karin Jensen
Mr. & Mrs. Greg Komen
Mr. William Hay
Mr. & Mrs. Skip Jensen
Ms. Michelle Koorn
Mr. & Mrs. Alex Gonzalez
Ms. Jennifer E. Davis Hayes
Brian & Rosanna Snyder
Mr. & Mrs. Henry Kotkins
Ms. Gwynn Gorena
Dr. & Mrs. Ranjiv Hayre
Dr. George H. Kraft
Mr. Will Goss
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence
Mr. David Thompson &
Ms. Judy Jesiolowski
Mr. Markus Glunz
Mr. & Mrs. Michael
Mr. & Mrs. Beau Gould
Mr. David Graham
Ms. Gina D. Hein
Mr. Ronald Grattopp
Mr. & Mrs. Dave Graves
Mr. & Mrs. Todd Gray
Allen & Nancy Gray
Ms. Lynne E. Graybeal
The Green Family
Mr. John Jester
Mr. & Mrs. Mark
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Heiland
Ms. Karen Jester
Mr. & Mrs. David Kregenow
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Hemming
Ms. Paula K. Jewer
Ms. Jill E. Hendrick
Leisha John
Mr. & Mrs. M. Thomas
Mr. Dale C. Henley
Johnson & Johnson
Matching Gifts Program
Chittaranjan Kuchinad
Mr. & Mrs. Wil Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. William Kulick
Ms. Brenna V. Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. Tim Kulinski
Mrs. Margaret E. Johnson
Vijay Kurup
Mr. Mike Johnson
Ms. Patricia Kyle
Mr. Robert C. Jones
Ms. Rita Lambert
Mr. Douglas Jungclaus
Mr. Jason M. Land
Mr. John Kacmarynski
Mrs. Cecelia Lane
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Kahn
Mrs. Mary L. Lane
Mr. Trevor Adam Kale
Mrs. Layne M. Langston
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Kane
Dr. Stefan Lanker
Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Kastning
Mr. & Mrs. David Larson
Mr. & Mrs. Kyle Larson
Mr. Bill Henry
Ms. Diane M. Henry
Ms. Shelly Henry
Mr. & Mrs. Tom Herche
Hermanson Company, LLP
Ms. Elizabeth Gregory
Mr. Nathan Herring
Ms. Karen Griffiths
Mrs. Jessica Leigh Hettinga
Ms. Erin D. Gross
Ms. Sally Hewett
Mr. & Mrs. Chris Grossi
Ms. Terry Hickey
Mr. Will K. Foster
Mr. George H. Guempel III
Mr. Ivar Hildahl
Mr. & Mrs. Alan Francisco
Mrs. Mary Guffie
Mr. Chad Hilton
Mr. & Ms. Mark Franklin
Mrs. Jenifer M. Guzman
Dr. & Mrs. Joel R. Hoekema
Katherine Olson
The Heidi Fraser Family
Dr. & Mrs. Karl Hadley
Ms. Else K. Hagen
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew
Mr. Van Katzman
Fred Tebb and Sons, Inc
Frederick Stearns
Mr. Donald E. Haggen
Ms. Joan C. Hoshino
Hoverter Engineering, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Daryl Kawaoka
Mr. Christopher Kearny
Mr. Stephen P. Larson
Mr. & Mrs. Ernie Lathrom
Ms. Kate W. Laughlin
Mr. & Mrs. Derek Leckrone
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Howe
Michelle Keith &
Perrie Garland
Mr. Jon Hahn
Ms. Abby Howell
Miss Stacey H. Kellman
Lee’s Reuse, Inc
Mr. David Haley
Mr. & Mrs. George Hubman
Ms. Joan Kelly
Ms. Lisa L. Leibfried
Mr. Paul Douglas Hall
Mr. Paul Hughes
Dr. Michael R. Kelly
LeMaster Daniels
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Freiheit
Mr. Jon W. Hammett
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Hulker
Mr. Parker Cameron Kelly
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Lemmex
Dr. & Mrs. William Freitag
Mr. Mike S. Hammons
Mr. & Mrs. Martin Hulscher
Mr. & Mrs. William Kelly
Mr. Rick Len & Dr. Mary Len
Mr. & Mrs. John Freitas
Mr. & Mrs. Scott Hannah
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Hurley
Miss Meghan Driscoll
Mr. Andrew Lench
Mr. & Mrs. Donald French
Mr. Arthur H. Hansen
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Kepper
Mr. Andrew T. Lench
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Frickelton
Mr. Carl Hansen
Mr. & Mrs. Dave
Mrs. Kariann M. Kerntke
Ms. Jean Leombruno
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Fried
Mr. Douglas W. Hansen
Mr. Ernest J. Ketcham
The Leroy Family
Mr. Brian Fritz
Mr. & Mrs. Lee Hanson
Ms. Ki Kilcher
Mr. Ed Frost & Ms. Gail
Hapo Community Credit
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis
Mr. & Mrs. Phil
Ms. Nadine K. Fredrickson
Mr. & Mrs. William
Mr. & Mrs. Richard R.
Mr. Brent A. Hermanson
Ms. Mary E. Kudo
Ms. Ann Hutchison
Ms. Dode Hutchison
Ms. Jo Hwang
Ms. Frances S. Iani
Mr. John Kiley
Mr. Jonathan E. Lee
The Levine Family
Ms. Patricia Limberg
Lincoln Financial Group
Ms. Kristin Linder
The Chris Lindsey Family
Mr. & Mrs. Carl Lindstrom
Mr. Kevin Lisota
Ms. Gretchen L. Littell
The Lobaito Family
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Loewy
“Most of these kids don’t have
friends who live with MS. They
feel comfortable at Kids Camp.
I wish I’d had something like
this when I was growing up.”
Barrett Johnston, Kids Journey Camp
counselor whose father has MS
Mr. Ian E. London
Macys Foundation
Ms. Lucy M. McDowell
Ms. Robin C. Long
Mr. & Mrs. Craig Maehren
Mr. Dan S. McGrady
Mr. & Mrs. Dan Longland
Mr. Ron Malatesta
Mr. & Mrs. Alan Lord
Ms. Jessica Mallett
Mrs. Kathleen Gee
Dr. & Mrs. John Lorge
Ms. Kelly M. Mandelblatt
The Louvau Family
Mr. Rick Manson
Ms. Katie Love
McKinstry Company
Charitable Foundation
Mariner Productions, LLC
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Love
Ms. Lauri McLeod
Mr. & Mrs. Travis Marshall
Ms. Julie C. Lowe
Mr. & Mrs. Randy Meaders
The Martens Family
Dr. Sylvia M. Lucas
Mr. Albert P. Meerscheidt
Mrs. Jenn M. Martin
Miss LaJoy Luce
Joely & Michael Meighan
Ms. Jeanine M. Luken
Mr. & Mrs. Josh D.
Mr. Tom L. Melancon
Mr. & Mrs. Scott Lundberg
Mr. & Mrs. James Martz
Mr. & Mrs. Hans Lundin
Miss Mindy M. Mathis
Merck Partnership
For Giving
Ms. Krista C. Lutz
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Matson
Mr. & Mrs. Steven L. Merrill
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Lynch
Mr. & Mrs. David Mattens
Dr. Amy A. Merten
Mr. Jeff Lyon
Mr. Alan N. Mazonson
Ms. Diane Messick
Ms. Victoria J. Mabus
Mr. Richard G. McClean
Simon & Lucy Mestre
Mr. Robert MacAulay &
Ms. Keri Ellison
Mr. Gabriel McCormick &
Ms. Deborah Hinck
Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Metz
MacDonald-Miller Facility
Ms. Nancy McCormick
Mr. & Mrs. James Mace
Mr. & Mrs. Bryce Roloff
Machenrys Provisioners LLC
Mr. Robert McCutchan
Mr. & Mrs. Brett McKinney
Mr. Steve D. Melton
Mr. Daniel P. Meyers
MFS Management Co.
toll-free number: 1-800-344-4867
Mr. Mark Flippo
Mrs. Catherine Foster
Ms. Angela Kirkwood
Mr. & Mrs. Greg Jackson
Ms. Lisa GreenbaumBagnoli
Mrs. Anne M. Foster
visit our website: www.mswashington.org
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Garvin
Ms. Kanako Iwata-Eng
Dr. & Mrs. Mark Fishman
Mr. Todd D. Flynn
Mrs. Joenne O. Harrhy
Michael J. Goldfarb
Enterprises LLC
Mr. E. A. Middleton
Mr. & Mrs. Anton Morrison
Mr. & Mrs. George Nelson
Mr. & Mrs. Philip Paul
Mercedes & Gregory Rippel
Ms. Lisa Ann Mikulencak
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Morrison
The Nelson Family
Mr. Jerrod L. Riske
Dr. & Mrs. Michael Milder
Mr. Andrew P. Morrow
Ms. Dana Netherby
Mr. Adam M. Pearson
Mr. H. Clay Roberts
Miss Brittany Jean Miller
Moss Adams LLP
Drs. David & Shirley Newell
Ms. Katie M. Pederson
Mr. & Mrs. Chris Robertson
Mr. & Mrs. Byron Miller
Ms. Karen Moyer
Mrs. Valerie J. Newell, RN
Mr. & Mrs. Bill Perez
Mr. Timothy Roden
Mrs. Tracey Anne Miller
Ms. Shannon E. Moyle
Mr. Rich Newman
PERI Formwork Systems, Inc
Ms. Misti Roehr
Ms. Beccy Minder
Ms. Lisa Mueller
Ms. Dana Carole Nguyen
Mr. David R. Perry
Katie & Ty Rogers
Mr. Bernie M. Minsk
Mr. Dan Murphy
Mr. Dang Nguyen
Mr. Andrew Peterson
Mrs. Clea D. Rome
Mr. & Mrs. Josh Miskar
The Mark Murphy Family
Dr. Long Thanh Nguyen
Mr. & Mrs. David Petro
Mr. Jason Romero
Ms. Monica M. Mogg
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Mus
Ms. Theresa Nguyen
Mr. Anthony B. Petromilli
Ms. Jacquelyn Ron
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Mohs
Mr. & Mrs. Nick Musser
Mr. & Mrs. Chester Nichols
Mr. Lubomir Petrovich
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Rose
Mr. Bob W. Moles
Ms. Lacie A. Myhre
Miss Janet Tran Phan
Dr. Shan M. Rosenkranz
Moneytree, Inc.
Dr. Douglas B. Mykol
Dr. Joseph Nichols &
Ms. Karen Fengler
Mr. & Mrs. John E. Phillips
Mr. & Mrs. Lee Monson
The Nagy Family
Ms. Colleen Nickolette
Ms. Rochelle Phillips
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas R.
Ms. Jennifer Sarah Morales
Ms. Andrea Nakagaki
Mr. Cris Nielsen
Mr. Tyler R. Pickett
Mr. & Mrs. Sean Moran
Mr. & Mrs. Dave Needy
Mrs. Jennifer E. Nilsen
Mr. & Mrs. Robin Pieper
Mr. & Mrs. James Morris
Nelson & Company, PS
Mr. Scott D. Noe
Mr. & Mrs. James Pigott
Mr. Parker Morris
Mrs. Dawn Marie Nelson
North Star Utilities Group
Pilchuck Contractors, Inc
Ruffcorn Mott Hinthorne
Northwest Propeller
Service, Inc
Mr. Ken A. Pinchiff
Ms. Janet Russell
Mr. Michael A. Pisaruck
Ms. Julia Mae Rypka
Mr. & Mrs. Marty Nunez
Mr. & Mrs. George Pittelkau
Mr. Peter Sagerson
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin O’Brien
Mr. Larry Michael Pitts
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Sagerson
Ms. Margaret O’Brien
Ms. Kristan A. Plank
Ms. Karen Sakamoto
Mr. & Mrs. Michael O’Brien
Mr. John Platt
Saltchuk Resources, Inc
Odyssey Enterprises, Inc
Ms. Melissa Plummer
Mr. William M. Sanchez
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Oetgen
Mr. Eric Joseph Pokorny
Mr. & Mrs. Ken Sandness
Ms. Carol L. Olesen
The Porter Family
Marlyn & Celina Santos
Mr. Tarl R. Oliason
Mr. Aaron L. Postema
Ms. Debra Oliver
Mr. & Mrs. Joel Potthoff
The Sasevich Family
Mr. & Mrs. Fred Oliver
Precor USA
Ms. Ginny Scalzo
Mr. Kenneth R. Olsen
Prime Electric, Inc
Ms. Mary B. Schacht
Mr. & Mrs. Norm Olsen
Mr. Macmillan Pringle, Jr.
Ms. Nancy G. Schacht
Mr. Paul Olsen
Prins Charitable Trust
Mr. Scott Schaefer
Mr. Steve Olsen
Pure Protein
Ms. Katherine Olson
The Rabung Family
Mr. Donald & Ms. Deborah
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Olson
The Raffel Family
Mr. Brian O’Neill
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Ragen
Mrs. Jean L. Osborn
Miss Vanitha S. Raman
Mr. & Ms. H. Cyrus Oskoui
Ms. Nancy A. Rankin
Mr. & Mrs. Scott Overby
RC Consulting Corp
Ms. Amber C. Owen
Ms. Signa L. Read
Mr. Tim R. Owens
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Redfield
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Ozment
Mr. Jon M. Reece
Dr. Philip Pagoria &
Miss Jessica Pagoria
Mrs. Kathleen M. Reece
“Since our first contact with
the Chapter, my wife and
I have attended several
programs including the
Living Well Expo, Couples
Retreat, Kids Journey Camp
and Empowered Living for
newly diagnosed. If you were
wondering if your programs
and services were having an
impact in the community, let
me assure you that they
definitely are!”
Randy Eronimous
Mr. & Mrs. James Paine
Ms. Denise B. Paley
The Anita Parks Family
The Parsley Family
Ms. Rebecca J. Parsons
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Passey
Mr. & Mrs. Avinash Patel
Mr. & Mrs. H. Gregory
Paul Hastings Janofsky &
Mr. & Mrs. Garth Reed
Refrigeration Unlimited, Inc.
Mr. Robert P. Reichel
The Reid Family
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Reidel
Mr. Paxton Rembert
Mr. Eric R. Reynertson
Ms. Lauren Reynolds
Mrs. Lisa R. Rice
Mr. Shawn M Richardson
The 2008 Smyelin Peddlers
Rubenstein’s Contract
Carpet, LLC
Ms. Desiree Serr
Ms. Carol J. Sexsoon
SGS Glass Co, Inc
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Scherer
Mr. & Mrs. Larry Shank
Ms. Jean Schier
Ms. Lynn S. Shapley
Mr. David H. Schiller
Mr. & Mrs. Steven Shea
Mrs. Jana Schmidt
Ms. Kimberlee Sherman
Mr. & Mrs. John Schmitz
Mr. Benjamin H. Sherwood
The Schneider Family
Julie & Aurora Shields
Mr. & Mrs. Klev Schoening
Ms. Carol E. Shiflett
Mr. Robert L. Schueler
Ms. Emily S. Shiflett
Mr. Scott C. Schufreider
Mrs. Brooke Shindler
Mrs. Lori Schultz
Ms. Laura M. Shoemaker
Mr. Peter J. Schumacher
Mr. David Shoultz
Ms. Lucy A. Schweiss
Mr. & Mrs. Frederick R.
Siems, Jr.
Ms. Brenda Ann Schwilke
Ms. Cheryl Anne Scott
Mr. Joel Scott
Mr. Marvin H. Scott
Mr. & Mrs. Mike Sihon
Ms. Susan J. Silver
Simpson Door Company
Security Solutions
Simpson Tacoma Kraft
Company, LLC
Mr. & Mrs. Ed Segat
Mr. Phillip Singer
Sellen Construction
Mr. Don Sirkin
Ms. Tina Sellers
Ms. Sidira Sisich
“This past year the
Peddlers honored
those we were all
riding for by placing their names
on our jerseys (and by going out
and raising over $100,000).
Some were reluctant at first to
call any attention to themselves
but when they saw how hard
everyone worked to organize the
team, to support the riders in the
tent, to train and raise the money
for NMSS, there was a sense of
pride and satisfaction to be part
of a cause that people cared so
passionately about. My brother
Perry’s name was on the list. His
memory is principally why I ride.”
Joe Piper, 2008 Bike MS
Top Individual Fundraiser
toll-free number: 1-800-344-4867
visit our website: www.mswashington.org
The National MS Society funded
more than 440 research projects in
2008, holding significant promise
for people with MS in areas
including epidemiology, nerve
repair, immunology and pediatric
MS. The Society funds more MS
research than any other private
organization in the world.
Ms. Carla M. Routhier
Mr. & Mrs. John Stewart
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Tucker
Mr. & Mrs. Allen Williams
Mr. & Mrs. Kelly Aramaki
Mr. Chris L. Bartlett
Boe Architects, PLLC
Mr. Robert Stewart
The Rebecca Tucker Family
Mr. & Mrs. David B. Willis
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Archer
Mr. & Mrs. Howard Bartlett
Ms. Amy K. Boe
Ms. Terri L. Stewart
Mr. & Mrs. Adam Tufts
Mr. & Mrs. Clint Willis
Mr. Richard A. Arnold
Mr. Anthony Baruffi
Mr. & Mrs. John Boettcher
Ms. Shelly K. Stockman
Mr. & Mrs. Mike Turner
Wilson Gift Fund
Mr. David Aronson
Mr. John F. Boettner
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher
UFCW Northwest Federal
Credit Union
Ms. Lea N. Wilson
Mr. & Mrs. Richard T. Arper
Mr. George & Mr. Marty
Mrs. Ruth E. Strang
UMC Charitable Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Strimer
Mr. & Mrs. Craig Arthur
Mr. Evann S. Strathern
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Arthur
Mr. Gary Strauss
United Professional
Caulking & Restoration,
Mr. & Mrs. Terry Wilson
Mr. Bryan L. Witherwax
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Ash
Mr. Rick Strong
Mr. & Mrs. David Wixson
United Warehouses
Mr. John Aslin &
Ms. Carole Grisham
Dr. Megan Struthers
Ms. Mary Lou Upton
Mrs. Laurie R. Suhy
Ms. Linda L. Woodard
Ms. Elizabeth Urner
Miss Laura M. Sullivan
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Baublits
Mr. Galen J. Bosman
Ms. Annette Renee Bauder
Mr. Jeffrey C. Bostwick
Mr. Tim Aspinall
Ms. Theresa Bauman
Mr. Bob Boswell
Ms. Patricia Woodruff
Mr. & Mrs. Kent Baxter
Les Boudwin
Ms. Katie Ann Ursino
Asplundh Tree Expert
US Bank
Mr. & Mrs. Ryan Astle
Ms. Denise M. Boulac
Ms. Elizabeth Sum
Woods & Associates, LLC
Mrs. Stacey L. Baxter
Mrs. Patty Jo Bovan
Ms. Michelle Valentine
Ms. Tanya Atkinson
Mr. Jim Bayer
Mr. & Mrs. Graham
The Woodward Family
Dr. & Mrs. Christopher Wu
Alice & Conor Boyce
Mr. Judd Van Sickle
Attachmate Corporation
Ms. Sara S. Bean
Dr. Maria Yang
Ms. Jennifer K. Beard
BP America, Inc
Miss Nicole M. Beard
Mr. Mike D. Brady
Mr. Stephen John Yergeau
Auburn Firefighters
Local 1352
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce
Mrs. Erin J. Zahn
Mr. Franco Audia
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Beecher
Ms. Susan E. Brady
Mrs. Eleanor H. Zaniker
Mr. Mark Beecher
Ms. Kimberly Brasfield
Mr. & Mrs. Carl Swart
Mr. Charles E.
VanValkenburg, Jr.
Anne & Rick Auger
Mr. Jeffrey Zaniker
Mr. Kris Axell
Mr. & Mrs. Carl Behnke
Mr. Nicholas Vedder
Mr. Gerald A. Ziegler
Mr. James C. Beierle
Bratrud Middleton
Mr. Andrew Swayne
Ms. Tammy L. Ayyoub
Mr. & Mrs. Mike Sweeney
Mr. & Mrs. Rolf Veening
Mr. Barry G. Ziker
Ms. Elaine M. Babby
Mr. Richard Bell
Tacoma Longshoremen
Credit Union
The Venti Family
Dr. Peter Baciewicz
Mrs. Vicki Beninga
The Backer Family
Mr. Stan A. Bennett
Mrs. Lottie Talpis
Mr. & Dr. Trevor Vernon
$500 to $999
Ms. Ashley Bacon
Ms. Amy Bensinger
Mr. Toby Taylor
Mr. Richard M. Voget
The Bader Family
Ms. Linda J. Teller
Ms. Erin E. Abbey
Ms. Connie Benson
Mr. & Mrs. Rodney Vroman
Ms. Robin E. Abrahams
Dr. & Mrs. Richard Baerg
Beresford Booth PLLC
WA Public Employees
Mr. Craig E. Adams
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis H.
Mr. Alex W. Berg
Ms. Melissa Baerwald
Mrs. Denice A. Bergerson
Mr. & Mrs. Steve Bailey
Dr. & Mrs. Gary Bergman
Bainbridge Community
Mr. Jason Bergstrom
Ms. Judy A. Swanson
visit our website: www.mswashington.org
Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Sondgeroth
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Skelton
Mr. & Mrs. Rick Soter
Mr. & Mrs. Todd Skinner
South Bay Excavating, Inc
Mr. & Mrs. Rick Slater
Drs. Michael & Wendy
Mr. & Mrs. Collin Slaughter
Ms. Elizabeth Sloss
Mr. & Mrs. Cliff Smart
Mr. & Mrs. Joel Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Chuck D.
Smith, Sr.
Mr. Ben Smith
Mr. Bradford L. Smith
Rod & Lee Spencer
Mr. & Mrs. Dale R. Sperling
Mr. Michael W. Spiva
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Sproull
Mrs. Susan St. George &
Ms. Elizabeth St. George
Stamps Family Charitable
Teva Neuroscience, Inc.
The Erection Company, Inc
The Lester M Smith
Ms. Brenda M. Wagner
The Richard M Ferry
& Maude M Ferry
Mrs. Deb Waldal-Smith &
Mr. Adrian Smith
The Washington Post
Company Matching
Gifts Program
The Wagoner Family
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas K.
Mr. & Mrs. Scott Adams
AEDA Construction
Management, Inc
Mr. Antonio C. Aguilar
The Ainsworth Family
Ms. Deborah A. Aitkin
The Walsh Family
Mr. John R. Alberti
The Whitaker Foundation
Ms. Margaret Walter
Mr. Carl Albrecht
Thermatech Northwest, Inc
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Walter
The Alldredge Family
Ms. Mary Beth Thome
The Wapstra Family
Ms. Judith P. Allen
Mrs. Susan Thorbrogger
Miss Ratna M.J. Warouw
Mr. Ted C. Almgren
Mr. Steve Thorp
Washington Mutual
Corporate Giving
Ms. Kim Amell
Mr. Brett R. Thurman
Tim’s Home Medical
Supplies, Inc.
Mr. Court Watson
Ms. Wanda Weatherspoon
American Steel Erectors Inc
The Enns Family
Mrs. Carolyn Andersen
Mr. Jeff Baker
Mrs. Rachel Baker
Mr. Darren Balch
Mr. Jimmie Lee Balentine
The Balinbin Family
Ms. Katie L. Bang
Bank Of America Matching
Gifts Program
Mr. & Mrs. Allen Weeden
Mrs. Anna Kupka Anderson
Ms. Cheryl Tomaso &
Miss. Laura Tomaso
Mr. & Mrs. Ross Weinstein
Bargreen Ellingson
Mr. & Mrs. Bernie Anderson
Ms. Naomi Weiss Newman
Mr. Ben D Barker
Mr. & Mrs. Don Anderson
Mr. Gary B. Barker
Mr. Mark T. Smith
Mrs. Kathleen P. Steele
Mr. & Mrs. Noel Smith
The Stell Family
Town & Country Markets,
Miss Rachelle Smith
Stellar Solutions Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Milt Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Walt Stelter
Mrs. Tammy Smith
Ms. Janis L. Steves
Snapper Shuler Kenner
Ms. Janis Stewart
Mr. Ryan Anderson
Mr. Doran Wellnitz
Ms. Molly West
Mr. & Mrs. William
TRA Medical Imaging
Ms. Bridget Bersell
Ms. Gayl Bertagni
Mr. Dale R. Beuning
Ms. Casey Bever
Miss Sonia Bhatia
Mrs. Brenda R. Bishop
Ms. Jennifer Tomas
Mr. & Mrs. John Toner
Ms. Louise Berkowicz
Mr. & Mrs. Bela Biro
Mrs. Jessa C. Andersen
The Smith Family
Mr. George S. Berkman
Ms. Ann & Ms. Ava Barbaric
Barghausen Consulting
Engineers, Inc
Mrs. Tracy Wellington
Ms. Teri Berisha
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Bigelow
The Weaver Family
Ms. Suzanne Tomassi
Mr. Tj Berg
Mr. & Mrs. Armand
Tisbest CharityGift Cards
Starbucks Coffee Company
Partner Giving Programs
Mr. & Mrs. Claude Smith
Mr. Dennis Vergith
Dr. Robert & Mr. Benjamin
Ms. Annie Bilotta
Ms. Sharon L. Black
Dr. & Mrs. William Black
Mr. & Mrs. F. Carlton Blake
Miss Donna M. Blanton
Mr. Dave Block
Mrs. Gillian Barlow
Mr. Jon A. Blue
Ms. Sue West
Mr. William D. Anderson
Mrs. Rian Nicole Barnes
Ms. Carrie L. Traner
Ms. Bobbette L. Whetsell
Ms. Martha L. Andrews
Mr. & Mrs. Mike Barnett
Mr. Butch Blum &
Mrs. Kay Smith-Blum
Travelers Foundation
Mr. Robert R. White, Jr.
Mr. Walter G. Andrews
Mr. Michael W. Barozzi
Mr. John Traynor
Mr. & Mrs. Ryan Whitworth
Angelo Foundation
Mr. Michael Barrett
Miss Mary Vu Tripoli
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Willard
Ms. Julie A. Antoine
Mr. Robert M. Barry
Mr. Mark Bray
Miss Erin Breitenstein
Mrs. Mary Jo Brentari
Mr. & Mrs. Cameron Brewer
Ms. Jennifer M. Brewer
Ms. Michelle Briscoe
Mr. Michael P. Brogan
Ms. Wendy C. P. Bronson
Mr. Jack Broom
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Brotherton
Mr. Alan Brown
The Brown Family
Ms. Debbie Lynn Brown
Mr. Gary Brown
Mr. & Mrs. David Brown
The Brown Family
Mrs. Stephanie Elise Brown
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Brown
Dr. & Mrs. Theodore Brown
Ms. Sandra Brozusky
Mr. Douglas Bruey
Mr. & Mrs. Corey Bryant
Mr. & Mrs. Ryan Buchan
Ms. Danielle Buckley
Mrs. Karen Buehlmaier
Ms. Dyan Buehring
Mr. Kerry Bunday
Ms. Diane L. Bundrant
Mr. Kirk Bunnell
Mr. Scott Burger
Ms. Andy L. Burgess
Ms. Nancy Blum
The Burns Family
Mrs. Judy Blyle
Ms. Monika S. Buroker
BN Builders, Inc.
Mr. Robert & Ms. Betty
Bob Brown Plumbing Co
toll-free number: 1-800-344-4867
Mr. & Mrs. Phil Snyder
The Sison Family
Mr. David Wood
Ms. Ruth Van Sickle
Mrs. Jo Anne Swanson
Ms. Katie Sisko
Mr. & Mrs. Martin Boon
Mr. Vasily & Mr. Ves
Sun Prairie II, LLC
Judy Alonso (diagnosed in 1998),
Walk MS team captain
Miss Erin Elizabeth Bates
Ms. Adrianne Bolach
Mr. Daniel R. Baty
Mr. & Mrs. George Sumner
“My first Walk
was incredibly
emotional for me.
I saw people with
canes and wheelchairs out there on
the route. If they
can do it, so can I.”
Mrs. Andrea Bass
Ms. Sara Butterfield
Mr. Tim Claxton
Mr. Michael Darcher
Ms. Aqueelah A. Doss
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Fairweather
Mr. Jason Gallelli
Ms. Dione Godfrey
Mr. Doug Gulick
Mr. Daniel V. Byrne
Ms. Julie G. Clifford
Ms. Alice B. Douglas
Mr. & Mrs. George Faison
Mr. Dave Galvin
The Goebel Family
Ms. Greta Gustafson
Mrs. Kelly S. Cabe
Dr. Darrell E. Cline
David Evans & Associates
Ms. Stacey Gamble
Mrs. Lori Golitzin
The Haba Family
Mr. Eric A. Coats
Ms. Mona M. Davies
Mr. William Faller
Ms. Amy Cadwell &
Mr. John Hinds
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald P.
Mr. Christopher V. Davis
Ms. Sue Dowling
Mrs. Tera A. Garsjo
Ms. Judy & Mr. Angel
Mr. Joe Haberzetle
Ms. Jennifer E. Davis
Nancy & Stephanie Dressel
The Farley Family
Ms. Serene J. Davis
Mrs. Loree Duchesne
Ms. Lizz H. Farrell
Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Davis
Mr. Stephen Dugger
Mr. Mark Dawson
Ms. Lisa Dunham
Mr. & Mrs. P. Christopher
Mr. & Mrs. Randy Dawson
Ms. Linda D. Dunlap
Mr. Jim Feldman &
Ms. Liz Fitzhugh
Mr. Doug B. Day
Mr. Mark L. Dunphy
Mr. & Mrs. Jim Day
Ms. Natalie & Mr. Stephen
Mr. Jessie Calkins
Mrs. Virginia B. Callahan
Dr. Randall Rex Calvert
Mr. & Mrs. Tom Campanile
Mr. & Mrs. David Campbell
Mr. Ronald Campbell &
Ms. Leona Hokanson
Mrs. Maura K. Cannon
Capital Business Machines,
Mr. Thomas N. Capucille
Mr. Bing Carbone
Mr. Peter Carey
Ms. Gloria E. Carlson
Mrs. Karen M. Carman
Mr. Rodney Carman
Mrs. Kim M. Carner
Mr. Richard Lyn Cofer
Mrs. Beth Cogan
Ms. Melissa S. Coiley
Ms. Nancy L. Cole
Ms. Constance S. Collier
Colliers Macaulay Nicolls
Int’l Inc.
Commonwealth Associates
Ms. Debbie L. Connell
Ms. Carynne L. Conner
Mr. & Mrs. Eric Conner
Mr. & Mrs. Glen Cook
Mr. Mel Cooke
Ms. Shannon Corbin &
Mr. Charles Corbin
Mrs. Erica M. de Klerk
Ms. Lynn De Vree
Ms. Jennifer Susan Durrie
Ms. Elizabeth J. Deag
Dynamic Computing
Mr. & Mrs. Arnaz Deal
Eastside Consultants Inc.
Mr. Tony John Dear
Mr. Timothy Eaves
The DeGroot Family
Ed Poe Agency Insurance
Mrs. Margaret DeLisio
Mr. & Mrs. James Edmund
Mr. Domenick Dellino
Ms. Jamie L. Edmund
Mr. & Mrs. David Dellino
Edward Brown & Associates
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Egan
Ms. Eleni Carras
Ms. Susan M. Corcoran
Ms. Carol Carrillo
Mr. Robert Cornell
Mr. & Mrs. John DeMeyer
Ms. Julie Eiselt
Ms. Connie Carroll
Jonathan & Janice Cornforth
Mrs. Ardelle Dennis
Ms. Heidi Carslay
Mr. Dennis Cosgrove
Ms. Mary Deraitus
El. Kristyn & Son
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Carson
Ms. Rachael Costner
The Deregt Family
Ms. Lucille D. Elbert
Mrs. Debbie Carton
Mr. & Mrs. James A.
Mr. Joseph DeSimone
Mr. Jim Elliott
The Castillo Family
Ms. Amy Ceder
Ms. Michelle Cereghino
Mr. & Mrs. Nathan
Mr. John Gebert
Miss Erin Goudie
Ms. Claudia Hagen
Mr. Chuck Gebhardt
Mrs. Mary Lee Gowell
Mrs. Karen Felton PhD
Mr. Dave Geddes
Mr. Craig W. Graham
Hagen, Kurth, Perman &
Co., PS
Ms. Keegan P. Fengler
Mr. Ernie Gehre
Mr. Stephen M. Graham
Miss Morgan L. Fernandez
Ms. Dollie M. Gehring
Granger Construction, Inc.
Mr. Walker Hagius &
Dr. Shannon Henery
Mr. Michael J. Ferraro
Gentiva Rehab Without
Ms. Tracie Granger
Mr. Charles R. Haight
Genworth Foundation
Mr. Scottie Graser &
Ms. Tabatha Harris
Mr. Glenn P. Halstead
Mrs. Marcia G. Gerimonte
Ms. Cheri Grasso
Mr. Phil FIelds
Ms. Heather Germer
Ms. Shannon Graves
Mr. & Mrs. Dan Filley
Mrs. Diane A. Gerner
Mr. & Mrs. Josef Gray
Mr. Mark Fiebig &
Ms. Jenny Myers
Dr. Rosalynde Finch
Dr. Linda Hagerman
Ms. Kirsten Hamann
Ms. Lori E. Hamilton
The Milissa Hamilton Family
Mr. Spencer D. Hamlin
Ms. Lisa R. Fischer
Mrs. J. Zoe Fisher
Mr. Mark P. Flanigan
Ms. Tamara Dewell
Ms. Laura M. Elsner
Mr. Donald Covey
The Dewing Family
Ms. Karen W. Elvert
Dexia Real Estate Capital
Ms. Shelley Arlene
Mr.& Mrs. Scott Fortman
Ms. Lucille DeYoung &
Mr. Tim Matson
Ms. Marilyn England
Kjelsey Fortun
Karen Nelson, Bike MS rider
Ms. Laurie Susan Foster
DGC Construction
Englander Tualatin Sleep
Diamond B Constructors
Mr. John Engman
Mrs. Clara Mae Dibble
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher
Miss Yuriko M. Courtney
Mr. Dennis C. Coyne
Ms. Barb F. Chesbro
Ms. Diann Craven
Ms. Cindy Chesbro
Ms. Gayle Crawford
Ms. Cynthia Eve Chesbro
Ms. Katie J. Crawford
CHG Building Systems Inc
Mr. James A. Cress
Mr. Leland Y. Ching
Mr. Rob J. Crichton
Chino Rentals
Ms. Kristy Cruz
Ms. Kathy Chow
Cubic Applications, Inc.
Ms. Sally Anne Christy
Ms. Beth Cuffel
Mr. & Mrs. Samuel
The Chui Family
Mr. Alden C. Cummins
Mr. Dennis M. Dillon
Mr. Martin Anthony Chvoj
Mrs. Lynn Curley
Mr. Pat Dillon
The Ciarrocchi Family
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Curley
Dimension Systems
The Cienfuegos Family
Mrs. Kathryn G. Cutting
Cingular Wireless
Citi Global Impact Funding
Trust, Inc
Mr. Curtis C Classen
Ms. Karla & Mr. Jacob
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Ellison
Ms. Karen A. Detwiler
Mr. Drew Ellison
Ms. Zelda A. Crain
Mrs. Diedra Frie
Ms. Jaime Hagarty
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Dewar
Mrs. Marlee Ellis
Mr. & Mrs. Pat Craft
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Clark
Ms. Cathy Goodrich
The Hadley Family
Mr. Richard E. Goodspeed
Ms. Andrea Ficker
GE Foundation Matching
Gifts Program
Goodrich Corporation
Ms. Cathy L. Covey
Mr. & Mrs. F. W. Desseau
Countrywide Cares
Mrs. Dot Chase
Mr. Chris L. Clark
Ms. Helen Anne Gately
“I have just returned home
from this year’s bike tour,
and I have to say, it
was fantastic! I love the
move to the Skagit County
Fairgrounds. It was like
we had our own little city
for the weekend.”
Ms. Lori D. Channell
Mr. Andrew Clapham
Mrs. Tracey Gatelein
Mrs. Katie Flannigan
Flavin Financial, Inc.
Ms. Linda & Mr. Fred
Mr. & Mrs. Howard Fletcher
Mr. Dan Flinn
Mr. Kris & Ms. Sonja Florin
Mrs. Danielle Ford
Mr. & Mrs. Tommy Ford
Dr. Michael R. Fortin
Mr. Charlie M. Foushee
Ms. Kerri J. Foust
Ms. Gretchen E. GeyerMcDaniel
The Foust Family
Mr. & Mrs. Mike Giacolino
Ms. Joan L. Enticknap
Mrs. Lyn Fowler
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Gibbs
Ms. Tonya Erhardt-Spencer
Ms. Gayle Fox
Mr. & Mrs. Randy
Mr. Jay Houston Frank
Gig Harbor Kiwanis
Ms. Janet Estep
Ms. Kandy Fraser
Mr. Mike Estep
Ms. Anne Frazier
Ms. Karalee K. Evans
Ms. Victoria A. Freer
Ms. Denise L. Disbro
Mr. Matt & Ms. Jessica
Mr. Nick Cutting
Mr. & Mrs. Dan D. Dixon
Mr. Paul Scott Evans
Mr. Tom Dabson &
Mrs. Meredyth
The Dodson Family
Ms. Shannon M. Ewanick
Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Dolph
Expedia Matching Gift
Ms. Erin Dacy
Mr. & Mrs. Steve Dona
Mr. & Mrs. Jon Ezelle
Miss Karyn Dahline
Mr. Howard Donkin
Mr. & Mrs. Steve Daly
Mrs. Pamela Wood
F. Rodgers Specialty
Contractor, Inc.
Mr. Kurt Dammeier
Mr. Kevin Daniels
Mr. John Dickson
Mr. & Mrs. Bill Diehl
Mr. Robert Dietrich
Ms. Gayl M. Dorcas
Ms. Meredith Dorrance
Ms. Patricia Anne Gigliotti
Karin & Scott Greco
Mr. & Mrs. Randy Hammer
The Green Family
Mr. & Mrs. Jacob
Mrs. Corinne A. Green
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Green
Miss Shannon Green &
Mr. Dan Obermiller
Mr. Stuart D. Hammons
Ms. Linda S. Hanlon
Ms. Kristine Ann Hanna
Mr. Dan Gilbert
Ms. Lindsey & Miss Lindsey
Mrs. Kenlynn Gilbert
Mr. Brian Gregory
Mr. & Mrs. Rick Gilbert
Ms. Kathryn M. Grey
Mr. Robert & Ms. Sandy
Mr. & Mrs. John Freeto
Mr. & Mrs. William
Mr. Robert Grindeland &
Ms. Janet DeDonato
Mr. Greg Hardman
Mr. David Freiboth
Mr. & Mrs. Ryan Gilmore
Ms. Ann Grodnik
Mr. Richard D. Freiheit
Mr. & Mrs. John Gilroy
Ms. Kyla C. Grogan
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Freitas
Dr. Barry Gjerdrum
Mrs. Carrie Gross
Ms. Liberty D. French
Mr. & Mrs. Steve Glassman
The Denise Gross Family
Mr. Bradley Fresia
Dr. & Mrs. Ronald Fuchs
Ms. Christina Dawn
Ms. Shirley Jeanette Fabian
Full Circle Farm
Ms. Michelle Gleason
Grund & Company, Inc.
Ms. Ruth M. Harper
Ms. Shana K. Fagan
Ms. Ashley Fullenwider
Mr. Brian Glick
Ms. Cherri S. Gruver
Mrs. Daniela Harr
Mr. & Mrs. Sean Fairchild
Ms. Catherine A. Funk
GLY Construction, Inc.
Mr. Jay Guard
Mr. & Mrs. Brian Harr
Ms. Lesalie Franzen
Mr. Steve Hansen
Mr. Paul A. Harders
Ms. Colleen M. Hardy
Maggie & James Harlow
The Harney Family
Harold Lemay Enterprises
Ms. Louise J. Harper
Ms. Phyllis N. Harper
toll-free number: 1-800-344-4867
visit our website: www.mswashington.org
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Coerber
Mrs. Shawn DeMers
Casino Snoqualmie
Ms. Lynne A. Cobb
Mr. & Mrs. Stan Harrelson
Ms. Nancy J. Heard
The Hines Family
Mr. & Mrs. Scott Harrington
Ms. Teena Dawn Heath
Ms. Diana Hingston
Miss Shannon Harrington
Mr. Cliff Hebert &
Ms. Barbara Moyer
Ms. Johnna R. Hobgood
Mr. & Mrs. Randy Harris
Ms. Cheryl Y. Harrison
Mr. Wain Harrison
Ms. Polly Hart &
Mr. Kent Jones
Ms. Susan L. Hedding, II
Ms. Patti Hein
Mrs. Glenda J. Heironimus
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Henderson
Ms. Sarah A. Hodge
Mr. Charles Hoffman
Mr. Michael J. Holland
Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Holland
Ms. Donna Hollon
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher
Mrs. Shannon Royce Huso
Mr. & Mrs. Kyron Huston
Mr. & Mrs. Roy Hwang
Mrs. Helen M. Hyde
Mr. & Mrs. John Iani
IBM Employee Services
Mr. John J. Janacek
Ms. Jill M. Keeney
Mrs. Ashley Kraft
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Jandzinski
Mr. Scott E. Keenholts
Mr. Greg J. Krape
Jane Piper Reid & Co.
Mr. Brian Kelley
Mr. & Mrs. Derek Janke
Mr. Randolph Kelley
Mr. & Mrs. Marc
Mrs. Sharon Rae Janz
Mr. Garrett & Ms. Lauren
Miss Tatiana Alise Jenkins
Ms. Michelle Jenner
Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Kendall
Ms. Cara Kuller
Ms. Sonya Kendall
Mrs. Sheri Kurfurst
Mr. Peter Kenville
Dr. Susan La Bounty
Miss Sherilee P. Keopuhiwa
La Conner Country Inn LLC
Mr. George F. Kephart
Mr. Louis LaBier
The Kerley Family
Mr. Kory C. Lackey
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Johanson
The Kerr Family
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Ladd
Mr. Paul Johns
Mr. & Mrs. Mike Kerwin
Dr. Sam Lake
Ms. Lauren Johnsen &
Mr. Jamie Farrow
Mr. & Mrs. Kent Kessler
Ms. Debra Lamb
Mrs. Stephanie D. Ketcham
Mrs. Helen Johnson Lamb
Mr. & Mrs. Simon Khorrami
Mr. Jordan Lamb
Ms. Shauna Johnson
Kid’s Country
Normandy Park
Mr. Nathan Lamb
Mrs. Stephanie Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. Collin Kilkenny
Ms. Tamra Rae Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. Gerome Kincaid
Mr. & Mrs. Wyman Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. Rex L. Kiner
The Steve Johnston Family
Mr. & Mrs. James L. Kinerk
Ms. Patricia Jolin
Mr. Dale King
Mr. & Mrs. James Joly
Mr. Damien King
Ms. April M. Jones
Mr. Jim King
The Bill Jones Family
Ms. Karol Ellen King
Mr. Brandon Jones
Ms. Kathleen M. King
Mr. Edward Jones
Mr. Gregg Kinzer
Mrs. Laurie A. Jones
Ms. Marianne & Mr. Craig
Mr. Michael T. Jensen
The Jensen Family
Miss Sarah Jensen
JK Group As Trustee
for CA, Inc.
Christine Davidson (diagnosed in 1994),
financial assistance recipient
The Johnson Family
The Johnson Family
Mr. Joseph Joy & Ms. Susan
Ms. Jen Hartmann
Dr. Chris J. Harvey
Ms. Chrystine Harvey
The Hasenkamp Family
Ms. Mary L. Hasenoehrl
Mr. & Mrs. Jens Hauch
Mr. Michael & Ms. Sarah
Mr. Michael D. Kirschner
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Lee
Mr. & Mrs. Richard
Ms. Kristi M. Lemm
Ms. Jennifer LeMond
Mr. Stephen Lenssen
Ms. Linda & Mr. John Lentz
Mr. Brian T. Lenz
Miss Amy E. Leonard
Mr. & Mrs. Millard Lesch
Dana & Kristina Leslie
Mr. & Mrs. Ken Libolt
Lincoln Contractors Inc
Mr. & Mrs. Rodney D. Lind
Mr. Gene Lindemoen
Ms. Lesley Link
Ms. Luann R. Linn
Mr. Mark Lisagor
Mr. & Mrs. Simon Little
More than 250,000 individuals,
including corporate and national
teams, participated in hundreds of
Bike MS and Walk MS events across
the nation in support of the MS
movement. The events raised more
than $125 million nationwide.
Miss Sarah Kahn
Kiva Designs, Inc
Dr. Scott LaMontagne
Mr. & Mrs. Jim Lloyd
Mr. Bill Ingalls
Mr. John Kaiser
Mr. Jason Kjellesvik
Mrs. Carol LaMotte
Ms. Trisha Long
Ms. Gail Diane Hendler
Honeywell Hometown
Ms. Stacey Klimek
Ty & Gail Hongladarom
Ms. Faith A. Honig
Mr. Kevin Kaleva &
Ms. Kasie Nevers
Mr. Craig J. Klinkam
The Henry Family
Ms. Laura E. Isenhart
Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Loomis
Mr. Jay Henning
Inter Space, Inc.
Ms. Katherine D. Kaiser
Mr. Tim Klotz
Mrs. Lynnda Langston
Ms. Andrea Lorig
Mr. & Mrs. Alan Hento
Mrs. Barclay Hook
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Knapp
Mr. James V. Larkin
Dana & Dennis Louthan
Herd Freed Hartz, Inc.
Mr. Kevin Patrick Hooper
The Knight Family
Mr. Kevin W. Love
Mr. Eric B. Hertz
Mr. Seth Hooper
Mr. & Mrs. E. Christopher
Mr. Elwood Hertzog
Mr. Thomas & Ms. Liz
The Hausman Family
Ms. Rosalind M. Hewsenian
The Hausserman Family
Mr. Troy Micheal Hickey
Mr. Louis Haverland
Mrs. Jacquelyn M. Higgins
Ms. Tracey L. Hawkins
The Hilborn Family
Mr. Steve Hawley
Miss Katie Hildebrand
Mr. Kurt H. Hayashida
Mr. Chris Hill &
Ms. Sue Richardson
Ms. Lisa L. Heard
Mrs. Heidi L. Kirkpatrick
Kadlec Medical Center
Ms. Mary Beth Lambert
Ms. Maureen T. Lee
Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Idler
Ms. Rosalind M. Hewsenian
Mr. & Mrs. Cameron Healey
Mr. & Mrs. Randy Kirkbride
K&W Truck Repair
Mr. Randy D. Lamb
The Lisa Lee Family
Mr. & Mrs. Karl Holzknecht
Scott Henderson & Amy
Fredenberg Henderson
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Hauff
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Haynes
Mr. James H. Kirk
Ms. Marilyn Faye Juranich
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Lamb
The Lenora Lee Family
Ms. Gaynor Margaret Hills
Mr. & Mrs. Jacob
Ms. Linda E. Isenson
Mr. & Mrs. Sol Israel
Mr. Donald C. Iverson
Mr. Alexander Jacklin
The Jacklin Family
Mr. & Mrs. Nigel Horton
Mr. & Mrs. James Jackson
Mr. Brian T. Hoskins
The Jacobson Family
The Howard Family
Ms. Stella-Maris G. Jacoby
Mr. Tim A. Howard
Mr. & Mrs. Eric Jaeger
Ms. Nicole Howe
Michael & Denise Jagielo
Ms. Krista Hughes
The Kamdar Family
Ms. Ellen Kampel
Ms. Cindy L. Kamrin
Mr. Mark B. Kane
Mr. Murtaza Kapadia
Mr. & Mrs. Dave Karnes
Mr. Aaron Knudsen
Ms. Martine Helen Koban
Mr. & Mrs. Walter Koepp
Ms. Tara Larson
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Latimer
Mr. Eduardo Laureano
Ms. Grace Kashiwagi
Mr. Peter Goldman &
Ms. Martha Kongsgaard
Ms. Rene M. Kasma
Ms. Michelle Michael Kono
Mr. Dan Lavallee
Ms. Kathy Kauffman
Mr. Gerald W. Korst
Ms. Linde M. Lawrence
Mr. & Mrs. Nathan Kostal
Ms. Catherine G. Lazaro
Ms. Beverly B. James
Mr. Patrick Keaney &
Ms. Nina Keaney
Mr. Sean R. Kearns
Kotis Design
Mrs. Lynda Hughes
Ms. Doris James
Ms. Teri Lazzara &
Mr. Alex Samuels
Mr. Alan Humphrey &
Ms. Eleanor Boba
Ms. Lisa R. James
Ms. Helen M. Kearny
The James Family
Mr. Paul Kearny
The Drew Hunt Family
James & Marie Jamieson
Mr. John H. Kovac
Kraft Foods
Matching Gifts Program
Mr. & Mrs. Kenton Lauzen
Mr. Paul R. Lorenz
Dr. & Mrs. Phil Lowe
LTI, Inc
Mr. & Mrs. Greg Luethe
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Luka
Mr. Fredd Luongo
Mr. Bill Luria
Ms. Randi M. Lyman
Mr. Gary W. Lynch
The Lyon Family
Ms. Kameron Leal
Ms. Jeanne L. Lyon
The Leamon Family
M Financial Group
toll-free number: 1-800-344-4867
visit our website: www.mswashington.org
Mr. David B. Hartley
Mr. Tony S. Krous
Mr. Michael Kendall
Ms. Carla Jensen
Mr. Michael Jensen
“I had my back
against the wall.
I was so scared.
That’s when I contacted the MS
Society. Now, my life has a new
beginning. I’m doing things I did
not think I could do one year ago.
I’ll always be grateful.”
The Kelly Family
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas
Mr. Thomas Leavitt &
Ms. Darcy Goodman
Mr. Wayne Macumber
Mr. Brian Mcdaniels
Ms. Kim Miller
Mr. Bradley H. Nelson
Mr. Raymond E. Ozzie
Mr. Wesley Owen Pereira
Ms. Linda Plantz
Ms. Jean M. Quanz
Mr. Pratheepan Madasamy
The McDonald Family
Brian & Shelli Millhuff
Mr. & Mrs. Joe Nelson
Miss Sherry Pace
Mrs. Dawn R. Plaster
Qwest Foundation
Magnetic & Penetrant
Service Co Inc
Mr. Currier McEwen
Ms. Sally Kay Millione
Ms. Karen Nelson
Pacific Orthotic Laboratory
Ms. Betty Perry
Mr. Guy Pledger
R.C. Hedreen Co
Mr. Tim McGee
Mr. Ken R. Mills
Ms. Kristine Nelson
Ms. Rachel M. Palko
Mr. Thaddeus Perry
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Poast
Ms. Lisa Radandt
Ms. Kathleen McGuinnes
Ms. Annie Milner
The Nelson Family
Pallis Properties Inc
Ms. Cynthia L. Peterson
Ms. Leslie S. Pohl
Ms. Wilene McIntyre
Ms. Jan Milton
Ms. Pamela L. Nelson
Miss Anja Pangborn
Mr. & Mrs. Ben Peterson
Mrs. Katie Poinier
Mr. Victor Rader &
Ms. Janet King
Mr. Michael McKee
Mr. Donald C. Miller &
Ms. Susan A. Miner
Ms. Roxanne Nelson
Ms. Brenda Pannell
Ms. Katy Peterson
Mr. Neal Alan Poland
Mr. John F. Nesholm
Mr. & Mrs. Jeramey Parker
Ms. Kelly L. Peterson
Ms. Charlene Polyansky
Mr. Steve Netherby
Mr. Bob Parker, III
Mr. & Mrs. David Parkes
Mr. Ronald Peterson &
Ms. Sue Telgenhoff
Mr. David Pope
Mr. & Mrs. James Nevarov
Mr. & Mrs. Garry Nevers
Mr. Eric Paschal
Ms. Wendy S. Nevin
Pasco Rentals, Inc
Mr. & Mrs. Glen Newman
Mr. Joe Pasteris
Mr. & Mrs. Sterling Monroe
Newport Hills Animal
Hospital Inc., PS
Pathology Associates
Medical Laboratories
Ms. Delynn E. Moore
Mr. Mark E. Nickerson
Mrs. Heidi Lynn Payseno
Miss Katherine A. Moore
Ms. Elizabeth Nies
Ms. Heidi Peacock
Ms. Kimberlie & Ms. Angela
D Nitzel
Ms. Trisha J. Pearce
Ms. Kelly Nolan Shafer
Mr. & Mrs. Blake Pelton
Ms. Molly Ann Nordstrom
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick
Main Floor, Inc.
The Malkowicz Family
Mr. & Mrs. David Maloney
Ms. Julie L. Mandart
Ms. Jayne M. Manlowe
Mr. & Mrs. Sean McKeown
Mr. & Mrs. Chai Mann
Mr. & Mrs. Randy
Mrs. Sara Manning
The McKinney Family
Mithun, Inc.
Mr. Kern F. Maresca
McKinstry Company
Charitable Foundation
Mr. Dwaine Mittag
Ms. Nancy Marshall
Mr. Dante M. Martin
Ms. Becca McMullen
“You are an amazing group of
individuals. Thank you for reaching
out to those of us who feel so afraid
of the dark. I see the light now.
You have done so much just by
opening the doors so I can see
the possibilities.”
Mr. & Mrs. Jon Mitchell
The Monahan Family
Ms. Victoria A. Monahan
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Moore
Mr. Terry Moore
Mr. Bryce Alexander
Moran, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Moran
Mr. & Mrs. Jason Morgan
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Morgan
Mrs. Marlee J. Morin
Mr. Robert A. Morris
Ms. Melissa A. Morrisette
Norm Burns Trucking Co.
Ms. Lavonne Northcutt
Northwest Construction
Control, Inc
Ms. Therese Nowlin
NW Utility Services, LLC
Ms. Susan E. Peterson
Rainier Pacific Bank
Rainier Steel Inc
Mr. Jason Porter
Ms. Kristen & Mr. Stephen
Mr. Quentin S. Porter
Mr. Carlo Ramirez
Ms. Cathy Pfeiffer
Mr. Daniel & Ms. Claudia
Chris Randall
Pfizer Foundation Matching
Gifts Program
Potelco, Inc.
Ms. Marlene Petro
Mr. & Mrs. Scott Petty
Ms. Emily Pham
Ms. Jane Phillips
Ms. Sariah E. Phillips
Ms. Janet H. Piehl
Ms. Jane Piper Reid
Mr. Patrick Pendergast
Ms. Jennifer Pippin
Mr. Jason Pendergist
Mr. & Mrs. Steve Pittman
Ms. Michelle M. Pennington
Mr. & Mrs. Dwayne
Mrs. Christine Penry
Mr & Mrs Wade Riccio
Ms. Elisha Rain
Ms. Gretchen L. Plank
Mrs. Carol Potts
Ms. Donna R. Potts
Ms. Victoria Powers
Precision Collision, Inc
Ms. Emily R. Preston
Mrs. Laura J. Price
Mr. & Mrs. Tom Price
The Price Family
Ms. Karen M. Proctor
Chris & Jennifer Pust
Mr. Scott S. Randrup
Ms. Darcy Rant
Ms. Patricia N. Rapozo
Ms. Lizabeth Rauch
Dr. Terri Rauch
Mr. David Rawlyk
Reader’s Digest Foundation
Recreational Equipment, Inc
Ms. Mary W. Redman
Redmond Rotary Club
Mr. Darren Reed
Mrs. Samantha Reed
Mrs. Dianne O’Brien
Ms. Terra Reilly
Miss Shelley Marie O’Brien
Ms. Melanie A. Reimer
Tom & Jennifer Odle
Reisner Distributor, Inc.
Mr. Richard Oetting
Miss Srilakshmi Remala
Marv’s Plumbing, Inc
Dr. Amanda McNabb
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Masin
Ms. Liz McNett Crowl
Ms. Elise Morrison & Mr.
Robert Lind, III
Ms. Kathryn M. Mason
Mrs. Kati L. McOmie
Mr. Michael L. Morrison
Mrs. Celeste F. Oglesby
Mr. Wroy Renaghan
Ms. Susan Mastroianni
Mr. David C. Morse
Mr. Mitchell A. O’Halloran
Ms. Teresa M. Resare
Mrs. Betty J. Mastrude
Medco Health Solutions,
Ms. Heidi Morton
Dr. & Mrs. Larry Oliver
Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Reykdal
The Matheson Family
Mr. Scott Megargle
Ms. Julia C. Moser
Mrs. Heather Brianna Olsen
Ms. Christine MatterRinehart
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Meichle
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Moser
The Judy Olsen Family
Mr. & Mrs. William
Mr. Jonathan P. Meier
Miss Leah R. Mosner
The Olsen Family
Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan
Ms. Kim Mele
Mrs. Robin M. Mayfield
Ms. Gwen Moss
Mr. David L. Olson
Mr. Daniel Mendes
Moza Construction, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. James Olson
Ms. June A. Mercer
Ms. Andrea L. Mueller
Mr. Robert W. Olson
Kim & George Meritt
Mr. Chase Stirling Mueller
Mr. Steven E. Olson
The Merrell Family
Mr. & Mrs. W. R. Mullens
Olivia & Matt Munsey
One Beacon Charitable
Mr. Dean Edward McAuley
Merrill Lynch & Co.
Foundation, Inc.
McBride Construction
Resources Inc
Jeff Merriman-Cohen &
Barrie Cohen
Mr. Daniel E. McBroom
Mr. & Mrs. Jerome Mesher
Mr. Sean McCain
Mr. Craig McCaw
Michelle & Krystal
The Mays Family
Mr. Steve A. Mayszak
Mrs. Robin Mazna
Ms. Michelle McCloskey
Mr. Pat McConathy
Mrs. Sangeeta McCormack
Mr. & Mrs. Craig McCoy
Mr. Michael K. McCoy
Ms. Lacey McCulloch
Mr. Robert H. Rhodehamel
Lee Rhodes
Ms. Joan Rice
Ms. Charlene Richardson
Ms. Deanna K. Richert
Mr. & Mrs. Erhard Rick
Mr. David A. Rider
Mr. R. Randall Onstead
Mrs. Monica Ridgway
Mr. Aaron R. Opp
Mrs. Wendy Riess
The Tim Myers Family
Oracle Corporation
Matching Gifts Program
Riley & Nancy Pleas Family
Mr. & Mrs. John Methot
Mr. & Mrs. Myhre
Mr. Jude M. Oreilley
Mr. Donald R. Riley
Mr. Tom Meyer
Nahan Printing, Inc.
Ms. Rae & Mr. Scott Orr
Ms. Marilyn F. Ring-Nelson
Mr. Gary Meyers
Mr. & Mrs. Brad Naillon
Ms. Eileen Marie Riordan
Milgard Manufacturing, Inc.
Miss Peggy Ann Nash
Mr. Thomas & Ms.
Heidilynn Orr
Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Miller
Mr. & Mrs. Nick Nebre
Mr. Brad M. Miller
Mrs. Courtney J. Needy
Ms. Char Miller
Ms. Christina Ann Neely
Mr. Gregory W. Miller
Mr. Joe Murphy
Mr. Jeffrey S. Musser
Mr. Gary Osako
Mr. Casey Riske &
Ms. Cecilia T. Matta
Ms. Barb A. Osborne
Mr. Christopher J. Roberts
Mr. Scott Osborne
Ms. Sandi Roberts
Mr. & Mrs. Phil Neiswender
Mr. & Mrs. Terry
Mr. Robert G. H. Robertson
Ms. Jeanne Miller
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Nelles
Mrs. Lisa Marie Osterthaler
Mr. Jeffrey Paul Miller
Mrs. Barbara M. Nelp
Mr. Camp Owens
Mr. Eric H. Robey, Sr.
(left to right) Sarah, Jennifer and
Catherine Davis, Walk MS fundraisers
toll-free number: 1-800-344-4867
visit our website: www.mswashington.org
Christina Grossruck, participant in the
Young Adults program at the Space Needle
Ms. Anita Maria Mishina
Ms. Michelle Ragland
Mr. David Robinson
Mr. & Mrs. Walter Robinson
Mr. Ken Shintaku
Mrs. Karyn Shirbroun
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Shives
Mr. David A. Shopiro
Dr. Stephen D. Shoultz
Mr. Craig Shrontz
Mr. Gary R. Shumate
The Siebrecht Family
The Silas Family
The Silbernagel Family
Mr. & Mrs. Robert
United Airlines
Mrs. Sharon L. Tall
Ms. Patricia Upchurch
Ms. Jacqui Sinatra
Ms. Chandra A. Stachowiak
Ms. Rachel Marie Tallon
The Upsall Family
Mrs. Janet L. Sinegal
Stafford Frey Cooper
Mr. Atul Tandon
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Ursino
Mr. Rahul Singh
Mr. & Mrs. Milton Stark
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Tarr
Ms. Muriel Ursino
Mr. Reynold Singh
Ms. Susanne K. Stark
Mrs. Julie M. Taylor
Mr. James M. Usdan
Mrs. Nivie M. Sizemore
Mr. & Mrs. Ron Starkey
Mrs. Ronald E. Taylor
Mr. Jim Vahrenwald
Skyway Luggage Company
Mrs. Lorrie Starkweather
The Taylor Family
Mr. Kevin J. Vail
Mr. Kenneth & Ms. Cynthia
Mr. Mark E. Starnes
Teamsters Union Local 231
Mr. Bruce Van Deventer
Ms. Lisa P. Staudinger
Mrs. Jennifer S. Teschke
Ms. Stephanie Van Eyk
Mr. & Mrs. Allan Stearns
Mr. Roy & Ms. Merrilee
Mr. Dustin W. Van Wyck
Paul & Laurin Sleeth
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Sloan
Mrs. Debbie Smith
Miss Kimberly A. Stevens
Ms. Regina F. Veles
Mr. Steve Shannon
Ms. Sabrina Smith
Dr. Brent K. Stewart Ph.D.
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher J.
Ms. Susan Christine
Ms. Cindy L. Sniezak
Mr. John Stewart
Mr. Corey C. Thomas
Mr. Chandramouli
Mr. Paul Snorsky
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Stiebeling
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Thometz
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Shay
Ms. Camy L. Stokesberry
Ms. Marie H. Thompson
Verizon Foundation
Dr. Mark Sollek &
Ms. Kimberly McNally
Mr. Rick E. Thompson
Mr. & Mrs. Nick Verkerk
Mr. & Mrs. Alan Shayne
Mr. David Sommers
Ms. Analissa Verrill
Mr. Michael P. Schroyer
Mr. & Mrs. Keith Shea
Sonshine Rural Supply
Mr. Douglas Straight
Thrivent Financial for
Lutherans Foundation
Ms. Angela R. Schwall
Mr. & Mrs. John Sheaman
Ms. Mary E. Sontgerath
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Strecker
VFW Post 1135
Mr. & Mrs. Steven Schwartz
Ms. Traci Sheehan
Dr. Barton L. Soper
Mr. Erik Strecker
Miss Michelle R. Tibbetts
Mr. Henry P. Vigil
Mrs. Elaine Scoggins
Mr. & Mrs. Kelly Sheehan
Mr. Rich Sorensen
Ms. Lorena M. StricklandWilliford
Ms. Joanne Tibbles
Mr. Collin C. Vincent
Mr. Ken A. Scott
Mr. John Sheeran
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Strong
The Virgil Family
Mr. Travis Sears
Mr. Paul W. Sheeran
Mrs. Martha Soriano & Ms.
Alexa Soriano
The Tidrick Family
Miss Jackie Tiemersma
Miss Rachel Ann Vogel
Seaview Boatyard West, Inc
Ms. Monica & Mr. Dave
Mr. & Mrs. Frederick
Mr. Jake Lee Voss
Shannon & Wilson, Inc
Mr. Robert A. Schmeider
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Schmith
Rotary Club of Gig Harbor
Mrs. Brandy Rowland
Ms. Elizabeth Rubin
Mr. Robert J. Rudolph
Ms. Sharon M. Rue
Frank & Jessica Schreiber
Mr. & Mrs. Tom Schroeder
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory
Ms. Lynn A. Sharp
Mr. Gary Sanford
Ms. Jessica Renee Sedlacek
Ms. Karla R. Saunders
Ms. Andrea Selig
Shelton Moose Lodge
No. 1684
Mr. Paul Schaefer
Ms. Luanne Selk &
Mr. Jon Skillman
Ms. Lynn M. Sherk
Miss Katie Scharer
Ms. Deborah Ruggles
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin
Mrs. Madeline Zech Ruiz
Mr. John Scheleen
Sellen Construction
Ms. Joanne Seltsam
Mrs. Jennifer L. Seminara
Mr. Kimsan Seng
The Kristi Sherrard Family
Ms. Margaret A. Shield
Mr. Walter Shields
Mr. William Shiels
Mr. Harry E. Stone
Mr. David Struthers
“The Chapter made
everything so easy for me.
It’s a real life saver!”
Vicki Clifton, who received a Chapter
grant to purchase a recumbent bicycle
Ms. Jennifer L. Vanderhoof
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Vanderlugt
The Vanetta Family
Mr. & Mrs. James Vaughan
Mrs. Lisa Diane Venegas
Ms. Karen Vesely
Mr. Mark J. To
Wachovia Foundation
Matching Gift Program
Mrs. Marie E. Toikka
Wachovia Securities
The Estate of Floyd A.
Mr. Dave Waddell
Mr. Todd D. Tourville
Toyota of Puyallup
The Walker Family
Mr. Sam Tjoelker
Ms. Martha Jo Wagner
toll-free number: 1-800-344-4867
visit our website: www.mswashington.org
Mr. Randal A. Smith
Ms. Renee C. Sexton
Ms. Joyce K. Schmidt
Miss Sarah Ruppenthal
Mr. Neil A. Smith
Ms. Grace Schlitt
Mr. Walker Sandlin &
Ms. Pamela Froelich
Mr. & Mrs. Robert
Thomas & Associates
Insurance Broker, Inc
Ryan, Swanson & Cleveland,
Mr. Paul A. Ross
Mr. Peter T. Vander Werff
Dr. & Mrs. W. Theodore
Rockford Corporation
Ms. Mary K. Sanchez
The Cynthia Sage Smith
Charitable Lead Unitrust
The Unity Group, Inc.
Mr. Lindsey Smith
Ms. Angela Ross
Mr. H. David Stensel
Mr. & Mrs. Roger Vande
DeAnne & Kari Stephenson
Mrs. Kathleen Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Ryan Severson
Mr. William D. Samuels
Mr. Dale Steinke
Mr. Ken Tews
The T. Rowe Price Program
Ms. Linda J. Seven
Ms. Rhonda Kay Sample
Ms. Lisa V. P. Steinbrueck
Mr. Tyler J. Stephens
Mr. & Mrs. Roy Schlegel
Mr. & Mrs. Michael
Mr. Michael Stearns
Ms. Barbara Stephanus
Ms. Barb Schildt
Ms. Lynn Marie Rosenkranz
The Spliethof Family
The Regence Employee
Giving Campaign
RW Rhine Incorporated
Mr. & Mrs. Ruben Salazar
Mr. Joe Turcotte
SSA Terminals
Ms. Sonja Russell
Saint-Gobain Containers
Ms. Naomi R. Spinak
Uisce Irish Pub
Mr. Edwin Rock
Mr. David R. Rose, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Michael
Ms. Jennifer Szkudlarek
The Robinson Family
Mrs. Kris K. Ronglien
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald
Swanson, Sr.
Ms. Debby & Miss Terra
Ms. Karen H. Smith
Ms. Leslie Carol Sager
Ms. Jennifer Spidle
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Simmons
The Seripiero Family
Ms. Dorothy L. Sager
Ms. Terry Sutter
Ms. Amy Tyler RN
Mrs. Arika V. Schienbein
Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Rogers
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Tucci
Ms. Susan Wright Specht
Mr. Steve L. Szirmai
Mr. Russ Russell
Miss Gabby N. Rogano
The Sutcliffe Family
Mr. Kevin Turner
Mr. & Mrs. Dave Robinson
Safeco Insurance Cares
Mr. Thomas H. Truscott
The Speaks Family
Mr. Mark J. Trumper
Ms. Jean A. Symons
Ms. Jill L. Smith
Mr. Dennis W. Rogalsky
Mr. & Mrs. Greg Trim
Mr. David Sung
Mr. David Spratt
Ms. Jane K. Sepulveda
Ms. Bridie Saccocio
Ms. Lisa A. Treen
Mr. & Mrs. Jim Spahr
Mrs. Liza Spooner
Ms. Jill Scheuermann
Mr. Scot Roetcisoender
Mr. Walter F. Travers
Mr. & Mrs. Marvin
Mr. & Mrs. Brian Silverman
Ms. Amanda T. Rush
Mr. Gary Ryno
Mr. & Mrs. Stuart Sulman
Mrs. Julie Spady
Ms. Ishya Silpikul
Ms. Janis K. Robinson
Ms. Terry Roehr
Mr. Gary Southern
Ms. Shanna T. Sukol
Mr. David Herbert
Mr. & Mrs. Matt Turetsky
Mr. Eric Smith
Mr. Dennis Rydman
Sound Velo Cycling
Mrs. Kelly Chrystine Suhr
The Sweeney Family
Mr. Don A. Smith
Ms. Jill & Mr. Michael
Sound Infiniti Inc.
Sturgeon Electric
Mr. Jerry L. Swanson
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher
Alayne Spaulding (diagnosed in 1999)
enjoys a yoga class
Soroptimist International
of Tacoma
Ms. Denise L. Wallace
Mr. & Mrs. Brian Wilcox
Ms. Sharon Kay Waller
Mr. G. Todd Williams
Mr. Trevor Waller
Mr. J. Vernon & Mrs. Mary
Dr. Simon Frederick
Mr. Dave Walters
Mr. & Mrs. Tyler Williams
Mr. Mike Wang
Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Willis
Mr. Brent R. Ward
Wilson Construction Co
Mr. & Mrs. Don Ward
Miss Annie Wilson
Ms. Jodi Ward
Mr. & Mrs. Jim Wilson
Mr. Andrew & Ms. Emily
Ms. Linda K. Wimer
The Winterburn Family
Ms. Danielle Nichole
Mr. & Mrs. Chris Warner
Mr. John William Wirfs
Jonah Warnock
Ms. Meredith Wirsching
Washington and Northern
Idaho District Council
of Laborers
The Wiskerchen Family
Washington Tree Service
Ms. Candice Wong
Ms. Sandra Washington
Mr. & Mrs. Roger Wood
Waste Connections, Inc
Ms. Jessica Wood
Ms. Paula J. Waters
Ms. Trisha N. Wood
Ms. Anita & Mr. Thomas
Ms. Amy L. Wooden
Ms. Marty Webb
Mr. Henry E. Wedelstaedt
Mr. Bryan Weeks
Ms. Lisa & Mr. Gary Weir
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Welch
Mr. Gerald T. Welch
Ms. Anna E. Welland
Mr. Rob Welter
Mr. & Mrs. Jordan Weltman
Dr. Francis Wessbecher
Mr. & Mrs. Alexander West
Ms. Victoria Westhead
Ms. Eleanor Weston
Dr. Robert J. Weston
Mr. Carlos L. White
Mr. & Mrs. Oliver
Ms. Lisa Wolfard
Ms. Catherine Workman
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Wray
Mr. David E. Wright
Mr. John L. Wright
Kim & Alison Wright
Mrs. Amy C. Wrightsman
Mrs. Li Wu
Mr. Steve Wyand
Mr. Martin Barr
Mr. & Mrs. Matt Yates
Mr. & Mrs. Joel Yates
Mr. & Mrs. Robin Yates
The Yonce Family
Ms. Paige Young
Ms. Sandra Zabroski
Mr. & Mrs. Steven Zabroski
Mr. Gary Zak
The Zaniker Family
Mr. Otis E. Whiteside
Ms. Susan K. Zaretzke
The Whitfield Family
Mr. Thomas Zemanian
Ms. Kim Whitney
Ms. Glenna Zuanich
Mr. Joseph Whitside &
Ms. Janai Strickler
Mrs. Kimberly May Watkins
Ms. Heather A. Whorley
Ms. Megan Zusne
Ms. Annette Wiederkehr
ZymoGenetics, Inc.
TOP: Ready to take the Capitol by storm are
(left to right) Theresa Gianotti, Trevis Gleason,
Susan Brock and Alex Gianotti.
BOTTOM: Meeting with Rep. Eileen Cody
(center standing) are (left to right): Chapter
Lobbyist Bill Stauffacher, MS Activist Michele
Cramer, Chapter Board Chair John Bjornson,
Director of Advocacy and Direct Services Ruth
Cashell, and MS Activist Dr. Eugene May.
Mr. David Zurfluh
Mr. Paul D. Wight
We strive for accuracy in our donor information and regret any omissions or errors.
To correct future listings, email us at greaterWAinfo@nmsswas.org.
Cert no. XXX-XXX-000
The Society addresses the challenges
of each person affected by MS
by funding cutting-edge research,
driving change through advocacy,
facilitating professional education,
collaborating with MS organizations
around the world, and providing
programs and services designed
to help people with MS and their
families move their lives forward.
About Us
Ms. Barbara A. Warfield
Ms. Kathleen D. Webb
visit our website: www.mswashington.org
Mrs. Sally Williams
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Walter
Mr. William Warden
Mr. Jeremy A. Williams
Design : DavidOwenHastings.com
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Walter
Photography : Mike Moore and Team Photogenic
Ms. Donna Walsh
The National MS Society is a
collective of passionate individuals
who want to do something about
MS now – to move together toward
a world free of multiple sclerosis.
MS stops people from moving.
We exist to make sure it doesn’t.
Writing and project management : Moore Ink. PR
Mr. Randal Walls
About the National MS Society
About the Greater Washington Chapter
The National MS Society, Greater
Washington Chapter educates,
inspires and empowers those affected
by multiple sclerosis. We create
innovative programs to meet the
needs of people with MS and their
families, host exciting fundraising
events to give supporters a
meaningful role in the MS movement,
and fund cutting-edge research into
treatments and a cure. With a passion
for bringing about a world free of
MS, we help everyone affected by the
disease to live richer, healthier, more
independent lives.
Headquartered in Seattle, the
Chapter serves over 9,000
people living with MS and more
than 50,000 others including
friends, caregivers and health care
professionals in 23 counties in
Western and Central Washington.
We are an affiliate of the National
MS Society which was founded
in 1946 as a non-profit, voluntary
health organization guided by a
single mission: to bring about a
world free of MS.
Learn more about us at:
192 Nickerson Street, Suite 100
Seattle, Washington 98109
Address Service Requested

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